#Aww moon's napping in the back
0-g-i · 1 year
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uwu happy birfday beloved 0w0gi <3
Aaaa it's my boys!
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I luv them! Thank you chaireem! <3
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reticent-writer · 9 months
back to the half demon half human reader thing: this time, upper moons? i think it would be cute
Demon slayer masterlist
Baby demon - hashira
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Muzan walked into your room. You haven't made a noise since he put you down for a nap.
He found you staring at the flower themed mobile. He cooed at you as he picked you up.
He had you in his hip while he took a walk around the castle letting you see each demons domains.
You babbled as you played with the buttons on his best.
"My Lord I didn't know you had a kid." Douma commented, seeing him walk by.
"I Don't."
"Please stop pulling my hair." Kokushibo said while grabbing your hands that were tangled in his long locs. You were standing on one of his legs while he was sitting.
Once he got a hold of both of your hands you started to dance
"Da Da Da" You babbled.
"Yeah, that's right dada. Can you say it?"
"Da da... Dadaa."
"Yeah, I'm dada." His blew raspberries into your cheeks.
You giggled and squirmed.
He knew you were a half demon from the start.
You were presented to Douma as a present from one of his followers, you're unique like him. Visually different (I was thinking something like an albino or vitiligo) but still adorable to look at.
"Aww you look so cute Y/n!" He exclaimed as he took you from his follower's arms. You had on an outfit identical to his with a matching hat.
You giggled as he tickled your stomach before sitting you on a soft pillow next to his own.
You always sat next to him and his followers came and visited.
"Do you want your binkie?" Akaza tried to calm you down but nothing was working.
He tried feeding you, cradling you, swaddling you, putting you down for a nap and more.
You would not stop crying.
There was one thing they he hadn't tried yet but he was too embarrassed to do it. Your screams were enough to drive him to do it.
He sung to calm you down.
It worked.
"Ready or not here I come." Daki took of running to find you.
You giggled, not so quietly, as you watched her run around while you were hiding behind Gyotaro.
"Gyotaro where did they go?" Daki whispered as if she didn't know you were behind him. He shrugged cause you to giggle harder.
"GOTCHA" She exclaimed and tried to reach around her brother. You screeched and tried to run but she caught you and threw you in the air.
Guess who's my favorite
Who was your favorite
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svtfilthandfiction · 9 months
how would svt react if reader let's them rest their head on their lap?
Seventeen resting their head on your lap
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A/N : Hello!! I'm back :D I hope you enjoy this post, hopefully more posts on the way!
Seungcheol : very grateful that you let him bc as a leader with responsabilites sometimes he needs to feel a little comforted to calm down. Laying on your lap would be perfect for him.
Jeonghan : Likes the idea of laying his head in your lap. Makes him feel all warm inside idk. Doesn't cut his hair just so you could play with it.
Joshua : Loves it when he just wants to be cuddly but it's too hot. Just lays his head on your lap and you guys just take turns. Would melt if you caress his face or lean down to kiss his forehead.
Junhui : Begs you to let him rest on your thighs. Thinks they're super soft and perfect to be used as cushions. Will curl up like a cat with his head on your lap and just feels over the moon junhui.
Soonyoung : He's always so full of energy but sometimes he does get a little tired. Sees you sitting on the couch watching your fav show so he takes the opportunity to rest his head on your thighs. Ends up sleeping like a baby cause it's comfortable.
Wonwoo : tbh i think he just likes thighs tbh. That is why he'd enjoy resting his head there and using them like a pillow. Also ends up sleeping #2.
Jihoon : Usually happens when he's had a long day at the studio and you visit him at the perfect time. You're on the little studio couch and he immediately comes asking if he could rest his head on your lap for a quick nap. Your thighs feel aju nice.
Seokmin : Baby feels really really happy. Loves to be taken care by you and resting his head on your lap makes him feel very comforted :( Would almost start crying if you compliment him or smth.
Mingyu : Takes down the 'though muscular guy' act and now he's just putty on your thighs. Giggles and kinda wriggles around until he finds a good position and he feels comfortable.
Minghao : Feels really comfortable tbh and appreciates you so much. Not even meditation can calm him or relax him this much. Closes his eyes and breathes in your scent. Probably lifts his head up to try and kiss you to show you his appreciation for you.
Seungkwan : Hmm gets really comfortable and even closes his eyes, sighing out contently. After a while tho looks up at you and asks what you were watching. Ends up with you both watching tiktoks with his head in your lap.
Vernon : He's so cute aww :(( Looks up at you and smiles, eyes crinkling as he giggles. Hums when you lovingly brush his hair with your fingers and probably even shivers too bc it feels nice. Definitely becomes his favourite semi-cuddling position.
Chan : Gets excited when he sees you on the couch sitting at one end. Lays on his stomach with his chin on your thigh before kissing it teasingly, rolling over before you could say anything. Kicks his feet a little when he feels you touch his hair and relaxes into you.
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Hi hi i hope you enjoyed this one! It was on the softer side kinda. Requests are still closed but you can send me messages!
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spookiifi · 2 years
Extreme Cuddling
No warnings. Just Moon being a cocky jealous bastard. Reader is gender neutral!
This is actually based off of the fact that I have an original foxy plush glaring at me right now.
ao3 link!
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Before Sun and Moon moved in, well, before the pizza plex burned down, you slept with stuffed plushies. Most of them being glamrock plushies and others that the Pizzaplex gave you instead of a raise.
You still did, until Moon found you cuddling a sun plushie one night while he was wandering your house. He was quiet enough for you to let him roam. To be honest, he didn’t give you a choice in the matter
You awoke to him poking your face, getting harsher every time.
“Moon what the hell? It’s 4 am dude.” Still groggy with sleep, you sat up in bed.
The 9 ft tall nap time attendant loomed over you, then locked onto the sun plushie in your arms.
“What is that?”
You had gotten used to holding different plushes that you barely noticed they were there. You didn’t have any pets, so they kept you company that’s really sad, wow forget I said that
“Oh right! Um...yeah about that.”
Moon’s faceplate swiveled back to you, his red eyes expanding into huge circles. 
“I know it’s childish but-HEY!”
He snatched the sun plush by it’s head and tossed it towards your laundry hamper. It let out a sad squeaky toy noise against the wall before falling. 
Without warning, he grabbed your waist, pulling you out of bed.
He twirled you around so your back was against him. Moon laughed as he flopped back dramatically on the bed with you still in his arms. You let out a surprised cry as you fell on top of his chest.
“What the fuck was that for?!”
“You’re cute when you’re heartbeat’s racing.”
Moon turned on his side, his arms still wrapped around you
Oh. It all made sense now.
“You’re jealous of a toy? That was your master plan?”
“God. You’re the worst, Moondrop.”
“But you love meee.” Moon ran his fingers through your hair.
He was right. You might as well get comfortable, since you weren’t going anywhere. It didn’t help that he was wearing one of the softest hoodies you made for him and sun.
Moon was your new pillow, and once again, you didn’t have a say in the matter. Your turned to face his chest as he pulled the covers over both of you.
“Aww. Nighty night.” 
“This isn’t going to be a regular thing, Moon.”
“That’s what you think. We’ll see tomorrow night.”
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How would you imagine the delta boys to react or what they would do when they get back after a rough mission??
Aww this image of battered, downcast Deltas made me so sad... 😢 I just want to protect and love them, your honor.
Boss: Holds himself together for a bit. There's plenty of debriefings and paperwork to get through once they're back, and it won't do for him to be emotional during any of it. He's also hyper-sensitive to the feelings of his squad and he doesn't want to feed into their misery with his own. He won't be overly positive, but he'll maybe try a small pep talk or some comforting shoulder pats as they separate to cope in their own ways. The first time Boss is alone is when he hits the showers, and that's when he'll finally acknowledge his own feelings. He'll let himself take a longer shower than normal, indulging in the hot water hitting his skin while he stands there, motionless and melancholy. There may even be a few frustrated tears that get swept away with the water.
Fixer: Is such a grumpy boy. He doesn't like missions that don't end well, that don't go according to plan. He will be analyzing every detail from the mission, mulling it over and over in his head to figure out what went wrong, and venting about it to anyone who will listen. He never puts names to his feelings, let alone give himself the time or space to properly deal with them. His anger comes out in his speech, clipped and annoyed. His fear becomes pools of sweat along his hairline. His guilt manifests into tinkering and planning, trying to find improvements in both technology and strategy so the difficulties they faced today don't persist into the future. His name is Fixer for a reason; he will not rest until he finds a way to fix whatever broke on this mission.
Scorch: Is simply tuckered out. He will be uncharacteristically quiet as he shuffles his feet out of the ship and toward home base. The playful glint usually found in his eyes has been dimmed as he fights off his exhaustion. He sits numbly through the debriefs and for once doesn't have any quippy retorts when told what to do. As soon as he is able, he collapses onto any decently comfy surface and sleeps for a good, long while. He really can't process such devastating emotions, not when they're so fresh, so intense. He can't fully sleep them off, but the nap diminishes their sting, and allows him to get some of his spunk back, too. When he wakes, he'll be back to his usual self, but will have random moments of melancholy as he slowly processes the events of the mission.
Sev: On the outside, he doesn't seem much different, simply dark and broody as always. But on the inside, he's hurting. Bad. Nothing gets him down quite like a failed mission. He takes full responsibility, even for the things outside of his control. He can't help it. If fighting is the one thing he was made for, how could he brush off failure? Whether or not these feelings come to the surface depends on who he's around. If Fixer is pacing about and venting, then Sev will likely blow up in anger. If Scorch crashes on the bunk next to him, Sev will sit in contemplative silence for as long as his brother sleeps. And a shoulder pat from Boss? However quick or innocent, that's what impacts Sev the most. He'll disappear and let himself cry over the comforting gesture.
Everything Tag: @damerondala, @dangerousstrawberrypie, @fallingforthem, @harleyevanstan, @imabeautifulbutterfly, @justanothersadperson93, @misogirl828, @itsagrimm, @error6gendernotfound, @theroguesully, @clonesimp, @techie-bear
+Delta Squad Tag: @marvel-starwars-nerd, @hanbetired, @lackofhonor, @theclonesdeservebetter, @salaminus, @katzs-current-obsession, @rebel-finn, @the-mom-friend-dot-com, @pickle-rick-y, @flowered-bicycles, @lucyysthings, @severalseashellsbytheseashore, @moon-wrecked
(Join my tag list here)
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littletealseal · 1 year
A Playdate To Remember: Chapter 3
CW: Use of parental terms
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Purple Yam Cookie was the first to wake from his nap, he yawned adorably and stretched a bit before looking around the room while still on his back. He sleepily gazed at the glow in the dark stars and moons around the ceiling and wall around him, with his pacifier still in his mouth bobbing it about a bit, the little cookie was still rather deep in his head space and was curious about the time. He did see a small bit of light poke though the darkening curtains so it must have still been daytime, maybe noon? 11am? He turned to his side and hugged Boris a bit as he thought, he almost forgot he wasn’t at home but he still felt so safe.
The purple haired cookies attention was directed to the crib next to him when he started to hear Pitaya start to wake up, the hatchling rubbed his eyes before looking around and then looking to Yam, who still looked very sleepy.
“ Heeey Yammy…” Pitaya said with a yawn, also still rather tiny. “ you ok??”
Yam could only nod and yawn as he suckled on his pacifier and hugged Boris, now starting to feel very silent from how small he was feeling.
“ Yu real tiny?” The hatchling received another nod and continued to talk. “ Das otay.. am small too.. mm havin’ lots of fun!” He said while rolling onto his back and stuck his arms and legs into the air, wiggling them as he did so.
Yam nodded again letting the hatchling know he was listening, it’s been awhile since the warrior had felt this small, usually he could talk a bit like how PItaya was, but right now all that could possibly come out of his mouth was babbling. Pitaya continued to mindlessly chat as footsteps could now be heard from outside, with the door to the nursery soon slowly opening to reveal Milk.
“aww you two up from your naps?” The white haired cookie asked the two little ones.
“ yaayaaa… mm hungy..” Pitaya pouted a bit as his belly growled, he sat up to get a better look at the caregiver.
“ Aww well we can find some yummy things for the both of you to nibble on, are you hungry Yammy?” Milk asked as he walked up to his babies crib and began to lower the bars, said baby just nodded and made grabby hands to signal that he wanted to be picked up. “ Heheh ok sweetie, heere we go!” Milk exaggeratedly said as he lifted the purple haired cookie up and out of the crib, Hollyberry was soon in the room and smiled down at her now squeaking baby.
The two caregivers walked out of the nursery with both bundles in hand and Yam just nuzzled into the crook of Milks neck, sighing and just feeling very small and safe in his daddies arms, and semi listening to what the three were talking about, just feeling at ease. Before the little one knew it they were in the dining hall and Pitaya was excited as always as he was put into his highchair, Yam was about to be put in one as well but whined when Milk tried to sit him down.
“oh? Aww hun you wanna sit with dada?” Yam nodded to this and Milk smiled. “ Alright dear you can stay here then, though do you know what you want to eat?” Yam pondered but ended up shrugging , Milk knew what this meant if Yam wasn’t sure what to have. “ hmm.. do you want just some warm fruity cereal then?” This caused Yam to gently nod and smile behind his pacifier. “Heheh, alright dear I’ll let auntie Holly know” He placed a kiss onto Yams head and he just smiled and nuzzled into Milks shoulder.
Milk then explained to HollyBerry on what Yam wanted, with a nod she then told the cooks what to have made for their little ones, Pitaya settled on having some jellysaur nuggets with some apple sauce and a juice box after he was rambling on about what he wanted like the happy and energetic baby he is. The two caregivers made sure to keep their little ones distracted so they wouldn’t fuss over waiting for their food, with HollyBerry playing lil games like peek a boo and I spy with Pitaya, while Milk just walked around a bit by the table with Yam still in his arms and bobbed him in his arms while doing so. Yam still was very much relaxed and almost fell asleep again! Though before he know it both his and Pitayas lunches were ready, Holly and Milk ate before while they were asleep so they were good. The four seemed to be perfectly busy and in their own world until two cookies entered the dining hall.
“Hi Grandmama! Hi Pitaya!!” Princess Cookie happily said as she came in with Knight Cookie following behind her, diligent in keeping her safe as usual.
“Oh hey ya two! What are you both up too?” Holly said cheerfully as her granddaughter ran over to hug her, making her chuckle. Pitaya squeaked at the royal cookie with curiosity in his eyes, but puffed up his mane when Knight approached, trying to look scary.
“ I’m good! Just wanted to see what this little guy was up too” Princess said as she looked to the fluffy hatchling and showed him her scepter, causing Pitaya to become distracted enough by the gem on top of it to relax himself. “ Heheh you’re so cu- huh? Who’s this lil guy?” Princess asked when she finally noticed Yam, who looked a bit spooked and blushed from shyness.
“O-oh that’s Purple Yam Cookie and his caregiver; Milk Cookie, they’re gonna be stayin’ here for a few days to play with Pitaya” HollyBerry said in hopes of distracting Princess away from Yam, since she noticed that he was becoming a bit nervous by someone new seeing him like this.
“ Oh that’s so cool! Aww he’s so so cute! Hi there lil guy!” Princess exclaimed and said to the purple haired cookie.
Yam just hid his face in Milks neck as a response, feeling very shy and nervous now. Milk noticed this and attempted to sooth him by rubbing his back. “ Aww hun it’s ok, sorry he’s just very shy when like this around new people” Milk said while blushing a bit.
“ Oh I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to spook him.. he’s really small I guess?” Princess asked while trying to get her scepter back from Pitaya, who now was nibbling on it.
“ Yeah, under a year like Pitaya here, but I think a bit younger?” HollyBerry said, knowing Pitaya was around 10 months but wasn’t sure on Yams exact age range, just knew he was really tiny.
“ Ohhh I see, kinda like how Knight is I guess” Princess said the last bit in a whisper, as to not embarrass the seemingly frustrated Knight, who was wanting to help in getting the royals scepter back from Pitaya, who was still nibbling on it. He then thought to just tickle the babies tummy and this worked in making the hatchling let go of the scepter.
“ Ahah! Gotcha, thanks Knight!” The armored cookie smiled as Pitaya huffed and crossed his arms in annoyance. “ D’aww you’re so cute! It’s ok ‘Taya we can still play after you and Yam eat! Does that sound good?” This perked Pitaya up a bit as he nodded “Ok! Then I’ll be seeing you two cuties later! Bye Everyone!” Princess said while then taking off out and down one of the hallways.
“A-Aa! Your majesty wait!” Knight said with a bit of panic in his voice as he tried to catch up with the quick royal, this made HollyBerry laugh and shake her head.
“ Ahaha, there really ain’t a dull moment with that girl, is Yam ok though?” Holly asked as she looked to the still hiding cookie.
“ Oh I think he will be in a moment. Sweetie it’s ok to come out now…” Milk cooed as he tried to coax Yam out into looking around again, this worked a bit with Yam shyly looking a little before babbling a bit. “ Awww..”
“ Hmm.. oh! I’ll be right back since I think a certain someones nuggies are ready~ “ HollyBerry said to the now curious hatchling as she got up from her chair and went into the kitchen. Pitaya squealed with joy and bounced in his chair as the food was brought out by HollyBerry, both on proper baby sized plates and in baby sized bowls.
Pitaya dove into his food by snatching up a nugget and nibbling on it happily while squeaking and making Holly chuckle, Milk however helped feed Yam by giving him spoon fulls of the warm cereal with fruit bits in it. Yam took little bites and was still completely at ease, he held onto Milks shirt while eating but also took the time to sleepily look around. Halfway through HollyBerry began to help Pitaya eat as he was making too much of a mess on his own, and so did Yam to an extent when he pawed at his food when Milk wasn’t looking, and getting some of the warm cereal on the table in the shape of tiny handprints, making Yam giggle a bit. Soon enough both babies had finished eating and had their mouths and hands washed before the four started to make their way back to the playroom, with Pitaya next to HollyBerry on all fours, excitedly talking about what he wanted to do, Yam however was still in a sleepy mood while suckling on his pacifier in Milks arms, scanning and filming everything around him. As they enter the play room, Pitaya barrels in and topples onto the large rug where his toys are, giggling the whole time and now on his back while hugging his tail.
“ Whoa whoa kiddo slow down there! You don’t wanna get a bellyache do ya?” HollyBerry chuckled as she walked over to the giggly dragon and blew a raspberry on his cheek, making him laugh more and kick his lil legs.
Milk sat down with Yam still in his arms and now in his lap, the small bundle still held on like a koala and looked around the room while suckling on his pacifier. It wasn't until Yam noticed some building blocks that he wanted to get down, Milk let the baby down onto the floor and Yam shuffle crawled over to the toys with Boris in one hand, and started to pick up some blocks with another. The purple haired cookie stared and inspected each block as he stacked them without thought, seemingly content. Yam continues this as he props Boris up next to some of the built blocks, Pitaya crawls over to see what little cookie was up too and squeaks at the stuffed donkey toy.
“ Bo…Bowis..” Yam manages to say as he points to his stuffie, letting Pitaya know what his name is.
“ Oh? Bowis?? He cool” Pitaya smiled as he pawed at the stuffie before looking back to what Yam was building.. just random towers and some low buildings too. The hatchling wanted so bad to knock them down out of habit but knew that would really upset Yam, so instead he grabbed a random block and started to chew on it.
“ Oh hold on kiddo, you don’t want to rip that apart” HollyBerry warned as she walked over to Pitaya to gently remove the block from the hatchlings mouth and give him one of his teething toys, a multicolored ring in the shape of a bunny. Pitaya took to the teether right away and happily chewed, now on his back with his tail swishing about.
This semi silent playtime continued on for sometime, with Yam building and shaking random baby safe toys he found while crawling about, to Pitaya just chewing away on his teether, both babies seemed to be perfectly fine.. until the silence was suddenly broken by a soft knock, making everyone look to the door in curiosity.
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Hey everyone, I want to sincerely apologize for how late this chapter is. I had almost finished writing it before alot of real life stuff had gotten in the way, such as getting sick multiple times, some serious things happening that prevented me from feeling smol.. and just that, I haven’t been able to feel comfortable enough to regress the way I’d like to for some time.. Though now.. I’m starting to feel a bit better and I hope to continue writing this fic for you all <:3 
Again I hope you enjoy this chapter
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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averagekanadekinnie · 2 years
I hath arrived again 🧍🏾‍♀️
But, hello hello!! Hope you're doing well after your break!! I was wondering if you could do a Kel x reader scenario where Kel has been really busy with basketball and hasn't gotten time to hang out with his partner, which is slowly but definitely surely taking a toll on the reader who just wants to spend time with him. However, one night, Kel comes to reader's house and asks is he can stay over and the reader agrees because like who can say no to Kel's innocent puppy dog smile. But then the two of them get to spend time together playing games and talking and then something sentimental happens (ex: first kiss, one of them crying about missing the other, etc. but I'll leave it up to you!!). Sorry thats it INCREDIBLY complicated but I thought it would be pretty cute!!
Type: Fluff-ish
Warnings: doubting kel-ish?? (jealousy n stuff??)
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Since KEL has been making more time for basketball, you were okay with it at first!!
Of course, he lets you know first hand.
"Hey, hey Y/N!!" KEL called out to you while you were talking to OTHERMART. Of course you turned around with curiousity. "Oh, yeah what’s up, KEL?"
"Okay so.. listen um.." His tone of voice got serious so your heart dropped for a minute. He noticed and jumped a bit, surprised. "Oh no no! Trust me it’s not THAT type of topic, hehe.." You sighed in relief at his words. He then continued,
"Well um.. I just came to tell you that I might be practicing BASKETBALL a little more than usual! Surprise, haha! Only because there’s this game me and my friends are gonna play next week at the PARK so I wanna practice extra hard until then! I’m sure I’ll win!" KEL boasts playfully before looking at you with his expression and tone a bit guilty.
"Anyways I— I hope you don’t mind that and all..!" KEL sweats a bit. Of course you’re not gonna mind, it’s his favorite hobby anyways. You shook your head and smiled at him. "Of course I don’t mind, I know you’ll win too!" You joked before continuing, earning a laugh from KEL, "But seriously, I don’t mind at all, as long as your happy and all that corny stuff."
KEL smiled back at you, god was he lucky to have you. "Aww thanks Y/N, you’re the best! I loveee you!" He hugs you, he smells bad tbh. He lets go and waves you goodbye. "Well, I’m gonna go back home, I’m babysitting SALLY! Just had to tell you first! Cya, Y/N!"
I mean, it’ll be fine right?
I mean, you got other people to hang out until then, yeah?
Or if you don’t.. that’s tough.
It’ll be 3 days until you’ll start to feel REAL lonely without him.
Yeah, sometimes you guys meet up at school but not as you use to.
You don’t even hang out
Whenever you guys look at each other, it’ll just be a simple wave and one of you leaves right after.
I mean, it’s fine right?
You still have friends to hang out with?
Unless you’re alone, then dang,
But KEL… he’s your boyfriend, so obviously without him you felt alone a lot more
Dude he’s the sun you’re the moon
And right now, you want your sun.
You felt really guilty right now, I mean.. this relationship has been going on for 3 weeks, you can’t be all clingy and jealous right?
KEL wasn’t seeing anyone behind your back, right?
No of course he wouldn’t, he’s literally the most loyal person you’ll ever meet
Plus, he doesn’t pull any bitches /hj
Ok ok, let’s move on
On the 5th day, something FINALLY happened
Something good I promise.
You heard a sudden knock on the door, it was raining, who could be outside at this weather? Your parental guardian(s) were taking a nap because this weather is literally a good time to, so you had to open the door. So of course you acted accordingly and speed walked to the door, opening it to find—
A very soaked KEL! Wow, how surprising! "H-Hey Y/N, good to see you! Haha..!" KEL smiled widely at you, completely ignoring that HES SOAKED. "K-KEL, what the hell are you doing outside in the rain?! Eugh, wait here for a second, I’ll get you a towel or something."
You dashed to the bathroom either upstairs or the same floor, opening it to get a towel big enough for a tall man such as him. You ran back and literally threw it on him, which completely surprised him. "W-WOAH, hey what gives?!" After a bit, he finally got it off his head and around his entire body as you let him inside.
You let him sit down on the couch, making a mental note to apologize to your parental guardian(s) for the wet spot of the couch later, as you sat next to him, "Alright, what the actual hell were you doing outside?! You can get sick, you dumb-dumb!" You lectured him as you were his mom or something.
"Hey hey, I know that! I just- I just wanted to see you! I just wanted to come over, alright..? Can I— just stay over, for the night?" KEL looked a bit guilty. When he’s like this, how can you refuse? I mean, you can’t say no to KEL at ALL. You sighed. "Fine, fine. Um, you can sleep on the couch tonight, alright?"
KEL cheered out loud, you immediately covered his mouth so he doesn’t wake up your parental guardian(s). "Shush it, will you?! My (older sibling/parent(s)/grandparent(s)/caretaker/etc) is/are sleeping!" "Haha.. sorry." KEL apologized right after, quieting down.
For the remaining hour(s) until it becomes nighttime, you and KEL hung out. It felt nice, considering the fact that he basically focused on his hobby for the past days rather than you. When you were both on the couch, watching whatever, KEL spoke up with his serious tone again.
"Hey uh, Y/N, can I be serious just for a sec?.. I just wanna say sorry." KEL said, feeling guilty. Ah, so he finally noticed. Don’t, don’t actually say that to his face he’ll feel even worse. Play it cool, play it dumb. "Sorry for..?" You asked, even though you already know the answer.
"Sorry for um, not talking to you for those five days n stuff.. jeez I feel- I feel really bad." He says, very guilty as hell. You kinda feel bad. "Whenever we pass by each other at school, I feel so bad that I just.. left you in the dust like that. Sure, playing basketball with friends is super fun, but hanging out with you is better! That sounds pretty corny doesn’t it? But- y-yeah, I’m super sorry Y/N. I’m not really good at these things so.. heh.." KEL laughs it off awkwardly, but you can clearly tell he’s really sorry and definitely wants your forgiveness.
I mean, like I said, you can never say no to KEL, especially when he’s like this. So you simply turn around and give him a biiiig hug! "Of course I forgive you, dude. I cant stop you from doing the things you love. And sure, yeah, that apology was kinda bad, ("Wh-Hey!") but I know you’re being sincere. Just— just promise me after the game, we’ll hang out ten times as much as we did before, okay?" You put your face on the crook of his neck, just hugging him. After a few seconds of taking that all in, he returns the hug, smiling even if you can’t see it.
"Yeah.. ‘course I will, Y/N." Was all he said, but you didn’t care, as long as he promised.. hopefully. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, he spoke up.
"Man, I’m such a terrible boyfriend!"
"..Don’t say that, dude."
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redtoondevils · 6 months
My real reaction to rebooting Moon.
Sun at the beginning: "New friend? New friend! I-I-I'm trapped in a nap!"
Me: "Oh my gosh, Sun! It's so good to see you again!"
Sun: "Reboot! Reboot! We NEED to be whole!"
Sun: "Nggh! Light on! Lights on! Turn generators on!"
Me: "Oh no, not that again! Please don't tell me I had to turn all five of them on again!"
*Worries about Moon stalking me again.*
*Me returning back to Sun after turning on two of the generators.*
*I walk up to Moon, and notices that he's stuck, then I put on the mask.*
*Me pretending to hug Sun, and cooing him.*
Me: "Aww, look at you! You look so cute! Let me give you cuddles! Here, aww you're so sad! I'm sorry that your sad! I'm so sorry buddy!" Snuggles.
Sun: "Now! Do it now!"
*I step next to him, confused.*
Sun: "Not me! The other me!"
*Me being 'clueless' then replied.*
Me: "What other you?"
Sun: ".....😒Are you serious!?"
*Me awkwardly stands there for a moment, and takes the mask off to reboot Moon.
*My subconscious was telling me 'Moon' 'His otherself is Moon! DUH!'*
True story! 😆
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askthedaycarecrew · 2 years
hey sun moon question for u both how do u 2 feel about your body swap
Sun and moon are back to their own body's again
Sun: it was very strange, Moon's Body is much more sensitive to light then mine and is much more tense and jittery then my own, though having night vision was interesting and kinda fun! It's like it's always day time!
Moon: bright and oddly warm, i didn't like it much, prefer my own body
Sun: awww come on moon! There must be something you liked!
Moon: watching you struggle to get kids settled for nap time was funny
Moon: your right, it was hilarious
Sun: your so mean
Moon: yeah... i also liked being able to see easier in the light... it was nice to see the daycare clearly
Sun: aww!
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wanderingrain · 1 year
Blogging through Till the World Ends Ep 9
Boys why are we just standing around? if I saw a bloody knife sticking out of the steering wheel of my car I would just quietly close the door and leave. Feels too much like an ambush for me.
"It's the same knife they tried to kill me with." How would you know?? It's literally just a kitchen knife. You know, the kind that lives in the kitchen. And once again HOW WOULD THEY HAVE FOUND YOU?? AND WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING AROUND??
"ThE gUn Is GoNe." No duh!! I told you!!
"Art do they know where your house is?" Well now they do because you said that thanks P'Gus. If we meet Art's brother only to have him die I swear...
Lol why is P'Gus driving again after they made a whole point of telling us he'd driven all night and then he didn't even take a nap like he was supposed to. Oh ok now Golf is driving.
Oh geez the moon is so big and scary. That last episode really put that fear deep into my heart didn't it.
Tumblr media
Ohhh I like the contrast between the sun and the moon.
P'Gus breaking down is honestly how I feel they would all have been acting this whole time if this was real life. Lol. But where's the fun in that?
This scene is sad and cute but I can't help but ask do we really have time for this? Lol
Great flashback. I hope we're not all going to end up dying on this mountain.
Golf ruining the moment by not returning the secret handshake. What was that Golf?
Not the nail clippers
Once again though, is this really the time? If you don't get to the bunker on time you won't ever be able to have sex again so this seems a little strange just saying.
Ya'll are really gonna get to the bunker at the very last minute aren't you. You're not even a little bit concerned that you're about to have only one more day left? I would've immediately started the car and torn out of there if I woke up and it was suddenly night time and I realized I'd wasted so much time.
Aww Art's the one holding Golf. That's so cute and sweet.
Lol such a sleepy boi
P'Gus is going to die. He's not planning on staying at the bunker with them.
If they think the gang is following them WHY are they shocked to discover evidence that the gang is following them?? "That's not our car." No duh Art!
Well those don't sound suspiciously like last words at all. "Take care of each other."
I love how they haven't given Art a weapon btw
You just told Art to be quiet why are you yelling now? You just lost whatever element of surprise you might've had.
IS THAT A THIRD CROWBAR??? Art does your family make them or something?? What's going on?? (The crack is back and it's crackier than ever.
How are the cuddles so cute though? Am I just too soft for cuddles?
Seriously how can these two be so soft? Guys I think this is the softest moment in the show and these guys have killed and eaten people.
Not the nail clippers coming in clutch. I guess that's why we had to have them in that scene earlier. This show is so great.
Babes why are you making so much noise? Untie them.
If Golf does anything to get these boys angry again now that they've decided they're leaving I'm going to be very angry. Prediction: Only Art and Golf make it out of this house alive.
Also why are you going back in when you just decided to be done with this whole thing??
Is Art gonna kill LONG??
Nevermind of course the "bottom" can't handle a gun, what was I thinking?/s
I'm still enjoying this show but I'm worried what my actual response will be if they all actually do die in the end. That's why I wasn't letting myself get too attached to the characters. But Man I really hate that trope where everything is about to be alright and then the characters mess it up for themselves. There was a moment where our gang boys decided, you know what? Everyone lives today. And that's great. I like stuff like that. But now I'm pretty positive they're both going to die.
Prediction: Golf kills P'Joke. Long kills P'Gus. Long can't live without P'Joke and unalives himself. Do Art and Golf make it to the bunker? Does it really matter if they do or not? I've been leaning towards the idea (for a few episodes now) that they probably will choose to die instead of staying in the bunker. Either they'll go to one and they'll hate it like that Uncle did so they'll leave, or they just won't make it.
I just hope the ending feels satisfying but I'm not really sure if they'll be able to pull it off for me personally. Especially if my predictions come true and Golf and Art are the only two who escape the house alive.
Well, on to the last episode.
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castle-dominion · 4 months
c6x10 audio commentary liveblog
les mis
lol typecasting drinking
XD gave me a heart attack
"she might have had more screen time than nathan"
with all the shootouts & fire THIS took the most planning?
"when nathan handed the baby to seamus it would start crying as if it read the script"
Julian my beloved "julian come on now don't look at them"
"skill set" crying, smiling, sleeping, stop crying when you pick it up...
Terlesky chose to film this on the lift, good for him
This group of people
NF: Seamus, I notice this every episode: your eyes POP
"howling at a moon" & I never wanted to correct him
"I made the database"
& the cobra's CRYING!
Ah two boys two girls
For a guy who's not a dad irl he's really a good dad on screen
NF: Ooh quads! Babies: we are not off-road vehicles
SD: Jon Huertas needs 20 minutes then he takes a nap NF: then he needs to get changed
baby POV XD
Good toss & coat dodge
JT: it would be hilarious to say this technical jargon in a baby voice
Usually he can CATCH the perps when he's chasing them
They run by & seamus is in there oblivious
Despondent, good word
the high five was the baby's idea apparently
Apparently a lot of the stuff with fillion in the obs room is ad libbed.
I love it when they get caught watching
Kristen Ariza, friend of Dever, did a play together which katic saw
straight laced gates cooing over the baby
A different side of everybody <3 thank you terri miller
Richmond & Andrea, the tech ones. Thank you for your service.
Three men & mustang
Boxes within boxes
In a situation where I don't have to go home hungry
Mum: I love Dever's laugh
Ah yes the relationship <3 I love these two. all the writers went "aww"
XD the us post service stole the prop mailbox XD XD XD
JT: we'll put a pingpong table there one day I'd love to have a pingpong table there just for a time
still day one! SD: I don't change clothes nearly as much!
"that's the crying one"
there WAS a doll, $1 500 fake baby that you keep dropping, Nathan
Wanna have a baby?
Two grumpy babies, two happy babies, one was grumpier than them all
"bpice of ice cream's going up, by the time you're old enough to eat it you won't be able to afford it"
Ooh that ball is in the writer room huh
JT & his fun bits, glad this guy is here JT: & I'm glad all those years of WB cartoon watching paid off
AC: How long have I been gone? Love SS & MQ
This is the face of your future
I love watching this with my mom
acme wine preservation kit
diaper connoisseur
oh no i hate the lottery riff
baby needs an education & this was edver & huertas
Lol the lottery ball machines didn't even work
Yeah how do they come in that order?
triple six fix
The guests are always so great
Come in, cry your eyes out, thanks you were great
Five down a hallway, sounding like a herd of elephants.
Yeah the background is so hard, where were you from this exact moment? nf: seamus write a song sd: ~background artists~ nf: not now
"We took the baby up in the helicopter that night" "but only for 20 minutes"
I started by touching... I touched everyone in this scene
lmao the newsie store "we turned him into a little white boy!"
scripted parenthetical
Jim, that's the one who got slammed by dever a billion times
0 notes
legacy-by-darkryuu · 1 year
Remaster: Step Toward the Future, Chapter 2
Chapter 2: Discovery
Disclaimer: I don’t own Harvest Moon.
Rating: M/Adult
Also available on Archive of Our Own
2023 Notes: Cliff most definitely would not be like this in game. My boy has issues off the wazoo here. Also, my first what we old ones call ‘flame’ was over the personification of the well-loved Mary here. As I’ve aged, I have less problems with her and Ann who also was a way more antagonist in the old version. Neither are my favorite bachelorette by any means but they’re still a little antagonistic here.
Jill, after having slept on it, figured that Cliff had been something of a figment of her imagination. Either that or some random person passing through. No one like that could survive in this environment, this…country town. She sighed as she finished her cereal. Oh well, probably for the best. She pulled her black overalls and a Tool shirt with a baggy hoodie on before heading out to get to the chores.
She stood over her field and gaped some. How did boulders get there? Was there some kind of...land slide? She shook her head and started to shove them around, seeing as she couldn’t really do anything else with them. After this, she was going to be ready for a very long nap...but there were just those branches and tree stumps. Their poor great-grandpa had been in bad shape for a few years so this must have been the result. She groaned. What had she gotten herself into?
“Mm, nothing like a good day of work” said a friendly voice.
She turned in shock and there, sure enough, stood Izumi Cliff. This time he was attired in a red shirt with crazy black designs. It was odd, everyone seemed to dress like they were in a time warp but him and anyone within maybe three years of their age. He smiled and tilted his head.
“What’s wrong? Looks like you’ve seen a ghost.”
She gulped and shook her head rapidly, “I just...thought you were a...traveler.”
He brightened, “Oh, generally I am. I’m just posted up here for a while.”
She chuckled, “Oh.”
He sat on a tree trunk and looked around before whistling in awe, “Man, I don’t even think an army of giants would take this on. You could build a whole neighborhood in this field.”
She sighed, “I know. I don’t see why my family wants to save it in the first place.”
As the story went, this was her mom’s grandfather’s land. He vacationed here by himself prior to marrying into his wife’s family and always intended to come back. Of course, her mom’s grandmother and continuing spawn were probably pure evil. When he was able to provide two male heirs and two daughters, his wife kicked him to the curb. He’d been here ever since and, as far as Jill knew, they were the only portion of his family that associated with him. Still, it…it was kind of a sad story, him dying here alone. Maybe it’d be better to let it go.
Cliff seemed to study her face carefully before he smiled reassuringly, “Well, c’mon. Don’t they want to build an amusement park here? There’s like all of two kids and a bunch of stuck up adults. It’d be a waste of nature.”
She nodded slowly, “I suppose.”
“Aww, you just got here. Don’t get discouraged so easily. You’re just what this morgue of a town needs. A breath of fresh air.”
She blushed, embarrassed about this compliment, especially since she wasn’t used to getting them often from men, “I’m far from...a breath of fresh air.”
“Sure you are! You and me, we’ll turn this town upside down. Now, how about lunch? You look hungry.”
She accepted gratefully and she followed behind him, wondering exactly what he meant by ‘turning the town upside down’...
Almost two months passed and, confusingly, she had to say those were some of the two best months of her life.
Cliff came by every day and hung out or took her places. On rare occasions, he’d even help her with the farm work. Cliff had quite a mischievous streak, often dragging her off to play pranks or loiter in the supermarket, really about the extent of the trouble they could actually make there. But, all the same, they were deemed the two troublemakers. And she loved it. And most of all, she liked being around Cliff. She liked having made a friend in this place. And a hot one too.
One day in early April, at 5 a.m., she heard a knock at the door. Groggy and disoriented, she stumbled to answer, swinging it open sleepily. It was, of course, Cliff. She stared at him, confused.
“Cliff? Wha’ are you doing here so early?” she mumbled.
“Aww, I’m loving the bunny pajamas” he grinned, commenting about her black pajamas with cute white bunnies all over it.
She smirked at him, rubbing her eyes. He shooed her inside and closed the door behind him.
“Get dressed. We only have an hour” he said quickly.
“Come again?” she grumbled.
“You’ll see, get dressed!” he exclaimed.
She shook her head and pulled on her normal clothes, wondering what his deranged mind was plotting up now. And why she had to be up at five in the freakin’ morning for it, even with farm work she got one more hour...
When she came out, he grabbed her arm and dragged her from the farm. She was just letting him drag her along before she snapped out of her daze. They were at Duke’s house. Oh dear. “Cliff…” she said wearily.
He pressed his finger to her lips and pointed to a flag on top of Duke’s house.
“We’re taking that and replacing it...” he started.
Then he pulled another flag out that read ‘Supermarket’ and smiled pleasantly.
“With this one.”
She raised an eyebrow, “...Um.”
“Hey, these people love to start rumors. Just wait, they’ll have some about Duke and Sasha having an affair or Jeff and Manna or they’ve become one huge super store because Karen’s in debt to the winery because she’s supposedly an alcoholic. We’d be doing these people a favor, giving them stuff to talk about” he informed.
She chuckled, “I guess? But why am I here?”
He looked up, “Well, I’m not ten feet tall...”
She flinched back, “Oh my God, no.”
He hugged her waist, whining cutely. “Aww, pwease? You’re the only one here for these types of things.”
She blushed but sighed, relenting. He grinned happily then lifted her up by the waist. She yelped and hugged his head, startled by the sudden movement.
“U-Uh…” he commented after a moment.
She looked down and gasped in horror. His head was pressed against her chest pretty hard. Her face lit up completely and he smiled, embarrassed himself. “Don’t fret. Here.”
He rested her on his shoulders and she bit her lip, her heart beating heavily. If Duke caught them, well, he’d…yell. But still. She switched the flag out and Cliff whispered.
“Hold on.”
She was confused until he started running down the street toward the store. She gasped and clenched his head, resisting the need to scream in terror. But they arrived safely and she placed the winery flag on the grocery store. They were home free until they heard Duke screaming and cursing. She squealed and he grabbed her hand, racing down through the square past Barley’s Farm before ending up at ‘Lillia’s Chicken Farm’. She gasped and clutched her chest and Cliff wiped his forehead of sweat.
She shoved him, “Ugh! Next time you come up with some crazy plan like that, tell me first! This is a violation of property!”
He hugged her, sighing, “I’m sorry.”
She sighed and rested her head on his chest, basking in the feeling. She couldn’t really be mad at him for whatever reason. This was her brother’s territory, just doing reckless things for a swift giggle but, right now, it felt fun because it was with him. She flushed and wondered why she was feeling this way about someone she really just met…
A moment later, she felt someone was behind them. She gazed around and jumped, fearful. Cliff looked over his shoulder and jumped a bit too before he breathed a sigh of relief.
“Jeez, Popuri, God, you scared the living crap out of me.”
Jill inhaled sharply. Popuri? The Popuri?
She had straight pink hair and scarlet eyes which were embellished with black mascara and black eyeliner. She had on a white blouse with a black lace-up corset, a red ruffled skirt that came to her knees, and black leather boots. Around her neck was… a black leather necklace with a half a heart.
Jill rubbed her arm, smiling awkwardly as she looked down. Oh boy. This was going to be tough. Popuri had a smile on her face as she clucked her tongue. “More trouble?”
Cliff smiled back, “Of course. We’re the troublemakers.”
Popuri blinked at Jill, “Oh?”
“Oh, you two haven’t met? This is Yamachi Popuri. Pu, this is Yagami Jill.”
“Hi! I’m the one who harbors this fugitive when he’s running from the law” Popuri said happily.
Jill had to laugh some, “I guess someone would have to, as much trouble as he gets in to all the time.”
Cliff pouted, “I’m not in trouble that much.”
Popuri smirked, “Uh huh.”
Suddenly, Cliff slung his arms around both of their shoulders. “Well, this has been a fun morning. I mean, well, it’s only 6. Why don’t I get you ladies breakfast, eh?”
Popuri chuckled, “You sure it’s not too early for you to show your face?”
He grinned, “It was a clean crime, no one saw us!”
A ‘clean crime’. The crime part was the issue. Jill warily looked at Popuri, a little confused. Why…why was she still wearing the necklace though? Did…did she still think about him? What had he seen if Popuri still wore it?
Cliff led them off to the Inn where they were just starting to open up. Cliff went up to the counter after they had gotten a table and Jill stared after him. She blinked when she saw a girl had caught his attention. Jill frowned and stared over the apparent waitress. She had orange, reddish hair wrapped in a white ribbon, wearing a yellow tank top and a pair of overalls. She looked exactly like her little brother’s best friend, Ann, except that Ann had beautiful freckles. Jill raised an eyebrow at her and Popuri sighed. “That’s Ann.”
How even? Jill turned to Popuri who had made the comment, mystified how Annaliese Robins had…or was a doppelganger to another woman not an hour from where she lived with the exact same name. Popuri groaned. “She’s a little stuck up. But...”
She stopped for a moment, then glanced at Cliff. Jill glanced at her then to him. He was still looking at Ann...
“I guess he likes that in a woman. He swears that’s the love of his life.”
 It wasn’t like she meant to avoid Cliff after hearing this little bit of info on his love life but it just kind of happened that way. In some fashion of irony, Popuri hung out with her more and when she finally seemed to figure out Jill’s growing infatuation with Cliff, she was apologizing every moment of the day.
“I’m so sorry!”
Jill laughed despite herself, “Popuri, really, I’m over it!”
Popuri sighed, “I know but it’s difficult. You want to be supportive but when you have feelings, it’s just not easy.”
They were walking to Jill’s house after doing some shopping. Popuri smoothed her red skirt and sighed once again. Jill smiled softly. Popuri would definitely be on the counter-culture side of things outside of Mineral Town. Peppy but a little on the ‘dark side’. Koji and Popuri even liked somewhat similar music. Jill wanted to call her older brother to be nosy but…it pretty much changed him over entirely. She just wished she could ask what the deal with the necklace was.
“You should talk to him though!” said Popuri.
“I will, I will. I just need a little time away from him, tis’ all.”
“I see...”
Jill sighed, changing the subject, “Wanna watch a movie tonight?”
Popuri nodded, “Sure, sounds cool.”
Then she suddenly clapped, “How about a sleep over?”
Jill blinked. It had been a while. Most of her girlfriends from school generally had sleepovers with their boyfriends after they hit fifteen. Her family would spit fire first. But Popuri was a little older than her so she figured she’d be over that sort of thing too.
Popuri seemed excited and broke off away from Jill to her house, yelling. “I’ll come at 7!”
Yea, she was up to something.
Jill stretched out on her bed, eating popcorn, as Popuri sat cross-legged, pointing poignantly, “Truth or dare?”
Jill laughed, “You should just take out the ‘dare’.”
Popuri grabbed her soda, “So I take that’s ‘truth’?”
“Yup” said Jill, sipping her drink.
“Have you had a lot of boyfriends? I feel like you’d have to knock ‘em back with a shovel.”
“Ha!” Jill snorted, grabbing a slice of pizza, “No freakin’ way. I have—well, I have a lot of brothers and they are overprotective as hell. And my dad pretends he’s not but he is too. I’m the only daughter and I guess ‘big bad men’ are scary. I’ve only gotten to even entertain two boyfriends and they almost pissed themselves thinking my brothers were around the corner so they broke up with me.” Popuri groaned, “I guess that is one thing about my brother: He doesn’t care about what I do. I don’t know what he cares about though.” “O-Oh. Well, um, I turn the question back on you. Have you had a lot of boyfriends?” “Eh, more like ‘beaus’. I was seeing this guy when I was fifteen, sixteen. He was only here for a year but we weren’t serious. None of them around here are” she shrugged. “O-Oh” Jill smiled anxiously. So…should she tell him…? Popuri suddenly grinned, “So since it’s just ‘truth’, let me ask this next: have you ever--” A timid, soft knock came at Jill’s front door and she stood, grinning as well. “Maybe it’s fate you didn’t finish that question, eh?”
Popuri winked and Jill left her bedroom to answer the door. Opening it slowly, her eyes widened when she saw a demure Cliff standing at her door, his arms behind his back and staring at his feet.
“Hey, Jill...”
She felt her heart pounding but she said calmly. “Hi, Cliff.”
He coughed softly, “Um...I dunno what I did but...I’m sorry. I-It probably was that crazy flag stunt, right?”
She laughed nervously, “You didn’t do anything! What would give you that idea?”
He frowned, “Haven’t you been...you know, avoiding me?”
She shook her head, lying. There was no way she could tell him that she was jealous…that she liked him. Juvenile at best. “I’ve just been busy, that’s all.”
She frowned when she saw he was upset. How could she say that? That she was too busy for him…“Um, but I’m free now! You wanna hang out with me and Popuri?”
He looked up, a hopeful glint in his eyes. “Really?”
“Of course, silly. Come in” she smiled.
He blushed cutely for a second and handed her some daisies he had behind his back.
“Um, just in case you were mad at me” he said sheepishly. She blushed, not used to non-relatives giving her flowers. Her boyfriends didn’t want to leave evidence, after all. “T-Thanks...but I’m not.”
“Oh well” he said happily.
She let him in and he followed behind her into her bedroom. He looked a bit freaked out when he came to her door. “Um, should I? We’re not discussing our feelings and boys, are we?”
She shoved him, laughing, “Just go in!”
Popuri waved to Cliff, looking smug. Yea, she probably set this up. “Hi, Cliff!”
“Hi!” he waved back.
He sat on the floor and then looked a bit scared. “Oh my God, this is one of those girly things.”
Popuri giggled, “Of course!”
Jill watched with amusement as Popuri put Cliff’s hair up into pigtails with two big pink ribbons. He even let her put blue eye shadow on him. Jill laughed, leaning back against the bed. “Oh my God.”
He walked to the mirror and his eyes widened, “Wow...”
Popuri giggled, “I’m jealous, Cliff, you make a better-looking woman than I do.”
He chuckled, “I’ll attempt to take that as a compliment though hardly. I look like a very masculine ‘Oops, I Did It Again’ era Britney Spears.”
Then he went into an off-tune, improvised version of “I’m a Slave 4 U”, sending them into hysterical laughter. Jill chuckled when Popuri looked through her albums, gasping when she would recognize a song she hadn’t heard in a while. She started to sing A.D.I.D.A.S by Korn. Yes, the more time she spent with Popuri, she was starting to feel like maybe she was very much Koji’s type...
Jill’s cheeks were red from consistent laughing with the variety of karaoke the two went through. Her high school friends had all went to college or abroad and, while she still kept up with two of them, for the most part she got left behind after high school graduation. She…did miss this. When she took the dishes to the kitchen, she glanced at her clock and her mouth fell open in shock. 4 a.m.? She winced. She’d lost track of time and there was no way she could wake up in two hours to start farm work. She sighed and headed to her bedroom and Cliff noticed her stressed look. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s already 4 and I have to wake up at 6” she groaned.
“Oh, well, don’t worry! I’ll help you in the morning” said Cliff brightly.
“Me too!” Popuri added. Jill smiled, touched. “Really? You guys are the best...ready to sleep?”
Cliff frowned and fidgeted, uncomfortable, “Um, I guess I should--”
Jill glared, “I am not letting you walk to the inn at 4 in the morning! Here, sleep. We promise we won’t do anything to you.”
Popuri giggled at the priceless look of astonishment on Cliff’s face. She went and pulled out a futon she had brought when she hadn’t known the house would be fully furnished. She set it on the floor for him and he looked relieved.
“Oh, I thought you wanted me to sleep with you.”
She pushed him, hiding her extreme embarrassment, and Popuri laughed, climbing into one of the twin beds that was in the room for some reason along with Jill’s big bed which she hadn’t moved yet, maybe originally for a child. Jill climbed in and smiled.
“Night, guys.”
“Night...” yawned Cliff sleepily.
“Night...” sighed Popuri.
Jill fell asleep for a moment, then woke up to stare at the sleeping Cliff. He looked so sweet. She’d missed him. So perhaps in the end...his friendship meant a lot more to her.
“So, who the fuck have you met?” “Koji Yagami.” Jill rolled her eyes as they sat around the table, waiting for hotpot at the restaurant. Yagami Shaun, the baby of the family, graduated from high school, currently May. She had gotten her work done early today to venture home to Hondo. It was…a bit surreal already, weirdly enough. Their mother glowered at her older brother who had made the remark at the celebration dinner, the surly fellow a bit tipsy on sake. Koji looked nonplussed. “I just wanted to ask if she had met anyone in her new location.” …It wasn’t like they were anything. In fact, Cliff didn’t even seem slightly interested in her. That ‘oh, I thought you wanted me to sleep with you’ relief solidified it to her, in fact. But, well…she wasn’t certain SHE could talk about Cliff without making it sound like it wasn’t something. The icing on the cake was that Izumi deal she hadn’t looked any further into but, boy, would it be ironic. Opening her mouth, she was about to announce she was good friends with the infamous Popuri. Alas, she paused. Of course, Koji…might not like THAT either. Staring, she drawled, “…The mayor wears a top hat?” “Uh, what?” With a giggle, the pink haired woman seated beside her swatted her arm, “Unless he’s a cute man with a top hat, Jill, I’m not sure that’s what interests the crowd.” Jill snickered, “Nee-san, he is the most INTERESTING thing about that sorry town.” Yagami Lyla sighed, “Oh, that’s a shame.” “Is it?” leered Shin in response to his wife. Shaun pouted, “Hey, I graduated today! Stop grilling nee-san about nonexistent boyfriends.” “Thanks, Shaun…I think” Jill drawled. Nelly snorted, readjusting the buttons of his dress shirt, “We already know all about you, punk. You’re going to fucking Keio University and are renting a house in the Azabu district because that’s where SAILOR MOON was set.” Biting her lip as Shaun beamed about this, Jill stammered, “A-And Ann is going with you, right?” “Yep!” Ann…really, Jill imagined the two had to be related, they were both blue-eyed redheads. Shaun’s good high school friend though, her name was Annaliese Robins and was mostly American and European. As far as she could tell, Ann in Mineral Town was Japanese alone but…her dad was named Doug so maybe not? She…couldn’t see being on good enough terms with her to ask. Koji stared at her absently before sighing, reaching into his pocket, “…Anyway, Jill, my school is pretty close to one of the docks near Mineral Town so, if you ever need to stop by or something, here’s a key.” Jill frowned as he handed her a spare to his apartment. “Oh, all right. Thank you, nii-san. You should be done this Summer, right?” “Probably Autumn” Koji yawned, “Just a few classes, I was a bit behind.” She saw out of the corner of her eye the way Shin looked a bit dismayed. Oh. Koji had to take time off to help him, the plan was a full year early. Lyla rubbed Shin’s arm, smiling, “Well, that’s still a full semester early, Koji, that’s great.” “Yea, overachiever” sulked Nelly at his twin. Koji was unbothered, “Yea, yea. I…I’m a little torn on some things but I guess I’ll hit that road when I come to it.” Hmm? Their mama smiled, waving toward the door, “Yama!” Her dad briefly had to run to the hospital to manage some things right after Shaun’s ceremony, greeting everyone with a smile as he approached, “Hello, everyone.” “Hey, pops. Jill’s got some dude with a top hat.” The hell. While she meant to be angry at Koji, she was honestly more amused by the look on her father’s face which was most likely more the reason the idiot made the comment: to get a reaction. “Who wears a top hat??” “Dad” Jill giggled, “It’s the mayor. The MAYOR. He’s old and he’s short, you have nothing to be concerned about. He might be involved with some guy from Wasaba named Kano too.” “Kano?” Yamada echoed, sitting beside his wife, “Kano…” Dana smirked at her husband, pouring him a drink, “Dear, I don’t think you have to have known EVERYONE in Wasaba.” “He’s a photographer” Jill added. Yamada tapped Dana’s shoulder with the back of his hand lightly, his eyes brightening, “The Photographer.” “God, we knew everyone in Wasaba” Dana groaned heavily. ‘The Photographer’? Nelly laughed, rubbing his hands together when the pots of broth were brought over with trays of meats and veggies to cook, “That’s a very uncreative street name. What was yours again, dad?” Shrugging, Yamada sighed, “Something stupid, I’m sure, if I even had one.” “Hey, sorry I’m late, I HAD to finish that stupid exam.” Her twin sauntered up, at last, also having been present at the graduation but taking off to take an exam in class. He settled between Shaun and her. Dana smiled, “You’re just in time, dear.” “Yea, we were talking about how Jill only thought to mention some old man in a top hat with a boyfriend” Koji teased. She stuck out her tongue at him as she gathered chicken and nabe in her basket. Tony snorted, starting to build his portion, “Isn’t that a good thing?” “Like, how do you KNOW the guy is his boyfriend? Maybe he just needs a place to crash. Me and Ann are gonna live together” Shaun replied. Generally everyone paused, looking to him slowly. “…Um, what now? ANN is going to live with you?” Nelly droned. Shaun nodded emphatically, “She only gets money for tuition for school, she wouldn’t have enough for a place so she’s going to pay our utilities while I pay the rent at our place.” “…Are you sure her…dad is okay with that, dude?” Koji questioned slowly. “Eh? Why wouldn’t he be?” Dana leered, “They are FRIENDS. I think it’s fine.” Their dad gave her a strange ‘seriously?’ look. Bleh, they sucked, that’s what was wrong with them anyway. No one of opposite genders could POSSIBLY just be ‘friends’. Sure, Lyla and Shin were ‘friends’ at one point too and were now married and so were their parents but that didn’t mean EVERYONE. …Of course, Jill…slightly saw the ‘concern’, Shaun was obliviously smitten with Ann to a degree. Just Ann didn’t see him that way! So, it was fine. Jill…could commiserate.
 Cliff and Jill were walking from the river after a long day of fishing. It was just one of those boring days where she’d finished up early and Cliff had nothing to do...which was just about every day. She glanced at him as it seemed his eyes were locked to his feet. She raised an eyebrow. Cliff and distant were two words that never went together. Finally, after a couple minutes, he asked quietly. “So, who ya’ going to the Goddess Festival with?”
She blinked, “The ‘what’ festival?”
He looked up, that vibrant look she was more used to appearing on his face. “You don’t know!”
She shook her head and he turned around, grinning. “It’s this huge shindig where all the girls of the village get together and learn to dance this whacked out 16th century dance but it’s, like, tradition. They dress up in these pink gowns and wear these flower veils and stuff--”
“Sounds like hell!” she exclaimed.
He laughed, “Maybe to you but it’s still kind of fun because after you finish your little dance, you get to eat then dance by yourself. It’s like a high school dance.”
“So, who ya’ going with?” he said suddenly.
“Going with?”
“Yeah” he said slowly.
“I guess no one. I don’t know if I’d even want to go” she frowned.
He looked mortified and grabbed her hands. She blinked up at him and he said happily.
“No way! Come with me!”
“Um, sure, if you want...”
“Really? Sweet!”
He released her hands and hummed happily. She raised an eyebrow, not understanding why he was so pleased. When they came to her door, he winked. “Hey, you know this is kind of considered a date, right?”
Her heart leapt and she gaped at him as he grinned.
“See ya’ Saturday. Might wanna see Pu on the details on dance practice” he said as he walked away, leaving her gawking at him.
She clasped her heart and blushed. A date?
“That Cliff. Such a romantic” sighed Popuri.
Jill lied on Popuri’s bed, staring at the wooden ceiling, still astonished, “I guess...” Popuri smiled, “Got your dress?”
Jill pulled the packet out of her bag and unfolded it. “Haven’t looked at it--”
Her mouth fell open in horror as it unraveled. It was a pink…frock. “What the hell is this?! I wouldn’t wear this to my own funeral!”
Popuri laughed, “They aren’t very creative, are they?”
Being that her mother was now a world-famous designer, she expected a certain level of…quality. This was not the quality of Yagada so she was probably being a little snooty.
“Well, in all the years I’ve done it, you can add little things. I wouldn’t go making it a tube top or anything unless you know what you’re doing.”
Jill walked to Popuri’s desk and cut the sleeves off with a mischievous grin. “I have to know what I’m doing with who my mother is, Popuri.” Popuri snickered, “Yea, I’ll leave that fancy stuff to you. I usually just add some flowers. I make this thing a tube top, the girls are busting out to party too.” Laughing, Jill folded the dress back up, “Oh no, I understand. You have a lot more to account for than I do.” She was quite busty. Like, very busty. Popuri was curved like an absolute hourglass too. It was crazy how much she was Jill’s brother’s type. It was just…unnatural. Somehow, she hadn’t had the heart to ask if Popuri…actually remembered though.
“Well, you’re not that flat. I’m sure Cliff will love it” Popuri teased.
Jill blushed and glowered at her, pouting. Cliff…he’d seemed rather depressed when he thought she had a date to this thing and then he’d been so happy to ask her. What did it all mean?
Did Cliff…somehow feel the same way she did?
Popuri came and practiced the dance with her all day that week up until the day before. On Saturday, Jill woke up extra early to get her chores done so she’d have extra time to get ready. She pulled on her dress, pleased with the sewing and extra embroidering she did to make the top more like an empire style. Maybe even her mama would be impressed.
She placed flowers through her hair before staring at herself in the mirror and chuckling. She should take a picture and send it to her brothers to freak them out.
A knock at her door interrupted her thoughts and she rushed to get it. Her eyes widened.
Cliff stood there wearing a black dress shirt and a pair of dark colored jeans that didn’t look like he’d just thrown them on. His hair was down and his neck was accented by a leather necklace with a tribal symbol. So, Cliff could look hotter. He ran his fingers through his hair before he looked down. His eyes widened. “O-Oh.”
She smiled shyly, “I look okay?”
She stared at him in confusion before a large smile crossed his face, “Okay isn’t good enough. But you should know that.”
He grabbed her hand and winked playfully. “Ready to go stir up some trouble?”
“Oh no...” she groaned.
“I don’t mean that kind of trouble, silly.”
...Oh no.
The traditional dance went over well enough. She kind of became the center of attention, unwittingly, which angered some of the other girls. It wasn’t intentional. Oh well, the important part was…time to party!
Both her and Popuri were grinding against Cliff, who at first was a bit sheepish but lightened up, of course. What she liked most about him, really. The older adults scolded their little spectacle out on the dance floor but it wasn’t like their kids weren’t doing similar. She guessed that was kind of the issue with local events: everyone was present.
Jill’s eyes caught Ann’s, who was giving her a rather strange expression. What? Popuri giggled suddenly, leaving from behind Cliff. Jill blinked at her then noticed a slow song had come on. She blushed and Cliff took her hand.
“Come on. You’re not shy, are ya’?” he teased lightly.
“Of course not” she scoffed, still blushing.
He placed an arm around her waist and she fought back blushing more. She carefully put her arm around his waist. It was one of those magical moments she hadn’t believed in up until that second. She rested her cheek on his chest and closed her eyes as she listened to his heart. She felt his chin on the top of her head.
At that moment, she was sure she couldn’t get any happier.
Popuri watched the two happily as they danced, sipping some of the punch. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Ann and Mary, standing close enough for her to hear them.
”Look at that” scowled Mary.
“Hmph” muttered Ann.
“Why are you letting her steal your man?” questioned Mary.
“My man? You know best I’m not interested in Cliff though” said Ann, cutting her eyes at Mary.
Popuri was relieved. That just meant that Jill could pursue now that Cliff was interested too. Mary rolled her eyes toward her own mother, Manna, who was chatting in the corner.
“…But, just for the hell of it.”
Eh? Popuri watched in shock as Ann started to walk toward Cliff and Jill. Alarmed, Popuri started to go after Ann when Mary stopped her.
“Now shouldn’t you be getting home? I wouldn’t want Rick to worry.”
Popuri gaped at her, knowing she couldn’t really smack the woman out of the way in this crowd, but…she gritted her teeth. Damn.
It was all too perfect. Jill wanted it to stay like this forever, if…it were allowed. For once, her brothers weren’t…here to just shut this down, to terrorize. Yes, they would find out there were far more interesting things here than a man in a top hat, but…she wanted to be allowed to have something too. And…if it were with Cliff, if…he wanted her too…
“Cliff?” she murmured softly.
“Hmm?” he said, his voice calm.
“What do you t--”
Her question was cut off by a tap on her shoulder. She turned around, sort of expecting Popuri, but instead…Ann? Ann pretended to smile at them, the gesture almost too fake.
“Hi, Cliff” she said, completely ignoring Jill.
“Um, he-hey, Ann. Wh-What’s up?” he faltered.
“Oh, nothing. Just a little confused, usually you ask me to dance” she pouted. “O-Oh yea, th-that’s true.”
Jill glanced at him as he got all shy with Ann who was literally just smiling at him. She gulped and blurted, “Um, why don’t you two dance? I’ll...I’ll just go home. I have work to do and I have to get up early, so...um, you can have him.”
She winced at her own words and Ann smiled, “Why, how generous of you.”
“Jill--” started Cliff.
She rushed off, not wanting to hear anything he had to say. She wasn’t mad at him. He hadn’t asked her to give him up to Ann. She panicked. She…she wasn’t used to opposition, especially when the opposition could get him tongue-tied. She blinked back tears and ran as quickly as she could from the square. No, Jill, it…wasn’t even opposition. She guessed they were just friends.
She ran blindly past Barley’s farm and Popuri’s home, taking a shortcut to avoid people, just wanting to get back to her farm and never leave, absolutely embarrassed. Following that intention alone, she ran right into what felt like a brick wall. She gasped and started to fall back. Heels weren’t good for maintaining balance.
Arms reached out and wrapped around her waist, catching her. She winced and touched whomever it was’ chest. She gasped.
“I’m...I’m sorry!” she apologized.
She looked up and breathed, startled. He had warm, tanned skin with chocolate eyes, wearing a purple bandana around black curly bangs that hung randomly on his forehead. Dressed in a white t-shirt, a pair of blue violet cargo shorts, and flip flops, he looked like a lifeguard. He tilted his head and stared down at her.
“It’s cool. You good?”
She straightened up and patted at her dress, mostly because she was embarrassed. Her cheeks were flushed and she mumbled. “A-Ah, yes. I’m sorry...”
She didn’t turn her head to even glance at the owner of the voice. Cliff... she felt his presence behind her and felt him huffing for breath.
“Jill, wha...why’d ya’ leave?” he wheezed.
“Dunno, don’t you want to be with Ann?” she said, more sardonic than she meant to be.
“What?? No! I-I mean, not-not really--”
He stopped and she finally turned to glance at him. She was surprised by the look on his face. It was a mixture between irritation and...territorial? The expression was rather disturbing as it went directly against what she understood about him. She backed away slowly. The guy behind her laughed.
“What an idiot. Letting your date run off so you can be with that chick that doesn’t give a fuck about you. This one is way hotter than Ann too.”
She blushed some at his comment, turning to glance at him and suddenly wondering exactly who he was as she hadn’t seen him around before. Cliff growled.
“Shut up and mind your own business, Kai.”
Kai, she guessed was his name, waved his hands, “Well, excuse me! If you did let her bounce for Ann, that is an injustice. But I’ll stay out of it.”
He continued back up the route in the direction she came and winked. “If you want a man with eyes and common sense, miss, I live on the beach during the summer. Drop by some time.”
Jill just kind of stared at his back in shock. Wow. A sound beside her interrupted her thoughts and she turned to glance at the source. Cliff’s eye was twitching. She gulped and turned away from him. She started to feel extremely uncomfortable. Who was this? This wasn’t Cliff, was it? His angry features melted suddenly then he turned and gave her a serious look. “Stay away from him.”
Her eyes widened before they narrowed and she stepped closer to him, staring directly into his face. “Who are you to tell me who to stay away from?”
He frowned and shook his head, “Just listen to me! He’s a bad guy! I’m trying to protect you!”
Oh, hell no. She had FIVE of those back home. “And who asked you to protect me?”
She stomped past him and he followed her quickly. “Where are you going?”
“Home” she grumbled in response.
He caught her elbow and at her current level of stress, that was not a smart move. She swung around and slapped his hand away. His eyes widened, startled. All her senses told her to beg for forgiveness. She didn’t mean to. He released her, rubbing the back of his hand.
”What’s even going on, Jill? What’s the problem?” he asked slowly.
She gulped. “Problem…?”
She felt tears sting her eyes. At least this much was a little too new to her. Even the two boyfriends she’d had were more basic than this. They just passed a note asking her to be their girlfriend, really. Here, she didn’t know if she was supposed to confess to him her feelings or wait for him to do so. If she confessed, she knew he wouldn’t feel the same. He liked Ann. But, of course, if he did like Ann, he wouldn’t ever confess to her. It was a lose-lose situation. She turned on her heel, walking away. Cliff stopped following her and finally murmured. “Jill...”
She stopped and glanced back at him, not knowing what to expect. She hoped…
“...Really. Stay away from him.”
Her mouth fell open, shocked. She turned her head back forward, biting back the stinging tears of heartbreak, and ran off again, screaming, “Go to hell!”
That was the beginning of Summer and the end of the best Spring of her life.
End Notes
 Aww, they are so eighteen/nineteen year olds.
 So there’s this band from the 90s, they fell under this category called ‘nu-metal’. Very screamy, very heavy in guitar—not the hardest but harder than, say, most current popular rock. They’re called ‘Korn’ and they have a song called ‘A.D.I.D.A.S’ which stands for ‘All day I dream about sex’, not the shoe. Popuri sang that one.
I don't own Britney Spears 'Slave 4 U', which, uh, seems like a bit of a touchy name now, I guess? But I was a jam when it came out, believe me.
0 notes
dwaeki · 3 years
beomgyu as ur bf ! (random headcanons)
pairing: beomgyu x gn!reader
genre: fluff, comedy
warnings: none other than poorly written fluff, intended lower case and maybe some spelling errors :D
a/n: YET AGAIN I WENT WITH THE FLOW SO SORRY IF IT'S KINDA BAD- keep in mind that english isnt my first language thank you <3
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another one of my ults nfakjnglkejngr
you're dating a clown-
honestly, how do u even survive because he's actually so annoying
but he loves you though, i promise <3
an actual brat.
teases you a LOT !!! but never in a mean way.
if you trip over your own feet and fall, he's probably going to laugh at you, offering his hand to help you up but then quickly pulling it back to mess with you!
or if you accidentally drop your phone, spill some water on yourself, etc. he's going to tease you,
"y/n, what are you? a 3 year old?? you can't even walk without tripping, HAH, DUMMY!!!!"
loves to push your buttons to get different reactions out of you :D
he's quite empathetic though, so it's never his intention to hurt your feelings by poking fun at you.
if he notices that his teasing is making you uncomfortable or insecure he will not hesitate to stop,
making you feel loved and appreciated is his number one priority <3
he's determined to make you laugh, because when he hears you giggle... phew he's on cloud 9,
knowing the fact that he's the reason you're grinning from ear to ear is just such an ego boost :(
he will do anything to make you smile and i mean anything...
even if it results in him looking like a fool 😞
you two go grocery shopping together <3
honestly, he sometimes embarrasses you to the point where you regret bringing him with you in the first place 😐
like you've literally just entered the store and he's already whining, asking if you're done yet so you can finally go home and cuddle at once !! :/
it's usually just you doing all the shopping while he follows you around,
he's just there to assist you when you can't reach the high shelves‼️
the store you go to is pretty small and very close to your neighborhood, so you're basically familiar with everyone who visits it.
there's this one sweet lady with a kid around the age of 10, and beomgyu swears that "the child is a devil!!"
he has already made enemies... with a 10 year old-
you had to apologize to his mom multiple times because your 20 year old boyfriend couldn't stop bickering with her son.
he also helps you do your chores !!
he's very playful, hence anything can be fun if beomgyu's around :D even boring things like washing the dishes or cleaning your room (no offense to whoever likes it)
he turns everything into a game, a competition to be more precise...
"whoever finishes washing the dishes last has to buy the winner their favorite snack 😋😋"
even if he wins, he still ends up buying you the food of your choice, not letting you spend a single penny on him!!
he competes with you just to rile you up, making bets such as the one mentioned above to keep you determined, not because he actually wants you to do anything for him.
except giving him your undying love and affection of course :D
he's literally so clingy
you usually visit him at the dorms when he's not busy
the second he hears you knock on the door he's quite literally sprinting towards you
you can hear the members complain that he almost pushed them over
once your boyfriend opens the door, he engulfs you in a tight, bear hug™, picking you up and spinning you around, making sure he crushed every single bone in your body <3
the others just watch you get the air knocked out of your lungs in amusement.
speaking of the members, beomgyu always dreamed of you getting along with his best friends,
but once his dream came true he kinda wished it never did </3
you get along a little too well for his liking :/
how come you just laughed at one of yeonjun's jokes right in front of your toddler boyfriend?!?!??!
the entire night he either tries to crack as many jokes as possible to "redeem himself", glaring at an oblivious (and also mildly concerned) yeonjun from time to time
or he starts being poutier and clingier than usual, asking for a kiss every 5 minutes or straight up just dragging you to his bedroom and not letting you go until you cuddle for at least an hour
but in all honesty, he's so relieved that you and the boys are bonding !!
you having a good relationship with his friends is very important to him <3
he's not jealous at all because he knows that you love him and him only :)
he babies you to no end !! (even if you're older than him)
you do something as simple as drink water and he just coos at you
"AWW !!! you look so cute when you drink water like that :("
your number one fan!!!!!
hypes you up and brags about you to everyone <3
if you're wearing a new outfit he will notice right away and just stare at you in awe the second he sees you, won't forget to comment on how gorgeous/handsome you look ;)
also likes it when u compliment him back, it really means a lot <3
please keep feeding his ego he loves it when you notice small details, it makes his heart flutter
you two nap together a lot
if you're not the one for naps you just lay there, next to him, his arms wrapped around your frame tightly as he nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck, sleeping peacefully.
he looks so peaceful and cute when he's not annoying the hell out of you <333
you sometimes snap pictures of his sleeping state and then set it as your wallpaper/lockscreen :D
once gyu found out about your little antics he got extremely cocky
if you ever changed your lock screen to anything but him, he'd get all whiney, begging for you to change it back
also snaps a few pics of you sleeping/just existing peacefully and puts it as his so you two can have "matching wallpapers" <33
he also lends you his jacket if you're ever feeling cold
lives for how cute you look basically buried in his jacket, sighing in content as you're finally warming up a little
if you get tired from walking he's going to give you a piggyback ride <333
laughs and giggles as he lifts you up from the ground, your chest flushed against his back as he carries you to your destination :)
if you did something that upset him and he's scolding you he's just gonna:
"y/n, you're such a dummy!" *holds your hand* "that was very careless of you," *kisses your forehead* "i want you to know that i am very angry at you." *cuddles you aggressively*
while most of your dates are at home,
amusement park dates are very common as well :D
you go on various roller coasters, circular rides, take a few breaks in between and get ice cream or cotton candy
but your favorite ride by far are the bumper cars!
you just race, crash into each other at full speed or get into the same car and absolutely destroy your competition !! (the competition in question are just a bunch of 7 year old kids trying to have fun)
he seranades you :(
learns a bunch of love songs that remind him of you on guitar and sings them to you whenever you're able to hang out <3
he has a playlist full of love songs dedicated to you
offers to give you some free guitar lessons, if you ever want to learn how to play yourself :)
you both also have a collaborative playlist on spotify, along with playlists for each other you update regularly <33
when he's sleepy he's so soft with you :(
he's looking at you with hooded eyes full of love and adoration, you can tell that he's trying his best to stay awake for a little longer, but his eyelids are getting heavier by the second, his voice lower than before
"hey, y/n... you know i love you right? i love you so much that my heart aches whenever i look at you..."
pulls you in closer, if that's even possible, and holds you gently as if you were going to break if he wasn't careful enough,
probably leaves feather kisses all over your collarbone before whispering a one last "i love you" for the night and falls asleep.
yeah... thoughts are being thunk right now y'all-
he really loves you to the moon and back :(
overall your relationship is very chaotic and just.. weird in general.
good luck dealing w/his bs <3
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aquagirl1978 · 2 years
Ikemen Prince Headcanons - How the Suitors react to a sick MC
Here's Part 2 - How Leon's faction reacts to a sick MC
Part One - Chevalier's faction can be found here.
Leon Dompteur
“Hey! I thought we could go –“ Leon stops in his tracks immediately when he sees you lying in your bed, sneezing and coughing.
He comes to your side, asking how you are doing and what he can get you. He fetches you the book you were reading and brings a cool compress for your warm forehead.
As faction leader, Leon did have to check in with the other princes and handle a few tasks. But as soon as he was done, he was back by your side.
Leon knows you would be frustrated being stuck in bed all day, so he invites Yves, Licht and Jin to stop by and say a quick hello to you throughout the day so you won’t feel too lonely or get stir crazy.
Yves Kloss
“You’re sick? Who did this to you? I need names, now!” Yves blames Nokto for doing this to his sweet girlfriend. Jin could also be at fault here.
He orders you to immediate bedrest – servants take care of you round the clock. Anything you want or need is taken care of.
While you take a nap, Yves sneaks off to the kitchen to bake you your favorite fruit tart and some other sweet treats. While on his way back to your room, Yves gives Nokto a firm scolding, warning him to keep away from your room.
When you are ready for bed, Yves snuggles next to you, wrapping you in the warmest blankets.
Licht Klein
“You’re sick, you should be in bed.” Licht says when he runs into you in the hallway, noticing your red eyes and handkerchief in hand. This is confirmed when you sneeze loudly in front of him.
Like Nokto, Licht is not the best at taking care of himself, so he is struggling a bit at what to do for you. He escorts you back to your room, making sure you are comfortable.
Unlike his twin, Licht knows he has duties to take care of, and is prepared to leave you in the care of the servants.
However, there’s a knock on the door – it was Leon, he heard that Emma was sick and practically had to order Licht to spend the day with her. He assures Licht they can handle a day without him, that you are the priority today.
After Leon leaves, Licht settles in a chair near your bed, not wanting to disturb your space. But that wasn’t good enough for you, you need to be cuddled, to which Licht then happily obliged.
Jin Grandet
“Aww, schucks, you’re sick?” Jin was disappointed his girl wasn’t feeling well.
He thought of ways he could cheer you up, try to make her feel better. He considered his favorite pastimes, but thankfully thought better.
He brings you some hot cocoa and a tray of tantalizing pastries – enough to give you a sugar overload. You invite Jin to join you in eating the treats, with him eating most of them.
Jin considered reading you a book. It would be a definite change from his normal reading material nudies, but he was willing to do this for you. Thankfully for him, you were already fast asleep.
Sariel Noir
“You are immediately excused from all duties today,” Sariel ordered as he ushered you out of his office when he noticed you coughing profusely in the middle of your studying.
As Sariel had 8 rather unruly princes to attend to, he did not have the luxury of being by your side all day.
But that was okay as his trusted dog happily accepted the orders to stay by your side. Rio brought you tea and made sure you were fed throughout the day. He also made sure you made no efforts to do any work whatsoever.
When the moon was high in the sky, Sariel made his way to your room, excusing Rio for the evening. He filled you in on what happened during the day, completely ignoring the fiasco Clavis caused earlier – Sariel wanted desperately to forget that incident.
After indulging in a sweet dessert together, you drifted off to sleep in his arms.
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amitlee · 2 years
Hello Amity!! :D I read your FNAF fic and absolutely adored it!! I've fallen back into the FNAF fandom because of Security Breach haha, the fandom is amazing! Anyway, I have a head canon idea for Sun and Moon: Sun uses tickles as a reward for children in the day care, he uses compliments and playful teases to make his lee laugh more. "Aww, you have such a sweet smile new friend! And your giggles are so bubbly and cute! Tickle, tickle tickle~" Moon on the other hand, will use them as a punishment. "Bad children must be punished" so he says, his teasing is a little more mean, but he never takes it too far. "Naughty naughty, you're getting tickled cause you didn't behave little star~ is this little belly of yours ticklish? Oh, was that a squeal I heard?" They both love hearing laughter and tickling is their favourite way to hear kids laugh :D Hope you have a lovely day sweetheart, thank you for writing such amazing fics!! 💙💙
I see your wonderful ideas and I raise you this:
-Moon using a mix or soft and rougher tickles to get a kid to wind down so they can eventually take a nap.
-Moon having to do the same thing to Sun every now and then so there’s some peace around the daycare. (I know they’re in the same body but just hear me out)
-Sun seeing tickles as one of the most fun things to do. He thinks it’s a super fun bonding experience that helps people let loose sometimes. He’s gotten in trouble a few times because he’s taken it upon himself to try and cheer up staff/parents.
-Since Sun and Moon both have bells, games of hide and seek with them are either really easy, or extremely nerve wracking. You can tell where they are which is great if you’re a seeker, but if you’re hiding from a particularly giggly punishment then you know exactly how close they are.
-Sun doesn’t hesitate to tickle people to the ground if they’re acting too big for their britches.
-They’re both know for scooping up children and holding the bridal style to tickle they’re tummies.
Thank you so much for the support! You have no idea how much it means💕. I hope you have great day as well!
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nilolol30 · 2 years
Sundrop (Moon) x Reader
New assistant pt: 3
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Sun and I started to get everyone to group together and get ready for their parents to pick them up making sure everyone had their things that they brought with them while Sun gave them extra Sundrops.
"Okay Little stars I can't wait to see you again we hoped you had a super dooper fun time!" Sun says while doing his little dance again many of the children whined about having to leave one even started crying.
"It's okay hopefully soon you can come back and play with Sun again" I said while patting their back in a attempt to comfort them which worked.
Soon parents entered the daycare and Sun made sure they the kid's went to their parents while I entertained the one's who are waiting for their parents.
Not long everyone was gone and I began to help Sun clean up all the toys and knocked over block's.
"Thank you Star for the wonderful help!" Sun loudly thanks me as he put the last toy in the box.
"No problem this job was more fun than I expected"
"Oh goodie" Sun clapped his hands together and leaned his head onto the back of his hands.
"Quick question where is Moon I was told that he works at the daycare too but I haven't seen him yet" Sun jolted a bit.
"O-oh Moon is only out at nap time that's why lights stay on at playtime" Sun answers nervously.
"Ah that makes sense"
"Now what should we do now Star we still have so many games to play" Sun quickly changes the topic.
"I'm sorry but I need to go home now" I tuned around and was about to walk to the door but Sun grabbed my arm gently.
"W-wait why done you stay longer we can draw, play hide and seek or play tag again!" Sun desperately tried to keep me where I was standing.
"I can't I could get I'm trouble" I couldn't help but feel bad why would someone program a robot to feel lonely that's just messed up.
"No you won't Nic said you would be okay and won't get in any trouble so it's not breaking the rules" I noticed Sun started to shake a little.
"Okay I will stay for only half an hour but that's it okay I need to go home soon" Sun quickly let and and cheered.
"Yay what should we play?!"
"Um why don't we draw for a little bit" if I asked for any game I'm sure he would keep asking for another round.
"Perfect I'll get the pencils and paper while you sit at the tables" after that he ran to the art supplies.
I walked over to a table I was too big to sit on the chair since I wouldn't be able to reach the table so I just sat on the floor Sun arrived with four empty papers he handed me two and kept two for himself he put the tub of pencils in the middle of the table.
"What are you gonna draw?"
"Uhh I'll draw...a garden" I replied.
"Ohh good idea" Sun responded while grabbing a few pencils and started drawing while covering his paper.
"What are you going to draw?"
"It's a super surprise!" Sun laughed.
I picked a few pencils myself and started to draw or well attempt to draw a garden it wasn't too good but wasn't bad either Sun was still working on his paper so I decided to add a swing on the tree in the garden.
"Are you done yet?" Sun asked he was jumping in his seat obviously excited.
"Yeah I just finished" I responded and showed him the picture.
"Oh my goodness it's amazing good job Star!" Sun gave me three sundrops as a 'reward'.
"Okay reddy to see mine?" He asked.
"Yup show me!" Sun tuned the paper so I could see it was a child like drawing of him, me and the children holding hands.
"Aww it looks so good!" Sun smile looked like it got bigger.
"I'm so happy to hear you can keep it so you can remember all the fun today!" Sun pushed his picture to me impatiently I gently took it.
"Thanks you can keep mine if you'd like" I carefully handed it to him.
"I'd love to I'll hang it up with all the other beautiful drawings!" Sun squealed giving your drawing a hug.
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