#Anyway that's beside the point Eric.
wayward-wren · 8 months
okay Eric has shown up in Girl Meets World and given the very broad hints my flatmate had given (she is so bad at hinting) I was legit thinking all yesterday 'if Eric ends up as a hermit like in that one flashforward everyone gets a bad ending episode of bmw I'm gonna be so mad' and he DID and I am so mad.
Admittedly it sounds like there are people around which does soften the blow. Eric is a people person he needs people and I do appreciate the episode acknowledge that. But STILL my guy is more than Idiot Man 😭
The more I watch of girl meets world the more I want to write a longfic
#Wren rambles#Boy meets world#Girl meets world#Don't even get me STARTED on Shawn#I don't hate that he's getting together with Maya's mother#But I DO hate that they basically just thew out his entire relationship with Angela foe it#And he has no reason to be in the show except being mayas father figure#Side note the flatmate who hadn't seen it before was asking if Shawn WAS mayas father#And ngl that would have made a way more interesting storyline imo and I might write it one day#Shawn had a kid maybe without realising and dipped#Realised he's turning into his father#Having to make an effort to break the cycle and being in her life#Anyway that's beside the point Eric.#My guy deserves to have depth#I love the later seasons of BMW so much#But I HATE how Eric just gets relegated to idiot man#Like there that one episode where he throws his dignity away to do everything the rich nepotism new boss lady said#And Jack is trying to be like bro she's using you#But Eric just ignores him and does whatever she says#I Hate It#Fjshfjsjfsjfjsifj I'm gonna have to write a full character analysis aren't I#Or at least a fic#Something about Eric hearing he's stupid from everyone EVEN HIS PARENTS and internalising it#Not seeing any worth--or point in trying--and ending up with a crowd that's taking advantage of him#He's SMART#He's good with people! Stop calling him stupid!#(I also have a headcanon that he had an e ating dis order in highschool#Wanna write something expending on that one day)#ANYWAY I NEED TO GO TO BED NOW ERIC MY BELOVED IM SO SORRY THEY DID THIS TO YOU
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mademoisellebianx · 1 year
Okay I know I once said that I would be okay if they left Eric (the character, not Bogosian) out in the series but I take it back. I want to see him.
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amomentsescape · 5 months
Hey I love yanderes and slashers and used to have a sleep walking problem where I would try to crawl through windows, can you do a yandere slasher x reader where the reader has developed Stockholm syndrome and been loving to the slasher so they trust them and let them have more freedom. Then they see them try to crawl out a window in their sleep? How would they react? Would they believe the reader? What would make them believe them if they didn't? If they didn't believe them the how would they react to finding out the reader told the truth?
Thank you so much! And merry Christmas! 🎄 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅
Slashers with Reader Who Sleepwalks & Tries to Leave
Yandere! Slashers x Reader (Separate)
Warnings: Yandere behavior, of course. Mentions of abusive behavior
A/N: Merry (late) Christmas! I hope you all had a great holiday! For this request, I decided to leave Eric out. He's just the complete opposite to a Yandere in my opinion, and it was nearly impossible for me to write him as such. I hope that's okay!
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Freddy Krueger
He knows you would never purposefully leave him
Like, he actually knows
His (undead) life revolves around sleep
He knows when you're awake and where you're actually sleeping, even if he keeps you stuck in his dream world
So when he finds you trying to escape out of the little window he built for you, he just laughs
He had already known you sleep walked
He'd been haunting your dreams for weeks prior to actually taking you
Freddy just keeps watching you, not really doing anything about it
You're stuck in his world either way
Might as well see how far you'll go
He'll almost use this as a test of sorts
He'll let you wander to wherever you want to go in your sleep, and he may even change the environment to something you don't recognize
When you wake up, his name better be the first thing that falls from your lips
If it's not...
Well, he'll just have to try harder at getting you to need him
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Michael Myers
It took a very long time for Michael to get to this point
The fact that he lets you sleep without chains is a huge decision on his part
He doesn't trust easily
And any feelings of trust he did have come crumbling down the moment he wakes up without you beside him
It didn't take long to find you
There you were, pushing and prodding at the boarded up window
He's truly pissed
And a little hurt
He really thought you were growing to actually like your situation
But when he spins you around and sees your eyes staring blankly through him, he tilts his head
You don't seem... right?
He'll shake you harshly until he sees the life come back to your eyes
When you finally look up at him with a similarly confused look on your face, he starts to realize
He understands you well enough to know when you're not acting like yourself
When he finally explains what you were doing after you repeatedly asked him, you sigh
You explain that sometimes at night, you wander around without realizing it
A sleepwalker, huh?
Sadly, the chains will need to come out again
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Jason Voorhees
You wouldn't actually leave him, right?
You seemed so caring
He actually believed you when you said you needed him
But here you were, trying to leave your shared home in the middle of the night
He almost breaks down as he picks you up and takes you back to your room
He finds it a bit odd that you don't fight back at all, but he assumes you just don't care to
He locks you up and makes sure that you can't go anywhere
How could you do this to him?
When you wake up the next morning in chains and not in your shared bed, you begin to cry for Jason
He tries to ignore you, but he can't bring himself to hear your sad voice calling out to him
You try your best to tell him that you don't remember what happened, and that you would never leave him
And maybe he's too trusting, but he believes you
You just seem so sad and so genuine that it's impossible for him to think it's anything other than honesty
You couldn't be that stupid anyways
You'd get lost in those woods alone at night, he knows that
So he just has to believe you
He loves you, and love means trust, right?
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Thomas Hewitt
But you were being so sweet to him just hours before
How could you lie to his face like that?
He wakes up without you in his arms, and he just about loses it
Frantically searches for you around the house and finally finds you at one of the nailed in windows
He pulls you away quickly, staring at you sadly
He's waiting for an explanation, but you don't say anything
You just stare
You weren't acting like yourself
He pushes you back towards the bedroom and you walk the rest of the way yourself, climbing back into bed with ease
He's confused, but decides to see if it will happen again
You can't leave anyways
The whole house is locked up, and you don't even know where the keys are
You act just like your normal self the next day
And that night, you're back to walking around with a blank stare
He figures this just might be a thing you do
Doesn't really try to stop you, but he does follow you most nights to make sure you don't accidentally hurt yourself
On nights he wants you in bed, he ties some old fabric around your ankle and holds you tight while you sleep
You might not ever know about your late night adventures unless he decides to tell you
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Bubba Sawyer
He's quite literally blubbering to you
He's crying, he's frantic, he even shakes you a bit, and you just stand there not responding
He keeps waiting, and when you start to just wander around again, he loses it
What's wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?
He ties you back into bed and stays up the rest of the night, watching you
The next morning, he confronts you stressfully
You keep telling him over and over that you don't know what he's talking about
But he refuses to believe you
(He wants to believe you, he's just scared)
He only finally realizes you were being honest when in the middle of the day during your nap, he finds you wandering back to the window with his whole family watching you
You weren't stupid
Why would you try to leave when literally everyone could see you in broad daylight?
His family begins laughing and saying things like "looks like you got yourself a sleepwalker"
So you weren't purposefully trying to leave him?
He cries tears of joy and spends the next couple of days pampering you and giving you just about everything you want
He does his best to show you that he's sorry
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Brahms Heelshire
It's quite literally known that Brahms has abandonment issues at this point
So when he catches you climbing up onto the window sill
He loses it
Will grab you and roughly pull you off, your body falling to the ground
This immediately wakes you up, your eyes searching around frantically
When you see Brahms standing above you, you try to reach for him, but he only shoves you away
You look so sad and confused at this, but Brahms is too stubborn to give in
He starts tying you up again each night, still very hurt that you would try to leave like that
It takes weeks for you to gain his trust again
And the one night he lets you sleep freely, he catches you by the window again
But instead of grabbing you immediately, he decides to just watch
He wants to see how far you'll go so he knows just how severe your punishment will need to be
But instead, you just give up on unlocking the window (it was jammed), and you just turn around and walk straight back to bed, not even registering Brahms being right there
This is odd
You need to explain the concept of sleepwalking to him the next day
He still remains skeptical for a while, but he'll come around
You just need to be extra attentive for a while...
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Norman Bates
Norman already knows a lot about sleepwalking
(It's what he thought was going on for a while when he couldn't remember large chunks of time throughout the week)
When he finds you opening a window in the middle of the night, he bolts at you, ready to lock you back up in one of the motel rooms again
However, when you don't respond or reveal any emotion on your face, he immediately knows what's going on
He's surprised
He didn't know you'd be a sleepwalker
He decides to just lead you back to bed, knowing that waking you isn't the best idea
Sits you down the next morning and talks with you about it
When you seem very apologetic, he uses it to his advantage
Has you cuddle up with him even more than normal and stay by his side at all hours of the day
He still gives you some freedom
But he's always watching
He does take some precautions and ties your wrist up in the middle of the night
He has to, for your safety of course
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Billy Loomis
To be honest, you don't make it very far
Billy has an iron grip on you at all times, and he's a light sleeper
The moment you get up, he's awake, observing you carefully
Sometimes you have to pee in the middle of the night, but he still makes sure you aren't lying to him
His ability to trust is practically in the ground
The moment you turn the wrong way, he's up and chasing after you
Were you that dumb? You knew he watched you every time you got up from bed
He grabs your wrist quickly and points a knife at your throat as a threat
He can't bring himself to actually hurt you though, not that you knew that
Or did you?
Because you just stand there not even moving away from the blade
Billy becomes very confused
He takes his hand and begins to wake it in front of your face, looking for some sort of reaction
You don't give him one
Are you still... asleep?
He shakes you a bit until you finally look at him, confusion written all over your face
You're a sleepwalker, aren't you?
He just rolls his eyes annoyed and drags you back to bed, not explaining anything
Just another thing he needs to look out for now
You sometimes wake up to bruises on your hips and waist from how hard Billy holds you in the night, but he's just trying to protect you, right?
He doesn't mean to hurt you, he just refuses to lose another person in his life
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Stu Macher
Stu literally sleeps on you, so it's nearly impossible for you to leave the bed most nights
But if you somehow wiggle your way out, you wouldn't make it outside the house
The windows have been nailed so that they only open a small amount
When he finds you the next morning, curled up under a partially opened window, he just smiles
Call it naive, but he just assumes you were getting too warm in the bed
When you wake up in a confused state however, he becomes concerned
What do you mean you don't remember opening that window?
He honestly just becomes more worried that there's something wrong with your memory rather than you trying to leave him
He'll likely talk to Billy about it
He just hears laughter from the other end of the phone
"Sounds like they sleep walk," he'd say
Stu does a bunch of research on it later
He doesn't really mind though
All of the unsafe objects are already hidden away, and every possible exit is locked down
You aren't going anywhere
If anything, he finds it fun to wake up some mornings and look around for you
It's like a game, and Stu loves games
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juyeonszn · 10 months
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PAIRING kim sunwoo x f!reader
GENRES smut ﹒ fluff
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, mature language, umm age gap!! reader is like 10 or so years older than sunwoo (it’s never really specified what her exact age is), reader is also eric’s older sister, there’s a bit of spanish thrown in here lol they’re in mexico for vacation what did u expect, sun eric and hak are professional baseball players, there’s a scene where a waitress is kinda icky to reader bc she’s older, i think mentions of alcohol, sunwoo is down BAD down bad to the point of no return it’s crazy, he’s also a horny impatient little shit, soft dom!sunwoo ig idk, oral (m! & f! receiving), face fucking, handjob ish, a little bit of hair pulling, vaginal fingering, So Much Praise, UNPROTECTED SEX pls be safe!!, edging, delayed orgasm kinda, missionary position, creampie, aftercare :P, the last scene is so cute and disgusting i hate couples
SUMMARY despite being nearly a decade older than him, sunwoo’s always had his eyes on you. so when your younger brother invites you to join them on vacation, you fall right into his trap. you can’t really blame him for finally taking the bait after all these years.
MORE woah hey again 😋 this one isn’t as wild as the hyunjae fic, but it has its moments LOLL if u ever read my warnings about this when it was on my wip list, then u know that this was actually an old fic back from when i wrote for anime 😭 i changed a lot tbh but a good chunk of the original plot is still there 👍 i got inspo for the last scene from a tumblr quote my irl posted on instagram isn’t that crazy anyway….. enjoy!!
PLAYLIST nectar — wayv, tangerine love (favorite) — nct dream, delicious — the boyz, passion fruit — the boyz, horizon — jaehyun, moonlight sunrise — twice
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When you agreed to go with your younger brother on a vacation in Mexico for a week with his friends, you weren’t sure what you were expecting.
You knew your brother’s friends well. They'd gone to high school together and after partly going their separate ways following graduation, decided to go on yearly trips to make up for any lost time. This year, the destinations were the gorgeous beaches of Mexico. Cozumel, Cancun, you name it. You were hitting all the spots.
Those were the luxuries of being the older sister of a professional baseball player.
From the start of your getaway, every single one of your movements felt like they were being watched. Your skin burned with the heat of mocha brown eyes staring at you. Half of you wanted to point it out to Eric, but figured you’d save yourself from the drama. Besides, you were a big girl and two could play at that game.
The first instance took place before you even left for the trip.
You lived about an hour away from Eric and since you were all taking the same flight, you thought it would be more convenient to just ride to the airport together. And because he was closer to the airport, he offered for you to stay at his and Sunwoo’s apartment. Haknyeon would be meeting you there due to prior engagements with his own team.
When you arrived at your brother’s place, you immediately regretted it. You hadn’t called before going over and Eric happened to be out, leaving you alone with Sunwoo. There was nothing wrong with him, you just hadn’t seen him in a couple years and you were afraid of it being awkward.
The younger male helped you bring your things inside, huffing when he dropped your suitcases in the guest bedroom. He wipes away imaginary sweat from his forehead, blowing out a raspberry as he turns to face you.
“Did you pack bricks in there? Why the fuck was that so heavy?”
You laugh. Sunwoo had always been quite the clown as long as you’d known him. “I’m a girl, what did you expect? We never pack lightly.”
“You can say that again,” he snorts, twisting his torso to pop his back. “Uh, are you hungry? We have some leftover takeout in the fridge ‘cause you know damn well neither of us know how to cook.”
Before you can respond, you’re distracted by the sight of him raising his arms to stretch, his t-shirt riding up to show a sliver of his abdomen. From the way his slender fingers lock above his head to the taut skin peeking behind the fabric, you’re entranced. Your brain finally comprehends the fact that Kim Sunwoo was no longer a teenage boy, but rather a grown man.
He clears his throat, breaking your trance and forcing you to stop staring. Your cheeks flush slightly as you attempt to hide the embarrassment flooding your features. His lips are pulled into a smug grin, making you aware that he caught you. He doesn’t say anything though, keeping the cocky smirk as he leaves the room. (Presumably to go to the kitchen.)
With hefty feet, you drag yourself to follow. He’s already warming up the leftovers for you as you take a seat at the island barstool, resting your chin on your palm and your elbows on the counter. Your moment from a few minutes ago is long forgotten as you become transfixed by him on the other side of the island.
It’s weird for you to think about how much Eric has matured, coming from an older sister’s point of view. But having that same realization for Sunwoo is a completely different can of worms. You watch as he extracts the container out of the microwave and opens a drawer beside him to grab a pair of chopsticks simultaneously, all without skipping a beat.
He spins on his heels to place the food in front of you, pausing when he notices that you’re staring at him again. The glint in your eyes was more wholesome than before and it made his heart stutter in his chest. He slides the container across the surface of the island, leaning closer to you.
It was almost like your gaze trapped him in a spell, taking over his actions and drawing him towards you like a magnet. He’s never wanted you as much as he did right now, seeing you in his home, sitting on the stool in his kitchen. Your eyes widen when you’ve snapped back to reality.
Before he can do anything, the sound of the front door unlocking stops him and he’s stepping away to tidy up his mess as if nothing happened. Eric comes in to greet you happily and life continues on just as it had prior to Sunwoo leaning into your personal space. He acts like it never occurred, laughing along at a stupid joke your brother made.
And for some reason, you thought he would keep pretending nothing happened. What a rude awakening you were in for.
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It’s a couple days into your trip and you were sitting on a lounge chair poolside, while Eric and Haknyeon had gone to get drinks. Sunwoo placed himself in the seat next to you, his sculpted chest and torso gleaming in all their tanned glory.
He knew it was wrong of him to pine after his best friend’s sister, but how could he not? There was something about your maturity that drove him crazy. But even if you ignored that, anyone who could see would find you stunningly gorgeous. The sight of you scantily clad in a bikini was enough to make the strongest men weak.
Perhaps it was also the thrill that you were nearly a decade older than him.
At this point, you weren’t sure if the warmth engulfing your body was from the sun or the brunette’s intense gaze, but you want to push your luck, the incident at the apartment still fresh on your mind.
“Sunwoo? Do you mind putting some sunscreen on my back for me?” You ask innocently, grasping the base of the tube firmly. His tongue darts out and swipes across his lips.
She knows what she’s doing, he thinks to himself.
“Yeah, s’no problem,” he responds cooly, standing from his chair to sit behind you on yours.
You’re borderline on his lap, so close that you can feel his breath on your neck. Just to fuck with him some more, you reach behind yourself to untie your swim suit top.
You’ve been on this playing field long enough to know when a man wants you, but you’ve never been an easy target. It was like a game of cat and mouse for you. Right when they think they’ve got you, you always seem to be three steps ahead.
This little chase that you were leading Sunwoo on wasn’t any different.
His fingers dance dangerously low on your back, working the lotion into your skin wonderfully. As you’ve gotten older, your body has undoubtedly changed. The fat of your thighs was far more than it was when you were in your early twenties/late teens. Your stomach was lined with stretch marks, no two the same. But even so, you remained ever confident. You wouldn’t put up with anyone who wouldn’t agree that your so-called ‘imperfections’ were beautiful.
After a few minutes, once the trap had been set, you tied your bathing suit back. The ghost of his skilled fingers lingered as you stood from the lounge chair, spotting your brother and Haknyeon walking back.
The brunette had never been denied before. He got what he wanted without fail, and he’d be damned if this was the one outlier. He’d just have to prove to you that even though he was younger, he was more of a man than any you’d ever been with. And that was a promise.
Later that evening, the four of you had gone to your respective rooms to shower and get ready for dinner. Luckily, Eric had used his brain for something good and reserved separate hotel rooms for each of you. ‘Just in case,’ he’d said.
You did the finishing touches of your makeup and checked your phone, finding a text from your brother.
[8:07] eric: we’re all in the lobby
[8:07] eric: just waiting on u
[8:07] eric: but take ur time dear sister pls don’t rush on our account
[8:08] eric: it’s not like we have an uber waiting for us or anything
[8:08] eric: note the sarcasm btw
You roll your eyes as you grab your purse, tossing the device inside. Who was he to talk about how long it took you to get ready? You were in your thirties and you were not about to be bossed around by your little brother. Back when he was still in high school, you were the one telling him to speed up his morning process.
Your dad had gotten a job halfway across the country right before his second year and it crushed him. You remember how upset he was when they broke the news, the thought of packing up his entire life and leaving all of his friends stung. So instead, you got a well paying job and bought a two bedroom apartment for the both of you, that way he could stay and finish out the rest of high school. You made some sacrifices, sure, but you were practically done experimenting in your life. You were in your late twenties by this point, what more was there to do? You’d already graduated from university so helping out your brother was doing everyone a favor.
After living together for nearly three years, you and Eric had grown a lot closer. With such an age difference, it’d been difficult to relate to one another and bond over certain things. When he’d discovered a new phase to go through, you had moved past it years prior. You were always just out of reach from each other until then. It was like the universe itself was trying to bring you together.
Even now, both of you much older, he still calls and asks to come over to your place so he can hang out. You meant just as much to him as he did to you.
The elevator dings, opening so you can stroll towards the group of young men waiting for you. Right when they caught sight of you, you started making your way to the Uber parked under the carport outside of the hotel.
The drive to the restaurant was silent, but you could feel an intense gaze on your form. Purposefully, you’d worn your most revealing outfit. A nice tight dress to hug your matured body and some skinny heels to elongate your legs. You were thankful that your brother wasn’t the type to be overly protective, well aware that his older sister could carry her own by now. However, you think even Haknyeon had started to pick up on your actions and the unspoken tension between you and Sunwoo.
You arrived at your location for the evening, stepping out of the car gracefully. You received multiple stares from other patrons and even a few employees. You weren’t sure if it was because you were just that drop dead gorgeous, or if it was another reason entirely. Maybe they were wondering what three men who looked as young as they did, were doing with an older woman such as yourself.
You don’t have to dwell on it for too long, a host showing the four of you to a booth almost immediately. Shout out to Eric and Sunwoo for having connections.
The seating arrangement ends up with you and Sunwoo on one side, Haknyeon and Eric on the other. You had a feeling this was not a good idea. They’d dropped you right where he wanted.
When the waitress comes to take your drink order, you feel the toasty warmth of a hand on your thigh, nearly tripping you up as you point out a margarita on the rocks from the menu. After she jots everything down, she taps her pen against the tablet. She then gestures between your party.
“Are any of you dating?” she asks curiously, eyeing you with a quirk to her brow. To anyone else, it’s a normal question. Eric, Haknyeon, and Sunwoo were indeed good looking guys. (One of them was your brother, of course he was attractive— where do you think he got it from?) But you could see right through her fake act. She had to have recognized the three baseball players.
“Haha, no actually. She’s my sister.” Eric chuckles, pointing at you with his thumb. She narrows her eyes momentarily before covering it up with a sickeningly sweet smile.
“Ah, tú hermana.” She tries to laugh off, but when the boys furrow their eyebrows, she realizes it fell upon deaf ears. You fight the urge to burst into laughter at how stupid they were.
“She said ‘your sister’ in Spanish. Idiots, I swear.” You explain to the still confused table. They let out a chorus of ‘ohhhh’s in response. Learning Spanish was something you’re glad you did, seeing as you sometimes needed to translate during your trip. You would definitely hold it over them when you got back.
The waitress seems to notice how close you and Sunwoo are sitting, but doesn’t call you out on it. While the other two are oblivious to her fixation, the brunette catches on quickly, squeezing the inside of your thigh as she continues her silly little version of twenty questions.
“Cuantos años tienes?” She asks you personally, realizing that you can understand her. What ever happened to girls supporting girls?
“How old are you?”
“En mis treinta.” You answer without hesitation, not exactly telling her for the sake of your own satisfaction. The press of Sunwoo’s fingers trails upward, causing you to shift uncomfortably.
“In my thirties.”
You can sense that she wants to say something snarky to you, her opposition to your age clear as glass, but she chooses not to. Whether that’s because she wants to seem like a good person in front of the boys or otherwise, you couldn’t care less. As long as you hadn’t been disrespected. And you knew if you were, Eric and the guys would jump to defend you with all their beings.
After what feels like a millennium, she finally leaves you alone, even going to the extent of switching tables with another waitress. Was that even allowed? You’re not entirely sure, but at least you didn’t have to deal with someone rude.
The majority of the dinner goes smoothly, the drinks and the food tasting unlike anything you’d ever had. Haknyeon couldn’t stop raving about the different flavors he was experiencing. At some point you think he told the waitress to send his thanks to the chef, in true Haknyeon fashion. That was the majority. The rest of the dinner was spent in absolute agony.
A certain baseball player couldn’t keep his hands to himself, eating with one and teasing you with the other. How no one paid any attention to what was happening right in front of them was beyond you. You’d even accidentally whimpered, covering it up by pretending the food was just that good.
The check couldn’t come fast enough, your body betraying you and anticipating getting back to the hotel. Your brother had different plans, claiming that the night was still young and he wanted to have drinks somewhere else. Your disappointment must’ve been obvious, because Sunwoo comes to your rescue.
“Eric, I think your sister’s ready to hit the hay.” He pats the brunette’s shoulder, one hand on his hip.
“Oh we can head back then—“ You interrupt him.
“No no, it’s fine, Eric, I'll be okay on my own. You guys have fun, don’t let me stop you.” You dismiss him. You could get rid of your problem yourself this way. No one to bother—
“I’ll go with you. Someone’s gotta make sure you get to your room safely, N/N. Besides, I'm beat. The sun’s starting to catch up to me.” Sunwoo grins, ruffling your hair. You glare at him, your irritation coming to light for the first time since you’d landed in the country. You’d done so well at acting like he wasn’t affecting you.
“Alright sick! Thanks, Sunwoo! Hak and I will see you tomorrow I guess,” Eric says. He turns to you, hugging your side. “I'll check to see if you’re still awake later.”
And that was that. You and your brother went your separate ways, ordering two Ubers for the pairs you were in.
It took all of about seconds following the ding of the elevator reaching your floor, for Sunwoo’s lips to meet yours. You jump, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist, his large palms supporting you from your ass. It was so attractive that he could hold you like this— showing off the muscles he’s built from all his years of playing baseball, a far cry from that scrawny kid you knew when he was younger
He fumbles with his keycard, waving it frantically in front of the sensor. There’s a flash of green and he pushes the door open wide enough to fit the two of you through its threshold. Never once do your mouths disconnect, kissing each other so feverishly it raises the temperature of the room. He kicks the door closed behind him with his foot, pressing you up against the floor to ceiling mirror-wall beside the bathroom. The heat radiating off of your body fogs up the outline of your figure.
Sunwoo can’t seem to get enough of you, groping and grabbing any part of you that he can. You have to admit, you’ve never felt so needed— so wanted— in your life. In the messiness of teeth clashing and tongues tangling, your desperation begins to run rampant. You whine as he tugs at your bottom lip.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this, N/N,” his voice is husky and breathy, his soft pants filling your ears. He pecks your bare shoulder affectionately, cupping your right breast in his hand. “How long I’ve been waiting for you to take me seriously… to let me treat you like a real man should.”
His knee nudges itself between your legs, creating some much appreciated friction momentarily, his erection prominent against your thigh.
“I know that you know what you're doing when you dress like this. All slutty and revealing, showing yourself off to everyone,” his mouth hovers over the skin of your neck, goosebumps littering the surface. “But really, you do it for me, huh? You do it on purpose ‘cause you know how crazy it makes me. You know exactly what I’ve been wanting since we got here. That’s my smart girl.”
You can’t help the small moan that erupts from the back of your throat, his words and the wet feeling of his tongue circling the area he had just been sucking on going straight to the excitement pooling in your belly. He smiles mischievously, thumb running over your clothed nipple.
You’d been so lost in pleasure that you hadn’t even realized he’d moved you to the bed, your back on the fluffy white comforter and your thighs spread apart for him. He takes a hold of the back of his collar and removes his shirt in one swift motion, pushing your dress upward afterwards to assist you in discarding it.
His eyes rake your now half-naked body, the fullness of your tits nearly spilling out from the lacy nude strapless bra you were wearing. He drags a finger along your lace covered slit, his lips curling when he watches you shudder underneath his touch.
“Sunwoo, please…”
You don’t even know what you’re begging for, just that you need it. And you need it badly.
“Please, what?” He tsks, now massaging your inner thighs, working you up just like he wants. You pout, hoping to convey the message without pleading. Embarrassment floods your body when you realize he’s not gonna make it easy for you. “Use your words, sweetheart.”
You shut your eyes, hoping to will away the sheer mortification flushing your entire being. “P-please touch me.”
This fuels his ego even further. As if it could get any bigger.
“Open your pretty eyes, baby,” he coos, leaning forward to kiss you. When you obey his request, he hooks his long fingers into the waistband of your panties. “There we go. See, good girls get what they ask for.”
He slides them off, parting your legs immediately. The cool air makes you flinch. The one article of clothing that kept you unexposed was gone now, along with the confident woman from earlier in the day.
He repeats his actions from minutes ago, his pointer finger collecting your slick as it slides through your folds with ease. The squelching sound it makes is horrifying, your shame settling back into place. He kisses the plane of your stomach gently, murmuring into the skin.
“Do you hear that, sweetheart? Do you hear how excited you are for me? There’s no point in trying to hide it anymore.”
Your eyes widen at his words, opening your mouth to say something in retaliation but he takes this opportunity to bury two fingers inside of you. A gasp leaves your throat consequently, your back arching on instinct. It had been a while since a man had set aside time for foreplay. He truly was making good on his word, treating you like a real man should.
He lowers himself, positioning his face in front of your pussy and darts his tongue across his lips before flattening it against your clit. The sensation makes you shiver, though that reaction is nothing compared to what happens next. He curls his fingers inside of you, brushing that certain spongy spot that drives you insane, then begins alternating between kitten licking and sucking on the engorged skin of your clit.
You cry out, hands flying down to tug at his hair and dig your nails into his scalp. He doesn’t appear to mind at all, more like he enjoys it, reveling in the way you’re losing yourself to him slowly but surely. It's a dream come true for him. He's finally getting the opportunity to completely ruin you after waiting for-what-felt-like-ever. Horny, teenage Sunwoo would be jumping for joy over this.
He remembers the first time he met you. Eric had invited him, Haknyeon, and other members of the team over to your shared apartment for a team bonding during their second year. The only thought in his mind upon seeing you was ‘damn, I love older women.’ You were just so sure of yourself, he couldn’t help the tightness in his pants and the thumping in his chest.
And those feelings never seemed to fade.
In fact, it appeared that they grew with time. He’d dated other girls since then, especially because he was so popular in high school and in university. Yet for some reason he could never quite pinpoint, things never worked out. They just didn’t feel like the one for him, so he’d end the relationship before anyone got hurt more than they had to. Then the yearly trip would happen and Eric would update him on your life and his crush on you would come rushing back to him.
Even when you’d gotten engaged a few years ago, nothing could stop the way his heart beat only for you and you alone. He didn’t really like the dude all that much, but expressed support for you anyway because he wanted you to be happy. After Eric told him that he broke off the engagement to pursue someone else, Sunwoo just about lost it. He wanted to hunt the guy down himself. He couldn’t fathom how one could just throw away the once in a lifetime opportunity of calling you his. You deserved the world and so much more.
Everything resurfaces and it’s evident in the way his fingers dive even deeper inside of you, his appendage lapping mercilessly at your aching clit. You don’t question him even if you wanted to, your entire body feeling like it’s on cloud 9. He takes a break from licking and sucks at the sweet spot harshly, ripping out a prolonged moan from your lips.
Your release is in your field of vision now, so close that you can nearly taste it. You attempt to buck your hips up into his mouth to chase what you’re yearning for. He senses exactly what’s happening, so he slows his assault, much to your aggravation. You can’t even help the pleas that tumble from the back of your throat.
“No no no no, please,” you sit up, your hands still intertwined with his messy brown locks. “Sun, please… why’d you stop?”
His smile is almost conniving, you swear you can see his canines peeking through. He hovers above you, caging you between his torso and the bed. “You've been having all the fun, so now I think it’s time I have some, too.”
You’re about to ask what he means, when he steps back to undo his belt and zipper, pushing down his pants in record speed. Even through the black material of his (expensive looking) briefs, you can tell he’s well endowed. You rub your legs together, still sensitive from being deprived of your orgasm, and your hunger for all of him increases immensely.
“Eager, are we?” He chuckles, switching places with you. He sits at the edge of the bed, his legs open enough for you to fit between them. You bite your bottom lip, gripping each of his muscular thighs. It wouldn’t be such a bad thing to get crushed by them. It sure would be a hell of a way to die.
He leans back onto his palms, bunching up the sheets in his fists. You move forward to press your mouths in a searing kiss, cupping his clothed erection in your hand. He groans as his teeth nearly gnash with yours. You seize the chance to discard his underwear and massage his cock. The warmth and length of it makes your mouth water, almost whimpering at how flushed it is. You can tell that he’s painfully hard in the way he’s extremely responsive to all of your touches. You swipe your thumb over his slit, collecting the pre cum that’s formed there.
After deciding that enough is enough, he parts from you in favor of ordering you to get on your knees. You maintain eye contact as you wrap your lips around him, the nerves you’d been feeling all night finally washing off. Your tongue swirls around the tip a few times before it licks a broad line from the base back up along the underside. You take him down your throat this time, massaging his balls as you do so. Your cheeks hollow out as you bob your head, your hands jerking what you can’t fit.
An erratic knock at the door startles both of you and you’re about to remove yourself from him, but he keeps you there with a large hand, urging you to continue. You listen reluctantly, assuming the person would just go away if you ignored them.
However, the knock comes again moments later. Sunwoo looks down at you. His eyes tell you all you need to know, so you don’t stop.
“Sunwoo! Hey, have you seen my sister? She’s not in her room.”
You practically choke on him at the sound of your brother’s voice, but he still doesn’t let you pause. His attention doesn’t leave you as he replies.
“Uh yeah, she’s borrowing my shower. Hers wasn’t working.” He lies. His eyes bore into yours intensely, the knowledge that he had Eric’s hot older sister right here in front of him on her knees shrouding his mind.
The brunette outside seems to find that answer sufficient enough and doesn’t interrogate further. “Okay, cool. Just tell her to text me when she gets back to her room.”
“You got it.”
His footsteps can be heard padding against the carpet of the hallway as he walks away.
Your nose brushes against the hair at the base of his cock before he cups your cheeks and lifts your mouth off of him. You take in a deep breath, keeping your hands on his dick firmly. As you regain your breathing, you leave kisses all over, starting at the tip and ending down the shaft. You feel him shudder beneath you, a satisfaction coming from knowing that you’re the one who has him so weak.
You had Kim Sunwoo wrapped around your pretty little finger.
Unbeknownst to you, that’d always been the case. Since day one. But it didn’t matter at the moment. All that either of you cared about right now was wrecking each other.
He slides his cock down your throat again, loving the sight of you getting face fucked by him. You moan around him, the vibrations causing him to grasp at your hair tightly, though you don’t mind the sting either.
“You look so gorgeous like this, sweetheart. Your lips look so pretty wrapped around me. Can’t wait until I’m inside you,” he hisses when your tongue runs over his slit. “You want me to fuck you into the mattress? Until you can’t even remember your own name?”
You release him from your lips once more, nodding frantically. It’s almost pathetic how needy you are for him, your brother’s best friend, someone nearly ten years younger than yourself. “Yes, please, Sunwoo. I want you so bad. I want you to fuck me so hard, I can’t walk properly.”
His smirk from your pleads is ungodly. He swipes his thumb across your bottom lip, pinching it between his fingers before he pulls you up to kiss you roughly. Even though he has this big dominant act up on display, you know he wants you just as much. And he conveys it in the desperate way he moves his mouth against yours with such fervor.
After a few minutes, both of you get sick of wasting time and he flips you around so you’re on your back. He nips at your neck, whispering dirtily as he pumps himself in his hands.
“The only thing I want on your mind is me, you got that?” He lines his dick up with your hole, nibbling on your earlobe while he does so. “The name Kim Sunwoo is gonna be engraved in your fucking brain after tonight.”
Without any semblance of a warning, he pushes himself in, giving you no time for adjustment. His cock fills you up nicely, better than you’ve ever been before, and the feeling alone rips a particularly loud moan out of you. “Oh my god, Sun. Y-you're so big and your cock f-feels so g-good. So s-so good.”
“You’re so tight, your pussy is squeezing me. You gonna cream on my dick?”
He gives you another one of those sly grins, where it’s almost like he’s baring his canines to you, and you swear you’ve never wanted to be ruined as much as you do now.
His pace is unrelenting, nothing but sheer power going into every thrust of his hips. His cock hits places deep inside that you didn’t know existed. It amazes you how much stamina he has and it doesn’t appear like he’s letting up any time soon.
“Sunwoo, just like that— f-fuck yes— right there,”
“Look at you, Y/N, so fucking messy and all because of me.”
He hooks one of your knees on his shoulder, plunging even further into your pussy. The mewl you release is voluminous, enough to wake up anyone in the rooms surrounding his. One of his hands holds your leg in place while the other travels south, gripping your side and using his thumb to vigorously circle your clit.
The added stimulation is just what you need to nudge you closer to your tipping point, what you were deprived of earlier. He, of course, notices that and stops his attack with his finger. You whine in protest, not wanting to deal with his teasing again right now.
You open your mouth to express your distaste at the same moment he rolls his hips experimentally. So instead of complaining about his edging, you let out a choked groan.
“Sunwoo, please, let me cum. Please, I'm begging. I need to.” You hate that you’re in this position, but you can’t hold out much longer. Fatigue is catching up to you and if you don’t cum soon, you might pass out.
“You wanna cum, baby? You want me to let you cum?” He all but growls in your ear. You moan wantonly in response, quickly becoming a babbling mess. “I think you can wait a bit longer. Take it like a big girl, yeah?”
Your other leg wraps around his waist, allowing his already buried cock to kiss at your cervix. The new angle is unhinged, short circuiting your brain. Discarding any thought behind your actions, moving on autopilot, you pull him down to press your mouths together.
The combination of passion and pure lust drives both of you wild, fueling your desires. His lips part from yours and he moans breathily as you clench down on him, the exhale fanning over the lower part of your face. The sound is unlike anything you’ve heard before and you’d do just about anything to hear it again. The brunette was completely unaware of the effects he had on you, something as simple as a noise kicking you into high gear.
But it seems even he’s reaching his limits, not able to hold himself back anymore. In an attempt to finish you both off quickly, he brutalizes each piston of his pelvis. Your nails sink into his shoulders.
“F-fuck— S-Sunwoo I’m gonna— I’m gonna cum— so fucking—“
His thumb finds its way back to your clit and resumes its previous attack, the other circling around a peaked nipple, cutting you off. You arch into him, trying to bring the two of you impossibly closer. His cock rams in and out of you almost inhumanely at the rate he was going. With one particularly harsh thrust, he commands,
“Cum for me, sweetheart.”
The words send you overboard and you release around him, simultaneously gripping him like a vice and moaning so pornographically, you kind of feel bad for everyone else staying on this floor. Your whole body spasms with your orgasm, hushed moans falling from your swollen lips. Seconds later the twitch of his dick alerts you as he follows, filling you up with the warmth of his own cum. Had he not still been inside you, you were certain it’d flow right out, something akin to Niagara Falls. But you’re both too busy trying to catch your breaths to really pay attention to any of that extra stuff.
The ache was settling in your bones instantaneously, and you half-regretted encouraging him to ‘fuck you so hard you couldn’t walk properly’.
After what feels like an eternity, he slowly pulls out his softening cock, your pussy clenching at nothing and feeling empty as he presses a soft peck on the tip of your nose, his dominant personality dissipating along with it.
The moment feels strangely domestic, his coos of praise and the worry that he was too rough with you not flying over your head. Things like ‘you did so well, sweetheart’, ‘I’m so proud of you, baby’, and ‘your pussy was made for my cock’ floated around the air. He caressed your belly with one hand and your hair with the other before pulling himself away from you fully.
“Let me go get you a towel,” he smiles warmly, disappearing into the bathroom he told your brother you were borrowing. When he comes back, he has a fresh pair of briefs on and a damp washcloth on his forearm. “You know, I‘ve had the biggest crush on you since high school. The moment Eric introduced us, I practically fell in love.”
He carefully cleans up your cum covered thighs, weary of how sensitive you are. It dawns on him that you’re fighting back your sleep, but he also realizes that you can’t stay in his room, running the risk of being compromised and Eric finding out. He helps you into a sitting position and leads you to the bath.
He washes your hair and body for you, increasing the overwhelming amount of domesticity that you already started to feel. Even with his admission, you didn’t want to assume that this was something he really wanted. You’d made that mistake before, with your asshole of an ex fiancé, and you couldn’t stomach the thought of that happening with him. He was a young, hot professional baseball player. Why would he want to be tied down to you?
With a towel wrapped tightly around your body and your clothes draped over a shoulder, he aids you in your sneaky trip to your own hotel room. You fumble a bit with the key card, nervous under his gaze for some reason. When you finally get it open, you hurriedly enter, desperate to get away from him to avoid small talk. You were a grown ass woman and here you were, acting like a petulant child.
He reaches for your wrist and stops you prior to getting too far past the door frame. “Hey, hey, what’s the matter? Why won't you look at me? Did— did I do something wrong?”
“N-no! You didn’t. I just— I don't wanna misinterpret the situation...” You betray yourself and look him in the eyes, nearly melting at the soft chocolate color staring right back. He leans forward to kiss you on the lips. It isn’t rushed or forceful like any of the others from earlier in the night. It’s more like the loving one he placed on your nose. It conveys exactly what he wants to say, but can’t put into words, and rids of your doubts all at once. You instinctively shut your eyes, a smile working its way across your face.
“I’ll see you in the morning, sweetheart. Goodnight,” is what he leaves you with, scampering off to his room.
You bring your fingers up to your lips, the stupid grin not disappearing. He wasn’t kidding when he said the name Kim Sunwoo would be engraved in your brain tonight.
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The next day, the four of you visit one of the beaches. You chuckle to yourself as you observe Eric and Haknyeon attempting to skimboard, but failing miserably. Your brother flies forward when his board skids to a stop and he stumbles a bit before regaining his bearings. The older laughs at him, hunching over and clutching his stomach as he does so.
Your eyes stay on them for a bit, but your head turns at the sound of footsteps approaching you and the beach towel you were sitting on. You finally glance over when a grunt fills your ears over the crashing waves. Sunwoo leans back onto his palms, sunglasses perched on top of his head. The goods you wanted were set between you, a bag nearly full to the brim with mandarin oranges.
On your way to the beach, you passed a vendor on the street selling different fruits. Among said fruits were the mandarins that caught your attention. You pouted when you realized you left your purse at the hotel, only having your I.D. on you. Being absolutely smitten with you and having no self control, Sunwoo made a promise to himself to come back when you were least expecting to buy you as many as he physically could. (Gift giving was one of his love languages.)
He smiles as your eyes light up like a Christmas tree in August, instinctively reaching for one of the oranges. You bring it up to your nose to smell the faint citrusy scent of the rind, humming contentedly afterwards. With the summer breeze blowing through your hair, the humidity painting your cheeks rosy and the sun behind you giving you a halo-like glow, you look like a scene ripped straight from a movie. Sunwoo feels like the most fortunate guy in the world knowing that he’s the only person who gets to see you like this, committing the visual to memory so he can look back on it whenever he pleases.
He decides that he could die right here right now, and he’d be satisfied with his life. He can already see it, his headstone; Rest in Peace Kim Sunwoo, 2000-2023.
You slowly start to peel the mandarin, each corner of your lips curled upwards. You pop a piece into your mouth, closing your eyes and savoring the taste of its nectar. Without pausing to think about it, you scoot closer to Sunwoo, feeding him some of the orange. A small giggle escapes the back of your throat when he smiles again, this time at how much more comfortable you are with him. (And also how yummy the mandarin is.)
“It almost tastes as sweet as you.”
He meant for it to be an innocent insinuation, but completely forgot about the fact that it could be misconceived as an innuendo. You slap his shoulder with a gasp because that’s exactly how you took it, and he raises his hands in surrender.
“Woah, I was trying to be cute. You’re the one with the dirty mind.”
You roll your eyes, shoving a few more pieces of mandarin into his mouth to shut him up. “Kim Sunwoo, you’re lucky I like you.”
His cheeks are puffed up with the fruit and he tries to smile at you, his pouty lips making him look a little silly. You press a quick kiss to them, forgetting that you were very much in public. He turns to you with eyes like a deer caught in headlights.
“What if Eric sees?” He swallows thickly.
You shake your head. “Let him. I’m happy. That’s all he really cares about.”
It befuddles you that just a week ago, you never would’ve thought this could happen. A week ago, Sunwoo was still that high school boy who stuttered whenever he spoke to you and came over to yours and Eric’s apartment every day after school. A week ago, you were still apprehensive about putting yourself out there, out of fear that you’d just get hurt again. But somehow, Sunwoo managed to change your entire perspective. And sitting here on this beach towel, feeding him mandarins and giggling at his jokes solidifies that for you.
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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damn-stark · 6 months
Chapter 34 Everyday before
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Chapter 34 of Cherry
A/N: One more chapter
Warning- Fluff, mentions of death, ptsd, angst and swearing
Takes place during- The final chapters special 2
Pairing- Jean Kirstein x fem!reader
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
That’s why her piercing gaze is so familiar. The rest of her face is unrecognizable, but her eyes are those from your nightmares, they’re evil.
“Didn’t your midget mention me?” She asks in a soft and very feminine voice that catches you guard.
“You…” you stammer and return her piercing gaze without trying to exceed yourself and welcome back this anger you’ve been trying to overcome. “You used to hide me in closets. You kept me inside them. I’m still afraid of the dark because of you.”
Marie blinks and releases a soft scoff that sounds almost amused. “It was for your own good. I couldn’t risk people seeing you. You were a little girl, and when Lucius wasn’t home I had to do what I had to do for your own good.”
Lucius…one of your brothers? Which one out of three?
“Lucius?” You ask about him only because it’s your brothers that you care about, you can’t bring yourself to care about her. Ever. You were only ever curious to see what she looked like, and now that you see that she is beautiful, your curiosity has been fulfilled and now all you’ll wonder is why she let your father touch her.
“Who is he?” You ask hesitantly.
Marie pulls a cigarette out and puts it between her lips first before she answers. “My eldest. Your older brother. He’s the one who would take care of you and your brothers. He’s dead.” She announces bluntly before she lights her cigarette.
You swallow thickly and avert your gaze.
You can’t say you feel sad. Do you feel bad? Yes, but not sad, you don’t have any recollection of him. He’s just a story now.
“And that…” she trails off to point ahead. When you follow what she’s pointing to you see the guy with a buzz cut dancing with Mikasa. He’s looking over here too.
“…Is Eric,” she continues. “He’s 2, no, 3, 2? Well, he’s older than you are.”
You drift your eyes to her and shoot her a glare over the fact she doesn’t know how old her own child is.
“Don’t look at me like that,” she quickly remarks. “You look like your father when you do that.”
Better than being her. But still not a compliment.
“Anyway,” she snickers and sits back. “Then there’s Ben, my military boy. Which in fact,” she says and points at you with her cigarette. “He’s the general, and before that, he was closer to you than you knew. He was in the Military Police.”
You stiffen and look down at your hands with growing shock.
Does he know about you? If so, why did he never talk to you?
“You can’t blame Eric, he didn’t know about you until a couple of years back. He’s actually quite excited to meet you, but for now, I just needed him to distract—”
“What do you want from me?” You cut her off and narrow your glare back on her. “Why now?”
Marie shrugs. “Curiosity. This is a new era for humanity, my girl. I wanted to turn over a page and start a new chapter,” she rambles and lets the cigarette burn in her surprisingly well-manicured fingers—“I’m getting old, I want to retire, right my wrongs,” she says with the least sincere face ever.
Kenny was many things, but you could see when he was sincere, even through that tuff and hardened exterior. He wasn’t affectionate and mushy, but he was honest.
Marie though? You can read her, there’s an ulterior motive behind her eyes, something evil you can’t handle anymore.
You’re slowly starting to get better, and you can’t deal with the bullshit that comes with her anymore. Besides, she might’ve birthed you but she was never your mother, you had mother figures, and none of them were her.
“Then do so away from me,” you sneer and get up, managing to finally give Mikasa an out to rush over—“I want nothing to do with you.”
Marie leans forward and slowly tilts her head.
“I’m starting to get better,” you continue louder each second as you’re beginning to overflow with different emotions. “I want to heal from the part I had in the war, from the shit that I went through because you couldn’t be a mother, so stay the hell away from me,” you snarl and step back towards Mikasa who grabs your shoulder the moment she reaches you.
“Y/N, what's wrong?” Mikasa asks right away with concern.
You exhale and shake your head stiffly. “Nothing. Just saying goodbye to this woman here.” You press your hands on the table and lean forward to add a few more things. “Kenny was never a father either, but at least he had his reasons. He cared for me in his own way, but you, you’re nothing, so stay away. And if I see you around me I will not hesitate to get rid of you.” You stand up straight and huff out through your nose, making her grin and clap.
“Well, well, Little Uri,” she interjects without looking or sounding offended. “That’s what he called you, yeah? Uri? After that Reiss man, he was so obsessed with? Anyway, you have some balls on you kid…that’s all I ever wanted to see. Hm…good luck in life, kid.”
You blink and step back with slight surprise after you expected more. An outburst or a counter. But this is it?
“Come on, Y/N,” Mikasa urges you as she tugs your arm. “Let’s call it a day.”
You steal one last look at the woman still casually sitting down with her cigarette now in between her lips, and admit that you bear some resemblance look-wise, but that’s it, you could never be like her otherwise and you’re glad.
“Let’s go,” you whisper to Mikasa and let her turn you away to quickly stride out of the cantina.
“Are you okay?” Mikasa asks the moment you’re out.
You glance at her and nod honestly. “Yes. She was never in my life, so I can’t be upset over someone that was never there. I was curious to see her, and I see that she’s quite beautiful, so now my curiosity is satisfied.” You offer her a soft assuring smile and another nod. “I’m okay.”
Mikasa holds your gaze for a moment to read if you might be hiding any other emotions so she wouldn’t worry, but all she sees is sincerity, so she lets it go.
“I told you we should’ve not gone in,” she gloats.
You laugh softly. “She would’ve found me regardless, best to get out of the way. But I guess this means no more slackin’ off.”
Mikasa nods, and just before you get further away you both hear running footsteps before a voice calls out. “Wait! Y/N?”
Mikasa and you both stop in your tracks and peer over. That’s when you see that it’s Eric, your brother.
“I don’t want you to make any excuses for her,” you immediately interject and make him come to a stop. “She might’ve been a mother to you, but she wasn’t one to me, so don’t talk to me about her.”
Eric lets out a deep breath and places his hands on his hips and nods quickly in agreement. “No, yeah, yeah, that’s fine. She’s outta mouth and outta mind.”
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion at his comment.
“You,” he points. “You’re my sister.”
You and Mikasa share a quick look before you nod stiffly. “Apparently so.”
“Well,” he says and hits his hands on his hips. “I thought I was the only child for so long, it was boring. I mean Ben is a military man, he was raised by his father after Lucius died, but that father then sold him off to the military or whatnot,” he rambles. “And I only barely found out I had a sister. I didn’t remember you. So…” he shrugs. “Maybe we can talk. We can talk to Ben and all talk together.”
You let out a breathless laugh before you give in. They’re the only reason why you wanted to meet your mother in the first place.
“Fine,” you sigh. “But only you. If I see her with you I’ll forget about you all over again. Got it?”
Eric flashes you a charming smile and nods eagerly. “Got it. Uh, where?”
“Hm, how about tomorrow? Right above here, there’s a teashop on Main 65. We can meet there at 1 pm.”
Eric nods and claps his hands. “Gotcha. Cool. Cool.”
You shoot him a small smile and offer him a small wave before you turn away and continue to walk away with Mikasa.
Once you’re a ways away she nudges your arm. “He’s like you. Talks a lot and is very chipper.”
You feign a laugh and nudge her harder. “Was he flirting with you? Maybe we can become like a twisted family, huh?”
Mikasa goes serious and glares at you for such an insinuation, making you chuckle and throw your arm around her. “Come on let's go see if my old house is still standing.”
Dear, Levi
Do you remember the brothers I have? Well, I met them. Both of them. I was hesitant to meet my older brother, Ben, because apparently he’s been in the Military police, and he knew about me so I was kind of offended that he didn’t present himself, but after my other older brother Eric basically begged me to present ourselves to him, well, I’ve decided to give it a shot!
Plus, the therapist says that working towards forgiveness right now as I’m trying to work on my anger is significant. I can choose to keep Ben out of my life as I get to know him, he says. And Mikasa says that too. So I’m giving it a shot, and you know? They’re not bad.
Ben is quite serious, and reserved, and he has a poor sense of humor. Oh, and he has a serious cigarette addiction. Can’t say I blame him though. Anyway, he’s trying to get on my and Eric’s good side.
Which leads me to Eric. He’s very cheerful, and he has a great sense of humor, Mikasa says he’s a lot like me personality-wise, but I don’t see it. He’s wicked smart, but kind of sloppy which is kinda of gross, but regardless, he was a huge mama's boy through and through, and then I don’t know what it was; the fact that he knows he has more family, or he was growing tired, but he told me that my mother wanted to use me to fight for her in some stupid turf war she’s currently in. She didn’t care, she knew I was strong like Kenny, so she wanted my power…can’t say I’m surprised.
Which is why I busted her and her rival! With the help of Mikasa, my brother Ben, and Eric. The underground considers us heroes now, so I’m glad. I would like for the underground to disappear completely, but people have rooted themselves too deep so there’s still people who want to stay, and as long as that happens then I’ll help them live better lives, even if it’s underground.
Anyway, I’m glad Eric did that. It must’ve cost him a lot, I can’t imagine what he must’ve felt betraying Marie like that, but I know pain, so I’m helping him. He lives with Mikasa and me now! So we’ll bond a lot. I’m excited.
Anyhow, I’m finally going to that tree. I’ve finally found the strength and I’m going. Mikasa and my brothers are coming with me too. I’m starting anew. Or so I think.
I’m glad you’re moving on your leg more and that they’re starting to accept all of you. I love you, until next time.
Yours truly, Cherry.
P.S. Jean finally wrote to me. It was short, and a year and a half later, but he finally wrote back!
That tree, your special tree where a lot of your childhood is rooted, and the reminder of who you were and what happened is planted there too beside Marco’s stone.
The tree is basically in your backyard, you chose to make your home close to it on purpose, but no matter how close you are to it you haven’t been able to find the courage to go visit it until now. And you’re not going alone either, Mikasa and your brothers are going to, so maybe that’s what makes it easier.
“Just up there, that tree there,” you point ahead at the tree you’d never forget any markings of.
Ben and Eric keep walking to it, but you stop and stare at it with hesitation.
“You know, no matter how long I’ve spent up here,” you hear Eric interject. “I can never get over how green everything is.”
“That’s what happens when you live too long behind mothers skirts,” Ben retorts.
“Mother never wore skirts.” Eric quips.
Mikasa lets out a short breathless laugh as she stops by your side. “Do you need time?” She asks.
You pull your eyes away from the tree to look at her. And the moment you lay your eyes on her you feel comfort and the confidence to finish the last stretch.
“No,” you mumble. “We’re basically there. Let’s go, I don't know how long Ben will last with that button-up.” You offer her a tiny smile, and Mikasa glances over at your older brother and scoffs softly as she catches him swatting away bugs flying around him.
You finish walking to your destination and find it a bit easier than you thought, but once you reach the tree, as you see the headstones planted in front of it your breath catches and you feel that agony puncturing your heart all over again.
“This is morbid,” Eric mutters quietly. “It’s kind of freakin’ me out.”
“Shut up,” Ben hisses.
You can’t say that seeing Marco’s headstone brings you so much sorrow that you feel paralyzed because the truth is, you’ve grieved him. He’s been dead for a long time now, so his death isn’t what truly affects your state of mind. Seeing your tombstone, seeing the memories of who you used to be playing around this area is what made coming here worse.
You so badly wanted to come and feel better, feel like you used to, but you’re only reminded of the pain you suffered. All you feel is sorrow and hot tears streaming down your cheeks. That’s why you could never make yourself come up here, but that’s also why you’re here.
The vivid and beautiful colors this world is painted with are slowly coming back to light. You’ve slowly started feeling joy in just hearing the wind howling in your ears. You’re slowly seeing beauty in the ugly once again, and it’s amazing, but you also know that you can’t be who you used to be. That’s why you’re here, that’s why you finally made it to the tree because you can finally let go of your old self.
“This is where I lie,” you break the silence that had built as everyone gave you a moment of silence. “This is where my family buried me after they thought I died, and for so long I tried to deny that the girl I used to be lay here, I tried to fight it and tried to put myself back together, but,” you sniffle. “Here I am. And It’s okay. I’m letting go and starting anew.”
You exhale deeply and feel, or think you feel a weight rise off your chest as you finally make peace with yourself. Sure it’ll still take time to heal from the pain, but it doesn’t hurt as much as you used. Your nightmares are less, and they’ll never go away, but they don’t paralyze you anymore. You accept who you let go of, and accept who you’re slowly becoming. And it wouldn't feel complete without putting flowers down, so you crouch down and leave flowers in front of your tombstone before you place some on Marco’s as well.
“Do you want us to say something too?” Eric asks, causing all eyes to fall on him.
Yet whereas Mikasa and Ben looked annoyed and upset at Eric’s boldness, you laugh and shake your head. “No. This is just a me thing. But I wanted to do something with you guys too.” You look at everyone who came with you before you drift away to the creek's edge.
“The flowers in my hand are for us,” you share and wipe away your tears before you hand everyone a flower. “For example, I’ll go first,” you continue and dip your feet in the waterbed. “Here lies me, my past, my pain, and a soldier.” You drop the flower in the water and watch the current take it away. “Today I welcome a veteran, an underground hero,” you laugh. “A sister, and who I will become down the line in my long future.”
You turn and face your group with a smile. Yet they don’t share that same enthusiasm, so you step away from the water with loud wet footsteps and approach Eric first to pull him to the river.
“Do it. For me,” you plead sweetly.
Eric looks at you and scoffs. “You’re starting your new life with manipulation?”
You shoot him an innocent smile and he holds your gaze for a moment before he steps into the water and throws his flower in the water.
“There goes me, I guess…a son, and a thug…” he trails off and watches the flower float away for a lingering moment.
You don’t stand close so you can’t see his expression, but you can imagine it’s not a happy one. He’s letting go of a life he knew, he’s finally letting go of the only person he had for so long. She was not a good person or a good mother, but it’s all he had and he’s finally accepting that it’s okay to let go.
“And you’re welcoming someone new,” you interject for him. “A brother, a hero, and hope for those in need underground.”
Eric's shoulders fall and he hesitates before he looks back at you with a smile and glossy eyes.
You mirror his gesture and notice Ben walk to Eric’s side to hurl his flower in the water.
“I suppose,” Ben interjects and exhales deeply. “I’m letting go of who I was when the Titans were alive.”
You sigh and watch him walk out of the water bed quickly to return to dry ground, letting Mikasa go next.
Albeit she doesn’t move, she stays where she is and grips onto the flower, making you sigh and hook your arm around hers to comfort her instead of pushing her to do what you wanted. Because unlike Eric and you, letting go isn't as easy. You know her life hasn’t been easy after losing Eren, you see her struggle, and you’ve tried to help her just as much as she’s helped you.
It’s why you let her watch the water drive away the flowers you had dropped instead.
“Ben,” you bring up and slowly look over at your brother. “If you leave, and push us away just know I won’t give you another chance…I’ll leave you behind like I left our mother behind. Understand?”
Ben meets your gaze with slight disbelief as he nods in comprehension.
“Good.” You smile and then look at everyone with you before you grin. “Why don’t we keep going to reach that waterhole before Ben here melts under the sun.” You laugh and Eric soon joins in, causing Ben to sigh.
“What if we race there?!” Eric suggests as he steps out of the water.
You shoot him a pointed look and protest, “no, I’m not running all the way there.”
Eric tilts his head and challenges your gaze. “No? Scared I’ll beat you?”
You scoff and let go of Mikasa's arm to stare him down for a few seconds before you break into a sprint towards the waterhole.
“Hey!” Eric calls out and runs after you, leaving Mikasa and Ben to catch up at a walking pace.
Dear Levi,
I don’t like that you’re not returning home. I truly don’t. And yes that’s how I’m starting this damn letter, you old man. WHY COULDN'T YOU COME HOME WITH THE OTHERS? DO YOU WANT ME TO GO OVER THERE?! CAUSE I WILL! I WILL GO ON A BOAT AND GET TO YOU!
Anyway, just so you know, I went to visit Furlan and Isabel, I ranted to them about you. Oh, and I have forgotten to say, my cherry blossom trees bloomed. I wish I could take a picture of how the pink stands out amongst all the green trees that surround my cottage.
Oh and Ducks also live in my pond now! They’ve also hatched their little ducklings, they’re so cute! They shall become friends with my baby chicks.
Anyway, this letter will be short because I’m mad at you.
I love you! I’ll write when the others get here!
Your lovely and favorite child, Cherry.
“Okay, okay, how about this pink dress with the matching scarf? Hmm?” You spin around and show off your second outfit to Mikasa. “The scarf can also be around my neck! But I don’t want the wind to hit my head. So around my head, it is,” you continue to ramble to yourself. “With this small white purse?” You lift a small white bag. “Or this one,” you roll out and lift a bigger one that looks identical.
Mikasa sighs and fixes her red scarf as she studies you again, her eyes drifting from bag to bag before meeting your gaze and sharing her thoughts. “He’ll like you regardless, so please just stop changing, and let’s get out before we’re late.”
You snort and laugh nervously before turning to sit down and put on some white heels. “What are you talking about? I’m not doing this to impress Jean,” you brush her off nervously.
“Oh, I was talking about Reiner actually,” Mikasa jokes with a serious face that makes you huff and stand to your feet to face the mirror again.
“Small purse it is,” you decide by yourself before you shift your feet to turn, but stop to fix your necklace and the charm that was all twisted.
“You look desperate,” Mikasa says boldly, making you gasp and cup the charm with an offended look on your face. “He’s still your friend. Not your lover.”
You pout and ignore her to walk away. And the moment you do Eric walks across from you, but stops and backpedals, causing you to look at him with a pointed look. Eric then reaches over and snatches the necklace off your neck.
“You look desperate,” he repeats what Mikasa just said. “Now hurry up we don’t got all day.”
“He’s my best friend!” You argue. “Why can’t I wear it?!”
Eric tosses the necklace to Mikasa who catches it with ease. “Because you’re not dating it’d be weird,” he rebuttals.
He begins to walk towards the door, so you walk to your seat to pick up your cat off your seat and set her down on the floor so she can know to follow after you. “You only say that because you have no friends, you only hang out with me and Mikasa, or Ben all day. Loser,” you snap.
Eric opens the train cart and looks back with a teasing smile. “Only loser here is you.”
You roll your eyes and follow after him with your cat Honey following at your side since she never likes being apart from you.
However, as confident and excited as you felt walking out of the train cart, your nerves to see Jean again after three years makes you slow down your pace, and clench your hands to fists, while you feel your stomach twist and scare off the fluttering butterflies you felt previously. And because you slowed down, unknowingly Mikasa got ahead of you, and knowingly people (men specifically) begin to swarm around you.
First, it was some guy selling Newspapers to the people getting off the boats, the next it was an old florist who saw you hesitate by his stand to admire the flowers.
“Want a sunflower? Freshly picked today.” He walks around the stand and snatches a sunflower to lean it towards you. “No charge. A pretty flower for an even prettier flower.”
He’s flirty big time which is gross, but he is old, and you probably won’t ever see him again, so you smile at him and take the flower he offered. “How did you know sunflowers are my favorite?” You smile and touch your chest as if completely gushed.
“I have an eye for this kinda stuff,” he says cockily.
You giggle and pull out some spare change from your bag whilst you continue to talk to him. “Well, the flower is very beautiful. I wanted to grow some of my own, but they never grew,” you mention with genuine sadness.
The old man points to the sky and props his hand on his stand. “It’s the damn birds. They eat the seeds off the ground I tell ya, try putting a net over it until they bloom.”
You offer him a genuine smile and discreetly leave the coins in the pot for him to find later. “Well,” you say, “that's good advice. Thank you, I’ll try it.” You begin to walk away and he slowly follows behind.
“Come again and maybe I’ll show you what net to use,” he says smugly, making a teasing smile grow on your lips.
“I will think about it,” you say over your shoulder before saying goodbye and continuing down to the dock where Jean and the others were probably already getting off.
Yet as you continue to stride down to the pier you catch a glimpse of Mikasa glaring at you by the gate that leads to the pier.
You offer her a smile and quicken your pace, making your cat's little bell attached to her expensive collar jingle as she tries to keep up. When you reach your cousin she grabs your arm and pulls you with her. “We’re late. They're getting down.”
“So much for waving your scarf at your lovers as they climb down,” Eric teases as he walks back to fall by your side.
“Can you shut up,” you sneer and push him aside.
Eric reacts dramatically and pretends to bump into your other brother, Ben, who is lined up with Historia and the others as they also wait for Peace ambassadors.
“Whoa bro,” Eric laughs at Ben.
Your older brother shoots Eric a side eye and counters with a pinch to Eric’s arm. “Behave.”
Eric snorts and then skips over to catch up to you once again. However, you barely pay any mind to him anymore because now all you can see is Jean first before you can take a look at any of your other friends.
Perhaps it’s because he’s the tallest or not, but he’s the one that caught your eye right away. And right away you noticed the slight change in his appearance.
His hair is brushed back, he no longer tucks his bangs behind his ear. He looks a bit older and seems to be aging gracefully. That suit he wore suits him very well and hugs his biceps extremely well.
Besides that, he looks the same since you saw him last. Except you did think he’d share your smile upon seeing you, he does seem happy to be returning home from what he wrote to you last, but maybe he was just saying that to be nice because his eyes now are widened slightly, and his lips are parted as he watches you approaching him.
Yet you don’t let that affect you, you still beam at him as if nothing happened, as if he hasn’t only sent sporadic letters here and there, and go to embrace Connie.
Said man hugs you back, making you squeeze him back.
“You’re still strong you know,” he groans.
You laugh and pull back to grab his arms and look at him with admiration. “Look at you,” you point at his hair. “Your hair! You’re not bald!”
Connie grumbles, “I was never bald.”
“It actually looks nice!” You compliment him.
Connie flashes you a smile. “Now that you’re not with Jean would you date me?”
You scrunch your nose and scoff, “no.”
Connie scoffs and looks at you offended, letting you pull back to throw your arms around Pieck since Mikasa is still talking to Armin.
“Hey, you,” Pieck greets warmly.
“I missed you!” You tell her honestly. “We can only write so much on a letter.” You can’t stop smiling and step back to show it off to her.
“You look nice,” she directs at you.
You bow your head. “Thank you.”
“It took her five hours to pick a damn outfit,” Eric cuts in behind you, letting all the attention finally drift to him instead of avoiding him.
“Who are you?” Annie is the only one to ask.
Eric smirks. “Only the most important man of y/n’s life,” he jokes and throws an arm around your shoulders.
You go along with him and look at Jean, noticing that he and Reiner have the same shocked and horrified look on their faces at the mention.
“This is Eric,” you introduce the guy beside you. “My older half-brother.”
Reiner lets out a relieved breath, and Jean laughs nervously.
“Half brother,” you correct Eric.
Eric pushes you aside now that the act is done but you grab his arm. “Eric, this is my family….Armin,” you point at the blond boy who hasn’t changed that much. “That’s Connie,” you point to the guy next to Armin.
“Sup,” Connie greets with a gentle head rise.
“And that’s—wait!” You exclaim and let Eric go to push past him and Mikasa to reach Ben and grab his hand to yank him out of formation and pull him with you. “This is my other brother, Ben!” You exclaim.
Ben offers them a faint tight tight-lipped smile and a small head nod.
“Ben, this is Armin, Connie, and Jean,” you introduce your best friend once again.
Eric and Ben share a look and slowly Ben’s serious stupor falls, and Eric cuts in. “So this is him, huh?”
Your eyes widen and you snap your head towards your brother.
“Maybe she can finally stop with her obsessive questioning,” Ben plays along.
Eric nudges him and adds, “maybe I should write Jean.”
You frown.
“I wish Jean would write,” Ben adds as he begins to laugh.
“Maybe I should stop altogether,” Eric cuts in and Connie begins to chuckle, causing you to snap your glare at him. He notices and shuts up.
“Shut up,” you hiss and pinch Eric’s arm before you push Ben and twist on your heels to storm away.
“You made her mad,” you hear Mikasa comment nonchalantly.
Without looking back you know your cat is behind you so you just head back to the train and decide to continue reading your book. The others don’t take long to come inside and the first one to find you is your brother.
“It was funny, but I apologize,” Eric interjects.
You raise your book and turn to block his face. “You embarrassed me.”
Eric sighs. “I guess.”
Footsteps approach but you don’t think much of it until you hear Jean’s voice. “Can we talk?”
You lower your book and meet his gaze with a sigh before you nod softly.
Tagged- @expectoscamander @greenygreenland @that-soft-lesbian-friend @dai-tsukki-desu @usernamehere91 @avocadopoosae @romancried @victor-criss-bish @moo-moo-meadow @stareatceiling @padfootii @ravensleepyeyes @thanosisadilf @dawneee @babyyblueey @leahseclipse @ifimnotabushimnoone @luvelyxp @ameliabs-world @dragon-master-kai
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rubatosisr · 8 months
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𖦹 synopsis. main four w sick reader ! — how they act when your sick.
disclaimers. swearing, slightly suggestive, cartman being a jew hater
notes. i have really bad allergies at the moment so i came up with the idea for this one !!
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eric cartman.
he kinda forgot you could get sick.
but you did, whether it was bad allergies, the flu, any kind of sickness at all.
hes Cartman, like i’ve said time and time before.
so he pretends like he doesn’t care, but your health is a priority to him.
“What do you mean you can’t come to watch Terrance and Phillip with me today? Why the hell not?”
“Eric, Im sick.”
“So what?”
genuinely gets disappointed and mad that you cant, and or wont come over.
pretty much is more agitated than he already is for the rest of the day towards everyone who speaks to him besides you, especially towards kahl.
“Shut up you stupid jew.”
If your sick for more than a day or two, he’ll just come over to your house because frankly—hes just a bit too dependent on your company.
But he’ll be so dramatic if you cough or sneeze around him.
“Oh my god ..i..i think i’m dying, your spreading your illness!”
You literally just sneezed next to him.
He acts like your both sick or something.
kenny mccormick.
kenny’s died, gotten sick, etc. multiple times before.
although, unlike him. You actually stayed home, being sick, resting. instead of being in the freezing cold snow like everyone else.
kenny does all of the above when hes sick instead of resting, no wonder.
“Wait .. why can’t you come outside?”
“Because, im sick, kenneth.”
“..But you can still walk.”
that aside, he does try his best to take care of you.
despite all the risks of doing it, he still lays down next to you, cuddles you, sleeps beside you.
and most definitely tries to kiss you.
And he just chills with you, maybe make you soup, soup at your house of course.
He doesn’t have alot of money to help you to be honest.
But he did steal something on the account of you were feeling 10x more horrible and he had to snatch some medicine for you.
Personally? Hes like butters when it comes to a relationship.
Both of the two act like golden retriever type of boyfriends, but thats just in my opinion.
kyle broflovski.
he acts like a mom.
He dropped everything as soon as you texted him and just came over to your house to take care of you immediately.
“Are you okay dude??”
“I just have allergies.”
“I bet thats what dead people thought too.”
“What the fuck kyle.”
Makes you food, kisses you, (on the cheek), and is just very present during the whole thing, hes like this even when your not sick anyways.
Pretty much is like Kenny, both want to be there for you.
He tries to make you feel better in any way he can.
Yes, any way, take that in whatever way you want.
So sweet though, and treats you so well the entire time.
You got better after a bit, thankfully.
stan marsh.
You had the unfortunate luck of getting sick while Stan and his family were out on a “family road trip.”
He felt so bad.
Called you the entire time just to make sure you were okay.
“Babe, im so sorry, i didn’t even wanna come anyways.”
he didn’t want to be there, though your voice and presence made the trip slightly more bearable.
Things got a little more .. intimate over the phone, but i’ll make a separate part on that later, or later.
Especially on the drive over, and back, was hell; to him atleast.
He had to get off the phone at some point because his parents said it was “family time”
And he did, respectfully and reluctantly.
In the end, as always. You got better.
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talktomeinclexa · 4 months
Clarke the Vampire Slayer
By: TalktomeinClexa
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Canon Violence, Fighting
Status: WIP
Summary: When Clarke, a young student with a clear idea of what her life will be, wakes up one morning with superhuman strength, destiny comes knocking on her door. Sent to Polis to prevent a demon from opening the Hellmouth, she can count on the mysterious owner of a magic shop and new friends to help her dispose of vampires, demons, and other evil creatures. But will she succeed in stopping the Apocalypse?
Chapter 9: The Fool I Am
The following day, Clarke was changing after her shift at Sky Crew when Harper, taking advantage of the slow influx of clients, found her in the break room.
“Hey. Good job today. You’re getting the hang of it.”
“Thanks. I have good teachers,” Clarke said as she zipped her jacket. Not to sing her own praises, but she had only messed up one order throughout her four-hour shift. She was getting there.
Before moving to Polis, she had never had a part-time job. Her parents valued academic excellence, and Clarke had been encouraged to focus on her studies and avoid distractions. Why work for peanuts when your parents both earned well over six figures a year? Yet, in her new, chaotic reality, her job brought her a welcome sense of routine and predictability. She didn’t know what to expect during her patrols or if she would make it home. But Sky Crew, with its friendly customers and supporting staff? Sky Crew was her newfound haven. The place where she could, for a moment, smile as if she meant it and forget about the vampires, the demons, and the looming end of the world.
“Don’t let Jasp hear you, he’ll be insufferable.” Harper chuckled. “Anyway, I was wondering; do you have plans this Saturday? We’re having a small get-together at our place. You should come.”
Billy Fordham’s face flashed at the back of Clarke’s mind. Colored by her unshakable guilt, the possibility of a similar tragic loss on her account made her bite her underlip. Even the Slayer can’t be everywhere all at the time, she reminded herself. Maybe one day, she would believe it.
“Sounds good. Thanks,” she said after a too-long silence, hoping Harper wouldn’t take offense. Rationally, it would make more sense to patrol after the party than in the early evening. The odds of meeting vampires and other evil creatures increased as the moon rose in the sky. Besides, what better way to blend in and gather information about Polis than to hang out with people who had grown up there?
“Great. I’ll text you the address. We’ll start around seven. Raven will be there. Jasp, too, of course. He’s practically a part of our furniture at this point. Only Nathan and his boyfriend Eric haven’t confirmed yet.”
“I look forward to it.”
Keep reading
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elianamarie-blog · 5 months
The Things You Give Part 33
Whooooooweeee it's be a very long time! I'm so sorry it took so long to write this! I've been having a hard time feeling motivated but it's past the New Years and I decided that I need to end this story shortly. Story isn't done quite yet, but there are only a few more chapters! I hope you all had a beautiful holiday season and New Years! I know I did. Enjoy the chapter!
Quick note: Danny Masterson has been imprisoned and now Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher are under fire and now being cancelled apparently. Not a good start of the year for anyone.
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June 1, 1979
Point Place, Wisconsin
Forman/Hyde Residence
Eric Forman’s Kitchen
“Hey, you two, how was your doctor’s appointment?” Kitty asked as she was stirring a hot pot of chili on the stove.
“Ugh,” Y/n groaned and plopped down on the chair at the table.
“The doctor says she can pop any day now,” Hyde answered for her and opened the fridge for a drink.
“Awe, sweetheart, you must be so uncomfortable,” Kitty said.
“I am. I’m so sick of being pregnant,” she whined. “I’m tired, my ankles are fat, my back hurts and—Steven! Will you please stop breathing down my neck?!”
“Uh,” he replied from the counter, no where close to her. “I’m over here.”
Y/n whined again. “I’m so sick of being pregnant.”
“The doctor said there are a couple things we can do to induce labor,” Steven said and pulled out a list. “She said we can try spicy foods, long walks, castor oil—”
“Don’t forget what she said could be more effective,” Y/n cut in.
Steven gave her a stoney look and put his hand on his hip. “I’m not saying that.”
“Why not? She’s a nurse she hears this stuff all the time! Besides, she’s gone through this as well!”
“What? Tell me what?” Kitty asked.
“No, I’m not saying it!”
“Oh, for Pete’s sake, tell me what?!” Kitty cried out.
“The doctor said sex can be the most effective to induce labor,” Y/n blurted out.
“Y/n, what the hell?!” Steven said, embarrassed.
“Oh,” Kitty said lowly and dropped her gaze back to the chili, almost uninterested. “Okay.”
“Okay? That’s all you got to say?” Y/n asked.
“Honey, it’s pretty clear that you wouldn’t be pregnant if you and Steven hadn’t…you know…”
“Okay!” Steven interrupted. “As nice as this conversation is, I gotta get to work.”
“Okay, fine, but—Mom, cover your ears—we’re doing it later!” Y/n shouted after him as he slammed the door shut, hoping to drown out that last part.
“Well, isn’t that lovely,” Kitty mumbled and poured herself a cup of chili. “Y/n, on a more appropriate topic, do you want some chili?”
“Hey, guys,” Eric introduced himself as he entered the kitchen. “Great news! I’m on my way to becoming a teacher. I filled out all my college application with red pen.” He giggled to himself. “That’s a teacher joke.”
“Well, now look at him!” Red announced as he walked through the kitchen door. “Out of bed and productive before three o’ clock.”
“Honey, you’re like a marine!” Kitty said cheerfully.
“A marine?” Y/n asked. “The only time I ever saw him storm a beach was when he was running away from a jellyfish!”
“Damn, what did you have for breakfast this morning? Carnation Instant Bitch?” Eric quipped.
“If I could get up, I’d kick your ass for saying that,” Y/n threatened, sighing, and shifted uncomfortably in her seat, the pain in lower back starting to intensify.
“Yeah, anyway,” Eric said and turned back to Red. “Hey, dad, all I need from you now is a financial statement so the school can see where I'm getting the old moola.”
“Oh, well, you see about that…” Red mumbled, nervous. “I, uh...I spent your college money to keep the muffler shop going.”  
“What?!” the twins shouted.
“You spent our college fund?!” Y/n continued.
“Why do you care?” Eric asked her. “It’s not like you’re going to college anytime soon. You don’t even know what you want to study.”
“Who says I don’t?” she asked. “I decided that I’m going to study biomedical engineering. Beat that, teach.”
“You’re going to study biomedical engineering?!” Kitty asked excitedly. “I knew you were going to take after me in the medical field!”
“Except the difference is she’ll be helping advance technology in the medical field instead of having to wipe people’s butts and administer them their IV’s,” Red said.
“Is that what you think I do all day?” Kitty asked, offended.
“Uh…” he whipped back to Y/n who was looking up at him with an amused smile. “Good job, kitten. I’m proud of you.”
“Thank you,” she responded. “It would mean more if we had our college money!”
“Dad, how are we supposed to pay for college?” Eric asked.
“Look, with this damn mild winter, nobody's muffler rusted,” Red said. “I tried to rust them. I even went out at night and sprinkled salt all over the streets!”
Kitty squinted at her husband. “Not my good kosher salt!”
Red looked at his wife with a deadpanned look and rolled his eyes. “Yes, Kitty, I sprinkled the streets of Point Place with your half-pound bag of salt.”
“Wait. Mom, you knew about this?” Eric asked. “And you just said, ‘Please, go ahead. Take my son's college money and use it on a muffler shop?’”
“No,” she responded. “I think your father asked me if I thought you two would amount to anything, and I said, ‘I really, really hope so.’ And then he said, ‘I'm spending the twins’ college money on my muffler shop.’ And then I made the best blueberry cobbler I have ever made."
“Man, that was good,” Y/n reminisced. “I remember that cobbler. I always wondered why, when I said it was so good, you said, ‘At least I can give you this,’ and started to cry.”
“So, the upshot is, I have absolutely no money for college,” Eric said and puckered his lips in deep thought. “Looks like I’m going to have to use that football scholarship that was offered to me.”
“Oh, Eric, we should go talk to Mr. Bray!” Y/n suggested.
“Our old guidance counselor?” he asked.
“Finding money for college is what high school guidance counselors do.”
“I don't know about Mr. Bray. I don't think he really liked me,” Eric said. “One time I told him I was being bullied, and he just said, ‘What'd you expect?’"
“I’ll go with you,” Y/n said. “Mr. Bray loved me…in almost entirely appropriate ways.”
“Yeah…we’ll go,” Eric said, a little concerned.
“Okay, now that we got all that settled, we should celebrate!” Kitty announced.
Y/n scoffed. “Sure. With what?”
                                             --Later that day—
“Hey, don’t forget about the Led Zepplin concert next Friday,” Eric reminded his friends as they all sat in the basement.
“How could I forget?” Hyde asked. “It was the greatest bribery I’ve ever had.”
Y/n rolled her eyes at them.
It didn’t go unnoticed by Hyde. “What’s wrong with you?”
“Nothing," she sighed, eyeing the TV and rubbed her belly.
“No, no you don’t get to do that just because you’re pregnant,” he pushed. “I know you, what’s wrong?”
“Awe, Steven, that’s really sweet,” Jackie said and turned to Markus. “When he and I were together, he wouldn’t even be bothered to ask me what was wrong. It didn’t even faze him.”
“To be fair, you’re always bothered by something,” Hyde quipped. “It was something new every day. I stopped keeping up after a while.”
“I am not!” she argued and turned to Markus who gave her a look. “Okay, maybe I was, but I’ve changed! The other day, I walked by a shoe sale and wasn’t upset that they didn’t have this beautiful shoe in my size. See? Growth.”
“Sure,” Hyde mindlessly and turned back to his wife. “C’mon, what’s wrong?”
“I’d rather not talk about it in front of our friends,” she responded.
“So, you guys can make out in front of us, even get caught doing it, but expressing why you’re upset is where you draw the line?” Donna pointed out.
“Yeah, spill it!” Fez demanded.
Y/n paused before sighing through her nose. “I don’t think you should go.”
“What?!” Eric shouted.
“Why?!” Hyde asked, appalled. “Why don’t you want me to go?”
“Well, I could go into labor any day now and I’d hate for you to miss the birth of your children for a concert,” she explained calmly.
“Y/n, your due date is on Monday. The kids will be here a full five days before the concert. I think it’ll be okay.”
“What if they’re not here by then? They can be late, you know,” Y/n pointed out.
“Come on, don’t do this,” Hyde said. “Don’t make me choose.”
“I shouldn’t have to make you!” she burst out. “You should know what comes first! Not some stupid concert!”
That made the group audibly gasp.
“What?! What I say?!” she asked them.
“You take that back!” Eric said, his voice wobbly.
“Blasphemous!” Kelso shouted.
“How dare you?” Fez asked under his breath.
“Oh, come on you guys, you can’t be serious,” she said. “Are you telling me my giving birth isn’t as important as some band?”
Everyone was quiet for a minute, filling Y/n with rage.
“It’s Led Zepplin,” Fez said quietly.
“Seriously?!” Y/n screeched and stood up. “You’re all going to leave me here all alone?!”
“I’m not going to the concert,” Markus piped up. “I’ll be here for you.”
She turned to everyone else. “Thank you, Markus. Maybe if I have boys I can name one of them after you!”
This made Jackie gasp. “How dare you?! I thought we agreed on Jack or Jackie!”
“I agreed to nothing!” Y/n argued. “You just assume because you think everyone caters to you, but you can’t be bothered to return the favor! The person who helps me deserves the credit.”
“What--?! That is not true!” Jackie shouted.
Everyone around her scoffed.
“C’mon, Jackie,” Donna said, side-eyeing her.
Jackie spun around to her boyfriend. “Markus! Aren’t you going to say something?”
He shrugged. “Sorry, babe, I have to agree with Y/n on this one.”
“Oh, you are in so much trouble!” she screeched.
Y/n clapped her hands and stomped her foot, gaining their attention. “Guys! Really? I thought that after we’ve all been through, you would want to be there for the birth of your nieces or nephews.” She turned to Hyde. “Or your children.” When no one responded, Y/n scoffed, hurt. “You know, what? I don’t care what you guys do. Go to the concert. Have fun.”
She didn’t let them get another single word out before she quietly walked upstairs to her room.
Once the door slammed, Donna turned to the group. “You guys, I feel really bad.”
“Yeah…I’d be pissed too if I couldn’t go to the concert,” Kelso said casually, opening a popsicle.
“No, you moron! That’s not why she’s upset!” Hyde said, irritated.
“Well, what does she expect us to do?” Eric asked. “Those tickets were a lot and it’s not our fault that the concert falls around the same time of her due date.” When he caught Donna glaring at him, he shrugged his shoulders. “What?!”
“You’re an ass,” Donna said. “I don’t think I want to go anymore.”
“Oh, come on! You have to go,” her boyfriend said. “She may not even have the kids on the day of the concert. It would be such a waste if we didn’t go.”
“Wow, Eric,” Donna said bitterly. “You’re being incredibly insensitive.”
“Okay, let’s say the babies come before the concert. No harm, no foul, amiright?” Eric asked.
“That’s if Hyde wants to go,” Markus responded. “When my sister and her husband had my niece, they were up pretty much three days straight and the last thing they wanted to do was go to a noisy concert.”
“Well, I think she’s being a little dramatic and honestly—quite selfish,” Kelso said. Everyone turned to look at him, finding himself cringing when Hyde gave him a death glare. “What?! She is!”
“She has a point, Michael!” Jackie defended. “No matter how mean and unfair she was to me.”
“You’re telling me that we might miss her birth is an overreaction?” Donna questioned him.
Kelso nodded and shrugged. “Well…yeah!”
“Unbelievable,” Donna said curtly as Hyde slugged Kelso in the arm.
“Ow, Hyde! What the hell?!”
“Keep talking crap about my wife Kelso and you’re going home with more than a bruised arm,” he threatened.
“Damn, sorry I said anything,” Kelso whined while rubbing his sore shoulder.
“You should be,” Hyde said and made his way towards the stairs. “I’m going to go talk to her.”
He took two steps at a time as he followed his bride.
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Y/n laid there in bed, glaring at the ceiling. Scenarios of possibilities wouldn’t stop dancing in her head about the day she would give birth while her supposed loving husband was at a concert.
She felt a very wet sensation run down her leg. As she looked down, she noticed that her water had broken, and it wasn’t long until the pain of contractions came along.
“Steven!” she cried out in pain. “Steven, the babies are coming!”
“Oh, really?” he asked, barley looking up from putting his jacket on. “This is inconvenient. Can you wait until I get back from the concert?”
“Look, the babies are important, but…Led Zepplin,” he replied, stepping backwards towards the door. “Just hold those kids in for me! Love you, bye!”
Y/n sneered at the thought, but her mind continued to race.
Smoke, heavy bass, and body sweat filled the air as the group, minus Y/n, head banged their way through each song of Led Zepplin.
“Hey, Hyde, isn’t Y/n giving birth right now?” Donna shouted through the noise, wide smile on her face.
“Yeah, but this is more important!” he shouted back.
“Yeah, to hell with her!” Eric shouted. “Led Zepplin is way more important!”
“Yeah, she’ll be fine,” Steven said. “We can always have more kids that I’ll probably end up being there for the birth!”
Tears started to well in her eyes. “Jerks.”
A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts.
“Y/n?” Steven asked as he poked his head through their shared bedroom door.
She quickly grabbed for her pregnancy book on the nightstand and pretended to be reading.
“Doll, can we talk?”
“About what?” she mumbled.
“You know what.”
“I think you made up your mind, so there’s no point,” she said, staring at the page.
“No, no that’s why I wanted to come up here,” he replied. “Look, I’m sorry, okay?”
“Don’t be.”
“Y/n, can you please look at me?” he asked her and took the book from her, only to see tear streaks down her face. “Awe, Doll…”
She couldn’t stifle her sobs anymore as she broke down. “You love Led Zepplin more than me!” She shoved her face into a pillow.
He didn’t know if he should laugh or groan. “Y/n, come on, you know that’s not true.”
“No, it is!” she continued to wail. “I’m going to go into labor and you’re not going to care!”
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, counting to ten. “You know that’s not true.”
“You won’t even help me go into labor!” she whined.
“I’m not going to sleep with you just so you can go into labor,” he deadpanned.
Y/n sat up and wiped at her face. “C’mon, Steven, I’m miserable here! The babies will be fine. It’s doctor recommended!”
“We haven’t even tried the others yet,” he said calmly.
Her face contorted again, fat tears rolling down her face. “You don’t find me attractive anymore!”
“I never said that!” Steven couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Then why won’t you make love to me?!”
“First, don’t say it like that ever again. And second: it has nothing to do with my finding you attractive.”
“Then what is it?” she wept.
“It’s…it’s nothing.”
This made her stop crying immediately and glare at him instead. He almost missed her crying. “What a load of crap!”
“C’mon, Y/n, don’t make me say it.”
“No, you’re gonna!” she demanded. “I want to know why you won’t have sex with your wife to help her go into labor!”
Steven tilted his head back at and stared at the ceiling. Closing his eyes, he groaned before looking back at her. “It’s weird, okay? I’m going to be doing you knowing that the babies are…right there. Knowing what’s going on.”
Y/n scrunched her eyebrows at him. “The babies are in my uterus, not in my, you know, hoo-ha.”
Steven found himself chucking at her euphonism. “What if I hurt them?”
“Like I just said, they’re farther up there than you can reach.”
She laughed and placed her hand on his arm. “Trust me, that’s something to be proud of.”
He laughed with her and kissed her.
“Let’s make a deal,” she said, catching his attention. “If I go into labor before the concert, by all means, go. But if I don’t by Friday—you don’t. What do you think?”
He tilted his head to the side, thinking before nodding. “Okay, let’s do it.”
“Okay, good,” she smiled at him as he leaned down to kiss her.
“How bout we try now?”
“Now you want to? Because of a concert?!”
“No, more so now I know I won’t hurt them or make it as weird.”
Y/n rolled her eyes. “You’re lucky I love you.”
He laid her down onto her back, hovering above her and gently smiled. “That I am.”
                                             That Following Monday…
“That’s right, still no babies!” Y/n announced as she and Steven walked into the kitchen after their doctor appointment. Everyone sat in the kitchen, hanging out and snacking. Kitty, Donna, and Jackie sat at the table while Eric, Fez, and Kelso sat at the counter munching on some pop-tarts. “Today’s my due date and I am nowhere near in labor! Gah! This sucks!”
She plopped down at the table, causing it to shift.
“Oh, honey, I know how you feel,” Kitty comforted. “When I was pregnant with Laurie, I wanted her out so bad I almost reached a hand up there and yanked her out myself!”
“That’s a great story, Mom. Can you tell that to me while you’re getting me some iced tea?” Y/n snapped.
Kitty glared at her daughter as she reluctantly got up and grabbed for the pitcher in the fridge.
“Damn, pregnancy doesn’t agree with you,” Jackie said. “The bitch hormone is being released.”
“You try carrying twins who won’t stop kicking me—and each other!” she responded as the glass was placed in front of her. “Thanks, Mom.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Kitty grumbled as she sat back down.
“Seriously, I’ll wake up in the middle of the night to one or both of the babies moving and kicking me. Have you ever had feet stuck in your ribcage? It’s a rude awakening. Literally.”
“Yeah, I feel your pain,” Hyde said. “Whenever you’re up, I’m up.”
“Oh, shove it!” Y/n spit. “You sleep like a damn log every night! You can be getting attacked while you’re dead asleep and barley stir!”
“No, I hear you. I just choose to stay still.”
“So, while I’m over here in uncomfortable, you’re snuggling your pillow just to avoid me?!”
Fez, Kelso, and Eric shifted their gazes to Hyde with amused smirks on their faces.
“You cuddle your pillow, Hyde?” Eric taunted.
“Shut up, Forman or I will suffocate you with said pillow.”
“But if you do, you won’t have a pillow to cuddle at night,” Fez continued.
“Shut up, Fez!”
“Y/n, have you tried any of the doctor’s suggestions?” Kitty asked.
“Yeah! Steven and I have done it like a dozen times since then,” she answered.
Kitty closed her eyes and rubbed her head. “Honey…have you tried anything else besides that?”
“No, not yet.”
“Well, why don’t you start with food? Let’s go out tonight.”
Y/n shrugged. “Yeah, let’s try that.”
“And the weather is supposed to be cooler tonight, we can go on that long walk,” Hyde said.
She sighed and rubbed her aching neck. “Yeah, that works.”
“There’s a good Indian restaurant that serves the spiciest curry downtown,” Kitty said. “Let’s go there.”
“Uh, do I have to go?” Eric piped up. “Last time I had anything spicy, I sat on the toilet for three days.”
“Ew,” Hyde said and turned to his wife. “Look, I’m going to go look for those specific teas the doc told me about. Do you want anything else?”
“Yeah, just about everything on that list,” she responded. “Get the castor oil, some hot peppers, pineapples—”
“Should I just get the whole store?” Hyde asked.
“Yes please.”
Hyde nodded and kissed her head. “I’ll be back.”
As soon as he walked out the door, Y/n stood. “Well, I’ve got to pee again. I swear these damn kids think that my bladder is a squeeze toy.”
“She’s got to have those kids any day now,” Donna said once Y/n had waddled out the kitchen.
“Yeah, it’s not like they’re trying,” said Kelso. “Hyde told me yesterday that she promised him that if she can give birth before Friday then he can go to the concert. Man, that must suck. Having an ol’ ball and chain telling you what to do.”
“Well, you’d never know since you’re too busy cheating on every girl you’ve ever dated,” Jackie snarked.
“Well, what do you say we make this interesting?” Kelso asked, ignoring Jackie’s comment.
“What do you mean?” Eric asked, tossing a Styrofoam football in the air. 
“I’ll bet you ten bucks she has the babies tomorrow,” he responded with a wide smirk.
“You’re on!” Jackie said excitedly and reached for her purse.
“Guys, I don’t feel right about this,” Donna said. “It’s not cool to bet on when our friend will go into labor.”
“Ugh, Donna,” Y/n called as she waddled down the stairs. “That candle you gave me smells horrible. Next time, maybe try getting me a candle that doesn’t smell like nature took a dump and forgot to flush.”
“It’s the smell of a forest!” she defended.
“Have you ever been to the forest?” Y/n said. “It doesn’t smell like that.”
Before she could let Donna respond, she waddled back upstairs. Once the door closed, Donna turned back to the group, annoyance written all over her face. “Make it twenty.”
“Guys, I got some great news from the guidance counselor!” Eric announced as he ran into the living room where his family and Donna were sitting, watching TV.
“Yeah? What is it?” Red asked, turning down the volume on the TV.
“There's this program where you go and teach in an impoverished area for a year, and then they pay for your college. So, I signed up.”
“Eric, that’s wonderful!” Kitty cheered.
“That’s awesome!” Y/n joined in.
“See? I knew spending your college money would work out for the best,” Red said, smugly. “You're welcome.”
“So, where’s this impoverished place that you’re going to?” Steven asked.
“Is it east Milwaukee? You know I made a wrong turn there once and I ended up in this awful neighborhood,” Kitty said and lowered her voice as if anyone outside the living room could hear her. “They were playing radios on street corners!”
Eric shook his head. “No, I’m not going to east Milwaukee.”
“So, where then?” Donna asked.
Eric laid his hands out, palms up in excitement. “Its Africa.”
“Africa?!” Everyone said in shock.
“Africa, Wisconsin?” Kitty asked hopefully.
“No, Kitty, the country,” Red answered.
“You’re going to teach in Africa?” Y/n asked, her heart breaking. “So, does that mean you’re not going to be here when the babies are born?”
“No, no, I’ll still be here,” Eric said. “I’ll be leaving in August.”
“Oh,” she responded. “H-how long will you be gone?”
“About a year.”
“A YEAR?!” All three women shouted.
“What’s the big deal?” Eric asked, eyebrows knitting in confusion.
“The big deal is you made this big decision without coming to me at all!” Donna shouted and stood from the couch and stormed out.
“See? Donna understands,” Kitty said while Eric sighed in defeat.
This isn’t how he was planning this go at all.
                                         --Later that evening--
“Joey?” Y/n asked her husband as they sat at the kitchen table, eating dinner.
Hyde shook his head. “Have a cousin named Joey. Last I heard he was being treated for VD and on his way to a halfway house.”
“Oookay,” Y/n said, going down the list of names in her book. “Victoria?”
“Why not?!”
“Because my mom had a best friend named Victoria.” He paused to take a bite of his spicy food before going into deep thought. “Pretty sure at one point she was more than that.”
Y/n gave him a blank stared smile. “I’ll never be able to erase that image out of my mind.”
“How bout Jimmy?”
Y/n put down the book. “Why Jimmy?”
He shrugged and wiped his mouth with his napkin. “I’ve just always liked that name.”
She squinted her eyes at him. “Since when?”
“I don’t know, a few years maybe.”
“Or maybe because it’s the name of the guitarist in Led Zepplin?”
Hyde pretended to be shocked. “Is that where that’s from? Wow, what are the odds?”
Y/n rolled her eyes at him. “Keep thinking, genius.”
“Eleanor?” he suggested.
“I’m sorry, am I giving birth to a seventy-five-year-old?” 
“What’s wrong with Eleanor?”
“I feel like I’d be giving birth to a Roosevelt. No, thank you.”
“We can call her Ellie for short,” he argued.
“Ellie Hyde?” she questioned.
“Let’s keep brainstorming,” he agreed and looked at her plate which she barely touched. “Why aren’t you eating your spicy curry? I added extra peppers for you.”
Y/n let out a sigh and put down her book. “It’s not working. Nothing is going to get these kids out.”
“You’ve barley taken a bite out of your food. Maybe if you eat half of it, you’ll actually go into labor.”
“If I eat anymore, I’ll be breathing out fire,” she deadpanned.
“Come on, it’s good. Try it,” he encouraged before taking a bite of her curry. It didn’t take long for the spices to set his mouth aflame. He started panting like a dog before desperately grabbing her glass of water and downing it like a man who hasn’t had water in days.
“Oh, my God,” he panted once the water was down. “How are you eating this?”
Y/n gave him an amused smile. “I’m about to push two human beings out of me, I think a hot mouth is the least of my worries.”
“Speaking of hot mouth, why don’t you and I go upstairs and try to get these babies here?” Hyde suggested, wiggling his eyebrows.
“C’mon, we’ve done it like a hundred times; clearly the babies aren’t coming,” she replied, defeated.
“You don’t know that,” he replied gently.
Y/n shook her head, defeated. “I guess these babies will come when they decide to.”
Steven looked at her before standing to his feet. “Come on. We’re going for a walk.”
                                            45 Minutes Later...
“I told you the walk wouldn’t work!” Y/n complained as they walked through the sliding door, picking out leaves and twigs from her hair.
“Well, it would’ve if you hadn’t tried to jump on me in the park!” Hyde argued as he looked down at the mud stains on his pants and shirt.
“I was trying to be romantic!”
“You’re trying to get these kids out of you so fast, you’re willing to knock us both over in a big puddle just for a quickie behind a bush!”
“How the hell was I supposed to know there was a deep mud puddle there?!” she yelled, prying her wet and muddy dress away from her thighs.
“Gee, I don’t know, maybe the fact that it RAINED earlier?” he yelled back.
“Ugh, you know what, I’m going to go shower. Don’t follow me!”
“What is going on?” Eric asked as he entered the kitchen with Donna. He took one look at the couple and started laughing. “What happened to you two?”
“Y/n thought it would be the perfect time to get romantic on a walk in the park to try to go into labor,” Steven replied, glaring at his wife who wasn’t even looking at him.
Eric scrunched up his nose at them. “Sorry I asked.”
“I’m going to go shower because the mud is started seal my butt cheeks together,” Y/n announced before waddling out the kitchen.
“Didn’t need to know that!” Eric cried out and turned back to Hyde. “So, are you guys going to keep trying?”
Hyde sighed frustratingly. “At this point, I don’t know. We’ve tried spicy foods, canola oil, sex…nothing is working. The long walk may have worked if she hadn’t cut it short.”
“Well, you know, maybe the babies will come tomorrow…or in a couple days…” Donna suggested and nonchalantly grabbed a soda from the fridge.
“I don’t know. I’m starting to think these kids are going to come closer to the concert and I just got to accept the fact that I’m not going to be able to make it.”
“What?! No, Hyde don’t say that,” Eric said. “You’re going to be able to have those babies and still go to the concert.”
“You know, Hyde, maybe you’re not doing this right,” Donna said and sat at the table. “Maybe, the babies will come tomorrow or Wednesday…”
Hyde squinted his eyes at her. “Why? Why tomorrow or Wednesday?”
She shook her head. “No reason!”
Hyde rolled his eyes. “Fine, whatever. I’m going to shower as well. We’ll try again tomorrow.”
Once he was out of earshot, Eric turned to Donna.
“Way to almost blow our cover!”
Tuesday came and go with Y/n getting more miserable by the minute.
“It’s Tuesday night, she can still have the baby tonight!” Jackie argued.
“You had until 8pm. You can’t bend the rules now. Now pay up!” Donna chortled and held out her hand.
“Fine!” Jackie screeched and reached into her purse. “Here’s your stupid twenty bucks!”
“Thank you,” Donna said smugly and fanned her face with the two tens.
“Okay, double or nothing she has them by tomorrow,” Jackie said.
“I bet she’ll have them by Thursday,” Kelso said.
“I bet you’re all wrong,” Eric said. “I want to say she’ll have them by Sunday.”
“And I bet she’s losing six friends,” Markus piped up, disgusted at their behavior.
“Five,” Eric corrected. “She can’t lose me. I’m her brother after all.”
“I don’t think that’s going to make a difference,” Markus said.
“Markus, baby, shush,” Jackie said, tapping his leg. “We’re just having a little fun.”
“Fun?” he questioned. “You’re betting on your friend’s pain and misery! I don’t think she would classify this as fun.”
“She would if it was any one of us,” Eric pointed out.
“Only with you,” Donna chuckled. “She’s fine with the rest of us.” She looked up to Kelso who was mindlessly sucking on a popsicle. “Well, maybe Kelso too.”
He looked down at her, frowning, pausing with the popsicle still in his mouth. “Why me?”
“Because it’s so easy,” Fez added in, laughing. “Like you.”
“That’s it, I give up!” Y/n said, exasperated three days later as she and her husband sat in the basement. “I’m done trying to get these kids to come out. They’ll come when they come.”
“No, don’t give up yet,” Eric said, faux-sympathetic.
“You just want them to be born so you can go to the concert,” she grumbled.
Eric’s gaze flicked to the rest of the group; Hyde staring at him suspiciously.
“Y-you can keep trying…even if it takes you to Sunday,” he said.
“Or Monday!” Jackie piped up. “I think you’ll go into labor then.”
“Nah, I’m saying Tuesday,” Fez said.
Y/n squinted her eyes at her friends. “Okay, what’s going on?”
“Nothing,” Fez squeaked.
“Uh huh, and I’m calling bologna,” she said, eyes never leaving Fez’s nervous ones.
“Nothing you’ll be interested in,” Jackie said.
“Yeah? Try me.”
Everyone was silent, not daring to speak up, until—
“We’ve all been making a bet to see when you’ll go into labor!” Fez blurted out.
“FEZ!” Everyone shouted.
“What the hell?!” Eric shouted.
“Unbelievable!” Donna cried out.
“Big mouth!” Jackie chimed in.
“Traitor!” Kelso added.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t lie to her!” Fez said.
“But you can bet money on me?!” Y/n shouted. “I can’t believe you guys!”
“Yeah! How could you do this and not let me in on it?!” Hyde shouted.
Y/n snapped her head to him. “WHAT?!”
“C’mon, we’re both so miserable here, at least let’s make some money out of it,” he defended.
“Oh, yeah I’m sure all that sex has helped ease the pain,” Fez grumbled bitterly.
“Shut up, Fez,” Hyde demanded, making Fez pout and turn away.
“You know the worst part is you guys didn’t include me on this,” Y/n continued.
“What?” the group asked in unison.
“Well, like Steven said, if I’m going to be miserable, I might as well make some money!”
“Hey, you’re cooler about this than I thought you would,” Markus said.
“If I wasn’t pregnant and desperate to get these kids out, I wouldn’t be,” she said. “Now, tell me, how high is the bet?”
“Forty,” he responded casually.
“Forty?!” Y/n screeched. “C’mon I’m worth more than that!”
“It’s all I’ve got in my purse,” Jackie responded bitterly. “Unless you have more money.”
“I know Hyde does,” Kelso smirked.
Hyde glared at him. “Drop it before I drop you.”
                                          The Next Day…
“C’mon, babies, just stay in there until after tonight,” Eric encouraged, talking to his sister’s belly.
“You know that’s not how that works,” she responded, laughing at him.
“They can still hear right? Maybe they will listen.”
“Yeah, in your dreams, Forman,” Hyde said as he sat next to his wife on the couch.
“Come on, babies, if you wait to come out and let Daddy go to the concert with Uncle Eric, I promise I’ll give you whatever you want.”
Y/n couldn’t help but chuckle. “I don’t think they’re coming out anytime soon. You guys can go to the concert tonight, it’s fine.”
“YES!” Eric cheered.
“You sure?” Hyde asked genuinely and turned to her. “What if you go into labor while I’m gone?”
“I still have my parents here and Markus said he’ll be a phone call away if I need him,” she reassured him.
Hyde made a face at her. “I don’t know how I feel about this new guy helping you.”
“Would you rather it be Fez or Kelso?”
He smacked his lips in thought. “Good point.”
“Besides, I think it’ll be nice to just be me tonight,” she continued. “I can finally start that book I’ve wanting to read.”
“Vogue Magazine isn’t a book,” Eric reminded.
“Neither are comics,” she snapped back.
“Then why are they called comic books?” he shot back.
Y/n sighed. “Either way, I’m looking forward to finally getting some alone time.”
“As long you’re okay with it. And I won’t be out long,” Hyde promised.
“Okay,” Y/n said, smiling at him and kissed him. “I’m going to go take a nap. Wake me up before you leave.”
Hyde nodded as he helped her off the couch. Just as she did, she clutched her stomach, hissing sharply.
“Oh!” she yelped, bending over.
“Oh, my God! Y/n!” Hyde reacted quickly, reaching for her so she didn’t stumble forward.
“Y/n, are you okay?!” Eric asked her with wide eyes.
“Yeah, just kidding,” she giggled and walked upstairs.
The two young men let out a breath of relief and glared at her as she walked up the stairs.
“Sometimes, I really, really don’t like her,” Eric griped.
                                             --Time Skip—
“Y/n, I’m leaving!” Steven said as he gathered his wallet, keys, and tickets together.
“I’m coming,” she called out as she waddled down the stairs.
He met her at the bottom of the stairs and placed his hands on her hips, leaning down to kiss her. “You sure you’re okay with this?”
“More than,” she said, grinning. “You go and have a great time, okay?”
“I will. I left the number for you on the counter to the venue in case anything happens.”
“Look at you, being all worried and responsible,” she teased.
He chuckled and kissed her gently. “I love you. I’m serious—call.”
“I will,” she said and hugged him. “I love you. Have fun.”
“Will you stop making out with my sister and get in the car?” Eric asked impatiently. “Led Zepplin isn’t going to wait for us.”
“Shut up, Forman,” Hyde said and turned to Y/n once more. “Try to not have those babies until I get back.”
“I will definitely try,” she replied sweetly before giving him one more kiss. “Now, go. Enjoy the concert. Oh! Wait there for a moment.” She ran back to the kitchen before returning to the front door with a camera in her hand. “Take some pictures for me.”
Hyde held the large polaroid camera in his hand and looked at his wife. “You want me to take pictures the whole time?”
She nodded innocently. “Yeah!”
“No,” he deadpanned and set the camera on the couch.
“What? Why?!”
“I’m going to be busy rocking and rolling, not taking pictures of the band.”
“Steven, please! Just because I can’t be there doesn’t mean I don’t want pictures!”
“Yeah, that’s a lot of pictures that I don’t want to take and have to keep track of. No, thanks.”
“Why’re you being so stubborn?”
“Hey, if you wanted to see Led Zepplin, you should be going,” Eric piped up from behind them.
“You literally bought tickets for everyone but me,” she snipped.
“Correction: I bought them for me, you, Hyde, and Donna. Kelso bought tickets for him and Hyde,”
“But…Jackie’s not going, what're you doing with that extra ticket?” Y/n inquired.
“Yeah…he thought he was going to be able to score with her, but then she met Markus and quite frankly, I think Kelso is afraid of him. So, he’s bringing Fez,” Eric answered.
“I’m not even going to question that,” she said and turned back to her husband. “You be careful and have fun. But not too much fun!”
“Alright, cool, let’s go!” Eric pushed and shoved Hyde out the door.
“What the hell, man?” Hyde asked outside the door.
“We still have to pick up Kelso and Fez and I’d rather not be later because you couldn’t stop being mushy with my sister,” Eric responded and closed the door before Y/n could hear what Hyde had to say.
Y/n looked down to her stomach and held it between her hands. “Well, guys, it looks like it’s just us. What do you guys want to do? We can watch TV, read a book…eat a tub of ice cream?” A kick to the stomach confirmed her question. “Ice cream it is!”
                                         Later that night…
Y/n sat on the couch in the living room watching a rerun of Three’s Company when the doorbell rang. When she answered the door, Jackie and Markus stood there.
“What’re you guys doing here?” Y/n asked them.
“Well, we know you’re by yourself tonight so we figured you’d like some company,” Markus said with a bright smile and held up a Fatso Burger bag. “We also brought food.”
“Well, I wouldn’t put it that nicely, but yeah same,” Jackie said and welcomed herself in.
“Oh, uh, well thanks,” Y/n said and closed the door. “You guys don’t have to be here. My parents are home and if anything happens, they’ll be here.”
“Nonsense. We’re your friends,” Markus said and sat down on the couch. “Besides, we figured you were hungry.”
“Always,” Y/n said and waddled over to the couch. “This was really nice of you. Thank you.”
“Not a problem,” Markus said, smiling and handing her a wrapped burger. “What’re we watching?”
“Three’s Company. It’s the one where Chrissy takes a freelance job as an X-rated writer for a fictional diary,” Y/n responded, watching the screen.
“Oh, that’s a good one,” Jackie said, digging into her fries.
After they had finished their meals and the episode ended, another one was starting soon as they all had settled back into the couch.
“No, no, no that’s ridiculous,” Markus argued. “Why would Doc Ock be Spider-Man’s greatest enemy? It’s always been Green Goblin!”
“The Green Goblin is Peter’s most famous enemy, but it makes sense that his greatest enemy is Doc Ock because think about it: Your mentor and friend turning bad? Can you imagine the betrayal?” Y/n countered.
“But Green Goblin was his best friend’s dad! That also has to mean something! Then, once his dad died, his best friend became the Green Goblin!”
“Yeah, that would mean something if Harry hadn’t tried to kill Peter first!”
“To be fair, Harry didn’t know about Spider-Man’s identity until later.”
“And to be fair, this conversation is killing me,” Jackie piped up, bored.
“Yeah, but—” Y/n was cut off by an abrupt sharp pain down in her lower abdomen. Her hands flew to her stomach and held her breath as the pain radiated and quickly subsided. She let out a sigh of relief.
Markus and Jackie sat up straight as Markus’s hands hovered over Y/n. “A-are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Y/n responded, breathlessly. “That was weird. Anyway, as I was saying—OH!”
Another sharp pain reared its ugly head, radiating through her pelvis to her back and down her legs. “Oh, my God!” Her grip on the couch tightened, knuckles turning white. She could feel her abdomen tighten rock-hard as she felt the pain become more intense.
“Y/n, what’s wrong?” Jackie asked.
Y/n couldn’t respond and could only whimper.
“Oh, my God,” Markus said, panicking and jumped from the couch. “Oh, my God! Not now!”
All Y/n could do was shake her head as the pain was starting to subside to the point where she could get some words out. “No, no, it can’t be. It can take a while for the babies to get here. It could just be the beginning stages.”
“The beginning stages of what?” Jackie asked.
Markus looked at her with a panicked and wild look in his eyes. “Are you serious?!”
“What?!” she asked, matching his energy.
“She’s in labor, Jackie!”
“Oh,” Jackie said calmly, but then it hit her. “OH!”
“We need to get you to the hospital,” Markus said, rushing to get her up from the couch.
“That’s not necessary,” Y/n said, another sharp pressure coming on as she stood. “The book said contractions need to be five to ten minutes apart before going to the hospital. Labor can take a while.”
Markus sighed a small breath of relief before looking down and his eyes widening. “And what does the book say about that?”
Y/n looked down on the floor at her feet as she felt some wetness.
                                          Her water had broke.
Taglist: @not-shy-nanya @taysirene @maddieschampagneproblems @mdittyz123 @undead-sierra @random-thoughts-004 @lieswithoutfairytales @chloem4a1 @srhxpc @zhonglibxitch @leothesquishy
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one-vivid-judgment · 2 months
I'm not sure if you have a character request limit but I couldn't help myself with the fluff! Could we get some headcanons on how the following characters would propose?: Yamai, Eiji, Ebina, Tomi, and Sawashiro? Thank you in advance! 💚
Oh brother, I'm sensitive af bc pre-period hormones do be hitting like that and the cuteness of it all actually made me tear up 😭😭
Yutaka Yamai
See, normally that wouldn’t be his thing. Either you propose or he’s most likely not gonna do it himself. Last time he tried to follow his heart and do something for someone he was in love with, he was framed for murder and had to flee to Hawaii, for fuck’s sake! If you proposed though, he would say yes 100%.
In the very odd case that he took the initiative and proposed though, it’s gonna take him so much mental preparation beforehand. It’s gonna be nothing fancy; no out in public, no expensive restaurants, no one but you and him. Probably at home, doing something so mundane as watching a movie while he hugs you from the back so it’s harder for you to make eye contact.
It’s one of the only times that you can think of that he’s had trouble getting the words out. His confession won’t be anything too fancy either; he’s gonna go straight to the point and tell you how it is. He loves you, he wants to be with no one else and wants you in his life forever, so... Would you marry him?
Eiji Mitamura
A fucking wreck of a guy. Cause first of all, in his head, after everything he’s done and after serving his time, there is no way you’d want to marry him, even if he is trying to change. Of all the people in the world, why would you pick the guy who was willing to hurt a child, manipulated and blackmailed a woman, faked a disability to garner sympathy and has endured public humiliation ever since? Sure, you saw something in him (though he doesn’t know what, exactly), but you wouldn’t be willing to go that far, would you?
You know he’s got something eating him up, but he brushes it off whenever you ask him. So, you just let him sort out his thoughts himself and come to you when he feels ready. It’s not easy though, because you know he’s beating himself up over something that probably is fucking ridiculous.
Well, no, it wasn’t fucking ridiculous after all: he wanted to fucking propose, but didn’t know how. It’s super simple, and could barely even qualify as a proper proposal; he didn’t buy a ring, he didn’t get down on one knee, he just totally broke down over dinner one night when you asked if he was okay and he told you everything. He loves you, he wants to be with you forever, but how realistic is that? With all the baggage he has, why would you want to be with him over someone more... less like him? Of course, he would love it if you said yes, but... you don't have to feel forced to accept, or anything! You’d probably have to kiss him to make him shut up and then say your piece.
Masataka Ebina
Pulls out all the stops to the point that you can see him coming a mile away. Not that he cares—only the best of the best for you, obvious as he may make it look. If you outright ask him if he has something planned for tonight though, he’ll just smile it off and say, “Why don’t you mind your own business for now, huh sweetheart?”
Kind of a stereotypical, picture-perfect proposal when you think about it. Fancy restaurant, people around to watch, the ring with the fattest diamond he could find at the jewelry shop. You bet there are also candles and expensive wine, and of course he is going to pay for the meal, so order to your heart’s content.
Probably prepared a whole fancy speech as well. Absolutely no shame to spout all that in public whatsoever either—he can tell you are going to say yes regardless of how he confesses, he’s kind of a cocky son of a bitch in that regard, but he wanted to make it extra special for you anyway. Besides, you gotta give these people a good show, right?
Eric Tomizawa
This guy proposed once, yeah. But seriously, do you think he has any idea whatsoever on how to do it a second time? It’s like his brain short-circuits and suddenly Tomi.exe has stopped working. You ask him how he proposed to Marie? Oh, he remembers it all down to the last detail. But he’s not about to do the same thing for you. He’s not so lame that he will reuse a whole proposal.
You can kinda tell he’s plotting something behind your back. He gets startled and denies it very vehemently when you ask if there is something wrong. So vehemently, in fact, that you can tell he’s lying. He is not a very convincing liar to begin with, but the way he scratches at the back of his neck and his laugh gets all high-pitched is pretty telltale.
All-out, public proposals are not his thing, so no fancy restaurants in his agenda. He will, however, take you out on a date first, then offer to go for some ice cream, then a walk down at Aloha Beach to finish off. Pretty sunset, nice weather, and then he’s down on one knee. Sure, the ring is nothing fancy, but it’s all he could afford with his taxi driver income, and it is pretty regardless. He’s all nervous and stumbles on his words a few times, but that just makes it a more 'Tomi' proposal.
Jo Sawashiro
You thought Yamai was closed off? Try this guy. First off, he thinks he’s too old to be getting married at this point. Then again, he really does love the feeling you bring to him—it’s an inner peace he’s never felt before, and why lie... it makes him feel good. But honestly, how do you propose at this stage of life? He never even proposed to Ikumi, they only lived together, so it’s not like he has previous experience to go off of.
It’s very likely that it won’t be a proposal per se. You’ll just be lying down in bed after making love one night, and when he thinks you are sleeping, he’ll kinda... blurt it out. A simple enough “God, I want to marry you”. He gets soft after making love (not just fucking, but when it’s deliberately softer, more gentle) like that, sentimental even.
As it turns out, you were not asleep. You kinda scare the shit out of him when your eyes pop open right after he says that. It’s late at night, but really, you’re gonna have to talk things through right now or else, he’ll just go back to his closed-off self in the morning and pretend it never happened out of embarrassment. You want to marry him too, no matter what he’s done or how old he thinks he is for it. He can buy you the cheapest ring at the shop, or no ring at all, and you would still want to marry him.
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themadsquirrel09 · 6 months
Kenny dies! with an extra layer of heartbreak
"Kenny dies", the 12th episode of season 5, aired on December 5th, 2001. It has been 22 years since Matt and Trey dropped that bomb of feels; so, to celebrate, I thought, we should break our heart today!
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Let's roll with the theory that Eric Cartman is the only one who remembers that Kenny dies multiple times (besides Kenny's parents).
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(GIF from the episode S05E05 ∣ Cartmaland)
When you think about it in the context of the episode"Kenny dies", it is a game changer.
The moment of truth
So, Eric finds out Kenny is dying, goes to the hospital, and confesses to Kenny he sees him as his best friend. Kenny reciprocates, although we never know if sincerely, or out of pity, I'm inclined to bet it was an honest reply from Kenny.
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(Gifset by South-Park-Gifs)
Eric tells Kenny he is gonna find the cure for him, and he seems exited.
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But he hasn't leave the room when his expression has already dropped.
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Soon he breaks down.
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I think that, at least in this brief moment, Cartman was honest.
And what if here it is true that he remembers Kenny's deaths? Then maybe what hurts him the most is seeing his fun-loving partner in crime wasting in that hospital room.
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The promise
After that, it also seems that Eric is serious about his promise of finding a cure. When he realizes he can clone the Shakey's, that idea is in his head probably from that moment, BUT, this is Eric Cartman we are talking about, he can be very ambitious, and so my theory is that he wanted both to cure Kenny, and clone the pizza place.
Then we have the lovable, and unforgettable moment when Eric gives his speech. If you are a fan, you know he is great at that, and you also know how good he is at manipulating, so it is all planned? Maybe it is!
He cries, and is almost unable to stop himself... but he can cry at will. So is it all fake? What if we take it to a middle point? Let's consider that some of that emotion is real. He cries more when he says "I love Kenny McCormick, and I hope you love him too".
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I would go as far to say that even if he was acting, he probably borrowed the emotion of that moment in the hospital to cry at will, and influencing other people's judgment.
It could also be that he genuinely broke down in the middle of the speech, and resorted to singing that kind of song, which would kick a sing along. Entertaining is one of Eric's abilities, and singing can also soothe the nerves.
A goodbye we don't get to see
So, what if Cartman was serious about helping Kenny, and he ran out of time? What if the doctor looked at him in the eye and said "it is too late to cure him"? Maybe just after he had visited Kenny, and told him he was about to get the cure for him.
Or did Eric get so involved in the whole deal he didn't even got to say that last goodbye?
We are still rolling with the idea that Cartman remembers Kenny's multiple death, still he goes to the different funerals, so why didn't he goes to this one? Maybe it was a "fuck it" moment, he just wanted the Shakey's, and Kenny was dead anyway.
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But there's another alternative, that Eric was so devastated by his own failure he had to focus on something that wasn't Kenny.
What if he felt so guilty he just wanted to be punished? So he goes, and shows the guys how much of a piece of shit he is; it feels great because Kyle beats the shit outta him, so, in a sick way, he gets that he thinks he deserves.
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Did I broke you heart?
I sure broke mine :'l
With love: (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Stan
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slafkovskys · 2 years
hear me out girl dad beech
baby was born senior year of high school and the mom is out of the picture so Beech is trying to juggle his junior year and a two almost three year old.
tell a friend to tell a friend, she’s baaaccckkkkkk
“do you want your water?” you ask the little girl, looking down as she curls her arm around your knee. she’s quiet for a moment, staring at a group of boys on bikes passing by across the street and you clear your throat, smiling down at her when she looks up, “earth to leni.”
“daddy?” she responds, pointing her finger toward the arena. her tiny fingers poke at your knee as she looks at you curiously.
“yes, we’re going to see your dad, len, but do you want your water, ma’am?” the almost three-year-old takes a deep breath before looking away, back towards where the bikers had now turned the corner and disappeared. going with your gut, you grab the starbucks cup that was full of water and shut the car door, and hold out your hand, “hold please.”
her tiny hand grabs onto your bigger one and you start in the direction of the arena. she asks for her water and you hand it over, grateful that you now had one less thing to hold onto as you come to the door. you type in the code that you absolutely were not supposed to know, but johnny had given you anyway, and hold the door open for the little girl in the lavender leotard. once the door closes behind you, leni looks up, a silent ask of permission, and you let go of her hand, letting her weave her way through the hallways of yost. you stay hot on her trail though and when you finally make it to the open arena, it doesn’t take long before her presence is noticed.
“noureen!” a few of the boys chorus and she giggles, grabbing onto your hand again for help down the stairs.
“hi,” leni (real name eleanor, but growing up around hockey was rarely called eleanor) says as she gets to the glass. “daddy!”
johnny skates over, looking at you with raised eyebrows as you lift leni to stand on the brim of the glass, “hi baby. how was dance class?”
“we played and then i, i got a cake pop!” leni turns to look at you, “can i have my shirt honey?”
leni knew that your name was y/n, but after she heard johnny’s mom call you that once, she had refused to call you anything but. you hum, “yeah babe.”
you set her on the ground and pull the umich sweatshirt over her head picking her up again as the boys start to swarm, “cake pop? where’s mine?”
she hides her face in your neck, “i ate it.”
grano gasps, “i thought we were friends, noureen! now, who am i supposed to watch finding dory with?”
“not me,” eric chimes.
johnny, who looks more than annoyed with his roommates’ banter with his daughter, nods his head towards the bench, “bring her over here.”
you follow him over, carefully handing her off to him, “sorry to disrupt practice but she got bored at the library after like twenty minutes. she’s not big on russian art through the ages apparently.”
“is anyone?” johnny scoffs, pressing a kiss to his daughter’s cheek, “i missed you.”
“missed you,” she mumbles, throwing her arms loosely around his neck as she watches the boys skate around the ice. “can i go out there, daddy?
“in a minute, baby,” johnny looks at you expectantly, “are you coming?”
“you are such a delight, beecher,” you grumble, squeezing your way through the gate. johnny sets leni down, beckoning jacob over to take her out onto the ice with him while you make your way over to the bench, “how was your day?”
“better now that my girls are here,” you think you hear him wrong and when you look up, he’s gesturing for you to go in front of him. you press yourself against the barrier, watching as leni is surrounded by those she affectionately calls her uncles and she starts directing them on what to do, “what about yours? she didn’t cause you too much trouble, huh?”
“she never does,” you shake your head.
“are you cold?” johnny mumbles, leaning against the barrier beside you. you hadn’t even realized that since leni had been taken from you and your arms were now free, you had subconsciously wrapped them around yourself. you shrug your shoulders, avoiding his gaze as leni’s loud squeals fill the open arena as nick passes a puck to her and she stops it with her ballet slipper-covered foot. she looks up at her father’s teammates for approval, grinning widely when they all cheer for her. johnny’s glove-covered finger pokes at your side, “hey, there’s a sweatshirt in my stall. go and grab it.”
“i’m not cold, john,” the lie slips from your lips and you can tell by the look on his face that he doesn’t buy it in the slightest. michigan had just reached its transitional period from summer to fall and while you were outside, your leggings and t-shirt were fine. however, walking into yost, a room full of ice, did not pair well with your bare arms. “i swear-”
“go get it or i’m going for you,” he raises an eyebrow and when you keep your feet planted in your spot, he sighs. “you’re so stubborn, y/n.”
you turn your attention back to leni and the boys, not watching as he stomps past on his skates in the direction of the locker room, “and you’re kind of a dick, john.”
he wasn’t a dick. the furthest thing from it really. well, these days anyway.
you’d been watching leni since she was only a couple of months old, having been recruited because you knew one of the upperclassmen at the time when you and johnny were both freshman and johnny was in between babysitters for her. from the moment you met leni, she had you wrapped around her tiny little finger (just like she did with everyone) and johnny, just a few months shy of turning nineteen and still working out how to balance hockey while raising leni on his own, with bags under his eyes and a scratchy voice, grunted out, “when can you start?”
you’re alone for only a minute before dylan skates up, a lopsided grin on his lips, “have you considered my proposal any?”
“yes dylan, and i don’t care if it will make my tuition any cheaper,” you sigh, “i’m not going to marry you.”
he pouts, watching as you take a seat on the bench and tuck your hands under your legs in an attempt to warm them, “why not?”
“because you’re just too young for me,” you tell him and when he opens his mouth to argue, he’s interrupted by the sound of skates making their way down the hallway. johnny emerges and drops the sweatshirt into your lap without uttering a single syllable before hitting the ice again. he skates in the direction of his daughter and she beams as he picks her up and carries her away from the gaggle of boys that have taken part in raising her over the last three years. your cheeks burn as you pull the team issued sweatshirt over your head, johnny’s number bold on your left arm on. you click your tongue, “i don’t want to hear it.”
dylan makes a face, “don’t want to hear what?”
“whatever you’re going to say.”
“i just can’t believe you two haven’t, like, at least hooked up yet,” your mouth falls open and he chuckles, “it’s so obvious that you two are into one another. so why not stop making everyone watch this- whatever it is and just get down to business?”
it’s your turn to make a face, “it’s not like that. i just babysit leni-”
“y/n, respectfully, i don’t think either of you could see the ocean if you were on a boat in the middle of it,” he sighs leaning over the barrier, “you didn’t hear this from me, but i’ve been here less than two months and i’ve been able to put two and two together and it’s not even something i’m involved in. you may be choosing not to see it, but he looks at you like you hung the moon.”
“i-” you try to find the words to object to his claim but you can’t and just in the nick of time, johnny comes gliding over with leni beaming in his arms.
“don’t you have drills or something to be doing, duke?” johnny quirks an eyebrow as he sets leni carefully down on the barrier, smoothing out her lavender tutu for her when she makes a noise of disapproval when it’s wrinkled.
“what? this isn’t family skate anymore?” dylan asks, looking between you and johnny. when he doesn’t get a laugh from either of you, only an ice-cold stare from leni’s dad, he clears his throat and nods his head towards center ice, “i’m gonna go do drills now.”
“that would be smart,” johnny nods in approval, turning his attention to you. his eyes take in you and his sweatshirt and he smirks, “so you were cold.”
you roll your eyes, ignoring his statement when you ask, “do you want me to take len now so you can get back to practice?”
“actually, we-”
“come get pizza?” leni asks, eyes wide as she waits for your answer.
“you want to go get pizza?” you ask for confirmation and her brown curls bob atop her head as she nods. “i don’t know len, i’m still full from that cake pop earlier-”
“she was asking, i’m not. you’re coming.”
and that’s how you found yourself across from johnny and leni in a booth at her favorite pizza parlor barely an hour later after johnny had convinced whoever he needed to convince to let him leave early. honestly, he had taken leni with him and he likely just told her to bat her eyes and pout her lips and plead with them to ‘let daddy go’ and they just did. she was a weapon.
you’re watching leni color a picture of a dalmatian when your phone lights up beside you. you look over and when you see that it’s from dylan, you roll your eyes and look at it anyway. it’s a picture of him and who you can only assume is his father, but it’s the background that makes you swallow the lump in your throat. it’s you and johnny, your arms wrapped loosely around his waist while his are draped delicately over your shoulders. your head is pressed against his chest while you’re looking over at his brother (who wasn’t pictured) who was holding onto a barely awake leni, but all of johnny’s attention is on you. his usual, stone-cold expression is replaced with a warm smile as he looks down at you. you remember that day, it was only last weekend.
dylan sends a second message, words this time, the moon, and suddenly you’re hyper-aware of the way that johnny is resting his foot against your ankle even though there’s plenty of room in the booth. suddenly you’re aware that you’re still wearing his sweatshirt even though it’s fairly warm in the pizza parlor. suddenly you’re aware that this is everything that you’ve been wanting for the last three years. and suddenly,
you’re aware that you’re in love with john beecher.
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juyeonszn · 9 months
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PAIRING jacob bae x f!reader
GENRES fluff ﹒suggestive
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DNI yk all that jazz, mature language, younghoon being stupid, one bed trope 🙀, jacob is shirtless….. that deserves its own warning tbh, reader also is topless at one point but not for the same reason, reader is down bad for cobie, dry humping ig idk if it really counts but i’m including it anyway, this is kinda tame tbh but,,, the tension is there i swear!!
SUMMARY you swore you would never make any physical contact with jacob bae ever again to protect your heart. what the hell are you supposed to do now that you’re sharing a room?
MORE HELLO!!! she is finished 😼 finished her up in a day im impressed with myself ANNSNW ANYWAYS this is a request from my 100 followers event! thank u again moni (@zzoguri) bae i hope u enjoy this 🫶🫶 prompts used are: 10, 12, 13 <3
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs
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You know, you weren’t entirely expecting yourself to fall for Jacob Bae.
To be fair, it was very hard not to. From his infectious smile, to his genuineness, he was honestly the complete package. Even before you became friends, it was difficult to not fawn over the guy. You would see him across campus every now and then, laughing along with his friends or something of that nature, and you always felt a tiny ping in your heart.
Then came Eric Sohn and Kim Sunwoo’s annual back to school pool party.
Naturally, parties were the bane of your existence. You could never fully enjoy yourself, what with the clusters of people in one house and the strong scents of both alcohol and weed. However, one of your gal pals managed to convince you to tag along just to say you’d been to one of the infamous parties.
That was your first mistake.
Two hours into your eventual demise, you found yourself swishing around the contents of your red solo cup on the backyard patio, your friends having long disappeared. You were bored out of your mind with no one to talk to and now a near empty drink. A creak of the wooden boards behind you had you spinning around so fast you almost got whiplash.
Jacob Bae gives you a smile, stifling a laugh when you almost spill the last couple sips of your beverage. He sits himself beside you, sighing in either content or relief— to this day you’re still not sure.
“Hi, I’m Jacob,” he extends a hand towards you. “I saw you sitting out here and thought I’d introduce myself.”
Just like they say in the movies, the moment your skin comes into contact with his, there’s sparks. It’s like a jolt of electricity is running along your arm through your nervous system, shocking your brain. From that moment on, you made it a personal mission to never touch him again, out of fear it would happen every single time and you might do something extremely stupid.
Now here you are, ten months later and still just as whipped as you were day one.
Your friends dragged you on a little road-trip just to get away for a bit at the start of the summer. You were nervous thanks to the fact that a wheel spinner decided roommates and you got stuck with Jacob. If anyone asked, you’d say you were pretty good at pretending like you weren’t hopelessly in love with your friend. You looked at him normally, rather than with the want to rip his clothes off and go at it like bunnies.
“Jacob and Y/N sitting in a tree K-I-S-S— ow!” Younghoon rubs his arm where you’d just smacked him, pouting at you. “That hurt, what the fuck?”
“That was the point, bozo.” You roll your eyes, watching Jacob swimming around in the hotel pool. You hug your knees to your chest, resting your chin on top of them. How could someone make something so simple look so attractive?
Tonight would be a true test of faith, the ultimate challenge of whether or not you could truly resist Jacob Bae’s charms. Even if you’d stayed in the same house or same general vicinity, you always managed to dodge sharing a room. There were the few occasions you slept over at his and Sangyeon’s shared apartment, along with everyone else in your friend group. They’d both offered up their rooms for whoever wanted to bunk with them for the night since there wasn’t much room on the couches. You always picked the couch.
But there were no separate rooms keeping you apart this time. There was no couch. Just two beds and a couple feet between them. Oh God. You would be changing in the same room. Jacob Bae would be naked within your reach.
You blink away the thoughts creeping up from the back of your mind. You couldn’t have that mindset sharing a room with him. Couldn’t that be classified as immoral? Disrespectful? Your brain had to stay pure or you might not survive this trip at all.
“Why do you look like you’ve just seen a ghost?” Younghoon asks with an amused lilt to his voice. You give him a nasty side eye in return.
“I might as well have. I hope I keel over and die right now so I can join them.” You huff, your head bobbing up and down as you talk thanks to your knees under your chin.
Younghoon snorts, standing to shake his hair like a dog would after a bath. “You’ll be fine, dude. It’s not that serious honestly. Just think of this as, um, a team bonding exercise.”
“You’re a fucking clown.”
After about another hour of swimming, playing chicken, and other pool activities of that sort, the boys decide to call it a night. Thankfully so, because you had a long day of sightseeing ahead of you tomorrow. You gather your things and part ways for your respective rooms. Some were on different floors than others; you and Jacob’s for example was on the top floor. You don’t know why, but the guys were insistent on swimming first, prior to checking out your rooms.
You waddle behind him like a lost puppy, following him to the elevator. The whole ride up is silent save for the soft lo-fi beat playing over the speakers. Jacob is still very shirtless, a towel tossed over his shoulder haphazardly. What was its purpose? Couldn’t tell you since there were still droplets of water decorating his back.
Good Lord, you needed to stop staring at him, lest you wanted to go into cardiac arrest.
Your feet padding against the carpeted flooring of the hallway is the only thing you can hear all the way to your room. You even watch sheepishly as he pulls out the keycard and holds it to the sensor. It quickly flashes green and he pushes open the door.
You’re too preoccupied gawking at his back muscles again to notice he’s stopped in his tracks, causing you to bump into him. He laughs that melodic laugh of his before turning around to steady you. You give him a weak smile in apology.
And then you see why he paused so abruptly.
“Oh no, there’s only one bed, what will we do now?”
You sputter at how nonchalant he is about the situation. You glance back and forth from him to the bed and repeat, sweat forming on your palms. It was already going to be hard enough just sleeping in the same room, now you had to sleep in the same bed? You wouldn’t be surprised if you were found dead tomorrow morning.
“W-We can talk to someone at the front desk? Maybe we can get things sorted out and get a room with two beds instead?” You avoid eye contact.
“It’s too late for that. Besides, we did book these at the last minute, so they probably gave us whatever they had available.” He shrugs. His attitude is kind of pissing you off. How could he be so calm right now?
“Well— uh— um— maybe—“ Your words falter as you struggle to come up with a solution. Jacob’s lips quirk up in amusement.
“Maybe you could use that mouth for more than just talking nonsense.”
You make a sound similar to choking, your eyes widening as you process what the hell he just said. You keep blinking at him, mouth parted in astonishment? Shock? Surprise? Bewilderment? Did Jacob Bae really just say that to you?
When you don’t respond for a bit of time, he heads to the bathroom to presumably shower. You’re glued to your spot, unable to move or think. Your head felt like it was hollow, full of cotton. You had to be imagining that entire interaction. That was the only thing that made sense.
Even as the water in the bathroom floods your ears, you’re still dazed. You drag yourself to sit on the edge of the bed, holding the back of your hand to your forehead. You were going insane. That was the logical explanation. Your feelings for Jacob had been stuffed away for so long that you were starting to hallucinate.
Yeah, that’s what you were going with.
You were much too delusional to handle seeing him come out of the bathroom, so you decided to change while he was in there and get ready for bed. You wanted to face the other direction to curve any possible chance of driving yourself crazier. You pull off the oversized t-shirt you were wearing over your swimsuit and dig through your duffle bag for some fresh clothes. You were grateful that you didn’t let your friends peer pressure you into actually swimming, your desire to keep a healthy distance between you and Jacob overpowering wanting to join in on the fun.
As you go to untie your swim top, the squeaky hinges of the bathroom door have you tripping over your own two feet. You didn’t exactly have the best reflexes either, so you fail at catching the strings before they can fall completely. At this point, you’re frozen. You’re planted face first on the floor, topless, with the boy you’ve been thirsting over for months just feet away.
Okay, so perhaps you underestimated how long it took him to shower.
“Y/N, are you— woah—”
“No, don’t come any closer!”
Of course you’re too late and he does not heed your warning. Jacob squats next to you and you can just feel his presence. To everyone else, it’s calming. He’s the person most people go to when they have any qualms about life. He was the definition of the therapist friend. However, that was not the case right now.
His presence was intimidating and your heart was hammering in your rib cage. It was practically beating against the floor. It wouldn’t be beyond you if they heard it in the lobby. You refuse to glance over at him. This couldn’t be happening. It was seriously one unfortunate event after another.
There’s a ghost-like, feather light touch that trails the length of your bare back, sending a shiver down your spine. Just like the first time, it’s like you’d been statically charged. It was as if Jacob Bae himself created electricity. A sigh leaves Jacob’s lips. “Can you look at me, pretty?”
This was something torn straight from one of your wildest dreams. His words, his actions, even the situation you were in. A singular bed that you’re forced to share. This could very well just be the universe’s way of finally giving you a win. Divine intervention did exist, after all.
A peek at Jacob’s form shows you that he’s in nothing but a towel, and it leaves little to the imagination. You swallow thickly. Your lack of cooperation has his patience wearing thin, so he takes matters into his own hands, holding himself up with said hands on either side of your head and straddling your waist.
You can feel him through his towel and the flimsy material of your swim bottoms. He’s hard, pressing into your ass like he’s the one who’s needed to have you in such a visceral way the past ten months. His sculpted chest rests on your back as he leans down, his lips coming beside your ear.
“Tell me you want me, tell me you want me as bad as I want you.” He breathes.
It’s enough motivation to flip yourself over despite being nude from the waist up. You don’t even care anymore, caution thrown into the wind. Your infatuation with Jacob Bae was already concerning, but now it was dangerous. You were getting extremely close to crossing the line you told yourself you’d never cross. But he made it so easy.
Your eyes rake his figure, from his chiseled torso that was handcrafted by the Gods to the way he unabashedly keeps his lower half pinned to yours. You almost salivate at how good this feels. But it’s not enough. You need him in ways that could only be described as carnal. You release a shaky breath when he experimentally grinds his hips.
He leans into you one more time, lips hovering your own and noses brushing. Just a few more centimeters. That’s all that it would take for him to kiss you, but he doesn’t. He flickers his eyes to yours and then back down, wetting his lips as he does so.
“Your eyes are already saying yes, now I just need your mouth to tell me the same.”
You could’ve just spoken the words out loud, but instead you close the gap between you. Your mouths fit together perfectly, like a missing puzzle piece finally reuniting with its set. They glide in synchrony, your fingers coming up to tangle in his hair and run along the expanse of his toned back. He groans when your nails graze his skin. You both part to gasp for air, lips swollen.
“That works too.”
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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appalamutte · 2 years
A bag is dropped in the chair across from Eric, and when he looks up from his phone and half-cold bowl of pasta, he finds Camilla Collins standing before him.
“Oh,” he says through a mouthful of penne, struggling to swallow it as quick as possible. It hurts a bit when he finally gets it down. “Hi, there!”
Camilla goes to sit down beside her bag and smiles sweetly over at him. “Hey. Eric, right?”
“Yup, though everyone really just calls me Bitty -- because of my last name, not my size.” Eric screams internally. “Anyway, you didn’t need to know that, sorry.”
Camilla just chuckles and props her elbows onto the table, resting her head on her fist. She’s staring at him like she knows something, but her gaze still looks a bit inquisitive. It’s disconcerting, really. Eric knows she’s Jack’s ex, or ex-hook up, or whatever. Holster and Ransom always mention her at Haus parties when Jack’s clockwork absence is noticed, drunkenly cheering about finally getting her back in bed, and Shitty has vaguely confirmed they were involved with each other on more than one occasion. But no one has ever given Eric a straight answer on Jack’s and Camilla’s history.
It’s not like he’s been able to ask about it much, though, either. Eric’s pretty sure Shitty’s starting to pick up on his hopeless schoolground crush with all the questions, and he can’t even look Lardo in the eye when Camilla’s name is brought up anymore. He can only say a silent prayer of relief that Holster and Ransom are too preoccupied with personal endeavors to notice anything, because he’s certain he’d never hear the end of it from them if they knew.
And no matter what, having said crush’s ex-something sitting before him makes the pasta Eric just swallowed sit uneasily in his stomach.
“Bitty, that’s cute,” Camilla says, and it’s not condescending in any way. “You’re on the hockey team, right? With Jack?”
Eric tries to give a humored smile. “What, do I not look the part?”
“Not at all,” Camilla easily smiles with him, “but I like that. There’s too many meatheads on that team. We’ve been needing someone like you for a long time.”
“Hah, yeah,” Eric says, absentmindedly twisting his fork in the pasta, “good thing I’m here then. Those boys finally have actual dinners rather than microwaved bagel bites. And that kitchen when I moved in? An absolute biohazard, lemme tell you. I think I spent a week scrubbing everything, and another full day just cleaning the inside of the fridge. There was also a cabinet solely for sriracha, and, like, really? I think they had at least thirty bottles of it.”
Eric knows he’s babbling on now, but Camilla has this sparkle in her eye and she’s listening so intently that Eric has to catch himself from letting more unnecessary words tumble out. “And now I’m just rambling,” he finishes with an awkward laugh, “sorry about that.”
“You don’t have to apologize so much,” Camilla tells him, “it’s cute. You’re cute.”
Eric blinks and, with the way she’s looking at him, blurts: “Are you hitting on me?”
“What?” Camilla sits back suddenly. They just stare at each other, both wide-eyed, before they both laugh loud enough for the tables around them to turn their heads. Eric laughs, and laughs, and he thinks at some point Camilla is still laughing just because he’s still laughing. He can’t stop, though. Her laugh is light and airy, a melodic sound that matches everything else about her. It’s nearly perfect. And Eric’s own sounds too shrill and uncontrolled, so he just laughs harder because his heart is plummeting and when he stops it’ll be all too real that he’ll never stand a chance with Jack -- especially if he really was with Camilla at some point.
Which is pathetic because Jack is straight. His ex sitting before Eric with blinding beauty is only adding insult to that injury.
Finally, after too long, Eric wipes at the tears in his eyes and takes a shaky breath. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to ask that,” he says when they’ve calmed down enough. “I don’t know why I even did.”
“I was coming on pretty strong, wasn’t I?” Camilla runs a hand through her hair, pushing it out of her face in the process. They have the same hair color. “I’m sorry for that.”
“No -- don’t apologize!”
She waves a hand dismissively, and Eric watches it, unable to stop from comparing his calloused ones to her soft-looking ones. “Anyway, I just wanted to come by and meet you for myself. Jack told me you’d be here.”
Eric nods and desperately tries not to blush. His cheeks heat up anyway. “Yeah, cold pasta always helps after bio lecture.”
“I bet,” Camilla says, and there’s that glint in her eyes again when she continues: “I’ve heard a lot about you, Bitty.”
“You have?”
“Yeah. He’d be stupid not to go for you.” At first, Eric thinks he wasn’t supposed to hear that with how quiet her voice fell. But then her gaze quickly drops down to his body, then to his hair, before meeting his eyes again, and he’s definitely meant to hear: “He really does have a type, too.”
Eric blinks, opens his mouth but finds he can’t say anything, and Camilla bids him farewell with a promise that he come by and watch a tennis match sometime. Maybe he waves, though he isn’t sure. He just watches her leave, winding through the tables until she’s out the door and there’s nothing but his rapidly beating heart and bright red cheeks left in her wake.
He has a type? 
Then, twisting up the cold pasta in his stomach one more time:
Who’s he?
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snapdragonsimming · 6 months
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(Alma’s POV)
The most important day in my life- besides the day I accepted Jesus into my heart, of course- will be the day I become Mrs. Eric Kimball! I’m still in shock after the surprise proposal, but I couldn’t be happier.
Eric’s a police officer in Oasis Springs, where he was born, but by the grace of God he came to San Sequoia to go to Gilbert College (a local Christian university) for a two-year program and was led to me! I was just 14 and he was 20 when we met at a charity event put on by my church, so we nurtured a special friendship for nearly four years while he waited for me to be ready to take the next step. He’s been so gentlemanly from the very beginning despite our not being in an official relationship- always bringing me gifts, paying me special attention, and pointing me back toward Jesus!
I turned 18 a few months ago and at that point Eric approached my parents with the intention to make things official. For once in their lives they didn’t have anything negative to say, but I could tell by the looks on their faces that they were surprised. Later my mom pulled me aside and asked me if we had any “news” to “confess.” Then it was my turn to be surprised! I assured her that Eric and I had kept our bodies and minds completely pure from the moment that we had met, and his reasons for taking our relationship to the next level had nothing to do with sin and everything to do with love! To be honest, I think my parents were expecting my Nathalie to start courting first, but she’s too busy getting to know half the young men’s group at church to focus on just one guy- not that I’d ever say that to anyone.
Anyway, because we had only been “officially” courting for about two months at that point, I was completely blindsided by the proposal- in a good way! I didn’t even know he was in town when he showed up to our graduation party and got down on one knee in front of everyone. Because of his job Eric doesn’t have many vacation days, so we’re planning to have the wedding at the end of the year and take our honeymoon over the Christmas/New Years’ period. Then we’ll return to Oasis Springs (Eric bought a small starter home about six months ago, knowing we’d be man and wife sooner rather than later- how sweet!) and settle into our new life!
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nyxnygma · 2 years
Jealousy and Misunderstandings || ERIC CARR
[Eric Carr x Fem!Model!Reader]
Summary: reader is not usually jealous over the groupies that sworm around your boyfriend but after a bad night and an especially driven groupie you break
Warnings: Jealousy (obviously), misinterpretations, insecurities, kind of a panic attack
A/N: I don’t like writing for real life people but here I am and I’m writing for KISS
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Today has been a rough day. Your modelling manager didn’t think dating the drummer of a rock band would be good for your reputation and things led to another and now you need a new manager.
Not only that, but you were suppose to be meeting Eric four hours before he was on stage but due to delays and cancellations at the airport, you only arrived ten minutes before they had to start playing.
By the time you got backstage, you could only wave at him as he ran on stage.
You’ve been exhausted all day so after standing there for one and half hours you decided Eric wouldn’t mind if you went and sat in the joint dressing room, it’s not like he can see you standing there anyways and he’s always saying you don’t have to stand there for hours like you usually do.
So you give a smile to the crew men, letting one know to tell Eric where you were, and walked to the room. When you arrived, you sat down on the couch and started reading through one of their magazines but it only took a minute for to you fall asleep.
The concert ended in another hour and the four men wandered into their room, waking you up.
“Y/N!” Eric smiled as he saw you sitting on the sofa and came and hugged you. You kisses his painted cheek.
“Sorry about that. I just needed to sit down for ten minutes but I must’ve dropped off,” You apologise.
“No, no. Don’t apologies it’s fine,” his smile seemed fake, something was on his mind.
“You sure it’s okay?” You ask.
“Of course.”
“Hey Y/N,” Paul greeted as he sat beside you and swung an arm around your shoulders, “I think some people are coming in.”
“Okay,” You smile as you look back up to talk to Eric but he seemed to have moved without you noticing to the other side of the room. Weird.
“Want a drink?” Ace asks.
“Please,” You sigh. He throws you whatever beer the manager has provided them with.
“Is Eric okay?” You ask the man beside you.
“I think so, why?” Paul furrows his eyebrows as he turns to look at you.
“Nothing. It doesn’t matter,” you hum as you take a sip of the alcohol beverage in your hands.
After 5 minutes the groupies and other fans came wondering in the room. Usually you don’t mind them, you’re a model you have the mostly male equivalent, but a certain blonde girl got on your nerves. She clung to Eric and for some reason he didn’t quickly politely point you out like he usually does.
Paul found himself sitting next to you again after chatting up a woman who turned out to be in a committed marriage.
“I thought you and him had no groupies rule,” Paul commented after watching Eric evidently flirt with the girl. This confirmed it wasn’t just you being silly because he noticed it to.
“We do..” You sigh, not taking your beady eyes of the girl who hand was sliding up and down Eric’s arm and getting closer and closer every time she opens her stupid little month.
You’ve always been scared that you’d lose Eric to a groupie, or worse you already have. This thought wouldn’t leave your head. If he had already slept with someone you wouldn’t even know, you can sometime beapart for weeks at a time.
“I’m gonna get going,” You inform Paul, “can you tell Eric when I’m gone?”
“Oh. Well I think we’re heading back to the hotel soon anyways,” Paul nods, “do you want Eric’s room number.
“No I’ll be alright. I think I’m going to get my own room tonight,” you stand up and swing your bag on your shoulder. Before leaving, you turn back to look at your boyfriend, but as you did the girl pulled him into a kiss. As soon as that action happened you turned your head and stormed out the building.
You were in the car park and walking towards your rental, you couldn’t stop the thoughts swirling around your head. You’ve risked so much to be with him. Just today you fired the manager who was deemed the best modelling manager in the US. You’ve turned down modelling gigs abroad because Eric just got back from a tour so you could be with him, you have taken time out of your eventful life just to fly around going to his concerts to support him. And how does he repay you? He kisses a girl INFRONT of you!
You didn’t even make it to the car before tears spilled out of your eyes furiously. Your breathing sped up and your hands were shaking so much you couldn’t even open the car door.
5 Minutes Earlier
Eric pushes Angie off him as soon as her lips touches his. “Woah!” Eric breathes as he pushes her off him. “I have a girlfriend!”
“It didn’t sound like that when you were flirting with me,” she scoffs as she folds her arms and walks off towards Gene, who was already chatting up three women.
He started looking around the room trying to find you, just to explain what happened, but he couldn’t see you. Where you were sat was now occupied by someone else.
“Paul. Where’s Y/N?” He asks his band mate.
Paul looked at his friend with disappointment. He’s been close friends with you for the past 6 years, he is the one who introduced the two of you when he first joined the band, and he’d be damned if Eric thinks he can break your heart and not face any consequences.
“Well after fifteen minutes of watching you and that groupie bat your eyes at each other, she left to get a hotel room. Not without watching you two kiss,” Paul looks at Eric with anger in his eyes.
“No!” He runs his hands through his own hair. “I can explain I promise. I need to find her!”
“Alright I’ll come to,” Paul nods, choosing to believe him.
Ace joined the pair, apparently he needed to retire early anyway, and the trio headed out and onto the car parks - still in makeup.
“Wait is that Y/N?” Ace pointed out the figure.
You had your hand on the window and your other hand on the door handle as you attempted to slow down your breathing as tears stream down you cheeks.
“Y/N-” Eric begins to call before Paul pushes him back.
“Let me talk to her first,” Paul states as he walks to you and places a hand on your back.
“Hey Y/N?” He asks. “Eric wants to explain.”
“Yeah,” you sob. “Tell him to piss off.”
“Y/N.. Talk to him,” he sighs. You nod and he walks back to where Ace and Eric are stood. Your boyfriend then walks towards you.
“I’m so so sorry,” Eric nervously mumbles. Scared that he’ll make you cry more if he speaks any louder. “I didn’t kiss her back. I promise you that as soon as I realised what was happening I pushed her off me. Even ask Ace he saw it happen.”
“You may have not kissed her but you did push her off you as she was feeling you up did you?” Your face turned from sadness to anger as you moved your body to look at him.
“I know! I can explain that to,” he looks down at the floor in shame.
“Go on then,” you cross your arms.
“It’s just..” he sighs as he pinches the bridge of his nose, “I started to get a bit jealous every time you and Paul got touchy. It’s stupid I know! But I went to Ace for advice and he told me to get you jealous. Now that I think about it he was pretty drunk and was watching some weird teenage soap opera.”
If it was anyone else who said that you would not believe it but it was such an Eric thing to do. “You promise that is what happened?” You lift his head up to look at you by pushing his chin up with your index finger.
“Yes!” He nods. “I love you and you know that. Why would I do anything to lose my beautiful model girlfriend?”
“It was pretty stupid what you did y’know?” You chuckled.
“I know! I know!” He smiles sheepishly as you pulled him into a kiss.
The pair of boys behind us cheered.
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elianamarie-blog · 1 year
The Things You Give Pt. 29
Woooooooww. It's been WAY too long! I'm so sorry my loves. Thank you for still reading my content though! I can't tell youhow much it means to me. You all are amazing and make my day by your likes and comments! I lost a lot of inspiration towards the end of last year and it was hard to write when you don't have that or any of the creative juices flowing, but I fought it because of you guys, so thank you for keeping me writing! Anywho, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Much love!
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February 28, 1979
Point Place, Wisconsin
Forman Residence
Eric Forman’s Basement
“You guys, listen to this ad,” Eric announced. “Do you like to draw? Well, I have been known to trace my hand and turn it into a turkey. If so, have your artistic ability evaluated by the cartoon academy of Fort Lauderdale.”
“Ooh, I think Picasso went there,” Kelso said.
“All I have to do is send in my drawing of Sanchez the turtle and a money order for $19.95. 20 bucks to get judged by a panel of cartoon experts? I'd pay twice that,” Eric said, grabbing a pad and pen.
“Okay, besides that, Donna…how’s the radio station going?” Jackie asked.
“It’s good,” she responded. “I get to host Tuesdays and Thursday’s from one to five A.M. Boss man is even thinking of letting me cohost with—get this—Jerry Thunder!”
“That’s awesome!” Kelso cried out excitedly. “You get to work with ‘The Sound!’” He lowered his voice, imitating the radio station announcement.
“Do you have any idea what this could mean for my career?” Donna continued.
"Oh, my God! You're going to be famous!" Jackie squealed.
“Exactly,” Eric responded. “Awe, my girl is going to be radio famous.”
“What about you, Steven?” Jackie asked, turning to him. “How’s work going?”
“Fine?” Hyde questioned, eyeing her. “Why are you so interested in other people’s lives?”
“Can’t I be interested in my friends’ lives?” she asked innocently.
“No,” he said flatly. “You’ve never have. What’s gotten into you?”
She sighed. “Well, Markus told me that I need to start taking an interest in other people’s lives other than my own, otherwise people won’t really love me like they say they do. And when I said that they do actually love me, he said they were lying to me. Is that true?”
Everyone went silent; not knowing how to respond.
Y/n clicked her tongue. “Um…well…”
“Who’s going to tell her?” Hyde asked. “Because I’m about to hurt her feelings."
“Oh, it’s true!” Jackie whined. “I thought I was being lovable. You know—like the nice princess from The Wizard of Oz.”
“Yeah,” Eric said slowly. “You’re not. You’re more like the wicked witch of the west.”   
“Alright, as fun as this is, I need to get to work,” Hyde announced.
“Who’s running the store while you’re here?” Donna asked.
“Angie. She’s really wound tight on when we open,” he responded, rolling his eyes. “She’s always bitching about me not being there early and opening up on time and not closing early. It’s stupid.”
“Man, Angie is so pretty,” Kelso cooed.
“What have I said when talking about my sister?” Hyde asked gruffly.
“Don’t put her name or pretty or anything of the like in the same sentence,” he responded, not making eye contact.
“That’s right,” Hyde responded. “Anyway, Angie likes to jump my ass about everything. I didn’t close last night so now it’s apparently my fault that the store looked like a mess this morning.”
“Well, then who closed?” Y/n asked.
“Me. I closed six hours early and apparently that’s bad business. But in my defense, I had an important appointment to go to.”
“Oh, your baby appointments?” Kelso asked as he started throwing a ball into the air.
“No, I had an appointment at my darts tournament.”
  “Steven,” Y/n lectured. “I know your sister is hard to work with but maybe you shouldn’t make her make your life more miserable.”
“Betrayal!” Steven cried out, pretending to be offended at his wife.
Y/n shook her head at him.
“I thought you guys didn’t get along?” Fez asked. “Why are you defending her?”
“Hey, right is right and wrong is wrong,” she replied. “And right now, Steven is wrong.”
“I think this calls for a divorce,” Eric said.
“Shut up, Eric,” Y/n said, propping her feet up on the table. “Steven, if you want her to get off your ass, maybe try pulling your weight around the store. It’s called running a business.”
“I’d hate to admit it, Hyde, but she’s right,” Donna said.
 “What’s going on here?” Hyde asked. “I can’t believe you’re on her side!”
“Normally I wouldn’t be, but this time she’s right,” Y/n responded. “It’s like me doing all the cooking and cleaning around the house and taking care of the kids while you’re away at work, and then coming home just to go to bed.”
Steven blinked at her. “Okay, where’s the lesson in that?”
“Steven!” she screeched. “My point is you can’t just show up and not expect to do any work. Especially at your own store.”
Steven made a face and sighed. “Fine. But I’m going to complain the whole time.”
She shook her head at him. “That’s fine. As long as work gets done. And I expect the same at home too!”
“Sure. But just so you know you’re going to have pay me too.”
“I can’t. It’s illegal if I do,” she sassed.
He smirked at her. “I love you.”
She smiled. “Love you, too.”
“Alright, well, I’m going.”
“Oh, don’t forget, we have a class later tonight.”
  “What class?”
 “A class on how to take care of a baby,” she said. “Remember? I signed us up for it with my mom. The same class Kelso and Brooke took.”
He groaned. “Come on, Y/n, do I really have to go?”
“Yes,” she said. “I’m not going to be the only one changing poopy diapers.”
“See, I was thinking I could be in charge of what goes into the babies and you’re in charge of what comes out.” The look on her face said otherwise. “Fine.”
She perked up immediately. “Thank you. It’s at 6. Be here by 5:30.”
He huffed. “Okay.” With that, he walked out the basement, leaving the rest behind.
 “And I’m hungry,” Y/n said and brought her feet down. “Babies and I want a snack. Maybe a bowl of fruit. And then some ice cream.” As she struggled to get up, Donna reached out to her. “No, no I got it.” She pushed herself up, but fell back into the chair. She sucked in a breath and launched herself out of the chair, barley landing on her feet. “See,” she said, breathing hard. “I got it.” She wobbled upstairs.
“What did she mean by that?” Fez asked innocently.
“What do you mean?” Jackie asked.
“When she said it’s illegal if she pays him. I thought getting an allowance was normal?”
Everyone giggled.
“What? What’s so funny?”
“Think about it, Fez,” Jackie said. “Really think. Long and hard.”
Fez was quiet as everyone looked at him, waiting for him to get it. It didn’t take a long for a sly smile to break out on his face. He giggled. “I get it.”
“We should probably go too,” Kelso said and tapped Fez’s shoulder. “We have an apartment that we’re going to go look at.”
“You guys haven’t found an apartment yet?” Jackie asked. “Fez, where have you been sleeping this whole time?”
 “With me,” Kelso responded. “But I think my parents are getting sick of us.”
“What—you guys giggle like a bunch of school girls all night?” Donna chuckled.
Fez’s eyes grew a fraction. “Have you guys been spying on us?!”
“It’s true?!” Eric said, laughing.
“You know what? We really need to get going,” Kelso said and grabbed the scruff of Fez’s jacket. “See ya!”
“I swear, they’re in love or something,” Donna chuckled.
“Eh,” Eric shrugged. “Wouldn’t surprise me.”
                                    --Time Skip—
Y/n and Steven walked into the classroom that night. Plastic babies littered the room and a few other soon-to-be parents were all there and seated.
“Come on, Y/n, do we really have to do this?” Steven whined.
“I think it’s a good idea,” she said. “We’ve never been around babies before so we need to be prepared.”
Just as she said that, a large impregnated woman waddled by them and sat in a seat farthest away from them.
“Oh, my God,” Y/n said under her breath. “She has to be in her third trimester. That looks painful.”
“Either she’s having multiple kids or her baby is going to rip her apart.”
“Not helping, Steven.”
“Hey, you two,” Kitty cooed excitedly as she walked up to the couple. “Steven, you ready to talk about burps, boo-boo’s, and binkies?”
“Yeah, sure,” he responded flatly.
“Oh, come on don’t be such a sour puss,” Kitty said. “You should be glad to be here! Especially since I’m going to be the one to guide you into parenthood.” She gave them an excited, crinkled smile.
“I wouldn’t say I’m glad—” Steven started, but was cut off by Y/n.
“Shut up, Steven.”
He clamped his jaw shut as Kitty continued.
“Well, I am so glad that you’re here anyway,” she said. “It makes it better knowing that I’m guiding you to become better parents for my grandbabies!”
“Thanks, Mrs. Forman,” Steven said genuinely.
“You’re welcome, dear.” She turned to address the rest of the class. “Okay, everyone have a seat!” Kitty announced from the front. As everyone sat down, Kitty began. “Now, when your little bundle of joy is first born, they will spend almost 20 hours a day pooping and sleeping. Who else can tell me what else they’ll be doing?”
Y/n raised her hand eagerly. “Eating.”
“Great job, Y/n!” Kitty praised. “Now, what do babies eat?”
“Breast milk and formula!” a red-headed woman said eagerly.
“Yes, great job! Now, when your baby is born and it’s time to breastfeed, don’t be alarmed when the first couple of feedings may feel uncomfortable. Once the baby latches on properly to the nipple, it should feel less uncomfortable and more of a tugging on the breast.”
As Kitty continued her teaching, Steven leaned into Y/n’s ear and smirked. “So…nothing new for you then, right?”
“Shut up, Steven,” Y/n said, blushing.
He snickered and leaned away, eyes forward.
“And just so you know,” Y/n whispered, leaning into his side this time. “You just burned yourself.”
“What? How so?”
She chuckled breathlessly. “You basically said that all you do is tug…like a baby.”
 His smirk dropped immediately. “I didn’t say that.”
“Yes, you did,” she chuckled. “You just got burned, sucka!”
The room went dead silent as Kitty stared at them.
“Is there something you two would like to share?” she asked the couple who looked at like deer caught in the headlights.
“No,” Steven said.
“No, ma’am,” Y/n said in unison.
Kitty gave a curt nod before returning to the board.
“Hey, this place is nice!” Kelso exclaimed as he and Fez walked through the empty apartment. “Big enough to bring the ladies over.” He smirked at his friend.
“And your daughter?” Fez reminded him.
“Oh, yeah, that too.”
The two young men walked around the two-bedroom apartment, admiring it. The living room was spacious with the bathroom and master bedroom immediately to the left of entering. Straight ahead was a decent sized kitchen with a half wall bar looking straight into it. There was a hall to the left of it that lead to the smaller bedroom and a sliding door.
“I think we should go fill out an application before someone else nabs it,” Fez said and jabbed a thumb over his shoulder. “I’m going to go find the landlord before I—oof!” As he had turned around to leave, he had bumped straight into someone. “Oh, I’m sorry—oh, it’s you.”
The man stood there with a disgusted look on his face and folded arms across his chest. He was skinny with short thinning brown hair with a matching mustache. “Fez,” he said.
“Fenton,” Fez replied in the same tone and matched his stance.
“What are you doing in my apartment?”
Fez brought his eyebrows together. “What do you mean ‘your’ apartment?”
“Oh, you didn’t know?” Fenton smirked. “I’m the landlord of this joint. And before you fill out an application, the answer is no.”
“What? Why?” Fez asked, disappointed.
“You know why,” he responded and turned to Kelso. “But…I’d give it to you in a heartbeat.”
Kelso shifted uncomfortably in his place. “Uh…thanks man, but I don’t swing that way.”
“You don’t have to for me to give you this apartment. You’re way too pretty to pass that easily.”
A smug smile pressed into Kelso’s lips. “I know.”
“I’ll tell you what, I’ll give you this apartment right here, right now under one condition: You don’t make him your roommate.”
Kelso looked between the two men, stumbling for words. “I don’t—I can’t—”
“Are you serious? You can’t decide right now?” Fez asked, hurt.
“Well, I mean—I need a place, man. A place to raise my daughter.”
“But you can’t just leave me! You need a roommate to help pay the rent and I need a place a live!”
“I know, man, but I got to think of me and my daughter,” Kelso admitted sheepishly.
“I can’t believe this,” Fez said. “I thought you were my friend.”
“Fez, I am your friend!”
“No, you’re not, you son of a bitch!” He stomped out the apartment, slamming the door behind him.
“Fez!” Kelso called and started to run out the door, but Fenton caught him by the shoulder.
“Hey, the offer is still on the table, my friend.”
Kelso shook his head. “No. Not from you.” He walked out, to go find his friend.
“Oh, that’s great Kyra,” Kitty said, watching the redhead wrap a cloth diaper around a baby doll. “Snug so that it fits well and comfortable, but not too snug to cause rash and discomfort. And certainly not too loose! You can imagine what happens when it is!” Kitty laughed and moved onto to the next couple—Y/n and Hyde.
Y/n was struggling to wrap the diaper correctly around the plastic baby. The diaper wouldn’t stay pinned, or it wouldn’t fit right. She was beginning to get flustered and frustrated.
“I don’t think that’s how you do it,” Steven muttered.
“I know how it’s done, Steven!” Y/n snapped.
“Really? ‘Cause it doesn’t look like it.”
“Shut up,” she grumbled and finally pinned the diaper. “There!” She held up the baby in the air, showcasing it to her husband.
Kitty stepped up to their side with a look of concern. “Well, that’s very good, Y/n, but the needle of the pin isn’t supposed to go into the baby’ stomach.”
Tears pricked the corner of her eyes. “Oh, forget it!” She threw the baby down onto the table. “I’m going to be a terrible mother!”
“No, no, you’re not,” Steven said gently and picked up the baby. “I’m probably going to be a worse father—” Y/n shot him a glare. “I mean…a bad father while you…my darling…are you going to be the best gosh darn mother out there.”
She made a face at him, not believing him.
“L-look, it’s not that hard, see?” he stammered and unpinned the needle from the baby. With gentle hands, he undid the diaper and folded the bottom up, then left, and then right. He carefully pinned the diaper down and brought the baby up.
“Wow, great job, Steven!” Kitty cheered. “This looks amazing!”
“Where did you learn to do this?” Y/n asked, confused and marveled at the diaper.
“Well, when my mom would bring home one of my ‘uncles’, he sometimes would bring a kid and my mom, being the terrible person that she is, would make me in charge of watching these kids. Sometimes they were still in diapers. And if I didn’t want my house smelling like crap, then I had to learn how to change a diaper. So…viola.” He held the baby in the palm of his hand.
Y/n stared at it for a second with watery eyes before turning around and stomped out the room.
Steven sighed and set down the baby. “I better go after her. I’ll see you at home, Mrs. Forman.”
Y/n was about to exit the building when Steven called after her.
“Y/n, wait!”
“Please, leave me alone,” she said. “I don’t want to talk to anybody right now.”
“Look, come on,” he said, now at her side and grabbed her elbow. “You know you’re going to be the best mom you can be.”
“How can you know that? If I can’t put on a simple diaper, what makes you think I can do anything else?”
Steven chuckled at her.
“This isn’t funny, Steven!”
“No, no, it’s just that I find humorous that it’s you instead of me.”
“What?” she spat.
“I mean I thought it’d me feeling this way instead of you. I always thought you’d be the one to know what to do before me.”
“Well, I’m glad I could to be of service,” she deadpanned.
“Look, Doll,” he said and grabbed her hands. “You’re going to be great, I promise.”
“I’m not so sure,” she said solemnly and withdrew her hands. “I need to go, I’ll see you at home.”
“Where you going?”
“There’s someone I need to go talk to.” She pushed open the door to walk out.
“You can’t go!”
“Why the hell not?”
“Because we drove here together!”
“Oh, right.”
Y/n raised her fist and nervously knocked on the door in front of her. Padded footsteps could be heard from inside before the door swung open.
Brooke stood in front of her in a pink night gown, hair brushed and braided down her back. “Y/n…what are you doing here?”
“I’m so sorry to bother you this late, but…I was wondering if I can talk to you?”
“Uh…sure,” Brooke replied, a little surprised to see someone she barley spoke to standing on her doorstep. She opened the door wider, gesturing for Y/n to come in. She made her way to the kitchen. “Have a seat and make yourself at home. Would you like some tea?”
“Um…no thank you,” she replied and closed the door behind her. “I won’t be here long.”
“Okay,” Brooke said, grabbing a mug of hot tea and sat down next to Y/n. She smiled at the visibly bothered girl who sat down beside her and crossed her legs. “What’s up?”
Y/n sighed, struggling to find the right words. “When—when you were pregnant with Betsy…were you nervous?”
Brooke tilted her head in thought, jutting her lower lip out. “Well…sure. I mean, who isn’t when it’s their first child?” She chuckled, remembering the thought. “Especially when the father of your child is…well…Michael.”
Y/n couldn’t help but chuckle. “Yeah, I can imagine.” Her gaze dropped to her hands that laid in her lap. “Did you ever feel like you were going to be a bad mom? Because you had no idea what the hell you’d be doing?”
Brooke nodded. “Yeah…I did. Michael and I went to that baby class Mrs. Forman teaches and I could barley put the diaper on that stupid plastic baby.”
Y/n perked up. “Me too! How did you learn to do it?”
Brooke smiled gently at her. “It became second nature once I held Betsy in my arms.”
Y/n was silent for a minute. “But what if it doesn’t? What if—what if I do everything wrong and fail my babies?”
“You’re not going to,” Brooke soothed and tapped Y/n’s knee. “Once they are born, your motherly instincts will kick in. It’s expected.”
“Wasn’t for Steven’s mom.”
“Steven’s mom is a special case,” she responded, rolling her eyes. “You’re not going to be like her.”
“Well, I know that!” Y/n exclaimed, making Brooke laugh. “I just don’t want to be dunce that can’t figure out how to keep a baby happy.”
“You want to know the secret to a happy baby?” Brooke asked, leaning in.
Y/n perked up. “Yes!”
“There isn’t,” she deadpanned. “You’re never going to have a happy baby 100 percent of the time. They’re going to cry when they’re hungry, tired, have a full diaper, or just want to be held. Sometimes, they’re gonna cry just to cry.”
“Oh, yeah. At some point they’re going to get old enough to throw a fit. Betsy is old enough now to scream when she gets mad.”
“Really?” Y/n asked, most surprised than the last time she asked.
“Yeah,” Brooke sighed and rubbed her temples. “I love that little girl with all my heart, but sometimes I just want to give her a small taste of my mother’s bourbon in her milk so she can go to sleep.”
“Wait…do you?” she asked, taken aback and if she were being honest…a little amused.
“No,” Brooke chuckled and took a sip of her tea. “It’s tempting though when it’s three a.m. and she still isn’t asleep.”
Y/n chuckled. “I can imagine.” She looked down into her lap as a sudden pressure formed on her chest. “You know what? I think I’ll take that tea now.”
Brooke noticed her sudden change in demeanor, nodded quickly and rushed to the kitchen to grab her a cup of tea. When she rushed back in with a hot cup, she saw Y/n taking slow, steady breaths. Y/n accepted the cup graciously.
“I’m don’t think I’m ready to have kids,” she quivered, taking a sip from her tea.
Brooke looked at her awkwardly. “Erm…wouldn’t you rather be talking about this with your friends—"
Y/n didn’t even bother to hear what she was saying. “I’m going to make a terrible mother. I mean—I don’t know anything about babies! I read in the book Eric got me for Christmas that babies have six different cries. SIX! How am I supposed to know which ones which?”
“Okay, I guess we’re talking about it.”
“And then top of that, if I somehow manage to keep them alive, I have no idea what kind of parent I’m going to be.”
“Y/n, it’s going to be okay,” Brooke said nervously, trying to soothe her.
“No, it’s not,” Y/n practically sobbed. “I have no idea what I’m going to do!”
“I felt the same way,” she responded calmly.
“You did?”
“Oh, yeah. I had no idea what I was doing when Betsy was born. But eventually, it got easier.”
Y/n let out a small breath of relief. “Maybe I have a chance.”
“Of course you do. Every mom that is worried about being a good mom is a good mom.”
She moved the corner of her mouth upwards. “You think so?”
“I know so.” Brooke scooted a little closer to her. “Listen, becoming a new parent is stressful enough as it is. It doesn’t help when you’re eighteen and just starting your career at the library and you get knocked up at a Molly Hatchet concert.” She clicked her tongue, staring off angrily in the distance and shook her head. “Stupid Michael.”
Y/n’s gaze flicked to her and then anywhere else in the room, confused. “I assume we’re no longer talking about me.”
Brooke shook her head. “Sorry. Look, my point is, you’re going to make an amazing mom. I was scared too, but now I can’t imagine my life without my daughter. Regardless of how you feel, you’re going to make mistakes, but that’s not going to make your children love you any less.”
She smiled at Brooke. “Thanks, Brooke. That means a lot.”
“Anytime,” she hummed and leaned back. “So…what’s it like being married to one of the stooges?”
Y/n chuckled. “You got some time?”
“Push, Y/n, push!” Steven encouraged as he held his wife’s hand.
Y/n sat there with her legs hiked up on a table, a female nurse sitting between her legs.
“Steven, before we continue, I just wanted to say that you’re the best sex I’ve ever had,” Y/n said with a certain twinkle in her eyes.
Steven smirked. “I know. Now, come on just a couple more pushes!”
She hunched forward and barley pushed before a squealing baby could be heard.
“Congratulations it’s a boy!” the nurse exclaimed.
“Oh, my God,” the couple breathed together as they watched another nurse take the baby away.
“Okay, one more time,” the nurse said and had Y/n push once again. As easily as the first, another baby popped out, it’s cries echoing the room. “Congrats, it’s another boy!”
As the Hyde’s sat back to relax, satisfied smile on their faces, the doctor perked up.
“What?” Y/n asked. “What is it?”
The nurse’s eyes lifted to meet Steven’s and Y/n’s. “Another baby is coming out…”
“WHAT?!” the couple yelled in unison.
“That’s impossible,” Y/n panicked.
“No one told you were having triplets?” the nurse asked.
“NO!” the couple once again said in unison.
“Okay, this is almost unheard of!” she exclaimed almost excitedly. “Okay, Y/n I’m going to need you to push one more time.”
“N-no! I’m not ready to have another baby!” she cried out.
“It’s a little late for that now!” Kitty said from the corner of the room. “You should’ve used a condom!”
“Mom?” Y/n asked through her quickened breaths. “When did you get here?”
“What are you talking about? I’ve been here the whole time!” she said. “Now, saddle up and push!”
All Y/n had to do was barley push for the baby to come out.
“It’s another boy!” The nurse held the baby in her hands before her eyes grew wide. “Another one is coming!”
“NO!” the couple screamed together.
“It’s a girl! Oh…another one!”
The couple screamed as the baby came out without Y/n needing to push.
As the baby girl came out, another one came out, and then another, and another…and another. They kept on coming until there was a total of 100 babies—crying, screaming, pooping, and drooling.
“Look, Steven,” Y/n gushed. “Look at our beautiful family.” As she spoke, her voice grew deeper and distorted.
Steven stared at her in disbelief at her sudden attitude change when not even a minute ago she was panicking.
“Wait—what?” he asked through bated breaths. “This isn’t—this isn’t real. This isn’t happening.”
“Oh, but it is,” she replied, her smile growing in a distorted and an unnatural way. If he didn’t know any better, he’d think she was possessed—or the joker. “Steven, there’s no way out of this. You did this to me and now you must face before your consequences.”
“I didn’t say I was going anywhere. I—you’re not Y/n. My Y/n knows that.”
“You’re right,” she replied, now standing up. Her body seemed lankier, her limbs longer now. Her eyes grew dark as her skin paled. “Y/n is not here anymore.”
“Steven…” a weak, fragile voice came from behind him. He spun around to see a mirror facing him. Instead of seeing his own reflection, he saw his wife standing there. She looked small and frail, but it was her. Her hair once beautiful hair was dull and lacked life. Her face looked gaunt and her eyes were sunken—exhausted. What once was life and happiness and love in her eyes now only showed sadness.  “Steven, I want out.”
He ambled over to the mirror, scared and confused in what appeared in front of him. “What the hell is happening?”
“I need help,” she cried. “Please, I need help!”
“With what?! Just tell me what you need and I’ll do it!”
“You should know! You caused this!” Y/n screamed at him, tears rolling down her face.
“Caused what?!”
“This,” the other Y/n croaked in a deep voice and pointed a long finger at the mountain of screaming babies. “You failed your family.”
“No! I—I swear I didn’t—I don’t want to!”
“But you did!” The real Y/n screamed. “You left me! I was drowning and you did nothing but watch me! Now, I’m nothing but an empty shell of what I once was! How could you do this to me?! You promised me!”
“But I’m still here!”
“For now,” the ugly, creepy Y/n said. “You’re going to leave just like the man who raised you did.”
“This is all your fault!” his real wife screamed, eyes now wide and erratic. She pointed her finger at him, tears still streaming down her face. “Your fault! Look what you made of me! This is your fault!”
“No!” Steven cried out. He screwed his eyes shut, shaking his head. “This isn’t real! This can’t be.”
“But it is,” a familiar voice came from the mirror. Steven opened his eyes to not see his wife anymore, but to see the one person he thought he’d never see.
“Dad?” He asked, shakily.
“Hey, Steven,” Bud said, shoving his hands in his pockets casually. His shaggy brown hair still hung passed his ears and he wore a flannel shirt and jeans—the last outfit he saw him in before he left him.
Steven couldn’t respond. He ran his hands through his hair, but when he did he saw Bud mimic his movements. As he brought his hands back down to his side, Bud did the same. He waved at the mirror only to his horror to see his supposed father wave his hand. When Steven inched closer to it, Bud followed suit.
“I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” Bud continued, a smirk painting his face. “Get a grip on reality, Steven. This is your future!”
“No, I am nothing like you!”
Bud clicked his tongue. “Then why did you do what you did?”
Steven shook his head. “I didn’t do anything.”
“Yeah, you keep thinking that. But you’ll eventually end up just like your dad.”
“No, I won’t!” Steven seethed. “You don’t know me.”
“But I do. You’re just like everybody else in this family—a lowlife. You’ve got nothing to bring to the table.”
Steven’s chest was heaving from anger. “Go to hell, Bud.”
“I’ll see you there.”
Before Steven could finish his sentence, the ground beneath him disappeared and swallowed him whole. He screamed as he fell through the never-ending darkness.
“No!” Steven screamed as he jerked awake. It took him a minute to take in his surroundings, gathering his bearings. When he realized it was just a dream, he was heaving and his heart was racing. He glanced over at the bedside clock and it read 4:40am. He looked to his left to see his wife sleeping peacefully beside him. Seeing her there and looking healthy and not possessed brought him a wave of peace and relief. His sudden jerking movements must have wakened her because she stirred awake.
“Babe?” she asked groggy. “Are you okay? What happened?”
“Yeah,” he breathed, his racing heart calming down. “Just a bad dream.”
She hummed, her eyes fluttering shut. “Do you want to talk about it?”
He stared down at her, taking her in, trying to forget the image of her from his dream. "No, I'm okay."
"Come here.” She opened her arms and he graciously fell into them. She rubbed his back and caressed his hair, making him feel safe. “It was just a nightmare. It’s over now. You’re safe.”
His grip around her tightened and her belly pressed into his stomach. “I know.”
As they began to fall back into their slumber, Steven felt something move across his stomach. At first, he thought Y/n had shifted her position. But it wasn’t until he felt a little poke to his stomach.
“What the—” Steven said, scrambling away from his wife. “Did you feel that?!”
The feeling jolted her awake as well. “Yeah, I did.” She felt more movement and another poke to her stomach. “Oh, my God…I think the babies are kicking!”
“Seriously?!” he asked, surprised. He pressed his hands to her stomach, waiting for another kick. When it came, his heart skipped a beat. “Oh, my God. There’s actually something in there.”
“Yeah,” she replied, holding her stomach in awe. “There is.”
Steven looked up to meet her loving gaze. She cupped his face before he kissed her belly. “Does it feel weird?”
“Yeah,” she chuckled. “But a good weird.”
Another kick to her stomach. “Man, these kids are kicking like crazy!”
“I know! This is incredible.”
“It really is,” he whispered.
Y/n tilted her head. “You okay?”
He nodded. “Yeah…just. Makes it real, you know?”
She placed her hands over his. “I do.”
He huffed through his nose and pressed his lips to her belly once more. “I promise to be the best dad I can be.”
Y/n’s heart and stomach filled with butterflies. “And I promise to be the best mom I can be.”
He looked at her once more before reaching up and placing a sweet kiss to her lips.
“So, he’s not talking to you now?” Donna asked Kelso as he, Jackie, Eric, Y/n, Steven and Kitty sat in the kitchen waiting for brunch to finish cooking.
  “No,” Kelso responded. “He packed up his stuff and left. I called his host parents and they haven’t heard anything from him. He hasn’t called me to make sure he’s okay. I don’t know, I’m worried about him guys.”
“Hey, Kelso, if things don’t work out with Angie, you and Fez should get together,” Y/n joked.
 “Wait, why Angie?” Steven asked, glaring at his friend. “Kelso, what does she mean by that?”
  “Nothing. It was a joke,” Kelso chuckled nervously and shot a glare to Y/n.
“Was it?” Steven pushed and turned to his wife. “Now, darling, were you joking? You wouldn’t lie to your husband, would you?”
Y/n gulped nervously. “N-no, of course not.”
“Then what did you mean by that?”
“Nothing,” she stuttered. “I was just…making a poor joke.”
Hyde squinted at her behind his glasses. “I don’t believe you.”
“Wow! Look at the time I really should be going!” She tried to get up quickly, but the new weight of her stomach slowed her down. She achingly stood and tried to stand, but Steven grabbed her wrist, stopping her.
  “Y/n,” he said sternly. “Tell me the truth. Or I’m going to stop doing the thing that you like.”
“I’m going to pretend that I didn’t hear that,” Kitty said, stirring the pan of the food.
Y/n stared into her husband’s eyes before cracking. “Kelso has been secretly dating your sister!”
“Y/n!” Kelso shouted. “What the hell?!”
“I’m sorry!” she cried out. “I can’t lie to him! He’s my husband. Besides, when he threatens to take certain things away, he means it.”
Steven smiled proudly. “Damn straight.”
“Look, man, I—” Kelso began, but was cut off by Hyde.
“Nah, you listen to me. I told you to stay away from Angie and you went behind my back and did it anyway. Now, you’re going to pay.”
“Wow, this sounds familiar,” Eric piped up, pretending to think. He looked at Hyde, smirking. “Oh, yeah.”
“Shut up, Forman!” Steven snapped and turned his attention back to Kelso. “Look, I’m not going to tell you again. You’re going to end it, and you’re going to end it now.”
“What? C’mon, man it’s not like we did it or anything!” Kelso defended. “Yet at least.” He stuck his tongue out and nudged Y/n.
“Yeah…I’m not going to do that,” she responded, resting her hand on her stomach.
“It doesn’t matter. I don’t want you knocking her up too,” Hyde said. “And if you do, I will put you six feet under.”
“Yeah, how terrible would that be?” Eric mocked, still smirking.
Hyde glared at his brother-in-law. “I said shut up.” He turned back to Kelso. “I mean it. You and her? Are done.”
“Alright, man, jeez,” Kelso said and leaned back in his chair.
“Alright,” Steven said, satisfied with the answer. “Now, Y/n…”
“Yes, dear?” she asked nervously.
“I’d like to know why you tried to cover Kelso’s ass.”
“I didn’t,” she said, her voice getting higher.
“Yes, you did.” He leaned back in his chair, slinging his arm down the back, and cocked his head to the side. “You want to tell me why?”
“Uh…” she stuttered, her mouth going dry. “Guys, the babies kicked last night!”
“What?!” Everyone shouted, her diversion successful.
Kitty ran over to her and placed her hand on her daughter’s belly. “Oh, my God! My grandbabies kicked!” After a few seconds of no movement, her eyebrows furrowed. “C’mon, babies. Kick for Grandma. Kick!”
“Mom, I don’t think that’s how th—” Eric began, but Kitty cut him off with her joyous screeching.
  “One of them kicked!” she cried out. “I can’t believe it! One of them kicked! Red! Red, honey, get in here!”
“What?” he asked calmly, entering the kitchen.
“The babies kicked!” she replied excitedly.
“Oh, that’s great,” he said with a grin.
 “Come feel it!”
Red cleared his throat and stayed near the door. “No, it’s okay. I believe you.”
 “Red, come feel your grandchildren,” Kitty scolded.
   “No, I really don’t want to.”
   “Red Forman, come feel the life your daughter is bringing into this world right now!”
“But…it’s so awkward,” he whined and cautiously stepped over to Y/n. His hand hovered over her bulging belly.
“It���s okay, Dad, it’s not going to bite,” Y/n chuckled.
Red sighed grumpily before barley placing his fingertips on her stomach. He stood there for a few seconds before he felt movement. His eyes widened slightly before pressing more of his hand onto her belly. Another kick to his hand caused him to withdraw.
He cleared his throat. “Well, uh, there’s that.”
“Red, those are your grandchildren and that’s all you got to say?” Kitty asked.
“Well…there really are babies in there.”
“Yeah, and in three months they’ll be here,” Kitty mentioned, but when she did Hyde’s and Y/n’s faces dropped.
“Th-three months?” Hyde stuttered; his previous frustration complete dissipated.
“Well, yeah!” Kitty answered. She gave them an astonished look as they stared back in panic. “Did you guys think that they weren’t just going to come?”
“No, I-I just thought that w-we had more time,” Y/n said and looked to her husband in a panic.
“What do you mean by that?” Kitty asked, straightening up.
“We, uh, we don’t exactly—” Hyde started.
 “Oh, my God!” Kitty yelled. “You guys don’t have anything for the babies?”
“Not exactly…” Y/n answered, looking down.
“Okay, then what do you have?” Kitty asked, standing straight and put her hands on her hips.
“We…have the onesies…that Eric gave us,Y/n said hesitantly.
 “That’s all you have?!” Kitty screeched, causing Eric, Y/n, and Steven to cover their ears closest to her.
 “Mom, please…dogs can hear you,” Eric said, walking away.
  “Steven, what are we going to do?” Y/n asked, worryingly looking to her husband.
He sighed and rubbed his neck. “I don’t know. I can ask WB if he can give me an advance on my paycheck. I can’t imagine how much this stuff is going to cost.”
“No need,” Kitty said, excited. “This gives us a perfect opportunity to have a baby shower!”
“No!” Red shouted. “No. More. Parties!”
“Red, it won’t be for us,” Kitty argued. “It’ll be for them.” She placed both hands on her daughter’s belly.
 “Don’t do this,” Red said. “Don’t use our unborn grandchildren as a way to get your way.”
“I’m not!” she responded and stood straight. “We can have this baby shower and get everything that we need! We won’t have to spend a dime!”
“We still have to spend money on the party!”
“Actually, we can cover that. Right, Steven?” Y/n asked.
“Uh…do I have to be there?” he asked.
“No,” Y/n answered, knowing the answer will satisfy her husband.
“Then yes we can!” he said, more upbeat.
“There you go!” Kitty said, facing her husband. “And I think this calls for the godmother to get everything ready.” She eyed Donna who was chewing on a piece of bacon.
“By myself?” she responded with wide eyes.
“Wait, what?!” Jackie screeched. “You made her godmother?!”
“Well, yeah,” Y/n answered honestly. “She’s my brother’s girlfriend and my best friend.”
 “I’m your best friend!”
“I told you not to tell her,” Y/n said to Kitty who looked away awkwardly and busied herself with preparing more food. “Jackie, you are my best friend. But I can’t make you my maid of honor and the godmother of my children.”
“Well, why not?”
Y/n made a face at her. “Because I have other friends.”
“Yeah, but I’m the best one!”
"Y/n, let me handle this one,” Eric said and turned to the petite brunette. “Nobody cares. Alright, moving on.”
Jackie clicked her tongue and huffed, sitting down at the counter.
“Okay, back to the topic at hand,” Kitty said. “We need to decide when we can have the party.”
“Hey, are we just going to forget about my problem?” Kelso piped up.
“Oh, yeah,” Steven said. “Kelso, the best thing you can do is…to stop talking about it.” He grinned at his friend when he shot him a glare.
 “Steven,” Y/n said firmly and turned back to Kelso. “Just give him a couple days. He’ll come back around.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” he mumbled.
A beat passed when the sliding door opened and Fez walked in.
 “Hello beautiful people,” he greeted cheerfully before his eyes landed on Kelso. “Oh, hello.”
“Hey, buddy. We need to figure this out,” Kelso said.
“There’s nothing to figure out,” Fez said bitterly. “You picked an apartment over me! From my arch nemesis out of all people!”
“Fez, he’s not your arch nemesis,” Eric pointed out. “He just gets on your nerves.”
“It doesn’t matter; he still chose the apartment over me!”
“So I can have a place to raise my daughter!” Kelso defended. “Fez, man, you’re my best friend, but I got to think about my kid.”
“Alright, I’ve had enough,” Red said. “I’m going down to the apartment with you and talking to that damn landlord.”
“Oh, thank you so much, Mr. Red. That means a lot,” Fez said sweetly.
“Don’t think I’m doing this out of the goodness of my heart,” Red replied. “I don’t want you moving back into my house!”
“Also, a fair point,” Steven said in a taunting way and got up to put his plate in the sink.
“Be ready in five minutes,” Red said, grabbing his keys. “I don’t want to deal with this crap any longer.”
“Can we please get back to the topic at hand?” Kitty asked. “When should we have the shower?”
“How ‘bout next Saturday?” Donna suggested. “Gives us enough time to plan and not scatter like we did for the wedding.”
“We’re having a party?” Fez asked. “I want to go to a party.”
“Well, I think that’s a wonderful idea!” Kitty cheered, ignoring Fez. “Oh, I am so excited! I’ll start the guest list!”
“And I’ll start the food and decorations!” Donna said.
  “Make sure you put cake on that list,” Y/n said. “I’m on a chocolate kick.”
 “Oh, and finger sandwiches!” Kitty exclaimed. She gasped. “And tea!”
“Are we having a baby shower or a tea party?” Fez asked.
“Are you coming?” Y/n asked.
“Why wouldn’t I?” he responded. “I love planning parties!”
“Fez, it’s a baby shower,” Jackie said. “It’s not going to be a party.”
“Awe, party poopers,” he responded disappointed.
“Well, we could use you,” Donna said. “We could use your theme expertise.”
“What about me?!” Jackie said. “I have a good taste!”
 “Fine, Jackie and Fez can work together,” Y/n said, exhausted already.
   “Yay!” Jackie cheered, clapping her hands. “Oh, Fez we have so much to go over!”
“While this is going on, me and the boys will be at the bar,” Steven smirked and continued eating his food.
“Can you guys take Markus with you?” Jackie asked. “I’m trying to get him ‘in’ with the group.”
“Doesn’t he have any of his own friends?” Steven asked, annoyed.
  “Duh, but I’d like him to get closer to you guys because I don’t like his friends,” she said candidly.
“Why not?” Y/n asked, grabbing for a strawberry.
 “They’re just…eck,” she responded.
“What do you mean ‘eck’?” Eric asked.
“I mean…they’re weird!”
“Weirder than us?” Donna asked.
“Yeah, believe it or not!”
“Jackie, I don’t want to take my ex’s new boyfriend out on guy’s night,” Steven said. “It’s almost like returning to the scene of the crime.”
“No, it’s not!” she protested.
“I second what Hyde said,” Eric said, “It’s weird.”
“Ah, c’mon guys, please!” she begged. “I’d like for him to be here more often.”
“Then, he can just be here more often,” Donna said, pointing out the obvious.
“Alright, let’s go,” Red called out. “I want to get back to catch the Packer’s game.”
“But I want to talk about the party!” Fez whined.
 “You want join in on some tooty frooty baby shower or do you want to get a house that has a roof and running water unlike the hut you came from?” Red threatened.
Fez’s eyes widened. “See ya.” He ran out the door to meet Red at the car.
                                                  --Time Skip—
“Are you Fenton?” Red asked as he walked into the empty apartment. In the middle of the room stood the familiar bald man with a mousy moustache. “I’m here to talk about the apartment.”
“Well, you’re in luck,” Fenton responded, flamboyantly and smiled. “It’s still available. And F.Y.I so am I.”
Red scrunched his face at him. “Look, I have a wife.”
“And I have a football, but I never use it.”
“Red!” Kelso called out, storming into the room. “I know you told us to wait in the car, but Fez keep playing his bongo music!”
“It’s called jazz, you philistine!” Fez yelled, trailing behind him.
“Oh, you’re with him,” Fenton responded, unpleased. “Deals off. I gotta get to yoga.”
“Hey, can’t we talk about this?” Red asked.
“No,” he said shortly.
“See, I told you he was going to be—” Fez started, but was cut off by Red.
“Just shut it, or I’ll shut it for you!”
Fenton looked at Red, impressed and if he was being honest, maybe a little turned on. “Well, you just don't take crap from anyone, do you, Mr. Man?”
Kelso sighed. “I knew this was gonna be a waste of time. Come on, Fez. We'll go figure out some other place to live with the baby.” He and Fez walked out in a huff leaving Red and Fenton.
“Baby? No one mentioned they had a baby. That... that's so progressive,” Fenton said.
Red cocked an eyebrow at him. “Progressive?”
“Well, how can I not give the apartment to two men raising a child together?”
Red smiled, understanding what Fenton was implying. “Oh. Yeah, progressive. Yeah, that's what they are. They're as progressive as hell. Why, they're likenewlyweds."
“Mhm,” Fenton hummed. “I wish I knew what that was like. Always a bridesmaid, but never a bride.”
Red nodded. “Right. So, we got a deal?”
“Alright, fine, but they mess up once and they’re out of here.”
Red wanted to open his mouth, but chose to keep it shut. “I don’t think that’ll be a problem.”
                                     --Later in the basement—
“Guys, I can’t believe I graduate in a few months,” Jackie mentioned while the gang hung out. “I’ll finally become a woman!”
“Jackie, you became a woman the night you lost it to Kelso,” Y/n responded, leaning back against the couch. Her big belly now starting to cause her back pain and ankle pain.
“Man, I can’t believe I graduated a year ago,” Eric said. “Man, time really flies when you take two naps a day. I didn’t really do anything.”
“I don’t really think you…I mean you did do…man, you really sat on your ass,” Donna said, giving on trying to comfort her boyfriend.
  “I don’t know what I’m going to do,” Eric said glumly. “I mean, I got a letter from the contest and they think I have no artistic talent. You know, I’m starting to think that the cartoon academy of Fort Lauderdale isn’t legitimate.”
“Yeah? What gave it away?” Y/n deadpanned.
“Yep, Forman, we’ve all passed you by,” Hyde said smugly. “I’m running a record store. All the while banging your sister—”
“‘Banging?’” Y/n glared at her husband. “Don’t you mean ‘married?’ I mean, I’m even carrying your kids for God’s sake!”
“You didn’t let me finish,” he said calmly and turned back to Eric. “I’m also hitched and about to have kids, Donna’s a deejay, Kelso’s a cop…even Fez has a job now. What’s it again, man? Shower girl? Makeup lady?”
“Shampoo boy!” Fez said loudly and shortly.
“Eh, I was close.”
“What did you being married to Y/n and her carrying your kids have anything to do with the conversation?” Eric asked.
Hyde shrugged. “Just another thing to rub in your face that I’m much further along than you.”
“Wait, so I’m the loser of the group now?” Eric asked, pointing to himself.
“I mean, you’re the one still living with your mommy,” Kelso said.
“Hey, I still live with my mommy,” Y/n said.
“Yeah, but you’re still married to someone who is successful,” Jackie said, leaning against the washing machine. Y/n furrowed her brows, not feeling any better. “Eric just stays home who’s mommy still cuts the crust off his sandwiches.”
Eric ignored Jackie and turned to Kelso. “Man, you’re still living with your mommy.”
“Not for long. Me and Fez are looking for an apartment and the only thing I’ll need my mom for is to do my cooking, laundry, and taking me to the dentist.”
“Well, Eric I feel kinda bad,” Jackie said. “You wouldn’t even be thinking of this kind of stuff if you hadn’t been caught in the brightness of my future.”
“You know what else is scary? If this year went by really fast, imagine where Eric will be in ten years,” Fez said.
                          Eric’s crappy future, ten years later…
The Vista Cruiser rolled into the Forman driveway in the late afternoon. Eric and Donna exited the car, dressed in Star Trek outfits, coming home from a convention. Eric wore the traditional fleet command uniform while Donna sported a black wig and red general commander dress.
“Thank you for coming to the Star Trek convention with me…Uhura.”
“You can call me Donna now,” she said displeased and walked into the house.
“That’s good, Fez,” Kelso said,  coming back to present time. “But I think it’s going to be more like this…”
                          Eric’s crappy future, ten years from now…
The Vista Cruiser rolled into the Forman driveway in the late afternoon. Eric and Donna exited the car, dressed in Star Wars outfits, coming home from a convention. Eric dressed as Luke Skywalker and Donna dressed in the familiar gown and rolled side buns.
“Thank you for coming to the Star Wars convention…Leia,” Eric said proudly.
“You can call me Donna now,” she said and shuffled back into the house.
“No, you’re both wrong,” Hyde said, smirking. “It’ll be more like this…”
The Vista Cruiser once again rolled into the Forman driveway. The doors to the car opened, Eric jumping out and rounding the car.
“Thanks for coming to the convention with me…Leia,” he said.
Kitty got out of the car and walked over to Eric wearing Leia’s gown and her hair in the same style. She stared at him displeased. “You can call me Mom now.” She hurried inside, eager to get out of the itchy costume.
The gang laughed at Hyde’s theory, upsetting Eric.
“Whoa!” Eric screeched, jumping off the couch.
“They’re just joking around, Eric,” Donna said calmly. “It’s funny.”
“No, it’s not!” he defended, inching towards the stairs. “In fact,…it’s completely possible!” He bounded up the stairs, freaking out.
Y/n laughed and high-fived her husband. “Nice.”
                              A few moments later…
“All of my friends are on career paths. Even Kelso. Kelso! The kid who thinks N.A.T.O is Japanese for neato,” Eric ranted to his parents who sat in the kitchen. Red was reading the newspaper and Kitty was reading a magazine.
“You know it’s just not fair,” Red said, sarcasm heavy in his tone. “You sleep late, you watch TV all day…the job offers should be pouring in.”
“Why don’t you look into that chiropractic school I suggested?” Kitty asked. “They’re having an enrollment seminar. You know, being a chiropractor is a very prestigious job. Even if you move somewhere where there’s no real doctors.”
“Well, I guess chiropractor is as good as anything I've come up with. I have wasted an entire year doing absolutely nothing.”
“Hey, how bout a job stating the obvious?” Red asked, giving Eric a fake smile. “Because you’re really good at that!”
“So, you’re going to the school, huh?” Y/n asked as they once again gathered in the basement. This time, Markus had joined them who was sitting next to Jackie and Y/n on the couch, with his arm around her. “When do you start?”
“Well, they start Monday, so…probably then,” Eric responded sarcastically.
“Want me to come with you?” Donna asked.
“Wait, really?” Eric asked and turned to his girlfriend.
“Yeah. I think it’d be fun.”
“Awe, you’re such a good girlfriend,” Fez cooed before pretending to gag.
“What was that about?” Hyde asked, leaning back in his usual chair.
“All of you are in loving relationships and I’m over here more single than a freakin’ pringle,” he responded bitterly.
“Hey, I’m single too,” Kelso piped up from the lawn chair.
“Yeah, but knowing you, you’ll have a new girlfriend in, like, five minutes,” Fez replied and slumped on the couch. "I'm going to die alone."
"No, you're not,” Y/n comforted, rubbing his shoulder. “You’ll find someone.”
“Why are you lying?” Eric asked.
“Yeah,” Jackie agreed with Eric. “He is one freaky, horny little dude.”
“Just ask the couch,” Hyde added in.
“I’m right here!” Fez whined. “Can’t even have the decency to wait until I walk out the room!”
“Jackie, what did we talk about comforting friends?” Markus asked, like he was talking to a toddler.
Jackie looked at the ground. “Don’t be mean.”
Jackie rolled her eyes and sighed. “And if I can’t say anything nice, then don’t say anything at all.”
Markus nodded and looked up to everyone. “We’re working on talking nicely to others.”
“Wow,” Eric said amazed. “I like him. Can he stay?”
“Don’t listen to them, Fez,” Donna said. “They’re just being jerks.”
“Hey, I have an idea,” Y/n said. “Why don’t one of us set you up?”
“How?” Fez asked. “Do you know anybody?”
“Wait, wait…you’re not going to set up a party with all women are you?” Hyde said. “Because that was annoying.”
“No, no. Something better than that,” Y/n said. “Donna, are there any single ladies at the radio station?”
“The only lady we have there is the receptionist and she’s eighty-eight years old,” she responded.
“Is she single?” Fez asked seriously.
“She’s a widow…does that count?”
“Hm, no,” he shook his head and sat back. “I don’t want to be second choice.”
“That’s what’s stopping you?” Eric asked. “Not the fact that she’s seventy years older than you?”
“Yeah, and you won’t be able to have sex without thinking she’s going to break a hip,” Kelso said. “Or a heart attack.”
“Okay, gross,” Y/n said. “Anyone else that knows a single girl?”
“Well, I mean there’s Simpson from the police academy,” Kelso said.
“No, we all know how that turned out,” Y/n said and turned to her husband. “Do you know anyone at the store?”
“Aren’t you going to ask me?” Eric asked.
“Do you know anyone from staying at home all day?” his twin sassed. “Oh, yeah, you must’ve met someone at the Bum Factory.”
“Damn, did you have bitch flakes this morning?”
“Yeah, along with your sitting-on-your-ass-all-day scrambled eggs,” she snipped.
“Is this about what happened earlier?” Eric asked. “I already said I was sorry!”
“What else would it be?!”
“What happened earlier?” Hyde asked, scrunching his eyebrows together.
“Your idiot brother-in-law happened!”
“It wasn’t that bad!” Eric argued.
“If it wasn’t, then I wouldn’t be pissed!”
“You’re so dramatic!”
“Will you two shut up and just tell us what happened?” Hyde snapped. “I need to know if it’s funny so I can make fun of you or kick your ass. It depends.”
“It was just a slice of cake!” Eric said, turning his attention back to Y/n.
“The last slice!” she cried out.
“Just go buy a cake,” Jackie said calmly. “What’s so special about this one?”
“My mom made it! And no one else can make it as good as she can!” Y/n said.
“She probably puts kalua in it,” Jackie said. “She taught me how to make fudge once, and she said kalua was the secret recipe. That’s when I learned that she may have a bit of a drinking problem.”
“Shut up, Jackie. You’re not making it any better,” Y/n said angrily.
“Well, damn. Pregnancy has made you bitchier than before,” Jackie said and got up from the couch to grab a popsicle.
“I’m sure she’ll make it again,” Donna said. “If you ask her nicely, I bet she will.”
“No,” Y/n whined and leaned her head against the headrest of the couch. “I want it now.”
“God, you’re needy,” Eric said. “When are you going to stop?”
“When I get some damn chocolate!” she replied.
“Okay, would it be better if I ran to the store and got you something similar?” Hyde offered. “Anything to make you happy so you can stop whining?”
“I second that,” Eric said.
“No, Eric should go buy it for me,” she pouted. “He’s the one that ate my cake. And he should buy me Fatso Burger because I’m hungry. I’ll call it square then.”
“But I don’t have any money!” he whined.
“That sounds like a you problem,” Y/n said. “Want me to quit being needy? Get me food.”
“Well, why don’t you borrow money from Hyde?” Kelso asked, ignoring the fact that Hyde was moving his hand sharply against his throat, saying to stop. Talking. “Hyde has a lot of it!”
“What?” Y/n asked, looking at Kelso. “Steven and I don’t have a lot of money.”
“Of course, he does!” he continued, still ignoring Hyde as he was now waving his hands.
Y/n looked behind her and Steven stopped quickly, pretending he was just as confused.
“Steven, what’s he talking about?” she asked.
“I have no idea,” he replied. He glared at Kelso through his aviators and when his wife turned back around, he mouthed: Shut. Up.
“Yes, you do!” Kelso said. At this point he was amused and continued. “You’ve been telling me that you’ve been stashing money in your secret savings.”
“In your what?!” Y/n screeched.
“No, no, Kelso doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” Hyde defended. “He’s talking nonsense from his concussion.”
Kelso scrunched his eyebrows together. “I don’t have a concu—”
Before he could finish his sentence, Hyde threw a soda can at his head. It flew across the room at an impressive speed and smacked Kelso right in the face. No one moved as it was a day-to-day occurrence. At this point, even Markus was desensitized.
“Ow, my eye!” Kelso yelled, dropping to the floor.
“Wow, that was incredibly fast,” Donna said.
“That’s gonna leave a mark,” Jackie commented, covering her mouth with her fist.
“Hyde, you jerk!” Kelso yelled, stumbling back up to his feet. “I’m going to have a black eye and picture day at the academy is tomorrow!”
“First off: Kelso, here,” Y/n said and grabbed a bag of frozen peas from the freezer and tossed it across the room. It thumped against his chest before he caught it and pressed it against his face. “And now you,” she growled at her husband. “A secret savings?! Are you kidding me?!”
“It’s not so much of a secret savings as—” he started, now standing from his seat but was interrupted.
“How much is in it?” she asked, her eyes burning a hole in his head.
“Not much,” he replied. “And it doesn’t matter.”
“It doesn’t matter?!” she yelled, angrier than before. “You’re hiding money from me!”
“Actually, you said you have about two grand—” Kelso began but was cut off by Hyde.
“Do you want me to blacken the other eye?!” he barked at him.
“Two thousand dollars?!” Y/n screamed. “I can’t believe this! Do you have any idea what we can do with that money?”
“Yes, that’s why it’s in there!” Hyde yelled back.
“Now, does this happen every day?” Markus whispered to Jackie.
“No…no this is not,” she whispered back.
“What do you mean that’s why it’s in there?!” Y/n asked, bringing everyone’s attention back on them. “Why are you hiding it from me?!”
“Because of…reasons,” Hyde said.
“Reasons like what?! You don’t trust me?”
“No, I don’t!” he yelled back.
 "The air in the room dropped. It was like it was sucked out, leaving everyone completely breathless. Y/n felt like she had been punched in the gut.
She was so hurt and angry that she couldn’t speak. She stared at him as the silence grew louder. He refused to break eye contact with her, but his body language—turned halfway away from her and his hands on his hips—said he regretted what he told her.
After what felt like an eternity, Y/n finally broke eye contact and stomped her way upstairs without saying another word. After a minute of still silence, Markus decided to speak up.
“So…what else do you guys do for fun?”
“And this is where we’ve talked about speaking in awkward moments,” Jackie said from the corner of her mouth.
Fez sat there, frowning. "Are we supposed to just forget about my problem?!”
Taglist: @not-shy-nanya @taysirene @maddieschampagneproblems @mdittyz123 @undead-sierra @random-thoughts-004 @lieswithoutfairytales @chloem4a1 @srhxpc @zhonglibxitch
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