#And yes they have the whole princess and her knight dynamic
thecandywrites · 2 years
Kinktober Day 23- Hair Pulling
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Yeah, I had to go all the way back to my very first orc x human pairing reader insert story, the one that's been on hiatus for...way too long. To get these two. But TOTALLY WORTH IT.
Meet Bronson- who goes by Bro and Darcy. And yeah, I know it's Kinktober and this is pure fluff with very little kink but there's plenty of literal hair pulling. So it counts. Right? And it's that - been friends since elementary school- trope. But they're *" technically"* cousins, only because Bronson's mother's brother is Darcy's step dad. But not related by blood, just circumstances. Which is both a blessing and a curse. But back to the trope- so because of this- you secretly pine for each other and love each other but don't want to fuck it up by admitting you have feelings so you try to act normal and you fail because your actions still prove how you feel' trope/cliche that you shall pull from my cold dead hands.
A millenia's worth of thanks to @starsandskies for providing these kinktober prompts. Yes I know it's November. I got behind. But I only have a handful left to do and I wanted to make sure I got to do all of them even though my personal life has been a dumpsterfire.
But this was just so fun. I couldn't resist.
Kinktober Day 23- Hair Pulling
Bro sat in geometry class and was feeling particularly possessive and angry as the class clown- Daren this time- yanked on Darcy’s braid for the second time in a row as he had noticed Daren’s antics and was recording it. It didn’t matter how Darcy wore her hair, but especially when she wore it in the more “traditional” orc styles that she had worn to school that day and any other day that this tended to happen to her. And while Darcy had some of the most beautiful hair. Bro was getting sick and tired of others touching it without Darcy’s permission. 
Bro and Darcy had been friends since elementary school. And Darcy was human, who had a human mother Richelle, but had remarried Bro’s uncle Pierce about 9 years prior. Darcy still wore the necklace he first got her, still wore his first bead he had commissioned for her on it, along with all the others he had ever given her ever since and the necklace, had to be on a very robust gold chain now. But still sat very prettily around her neck as she still used that first bead he commissioned for her as her personal worry stone to touch during class and coursework or especially during tests. 
Darcy- even nine years later- was still the prettiest girl in class. She was still the most eligible bachelorette. Mostly because her mother forbade her from dating while in school, because Richelle wanted Darcy to focus on school while in school and for the most part, Darcy was happy to use it as an excuse to thwart the hordes of interested parties. 
So while she practically had to take a vow of singleness and celibacy. The older she got, the more she grew and developed, it seemed every year, every guy completely forgot about all of that previous year and so far, sophomore year was turning out just like freshman year. But instead of just everyone in her grade. Now it seemed to consume the entire highschool, and this punk was a freshman from a different middle school who hadn’t gone through the same elementary or middle school she did. So now she had to contend with every boy from Freshman to Senior year. 
But Bro was still her closest friend in the world. And he never stopped crushing on her or loving her from the moment he met her for his 7th birthday party where she and her mom ended up being his last minute guests to because they just happened to be at the same recreation center his mother hosted his birthday party at. Where coincidentally, his uncle met Darcy's mother, and promptely fell in love with her that day too and several months later, got married, built a farmhouse in the country and had their own homestead farm on.
Bro had helped name every chicken she ever got. He helped build the damn coop. He had a horse, at her farm that they rode together with. He still spent most of his weekends with her, riding horses and caring for them, helping her taking care of the chickens, planting gardens in the spring, harvesting during the summer and fall. Since they first met at his 7th birthday party the two were practically insperable after that.
And during school- doing homework, doing big assignments together too when they could team up. He tried to make sure every class he took, he could be in the same classes with her, or at least, his friends could when he couldn’t because Darcy depended on Bro’s protection and the protection of his other friends since she was 7 and started to go to elementary school with him and was always in the same elementary classes, the same middle school classes and now- same high school classes.
Because when Darcy was not with one of them, she was always targeted and practically had to sit next to the teacher and be the teacher’s pet just to keep safe from hormonal crazed boys. And while she had tried to keep a few friends, mostly the girlfriends of Bro’s friends, they were always jealous of the unwanted attention and admiration that Darcy got. So she still had to endure everyone's infatuation, yet ultimately- isolation and alienation from everyone else because of it.
Darcy now had two little siblings, a little brother and a little sister now, who were half human and half orc, who she felt she needed to protect too.
But after 9 years of this and a potential two more of it, Darcy was beyond fed up with it. And while she did her best to dress down, never wear makeup, never wear anything even remotely revealing. She even tried to go for- full ‘cowgirl’ aesthetic with steel toed cowboy boots, jeans, a belt with a belt buckle she had won at her last barrel racing tournament. And a simple t-shirt with a flannel shirt over it. It didn’t matter how loose her jeans were, or how much she covered up, she still turned heads just walking to class, from student and teacher alike. 
Bro had gotten into more than his fair share of fights to keep Darcy safe from boys who had a hard time taking “no” for an answer. And his friends, thankfully never wavered from being his friends and helping him take on other boys who could be heads and shoulders taller or twice as broad and strong as himself. 
Technically he could- at this point- graduate. He had a job at his dad's and uncle’s video game development company lined up that he did part time on the side. He even had an office that was practically waiting for him. He could rent an apartment and strike out on his own. But he would not do it. Because if he did, that would leave Darcy alone because humans didn’t consider their teenagers “adults” till they were 18. And Bro did not want Darcy to endure the last two and probably the hardest two years of school that she had left, especially without him to be there and watching her back and still being her shield between her and everyone else.  
And honestly hair pulling? Really? Did Daren have the maturity of a toddler?  
“Stop it.” Darcy growled at Daren behind her when she felt it a second time. When he did it the first time and she was quick to snatch her hair out of Daren’s grasp and ask him to stop which he played dumb to which irritated her to no end. 
“Stop what? I wasn’t doing anything.” Daren tried to play dumb again. 
“I felt you grab my braid and pull it for the second time now. Stop pulling my hair. What are you two?” She accused. 
“It wasn’t me, sorry, but since I have your attention, did you want to go out on Friday? Go to Dave and Busters or something?” Daren offered. 
“No thank you. I have plans. I have asked you to stop touching me twice now. But if you ever think about pulling my hair a third time or touching me or anything that belongs to me, you will regret it. Now- if you’ll excuse me I have classwork to do and since your papers are still clearly blank- you should try to do the same.” Darcy curtly dismissed before she turned around to try to refocus on her class work. 
But just as Daren was about to reach out to pull her braid again- Bro loudly got out of his desk and grabbed Daren by the shoulder and slammed him back into his seat as he set his phone with the camera facing them down on Daren’s desk to focus on himself and Daren having this exchange. 
“She said she didn’t want to be touched. When a lady says she doesn't want to be touched, she means it. I saw you pull her braid and she asked you to stop. Try again and you and I will have problems.” Bro growled dangerously into Daren’s ear as Darcy simply smiled proudly while she continued to solve the math problems laid out for her in the geometry worksheet. 
“Gods it’s right what they say about the two of you.” Daren laughed before Darcy’s heckles went back up as she glared at him over her shoulder and slowly turned in her seat but kept her glare fixed with Daren and kept his gaze as she lowkey pulled the brass knuckles she kept in her pockets that had been wrapped in a pretty piece of cloth to make it look like just a normal scarf tied around her knuckles, but could also be hid in the secret compartment of her belt buckle too.
“And what would that be?” Darcy asked as Bro now recognized her temper flare in the fire of her eyes as her gaze bored into Daren as her jaw clenched and her chest start to heave in preparations for another fight.
“That Bro is always the Bro in the friendzone and that you’re Darcy Dick-tease.” Daren practically cooed and before Bro could do anything, Darcy, with lightning fast speed struck first and punched him right in the nose. 
And the sound of the crunch of bones and the sudden yell in pain from Daren was enough to draw the entire class’ attention as Darcy just as easily slipped the brass knuckles back into her pocket as she leaned over, grabbed Daren by the hair and slammed his face down into the desk as hard as she could.
Which for the last 9 years of having a farm and taking care of horses and riding them, Darcy was always an active child. But she was also very strong for her size which her clothes did a good job of hiding pretty well. 
“Insult me and my honor again motherfucker!” Darcy seethed ragefully towards him as she had her fists up to her face and was already in a fighting pose in case he tried to sneak a hit in himself. 
“Darcy!” The teacher- Mrs. Robbie gasped in astonishment.
“He pulled my hair twice, I asked him to stop twice. I warned him if he put his hands either on me or my hair again, that he and I would have problems. He asked me out, I told him no. And when he insulted me after I turned him down, I fought back. He put his hands on me first. So if you feel I stepped out of line- go ahead, send me to the principal’s office again for defending myself to keep myself out of harms way and from being sexually assaulted in your classroom- again. Which you have already witnessed all the other boys do since the start of class this semester and you have done nothing to protect me except give them a stern talking to.” Darcy justified, granted, just a bit disrespectfully, resentfully and spitefully to Mrs. Robbie. 
“And I watched him do that and asked him to stop since Darcy already asked him not to touch her. And he denied it.” Bro gestured to Daren whose face was bleeding profusely as he was coughing and splurting blood to try to argue. But instead was using his own hoodie to soak it all up.
Bro held up his hands showing how- for once, he wasn’t the first one to start or finish it, Darcy was. As Bro felt particularly proud for giving her those. He always gave her a pair of brass knuckles at the start of a new school year since middle school. He had already stopped the recording and slyly put his phone into his own backpocket. 
“Fine, all three of you, principles office.” She said as she pointed to the door while Darcy gladly packed up her stuff as did Bro.
While Daren’s friends tried to help him and clean up all the blood before Daren went to the school nurse who was a real nurse and EMT and called for an ambulance for Daren to go to the ER to get his nose fixed.
But Darcy didn't feel the least bit of sadness or remourse for the damage she inflicted because she was sick and tired of being the whole "damsel in distress" but also knew she was up against boys who were literally two to three times her size and strength. So she had to have something to keep herself safe. Even at this relatively "safe" space that was school.
So she and Bro sat together in the office with their backpacks between their feet and waited for the principle to see them as Darcy had her arms crossed over her chest but was still leaning into Bro’s side and letting her head rest on his shoulder- which he didn’t mind one bit. 
“So. Who was it this time?” Principal Walters asked as she saw Darcy and Bro sitting there together, again, as she sighed tiredly. But this time, neither of them seemed to have a scratch on them.
“Daren Drake. He pulled my hair twice. I asked him to stop- twice. I warned him that if he did it again and put his hands on me or anything that belongs to me that we were going to have problems but he did not heed my warning. Instead, he asked me out, and when I turned him down, he insulted me by calling me “Darcy Dick-tease”. So I punched him in the face and slammed his head onto the desk. He’s just here because he witnessed it all go down and was recording it happen and was asking Daren to stop after he caught Daren pulling on my braid both the first and second times.” Darcy repeated before she nodded over to Bro who happily pulled his phone out and played what he had captured. And thankfully had the camera pointed away from Darcy and trained on himself and Daren to record their own conversation and conceal the fact that she punched Daren with brass knuckles on. 
“Oh by all the gods.” Principal Walters sighed tiredly again as she watched the scene on the camera unfold. So she had them come into the office while she wrote up the report and an excuse for both of them to not get detention. She had a rule for her school, if you instigated a fight, would you get in trouble or get detention for it. While the person who simply was defending themselves after giving a warning didn’t get punished. And ever since Darcy came into her high school, after getting the heads up from the Principal for the elementary school and the middle school. She had seen how almost every boy in every grade above and below Darcy’s grade but especially all the boys in Darcy’s grade, with Bro and his friends being the only ones who had not pulled something like this on Darcy. And so far, no one was stupid enough to press charges especially when their sons were guilty of sexual harrassment as Darcy and Bro were both texting their parents about it. 
“My parents want to know if they should come to the school or if you want to have a sit down meeting with Daren’s parents so Bro can show him the footage of their son harassing me?” Darcy asked the Principal. 
“Well, hang on, let me ask.” She said as she finished with the report and called Daren’s parents. 
“What happened to my boy?” Daren’s father Grug demanded angrily as he got a call to come from work to go to the hospital where his son was getting his nose fixed and realigned. 
“Sir, your son Daren was caught on video by another student harassing a sophomore girl in their geometry class. She asked him twice to keep his hands to himself and off of her and he denied touching her even though the video clearly proves otherwise. He then asked her out, she denied his request and his insult to both her person and her honor in response to being turned down for a date- instigated a fight. She warned him, he didn’t listen and so she punched him.” She repeated matter of factly, just like she had for countless times both freshman and now for Sophmore year. 
“I see. Well then I would like to thank her for reminding my son to mind his manners, especially when it comes to girls, and please assure her that this behavior will never be repeated.” Grug grinned rather proudly. 
“Thank you very much for understanding. Sorry to pull you from work or give you any worry.” She offered. 
“No need, these things happen, especially at this age.” He reassured her before they said their goodbyes. 
“There, all done, you two can go back to class.” She excused as she handed both of them their excuses to get back to class. 
“Thank you again for having my back and understanding the situation and handling it Principal Walters. If you could please remind Mrs. Robbie of my history, especially when it comes to my safety on school grounds, I would really appreciate it because sadly this isn’t the first time this has happened in her class. This was just the first time it went from being purely verbal and threatening to go physical into actually being physical this time.” Darcy replied graciously as she took the note. 
“I’m sorry. I’ll remind all the teachers and give your future ones a head’s up.” She nodded in understanding. 
“Thank you. And if it isn’t too much to ask. My cousin Bronson has always been my shield for this kind of thing since the fourth grade. And I feel bad that he’s had to spend his entire school career watching over me and protecting me over his own school work. Can we try to do what we did second semester of freshman year and just have us in all the same classes again? I don’t care what class it is- I just don’t trust anyone who isn’t already a friend or family not to pull this kind of thing on me again.” Darcy requested. 
“Yeah, I’ll make sure from here on out, that if your cousin Bronson wants to stay in school for Junior and Senior years, to stay with you.” She readily agreed. 
“Thank you.” Darcy and Bro thanked her before they got out of there. 
“Well at least you got to finish it this time.” Bro murmured to her as they walked together back to class with the excuse notes in their hands to keep any hall monitors from giving them any trouble either. 
“Hey I have a favor to ask.” Darcy murmured as her steps slowed before they would both approach the classroom. 
“Shoot.” Bro invited.
“Afterschool, could you take me to that feedstore that’s next to the drive through liquor store?” She asked hopefully. 
“And get you hard cider?” He guessed with a knowing grin because the legal drinking age for orcs was 16. As was full driving privileges and Bro had been picking her up and dropping her off for school so she didn’t have to deal with the other idiots on the bus. 
“Please?” She pleaded. 
“A horse of course.” Bro readily answered with a charming smile that got Darcy to snort a laugh. 
“One of these days that joke is gonna fall flat.” Bro shrugged as he reached for the door to the classroom so she could go in first. 
“Not today.” Darcy reassured him as they both happily gave their notes to the teacher. 
“Bronson, if you could please change seats so that you now sit behind Miss Darcy so that no further incident can happen, that would be much appreciated.” Mrs. Robbie requested as it seemed she had already gotten a call from the Principal and was trying to correct the issue as Bro glady used more wipes to disinfect the desk from the presence of the previous occupant.
After school Darcy practically hopped out of the truck at the feed store to order more horse feed and supplements for the horses and the chickens and even got the chickens a snack block.
She waited for Bro to go through the liquor store’s drive through before she noticed he was back and he came inside just as she was making a show of perusing the other things in the store. But once Bro reappeared, he happily got the heavy bags of feed for her to load them up in the truck. While she got the snack block and containers of supplements and treats and loaded them into the back of his pickup truck.
Then they drove back to her house and backed his truck into the back of the barn so they could unload what they needed to in the barn. Then she got up into the hay loft and pulled down a bale of hay and distributed it among the stalls once the horses would come in from the pasture. Bronson put the bags of feed into the feed containers for her and went ahead and fed the chickens for her too.
And once all of that was done, they retreated to the bed of the truck to drink the six pack of hard cider together. Which hardly had any alcohol but was something that Darcy’s parents let her have at home anyway. 
“Maybe I should just shave all my hair off, so no one can pull it anymore or think I’m that pretty anymore.” Darcy suggested as she finished off the first bottle as they sat in companionable silence off of the edge of the truck tailgate. Bro nearly snorted out his mouthful of hard cider through his nose. Because of all the things she could say- he had not been expecting her to say that. 
“Then you’d get even more attention from guys thinking you have “the canca”, and try to make sure you don’t leave this world without getting off first.” Bro answered once he stopped choking on his drink but couldn’t stop himself from laughing as he mimicked Forrest Gump when he had said ‘the cancer’. Which got Darcy to giggle and laugh in response. 
“Yeah, that’d be the last thing I would want either.” Darcy sucked her teeth and shook her head before she opened the second and took a very long pull before she laid back into the bed of the truck and not caring if she got filthy dirty or not as she just stared up into the clouds overhead as Bro mirrored her and did the same. 
“Besides, even without hair, you’d still be beautiful, at least to me anyway.” Bro offered which got Darcy to smile.
She hated it when everyone always praised how pretty or beautiful she was. But never did mind when Bro said so himself and never argued with him over it. 
“Do you regret inviting me to your seventh birthday party yet?” Darcy asked. 
“Nope, never have and never will. Haven’t regretted inviting you to anything and everything since either.” Bro answered as he at least put an arm behind his head while the beads on the single braid that hung down from the back corner of his neck slid from his chest to the bed of the truck before Darcy turned onto her side to face him. 
“You sure? You really, really sure? Because you’ve had to give up a lot. New friends, a girlfriend, a normal school life, actually paying attention in class and getting better grades because you’re always taking care of me instead.” Darcy pointed out as she pouted into the mouth of the bottle in her hand.
“Darcy Lillian, when have I ever complained?” Bro asked which got her to finally look up at him as he turned to face her. 
“And when has your safety ever been less important than my mediocre grades?” He asked before she just rolled over onto her stomach and groaned as she buried her face into her folded arms as she set her beer aside. 
“Just because you don’t complain, doesn’t mean you can’t start to feel resentment.” Darcy murmured, her words muffled by her flannel overshirt. 
“Well I don’t resent it or you. Being your shield has always been the biggest and best thing I’ve ever done with my life.” Bro reassured her as he couldn’t resist but reach over and rub soothing circles into her back after brushing all the dirt and fall leaves that had fallen into the bed of the truck. He still smiled when she seemed to sigh contentedly as she peeked out and looked at him as she took a breath and was about to say something but decided against it and just turned back to hide her now blushing cheeks while also really enjoying the back rub nonetheless. 
“What?” Bro asked her when he saw her withdraw from him and practically turn into a hedgehog trying to hide away. 
“What were you gonna say?” He asked as he paused in rubbing her back and leaned down to where her head was to hear her answer. 
“What if it’s not enough?” Darcy asked as she fought not to cry. 
“What’s not enough?” Bro asked in confusion. 
“This, us. What we have now, what if it’s not enough?” Darcy enunciated a little louder. 
“Well what else do you need me to be?” Bro asked and all Darcy could do was laugh through her tears as she tried to rub them off on her sleeves. 
“Only you would ask that. With everything that you’ve done and everything that you do. You already do and give so much. But yet when I say ‘what if it’s not enough’ you ask how you can make it enough. You have never once asked for any other reward for all that you’ve done and continue to do- other than my friendship which I’m happy to give you. And we’ve used the ‘he’s my cousin’ excuse in elementary school and middle school and now it seems that we’re both in high school, that isn’t working anymore. Because I’m not- by blood- your cousin which everyone seems to constantly remind both of us as if we don’t already know. And as much as I love being part of your family and you being a part of mine and being your friend and you being my best friend in the whole wide world. It’s not enough…” Darcy began to rant before Bro finally realized what she was referring to and after 9 years of hoping, praying, planning, yearning and wanting, he finally had his chance. 
So he slid his fingers into her hair and used his purchase on her hair to pull her head up to kiss her. And really kiss her, the way he had always fantasized about. And like two magnets always coming back together she was practically gravitating her body to be flush with his as she kissed back as her tears finally ceased as she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him to partially lay down over her, with his hand still cushioning her between her precious head and the bed of his truck as he was happy to do so and so happy that this wasn’t blowing up in his face. 
But the fact that she finally allowed herself to show at least what and how she felt, made those 9 long years barely feel like minutes or even seconds worth of waiting. Because she was running her hands through his hair and scratching at his scalp while they continued to kiss and make out in the back of his truck before the need for air arose and he finally had to pull back so that both of them could catch their breath. 
“So what else do you need from me? What else can I be for you?” Bro asked as he pillowed her head with one arm but stroked down down her side with the other affectionately. 
“I just need you to keep loving me and not give up.” Darcy answered.
“At this point, it’s going to take an act of the gods to get me to stop.” Bro confessed which got her to smile. 
“Shh, don’t tempt them.” She whispered before she kissed him sweetly as kissing him felt like the most natural thing in the world to her.  
“Well, I have a way of making it unofficially official.” Bro offered. 
“You give me one of your beads like all the other couples?” Darcy guessed as Bro nodded as she fingered the very first one she had got him that he still refused to take out of his hair except to clean and wash his hair only to put it right back in once it was rebraided. 
“Well we can always ask my parents - to simply “pretend” to date while in school. And once they catch on that it’s not pretending. I think the sleepovers aren’t really going to be allowed or be a thing anymore. But we might get the same excuse that we’re technically cousins used against us.” Darcy noted. 
“When have I ever cared about any of that? Well, the sleepvers are really nice. Any chance I can get to be with you, you know I always take.” Bro shrugged. 
“Likewise.” Darcy smiled as she buried her face into the crux of his neck and shoulder and sighed happily when he just laid with her and hugged. 
“Just for future reference. You’re the only one allowed to pull on my hair, especially like that.” Darcy giggled. 
“Oh you mean like this?” Bro asked as he did it again only to bring her face back up to kiss her again. 
“Uh huh.” Darcy hummed as she smiled into the kiss. 
“We’ll figure it out.” Bro reassured her. 
“I know. We always do.” Darcy smiled. 
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linktotheheart · 4 months
I feel like so many people misunderstand BOTW/TOTK Link especially (Zelda too, but that's another topic entirely)
His lack of expressiveness IS a personality trait. It's a direct result of the pressure on his soldiers to be a perfect soldier, hero, and savior. No, he's not Skyward Sword Link, and never will be, because his story is completely different.
"But [other Link] hugged Zelda when he got her back!" and this Link maintained a respectful distance as his princess's subordinate - but ALSO out of respect for Zelda as a person, because she spent her whole childhood having her agency denied and he wants to let her initiate even something as simple as platonic contact whenever possible. He's being kind!
(And yes, I know that primarily only the "he is a knight and she is a princess" part is directly supported in the actual game, but I'll remind the people making comparisons that the dynamic was COMPLETELY different in their favorite comparison game, Skyward Sword. But also... look at the gentleness with which Link interacts with Zelda, the tenderness that he shows so few other characters - Mipha probably being the closest example. Look at the way he looks to her first to see what to do in every scene they're in together, unless he's protecting her from an immediate threat to her life. Notice how outside of that, Zelda IS usually the one to initiate any physical contact)
I also personally hate it when people describe quiet, not very expressive people as "lacking personality" because... my partner IRL is like that. If she expressed herself at all around most people, it's in a very flat, reserved way. I've seen how it hurts her that people treat her like she doesn't have a personality, like she isn't even a full person - and I know that's real life and Zelda is fiction, but come on, do you think all the people that aren't highly expressive and extroverted don't hear that about very popular characters and internalize it?
Being reserved is a personality trait. Being cautious and not impulsive is a personality trait. In fact, I'd even say just because you as an expressive, extroverted person see Link as a blank slate to project your own personality onto, doesn't mean he actually is or was even intended that way.
(I also think this is a very US-centric point of view, honestly. There's plenty of cultures where even BOTW Link would be considered at least close to average - Finnish culture specifically comes to mind, even if he's still slightly exaggerated in that regard as, y'know, a character.)
Idk, this is as much a silly little vent post as anything, it's not that serious, etc, but whatever
(and don't get me started on "oh Zelda got no agency in TOTK and she learned the powers she was struggling overnight". No, it's called a time skip, and just because she learned her powers before the 13th hour this time - which yeah, she would get them easier this time with a mentor who could actually use the same powers, and having already learned to use her light powers - doesn't mean it just "happened overnight". And... she didn't express agency? She was actively influencing the entire flow of the timeline, changing the actions of her ancestors by convincing her ancestors to act, learning to control her powers and fighting Ganondorf, and finally expressing the ultimate form of autonomy in choosing to sacrifice herself to save the world. Some of the criticisms of TOTK didn't even seem to play the same game. Just because a heroine isn't a pop feminist badass who *gasp* wears pants and easily and perfectly kicks every villain's ass, doesn't mean she "has no agency" and is being sidelined. Like, a princess engaging in courtly politics is neither powerless nor "doing nothing")
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love-wing · 1 year
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Why should you vote for Griddlehark in @theshipwars ?
Griddlehark is the relationship between Gideon Nav and Harrowhark Nonagesimus. They hate each other they love each other they are each other’s only friend
The Locked Tomb books, a sci-fi/fantasy series by Tamsyn Muir, feels like something that emerged from a tumblr incubation vat. Griddlehark was born and bred here on this website
You like women with swords? Gideon has a big ass sword.
How about complicated, well-written, and often morally gray female characters? These two are just that.
Their relationship is so complex I cannot even begin to properly describe it’s arc. Two women who hate each other are forced to rely on each other in trials set by the space emperor against other necromancers to gain immortality. Buts it’s so much more than that.
Describing them in tropes does an injustice to their dynamic but I will try. Goth/Jock. Enemies to lovers. Knight/Princess. Self-sacrifice on both sides. Refusal to accept death. Bodysharing. Shakespearean tragedy of misunderstanding.
They previously managed to beat Destiel in the polls (by a decent margin) on the Destiel website??? I was genuinely shocked.
I’ll just share some quotes from the novels to flesh things out (pun intended):
“Gideon the Ninth, first flower of my House,” she said hoarsely, “you are the greatest cavalier we have ever produced. You are our triumph. The best of all of us. It has been my privilege to be your necromancer.”
“I cannot conceive of a universe without you in it.” “Yes you can, it’s just less great and less hot,” said Gideon. “Fuck you, Nav—”
“I’ve lived my whole wretched life at your mercy, yours alone, and God knows I deserve to die at your hand. You are my only friend. I am undone without you.”
“One idiot with a sword and an asymmetrical smile had proved to be Harrow’s end: her apocalypse swifter than the death of the Emperor and the sun with him.”
“I died knowing you'd hate me for dying; but Nonagesimus, you hating me always meant more than anyone else in this hot and stupid universe loving me. At least I'd had your full attention.”
“Harrowhark, I gave you my whole life and you didn't even want it.”
“You're not waiting for her resurrection; you've made yourself her mausoleum.”
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Follow up to this post + valentines day special <3 (but it doesn't get to the fireflies and romantic stuff until the second half) Anyways, Raven show Sapphire something he'd promised he'd show her one day a few books ago <3 (I wanted to post something for Valentines, I already had this written out and thought it'd be perfect)
Wordcount: 7793 (it doesn't feel like 7k words, but that's how much the word counter says it is 😅)
No warnings here, just pure fluff <333
FSF Book 8, Draft 0 - Character and Dynamic Exploration
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All three girls shrieked excitedly, and raced towards the town tavern and inn, screaming, “MAMA, PAPA! Raven brought home a princess, and a knight, and princes, and more princesses, and pirates and- MAMA!!!”
Snow laughed, placing a hand on Raven’s shoulder. “Those are your sisters, huh?”
“Yeah,” Raven said with an exasperated laugh. “So, who wants to meet my parents?”
As they entered the tavern as the sun started to set, and the main room of the tavern was packed with tables and chairs- but there were only a few guests sitting down and eating.
At the bar counter and tavern kitchen, a large, curvy woman was bustling around, shouting out names for orders as she pulled bread out of the oven. She looked very similar to Raven’s sisters, but her hair was more wavy than curly like Raven’s. A dirty apron was tied around her waist, and her hair tied out of her face with a scarf. The woman was pouring two large drinks as a huge man that barely fit in the doorway came in. He looked very much like Raven, but with more curly hair like his sisters and a large bushy beard of the same curly dark hair.
The man gave Raven a warm smile and a squeeze on the shoulder with his huge hand.
“Hello, Papa,” He said, and the man smiled, not making eye contact as he lumbered over to the woman behind the counter.
“Your father?” Sapphire asked.
Raven nodded. “He’s a lot more like me, though he doesn’t talk much.” He watched his dad with a smile. “But that’s alright. He shows love in other ways.”
The woman looked up from her work, saw Raven, and rushed over. “Raven, mijo, you didn’t tell us you were coming home!” She grabbed her son’s face and started peppering him with kisses.
Raven blushed and laughed a little. “Ma’ma… I didn’t know until last week that we’d be visiting, sorry for showing up last minute.”
“Oh that’s alright, darling,” she said, holding her son’s shoulders. “Let me get a good look at you… have you been eating enough?”
Raven laughed, “Ma’... I’m fine, really.”
She smoothed his cloak over his shoulders. “Alright,” She looked at the crowd he’d brought with him, “These are your friends, yes?”
“Yes, Ma’ma, they’re my friends.”
She nodded. “They will eat with us then,” She motioned to the others, “Come, to the back, that’s where our family areas are. I’m making enchiladas and empanadas for dinner.”
As his mother led the whole group to the back, Raven asked, “Ma, will the table be big enough?”
His mother waved it off. “Oh we can pull extra chairs from the tavern, you’ll all fit.”
The group crowded around the table with Raven’s family, some of them spilling over onto the nearby benches by the fireplace.
Raven’s sisters all scrambled excitedly to sit next to Sapphire and Snow, and ended up between them with Raven at Sapphire’s other side at the end of the table. The whole group gladly devoured everything his mother put in front of them, and she was more than happy to feed them all.
Mrs. Crescent was happy to give them all rooms for free, “As long as you eat all the food I serve and don’t get any noise complaints from my other guests,” She said, “You may stay for free.”
The food was delicious of course, and everyone ate until they were full, swearing to eat more in the morning.
Raven got up to help his mother with the dishes in the family kitchen. He washed them in the tub of soapy water kept warm next to the fire, and his mother dried them.
“Where are your brothers?” Mrs. Crescent asked him.
“Still working in the castle I suppose,” Raven said, “They were posted as captains of the guard last I checked.” He shrugged awkwardly. “I haven’t been to the castle in a while.”
His mother gave him a scolding look, “Did you lose your job?”
“No! Well- yes, but-”
Sapphire came over, placing her dishes in the wash tub. “It wasn’t his fault. My stepmother was tricked by a spy into thinking he’s a traitor, and he’s the farthest thing from it. He’s done a good job protecting me.” She added with a soft smile, “Even though it’s not his job anymore.”
“Oh, are you the princess he’s been protecting, dear?” His mother asked, losing tenison, “He told us he’d been promoted to a bodyguard, and we heard of the princess.”
“I don’t like it sometimes,” Sapphire said with a sigh, “But yes, I’m the princess, and he’s continued to be my bodyguard even after my stepmother got very angry at him.”
His mother proudly put a hand on Raven’s shoulder. “So you did bring home a princess, that’s wonderful darling.”
He blushed and tried to hide his face as he cleaned a few more dishes. When everyone had finished eating and all the dishes were clean, they were ready for bed.
Raven’s sister Luna asked, “Ma’ma, can you tell us the Three Brothers story?!”
“I thought we saved that one for when all of your brothers are home,” Their father said, his voice deep and quiet.
“Well,” Mrs. Crescent said, “It is a special occasion with special guests.”
The girls cheered, and dragged Raven and Sapphire to the floor in front of the fire. The others followed, sitting on the floor or dragging over chairs as Raven’s parents claimed the bench.
Raven started to braid Luna's hair while listening to the story.
By the time the story was finished, both of his sisters were fast asleep. The others weren’t very tired yet, so after his sisters went to bed they stayed up, telling Raven’s parents about their adventures or talking to each other.
It was almost completely dark outside, and Raven whispered to his mom, “Have the fireflies come out yet this year?”
“They’ve been coming out at night for the last couple of weeks,” his mom told him.
He could barely contain his excitement. “Perfect. Could I borrow a jar?”
His mother gave him a jar with a cloth cover to catch fireflies in, and he thanked his mother with a huge hug.
He found Sapphire, and started leading her to the back door.
“What are you up to?” She asked with a giggle.
A huge grin grew on his face. “You’ll find out, come on.”
Just as they emerged outside, the sky was brilliantly lit with the starry heavens, and the grassy field behind the house was filled with the soft glow of little bobbing lanterns.
Sapphire grabbed his arm, squeaking, “Are those-”
“Yes, those are fireflies,” He whispered, kissing her forehead with a growing smile. He held up the jar. “And we can hold the ones we catch in here.”
He grabbed her arm, pulling her back and shushing her with a chuckle, “You have to move slowly and speak softly, or you’ll scare them off.”
Within minutes Sapphire was whispering excitedly that she caught one, and came over with a glow in her hands. Raven helped her add it to the jar, and soon the jar was brightly lit like a lantern, filled with dozens of the fireflies.
“They’re so bright but they feel cold…” She whispered in awe, staring at the jar of glowing bugs with wide eyes. She gently held the jar, knowing how fragile it and the bugs inside were.
After about an hour, they released the bugs, and headed back to the house. The back door was open, flooding the field with warm light from the fire. His father was standing in the doorway, sketching something in a small book with a stick of charcoal. He gently tore out the page he’d been drawing on, and handed it to Raven.
The sketch was of him and Sapphire in the field, holding the jar of fireflies. The sketch was only in blacks, whites, and grays, but it captured the moment and the light from the fireflies beautifully- and Sapphire was a painting of a wonder filled dream.
“Is this for me?” Raven softly asked his father.
His father nodded, giving a small smile, and went over to give his wife a kiss on the cheek.
The others claimed vacant rooms on the second floor of the inn, and Raven offered that Sapphire could stay with him in his room. He tried not to feel too embarrassed about it, with the proud and encouraging looks his parents gave him.
FSF Taglist: @rose-bookblood @chalcid @evethenovicewriter @writing-is-a-martial-art @mjjune @fiercely-raging-writer @wildswrites @corishadowfang @surroundedbypearls @serenanymph (send me a message to be +/- from the taglist)
General Taglist: @enchanted-lightning-aes @thatprolificauthor @wip-nook @writeblrsupport @outpost51 @dustylovelyrun @thelaughingstag @jacqueswriteblrlibrary (send me a message to be +/- from the taglist &lt;;3)
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kelpan · 6 months
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So…. did I vastly underestimate how hard the holiday season as a whole would weigh on my mental health? Hoo boy yes I did. Did I also bite off more than I could chew in a single chapter, and end up splitting it into two so I didn't go mad? Also yes. Did I take into consideration any of my personal health issues throughout all this, and prioritize them amidst an uptick of work in order to avoid crashing and burning? No, no I did not.
Needless to say, sorry for the bit of a delay in an update, but please enjoy what I have so far for you all! Hopefully I'll be able to get the next one edited and posted soon.
And as a personal note, please don't be like me. The holidays can be unduly hard sometimes. Please don't forget to eat, drink water, and get some rest. There is no shame in taking care of yourself. I hope for anyone else struggling right now, you find some tiny moments of joy to help carry you through <3
Credit for the OC Chrysanthemum headshot goes to wwispie on Etsy/Instagram!
Ao3: Petals on a Stream of Stars
Act 1, Chapter 10: Storytime
4:30 pm
It was almost too easy to stay on the sidelines while Sun and the kids ran about, weaving in and around as they screamed their little heads off. As caretakers, they’d naturally fallen into a good working dynamic together, their individual care styles complimenting the other; Sun, with his never-ending energy, kept everyone up and playing, a veritable fountain of excitement. Whereas Chrys, when the inevitable would occur and a lone child would tap out, out of breath, she would step in, meeting each one with grace and keep them occupied until their little batteries recharged enough that they felt ready and able to rejoin the group. 
The party progressed well, managing to make it to a third round of “Princess and Gremlins”, a tie-breaker to determine the fate of the kingdom. In an unforeseen twist, the kids decided to forge an alliance in order to defeat their true obstacle, the mighty dragon, who ensured not a soul could reach the princess. Gremlins and Knights alike swarmed Sun’s feet, their war cry valiant and determined. 
“Ack, what is this??? Betrayal! Betrayal most foul! Run my princess, run while you still can!”
Using his superior reach to his advantage, Sun took Marigold off his shoulders and placed her outside the swarm of kids, before collapsing to the ground, surrendering to their tickle attack.
“No! You are too much for me! I… I have been… defeated…”
With over-dramatized flair, Sun breathed his last, and the kids cheered, standing triumphant over their slain foe. 
“Ha, alright you little monsters, you’ve won, you’ve won. Let him get up.”
There was little resistance as they followed Chrys’s instructions, the whole group a mess of sweat and smiles. He’d succeeded in tuckering them right out. 
“It seems to me like everyone could use a break,” Sun asked, head raised. “Would anyone like to sit and listen to a story?” 
Shouts of “Yes!” and “Yeah, yeah!” followed. 
“Wonderful! Head on over to the reading corner then, Sunbites, while Miss Chrys gets you all a little something to drink.”
The children needed no more encouragement, and finding their second wind, pushed their little legs as fast as they could go to claim the best spots on the rug first. Chrys sauntered over, stopping at Sun’s head, arms crossed as she loomed over him for once. 
“You doing alright down there?”
His smile faltered, and for a moment she worried something actually was wrong. His face held a seriousness she wasn’t used to, at least not from him. She tucked a strand of hair that fell out of place behind her ear in an effort to mask her growing concern.
“Uh, hello? Earth to Sunny? Those kids didn’t knock your motherboard out of place, did they?”
Still, he didn’t answer her, but sat up on his elbows, rotating his head on its axis so he still faced her head on, despite his torso remaining angled in the opposite direction. There was a look to his eyes she couldn’t place, something intense yet… sincere. The lack of levity she normally saw there sent a rush of goosebumps across her skin. She could do nothing to break the tension while he continued to stare, grateful then once he finally spoke. 
“The lights make your hair look like you have a halo around you. It’s… stunning.”
His tone held nothing but awe, a dissonant thought for her to comprehend directed at herself. Heat snuck into her cheeks against her will, and she turned away, unable to stand to meet his gaze any longer. If such a comment would have come from anyone else, she’d have denied it without a second thought. But from Sunny… her instincts misfired. She cleared her throat to break the silence.
“Oh, s-stop kidding around, ya goofball, the kids are waiting.”
She booped his nose, the easiest way she could think of to get them back to the casual ease she was used to with him, and give her a chance to hide her cheeks. Thankfully, he took the hint. 
“Right you are, sunshine! You mind grabbing the juices?”
“Not at all. You get going.”
True to form, he flipped his head around and curled himself into a rolling tumble, popping himself upright to dismount before jogging over to the group of waiting kids, bells jingling mirthfully. Chrys watched him leave, a smile worming its way onto her face even as she shook her head. 
Don’t read into it too much Chrys, he probably doesn’t realize how things like that can be misconstrued. Get your head on straight…
She’d learned the day before that a small fridge sat just behind the security desk, which housed all their cold refreshments. While meals weren’t usually their responsibility, it was good to have some water and juices on hand for certain situations. Using the loose fabric of her shirt to make a pouch with, she filled up on little juice pouches and tiny bottles of water and made her way towards the back half of the room where everyone else waited. 
Sun’s voice cut through the cacophony of childish voices, heard all the way from where she was. It sounded as if someone was having an argument over their spot selection. She wasn’t surprised, not with how easily amped these kids were. Sun was a saint to have handled this many kids on his own before. 
She hurried back, managing to reach the group just as everyone seemed to settle down. While she handed out the drinks, Sun called out to Marigold, asking her to come up front. 
“As our birthday girl and honorary princess for the day, why don’t you pick out the story? Go ahead and choose whatever you want from the bookshelf.”
She smiled wide, and ran to search the collection. It took her hardly a minute to find the one she wanted, and soon came bounding back, book in tow. 
“Why thank you!” Sun took her selection from her. “Let’s see… Oh. “The Gardener’s Daughter”. I don’t recognize this one. Well, we can just discover it all together then!”
 Trailing a finger down the edge lengthwise, he flipped the book open, and pulled out a small microchip embedded in its blank pages. He then inserted the chip into a hidden port at the back of his head, eyes glowing entirely white while the information transferred. The kids waited with bated breath, their anticipation mounting once his pupils returned to their normal sky-blue color. Chrys found the perfect place to sit, where she could still keep an eye on everyone, and made herself comfortable, sitting crisscross on the floor. With a squeal of glee, Marigold hurried to rejoin the group, but chose instead to plop herself down on Chrys’s lap rather than return to her original spot. Chrys gave a small “oof” as her body adjusted to the child’s additional weight, and the girl relaxed against her.
“Alright, is everybody ready?” Sun asked.
“Yes!” Shouted the crowd in unison.
“Fantastic!” Soft, subtle woodwind music began to play through the loudspeakers at his command, adding a touch of magic to the atmosphere. Chrys made one last quick visual sweep over the group, just to make sure all was well, before letting her attention fall completely under the spell of Sun’s dynamic storytelling. 
“Once upon a time, there lived a young prince in a magnificent castle. His life was a blessed one, full of all the luxuries one could imagine. But for all his riches, there was one thing he lacked, something he desperately longed for. Companionship. His father was a stern, serious ruler, his smiles saved only for court. His mother, lost to childbirth. The boy was alone, with not even the servants willing to care for him more than their duties demanded.  
For weeks upon weeks, months upon months, the boy pleaded for a friend to any who would listen. He’d willingly go to every magic lesson with the cranky old wizard, would never refuse to eat another vegetable again, whatever it took. For just as long a time, his wishes fell on deaf ears. Until one day, the fates decided to grant his request.
The boy awoke to find that they had lost their best gardener in an unfortunate accident, killed while protecting his father. As a means to reward the man for his valiant service after death, the king appointed the man’s widow as the new royal nanny, providing both security and sustenance for his family, including that of his only child. A girl, of about the same age as the young prince. 
He had his playmate at last. 
From then on, the two spent every spare second of the day together. Playing. Exploring. Growing. Learning. The years passed quickly for the pair, though their time together dwindled as they grew older, pulled apart by their individual studies. Though the responsibilities of life kept them apart, the prince thought of her often, his heart always yearning to be by her side. 
With the dawn of the prince’s 20th year, the time finally came where he’d mastered his studies, earning him the right to be considered of age, and the entire kingdom ran atwitter with excitement. The king sent invitations far and wide for all to come and celebrate the prince with a glorious ball. The servants decorated, the chefs cooked, and after months of preparation, the night of the ball arrived. 
Family and honored guests of all kinds arrived in droves, all dressed in their finest in the hopes of attracting the eye of the newly eligible young royal, though none would be able to. The prince had his sights set on one person, and one person only. He searched the ballroom high and low for her, failing to find even a glimpse. That is, until the band started to play a new song, capturing the attention of all. 
There she stood, the Gardener’s Daughter, singing alongside the band with a voice that stilled the entire ballroom, no longer a child but that of a beautiful young woman, as bright and inviting as any flower bloom. The prince, mesmerized, knew then and there who his future queen would be.   
But as quickly as the fates could give, the fates could also take away. 
Black smoke filled the room, pouring in from every window and doorway. All the guests choked, and the prince faltered, unable to see his beloved in the onyx haze. An evil chuckle resounded, and like the wind, the smoke disappeared, revealing to all that though everything appeared the same, something was very, very wrong.
The Gardener’s daughter had disappeared. 
In a fit of rage, the prince—”
The sharp creak of the entrance gates cracking open disrupted the illusion, shattering the story. All eyes drawn to the front, two human staff-members entered the daycare, their uniforms identifying them as part of the Atrium’s food team. Any chance the new guests might have had of a warm welcome crumbled as the children registered what had happened, their shouts of disapproval instant.
“It’s alright my little sunspots, it’s alright! We can finish the story another time, I promise!” 
Sun did his best to console the children, but they were having none of it. Chrys attempted to nudge Marigold off her lap in order to help him get the situation under control, but even she fought with her. 
“No! I wanna hear what happens next! What is the prince gonna do, what happened to the gardener’s daughter?”
“Yeah! We were just getting to the good part with all the spooky stuff!”
A little boy shouted in support of Marigold, prompting others to follow suit. Sun sighed, and popped the microchip out from the back of his head, making it clear that the time for storytelling was done. A chorus of dejected “awww’s” rang out. 
“Now kids, don’t you know that stories are meant to be read in bits and pieces! That’s why we have bookmarks, after all.” He stood, gesturing for everyone to stand. “Right now it’s time for pizza and cake, and presents! Aren’t you all getting hungry?” A few kids nodded their heads. “So, let’s all go put our shoes back on, and keep the fun going! I promise the story will still be here when you get back.” 
At his word, the majority of the kids obeyed, their frowns slowly dissipating as they scuttled towards the cubicles by the front doors. Marigold gave one last pout before climbing out of Chrys’s lap and followed behind the others. Having had the extra weight sitting on her for some time, Chrys struggled to stand, grunting like an old lady as uncomfortable tingles flowed through her legs. 
Sun stopped and reached a hand out, to which Chrys took eagerly. He pulled her to her feet with hardly any effort at all, another reminder of how much hidden strength those gangly limbs held.  
“Thanks,” Chrys said, wiping the wrinkles from her pants. “Interesting uh, story there, Mr. Narrator. Can’t say I heard that one growing up.”
“I believe it! You know, I’ve read each and every book we have here dozens of times over, and this one is completely new to me! No idea where she found it.”
Chrys laughed. “Watch it be some creepy magic book or something, poofed here out of nowhere to haunt the daycare.” She wiggled her fingers and made a parody of a spooky sound.
“Oh, don’t put that extra responsibility on me. I don’t know how to count inventory for a book that can vanish at will.”
They followed behind the children’s trail, the majority having already gotten their shoes on and standing in a line by the door, likely a habit from school. The few who remained hurried to catch up, struggling to tie their laces. Chrys and Sun split, assisting all who needed it until everyone was ready to go.
“Alright my little sunbites! Off you go! Eat all the things! And when you come back, there will be a special surprise waiting for you all! Now have fun!”
The staff waiting at the entrance, arms crossed and faces painfully bored, slunk off the door frames they leaned on and started the line moving out of the daycare. Sun waved them all off before turning to face her. 
“Chrys, why don’t you go with them? Get yourself something to eat too. I can handle the changeover here.”
She furrowed her brows. “Wait, you sure? I’m alright, I ate already, remember?”
Sun sighed, and cocked a single, swirly brow at her, his face and voice uncharacteristically deadpan. “A protein bar, a cheese stick, and a cup of fruit do not a meal make. You need something more substantial, and we won’t get another break before the party is over. So no butts!” 
He booped her nose, a reflection of her tactic from earlier, and ended the conversation with a smug smile. She made a humorous, mouthy sound, and playfully batted his hand away, prompting an even cheekier grin to plaster Sun’s face. He wasn’t giving her an inch. She rolled her eyes with a smile, but still acquiesced to his demands without fuss. Truth be told, she wouldn’t have thought to deny him anyway, but he needn’t know that. 
“Alright, alright. As you wish, good sir.” She walked backwards, giving him a spirited bow with a forehead salute before returning to a normal posture, and picked up her pace to catch up with everyone else as the last few kids rounded the corner.
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mrsmarymorstan · 1 year
Hi....Do you mind if I ask you some random thing? I used to love shounen and shoujo manga equally....But ever since I found BL manga 3 years ago, my interest in shoujo decrese a lot, and what I search for is just the dynamic between mc (male) and male lead...I don't want to read mc (female) and male lead or mc (male) and female lead...My interest in het romance also decrese....
What do you think happen to me? Sorry for this weird ask....
I mean, firstly people's tastes change and that's okay! Lots of people prefer to read same sex romance over characters of different genders! It's nothing to really worry about unless you're a dick about it, which you are not being so that's fine!
It could be that you don't like the way some female characters are treated in manga, so having none there makes it more fun to read. It could be that you find you can get more invested in a romance if you're not expected to relate to one of the characters. You may be queer and prefer to read queer romance as a result even if those characters don't match your gender!
Or maybe you just wanted a change of pace with BL. There's even manga such as "I want to be a wall" and "BL Metamorphosis" that directly talk about this phenomenon among (cis) women so, regardless of your personal gender identity, you're definitely not alone in feeling as though you can't relate to Male/Female romance anymore.
It's also true that BL as we know it began within the pages of Shojo Magazines! And indeed, many modern queer series are still published in Shojo Magazines! So you may be enjoying Shojo without even knowing it =)
Good recent examples of this include "My Love Mix-Up" and "Sasaki and Miyano"! But also let's not forget classics like "New York New York" and "Banana Fish". Heck! Why not throw "Rose of Versailles" and "Princess Knight" in there too, because honey there is nothing CisHet about Lady Oscar, and Prince Sapphire lol
And also a good reminder that "Shojo" is not synonymous with "Romance"! Yes, romantic subplots are a common feature, but when you think of Sailor Moon do you think of her as constantly pining after Tuxedo Mask, or do you imagine her doing her cool transformations and beating up whatever weird monsters have been sent her way that week?
Some good Non-Romance Orientated Shojo I would recommend that I've been reading lately are:
- Dawn of the Arcana
- The King's Beast
- Kageki Shojo!!
- Prince Freya
- Rose of Versailles
- The Demon Prince of Momochi House
(Oh and "Shojo Horror" is a whole thing too, Junji Ito got his start in Shojo Magazines. 'Starfruit Books' are a digital publisher who publish a lot of English and Spanish Language Shojo Horror so worth looking them up too if you like horror, which I don't, but respect those who do lol)
But if you're maybe looking for some Non-Heteronormative M/F romances to give them another shot I can recommend:
- A Sign of Affection (If you liked "I hear the Sun Spot" I think you'll like this)
- Ladies On Top (18+)
- Snow White With The Red Hair
- The Invisible Man And His Soon To Be Wife
And whilst these ones are still rather heteronormative, they do contain female leads who do way more than just sit around and hope that senpai notices them:
- Something's Wrong With Us (18+)
- Sweat and Soap (18+)
- Knight of The Ice
- My Happy Marriage
- Your Name
And whilst my goal this year is to try and read more Girl Love stories, (or just F/F romance in general I should say) and therefore I don't have AS MANY to recommend I HAVE been reading "Runaway With Me Girl", "Catch These Hands" and "Kase-san and Yamada"
I hope that helps! At the end of the day, whilst I always encourage people to try to read out of their comfort zone, it's your free time and your money! You should be allowed to spend it however you want, so long as you're not hurting anyone.
(I do think that anyone attempting to be a professional reviewer should absolutely try and read more books from more demographics but that's you trying to make money off of your hobby which is absolutely not the same as a rando who just wants to read about boys kissing on their time off from work/school)
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aithusarosekiller · 1 year
Unpopular opinions:
I think people who say that Sirius would pick or save Reg over James are crazy, I’m sorry 😭
Idk how unpopular this is but Remus would drive everyone else crazy by picking the longest, most pretentious prog rock ever for parties. Peter is the only one with good taste. James is tone deaf. Sirius is a complete poser who will pretend to be into bands he’s never heard.
I don’t think Reg has a big circle of close friends. I love the Skittles in AUs but they really don’t make sense to me in canon compliant stuff, especially if the writer is trying to push that none of them were into blood supremacy.
I really like Lily and Sirius in Jegulus fics: I feel like they’re given much more depth and complexity than they are in Jily/Wolfstar stuff.
People have a really hard time making Dorlene and Moonseeker interesting as actual dynamics I would like to read about and not aesthetic Twitter threads.
If James/Remus/Regulus ended up being a thing and I was Sirius, our friendship would be over. Especially if they kept it from me. Oh, wait… I’d get with Evan and Barty and then our friendship would be over. I am toxic and petty and a Sirius kin can you tell. Any fic where Sirius is cool with it is an unrealistic fic in my eyes. Jegulus and/or Moonseeker is already stretching it but both his best friends? Nah.
Actually leaping off from that, a lot of fics these days do a bad job establishing why James and/or Remus would care about Regulus and instantly be in love with him. Especially in universes where Sirius hates Reg and Reg/Reg’s friends hate Sirius. I feel like earlier Jegulus fics did a much better job before it became an assumed dynamic.
I don’t think you should be writing Regulus & Sirius dynamics in fics if you don’t have empathy for both and aren’t willing to show both of their POVs. A lot of times it comes across as victim blaming or really weird ideas about victims.
I will be back with more!
I disagree with that first one, mainly bc out of habit he'd jump to save him before thinking about the consequences and then realise after what he'd done
The second one is so true, I love Sirius so much but please the poser vibes are STRONG
I love lonely Reg 💀 I love the skittles as a big friend group but I sometimes miss the days where he was a lonely Emo boy or only friends with Pandora, those were the times.
Tbf I don't real jily or wolfstar so l just give a suppletive thumbs up 👍 I do love everything about Lily tho and Sirius is always good in Jegulus bc they can justify every single action he does and it feels more natural
Idk I think it depends if it's an au or not, in canon ABSOLUTELY NOT WE ARE NEVER SPEAKING AGAIN, but in some aus it makes more sense
I sort of get what you mean, I think it's become very accepted that James cares about Reg because of his large heart and he understands his abuse and manipulation but like...it's so accepted that it gets really rushed bc people just want to get to the fun bit (which like me too)
YES people who blame one of them, be it intentional or not, really annoy me bc it comes through in your writing, and I prefer Reg just as a character I write but THAT DOESN'T MEAN I BLAME SIRIUS FOR ALL THE SHIT THAT HAPPENED TO HIM it doesn't make for a cool plot point, it's just creepy. Honestly my whole page is on the treatment of the black family and dumbledore's ignorance towards it so I feel very strongly about this one, same goes for people who use Andy as a catalyst for Cissa to cry into Alice/Lucius/whoever's arms because they never treat her like an actual person
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swashbucklery · 1 year
this show is so magical, next season they're all gonna get seduced by black widow elora/the worm/the wyrm and die. there is no way they could fight that kind of threat.
but before they die i want the obligatory episode where jade gets split between duty!kahlanjade and horny!jade and kit is zero help, possibly minus five help. i want the episode where elora discovers sex magic. i want the waverider to show up and for boorman to make them all run, not because it's a FUTURE MARVEL but because he did steal all of sara's booze and lube and that's an unforgivable crime in that crew (the lube stealing, i mean)
OK because if there is a Season 2 like:
a) Black Widow Elora comes to Kit in a dream ~and Kit comes too~, she is one thousand percent too dumb to not hook up with her (but also at the critical last second she comes through because Black Widow Elora doesn't know their safe word and THAT'S the only red flag in this entire interaction).
b) I actually wanted so much more from Jade's perspective; the pacing was so difficult to follow it really did feel like a series of music videos rather than a cohesive whole, and I feel like her voice got sort of lost in what aired. Because actually yes, Whoops Two Jades would be incredible (although then the question becomes: are both Jades gay for Kit? Is there a Horny Feelings Jade and a Duty Jade Who Never Has Gay Thoughts?)
c) If there are not AT LEAST twelve whoops we've discovered sex pollen in the Enchanted Bog Of Bonkington fics already I. . .guess I will have to do it myself but I'll be annoyed about it
I also still feel like Kit is Taylor Swift - The Man .mp3, and I'm actually really curious about what that dynamic will be like with her brother there like. Getting credit for being a brave knight just for showing up and Kit like I HAVE MAGIC ARMOR THAT GLOWS IN THE DARK I DEFENDED THE PRINCESS WHILE HE WAS MAKING OUT WITH AN OLD LADY COVERED IN GOO WHY WILL NOBODY BELIEVE ME.
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dalmascan-requiem · 10 months
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Willows of the Canary: Chapter 3
Eir and Reyna get a break from their busy schedule.
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This is a fluffy chapter, where the two get a moment's peace from Eir's extremely busy schedule. I really like their dynamic :)
"You may hold me closer, I will not crumble into pieces just because you squeezed a little."
Reyna responds with a grunt as he readjusts his grip on the horse's reins. "I am not worried about that, Your Highness, so much as--"
"--as the castle staff gossiping? It is far too late for that, ser knight--they have been talking about you before you even arrived." Eir chuckles lightly before leaning back against Reyna. "Regardless, I would rather not fall off." She makes an annoyed gesture at the skirt of her flowing dress. "Riding side-saddle with a cumbersome dress like this makes it quite difficult to keep my balance."
"...Very well." Reyna couldn't very well argue the point with the princess--it was clear how much she was swaying with each of the horse's slow, plodding steps. He takes one arm and wraps it around Eir's waist, helping to steady her as he holds the rein in the other hand. "Better?"
"Yes." Eir offers the knight a soft smile before turning to watch the path ahead. The gesture catches Reyna off-guard--he could rarely guess how the princess was really feeling. But sometimes her actions seemed more genuine, as if she was letting her guard down, if only a bit. Reyna wasn't sure what to make of it.
"It is nice to have a moment of peace, yes?" Eir doesn't turn back around to look at Reyna, and her expression becomes unreadable.
Reyna offers a short hum in agreement. The last few weeks have been nothing but a whirlwind of lessons, meetings, and humoring nobles--he'd barely been able to rest the whole time. Eir had a number of private matters to attend to as well, and the knight wondered when exactly the princess even slept.
Eir smiles, but the smile doesn't reach her tired eyes. "I must apologize for these last few weeks. I trust you are getting rest as you can? I cannot have my knight too tired to protect me."
While Reyna didn't feel very rested, he gave her a nod regardless. "What of you, though? Is this truly your schedule every day? I fear you have no time to sleep…"
"What? Oh, I-I…" Eir covers her face with her hand, seemingly caught off guard by the question.
The sudden change in demeanor made Reyna nervous. "Ah--I'm sorry, that was out of line--"
"Not at all! It is just… I don't believe anyone has expressed such a concern, besides Gemna." She offers Reyna another smile to soothe his concerns. "Regardless, I am fine--I am more than used to this. I do appreciate your concern, though."
Reyna nods again, and after a moment, Eir continues. "Of course, the breaks are usually short moments like these… safe rides inside the castle walls, or a quiet tea time in my chambers." There was a hint of bitterness in her voice. The knight knew that Eir almost never ventured outside of the castle--and guessing by the way she talked about it, Reyna figured it was not by choice. He cannot well question the king's judgment of such matters involving his daughter, but Reyna can understand the princess's… difficult moods.
"Perhaps, Princess, there will be more opportunities to venture outside the castle now that someone can protect you from threats."
"Perhaps." Eir stares at the path, sounding wholly unconvinced. Reyna did not try to press the matter further--the likelihood is that it'd only make her mood worse if he attempted to console her.
As such, the two fell into silence as the horse continued along its route. The swaying along the quiet path threatened to lull the knight to sleep… which is when he feels Eir's head lean against his chest.
He looks down at the princess to find her ears folded down and eyes closed, peacefully asleep. Reyna couldn't help but lightly chuckle at the sight. The princess, after all, was the princess--only heir to the throne, elegant, intelligent. It can be difficult to remember that she, also, was a normal person.
When Reyna looks back up to the path, the knight decides to take the long way back to the stables--it was clear Eir could use the extra rest.
"So, how was your afternoon, Eir?"
Eir frowns slightly at the tone of Gemna's voice--she could tell the handmaiden trying to start something. "...It was fine, Gemna, nothing out of the ordinary."
"Oh, truly now? So quick to say that… too quick, I think." Gemna smirks at the princess, and Eir responds with a huff as she begins to undo her dress.
"What is this about--"
"You wouldn't believe what I heard from the groundswoman today."
Eir rolls her eyes as she pulls on the back of the dress.
"It sounded like a picture from a fairytale! The handsome and gentle knight riding in with a sleeping princess in his arms? So romantic--"
"I wasn't sleeping by then, Gemna."
"But you were before, were you not? It seems Reyna was late getting back too… giving you extra time to nap, no doubt?"
The princess sighs in annoyance. "Yes, I ended up missing tea with that merchant's son. Father was upset."
"I don't think you're upset about it, though. What did you say that merchant's name was?"
Eir is silent for a moment, then waves Gemna off. "Oh, I don't know, they're all the same anyway. Just another godsdamned noble family looking to curry more favor and more money from us, as if they don't have enough already."
Gemna snorts as Eir aggressively pulls at a particularly tight bow on the dress. "Well well, you're even more worked up than usual." The Bangaa shoos Eir's hands away as she works on untying the bow. "Why is that?"
"Reyna asked if I was alright."
"I don't see why that would annoy you."
"No one ever asks that--in a genuine way, I mean."
"Mm." Gemna lets the silence hang in the air, and after a few moments, Eir continues.
"I suppose it caught me off-guard. Why would a knight care about how much I'm sleeping?"
"Any decent knight would care about their charge's well-being, Princess." Gemna smiles as the last bow is untied. "Either way, you seem comfortable enough with Reyna to fall asleep on him. You haven't managed to scare him off yet, either."
"I will admit he's far more tolerable than the others have been. At least he isn't a doddering old man or some young noble that can't even lift a sword." Eir looks at Gemna through the mirror as she begins pinning her hair up. "Regardless, Reyna has been my shadow long enough, it is about time he--and I--have a break."
"I see. Will you be going, then?"
"Yes. I pray you'll take care of matters in my absence?"
"Of course." Gemna chuckles. "Enjoy your time out, dear."
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seishun-emergency · 1 year
Hm, maybe I was a bit too rough with my last ask! Hehe! So my next batch will be dubbed "mermaid anon's little sillies": Torikasa, Yuuta/Shinobu, Nazuna/Kuro, and Hiyojun (yesyes it's the third time I'm asking about an eden ship but I care them; you might as well complete the square with Jun/Ibara and Hiyori/Nagisa while you're at it lol)!
LOL "rough" is a way to put it . more just "are these opinions that could get me cancelled????? probably not but should i be worried about it?????" ive had some horrid fandom experiences before dont worry about it you're completely fine
mermaid anon's little sillies .... i like what we have going on here tbh !!! all fun ships
torikasa - YES. yes. i am such a fan of torikasa . childhood friends to rivals that genuinely respect one another . also the princess/knight motifs MMM i will eat that shit up always. they do care about each other sooo much inspite of/because of their rivalry and want 2 push each other to become better and not fall too far behind the other.... im obsessed w them so deeply. also their banter is so funny tsukasa seems so constantly done with tori and tori is like hehe. tsukasa will haaaate this . going to tease the shit out of him. and then he does
yuushino - yknow i know less abt their actual canon dynamic than i'd like to admit (i STILL have not found a tl of shiny first years) but i do know that they're friends!!! and quite good ones at that :> from what i know abt them i get the idea that they care abt each other a lot and they're very important to one another. they seem very calm and stable as a romantic pairing (aside from yknow . the usual that comes with being a teenager in love)
the rest of the polyeden square - i could literally talk about polyeden forever i hope u kno. i think hiyojun are fun tbh !! there's a Bit of a power dynamic thing w the context of how reimei works but honestly i think even as hiyori plays into the jun being his pet/servant bit, he still makes sure to recognize jun as his whole, own person. he's said that he picked jun for a reason and because he sees qualities in jun that he admires, and hiyori's so outright about love and the love he has for his unitmates . jun also isn't afraid to call hiyori out on his shit. also they just have such a funny dynamic they contain multitudes and the multitudes are so funny. nagihiyo are just . they are so in love and devoted and important to one another. childhood friends to lovers real i think theyve been at least a little in love with each other their entire lives. they also see each other as equals which is sosososo important for both of them - nagisa in particular esp considering Why hiyori's family took him in but i think nagisa bein able to recognize hiyori and see how hiyori stands out and see him as more than the second tomoe son is really important 2 their dynamic. jun and ibara :3 i like that they call each other soulmates as a bit but also like yeah. they get each other. they're both really determined hardworking ppl who have 2 deal with nagisa and hiyori's insanity and also have a harder time accepting love or being vulnerable due to needing to be strong as means of escaping some of their hardships in the past. also its like girlboss4malewife u know . girlboss ibara comes back from a hard day in the office to her quiche-making boywife jun sazanami
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Gabe and Elena - 3, 5, 7, and 13 for the friendships ask, please?
themthemthemthem THANK YOU AMUEL
3. A random headcanon I have of them
Gabe takes her to the city a lot! I mean, it's not like Elena doesn't visit it herself (and actually probably more often than Gabe what with him being in the military and all) but I mean it in the sense that when Gabe goes home on a pass Elena often goes with him and he shows her what "a normal citizen's life" looks like (i.e. he gives her a secret probably half legal tour of the city, shares his favourite games, takes her to some amateur concerts, plays and dances and all the general stuff that you only know about when you live in a specific place your whole life.) And in general they hang out doing normal young adult stuff.
5. A scene I wish we had of them
Okay so this is something my sister noticed but. They never. Ever. Hugged in the show. As in never just the two of them, it was always a group hug with all the amigos. And I say we wERE ROBBED.
But other than that I'd love to see them interacting in semi/formal settings in season 3, like in Changing of the Guard or Crash Course, or even Captain Mateo. It's just peak of their dynamic in those episodes for me.
7. What makes me like their friendship
Wait you mean I have to verbalize it.
Uuuh... alright... eee...
Okay so I think partially because of how mundane it is? I mean, when compared to how Elena's friendship with the other amigos started, her and Gabe's meeting was almost an accident and so it took a lot more work than the other relationships. Their relationship has also changed much more and went through different phases as you perfectly summed it up yourself. And Gabe seems to be the only one to remember that Elena's the literal ruler and take that into consideration even once they're very close friends and personally equal. And there's much much more that I just can't put in words, just, they love each other, they would die for each other, they inspire each other, they hang out casually, they groan at each other's jokes, they learn and grow together, just....... Them.......
13. What I think would have happened if they never met
But in summary, it depends which side were looking from. For Elena I think not much would've changed story wise. Like, I think some of the plots would be harder (like the SoN arc), many episodes would definitely happen differently or wouldn't happen at all (Olaball, Princess Knight, Gecko's tale or The Curse of El Guapo for example) and I think she'd be a quite different person. She'd definitely be worse at fencing XD But also I think she'd have some problems with her confidence because while yes, Elena is a naturally confident person, I think Gabe really helped turn her confidence into persistence, and I think she'd also have a harder time while learning to be a leader since this was something they both had to learn and I think they both helped each other in this aspect. Those are the big things but there's obviously a ton of smaller ways that she'd be different too, that I just can't think about in the moment.
Now when it comes to GABE the changed would be much, much bigger, obviously. I think he'd still be a guard, but if he wasn't her personal guard, he wouldn't go on nearly as many adventures and would have less opportunities to learn and gain experience, I'm honestly not even sure if he'd become captain (not because of favorisation, but as I said, he'd have less opportunities to prove himself), now this could go a dark angsty route with unfulfilled ambition and unused potential (ESPECIALLY if you throw Guapo into the mix) or just a plain normal route. Gabe would remain a lieutenant for much longer, he wouldn't play olaball and his relationship with his dad would still be bad, he wouldn't know Mateo nor Naomi... Now that I think about it, Elena really DID change Gabe's life A LOT. So I don't know, maybe he'd eventually quit the guard, maybe he'd become and adventurer or a vigilante or a villain or maybe he'd leave Avalor, honestly there are a ton of possibilities because Elena is just that big of a part of Gabe's life.
Thank you so much for this ask Amuel!!! I am now bursting with ideas and they once again have taken over my brain.
Ask game
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drowninginblox · 1 year
Rewatching Voltron
Season 1
Season 2
— ~~~ —- _ — ~ }=>
Wanted to say this at the top: All of this is for fun. I haven’t seen voltron in a hot minute so I’d thought I’d go through and see if it was just as bad as we remembered. Below is my highlights and grevences, along with a few Head Canons! So stay if you want. If you don’t, I don’t care! This is just a me thing ^-^
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Transition between season 1 and 2
So satisfying on rewatch but must’ve been a bitch on release (OGs I will never know your pain lol)
Honestly wouldn't do anything to change the start of the second season.
The evolution of the paladins language
Idk if I said it already- but I love how the paladins are using Altean vocabulary. V good detail. Hope this stays consistent
Ships: Yes we’re doing this again but Klance won’t be the biggest issue
There’s a lot of Aullura and Shiro moments in the beginning that would’ve been a great foundation for something more if it wasn’t for the fact that (spoilers) Shiro is gay. The vibes they have are very knight or mercenary x princess and I’m a sucker for that shit.
Allureith is born in this season. And all I can read from this is good intentions but no thought. Both in execution and in the actual relationship. At least right now, I may change my mind the further I go.
Allurance. To me. Is the most infuriating thing this show has to offer. Every time I see Lance take a shot on Allura, and I see her discomfort I always say something along the lines of “Can you shut the fuck up-!” Or “Can you actually stOP!” While pausing for a good moment to regain myself. Just- god. Why? She is nO T into you dude. If anything this would be wonderful character development for both characters. I can see a full ep dedicated to this issue of Lance not knowing when someone isn't interested unless they actually say it to their face while Allura is in this denial that one day lance would get the hint. And from this experience, lance either fucks off for the next few episodes or starts from scratch with Allura with the understanding that friendship should always come first. If she is comfortable with that ofc.
Klance as a whole is screaming enemies far more than rivals right now. If klance is gonna work regardless of being a bromance or romance, there should be an understanding shining through. However, with both parties actually fighting in the middle of battles, and little to no willingness to talk, Iis becoming harder and harder to see why this was the biggest ship the fandom had to offer (then again 2016 was a fandom fever dream to begin with soooo)
Platonic relationships
Give me more Coran. He needs friends. I’m volunteering literally any of the palidins. And ofc we need more of the daughter Allura dynamic since we DONT HAVE ANYY. This man is such a theater kid and we are blessed with his existence.
Keith needs more time with Hunk and Pidge! For the love of god I CANNOT see them as more then trauma bonding buddies. I already have a list of things the B team (thats what I call Hunk and Pidge together because they are the Best Team) can bond over with Keith
Tech- (for both) this is built on the fact that Keith litterally had that cork board set up in the first eps to find Shiro. (Sorry Sheith shippers. I read these two as brothers only.) I like to think that Pidge and Hunk would ask Keith for help with techy stuff almost in the same vein as Lance. The only difference being Keith knows slightly more than Lance dose.
Sports- This one is mainly for Hunk but this can bleed into Lance too. Even though he's a big nerd I like to think his family is big on Foot and Fútball. I think Keith is the same but he loves baseball far more (same with Lance). Almost like I'm projecting my I Dont Dance Au onto these two hahahahaha-
Family/ lack there of - this can go for everyone. The best way to start this convo would be at dinner in the castle. Everyone is having a very quiet time until Hunk asks "Guys, what were your family's like?" This would result in a beat of quiet as for the first time in a bit, everyone really thinks about earth. Not for a passing moment or anything. Like- seriously. Allura or Coran would encurage this, saying that they dont really now alot about the palidin's home planet. From there it would a hodge podge of stories and background. I have a few HCs bout this including Shiro not really having a family and going into the airforce for financial and emotional support only to end up on the Curburos mission to.. escape life *cough cough* Adam *cough*, Pidge would talk about their mom's cooking and how their brother helped them with homework to the point where it got annoying. Hunk would say his mom's cooking is far superrior and then talk about his dad and siblings. I want to make his dad a retired wrestler, now mechanic. Lance would take offense to Hunk's claim this his mom could cout cook his mom. But he would talk alot about how his siblings were always there for him after their dad left (YES I WANT DADDY ISSUES LEAVE ME ALONE) Allura would remark throughout these stories with questions of her own. We'd eventually end with Keith, who almost leave the table at the pressure to remark on his own upbringing. This. This would be interesting.
But ima leave it there lol
The tracking plot point and rant about season 2 ep 6
Before this ep we got sprinkles of shiro/black lion tracking- wich is great. Love that shit. I have a problem with how we figure that out tho
“Zarkon must’ve imprinted one me durring our last fight.”- Keith. My man. Explain to me wtf you mean.
Fr tho. Just because you’re half Galra dosent mean that’s how it works bro. Ik we’re not fully sure at this point but- cmon.
“It’s me.” Allura. Hunny. H o w? Why even?
Why would two people who think they’re being tracked- GO TOGETHER??? Why would you even leave in the first place?! Shirio is right. Splitting up makes y’all vulnerable! Voltron can’t be formed without Keith! Why would y’all do that?? If anything why not leave in separate pods and just so happen to crash onto the same planet the paladins are on! I’m sorry I just hate the beginning of “The Arc of Taujeer” while Keith and Allura are away there is an actual humanitarian crisis. I know it’s important but damn to the tracking idea but G O D
Allura and Keith should be shunned and punished for the stunt they pulled in this ep fr. Info learned be damned
Mall episode
God bless the mall episode. An icon. Truly. All hail. All hail!!
The Blade of Malora/ Keith’s heritage + the racism
Let’s get the great out of the way: The Blade themselves- Their introduction is great. That goes without saying.
Keiths trials- M W A H the character assessment I could make is TOO LONG ON G O D
but the actual workings of the BoM is so calculated and cold. It’s honestly so refreshing in a way I don’t know how to explain
I just love untrusting rebels because that’s the reality of rebellion. You don’t know who is for the cause and who is a gov plant
I personally want Keith’s Galra heritage more known physically. Both on him and in his upbringing. I want splotches of purple across his body that no doctor can explain (all of wich can be hidden with a change of clothes) and barely noticeable physical abnormalities (ie: longer and sharper nails, maybe purple tinted hai “I dye it…”, strange “scars” that are actually birth marks that stand out. But he passes as human. Through these excuses.
I also want flashbacks to his dad trying to pass on everything he knows about his mother’s culture. (The knife and stories)
Now- I wanna talk about the bad. Y’all know it, y’all seen it- the racism
Now- Allura, sure. She has a reason to hate the Gullra. They killed her people. That is valid and I think that the truama combined with the truth that she’s working with “the enemy” is a great conflict and is honestly wonderful character growth.
HUNK ON THE OTHER HAND- w t f. This is so out of character. Hunk is literally the heart of the group and almost as smart as Pidge. I think he would know better than anyone else that litterally nothing has changed about Keith. Hell- maybe Shiro would know that struggle of people seeing him differently better than anyone else because IDK HES GAY (unless I change that. Personally I saw Shiro straight but… audience interaction? Lol I’ll put a poll on the final season if I remember) TLDR- As Keith said: “I didn’t just turn Gullra!”
Finale (season 2, episode 12 + 13)
Aullara getting over her biases and apologizing to Keith is perfect
Shirio and Keith’s chemistry is amazing as well both in and out of combat
The spy. An icon.
The amount of tension around this plan not failing is delicious. Yummy yummy- give me more!
Emperor whomever the fuck’s obsession w/ voltron carrying over to battle
Hagar being the voice of reason aGAIN. Queen shit fr.
When I first watched this I thought the paladins died ngl. Then when I rewatched I thought Allura died. Voltron out here with the drama fr
Zarkon meka action figures. When?
ALLURA DOING SHIT- F I N A L Y (Tangent will be later I promise)
HELL YEA WINGS!!! The fursona is complete
“Shit she got tats too!” Only to be met with Deisex Machina because Allura is the main character apparently
Hands to the side of voltrons face. That scene. Fucking slapped.
oh also lotor revel lol
Smaller things
The spies for the rebelion
I’m such a fake fan I don’t remember their names, but both of them left a big impact on me with their sacrifices
The guy who died in the cluster field, was a real one. Making the big bad of the episode implode on itself with him at the center- dude
Also, the guy closer to the finale who was almost caught multiple times. What a fucking trooper.
Underwent torture and still didn’t reveal the plans
Both of these dudes need art made for them! Like- I swear to God they did so much for these fuckers and we don’t hear about them, their back stories, or their families ever. When I rewrite this, I want to include pieces of what these people are sacrificing, and who they are fighting for either before, during or after they sacrifice themselves for the revolution.
TLDR; 🫡 Real ones
Zarkon’s black lion obsession bleeding into his character
I like how hyper-focused the big bad is about controlling the black lion.
He’s kind of right in his thinking that by controlling the lion, he’s won. He’s right. But from this thought process he’s reckless and too assured in himself.
It’s a self fulfilling prophecy given layers with the later seasons
Let lance be the sharp shooter
I want more sniper man!!
I want more chuckles instead of groans
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Overall- The show is still good!
This was a fun watch! Was there things I’d change? Ofc! But this season holds up just as, if not better than, the last! From what I remember everyone agrees that seasons 1-3 or 4 is the good shit and then everything goes downhill. Hopefully I’m proven wrong but I highly doubt that.
Scroll bat to the top if y’all wanna see my thoughts on Voltron season 1, thank you for reading my rambles, and, most importantly, FOLD YOUR FUCKING LAUNDRY! You’ve put it off all day-! DO IT!
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colourful-void · 1 year
Hello again! Today let’s ponder this: do you have any ships you like? If so, talk about them! Why do they spark joy? If not totally cool, shipping isn’t for everyone! Alternate/bonus question- what’s your favorite friendship in Pokémon? I personally love Ash and Pikachu’s friendship, but also the main character and your partner in mystery dungeon games! Or, bonus question, two characters who have the funniest mutual hatred. 
Ah, yes, lots!!
I think it's pretty clear i really like satogou, the dynamic of these kids who just,,, care about each other in this way that slides into romance that they're not used to... its very endearing! I want to show that sort of childish love!
I super super love moonlillie, the princess and her knight! esp with how many different ways moon can be done, its super fun.
recently ive really been liking nemopen, they're very different but they have the sort of vibes that would make them get along well in an odd way if they had more time to talk... it's interesting.
In terms of friendships, my absolute favourite is always the sun and moon class! they care about each other so much i could yell about it forever ahhhhhgmm. Like! every bit of them as a class is just so dedicated to each other and that friendship. in he background and forground it's just. like okay in the necrozma arc intro episode, they have a whole focus on friendship and helping each other with the fairytales and everyone sharing lunch, but even in the background like, you can see lillie taking a turn teaching the class by drawing a diagram of how stone evolution works after kaki took a turn, you can see kaki helping mamane down a ladder iirc they're just. they're sweet and I love them very very much. ]
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kailoraurelius · 2 years
Great now I gotta re-read your stories cause your hc post made me realize how much I miss and love them 😪 but on that note I am interested to know your favorite tropes or opinions on them other than the iconic “fake-dating AU”!
Enemies to lovers? Forbidden love? Teacher-cop AU? Im certain anything you think of will quite literally turn me into an emotional wreck
Omg I hope they still hold up on a reread! Lol
Oh man, my favorite tropes. I have so many and I have story ideas for every single one. Um. Strap in, this will be a long answer.
Enemies to lovers is a huge one. I really like variations of it too: enemies to lovers, but only one of them knows they're enemies. Enemies to lovers but they don't want to be enemies. Enemies to lovers with a healthy dose of unwilling allies. Just all so good. I love a really good antagonistic relationship that slowly gets pulled apart or turned on its head.
Forbidden love, yes, but usually with that princess and peasant dynamic. Like, we can't be together because of our station.
A very favored trope of mine is the runaway and her pretend reluctant protector. I love a good story where Chloe is on the run from whatever and finds or is sent to Beca, who helps but in a "ugh this is too much work" kinda way. But really Beca is going above and beyond behind the scenes to make sure Chloe is safe. And Chloe is just blasting down emotional walls until she finds that out.
I love a good au of almost any kind, but particularly a Fantasy AU. I've already mentioned it lol but the princess and her knight or the bandit and the miller's daughter. I love, love, LOVE some sword fighting and declarations of love on a battlefield. Pirates and mystical creatures and magic mixed with Beca's awkward, but fiercely protective and loyal nature from the movies. And Chloe’s desperate, overwhelming love for her friends. A perfect recipe. I want it to be just way too many chapters long, possibly never end.
One Has A Kid. I don't often seek out fics with this in it, but I do occasionally find one that is super good and I can't put down. I especially love when the kid's father was either absent or sucked in some way and so the mother is stunned when the new partner is just the opposite of all that. I find it fascinating watching people unlearn negative things. Like a mother who's used to the father of the child scolding the kid for breaking something, getting to see someone react calmly and casually to that. "You didn't mean to, it's okay. No, I'm not mad, it's alright." Obsessed with that dynamic and the way it can both build trust and distrust in the same instant, because it's like "oh that was nice" vs "why are you being so nice". So much fun to write.
Found Family. Find me immediately filling my plate with that at the Fanfic buffet any day.
I like a good hurt/comfort, but usually not if that's the whole fic. I just like it to be a part of it.
We love a "There's only one bed", of course.
And I'll end with a trope I don't think I've seen in a Bechloe work yet, but I would love to, so any recs are appreciated: the arranged marriage trope. Love me some Swan Princess vibes. Maybe they hate each other and grow to realize they actually hate the situation, not each other. Maybe they still hate each other after they're married and begrudgingly grow to respect one another, then like, then love desperately. Delicious. 10/10.
Oh man, this one was very fun to answer lol. My mind is really rolling through all the fics I wanna write 🤣 Thank you so much!!!
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many-gay-magpies · 2 years
the urge i have to write novels of groups' lore. is astronomical. if you ever plan on writing that dark moon novel I WILL JOIN YOU I'LL DO IT NO HESITATION WE'RE PRACTICALLY ALREADY WRITING ONE RN
oh god the reader-insert-ness of sooha in the webnovel is sO BAD MAGS. i physically cringed a few times. have a Lot of thoughts abt the sooha i wish we had because yes !!! a sooha with walls built because she has trouble trusting people !! because her whole life she's been judged and been an outcast !! a sooha who fights for her life first and asks questions later because she's just so afraid !!!! and a process of opening up and learning to be vulnerable and loved !!!!!! i also very much see a moment for her when she realizes that if the vampire boys with all their dumbassery/weirdness (and borderline creepiness when you think of the night-prowling) can manage to be the most popular students at decelis, hell, maybe she can too. sooha is a character with a Long way to go in terms of self-love too and i wish her arc could be dedicated to accepting herself in all her uniqueness and growing to be stronger with friends like her by her side. you know, instead of getting a boyfriend. i will not lie to you though, i do still enjoy canon sooha's positivity and bubbly energy. its fun to picture the dark moon boys and sooha like the "sunshine/sunshine protector" meme too, if you know the meme. just sooha w her seven besties that would kill a man for her
-vrvr anon
NO ALL OF THIS. SO MUCH. id have so many plans for an actually good dark moon novel bro im not kidding like id probably make sooha way more traumatized than she is in canon because i like writing traumatized characters but..... there would be SO MUCH . and hell id probably come up with an entirely different backstory for sooha and the boys and how they were connected Before because the whole princess + knights thing lowkey makes me cringe HDJHFFJGF
BUT ANYWays. SOOHA. YES. the sooha we could have had........ *wipes away single tear* shes so beautiful bro :') EVERYTHING YOU JUST SAID IM HAVING SO MANY FEELINGS . sooha with walls a mile thick !! sooha who fights first and asks questions later !! yes !!!!! a sooha who's just. so constantly afraid all the time of being cast out or shunned or even KILLED for something she's not even sure she IS, and covers that fear with the biggest show of bravery she knows how to put on because the fear only lets them know she's vulnerable. don't let them know. never let them know
like you said though i do like the (webtoon) canon dynamic of her being sunshine and all the boys being her seven sunshine protectors (that dynamic is my absolute shit shjfbfjfb its SO sweet) but even then id like it even better if the dynamic was less focused on sooha and heli's romance plot and more focused on... sooha..... like just imagine. a sooha that's aggressively sweet and kind and cheery, a sooha that's unwaveringly positive, precisely BECAUSE she's been through so much shit in her life and she doesn't want to be the "evil, murdering vampire" that everyone sees her as, so she covers all her bad parts up with a sunny attitude and a bright smile, hoping that people won't hate her that way. she's friendly and personable, but after chris she always kept people at arm's length so that no one could find out the truth. this sooha still needs to learn how to love herself, and be vulnerable; how to accept that who she is isn't something to be ashamed of. hell, she might even be on par with salty defensive brash sooha in my head :')
[HELP i didnt mean to go and make sunshine sooha angsty as well but. really all my headcanons for her boil down to her being ostracized and attacked all her life and building up walls to protect herself, just in different ways. now that i think about it my ideas for a lot of characters (whether they're headcanons for other characters or ideas for my original characters) involve them putting up masks to hide their true selves/feelings so that they can't be hurt, whats up with that actually--]
OKAY NOW ON A MORE POSITIVE NOTE. i just got the very funny image of the "sunshine and seven sunshine protecters" image with sooha and the brothers but,,, she is ALSO very capable of killing a man. so like some dude comes up to her and tries to pull some shit and all the vamps are like "grrr hands off our bestie >:(" in the background but she fucking annihilates the guy before any of them get the chance to do anything. (sunshine protectors who WOULD kill a man for her but usuallu dont need to because she's completely capable of disposing of them herself)
a race with jakah on the ground and shion on the ceiling.... thats such a funny image bro im in love with it. and then at the end when jakah's waiting at the meeting point they agreed upon and shion finally, FINALLY reaches it (like a full thirty seconds to a minute after jakah lmao), he drops down from the ceiling spiderman-style, wrapping himself around jakah and knocking him to the ground while hissing "you fucking cheater" in his ear. and jakah (dying from the full weight of shion on top of him) is like "ITS LITERALLY MY POWER WHAT DID YOU EXPECT--"
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cocoabubbelle · 2 years
In honor of
May the 4th,
Here are my top favorite ships of Star Wars, from the least favorite to the top favorite:
Kylo Ren/Ben x Rey Skywalker/Palpatine
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Why I like them:
Honestly, this isn’t my FAVORITE ship, since I’m not a huge fan of the enemies-to-lovers trope, nor am I a fan of bad boys x good girls. Also, the whole soulmate thing was a bit forced in last minute. HOWEVER, I like a lot of the fan art of this couple, as well as the what they could have had if things were different. I blame a lot of the fandom’s headcanons 😆 . I saw the potential in their back and forth banter in The Last Jedi, and enjoyed when Ben finally came to his senses and fought for the good side with Rey in Rise of Skywalker.
Jyn x Cassian
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Why I like them:
Honestly, I thought it was hilarious that one of the reviews for the movie claimed that this was the best film with a female lead because there was ‘no romance between the heroine and the hero,” because when I watched it, the shipper in me thought “well, yeah, because they all died before anything could happen 😜”. This is another ship I saw with potential because how much Jyn and Cassian influenced each other for the better, despite their rocky start. They went from almost biting each other’s heads off, to reluctantly trusting each other, to having each other’s back, to finding comfort in each other as their time ran out.
Carth Onasi x Fem!Revan
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Why I like this couple:
The first computer Star Wars game I played was Knights of the Old Republic, and thanks to that I went down a hole in the Star Wars Universe. Normally, I’m not a fan of Person A getting together with Person B who was partially responsible for the murder of your spouse and almost-murder-but-still-wound-up-messed-up-beyond-redemption-because-of-trauma child. However, the storytelling of KOTOR and the character arc that Carth undergoes via his interactions with Fem!Revan as well as her own development (based on the player’s choices) wonderfully portrays the power of redemption, earning trust, and forgiveness that it makes sense for this couple to end up together. This is why I pretend Carth’s cameo in KOTOR 2 didn’t happen, because the confirmation that Fem!Revan left to undo the harm she caused but was never able to reunite with Carth (who spends the rest of his life waiting for her and never knowing her eventual fate) is too sad.
Exile x Mical/The Disciple
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Why I like them:
The choice was either the sweet nice guy with an English accent, or the Han Solo-Copy. No offense to Atton, but when I had to pick between him or Mical, I preferred Mical. He’s a gentleman, a scholar, and shows nothing but support for the Exile even though he didn’t have that great of an opinion on the Jedi at first.
Visas Marr x Male!Exile
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Why I like them:
This couple admittedly has similar dynamics and even dialogue options as Fem!Exile x Mical, but with the splash of a more traumatic background for Visas and an even deeper understanding and connection. I like Visas as a character, as she is a sith only because she was basically tortured into being one, not because she’s a bad person. She loved the Exile from afar because of their similar situations of being broken away from the Force, and (if you play a kindhearted Exile) fell for him further because of his kindness. The Exile (again, should the player make the proper decisions) also doesn’t hold Visas’s past nor her connection to the main Sith Lord against her and treats her like how a normal person should be treated: with respect.
Rey x Poe Dameron
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Why I like them:
Yes, they bicker a lot, but their first meetings in the films and the novels were really cute. Also, they’re both really talented pilots who get along great with machines, and with great taste in friends (Hi Finn!).
Han Solo x Leia Organa Skywalker
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Why I like them:
The only slap-slap-kiss couple that has rights. THE Star Wars couple. Ne’er do well Rogue with a Hidden heart of Gold x Haughty Princess who loves her people and learns to loosen up? Only these two can pull it off so well.
Finn x Rey
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I 👏🏻 LOVE 👏🏿 THESE 👏🏻 TWO 👏🏿!!!!
I loved them as soon as they appeared on screen together. Finn can be a coward, but he’s still such a sweetheart and a good guy who’ll keep doing whatever is right. Rey is prickly and hard of trusting, but when she becomes friends with someone it’s really adorable how she gets incredibly loyal and attached to them. While Poe befriended and gave Finn a reason to leave the First Order, Rey gave him the courage and confidence to fight them. While Han Solo gave Rey a paternal mentor figure who she looked up to, Finn was the one who respected her for her strength while helping her realize it was okay for her to open up and be vulnerable. That and their interactions are always adorable and heartwarming. Whatever ship you’re on or building, and whatever your opinions may be on the sequel trilogy, I think it is obvious that Finn and Rey’s relationship with each other was so necessary to each other throughout their entire stories.
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