#And Raph chose HIS color
yorshie · 1 year
Bayverse turtles x fem reader
Turtle fluff, kinda petty jealousy, nothing sexual
Second Person, no Y/N.
Inspired by a pinterest post I saw about having an office turtle and the punch line was "does the big man want his appy slices?" and it just snowballed from there
Aged up turtles
Second View Person, Nicknames no Y/N
Your first vacation in a year, and you were stuck with a house guest for part of it.
Well, sort of a house guest.
You stared at the blue, plastic kiddie pool taking up half of the living room, shoved between your TV and the L shaped desk you used as a work space. A sandy colored shell was moving slowly around as Romeo explored his temporary digs, the large tortoise taking everything in with long, slow blinks.
“Boy, does your mother owe me one,” You informed him lowly, shaking out tired arms that still ached from carrying the large cat carrier up the stairwell. “Though, I guess she should be worried you won’t wanna go home on Monday. After all,” you leaned down, watched as Romeo turned those large, multicolored eyes in your direction, “I seem to have a growing collection of turtles.”
He let out a loud huff, the air whistling through his nostrils, and you snorted. “Sorry, tortoise, though I’m pretty sure the rest are turtles.”
He turned back to ignoring you, making slow movement towards the heat lamp you had attached to the back of a stool and swung over a part of his pad.
You hummed, watching him, then glanced over at your phone when it dinged from the couch.
Orange Crush: Hey babycakes, we still good to come get you after patrol? Donnie got ahold of that movie you wanted to see.
Uh oh. You bit at your nail absently, thinking, then typed back:
You guys are welcome to stop by, but I might have put a snag in movie night. I’ve got a house guest I have no idea what to do with.
You hit send, waited a beat, then hit accept before it even rang, expecting Leo’s name.
“Everything good?”
You decided not to comment on the speed dial. “Yea, everything’s fine. I’ve just… got a house guest.”
A beat of silence, “are you in danger?”
You frowned, stared across the room at Romeo, then had a light bulb moment as you replayed what was said. “Oh, god, Leo, no I’m fine. This isn’t a ‘help, there’s someone in my apartment’ type of thing.”
“Well that’s good,” he breathed, and you could hear his dry humor creeping in, “Though you almost gave Raph a heart attack just now.”
“Spiders almost give Raph a heart attack,” you deadpanned back. “But seriously, I’m just babysitting a pet for a friend. Um… actually.” You squinted at the tortoise sunning himself. “Don’t- don’t be weird when you guys get here.”
A longer beat of silence. “O-kay.” The word was drawn out. “We’ll be over in ten.” He hung up before you could squawk about cutting their patrol short, and you was left holding the phone comically to your ear.
Romeo chose that moment to let out a questioning chirp, his beak opening and clicking shut, and you turned your attention back to him. “Hm? You hungry, big boy? Let me go get your food.”
You got Romeo his salad, watching with slight amusement as he once again slowly moved toward the plate of offerings next to his sunken water bowl, high pitched chirps coming from him as he started to eat.
A light tap at your window pulled your attention, and you crawled over the couch to unlock the window, letting Leo do the heavy lifting to actually get it open.
“Heeeyyy,” You said, smiling brightly, trying to block the view behind you while leaning against the frame.
Leo rolled his eyes, “hey yourself. You gonna let us in?”
You pursed your lips, looking over the four of them crammed onto the fire escape, Donnie half hanging off the railing as he avoided Raph’s shell. You held up a finger threateningly. “Don’t be weird.”
You heard Raph scoff as you moved to press against the couch cushions, letting them step in over the furniture. “‘Don’t be weird’ she says to the mutant turtles.”
“Uh.” Leo pulled up short, one foot still on the couch, letting Mikey bounce off his shell as he noticed the kiddie pool.
Romeo looked up from the salad, took in the towering turtles staring back, and let out a low grumble that somehow managed to thrum through the room.
“Wow. That’s impressive.” You popped up on the couch, leaned over the arm, watched as the four turtles spread out a little, all still watching the kiddie pool.
“Sheesh, that’s nothing, babycakes,” Mikey said over his shoulder as he backed to the side to perch on the couch next to you, baby blues fastened on the tortoise like he’d disappear if he blinked. “That little rumble ain’t got nothing on Raph in the morning.”
“Huh. Really?” You glanced at the red turtle, but he shrugged, moving towards the kitchen counter and the cans of soda you’d set out while waiting for them.
“It ain't nothin special, sweetheart. How long you watchin mr. grumpy pants?”
Leo still hadn’t moved from his spot half on the couch, and with a huff Donnie pushed past him, the only one to take a step closer to the kiddie pool and crouch down to get a closer look.
“I have Romeo until Monday morning.” You tried not to sound too intrigued with what was happening, or not happening, but you probably failed judging by the quick look Raph threw your way, slight smirk curling his mouth as he watched you peer between Romeo and Donnie.
The tortoise had one eye on Donnie and the other on Leo, his head swiveled to the side to keep them both in sight as the ominous grumble sounded once more.
“Oh, goodness.” Donnie chuckled, perched as close to the plastic lip as he could get without touching the tortoise’s turf.
Raph whistled, long and low, as the noise lowered deeper until it was a threatening burr. Romeo snapped his beak at the sudden noise from Raph.
“Ok. What’s happening?” You asked, looking from Mikey to Raph for answers.
Mikey winced, fingers drumming out a fast staccato on his bent knees, so you turned your question to Raph, who simply shrugged.
“Donnie,” you whined, and heard him hum in answer. “What’s with the weirdness?”
“Oh, well, I suppose we’re making him a little uncomfortable.” He supplied, twisting around to address you from over Leo’s hip. Romeo let out an angry hiss, and Donnie swayed back out of sight. “Oops.”
“Now you done it,” Raph joked. “Touched the big man’s pool.”
“So I should have coached him instead of you guys?” You smirked, the notion that the bigger turtles were all being trash talked by Romeo amusing.
“Eh, probably wouldn’t have changed much,” Donnie chirped back at you, pulling another threatening beak snap from Romeo.
Raph chuckled. “Careful, Don. He might think you’re after his girl.”
“Oh so now I’m part of the problem?” You put as much sarcasm into the query as you could, moving to sit up on the couch, swaying into Leo’s space.
“Sure.” Leo answered, finally moving his foot off the couch as you brushed against him. “Bunch of big ugly rivals come into his place, touch his home, chirp at his girl. I’d be pissed too.”
“Would you?” You tried not to sound too amused, hand coming up to press against your mouth at the uptick in Leo’s cheek even as his gaze was kept on the tortoise. “So is he gonna get even more cranky if I leave with his ‘rivals’?”
“I’m sure he’ll live,” Raph pushed away from the counter, snapped his fingers under Donnie’s glasses. “Genius, quit harassing the poor dude. He’s stuck in a pool, we get to go watch a movie with his girl. Don’t rub it in.”
“Pretty sure I’ve known you guys longer than him,” You kicked out at Raph playfully as he passed close, connecting with his thigh and making him sway to avoid the pressure. “Think that makes him the interloper.”
“Ah, ok, I see how it is, you’re our girl. You want us to avenge your honor, teach this creep a lesson?” He jerked his head toward Romeo, grabbing your foot with ease as you went to kick at him again. You let out a quick giggle, jerked your foot away from his grip, leaning towards Mikey for protection as Raph made a grab for your retreating foot again.
“Hey, it’s all good babycakes, I’ll hide you from your loverboy’s rival.” Mikey lifted his arm, flashing the charm as he let you wedge yourself between his shell and the couch, feet tucked in the cushions where the larger brother couldn’t reach.
“We better get going before we rile your house guest up even more,” Leo commented, ignoring the playful banter as he stepped sideways out of Raph’s way. “You have everything you need?”
You hummed, twitching further behind Mikey as you felt the youngest brother’s fingers reach back and ghost your far side. “My bag’s in my room. Obviously, I’m gonna have to come check on Romeo tomorrow, but I think he’ll be ok for the night.”
“Especially if he doesn’t have to deal with us,” Donnie added, straightening and stepping around the pool to head down the short hallway leading to your room.
“Oh, shoot, hold on. Can’t forget.” You popped out from behind Mikey, wildly grabbing onto Leo’s arm to steady yourself as you overcorrected on the couch cushion. His forearm tensed under your hand, giving you something steady to push off of as you headed for the counter.
As you turned around with an apple and a knife, Mikey gasped. “He gets appy slices?”
“Yup, every Friday.” You responded, not looking up as you carefully started cubing the fruit.
“He’s get a treat after being an ass?” Raph sounded incredulous, and you blinked, looking up finally to find all three staring at the apple in your hand.
You took in the various looks of envy and mild offense, and reached behind you for the bag with the rest of the apples. “Do… do you guys want some?”
Donnie rounded the corner at that moment, stopped so hard his shoe squeaked on the floor. “He gets appy slices?”
“O-kay.” You pulled the word out long and slow, conscious as they tracked you and the dish of apple cubes across the room to the kiddie pool. It had to be your imagination, but Romeo almost looked smug as he hurried over for the treat you set down.
Behind you, Raph made a noise of disgust deep in his throat, and you fought to keep the smile from your face as Mikey echoed the sentiment.
“I promise,” You rose and turned to face them, “I will bring the whole bag and make you guys as many appy slices as you want tonight.”
Raph took the few steps to the kitchen, grabbed the bag of apples, and crossed back over to the couch and window. His brow raised as though daring you to laugh as Mikey opened the glass and hopped out onto the fire escape.
You fought it successfully until Leo purposely bumped into you, a gentle reminder to get moving, and you followed Donnie out into the chilly air, careful as you pulled yourself over the edge of the window.
Donnie offered you a hand, grip cool and firm as he tugged you up the flight of stairs and passed you off to Raph, whose arms you curled into as he picked you up effortlessly.
“Where’s Fearless?” He asked, stepping up to glance back over the edge, and you gripped tighter as the buildings swelled down to meet the street.
Leo stuck his head out of your window as though summoned, taking a moment to close the latch before he scaled up to where the others were waiting. At Raph’s questioning look, he huffed, the lights catching briefly on his teeth.
“Just reminding Romeo down there that he’s only a house guest.”
You blinked, your face going loose with shock, “Leonardo, did you growl at that poor tortoise?”
The only answer you got was a smug smirk, and Mikey’s bright belt of laughter.
Much later, in the lair, you sat slumped in the middle of the couch, fingers sticky as you peeled yet another apple. You didn’t even bother to lean forward as you offered a slice over the edge. You weren’t sure how they knew it was there, the only light coming from the soft jewel tones of the older movie on the big screen, but the slice was always accepted, much larger fingers grazing your palm the only indication. 
You smiled, and cut off another slice.
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punkeccentricenigma · 8 months
Hey, could I request headcanons about the boys' reactions to Reader giving them a Candy Ring?
Reader gives Rise!boys a Candy Ring
Relationship status: Platonic
Reader prounouns: They/Them
TW: Short, Some grammatical errors because english is not my first language.
Author's note: My first request, yay! I hope you'll like it. Honestly, I don't recall them selling such candy rings in my country, at least when I was a little shit-kid. But in elementary school, I used to buy something similar, but it was more like pacifiers for children than rings. It was awesome and cheap.
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◇It's probably clear that you deliberately chose the blue candy ring for him. He adores that color so much that you're not even sure if he can wear anything in a different color.
◇Knowing his playful nature, before giving him the candy, you knelt dramatically in front of him when you were playing a random game you found at the nearby dump.
◇"Hm? I knew you had a thing for me, but to propose right away? I feel honored." Typical smirk ™
◇He joyfully accepted the gift, and as you might expect, he started sucking on it. By the way, you didn't hold back on immature jokes, lmao.
◇But that's not all; the next day, Leonardo bought you three candy rings in your favorite colors.
◇He felt a bit awkward receiving gifts without giving something in return.
◇Today, you were in a great mood, so without holding back, you went to visit your turtle friends to spend time with them and share the sweets you recently bought.
◇Since Raph was currently in the main area of the Lair, skateboarding around, you gave him the candy ring first.
◇"Uh, thanks?" He responded uncertainly, taking the red crystal from you. The ring was definitely too small for his mutated fingers.
◇A look of embarrassment crossed your face. Did you do something wrong? Or maybe the eldest of the brothers didn't feel like seeing you today? Apparently, your concern was more noticeable than you thought because Raph continued to speak.
◇"I really appreciate it, [Y.N]! But, you know, I'm not a kid anymore, you don't have to buy me stuff like this, hah."
◇Oh, that's what it was about! "I know, Raph, but I just wanted to show how much I care about you guys."
◇Those words triggered a warm feeling deep inside him and brought a smile to his face.
◇"Oh, Donnie~! One of your favorite people is here!"
"Damn, please no."
◇Did you have to enter Donnie's lab in such a way? No. But did you want to be as annoying as possible for your own amusement? Absolutely!
◇"I have something for you!" And you placed a purple candy ring wrapped in foil on his desk.
◇The only response you got was a skeptical look and the words, "What do you want in return?"
◇Your brave smile faded, and your mind started overthinking. Maybe you should have just walked in normally instead of acting like Leo?
◇"Um, nothing. I don't want anything in return."
◇Oh boy, it was really an awkward situation.
◇ "I just wanted to show you how much you mean to me as a close friend." His stern gaze didn't help maintain eye contact. "Are you mad at me? I can bring something else if you want!"
◇He blinked a few times, leaning back slightly in his chair; it looked like his mind went through some sort of reset.
◇His eyes also softened but were somewhat embarrassed.
◇"No, I'm not, sorry." He began, focusing on the candy as he took it into his hand. "I've just had my mind swamped with new projects lately."
◇He felt a little embarrassed, so he unwrapped the candy ring without hesitation and started eating it.
◇His posture immediately sharpened, and his face brightened. Obviously, he enjoyed it.
◇There's not much to say here, to be honest.
◇As perhaps not the only one, he reacted with joy to the free candy.
◇"I can't believe it, it's my favorite! How did you know?"
◇The orange color says it all, lmao.
◇He'll definitely convince you to buy many more of these goodies (of course, he'll chip in too, he doesn't like using his friends like that), and you'll have them on just to pretend to be "rich people."

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ruija · 2 months
Coloring Tutorial Part 2
Part 1
As promised, here's the 2nd part of my color ramblings. This time I'll go a bit into how I pick colors for cohesive and atmospheric looks in my illustrations. Usually, when working on a piece, I'll think about what kind of mood I'm going for and then choose one color as a base. Let's use this pic as an example:
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I wanted something warm and cozy, and the feel of an old house. For the base color, I chose brown. The funny thing about colors is, that they can look veeeery different depending on which shades you put next to each other. For example, you can make a shade that's not actually red, look like it's red by putting greenish tones around it. Let's look at the shades I picked for this piece. When you look at the color spectrum, you can see that all the colors can be found somewhere within the range of red and yellow. Don and Leo look like their normal shades of green, even though there's not any real green in this picture.
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For comparison, I colored this picture as if it was in a neutral light and all the objects showed up in their true colors.
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Looks rather jarring, doesn't it? The colors are picked from all around the spectrum and there's no consideration of whether they match or complement each other. When you pick colors from a more condensed 'area' within the hue spectrum, it's easier to harmonize them. Also, in general, it's wise to stick to a limited palette. It doesn't have to be in the same hue range either. You could pick something like blue and orange as your base colors and then use shades that are close to those two.
Another trick is to repeat your chosen colors in different areas, instead of picking a new tone for everything. This will make the overall look more cohesive. And if you want something to stand out, pick a more unique color for it. (This same rule can apply to character design too.)
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A demonstration of how almost all the colors appear in several spots within the picture. Note, how most of the BG is non-obtrusive browns and reds, while Don and Leo become a focal point with their greens and the blue duvet.
So, how do I actually pick out these colors? I'll show you. Here's Raph in neutral light aka in his true colors. And two different versions where I've used indigo and orange as the base colors.
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Now, I'm not sure how comprehensible this is, but I tried to explain my method with this visual guide.
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Basically, I'll try to remain close to the base color in the hue range and then fiddle around with how the different shades look together. It does take some practice and using various color adjustments or blending layers is very helpful if picking the colors manually is too hard!
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I hope someone got something useful out of this, thanks for reading and sending the ask!
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sane-omblog · 3 months
1 more day
spoilers so i put it in ALT
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at first i just gonna draw simeon and mc for this one but then again i won't left my goofy guy solomon out of this hes a human too after all
much like the purgatory hall gang with raph but change that to make simeon be raph. bc solomon definitely fetch his apprentice do sumth silly and mischief while simeon is "no solomon you shouldn't do this... fine if you guys wanna do that so bad"
yes he joined in i have no more to say let them have fun they earn it! i love how simeon can be both that mother of the group who stopped them from doing sumth and then next sec he just involves and now no one stop anyone
anyway for this piece i chose mc main color to go with(or at least it's MY mc main color)
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trinoxtrinox · 3 months
Abbeyofcyn Colour in your style
Painting the lineart for this was really fun, and I really enjoyed doing it, even if I feel like I bit a bit more than I could chew at first, what with me wanting to do two different light sources XD
I also wanted to colour the lineart of this, however the results that I got aren't that good, so I'll be uploading two pieces, one without the lineart painted (the one I like more), and the one with the coloured lineart. Hope you like it everyone and @abbeyofcyn
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Ok, now that the art is done, I have a lot to say about how I chose to color everything, but that could get long so I'll leave all of that under a read more, expand at your own risk XD
Allright, so first of all, a detail that I'm not sure many people will be able to catch in the first place. The flowers, I colored them in a specific way, because each of them represents a different person.
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In here I added the flowers to represent each of the beings present on the art, Red for Raph, Light Blue for Leo, Purple for Donnie, Orange for Mickey, Dark blue for F!Leo, and finally Pink for the Krang; because the latest might not be present literally, but the sky and pink light clearly indicate that they're still a presence to be felt in the world.
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In here we have the four turtles again, with the flowers being their respective colors. However, since all but one of them are cut, I chose to color them in what I believe the order they died in the bad future is. First is Raph, I doubt he'd let anyone die before him, so the single corner of a red petal goes to him, then Donnie goes next, hence why a petal and a bit of the center is the only thing that can be seen of him; and now we come to the first scene of the movie, which makes it so that Mikey is the next flower that's cut off, and finally Leo gets the only not cutt off flower, because he's still living here.
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This are the last patch of flowers, and the reason why I colored them that way is because each of them represent a different person that's important for the turtles. The Green represent April's Ninpo, I wanted to add her and ther ninpo was the only way I could think of, and on the same vein, the white and black next to her are Splinter when he's on his Ninpo state at their final fight against Shredder. Below them there's the gray and sorta orange flowers, this time they both represent Splinter in his normal form, and yes I know I put him twice in there, he's their father, he deserves it XD
Finally there's the dark brown and gray flowers, these one represent Cassandra Jones and Cassey Junior, you can't argue that they end up being pretty important to the turtles, the first one helped them in the fight against Shredder, and the second one literally kickstarted the movie XD
Next thing to discuss is why I chose to have two different lightning sources and why they are what they are.
First is the Krang sky at the front, I chose this because I got inspired by this idea for the AU behind this lineart from Abbeyofcyn and wanted to continue said AU idea. My take and continuation is that even after the Magic Tie Portal that Mickey did to send Casey Jr. to the past exploded and send the Krang at the battlefield away (and considering how big the battlefield it was, it most likely killed or pushed away every single Krang at New York) and F!Leo got the Tots!Turtles, there were still enough living Krang around the world that are still ravaging the world, this time more out of spite than anything since they know the won and simply want to kick down a dead horse. F!Leo is going in that direction because he's aware that there are Krang still left, and the sad reality is that he can't shield the Tots!Turtles forever, but at least he should be able to train them and teach them everything he can, while also giving them the chance to have a childhood as well, similar to Casey Jr. but more chill.
F!Leo and Tots!Raph are the only ones facing the Krang light, and that's on purpose, the former because obviously he'll be the main force against the remnants of the Krang that are still on Earth, and the latter because no matter the form, Raph will always want to protect his siblings, and he ain't afraid to punch a few f them in the face to do so. Tots!Mikey meanwhile is in the backpack, being shielded from the Krang light, with it barely reaching him, and again, that's on purpose, everyone will want to protect him since he's the youngest, and the fact that he also will become the strongest Mystical Warrior the world will ever see again, and so F!Leo will try to teach him whatever he knows about Ninpo and the Mystic Powers, doing his best to shield him from the horrors of the Krang so that he can focus on learning Mystical Powers.
Tots!Leo and Tots!Donnie are giving their back to the Krang light, but that's not because they'll ignore the menace they represent, but rather because they're focusing on what's more important to them at the moment, for Tots!Leo is his twin brother and the shenanigans/drama he can get with him, while for Tots!Donnie is his curiosity and need to learn about the world around him (Also he's autistic and likes rocks, fight me XD). Leo here is shielding Donnie from the Krang's light, agan made on purpose, because he loves his twin too much and wants to protect him from the horrors, while also pulling his rope to bring him back to the present; Donnie meanwhile only has a little bit of Krang light on him, which is their looming threat that they represent for a great while, however they aren't the biggest thing occuping his mind, and thanks to his twin, he's able to not focus on them for a while to concentrate on more things that'll help everyone in the future; which brings me to...
The yellow light, which comes from the sun that's behind them, and considering how it's a yellow and not an orange one, the current time is morning and it's Dawn, the rise of a new day, new begginings and start for a new hope. It might seem like they're walking away from the light and into the Krang's side, however with this idea I had it's less that they're getting further away from the light, but rather bringing the light with them, illuminating everyone's path and pushing back against the Krang.
As you can see, everyone is bathed in the sun's light glow, however Tots!Donnie, Tots!Raph and Tots!Leo are the ones that are literally bathed in it, while F!Leo has his legs covered in it and Tots!Mikey only has sunlight on his head. Once again this is all on purpose, and I'll explain everyone's light position now :3
Tots!Raph, The sunlight is mostly on his shell, tail and arms, which is because he'll be in charge of protecting everyone's uture, and that sadly also means that he'll be bearing the heaviest burden out of his brothers, but that'll also means that when the burden is eventually lifted, he'll be the one that looks forwards the most.
F!Leo's future is uncertain, the sunlight covers only his legs completly because even if he's the guiding light of everyone's future, and no matter how much light he has on his back, shell, legs and arms; he's not covered in any of it beyond his role as a guide, so still uncertainty envelops him.
Tots!Mikey is literally being carried in a bag to the future, which again is because he's the youngest and the strongest mystical warior out of them, but he's also somewhat of a backup plan, his role will be less to guide anyone to the bright future and more ensure that no one gets left behind under the looming threat of the Krang, hence why he only has the sunlight on his face and he's not covered in it like his brothers.
Tots!Leo and Tots!donnie, the disaster twins, they both are encased in light because both of them will help create the brightest future as well, however Donnie is covering a half of Leo, not letting him be truly fully under the sunlight, and again, that's because while he protects his twin from the Krang, Leo is sacrificing part of his abilities to guide everyone else but his brother. Donnie meanwhile is literally encased in light, his face fully iluminated, and that's because with his smarts and creativity, he'll be the biggest reason that a brighter future will be created for Earth, his inventions carrying everyone towards it.
Finally, why I started with dry grass on the foreground and ended with green grass at the mountains on the horizon, and that's because even with their uncertain future, even though they are the guiding light that'll bring a new brighter future to the world, that doesn't mean that the world is at such a critical state that they literally can't be saved. There are still people out there, living in hiding, no matter how it seems from the start point, there's still life out there.
And that's all I wanted to say about how I painted it and why I did so, I had so much I wanted to say and, to anyone who bothers to read all of this, thanks for doing so, I put way too much thoughts into this ambitious for me painting, and I loved writing all of this down as well. See y'all in the future n.n
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askuprisingrottmnt · 8 months
So cool that you made your mask, Mikey! Really really love the glowing fangs! If you were to make masks for the others, what sorta design would you make for them?
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To be honest I'm not entirely sure? Donnie has his gas mask already and Leo wanted his to be built into his twin shirt (entirely his idea, not Donnie's >:P), and Raph has always just used that old red bandanna (Fun fact, that's why I chose a bandanna myself! Just don't blab to him about that or I'll never hear the end of it ^^;)
I guess if they asked me to, I would make Raph's look kinda like an oni or something? He's always got that resting pissed face anyway so it would amplify his intimidation factor while out on missions!
And of COURSE the twins have to match so maybe kitsune style mouths? I'd make them color coordinated and they'd DEFINITELY glow just like mine! :D
So yeah :3 If we all decided to go the bandanna route and Raph was willing to switch his old one for a new one, that's what I'd do!
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daedelweiss · 5 months
Are LM Raph, Mikey, and Donnie called Red Knight, Orange Titan, and Purple Tinkerer in the comic or do they have other names that Draxum and Big Mama call them by?
those are the names draxum and big mama gave them! or at least what they call them. raph is referred to as "Red", draxum never gave mikey a name but was nicknamed by huginn and munnin so the call him "titan" sometimes, and donnie is just called "tinkerer".
i thought it'd make sense that everyone calls them different names because their names are themed and splinter chose those names for them. no one would know of the others' name otherwise. i also tried to ride the line of naming them something that can tie to their character but make it make sense for their circumstances. raph is "red" because his armor design is inspired by lou jitsu's iconic suit and dons red as its primary color. mikey is called "titan" because of his powers. and donnie is named so because of his job~
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they will get their names back eventually. i stated in the comic that splinter already had names picked out for his missing boys in case they return.
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cupcakeslushie · 1 year
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That has me so relieved lol. I feel like I’m the worst at fashion 😅. I spend so much time on Google and Pinterest, trying to find cute things to put our boys and April in that would match their personalities.
Leo likes jean material and anything with dark colors (obvi) and also really likes athleisure wear. Raph has pretty similar taste, but with brighter colors. Though it’s hard for him to find jean material that can stand up to his shell, so he also has a love for stretchy stuff that wont tear. Mikey and Donnie like oversized and cute styles! Really soft or fluffy stuff, but also Donnie will throw in some edgy rave outfits when he’s feeling fun. He’s also got the same three outfits for when he’s working and he’ll wear them until they’re covered in paint and oil and totally worn down. Mikey is probably the one that has the biggest and most versatile closet. He has a big problem with online, impulse shopping.
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@kitty-kyte This ask has me so curious now about the undercity’s weather! Aw, and now that makes me think the Snow Day episode would go from them fighting, to them just having a good wholesome time showing Donnie how much fun snow could be. And maybe they do have a snowball fight, Leo and Mikey being way too competitive, and Raph and April and Donnie just enjoying some hot cocoa and building a snowman. OR OR OR Donnie, April and Leo make a Jupiter Jim snowman and Raph and Mikey and Cass make a Lou Jitsu snowman and they argue over which one is better and Donnie keeps switching sides because he can’t decide!
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As for your first question! Leo witnessed some small fits during their first few encounters. He was as unnerved as he could be, but sadly chose to ignore the strange behavior in favor of letting Three struggle through them on his own 😔. Then the first time Raph, Mikey, Leo, and April run into Donnie, they can clearly see Three struggling with something they can’t. They’re really confused and don’t know what to do, but with Leo recently revealing to them that Three might be their long lost brother Donnie, Raph has already resolved himself that, Donnie would be coming home with them. Unfortunately he doesn’t really know how to handle Three in that first meeting, and so he’s a bit rough with him, making those first few days of Donnie getting used to being in the lair a manic mess. Later once they learn more, Raph and Mikey will try to talk Donnie through them and Leo will use contact. But they also kind of have to adapt their reactions depending on how bad each one is, and what they think Donnie needs to feel safe.
Question #2! Raph calls him Dad, Pop, or Old Man when he’s feeling cheeky. Mikey calls him Dad and Papa. Leo probably goes through the most names: Master Splinter, Splinter, Father, Dad. Donnie will call him Father or PApA~
Question #3 Donnie had thought he’d already been introduced to so much good food after a few weeks in the lair, but pizza was on a whole new level. Sweets might be his new weakness. But pizza is his favorite savory meal. And you just know that the boys took Donnie to Run of the Mill for his first pizza experience. They couldn’t wait to introduce him to Hueso.
Hueso on the other hand is starting to get slightly annoyed with all these traumatized boys that Raph keeps bringing in. Like he was perfectly happy adopting this huge, but well-mannered teenage turtle and his human friend. Then they come in with the small, infamous battle nexus champion and he’s a little hyper thing sometimes, but he’s pleasant enough, so okay. But THEN, they have some nerve to bring some poor, tired, stone-faced kid, who’s eyes hold much too old of a look in them. It tugs on Hueso’s heartstrings…that is it would, if he actually had them.
NOW what’s he supposed to do with this new one? He can’t just adopt them all can he?
Hueso in the kitchens, to his chefs as they cook the boys’ pizzas:
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Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael and Michelangelo x chaotic crow-mutant Reader
Idea: so the reader is a mutated crow. Gremlin behavior ensues. Made this with the 2012 series in mind but can be read for the rottmnt series. I made something for a magpie reader awhile ago but I made this one different.
Put wayyy too much effort into this. Take the content you filthy animals.
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★ Like them, you were born as a normal animal and got mutated later in life. However unlike the turtles you remember your life as a wild animal and still have some traits you picked up from your old life.
★ One of those things is that you eat from the trash. Why wouldn't you? The food that gets thrown away is perfectly fine and often delicious. None of them, not even Mikey, can stand to see you eat literal garbage.
★ trying to eat something that's clearly gone bad is where they draw the line. Raph and Leo's job when this happens is to chase/pin you down while Donnie uses his (gloved) hands to open your mouth. All while Mikey makes you a sandwich.
★ You steal things, much to Leo's dismay. Although it's not really your fault that you have no concept of personal property. Still you collect shiny things and neat trinkets you "borrow" from people.
★ Due to the whole "mutated animal" thing you can't really go outside (at least during the day) so you chose to move into one of the many abandoned areas in the subway system. Making you the boys only and worst neighbor.
★ It's a short walk from the lair, about 15 or so minutes away. Mikey's named it "the nest" and, honestly, the name is accurate. Everywhere you look there's something to take up the once empty space.
★ There's posters and tapestry's over the walls, covering up the boring color of concrete and plaster. Wall mounted shelves where installed with help from Donnie, stolen trinkets atop each one.
★ Floors covered up with various mismatched carpets. There's an entire corner of your bedroom stacked to the ceiling with a pillar of stuffed animals. It's a strangely cozy area.
★ Donnie hid a camera in your home by replacing a stuffed animal eye with it.
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tmntxthings · 1 year
一∑michelangelo hamato。・゜・
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(pics from pinterest)
> raph’s < | > leo’s < | > donnie’s <
version: rottmnt aka rise
aesthetic: orange + character-centric
song association: fire by e l e y
author’s notes: we did it :D set complete ✅ which one was your favorite?? did you like any of the songs??
> Profile <
name: michelangelo hamatooooooooo
nicknames: mikey / angelo
aliases: dr. delicate touch / dr. feelings
location: *~in newww yorkkkkkkk concrete jungle where dreams are made of~*
species: ornate box turtle mutant
age: 15 years young :D
height: 4’7 (・_・) i will growwwww manifesting itttt
color: orangeeee , but green is cool too and yellow
weapon(s): ~flame-generating kusari-fundō~ (cool righttttt?) and my sick ninjutsu skills
appearance: one flyyyy turtle right here, i’ve got my awesome stickers, silly face kneepads, emerald skin ;D, and can’t forget my orange bandanna
personality: shining personality!! i’m super duper friendly (unless you destroy my most favorite place on earth aka pizza place), kindddd, caringgg, absolutely adorable, an empath for sureee, a tinsy-weensy bit feral, just a smidge, honest, lovable, cute, spoiled? babied? the ~*brightest*~ crayon in the box c:
likes: familyyyy, art, dancing, music, fashion, meeting new people, making new friends, turning villains into friends, helping my brothers, my dr. sides, pizza, food in general, skateboarding, gaming, copying leo, annoying my brothers (lovingly ofc), youtube, pranks, being helpful, cooking, magic powers, physical affection
dislikes: being talked down to, not taken seriously, being called a monster, judgey people, sticklers, close-mindedness, threats to those i love, haters, supernatural jump scares, lying
other: :DDDD guess whoooo??? yup, it’s me Mikey!!!! I think this whole project is super cool and its definitely giving me ideas for future Dr. Feelings solutions, being able to write down your thoughts or just how you feel can be so relaxing orrrr maybe even show you what you are thinking if it’s all muddled up or too much, for example i bet Donnie really liked writing all this stuff down, i bet it calmed that big brain of his!! So if you ever make an appointment with Dr. Feelings don’t be surprised when you are asked to write down how you feel hehehe, now some words from Dr. Delicate Touch, who feels nothing, I. Was. Last?!?! Out of all my brothers, you chose me to go last?!?! -.- this better not be because I’m the youngest either!! The only acceptable answer is that the best is saved for last! Hmph! I expect to hear this from you very soon, with hugs and cuddles too! Anddd maybe even your Disney+ password? (Donnie revoked my privileges again T^T~~) it totally wasn’t my fault… water balloon pranks are holy.. sacred traditions.. ;ppp
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fishsticksloser · 10 months
Can i request rottmnt wholesome HC of future leo and little sister reader?
So you know the meme (my niece was embarrassed to wear her Disney Princess dress so i went with her)? Where the uncle wear a dress as well?
Uncle leo do that except when the brothers start laughing at him he get this devilish idea to make the 4 of them wearing dresses as well to " support their sister " and not count as a " punishment " for disrespecting the elder.
In the end everyone end up having fun in Halloween.
The Cinderella Academy
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f!Leo & RotTMNT + fem!reader
Warnings: familial fluff, boys put on dresses, not a headcanon, f!leo is called Leon, short
A/N: I chose Cinderella specifically because there are so many light up dresses for her, so I thought it'd be funny. :) Leon is dressed as the Fairy Godmother because... yeah...
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"Oh, Peepaw..." Leo cackles, seeing Leon in a Fairy Godmother outfit while you stand next to him dressed up in your light-up Cinderella dress. The other 3 start laughing too, there's nothing funnier than a giant 7ft turtle man dressed up as a fairy godmother.
"I'm glad you find this funny, boys..." Leon smiles. He holds up 4 Cinderella dresses. "I found your Halloween costumes. Bee didn't want to be the only princess, so you guys can be supportive brothers and be princesses with her."
Grumbling. That's all Leon heard as the boys come out in their dresses. Leo was posing, being his normal self. Mikey didn't seem that uncomfortable, but was slightly complaining about how it looked with his mask. Raph was grumbling and pouting about how his spikes and shell ripped the pretty dress. Donnie was slouched, complaining that the dress was blue and not his color while he also worried about the wiring and the dress catching fire.
"Alright, kiddos, let's go." Leon herds everyone out to trick or treat. The boys go out first, you run up and hold Leon's hand as you exit the lair.
You all get to the Hidden City and go house to house, trick or treating. At some point Leon had lifted you up onto his shoulders because you were getting a little tired. The boys had disappeared, but yo'kai were talking about 4 turtles princesses wandering around, so Leon wasn't too worried.
At the end of the night, you all get home and dump out your candy to trade. Donnie preferring sour and "hands free" candy (like suckers), Mikey preferring things like KitKats, Leo and Raoh would trade pretty much anything just wanting everyone else happy. Anything you guys absolutely didn't want went to Leon and Splinter.
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raisin-shell · 9 months
Hello, idk if you still do requests or not but I was wondering how you think each of the turtles would react to donnie having a human girlfriend? I always liked the idea of the nerdy turtle being the first one to pull and him just being so smug about it 😫
Love your work btw! Bayverse turtles for life 🤟
Ooohhhhh snap! Donnie boy being the first to land a lady?!? Holy bat balls let’s get into it!
Naturally being the leader and also playing the “big brother” role… Leonardo would be very wary and standoffish. He would worry nonstop about this human girlfriend.
“What are her intentions?”
“Are you sure she can keep us secret?”
“Are you sure you’re not just a novelty to her?”
All types of questions he’d have for Donnie among others. Not that he doesn’t trust his brother’s judgment but he knows that female persuasion could lead to some not so thought out actions. It would take Leo a long time to warm up to this new girlfriend but once he does, he’d welcome her with open arms. He loves his little brother and as such wants him to be happy.
Good lord if you looked up jealousy in the dictionary Raph’s photo would be right damn there! He absolutely can not believe his nerd brother pulled a girl before him. Only him though. Not his other brothers.
“What’s he got that I don’t got?”
“She must be desperate.”
“He’ll fuck this up I’m sure. No way she’s that into that pip squeak when she could have all this.”
He flexes his muscles as everyone rolls their eyes. He gets pissed off anytime she shows him affection. Locks himself away in his weight area to keep from having to see all the lovey dovey shit. He absolutely can’t stand that Donnie has a girlfriend and he doesn’t.
Mikey… oh mikey…. He can’t keep a straight face long enough to not embarrass the ever loving shit out of his brother. Says or asks embarrassing questions in front of Donnie’s s/o.
“So… are you two like you know…. Doing the nasty yet? Hmmmm?”
“Is Donnie a good kisser? He used to practice on his pillow when he thought no one was looking.”
“I just uploaded a bunch of Donnie’s baby photos… there’s this one where he colored his entire crotch area with purple marker! Probably why dad chose that as his color… wanna take a look?”
Alas… mikey always manages to embarrass the crap out of Donnie when his girl is around. He means well but… dammit Mikey!!
Donnie with a girlfriend would actually be pretty shy about it at first… AT FIRST. But once it’s worn of the newness he becomes a lot more cocky about it. When Raph starts his shit he’s quick to snap back at him. When Leo gets on his case, he’s stern yet reassuring. When Mikey gets on his nerves he simply states some other thing that will equally embarrass the hell out of his little brother in front of a girl which turns out is fairly easy. He’s very proud of his girlfriend and proud of himself.
“Gosh Leonardo, you’re never going to get a girlfriend with that attitude!”
“What do I got that you don’t Raph? A massive penis. Gigantic…. And a fucking brain.”
“Yes Mikey since it’s story time how about we tell her about how you used to eat your own snot when you thought no one was looking? That actually still happened up until recently.”
Also thank you! And I apologize it took so long @senjuroprotectionsquad
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badassturtles235147 · 5 months
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Hamato Leonardo!
Position: Leader Color: Blue Species: Mutant Codename: Fearless Weaknesses: Cold temperatures/family/self-doubt Fears: Losing his family/Failure Strengths:Strong willed/very skilled/good under pressure
Leonardo is the leader in blue and the eldest son of Hamato Yoshi and Tang Shen. (I just like to include her) His brother's, mostly Raphael, call him fearless and for a reason. Leo has always been able to handle and face anything life throws at him, no matter how difficult. He cares deeply for his family and wants to make them all proud. For that reason, though fearless, he is afraid to fail because he does not want to let either of them down. He is determined to be the perfect leader, the perfect brother and even the perfect son. He needs his family to constantly remind him, that he was already a great leader/brother/son. All his little brothers looked up to him, though Raph will never admit it, Karai had faith in his abilities and trusted him with her own life, and Splinter was always so proud of him. It took Leo a while to accept that he will never truly be perfect and to be more confident in his leadership skills but once he finally did, let go of all the little things and accept that mistakes our bound to happen...he was able to become the leader his brothers and friends needed him to be.
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Hamato Raphael!
Position: Protector Color: Red Species: Mutant Codename: Red-strap ninja Weaknesses: Cold temperatures/uncontrolled temper Fears: Cockroaches/failure to protect his family/his temper Strengths: Relentless fighter/determination/heart Raphael is the warrior and the most attitude on the team. He is the second son of Hamato Yoshi and Tang Shen. Raphael is defiantly his father's son. From his temper to his passionate heart, to his warrior spirit. (Read my first post explaining how the two are alike, *Like Father, Like Son*) Though Raphael clearly inherited most of his father's traits, there was one trait he did not carry and that was his leadership skills. Leo, unfortunately, inherited that trait. Raph will admit, he did envy Leo for being the leader. Of course, Raph understood why but he still thought it was unfair. Raph knew his father would pick Leo to lead them. Because why wouldn't he? When Splinter chose Leo to be leader, Raph took it personally. Personally, because he felt like the reason Leo got chosen was because he was the favorite but deep down, Raph knew that was not the real reason. Leo was just the best suited for the job, he has always known that since they were little but...he just wanted his father to not think he was incapable because of his stupid temper! Raph's temper has always gotten in the way, and he hated himself for it. Since Raph could remember, he has always struggled with his temper. It would hurt his family, drive them crazy and it would hurt Raph too. He was his own worst enemy. That was why he envied Leo. Because he was perfect. Leo did not start messes, he fixed them, and everyone trusted him more because he was so cool-headed. It got to the point where Raph convinced himself that Leo was everyone's favorite, that they did not see anything in Raphael but his temper. Raph just wanted to be able to protect his family, but he always feels like he has to protect them from himself most and it just broke his heart. But once he began to understand Leo, let go of his stupid jealousy, started making friends who could understand him and once, he met the love of his life, Raph's burning fire began to shrink into a controllable flame. He became the warrior; Splinter and his brothers always saw in him behind his temper. Though he will always be a hothead, Raphael can proudly say that he never has to fear about hurting his family again. Now, he can protect them, like the way he always wanted to, and he did not need to be a leader to do it.
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Hamato Donatello!
Position: Scientist Color: Purple Species: Mutant Codename: Unknown Weaknesses: Cold temperatures/relies too much on his brain/ bad at hand to hand combat Fears: Germaphobe/rejection Strengths: Intelligence/weapon making/medical resourcefulness
Donatello is the fellow who knows his ways with machines. He is the third son of Hamato Yoshi and Tang Shen. Donnie was never a fighter or a warrior of any kind. He tried to be one but even though he is skilled in ninjitsu, it was just not his element as it was Leo's and Raph's. No. Donnie is only truly in his element when he is working on his machines, helping Leo crate a possible plan, and helping his brothers with their wounds. Donnie has always been very different from his family and never felt like they understood him. Donnie does not know how to lead like Leo or be strong like Raph or be overall sweet like Mikey. All Donnie knew was his brain but though intelligence was a great thing to have, it caused him more trouble than good in battle. Since Donnie started training, Splinter has scold him about over thinking and not trusting himself more with his instincts. Donnie does not like to trust his instincts! Donnie likes to think, he likes to be sure! He likes there to be a plan, and a backup plan, and a backup plan for the backup plan! He likes to know every scenario that could go wrong before jumping in. He does not like "Just do it." That is unrealistic in his world! Donnie is just not a risk taker, and he was stubborn to trust anything besides his brain until his heart got in the way of his brain when he met April O'Neil. It was very clear that Donnie had feelings for April, he tried to hide it but clearly not hard enough. Never seeing a girl before, his quick feelings and mini obsession to impress her were kind of understandable. The only human and girl who ever liked them and did not fear them, so Donnie saw it as his chance. Like everything else, Donnie used his intelligence to try to impress April. The dude, literally thought of everything! Making plans to hang out with her alone, helping her with her homework, making stuff for her, and making her weird cheesy gifts.
(The music box was just weird, Donnie. No offense.) But in like some situations Donnie faces, his brain did not help with growing his relationship with April. There are just some situations, you can not think through, some situations you can't outthink and it took Donnie a long time to accept that.
Once Donnie stopped using his brain, stopped trying so hard to impress April and accept that she will only ever see him as a friend, that is when things began to change. Though he still had feelings for April, he never tried to impress her again and that is when April finally started to warm up to him. Donnie started to only focus on his friendship with April because even though he had romantic feelings for her, he did not want that to ruin their friendship. April was his best friend; his first friend and he did not want to lose that.
Donnie finally started to even let go a little, not overthink so much and trust himself more with what he does. When Splinter died...that's when Donnie really shut off his brain. Donnie wanted The Don to pay for what he did to him and Mondo Gecko, just like how he wanted Shredder to pay for taking his father away. It's safe to say that Donnie lost himself for a while, not listening to his brain, only acting out of impulse and anger. Luckily, Leo was able to snap him out of it.
Donnie finally knows how to balance himself. It is only when he trusts himself that he starts to be more confident in his fighting skills and April.
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Hamato Michelangelo!
Position: Caretaker Color: Orange Species: Mutant Codename: Holy Chalupa Weaknesses: Cold temperatures/ADHD/naive/too kind hearted Fears: Squirrels/loneliness Strengths: Cooking skills/speed/most talented in ninjutsu when focused/biggest supporter of his family
Michelangelo truly is one of a kind and not a single member of his family was willing to lose him because there was just no replacement. Michelangelo is the youngest son of Hamato Yoshi and Tang Shen.
Mikey has always been the happy and fun one. Even when he was a baby, Splinter would always say that he was just a bundle of joy, but little did the family know that Mikey did get sad.
Whenever he annoyed his brothers, whenever he goofed around so much it caused trouble on missions, whenever his brothers showed him no respect and whenever Splinter scolds him about focusing. Mikey's tries to be more mature, tries to focus so his family would show him more respect but just could not but little did Mikey know, it was not that his brothers did not respect him, they just did not want anything bad to happen to him.
Mikey was kind, naive, and the baby of the family which is why everyone is so protective of him. They want to trust him but were too afraid because of past mistakes Mikey has made that got him in harm's way. No one was willing to let that happen.
His brothers did appreciate him. How could they not? Mikey is everything to them.
He cooks for them, supports them, helps anyway he can, makes light of every situation and makes sure their happy. That has always been Mikey's goal was the make them happy. Mikey is his family's hope.
But Mikey can not just be babied forever, and he was determined to earn more respect and trust. Mikey may be too kind for his own good sometimes, even to himself he can admit that, but he can't help it.
Though Mikey is a ninja and he loves being one, he does not like violence or hurting people. Mikey is just not a warrior, like most of his family but he is for sure a fighter.
Mikey's resilience is a strong as iron! Nothing can break Mikey's spirit or even his happy carefree attitude. Mikey may get sad sometimes, but he always quickly bounces back. Nothing could keep him down.
Mikey started to mature little by little as the show went on but when Splinter died, that's when his maturity really started to show. When Splinter died, Mikey just broke down, sobbing but still, it did not break his spirit but changed it, only a little. During the whole mission with Shredder, Mikey took it very seriously, only being a little silly every now and then but for his brothers' sake. He knew the pressure and grief they were feeling because he felt it too but could handle it much better than they could which is why, he tried to get them to forget it, even if it was only for a little while.
Mikey finally got more trust from his brothers. They finally see how much Mikey has grown and mature he has become while also being himself. However, to them, they will always see him as his baby brother and want to protect him from anything that wants to harm him. To Mikey that was fine because he would do the same for them and has.
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April O'Neil!
Position: Kunoichi Color: Yellow Species: Half alien Codename: Little red bird/Princess Weaknesses: Large crowds (could be overwhelming for her psych)/love for her father/need to prove herself Fears: Bats/Kraang/snakes Strengths: Psychic/telepath powers/speed/smart
April O'Neil was the first real friend of the turtles and Splinter's first real student. April started as just a friend, but it did not take long before she became part of their family.
Though she could be diffcult to deal with at times, Splinter and the turtles cared about her very much. When Splinter offered to train April, to teach her things the turtles could do, April was all too quick to say yes but not because she thought it was cool. She wanted to learn how to protect herself because she was sick of being the victim and everyone kidnapping her, taking the advantage that she could not fight, though she tried...pathetically. In the beginning, April was cocky and thought she could handle herself but the truth is...she couldn't. She tried so hard to prove to the turtles that she was not a damsel in destress by doing stupid and reckless stuff. Not asking for help until the very last minute when the Kraang captured her, not listening to Splinter when he warned her it was dangerous for her to be on the surface, and just a bunch of other stupid stuff April thought she was ready for but clearly not. She was just sick of no body taking her seriously and everyone taking advantage of her, that she grew impatient and thought that a few weeks of hard training was good enough, but it was not. She may have gained a few skills that would help her with randos on the streets but her skills in the beginning, stood no chance against the Foot or Kraang or any other serious threat and maybe April slowly started to learn that. Though her stubbornness got in the way, April needed to realize that no matter how hard she worked, only time can make her a kunoichi and she needed to be patient. No doubt thanks to Splinter's discipline and sternness during training, made April be less cocky and more cautious. We all know Splinter does not play around when it comes to ninjutsu and he wanted to make sure April was ready before she went on serious missions with his sons, not wanting her life to be put in danger. After a while, April finally became a kunoichi but as you can see in the first few episodes, April's confidence grew and her cockiness returned. Instead of listening to Leo's orders, April snuck in to Shredder's old lair where she found Karai and Shinigami. Karai, curious about April's new abilities and always wanting to get on the red head's nerves, challenged April against Shinigami and April, just a new kunoichi, was confident that she could win against someone who was a kunoichi way longer. It was clear who was superior, though April tried to cheat the experienced kunoichi with her powers, Shinigami had tricks too and could sense the power before it could hit her. Shinigami won the match, and she did so because she relied on skill, more than power, unlike April who grew to be obsessed with her power. Thanks to the crystal, April grew way more powerful, but it cost her a great deal of self-respect. She grew more reliant on her powers, more than her new fighting skills. In the beginning, that was all April was good for on missions, was her alien power. Her power was the reason the turtles let her on missions, they helped them so much more than April's skills did, and they were the reason the kraang needed her which led her to her friends/family, but it was not like that anymore. She did not have to use her power so much as she thought she did on missions. Maybe April was not so confident in her new skills as it first seemed and that is why she grew power hungry. It was clear to everyone that April was losing herself with the crystal, Splinter and Donnie tried to warn her, but she would not listen. When she hurt Donnie, that is when April found the strength to fought off the demon and free herself from its power. After that, April learned to rely more on her skills and not just her power. April finally became the kunoichi she always dreamed of and never had to fear of anyone taking advantage of her again.
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Casey Jones!
Position: Vigilante Color: White Species: Human Codename: Hockey boy Weaknesses: little sister/overconfidence Fears: Rats/fear of bad guys hurting people he cares about Strengths: Knows a little self-defense/speed/aim/hockey skills/artist
Casey Jones started off as a simple, arrogant teenage boy but after the Kraang attacked and he grew a crush for April, he became a vigilante. Casey is useless with ninjas, but he seems to handle himself well against mutants, aliens and the purple dragons. Though his reckless and daring nature does now show it, Casey did have a good head on his shoulders. Maybe he was not book-smart, but he was for sure street-smart. Though Casey is arrogant and cocky at times, he did have a good heart and really was a loyal good friend to have, especially to Raph because he could understand the big hothead. Donnie did say that he was a second Raphael. Because of his small defense skills and the fact that Casey seems to take care of himself, it made him overconfident. He was so overconfident that he tried to go after Shredder, out of all people, alone which almost got him killed. Though he and Raphael are both reckless, Raph was not that reckless, and he was quick to scold Casey for his stupidity. Despite going on missions and facing unbelievable threats with the turtles, Casey never trained with them, not for a long time anyway. He was just too confident in himself and was embarrassed to admit that he needed to improve. Casey was not used to asking for help. He seemed to be the type who liked helping others rather than people helping him. He takes care of everyone before himself, his sister, his father, and his friends. Though, it may not seem like it, Casey was very responsible in that respect, and he cared very deeply. For them. But he did not seem to care that much about himself, which is why he goes on crazy suicide missions. The whole reason he became a vigilante was so he could protect his family and friends but after the Kraang attacked a second time...Casey was unable to find his family and he would have stayed in the city searching for them forever, if Leo's life and his friends were not on the line. Casey felt absolutely useless and devastated that he was unable to help his family. That is why when they got to the farmhouse, Casey started to train a little with the turtles. He did not care to be a ninja, but he did want to learn a little more, so he never had to feel useless like that again. He even practiced with Splinter as we see in the fourth season. Casey, though still overconfident, grows to be more mature and more caring towards himself. He will never be a real ninja like his friends, it was just not his thing, but he was happy to be a vigilante with a few ninja skills on his back. That said, Casey loved his friends and could not wait to join them in more dangerous adventures in the future.
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avisisisis · 2 years
Rottmnt Headcanons!! (2)
Leo listens to girl in red because April once forced him to and he fell in love with all the songs. When hanging out, they put girl in red in the background.
Raph has a lot of plushies from his childhood. He doesn't play with them anymore, but they're still they're and he would never give them up (haha just like me fr!!)
There was this one time where the turtles wanted pizza and instead of just ordering like any normal person they crashed a stranger's kitchen and stole every pizza related thing. It's still an unsolved crime.
Donnie always had problem with touching, but it got a lot worse after the movie. Now he doesn't let anyone hug him, slap him or anything. Especially on his shell. He feels bad for flinching when people try to hug him. The others tell him that they don't mind and they get it. He's really grateful for that.
When they were younger, Splinter got these really depressing episodes where he couldn't even get out of bed. Raph was the one to take care of them when this happened. The worst ones could last weeks.
Splinter didn't want to get attached to the turtles, so he tried to be as distant as possible whole still being a good caretaker. Also, he gave them as much freedom as possible because of how he didn't have any growing up, but since he never wanted to be with his grandfather he didn't think they would want to be with him. Which is why he was so surprised when four little children came into his room crying because he wouldn't play with them.
After explaining the whole future thing to Casey, she ran into the Lair, deciding to test her son. He passed immediately.
The twins have their own version of the Lair Games which they play everyday to decide who's the oldest. It can change from rock papper scissors to a fight to the death (Raph always stops them before they actually do anything).
The boys chose their own names. Splinter was reading them a book, and Donnie mentioned the fact that they don't have actual names, just weird color nicknames. So, Splinter tells them to find a name they like and make it their own. They decided to go by the names they have now because they wanted to match.
They all love Brooklyn 99 because I love Brooklyn 99.
Everytime they talk about “the family”, they include April, because she's their sister.
There was this one time where April didn't have anyone to go to the school dance with so Leo joined the school a few months before and went with her using Sunita's cloaking brooch (he had to fight Donnie because he also wanted to go to school).
Mikey tried to give Big Mama a redemption arc like he did with Draxum, but he didn't manage to fully do it so they now visit eachother once a week while still fighting whenever they're on duty.
The Krang is basically the only thing Leo won't joke about. They found out when Donnie said that “the last fun thing I did was two months ago and it was becoming a fucking Krang spaceship” and Leo stared at him for the next ten minutes.
Whenever Mikey or Leo go quiet, Raph is alone and Donnie is handling dangerous weapons without adult supervision it's because something is going down.
April is the only one who has a normal sleep schedule because her mom won't let her stay awake too late.
Mayhem thinks the family is stupid, but he loves them anyway. Sometimes.
Raph screamed when Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago kissed and everyone else worried.
Leo and Raph are basically the scene where Jake says “if I run at Terry he'll most likely catch me in his arms”. Raph would catch anyone else, but it's only Leo the one who throws himself at him.
April goes to the Lair almost everyday and complains about school with any of the boys. They always listen to her rants.
Leo figured out that he had adhd when April told him that she thought he had it. He never got the chance to get an actual diagnosis so he felt like he wasn't even if the sings were all there and he could see them.
Sunita found everyone a therapist at the Hidden City. Her name's Charlie and they all like her.
Donnie likes to threaten people he doesn't like. He also threatens Leo, but he doesn't actually mean them.
Because of being in contact with eachother when they were mutated, the turtles have traits of the other's species. That's why Donnie can go into his shell, why he has purple marks, why Raph's isn't as spiny as he should be, why their colors are different from the original species, etc.
Red eared sliders comunicate with vibrations, so Leo does this really low vibration thing when he feels happy, pleased or just when he's in a good mood that April calls purring no matter how much he complains about it.
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daylightcommand3 · 29 days
TMNT (2036): Heroes
TMNT 2036 is my own iteration. I chose the year 2036 because the time span between 2012 and 2036 is about the same as the time span between 1987 and 2012.
Let's start with the heroes.
Now, one of my least favorite interpretations of Splinter is when he used to be a rat instead of Hamato Yoshi. This is for two main reasons: 1. It removes the personal connection to Shredder. At best, Splinter hates Shredder for killing his master, with Shredder not really caring. At worst, the two don't give a shit about each other. Shredder is often at his best when his main goal is specifically to kill Splinter and the turtles. He best serves as the turtles' personal enemy. (Though that may be my 2012 bias). 2. A regular, normal rat learning martial arts is too ridiculous. It's literally the fairy vs. walrus situation, where the normal creature doing something unexpected is less believable than the mystical, magic creature existing.
All that being said, I made Splinter originally a rat. WITH ONE KEY DIFFERENCE. His owner was not Hamato Yoshi, it was Oroku Saki. (In fact, I'm not sure if Hamato Yoshi even exists in this iteration). This change in ownership allows Splinter and Shredder to still have a direct connection, though this one will be significantly different than everything that's come before. Splinter was a gift to Saki by his mother, Oroku Miyoko (1987 reference). The two were inseparable, with Saki even taking Splinter to his training with the Foot Clan. While there, Splinter saw all sorts of training and warriors. While he couldn't practice as a rat, he still retained the memories of his best friend training and practicing. Now, I'm not sure exactly how things go down but tragedy strikes Saki. His mother dies. Both Saki and Splinter (who Miyoko had always been kind to) were both devastated. Whether through grief, or anger, or accident. Saki loses Splinter.
The rest goes relatively the same. Splinter stumbles across 4 turtles. Goop attack. They all become mutants. Splinter has a new family, but the pain of losing his old family still haunts him. His memory enhanced by the ooze, Splinter is able to teach himself to fight like the masters Saki studied under. Soon, he begins to teach his sons the same.
After about 15 years, the turtles want to go to the surface. Despite his fear, he agrees and takes them up. Things play out like how @cnwolf-brainrot said, as Splinter (being afraid to lose his family again) accompanies/leads them on missions. This allows me to have the turtles go against much more dangerous and powerful foes in the earlier seasons, while still making it be believable that they can survive. For Splinter is nearly as powerful as his 2012 counterpart.
When he runs back into Saki, Splinter is heartbroken. His best friend is now a cruel criminal. While he despises Saki for how far he's fallen, Splinter still hopes that Saki will change, and become the good man he once was.
As usual, Leo is the most responsible of the turtles. He follows Master Splinter to the letter and never questions him. However, there is a reason for this. Without his loyalty, Leo is unremarkable. And he knows this. He's not as strong as Raph. He's not as smart as Donatello. And he's not as stealthy as Mikey. He has a real middle-child syndrome. He thinks that the best way to stand out is to be the most faithful to his father's wishes and guidance, unlike his brothers. One aspect I want to play with is the turtles' masks. They'll still be all their iconic colors, but I want to add a few little details to each of them. For instance, Leo has the cleanest mask. He takes good care of it and washes it whenever he can.
Donatello is sort of a merge between his 2012 and Rise versions. He's anxious to the point of being kinda cold and distant. He's kinda burnt out. There's 1000% going to be an arc of him getting fed up with always being the solution. Often indulges in TV and gaming as a distraction.
Raph is going to portrayed as both the "youngest" and the comedic relief in my incarnation. I'm going for that gremlin child energy. He's the shortest of the brothers. Always ready for a fight and hyperviolent, Raph has been known to bite his opponents, constantly. He's what's making me consider having the turtles be different species, though not to the same extreme as Rise. His mask has stitches in it.
Mikey has the most changes. He's portrayed as the "oldest". He's the tallest. He not super energetic. He's much more chilled and relax. Stoned older brother vibes. Rodrick Heffley if he wasn't a jerk. Still the party dude, he plans on just coasting through life. Mikey is the one who buts heads with Leo the most. Leo takes everything super seriously and Mikey doesn't take anything seriously. Still, Mikey is devoted to his brothers, and would do anything for them. His mask has plenty of stains on it.
April O'Neil
April O'Neil is a highschooler at Eastman-Laird High (since its apparently required to namedrop them). She's an outcast (Mutant Mayhem). Her friend Irma, a massive nerd, has better social skills than her. April is often seen as a nosy and gossipy. However, it would be more accurate to say she's investigative. She currently runs a YouTube channel exposing corruption and crime. Currently, she's hot on the trail of the many, many, many, many unethical and illegal practices of Stockman Industries. She first meets the turtles when they're all captured by Stockman Industries. They work together to escape, and the turtles gain their first human friend. She has dyed red hair in a pony tail, but you can often see her naturally brown roots. I'm continuing the pattern of making April black (Rise, Mutant Mayhem). Suspicious yet curious, April is the perfect in-between for the pedestrian and strange features of New York.
Casey Jones
Casey Jones is the star hockey player of Eastman-Laird High. She's the pride of the school. She's the most popular girl in her class. A real jock. And jerk. She's April's bully. For the first season she's more of an obstacle for April and occasionally the turtles. But by season 2, after seeing all the mutant and criminal danger out in the city, she becomes the vigilante "Skullcrusher". She wears a hockey-mask with a skull painted on, and a crack painted over the skull. Brash and reckless as ever, it's no wonder why her and Raph get along so well. Her appearance resembles more of the earlier Casey Joneses (1987 and 2003). Muscular with long messy black hair. (As much as I love 2012, he's way too skinny). While not the best influence (Splinter is not a big fan of her at first), she's exactly what the turtles need to come out of their shells.
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languajix · 1 month
WIP Weekend
I shared this on Dreamwidth, so I might as well share it here too.
I'm struggling a lot to really pin down 2k3 Leo, especially for Hold Every Memory where he's 1/3 of the way into an apocalypse, but I do have one bit I'm kind of happy with. I think?
This WIP scene, as usual, may or may not end up with tweaks or heavy editing by the end:
Contains: intent to harm self, blood
The words kept trying to come out, but every time Donnie tried to open his mouth to let them free, they tangled up on his tongue and slammed his lips shut.
Leo finally seemed to notice, this time, because he frowned. Are you okay, Donnie?
That was the last little prybar he needed to croak out: Can I borrow one of your katana?
Leo actually glanced around for a second as if to try to divine what Donnie wanted to slice apart with his deadly weapon. There was nothing, as usual, because the space of the Astral Plane was a blank slate that stretched endlessly in all directions. ...sure?
Leo pulled one of his katana out of its sheath and spun it around in his grip with a practiced flourish, offering it to Donnie by the hilt, with the blade cutting straight through the space between them.
Donnie allowed his hand to hover over the grip without quite touching. You're not going to ask what I want it for?
As far as I'm concerned, you can take it and keep it, if the weird magic from the other dimension will let you, Leo said honestly. Whatever I have the power to give you is yours, Donnie. You don't even have to ask.
It was all terribly dramatic, but that was Leo, trying to be sincere. Donnie hated to crush it. This whole thing was a bad idea that would hurt them both, but he couldn't help his wanting. I think you should probably hear what I plan to do with it first. You may not want that kind of history on your blade.
Leo's arm remained stubbornly outstretched. Whatever you need.
I want to cut myself with it, Donnie said, keeping his tone as neutral as possible.
It still caused Leo to flinch. He glanced down at Donnie's reflection across the blade with wide eyes as though the idea of his brothers wanting to hurt themselves with his weapons was unthinkable. ...can I ask why?
Because bruises fade.
The first time Donnie had been bruised in the astral plane, he'd spent the whole night observing the colors slowly blooming under his skin with rapt fascination and a thudding pulse in his throat. He'd taken a hundred photos. For almost five hours, he was living proof that Raph had touched him. That his brothers were real. Then his accelerated healing had finally started wiping it all away and all he could think about was how he was going to collect the next one.
This was a healthier solution, for all that it didn't feel like one in the moment. I'm going to give myself a scar. Three horizontal lines, right here, he touched his left bicep. So that I never have reason to doubt that I carry you all with me.
He had a lot of scars. It would be nice to have a set he chose, this time.
The blade between them wavered. Leo switched his grip and flipped it in a beautiful arc, their reflections spinning across the polished surface, catching it by the hilt. Okay. I assume you have medical supplies ready?
I don't plan on going that deep. I know how to force things to scar. But yes.
The sword fell to point at the floor as Leo reached out to run his fingertips gently across Donnie's bicep, leaving prickling trails of unease across his skin. Three lines. Right here? How spaced out are you thinking?
Donnie hesitated.
I didn't want to put that on you.
Leo sighed. Too bad. It's my weapon, it's my hands either way. He didn't sound happy, but Donnie knew the steel in his voice meant there would be no talking him out of it.
He wasn't alone anymore. He didn't have to do everything himself. Every time the realization hit him anew, he went breathless with it.
He traced out the lines for Leo, the length and the spacing, felt the sword slip cleanly and quickly through his skin, and watched the resultant blood welling up in the cuts as if from a distance. As though this was happening to some other turtle mutant in some other astral plane.
Leo's mouth was pressed into a pale thin line, his eyes narrowed. He really wasn't happy. Go, Don. Take care of them. He vanished.
Don blinked. Right. He slipped back into his physical self and lifted the sterile gauze to his shoulder.
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