#And Pandora would have this smirk on her face for the rest of the day
bri-cheeses · 5 months
Evan has this one green sweatshirt that looks ethereal on him, and Barty can simply not pull his eyes away from Evan when he wears it. And this occurrence had been going on for a while, even before Barty and Evan were anything more than friends. For example, Regulus would just be talking to Barty during class, and then Barty’s gaze would just drift off to something beyond Regulus’ shoulder. And Barty would still appear to be “engaged” in the conversation, nodding along and saying the right things in the right places, but mentally his mind was miles away from Regulus and the conversation he was having. In reality, his mind was taking a stroll down much stranger lanes, and he can’t help but wonder what it would be like to hug Evan right now, what it would feel like. What it would feel like to lay on Evan’s chest in front of the fireplace in the common room, playing with the hoodie strings. What it would maybe feel like to take the hoodie off of Evan, pulling it over his head in one smooth motion. And Barty really really wants to steal that sweatshirt from Evan and wear it for himself. Maybe then that girl who was chatting Evan up right now would back off then, too. Barty doesn’t really know why he has a problem with her doing so, surely it’s a somewhat normal feeling to have though—and oh Regulus is expecting a response right now, better say the right thing—but surely it doesn’t mean anything. So really, there’s no reason to think twice about it. To think twice about any of those thoughts. So he continues to gaze at Evan with hearts in his eyes, his chin resting on his hand. Young Barty Crouch Jr was not one to look and act like a love struck fool (not just yet, anyways) but when it came to Evan in that olive green sweatshirt, Barty looked like the most foolish man on earth.
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bloodbruise · 2 months
@croptopjames happy birthday to the one and only jfp <3
jegulus | 933 words | trans reg & themes of gender identity and transition
Regulus felt his cheeks heat up as he snapped out of his daze and met James' eyes. He was wearing a knowing look, "Oh, I'm definitely keeping this," James declared, his smirk widening. "Especially if it gets this kind of reaction from you every time."
Regulus’ room was a disaster. James had finally coaxed him into sorting through his old clothes, only managing after he bribed him with promises of kisses and takeout afterwards. The closet had all but exploded, leaving piles of clothes scattered all across the room. With ‘yes’s,’ and ‘no’s,’ and ‘maybes’ occupying every available flat surface, Regulus was sure he hadn't seen the darkened wood of his floor in hours. 
Sat on his bed, he watched as James dug through his dresser for another shirt. He let out a thoughtful hum as he grabbed two, throwing one over his shoulder and holding up the other: an awful plum-colored blouse. His mother had bought it for him—form-fitting, smothered in ruffles, and, in her words, “the perfect blouse for a sophisticated young woman.” 
Regulus thought it was the ugliest fucking shirt he had ever seen.
“Ugh,” Regulus wrinkled his nose in distaste. “Absolutely not, that thing is a monstrosity.” 
James barked out a laugh, amused at the disgust evident on Regulus' face, before flinging the shirt into the rapidly growing ‘no’ pile. He grabbed at the one resting on his shoulder.
“And this one?” 
It was worn, fabric soft from years of wear. The dark green and gray had dulled, now just muted shadows of their original hues. The words printed on the front, cracked and creased, read ‘Hogwarts Women's Rowing’. It had been his favorite shirt for a long time. His parents had always been on him to join something– a club, a team, an honor society. If he was honest, he only chose rowing because it kept him out of the house the longest.
And he's so grateful he did, because it brought him Pandora. He suffered through early morning rows and long race days, soreness in his body and blisters on his hands. But every discomfort was worth it for the times he and Pandora would steal an extra hour to lie in the sun by the Great Lake, laughing until their bellies felt as sore as their arms. Worth it for the times Evan would cram them into his shitty jeep and drive them to their races so they didn't have to take the bus. Worth it, most of all, for giving him the first people with whom he could be honest—really, truly honest.
"I don't want to get rid of it," Regulus admitted, a hint of reluctance in his voice. "It was my favorite, but—I’m not ready to wear anything that might make people mistake me for a woman. Not for a while, at least.”
James nodded. He turned the shirt around, head tilting slightly as he considered it. “How about I hold onto it for you? That way it's not gone, just... repurposed.” He looked up at Regulus with a wicked grin. “I bet I could pull it off.”
Regulus couldn’t help but scoff as James began to pull on the shirt. “I’d like to see you try," he challenged, amusement evident in his voice. 
But as James stretched out his arms and did a little spin, Regulus wasn't laughing. Instead, he felt his heart swoop. A familiar mixture of fondness and arousal swirled in his gut at the sight of James. Glasses knocked a little lopsided from pulling the shirt on, pajama pants hanging low on his hips and socked feet– it was a picture that made Regulus go warm with affection. But, it was the shirt that really kept his attention. Visibly too small, the letters strained as they stretched across the width of his chest. The hem of it hitting right below his navel, exposing his hip bones and the trail of hair leading down from his belly button. Regulus felt all the breath leave his chest. “C'mere,” he said softly.
James shuffled over to him. “Good?” He asked, a hint of uncertainty in his tone.
Regulus shook his head, he was in awe of James. “Better than good. It suits you much better than it ever did me,” he mumbled, voice low and distracted. Reaching out to place his hands on James' waist, he absentmindedly dragged his thumbs back and forth over his hipbones, eyes stuck to the sliver of skin peeking out from beneath the shirt. 
“My eyes are up here, love,” James gently teased, his voice laced with amusement. 
Regulus felt his cheeks heat up as he snapped out of his daze and met James' eyes. He was wearing a knowing look, "Oh, I'm definitely keeping this," James declared, his smirk widening. "Especially if it gets this kind of reaction from you every time."
“I lied,” Regulus deadpanned, “you actually look ridiculous.” But his face was betraying him, unable to fight the smile spreading across it. 
James hummed in response, the smugness in his tone unmistakable. He was clearly enjoying every moment of this.
"Oh, shut up," Regulus groaned playfully, his hands gripping the exposed skin at his waist to pull him down. James yelped in surprise before their lips were meeting in a kiss filled more with laughter than anything else. But then James was deepening it, and Regulus let himself be kissed breathless. After a moment, he gently pulled back, hand tenderly stroking through James’ hair.
"Thank you," he whispered, his hand tracing a path down James' neck, over his shoulder, and along the length of his arm until their fingers intertwined. "For being here, for—everything. Everything that you do for me."
James responded with a gentle squeeze of their hands, his eyes meeting Regulus’. "Always, love." His voice was soft but firm in promise. And there it was again, his heart swooping in his chest as James pressed a kiss to his temple. "Always."
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jakexneytiri · 1 year
can u do a dad! neteyam x reader fluff where he and the kids plan a gift for reader for mother’s day? thank you! <3
awwww in light of Mother’s Day, yes :)
⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰
“can i open my eyes yet?” you ask, smiling to yourself as you hear whispers and rustling about your marui.
“no, momma! we’re not ready yet!” txonuk yells, running over to place his tiny hands over her eyes. “i’ll cover her eyes!” he says to his siblings. “no peeking, momma.” he whispers to you, causing you to laugh.
“i won’t peek, txonuk. i promise.” you smile as you feel his small hands covering your eyes.
neteyam chuckles at this, helping the children carry their gifts over to set in front of you.
��did you bring mine over?” txonuk whispers loudly.
“yes, txonuk. it’s right here.” neteyam chuckles again, handing txonuk his present for you. he holds it with one hand, still using his other to cover your eyes. your mate takes a seat beside you, resting his hand on your thigh.
“okay, momma, open!” tsantu says, gently tapping txonuk’s arm, signaling him to let go. txonuk removes his hand, holding his present as he stands in between tsantu and se’ayl.
nima holds her present up to neteyam. “now, daddy?”
neteyam smiles, shaking his head. “not just yet, syulang. we have to wait our turn, okay?”
nima nods, crawling into neteyam’s lap as she holds her gift tight to her chest. “otay, daddy!” she begins to count “patiently” on her fingers. “one, two, fwee…” before she finds herself distracted, playing with neteyam’s songcord instead.
tsantu goes first, handing you a wrapped spartan leaf. you smile, unwrapping it to reveal a beautiful green beaded bracelet. “oh, this is beautiful, tsantu! did you make this yourself?”
tsantu nods, a proud grin spreading across his face. “yes momma.”
you pull him in close for a hug and a kiss on the top of his head. “thank you so much, i love it! i’m going to wear it right now.” you smile, sliding the bracelet on your wrist.
se’ayl goes next, handing you another wrapped spartan leaf. “wow, did you wrap these yourselves?” you ask, knowing very well your husband wrapped them.
“daddy helped us!” se’ayl smiles, clapping her hands together. you glance up to your mate, giving him a smirk. in return, he gives your thigh a gentle squeeze.
inside are multiple new feathers, bright and bold colors. “oh, these are so pretty! how did you find all of these?”
“daddy helped me when we went flying the other day.” she smiles, putting her hands behind her back. you pull her in for a gentle squeeze and a kiss on the head. “thank you so much! i’m going to put one in right now. which one should i wear?” you ask your oldest daughter, smiling widely.
“hmmmm, this one!” she holds up a bright yellow feather, handing it to you.
you smile, handing the feather to you mate. “would you mind helping me put this in, please?”
neteyam takes the feather from you, carefully attaching it to one of the braids tucked behind your ear. “so beautiful.” he states, kissing your cheek gently.
you smile at him, before txonuk is eagerly holding his present in front of your face. “mine next, mama!”
“all right, all right.” you laugh, opening his present next. inside is an arm cuff, woven with bioluminescent leaves.
“it glows, mama! our favorite!” he smiles proudly, as he knows you two both share a love for pandora’s bioluminescence.
“oh, txonuk.” your lower lip quivers a bit, really touched by all of these gifts. you slide it on your arm immediately, pulling your youngest son in for a hug and a kiss. “thank you very much.”
neteyam looks down at nima then, who’s happily sucking her thumb in his lap. “nima, it’s your turn now.” he says gently, helping her stand up.
“my tuwn!” she eagerly holds out her present, jumping up and down excitedly. inside are bright, colorful beads. “for hair, mama!”
you smile, grabbing a few of the beads and immediately threading them through one of your braids. “thank you, nima! they are so pretty.” you give her a tight hug, and a small kiss on the head. “thank you, all of you. this is so sweet, i love each of these gifts! but i love you all even more.” you hold your arms out, for a group hug as they all settle in, followed with four little “i love you, mama”s.
neteyam pulls a wrapped spartan leaf from behind his back, he’s had it tucked away this entire time. “happy mother’s day, my love.”
you smile widely, carefully opening the leaf. inside is a beautifully beaded necklace. four small beads, two on each side, with a larger bead in the center. the beads are all different colors, and the one in the center has the shape of a heart carved into it. your eyes water at the sight, your lower lip quivering.
“you made this?” is all you’re able to get out without breaking down.
neteyam nods, grinning as he rubs your arm gently. “four beads, for the four beautiful children you’ve given me, and one for my heart, that belongs to you.”
happy tears well in your eyes, overwhelmed with all the love you feel in this moment. “neteyam, it’s beautiful. will you help me put it on, please?” you brush your hair to one side, exposing your neck.
he smiles widely, carefully placing the necklace around your neck as he ties it secure. once he’s sure it’s secure in place, he leans in, giving you a soft, yet passionate kiss. “i love you.” he reminds you, placing his hand over your heart.
“i love you too.” you smile, resting your hand over his.
he leans in close then, his other hand gently caressing the small of your back as he whispers now. “there is another gift, although you’ll have to open it later tonight. i don’t think the children should be present for that one.” he smirks, placing a gentle kiss just below your ear before pulling away.
he walks over to where your children are now playing with one another, leaving your mind racing of what this present could be. your heart swells at the sight, thinking you couldn’t possibly love him any more than you already do.
you rest a hand over your new necklace, smiling as you watch your husband play with your children. in this moment, you’ve never felt more fortunate.
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shadowbriar · 10 months
Regulus Black - Asking for a Friend
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Pairing : Regulus Black x (she/her) Reader Word Count : 4.4k Warning : I'm not sure if there's any, but let me know if I missed any. Synopsis : Regulus comes to the realisation that the admiration he holds of her was more than a platonic one and it just so happen that Valentine's day was just around the corner. Notes : Post no 2 for my 1 Year Anniversary Celebration. Don't forget to fill the form here if you'd like to be tagged for my future works. If you like this story and would like to support me, please visit my kofi page and perhaps get me a coffee?☕ Regulus Black's Masterlist click here. Taglist : @jsjcue @coffeehurricanes @ell0ra-br3kk3r @kaz-mf-brekker @sofiacblair @when-you-cant-think-of-anything
“Have you ever had a friend that you're just so fond of and you wish that your partner would be just like them?”
Regulus’ question broke the stillness of the table, making his study mates to look up. Now Pandora, having been known to be the most studious of the group, has always hated it when someone causes any distraction in their study sessions yet for this one particular topic, she seems to be intrigued rather than looking bothered. It isn’t everyday your best friend of 5 years would talk about their romantic interest, after all.
“Elaborate.” Pandora says, her brows knitted together.
“I mean, you know.. You wish that your partner would be just like them.”
Evan squints his eyes, seemingly confused at his brief explanation, “I’m not sure I’m following you, mate. Doesn’t that just simply mean that you fancy them?”
The nonchalant expression on Regulus’ face turns blank in an instant. As if someone has just flicked the light bulb on top of his head, clearing the haze that has been fogging his mind. The sudden clarity has knocked him for six. Is that truly what it means? Days spent silently praising her beauty and nights wasted recalling their conversations were because he fancies her?
Over the years Regulus would find more of her personality to be his weakness, growing the softest spot in his heart specially reserved for her. He would always admire her witty comments, how she always conveyed her mind with the most articulate and intelligent words. Her friendly and warm nature is always something he adores and the way she would always listen to every worthless remark Regulus has with that magnetising smile and understanding eyes, it was impossible for Regulus to not wish his partner would be someone like her.
“So,” Barty asks, nudging on the raven haired boy with a teasing smile “Which friend do we fancy?”
Regulus’ cheeks turn rosy. All hell would break loose if Barty or Evan found out about it. Those boys are as good as a toothpick for a door bolt. The moment they knew about his growing affection for her, they would most immediately spill the beans and make things awkward between them.
And no, Regulus could certainly never have that.
“No one.” Regulus lies as he looks back down to his parchment paper “We fancy no one.”
“Oh come on now, Big Boy.” Barty whines “You’ve ripped off the bandage, might as well show us the scar.”
Regulus rolls his eyes, attempting to look as nonchalant as he could, “You’re fond of Evan’s presence, doesn’t mean you fancy him now, do you?”
“I don’t know, I wouldn’t say that’s impossible.” Barty jests as he begins to make fake kissing expressions to Evan.
“Oh, my Darling, Barty Bear.” Evan indulges in his best friend’s stunt, fake snogging Barty.
Regulus’ lips twitch into a smile, amused at the play-act his best friends are performing. He let out a relieved sigh, knowing that he’s just flee himself from being pestered by questions about his crush, but when he turned his gaze to the only girl at the table, Regulus knew that the little smirk plastered on Pandora’s face would be a form of nightmare he’ll be facing from that day onwards. He knows that she wouldn’t rest until he gives out a name and though she looks like she already knows who the lucky girl is, Regulus is certain that Pandora wouldn’t show him any mercy from the teasing and taunts.
Dinner has been hard to swallow ever since the realisation of his budding infatuation for her. Regulus finds it impossible to not glance at her table, watching her from his peripheral vision as she chats and laughs with her group of friends. Whatever joke Barty throws or moans Evan has about his class have entered and left his ear like an insignificant noise, mind completely enamoured with her candid beauty.
His grip on the fork only tightens as he realises that she was walking to their table, a brilliant smile decorating her face as she takes a seat next to him, “Evening my favourite Serpents.”
“Fantastic, you’re here!” Evan exclaims gleefully, taking her hands to his that made Regulus’ stomach drop a little “Regulus here has been so out of it since this afternoon, we think he’s broken.”
Barty nods eagerly, “He didn’t even twitch a muscle at my joke and mind you it was bloody brilliant!”
She let out a chuckle, looking at Regulus lovingly (at least in his mind) before turning back to face Evan and Barty. Now the words exchanged between the five of them have gone from a trifling noise to a completely deafen sound. His eyes were glued on hers, taking mental notes of all the little gestures she made. How she would close her eyes shut whenever she laughs, how her brows crinkled more often than not, and how her cheekbones pop wherever she smiles, making her look a thousand times more hypnotising.
Now it was nothing out of the ordinary for Regulus to be the most quiet party of the table, but the little to no words uttered by him was making her suspicious. Sure it wouldn’t be the first time he would watch her intently and just agree with whatever is being discussed, but something’s different this time. The way his shoulder relaxes and how the small curl on his lip never waters was making her feel a little bit flustered to say the least.
“You’re awfully quiet,” She says as she turns to the lovestruck boy, resting her chin on her palm to stare back at him “Cat caught your tongue?”
Regulus blinks, gulping at the close proximity, “Just— Didn’t really have anything to say, is all.”
“Really?” She asks with a raised brow “That’s very unlike you.”
“How is it unlike me?”
“Well, you always have something to say. Whether or not you speak of it is an entirely different conversation to have, but you always have something to say, Regulus.”
Regulus bites his inner cheek. How is it that she could read him like an open book? Was he really that transparent or was he really that spellbound in her charms?
“Don’t bother him. Big boy here is trying to sort his feelings out.” Evan retorts.
“Really?” She replies, amused “What sort of feelings?”
“The loving, sappy kind of feelings.” Barty mocks “Regulus is in love.”
“Shut up, Barty!”
Regulus turns to her, uneasy over the fact that she might figure out his little secret but the look on her face was disheartening. As much as he wished he could have just half of her ability to read him, it was nearly impossible for Regulus to decipher her expression. She was staring back at him, her brows knitted as if she’s trying to read through him too but wasn’t sure on what to look at. It was a whole new expression he’s never seen before.
“Reggie wouldn’t give us the name,” Evan continues, completely oblivious of the awkward tension rising “Can we take a guess, Reg? Say yes if we guess correctly?”
“I bet it’s that girl Regulus always sits next to in Potion.” Barty mutters.
“Or that girl Regulus did his Herbology essay with. They spent weeks on that assignment, remember?” Evan counters “Or maybe that Gryffindor—,”
“It’s not any of those girls,” Pandora cuts.
“How would you know?” Evan asked.
“Oh, I just do,” Pandora says with a confident shrug, turning to Regulus “Don’t I, Reg?”
Regulus shakes his head, still trying to do the most possible damage control though he knew that such effort seems fruitless now. Cat’s out of the bag. It would only be a matter of time now until she realises that she’s the girl he’s been swooning over.
Ironic how long it took for him to realise that he fancies her yet it took no time for the secret to be spilled.
“Don’t push his buttons, guys,” She says with a warm laughter “If Regulus doesn’t want to drop names, then let him. It’s not our business now, is it?”
Now Regulus frowns a little. Her words sting a way he was never familiar with. What does she mean that it isn’t their business? Does she not care about who he’s crushing on?
“If you say so,” Pandora said to her, winking as if there was some secret message sent between the two.
Regulus studies her expression intently, trying to see if Pandora has cracked his secret and is now spilling it to her. Salazar, Regulus hopes that that wasn’t the case. He needs time to sort out his feelings, as Evan said, and if she found out about his budding infatuation before he could figure out a proper way to profess it— Well, Regulus hoped that it would never get to that point. Ever.
If Regulus was ever asked, which of the following could ever compare to the beauty that is her: sun, moon, or star, Regulus would argue that she is the beautiful crescent moon with its bright yet soft light washing over his skin as he stares at her silently on his window pane. Regulus would argue, if he ever allows himself to be so bold, that she is his ideal. Her intelligence not to mention beauty would be the sweet honey to his tea, the butterfly to his garden of flowers.
But Regulus was never half as confident as she is. Never half as open and friendly to others. He was reserved, quiet, oftentimes perceived as cold and callous. But not to her. She could always see him through his distant exterior, involving him in every discussion they would have and perhaps that was the one thing that made him yield his heart to her.
Regulus never paid any mind to big dates and celebrations, but something about the upcoming Valentines date shakes his core. Perhaps it was the fact that it fell on the very day of their Hogsmeade trip this week, or the fact that all of his friends were buzzing about who they're going to ask to be their Valentines date, or maybe the fact that for once, Regulus might have a proper chance to ask her to be his date.
Chance. That word felt too optimistic for his presumptive mind. It was as if she ever looked at him that way.
“Regulus?” She called and squeezed his forearm lightly, making him burst his bubble of thought. He turns to her, cheeks slightly rosy from the shame of having ignored her. Just how pathetic he is to zoned out about her when she's sitting right beside him “Are you alright? You've been off of it all morning, I’ve noticed.”
He nods, flashing a shy smile, “All is well, no worries.”
She smiles, taking her hand off of him and continues her work.
Regulus turns his head, stopping at the sight of some Ravenclaw boy asking some Hufflepuff girl by the library entrance. The bashful gesture he’s showing and the giddy smile she shows makes it easy for him to tell the situation is happening at the spot. Another couple for the Valentine's Hogsmeade trip, he reckons.
A little twist in his stomach grows. With the many people asking each other out for the Hogsmeade trip, it would only be normal for him to ask her too, right? The timing was right, they could just go as friends in the worst case scenario. All he has to do is ask, but why are the words stuck at the tip of his tongue?
“Actually,” Regulus starts, secretly playing with the hem of his robe in nervousness “I have something to ask you.”
She looks up, meeting him with a warm smile, “Shoot.”
“I was wondering if you have a date for the Hogsmeade trip?”
“Oh,” She answers, utterly taken aback by his question. A hint of rosiness spread on her cheeks, something Regulus has to convince himself has nothing to do with his question. She always has that natural flush on her face, surely it must be nothing as pleasant as his stupid heart is hoping for “No, I don’t have a date at the moment. Why do you ask?”
“Just.. Asking for a friend.”
Regulus mentally slapped himself, having to be defeated by his anxiety once again that he has to come up with a lie. She stares at him with a confused look, the glimmer on her eyes dims down from the words he uttered. It was as if she was disappointed at his answer.
“I see,” She says with a nod “Do you plan to ask anyone?”
“Not sure,” He answers truthfully “Do you have anyone you hope would ask you?”
She plays with her quill, tapping it to the parchment paper as if she was piecing the right words to reply to him, “I suppose I do but I’m not counting on it.”
Regulus frowns, ignoring the slight crack of his heart, “Who?”
“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”
Regulus pursed his lips, acting to be in a deep thought, “No.”
She chuckles, turning back to her paperwork.
“But, if—” Regulus calls again, not wanting to end their conversation just yet “If my friend were to ask you, would you say yes?”
“Well it truly depends on which friend you’re talking about now, isn’t it?”
“Yes, but what is the possibility of you saying yes to my said friend? 50%? 60%? Or are you fully waiting for your prince charming to ask you?”
She stares at him with a smile, looking completely amused at the questions thrown at her. If she didn’t know better she would think that Regulus was asking for himself from all the persistent queries, but then of course, we all know how Regulus Black is. No girl in this castle is good enough for him and this rule applies to her too.
“Why don’t you just tell this friend to come to me himself, hm?” She answers, resting her chin on her palm and stares at him fondly “I truly can’t give you any answers unless you give me a name, Reg.”
“It’s Evan.” He blurts, cheeks feeling hot from her gaze.
“Rosier?” She asks with a raised eyebrow “I thought he’s going with Pandora? I was sure she told me he asked her last week.”
“Did I say Evan? I meant Barty.” Regulus fake coughed, clearing his throat “Barty wanted to ask you to be his date.”
The soft and gentle expression on her face turns into an appalled one, bewildered at the answer Regulus gives. His brain has haywired that he neglected the fact that Barty was her cousin, and though cousin romance is deemed acceptable in the wizarding world, Barty and her would never pursue each other romantically for one too many reasons. If Regulus could just tame his nervousness for just a degree, he would’ve realised how idiotic his answer was.
“Barty wants to be my date?” She asks, trying to confirm his answer that sounded like a death sentence for her.
Regulus nods, “He does.”
She narrows her eyes, trying to catch his lie but the stern and rigid expression on Regulus’ face makes her question her own mind. Regulus was never one to be deceitful yet the idea of Barty wanting to ask her to be his date is just as illogical. The only plausible reason behind such a stunt would be them trying to pull some prank on her, but even with that, Regulus was never one to ever indulge in the mischief her cousin and Rosier would always find themselves in.
“I— Well, I guess you should tell him to ask me himself?” She answers, questioning herself.
“I’ll do that,” Regulus nods firmly, trying to keep his act in place “I’ll tell him you said that.”
A couple of days has passed ever since that incident of him blurting Barty’s name at the library. Regulus was still ever so stressed out to ask her himself that he still hasn’t realised the stupid mistake he’s done. Now with the Hogsmeade trip coming closer, Regulus really has no other time but now to ask her.
Yet before he could do so, the universe crushed his dream.
Barty entered the Slytherin Common Room with the brightest grin on his face, making Evan, Regulus, and Pandora look at each other from the strange sight. He jumps to the sofa, sighing with delight as he lay on it and rests his feet to the hand rest. Barty turns to see his friends who now still look at him with a baffled expression, enjoying the sight and looking forward to stomping on one of them in the next minute.
“Gentlemen,” Barty greets before turning to Pandora “My Lady.”
“What’s with you?” Evan asks, an amused smile plastered on his face “You look like you’ve just won a lottery.”
“Even better, I just got a date.”
Regulus raised an eyebrow, “A date? Who?”
Barty coos, saying her name.
“Wait, isn’t she—”
“Brilliant, indeed.” Barty cuts, not letting Evan to correct the fact that they’re cousins. He shot him a look, one that conveys I’ll tell you later and Evan nods in understanding.
Colour drains from Regulus’ face. Just when he finally gathered enough courage to come forward, he just has to be beaten to the race. By Barty of all people. Supposed she came and asked Barty about their conversation that day and knowing Barty, he would never let such an opportunity slip. Who would ever not want to have her as their date after all?
“Who would’ve thought, right?” Barty fawns, pouring Regulus’ jealousy with petrol “Barty Crouch Jr having such a beautiful bird as his date for Valentine's.”
Evan was eyeing his friend with a sceptical look, clearly lost at the scheme Barty was pulling, “Barty, can I see that Transfiguration homework you promised me now? I have quite a lot to catch up on.”
“Sure,” Barty says, catching Evan’s bullshit right away as he stood from the sofa “It’s in my room.”
And so the two boys left, leaving Regulus who looks like he’s second away from vomiting all contents of his stomach and Pandora who’s casually flipping the pages of a magazine in her hand, an all knowing smirk present on her lips.
“Pandora,” Regulus calls, eyes still vacant “Do you have your wand with you?”
Pandora hums.
“Please hex me to death right now.”
The girl laughs at his request. Pandora put down the magazine and looked at Regulus with a teasing smile, “Why would you ask me that, Reggie?”
Regulus glares, “You know why. I saw your smile the other day when she came to our table. You know about it, don’t you?”
“About what?”
“That I was crushing on her.”
Pandora shrugs, “Maybe.”
“Ugh,” Regulus crowls “What am I to do now?”
Pandora chuckles, patting Regulus’ shoulder in an attempt to console him. Pandora felt cruel now to be the one to suggest the prank, to tell her and Barty to go on a fake date just to mess with Regulus. In her defence, out of the five of them, it seems like Regulus is the only one who doesn’t realise his growing affection for her. It was a public secret for the group now that he’s been sending her heart eyes. All he needed was a push and Pandora felt like it was her duty to help him.
Even when Regulus would surely throw a fit once he knew she was the mastermind behind his distraught now.
“Why don’t you just come to Hogsmeade, Reg?” Pandora suggests, playing the innocent supportive friend now “If their date doesn’t go well, you can go and rescue her.”
Regulus turns to see Pandora, his eyes hopeful at the advice, “You think so?”
“Yeah,” Pandora encourages “I mean, how many similarities does she have with Barty? Almost none. I’m pretty sure their date will turn downhill the moment they step into Madam Puddifoot’s shop.”
“How do you know they’ll go to Madam Puddifoot’s?”
Pandora shrugs, “Don’t all couples go there?”
Regulus bites his inner cheek as he gives it a thought. The idea of her going to such a sappy tea shop with Barty peels his skin. It should be him and her, not Barty and her. What was in her bloody mind to ever say yes to Barty’s invite in the first place?
“Fine,” Regulus says with an exasperated sigh “I’ll go to Hogsmeade.”
Regulus’ tea has long gone cold, untouched as he impatiently waits for her and Barty to enter the tea shop. He figured, if they wanted to have their date here, where else would be the best place to spy on them than the very shop itself? So he got himself a table, ordered himself tea and biscuits that only served as props on his table, while his eyes were glued to the door. Every jingle of the bell felt like an invisible blade thrown to pierce his heart.
He looks down to his watch. It’s been more than an hour now. When would they come? How long should he wait? Will they even come to this tea shop like Pandora said?
Before his head could explode with more questions, Regulus’ breath was held on his chest as she finally entered the establishment. Her cheeks were rosy, probably from the cold wind outside. Regulus wished he could take a picture of her now because Merlin, just how hypnotising could she be?
To think that she dressed up for a date with Barty crushes him, but where even is Barty?
Regulus’ brows were raised now. Did Barty stood her up? Is that why she’s alone now? But she doesn’t look the slightest bit annoyed or sad if such a scenario did occur. She has her eyes scanning the tables now, looking for something, someone, and when their eyes meet, her smile blooms and walks closer to him.
“Hello, there,” She greets, pointing at the empty seat in front of him “Is this seat taken?”
Regulus shakes his head, in loss of words as he tries to assess the situation happening.
She happily took her seat, ordering herself something to drink before turning back to Regulus. Her gaze met his, hands clasped on the table. Her brilliant smile was still evident and it’s making Regulus feel like he could melt and die right on that instant.
“So,” She started, her tone cheerful “What are you doing here, Regulus?”
“I— Uh—” Regulus stutters “I— I was supposed to meet someone.”
“Really?” She asks, intrigued “Who?”
“Just— No one important.” He answers, running his palms to his trousers in nervousness “What are you doing here? I heard you have a date with Barty today. Where is he?”
She shrugs, “I don’t know.”
“You don’t know? Did he stood you up?” Regulus asked, his anger starting to rise. How dare he stood her up?
“Oh, no, he didn’t. I just cancelled our date.” She says nonchalantly “I find it too cruel to proceed so I bailed on them.”
“Cruel? Them?” Regulus asked, confused “What are you talking about?”
“Oh, you sweet soul,” She says with a gentle chuckle, taking one of his hands softly and caressing the back of it with her thumb “Who is it again that you said was asking me for a date?
“Barty.” Regulus says with a nervous gulp.
“Yeah, well, it wasn’t truly him now, was it?” She asks “Cause I’m pretty sure Barty would never be interested in me in that way, seeing that we’re cousins.”
Regulus closes his eyes, letting out an embarrassed sigh. That day in the Common Room must have been some sick joke the other’s were pulling at him. How Barty entered with such a huge grin and Pandora’s pitiful yet teasing look at him. They both must have been the miscreants behind this humiliating act.
“I’m going to kill them,” Regulus mutters, not meeting her eyes.
“Please, don’t,” She answers with a laugh “They mean well, I promise you.”
“They’re making me look pathetic in front of you.”
“That’s debatable,” She remarks “I find it cute and adorable, to be honest. And to be fair, it was you who lied to me first. They’re just following your ruse.”
“I’m sorry,” Regulus says “Are you angry at me?”
“No,” She says, shaking her head “I was appalled at first, but then I realised that you might just be shy about it so I just brushed it off.”
Regulus nods, smiling at her weakly from her understanding.
Now what? He thought. Cats out of the bag, for good this time. What should he say now? What should he do? Would she like him to say anything about it? Do anything about it? What if she’s just here out of a friendly gesture? That she doesn’t want to embarrass himself further in front of the others?
But the tender gaze she gives to him now, the understanding smile and the gentle touch she’s giving him, it all feels like a supportive push for him to go forward. To finally embrace his realisation of affection and hand his heart to her now.
“So I guess you know already..” He begins “About my feelings.”
“I have a rough idea of it.” She teases.
“What do you think about it?”
“How do you mean?”
“Well, do you think it was okay? For me to fancy you?” Regulus asks, uncertainty bleeding out of his voice “Would it be okay if I like you?”
“If it wasn’t okay with me I wouldn’t be here with you, would I?” She argues, her kind smile still tugging on her lips “I do have to confess that I expected more than just ‘fancy’ or ‘like’. I thought we’ve gone past that phase already.”
She raised an eyebrow, “You didn’t really think that this flows one way, did you?”
“I— I don’t know.”
“Oh, you blind child,” She chuckles “I fancy you too, Regulus. Perhaps even more than that.”
“I— Really?” Regulus asks, blushing yet still trying to understand her words as if she’s been speaking in a different language “This better not be another prank you and Pandora or Barty or Evan is pulling on me.”
She chuckles, “It’s not, I can assure you.”
“Prove it.”
She squints her eyes, giving his challenge a thought before standing a little from her seat. She begins to lean in, inching closer to his face and closing her eyes when their hot breaths begin to meet each other’s skin. She gives the lightest brush to his lips, so soft that it felt feather-like but still sent jolts of electricity down his spine. 
She pulls away a little, still so close to him that their noses brush with each other. She gazes into his eyes, lovestruck and content, “Was that enough of a proof?”
“No,” Regulus breathes, whispering “Do it again.”
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teyamsatan · 10 months
My sweet bb Andra 💕 How are you doing love ? 💫
I have a juicy Request and I know you will make its justice 😩🤌🏻
So basically, we have Neteyam and Mate going out for a little time together at the lake, or pond whatever (deep enough 😏😳). Reader decides to draw Neteyam. So he poses for her and well she starts drawing and all. She is all concentrated looking at the paper for a moment and she feels something being thrown at her. She looks at him and well 🥴 We don't need any precisions here :3
Reader is all flustered and Neteyam is just smirking widely. Reader hasn't any time to react because we hear Jake's voice screaming Neteyam's name from afar. Oh ! Guess what ? Neteyam forgot. Yes. He forgot a training with his father (Pls let this poor guy rest a bit 🙂).
And Lo'ak (Otherwise it wouldn't be funny hehe)
Neteyam tries to grab his loincloth but reader is faster and throws it far into the bushes, with a smirk obv. So Neteyam has no choice to jump into the water (I know that Na'vi are less ashamed of nudity... Are they ? Anyways !)
So his brother and father get there, very fastly. Everything that happened before was like in 10 secs.
The rest I leave up to you 😏 We only need some funny dad-Neteyam and brother-Neteyam interactions when he just can't go out of the water, but he's very very late... Then we have Lo'ak that finally understands and just cannot stop laughing, making Jake more than less annoyed than he already was. And we have some intense playfull eye contacts with the reader. She's enjoying it haha.
Yeah... You can end it like you want 😂💖 My brain is a mess sometimes ugh 😥
Okay Imma stop 🙈🌸 I hope this inspired you and no pressure okay ? 🫂
Smooches 🥰
no cause this is so so funny and i hope you enjoyed bestie xx it feels good to be back writing for neteyam :((
pairing: neteyam x human!reader
wc: 1170 words
warnings: smut, fluff, minors do not interact 🔞
na'vi compendium: yawne - beloved, tewng - loincloth, tanhí - bioluminescent freckles
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As a human on Pandora, there wasn't much for you to do, very little your body was inherently made for. You were slow and clumsy, a stark contrast to the Na'vi carrying you on his back like a little doll, all nimble and quiet as he treaded the deep shrubbery, his thumbs massaging your thighs as you rested your chin on his shoulder, humming contently in between peppering kisses to his neck.
As a human on Pandora, you were stuck in a lab most days, with filtered air and fluorescent lights, that did nothing for you, that had a rare talent of making even the most beautiful creature look ghastly and ashen, that gave you a headache, that made you miss the beautiful light peering through the uneven gaps created by the branches of the tall trees of the Omaticayan forest. Stuck as you were, you turned to artistic outlets for your boredom. You loved to draw, and you became very good in time, enough that the entire lab and some of the village were now covered in your landscapes and your portraits. The people loved you, and your talents, and often urged you to draw them or loved ones, as a way to immortalise a face or a moment forever in time, a priceless gift for them, and one that gave you a place amongst the Na'vi, even different, as you were.
As a human on Pandora, you didn't have a lot of choice of entertainment... or men. But you've never felt the lack... not when you had Neteyam. Your best friend, your confidant, he was always up for a challenge, and, let's just say, he always thought of you as one. In the few years since your 18th birthday, a rite of passage of sorts for humans, you were told, Neteyam made it his purpose to show you that you will never have to miss out on anything on Pandora, that he would make it his life's mission to... be there for you, in any and every way you needed, be it to be a shoulder to cry on, or a shoulder to rest your legs on as his head was in between your thighs, Neteyam was always there - ready to help, ready to serve.
You gulped as you reminisced about this morning, about the moans that escaped him as he was lapping at your folds like he was quenching an unquenchable thirst, like eating you out was for his own pleasure, and not your own, or the way he didn't stop until you were so overstimulated you were crying, something he made up for by showering you in soft kisses and quiet whispers of "you did so well for me, yawne. you always take me so well."
"You ok back there... friend?"
"Yes, Teyam. Just tired. Are we almost there yet?"
"Patience, love. You wanted more inspiration for your drawings, right? I told you I found just the place, and you're going love it, I promise. It's just a little further."
Well, he was right. The little meadow created by a small, clear pond, bustling with little fish swimming peacefully, drowned in warm sunlight, was the perfect backdrop for the painting you had in mind. With a small smirk, you pointed at the water and clicked your tongue at your much larger, beautiful, muscular friend.
"Get in, Teyam."
"I've wanted to draw you for a while, I just wanted the perfect background, and now I have it. Now go."
You chuckled to yourself as you heard a loud splashing noise, and settled on removing your pad and pens, placing them on the ground next to you as you thought about what positions would work best for what you had in mind. You gasped loudly when something soft hit you in the face, removing you from your less than innocent reveries - it seemed Neteyam was ahead of you, as you felt for the object that you removed from yourself and realised it was his loincloth. When you looked back at him, your mind shortcircuited at the sight of his naked body, glistening in the sun as the water dripped down every defined muscle, down his chest and abs, down his v-line, down his -
"You like what you see, yawne?"
Although it pained you, you raised your eyes until they met his beautiful features, tanhí shining brightly even in broad daylight, as they always did when he was overtly happy or amused, and by the wild, mischievous grin and crinkles by his eyes, it was a safe assumption he was both.
"I say you forget the painting for now, and come here so I can show you how... grateful I am you thought of me as your next subject."
It was a no-brainer to you, really, but when you heard a voice you knew all too well screaming, the noise echoing through the trees, heightening the sound, your body stilled in place.
"Neteyam! Are you there, boy?"
"Fuck! I forgot I was supposed to meet my dad for training."
"Quick, throw me the tewn-" you screeched as the instruction came too little too late, and in the heat of the moment and much to Neteyam's dismay, frightened by the quickly approaching steps of the Olo'eyktan, you threw the cloth in the opposing direction, somewhere in the bushes.
"Netey- ah, kid. What are you two doing here?"
You just looked at him, panicked, eyes flickering from him to Neteyam's younger brother, who looked at you suspiciously, eye narrowed as they assessed the situation at hand through a lens of youth and misdemeanour Jake couldn't really see, and you were glad.
"Cat got your tongue, kid?" The Sully patriarch's raised eyebrow did very little to will out of the catatonic state you found yourself in, so you remained quiet as he scoffed, turning his attention to his oldest son, instead.
"You were supposed to be in training at 1400 hours, remember?"
"Yes, sir."
"Come on, out. We need to be off and make up for it."
"I-I... can't."
"And why the hell not, boy?"
You felt Jake's eye roll deep in your soul, and you felt like you should take the blame for this since... you threw Neteyam's clothes away in fear, and everything. You should rectify this.
"Jake, I-"
"Oh, my Eywa! He's naked! He's so naked!"
Your mouth dropped in shock, but it was too late. The cat was indeed out of the bag, and as your and Neteyam's eyes met, listening to his dad's groans of disgust, you were a little relieved to see a hint of a smile on his face, the beautiful twinkle of amusement putting your mind at ease, letting you know it was all going to be ok. As long as you were together, and you had him, it was all going to be ok.
Reaching your hand behind your head to scratch the itchy spot at the base of your neck, you laughed awkwardly as you spoke:
"I'm... experimenting with some new artistic techniques?"
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tiredmamaissy · 1 year
omg we need a high issy talks with ralak
In honor of 5098 followers I thought I’d do my first Ralak Drabble (although this is more of a fic honestly) this isn’t my best work because I wrote this piece by piece over a period of time
MNDI 🔞 sex pollen, size kink, thigh riding, p in v
Ever since Ronal and Tsireya found out how knowledgeable you are about the herbs of pandora - thanks to your grandmother - they’ve recruited you for training to be a healer. Ralak, who just so happens to be your first patient, has done nothing but boast about your skills to Tonowari. Albeit few words, he’s made it clear to the Olo’eyktan that you are more than capable of some of the most beneficial tasks.
Weaving. Sewing. Healing.
It had become obvious where you would fall into place in the clan now that you’ve passed your iknimaya - right next to ronal in the healing hut. Let’s not forget to mention how ecstatic Kiri was to have you by her side as well. Ralak was more than happy when you told him the news of your newfound position in his - your, village. So much so that he often encouraged you to have an early start to your day, welcoming you into the new day with breakfast in bed as per usual.
Today seemed to just be another day.
“Wake up, tanhì. Big day ahead of you.” Ralak hums lowly, nudging you awake with one hand whilst the other holds a platter of fruit and steamed buns.
Your eyes burn as they struggle to open, brows scrunching together when the first ray of sunlight shines in your face. Village life didn’t start this early back home. You groan as you sit up and shuffle back into the wall of marui, watching through squinted eyes as Ralak carefully places the tray on your lap.
For a moment, you’re confused. Unsure of what big day you have ahead of you. “Big day?”
“My numeyu. We must work on your memory next.” He chuckles to himself, turning his heel to walk toward a makeshift closet near your marui door. He retrieves his favourite top of yours, crimson leaves secured together with the finest, most durable thread in Awa’atlu. As he turns around and makes his way back over to you with a slight smile, he utters the accented words. “Today you go inland with Ronal.”
“Ah, yes.” You nod as the words slip from your tongue, raspy and gruff. He places the top next to you on the cot, hand tucking a strand of hair behind your ear on its way back to his side.
How could I forget?
After a few weeks of training with Ronal, she determined you fit to accompany her and the rest of the healers inland to gather supplies and herbs. Only the most equipped were allowed inland - strong warriors and healers, like Ralak, who lead most parties heading that direction.
“Are you coming, too?” You ask with full cheeks, voice perking up as you shovel your breakfast in.
“Not today.” He smiles wide, moving swiftly towards his spears, meticulously displayed with pride. “Today, I relax.”
Surprised that he’s not choosing to loom over you like a child, your brows jump as the jelly-glazed corner of your mouth pulls into a slight smirk. You nod as you hurry to gulp down your last bite of food, back of your hand wiping your mouth clean. “If anyone deserves to relax, it’s you lak.”
“Ah.” He chuckles, chucking the spears over his shoulder, “I only stay because wari is going with you.”
“Of-course.” You mumble under your breath, rolling your eyes to land them on the top laid out beside you.
The trek inland is nothing to graze over. The foliage is so thick and luscious. It’s been a while since you’ve seen so much blue and purple - so much flora. It’s mesmerizing, hearing the faint calls of the hiding fauna around you. Ironically, you felt like a fish out of water back at the shore, and more at home the further you ventured into the thick jungle. Ronal and Tonowari stay far ahead of everyone, guiding you all towards a small clearing. Everyone kept up great.
Except you.
Being smaller than the average na’vi had its benefits, and keeping up with a crowd just wasn’t one of them. You find yourself at the back, stumbling and tripping over your own two left feet. And it didn’t help that there was a large, heavy bag strapped to your back either. Despite the obstacles in your way, you were able to keep the rest of the group in sight.
Ronal would look back at you now and then, checking that you were still in some sort of close distance. She wasn’t the most patient with you, nor the rest of your family. She was pretty much tolerating you under the order of her mate, and out of respect for Ralak. She’d stop the party to gather a few herbs, taking the chance to teach a lesson or two. After each harvest she’d project her voice over the crowd, describing the appearance and properties of her herb and most of all - what not to pick.
There was a few things to stay clear of. A large, spiked red vine, as it causes blindness. A blue, short and stubby mushroom, as it causes severe stomach pains. And a lilac flower with open petals and a deep blue stem. If the petals were closed, the gas would be held inside the plant, keeping its stimulant properties under control. Once bloomed, and if even touched, the effects would set in within 10 minutes.
A few na’vi asked what exactly would happen, but Ronal would only answer with a stern voice.
“It is an itch you cannot scratch. There is no antidote. Do not touch it, no matter how pretty. It is beautiful for a reason. Do not be fooled.”
The sea of na’vi mumble among themselves, keeping their chins tucked to their chests to keep an eye out for the few forbidden flora. Meanwhile, you’re too caught up with trying to keep up with the crowd and not get lost that you didn’t realize you were indeed already lost.
However, you aren’t as lost as you originally thought. You’re in an area familiar to you and Ralak - the jungle behind the cave.
Your sputtering feet come to a standstill, hands flying to your knees for support as you catch your breath. You look around, scanning the familiar bearing fruit trees and vines connecting the thick canopy together. You often came here when you felt homesick, except you were a bit further out than you usually go. You drop your head, beads of sweet dripping from your forehead onto your feet. For a moment, your vision blurs, toes buried in the tall blades of grass doubling in number.
“Whoa.” You huff out, blinking repeatedly in an attempt to see clearly. And as everything merged together, the image of a beautiful, blossomed lilac flower brushing against your ankle becomes clear as day.
“Shit.” You curse under your breath, reflexively retreating your foot until you’re tumbling back onto your behind. With your hands supporting your torso and your legs open, you have a clear view of the most breathtaking flora you’ve ever seen. And honestly, had Ronal not warned you about it, you would’ve picked it immediately. Instead, you back away, scuffling on all fours to get back on your feet so you can dart towards your marui.
“Oh shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.” You blabber as you run as fast as your two left feet can go, absolutely drenched in sweat. You feel like you can’t even breathe. As if your throat was closing up. You grit your teeth, preparing yourself for the worst rash and itch of your life. Surely yalnabark will fix you up. Or maybe Kiri has some sort of concoction that she can smear all over you. Or perhaps -
“There is no antidote…” Ronals warped and distorted voice cuts off your train or thought.
“Fuck. I’m so fucked. So, so fucked.” You mumble to yourself, words slurring together as if you had a little bit too much pxir (alcohol).
Surely he would know what to do. He always knows what to do. Right?
The thud of your feet grows louder as you near your marui - bright orange and blue decorative material shining through your hazy vision. You feel like calling out for him right now. To scream his name so he can find you and make it all better. But when you open your mouth you can’t find your voice to speak.
You focus your energy on getting back home, jumping over the large jutting roots until your toes sink into the coarse sand. You’re here. Ralaks scent is confirmation of that. You can smell him from here and all you want and to do is bathe yourself in it. Snout following the scent of your mate, you outright float towards the source. And then it hits you.
The strangest inching sensation you’ve ever felt in your entire life. It’s like a low sting, pricking your skin and opening your pores, allowing even more sweat to seep out. A tingle right under your skin yet deep in the tissue. An itch you couldn’t scratch. It radiates most from the place right between your shoulders and -
“Wait. Already?” You mutter, feeling something wet smear on your inner thigh as you slither under the flap of your Marui. Has it been that long? There’s no way your heat could come this early. So what is this? The effects of the flower? The sound of your own chattering teeth snaps you out of your deep thought.
You look ahead of you, seeing Ralaks aura around him, still and unmoving as he sleeps peacefully. Soundly. Your unsuspecting mate. Naked and exposed before your two glazed eyes. His chest moves slowly - rhythmically. And as your blurred vision trails down, you’re able to make out the definition of his muscular thighs, despite them being unflexed and completely relaxed. He’s in such a serene state. It’s probably the first nap he’s had in weeks.
Yet your legs keep moving on their own, creeping closer as you stalk your prey. That area between your thighs craved satiation. Craved a stimulation that only something as thick and firm as his thigh could provide. It’s clean and bare, slightly damp from his bath. And when the image of your slickened folds pressed firmly against it floods your mind you can’t help but squeeze your thighs closer together as you approach your mate.
At this point your vision is completely blurred and your heart is galloping at the rate of a direhorse. All you can think about is how good he’d feel between your legs.
So you allow yourself the pleasure.
The pleasure of climbing on top of his large physique and settling yourself comfortably on this lap. Your cunt is pressed so firmly against his thigh that your wet folds have no other choice but to spread, exposing your clit. And when your hot clit finally makes contact with his thigh you let out a sigh of relief, although it come out as a breathy moan.
Your eyes fall shut, hands scrambling around to find some sort of support when they finally land the curve of his waist. Your hips begin to move by themselves, humping at his thigh like an na’vi experiencing their first heat. Heat. It feels that way. Just without the intense brain fog and overwhelming need to be filled. This is more of an itch most concentrated right on the bundle of nerves above your leaking slit.
And the more you grind into him the more relief you feel.
“Tanhì… what are you doing?” Ralak croaks, looking up at you through furrowed brows.
His hoarse voice would have surprised you if you weren’t so caught up with using him like some sort of sex toy. His muscles provided just the right amount of pressure, but when he suddenly shoves his leg upwards you outright cry out in unadulterated pleasure. “Oh - fuck!”
“So. You see my cock and go for my thigh, hm?” Ralak laughs. A loud, short laugh of amusement. But when he sees your fucked out face, pinched brows and drool dribbling down your chin, his laugh fades out into a huff. His jaw clenches and unclenches as he watches your tiny frame work so hard on his thigh of all places. He loves to see you like this. Taking whats yours. Doing it all on your own and doing such a good job at it. The sight makes him hard in seconds, cock springing up to slap against your stomach.
“Answer me, my little one.” He hums, eyes trailing up and down your dark blue, slender frame.
You can’t. Not when you feel this good. His thigh is like ice on a burn.
“Tanhì.” He lets out a deep growl, hands darting to grip your hips tightly.
“It’s itchy lak! It’s r-really itchy!” You blurt out, eyes snapping open to meet his lustful, yet worried gaze.
He watches for a while, a little surprised by your aggressive advances. He loves when you wake him up like this, but something was a little… off.
“Itchy?” Ralak echoes your word, sitting up to nuzzle his nose into your neck for a quick whiff. To his surprise, you smell like -
Nothing. Your natural scent. No pheromones. Just his usual Tanhì, like the Navi of the forest. Yet you look like you’re in the thick of your heat.
“Fuck! Don’t move!” You shout, shoving him back down onto his back to hump at his thigh even harder.
He looks down at his thigh, watching as it’s completely coated and covered in a glossy layer of your slick, so much so it’s practically dipping onto his bed. It makes his stomach tighten, painfully hard cock now oozing it’s own slick onto his length.
“But you already had your heat.” He spits the words, too mesmerized by the way your pussy lips are rubbing against his skin.
“I-I I don’t know! I’m sorry!” You cry out, tears welling up in your eyes until they have no where to go but down your cheeks.
“Don’t - don’t be.” He reassures you, sliding a hand down his thigh until his thumb presses against your swollen clit. “What did you eat?”
Your body grinds into his touches, desperate for relief to this maddening itch. “N-Nothing!”
You’re so close.
“…what did you touch? A flower?” He asks in a serious tone, voice bouncing from the mere force of your thrusts.
“Y-Yes! A purple flower - it touched my leg. I - oh, lak. ‘Ts so itchy. ‘M s-so close!” You outright whimper, slowing your thrusts so they’re short and rough. “Please! C-Can’t you make it stop?”
“I cannot. It is aphrodisiac. No antidote.” He states, eyes glued to your cunt rubbing against him. “You have to…“ his grip on your hips tightens, shifting you over so your cunt is flush against his rock hard, warm cock. “…ride it out.”
He begins thrusting his hips, allowing his length to glide back and forth against your clit, right between your slippery pussy lips. His fingers dig into your skin, leaving little marks behind on the dips of your hips, using them as leverage to… help you out.
With you rolling your hips into him, and him grinding his cock into you, you can’t help but let loose the budding tension in your core.
“G-Gonna cum!” You moan, feeling the heated coil snap in two.
“Cum. Cum for me, tanhì.” He groans, angling his hips just right so he can slam his entire cock inside of your tight cunt. “Let me feel it.”
The sudden stretch has you whining and whimpering, body desperately trying to adjust to his size all while being pushed over the edge. Your orgasm washes over you like a cool waterfall on a hot day, momentarily satiating that itch deep within your core.
“Shit.” He grunts, eyelids fluttering shut to focus on how tight your cunt is squeezing him. “So tight. So tiny.”
“Ralak!” His name rolls off your tongue so effortlessly, your gummy walls throbbing around his cock as you continue to ride out your high. He holds you tightly, supporting you as your body trembles in top of him, thumb swiping your pulsating clit at a merciless pace. It’s all so overstimulating, too much but not enough all at once.
You just came yet you need more. The itch is still there and it’s only getting more intense the more you sink down onto his cock.
“N-Need more. Please. Need more!” You whine needily, rolling your hips in a circle so his tip is massaging into your cervix.
“Easy tanhì. Take your time.” Ralak chuckles, swiftly laying you on your back to have his way with you.
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aurora-starwars · 1 year
So yk when the silly family went to a new home to escape bloodshed? What if they went to an island full of sky people who actually lived in Pandora and didn’t need masks to the breathe to air, they have wings and can fly? Neteyam and Lo’ak take an interest in one of the winged girls. The girl takes notice and secretly blows them a kiss? Can you give headcanons (separate) pls?
Being The Daughter Of The Winged Sky People And Winking At Neteyam and Lo’ak Hcs
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Pairing: Lo’ak x fem!reader, Neteyam x fem!reader (separate)
Warnings: None, just fluff <333
A/n: Thank you so much for requesting! I had almost no idea how to explain how the sky people worked but I tried my best without explaining it! Also, I have never written his so please bare with me. Enjoy!!! <333
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Their trip to the floating islands, no different then the Hallelujah Mountians, miles away from their home was long
But they made it
Although Lo’ak would say “barely”
The island they landed on was much bigger than they have ever seen
Which is saying something,
And was surrounded by smaller floating islands connected by roots and vines
The place was beautiful, that is the first thing the Sully family observed as they landed
From where they landed, they could see people
Not only people
Sky people
That was nothing they hadn’t see before
But these humans didn’t wear masks and had these massive wings attached to their backs
To say the Sully’s were shocked was putting it lightly
The leader approached carefully
Studying the Na’vi family
It was obvious she was the leader because she was the only one in the most decorated attire
Jake introduced himself and his family
Asking for assistance from the sky people to hide from…
…well, the sky people
They agreed, seemingly more than happy to go against the sky people actively colonizing the planet
As Jake and Neytiri continued conversing with the leader, she suggesting she introduce her daughter
After making a strange calling sound that sounded much like a bird,
A teenage girl came flying from the sky, her big wings carrying her
Neteyam watched as she swooped down towards her mom in awe
The only thing on his mind was how one human could be so beautiful
How one being could be so beautiful
After being introduced by her mother, she said hi to each of them in perfect na’vi
Neteyam couldn’t take his eyes off [Name]
Smiling softly, he waved
She only smirked winking and blowing a kiss
Neteyam could only watch her fly away with a small smile on his face
He hoped that he would be seeing a lot more of her
Neteyam went on to only talk about that for the rest of the day
Lo’ak’s jaw dropped as he watched her land
Neteyam laughed at his reaction
Kiri had to elbow him to remind him to close his mouth
Could you blame him though? [Name] was gorgeous
Lo’ak thought that gorgeous wasn’t a strong enough a word for the sheer beauty in front of him
As [Name] was introduced, she waved at all of the kids with a bright smile
Lo’ak felt like his heart would stop when her eyes shifted past him
He put his hand up to wave awkwardly
Seemingly having seen this hesitation, [Name] smiles softly and blows him a kiss before walking off
An stupid smile grew on the youngest brother’s face
Which Neteyam made sure to tease him about
Lo’ak made a mental note to try and talk to her
And he had that stupid smile on his face for the rest of the day
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A/n: i don’t know how much I liked this, but hope you enjoyed! Feel free give me critique and let me know what I can do better! Thank you for reading! <3333
Tag list: @lwesodra @nyotamalfoy
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stomach-bugg09 · 1 year
hihi maybe a fic where reader is just an absolute menace and badass like her mother neytiri!! everyone in the clan is prob trying to become mates with her but she doesnt like it at all
summary: [y/n] sully was independent, strong, scary, clearly the daughter of neytiri. but, her impeccable game constantly reminds everyone who her father was.
a/n: two in one day ?? what ?? crazy. anyway, hopefully you enjoy. she’s kinda a cutie in this, like okay yes go boss. also i cannot stop making random original characters that are not at all canon to atwow, but you know what, it is what it is. feedback, reblogs, and reqs are always appreciated !!
tags: @pinkhotdogsfr @wxnderingthoughts @ellielovesrobinarellano ( check out my tag guide !! )
warnings: [y/n] being a boss, sully siblings are so cute and supportive, some annoying boy attitude, guys being kinda creepy and obsessive, [y/n]’s undeniable and accidental rizz, non-consensual touch ( like a touch on the arm, but still aggravating )
2.5k words
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GIF by world-of-pandora
if there was one thing about [y/n] sully, it was that she was her mother’s daughter. any na’vi that knew the two of them could tell you this. from her skills on the battlefield to her independence, it was clear to all that neytiri had raised her eldest daughter in a way that she had no need to depend on anyone other than herself, as every young female should.
as a result, [y/n] sully stood among some of the strongest warriors in her age group. there was a good amount of na’vi—a solid six—her age that provided hope for the future. when it came their time to protect the clan, jake and neytiri lived in a little bit more peace knowing that the omaticaya would be safe in their hands
it was one of those days, with the core six, in which [y/n] spent her afternoon scouting. they’d split into two groups a few minutes prior, deciding to cover ground much quicker while separated.
“hey, [y/n]!” ole’ey called from behind, her friend’s voice becoming apparent directly in [y/n]’s ear thanks to the intercom necklaces they wore ( although, they were only allowed to wear them while on patrol. )
“hm?” [y/n] hummed, her peripheral vision picking up an image of ole’ey, a smirk resting on her face.
“has kllalu asked you out yet?”
on the other side of her, [y/n] heard her other friend, meyio, guffaw, losing his mind over the situation. “kllalu?” he screamed, not even bothering to go through comms because of how loud he was.
immediately, [y/n] dropped her face into her hands. “are you kidding?”
“so, i’m going to take that as a no.”
the sully daughter collapsed on her ikran, laying stomach down as she leaned the top-half of her weight against the creature’s neck. “i hate my life.”
“oh, please!” meyio teased. “you just have an impeccable amount of game. it’s natural!”
“it comes from your father’s side,” ole’ey added, not missing a beat, sending meyio once again as he screamed in laughter.
[y/n] cringed, hitting her forehead against her ikran. “that is disgusting. do not ever say that again. like, ever.”
“it’s just the plain truth!”
the three of them, [y/n], meyio, and ole’ey, were, if anything, an iconic trio. ever since [y/n] started training with other children around the clan, the three immediately drifted towards each other. after five long years later, neytiri and jake were practically their second pair of parents.
as a result of their friendship, all three of them improved their skills together, spending their time sparring with each other. they still often reminded each other of the day that meyio said something offensive—probably having to do with the other two being girls—and as a result, ole’ey and [y/n] absolutely annihilated him the next day at training. it even got the point in which the two young girls were reprimanded by jake ( although, neytiri was absolutely losing it when he came home and told his mate the story. )
but, no matter how often the two girls practiced their fighting skills by beating up meyio, they were all the best of friends. so, that meant immense teasing.
“i do not care what the plain truth is—you do not say that about somebody’s father to his daughter.” [y/n] was exasperated. not only did she have to deal with yet another male trying to convince her that they were ‘made for each other,’ but now she couldn’t get the thought of her father’s charm out of her head.
“okay, moving on from the epitome of hot dads,” meyio interrupted, causing a cry of anguish to leave [y/n]’s throat as she slammed her head against her ikran again, “what do you think kllalu is gonna say?”
as [y/n] attempted to ignore her friends, the fake deep voice of ole’ey kept her more than engaged in the moment. “‘oh, [y/n]. you’re like, as pretty as the stars or whatever. but, you know what’d be prettier? our future kids.’”
“ew!” she groaned, her hands going to her temples as to keep herself from jumping off of her ikran and strangling her friends.
“oh, that’s good,” meyio complimented, to which ole’ey sent a mock bow. “how about… ‘[y/n], i visited the spirit tree last night. i think, now i could be wrong, but… i think i saw us. together.’”
“now that’s just foul.” [y/n] argued. “using eywa’s visions as a way to bag me? he wouldn’t.”
meyio raised his hands defensively. “if you say so… but, i wouldn’t put it past him.”
“you two are unbelievable. this is like, my worst nightmare, and you’re making a joke out of it! some friends you are,” she grumbled.
“i’m sorry, [y/n],” ole’ey trailed, the smile in her voice apparent. “it’s not that we’re laughing about you having a problem.”
“yeah!” meyio added. “we’re laughing about this being the eight-hundreth time having the same exact problem.”
[y/n] groaned. “i know.” she shook her head, gazing at the forest below them. “why do they all keep trying. i have rejected every single one of them—why do they think that they’re different?”
meyio whistled at that. “what can i say, men love a good chase.”
she rolled her eyes. “i am not a chase, i am… i don’t even know! but i am definitely not a chase.”
“yes, you are not a chase because you don’t let them chase. i have never seen you give any one of them a chance!” ole’ey laughed. she wasn’t scrutinizing, and [y/n] knew that, she was just stating the truth. and still, it was a hard truth to swallow.
[y/n] had never been an easy friend. she grew up as the daughter of the toruk makto, and that meant that not only did her parents expect a lot from her, but so did everyone else in the clan. those were the words that motivated her to become such an amazing warrior—that, and the fact that she always wished to be like her mother.
she never really questioned it ever since her young mind decided who she was going to be. no, because she set a goal, and she would do whatever it took to accomplish that goal. and now, she’d finally reached it. who is she to become now?
she’d never learned to make friends—to even be friendly—she only wound up with meyio and ole’ey because she was lucky. she was, in all honesty, terrified of finding even a potential mate, because that meant she had to acknowledge that she was moving on into the future without even the slightest plan. all she wanted to do, for once in her life, was to enjoy living as a teenage na’vi.
later that afternoon, [y/n], meyio, and ole’ey sat in the clearing, alongside all four of the other sully siblings. after their morning of patrol, the trio was considerably tired, but that did not stop meyio and [y/n] from tackling each other.
all around the pair circled the rest of the kids, egging on the fight. it was, of course, a simple spar, and was something that they considered very normal in their routine.
“meyio, i swear to eywa if you lose, i am going to murder you!” lo’ak yelled from the sidelines, a threat that was motivated after he and ole’ey made bets on who would win.
“just keep doing what you’re doing, bud,” ole’ey added with a smirk, causing kiri to burst into laughter.
tuk was sat atop neteyam’s shoulders, allowing for a better view of their scrap. “meyio is kind of bad,” she mumbled, a comment that had her oldest brother wheezing for breath.
[y/n] was, by far, dominating. as she always did. at that point, after knowing her for five years, meyio had only a thirty-two percent win rate, so he was never shocked when the fight ended with him crying, “mercy!”
this fight, however, went a little different.
because as [y/n] triumphantly sat on his back, her hands pushing his face down into the mud as she teased, “you did this to yourself!” all of her confidence flew down the drain the moment she saw a familiar male in the distance.
immediately, the girl stopped, and with the lack of pressure against his neck, meyio flipped her over. [y/n] sputtered for breath, her lungs heaving after the wind was knocked out of her.
“hah!” meyio triumphed, only stopping when he noticed the look on her face. “[y/n]?”
“oh, come one!” lo’ak groaned. “meyio, finish the fight so i don’t lose any more money on you than i already have!”
when meyio ignored lo’ak’s comment, everyone grew curious. each other them took a step forward, peeking at the expression on [y/n]’s face.
based on her wide eyes that stared in the distance, kiri decided to follow her gaze. when she caught sight of kllalu, she bust into laughter. “are you scared of little-old kllalu? the one who we used to call ‘stick?’”
ole’ey sputtered a laugh. “why’d you call him ‘stick’”
“he stabbed himself with a stick and wouldn’t stop crying.”
the girl gasped. “oh my eywa, i remember that!”
meanwhile, meyio mumbled, “that is the dumbest nickname.”
ignoring the teasing comments, neteyam took tuk off of his shoulders, placing her on the ground before he walked closer to his sister. “what’d kllalu do?”
“nothing!” she cried. “that’s the problem!”
lo’ak looked unimpressed at her answer. “now, what is that supposed to mean? we are not mind readers, despite norm’s book of theories.”
“uh correction,” kiri pointed out. “norm’s theory is that the plants were mind readers.”
“guys!” tuk whined. “[y/n]’s upset.”
“right!” meyio called, a smirk pulling onto his face. “she’s upset because kllalu is planning to ask her out.”
both sully boys groaned at that information. “another one?” lo’ak asked, exasperated.
[y/n] lifted herself off of the ground, attempting to brush off as much dirt as she could. “i’m as unhappy about it as you are! this is like, the millionth rejection i’ve ever had to do!”
“will they ever catch on?” neteyam groaned, holding his head in his hands.
“that’s what i’m wondering!” [y/n] cried, staring up at the sky with an unamused look on her face.
“i’m telling you,” meyio yelled. “they love the chase.”
all at once, every single sully sibling responded with, “there is no chase!”
silence followed soon after, leaving meyio blinking absentmindedly at them. “okay,” he said, smacking his lips. “noted!”
“au,” [y/n] cried, shaking her head. “he is nearly here.”
“okay,” tuk yelled. “everyone be quiet and stare at him so we scare him away.” her idea had everyone but [y/n] shouting words of agreement.
immediately, [y/n] shook her head. “no—no!” she sighed. “look, i need to do this myself. just… act normal. i don’t know! i’m just gonna say what finally needs to be said.”
“and what is that?” kiri asked, eyebrows raised.
but, before she could answer, kllalu stepped into a radius that was far too close to answer without him hearing. so, as the remind them of their job, [y/n] sent one last look at the group of kids. quiet.
“[y/n]!” the boy greeted, a smirk placed on his lips. immediately, all six of the kids behind [y/n] were set off with annoyance.
she nodded her head. “kllalu.” [y/n]’s tone was dry, already setting the mood for an awkward conversation.
“how are you?” he attempted, stopping in front of her.
“i am doing great.”
he nodded slowly. “nice!” this was an extremely painful experience for everyone that was watching.
when she left the conversation hanging, kllalu cleared his throat. “so,” he continued slowly. “i was wondering if i could speak with you?”
she cocked her head ever-so-slightly. “you are speaking now, no?”
“uh,” he swallowed. “i was thinking, like… alone?”
immediately she shook her head. “i’d rather not leave my siblings.” she blinked. “and ole’ey and meyio.” behind her, the six of them waved cheerfully, leaving kllalu dumbstruck. “whatever you must say, you are fully capable of saying in front of them.”
“right!” he nodded. “yeah, no, i totally get it.” kllalu looked at the ground, stretching his arm to scratch the back of his neck. silence returned.
“you were going to say something, kllalu?”
he nodded. “uh, yeah.” her patience was thinning by the second. “i was just, uh, thinking. because, um, last night i visited the spirit tree—”
“no, kllalu.” ( behind [y/n], meyio was silently pointing and laughing at ole’ey since he guessed correctly. )
he blinked. “no? you don’t even know what i was going to say.”
she stared at him with a look. really? “i am not dumb.”
“but, why? i mean, i know you’ve rejected every single guy who has attempted, but why? why all of them?” he shook his head in disbelief. “how do you know i am not the right one?” as soon as kllalu’s hand grabbed her bicep, the entire group of six behind them burst.
“what do you think you’re doing?” neteyam growled, pushing himself off of the ground.
lo’ak was quick behind him. “she said no, dumbass.”
“do you need help understanding?” kiri took a step towards them.
with a huff, [y/n] held a hand up to her siblings and friends. once they’d frozen in place, she then grabbed his wrist tightly, ripping it off of her. “are you daft?”
“i will repeat it to you in words that your small brain can understand, and if you could do me a wonderful favor and tell every male that wants to ask me out, i would greatly appreciate it.” she stepped towards him, teeth bared. “i am in no need of a male’s help, nor his love. i am not a challenge, i am not a game to see whether or not you will be the one to convince me, i am not something to chase. you and all the other dumb males will stop asking me, because it is becoming offensive.” she bit her bottom lip, a mocking smile appearing on her lips. “i have made it this far independently. i will not let that go by having a male choose me as his mate. when the time comes, i will choose. do you understand?”
he nodded.
she raised her eyebrows. “do you understand?”
“good.” she stepped back, feeling the safety of her friends and family. “now, please go away. you have ruined a perfectly fine afternoon.”
as they watched him stumble away, [y/n] felt not only her own pride swell in her heart, but the pride of her friends and siblings. sure, they knew [y/n] sully was strong, scary, all the good stuff, but it was always refreshing to watch it come out.
it always reminded them of why the adults of the clan were not at all worried for the omaticayans future. there was nothing to worry about when warriors like [y/n] existed.
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Aged up!Neteyam X Aged up!Avatar!Reader
𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐮𝐬
Warnings: Slight smut (reader getting fingered) | Mentions of blood | mentions of weapons and war | A little angst (I guess?) | Sort of forbidden love | Slow burn (might do a part two if people like it) | Not proof read AT ALL
Summary: Y/N had just left earth, coming to pandora with the intention of earning money. However, she expected everything except having an avatar body. One day she’s sent on a mission to protect supplies being transported back to base. Later that night the train was attacked by the na’vi and she found herself fighting for her life. And that was the moment she saw him.
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The distant forests whisked by as she glared out of the window. The blue of her avatar body contrasted the silver metal of the train she currently sat in. Y/N had been tasked with transporting goods back to the main base without any casualties. Which, at the time sounded like an easy job. Now as the train zipped through the lush planet, she found her mind jumbled. The only ones on the train with her was the small task force group also assigned to transporting the goods. Although as Y/N spared a glance to each, she could see their lack of professionalism.
She sighed, adjusting the gun in her lap. Somehow she’d managed to squeeze herself into the small car of the train, her head resting against the wall of it. So far everything seemed to be going just fine, no incidents, no na’vi spotted. Tonight it would seem luck was on her side. “Hey princess, you look lonely over there. Why don’t you come take a seat here.” Y/N’s face scrunched up at the nickname, her gaze meeting the persons with distaste. Dean, the bastard. He always harassed her, believing that he himself was the best looking one there. Y/N of course couldn’t agree. In fact, it was difficult enough looking at him. His face still looked aged in his avatar body, his creepy smirk managing to make him look even worse. She noticed where his hand was placed. Right on his lap. “I will shoot you.” Y/N spoke, her eyes narrowing as her hand slipped to the handgun at her hip.
This got the message across. Dean chuckled awkwardly in response, shaking his head as he averted his gaze. “Pussy.” Layla, the woman sitting across from Y/N said as she gestured towards Dean. “Quit hitting on the new girl Dean, before she really does shoot you.” Layla rolled her eyes as she shook her head. “Y/N, you should totally shoot him, he’s such a dick sometimes.” She egged on, a friendly smile on her face. Although she was joking, Y/N was almost tempted to do so. “Yeah, he’s a dick all the time. I really should sho-“
Y/N suddenly fell forward, her body thudding against Laylas now limp one. The train car was now blazing with a new fire, smoking filling the air as cinders stung at Y/Ns skin. The back half of the car was missing, along with Dean. The poor bastard. She pushed herself off of Layla, the woman’s faint breaths bringing a slight relief to her. Her ears rung, her eyes adjusting to the new sight. Y/N hardly had time to recover before shots were fired. An arrow whistled past her, narrowly missing her head. Her ears fell, lowering as she came to realize what was truly happening. Dean was dead, Layla was unconscious, and they were under attack. Well fuck. Y/N scrambled around to find her gun, flipping stray pieces of debris over as she searched for it. “Where the hell is it..!” She coughed out as smoke burned her lungs. The broken cart began to tremble and creak, threatening to collapse any moment. “Fuck it.” Y/N muttered as she gave up trying to find it. She had her handgun, she’d be fine. Or so she hoped.
With a grunt she hoisted Layla over her shoulder, huffing as the woman’s body weighed her down. Avatar bodies were way too heavy. Shuffling out of the train cart, she carelessly scratched her calve against a sharp piece of debris. All she could do was groan uncomfortably, her jaw clenching as she made her way out just in time. Behind her, the roof of the train car caved in, collapsing into a pile of nothing. Though that relief was brief as she came to realize she was in enemy territory. And the enemy was only a few feet away. God she had the worst luck. Y/N stumbled towards the forest, praying that she could at least find a place to take cover before she was noticed. Her valve ached with each step, the warm trickle of blood stimulating her senses. The debris from before had hurt her bad, leading to the light headed-ness she suddenly felt. “Fuck Layla..why are you so damn heavy.” She cursed as she finally entered the forest, large bushes covering a majority of their bodies. Y/N however didn’t stop. She continued forward, heading deeper into the woods as the war cries of the Na’vi sounded behind her. Though their voices were distant, it was still too close for comfort. Her eyes wandered the area, flickering across the bustling fauna that watched her curiously. Under different circumstances she would’ve enjoyed the bioluminescence of the forest, but that wasn’t the case. Y/N stumbled about until finally her body gave into its exhaustion. She toppled over, Layla’s unconscious body falling next to her. Her head spun incoherently as she found it difficult to stay awake.
Just as she was about to succumb to her wounds, a face appeared in her peripheral vision, jolting her up. She panted, panicked by the unfamiliar face. Her hand found the pistol at her side, pulling it out and aiming it at the enemy shakily. Her vision was blurred, her finger trembling on the trigger as the figure aimed an arrow at her. She could feel their hard gaze on her, daring her to make a move as they hid within a bush hardly visible. Y/N hesitated for some reason, her gun falling to her lap as her eyes glazed over. Black speckled her vision before finally she fell, her head hitting the ground with a thud.
Her ears twitched, unfamiliar voices flooding her senses. While she had no clue what was going on, from what she could tell the voices were arguing, combating one another about..what? Her eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the bluish green lights surrounding the place. Her eyes felt heavy as they wandered around, taking in the area. From what she could tell, she was inside a small tent like area with two people standing over her. They wore loincloths, and other traditionally na’vi clothing. Wait a damn minute. Y/N shot up, her eyes widening as a surge of pain shot through her leg. “God damn it..!” She laid back down, her eyes clenched shut at the uncomfortable pain. The voices around her had silenced, now a wordless silence. Slowly she opened her eyes, her gaze finding two mens. They focused in on her, their eyes harsh. “Great you woke her up.” One of them said as they pinched the bridge of their nose. “Your mother will not be happy about this. Neteyam, stay here and WATCH her. Don’t let her out of your sights, understand me boy?” The man with dread locs commanded before departing from the tent. The other man, who she assumed was this Neteyam guy, frowned hands running through his long braids.
His gaze turned to meet hers, yellow eyes giving her a once over. “What’s your name?” He questioned as he stared down at her. Y/N didn’t bother responded, instead opting to sit back up and attempt to grab her gun. Instead of finding her gun, she found the ropes that wrapped around her wrists and ankles. Her expression hardened. “So you chose to kidnap me instead of kill me? It was you who was aiming that arrow at my head, yeah?” The man only sighed in response, rising from his crouched position to place his hands on his hips. “You chose to put your weapon down when you could’ve easily shot me first. And you did faint.” He made his way across the tent, grabbing some sort of bowl. “It’s hard not to faint when you’re bleeding out of your le-“ She paused as she analyzed her leg, odd cloth was wrapped around it, blood staining a small spot of it. “You patched me up..” Y/N muttered in disbelief.
“Yeah, well I would’ve felt bad if I just let you die. Now let me see your leg Tsampongu girl” He said as he crouched in front of her, a sort of paste coating his fingers. “Tsam-po what girl?” She said as she quirked a brow. The man only chuckled in response as he unwrapped the bandages with his free hand. “This might sting a little..” He spoke before dabbing the mixture onto her wound. Y/N hissed in response, jolting away at the intense pain. Glancing down, she got a good look at the wound. It was pretty deep, and made her stomach feel queasy. “Damn, be a little more gentle!” She grumbled as she glared down at him. He didn’t bother replying, instead continuing to tend her wound. Y/N was beyond confused. Why exactly was he helping her. She hadn’t done anything to help him, and she certainly wasn’t on his side. “Neteyem right? Why are you being so nice? Do you want something from me?” She questioned before jolting her leg away, a groan rumbling in her throat. Neteyam’s eyes shot up to hers, his brows knitting as he pulled her leg back to him. “I want you to sit still Tsampongu girl. And it’s Neteyam. Not Neteyem.”
“Why do you keep calling me that? And you didn’t answer my first question.” She retorted, receiving only silence in response. He finished with the paste, now wrapping new bandages around her leg. “Next time sit still, it’ll make it go faster.” He said before standing up and returning the bowl to its rightful place. “To answer your question-“ He said as his back faced her. “I’m not sure why I’m being so nice. You don’t deserve it really…but something about you.” He glanced over his shoulder, his eyes raking over her body. “Draws me in.”
Y/N felt her face warm, her eyes falling into her lap at his confession. She felt incredibly flustered by his words, and his intense gaze. ‘What the hell is wrong with this guy?’ She thought to herself. Neteyam returned, crouching back down, though this time he was right next to her. “Tsampongu girl, what is your name? Unless you want me to keep calling you that.” He smiled, his eyes soft as they watched her. Y/N sighed, slouching forward as she finally gave in. “Y/N. Also you still haven’t told me what the hell that means.” She scowled at him, though she had to admit the nickname was beginning to grow on her.
“War girl. Because that is how we met. Now-“ Y/N interrupted, “Wait. Where’s the woman I came here with. You did bring her right?” Neteyam pursed his lips in response, studying her expression for a moment before speaking. “She’s fine, being taken care of. You know Tsampongu girl, you love interrupting me.” His monotone expression was enough for her to realize that she was beginning to get on his nerves. “Or you take forever to talk.” She rolled her eyes, sarcasm lacing her tone. “Or you talk too much.” He snapped back as his face neared hers. Y/N leaned away, her eyes taking in his appearance. Now that she really looked, she could see just how attractive he was. His pretty eyes, lean build, and tall stature. If they had met any differently, she probably would’ve made a move. She noticed his lips and the way his tongue slid over his bottom one. She noticed the way his body tensed as she hyper analyzed him. The way his gaze hardened, staring right back at her as the silent tension grew. They were so close to one another, the warmth of his presence drawing her in. “You..” Neteyam hesitated, his words falling to nothing as the man from before stormed back in, this time a woman followed in his path. Y/N couldn’t lie, she was a bit disappointed she didn’t get to hear what Neteyam was going to say, but now she was on high alert.
“Grandmother.” Neteyam spoke as he gestured some sort of greeting to her. The woman simply waved him off as she approached Y/N. The older woman gave the younger woman a once over, her eyes narrowing as she analyzed her. The woman spoke to the other two men in a language Y/N couldn’t manage to comprehend. She quirked a brow, her eyes falling to Neteyam. “Hey what’s she saying? She’s not gonna kill me is she?” She didn’t receive a response. Instead the woman knelt down beside her, pulling a long needle from a sheeth in her head decor. She poked it into Y/Ns skin, an “ow” leaving her lips as she cringed at the woman. She watched as the woman licked the fresh blood from the needle, her eyes studying their capture. “Why have you come here?” She questioned as she stood straight.
“Wha-“ The man with locs cut in. “Don’t make this difficult, just be honest.” Y/N scoffed as she observed the group. It would seem they were quite serious. She took a moment, trying to come up with the gist of things. “I have no intention of harming your home if that’s what you’re thinking. Just doing my job. Except now that the trains gone..I guess there is no job.” She muttered the last bit to herself as she stared at nothing. She hadn’t thought about it before. People died, people that she knew. And now she was practically alone. “Look, if you’re gonna kill me then just do it. I know I’ve seen too much for you to let me go.” Neteyam cut in, stepping forward. “We’re not going to kill you. But you are correct, we cannot let you leave. So, you will stay and learn. While my father isn’t fond of you staying near the people, you will be staying here and I will watch over you. Understand Tsampongu girl.” From what she could tell, they weren’t giving her any options. So, she nodded in agreement, a sigh leaving her lips as she laid back down. The cot she sat on was plush enough to support her back, along with the small pillow that she rested her head on. The man, who she assumed was Neteyams dad, walked out with the older woman.
“Well then Y/N. Get some rest, because tomorrow is going to be very fulfilling.” Neteyam spoke as he set out his own cot. It was across the tent from her, far enough for personal space but close enough to keep an eye on her. The place was still lit by small lantern like objects, giving her enough light to watch him closely. “I can feel you staring Tsampongu girl. Is there something you need?” His gaze burned into her. “Actually, now that you mention it…” She raised her arms, the ropes on her wrists still intact. “These are getting pretty uncomfortable.” The man sauntered over, his large hand coming to grasp the ropes. He hummed with amusement, a smirk lacing his lips. “Hmm, war girl, I’m not sure I trust you enough. Sure you’re beautiful I’ll give you that. But you’re dangerous too.” She gasped, flustered and attempting to remove her arms from his grasp. Neteyam had other plans. He knelt down, pinning her wrists over her head as he began to close the proximity between them. “You’re too close I..you need to move before I-“ He chuckled at her response. “You’re mistaken Y/N, I’m simply untying your ropes. Unless, you thought I was making a move on you?” He released the ropes tying her wrists together, circulation beginning to flow once more. Y/N scowled at him. “Shut up.” She muttered before his hand trailed down her body, falling to her waist. His fingers felt light as a feather against her skin, and somehow it felt as though he was burning her with his touch. Unconsciously she jutted her hips into his touch, a heavy breath leaving her as they glared into one another’s eyes. “War girl..does my touch make you nervous?” Neteyam egged on, his face nearing hers. And suddenly his hand left her, now grasping the belt and handgun that was once around her hips. “Fuck you.” Y/N said as she slapped his other hand away. He looked at her, puzzled by her sudden aggression. “Did I do something wrong?” She only scoffed in response, the feeling from before beginning to fade to nothing. “No, it’s nothing just..nothing.”
“Pänutìng if you don’t communicate I cannot help. Now tell me, what is the issue?” Y/Ns gaze softened at his words, her body lifting up as she used her elbows to support her. “You keep teasing me and I don’t like it.” She muttered, her voice softening as the embarrassment washed over her. She never truly realized how pathetic she was until now. Needy for his touch after everything that had occurred. Neteyams hand returned, trailing down her legs at such a tantalizing pace. It had her hoping for more. His hand got closer and closer to the place she needed him most, where she yearned to feel his burning touch. ‘Just a little closer’ She thought as she bucked her hips. Instead his hand fell to her thigh, trailing and massaging the fat of it. It wasn’t as though he was the first person to touch her such a way, it was the way he meant it. The way he took his time to observe every last inch of her. His hand trailed lower, loosening and removing the ropes that bonded her ankles. While it felt relieving, she was too distracted by the way his hand returned to her inner thigh. It rested there, his fingers fiddling with the fabric of her jean shorts. His expression changed, becoming one of confusion rather than lust. “These, what are they?” Y/N was confused, her eyes studying him to see if he was being serious. “Shorts. Have you seriously never seen them? Huh.”
“Take them off.” Her eyes widened at the his command, her stomach swirling with a familiar feeling. “Wha-“ “You said you didn’t like me teasing, so take them off and let me do what I need to.” Y/N stuttered for a moment as she fiddled with her shorts, doing her best to shimmy them off. She felt hot under his gaze, her body heating up as she yearned for more. “Your undergarments. They’re different. They’re..cute.” He uttered out as he spread her legs apart. Her clit throbbed at the rough touch, his hand beginning to tease at her slit. “T..they’re just underwear.” He licked his lips as he finger lightly ran over the wet patch on her panties. “Pänutìng quit being so stubborn with me.” Neteyam spoke before slipping his finger under her panties. He let out a sigh a the feeling of her soaked cunt. It was warm, and drenched. While Neteyam teased at her cunt, Y/N was a mewling mess. One hand grasped at his bicep as support, little pants escaping her lips as she attempted to stay composed. “You’re so pretty when you’re like this for me.” He groaned as he pinched her clit. This earned a loud moan from her, her tail thudding against the ground next to her. She had forgotten all about that thing.
Finally, his long finger found its way inside her, now curling up to find the perfect spot. As he did this his mouth came to meet her neck, now kisses and licking but not daring to leave a mark. He knew better, but oh did he want to do it so bad. He continued to curl into her at a slow pace, drawing moans and pants from her. Y/N was at her breaking point, her head falling back from the stimulation. “Can I add one more Pänutìng?” She didn’t even hear him, too lost in her own pleasure. Neteyam took this as a yes, plunging another one of his fingers into her cunt. She let out another loud moan, and this time Neteyams hand came up to cover her mouth. Her loud noises were going to get them into trouble, and Neteyam couldn’t have that. “Shhh Pänutìng..we’ll get caught.” She only hummed in response, her eyes shutting as her clit began to throb. “I can feel you tightening around my fingers love.” He said as he placed a gentle kiss to her neck. “You can cum for me, it’s okay.” He spoke before finally that familiar feeling of an orgasm washed over her. Her clit throbbed, her walls tightening around his fingers as she squeezed at his bicep. “M’Teyam” Her moan was muffled by his hand, though he knew exactly what she said. Hearing her moan his name almost made him cum right then and there. This however was merely for her pleasure. And a one time thing. He couldn’t do it again. He knew better than that. Slowly he pulled his fingers from her core, the sticky juices she released now coating his fingers. He licked the mess away, the taste of her almost making him go in for more. However, they needed rest. She gave the side of her thigh a light pat and her neck one last kiss before standing up. “Get some rest now. We’ll be busy tomorrow.” Y/N only watched him as he returned to his own cot. God she wanted him so bad. She knew he was holding back, but it was only making her want him more. As he laid down on his cot and turned to face opposite to her, he said one last thing.
“Goodnight Pänutìng.”
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fanfiction-blep · 1 year
Ghost: Part Five. Na'vi Miles Quaritch X Na'vi Fem/Reader.
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Warnings: Fluff, Slight smut, Descriptive sexual situations, Violence.
This one is a little shorter, stay with me here!
When Quaritch woke the next day, it was still the early hours of the morning. They had a new tribe to interrogate in the later hours of the day, but he refused to think about that, all he could think about was how (Y/N) felt resting against his side, her head on his left shoulder. Her hand slightly smaller in size resting on his chest. His left arm wrapped around her side holding her as close as possible. Fingertips rubbing along her side, sometimes trailing along her thigh that was thrown over his. The pairs legs intertwined with each other. His other hand would move her hair out of her face every now and then so he could look at her face, eventually settling for placing his right hand over hers, linking both their fingers together. He was pushing his luck a little, he wasn't sure if she would wake up and panic being so close and intimate with him, but he couldn't help himself. He wanted to hold (Y/N) more than anything, and was taking the opportunity. The affection he placed upon her sleeping form filled a hole in his gut. He felt calm, and peaceful. He was beginning to realize that no matter how hard he fought it, he had a new mission. Become a man worthy of her, of (Y/N).
If, he was to admit he believed in Eywa, it was only because at first he had an interest in her, no reason to want to be around her, other than to learn. To understand the world that was calling to something almost instinctual, primal within him. If Eywa was real, which he wasn't set on yet. If she was real, then she was the reason he had found her. Eywa was the reason that he had found a women with so much love and compassion to give that she had not only helped raise his son, but found it in herself to believe that he could be a better man.
Yes Miles Quaritch was not the human man that had destroyed the home of the Omaticaya clan. He was not the human savage that would blindly follow orders. He had believed that disagreeing with the actions of the man who's memories he held meant that he was no longer loyal, and Loyalty was something he valued higher than most people would. However the marine had come to a simple conclusion. Humans destroying Pandora for their own gain was wrong. Disagreeing with something wrong didn't make him disloyal, especially when his loyalties where beginning to change. What Jake Sully did was wrong, no matter how justified. Though looking down at the women asleep in his arms, Quaritch knew. Without being her mate, he would kill for her. He understood now. Whether that had changed things was a different story. He wasn't sure what to do with these thoughts, he would have to process and analyse everything to make sure any choices he made here on out were thoroughly thought through.
He was dragged out of his thoughts by (Y/N) shifting slightly. Her eyes fluttered open gently, yellow orbs staring up at him through hooded eyes. 'God she's beautiful' he thought. She smiled and nuzzled her nose into his. She pushed herself against him further, he didn't think that was possible. She pressed her lips against his jaw in a light kiss. A low groan escaped his lips, low purring rumbling in his chest. She hadn't intended to tease him, however his self restraint was hanging by a thread, the only thing preventing him from taking her then and there, claiming her as his. Finally. Was the promise he had made the night before. Devouring her in all the ways he wanted to, wouldn't be right unless they were in the safety of Eywa. He looked down at her and with a playful warning tone he said.
"Don't tease me, darlin' " The new pet name took her by surprise, but she smirked up at him, and he knew she was going to test his patience.
"Or what?" She untangled her hand from his, causing a frown to fall on his face, and she placed her hand on the right side of his jaw lifting it up before placing a feather light kiss on his neck, right under his jaw. His chest rumbled again, arms tightening against her. she placed a firmer kiss in a slightly different spot. Then another, the next kiss she opened her mouth slightly and dug her canines into the soft skin of his neck, not hard enough to bite, but enough to cause a rise in her. His actions were swift and efficient. He flipped her over onto to her back, grabbing her wrists sliding down the bed slightly. Pressing his hips against her thighs spreading them apart and pinning her wrists above her head. Shock covered her features quickly replaced with another smirk. She looked up at him through hooded lids, smiling. He was panting and she could very easily feel the effect she had on him pressing against her thigh. The thought alone sent shivers down her spine, her own arousal began to drip out of her waiting core. He could smell it, making his resolve thinner and thinner each second. His chest was still rising and falling heavily. The look he gave her was primal and needy.
"Don't" he warned.
"What?" she asked voice almost a whisper.
"Don't make it so hard not to fuck ya, right here right now" The whine that escaped her lip was sinful. Her hips raised slightly, her arousal increasing by the second. Her scent overwhelming his senses. "I said." he leaned his head into the crook of her neck. "Don't" his teeth grazed against her skin, tongue leading a trail up her neck. "tease me" he bit down sucking on a spot underneath her jaw. "Darlin'" with the final word he pushed his groin against her own. Grinding into her core. Her whimpers fell softly above his head. He sucked deeper into skin. Until he pulled away suddenly sitting back on the balls of his feet, panting. (Y/N) whined at the lack of contact pouting slightly. "Stop that" He groaned throwing his head back.
"What? You’re the tease here" his eyes shot open he leaned down again placing his hands underneath her jaw almost chocking her.
"Stop being so damn fuckable." He pressed his forehead against hers. She leaned in slightly to kiss him but he pulled away again.
"Miles!" She snapped. His eyebrows raised and his shoulders tensed. The look he gave her told her she was in trouble, yet she wasn't scared, she was excited. This time when his hands came into contact with her skin he was choking her slightly.
"In moment's like these, ya call me Sir." he hummed encouraging a response from her, yet she stayed silent. He pressed his fingers against her pressure points harder, leaning in. "Understood" he could see the pleasure his hands where brining her, if only she knew what other things he wanted to do to her with his fingers.
"Yes sir." Her voice was faint. He almost didn't catch it.
"What was that sweetheart?"
"Yes sir" She spoke more clearly,he hummed kissing the side of her mouth.
"Good girl" She whined again, head lulling back against the pillow. He pulled back again this time stepping off the bed. She looked at him with shock. She wasn't sure why he was holding back. She wasn't one hundred percent certain she was ready, however she didn't know what his reservations were. He seemed certain enough last night. She looked at him with a puzzling expression, silently asking for an explanation. He had taken off his shirt and was beginning to change. he smirked at her, and started undoing his sweatpants. Her face flushed, a blush burning its way onto her skin. she rolled over facing away from him. Within a few moments he returned to the bed pulling her onto his lap. She had her eyes closed as their foreheads touched once again. "Hey-" Her eyes open and met his. "Oel ngati kameie" he lifted a braid out of her face and pushed it behind her ear. "I see you" he repeated. She sucked in a deep breath, the meaning behind the words felt deeply within her heart. "And for that reason, I wont have my way with ya in here. I want to take you in the forest or whatever natural place I can find. I want to experience it all with you, everything that Eywa has to offer." She smiled and emotion brimmed in her eyes. "I also want ya to be as loud as possible, ya can’t do that here. We are a secret." She nodded small tears beginning to fall, he wiped them away. "I want ya to know, I will do what I have to, nothin' more. I don't know how we will get through this war, or my mission, but we will. I won’t push the limit, okay? Only what I have to" She kept nodding. When a knock was heard on the door. She jumped off Quaritch's lap and wiped her face furiously. The Colonel moved giving her a warning look. 'act natural' it said. He opened the door and greeted Z-dog a nod.
"We're here, boss."
"Best get to work then" he nodded at (Y/N).
"Got her under control then?" The women asked glaring at the scientist.
"Naturally" the Colonel responded. (Y/N) fought the urge to hiss and snarl at the female marine. Quaritch was waiting for it and smiled when she didn't, 'I’ll reward her for that later' he thought.
They grabbed Spider on their way, (Y/N) greeting him with a side hug and a ruffle of his hair.
When they reached the open air, (Y/N) took a deep breath and called out to her Ikran, Loyey. The Ocean was spread out wide beneath them as they set out on their journey, each second filled her with dread. She knew that he had to be rough, she knew she would have to explain to another clan leader that she just wanted to help. What she didn't know that the longer Quaritch sat with his thoughts, a plan grew. The image of the village began to grow a shape out of the distance, local Na'vi pointing up into the sky.
When they landed The Olo'eyktan of the clan hissed and snarled. Ears flat against his head, teeth bared. 'Word had spread' she thought to herself. Hoping that this village might be able to defend themselves better due to the preparation.
"Begone demons!" he spat his words. When his eyes landed on (Y/N) he became even more enraged, tail whipping around behind him. "You stand with them?" She shook her head, sincere, and she hoped that he would hear the truth in their words. Spider clutching her arm, nerves causing the child to seek comfort. She wrapped her fingers around his arm. (Y/N) replied to the clan leader in hopes to maintain civility.
"No, they took me from my home, they hold the lives of ones i love against me, I am here to translate. Help me so i can help you." He turned his nose at her.
"What do they want" as if on que, Quaritch stepped forward holding a hologram of Jake. Spider moving further into her side, she could have sworn he was shaking she just couldn't tell if it was due to anger or anxiety.
"We know you are harbouring this man, Toruk Makto." Quaritch's voice boomed, rolling over the Na'vi surrounding the Recoms. The clan leader looked at (Y/N).
"I do not know this man!" He raised his arms and his voice causing Lyle to take large steps towards the Olo'eyktan. When he hissed at the marine Lyle shot his gun into the air causing the Na'vi warrior to fall to his knees, his mate scrambling to his side. Lyle used this to his advantage. He pointed the gun at the women's head keeping his face stoic and displaying no emotion. (Y/N) stood their in shock, how could he act so crule and cold and not feel a thing? The Tsahik looked up at the marines eyes, locking with his and without fear she said.
"I will happily die to defend my mate, do what you will" The emotion bubbled in (Y/N)'s chest, threatening to erupt at the scene. Lyle couldn't understand what the women's was saying, so he pressed his gun further into her head.
"Mawey" (Y/N) trying to sooth the Na'vi around her.
"Lyle..." Quaritch warned, "She's leverage right now."
"Please" Spider begged, "Don't hurt anyone" The boy had yet to see the change in his father, when (Y/N) had the time she would do her best to fill him in.
"Where is this man!" he pointed to Jakes picture causing the couple to shake their heads.
"We do not know him" they pleaded. Lyle then shot a nearby animal, causing the mated pair to cry out, pain evident in their voices. (Y/N) looked up at Quaritch as she fell to her knees once again and did her best to comfort the Na'vi before her.
"This shit ain't workin' " Lyle shook his head in agreement with Quaritch.
"Hey boss?" The taller man nodded encouraging him to talk. "You heard about those big ass whales? Think taking out one of those things will get Sully to hit back?"
"Maybe?.." Quaritch tensed, he knew he couldn't turn down the idea, he also knew there were ships built to hunt those creatures. He wasn't sure there was a way out of this. He had to try.
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As always I love to see your comments and thoughts on the post, anyone who wants to be on the taglist let me know!
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ye4gerism · 1 year
THE BACHELORETTE!!! chp two part one
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an: no poll today!
taglist: @katestrophes @taylarxse @invisible-mori @tanakaslastbraincell @mrsharuchiyo @parkerluvsu @conniesbbymama @444ctrl @gabbadabbad00 @cvberidiot @maliagurl @greeniegreengreen @teanica @illgrrl @asymetricstar @llovesero @haitainiwhore3 @durag_tanaka
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Zeke had let you sleep in the next morning. Maybe treating you like a family member would make the press drop the really weird rumors about him. However, that kindness wouldn't be extended to the contestants. Zeke had them up at seven in the morning in the kitchen so that they had the agenda for the day.
"Connie, you have Paradis’ heart. So, therefore you have immunity from being eliminated. Eren, surprisingly, Y/N was most impressed by you." They share a knowing look. "Now this doesn't mean you two are on top of the world. You're current statuses can't hide whatever buffoonery you have deep inside," Zeke explained.
"The rest of you are going on group dates. Colt, Porco, Connie, and Jean, you're taking a test today and, of course, Y/N and a surprise guest will be grading your abilities. Oyankopon, Reiner, and Armin, you're artistic abilities will be shown off and judged. Remember that you're here for her and not on some bullshit."
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You picked Connie for a solo date. You spoke to him some more last night and he was the first to really make you laugh. Being the current Bachelorette had its perks. You told Zeke about your time at Disneyworld and you loved the Tower of Terror ride. He said he'd pull some strings and see if he could get it for your first solo date. Thinking back on your wish, you knew it'd be perfect for Connie.
You took your time getting ready and by eleven you were ready. On your day to your ride, you said good morning to whoever you came across. As you got closer and closer to your vehicle, you felt yourself getting more and more excited. Connie would make this date so fun.
You open the backseat and you don't see Connie. Eren is sitting where he's supposed to be sitting. "Eren?" Eren gives you a small smile. "Y/N. You look beautiful. How did you sleep?" "Eren, I'm so sorry but I didn't pick you for this date. There must have been a mistake." You turn around to see if you could find Zeke, who is already behind you. "Hey, Zeke, I thought I told you that Con-"
"Oh, Connie! I told him you picked him but he wasn't too interested in the horror idea or even a solo date at the moment. So I took it upon myself to get you another date as soon as possible, hence Eren." Zeke nods towards Eren, who is quietly watching. "Did Connie really say all that...? I just thought that from our conversation-"
"I'm so sorry to hear that Y/N but just because Disney is the most magical place on Earth doesn't mean they have magic time," Zeke says. He turns you around and gives you a slight push towards the car.
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"So, what are you into?" For the past twenty minutes, Eren had been trying to get to know you. Normally you were like Pandora's box but Eren didn't know how to spark interest. His introduction the night before wasn't very romantic...or warm and fuzzy. So, it really threw you off.
You didn't answer his question fast enough for his liking, so Eren starts talking again. "Look, Y/N, I'm trying to make this work. I'm sorry that it's me on the date with you and not Connie. But I'm begging you to work with me here. I didn't know this would happen. You think I'm not equally as hurt?" he blurts. You roll your eyes at him. "My only problem with you is your hot and coldness. Are you here for me or are you here to play with my ass?" "In what way?" You huff and a small smirk crawls onto Eren's face.
The line continues to move forward and you're finally about to get on the ride. As you take your seats, Eren tries to be cute and help you with your seatbelt but you swat his hand away because what the hell? Once you're buckled, the doors of the haunted elevators close. It begins to arise and you can feel Eren's eyes on you. You try to pay attention to the presentation of the ride but Eren's dumb-green-eyed-ass won't stop staring. "What the hell is your problem?" you whisper. "Look, I'm starting to think you're getting the wrong idea of me or something," Eren says, "I really like you-" "I haven't even said anything-" "Right but you're like avoiding me in a way and- FUCK!"
The elevator suddenly drops and Eren grabs your hand and holds on for his life. The elevator continued to go up, down, and shake before eventually it eventually stopped and opened. You now had a view of the entire park. Eren lets out a sigh of relief before the lights flash and the elevator drops. He lets out a scream you had never heard before.
The ride ends and Eren looks like he's been through hell. You help him out of the elevator and continue to hold his arm as you leave the park. "Are you alright?" you ask before chuckling. He glares at you before continuing to walk quietly. You both exit the park and make your way to the vehicle waiting for you. "For the record, Zeke hears nothing." There's a slight panic on his face. "I mean, no one hears anything about this!" You pat his arm before replying, "As if the entirety of Paradis won't be watching this episode."
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So to be clear, being a husband doesn't automatically mean that you're a dad. But on Zeke's terms, there had to be some sort of baby and "public humiliation" involved.
After your date with Eren, you changed into something more fancy but comfortable and you were later transported to the next venue for the first group date of the season. The venue was another large luxurious house. You entered to see the four individuals competing today, strapped with a baby carrier and a fake baby inside of it. They all stopped whatever conversation they were having to say hello. You hear someone next to you clear their throat. You turn to look and it's Zeke. "I've already explained this to the boys; they all have a baby as you can see. They're here to bring intensity to the assignment they've been given. Hitch is running late but she should be here in a few. Your job is to observe how they handle these tasks," he explains.
You wanted to speak with Connie first before anyone. Why would he give up a date with you? Did you do something in the past 24 hours? Zeke sent everyone off to their tasks and you followed behind Connie. "Connie, can I talk to you?" He turns around and gives you a big smile. "Yeah, what's up?" He places his hands over the baby carrier. "Zeke told me you rejected my first impression rose. Care to tell me about your decision?" You tried your best to not sound agitated. Connie cocked his head to the side. "You must be mistaken; I got the Paradis' Favorite Rose and I believe Eren got the First Impression Rose."
"I picked you." You and Connie stare at each other for a moment. The realization unfolds on both of your faces. "I'll leave you to your task, Connie. Matter of fact, don't even do anything. You're immune from eliminations anyways." You turn on your foot to collect your thoughts. There's no way Zeke decided to go out of his way to screw around with your choices. You needed to talk to him, but not now.
You decided to visit Colt. You never really checked on him after Floch started spewing propaganda about Marley and Paradis. You checked a few rooms to find where he was located. You heard some laughter and went towards it.
You're eyes widened when you finally saw Hitch, one of your lifelong friends. Colt was looking intensely at her and hanging onto every word coming out of her mouth. Hitch only stopped talking when she noticed you. She jumped on her feet excitedly, forgetting Colt, and made her way toward you with her arms out. "Y/N!" Hitch wraps her arms around you and squeezes you tightly. "Come on, let's catch up!" "But I-" Hitch pulls you into the hallway and you two walk down the hallway. “Eliminate him. First of all, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of me. Second, he immediately stopped the task to talk to me. As a husband, wouldn’t he put at least most of his focus on the task at hand? He’s too easy.”
Hitch (and Pieck) were here to make the process easier. Since the last season of The Bachelorette, rules about buddies have been tighter since the “friends” of the first bachelorette were screwing the contestants behind their backs.
“I guess you’re right. Based on your judgment, who should I talk to next? I spoke with Connie already. I’ll give you the scoop on that later.”
“There’s something off about Porco. I suggest you see for yourself and decide. Jean seems to have green flags all around, so save the best for last.”
After catching up for a little bit, you took Hitch’s advice and visited Porco. His task was to clean up a playroom. You were impressed at first until you realized he wasn’t using the Clorox wipes to clean the toys and surfaces. When you called him out, he claimed “I didn’t know I needed them”. You ended up leaving to finally speak to Jean.
Jean was in the kitchen. In between working on the meal, he stops to give the fake baby a little shake to stop any crying. “Are you supposed to shake the baby like that?” you ask. Jean snaps around when he realizes you’re there. “Oh-! Yeah, Zeke said that shaking them will help with crying.” He looks down at the baby. “They’re nothing like those life class babies where you feed them and everything. Zeke wants a reason to make us break.”
Sounds like something he’d definitely do, considering the whole thing with Connie. “What are you up to?” you ask. “What exactly are you making? Or attempting to.” Jean let’s put a dry laugh. “I feel like in this case, fried rice would be easiest to make. I’d love to recreate my mom’s recipe with what I have…which isn’t a lot.” You look over at the counter to see some cracked eggs, seasonings, and oil. “Would you like me to take the baby?” Jean’s eyes say “yes please” and you take the baby from the carrier.
“Do you want kids?” You give Jean a minute since he’s trying his best to fix the fried rice since the baby took away his cooking time. “I like kids. I just don’t know about having my own. My dad isn’t in my life and my mom always worked so I really don’t know how I would be able to connect with my own. I’m afraid that I’ll be too distant or irritable,” Jean answers honestly.
“If it makes you feel better, I’m not looking to have some immediately after the show. We could always take our time and explore our options.” This wasn’t just a thing for Jean but for all the contestants. You were meaning to talk about this with everyone else throughout the competition.
Jean gives you a small smile before finishing up the food. “I’m not expecting you to eat this since it isn’t too perfect.”
You pick up a spoon. “Well, let’s see.”
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Yandere Human Miles Quaritch x Female Human Reader
Grace didn't pay much attention to you when you first came to Pandora. You skipped many grades and was the youngest scientist on record. Barely an adult. You were a young 19 year old. 
One day in the cafeteria, Grace was picking at her food. She needed more money for her school with the Navi children. Pencils and paper and all that.
You wished you could help but your salary was low. You talked and met Mr. Selfridge. He said no flatly. 
That is where she noticed that dog Quaritch. He was surprisingly in the cafeteria. The Marine cafeteria had better food. She looked inside many times but couldn't come in. Why was he here? He was sitting with some of his own friends.
That was when Grace noticed it. Quaritch was staring at you! He was basically eye fucking you. He was as usual looking like a hungry dog. 
He must have a thing for Name. 
Grace felt an idea coming to her…
"A date?" You squeaked.
Grace explained how there was a handsome guy named Quaritch she knew. And he was interested in her. 
You furrowed your brows. You have never dated before. You never fell in love. You rejected but Grace insisted. It was just one date. What was the worst that could happen?
So you agreed. 
As for Quaritch….
"Doc, what a surprise." He drawled. How he hated that tree hugging woman. She would always nag his violence against them. He was doing it for humanity's sake and it was his job.
But she was the scientist the boss needed. 
"I know you had your eye on Name for a while." She smirked. 
That made him look up from  his documents. He glared. "that's not of your fucking business." He hissed 
"I can make you a deal."
Grace explained how she will convince you to go out with him if he convinced Selfridge to fund her program.
Quaritch raised a silver brow. Without hesitation, he nodded. "Agreed."
Your mom sent you a beautiful dress from earth last month with the delivery packages. So, you dressed up and all that. 
You followed Grace and she led you to what looked like a gym. Your eyes furrowed in confusion. Before you could ask, Grace left you alone. You felt like you were set up. 
There was no one at all. You felt scared. And that is where he showed up.
Some kind of robot walked towards you. It was huge. You jumped and almost screamed.
Before you could run away, a man in a tank top came out of the robot. "Why, hello there." He cockily grinned. You blinked. He came down to the ground and walked to you. 
"I am Colonel Miles Quaritch. Head of security." He held out his hand. 
You smiled and touched his hand. To your surprise, he kissed it instead of shaking it. You blushed. He found that amusing and chuckled.
"I thought you would stand me up." 
"Was I late?" 
"No. But, since you work under Grace I thought you would be like her bad morals."
You frowned. Grace was your friend. 
Quaritch noticed your offensive face and held his hands up in mocking surrender. "I am joking, doll."
You gave him a tight smile. "I am sorry for being sensitive."
He smirked. He offered you his arm. "Follow me."
He led you to a table with candle lights.
The rest of the date was fun. You admit. He talked about how he was a Marine from Earth and fought for American Freedom. And you were impressed how young and healthy he was for his age. He had muscles and looked so handsome. 
You felt strange towards him. You wanted to touch his biceps and see if he had a six pack or right pack. 
He then asked about you. You shrugged. "Nothing special about me."
"I doubt that." He smirked. 
What did that mean? You explained how you skipped a few grades and became a scientist and Navi translator. You loved gardening and cooking. That oddly made Quaritch's eyes gleam for some reason. He was interested in your ethnicity.
Then the strangest question of all. 
"Can I touch your hair?"
You blinked. You allowed him. He stroked your long silky hair. 
"So soft." He mused.
You smiled and blushed. You were insecure since the base said no makeup or jewelry allowed even for non soldiers. Just perfume and lotion with lip balm were allowed
The date ended. Quaritch escorted you to your room and said good night by giving you a wink.
The next day he invited you and some science friends to eat at the Marine cafeteria. They had meat and fresh food. 
Soon Quaritch let you and the entire science group to finally for the first time go to the forest and collect the plants you guys needed for medicine.
"Thank you for going out of your way to help us."
"No problem, Princess. Another date would be nice."
Quaritch would soon walk with you down the halls and escort you to some rooms safely. But one day, it happened…
You were about to meet Quaritch for morning coffee when you heard weird noises. Trudy was yelling and so was Grace. You then saw Jake too.
What was going on?
Poor Norman was getting beaten up by a soldier! Being the skinny nerd he was, Norman tried to defend himself but he was weak. 
"Leave him alone!" Jake cried. 
You couldn't take it anymore. You stepped in front of poor Warren and was met by a punch to the cheek. 
You fell on your ass but shielded Norman with your body. He was now laying on the ground, perhaps bloodied. 
"What the fuck is going on!?" You knew that voice and felt happy. 
Everyone looked to see the Colonel himself. 
He had a crazy look in his eye. His fists clenched and frowning.
Trudy told him what happened. But, he was not paying attention. He stared at your defeated form.
He then kneeled down. "Let me see." It was an order. He gently peeled your hand away from your bruised cheek. 
The Colonel shook his head and breathed through his nose. He looked over his shoulder and barked orders. 
His mic made some soldiers come and take the attacker away and Norm to the hospital wing. 
He grabbed your hand and led you to his office. Without saying anything, he pushed you down to sit on a chair by your shoulders.
He took out a first aid kit. 
He kneeled down and began to patch up your face.
You felt shy and averted your eyes. 
"I am very disappointed in you." He broke silence 
You apologized. 
"Look at me."
You met his beautiful icy eyes. You couldn't read them. But you felt your womanhood ache. What a man he was.
He was handsome and so attractive.
Not a Prince charming but a warrior.
"Don't put yourself in danger again. I doubt Spellman would have done the same for you."
You bowed your head in shame then nodded.
He sighed. "Come on. How about that date?"
He led you to the gym. While he was punching the sandbag you were drinking coffee and listening to him talk. 
You were impressed by him.
After a couple of hours of "hanging" with him. Once again being the gentleman he was, he escorted you to his room. You thanked him and suddenly he kissed your bruised cheek.
He turned around and left without looking at you.
The next day you avoided him. Out of shyness.
Your first almost kiss!
You felt needy and fluttered on the inside. What a lovely feeling
You didn't tell Grace but you kept thinking of it. You wished the Colonel took off his shirt when training instead of the tank top. 
His sweaty and tanned skin was to kill for. 
He was a dominant daddy.
You went to the laundry room with a bucket of warm water and kneeled down on your knees. The machine doesn't do a good job with stains so you had to hand wash your soiled clothes. You rolled up your sleeves and began to work. 
Quaritch watched you do your chores with his arms crossed as he leaned on the side of the door.
Your bruise healed.
His cock ached with longing. The way you got hurt broke his heart. You were not meant for war. 
Shaking his head he walked away. 
What you didn't know was that you put your clothes in the dryer and when you left, the Colonel stole one bra and underwear.
It was another date night with your friend and crush. He knocked on your door to pick you up. You two greeted each other and walked down the hallway.
"You look sick. Are you?"
You shook your head and said you saw something disgusting earlier. 
The Colonel was curious. He asked but when you were quiet he asked again with authority.
You said how you saw Norman and Trudy together in bed. 
The Colonel snickered and shook his head. He rufulled your hair. "What am I going to do with you?"
On the date, you two ate and went to the gym and watched him work out. 
This time he was lifting weights then he stopped.
"I think you should stick with me after work."
He explained how you needed a bodyguard. 
"Can you give me time to think it over?"
He sighed and agreed
Would you take his offer?
Grace then asked you for your opinion of the Colonel.
"I like him. He is cute and very nice."
"Thought so."
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thebibutterflyao3 · 2 months
Day Five - Pathetic @sapphicmicrofics
April Daily Series - 715 words
<<<Previous Part OR Start Here
Dorcas paced her bedroom while she gestured wildly with her spiralling thoughts. It was absurd for Pandora to think that a surprise visit from her ex-girlfriend was a good idea. Her roommate was so caught up in her own lovestruck nonsense that she couldn’t see reality anymore. The fact that Dorcas’s heart leapt in her chest at the sight of Marlene was not the point.
It’s because she surprised me. That’s all.
Lying to herself was pathetic, but she needed something to hold onto. Denial was a ledge that she clung to desperately. Falling into the chasm beneath her feet was far worse. Dorcas knew exactly what was in that chasm and she refused to let it reign over her life again.
Her attention snagged on the collection of photos on the wall beside her bed and Dorcas’s shoulders sagged in defeat. It was practically a shrine in Marlene’s honour. There were a dozen or so that she couldn’t bring herself to get rid of and it seemed a shame to keep them hidden in a box at the bottom of her closet with the rest of their mementos.
Dorcas rubbed her temples firmly. “I can’t go through that again. Nothing’s changed.”
“Hasn’t it?”
She whirled around to face Pandora, fury resurfacing at the sound of the woman’s voice. “What were you thinking? Have you taken leave of your senses?”
Pandora sauntered into their room with a confident smile. She offered Dorcas a slight shrug, then plopped onto her bed with an exaggerated sigh. “No, but I’m beginning to think that you’re a tad delusional.”
“Me?! You’re the one who–”
“Dorcas, darling,” Pandora said softly, reaching for her hand and tugging her onto the bed beside her. She gestured at the wall of photos and aimed a pointed look at Dorcas. “Did you truly expect me to stand by and watch you torture yourself over this woman? You’re clearly still in love with her.”
“No. I just enjoy looking at her, that’s all. It’s been over a year and I’m over it. Over…her, I mean.”
Pandora arched an eyebrow sceptically. “Right. Your reaction to seeing her was exactly what a woman who has recovered and moved on would do. Not at all the twitchy panic of a secret addict who was on the verge of exposure.”
“I am not an addict,” Dorcas protested, crossing her arms over her chest.
Pandora eyed the pictures on the wall. “Yes, because this is entirely normal behaviour.”
Dorcas’s hands squeezed her elbows tight. It wasn’t an option and she refused to allow herself to consider the possibility. Not a possibility, an impossibility. Marlene was a piece of her past. A part of her history that she wanted to cherish, not repeat.
She wouldn’t deny that they were good together and that their relationship set the bar a little too high for anyone else to meet, but she wouldn’t taint that memory by trying to rekindle a long dead flame. It wouldn’t be the same. Hope would suck the life out of her and she couldn’t stand the idea of regressing after so much progress.
I moved on! I’m better than this. I don’t need any distractions right now.
“Dorcas, you should at least talk to her,” Pandora said, budging her arm. “She’s close friends with James, so it’s likely you’re going to see her around now that Regulus is dating him.”
“I’m well aware of her friendship with Potter. That doesn’t mean I have to engage in whatever foolishness you’re trying to stir up.”
Pandora’s amused breath sent a prickly sensation down Dorcas’s spine. It wasn’t funny! None of this was fucking funny!
“Well, I’d say it’s about time I stirred things up. Ever since you started assisting at that law firm, you’ve lost the fire in your eyes. Just now, in that room with Marlene, is the first time I’ve seen it in months,” Pandora insisted. “The sexual tension between the two of you is…wild.”
“Shut it.”
“Make me.”
Dorcas’s chest clenched hard. That was Marlene’s favourite way to rile her up. She would run that sassy mouth of hers until Dorcas was spitting fire, then smirk and say “make me.” It never failed. They always ended up in bed afterwards.
That cannot happen. I will not allow that to happen.
Next Part>>>
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creative-mind-write · 11 months
This is how I think the Metkayina Characters would cuddle.
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I think she is a big cuddler. On warmer days she would face her partner with their foreheads together and arms and legs mixed together. On cooler days I see her laying on top of her partner but her legs are tucked up so she’s in an egg-like position. She is such a cutie!
"Hello, my love." you greet with open arms. "How was your day?"
"It was wonderful." she answers, sinking comfortably into your arms. "I love watching the kids when they succeed in riding the ilu. How about you?"
"It was relaxing. I finished a bracelet for my mom." you tell her. "Now I can spend time with the best girl on Pandora."
You both spend the next couple hours swimming on a hammock, cuddling and just enjoying the warmth of one another.
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I don’t think he’s a big cuddler, definitely something that would be a progressive thing. If you’re in public he will sit shoulder to shoulder but nothing more. At home he is more relaxed. He will lay on his back and hold your curled up form next to him. He’s gotta keep that tough guy act.
It was just before eclipse when you went to you and Ao'nung's secret spot. It was an air pocket deep in an underwater cave. Ao'nung was already there, waiting for you as he sat crouched close to the water.
"Were you followed?" Ao'nung asks.
"Hello to you too." you smile hoisting yourself on the edge. "You know I wasn't followed.
"Good. Now I can finally do his." he smirks before tackling you.
Your pined on the ground face littered with his kisses. Both of you just hold each other in the bioluminescent talking and cuddling until it was time to return home. Until tomorrow night when you could do it all over again.
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Another cuddle fan. He wants you to baby him and has no shame in his game. If you’re on the beach his head will be in your lap. PLAY WITH HIS HAIR! He is definitely a little spoon. Such a sweet angel please protect the baby boy.
You were on the beach with Tsireya repairing some saddled when Rotxo flopped next to you.
"How was training?" you ask him, moving your work off your lap.
"I'm exhausted." he sighs putting his head in your lap. "I think the chief went extra hard on us today."
"Well now you can relax while Reya and I finish our work." You smile. You run your hand in his hair for a few minutes until he fell asleep. before resuming you work. "Lo'ak must be coming soon then if training was hard."
"I hope so." Reya giggles. "I've missed him."
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Ronal and Tonowari
I love them so much. They are always having cuddle sessions when they finally go home to teach others. Being the leaders of an entire clan and their well being is a lot of work. They don’t have a specific position they go to, they just wanna hold each other. No matter what Tonowari has a hand on Ronal’s stomach.
Ronal and Tonowari had a long day apart. Tonowari had a meeting with Jake Sully so they can prepare for the coming war with the sky people. Then he had to oversee the training of young warriors. Ronal was busy training Tsireya, Kiri, AND Neytiri on the way of the Tsahik. And with the baby soon coming she could barely keep her eyes open.
"Hello," Ronal yawns when she sees Tonowari enter.
"Hello Ma'Ronal." Tonowari smiles as he lays next to his mate.
"Sorry, I'm very tired." she says. "I don't think I can stay up and talk."
"Then rest, yawnetu." he tells her. Then Tonowari gets into a comfortable position huddled next to Ronal and places a hand on her stomach. "As long as you are near I am the happiest man alive."
Taglist: @shit-i-say-shit-i-think / @im-in-a-pansexual-panik / @heart-an0n
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sakiblack · 1 year
aonung x sully reader:
reader is named Riti if you wish to have another name pretend its your selected name when someone will say Riti.
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After Nateyams wounds were healed and the res of the hurt warriors were healed me Kiri,Spider and Loak made our way to one of the labs.The one Kiris mom was in.We were walking thru the camp some of the avatars were going to rest in.
- Hey, Spider.
(said one of the avatars)
-Your ass is mine
(said Spider)
-Im right hire
(Norm said jokingly)
-Avatars only, go around!
(said a fimale as Kiri made a stupid noise in return that made me smile)
- The blue stripes don't make you bigger.
(said Loak to Spider as we made our way in to the lab)
-Yeah well i can still kick your ass.
(said Spider to Loak)
- Oh stop it you two babes, we all know I could kick both of your asses at any time of the day.
(i told both of them as i smiled at them proudly)
-Yeah ha ha wery funny.
(said Spider as we all go in to the lab)
-You know what really sucks,you can breath our air hire for  hours.And i can only inhale yours for ten seconds.
(said Spider takin gof his mask)
-Yeah that really sucks monkey boy,for you.
(said Kiri as she took one of the masks.Just as the took one of the masks Spider grabed Kiris tail as she hissed at him.That made him hiss back )
- Hey max
(said Kiri)
-Hey kids
(said Max.As Kiri and Spider stoped the little play fight they just had )
-Wats up Max
(said Loak as him Spider and i went over to them and Kiri made her way over to her mom)
-Hey guys how are you two
(i asked Max and Norm)
-Pretty good Ri
(Norm replied)
-Omg did i hear that right , you did not use a stupid nickname this time.Wow today is spacial.
(i told Norm jokingly)
-Dont get happy to fast kid
(said Norm)
(Norm called me stupid nicknames all the time.I did not mind,it was funny to me.After some time Loak ,Spider and i joined Kiri as she was watching a video of her mom talking about Pandora)
-So whu do you think knocked her up?
(asked Loak)
-Pretty sure it was Norm.
(said Spider)
-You do not deserve to live
( i said with a annoyed look on my face)
-No no no ,think about it.I mean he is the teachers pet.He is out at the lab with her all the time.
(said Loak)
-I would kill myself.I would drink acid.
(said Kiri now she as well had an annoyed look on her face)
-Bro your right he is like in every shot.Bro look look he is giving her the look
(said Spider chuckling)
(said Kiri, i could hear the sadness in her voice.That made Spider shut up.Ofc it did i know he likes Kiri so it makes sence he does not want to make her sad)
-See im thinking there are two avatars  in the woods all alone
(started Loak)
(said Kiri as she pushed him)
-Guys i mean sometimes its not so good to know who your father was.
(said Spider as Loak stoped teasing Kiri)
-Whatever,dont even remember him.
(said Spider now more sad )
-No spider
(said Loak with sympathy in his voice)
(said Spider)
-Spider,you are not him.
(i  said as i hugged him from the back)
-Ri is right Spider you are not and never will be like him
(said kiri now standing right nex to him putting her hand on his shoulder.We stayed like this for some time,me hugging Spider from the back,Kiri patting his head and loak just standing there.Spider was happy 99% and that 1 % of sadnes was when we started to talk about his dad or maybe just something that remindet him of his father.When ever that happened i was there for him.I never liked it when he was sad so i did my best to make him smile again.I know how he feels out of all of my siblings he trusts me the most)
-Kids you should go back home its getting late
(said Max)
-On it
(replied Loak.And just as he said that he started to pull me Kiri and Spider out of the lab)
-Come on guys i dont want dad to be mad
(said Loak as we made out way out of the lab)
-Yeah yeah your just scared he will be mad with you,you little baby
(i told Loak with a smirk on my face.He started to protest but i turned away to look at Spider)
-Sleep well little bro
(i told Spider as i hugged him)
-Yeah you too Ri
( replied Spider as he hugged me back.When the hug ended i gived him a smile and turned to Loak)
-Ok you big baby lets go
(i told Loak)
-Hey im not a baby
(he replied annoyed.But just as he said that i pulled his tail and started to run to our camp)
-Wha.HEY COME BACK HIRE! Night Spider!
(he shouted as he started to run after me.As i looked back at my stupid brother runing after me i could see Kiri still talking to Spider.Dear Eywa are they cute)
(as i and Loak made our way to the tent we all were living in Tuk was already waiting for us in her little bed.Dad was cleaning some guns,mom was preparing  her side of the bed and Nateyam was standing in the door way looking at me and Loak)
(i shouted as i hugged him and stepped behinde him)
-Hey Ri.Loak giving you trouble again?
(he asked as he gived a smirk to Loak.Ever since i was 3 years old Loak and i played a lot.Thoes games always endet in me running to Nateyam to seak shelter.He was always so proud that his twin sister saw him as someone she trusts .And the fact i ran to him if i was in danger made him happy and proud.So he always looked at Loak with a face telling him i see him as someone that can protect me while he was the person i was running away from)
-Kids its time for bed
(said mom as we all made our way to our beds.By then Kiri came back as well so we can all rest)
thank you for reading as i said before my english is not good so i hope you could understand everything.As before if you have any ideas for a fimale and a male nickname pls do not hesitate to contact me.If you have any ideas for what i could write i will be happy to hear about it.
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aurora-starwars · 1 year
Hi can I request a Jake sully with a female reader where he invites her to go on a date where they both fly on their ikrans before stopping in a secluded place with a nice view of Pandora and he is being cute with soft kisses, some tickling and cuddles before they both fall asleep with her head on his chest and his arms around her. Maybe with him teasing her for blushing when he is being affectionate and calling her pet names? Thanks 😊
Something Beautiful Is On The Horizon
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Pairing: Jake Sully x fem!reader
Summary: Jake and reader haven’t had a day off in a while, so Jake plans a simple night for the two of them to enjoy
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: none <3 Just fluff
A/n: Thank you so much for requesting! <333 It’s kinda short, but I hope you enjoy it! I thought it was cute! <33
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“A ride, ma tìyawn(my love)?” Jake held out his hand for [Name], who took it graciously, a smile growing on her face.
It had been a while since [Name] and felt the familiar feeling of the corners of her lips turning upwards. But, then again, Jake often had that effect on her.
Jake helped [Name] jump up on her Ikran before making his way over to his. Not without making sure she was on secure, of course. Jake and [Name] hadn’t been on a date in a while, so Jake took it upon himself to make time in both of their busy schedules for a night out, just the two of them.
The air was fresh, the wind felt crisp and dry despite their flying above a rainforest. The rush on their faces was enough to keep them awake, though they wanted to sleep after their long day. The day had been spent with tedious tasks that were not fun nor interesting, but needed to be done, and after it all, they were happy to get some fresh air.
It couldn’t have been more than ten minutes before Jake’s Ikran finally turned towards a large tree, [Name] followed close behind. The tree was tall and wide, it peak out from above the clouds and was as long as a lake. Jake and [Name] found themselves slowing their Ikran’s and landing on a large, strong branch of the tree. Not far from the top of the tree but far enough to still be below the clouds.
It was a beautiful evening, the sky pink as the sun started to peak behind the large planet next to Pandora. It had been so long since they were able see the sun eclipse that they almost forgot what it looked like. As they dismounted from their Ikran they found themselves dumbfounded at the beauty of the sky. They almost cursed themselves for being so caught up in their work.
Jake turned to [Name], watching as the colours of the sky danced on her face while she admired the fading sun. Jake had always found her beautiful, but as she was illuminated by the natural beauty of the world, [Name]’s beauty only seemed to increase ten-fold.
Pacing carefully closer, Jake took one of [Name]’s hands in his and smiled at her, “Here, follow me.”
Jake lead her up the branch, leading to what looked like a maze of branches circling the tree. Although confusing, the mess of branches of labyrinthine quality seemed to work perfecting as stairs straight up the tree. [Name] smirked at the pace Jake had set, as well as the giddy smile that rested on his soft face.
When they had made it to where ever Jake had seemed to be leading them, [Name] found that she a top another large branch, this one with fewer branches around it, allowing for complete view of Pandora. [Name] fought the urge let her jaw drop at the sight, but she couldn’t stop her eyes from widening. She took two hurried steps forward, elated to see Pandora from the best spot she could imagine.
She never thought she would see so much of Pandora in just one glance, and as she did, she felt like her heart stopped from the sheer sight. The sun was lowering and the pink still hung in the air, but as it became dark, [Name] could see the glowing bioluminescence of the forest starting to glimmer.
Her head whipped in Jakes directing, who had seemingly been admiring the view, but anyone who knew him knew otherwise.
“This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in the entire world, Jake,” [Name] beamed, her voice excited as she begun to close the space between them. “Thank you so much for showing me this, yawne(beloved).”
“Of course, ma paskalin(my sweet berry),” Jake smiled, taking [Name]’s hand in both of his.
“Also… Am I not the most beautiful thing in this world to you?” He teased, his head tilting with a smirk planted firmly on his blue face.
[Name] smiled at this, huffing humourlessly before looking in Jake’s eyes. “No, not the most beautiful think in this world…”
Jake frowned at this, his smirk falling like the water on a rainy day. [Name] smirked at his confusion and pouting, choosing to draw this out as she moved to gently hold the side of his face.
“It is because your beauty is out of this world, ma space boy,” [Name]’s smirk faded into a loving smile as Jake’s face light up once more.
[Name] giggled at his reaction, gasping as he picked her up and spun her around. After a sweet moment of spinning, the two fell on the ground in a pool of giggles and muffled laughter. As they caught their breath, they caught each other’s eyes, wide smiles found their way back on their faces.
Jake leans forwards and kisses [Name]’s forehead, pulling back with a soft smile before leaning back in for another on her cheek. [Name]’s face flushed with a deep red as Jake continued his assault of gentle kisses on her face.
“Stop that,” [Name] giggled when Jake’s hands found themselves on her hips, his fingers drawing soft circles into her skin.
“I love your laugh you know, narlor(beautiful)?” Jake asked, staring into her soul as if he could see right into her.
[Name] hid her face in his shoulder, hoping to avoid more of Jake’s teasing. Jake smiled down at her soft body, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her closer. [Name] relaxed into him further as he brought them to lie on a patch of leaves on the branch. It would always be [Name] and Jake, and thats all they ever wanted. So as they lay next to on another, holding each other so close it seemed one was scared the other would leave, they finally rested, leaving the duties of the clan for night. One night for Jake and [Name] to sleep.
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A/n: Thank you so much for reading! I hoped you liked it! <33333
Tag list (let me know if I missed you):
@nyotamalfoy @adrunkskeletonsduck @luvlykrispy @tainted-artist4161 @gamorxa
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