#And so she started getting a bunch of different green sweatshirts/clothes in general for Christmas or for Evan’s birthday
bri-cheeses · 5 months
Evan has this one green sweatshirt that looks ethereal on him, and Barty can simply not pull his eyes away from Evan when he wears it. And this occurrence had been going on for a while, even before Barty and Evan were anything more than friends. For example, Regulus would just be talking to Barty during class, and then Barty’s gaze would just drift off to something beyond Regulus’ shoulder. And Barty would still appear to be “engaged” in the conversation, nodding along and saying the right things in the right places, but mentally his mind was miles away from Regulus and the conversation he was having. In reality, his mind was taking a stroll down much stranger lanes, and he can’t help but wonder what it would be like to hug Evan right now, what it would feel like. What it would feel like to lay on Evan’s chest in front of the fireplace in the common room, playing with the hoodie strings. What it would maybe feel like to take the hoodie off of Evan, pulling it over his head in one smooth motion. And Barty really really wants to steal that sweatshirt from Evan and wear it for himself. Maybe then that girl who was chatting Evan up right now would back off then, too. Barty doesn’t really know why he has a problem with her doing so, surely it’s a somewhat normal feeling to have though—and oh Regulus is expecting a response right now, better say the right thing—but surely it doesn’t mean anything. So really, there’s no reason to think twice about it. To think twice about any of those thoughts. So he continues to gaze at Evan with hearts in his eyes, his chin resting on his hand. Young Barty Crouch Jr was not one to look and act like a love struck fool (not just yet, anyways) but when it came to Evan in that olive green sweatshirt, Barty looked like the most foolish man on earth.
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