#African American Inspiration
fyblackwomenart · 11 months
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"SZA, Muslim Women Are Everything" by Fahmida Azim on INPRNT
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weldnas · 4 months
#Seeing the dune part 2 american centric red carpet and as a devoted aficionado of the books and yk a moroccan person here are my 2 cents#Dune was one of the few Western works inspired by MENA culture that that felt genuine and respectful#But ofc despite the profound symbiosis with Middle Eastern and North African culture evident within the pages of the novels#the movie adaptation lack of substantive representation from these communities both in on-screen portrayals and within production roles was#very much disappointing in part 1 and i doubt there are any change now#While drawing inspiration from the Amazigh peoples of Algeria and Morocco#the film barely skims the surface of its MENA influences leaving substantial potential untapped#Herbert openly acknowledged the profound impact of Islam and MENA culture on his noveIs#from the metaphorical representation of Spice as oil#to the allegorical parallels drawn between the occupation of Arrakis and real-world MENA geopolitics#By marginalizing Arabs from the narrative fabric of Dune the essence of the story is being undermined particularly its anti-colonial core#the irony of this is kiIIing me because this was a direct resuIt of us impérialism on the middIe east#But the reality is that Dune is an American production tailored for an American audience so it makes sense for it to be what it is now#a big production running from its original essence#What adds to my disappointment is the fact that I liked Villeneuve's adaptation of Incendies and I had what you call foolish hope hfhg#Dune feIt Iike a squandered opportunity to authentically depict the cultural milieu that inspired it#Given the narrative's inherent anti-colonial themes#the omission of Arab and North African voices dilute its message if any of it is even left#without representation from Arabs and Amazigh people the cultural essence becomes another appropriated resource watered down to an aestheti#rather than serving as a critique of the destructive actions of colonialists seeking power and dominance#the narrative becomes susceptible to distortion and co-option by the very entities it was intended to condemn and hold accountable
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thievessaintlaurxnt · 17 days
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barbielore · 3 months
As February is Black History Month / African-American History Month (I'll be honest I don't know whether either of those terms are preferred - if someone could let me know, I would appreciate it), I thought I would make a post about how Mattel and the Barbie brand have intersected with this.
I have previously made some posts about this subject so just to collate some links:
A brief history of depictions of Black Barbies.
One of Mattel's first media tie-in dolls - Julia from the show Julia.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Barbie to commemorate America's first Black sorority.
Backstory on two of the dolls in the Barbie doll line depicted exclusively as Black women - Christie and Nikki.
The lore of Brooklyn and Malibu.
To expand on the above - I must shout out again Kitty Black Perkins by name even though I mentioned her in the history of Black Barbies post. Perkins is a now-retired Barbie designer credited with designing the first Barbie to be depicted as Black (that is to say, not a Francie or a Christie or another character - but Barbie), among other Barbies.
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In addition to the first Black Barbie, Perkins is credited with design of four Holiday Barbies, as well as a number of other Barbies and friends of Barbie - apparently designing or having input into the design of hundreds of Barbies.
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Without the influence of Perkins, it's very possible that we would not have modern doll releases featuring Brooklyn as a lead alongside Malibu.
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Mattel have included a number of historical Black women in their Inspiring Women collection; this is not all of them by any means, but an example.
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face-claims-central · 1 month
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Khadijha Red Thunder - Native American African American Spanish, 1994
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gennsoup · 4 months
We all have to start somewhere if us want to do better, and our own self is what us have to hand.
Alice Walker, The Color Purple
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nomaishuttle · 7 months
theyre adding a rice cooker and also i think a kettle in the new pack. everybody say slay count of 3
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wondermutt20 · 5 months
"I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear."
Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) - (1929-1968) - American Minister and Activist
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heartblobs · 1 year
Am I the only one who DOESNT want a generations pack? 🫠
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kharis-id · 1 year
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I Am My Ancestors Wildest Dreams
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13-years-old black girl, with that dark melanin skin, that broad nose and full lips, and them blonde-tipped-dreadlocks hanging from her head, AND GOIN TO COLLEGE TOWARD MEDICAL SCHOOL!!!
Give her ALL the flowers!
Alena Analeigh Wicker
13-year-old accepted into medical school
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thievessaintlaurxnt · 25 days
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Follow for more art 💖
(Please credit the artist if posted to other platforms)
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At best, regular show was mid when i watched it as a teenager. I'll put it on as an alternative to dead silence but it doesnt really get funnier.
I kinda ignored the "Reddit Show" meme when I checked it out but it really is such 2010s reddit le epic shit for its entire runtime. And I like some of JG Quintel's other work on shows like Flapjack and Camp Lazlo but on his own at the helm, all I can think of is that quote "Carry yourself with the confidence of a mediocre white man"
I mean I've seen worse hailed as funny, and it isn't terrible. Just not my thing. At least it's not something like Brickleberey/Paradise PD/Fazar which are not just reskins of the same exact show but actively bring down the nature of their mediums (adult animation) as a whole
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face-claims-central · 1 month
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Natalie Brown - African American, 1999
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keres-salos · 2 years
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“My identity is very clear to me now. I am a black woman, I’m not alone, I’m free. I no longer; I say I’m free because I no longer have to be a credit, I don’t have to be a symbol to anybody; I don’t have to be a first to anybody. I don’t have to be an imitation of a white woman that Hollywood sort of hoped I’d become. I’m me, and I’m like nobody else.” - Lena Horne
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nulfaga · 2 years
#thinking about it now and just off the top of my head there was that One argonian oc#there was amal the hammer (but then again that whole artist was a mess)#there was that half-elf character whose epithet was literally ''half-breed'' iirc? like as a jazzy ooh he's reclaiming it kind of thing?#then ofc an endless slew of whitewashed nazirs#and people reliably leaving like ''step on me murder daddy'' type comments on any drawing of him#and like any non transformative discussion of redguards in general sucks by definition because the source material sucks#and this is a small thing but it always bothered me how there's no internal logic to redguard names in the same way there is with others#ie imperial names are roman/italian inspired and occasionally slavic#breton names are french and nordic names are norse go figure#khajiit and dunmer names draw from a partially established conlang and/or an established system of honorifics#altmer and bosmer have the pop culturally recognized pool of elfy names with love to lotr (and a smidgeon of conlang if i'm not wrong)#but redguards have flip flopped between tes3-5 in kind of a distinct way#like morrowind names would be just random consonant clusters like chard or blerb or what have you#(with iirc a few ''vaguely arabic/african'' names in there for flavor)#oblivion tended towards contemporary english and black american names#(eg alonzo; trayvond; tamika)#and i think skyrim leaned into like the 14th century moorish vibe and tended towards arab names#which if that's the wave of the future i'm not mad at it. i know i will be mad about whatever orientalist bullshit is coming but hey#que sera sera
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