#Achilles is angy
lesaltywarlock · 1 year
Strangers Again
A story I wrote a while ago from the perspective of Achilles when he was summoned in Fate/Memoriam. It’s actually posted on ao3 but I just felt like reposting it on here! Have fun!
He felt it in the ether, like a hook had caught onto his heart and pulled him away. Someone he knew had been summoned, and he knew exactly who it was. 
The Rider-Servant Achilles checked his new Master’s door, finding it dark and silent. They were likely asleep, which was good for him. He didn’t feel like getting all buddy-buddy with them anyway.
Sprinting out the back door, Achilles then leapt into the sky spinning around to search for where the tug on his chest felt strongest. 
He ran and jumped from rooftop to rooftop into the sparkling heart of New York City. The view must be amazing up here, but his eyes were set on something far more precious than any lights. 
On the 57th floor of a massive building was a tiny balcony upon which Achilles landed on. He looked around before peering through the glass door into the home inside. He could only spot so much in the darkness, but just as he tried to open the door, the lights flashed on inside, blinding him for a second. 
That voice. The voice he could recognize in both life and death, whether soft as a hum or loud as a lion’s roar. After blinking the spots away, he gazed softly at the man standing in the doorway. His soft grey almond eyes crinkled slightly as his lips curled into a smile. He wore a black suit that wrinkled with every step he took towards Achilles. 
They melted into each other’s arms, pressing their lips together into a burning kiss. It had been eons since Achilles had felt the touch of his lover, but even now, he could trace each and every feature of Patroclus’ body with no mistake. 
“It’s really you, Patroclus.” Achilles pulled away just to drown himself in his lover’s eyes once more. He didn’t know what to do. There were so many things he could do or say, and yet…he felt so overwhelmed by the man’s entire existence that any attempts to speak came out as quiet sobs. “I haven't seen you since—“
“Wait.” Patroclus shushed him. He nervously glanced over his shoulder before pushing Achilles away. “We shouldn’t be doing this.”
He was taken aback by that. Achilles stepped forward, and Patroclus took a step back. “But…why?”
“We’re Servants now.” He said, “our loyalties lie to our Masters and—“
“Masters be damned!” Rage and frustration built up in his lungs, forcing Achilles to slam down on the balcony’s railing and let out a strained shout into the void that quickly got drowned out by the city noise below. “Why would I care about a pathetic excuse of a Mage when you’re more important than he’ll ever be?!”
Patroclus looked at him, all the kindness and love evaporated from the man’s gaze as he answered with a turned back and a slammed door. The resounding noise of the lock turning followed by the curtains blocking his view shattered his very being.  As the city quickly swallowed up the sound of the man’s footsteps, Achilles sank to the ground, unable to carry himself due to the growing hole in his heart. Servants didn’t need oxygen, and yet…he felt as if he was choking. His lungs burned for air, but any attempts to breathe came out as a sputtering cough. 
Dusk turned into dawn, and Achilles hadn’t moved a centimeter. He was too dazed to move. Frozen in time, yet his insides burned as hot as the tears flowing from his face. He was a hero, one who never stopped for anyone, but Patroclus…those words snuffed out any spark of courage inside of him. 
The sound of a lock turning pulled Achilles out of his misery, and he looked up hoping that Patroclus might’ve changed his mind. 
Instead, it was that man from earlier, the one who was supposed to summon him instead of his current Master. His eyes pierced right through Achilles like he wasn’t afraid at all. 
“You should leave. Your…” Quinn, or at least that’s what his Master called him, made a disgusted face and waved in his direction, “whatever this is, woke me up too early.”
“I just want Patroclus back.” Achilles muttered. 
Quinn rolled his eyes and shrugged. “Well, he doesn’t want you. Tough shit, now please leave. Aren’t you supposed to be with your Master?”
How someone like his Master was friends with such an…asshole, well, he didn’t know. He was beginning to feel grateful that Quinn wasn’t his Master now. Probably forcing Patroclus to do all sorts of horrible things and just being nothing but cruel. 
He must be hurting Patroclus, making him say that stuff. Making him leave. 
In a fit of rage, he drew his sword and aimed it directly at Quinn’s chest. Achilles gripped the hilt so tightly that his fingers went numb. “I could kill you right now. If you’re doing something to Patroclus, then you should tell me before I rip that head of yours from your neck.”
Quinn, who hadn't even reacted in the slightest, threw his head back in laughter. He clutched his stomach and wiped the tears from his eyes, smiling even as Achilles pressed the tip of his blade against the man’s chest. “You couldn’t hurt me even if you tried. Plus, I’m the one keeping your precious love anchored to this world in the first place, so you might want to get that sword out of my face.”
Achilles, against his better judgment, begrudgingly sheathed his blade. It would be better to keep Quinn alive, unfortunately. 
“That’s better. Now,” Quinn leaned against the railing, “I haven’t touched Lancer since he got here a few hours ago. Well, I did give him that suit but that’s it.”
“You’re lying.”
“I only speak the truth.” He replied, “and to be honest, I think that his reluctance is because of you.”
“You’re lying!” Achilles screamed, grabbing Quinn by the collar and shoving him against the glass door, hard enough that cracks webbed out from where he slammed him. “I’ll kill you if you don’t tell me what you did to him!”
Hands gripped his shoulders and wrenched him backward before Patroclus raised his arm up to guard his Master, who staggered back, clutching his chest. “And I’ll kill you before you even take a single step towards my Master.”
“Patroclus…please just—“
“He hasn’t done anything to me. Now it’s time to leave, Achilles, before I slit your throat.”
A look of sadness passed through the man’s eyes, which was quickly replaced by cold rage. “Please…just go, and don’t try this again. Next time we meet, I might not be this kind.”
“Patroclus…..” Achilles said again, softer this time. “Don’t you want to be with me?”
“Go.” He commanded, tears beginning to stream down his face. “From now on, you and I are strangers. I don’t know you, and you sure as hell don’t know me.”
Gritting his teeth, Achilles turned and jumped off. As the air whipped around him, he stole one final glance back up at the balcony. Patroclus and Quinn were already gone. 
“I’ll save you, Patroclus.” He promised, “we’ll be together again soon.”
In spirit form, it was a quick trip back to his Master’s house. He arrived just as the sun began to peek over the horizon, casting its glow over the sleepless city. Patroclus would’ve loved this view. 
The constant sound of tapping alerted him as he walked up the stairs. Achilles went into his spirit form again, not wanting to have to deal with his Master waking up, only to find that he was still awake, tapping away at some weird…rectangle thingy. The information the Grail gave him told him that it was called a “keyboard”, used to “type” on a “computer”. 
Achilles moved in closer, examining the man’s face as he flitted between images on the computer. His eyes drooped every now and then, and Jace fell forward only to catch himself at the last second before he would collide with the screen. He grunted, perhaps in frustration, and placed a hand over his chest, which started to glow with warm golden energy. 
A few seconds later, he went straight back to work, although this time, he had more vigor. 
Has he been awake the entire night? 
Curious as to what could keep his Master up, he stared at the massive screen in front of them, finding many pages filled to the brim with information on spells, incantations, and most importantly, the history of the Holy Grail Wars. Every now and then, Jace would bring his hands together and summon a ball of energy, whether it be forged from ice, fire, or otherwise. 
Each spell seemed to suck the life out of him, causing frost to cling to his fingertips which he dusted off on his shoulder. Hell, it looked as if it drained his skin of all life and color. He must be exhausted, and yet, Achilles himself didn’t feel an ounce of fatigue despite his Master’s apparent lack of energy. Perhaps, most of Jace’s remaining Mana must be going to him, even if it meant some sort of damage to his body.
How…selfless of him. Suddenly, Achilles was starting to feel bad for some of the things he said to Patroclus earlier. Still, Jace couldn’t be anything more than the usual conniving Mage who only uses Servants for their bidding. Selfless or not, they’re usually all the same. His priority was winning and reuniting with Patroclus, nothing more. 
And yet…maybe there’s more to Jace than meets the eye, especially when he asked about resurrecting someone with the Grail. Maybe they had similar interests, which would definitely benefit them both. 
Well, there’s not much he could do but wait and see how things develop. Jace can’t be trusted just yet, Master or not.
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darlingsart · 6 months
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Some Skyros silliness!
I like to think that after the ‘my husband’ scene in the book, Achilles was absolutely insufferable about it, calling Patroclus his husband whenever he could and really playing up the whole married woman thing while they were there lmao
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redrocketpanda · 2 years
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Had this revelation last night and now I cannot stop laughing
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johaerys-writes · 2 months
Hello😁😁😁 A WIP Wednesday, if you don't mind? Have a nice day!
Hello! I hope you're having a nice day too! <3 I've been working on the next chapter of As Fate Would Have it for the past week and it's almost ready to post, so I'll share a small bit that I hope is not too spoilery:
"All done," Patroclus says, gathering the remaining pieces of wood and his hammer. "Let’s go back inside."
"Chiron wants us to gather some snow to melt into water as well," he says. He sounds a little breathless and hoarse. It is unusual for him; Patroclus has watched him perform much more strenuous tasks without breaking a sweat, but he seems completely rung out now. "I'll go fetch the buckets." 
“Leave them; I’ll do it,” Patroclus says, but Achilles, once again, ignores him. He turns around, but doesn’t manage to take more than a couple steps before stopping abruptly, swaying a little on his feet. Patroclus lets the pieces of wood fall in a clatter and rushes forward to catch him before he falls. 
"Are you alright?" he asks in a panic, searching Achilles' face. “What happened?”
Achilles' gaze is unfocused, his head lolling backwards. He blinks his eyes back into focus, shivering in Patroclus' arms. 
"I’m… uh…" Achilles’ cheeks flush an even more feverish red at their proximity. "I'm fine."
"You're not fine. I told you you should go back to the cave, get some rest." 
"I don’t need rest. It was just a dizzy spell, that's all. There’s nothing wrong with me, I can— I can work." Achilles tries to extricate himself from Patroclus’ hold, but stops abruptly when a strong shudder runs through him. He presses his hand to his stomach, his features twisting in pain.
Patroclus instantly feels sorry for him. He can’t help it. Achilles is the last person on earth Patroclus would want anything to do with right now—it’s true, it really is—but the need to take care of him and keep him safe quickly overwhelms him. Achilles' well being is his responsibility after all, at least partly. Regardless of all his wounded feelings, he can’t shun his duty.
Achilles gasps in surprise when Patroclus lifts him up into his arms and gets on his feet. “What are you doing? Put me down!”
“That’s it, I’m taking you back to the cave,” Patroclus declares, holding Achilles more tightly against his chest when he tries to push himself away. "And stop squirming. I'll drop you on your ass and it'll all be your fault."
“I don’t need you to—”
“I can’t have you fainting all over my work," Patroclus snaps. “So be quiet and let me do this, alright?”
Achilles sulks and pouts all the way back to the cave, letting Patroclus carry him. He doesn’t say a word as Patroclus deposits him on the furs close to the hearth, then stirs the embers to life and places on it a pot of water. He prepares the tea in silence, and doesn’t leave until Achilles is bundled in blankets with a cup of steaming tea in his hands. 
"And don't you move from here. Yes?"
"Hmph," Achilles says, glaring at him from within his blanket cocoon.
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recurringwriter · 1 year
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"You've always been here for us, haven't you?" he asked the animal.  Ange watched him with big, dark eyes.  "Just as we are at the side of the royal family, you stand by us.  And--I am grateful.  I know that I have nothing to fear."
Read Ange D'Aurore on AO3
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fangedtracks · 1 year
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alibonbonn · 1 year
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Oo I really like Achilles’s angy face here
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bdslab · 11 months
Best BD Character Hairstyle Tournament
Nominations are closed and the bracket is set! It’s time to see who’s hair comes out top! Polls will open July 8 at 9AM EDT and will run for 1 day each (I haven’t seen enough activity across the various BD fanbases to warrant one week polls). I’ll include links to each poll here after it goes live.
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3 characters unfortunately did not make the cut but will receive honorable mentions: Titeuf (Titeuf), Cybersix/Adrien (Cybersix), and Clifton (Clifton). Since we received 67 nominations but only 64 could make it in, these 3 missed the cut.
The Favorites (most likely to make it to semifinals):
Prunelle (Gaston) Blutch (Les Tuniques Bleues) Lucky Luke (Lucky Luke) Mademoiselle Jeanne (Gaston)
Previous tournament winners (x)
Round 1
Léon Prunelle (Gaston) vs Ray Banana (Ray Banana)
Anoukis (FRNCK) vs Simon (Largo Winch)
Yoko Tsuno (Yoko Tsuno) vs Colonel Olrik (Blake & Mortimer)
Jules de Chez Smith en Face (Gaston) vs Aria (Aria)
Falbala (Asterix) vs Julie Petit-Clou (La Fille de l'Exposition Universelle)
Asterix (Asterix) vs Smurfette (Smurfs)
Obelix (Asterix) vs La Divinité (L'incal)
Count Champignac (Spirou & Fantasio) vs Cancrelune (Melusine)
Miss Jeanne (Gaston) vs Natacha (Natacha)
Normal hair Disciple (Léonard) vs Miss Crumble (Détectives)
Mina (Lou!) vs Li Xiong Mao (Freaks Squeel)
Tintin (Tintin) vs Nävis (Sillage)
Yves Lebrac (Gaston) vs Regis Renaud (Les Petits Hommes)
Long Hair Bizu (Bizu) vs Chesterfield (Les Tuniques Bleues)
Lou (Lou!) vs Freddy Lombard (Freddy Lombard)
Spip (Spirou & Fantasio) vs ElectroCute (Maliki)
Blutch (Les Tuniques Bleues) vs Pico Bogue (Pico Bogue)
Kenza (FRNCK) vs Largo Winch (Largo Winch)
Thorgal (Thorgal) vs Rasputin (Corto Maltese)
Piotr Skut (Tintin) vs Achille Talon (Achille Talon)
Fantasio (Spirou & Fantasio) vs Bragon (La Quête de l'Oiseau du Temps)
Lou's Mom (Lou!) vs Jolly Jumper (Lucky Luke)
Cacofonix (Asterix) vs Calendula (Isabelle)
Smurfwillow (Smurfs) vs Leïla (Seuls)
Lucky Luke (Lucky Luke) vs Phil Perfect (Phil Perfect)
Frédérick Abstraight (Détectives) vs Disciple in T23 on P7 (Léonard)
Marion Duval (Marion Duval) vs Rais Kader (De Capes et de Crocs)
Prof Calculus (Tintin) vs Tyneth (Trolls de Troy)
Melusine (Melusine) vs Lanfeust (Lanfeust de Troy)
Schnockbul (Bizu) vs Angie (Lucky Luke)
Gaston Lagaffe (Gaston) vs Gil Jourdan (Gil Jourdan)
Spirou (Spirou & Fantasio) vs Yvan (Seuls)
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About this blog
Hi everyone! 💜
This is an ask blog for my modern omegaverse Patrochilles AU, which I’m currently writing on AO3 (Link!). Questions will be answered with art and/or text! My name is Angie (24 || she/her), and you can find me over on my main blog @darlingfreddie or my art blog @darlingsart where I’ll be posting art for this AU and my other AU + other random drawings/doodles.
This AU follows Patroclus and Achilles’ lives after meeting at a party and getting together a few months later. In this AU, Achilles is a famous musician, the lead singer of a band named Arete where his bandmates are Odysseus, Diomedes, and his cousin Ajax (referred to as AJ!). Patroclus is on the road to becoming a trauma surgeon and is in his third year of residency. Together, they’re navigating their hectic careers, paparazzi, and life in general while being madly in love.
At the start of this blog, they are still just dating but I'll be moving on to them getting married and starting a family very soon. The About Page will be updated accordingly!
What are their secondary genders?: Achilles is an omega and Patroclus is an alpha.
How does this omegaverse work?: So, I've made this AU by pulling a number of ideas from different fics and resources since this is my first time handling omegaverse! Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics in this AU are more non-traditional than in some other AUs, alphas are frequently in relationships with other alphas, omegas with other omegas, etc. I'd like to think that there aren't any rules or much stigma around that.
How old are they?: Currently, Achilles is 26 and Patroclus is 27.
How long have they been together?: About three years at the start of this blog. They are currently still dating.
Family members?: Achilles has a close relationship with his father, Peleus, although he and his mother Thetis had a falling out when he was 17 and haven’t spoken since. Patroclus is very close with his adoptive father, Chiron.
Friends?: They share a mutual group of friends including Odysseus, Diomedes, AJ, Penelope, Briseis, and Automedon (referred to as Auto!). Patroclus is closest to Briseis and Achilles is closest to Penelope. Achilles is also friends with Helen, a movie actress he met a few years ago.
Education?: Patroclus is in his third year of residency after finishing med school and Achilles left high school before he could finish.
—This list will be updated as questions are answered/fics are written!—
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Plant names that are used as names or might be nice as names
Abelia (Abby, Bibi, Bel, Bee, Lia)
Achillea (feminine of Achilles; Lea)
Aletris (like Alexis or Beatris; Al, Allie, Tris, Trissy)
Alisma (Al, Allie, Lee, Alis, Lissy)
Alliaria (Al, Allie, Lia, Lee, Ria)
Amaranthus (actual name already; Amy, Mara, Anne, Annie)
Ambrosia (actual name already; Amy, Rosie)
Ammophila (Amy, Phil)
Andromeda (actual name already; Anne, Annie, Andy, Mimi)
Angelica (actual name already; Angie)
Anise (Anne, Annie)
Anthea (actual name already; Anne, Annie, Thea)
Apple (actual name already)
Aquilegia (Gigi)
Aralia (Lee, Lia)
Argemone (Gem, Gemmy, Monnie)
Argentina (Gen, Genny, Tina)
Arisaema (Aris)
Aronia (Ro, Nia)
Artemisia (actual name already; Art, Arty, Mimi, Missy)
Ash/Ashley (actual name already)
Aster (like Esther)
Barley (like Bartley)
Betula (Bett, Bettie, Tula)
Bluet (Blue, Bett, Bettie)
Blossom (actual name already)
Calla (Cal, Al, Allie)
Callirhoe (Cal, Al, Allie, Ro)
Caltha (Cal, Al, Allie)
Calystegia (Cal, Al, Aly, Gia)
Carya (actual name already)
Celastrus (like Celeste; Cece, Cela)
Celosia (like Celeste; Cece, Cela)
Chelone (Lonnie)
Cherry (actual name already)
Clarkia (Clark, Kia, Kiki)
Claytonia (Clay, Toni)
Clematis (Clem)
Cleome (Cleo, Clem, Mimi)
Clintonia (Clint, Lin, Toni)
Clover (Clo)
Comandra (like Cassandra; Anne, Annie, Andy, Maddie, Mandy)
Commelina (Mel, Lina, Melly, Lin, Lee)
Dahlia (like Delia or Thalia)
Daisy (actual name already)
Dale (actual name already)
Dalea (like Delia or Thalia)
Daphne (actual name already)
Datura (Dottie, Tura)
Della (actual name already)
Dianthus (Dia, Dianne, Anne, Annie)
Drosera (Dro, Ro, Sera)
Erigenia (Eri, Gigi, Gen, Genny, Genie, Genia, Nia)
Evadne (actual name already; Eve, Evie, Eva)
Fern (actual name already)
Filipendula (Fil, Filly, Flippa, Penn, Penny)
Flower/Fleure/Flora/etc. (actual names already)
Forest (actual name already)
Gale (actual name already)
Ginger (actual name already)
Grindelia (Dede, Delia, Lia)
Halesia (Hal, Hally, Al, Allie)
Hazel (actual name already)
Heather (actual name already)
Holly (actual name already)
Hydrangea (Hydie, Angie, Gigi)
Iris (actual name already)
Isotria (Izzy, Tria)
Juniper (actual name already; June, Junie)
Laurel (actual name already)
Lavender (actual name already; Lav, Vendy)
Leafie (actual name already)
Liatris (like Beatris; Li, Lia, Tris, Trissy)
Lilac (like Lilah)
Lily (actual name already)
Linaria (Lin, Linny)
Lindera (Lin, Linny, Lindy)
Linnaea (Lin, Linny)
Lobelia (Lo, Lola, Bel, Lia)
Lonicera (Lon, Lonnie, Cera)
Lotus (actual name already; Lottie)
Lunaria (Lulu, Luna)
Magnolia (Maggie, Nola, Lia)
Malia (actual name already)
Maple (like Maybel; May)
Meadow (actual name already)
Melia (actual name already; Mel, Melly)
Melothria (Mel, Melly)
Mentha (actual name already)
Mertensia (like Mercedes)
Mitchella (feminine of Mitchel; Mimi, Mitch, Chella)
Monarda (Monnie, Mona)
Montia (like Monty; Monnie, Monty, Tia)
Myrtle (actual name already)
Myrica (like Erica)
Oakley (actual name already)
Olive/Olivia/etc. (actual name already)
Pansy (actual name already)
Peach (actual name already)
Peltandra (Pel, Tandy, Andy)
Persicaria (Persi, Kari, Carrie, Caria)
Petunia (actual name already)
Phyllis (actual name already)
Pontederia (Ted, Teddie)
Poppy (actual name already)
Praline (Lina)
Primula (Prima)
Prunella (Nel, Nelly, Nella)
Robinia (Rob, Robby, Bob, Bobby, Robin, Nia)
Rose/Rosa/Rosaria/Rhode/etc. (actual names already)
Rosemary (actual name already)
Salvia (like Silvia; Sally, Vivi)
Silvia/Sylvie/Sylvaine/etc. (actual name already; Vivi)
Tansy (actual name already)
Valley (Val, Al, Alley)
Vallisneria (Val, Valli, Al, Alli, Allis, Lissy, Neri)
Veronica (actual name already)
Violet/Viola/etc. (actual name already; Vi, Vivi)
Willow (actual name already; Will, Willie)
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theveriest · 5 months
A couple of weeks ago I asked about people’s favorite book or books they read this year. Between Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and discord, I have a list of 123 books in no particular order that my friends and family loved this year. If it was a series then I listed the first book. Each star is an additional recommendation. I haven’t read all of these, they may or may not reflect my personal opinions, though my favorite books are on the list too. The most recommended books were How Far The Light Reaches by Sabrina Imbler, one or all of the Murderbot books by Martha Wells, and Light from Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki, because if there’s one thing my friends have in common across platforms, it’s that you’re all nerds (affectionate). Enjoy, and I hope you find your new favorite book!
Reformatory by Tananarive Due
Not My Father’s Son by Alan Cumming
Jesus and John Wayne by Kristen Kobes de Mez
The Soul Of An Octopus by Sy Montgomery
Rough Sleepers by Tracy Kidder
The Going To Bed Book by Sandra Boynton
My Hijacking by Martha Hodes
Longhand by Andy Hamilton
Babel by RF Kuang*
The Vaster Wilds by Lauren Groff*
Lies We Sing To The Sea by Sarah Underwood
The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise by Dan Gemeinhart
Dress Coded by Carrie Firestone
I Lost My Tooth! by Mo Willems
The Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros
Spirits Abroad by Zen Cho
How Far The Light Reaches by Sabrina Imbler**
Radiant Fugitives by Nawaaz Ahmed
Solito: A Memoir by Javier Zamora
The Making of Another Motion Picture Masterpiece by Tom Hanks
These Precious Days by Ann Patchett*
I’m Stuck by Julia Mills
Entangled Life by Martin Sheldrake
Iris by Eden Finley
Hot Vampire Next Door by Nikki St. Crowe
Devil of Dublin by BB Easton
Tied by Carian Cole
Romantic Comedy by Curtis Sittenfeld*
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
From Blood And Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Where I End by Sophie White
Wool by Hugh Howey
The Six Deaths of the Saint by Alix E. Harrow
Yellowface by RF Kuang
Idlewild by James Frankie Thomas
North Woods by Daniel Mason
After Sappho by Selby Wynn Schwartz
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin*
The Fragile Threads of Power by VE Schwab
My Heart is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones
Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari
The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
The Book of the Unnamed Midwife by Meg Elison
Call Your Daughter Home by Deb Spera
The English Understand Wool by Helen Dewitt
Preserving Food Without Freezing or Canning by The Gardeners & Farmers of Terre Vivante
How Not to Drown in a Glass of Water by Angie Cruz
Blood Like Magic by Liselle Sambury
Firekeeper’s Daughter by Angeline Boulley
Love In The Time of Serial Killers by Alicia Thompson
Imogen, Obviously by Becky Albertalli
The Wicked Bargain by Gabe Cole Novoa*
Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle
Welcome to Night Vale by Jeffrey Cranor and Joseph Fink
The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas
The Last Mapmaker by Christina Soontornvat
Funny You Should Ask by Elissa Sussman
Gideon The Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Prophet by Sin Blache and Helen MacDonald*
Light From Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki**
System Collapse by Martha Wells***
The Brutish Museums by Dan Hicks
A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine*
A Desolation Called Peace by Arkady Martine
A Psalm For The Wild Built by Becky Chambers*
Several People Are Typing by Calvin Kasulke
The Lazarus Heist by Geoff White
The September House by Carissa Orlando*
I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao
The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White
Mistletoe and Mishigas by MA Wardell
A Restless Truth by Freya Marske
The Last Smile In Sunder City by Luke Arnold
The Hidden Case of Ewan Forbes by Zoe Playden
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
Manywhere by Morgan Thomas
Shit Cassandra Saw by Gwen E. Kirby
Loot by Tania James
The Art Thief by Michael Finkel
Grave Expectations by Alice Bell
Astrid Parker Doesn’t Fail by Ashley Herring Blake
A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske
Kiss Her Once For Me by Alison Cochrun
The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison
All Systems Read by Martha Wells
The Once and Future Sex by Eleanor Janega
Mort by Terry Pratchett
Into The Drowning Deep by Mira Grant
Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel
Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner*
The Door by Magda Szabo
Fluids by May Leitz
The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend by Katarina Bivald
Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Lieut. John Irving, R.N. of H.M.S. "Terror" in Sir John Franklin's last expedition to the Arctic regions a memorial sketch with letters
In Five Years by Rebecca Serle
Raven the Pirate Princess by Jeremy Whitley
Under the Whispering Door by TJ Klune
The Fiancée Farce by Alexandria Bellefleur
Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb
Slewfoot by Brom
The Secret Life of Groceries by Benjamin Lorr
500 Miles From You by Jenny Colgan
O Caledonia by Elspeth Barker
The Hand That First Held Mine by Maggie O’Farrell
The Secret Lives of Country Gentleman by KJ Charles
A Line In The World by Dorthe Nors
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
Glitter and Concrete by Elyssa Maxx Goodman
The Spear Cuts Through Water by Simon Jimenez
Tender Is The Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica
The Tragic Menagerie by Lydia Zinovieva-Annibal (translated by Jane Costlow)
The 100 Years Of Lenni and Margot by Marianne Cronin
Beartown by Fredrik Backman
I Have Some Questions For You by Rebecca Makkai
Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver
Tom Lake by Ann Patchett
Starling House by Alix E. Harrow
Twisted Love by Ana Huang
Precise Oaths by Paige E. Ewing
Hench by Natalie Zina Walschots
A Dead Djinn In Cairo by P. Djeli Clark
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darlingsart · 3 months
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Drew some sleep deprived first time parents to cheer myself up after a long day. They need a nap so bad lmao
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feiar · 2 months
Oh so YOUR doing this now huh
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Oh and also
If you want something different
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Never before seen doodle of Achilles
Do with it as you please
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I have to lower the quality because I have so many damn
So here's angy icia
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jonathan-sins · 2 months
Book recommendations?
I rlly need to check my inbox more than once a year -_-b
To answer your question, there are bunch of good books and genres, so I put together a list with a little bit of everything I love <3
The Great Gatsby
No Longer Human/A Shameful Life
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Notes From the Underground
A Clockwork Orange
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
All Quiet On the Western Front
Fahrenheit 451
Shakespeares works
Edgar Allan Poes works
The Iliad
The Odyssey
Magical Realism
Babel: an Arcane History
American Gods
The Night Circus (more magical than realism imo)
The Book of Dust (prequel to His Dark Materials, witch I haven’t finished but it’s good so far)
The Caraval Series
Before the Coffee Gets Cold series
The Secret History
One of us is lying
The Hate U Give
Concrete Rose (sequel to THUG)
Bear town
Grown Ups
Part of Your World
The Woman who Stole My Life
Queer stories
Heart stopper series
Red White and Royal Blue
PROUD (short story, poetry, and art collection)
All Out: the No-Longer Secret Stories of Queer Throughout the Ages
The Song of Achilles
Angie Thomas
Phillip Pullman
Juno Dawson
Albert Camus
Junji Ito (technically a manga artist)
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Marian Keyes
Mark Twain
Victor Hugo
Madeline Miller
The Ultimate Hitchhikers Guide
Doctor Who and The Krikkitmen
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Project Hail Mary
Non fiction
A Brief History of Time
The Myth of Normal
I’m Glad my Mom Died
Dot. Con (the one by John Cassidy)
… this ended up a lot longer than I planned, but I think that’s a good thing!
A lot of these books are very well known already and some of them you’ve probably read in school or something, but what can i say? They’re classics for a reason
Please check the trigger warnings, and have fun!
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thelastspeecher · 11 days
vulpixen replied to your post: “vulpixen replied to your post: “Okay so I just...”
Would Stan and Junior have a Flier?
​hell yeah they have fliers! most Underlanders do.
Stan's is named Achilles and Junior's is named Eros. the other Stangie kids have fliers as well, but I haven't come up with names for them lol.
and btw Angie's flier is named Persephone.
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wellthebardsdead · 2 years
Me: *writing more deaths prison au*
The evil gremlin: *stabbing my brain with a pitchfork* hey… what if Jack secretly severed Gabes Achilles’ tendons before Angie got to him and he’ll never be able to actually walk again?… just because he doesn’t want him to leave aga-
Me: *beating them with the pitchfork* GET BACK IN YOUR CAGE THIS IS A FLUFF FIC!!!!
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