lesaltywarlock · 1 year
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Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh y
Fate/Memoriam Servant - Caster
Caster, a simple bard with nothing to his name but a magical pipe
He claims to be a simple bard, but there is much more to him than meets the eye. I hear there has been a plague spreading throughout the city. Take caution next time you head out, and perhaps take some time to listen to his music. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?
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lesaltywarlock · 1 year
*after debriefing the soldiers*
Achilles: Any questions?
Random soldier: I’d take an arrow for you Patroclus!
Patroclus: *blushing* That wasn’t a question…
Achilles: *scoffing and mildly offended* Irrelevant. I’d take a thousand arrows for Patroclus. Next!
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lesaltywarlock · 1 year
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picture of your favorite moe anime sidegirl kouhais from your favorite gacha games
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lesaltywarlock · 1 year
I find Quinn Laghari as a character very funny to me not for any substantial reasons relating to them but for the fact that I have a character named Quinn who would in fact call himself a smoking hot warlord and frankly I think the idea of them gassing each other up is so funny
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lesaltywarlock · 1 year
“WE CAN’T FUCK THIS” Not with that attitude you can’t smh
destiny fans are so funny bc everyone was drawing nezarec as this twinky warlock and when his official design was revealed they went WE CANT FUCK THIS!!!! shut up he rules
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lesaltywarlock · 1 year
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lesaltywarlock · 1 year
love that part of destiny where the Traveler was like “it’s Travelin’ time.” And started Traveling all over the place
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lesaltywarlock · 1 year
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Golden Apple and Forbidden Fruit
I went a little hectic on this one! I have an NSFW version on my twitter here!
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lesaltywarlock · 1 year
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Fun fact, I’ve given all the Masters in Fate/Memoriam a set of (canon) Servants based on compatibility, and Arthur stands as Jace’s most compatible Servant. Jace overall is a very knightly character, a soldier with a dedication towards honor. I think he has a very idealistic view on the world and strives to help others as much as he can, so…I generally think Arthur responds very well to his ideals. Also! I have an AU of the characters in Fate/Requiem, and that’s where Jace summons Arthur! They own a little cafe and even have an (adopted) kid together :D
…Sorry Achilles
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lesaltywarlock · 1 year
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vanilla extract might be my favorite new meme
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lesaltywarlock · 1 year
A story set after chapter 3 of Fate/Memoriam, after a magnificent gala where Servant and Master met in celebration of their war. Two lost souls meet each other in the dead of night, 
I found this on ao3 and kinda loved it so I’m reposting it here lmao. It was made for ocxcanon week last year
Patroclus hated the Rider Servant Achilles. He hated that man with a passion. His stubbornness, his pride, his unabashed thirst for battle. He hated how swiftly he went through life, without any regard for anyone, not even himself.
And yet, after everything had gone wrong, Achilles had the gall to stop just to see him as if nothing happened. Thousands of years later, here in New York City in the midst of a war that pitted them against each other, and yet Achilles stood before him without an ounce of fear.
“I thought I told you to stay away, stranger.” He opened the glass sliding door and glared at his former love. Patroclus had to remind himself of the promise he made a few days ago. They no longer knew each other. He no longer knew Achilles. “I could kill you for your foolishness.”
The Rider Servant smiled widely, unfazed when Patroclus conjured his spear and pressed it against their chest. Achilles was dressed in a tattered suit that his blade tore through, slightly exposing skin underneath the fabric.
He tried not to stare.
“I wasn’t able to dance with you at the banquet earlier.” Rider said, “I couldn’t even find you there.”
“That’s because I knew you would come looking for me.” Patroclus gripped his spear until his knuckles turned white. He then sneered at the Servant. “I did see you dancing with Berserker though. Perhaps you should try and court her instead of me, though the death she’d give you is far more brutal than what I could do. Maybe that’s what you need.”
Rider glared at him. “I’m starting to think that you don’t want me here.”
“Because I don’t!” He yelled, wincing at the loudness of his own voice. His Master was asleep, and he didn’t want to wake them after such a hard day. Patroclus sucked in a breath and spoke in a low, seething tone. “Why would I want you here? After you deliberately chose to go to war, after I had to clean up after your mistakes and face the repercussions? Even in my second life, I’ve no choice but to wear my humiliation and grief on my shoulders as a constant reminder that we were never meant to be. So, why the hell would I want to see you?!”
Patroclus’ chest burned. Tears clung to the corner of his eyes, leaving streaks of moisture across his face as they fell and pooled at his feet. He wanted to hate Achilles. He wanted to be angry, and yet….
He fell to his knees. His spear clattered to the ground as he pulled at his hair, almost pulling them from their roots trying to contain the emotions welling inside of him.
Achilles said nothing. Patroclus heard his footsteps grow closer. He wanted to pick up his weapon and keep them away, but before he could, arms wrapped tight around him.
“I love you.” Achilles murmured. His voice trembled but never broke or faltered. “I love you more than the Fates would allow me.”
Patroclus hated Achilles.
“I’ve searched for you for millennia.” He continued, “I don’t care about this damn war. I just want to see you.”
He hated this more than anything because he knew that they wouldn’t be together during this war no matter how hard Achilles tried. No matter how hard either of them tried, fate would just pull them apart again.
Patroclus pushed Achilles away, surprised to find his face stained with tears as well. The man’s expression fell, almost disappointed. He stood up and began to walk away, but a meek voice inside of him screamed to not let them go.
“Achilles, wait.” He grabbed the Servant’s hand and squeezed it as tight as possible. Achilles gave him an empty stare, which only made his guilt grow even larger, threatening to consume his very core. Patroclus sighed, “there are things at work here that you wouldn’t be able to comprehend. I can’t be with you. Surely you must understand that.”
“But we could.” Achilles begged, “our Masters are friends, just like us. Can’t you convince him to change his mind?”
He shook his head. “Quinn’s will is not his own. Neither is mine. Should you see me out there, just pretend that isn’t me.”
Patroclus hardened his gaze. “I love you, Achilles. Which is why you must go, and you must stay away no matter what. Stay with your Master at all costs. Protect him with your life. That is the duty of a Servant, one you must obey. If not for me, then your pride as a hero.”
Letting go was one of the most difficult things he’d ever done since putting on this accursed armor. From this moment on, they truly would become strangers once more. Achilles’ hand slipped through his fingers like sand in an hourglass, and he could only watch his love smile and disappear.
He got up to his feet and ran to the edge of the balcony. In the distance, on top of one of the lower buildings neighboring his new home, Patroclus spotted him.
A whistle pierced the air. With that, Achilles was gone in the blink of an eye. His chariot flew up into the sky and disappeared above the clouds.
“You don’t have to be so harsh, you know.”
Quinn Rambert stood next to him holding a glass of water, although the distinct smell of alcohol told otherwise. “Well, I can’t really judge. I tried to kill my best friend and probably traumatized him or ruined our friendship for life.”
Patroclus sighed. “Do we really have to do this?”
“Can you imagine what would happen if we didn’t?” Quinn asked, placing the glass on the railing and carefully sliding it over to him. “I wish I could let you two be together, trust me. I fell in love with your love for each other so many years ago. It really sucks to see it falling apart before my own eyes.”
He took the glass and sipped, gagging at the taste of vodka that may as well have been entirely alcohol. Patroclus immediately handed it back to Quinn saying, “do you at least have wine or something?”
“Probably.” His Master grinned. “Let me see if I’ve got a bottle of Bordeaux, then we can go do something fun like watch a movie or something.”
He stole one more glance at the city, and he hoped that Achilles might just be standing there looking at him again. Of course, there was nothing but lights. Lights that blinded him the more he stared at them. Patroclus looked away and smiled. “I think I’d like that. Thank you, Quinn.”
“For you, dear Patroclus, I’d do anything.” He said, “we may not get our happy endings this time, but we might as well try to get close.”
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lesaltywarlock · 1 year
A Regular Day For Griffin Fogarty
A story about how Griffin Fogarty met a Demon. 
I was working on Griffin’s profile when I thought about this fic I made a while ago, detailing the story of how he met his Servant. I want to make similar stories for the rest of the Masters as well, but...well, I’ll get to that eventually.
What a beautiful day, ain’t it? The sun’s shining, the birds are chirping, and the car exhaust is as rotten as it was the day before.
“What a beautiful day.” Griffin Fogarty repeated his inner monologue, only questioning his sanity for a few seconds before sitting up. Reaching his arms up above his head to stretch, he promptly banged his knuckles on the metal roof of the van he called home. He recoiled and rubbed his mildly sore hands. “Jesus, I really need to stop doing that.”
Seriously, there were indents from how often he’s done that. 
To start off the day, he did his morning routine as anyone would. He neatly folded his thin blanket and placed it on the upper right corner of his mattress before throwing open the van’s back doors and slipping on some gym shoes. Griffin hopped out onto the blacktop of the gas station parking lot to go buy some breakfast. 
The familiar jingle of digital bells greeted him when he entered, along with the bored expression of the clerk at the door. An old Italian woman, with a voice ragged and scratchy from years of smoking, but she was kind and gave him free reign of the drink machines. 
“Hey, Griffin.” They said, just like always, with a heavy accent. “Just the usual?”
“Yes, please! Oh, actually I just got paid yesterday, so I might be able to splurge a bit more this time.” He placed down a crumpled up ten dollar bill with a cocky grin. “I’ll actually pay for my coffee this time. 
The woman’s name tag reflected the morning sun into his eyes, displaying her name. Janice. She smiled at him, perhaps the first expression of interest she’s made today. “Really, now? Why don’t you use it for something better.”
He denied it at first, but she kept insisting, so he eventually relented. Griffin roamed the three short aisles of snacks and occasional premade meals before choosing out some trail mix, a salad, and a Gatorade for when he gets thirsty. There weren’t many options he could choose when it came to meals, as most of them contained meat, but he’s grown to like what little he had. He also got his usual coffee order, adding as much cream and sugar as humanly possible in the tall paper cup filled with slightly burnt vanilla flavored coffee. 
Janice scanned his things and handed him his precious change before they bid their farewells. Today was a weekday, and he only got gas on Sundays. He hopped into the ripped up, sun bleached driver’s seat of his van and sped off into the city he’s memorized like the back of his hand. 
The gym was his first stop, as always, where he greeted the man at the front desk who only worked Mondays before heading off to his usual round of machinery. He had no need for exercising this frequently every morning, but it was a nice way to get him energized and ready to take on the world. 
Also, gyms had showers, and since he didn’t exactly have a home, a corresponding gym membership would allow him to use said shower all he wanted. Which he did, for maybe a good thirty minutes afterwards. 
Today was an off day for him. The past few days have been off days for him, mostly because he couldn’t find work after being let go from his old job, and it was rare for anyone to come to him of all people for appliance maintenance or locksmithing no matter how much he advertised it online. The only exception was yesterday, when he miraculously snagged a job helping someone locked outside of their home. 
After changing into much cleaner and less sweaty clothes in his van, he then drove to the local library. Having a library card was also a much needed expense since they had free wifi, computers, and, of course, books! Grabbing his old backpack that was practically ripping apart from years of use, he headed inside and plopped onto his usual spot at one of the many wooden long tables inside. 
Griffin was still a student after all, taking a few online classes over the summer partly for fun and to finish off some electives he missed before. School was difficult, but having a full ride made things a bit easier, or at least it motivated him enough to keep trying for at least a B+. Without it, he’d probably have gone into debt which he sure as hell didn’t need when he didn’t even have a home.
His stomach’s incessant growling signaled the end of today’s work session. As he left the library and navigated through the parking lot, he mentally tallied up the money he had saved up along with the number of places to eat at. In the end, he decided on his favorite taco truck that was always close to where some of his friends lived. It was hard being on the streets as a vegetarian, but the owners of the truck were kind enough to start making vegetarian options for him. 
He was about to start the engine when he noticed a slip of paper peeking out from the lower left corner of his windshield. Griffin stared at it for a few seconds before fear ran through his spine. He let out a defeated sigh and got out to retrieve the ticket. 
“Come on, New York, what the hell did I do wrong this time?” He groaned and pushed the door open with his foot. “Seriously, you see a guy living in a van and think he’s a criminal or something….”
When he grabbed the ticket, he was surprised to see that it very much wasn’t a ticket. In fact, it was a parchment adorned with a golden eagle wax sealing. After peeling it off, he opened it up and read a fancily written letter. 
To the head of the Fogarty family, 
Fortune smiles upon you today, oh fallen blacksmith. You, whose family has all but perished, have been given a chance at redemption. The Holy Grail of legend, an all powerful wish-granter, has been planted in New York City. You and six other Mages shall conduct a ritual known as a Holy Grail War, in which you summon a familiar, a phantom of the past, at your side and defeat your fellow Mages so as to win ownership of the Grail. Only one Master and Servant will win this. If you search the back of your van, you will find the materials needed to start the process, however, a catalyst to help assist with summoning your Servant is not provided. Perhaps you already own one, as the heir to a family of talented armorers. 
Good luck, 
- Quentin Rambert
“What the fuck?” Griffin exclaimed aloud, turning the heads of a family entering the library and causing the parents to glare at him. His face heated up, and he yelled out, “sorry!”
Obviously, they didn’t care about his apology, and the kid didn’t care at all about what he said either.
He turned his attention back to the parchment in his hands, which weighed as much as the world itself. A chance to wish for anything he desired, and all he had to do was kill six other people and their familiars. 
Griffin wasn’t unfamiliar with the idea of killing someone, though he never did. He was still a Mage, and his pride as a Mage still burned within him no matter how long it’s been since he lost everything so many years ago. Nonetheless, he was still inexperienced, and he lived in a van of all things. If anyone found out, he’d be better off as death fodder. 
But…there was still a chance for him to win, right? All he needed was his familiar to fight with him and a catalyst to help summon them. 
He crawled into the back of the van through the driver’s seat and found a duffel bag containing another large parchment containing a summoning circle, the directions and incantations to summon the Servant, and an address. 
After looking it up on his phone, he discovered it was an old abandoned store in a practically barren part of town. It looked shady, but then again, most Mages were. 
Griffin weighed the odds, but he began to imagine seeing his family’s faces again. His mother’s kind smile and his father’s tough gaze that always encouraged him to succeed. He shut his eyes and pictured that scene countless times before coming to an answer. 
“Alright, Quentin. I’ll accept this offer of yours.” 
The only problem, of course, was a catalyst. Some item meant to help summon this Servant of his own. Considering he was homeless and also very poor, there wasn’t much that he had much less could use as a catalyst. 
But then a thought popped into existence in his mind. He hoisted the mattress off the floor of the van revealing a garbage bag filled with mementos of his past protected by bubble wrap. After rummaging through family pictures, documents, and some personal keepsakes from his parents, he found it. The first sword he ever made that earned his family’s approval, and it was the start of his journey as a Fogarty before it all came to a screeching halt. He sold a lot of his tools that came after that for money, but he could never quite let go of this one. The blade itself wasn’t perfect, with the edges slightly jagged and starting to rust from years of being hidden away. Even the pommel was barely attached to the hilt, and the leather sheath it was in had started to rot away.
But it was his, and maybe it could give him some badass Servant to boot. 
He drove to the address on the paper, only getting lost once trying to take a shortcut along the way. Eventually, he arrived at the empty square and headed inside past the cracked nonfunctioning automatic doors. 
Either a storm passed through it or a fight broke out, because the whole place was wrecked and filled with debris. A long gash wrapped around the entire store, with overturned shelves and carts all slashed in half in a manner that looked way too clean to be anything natural. Obviously, none of this was natural, but….
“You’ve accepted our invitation, then?”
The shadows spoke in a shrill, cocky voice. Emerging from the darkness came a young man several inches shorter than him. He was dressed in a black suit lined with gold, and the insignia of an eagle was branded on his shoulder. The man strutted his way over to Griffin, staring straight at him with green eyes shimmering with some sort of electricity. Smoothing his dirty blond hair back, he remarked, “call me Quentin. I’m the heir to—”
“The Rambert family. Famous and rich modern day aristocrats who’ve served New York for years. I-I read your stupid invitation or whatever.” Griffin waved the parchment around in his hands, only to realize that he just yelled at the heir of a rich and powerful family who could probably sick the fucking mafia or something on him. “Uh…I mean, yeah, I’ll be in your Grail War.”
“I’m a bit honored you know me.” Quentin stood up straight and bared his chest out in pride. “Then again, everyone knows me.”
“Why are you here?”
“To observe the birth of a new Master, of course.” They replied. “It’s not everyday that one gets to be in a Holy Grail War.”
Griffin wasn’t exactly buddy-buddy with any Mages, much less the famed Rambert family. He was immediately suspicious, and all of his brain’s alarms flared up with every passing second, but it’s not like he had a choice. If he rejected, there’s no telling what they might do to him. Though if he accepted, there was also a chance that Quentin might kill him on the spot. 
His only choice was to do the ritual.
He glared at the man but tried his best to continue as usual. He laid out the parchment of the summoning circle and placed his old sword in the center. Quentin raised a brow at it and said, “you’re trying to summon a Saber, then? Going for a strong Servant from the bat, aren’t you?”
“If it helps me win, then I’ll do whatever.” Griffin stepped back a few paces and held up the paper with the incantation. With a catalyst, it made the whole process much easier, so all he had to do now was start the ritual. 
“Let silver and steel be the essence. Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation. Let fire and brimstone pay tribute. Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall. Let the four cardinal gates close. Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate!”
The moment he started the incantation, energy poured out from his body in the form of flames that burned the parchment away, leaving the now glowing shape of the summoning circle. Quentin’s face was illuminated in the light, giving his cold expression an eerie glow. 
He continued. 
“Let it be declared now. Your flesh shall serve under me, and my fate shall be with your sword. Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail. Answer, if you would submit to this will and this truth.”
His sword trembled, absorbing the summoning circle’s energy before shooting out a pillar of pure light up into the ceiling. A gust of wind shoved him back, but he managed to keep himself from falling over. As he spoke, a deep voice repeated his words moments after they left his tongue. 
“From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power, come forth from the ring of restraint, protector of the holy balance!”
The light promptly disappeared in the blink of an eye. The energy surging through the summoning circle faded away like embers crumbling off firewood. It was just him and Quentin once more. 
“Did…it work?” He asked above the ensuing silence. 
Quentin said nothing but pointed at his right hand. When he looked down, he found a lion’s head branded on his skin like a tattoo. Its jaws were open in a ferocious roar, with eyes that pierced right through his being. It burned, but no matter how much he rubbed at it, they didn’t smudge. 
“Those are your Command Seals.” Quentin explained. “They are proof of your title as Master. They’re powerful spells that allow you to order your Servant to do anything, regardless of power or will, but remember that you only have three. Use them wisely.”
Suddenly, they started to ache even more after hearing that information. Did they really just freely give him the spells to give his familiar absolute orders? Griffin looked around the store, not finding a single person, and a part of him wondered if the ritual actually worked. HIs Servant was nowhere to be seen. 
“I…uh, don’t know what to do now.” He murmured in a feeble attempt to fill the silence. 
“What we do now is kill each other.” 
Griffin choked on his spit. He stumbled backwards, tripping on an empty cart and falling on his ass. Quentin approached him at a snail’s pace, but it didn’t ease the fear creeping into his throat. “Wh-what?”
“With you, our final Master, the Holy Grail War has officially begun.” Lightning crackled between his fingertips which he clasped together, smiling with bloodlust. “The objective is to kill six of the seven Servants, but considering they’re much more powerful than regular humans, it’d be easier to target the Masters. Starting…with you.” 
Oh fuck. Oh shit. He was about to die. Griffin Fogarty was about to die. He tried to move, but found himself paralyzed by the growing static electricity in the air. His nose hairs burned with the scent of ozone as clouds gathered above them. Quentin snapped his fingers, sending a bolt of lightning to strike the ground in front of him. 
At first, he thought the man just had bad aim, but the sound of footsteps growing closer behind him told Griffin that it was done on purpose. It was a signal. 
He turned his head to come face to face with a spear flying straight at his chest, held by a warrior in silver armor. His brief, miserable life flashed before him, and it only made his impending doom feel even more disappointing. After trying so hard to turn his life around after losing everything, this was where it all ended. 
“Pick yourself up, Griffin Fogarty!” That same deep, echoing voice spoke both in his mind and in reality. Milliseconds later, a sword, his sword, deflected the warrior’s blow. The wielder was a samurai, or at least someone dressed in the thick plated samurai armor that he’s only ever seen in movies. Despite his sword being a standard European style longsword, they wielded it similarly to a kendo player and used it to parry the silver-clad warrior’s strikes with their spear. 
The samurai stared at him with blood red eyes, almost like a demon. His words shook Griffin to his core, like they were commands etched into his very being. “Your life shall not end here. Be brave, Master.” 
All of the fear and horror that froze him in place melted away. He pushed himself to his feet and looked over to Quentin’s direction. The man furrowed his brow in anger, yet he didn’t seem surprised by anything that happened. “Lancer! Distract that Servant, I’ll take care of him.” 
Electricity gathered in Quentin’s hands as he prepared a spell, but the samurai was much faster than that. He kicked the other Servant, Lancer, in the gut and sent them flying all the way across the store. Then, they were gone in the blink of an eye and reappeared right in front of Quentin, striking them in the nose with the butt of his sword. 
Their spell fizzled out as they stumbled back clutching their bloodied nose. Quentin glared at them as Lancer ran to his side with his spear pointed at Griffin. “Alright, you pissed off the wrong guy. Servant or not, you’re still outnumbered.”
The air shimmered as dozens of men with assault rifles appeared from the shadows aiming their laser sights at him. His Servant took up a defensive position, holding up an arm in front of him as some sort of shield. They then huffed and said, “I assure you that you are the one who is outnumbered.” 
Plumes of smoke swallowed up the men as the sounds of fighting ensued. Seconds later, when the dust settled, figures cloaked in dark blue clothing that blended in with the darkness stood over the now unconscious gunmen. For the sake of his sanity, Griffin ignored the blood staining their katana. 
Lancer took one step towards them before Quentin ordered them to halt. A smile formed on the man’s face, almost seeming satisfied as he applauded Griffin saying, “I must admit, you’ve outsmarted me. What may be a setback to my parents is a job well done for you. You’re one step closer to winning the Grail.”
“Is the Grail a trap as well?” He asked, “is all of this one big elaborate scheme?”
“I assure you that the winner will receive their prize in the end.” They answered, grabbing onto Lancer’s forearm. “I can’t assure you that I’ll help you, though. Maybe the other Masters will be willing to cooperate. Outside of us, there are five others that you will have a chance to meet tomorrow.”
Griffin tensed at the sound of meeting the other participants in this war. He couldn’t help but imagine Mages equally as powerful as Quentin, paired with deadly Servants that could take down a hundred men without so much as lifting a finger. His own Servant’s eyes burrowed into him as they said, “be calm. I will protect you with my life.” 
He gathered his courage and forced out his fears through a heavy sigh. “What do you mean by that?”
A few seconds passed before they replied, “a banquet will be held at the Rambert estate outside of the city. This will be your chance to assess the competition and for us to celebrate this momentous occasion. Please, try to wear something fancy. There’ll be a strict dress code.”
“B-but I live in a van, you think I have the money for a suit and tie?”
Quentin shrugged, “not exactly my problem, now is it? I don’t have the time to help you anyways. Being a Rambert’s pretty busy work. Come on, then, Lancer.”
With the loud crackle of thunder and lightning, the pair vanished. As his adrenaline faded, so too did his energy. He fell to his knees clutching at his chest trying to catch his breath. His Servant then pulled him to his feet and gripped him by the shoulders. “Are you alright, Master?”
“Y-yeah, thank you…for everything, and all that.” Griffin managed a smile. “So, you’re my Servant, huh?”
The samurai nodded before sheathing Griffin’s sword and hanging it at his waist, right next to the far sleeker curved katana. They bowed deeply as they said, “you may call me Saber. I shall be your blade from now on, Master.”
“Uh…just call me Griffin.” He laughed nervously. “Master’s…a bit weird of a name.”
“Lord Griffin, then.”
He had a feeling that was the closest Saber would get. Griffin motioned for them to leave the store, and as they did, he couldn’t help but eye the shadows wondering if those men from earlier were still in hiding. “Uh…Saber, where’d all your guys run off to?”
“They are my Noble Phantasm.” He explained. “I can summon them on command to fight and spy for the both of us.”
“Um, mind if I ask what that is?”
Saber nodded. “We Servants are Heroic Spirits, phantoms of figures of the past and fiction. We are given special abilities known as Noble Phantasms that represent the legends that we are known for. Some may wield holy swords, like the legendary King Arthur and Excalibur, while a samurai such as myself is given command over three hundred men. In turn, you are also given that same privilege.” 
Griffin’s mind wandered off to a certain BBC show of King Arthur, and how the king definitely sparked an interest in him. He threw that thought away as he slid out of the store and into the parking lot. The sun had set, bringing with it the blanket of night. He didn’t like being in parking lots at night outside of the gas station he’s basically called home for years. It was so dark, and sometimes eerie as well. However, Saber had such a strong presence that he felt the need to be strong as well. 
“Do you have a name, Saber?” He asked. “Your…real name. I don’t remember any samurai named Saber in history.” 
“It is just a cover name. There are seven classes of Servants in a Holy Grail War, and Saber is one of them.” They answered once more, and Griffin suddenly felt bad for asking so many questions to a man who only just came into being a few minutes ago. “My True Name…the name I was given in life…is Hanzo.”
“Hanzo…that’s a much better name than Saber.” Griffin laughed, throwing open the door to his van and sliding into the driver’s seat while allowing the Servant to rest in the back. “I’m guessing these True Names are supposed to be kept secret?” 
Saber nodded. 
“Huh…must be weird, you know, to never be called by your name. I wonder if you Servants ever forget who you were back in the day.”
No response. 
Griffin was beginning to see how most of their conversations would turn out. He hid his disappointment and drove out of the square, suddenly doubting his actions and the future. Perhaps most importantly, he began to doubt whether or not his wallet could handle having another mouth to feed. He could survive for today, sure, but what about the coming days? What about the literal suit and fucking tie he’d have to buy for tomorrow?
He decided to go and ask his friends tomorrow for help. They were all rich anyways, or at least they had homes unlike him, which Griffin considered wealthy enough. Too tired to do anything else, he pulled into the gas station, headed inside to fetch another pre-packed salad and a chocolate chip cookie as dessert, before flopping onto the mattress in the back of the van. 
Saber observed him as he wolfed down his food with reckless abandon. Griffin felt a bit awkward since he’s never exactly had guests in his van, but he did his best to ignore it. 
“Are you sure it’s safe to be out here, Lord Griffin?” Saber questioned, eyes roaming the nearly empty parking lot with a hint of unease. “We cannot be stuck out in the open like this, when there might be enemies at every corner.”
“It’s the safest I can manage.” He answered, “considering I don’t have a place to go other than this ol’ thing.”
Griffin proceeded to bang on the van’s walls, causing Saber to freeze and then slowly nod. “I see…so you have no home?”
“I’ve been living on the streets for a couple years now, ever since my parents died and their house burned down.” Griffin cleaned up his hands with some hand sanitizer before stuffing his trash in a plastic bag to throw away in the morning. “All they left me were this van and the tools they made, before I had to sell those for money. That sword I used to summon you is the only thing I couldn’t sell.” 
“It is a fine sword.” The Servant unsheathed the blade and held it up against the light pouring out from the gas station. “Whoever made this holds great potential as a craftsman.”
His chest burned with pride hearing those words, and he smiled, sitting up a little bit straighter. “Thanks. It’s the first sword I made that earned my parent’s approval. I could probably make a better one now, but…a blacksmith can’t exactly do his job without the tools, and buying those tools takes money that I obviously don’t have.”
It was the worst thing about his situation. If he just had the tools, he might just be able to start earning a living for himself. But in order to do any of that, he needed money, but he also needed money for food and paying for his phone or gas and all the fucking things homeless people still deal with despite not having a home. 
“A blacksmith?” Saber questioned, “there’s far more to you than meets the eye, Lord Griffin.” 
“Heh…yeah. My whole family line made their legacy as blacksmiths.” Griffin hung his head and conjured up memories of his childhood. The roar of a furnace and the constant hammering of metal always sounded so comforting to him. For a long time, he could never fall asleep without hearing the sounds of fire crackling in the background. “We made a lot of things…and I sold them all, just to get enough money to survive.”
In hindsight, it was a bit dumb, but he was a dumb teenager who didn’t know how to survive on his own. 
They sat in silence. Griffin shifted around before eventually laying down on his bed and wrapping himself as best as possible in his blanket. It was getting late, and if he wanted to wake up early to get that suit, then he’d best sleep now. Maybe it’ll give him a bit more time to dream as well. 
“Rest well, Lord Griffin.” Saber said. “My men and I will keep you safe, both you and your dreams.” 
He heard the Servant exit the van and shut the door. Normally, Griffin was still paranoid sleeping out in the open like this, even with the door’s locked, but today felt different. Then again, not everyone had some badass samurai and his retinue of three hundred ninja to protect them. 
As his eyelids grew heavy with exhaustion, Griffin fell asleep, and he fell into the warm embrace of his dreams where his mother and father still lived, and a place where he wished he could live as well.
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lesaltywarlock · 1 year
Fate/Memoriam Servant Profile - [REDACTED]
[REDACTED], the Pied Piper of Hamelin. 
Who...is this? These are not in the standard files and--
Ah...dear reader, take caution. 
Do not listen to his lies. Do not listen to his words. 
He speaks of sweet nothings. He spins tales of utter beauty. 
He is the Pied Piper of Hamelin. 
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lesaltywarlock · 1 year
Y’all I’m sorry to TSOA Patrochilles fans who find and like this, whether it’s me writing about these two having marital problems or it’s introducing them to Fate where Patroclus simply does not exist in the canon
Strangers Again
A story I wrote a while ago from the perspective of Achilles when he was summoned in Fate/Memoriam. It’s actually posted on ao3 but I just felt like reposting it on here! Have fun!
Keep reading
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lesaltywarlock · 1 year
I will say that despite the fact that all seven of the servants have already been posted, I do have one more that’ll be going up tomorrow. It’s probably the most plot heavy of the profiles and sort of deviates from the usual formula I tried to stick with in the other profiles. They’re...certainly a character, and perhaps, we have already met them in some form?
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lesaltywarlock · 1 year
Fate/Memoriam Servant - Berserker
Berserker, a woman forced to swallow her anger like a bitter pill
The first thing she felt was rage, and it surely would be the last. Basking in the light of a Command Seal, Berserker found herself void of her anger yet unable to let go of it. Forced to meet her greatest enemy, she awaits the day to avenge her honor.
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lesaltywarlock · 1 year
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