masato/aoki has been a hyperfixation of mine for almost 3 years now unfortunately he's a little worm in my brain slowly killing me off. this is half a response to some asks i've seen, a sort of explanation to aoki looking different to masato (which is definitely nonsensical in ways) may be because he's somewhat healthier than when he was as masato, hence he's not deathly pale, tired looking and a bit of weight gain maybe? (personally love his hamster cheeks as aoki). as a disabled person myself i don't think rgg really thought much through in his disability and the shit it can bring?? hoping yakuza 8 brings more context for him though i doubt it. again unfortunately,,, he's important to me regardless and ngl the hate he gets makes me upset sometimes. like he is definitely awful awful, especially aoki. my autism could write a whole deep dive essay about his character that no one wants to hear lmfao. also your masato art is a joy, just to let you know <3 as a fellow daigo enjoyer,, masadai ex boyfriends is the most valid and superior ship for masato lmao. ty for your service in this fandom 💪
damn im honored to be gettin a letter from THE ceo of ryo aoki themselves.. even if its anonymous ill still frame it on my wall hiii ty for writin <3
BUT YEAH that's what i figured in how drastic masato is from aoki- like his eyes notably lose that dark ring and his skin and lips get more color (tho that could be because he's in the sun more but who's to say it can't be both).
i really REALLY wish RGG wasn't so flippant about his disability, i go insane trying to figure out exactly what it is or what it could be so i can approach it better when portraying him and also just thinking about him. 'weak lung syndrome', surprise surprise, can mean a lot of things
it's already p cringe that they just poof it away with a lung transplant and get rid of it all together in ishin when there was no real reason to have him stand at all. like. he's literally in two scenes, one where he is sitting but the other he's just talking to the air while takechi sits in the room.
never mind im curious if he ever had to deal with his body potentially rejecting the new organ for a bit since that is a very real concern when it comes to organ transplants, but i get not really finding the need to dive into it since that transplant would have been 20 years ago and the chance to talk about it is slim. still, they could have at least give his initial illness a proper name or diagnosis if they were just going to make it disappear literally one chapter later
anyway, ty again for writin !!! i'm happy i can feed the worm that lives in your brain 🥰🥰🥰
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nordickies · 3 months
I just love reading your (and all the asks) takes on Fin and his relationships it’s just !!!! this fandom has had such a romanticised idea about Fin for so long, I love these more angsty analysis about his character and I totally agree. I’m also so here for angsty SuFin. Because their history is actually super angsty and there’s so much potential there!
I personally like to imagine Fin and Sve happily married nowadays and very lowkey about it (I think they get each other better than anyone else because they have been together [either as a kingdom or a couple] for sooo long) but I deeply dislike how the earlier fandom reduced them to this perfect married couple with no problematic aspects whatsover. Whether one imagines Fin and Sve as a couple or not, their relationship is very complex. I also wish people portrayed them more like an old couple that know all about the other’s most annoying character traits. Domestic fluff is cute but I crave banter between them!
I think Fin being a bit of a troubled person also makes sense because Finnish identity is complicated. Fin probably has somewhat of an ongoing identity crisis about his history and who he is the most close to, or wants to be close to. Like you and the other anon said, he wants to belong but also doesn’t want to lose himself which leads him to be closed off from others.
I love to hear it! I agree, Finland has always been a very one-note type of character. A bit boring, in my opinion, basically just serving the domestic married couple role with Sweden.
I want to remind that exploring these angstier topics and characterisations is not in any way diss toward the canon or people who enjoy Fin and SuFin in their canon form! I'm purely talking through my own boredom with the dynamic. My takes are just my takes <3
I think what still makes exploring Swe and Fin's relationship fun, with the flaws and all, is that there's still so much potential for positive and wholesome moments too? I know I've been focusing a lot on the negative aspects, but I'd say there are still a lot of cute references and examples to apply to them, even from the actual countries' relations. Because they basically grew up together, they both have parts about themselves that they got from each other - and there's nothing they can do about it
The odd thing is I could see their relationship actually working in today's time? So I totally see your vision. And I agree, the old nagging couple's energy is way closer to how I would imagine them. I don't think Sweden should put up and suffer with their situation; he would get back at Fin at times! They banter but still obviously care for each other
Their relationship wouldn't be all negative by any means!! But not perfect either. I think you said it the best, whether one imagines Fin and Swe as a couple or not, their relationship is very complex! Another amazing take anon, you guys are on fire today!
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sugar-grigri · 5 months
care to share some of your analyses about Attack on Titan?
Sorry for the late reply! Unfortunately, my analyses can't be found, they were posted on my previous Twitter account, when I used to analyze SNK and Vinland Saga a lot.
There's an anthology of great analyses and interpretations of SNK, it's a manga with a big community that has always taken the work very seriously (unlike CSM's) so I think in any case, it's not hard to find some nice gems.
To give you an idea Anon, I was analyzing things that I felt I didn't see very often, I was very interested in the character of Berthold, who is SNK's most symbolic character, just look at the mark the colossal titan has left in the imagination of fans. Yet his host, the human behind him, is overshadowed, and what's fascinating is how Isayama has treated the character in an implicit, subtle way, notably through symbols (yes, I love symbols).
The figure of the man hanging upside down is an image that permeates the entire end of SNK, and it was set up by Berthold.
I've always been fascinated by Eren too, but I've always analyzed him as he was written, a deliberately pathetic character.
I'm not being negative when I say this, he remains one of my favorite characters, but he has suffered from idealization. His tragic and pathetic aspect is what made Eren very human, but also quite original.
I've been following SNK since I was 13, I'd turned away from manga for a while, I even found it cringe-worthy, I had my popular girl phase who didn't like nerd stuff (which is what I've become).
One day, my twin sister dropped Berserk Volume 1 on my desk and ordered me to read and see the SNK anime that had just come out.
It was a monumental slap in the face………
So I spent my adolescence with SNK, a work that means a lot to me, even if I now see many of its flaws with a more critical eye.
But just as I see them in CSM! I don't necessarily talk about them, my analyses are personal, but I also try to make them neutral enough to make sense to many people.
I don't have any more analysis but I do have some drawings that I haven't posted here, sorry for not having more <3
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transmutationisms · 1 year
Repeat anon from before talking about bodily superiority and piss <3 I can't believe you picked up SO spot on. I've been reading Kropotkin's Mutual Aid for a couple years, revisited it the other day, and I owe that exact read of Succession to the dude. What you said about the show presenting a sharp analysis of the characters' ethical motivations tracks with me too. I did get ahead of myself tho, 100%. I get your point now, Succession really has refrained from telling a clear cohesive politic to imagine different worlds, like anarchism or communism. Came to my next conclusion more after chewing on your reply: its core philosophy runs incompatible to liberation. This has been stuck in my head since I heard it, Jesse Armstrong in Controlling the Narrative for the S3 finale goes, "People's essential selves don't change. In a way that's what makes drama and choices interesting." I do witness that bleed throughout the show. I love that the writers put capitalism and fascism under a microscope through the characters' intimate, erotic relationships with each other. But the thing is, they tell us stories over and over of their failures to change. Like, if Succession's a tragedy about characters stuck in unbreakable cycles of failure, then is it also a tragedy that considers capitalism and possibly all forms of domination unbreakable cycles, too? If so, not a cute vibe! Genuine Q that lingers since day 1, that I don't think the show answers... yet. Unless Waystar crashes at the end with no reiteration in sight, I wouldn't be surprised if the show sticks that landing more firm for the big finale. At best I could read a core story of Succession being that the characters' circumstances (nuclear family, corporation, capitalism) keep setting them up for tragedy precisely because of their more basic senses of cooperation, and the show's input ends there. And I'd love that, honestly. But I have a feeling the show will bring us to a more hopeless place, I only don't know where yet.
ok i knew it.... yeah kropotkin had such a major influence on basically all left-leaning understandings of evolutionary theory. i mean prior to him the options were basically bourgeois darwinian malthusianism or some strain of lamarckism, which latter was 1) increasingly hereditarian anyway, 2) not emphatically structured around 'natural selection', and 3) fundamentally drawing from sensationalist psychology, which meant moral sense tended to be presented as a result of habituation rather than as a rational social interest. so you can see why kropotkin was such a game-changer for anyone invested in defending any version of evolution-by-natural-selection as a non-teleological, non-theistic, materialist view of nature---but without the addition of british capitalism lol.
anyway, to answer your actual question: yeah, this is a huge tension in the show imo, and it follows from it being a huge tension in marx. in interviews jesse has quoted the marx line right out of '18th brumaire' about circumstances constraining men, and talked about how he doesn't think people fundamentally change. there are obvious reasons why, in that particular text, marx was especially pessimistic about the possibility for people to defy their circumstances lol---1849 was his case study in history 'repeating itself' because of (what he saw as) essentially the same class tensions as in 1799 rearing their heads again. but at the same time, marx's entire political project was predicated on the notion that true revolution is not just possible but expected, as an outcome of the historical development of the productive forces in conjunction with increasing labour estrangement and alienation.
frankly i don't think the show will end with waystar destructing or anyone meaningfully changing their social, political, or economic positions. and this would be fine, IF the read is, like you said, that the continued imposition of structures of capitalist production constrains the characters to acting in this selfish, dominance-seeking, antisocial way. like, i'm fine with the notion that the entire show is a tragedy and always has been, and that the characters are incapable of change as long as their circumstances remain the same. but i agree with you that there's a risk of implying (or outright stating, lol) that people are simply and intrinsically incapable of meaningful change for reasons predating capitalism and grounded in some kind of bio-psychological discourse. i would hate this ending and this moral lol and i have been hoping for 3 and a half seasons now that the writers' room is too smart to take us there. we really will have to see how these last few episodes play out.
i'd add that i think this sense of hopelessness and helplessness can add to the show's psychological writing, for example in the cynicism and nihilism of roman. roman essentially sees capitalism as an alien force he can't control or counter in any meaningful way, so why bother? which is certainly true to how many people (even literal billionaires) feel in the face of such a complex and entangled system. and it's not like i expect the show to end with some kind of raising of revolutionary consciousness, but i also don't want it to end with a total denial of the possibility of human cooperation and mutual aid as governing behavioural principles in different circumstances. i don't believe that as a species we're doomed to the way logan roy capitalism encourages us to act, and it'll really annoy me if that's where the show lands after all this time lol.
that said, i do think no one on this show is escaping their circumstances in any material way. i don't think any of them actually want out (certainly not the kids, tom, greg, or the old guard) and i do believe that the broad outlines of the ending have been pretty clear since day one. whether or not they keep waystar they will continue to operate in logan's world because his empire was always just one articulation of this broader capitalist discourse on domination and 'survival of the fittest'. even if a character on this show tried to cash out and dip they'd still be caught in this global financial web, and none of them are inclined to do that anyway because [class interests and family business]. which is i guess to say that i don't think we will see any of these characters change on a deeper level, but i think it's possible for the show to end that way and still frame it in a way that allows for alternate readings of human behaviour and sociability IF placed in different material circumstances. we'll see whether jesse and the writers have the subtlety to stick that landing, though. ultimately yes, the show is a character study and not a political polemic, but i will be really very irritated if it turns out to be a character study premised on a fundamentally reactionary, essentialist understanding of 'human nature' and social behaviour lol.
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imminent-danger-came · 10 months
I've been seeing a lot of people saying it was a problem that Mei didn't save Red Son from the scroll of memory in TEW as a callback to when he talked to her in EYD. I personally don't like the idea and think it's a kind of silly complaint, it wouldn't fit in the already quickly paced special or really add anything to the story/Mei's S4 arc.
To me, it just seems like another case of the LMK fandom not being able to think of Mei outside of Red Son, but I'm not sure if that's just me being a hater (lesbian) so I'd like to know what you think? Your analysis is always interesting and fun to read!
Aw, thanks anon! <3
I think a majority of the LMK fandom would sacrifice Mei in a blood ritual if it meant Red Son would have more screen time. Which is uh, not an opinion I share (<- Mei is their second favorite character).
Look, I love parallels. I post a lot of 'em on my blog, and I've made a few parallel predictions myself. But, and here's my hot take: A Red Son and Mei convo in the scroll just wouldn't have fit in the special.
Logistically, the only time this conversation could have happened was post-battle, after everything had settled down and they were able to get everyone out of their scroll pieces. The 3x11 convo between Mei and Red Son only happens because Red Son is desperate—he needs a hero, he needs Mei to save his parents, and Mei is worried she'll lose control. A convo at the end of 3x14 wouldn't have stakes for Mei to urge Red Son back into the outside world with, making the parallel fall kind of flat. There's just not that same weight or urgency.
If exploring Red Son's (or any of the Demon Bull Family's) time in the scroll were to happen, it would be at some point in s5 when it would be the most significant and impactful. You don't just...waste something with so much narrative potential for the end of an already jam packed special. Now, this isn't me saying we're guaranteed to get anything like this in the show, but it is me saying that the special wasn't the place for it.
Plus like, a 3x11 parallel would have to have Character A comforting Character B about some fear, with Character A assuring Character B that they're needed and that they can help—they're not going to make the situation worse.
If anything, I'd argue that we do get a parallel to Mei and Red Son's 3x11 conversation, it's just that it's between Wukong and MK—which, BASED Mei and Wukong parallels moment:
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((This is also all assuming that going into the scroll is even necessary for a non-broken scroll piece lol.))
It really does feel like a lot of people just can't see Mei as her own character. If it's any consolation, I don't think you're being a hater anon! I think you're just picking up on what was most important to show in the s4 special.
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strangertheories · 2 years
what do you want to happen versus what do you think will happen versus what's your worst case scenario?
This post will be pro-byler, pro-ronance, pro-lumax, pro-steddie and pro-jopper, but also anti-m*leven and anti-st*ncy so fans of those ships might want to skip this one. I talk about death, homophobia and racism. Also the "worst case scenario" is not actually the worst option, it's the worst thing I think I could see actually happening in the show. By the way, this is nearly five thousand words long so I appreciate it if you even read just a part of it as it took ages (: doubt the anon wanted this much but oh well! I'll put the headings in red and the subheadings in purple so if you want to skip to a specific part then that is easier to do. So without further ado, here's way too many words about my opinions.
What I want to happen
Will - in Volume 2, I want Will to fall into a Vecna trance. Not because I want him to suffer, but his character has not been explored anything close to what I'd have liked this season. I hope that within this trance, Will's past in the Upside Down is explored and obviously his sexuality and feelings for Mike (which have been planted for a while) because it would serve as good analysis and also confirm that this stuff didn't appear from nowhere. I want him to discover he has powers or is special within this trance like in Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors, one of the top inspirations of S4, which would make sense with his parallels to Vecna, his true sight and the fact that he survived in the Upside Down for a week. I also think maybe Eleven could infiltrate his trance and supportively fight alongside him with a newfound understanding of his life and also get some more willel sibling content.
Mike - I think Mike should see the painting Will made for him and realize that Will truly loves him. But seeing this display of love makes Mike realize that he doesn't love Eleven like he thought he did, something which was already dawning on him. Eleven has also realized she wants to discover things for herself instead of just finding out things through other people like Hopper, Mike, Max, Brenner and 001 and they have a mature mutual break up. Mike gets Vecna'd and then through this trance confronts his inner feelings for Will. I don't know if I want them to get together fully as it would be rushed, but a mutual confirmation of their feelings and huntings of a relationship would be good enough for me followed by a lot of pining before S5. Maybe they could kiss or confirm feelings to each other in the time skip as well.
Johnathan - I don't have too many hopes plot wise for Johnathan. I hope he gets some good moments with Will and that he gets to have moments beyond funny weed guy.
Argyle - I hope Argyle just continues doing his thing and survives. I also hope we get to see more of emotional side to him. We saw him making a gravestone for the military guy so he's clearly very caring and if there is death I feel like we could see a different side to him.
Eleven - I've mentioned a lot of what I want with Eleven this season. I want her to have a moment where she realizes she's been told what to do her whole life but she's never been able to find her own personality and I think this could lead to a breakup with Mike. I want her to realize she's more than her powers as well. Then I want her to use her newfound freedom and powers to fight Vecna within minds that she's infiltrated and see more of their interesting parallels and dynamic together.
Dr Owens - I don't hugely care about him. He's going to protect Eleven from the military and maybe he then dies via sacrifice in order to spur her on. I think that could be nice.
Dr Brenner - I'm rooting for an inconclusive ending with him. Like he runs off when the government come unlike Dr Owens and then doesn't return. I'm not sure if I want him to die because his relationship with Eleven is interesting but I don't want him to be a hero either.
Joyce - I want to see her being brave. I want to see her being in love with Hopper. I want to see her trying to phone her kids and once they've escaped the prison, trying to hunt them down like the great mother she is. Also, not necessarily in Volume 2, we don't really get much of her backstory which I'd like to learn more about.
Hopper - I need a Hopper/Eleven reunion. I want him to come back and when he sees Mike instead of hating him like we thought for a funny moment, he just hugs him. Because all these kids matter to him. I do want a funny moment later on though when he finds out they broke up.
Murray - We've seen him become a team player and find trust but I would like to see his dynamic with Dmitri. He's warmed up to Russians because of Alexei but I'm not sure if they'll like each other. Idk it just seems like it could be cool.
Dmitri (AKA Enzo) - I already mentioned seeing him interact with the others, but he clearly cares a lot about his son so it would be nice to see a more emotional side to him. You aren't gonna like me for this, but I wouldn't mind if he died just because I don't know how he'd be outside of this environment, although maybe it could be actually good.
Dustin - Dustin is great comic relief, but he's also super smart and brave. I want to see him helping with the planning like usual, but I also think Dustin fighting would be good. We saw the scene earlier of him standing his ground with Vecna so I'd love if they parallel that scene to show his bravery when he defends Eddie's trailer (with Eddie). Does that parallel mean one of them could die? Maybe, but that's for the what I think will happen section (sorry folks). Maybe it could be used to show how far he's come and how he can now succeed through the encouragement of Eddie and Steve. Also more of Dustin and Steve, I know we've seen it before, but it's good for a reason!
Lucas - I hope we get more character exploration of Lucas. I wouldn't mind him being Vecna'd so long as he survives just to see more of his inner workings. He's got more screen time this season but not nearly enough! They should also wrap up his plotline with popularity and stuff by having him realizing he should just do what he likes instead of trying to conform to what anyone wants him to do, including the Hellfire Club, and calling his friends out for them not accepting his new hobbies. I want them to address that bullying also impacts him differently to them because of the racism he faces that they will never understand. And whilst I love him and Max, I also hope they explore more of his character outside of that relationship.
Max - I don't want Max's struggles to be over. Not in a bad way! Depression and grief isn't something you just quickly get over so I think seeing her re-Vecna'd would be nice, albeit with more strength this time. But then Eleven would show up in the trance to rescue her and she realizes again that she's not alone. I want to see her caring about things again. I want to see her skateboarding, reading comic books, hanging out with Lucas and also letting go of some of the guilt she's been holding on to.
Erica - Again, another character who I want more exploration of. I love Erica, but I would like to see her personality and feelings beyond just being sassy and a nationalist which feels really weird considering she's a black girl in the 80s and would've faced a lot of hardship because of that in America (I would recommend this article talking more about the flatness of her character and the representation of black people of Stranger Things to learn more). Her character has become more this season through her D&D playing and last season's stuff about her being good at maths, but I want to see her being actually genuine when stuff gets worse instead of just the sassy comedic relief. Maybe a heart to heart with Lucas so we can see that beyond her teasing she really cares about him.
Steve - I think it would be cool for Steve to get Vecna'd. Maybe not a full trance, but little visions as he walks through the Upside Down. Steve has an implied past with parental negligence (which I believe helped lead to his babysitter tendencies) and maybe more sprinklings of that to add some more emotional complexity would be interesting. Also, and I know this probably isn't going to happen, but I want Eddie to flirt with him and him to be totally oblivious but later on he tries to flirt really badly but Eddie finds it funny.
Nancy - So we already know Nancy's getting Vecna'd. I want Robin to rescue her and Nancy to start developing a bit of a crush on her. I want her to be impacted by the trance thought which we'd see in a potential flashforward. By looks of it, she's going to have a hostile interaction with Jason which I cannot wait for! Badass Nancy is the best and it looks like we're going to get a lot more of that in Volume 2.
Robin - As I've mentioned, I want Robin to remember Nancy's tapes on her bedside table and send off Steve and Eddie to retrieve it whilst she stays watch (meaning Nancy wakes up in her arms). I want to later see her get Vecna'd and have Vickie in the trance as well as Tammy Thompson (explaining her appearance) and Nancy. Robin liking women is a big deal to her and she seems to have some interalised homophobia in season 3 so I hope they fully explore the implications of her being a lesbian in the 80s. She must not die under any circumstances though!!!
Eddie - I want to see a full circle moment where instead running he stands his ground with Dustin. I don't want him to die though! I want him to work with him and be less independent and together I want them to bring down the demobats. I wouldn't mind him getting guilt visions about Chrissy but instead of getting sad, he uses it as fuel to fight back against Vecna.
Jason - I want him to get his ass handed to him by Lucas and then have Lucas say he needs to save Max and that Chrissy is gone but Max can still be saved, which causes him to realize Lucas isn't involved and by extension the rest of Hellfire. This causes him to have a mini crisis and just leave and break down. In a flashforward, we see him sad and grieving but he's polite towards the members of Hellfire.
What I think will happen
Will - I think Will is going to have a big emotional coming out scene to Johnathan. My personal theory is that Will is going to overhear Mike saying he loves Eleven to encourage her to infiltrate someone's mind with her newfound albeit weakened powers (this could be platonic from when they break up) so Will is going to run off to Johnathan and cry and show him the painting. I think he then will be Vecna'd and have visions in which Mike rejects him and his fresh coming out is warped. I think Eleven will go into his mind and see his feelings and fight off Vecna in sibling solidarity and support.
Mike - I'm honestly not too sure about Mike. It really depends on if Byler is requited or not. Despite being a huge pessimist, I'll share my optimistic thoughts in this section. Mike will find out somehow that Will likes him (probably the painting) and then I think Mike will realize he doesn't like Eleven and have a mature break up with her where he explains he loves her but not in the way that he thought he did. She'll understand and feel encouraged by this. They could heavily hint to his feelings towards Will after this without canonically confirming it yet (except maybe in a flashforward). He could also maybe die to spur on Will and Eleven but that's coming up in the next section.
Johnathan - Unfortunately, I think he's going to just be more of funny weed guy. As I mentioned, he'll have emotional moments with Will and Joyce which I think will be very nice but ultimately aid their characters more than his. Later on, I think he'll meet up with Nancy and break up which makes me sad. Whilst I ship Ronance over Jancy, if Jancy break up it will be for St*ncy which I really dislike. Overall not hopeful in the Johnathan department. At least I don't think he'll die as he's too irrelevant this season lol.
Argyle - more funny weed guy shenanigans. Possibly a surprise death, which I spoke more about in the past. Basically he is surprisingly caring and brave and he's also new and likeable which is a deadly combo in Stranger Things. Out of the California group, I think he's most likely to die.
Eleven - Eleven will gain back her powers but knowing what Vecna is capable of, she'll immediately want to leave. She'll get dressed and get ready to go until suddenly the base is stormed. She practices her powers by blowing them up but is completely drained by this and has to be rescued by the Cali crew. Knowing Max is a target, she infiltrates her mind using a sensory deprivation tank at the pizza place in Hawkins and fights off Vecna within there, protecting Max for the moment. She has a big showdown with him within their mindscapes which makes him dormant for the moment (but he'll be back). On an emotional level, she'll be dealing with the blowout from her relationship with Mike failing and also her guilt around her past. Vecna will have an easy time hurting her, let's just say.
Dr Owens - I kind of believe in my 'what I hope will happen' scenario being that he will die for Eleven, protecting her from the soldiers, unlike Brenner who will run off. He'll also be the one to let Eleven leave and not Brenner.
Dr Brenner - Brenner will want to keep Eleven around for experimentation, saying she's too weak, but by now Eleven is not falling for his manipulation. Owens will let her leave and they will argue whilst Eleven is about to go only for the government to come storming in. Owens could jump in front of Eleven and get shot meanwhile Brenner runs away like the coward he is.
Joyce - I think we'll get what I hoped from her minus the backstory stuff. We'll see her loving Hopper but also her anxiety over her children and her need to get back to California and see them only to find out what's going on, giving a whole new layer to the need to escape.
Hopper - Similar to what I wanted. We'll see Hopper have emotional reunions with Eleven and have so many more romantic Jopper moments. The one thing I don't think will happen is an emotional moment with Mike, but it's nice to dream. Maybe will even see more of the Jopper parenting duo.
Murray - I think Murray is going to die this season. There's shots of him in the trailer burning something which I believe are things from the Upside Down that Russia stole. In terms of character arc it makes sense too. Going from being a disillusioned lone wolf to a guy who cares about his friends so much that he was willing to sacrifice himself for them is super emotional.
Dmitri - Also at risk from death. As I said, I just don't know how he'd fit in in America. It would also probably be quite emotional if he said something about Mikhail (not sure how it's spelt) before he died and Hopper promised to tell him he's a hero or something along those lines. I'm less sure of him than other characters but this is my leading theory at the moment.
Dustin - I think that Dustin is going to decide to be brave and go into the Upside Down to defend Eddie's trailer. Eddie is going to use echolocation to lure the demobats away from Vecna leaving him and Dustin alone to face them. I think Dustin will be successful at fighting but get stuck leading to Eddie sacrificing himself for him, which makes Dustin very sad and could be used in a future Vecna trance (possibly in S5 when Vecna comes back).
Eddie - As I said, I think Eddie is going to sacrifice himself for Dustin. This would be a full circle moment from him encouraging them to run in 01x04 only for him to stand his ground and die so Dustin could land a critical hit on the demobats. Maybe Dustin would try to stop him and that he's probably going to die but he'd say something like "a wise guy once said never tell me the odds" and I'd cry.
Lucas - Lucas is going to beat up Jason but only to try and get back to Max who's re-tranced. They kiss once she's saved for the second time. We get to see him caring for and defending Max. Unfortunately, I feel like they've dropped his plot from at the start of the season and we won't get much complex exploration of popularity and the impact of his racist bullying on him compared to his white counterparts.
Max - Max will get re-Vecna'd but this time Vecna is more prepared for her to try and escape. My theory is that he's going to make a fake portal that she's going to run through so she thinks she's safe only for Vecna to strike again based on a monopoly card. I think Eleven will try and fight back Vecna in the trance, potentially saving Max although she is definitely at risk for death. The horrified shot of Lucas doesn't make me the most optimistic.
Erica - I don't think she'll do much beyond just being sassy unfortunately. Maybe she'll fight in the Upside Down but I doubt she'll be developed beyond comic relief.
Steve - Steve is going to infiltrate the Creel House in the Upside Down alongside Nancy and Robin. I doubt he'll get Vecna'd but he might get more visions potentially of his parents but I also think more spider-y stuff like we saw too. I think he's at a huge risk for death because it like Murray and Eddie would narratively make sense for him. Seeing him go from selfish jerk to sacrificing himself would be heartbreaking. I hope they don't kill him thought as S5 will really feel his absence and Joe Keery has some of the best line delivery on the show.
Nancy - After escaping her trance, Nancy will be very shaken up but ready to fight. I don't believe she will die. She is going to attempt to hunt down and shoot Vecna in the Upside Down along with Robin and Steve although I imagine this is not going to go well, resulting in injury but probably not death. Whilst there, Vecna will scatter in visions of Barb to try and throw her off. Afterwards, if Steve is alive they might throw her with him and have her break it off with Johnathan. If he dies, we'll probably get a posthumous confession of love. I'm not a fan of this ship.
Robin - Robin could be in a Vecna trance or at least get visions. These would be about her lesbianism and feelings for Vickie. Vecna would use this to torment her. I still think she will survive. If Steve does die then she'll be hit very hard by that and may fight off Vecna in his memory.
Jason - Kinda feel like my hope for him is going to come true. He's gonna fight Lucas, see Max, realize his error and then have a mini crisis. Or he'll double down, Vecna will say she was cheating and then he'll eventually die.
Worst case scenarios (superhell)
Will - Will has a rushed coming out scene and then gets killed whether through Vecna or not. Then Mike posthumously finds his painting and it's enough for Mike to realize what love is in order to tell Eleven.
Mike - Mike realizes his undying love for Eleven and confesses it to her which is enough encouragement to temporarily harm Vecna and make him dormant. Worse if he dies just after which makes Eleven angry and she defeats him off of that.
Johnathan - He's too irrelevant to realistically die in my opinion. Worst version is that he gets no screen time and then breaks up with Nancy. This seems pretty likely to me sadly but as aforementioned, I'm a pessimist.
Argyle - More funny weed guy antics who dies out of nowhere and it's really poorly handled.
Eleven - Eleven is reduced to nothing more than Mike's girlfriend. Her powers whilst they returned were motivated by protecting Mike and not her brothers. When she goes to attack Vecna she can't do it until Mike encourages her and then at the end she immediately goes to him. We don't see any further exploration of her complex relationship with good and evil, she's now just accepted she's a superhero (proven by Mike of course).
Dr Owens - He betrays Eleven for the government and ends up getting killed by her when she presumably kills them all.
Dr Brenner - Eleven and him now have a really good relationship and he rescues her but it is treated as though that redeemed his prior actions. Whilst he cares about them deep down, they make it feel as though that's enough to redeem him instead of exploring his weird dynamic with the kids.
Joyce - Joyce gets killed by the Russians when they're trying to escape. She possibly does this to protect Hopper as some tragic element as they were only just back together. It would also mean Eleven lost her mother again. Whilst this would be sad it feels unnecessarily cruel and also it's not been foreshadowed at all.
Hopper - Similar to Joyce. They re-kill of Hopper so everyone re-loses him and we sob our hearts out over again. I don't think this is likely as there's no way we'd trust he's actually gone after the last time plus they've already grieved so it would just be re-grieving. More likely bad possibility is that the Russia stuff is just really boring until they get to Hawkins.
Murray - He stills dies but it's not heroic, it's just a surprise. We think he's safe but then boom maybe as a parallel to Joyce. This could be handled well but this is super hell season 4 so it's not. It's rushed and it's not as emotionally impactful.
Dmitri - He's just kind of there, not really helping, and if he does survive he's barely included in later stuff because they didn't know what to do with his character post-Russia.
Dustin - Dustin gets panicked and briefly stops defending the demobats leading to Eddie being killed and a shit ton of guilt that Vecna uses against him. He is so upset he's unable to keep on fighting and he fades into the background earlier.
Eddie - Eddie's worst case scenario is a reverse Dustin. Dustin and Eddie fight together but Eddie panics and backs off leading to Dustin fending for himself and dying. Eddie, feeling guilty about Chrissy and Dustin, gives up and ends up dying or handing himself in for murder.
Lucas - Lucas is sidelined and shoved to the background. Whilst fighting Jason, he's unable to defend Max so when she dies he blames himself. We don't really get to see much of his reaction as it's shoved over for more fighting. If she doesn't die then he barely appears at all until they all reunite at the end.
Max - Max dies within her second Vecna trance. Except instead of being in a way that's engaging and sad, it's a boring physical fight that she loses causing Eleven to swoop in and exile Vecna but it's too late. The show is now left without her presence. Lumax was never reunited.
Erica - Yet again, the worst case scenario is what I think will happen. Erica will be irrelevant only to make sassy comments. If it was really bad they'd kill her leading to that shot of horrified Lucas but then they'd have to actually explore her character through a trance which I doubt the show would do.
Steve, Nancy - Either of them dies in a hastily done manner in which the other one then posthumously confesses their love for the other. It's not developed enough and also if they die I want them to go out in a good way, especially Steve. Robin is then left to mourn on her own which is a shame as we'd lose one of two amazing character dynamics and one great ship (Ronance).
Robin - Robin dies. Full stop. I don't care how well its written, how tastefully its handled, it's impact on the plot. I know all too well how much it sucks for them to kill of lesbian characters and it happens way too often. There's no way they can kill her off in a good way in my opinion. I love this show so much but I don't know how I'd react to her dying.
Jason - They just drop his plotline after Lucas beats him in a fight. Like he just runs off and it's never resolved. We're left to assume he stopped his revenge for his girlfriend's brutal murder because he got punched and he was so ashamed that he just gave up.
So that's the post… woah it's long. Thanks so much for reading this far, I don't understand how you have the patience to do it! And thanks for the ask as well, anon.
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bluebird990 · 1 year
Hello hello!! I was wondering who your favorite weak hero character is?? And if you don't mind me asking, what are your other favorite mangas/manhwa and or anime? Have a wonderful day !
Hey anon!! Thanks a lot for the ask and I hope you have a good day/night too!!
Who my favorite weak hero character is? Honestly you've stumped me, all the characters in weak hero are good and so well written 😭
But if I had to choose one, based on my bias, it would be wolf. This guy is f***ing awful and has like zero morals so far but goddamn is he hot!! His face, his attitude its just so attractive. Although if I met a guy like him in real life?? No. Nuh uh. This kind of character looks good in fiction only.
If I had to get critical about my favorite? Then I'd pick....I can't pick one 😅
My top 3, in no specific order, would be Gray, Donald and Jake. Yes I know, very generic, but they are just so well written!!!
I've talked a LOT about Donald in my previous posts. He's like a typical, well written "villain". He does awful things which are absolutely unacceptable but he was driven to the edge by the society and the short stick he pulled by being born in an awful family. We can sympathize with him but then we also gotta question whether his sins can be forgiven or not. It's so conflicting. I love it.
Gray is probably one of best written protagonists I've ever read or watched. He was, from the very beginning, so fun to watch. He isn't like some other protagonists who I just want to choke through the screen because of some stupid decision they made. His growth has been fantastic. His reasons and actions make sense. This is probably the first time that I've had the mc of any media in my top 3.
As for Jake, I love this boy. If I had to bring my bias in this critical analysis, then I'd say my favorite is Jake. 1) So hot. 2) So cute. 3) So well written. He's like, a mix between Donald, Gray and Ben. He does awful things like Donald but he has no other choice because he has a favor to return. He's just so kind. He's doing all this because he had to get a revenge for his brother and didn't want to involve his friends in his issues.
I'm sure at some point, he might've regretted doing what he did. His story is just so similar to Gray's. Gray got lucky that his opponents weren't too difficult to deal with. While in Jake's case, he'd be putting his family, his friends and himself in a lot of trouble if he just barged in and beat a whole gang up alone. This is why I think that Jake and Gray could get along so well, if only they could talk once.
After writing my thoughts down, I can happily conclude that my favorite WH character is Jake 😄 he's just..everything..good and bad..
As for my favorite manhwa and anime? Imma make this short cuz I'm sure you didn't ask for a f***ing essay (why can't I just name my favorites like a normal person...)
Anyway my favorite manhwa rn (excluding WH) would be Omnicient reader or teenage mercenary. Yes, generic, I know, but they're just so good. My favorite aspect of Any story are the characters. ORV has great characters and fantastic world building. TM has amazing characters too. So yeah. Oh and I also love Tower of God.
As for anime? Rn I'm in love with AOT, Black Clover and jjk. So so so mainstream but it is what it is ig 😅
I don't read Mangas but if I did my favorite would probably be black clover or MHA.
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lisxdumbr · 2 years
Hi!! (Second anon knocking on your door who read your hinata analysis and wants to double the joy you're feeling) ^_^ I keep finding you, a celebrity, every where ever since my first few days getting into the enstars community... there's no fuel in me to try interact even on anon because You are The coolest 2winkP ever....but now i Do! >:D I just read christmas live and your hinata analysis, i knew i had to tell you this That It is So True..!! It makes my heart sad for people to minimize a character to just a shallow personality trait,, I'd like to say that your analysis even if it's not lengthy like a book tells it all so much <3 i love how it's summarized, in just one essay <33
HELLO???? OH MY GOD. where are all these beautiful people coming from, today???
A CELEBRITY. a celebrity?? Wahh, I'm so glad you consider me that but,, I'm not honestly. I'm just a little guy who likes to talk (a lot) about their faves ★
Christmas Live is such a good one btw, I love the 2wink interaction with the rest of the boys, and it's also a very important story if you're interested in Yuu's insecurities..
I'm so glad you see me as such a cool person <3 I try my best
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doberbutts · 2 years
-very much a white anon-
I initially didn't question all the.... vitriol... surrounding RoP. I stopped watching jrrt adaptations after the 1st hobbit movie. The hobbit was one of my favourite books as a kid - mum read it to me when I was 5 - and I didn't care for the 'money grab' as I saw it in splitting that short book into 3 movies. And I didn't like the depiction of the elves.
ANYway. Thank you, you made me question and realize that I had just accepted other people's opinions on RoP without questioning their motives. I'm still not going to watch it... but that's because I don't want to, not because I think its... evil or whatever. I will not be ridiculing anyone who watches it/wants to watch it/loves it/likes it/etc.
Just because something isn't for me, doesn't mean it isn't for anyone. I can see myself in other shows that have received review bombing and targeted hate -white but marginalized in other ways- so I will not watch RoP but do my best to support those who do. heck I'd even help someone pirate it if they wanted me to.
you deserve better than to be someone I learn about freaking race in a tv show from - came for the dog content after all. but thank you for being right. like. all the time.
Believe it or not there was vitriol for LOTR and the Hobbit too but not nearly to this level for... some reason...
Anyway, truly, if you don't want to watch it then don't watch it. But if you don't want to watch it specifically because of the vitriol? Then personally I think you should experience something before you decide you don't like it. Because you shouldn't let other people decide for you what's okay to like or not like, and because you should make your own decisions rather than allow others to have that influence over you.
Especially when it's because of some hate campaign stirred up by the worst of society because there was a marginalized character on screen for 5 minutes.
Really at this point I am inherently suspicious of vitriolic hate from something someone hasn't experienced yet, and calls for review-bombing while also saying to boycott, and hideous amounts of nitpicking and faultfinding when there's plenty of flawed media to go around. No one has to like anything. But this particular behavior is a common go-to for those who want to have a tantrum rather than because they want to actually engage in a good-faith analysis.
Also I'm only right probably 50% of the time I just feel Very Strongly about things.
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paimonial-rage · 1 year
i think the establishment of a relationship is super important! it basically defines the way the couple acts in a relationship, so i understand the want to establish the pre-relationship before talking about the relationship. that's one reason why i like plot and longfics as there is space for such growth. i face a similar situation where i find it hard to categorize my fics as fluff or angst, so i've just adopted this belief that if it ends well it's fluff. if it ends badly, it's angst. whatever happens along the way will all lead to the ending so it doesn't matter fluff/angst whatever. i hope in 2023 you will find peace in your writing! may there be progress in the romance and fluff department if that is your goal :)
i'm glad that my encouragement helps, but really, your existence helps me because it's good to know i'm not alone in the x reader community XD (i have so much to say about Writings and how x readers can be more than wish-fulfillment but anyways--another day.)
!!! I WOULD love to read said isekai. i will be patient though because i'm also drafting a rather large project and it has been Months but I have gotten 0 words out. good luck to both of us :) may they be the wips we complete in 2023 HAHA.
lastly, about harem isekai, i 100% agree with your sentiment about it. i personally only read harem isekai after knowing who the main love interest is (novel updates is my go-to for spoilers, fr) and there is an overarching plot that supersedes the romance, so the harem isn't actually the main driver of the plot but just a fun, whimsical arc where the love interests all fight for the protag's attention while everyone is trying to solve the main Plot. (i can't rec anything rn. it has been ages since i last touched isekai, but the genre is dear to my heart </3) -- @milkstore
Okay so first off, thank you for the wonderful anon analysis request thing you sent in. I already decided who to pair with you. LOL I'm almost done!
But yeah you totally get me when it comes to fics. At one point, when I read fanfiction, I preferred more oneshots. But the older I get, the more I prefer longfics. But that's the thing like??? With typical fanfiction, it's okay to do oneshots because the relationship between two characters is already established. When you're writing original fiction or character x reader stuff, nothing is established! That's why I really envy those that can write amazing character x reader fics in a limited amount of words!
The fluff vs angst thing made me laugh. I'm p much the same way. The ending dictates the genre of the story! And yes, I will do my best with honing the skill of romance and fluff. I dislike labels, but if I had to categorize myself, I'd fall more close to being aromantic. I love reading romance, but I don't understand romance and the desire for it on a base level. I understand devotion, loyalty, and a desire for exclusivity, but romance is???? In my mind, relationships go from acquaintance --> friendship --> deep friendship --> deep exclusive bond reminiscent of a couple 5-10 years to their relationship. My brain skips the romance phase. LOL Honestly I just need to do more research.
I'll try to get started on that isekai soon though! It's going to be one of those ones where each character gets a paragraph. Each will get a completely unique isekai plot (they won't be interconnected). But unforitmately…. Like you, I haven't even gotten started yet HAHA. And that's on top of so many other WIPS I have, some technically done. May 2023 give us the strength to complete things :')
As for harem isekai, honestly I'm just laughing at what you wrote bc like?? Only choosing to read a story when you know the end game pair? Spoiling everything with Novel Updates????? THAT'S ME LOOOOL I love things with an overarching story, but seeing everyone fall for the main character always gets me so mad. The other characters just look SO PATHETIC. LIKE THEY'RE USUALLY COOL CHARACTERS TOO. THEY DESERVE MORE. But then again, I'm a loser that hates bad endings. I just want everyone to be happy, so everyone gets a love or nobody does. LOL
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c4rdsharp · 1 year
(slides on my anon shades) your depth of understanding and analysis of luck is so comendedable. you've done one of my personal favorite things to see in a portrayal which is take a character with a significant enough amount of presence in canon to get a general understanding of who they are, but also a small enough presence to not necessarily be called a main character, and made him your own, completely and entirely. being able to fit luck into different verses, think about what he's up to in modern day, and just fully flesh out his 1930s timeline is so impressive and i love hearing ALL your thoughts about him and his dynamics. you given such a good impression of luck that really influenced my enjoyment of him as i was reading the novels, and i'm especially fond of your portrayal now that i'm writing berga and we've really hashed out their relationship haha.
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meechi. I WROTE UP AN ENTIRE THING FOR THIS AND I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED IT. HELP ME. FOR THE SAKE OF MY SANITY & BREVITY, THOUGH, HERE IS WHAT THE ORIGINAL ENTAILED : Your words & thoughts are so very much appreciated, Eros, and it makes me happy that my portrayal fuels more adoration for Luck in canon material. Hearing that makes my day, as I'm sometimes worried I'd become far too removed from with canon with my interpretations ( more as a result that I haven't read the Baccano! novels in full for. Awhile now jbkvdsdbjvskdjvk ). But, also, it excites me so much to see you pick up Berga & give him the appreciation as he deserves among the Gandor brothers! He's so neglected, and I'm so looking forward to writing with you, regarding both him AND Raine. their dynamics are looking to be a fun & awesome time together, and i'm more than happy that we became mutuals <3 you're a delightful presence on the dash, and your passion for your muses is so wonderful. thank you, once again, for sending this in!
how's my portrayal? / @rhpsdys
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riddlerosehearts · 4 months
twst pjo anon here! i cannot sleep either due to studying for an exam but omg i checked back periodically all day to see if you'd posted because i was so curious abt your thoughts. I really love hearing people's answers to my questions so no worries abt rambling, i loved how much thought you gave!! Riddle def has grey eyes and a personality that fits athena, plus head counselor fits him super well. I never realized how much idia was just like nico until you put it that way, god theyre like the same character.. i love your idea for silver and I adore the concept of nico chilling with the ghosts in ramshackle too, it's so cute. i agree a lot with your choices and it was super fun to read! if i get around to doodling these (and possibly stop being shy on anon) i'd love to show you and chat with you more abt these <3
ooh good luck on your exam!! i saw your ask earlier in the day but i had to think about it a bit, i actually wanted to try putting a couple other riordanverse characters like luke (or alex from the magnus chase series, don't know if you've ever read that one though) into NRC dorms but the criteria for what gets someone put where feels so vague in canon and i could not decide lol, will have to think more on those. though when i was deciding where to put annabeth (who, again, i know can't technically actually go there because it's an all boys school--let's just pretend for AU purposes afkjdghd) i did reference this amazing dorm analysis that i read when i was first getting into the fandom. also, i have Reasons for making silver a morpheus kid instead of hypnos that i didn't share because i realized it's based on info that's only been released in the JP version of book 7 right now and i wasn't sure if i'd be spoiling you on it.
when i first got into twst and had to pick a character's hand to take in the prologue i literally went straight to the ignihyde dorm, without looking at any others, because i knew it was the one based on hades, my favorite disney villain. and i took one look at idia and said "that one. that's my new fave and he's coming with me" (yep, it was him and not riddle LOL). and then i actually played through book 6 and realized he had parallels with edward elric, my favorite anime character ever. and then i found that meme on reddit and realized he also had a ridiculous amount of parallels with nico, one of my favorite book characters. so of course i liked him immediately. of course. i'm way too predictable.
but yeah if you have any other thoughts on what cabins/dorms the characters should be in feel free to share them!! and no worries about being shy haha, recently i chatted with someone on here via anon asks for weeks before i stopped being too nervous to come off anon.
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destinyc1020 · 3 years
Yeah I think everyone is a little bit right tbh. Its probably a mix of reasons. I think another thing people might not realise is social media presence can very much effect your "look" which effects how hollywood views you. This of course depends on the actors reach because Florence is a big goof on ig (love her) but she doesnt have that much of a sm presence so it doesn't effect people's perception of her. Basically not that many people see it for it to influence her look to the majority of people. She's seen as a great actress whereas with actors like z and tom who have a massive engagement and go viral over the smallest things need to be more careful because a big part of their following are people who don't even follow them for their work, their social media is a whole different beast in itself that a video or post could be seen by more people than their own projects. So what they post and how they portray themselves very much has an influence on their career as a certain role would. It sounds ridiculous but if tom posted as much much weird and goofy stuff as he used to then thats how his audience but also hollywood (directors, studios etc) will view him. Kinda like how people just view him as Peter parker and some people don't take him seriously because of it. I dont have the link but I read a discussion about it before and it was super interesting. Many younger actors are now encouraged to keep their social media very mysterious (like timmys) because another effect it can have is people now more than ever actually know what a celebrity is like (to a degree) we build up our own image and that can be seen as a negative as casting directors want the audience to associate them with the character and not the actor and obvious thats becoming more difficult. Its even worse for tom because he's already accociated with a young, goofy iconic character but then ontop of that to be associated with cute goofy tom could have him not as desirable for serious roles and studios look at him more for action/comedy movies that cater to his young audience. Toms spoken about moving to the next chapter of his life and wanting to do more serious roles and maybe (just a theory) hes trying to keep his social media a bit more serious. I definitely think that's a big reason zendayas behaviour on sm changed. Her page is a lot more grown up and less personal. It's very professional and I really do think that was strategic to shake the teen image and I do think it helped
Thanks Anon for this in-depth analysis. I totally agree with you. I don't think fans realize just how much your social media "presence" will sometimes have to change, especially the more followers you get, and the more variety of roles you start wanting to go for. Keep in mind, even regular employers sometimes look at someone's social media posting habits and decide whether to hire you based on THAT alone. So yea, Tom and Z go viral just for breathing these days lol, so they have definitely scaled back somewhat on what they post...which is SMART actually imo. I've always felt that it's a little better to be mysterious anyway as opposed to posting everything. If I had to choose an extreme, I'd much prefer the opposite, because posting every single thing can get you in trouble. The less you post the better honestly. Like you said, a lot of actors don't post too much because they want audiences to see them as the character that they are. The more people feel like they know you, the harder it is for people to see you disappear into a character.
Yea, I miss the days when Z was posting her everyday life every two seconds lol... But now that she's 25 and is trying to get more serious roles as a respected actress in Hollywood, I can't even imagine her posting HALF of the stuff she would post like even just 3 or 4 years ago lol! 😅🤣
Same with Tom. If Tom is looking to do more adult roles, and to shake the Peter Parker image, he's probably not going to be posting 24/7 or posting fluff stuff all the time. Like you said, casting directors see a celebrity's postings as well.
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transmalewife · 2 years
This is an anon (not the same who asked though) who wants to say they loved your Satine meta! I’ll admit to not really thinking much (not in the sense of looking down, but not really letting her occupy as much space in my head as I do others in SW) about her, but your words gave me a new dimension on the character that I’ll try to think on. I do have to disagree a little about their relationship humanizing Obi-Wan though, I always liked how his platonic loves were treated as equally valid and fulfilling as the rest of the casts relationships, but that’s my own thing. There is one thing that stuck out to me though that I was surprised you didn’t mention, and if you don’t mind was hoping if you could do something on: what did you think about the scene in the end of her first arc with Anakin killing Tal Merrik?
It’s part of why I didn’t really think about her, because it annoyed me so much from multiple perspectives-not just Satine’s ludicrous extreme of pacifism where it’s not okay to kill a guy about to blow up a ship, but the hypocrisy of Obi-Wan and bad writing surrounding Anakin in TCW. How is it not attachment to hesitate in dealing with a terrorist because you don’t want to look bad in front of your ex-lover? Why is it framed as a “Vader moment” (and I really don’t like those in TCW at all, but that’s a separate subject) when Anakin kills the guy and not an extreme problem on Obi-Wan’s part? If it had been Anakin and Padme in that situation (ignoring how she would just have blown his head off and the entire saga occurs because Anakin puts his desire for his loved ones safety over what they actually would want) and Obi-Wan just stabbed the guy without a care, it would be framed as their attachment to each other and his classic sass, so why is there a double standard here? I’m sorry for venting, I just don’t really like that scene and was hoping to hear what you had to say about it if you wanted.
thank you so much!
yeah I've noticed a lot of people, including me, tend to not think too much about satine, and i do think it's because she's just... a competently written character. not great, not terrible either. few people despise her addition to the story, few love her. she's just there and i'm ok with that. this does bring up something that i'd love to find the words to explore further, in terms of media analysis, that is especially obvious in star wars, which is the parallels between 1 who a character is as a person 2 what the character is in the narrative and 3 how the audience reacts to them. So Anakin for example is an insanely complicated person, both a representative for wider societal issues but also deeply emotional. his story is written to be both grand and personal. his love for other people and his trauma caused by the systems that made him are explored in more depth than any other character's in the story. he's also violent, contradictory, chaotic, irrational and dedicated. and similarly fandom is extremely divided, violent, chaotic, angry, and obsessively loving of him. both in a personal sense, compelled by the character, but also by relating him to their own struggles under systems of power irl. obi-wan is framed as the voice of reason by the story, and so the discussions about him in fandom tend to be more civil and delve deeper into philosophy and historical background, and sometimes forget human emotions, because obi-wan as a character would very much like to ignore his own. and satine is as a person, calm, detached, rational and neutral on even the most serious conflict, as a narrative device she appears already established to tell us about the past, not really change much in the story of her own initiative. and similarly the fandom tends to just accept her as something unchangeable in the past, and stay pretty indifferent about her.
I'm very sorry if i made it seem like i think Obi-Wan was humanized by having a romantic interest, that wasn't at all what i meant. I know a lot of people read him as ace/aro/just very dedicated to jedi celibacy and that's absolutely a valid and very interesting thing to explore with the character. What i meant is obi-wan was introduced as an old man, a hermit from a bygone time, then the prequels showed him struggling with more responsibility than he could handle, forced to grow up from padawan to master in literally one day. It was nice to see someone from his past prove that he was an emotional, awkward teenager once too, both for us as the audience and for anakin, who before that thought obi-wan really was the perfect emotionless jedi. I would have been equally compelled if a platonic best friend from obi-wan's past showed up in satine's place, if their relationship and the choice between love of any kind and duty was explored in as much depth. I would have especially loved to see the line between acceptable, detached friendship and the deeper love forbidden by the order explored for once without the writers being able to take the easy way out and saying if they kiss or are family then it's bad.
And I did adress that scene, but i admit i wasn't as clear as i could have been, because i try not to go into specific plot point details in my meta these days since my memory is shit and i'm not rewatching the movies and show constantly like i was last year.
"No, the irony only matters when Obi-Wan freezes up before killing a guy to save her, and i like how it reads less like noble warrior monk reminded of his vows and more like middle aged man ashamed of looking bad in front of his ex, because he doesn’t usually have any problems with this kind of self defense violence."
this part here was about that scene, and yeah, it's an especially egregious example of the way star wars can be inconsistent and hypocritical about itself. the jedi as pacifists is really more of a catchphrase than anything grounded in real truth, considering how easily they reach for violence in their peacekeeping, both in smaller cases: obi-wan cutting off the shapeshifter's arm in aotc when trying to solve an attempted murder is fine and not really given any weight by the story, while anakin dismembering the spider general in season 7 to save many people from a bomb is bad and a sign he's gone past the point of no return (yes i know he kills him later, but the way it's framed is clearly supposed to make us see this as evil even before he does), and on a larger scale: joining the war. Satine, and that scene specifically, gives us a glimpse of that contradiction. If the jedi really were peacekeepers and pacifists, they would have stayed neutral like mandalore. not saying that would be a better choice, but by not doing this they are exposing the inherent conflict between being republic police and neutral mediators.
And you do bring up an important point. I mentioned in that last reply that tcw keeps putting anakin and other jedi (usually obi-wan) in very similar situations to show us how a good jedi would react, but not only does that also lead to losing a lot of nuance of why exactly anakin reacts differently, given his childhood, but also because consistency is not tcw's strong suit at some point it really does become when obi-wan kills someone it's good because obi-wan is a good person. when anakin kills someone it's bad because he's gonna be darth vader and you know that because we're playing his evil theme song.
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f0xfordcomma · 2 years
Hi. I'm sending this to writers who've written things I really liked. What turns you off a fic that you started reading and liking? What is it that happens for you that makes you say Nope, done with this and never come back to it? Looking for feedback but don't want to attach my name. Thanks.
Hi anon!
First of all, thank you so much for reaching out! I can't believe you've read and liked my stuff, that means so so much! <3 <3
This is a tricky question to answer because I think that it really depends on a lot of factors for me:
I'd say first and foremost, when searching for a fic, there are certain ships I generally gravitate towards (kataang, maiko, sukka, the lovesquare in miraculous ladybug) but I also really really enjoy reading gen and fics that dive more deeply into character analysis. In that vein, I think a big thing for me is making sure that the characters are, well, *in character.* I like canon ships because they just make sense to me and seeing my faves with non-canonical partners just feels OOC and I have a hard time buying in to the story, even if in every other aspect, it is well-written.
This, as with most things in fandom, can be pretty subjective though. The way I interpret a character might be different than the way someone else does, and they have every right to interpret the characters as such. I may not see Azula as REALLY being a 400 ft tall purple platypus-bear with pink horns and silver wings, but I am not going to disparage anyone their reading of her in that way (but I probably will click away from it if I stumble across it.)
Another thing that I do have a hard time with once I've started a fic is the tone of the writing and the grammatical style. If its a shorter fic that I like the concept of, I can still get pretty invested and see it through to the end, even if its not the most well-written. I really want to give all fic writers, regardless of skill level, the benefit of having their stories read so that they can continue to grow as writers.
Sometimes, though, especially with longer fics that I am going to be spending more time reading, if in the first couple of chapters I have a hard time following the writing style, I will click away. I read fic, in large part, for escapism and immersion and I sometimes have a hard time getting immersed in a world that I want to take a red pen to.
The awesome thing about fandom, though, is that everyone (in my experience) is really friendly and we all just want to encourage one another in our creative endeavors. Beta readers are an awesome feature of fandom and I would absolutely encourage anyone who is nervous about posting a fic or just wants a second set of eyes on their work to seek out a beta reader. It's easy to have your eyes glaze over when you're looking at the words you've written and read over dozens of times. A fresh perspective can not only catch mistakes and improve clarity, it's also a great way to build a stronger friendship with someone in fandom you may have been wanting to get to know better!
On that note, too, as I have gotten more involved with fandom, and as my irl life has gotten a bit busier, I find that I am generally a lot more likely to spend my designated fic reading time on reading a fic that one of my friends has written. So! I know its super duper scary (I cringe at how nervous I was when I first joined fandom) but don't be afraid to reach out to people or participate in a fandom event. (I didn't find my foothold in fandom until I wrote for Kataang week this past summer, and now I've found some phenomenal friends and my favorite writers!) The way that fic fosters community is such a beautiful thing. At the end of the day, we're all a bunch of big ol' dorks just out here making art about ~blorbo from our shows.~ Not so intimidating, when you think about it, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Ultimately, keep making what makes you happy. Imo its way more important to write what you love than to worry about the number of hits or comments you get on a fic (although man oh man is that stuff a cherry on top!) I believe that your passion for what you do will show in the work you create, so keep it up anon!
And genuinely, don't hesitate to reach out again for more advice/ beta-ing/ to rec your own fics/ general banshee noises about your favorite characters or an HC that makes you happy. I live for that kind of stuff.
Hope my rambling was helpful!! Thanks again for the ask :)
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enderwalk · 3 years
What's something you find hard to do because of autism?-Have you ever used a weighted blanket?-Do you headcanon any characters as autistic? -If you want, tell us why you headcanon them as autistic.-If you have any, what are your special interests?
ooohohoohoh. oh. oh anon you made a mistake with the fictional characters one. all of my favorite characters are nd in some way if i think hard enough but lemme answer these in order before i get too excited
for the first one. socializing. my parents always just thought i was a shy kid and other kids always thought i was just weird but i just didnt understand how to socialize?? im still kinda bad at it but i think its mostly just masking because i feel like im reciting a script whenever i talk to new people. small talk is my worst nightmare why do we need this small talk script, i get its polite but it makes me feel like i want to crawl into a hole and never come out. also deciphering tone. so i think just social cues?? i also just hate when people want me to high five them because i stand there confused not sure if theyre waving or what. low fives are even worse, whenever my dad did them to me i got confused and thought he wanted me to give him whatever was in my hand.
i answered the weighted blanket one, and yes! i love weighted blankets but i dont use mine that often because its not really soft. when its not like. 100+ degrees. i just pile on like fifteen blankets. (i wish that was a joke but damien knows its very real. it ends up weighing over thirty pounds and i Cannot move under them)
FIRST OFF. c!ranboo is autistic. you cant convince me otherwise. im sorry but endermen are already autism coded as is, and then you take our favorite socially inept enderboy. i can project so hard on him its unreal. ghostbur is also autistic and friend is his service animal. autism dogs? no. autism sheep. also outside of the dsmp, jack kline is definitely autistic. i wrote a whole analysis back in 2018 before i knew i was autistic which is really funny to me considering i was writing down autistic traits and went "i do all of these btw" and then it didnt click. id write why i hc them all autistic but this is already SO long and i feel like most people aren't reading anymore at this point LMAO
and yues i have special interests!! I have a few!!! minecraft has been my one ongoing special interest since i was like. eleven. i played it nonstop then and watched batclone and team crafted nonstop when i was younger, and then was embarrassed to watch it. and then dream smp comes along!! i'd liked wilbur from soothouse and i watched him on smp earth a bit (and funnily enough didnt like tommy at ALL) and then followed wilbur to dsmp!! and now im here!! doctor who is also a big special interest, ive got so many doctor who related things. ive got posters and figurines and pop figures and books and merch. i had a whole eleventh doctor cosplay and several sonic screwdrivers. and supernatural!! i was into supernatural for YEARS man. one special interest that isnt fandom related is cryptozoology. i fucking adore cryptids. fresno nightcrawlers?? theyre so fucking shaped. i love them. theyre little friends and walk so funny and the coolest thing is that fact or faked could NOT recreate them no matter how hard they tried. i also just love the clip of the little one running theyre so <3 i love cryptids man dont get me started
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