earth-to-lottie · 11 months
I’ve been working all day so only just finished the race
And all I have to say is
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its-avalon-08 · 1 month
Hey lovely, can i make a request for Daniel Ricciardo fic based on But daddy i love him by Taylor? You can have free reign on it, but just that line "me and my wild boy and all of his wild joy" is so Daniel and has been stuck in my head for ages. Something fluffy and funny, so whatever you want (maybe even a pregnancy reveal 👀👀) if you see fit i just love that song and it's so big ric coded.
Love your work!!! Thank you so much 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
but daddy i love him (dr3)
(please bear with me this one is extra long, ily all)
the start of the most beautiful things in y/n's life were often masked by difficulties and plagued with the anxieties of life. but when danny was around, things just fell into place. time seemed to stop and the fast paced world began to still.
clutching their pearls, sighing "what a mess"
the air in your childhood home crackled with a tension thicker than the gravy simmering on the stove. you sat across from danny, his smile a little too wide, your dad's gaze narrowed like a hawk eyeing a squirrel.
"so, danny," your dad began, his voice gruff, "you're a… racing driver, is that right?"
"yes sir," danny chimed, a touch too enthusiastically. "formula one, actually! just signed with mclaren for next season."
your dad grunted, poking his mashed potatoes with a fork. "formula one, huh? sounds… dangerous."
"it can be," danny admitted, "but safety's paramount these days, you know?" he flashed a winning grin. "plus, the adrenaline rush? unbelievable."
your dad snorted. "adrenaline rush. sounds like you live life on the edge, son."
you shot your dad a warning glare. "dad, be nice."
he sighed, leaning back in his chair. "honey, I just want to make sure he's responsible. you deserve someone stable, someone who won't make you worry constantly."
"dad!" you exclaimed, cheeks burning. "he's not a reckless teenager, he's a professional athlete! and he takes care of himself."
screaming "but daddy i love him!"
danny, bless his heart, interjected, "exactly! I train like a champion, eat healthy, the whole nine yards. your daughter's in good hands, sir."
the tension remained, a thick fog in the air. dinner progressed in tense silence, punctuated only by the clinking of cutlery. you stole glances at danny, his usual sunny disposition dampened. it broke your heart.
suddenly, your dad cleared his throat. "so, danny," he began, a hint of curiosity in his voice. "you said you race for mclaren? ever met lewis hamilton?"
you watched in surprise as danny's face lit up. "met him? I race alongside him! absolute legend, that man. we have some epic battles on the track."
for the next hour, the conversation flowed. your dad, a former racing enthusiast himself, peppered danny with questions about the sport, its history, the intricacies of car setup. danny, more than happy to oblige, regaled him with stories, technical details, even pulling out his phone to show pictures of him with lewis.
by the end of the night, your dad was chuckling at a particularly funny anecdote about a rogue pigeon causing a pit stop delay. he clapped danny on the back with a newfound warmth. "alright, alright, danny. you alright in my book. just take care of my daughter, you hear?"
danny, his grin back in full force, squeezed your hand. "wouldn't dream of it, sir. consider yourself one of my biggest fans from now on."
as you walked danny to his car later, a comfortable silence settled between you. "thanks for being patient with him," you whispered, leaning into his side.
i know he's crazy but he's the one i want
he wrapped his arm around you, pulling you close. "your dad just wants the best for you, that's all. and seeing you happy… that's all I want too." he planted a soft kiss on your forehead. "besides, I think I scored some serious brownie points tonight, wouldn't you say?"
you laughed, the sound echoing in the quiet night. "maybe just enough to convince him that a formula one driver can be perfectly responsible... especially when he makes my daughter this happy."
time skip
the sun beat down on the golden sands of miami beach, the gentle waves lapping at the shore lulling you into a state of pure bliss. sprawled out on your beach towel, sunglasses perched on your nose, you were lost in a trashy romance novel, the sound of danny's playful laughter occasionally breaking through your concentration.
suddenly, a shadow fell over you. you peeked over your sunglasses to see danny, a mischievous glint in his eyes, standing over you. before you could even register what was happening, he swooped down, scooping you up in his arms like a prize.
now i'm dancing in my dress in the sun and
"hey!" you shrieked, a surprised laugh escaping your lips. the book tumbled into the sand, forgotten.
with a triumphant yell, danny sprinted towards the ocean. the cool water rushed at you as he plunged in, carrying you with him. you shrieked again, this time with delight, water splashing everywhere.
when danny finally set you down, the waves lapping at your waists, you couldn't help but grin at him. his hair was plastered to his forehead, and a carefree smile stretched across his face.
i'm his lady, and oh my god
"you're a menace, ricciardo!" you exclaimed, shaking your head playfully.
he just laughed, the sound echoing across the beach. then, in a flash, he was pulling you closer, his arms wrapping around your waist. you giggled as he dipped you backwards, the cool water washing over you both.
when he pulled you back up, his eyes held a playful fire. before you could say anything, he leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a kiss that was warm, sweet, and tasted faintly of salt. you melted into him, the world around you fading away.
me and my wild boy and all of this wild joy
the kiss ended with a sigh, foreheads resting against each other. you looked into his eyes, their blue depths sparkling with love and adoration.
"you're crazy," you whispered, a smile blooming on your face.
"only for you," he replied, his voice husky. he brushed a stray strand of hair from your cheek, his thumb gently tracing the curve of your jaw.
you sighed contentedly, leaning into his touch. in that moment, with the sun warming your skin, the sound of the waves crashing in your ears, and danny by your side, everything felt perfect. you wouldn't trade this feeling for the world.
time skip
you fidgeted with the hotel room balcony railing, the bustling city of monaco blurring below. danny, oblivious, was humming along to the pre-race hype blaring from the tv. today was his big day, the monaco grand prix, and the nervous energy crackling in the air was almost tangible. you, however, were grappling with a different kind of jitters.
taking a deep breath, you approached him, the small velvet box clutched tightly in your hand. "danny," you began, voice barely above a whisper. he glanced up, a dazzling smile splitting his face.
"hey there, sunshine," he said, reaching out to pull you into a quick hug. "ready for the race?"
"actually," you mumbled, biting your lip, "there's something I need to tell you before you go."
he frowned playfully, his brow crinkling in mock seriousness. "is it that you secretly placed a giant shoey on toto wolff's yacht?"
you laughed, a little relieved at the lighter mood. "no, nothing like that. it's… well, it's important."
he set the tv remote down, his smile softening. "alright, come here," he patted the space next to him on the plush couch. you sat down, fiddling with the box in your lap. the words seemed to get stuck in your throat, a tangled mess of nerves.
"danny," you tried again, voice shaking slightly, "we might need to… postpone those post-race victory celebrations."
now I'm running with my dress unbuttoned
he chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "losing faith in your honey badger already? don't worry, I've got this."
frustration bubbled up. "no, it's not that! it's… it's…" you squeezed the box so hard your knuckles turned white. "i'm pregnant, danny!"
the playful smile vanished, replaced by a look of utter confusion. "pre… what now?" he asked, brow furrowed.
panic clawed at you. was this the wrong approach? "pregnant! as in, a baby, danny! we're having a baby!" you blurted out, your voice bordering on a squeak.
i'm having his baby
the confusion on his face morphed into a look of dawning realization. his eyes widened, then welled up with tears. a choked sob escaped his lips. he whipped his head towards the balcony door and threw it open, a joyous yell erupting from his throat.
"we're having a baby!" he bellowed across the bustling streets of monte carlo, his voice thick with emotion.
i know he's crazy but he's the one i want
he turned back to you, a goofy grin splitting his face, tears streaming down his cheeks. before you could even react, he swept you into a tight embrace, the box tumbling onto the floor with a soft thud. he squeezed you like a lifeline, muttering incoherent words of joy into your hair.
his emotions were infectious. you clung to him, tears welling up in your own eyes. he pulled back, his hands cupping your face. he peppered your cheeks, forehead, your nose, with kisses, every kiss filled with a love so profound it took your breath away.
"this is… this is incredible, y/n," he finally managed to say, his voice hoarse. he pulled you close again, resting his forehead against yours. "we're having a baby. we're going to be parents."
he was chaos, he was revelry
the celebratory noises from outside were a distant hum, drowned out by the frantic thumping of your heart and the overwhelming sense of happiness washing over you. in that moment, in danny's arms, with the promise of a new life growing inside you, the world seemed to shimmer with possibility. you couldn't wait to start this incredible adventure together.
but oh my god you should see your faces
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ineedassistance28 · 3 months
maybe it’s just because i’m a fan of max, but sometimes it annoys me how f1 fans get so happy when he doesn’t finish a race. i understand that it’s boring to see the same person win all the time, and personally there are drivers that i would absolutely love to see win a grand prix (lando, charles, lewis, etc.), but it just rubs me the wrong way to see fans make tiktoks about how the australian gp was beautiful just because max didn’t finish it, and that they hope stuff like this happens for the rest of the season, etc., joke or not.
i just don’t get why people hate max’s success so much when we’re literally witnessing history being made (especially last year’s season). max verstappen’s prime years are some of the most impressive in all of f1, and i feel like more people need to recognize that. it’s amazing that a driver can perform on such a high level and get the best possible performance out of a car so consistently.
i don’t want it to seem like i’m irritated because max didn’t win or something. i think it’s boring when max is out in front with a 20 second gap; i want to see him have proper fights with other drivers that push both of them to the limit. i want to watch someone beat max after battling with him the whole gp, rather than a driver beating/catching up to max because of mechanical issues. it made me so happy to see carlos win a race, knowing that ferrari dropped him for lewis and left him without a seat. it was amazing to see carlos prove that ferrari made a mistake and he’s worthy of a seat in the future, whether that’s next year or 2026. that being said, i would’ve enjoyed it a lot more if max had been able to challenge him.
max as a driver is ridiculously impressive, he has a great personality, and he deserves more support. fans shouldn’t be celebrating because he was knocked out of a race by mechanical issues.
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pit-2-podium · 2 months
favorite things from the sprint (in kinda in chronological order and mostly announcer quotes)
Lando going so wide he dropped six positions (he had started first, I had high hopes, I'm sad now)
"and dropped him into the clutches of the dutchman" (as Max not so slowly does his max thing, but its just so ominous)
can't do anything about it, won't do anything about it
the announcers repeatedly bringing up just how displeased with life Lewis is
daniel riccardo-esque dive bomb move
Max actually had to race this time!!
"Leave it to me man. I can see him" - lewis as his engineer warns him that max is Right There
"verstappen takes his custom reposition at the front of the formula one field"
the fact alonso has the longest f1 career like ever
the battle between alonso and sainz and perez just slipping right on by (it was beautiful)
whatever the fuck the ferraris were doing on lap 17
Alonso's all or nothing attitude (he tapped the back of carlos and had to pit because of it) (he dnf'd)
Charles just going "what the fuck"
The announcers absolute glee at the chaos
Lewis getting P2!!
"We were able to show you something you might be used to by now, max verstappen first."
Max getting 13 seconds on Lewis in 10 laps (insane)
Fun fact Russell did the entire thing on softs (impressive)
The energy of the fans looked so vibey
Zhou was so close to points - I have faith that he'll score later
The mic problems in Max's interview (I work with mics, I understand the pain)
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vro0m · 1 month
Ok I don’t know if you want to answer this but I keep seeing these Verstappen to Mercedes rumors and I need to speak my truth 😂
I think I am just forever baffled by how severely overrated Verstappen is compared to other drivers in the top teams. When is the last time he has actually raced another driver wheel to wheel and won that fight fair and square? I’ve watched since 2021 and have yet to see it. 🤷‍♀️ As soon as he doesn’t have just miles and miles of open road all around him, he becomes extremely hot headed and makes really dumb mistakes/chooses not to follow the rules/can’t overtake for the life of him. I have seen so much smart strategizing and clever beautiful racing and overtaking under heaps of pressure and in more intense battles, also between team mates, from Leclerc and Alonso and Sainz and Hamilton among others.
I’ve never seen that from Verstappen. He’s racking up insane win stats without having raced any other cars at all. 😭
I guess in that sense it would be interesting to see him go to Mercedes or Aston because I would really like to see how GOATed he is when he actually has to fight on track.
Genuinely didn't even read to the end before I started answering because your premise is already wrong. There's a lot of things you can say about Max as a driver but he is definitely not overrated.
Max does make mistakes and he lacks accountability imo (also due to his entourage), but he is a virtuoso nonetheless. You're framing his aggressiveness on track as a bad thing because, sure, it doesn't always end well. But it's actually a quality. You need that to make moves nobody expects, moves that are on the limit, moves that give you an edge. If Max learns accountability and how to make sure his aggressiveness ends well most of the time aka to be slightly cleaner while not losing his boldness, he'll just be an even greater driver than he already is. There's a reason why a lot of if not most champions have the reputation of being absolute cunts at least at some point of their career. Alonso and Lewis were pretty much the same. (ETA : do I even need to mention Seb lol)
Also don't blame the extremely dominant car nor his talent on Max? It's not on him that he doesn't have to race cars atm. He did for what? 6 or 7 years? Before he got to this point? Now he's very good at what he does in a very good car. What do you want him to do, slow down? Lewis didn't race much either at some point lol. More than Max, sure. But not much. That's just F1.
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vvettell · 2 years
i think about it at least once a week anyway but now that brazil is next i keep thinking about brazil 21 and how much of a rollercoaster ride it was the narrative was SO rich that weekend it was better than any script anyone could have written
when after mexico it felt like max already had one hand on the trophy because the points gap was big enough that lewis would have had to win all the remaining races and first the freight is stuck in miami and arrives late so teams can't work as they usually would and the first rumours pop up of lewis taking yet another ICE and it feels desperate because why would they take yet another one but then quali happens and lewis gets pole by FOUR tenths which was one of the biggest gaps we had in quali all season and it's okay because he'd start the sprint from p1 but then the race from p6 and he did a mega lap
ONLY THEN after the session reports come out about the fia checking lewis's car forever and bam lewis gets disqualified because his rear wing flap opened only 0.02mm more than it should on one side and merc fight it immediately and video emerges of max touching lewis's rear wing in parc ferme after rb had been baffled by merc's straight line speed and newey met the fia about it but the stewards refuse to come to a decision that day and it feels like the championship is already over just hand the trophy to max while the merc admin is posting about lewis being the dj in the garage as if nothing's happening so saturday happens and merc lose the appeal and max gets fined 50k for touching another car in parc ferme
lewis starts the sprint dead last and has one of THE drives and gets 4 cars in the first lap alone and ends up p5 on the grid in a matter of 24 laps which sets a record for most overtakes in that amount of time and it kinda feels like you're watching something special like history being made like maybe..... but WAIT!!! he still has to take the engine penalty
so sunday comes around and lewis starts the race p10 and gets up to p2 after a small battle with checo and the car is so fast lewis is catching and catching and on lap 48 he tries to overtake max in turn 4 who doesn't even TRY to turn the car and punts him into argentina basically and the stewards don't even note it and wheatley is on the radio about how it's all about letting them race and hard racing while merc complains and masi tells them they've looked at it from all angles which turns out to be a bold faced lie after the race because they didn't have max's onboard and couldn't see his steering inputs at all and he's not referring it to the stewards and lewis puts his head down and sets it up and gets a beautiful move done 1 lap later the crowd goes absolutely wild and after the last two races in that triple header it feels like this championship is on again
he picks up a brazilian flag from a marshal in the cool down lap and drives the lap with it and brazilian commentary literally chokes up on live air and lewis stands on the podium with the brazilian flag around him and brazil celebrates him like he's their own and call him the boss and it was the most beautiful thing he came back from what was essentially a 25 place grid penalty and overtook every single car on the grid some of them even twice and still WON!!!!!
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sennaverstappen · 4 months
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ROUND 17/23 ⸺ japanese grand prix ✩ 24.09.2023
maple's rating: ★★★★ (9.6/10)
☁︎ click read more facts, highlights & experiences ☁︎
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✩ facts
red bull won their sixth wcc!!
today was the 13th consecutive time max has won when starting from pole position, beating michael schumacher's previous record 🥺
it was max’s 28th win since the start of last season
max’s fastest lap was 1.064s quicker than any other driver’s
checo’s retirement ended red bull's 100 percent finishing record in 2023
✩ raceweek highlights
yoooo seb vet! he is here! 🐝😁
max absolutely going into the weekend with a killing mindset 💀💀👍
logan in the wall…
red flag 💔🥺
japanese fans with all their beautiful fan merch!!! 🥰🥰🥰😭✨✨✨
zhou in the grass…
alex slaying in quali q1 + q2
yuki to q3!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
absolute banger lap from max. like absolute banger. like one of the best max laps ever. ☀️🥰🥺💌🙏💥‼️
"there you go. 28." "duly taken." LIKE SKFHGDF???? 😭😭😭😭😭
lando amazing start, max even better‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
liam ahead of yuki? wow!
safetyyyyyyyyyyy car 😭😭😭😭😭
checo and lewis contact… ch3wis tease… 😘
alex contact :(
valtteri off the road because of logan
INSANE britcedes battle. love u george! 😁😁😁😁😁
valtteri dnf
checo crashing into kevin (jesus)
checo dnf (OR?) 👀👀👀
fuckass pitstop for max…
gax "fight"
fernando and lewis fight (tea)
oscar and lando fight… in suzuka…. prosenna…
checo +5 laps. CHECO +5 LAPS. RED BULL MY BELOVED EVIL TEAM!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
max kinda sad he didnt get 20 second gap. he just like me fr. 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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✩ maple's diary
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httpsserene · 3 months
saudi arabian grand prix 2024 recap
* poor pierre. if i was him i would just stop showing up to races lol as i said before he’d have the same result: 0 points :)
* lando jump start? i need to know if he’s going to be penalized NEOW!!!
* also poor lance! the aston’s had great pace this weekend and i thought we could have both of them get some good points today!
* on the brighter side, safety car may have made this race interesting again!
* dumb on mercedes’ part to not pit ham in my opinion. they know that car can’t handle dirty air, regardless of how much of a tire whisperer lewis is.
* beautiful move by ollie even with the lock up!
* hulkenberg albon incident, what can i say…it was a tight spot to be in lol
* good job lando u tried :)))) the mclaren car is just not strong in that 2&3 sectors! perez around ham we knew that was gonna happen anyways
* OLLIE POINTS!!!! ferrari is going to tell carlos to not come back at this point
* LANDO CLEARED OF HIS JUMPSTART CHARGES!!! TAKE THAT SNITCH GEORGE RUSSELL (i’m jk i would’ve ran my mouth too but whtv)
* “car slow” - lewis “yes the gps told me that” - bono LMAOOOO
* confirmed: my dog is a mercedes fan. she loves lewis hamilton and his voice on the radio! she perks up whenever he talks lol
* ollie is driving like an absolute g! BEAUTIFUL OVERTAKE WHAT THE HELL
* twenty seconds for magnussen. ay dios mio 💀
* hamilton 🤨 what’s this breaking thing bro
* lando sounded calm as hell on that radio wtf that was like multiple sentences
* sorry got locked into that battle in the back and completely forgot about writing my thoughts down
* i’m nervous to see how lando’s gonna end this race,,, it makes me ill
* lowkey alex’s move on yuki was overtake of the day imo!!!
* FUCK I THOUGHT THAT WAS IT FOR OSCAR! and lewis didn’t even let my boy get the overtake before he pit :(
* fast lap perez…..oh no this can’t be
* 4 second stop for lando :/ cmon man
* watching lando zip away around those corners…omfg i wanna do terrible things to him that would set back feminism 😚
* wym lando was given a warning for that…he’s just a boy :(
* i also,,,voted ollie driver of the day
* a ver, per, lec podium! i want lando up there soon!!!! i feel like we went a lil backwards mclaren…fool me once, fool me twice, I WILL NOT BE FOOLED DURING THE NEXT RACE…I THOUGHT IT WAS WHATEVER IT TAKE MCLAREN!!!!
* BRILLIANT BEAUTIFUL BEARMAN!!! he’s so cute doing a lil debrief an all sounds like a true f1 driver already!
* leclerc fastest lap 😛
* don’t think it was the right strategy to not pit during the safety car for lando and lewis, but still a fun show to watch them fight :)
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ultrahpfan5blog · 1 year
Elemental is a delightful surprise...
I am generally a fan of anything Pixar. They probably have the best quality track record of any major studio in Hollywood. So I expected a minimum level of quality going into the movie, but the reviews for the film were more moderate than top tier Pixar. Frankly, after watching the movie, I am shocked that the reviews aren't higher because the movie is an absolute delight. A beautifully animated, visually stunning, and very fun and well meaning movie which was hilarious and moving at various points. The movie is a mixture of a romcom, a first generation immigrant story, and a self discovery story, and these elements are all juggled together due to a creation of some really likable characters. This is genuinely the best romcom that we have seen in years. Romcoms have become a rarity in theatrical release, but Elemental has all the ingredients of a good one. There is great chemistry between Ember and Wade, which made me really root for them. There are funny moments, genuinely romantic moments, and some heartbreaking moments between them. The first generation immigrant story is also heartwarming. There are little touches that work so well, like Bernie and Cinder having to keep names that are easier to pronounce in Element city, Bernie's english not being perfect, and having their own community and traditions, separated from the rest of Element city. The story of dealing with the pressure of expectations, and the battle between duty to your parents vs doing what you want is an evergreen story. If there is a ding against this film, it is that these are all stories and tropes that have been done before, including by Disney, and the metaphors are fairly obvious. But it honestly didn't matter to me because the execution was great. And frankly, these are stories that are always relevant. All the individual aspects of the story just work and there are numerous quite moving scenes. I will say that I was surprised by just how much the very ending scene moved me. Of course, being Pixar, the animation is breathtaking. The way they show emotions of Ember by how her flames ebb and flow is just a joy to watch. Element city is vibrant and full of color. There is a dance scene with Wade and Ember that is beautiful, romantic, and intimate, and a lot of credit has to be given to the design and animation of that scene.
All in all, I think Peter Sohn has done an excellent job with this film. It is definitely an improvement over The Good Dinosaur. The voice acting is stellar, particularly by Leah Lewis as Ember, Mamoudou Athie as Wade, and Ronnie del Carmen as Bernie. I hope that the film has legs and people watch it because it is worth watching. An 8.5/10.
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kyutepups · 8 months
Someone recently asked me why I enjoyed Final Destination 3 so much, and I accidentally wrote a mini-analysis so here you guys go. (I didn’t proofread it so I hope it makes sense)
Well, where do I even start. First off, the characters are extremely well written and easy to connect with, unlike any of the other movies (besides the first one).
The acting is absolutely phenomenal and the pure fear Mary Elizabeth Winstead (Wendy) managed to portray is actually mind boggling. I will admit Lewis (Texas Battle) was poorly written, being a stereotypical black jock never really plays well. But the other characters have their own uniqueness to them that we didn’t really see in some of the other movies. Ashlyn (Crystal Lowe) and Ashley (Chelan Simmons) were stereotypical “mean” girls but they were actually extremely nice and sweet in the movies, just girls who were kinda airheaded. Frankie (Sam Easton) was a weird ass pervert, but you have to admit his character was extremely (and sadly) realistic. Ian (Kris Lemche) and Erin (Alexz Johnson) were teenage dirtbag assholes which really balances out the ditzyness and almost airy feel of the other characters. Ian being super smart was honestly a refresher in the series, because not many people did try and apply other “laws” and “theories” to the equation. Julie (Amanda Crew) was that asshole teen little sister who acts like a brat but truly isn’t, which (if you’re a sibling) is so easy to relate and connect to. Kevin (Ryan Merriman) was a jerk in the beginning, but as the story went on you could kind of see him change and feel for him and his situation (at least I did. I know not many people can, but that’s cause of trauma for me…) And the little screen time we had for Jason (Jesse Moss) and Carrie (Gina Holden) made viewers feel torn about their death. With the 10 minutes they had, they were SUCH sweethearts and it breaks your heart to see them die like that especially knowing Wendy tried to get them off.
The plot itself is amazing, a control freak who now has the knowledge she isn’t even in control of her own life and death, as well as trying to stop everyone around hers demise. It adds a more realistic level to this that wasn’t portrayed in the others. She wants to be in control, but she can’t because that’s not the way death works. The clues being in the photos rather than in visions is genuinely so cool, although it was a bit of a reach at times. I found that it being a group of people who already know each other rather than strangers really drives the message further and makes the audience have a deeper reaction to the movie. The deaths itself were the best in any movie by far, and there’s no arguing on that. The tanning beds, the weights, the nail gun, the flag pole impalement, even the premonition Wendy had at the end that maybe (probably definitely) did happen with the train. Each death in this movie was beautiful, and the editing and everything about this movie is just gorgeous.
I think what worked for it was the fact it’s. Stand-alone, and not a continuation of the first two movies. Also, they had a lot more cool features than the other movies, like that whole “choose their fate” thing in the DVDs (I think). This movie is straight up just fun and a refresher from the others. The only movie I would consider being better than it is the 5th one, but that’s simply cause of the plot twist at the end and the cool thing they added with the “take a life, earn a life”
Anyways I hope this makes sense please tell me it does 😭
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i was tagged by lovely @loveyougoodbi to do an F1 wrapped. so, here are my results!
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i want to elaborate a bit. it was damn hard to do these tops, especially the drivers one. i literally battled with myself for every position ._.
1. Charles Leclerc
i adore him as a pilot and as a person. his driving style is exciting and desperate, always on the limit. his fearlessness, his passion for the sport, his loyalty. on the track Charles Leclerc is literally the embodiment of fire and red. i dream of seeing him in a decent car and in my opinion Charles' WDC is only a matter of time.
2. Max Verstappen
Max is perfect on the track. his mistakes are minimal, his calculation and calmness are amazing. i admire his eternal straightforwardness and honest expression of his opinions. i love his dry and sarcastic humour. he is a very strong man who in no way deserves to be booed for his victories.
3. Lando Norris
this boy is a ray of sunshine. protect him and take care of him. and please, for fuck's sake, let 2024 bring him his first victory... as soon as mclaren picked up the pace in the second part of the season, it became immediately apparent what a serious opponent Lando could be on the track. one of the reasons why i have Mexico in my top races is because of his magnificent breakthrough from P19 to P5.
4. Fernando Alonso
is it even necessary to write anything here? how can you not like Alonso? he's even got the best fucking tiktok acc i've ever seen!!!
5. Alex Albon
this man is too fast for Williams. i'm sorry he's spending these years not in a top team, i hope to see him in positions higher up. Alex always makes the most of the car, pulls it in the points and continues to stay positive. he gives off so much warmth that it can't help but make me happy c:
1. Las Vegas
everything about it was ✨beautiful✨. from the absolutely awful beginning to the fabulous end. last lap overtake from Charles made me scream. the chaotic start and the amount of overtaking and fighting – oh fuck yes, i honestly didn't expect that. (and sphere was a big plus lmao)
2. Singapore
the only race where RBR had problems led to the fact that we saw a battle for first place from four (4!) cars at once. Carlos took over as Ferrari's strategist and i was honestly very happy to see Carlando on the podium and their genuine embrace c:
3. Zandvoort
chaos? chaos. 186 overtakes. every fucking weather condition. cheering fans. positions changing at the speed of light. liam lawson – what? fernando alonso – WHAT?! and yeah, Max Verstappen still wins the gran prix.
4. Mexico
red bull gives wings right at the first corner. it was great to see both Charles and Lewis on the podium after being disqualified at the previous race. i already mentioned Lando's breakthrough but DAN RICCARDO. he tore everyone and everything. dramatic race i'd say.
5. Monza
it was nice to see ferrari leading the race in Monza. even if only for 15 laps. in 2023, that's a lot for someone who isn't Max. but of course the main highlight is how i almost ended up with heart attack because of the fight between Carlos and Charles in the last laps. but that's what formula 1 should look like. and it was great.
i wrote that it's Red Bull, but i feel a need to mention that because my favourite drivers are all from different teams, it's hard for me to pick just one. when i first started watching formula 1, i would claim to be a Ferrari fan (well i still am...), but the further i got, the more pain and disappointment i got supporting this team and more and more of my respect red bull started to gain. they have a reliable car and strategies. quick pitstops, absolute precision and coordination. they are a team and they deserve every their win this season. now I truly admire RBR.
okay thank you for reading! tagging some people that came to my mind, i'm sorry if you've already done that and i just haven't seen it 😭
no pressure! ignore if you don't feel like it c:
@little-racing-driver @nico-di-genova @tsarinablogs @aduckinpain
link to make an F1 wrapped
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sportingdynamo · 2 months
Sporting Dynamite: The team making an impact
Goals at one end, fighting at the other. Sporting Dynamo play some of the best Sunday league football in Leicestershire. It’s their no-nonsense attitude however, that has put them in the nations spotlight. Yellow on their skin but red in their blood, Stephen Graham lives in this small town but it’s Dynamo showing why This is England. 
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The 2023/24 Sporting Dynamo team in the new away kit.
Asked to describe the team, Club Secretary Harry Taylor said: “It’s took a long time to get to where we’re at now, but these lads play 2024 football with a 2000’s attitude, if you know what I mean. The beautiful game needs monsters and we provide exactly that.” 
Last season saw Dynamo bring home silverware to the town of Ibstock, Leicestershire, for the first time since 2014. Even more surprisingly, they manged it on two occasions.  
Leading up to April, they found themselves top of the league and a semi-final away from reaching the Arthur Moore Cup Final, in their way, Oadby Owls. 2-2 in normal time saw the cagey affair go to extra time. Oadby hit the woodwork twice before winger Giorgio Stylianou wrapped it into the top right corner sealing Dynamo's date with destiny.
The 28th of April would prove to be a day in the history books as a dominant 3-0 display, crowned them Arthur Moore Cup champions against a hardworking CFA (Community Football Academy) team.
A scent of a second piece of silverware in the Billy Walton cup spread like a virus on the fifth of May and as the sun set, Dynamo battled hard against Sileby Athletic. 1-1 at halftime meant everything was to play for but despite the yellow flares that engulfed the pitch, defender George Ludlam only saw one colour. Red. Shortly after Sileby grabbed a second, all but securing the cup. Dynamo defeated; despair drowned out the short-lived victory of the previous week, but all was not done. 
Cup sorrows had to be paused as just 2 days after, Dynamo needed to defeat rivals Braunstone Athletic if they were to keep their league dreams alive. 89 minutes on the clock. 0-0. Up stepped Richard Lewis with a buzzer beater. Coolest man on the pitch. Keepers head in hands. Absolute chaos. One game to go. 
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A final day, nitty-gritty 0-0 meant Dynamo double dreamland, on goal difference, against all the odds.
“Since I came here in 2018, we've not had a team with this kind of ability so to have done it on the last day, after the trouble we had in the Sunday Cup, I think we deserve it” added Taylor.  
A point deduction was given to Dynamo after tempers flared between the two sets of fans in the FA Sunday Cup against Nottingham based Poets Young Boys FC. They fell to a 4-2 loss, but this wouldn't be the last time they'd come across cup drama. 
The 23/24 has brought new challenges as the team aim to add to last season's silverware. 
“I could not be prouder of them for what they did last season, and neither could those who support them from the sidelines. This season's achievements again show the huge strides we’ve made as a collective.” Taylor said, when talking about how far the club has come, and he's not wrong.
The Dyna have gone unbeaten this season in the league and are well on their way to win The Alliance Football League once more. 
Striker Kyle Jardine has been the shining light in his team this season and is no fool when it comes to providing in front of goal. 18 goals and 7 assists show why he's the truth. Jardine is garden in French, so it is no surprise seeing him move like the Boogey-man on oppositions home turfs.
Discussing his contribution to the team, Jardine said, “The numbers speak for themselves, 18 goals this season and over 40 for my Saturday team, it's no fluke, but that's my job and if we’re winning, I can see myself staying here for a long time.” 
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Jardine in action for his Saturday team, Heather St. Johns.
At 21 years old, the talent has played a crucial role and is far from done, most recently scoring in his Dynamo’s run in the FA Sunday Cup. In the round of 32 they came up against Royston Rovers FC and for the first time, their on-pitch antics would be made available to the whole world.
Tackles even Vinnie Jones would look away from. The monsters had arrived. A spill from a free kick saw Dynamo draw first blood as Jardine made no mistake converting.  
Midfielder Jimmy Chandler entered the pitch in the second half, suspectedly biting an opposition player, turning the wrestling match into a hell in the cell. Dynamo struck once more, and it was none other than Chandler himself who sealed their fate.
An online video of the game went viral and displays the definition of a rough and tumble encounter, highlighting exactly why the nation lives for the rawness of Sunday league football. 
The Following round saw Dynamo fall to a 4-1 defeat against eventual finalists Trooper FC, but spirits were high post match and showed just why they named themselves the best supported team in Sunday league. 
There are somethings money simply can’t buy, and that’s heart. This SD is one even Mike Ashley couldn’t own. At the centre of their community, they’re no strangers to getting fans involved.
Sporting Dynamo organise a yearly, fan-favourite, bike-ride-pub-crawl for the team and supporters with money going to charity. Additionally, they have an annual golf and darts tournament at the local pub that welcomes all to get involved and it seems to have paid off with more locals coming to support.
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Dynamo attendance post Covid-19.
“I think that's what sets us apart from many other teams, our support, and I'm sure the lads and Harry would agree. They play a big part in our success, so our victories are as much theirs as ours,” Jardine said, when talking about what makes Sporting Dynamo unique. 
A push in attendance has also made more money available for the club, helping to refurbish the café and purchase an away kit.
Most recently Dynamo have landed in hot water once more following their semi-final in the Arthur Moore cup which was abandoned following a mass brawl between both fans and players. They now face potential expulsion from both the cup and league. 
Taylor said, “We’ll see what our options are in the coming weeks, I hope we carry on, we provide a lot of joy for the fans”
The future for the club is unknown for now. Unfortunately, the football they play is not a problem, but their aggressive nature could prove them to be masters of their own downfall. 
By Ollie Harvan.
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2023 Reads
A new year means a new book list! I don't think I can top my 2022 count, but that's okay! I'm not totally sure what my reading goals this year will actually be, but I guess I'll sort it out on the way! XD For future reads, here's my 2024 list!
Four Treasures of the Sky - Jenny Tinghui Zhang
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass - Frederick Douglass+
The Bear and the Nightengale - of the Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden
The Secrets We Keep - Mia Hayes
Indian Nations of Wisconsin: Histories of Endurance and Renewal - Patty Loew+
The First Sister - Linden A. Lewis^
The House of the Seven Gables - Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian - Sherman Alexie
Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury~
Fin Mac Cool - Morgan Llewlyn^
How Long 'til Black Future Month by N. K. Jemisin
Lavinia - Ursula K Le Guin^
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austin*
Black Cowboys of the Old West: True, Sensational, and Littke-Known Stories form History - Tricia Martineau Wagner+
The Mysteries of Thorn Manor - Margaret Roberson%
Disfigured: On Fairy Tales, Disability, and Making Space - Amanda Leduc+
Her Majesty's Royal Coven - Juno Dawson^
She Who Became the Sun~ - Shelley Parker-Chan*
The Witch King - H.E. Edgmon^
Love in the Time of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Legends & Lattes - Travis Baldree*
Mistress of the Art of Death - Ariana Franklin^
The Adventures of Amina El-Serafi - S.A. Chakraborty
Humankind: A Hopeful History - Rutger Bregman+
The Folk Keeper - Frannie Billingsly*%
Believe Me: A Memoir of Love, Death, and Jazz Chickens - (Suzy) Eddie Izzard+
Juniper & Thorn - Ava Reid
Upright Women Wanted - Sarah Gailey%
I Await the Devil's Coming - Mary MacLane+
Slaughterhouse Five - Kurt Vonnegut~
Revolting Prostitutes: The Fight for Sex Workers' Rights - Molly Smith & Juno Mac+
The Woman in White - Wilke Collins^
King of Battle and Blood - Scarlett St. Clair
Sarah - J.T. LeRoy^
The City Beautiful - Aden Polydoros^
Freshwater - Akwaeke Emezi
Always the Almost - Edward Underhill
All Systems Red - Martha Wells%
The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller
Nevada - Imogen Binnie
A Dowry of Blood - S. T. Gibson
The Prince - Niccolo Machiavelli
The Second Rebel - Linden A Lewis
Get a Life Chloe Brown - Talia Hibbert
The Hero and the Crown* - Robin McKinley
What Happened to You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing - Bruce D Perry & Oprah Winfrey+^
Can't Spell Treason Without Tea - Rebecca Thorne
The Eye of the Heron - Ursula K Leguin
Artificial Condition -Martha Wells%
The Kraken's Sacrifice - Katee Robert%
Crown Duel - Sherwood Smith*
Rogue Protocol - Martha Wells%
Remarkably Bright Creatures - Shelby Van Pelt
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self Involved Parents - Lindsay C Gibson+
Wildcat: The Untold Story of Pearl Hart, the Wild West's Most Notorious Woman Bandit - John Boessenecker+
The History of Wales - History Nerds+%
Ander & Santi Were Here - Jonny Garza Villa
The Glass Castle - Jeanette Walls^
Rosemary and Rue - Seanan McGuire^
The Gilda Stories - Jewelle Gomez
Irish Fairy and Folk Tails - Various+
The Dead and the Dark - Courtney Gould
Haunted Wisconsin - Michael Norman and Beth Scott+
The Other Black Girl - Zakiya Dalila Harris
The Ruins - Scott Smith
He Who Drowned the World - Shelley Parker-Chan
Fledgling - Octavia Butler
Vampire Forensics: Uncovering the Origins of an Enduring Legend - Mark Collins Jenkins+
The Vampyre - John Polidori%
This is Halloween - James A Moore
Sorrowland - Rivers Soloman
The Lamb will Slaughter the Lion - Margaret Killjoy%
Mexican Gothic - Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Love Her or Lose Her - Tessa Bailey^
One Last Stop - Casey McQuiston*
The Last Hero - Linden A. Lewis
Lovelight Farms - B. K. Borison
Reindeer Falls Collection: Volume One - Jana Aston
Currently reading: One Last Stop (Audiobook to help me sleep XD)
Nonfiction is annotated by + A Re-read is annotated by * A book completed from the list below is annotated by ^ A Read with Empty will be annotated by ~ A Novella %
My current, loose and not that interesting goal for this year is to really work on the books I have current access to right now... at the start of this year. Because it's a lot XD This means books currently favorite in Scribd, on my StoryGraph 'to read' pile, or a book I currently own on my shelves. Main goal is at least one of these a month.
For my own personal reference, I'm putting a list of such books below to hold myself accountable.
Edit: Now the end of 2023, and here's a breakdown of my goal to read books I already had access to at the start of 2023:
I didn't read one a month per se, but I got more than 12 done, so I call this a win. These books are:
-Can't Spell Treason Without Tea - Rebecca Thorn -The City Beautiful - Aden Polydoros -Finn Mac Cool - Morgan Llewlyn -The First Sister by Linden A Lewis (proceeded by the other two in the series) -Get a Life, Chloe Brown - Talia Hibbert -The Glass Castle - Jeannette Walls -Haunted Wisconsin - Michael Norman & Beth Scott -Her Majesty's Royal Coven - Juno Dawson -I Await the Devil's Coming - Mary McClane -The Kraken's Sacrifice - Katee Robert -Lavinia - Ursula K Le Guin -Love Her or Lose Her - Tessa Bailey -Mistress of the Art of Death - Ariana Franklin -Nevada - Imogen Binnie -The Prince - Niccolo Machiavelli -Rosemary and Rue - Seanan McGuire -The Ruins - Scott Smith -The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller -Sarah - J.T. LeRoy -Vampire Forensics - Mark Collins Jenkins -What Happened to You? - Oprah Winfrey -The Witch King - H. E. Edgmon -The Woman in White - Wilkie Collins
The books I did not get around to reading from this list are as follows: Black Water Sister by Zen Cho; Blood Scion by Deborah Falaye (o); The Book of M by Peng Shepard (o); Charity and Sylvia by Rachel Hope Cleves (o); The Cruel Prince by Holly Black (a); The Echo Wife by Sarah Gailey (s); Fallen by Lauren Kate (o); Fanny Hill by John Cleland (o); Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender (s); The Glass Woman by Caroline Lea (s); The Great Hunger by Cecil Woodham-Smith (o); Helping Her Get Free by Susan Brewster (o); The Impossible Girl by Lydia Kang (s); Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold (o); The Merry Spinster by Daniel Lavery (o); On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong (o); The Poppy War by R. F. Kuang (s); Radiance by Grace Draven (a); Watching the Tree by Adeline Yen Mah (o); The Willows by Algernon Blackwood (s); Wings of Fire (o); Witches Steeped in Gold by Clannon Smart (o); The Wolf and the Woodsman by Ava Reid (s)
23/46 Whoa! That's exactly 50% of the books I had on my list! That's pretty cool! All in all, I consider this 2023 goal successfully done!
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barbagallo-raceway · 2 years
Seeing Max so happy this weekend and just- celebrating with his team and his people and getting a little tipsy and being so so proud of everyone and isn't this how he should have become a second-time world champion anyway? Not because of a 5-second penalty Charles got after the race, not with Martin fuckin' Brundle of all people telling him during his post-race interview that hey, you actually are a WDC again, not feeling like something they had to achieve because of being in Japan and owing it to Honda to take it there? This feels much more real and earned and maybe even meant to be. He fought and he fought hard and even an 11-second pitstop ("Beautiful") didn't get in the way of absolutely dominating that race. Battling with Charles, clean racing against Lewis, the added burden of wanting to make Dietrich Mateschitz proud, to add to this incredible legacy Red Bull has build over the years, and finally taking the Constructors Championship. Idk, but by God does he deserve to celebrate that second title like this.
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aliteraryprincess · 5 months
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December 2023 Wrap Up
Finally posting my December wrap up, featuring the one and only Butters!
Books Read: 13
Check me out! I mean, yes, two are short stories and seven are children's books, but it's still impressive! The Doctor's Family is my new favorite of the month, and it was an absolute joy to reread The Chronicles of Narnia (even if there are some...questionable aspects). There is no least favorite because everything was lovely! Books marked with a star are audiobooks and books marked with ® are rereads.
"The Executor" by Margaret Oliphant - 3.5 stars
"The Rector" by Margaret Oliphant - 4 stars
Just Like Home by Sarah Gailey - 4 stars *
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis - 5 stars ®
Prince Caspian by C. S. Lewis - 4.5 stars ®
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C. S. Lewis - 4.5 stars ®
Assembly by Natasha Brown - 4 stars
The Doctor's Family by Margaret Oliphant - 5 stars
The Silver Chair by C. S. Lewis - 4.5 stars ®
The Horse and His Boy by C. S. Lewis - 4 stars ®
The Magician's Nephew by C. S. Lewis - 4 stars ®
The Last Battle by C. S. Lewis - 4 stars ®
George Eliot: A Life by Rosemary Ashton - 4 stars
On Tumblr:
Again, check me out! We've got tons here. Quotes, lists, even a tag. And, of course, some cat photography because everyone should admire the beauties that are my boys.
November Wrap Up
Book Quotes: Assembly by Natasha Brown
Book Quotes: The Silver Chair by C. S. Lewis
Book Quotes: The Magician's Nephew by C. S. Lewis
Book Quotes: The Last Battle by C. S. Lewis
Cat Photography: Butters and Pippin say hi!
Cat Photography: Basket Boys ❤️❤️❤️
Tagged: Favorite Bookish Photos From 2023
aliteraryprincess' Readers Also Enjoyed 2023
Fairy Tales and Their Retellings Aliteraryprincess Has Read (2023)
aliteraryprincess' Books Acquired in 2023
aliteraryprincess' 50 Books to Read in 2024
aliteraryprincess' Books Read in 2023
On YouTube:
There's not quite as much here as I'd like, but I really enjoyed filming all of these, especially the two 50 books lists.
December TBR | Remember December Rereadathon & more!
November Wrap Up | 8 books!
Do I Read the Books I Haul? | plus a mini book haul!
Currently Reading 12/17/23
Did I Read My 50 Books to Read in 2023?
Christmas Book Haul! 🎄🎁
2024 Reading Goals and Plans | 50 Books to Read in 2024
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justaredheadf1fan · 2 years
Austin you gorgeous surprise, what a weekend!
Soooo… What up? 😅
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So, we were busy yesterday and ended up quite exhausted, especially me after seeing my team lose by 4-0, plus we had some technical issues with the Wi-Fi so we just preferred to watch the race properly today instead.
It’s lights out and away we go indeed, what a start!! I guess Carlos didn’t like that, but I don’t see that it was George’s fault. I’ve replayed it a few times already since yesterday, but I myself don’t see it.
What the fuck is Stroll doing P3? 🤣 The Aston Martins are definitely on fire, that was truly amazing!! Charles slowly climbing up the ladder, I’m still waiting for the demon inside him to make an appearance at some point and yeet Fraudstappen or something.
So, let me get something straight, as Marina said Kevin was FORCED to pit because the endplate was dangerous and was in no shape (which is true), but now they just waited for Checo’s to just fall off and there’s that? At least they should try to hide it a little maybe? Jesus.
Bottas went off to the gravel and now we see the SC going out. Chills, this always gives me a bad feeling. Charles and Seb stop, decent stop fro Sharl and a good one for Seb.
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We’re watching the replay from the race start and I still can’t see it. It looks like Carlos is trying to go through Costappen’s inside and George while trying to do the same with Lewis he messes up with the brakes and just goes into Carlos unavoidably. I don’t see the punishment there, it was a mistake that led to a race incident like any other. He’s still man enough (obviously) to go and apologize to him anyway, but I don’t see him being at fault.
When did Sharl get to P4!? AND WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED THERE!!???!!?!?!!?!?! OMG ALONSO!!!!!! God that was scary as fuck, the cars are in pieces, Jesus fucking Christ and how the fuck is he still driving!? I mean, look I know Fernando’s personality and his stubbornness is known to everyone, and I get that he 99,99% wanted to keep racing for sure. But it’s negligent on Alpine’s part to send him away to race after that huge crash. I agree with Haas that it was so dangerous and they needed to get a penalty.
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Okay, so now they punish Pierre right away with 5 seconds for something Checo did exactly the same way in another race and he didn’t get punished at all? I guess the Suzuka rant calling the FIA out so brutally has made him a target. That’s nice.
So, Cuntstappen obviously has to make the sardonic comment on radio and even his engineer is telling him that he must think that they’re a tema. Like he gives a fuck, huh? What an asshole, honestly. Yes, they fucked up, unlike 99% of the time, being the best when it comes to pit stops, so he should just shut up and stop whining for once, which he didn’t stop one second during the whole race. I’m sorry, I can’t respect this individual. He deserves no respect whatsoever. Even Spanish commentators, who are super pro Fuckstappen have said that he should’ve just shut up, which says a lot.
So the hunt for Gasly goes on, he was flagged for track limits and then when he has to serve his 5 seconds’ penalty, and he gets another penalty for apparently not serving the 5 seconds correctly. Are you fucking kidding me?
Seb and Lewis battling like old times is sending me. This is simply beautiful. Please Seb, don’t retire. We need you 🥲 Absolutely beautiful. I agree with Kevin that a person who truly wants to retire doesn’t drive like that.
And now Kevin is being investigated for ignoring yellow flags. Well 😆
Oh God, Seb no 😭 He won’t make any comments against his team anyway. Unlike someone else. AND FUCKING ALONSO IS P7. This guy. He’s an asshole but he’s fucking tremendous, he’s lost his rear mirror due to Kevin’s tow, omg 🤣 He’s fucking crazy.
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Fraudstappen has gone off track several times now and oh what a surprise, no penalty? What else is new. They’ll penalize Lewis instead of him, right? Not Lewis but Mick. Anywho.
Seb’s and Kevin’s battle was absolutely delightful. This has been the best part of the race, Seb’s amazing moments, super deserved DOTD.
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And all of these alongside the commentary by the splendid friend I’m spending the week with, who’s made me laugh my ass off with her snarky comments. Thank luck I have you @suicide-inthe-trenches 😂
All in all, Austin just gets a few rights and we’re finally going to bed. We’ll be watching Mexico together too, so that’ll be fun 🤣
In the mean time, peace out!
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