earth-to-lottie · 11 months
I’ve been working all day so only just finished the race
And all I have to say is
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luna-mad-talks · 3 months
Eliatropes as Angels AU
That's it. That's the post
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finifugue · 2 months
what if max verstappen wanted to be a librarian when he grew up
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jackshiccup · 9 months
in dawn of destruction i just love that little moment of pause snotlout had when hiccup came back from his small trip with astrid to find the edge being attacked. hiccup gives out orders, snotlout just stares at him and hiccup stammers to asks him ‘what is it, snotlout?’ to which snotlout replies, ‘nothing. it’s just well, it’s nice to have you back.’ and it’s with so much sincerity and even a hint of relief and it’s just so !!! snotlout looks up so much to hiccup and it grounds him (and the rest of the gang) for hiccup to BE there and to be the leader their team needs and has. it just shows how much faith and trust they have in each other and no matter how much he complains all the time, snotlout will always and undoubtedly have hiccup’s back and vice versa.
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batsplat · 1 month
another bit of context that I think is key to understanding assen 2015 is that like. okay a last corner is a last corner; it's not like valentino has ownership over it or whatever. but there is also something in-your-face bold about thinking you can beat valentino rossi at that chicane. sure we don't quite associate the gt chicane with one specific iconic rossi overtake the same way we do last corner jerez or the corkscrew, but thinking you can steal the win from valentino at the chicane is kind of in the same spirit. that's valentino's chicane. he has made countless overtakes there over the years. he loves that chicane he really does
take 2013, where assen was the first race vale won after his ducati dry spell. his overtake on marc in that race isn't at the chicane, but it's in turn one - right after marc had made a small mistake on the chicane and gets poor drive down the straight. which could be completely innocuous, but is also the kind of thing that happens when you're defending against somebody you know is very good at one specific bit of the track. which marc knew. of course he did. after the start, valentino made two other overtakes in that race: on bradl and dani (the latter of which marc had an excellent view for). guess where they both happen. guess where marc overtakes dani
and marc straight up said in the assen 2015 post-race presser that his move there was premeditated, that he'd repeatedly tested out and planned that move during practise. marc, who obviously knows valentino's record at that track, who has studied him so so closely. who knew full well that the fight for the victory was most likely going to come down to the two of them, and knew it could come down to the very last chicane. his plan to win that race was to barge valentino aside, ideally on the final lap, at quite possibly valentino's best series of corners on the entire calendar. no wonder marc was pissed when it didn't work
#valentino's like?? bitch?? you thought??#the race winning overtake in assen 2007 obviously also happened at that chicane. obviously!! it's what valentino does at assen!!#in 2018 he does. like. i'm not kidding he does ten overtakes at that chicane. somebody counted it for all the riders in the lead group#his role in that race was being a timmer chicane merchant he just copy pastes that shit#'well maybe that's just a good overtaking spot!!' you might say#you want to know how often the other EIGHT riders involved in that fight *combined* overtook at that chicane? twice. TWICE#i know 2018 does in fact come after 2015 but it's just as blatant an illustration as you can get of how he had that chicane locked down#and on the 2013 thing again - this isn't a chicane marc NATURALLY loves. in 2018 0/12 of his overtakes happen there#that being said in 2013 cal also overtakes dani at that bloody chicane so maybe dani just had a terrible day there lol#it IS a classic assen thing but it's also very much a classic valentino thing. started making a note of it rewatching races and. yeah#the hubris of it all!! unbelievable!! that marc overtake attempt was 1000% based off him studying footage of valentino over the years#and doing it at that stage of that season!! marc you little fucker. maaaaaaaaarc#hm this isn't really well thought out enough to go in the main tag lol#//#brr brr#I suppose you could say marc DID end up providing valentino with the opportunity to do an iconic move at that chicane#very nice of him#the beauty of that last chicane contact is that marc tries to win in the most valentino way imaginable at valentino's beloved chicane#and at the very latest headed to that chicane (if not already far earlier in the weekend) valentino knows exactly what marc's planning#it's not just payback for laguna because it's a controversial move that goes in vale's favour#it's payback for laguna because marc tried to pull a valentino on valentino AGAIN and vale got the better of him
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castallurspells · 4 months
initial d killjoy AU... might do something with this doodle might not
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and yes, ryosuke gets a little ponytail. because I said so
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ssaturnsapphic · 2 months
swifties kinda up there with the worst fandoms ever
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schumigrace · 10 months
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fernando alonso | 3rd place | barcelona 2007 | podium no.40
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weirdbabs · 9 months
i am once again thinking about how fucked it is that sacrificing like half to three fourths of the ships/crews to save 3 people is considered a paragon option but sacrificing about 75% of your unit to defeat the enemy is renegade. why would sacrificing thousands of people to save 3 be considered “compassionate” or “heroic” while sacrificing 75% of your unit (which is 7-14 people apparently, so like 5-11 people) to ensure you won is considered “ruthless” or “apathetic”
(i know why. its bc the first mass effect game doesnt really seem to have a grip on what it wants its morality to be much more than blue= nice, good and red= bad, mean)
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apopcornkernel · 19 days
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wow i dont even know where to begin
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jack-kellys · 1 year
if you’re taking asks about uksies. may i ask for the choreo details for kony andjd? the need to visualize it while listening is obsessive -davesjacobs
YES SO TRUE ok @davesjacobs
ask me abt this show RIGHT NOW!!
ok so the main thins about the choreo is that those three long tables are gone, and jacobi’s now has these individual diner-style square tables all on wheels. they do some other choreo first before they start tapping and some of the tables are moved back. newsies hold down the tables so they don’t shake too much when other boys hop up to tap. les has a genuine tap solo. iirc they don’t make fun of katherine’s tapping… they have a moment where they yell at her to get up on one of the tables and four newsies do some cup-ohraphy around her feet while the rest do it at the other tables. there’s also no spoon fight..?? like the music is. different actually like there’s no music for the spoon fight bc uhh they have more interesting things to do.
they do lots of movement with the tables, there’s some cool lighting moments especially— davey also sits les on a table and drives him up through the row of newsies and he’s using a platter as a little steering wheel <333 this song is rly used as a way to show that davey and les are definitely two of the gang now much more than uhh bway/livesies that mostly just had them in it lmao
then of course to top all this shit off. these industrial hanging lights that have been flown in from above for the scene fly a little lower. some of the newsies had been wearing some kind of glove that i’d thought was like “oh they got hurt there in the strikebreaking.” NO. i watch finch attach his fucking hand to the outer rim of this light, lift himself off the table he’s standing on, and do an upside-down split. then (and PLEASE correct me if i have this order wrong) it’s either. 1. they spin around, the lights taking them upward a bit, land back on their tables before other newsies remove them and the acrobatic gang is like “ok bet” and then swing out over the audience during the final chorus. or 2. they spin a bit, then with the tables still present (i think this is right tbh) run off of them to swing over the audience through most of the final chorus. when they settle back over the stage, the tables are removed from under them, and then for “guts and glory, front page story, i’m the king—” they shoot the FUCK up into the air, high speed spinning, albert is like in the goddamn rafters, “—of new york!” all the newsies in the air stick their legs out in a split and they stop spinning for the final frozen pose.
it’s off the wall crazy in that madhouse dude LMAO like it is. what. and the music is fantastic if you want to hear it and also the whole show from december!
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thedreadvampy · 11 months
here is a situation I would like you to consider. Imagine a charity, right?
This charity has a staff of 207, of whom around 5-8 are people of colour
This charity works in poverty and homelessness reduction, an area which disproportionately affects Black people, Asian people, and non-EU migrants.
This charity operates in Scotland, a country which is considered extremely white with a population who identified as 96% white in the 2011 census
This charity operates in Edinburgh, a city with a population that's still pretty overwhelmingly white, with 91.7% identifying as some form of white in 2011 (5.5% Asian, 1.1% Black or African, 1.6% other/mixed) (the 2022 census numbers aren't out yet so this is real outdated)
The charity has an Inclusion and Diversity staff working group
Despite operating in a pretty white country, this charity is still managing to limbo under the line of 'less white than Scotland as a whole in 2011' by having a staff body which is under 4% people of colour, despite operating in the capital.
All staff of colour in the organisation are below junior management level
All but 2 people of colour in the staff team have, at some point, joined the staff working group then left. Several have mentioned feeling like they're being expected to take on extra diversity work because of their race, and one spoke to feeling like there was no room or interest in discussing racial equity.
There has never been any concerted data gathering or analysis on the racial picture of applications vs successful recruitments in the organisation
When asked, the general take from management is 'people of colour prefer to work for BAME organisations'
When asked about racial equity in recruitment, managers in the inclusion and diversity group repeatedly deflect to talking about reaching BAME client groups by co-working with BAME-focused community organisations.
When asked about putting budget underspend behind scoping the reasons for racial inequity in hiring and retention, managers in the (entirely white) I&D group said, and I quote, "obviously it's important but it's never come up as a priority and we don't need people to come in and tell us what we already know"
"ok what do we already know"
fucking nothing as it turns out because it's "never been a priority"
we don't even know if it's a recruitment or hiring issue
except I do
because I've talked to multiple people of colour who applied and went through the hiring process and were not hired
so people are fucking applying aren't they
anyway I had a very angering day yesterday, how are you all doing?
It's not, in fact, that "they don't want to work here for some reason"
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starridge · 2 years
look we all agree that warrior cats was more fucked up than we realized as kids but like where’s the same noise for guardians of ga’hoole and wolves of the beyond those were literally about white supremacy and eugenics
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angel-archivist · 2 years
God the horror genre. Is so many things. 
#AUGHh its so frusterating cuz like i feel like horror has such a potential as a genre to be worked into one that highlights opression#instead of feeding into it and there are def horror movies coming out and that have come out that tackle their themes in a way that works#not to endorse the fear of outsiders or the unknown but instead the fear of what is very well known but often ignored#but like ok so slashers right? I love a good slasher n the genre has so many really good movies but then you get movies like sleepaway camp#which are just. SO entrenched in transmisogynist ideas and queerphobia that its just like. yikes.#and then you have books like dracula and cosmic horror stuff by lovecraft and both the book and that author in speciifc feed into horror as#a genre of hatred where the 'unknown' is whats to be feard and the fear of the unknown too quickly leads into the fear of queerness or#different cultures or races#into bigotry#like i know dracula is big but as someone who read the book and wrote an essay on it. it is so important to acknowledge the copious amounts#of bigotry and misogyny and hatred that stoker wrote into that novel#ITS JUST god i love horror so much but there are just. some films that will never appeal to me cuz i just cant get over the hurdles of#intense hatred#like i could watch all of Halloween because of the amount of ableism like#also to be clear: it was a blind watch my parents are both pastors lol they werent sitting me down to watch slashers in my infancy and ive#only recently started going through and watching a lot of the 'classic' horror films#its fun! ive been having fun most have dated moments but god the first halloween film was rough#still wondering how that kid from middle school who's parents hated gay people and were like conservative catholics were chill with their#like 12 year old son watching a bunch of horror movies#n i couldnt even get my hands on one if i wanted to
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If you make it to be one generation each week, maybe you could stagger the polls and do a new poll(s) each day (or every other day or whatever works) so it’s not a full week in between each new poll drop. Keep the momentum going yknow
Not to worry, regardless of the format, you would get new polls every day, except for the 7th day breaks each week to give me time to make sure everything is in order for the next set! The only time i could see a potential longer break is for week-long poll round 5 voting while we wait for those results to come in for the final set!
For week-long round two, I'm planning 8 polls for each Generation, so that's 4 polls per day, so we get through 3 Generations a week, and that's why it takes 3 weeks!
For round three, it would be 4 polls per Gen, which doesn't do perfect math with week numbers, but I'd figure out ways to make it work!
I'm currently considering top-two round 1 rematches for the week-long schedule as well to help fill up space and to give people that came in later a chance to vote!
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healingheartdogs · 10 months
Having non-24 hour sleep-wake disorder while owning dogs would make life more difficult you'd think, but I honestly don't think it bothers our dogs at all. Even though our sleep schedule is always changing day to day they still can predict exactly wtf I'm about to do during the day/night when I'm awake because I am an AuDHD creature of routine and they are observant af.
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