earth-to-lottie · 11 months
I’ve been working all day so only just finished the race
And all I have to say is
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propertyofwicked · 3 months
lando x fewtrell!reader (cos who doesn't love a bit of brother's best friend?). no content warnings for this part. pls lemme know what u think of this pls and thank u.
part 1 -> part 2 -> part 3 -> part 4 -> part 5 -> part 6 -> part 7!
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y/n was a bit of an enigma in the fewtrell family. yes, she’d grown up karting with her older brother and his best friend, but it wasn’t a career for her. not like it was for max, who took his love of karting to championships and content creation and especially not like lando, who made it all the way to F1.
no, y/n fewtrell wanted a career, for now at least anyway. which leads us to now, she’s sat in a second year lecture, not listening to a single word as a slew of messages from her brother almost vibrate her phone off the desk.
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she didn’t really need to think about it at all, of course she’d be there. whilst she had no interest in her actually involvement, she loved motor sports, and loved supporting lando. the amount of times she’d been recognised in her uni towns sports bar, watching the F1, was getting concerning. not to mention the time she’d finished a 10 hour shift and somehow fell asleep in said sports bar, made worse and more recognisable to lando fans by the quadrant hoodie and LN4 beanie - max had not let her live it down since the moment the photo came on his twitter feed. it just seemed odd that lando all of a sudden wanted, no, needed her presence - after all, he'd had minimal contact with her for almost a year.
but, she weighed up in her head, getting to see lando was somewhat of a reward. yes spending the day with her brother would be good, although she could sense her summer would potentially be spent with him anyway. but lando, what could she say about lando. he was always around growing up, and yes admittedly there had been a few moments shared in her early adulthood that would indicate something more but it always remained unspoken. lingering touches here and there, the night they spent dancing together in a club, though written off as drunk friendliness, and most notably an interrupted moment where he whispered “max would kill me if he knew the truth”. y/n never got to find out what the truth was, as max himself came barrelling into the room, equally as drunk as everyone else at the gathering. from that night on, she barely saw or heard from lando, well, until now supposedly.
ultimately, y/n decided that dwelling on what could’ve been, whilst lando jets off around the world, was simply not worth it. she focused on her studies, and began declining offers to watch lando race on the other side of the world. y/n fewtrell was a strong independent woman who did not need the validation from her brothers best friend.
didn’t mean she didn’t enjoy it.
as predicted, the academic year ended and y/n found herself moving a bag of clothes into max’s spare room. people started spotting her in the background of streams again, fans excited to see the fewtrell’s back together and in full force - y/n now adorning a lovely bruise down the side of her arm from where max had shoved her too hard off a chair and onto the floor. sore losers run in the family.
“MAX! that hurt,” y/n whined from her new found position on the floor.
“oh did it,” max asks mockingly, “sucks to be you i guess” he adds with a shrug, although letting her use his arm to pull herself back up.
he moved back to playing his game when a text popped up on her phone making her giggle.
“what? what are you laughing at?”
“lando said “push him back”. lando,” y/n said, looking at the camera, “if i could, i would - but i quite like having somewhere to live and my own personal chauffeur,” she laughed, max laughing with her.
a month later she was in the passenger seat of max’s car, him pulling in to park outside the silverstone track. it was hours before the public would show up, so she instantly spotted the curly haired man. yes, the bright orange jumper was like a bat signal for lando, but y/n’s eyes were immediately drawn to him naturally. max had just about pulled the handbrake on when lando bounded over to the car, pulled the passenger door open and lunged himself around y/n.
“you came! it’s been too long since ive had my little lucky charm in my garage,” he says, looking directly into her eyes. a red flush runs up her cheeks, hoping that the boys will put it down to the loss of air conditioning. any awkwardness she had anticipated between the two dissolved almost instantly.
“i know, i’m sorry. i should just drop out of uni and follow you around the world, i know. forgive me,” she jokes holding her hands up, and lando quirks an eyebrow up, as if saying “you should”.
“don’t do that, y/n. one of the fewtrell’s needs to be properly educated,” max jokes, ”besides, not having his lucky charm around all the time keeps his ego in check.” lando chuckles in response, finally moving to stand fully out of the car and allowing y/n and max to climb out and join him.
“so, home race in 2 days - how you feelin’ mate?” max asked lando, raising his hand to do one of those bro hand grabs. they continued talking, y/n trailing just behind them as they walked into the building and around to the mclaren area. it was always a spectacle, coming to races. the teams, the drivers, the media, the celebrations - it was somewhat overwhelming. it was weird to see the place so empty, then again, it was 7am on FP1 day so the only people walking around were the odd driver and mechanics.
they continued to walk through the paddock, y/n just listening to the boys discussing an upcoming quadrant project, eventually reaching his drivers room. the sofa looked so inviting, especially to the girl who was dragged kicking and screaming out of bed at 5am. whilst lando distracted max, showing him his helmet for the home race, y/n crawled over to the sofa, curled up in a corner and shut her eyes.
“y/n? you good?” lando asked, after clocking her new found position.
“shut up.”
“she threatened to rip my eyeballs out and shove them down my throat this morning when i tried to get her up. being told to shut up is nothing,” max laughed, ruffling the top of his sisters head and messing up her hair, “she just likes her sleep.”
“yes, she does, please let her have it,” y/n mumbles bluntly, met with chuckles from the boys.
“we’re gonna get breakfast. ill bring you back something if you want to stay here?” lando asks, her eyes perking up at the thought of food.
“yes please,” she says, with a soft smile directed towards him.
“next time, me and you are getting separate hotel rooms,” y/n groaned, rolling around the sofa of her hotel room trying to get comfortable.
“next time, tell me you want to come with me early enough for me to book you a separate hotel room, y/n,” her brother grumbled back.
“i’m gonna see if there’s a gym here. i need to tire myself out if i’m going to sleep on this…thing,” she said, poking at the solid leather of the sofa.
max didn’t respond to his sister, instead he rolled over to face the door and shut his eyes. y/n grabbed her key card and her shoes, and walked out the door, happy to be away from her brother. she loved him, she really did, but after spending the entire day in lando’s small driver room with him - she really just needed some brother-free air.
she barely reached the lift at the end of the hallway when she got a text, diverting her entire plans for that evening.
i’m bored. come on a drive with me?
going on a late night drive with lando was not out of the ordinary, but usually max was there. had he sent max the same message? either way, she responded with a quick yes and thumbs up.
cool. im outside btw. hurry up.
have you just turned up assuming i was going to say yes?
was i wrong?
shut up im coming down now
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gentlyweeps-world · 6 months
The “It Girl”
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summary: Being a rookie in the world of Formula One comes with challenges, added on with the fact you’re a girl, American and racing for Red Bull doesn’t help. While you do have your “guard dogs” and “it girl” tendencies, it doesn’t help that you’re also trying to figure out romance.
pairing: 2021 grid x fem! driver, romantic interest tbd
warnings: sexism, alcohol consumption, toxic environments, uncomfortable situations
Many had said the 2021 grid was the best, the most exciting grid yet. While that was true, it wasn’t fun as a rookie in Red Bull, better yet, a female rookie in Red Bull. But that wasn’t the end of it, an American female rookie racing for Red Bull.
Least to say PR had a field day when they announced you would be replacing Checo after his retirement in 2020.
At only 21 years old you were making history, and you were once again today. Finishing P1 on home soil at the circuit of Americas.
Now here you were, alongside Max Verstappen, your teammate, and Lewis Hamilton, the break in between the two Red Bulls.
“Y/n how do you look so good after a race?”
“Y/n what makeup do you use?”
Only ten minutes ago did the end of race press conference start, and only five minutes did the most sexist and offensive questions start. And only seconds ago is when you were put out of your daze from the most infuriating question you had received.
“Y/n? How do you race while menstruating?”
Suddenly knocked out of your daze, your face contorts into one of shock and annoyance from the question.
“E-excuse me?”, You ask out shocked, not sure if you had heard the question right. I mean after all this was a post race conference, and not one question was about racing.
You glance over to Lewis and Max, who both look equally upset and disgusted.
The interviewer looks at you and smiles while he asks once more, “Can you tell us about how racing while having to deal with menstruation affects race strategy in your car?”
Max and Lewis still have a confused look, while Max looks at the interviewer like he will rip the guy’s head off.
The interviewer smiles and says, “Don’t be offended L/n, but girls and women on their period don’t think as fast or as clearly.” He then pauses for a moment to think about what he’s just said, and he adds, “Of course, it doesn’t matter anyway, women don’t belong in F1.”
You can feel your face contort to bewilderment, taking a moment to realize this interviewer was from DTS. Then you hear Max slap his hand on the table.
“She just got fucking P1 and you expect her to answer these ridiculous questions? Treat her with some respect, she’s done more than you have!”, Max says sternly, his eyes shooting daggers at the interviewer.
The interviewer grows visibly intimidated by Maxs reaction. He swallows twice and his tone visibly changes
“I-I’m sorry, I just had to ask.”
Lewis then speaks up and says to the interviewer, “I want you to listen to what you just said and think about what you just did. Women aren’t allowed to drive just because they are on their period, do you even hear yourself?” Lewis sounds genuinely sad.
Max remains silent, but his eyes are still angry. Instead of adding anything onto the conversation you just sit there, shock still on your face.
You let out an awkward cough, drinking some of you Red Bull, you clear your throat and look up towards the interviewers, annoyance clear in your eyes.
“Could we please move on now? Maybe ask a racing related question”, You say, showing no interest in being there.
For a few seconds, there is complete silence. Then a new interviewer finally manages to speak.
“Of course, a new question. So, Y/n, how do you feel about being the second woman to win a Grand Prix in Formula One?”
A faint smile appears on your face as you hear the question, “About time, a normal question”, You hear Max mumble out, a grin tugs at your lips, thankful Max has your back.
“It feels great, I’m super grateful for my team and engineers”, You say, “But very thankful to win, glad to have proved all of the doubters wrong”
Another reporter then pipes up and asks, “How did you feel about the backlash from a lot of people who didn’t want a woman in F1?”
You take a moment to think on how to respond, taking a moment to consider how much trouble you could get in if you answered honestly, but that was PR jobs right?
“Uh..well I think they’re fucking stupid, and they clearly don’t know who Desiré Wilson is”, You state, a small smirk on your face as you answer, knowing DTS will eat that up.
For a moment everyone is silent, until Lewis breaks out laughing, “I think this would be a great way to end this conference”, He says with a grin, getting up from his seat and moving out of the room. Max soon follows behind, and you’re quick to follow Max, not sure what to do afterwards.
As Max and you make your way back to the garage you hear chants and jeers thrown out, but it wasn’t enough to wipe off the smile on your face.
Finally reaching the Red Bull garage, Max and you get there and are immediately bombarded with cheers, laughter and applause from the Red Bull team.
After a good hour of celebrating with the team, you feel your phone vibrate in your hand, “Who is it?”, Max asks, curious to see who texted you.
Checking the notification it’s from an unknown number, asking if you wanted to go and celebrate with them, you look up at Max with confusion, but his face shows the opposite.
“Didn’t know he would be asking you so soon..”, Max says with a look of shock.
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radio: Hope this was a good one, im quite excited to work on this series!! I’m leaving it up to you guys to pick a love interest in the comments, keep in mind the grid is 2021 not 2023 💙💙 (send in any requests and leave any comments)
next part
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fangirl-dot-com · 3 months
Chapter 31 - Rookie of the Year
Last regular chapter! We have the Drive to Survive episode and then the prologue left! I'm not going to say many words because my farewell to this story will come after DTS drops which will be tomorrow night around 8:30 pm CT
The end of To Do is To Dare is scheduled for this Saturday, 11:30 am CT.
I love you all!
“Kid, are those shorts?” 
You looked up the phone in your hand up to Max, who was sitting in front of you in the limo. Your eyes flitted back down to your lap, where your dress had ridden up to reveal the basketball shorts that were supposed to be hidden. 
You shot him a sheepish grin. 
“Quite possibly.” 
Max rolled his eyes. “And why are you wearing shorts underneath a 7 thousand dollar dress?” 
“If Zendaya can do it, so can I. And besides, I’m taking them off when we get close. I just didn’t want to cross my legs in the car.” 
A snort came from Arthur, who sat to your right. To his opposite sat Charles. The four of you were all decked out in clothing that could definitely pay for a high end sports car. The Armani suits were tailored to the two Monegasques. Max’s suit and your dress were from the newest Dior line, thanks to your own ambassadorship with the luxury brand. The heels on your feet costs thousands as well. You didn’t even want to think about how much the jewelry that adorned your wrists, neck, and ears cost. 
Arthur leaned over, hand on your thigh. “Well you might want to take them off because we’re about 5 minutes away.” 
A pout grew on your lips, but you appropriately slid the basketball shorts off your smooth legs. You definitely didn’t miss the ogling eyes of your boyfriend. You gave him an innocent smile, which made him glare at you. 
“You think I’ll get rookie of the year?” 
The question made the men groan. 
You gawked at them. “What? I don’t know if they’ll do it since I was the only rookie. That’s like giving a first place trophy to the only alone person in a competition. Useless.” 
Charles gave you a smile. “What previous awards have you won or records you have broken?” 
Your eyes flickered to the ceiling in thought. 
“Ok, so I was the youngest European Karting Division Champion in 2010, the youngest Italian Karting Division Champion in 2012, youngest F4 race winner and champion in 2018, youngest F3 race winner and champion in 2019, youngest F2 race winner in 2020. That year I was also Rookie of the Year and got the Jules Bianchi award. And then I was the youngest F2 champion in 2023. This year I was the youngest pole sitter in F1, I had the most points for a rookie year with 333 points, and then the most podiums for a rookie with 15 podium finishes. I equaled Lewis’s record of four wins in a rookie season. And I think that’s it…Why are you three staring at me like that?” 
A blush formed on your face as the three men just stared. Max shook his head in disbelief. 
“You’re more decorated than I am.” 
A roll of your eyes had him arguing. With the jerk of the car, the two of you silenced. Through the heavily tinted windows, you could see the flashes of cameras. You inhaled sharply which caught Arthur’s attention. 
“I’ll hold your hand the entire time ok?” 
A nod of your head let him know that you’d be fine with that. The moment the door opened, the noise was deafening. People were screaming your name, along with Max, Charles, and Arthur. You flashed the best smile you could as you walked to the building. But a certain car caught your eyes. The familiar navy was beaconing you to go over. You let your hand slip from Arthur as you got closer to your season car. 
“Hey buddy,” you whispered as you ran your hand along the carbon fiber body. You could still hear the flashes of the cameras but it didn’t matter to you anymore. You were back with your car that carried you so well during the races.
You leaned closer as if to tell a secret. “I’m still going to buy you so you can come rest with my other cars back home. I’m going to miss you Forum.” 
The name was a simple call back to the Formula cars. But, in your mind, you couldn’t just call him Formula, because that would be weird. Max only smiled when you told him the name earlier in the season. 
Apparently, the Red Bull cars were men. 
You smiled over your shoulder at Arthur who had waited for you. Internally, you were trying to waste time so you didn’t have to sit through long boring speeches. But, the look of mild panic of being late in Arthur’s eyes got you to start moving. 
Once inside, you welcomed the air conditioning. Arthur’s fingers found the open slot of your dress on your side. The comfort of the skin to skin contact was very appreciated. 
Thankfully, they had decided to put the top three at the same table. Since you and Max were on the same team, and Charles got along with the two of you quite well, they didn’t see a problem with you all sitting together. It definitely made the night less boring. 
When Max got up to say his acceptance speech, some tears rolled down your face. It was especially when he got to talking about you. 
The Dutchman smiled down at the table, or well, at you. 
“I don’t normally do this, but I also have to thank my teammate, Y/n. 
“When I heard that she was going to replace Sergio at the beginning of 2024, I was a bit hesitant. I am used to being in a comfortable spot in life, but the world decided to throw a 20-year-old at me and said ‘here you go, have fun’.” 
The crowd chuckled at his words, but you tried to laugh through the tears. Max continued.
“The first few races were great. I had to go find her after she borrowed a car, we played football on the Miami beach, and I got to really connect with drivers that I didn’t know I could be close to.” 
You saw a bigger smile grow on Charles’s face. You personally knew that the Ferrari driver was more than thankful for Max’s close friendship. It made the season go so much better than in 2022. 
“It was in Suzuka that I noticed that my teammate had become part of my family when I was so…scared to lose her. I know I wasn’t the only one that said I wouldn’t have continued to race if she had…” 
Max didn’t finish the sentence as he wiped his eyes. Arthur’s hand gripped yours a bit tightly at the reference to your DNF at Suzuka. 
The Champion inhaled before he spoke again. 
“But what matters is that she was able to finish the season with me in third place. We were able to take home the constructor’s championship with her fastest lap. 
“Y/n has meant so much more to me than a regular teammate. And I am thankful that we get to have more years of competitiveness together. I am 100 percent confident when I say that she will be a World Champion.
“Thank you.” 
Max walked off stage as the crowds roared at the completion of his speech. You were up next, so you stood from the table and walked over to meet him. He brought you into a big hug and didn’t let go for a bit. You felt him kiss the top of your head before he let you go. 
You shakily inhaled as you stood on the edge of the stage. 
“And now, please welcome the Rookie of the Year and third place winner of the Driver’s Championship, Y/n L/n!” 
Once you heard the clapping, you made your way to the middle of the stage. The man handed you two trophies that were a lot heavier than you thought. You awkwardly grinned as you stood still for pictures. 
One the man gave you the signal to start, you bent down slightly to put the trophies down. When you rose back up, you took a deep breath. You gave the crowd a smile before you started to speak. 
“First off, I’d like to thank everyone here today. It would be weird to be speaking to an empty room, so the audience is appreciated.” 
Laughter came from the crowd, which let you know that you were doing great. 
“Next, I’d like to thank my personal team. I wouldn’t be here without my physio, even if I continued to beg her to eat ice cream all the time. To my trainer, I don’t think I’d be able to even turn my steering wheel without him. And then to Vito, my manager. When I say that he is truly the only person who has stayed by myself through the years, it’s him. He didn’t have to stay, but he did. I’d be lost without him and probably driving an uber around cities to make money.” 
Your voice gave a little crack at the end, but a chuckle covered it up. You saw Vito smile at you and hold his thumb up. 
“Then there’s my found family. I’d like to thank the Leclercs for truly putting time and effort into my career. I can’t count the amount of times on my hand that Pascale sent me some extra food whenever she visited Arthur. I know she’s not here tonight, but she deserves all of my thanks. She truly treated me like her own, even if I wasn’t. She’s been the mother that I never got to have growing up.” 
“To Charlie, I didn’t think I’d ever be able to race and compete against my childhood hero. But here we are, with you looking at my backside throughout the season.” 
You heard a “hey!” from Charles that made the crowd laugh even louder. 
“But, we both know you came out on top despite some difficulties. Thank you for being so kind to me. And thank you for signing all three pairs of my Lightning McQueen Crocs.” 
Charles blew you a kiss which you pretended to catch. 
“Last and not least of my Leclerc entourage, Arthur. I cannot begin anywhere to ever tell you how thankful I was to be your teammate in Formula 2. You saw a frightened and anxiety-ridden girl, who thought that the 2023 season would be the end of her driving career. But, you took me to dinner after our first meeting, and in the process might have taken my heart as well. I’m glad that it only took me crashing my car in Japan for you to finally confess.” 
Once again, you choked a bit. But, you’re pretty sure that everyone in the room did as well. You sniffed as you wiped your eyes. 
“But I wouldn’t have it anyway.” 
At the table, there wasn’t a dry eye at all. Arthur was wiping at his eyes harshly in frustration. The tears would not stop falling. Even Max was crying and you hadn’t even said anything in his direction. The Dutchman knew that he would be a gonner the moment you said his name. 
“To the Red Bull team. Like I’ve said all night, there aren’t any words that could sum up my gratitude. I remember hearing the news that Max was signed at 17 and I only thought, gosh they had balls.” 
More laughter from the crowd. 
“Charles might be driving for Ferrari, but I have always wanted to drive for the energy drink team. Their famous saying, Red Bull gives you wings, has been entirely true for this season. You took a chance on me and gave me my wings to fly and soar. Thank you Christian for treating me like the dad I never had. I’m excited to be driving for you for many years.” 
You changed your card and looked down at the wobbly words due to tears. You looked up, and at that moment, you realized that your eye makeup must have been running. Oh well, who cares. 
“And finally, but maybe the most important person of all in this room, other than me of course.” 
Soft laughs could be heard despite the sobering moment to come. Everyone had been waiting to see what you would say about Max. 
“If there was an award for best teammate, I would give Max the trophy over and over again. I was so nervous to meet him. I didn’t want to be disrespectful, because you don’t just become a three-time world champion’s teammate without doing something right in life. But that happened to me. Almost immediately, I could tell that Max would be a good one.
“The night we met, he took me out to get ice cream and showed me pictures of his cats for hours. At Christmas, he knew that I didn’t have any family to spend it with and all but dragged me back to his home in Monaco. He made sure I knew that I was welcomed and loved. 
“Because that is what I admire about Max. Not his career, not his driving, and definitely not his cooking skills. I admire him for his ability to be kind and to love easy. I never had the best childhood, and Max knew nothing about it, but he treated me with such preciosity. He made me feel wanted for maybe the second time in my life. 
“My childhood was filled with moments of unwantedness. I was a female going against the best boys and men in the motorsport leagues. I was treated unfairly sometimes, but I was never treated like that with Max. 
“So, Maximillian, I can’t thank you enough for making a little girl’s dream come true. I might have won all of these awards tonight, but I only feel like a winner because I am walking away with a group that no family could beat. 
“So thank you from the bottom of my heart.” 
The amount of applause could not be contained in the room. Even the security guards outside the door could hear the cheers and claps coming from the different personnel in the room. It wasn’t long before everyone was standing for you as you walked down. 
However, Max seemed to stand the straightest in pride for you. If it wasn’t for the tear stains on his cheeks, you wouldn’t even know that he had been crying. There was a genuine smile on his face. His arms opened for a hug when you got to the table. You put yourself there as he wrapped his arms around you. Your head rested gently on his shoulder. You felt his lips touch your forehead.
Once the hug was over, you felt another person wrap their hands around. You knew who is was once his lips touched your own. You melted a bit before Arthur leaned back.
“I am so proud of you.”
“Thank you mon bebe.” 
A groan left his lips. 
“You know what it does when you speak my language.” 
A smirk grew on your lips. “Oh I know.” 
Arthur only rolled his eyes. 
“My rookie of the year.” 
Max’s hands landed on your shoulder and Arthur’s. To be honest, you forgot that the rest of the word even existed. Oops. 
“Not rookie anymore. Time for the sophomore year!” Max’s voice sounded above the crowd. 
You looked up at the Dutchman. 
“I’m going to win the championship this year.” 
“No you aren’t.” 
“You are both wrong. I will be the world champion.” 
“Sure Charles, sure.” 
y/n.89 has posted
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y/n.89 wow, I didn't expect to be walking home with three trophies tonight 😚 all jokes aside, thank you to the FIA for naming me Rookie of the Year (even if I was the only one) and then for granting me the first ever Woman of the Year in Motorsports. I'm hoping that in the next few years, others will be able to be bestowed this award like I have been. Thank you everyone! See you in a few months for testing 💙 - rookie out
liked by arthur_leclerc, maxverstappen1, y/n.nation, and 6,204,957 others
y/n.nation if you look in the back of the fourth picture, you can see me drowning on my tears
arthur_leclerc I am totally fine being the trophy husband
y/n.89 awwww I'm glad that I can have you as the trophy husband
y/nxarthur HUSBAND?
maxverstappen1 HUSBAND??
charles_leclerc HUSBAND?????
y/n.89 I said what I said - haters gonna hate 🤭
box_box_express I cannot WAIT for preseason testing, why do I miss this already?
y/n&co I'm just waiting for the DTS episode, it's going to be so good
y/n4ever her speech tonight, I'm kind of worried for the episode...
lestappenlove oh gosh, Charles and Max looked like such proud older brothers (I don't think I've ever seen either of them cry before)
maxverstappen1 couldn't have done anything without you kid! even if you continue to call me Maximilian in front of thousands and thousands of people
y/n.89 I don't care - you'll always be my maximillian 😆
sophomore_y/n the trophies are so pretty 🥹
formula1_edits I can see all the videos and edits on tik tok forming now - maybe something Harry Styles 🤔
author everything is going to be all right - just like it always is
y/n.89 thank you for making this happen!
author anything for you kid...anything
charles_leclerc CAN I BE WORLD CHAMPION PLEASE?????
formulala_delulu WHY IS IT ENDING??? 😭
TAG LIST: @fionaschicken @glitterquadricorn @laura-naruto-fan1998 @treehouse-mouse @sam-is-lost @kagatinkita @fangirl125reader @megatrilss1885 @myxticmoon @angsthology @cmleitora @fly-me-away @graciewrote @ashy-kit @slutofmultifandom @aexitizen-ln4 @sugarvibez @vellicora @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @33-81 @hoetel-manager @xcharlottemikaelsonx @jayda12 @ilove-tswizzle @justme2042 @itsjustkhaos @nikfigueiredo @stopeatread @cha-hot @sadg3 @iloveyou3000morgan @s4turnsl0ver @alessioayla @torchbearerkyle @leptitlu @awekbachira @shreks-sugar-daddy @v1naco @stan-josie @mellowarcadefun @badassturtle13 @beskardroids @callisposts @poppyalice2001 @juniper-july19 @lizzypiastri
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vivwritesfics · 5 months
Hooked On A Feeling
Chapter Five - The B*tch
Daniel is a Formula One driver, but, more importantly, he was a single dad to a wonderful little girl. He wants her to be a normal little girl, to have a normal social life, so he sends her to daycare. That was where she met Milo, her future best friend.
Milo's mother was incredibly stressed. She worked so hard to provide a good life for her son. But then he makes a new friend, a friend who has a hot dad (ofc they fall in love)
Single Dad!Daniel x Single Mum!Reader
ik people have been asking to be added to the taglist, but it is officially closed and has been for maybe two chapters now
Series Masterlist
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The last time Y/N saw Daniel was Monday at daycare. She picked up Milo as he picked up Olivia for the last time before she was to stay with her mother.
Y/N and Daniel waited together for Milo and Olivia to walk out of daycare. They were bound to walk out of the gates together, so Daniel and Y/N stood side by side as they chatted.
When they picked up their children, Y/N wished him one more good luck on his race and took Milo home.
Now that they had each other’s numbers, Y/N and Daniel texted a lot. The number was just meant to be for playdates, but the moment he started sending her pictures from the location of the grand prix, it was game over. They spoke every moment, like a pair of teenagers.
For the next week, Olivia was with her mother. Although she was there every afternoon, Y/N never met her. It was Olivias doing. She was five, sure, but she was smart as hell. She was going to do anything in her power to keep the women apart.
But then on Friday, Y/N let the eyes scan the children's face for Olivia. She watched as, with shoulders slumped, she walked over to a tall woman with a stern face. She immediately grabbed a hold of Olivias arm.
"Come on, Milo," Y/N said softly, holding his hand as she walked over to Olivias mother. She weaved around other parents and their kids, giving their teacher a grateful nod.
In just seconds Y/N was standing in front of Olivias mother. "Hey," she said, offering her a kind smile and a wave. When Olivias mum just stared at her, she continued. "I'm Milo's mum and a friend of Daniels."
"Okay," replied Olivias mother, her voice flat.
Y/N sucked in a deep breath. This was going to be a hard conversation. "So, my son and your daughter are good friends, and he was wondering whether Olivia would like to come over on Sunday to watch the F1 race?" She offered.
Still, Olivias mother stared. And then she laughed. Well, more like cackled. "Piss off and leave my daughter alone," she said and began dragging Olivia away.
With a gasp, Y/N covered Milo's ears. "Please don't swear in front of my son!"
Olivias mother waved her off and dragged her daughter away. Y/N just watched, still holding Milo's hand, as they walked away. When Olivias mother turned around and saw her staring, she held up her middle finger and flipper her off. Y/N quickly covered Milo's ears and walked with him back to their car.
They got home and Milo instantly set about playing with his toys. His mother set about finishing the work she had brought home with her while he watched television.
As she typed away at her work laptop, her phone vibrated against the kitchen table, ringing. The face that appeared on the screen was familiar, the face she had been hoping would appear for the last few days. Daniel grinned at her, the picture being the one he had taken in the park.
She slid her finger across the bottom of the screen and held the phone up to her ear. “Sup, Mr race car driver,” she said, continuing to type.
But she slowed down as Daniel began talking. “Sup, Miss Milo’s momma,” he responded, with equal enthusiasm.
Y/N let out a laugh. “Is that all I am to you? Just Milo’s momma?” She asked, but it wasn’t serious. The inflection in her voice said that much.
Daniel brushed it off. Well, he more laughed at it and moved on, instead of ignoring her completely. “Did you see Olivia today? I’m supposed to call her mother in a minute.”
Scratching the back of her neck, Y/N sucked in a breath. “Uh yeah. Yes, I did. And I met your ex. Daniel, I say this with the utmost respect, but she’s the-“ she looked towards the door and dropped her voice to a whisper “-fucking worst.”
Daniel let out a sigh. He knew. He knew how fucking terrible his ex was. If he could take Olivia away from it all, he would. But he couldn’t. “I know,” he said. “Trust me, I know. But how was Olivia?”
“She seemed… okay,” Y/N answered. “Milo and I tried to ask her mum if she could come to ours to watch the race on Sunday, but she immediately shut us down.”
It didn’t surprise Daniel. As soon as he was mentioned, his ex had probably made us her mind about Y/N, and there was no way she was going to let Olivia go to her house. She was a threat now, at least in his ex’s eyes. “I’ll talk to her, don’t worry,” he said. “I should get going.”
“Wait!” Y/N called suddenly. “Have you raced yet today?”
Daniel couldn’t stop himself from laughing. She really knew nothing about F1 (it was adorable). Daniel quickly ran her through the Friday free practice. He explained that he wasn’t in the fastest car on the grid, but he was still performing well, better than the previous year. He even described to her what car to look out for when they watched the race on Sunday.
Finally, they said their goodbyes. Y/N went back to her work while Daniel called his ex.
It was Olivia who picked up her mother’s phone. She was going to get into trouble for that, but it was a chance to speak to her daddy. She wasn’t going to miss out on that.
“Daddy!” Olivia shouted as she pressed the phone against her ear.
“Hi Badger!” Daniel cheered. “Listen, kiddo, I need to speak to your mum for a minute, but I’ll talk to you after, okay? Do you think you can pass me over to her?”
Although her father couldn’t see it, Olivia nodded. She hopped down from the sofa and went up the stairs, searching for her mother. “Mum!” She called.
Her mother appeared from her dressing room, in a skintight black dress, hair done, and makeup almost finished. “What?” She snapped at Olivia. As soon as she saw the phone in her hands, she snatched it from her and looked at the caller ID.
Sending Olivia away, she pressed her phone to her ear. “Hey Danny,” she said in a sultry sweet voice, but Daniel knew better than to fall for it. “What can I do for you?”
“You’re not letting Olivia go to Milo’s house to watch me race?”
The fake smile she had been wearing dropped from her face. “So what? She can watch the race here if she can figure out how to use the television,” she said and sat back at her vanity to continue with her makeup.
“Oh, come on.” It wasn’t normal for Daniel to get angry, but his ex just brought it out in him. “Milo is the first friend she’s ever made. Don’t fuck this up for her and let her go to his house, please!”
“It’s my week with her, I can do what I want.”
“She’s not some sort of pet! She’s a human being, and she deserves to be treated like one!” He yelled (thank god he was alone in his hotel room).
“She’s my kid too, Danny!”
“Don’t call me that.” His voice was suddenly low.
She grinned, realising she had gotten to him. “Or what, Danny? What’re you going to do about it?”
But Daniel didn’t let it get to him. He sucked in a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. She wasn’t going to get to him, not if it meant screwing things up for Olivia. “Look, you do this for me, and I’ll owe you one, okay?”
It was a risky proposal. She could have asked for anything, and he would have said yes, if it meant Olivia having fun with her friend. “Fine,” his ex said. “Fine, she can go, but I’m not picking her up.”
“Great, thank you,” he said. “Can I speak to Olivia now?”
Instead of answering, his ex ended the call and put the phone into her bag. That was fine; he got her another playdate, he could call her another time.
With the confirmation from his ex that the playdate would happen, Daniel sat about texting Y/N.
daniel riiiiiciaaaardoooo
good news, she's happy for Olivia to come over
y/n (milo's momma)
great! I'll get them some snacks
daniel riiiiiciaaaardoooo
olivia's gonna love it one problem though, you're gonna have to pick her up from her mothers house I don't want her having your address
y/n (milo's momma)
that's more than fine, danny
daniel riiiiiciaaaardoooo
are you okay if I say milo's name on television? i wanna say hello to the kids when i'm getting interviewed
y/n (milo's momma)
that's fine, danny just keep it to his first name pls he's so excited
daniel riiiiiciaaaardoooo
i know olivia is gonna be excited too i'll see you monday, okay?
y/n (milo's momma)
see you monday, danny
Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool @rewmuslupin @prettiest-at-the-party @hellowgoodbye @cassie0sstuff @spideybv28 @andydrysdalerogers @aundercover @lou-bean28 @landossainz @purplephantomwolf @ggaslyp1 @layazul @phantomxoxo @minkyungseokie @gills-lounge @hollie911 @annispamz @lillians-world-is-f1 @cixrosie @notyouraveragemochii @charli123456789 @amalialeclerc @stay1strongbeautiful @tallrock35 @teenwolf01 @chiliwhore @darleneslane @sava207 @thatsusbitch @formulaal @leptitlu @angiesw0rld @yunakynn @landosgirlxoxo @msolbesg @cherry-piee @catmouseggy @bathedinheat @chanshintien @ilove-tswizzle @woozarts @evie-119 @trouble-sistar @mysticalnightenthusiast @lewisvinga @spilled-coffee-cup @starkeyellow @fxrmuladaydreams @viennakarma @radiator101 @lightdragonrayne @angelxxrose @millinorrizz @xemiefx @ellies-world61 @the-depressed-fellow
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blackgirlsrxck · 1 year
Being the "It Girl" of F1 Headcon
Summary: For some reason, I can't stop thinking about how a female F1 driver would be the "it girl" in f1 and just in general.
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-Y/n was a rising star in the world of Formula 1 racing. As a female driver in a male-dominated sport, she faced many challenges, but she refused to let anything stand in her way.
-Y/n was not only an incredible driver, but she was also the "it girl" of the racing world. She had a fashion sense that was envied by everyone, and her social media following was off the charts.
-Y/n used her popularity to promote a message of positivity and female empowerment. She often spoke out about the importance of gender equality in sports, and she used her platform to inspire young girls who aspired to be racecar drivers.
-But Y/n was more than just a pretty face and a social media star. She was a fierce competitor on the track, and she had a driving style that was both aggressive and strategic.
-During one race, Y/n found herself in a tight spot. She was in second place, but she was quickly losing ground to the leader. In a bold move, Y/n pushed her car to the limit, overtaking the leader with a daring maneuver that left the crowd gasping.
-As Y/n crossed the finish line, the crowd erupted in cheers. She had not only won the race, but she had also cemented her place as one of the most exciting drivers in the sport.
-From that moment on, Y/n became a legend in the world of Formula 1 racing. She continued to be the "it girl" of the racing world, but she never lost sight of her true passion: driving fast and pushing herself to be the best.
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non-stop-imagines · 4 months
Thank you for this. It kick started my creativity. I have soooo many WIPs that I'm excited to show you guys and my ideas need somewhere to land, so why not here.
I'm also gonna link this to my Masterlist so I can link the finished products to both and people are able to choose how they decide which fic to read.
(A bunch of barely coherent brainstorming under the cut 😚 And this apparently will be changing and updated whenever I think of it so keep checking back 💖)
Works in progress/ideas by driver:
Lewis Hamilton
- Something with the vibe of Angel of Mine by Monica because that song reminds me of him every time it comes on and I desperately want to try writing for Lewis again
Another song one. Ours by Taylor Swift. You both are very busy but very in love and will always make time for each other. No matter what.
Max Verstappen
Raincheck sneak peek here (Intense hatred between Max and the reader can only last so long.)
Big brother Max trying to help his sister out but is block by his father at EVERY TURN. (Tyla faceclaim and the request alone has me obsessed with her now. I absolutely love her.
Different things to add to Repeat That Au; Big sister, best friend and a lot of pregnancy talk (including something that links in the On Display Au courtesy of my ♥️ anon)
Lando Norris
Lando flirting with his PR manager who is a few years older.
Two words: Uncle. Lando.
Something to the song Making Whoopee by Frank Sinatra bc Lando seems like the type of guy to do anything for the girl he wants to fu k really badly. Wedding. Home. Baby. Whole nine yards. Big simp energy. The best type of energy
More from the Valentine Au because it's cute and I love it
Lance Stroll
Fake dating. We love when besties fake date and fall in love 😙
Oscar Piastri
Oscar loves his wife. Talks about her all the time. But no one knows they're married??? A little sneaky peek (that is barely put together):
"Your girlfriend is into astrology. I made the mistake of telling her my birthday." Lando spoke, twirling his flags, not seeing the extremely confused look Oscar was giving him.
"Girlfriend?" Lando looked up at his teammate and given him an equally confused face, believing his comment was quite clear.
"Uh, yeah? Yn?" Lando was so matter of fact, and yet had no idea how wrong he was.
"Yn's my wife. We're married."
More for Girl Almighty bc we have to see how the reader and Oscar do driving against each other
Charles Leclerc
Cocoa Butter Kisses-Charles is mesmerizing by your everything shower routine and how good you smell when you're done
Rockstar-undercover soft girl-reader; another smutty one; just gotta figure out the direction I was to take it
Wedding Night-Self explanatory;smut and aftercare (almost done with the smut, just gotta do the aftercare)
More stuff from My Biggest Fan Au bc who doesn't love Charles and Gianna 🥹
Something to I Wish by 1D with Pierre. You and Charles are literally the perfect couple. The entire way through. (See the ideas for Pierre for his part in the plot)
Logan Sargeant
Thanksgiving with the Fam and our very own Mr. America gets to experience a black Thanksgiving (yes I did get that suggestion right after Thanksgiving. Let's not talk about that 😔)
Something with the vibe of Wouldn't it be Nice by The Beach Boys bc apparently I think Logan is the purest little boy on the grid and just wants to live a happy life with his girlfriend
Carlos Sainz
More for Mírame Au (stay tuned bc there will come a time where I open request for suggestions for this 😚)
Esteban Ocon
Man's will be pining for Lewis' personal assistant and it will become a viral F1 moment.
Daniel Ricciardo
Reader can't stand sisters new boyfriend, and Daniel can't stand the fact that his girlfriends identical twin sister hates him, but feelings change, just not for the better
Handled: The Backstory (How reader and Daniel meet and fall for each other 😚) yes it will be smutty
Something based off the song "Would You Go with Me" because it is very Daniel and I don't know how to explain it
What do you think the opposite of On Display would be? (Hint: jealous Danny 😚)
More for On Display, but I might make her an OC to make another fic suggestion (look under Max ideas) a bit easier to write.
Fernando Alonso
Fernando and reader are literally each other's muse, he talk about her all the time and he inspires and entire album (and makes his music video debut)
Fernando gets some plants to impress reader; now he the plant dad to her plant mom and it's an inside jokes between family and friends
Fernandos favorite pass time is picking the readers hair color
Sebastian Vettel
Sebastian only wants one thing: For everyone to know how much he loves his ballerina girlfriend. Another little sneak peek (that, again, is just barely put together):
"Yes. You are in the presence...of the first...black Sugar Plum Fairy for the New York City Ballet." Your cheeks were sore from smiling, but nothing could dull your shine right now. Your friends that were hovering around you finally crowd around and give you tight loving squeezes, greeting Sebastian on your phone and bragging on your accomplishment.
"Sebastian! How does it feel to be dating the best principal dancer in the history of the New York City Ballet?" Your friend, Julia, hooks her arms over your shoulders and presses her mouth to your temple.
"I'm just glad I get to be her boyfriend. That's my title now. Sebastian Vettel, boyfriend Yn, New York City Ballett Principal Dancer and first black NYCB Sugar Plum Fairy.
Pierre Gasly
Introducing new OC!Eve (Chloe Bailey faceclaim);my way of introducing the readers sister into the Repeat That Au; we get to start off with a small backstory
I Wish-1D; Pierre's got it BAD. Go listen to the song. His POV is the song. It's heartbreaking and I love it so much. Probably one of the first fics that doesn't have a happy ending.
Trying get someone to buy you and Daniel a drink goes wrong
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sennaverstappen · 4 months
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ROUND 20/23 ⸺ mexican grand prix ✩ 29.10.2023
maple's rating: ★★★★ (7.7/10)
☁︎ click read more facts, highlights & experiences ☁︎
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✩ facts
max today won his 16th race of the year, a new single-season record
max now leads the driver standings by 251 points – that’s bigger than the gap that separates all the other drivers in the 2023 championship
max has now won 31 races since the start of last year, tied with nigel mansell’s career total. the last corner max drove today was the mansell corner
max today equalled his own single-season record for the most podium finishes, with 18
max passed alain prost to go into fifth on the all-time laps led table today with 2,684
today was max’s fifth victory in mexico, tying austria for his most successful f1 venue
max and lewis have now finished one-two, in either order, 36 times, extending their existing f1 record
charles made his 100th race start for ferrari today
charles’s p3 for ferrari was his first podium finish in the standard race weekend format in 2023
charles has not won any of his last 11 starts from pole position, the second-longest streak in history (rene arnoux failed to win 13 starts from pole between 1979 and 1982)
daniel’s p7 was alphatauri’s best result of the 2023 season
checo’s dnf was his second retirement in the last four races
✩ raceweek highlights
alex flopping 😨😨😨
track limits 😒
lando out in q1 😔😔😔
yellow flag ❓❓❓❓ because of fernando (he spun) 🤔🤔🤔✨
GAX STOPPING IN THE PITLANE 😭😭😭👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
daniel better than checo 🙃🙃🙃
yuki driving over a little thing 😭
fuckass yellow 😒😒😒😒
max start‼️‼️‼️🌷🌷🌷🌷
checo dnf….
kmag in the dust 😨😨😨 kmag in the wall 😔😔😔😔😔💔💔💔💔
red flag‼️‼️
yuki and oscar contact 💀💀💀
landorge battle‼️‼️‼️‼️💥💥💥
max podium angle??
MAX WITH THE HATTTT 👒👒👒👒👒😭😭😭🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💕💕✨✨✨🌷🌷🌷☀️☀️
lestappen podium spray 🥹🥹🥹🥹👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
lestappen giggling post race 🥹🥹🥹👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💕💕💕✨✨✨☀️☀️🌷🌷
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✩ maple's diary
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chussyracing · 6 months
f1 news, rumours and interesting facts from the last few days
Alpine is parting ways with Director of Racing Expansion Projects Davide Brivio at the end of 2023 despite his contract running into 2024, there are rumours he will join Repsol Honda motogp team as a team boss
Aston Martin got approval for a new research and development facility in Silverstone
Either Andrea Stella is joking or smoking crack because he thinks in equal cars, the three best drivers on the grid would be Max, Lando and Fernando
Jannik Sinner scored a partnership with f1 to attend some races and promote the sport (and then visited Maranello)
Kubica is confirmed for ferrari's third hypercar and Shwartzman said he is interested in the seat as well - but he also tested indycar with Ganassi
Sainz says new ferrari 2024 car (or protect rather than a car at this point) behaves differently in the sim to the 2023 one
Aramco signed 5 year extension with am and they will be named aston martin aramco f1 team
Alfa Romeo is now Stake F1 Team Kick Sauber..... (and alpha tauri added the "RB" to their name which could be racing bulls but also red bull)
Merc is finally leaving the no side pod design to allow more event distribution and less drag
Charles won the overtake of the year with his move on Perez in Las Vegas!!!!
Fia changed rules about misconduct (and officially changed maximum fine to 1m euros, prohobited the use of flares on grandstands and shortened the right to review from 14 days to 96 hours aka 4 days)
Rbr did a pit stop in dark for some kind of dick measuring contest and got 2.84s which is just faster of ferrari's normal pit stops (if we have all 4 tyres ready)
Button to hypercar with Jota in 2024
Alpine finished the shares selling to us investors (the reynolds guy thingy)
Max went on about how absurd his fee is despite his team saying they will pay for him so... um 🤐
Fia hired more staff for in factory check ups to visit every 2/3 weeks but they wanna start visits with little to no notice where they call the factory and immediately visit in 10/15 mins
Rbr will start making a new wind tunnel in Milton Keynes that should be finished in (or was it by?) 2026
Ferrari confirmed the previously rumoured date of 2024 car presentation for 13th feb (Fred also said the car will be 95% different which supports Carlos saying the car concept is very different in sim and Fred saying they completely skipped two upgrades this year to focus more on 2024, among other stuff Fred also said both drivers will start on equal terms during the new season start)
Audi is rumoured to be keeping tabs on Lawson besides Ocon and Hulkenberg
there is a new ferrari challenge with matt gallagher from shell (someone remind me to watch it along the math challenge when I have time, also shout out to shell because I love the mini playing car from them i got) and the secret santa was posted (it is kinda boring this year ngl)
Also! The head fortuneteller Mika Hakkinen said yesterday that he thinks mclaren will take another step ahead in performance for 2024 and challenge red bull closer that merc or ferrari, but he also said that ferrari are finally on a correct path and Fred is the one team principal under which they will win a championship again "sooner or later"
While I knew f1 drivers are prohobited from doing dangerous stuff (unless you are Charles Leclerc and can make puppy eyes, then you can run half a marathon, wall climb, ice wall climb, scuba dive, ride and water scooter and what not), but I did not know red bull (and probably other drivers) have it specified in their contract they can't even drive a motorbike - which some of them wanted to do at Honda thanks day seeing Marc Marquez on his bike
Ben Sulayem is playing some weird game i do not like taking a dig at jean todt for leaving the fia operating with a loss (completely disregarding that's counting the covid years where motorsports events often couldn't even take place and lawsuit fees for the use of halo) and saying how under him the non profit organisation will get balanced sheet by 2025 (also said how fia must focus on safety and reputation which... hmm)
There are some rumours about the fia and its integrity and governing abilities (I just learned about how they fucked up wtcc and then wtcr after making the championship with close fights and easy rules where more teams could get in too exclusive opening chance for Citroën only to get ready for new rules so they dominated everything and adding huge spoilers which created dirty air and kept overtaking close to zero. Sounds scarily similar to f1 these days?)
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littlemisspascal · 5 months
2023 & Me
Been thinking a lot these past few days about everything that's happened with me in 2023. Hard to believe it's coming to end--time seriously does fly 😮
There's been some heavy losses this year. Several family members passed away to illnesses and old age, including my grandfather who I had a strained relationship with to say the least. I also had a shocking family drama bomb dropped on me earlier this month that has had a huge ripple effect I'm still navigating, but fingers crossed things will find a way of working out for the best.
I had some severe mental health depression episodes throughout the year, made me reevaluate priorities and also doubt pretty much every choice I've ever made in life, but I do truly believe I'm entering 2024 in a positive mindset so that's something to be happy about :) I'mma try this crazy concept called self-love and not think the worst about me, myself, and I.
My writing took a hit this year. Word count wise, kudos wise, engagement wise--but I also made progress on several wips and even finished a few which is a big accomplishment for a snail writer like me 😊 I want to enter 2024 not feeling guilty for being self-indulgent or trying new kinds of writing styles. I also want to shake off the belief a low note count equals it was a bad fic/waste of time -- I don't believe that for anyone else, yet my brain always uses it as a weapon of insecurity against myself and enough is enough brain 😠 no more I say!
On a more positive note, I was fortunate enough to attend several conventions this year and improve my cosplay skills (2024 Ahsoka is gonna be my best look yet I just know it 😁). I got to meet total sweethearts Jon Bernthal and Charlie Cox, Steve Burns my childhood hero, the dear Jodi Benson, the gorgeous Rosario Dawson and beautiful Ming-Na Wen, and of course I can't ever forget Andrew Garfield 😱💗 And most importantly of all I did each these cons with my sister and made some lifelong memories! (Also bought a heckin lot of stickers. A heckin lot 🥰)
And then of course the crown jewel of 2023 1000% hands down was attending the United States Formula 1 Grand Prix. Good lord y'all it was one of the best weekends of my entire life! If you had asked me a couple years ago if I'd care about a sport--any sport--I'd have laughed in your face but there's just something so addictive and captivating about the world of F1 and its cast of characters. And having the luck of getting Alex Albon and Daniel Ricciardo's autographs on my dumb lil frog bucket hat was just *muffled screaming* I literally was a shaking mess lemme tell ya--just ask @beecastle and @undercoverpena who were there with me on my phone every step of the way 💜 thanks for putting up with my addiction y'all! Much much love to you both!!
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There are so many people on here that made 2023 a bright and kind and fun one for me---@oonajaeadira @something-tofightfor @wheresarizona @trinkets01 @kyberblade @sofasoap @grogusmum @writeforfandoms @psychedelic-ink @kteague @prolix-yuy @wildemaven @the-blind-assassin-12 @practicalghost @gnpwdrnwhiskey @bishtrouille @nothoughtsjustmeds @kirsteng42 @miraclesabound @radiowallet @harriedandharassed @hopeamarsu and dozens dozens dozens more!
Thank you to everyone who's liked, reblogged, commented on my blog + sent me messages! I appreciate and love you all so much more than words can ever express 💜💗💙🧡
2024---let's bring it on! 🥳
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itsgxsly · 2 years
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Summary: Max hates everything that has to do with the press, but when you are the one who is gonna interview him, he is more than willing to collaborate.
Pairing: max verstappen x reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 922
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It was common knowledge that Max Verstappen was not particularly a fan of the press. He had already had several problems in interviews and his temperament did not do much to improve the problems he brought. But like everything, it always had to be an exception to the rule. And there you came in. You were a young Spanish woman who had gotten a job with Dazn, which had allowed you to get to work in your favorite sport. You were a fan of F1 since you were little, and seeing everything in the first person and meeting the drivers had been a real dream. Although you had to admit that today you had a little more nervous than usual. You had interviewed several of the drivers before, all nice to you. But today you would have to interview the reigning world champion, Max Verstappen, and you would be lying if you said you weren't scared because of how many of your teammates had talked about their experience with him.
You arrived at the Paddock and went to the Red Bull garage, where a girl took you to one of the private hospitality areas, you would wait for the Dutch driver for the interview. When you finished placing what you would need, you saw Max enter through the same door as you before. Although it scared you a little, you recognized that he was handsome. He no longer had those Nile features that you had seen on him in older races a few years ago. When he came to you you got up to greet him.
“Hi, I'm y/n. It's a pleasure” you stretched out your hand to greet him.
"Equally. I'm Max” you were surprised by the softness of his voice. He didn't sound aggressive or unpleasant. He even smiled sympathetically at you.
On the other hand, Max had little to no desire for more interviews. He felt good about being world champion, but the press part seemed exhausting and unnecessary. But Christian and his father insisted that it was necessary for him to do it.
When he entered the room, he was expecting some nosy journalist who would keep him bored for quite some time, but instead, he was greeted by the image of a young woman. Your kind face distracted him for a few seconds, lost in how beautiful you were. Maybe the interview wouldn't be so bad after all. He shook your hand, and he almost resisted letting go as he felt the softness of it compared to his bigger, rougher hand. You told him to sit down and begin the interview, thinking that he would want to finish as soon as possible. However, Max wished the interview would last forever if he could hear your sweet voice asking him questions.
You didn't understand why people spoke so badly about a boy like that. You were scared that at the beginning of the interview you would end up annoying him in some way. But Max was as nice as he could be, answering everything in the best possible way. You clearly didn't know that Max was doing everything in his power to be nice to you and not scare you off. When the interview was over, you gathered your things, and when you thought that Max had left, you realized that he was still waiting for you at the door. The gesture make you soft, and now it was clear to you that you had no reason to be afraid of the Red Bull driver, who had not behaved more than like a gentleman with you.
“Thank you” you said when he opened the door for you and let you out first.
"It's nothing" he smiled at you.
Both of you walked in silence until the hospitality exit under the gaze of some people who looked at the pilot with confusion seeing him so calm near a journalist. When you got outside you turned to say goodbye for the last time.
“It was a pleasure interviewing you, Max. I really don't understand why everyone told me that you could be a bit unpleasant. You have been a gentleman with me” you sounded innocent having no idea of ​​​​reality.
“Thank you for the interview. You know, actually I tend to be a bit complicated with journalists, so maybe they weren't lying to you when they told you that ”his confession left you a little confused.
“Well, you have been kind to me, why??”
"Let's see..." Max scratched the back of his neck, blushing a little. "When I saw you you seemed beautiful to me and I liked you, so I didn't want to scare you" his voice fell into a embarrassed whisper as he spoke, while his gaze went to the ground.
You found his reaction adorable, so blushing slightly, you stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek. Max thought his brain short-circuited when he felt your soft lips on his skin.
“I liked you too, Max Verstappen. And thanks for being so nice to me today” with those words, you turned around, almost running when you realized what you had just done.
Meanwhile, Max was still stunned standing in the middle of the Red Bull hospitality, still feeling the imprint of your lips on him. When he finally reacted, he cursed himself for not asking for your phone number or anything to get in touch with you. So now he just prayed that he would see you again, and if he could, kiss you properly this time.
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youjustwaitsunshine · 7 months
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Very Long 2010 pre-season Seb Post
Under the cut you will find posts from the sebsite which include:
The RB6 car launch + RB6 specs
Seb's test days in Jerez
Test days in Barcelona (original in german + my english translation)
a short blurb on the name of the car
some pictures
masterpost // pre-season 2010
10 | 02 | 10
2010 Car Launch
Sebastian Vettel | Driver – Car 5
Sebastian Vettel’s first foray into Formula One saw him fined for speeding in the pitlane during the first ten seconds of his debut. It’s fair to say he hasn’t slowed down much since.
Fame and fortune hasn’t made any discernable impact on Seb (“What fortune?” he asks, bewildered). He still gives his cars girl’s names, argues that there are more exciting things in life than driving Formula One cars (but not many) and is proud of being taller than Rubens Barrichello. He loathes being referred as ‘the new Schumacher,’ and so is relieved to see his Race of Champions team-mate returning to F1.
Born 3 July 1987 in the town of Heppenheim, Germany, Sebastian enjoyed a successful career in karting before making an immediate impression the moment he came into open-wheel racing. Starting the 2003 season aged 15, he won five of 19 races in his debut Formula BMW year, finishing second in the German Championship. The next year he took the title, winning 18 of the 20 races (he finished on the podium in the other two but doesn’t like to talk about them).
It marked Vettel as one to watch and he duly tested F1 cars for Williams and BMW-Sauber, while moving up through the junior ranks, impressing in Formula 3 and the World Series by Renault. Vettel’s chance in F1 came when he replaced Robert Kubica as BMW-Sauber’s third driver in the second half of the 2006 season. In addition to incurring the Stewards’ wrath, Vettel’s debut during Friday practice for the Turkish Grand Prix also saw him finish the day top of the timesheets.
While the performance on track was impressive, everyone was equally knocked out by the confidence and effervescence with which the teenage Seb dealt with the garage and Paddock. The authority with which he spoke and the evident self-deprecating wit stood him out as much as the blistering pace.
Sebastian finally got his chance to race a year later, standing in for the injured Kubica at the United States Grand Prix. Still only 19, he qualified seventh and finished eighth, becoming the youngest man to score a Championship point. Later in the 2007 season he moved to a permanent seat at Scuderia Toro Rosso. He made a lasting impression on future team-mate Mark Webber (and the rear of his car) during the monsoon-hit Japanese Grand Prix at Fuji before bouncing back a week later to secure fourth place at an equally waterlogged Chinese Grand Prix.
Confirmed for 2008, Vettel didn’t have the best start to his first full season and crashed out of the first four races, mostly as a result of being dragged into other drivers’ accidents. Fortunately the crash-magnet curse was soon lifted and Vettel scored points at Monaco, Montreal, Hockenheim, Valencia, Spa, Singapore, Fuji and Interlagos – though the only race anyone properly remembers is the Italian Grand Prix at Monza.
On the back of a strong fifth place in Belgium, Vettel and Scuderia Toro Rosso went to Italy in good form. Torrential rain over the weekend failed to dampen their pace and Vettel duly became, first, the youngest driver to take pole position in Formula One history, and then the youngest race winner, having utterly dominated the race in which a rudder may have been of more use than a steering wheel.
Elevated to the senior Red Bull team for 2009, Vettel won his second, and Red Bull Racing’s first, victory at the third race of the year. He followed it with a string of podium and solid points-scoring finishes and established himself as a firm championship contender with a second, commanding victory in the British Grand Prix. He finished the season strongly with further victories in Japan and Abu Dhabi that, together with four other podium finishes, took him to second place in the Drivers’ Championship.
Definitely a follower of the ‘second is first of the losers’ philosophy, Sebastian has loftier ambitions for 2010. He lists his lifetime ambitions as winning the Formula One World Championship and beating Kimi Räikkönen at badminton.
Chassis: Composite monocoque structure, designed and built in-house, carrying the Renault V8 engine as fully stressed member
Transmission: Seven-speed gearbox, longitudinally mounted with hydraulic system for power shift and clutch operation. AP Racing clutch
Wheels: OZ Racing, Front: 12.0in x 13in diam., Rear: 13.7in x 13in diam.
Tyres: Bridgestone
Suspension: Front: Aluminium alloy uprights, carbon-composite double wishbone with springs and anti-roll bar, Multimatic dampers
Rear: Aluminium alloy uprights, carbon-composite double wishbone with springs and anti-roll bar, Multimatic dampers
Brakes: Brembo calipers, Brembo carbon discs and pads
Electronics: FIA (MESL) standard control unit
Fuel: Total Group
Renault Engine RS27 – 2010
Number of cylinders: 8
Capacity: 2400cc
Max rpm: 18,000rpm
Number of valves: 32
Vee angle: 90 degrees
Power output: Not disclosed
Engine construction: Cylinder block in cast aluminium
Engine management: FIA (MESL) standard control unit TAG310B
Oil: Total Group
Weight: FIA minimum weight of 95kg
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important: the picture on the left is - on the sebsite - called 'sebi-vettel'
10 | 02 | 10
Sebastian and the RB6
It was windy, it was cold - rain was just a matter of time. Sebastian‘s face was nearly covered by his Beanie cap, but despite the dark clouds he was in really good mood. The reason why? It was the moment when his new car was unveiled. Sebastian laughs: „Finally we are back on the track - the winter break was far too long."
Sebastian stands in front of his car and proudly he gives a short version explanation: „We were lucky to have the best of all cars during the second half of the season. That means we had a very good base right from the beginning, so we just had to develop the car. In contrast some of the opponents had to develop completely new designed cars."
The only real new part: „I got a new seat, it‘s like having a new chair. Beside that in general all the more than thousand parts of a Formula One car have been optimised. "I have a feeling I can reach my target"… So far I have not made a decision regarding the car‘s name. So ideas are welcomed.More next Friday: Today and tomorrow my team mate Mark will do the shake down and the first laps.
On Friday it will be my turn and so on Friday evening I will able to give you further information, about how the RB6´s handling qualities.
Jerez Test
12 | 02 | 10
JEREZ TEST – Day Three
Driver: Sebastian Vettel
Car: RB6 – 01
Laps: 59
Best time: 1.21.783
Circuit length: 4.423 km
Fastest lap: J. Alguersuari – 1:19.919
Sebastian Vettel drove Red Bull Racing’s 2010 championship challenger, the RB6, for the first time today, as he took over from Mark Webber on day three of the current four-day test in Jerez.
After an initial run on dry tyres, Sebastian was forced to use intermediate and extremes for the rest of the day as wet weather set in from 0945hrs. The team’s plan was to focus on aero-testing, but progress was hampered by deteriorating weather. By 1615hrs, conditions were so wet on track that Red Bull Racing, in line with the other Formula One teams testing in Jerez, decided to end the session early. Despite the weather, the car ran without any problems today.
Sebastian Vettel commented; “After three months, it was good to come back and drive the car – it felt okay and we didn’t have any big issues. Obviously the weather is not ideal for us to find out more about the car, but we knew the rain was coming so we didn’t mess around this morning and went straight out to do some laps. It then rained all day, but you could face these conditions in a grand prix, so it’s important to do laps in the wet. Overall, we didn’t do enough because of the weather, but I’m pretty happy.”
Sebastian will be driving the RB6 again tomorrow for the last day of this current preseason F1 test at the Jerez Circuit.
2010 Rider on the Storm
Sebastian Vettel | Driver – Car 5
"You can't influence the weather, we have seen that today. After a three month break, I was finally able to sit in the car today and it was good fun, I am still able to drive and the car feels good. This morning I did some (a few) laps in the dry the car went well straight away, but then it started raining and I had to park the car for some time in the garage. For sure it's a shame that it wasn't dry all day but also its possible to have rain in a race and so you have to learn to keep up with diffrent weather conditions. At the moment its still very difficult to give an idea of where everybody stands due to the new rules and the big tanks. The teams are driving with diffrent fuel levels and this also keeps changing. I hope it continues raining over night so that nothing is left for tomorrow and I can speed though all day, but as I said we have to see as we can't tell mother nature what to do..."
13 | 02 | 10
Driver: Sebastian Vettel
Car: RB6 – 01
Laps: 90
Best time: 1.21.203
Circuit length: 4.423 km
Fastest lap: L. Hamilton – 1.19.583
Sebastian Vettel was at the wheel of Red Bull Racing’s RB6 today for the final day of the current Jerez test. It was his second day of testing, as Mark Webber had driven on days one and two.
The team’s plan was to focus on set-up work and aero testing, although the weather once again played a part and damp conditions in the morning meant Sebastian began the day on intermediate tyres.
Conditions dried by lunchtime, but a fuel pump failure in the afternoon cost the team around three hours of dry running time. Sebastian ended the day with a final long run on dry tyres.
At the end of the RB6’s first test, Ian Morgan, Head of Race Engineering said: “It’s been a productive first week with the RB6, despite the weather and lack of dry conditions. We’re pleased with the car overall, it’s showing a lot of promise.” The next test will take place at the Jerez Circuit, starting on Wednesday 17 February.
Barcelona Test
26 | 02 | 10
Barcelona Test - Tag 2 (english version below)
Sebastian Vettel | Fahrer – RB6-01
Auto: RB6-01
Runden: 125
Bestzeit: 1.21,258 Min.
Streckenlänge: 4,655 km
Tagesschnellster: N. Hülkenberg (1.20,614 Min.)
Das Team fuhr seine zweite Rennwochenend-Simulation, und am Ende des Tages hatte Sebastian 125 Runden zurückgelegt.
Ian Morgan, Head of Race Engineering, sagte: „Heute erlebten wir in etwa eine Wiederholung der Renn-Simulation, die Mark gestern gefahren war. Alles lief mehr oder weniger nach Plan. Erneut stoppten wir das Auto während der Renn-Simulation. Dabei handelte es sich um eine Vorsichtsmaßnahme, um einige Dinge kontrollieren zu können. Es ging um ein kleines Problem, und wir konnten schon wenig später weiterfahren. Sebastian konnte die Simulation vor Ende des Testtages in voller Länge beenden. Wir drehten viele Runden und sind recht happy, was das Auto angeht."
Sebastian Vettel meinte: „Das war ein guter Tag - größere Probleme traten nicht auf. Im Verlauf des Nachmittags mussten wir wegen einer Kleinigkeit unterbrechen, aber bei Testfahrten ist das ziemlich normal. Während der Tests will man keine Schäden riskieren. Aus diesem Grund ist es am besten, das Auto abzustellen, sobald es im Hintergrund Alarmsignale gibt. Weil es in Jerez oft regnete, haben wir an den beiden kommenden Tagen noch viel Arbeit vor uns. Beispielsweise müssen wir mehr über die Reifen herausfinden und einige Abstimmungsarbeiten erledigen."
Sebastian Vettel wird morgen erneut zum Einsatz kommen, bevor Mark das Cockpit am Sonntag, dem letzten Testtag, wieder übernehmen wird.
Barcelona Test - Day 2
Driver: Sebastian Vettel
Car: RB6 – 01
Laps: 125
Best time: 1.21.285
Circuit length: 4.655 km
Fastest lap: N. Hülkenberg – 1:20.614
The team drove its second race simulation, and at the end of the day Sebastian had completed 125 laps.
Ian Morgen, Head of Race Engineering said; “Today we experienced about a repeat of the race simulation that Mark drove yesterday. Everything went more or less according to plan. We again stopped the car during the simulation. This was a safety measure to control a few things. It was a small problem and we could continue soon after. Sebastian could finish the race simulation in full length before end of the test day. We ran many laps and are quite happy about the car.”
Sebastian Vettel said: “This was a good day – no large problems showed up. During the course of the afternoon we had to take a break due to a small thing, but that’s pretty normal with testing drives. On test days you don’t want to risk damage. For that reason it’s best to stop the car once there’s alarms in the background. Because it rained a lot in Jerez, we have a lot of work to do in the coming few days. For example we have to find out more about the tires and do a bit of coordination work.”
Sebastian Vettel will take the wheel again tomorrow before passing it back again to Mark on Sunday, the last test day.
Barcelona Test - Tag 3 (english below)
Sebastian Vettel | Fahrer – RB6-02
Auto: RB6-02
Runden: 44
Bestzeit: 1.23,123 Min.
Streckenlänge: 4,655 km
Tagesschnellster: N. Rosberg (1.20,686 km)
Sebastian Vettel absolvierte in Barcelona beim letzten Test vor Saisonbeginn seinen zweiten Testtag. Der Tag wurde durch Regen beeinträchtigt. Morgens wurden wegen eines Mix aus Regenschauern und technischen Problemen nur wenige Runden gefahren. Der Nachmittag erwies sich als wertvoller, denn das Team arbeitete an der Abstimmung für das erste Rennen der Saison in Bahrain. Seine Bestzeit erreichte Sebastian während seiner letzten Runde des Tages. Ian Morgan, Head of Race Engineering, sagte: „Nach den nächtlichen Umbauarbeiten mit Blick auf das für heute geplante Programm waren wir morgens wegen einiger technischer Probleme spät dran. Nachdem wir nachmittags richtig zum Fahren kamen, gelangen uns drei, vier Tests bezüglich der Abstimmungsrichtung für das Rennen in Bahrain. Sie brachten uns klare Resultate. Entsprechend beendeten wir den Tag in deutlich besserer Form." Am morgigen letzten Testtag werden sich Sebastian und Mark Webber das Auto teilen.
Barcelona Test - Day 3
Driver: Sebastian Vettel
Car: RB6 – 01
Laps: 44
Best time: 1:23.123
Circuit length: 4.655 km
Fastest lap: N. Rosberg – 1:20.686
Sebastian Vettel finished his second test day in Barcelona at the last test before the start of the season. The day was affected by rain. In the morning only few laps were run due to a mix of rain showers and technical problems. The afternoon showed to be more useful because the team worked on the race setup for the first race of the season in Bahrain. Sebastian reached his best time during the last lap of the day. Ian Morgan, Head of Race Engineering said; “After the nightly work in view of the program planned for the day we were late due to a few technical problems in the morning. After we got to driving in the afternoon, we managed to do three, four setup tests for the race in Bahrain. Those brought us clear results. Accordingly we finished the day in much better form.“ Tomorrow, on the last test day, Sebastian and Mark Webber will be sharing the car.
28 | 02 | 10
Barcelona Test - Tag 4 (english below)
Sebastian Vettel | Fahrer – RB6-02
Eigentlich wären meine Tests am Samstag abgeschlossen gewesen, aber durch die schlechten Wetterverhältnisse bin ich nicht auf meine gewünschten Kilometer gekommen.
Deswegen haben wir uns darauf geeinigt, dass ich am Sonntagvormittag nochmal ins Auto steige.
Am Freitag haben wir eine Rennsimulation gemacht, das verlief mehr oder weniger alles nach Plan. Jetzt muessen wir das erste Rennen in Bahrain abwarten, heute in 14 Tagen, wo alle die Hosen runterlassen... Wir müssen bis Bahrain noch etwas an unserem Topspeed arbeiten, aber insgesamt bin ich ganz zufrieden mit meinem Auto. Übrigens: Einen Namen habe ich auch schon, aber den werde ich erst am Montag vor dem GP in Bahrain auf meiner Website bekanntgeben...
Fahrer: Sebastian Vettel/Mark Webber
Auto: RB6-02
Runden: 137 (Vettel – 76; Webber – 61)
Bestzeit: Vettel: 1.20,667 Min.
Streckenlänge: 4,655 km
Tagesschnellster: L. Hamilton (1.20,472 Min.)
Nachdem er gestern auf der Piste weniger Zeit als erwartet verbracht hatte, kam Sebastian vormittags zum Einsatz, während Mark unsere Vorbereitungen auf die neue Saison nachmittags beendete. Die beiden Fahrer standen vor ähnlichen Programmen, die das Team erfolgreich bewältigte. Die vorläufig endgültigen Abstimmungen für unterschiedliche Tankfüllungen beim Saisonbeginn wurden gefunden.
Ian Morgan, Head of Race Engineering, sagte: „Weil wir gestern etwas Zeit verloren hatten, konnten wir mit Seb nicht alles abhaken, was wir uns vorgenommen hatten. Aus diesem Grund erledigten wir heute mehr oder weniger das Pensum von eineinhalb Testtagen, weshalb wir auf insgesamt 137 Runden kamen. Das war ein ziemlicher Wirbel, aber wir haben viel geschafft.
Der letzte Test verlief gut für uns. Nach eingeschränkten Testmöglichkeiten auf trockenem Asphalt während der beiden Tests in Jerez, hatten hier die fast komplett trockenen vier Testtage zur Folge, dass wir wieder auf Kurs kamen. Im Verlauf der Woche machten wir große Fortschritte. Das waren sehr gute Testfahrten."
Zwei Wochen trennen uns nun noch vom ersten WM-Lauf der Saison, dem Grand Prix von Bahrain.
Barcelona Test - Day 4
Usually, my Tests would have concluded on Saturday, but due to the bad weather conditions I did not get to the distance I wanted. Because of that we agreed that I’d get back into the car Sunday morning. On Friday we did a race simulation where everything went more or less according to plan. Now we need to wait for the first race in Bahrain, today in two weeks, where everyone will drop their pants… We’ll have to work on our top speed until then, but all in all I’m rather happy with the car. By the way: I have a name already, but I’ll only share that one on my website the Monday before the GP…
Drivers: Sebastian Vettel/Mark Webber
Car: RB6-02
Laps: 137 (Vettel – 76; Webber – 61)
Best time: Vettel: 1:20.667
Circuit length: 4,655 km
Fastest lap: L. Hamilton – 1:20.472
After he spent less time on the track than expected, Sebastian was in the car in the morning, while Mark finished our preparations for the new season in the afternoon. Both drivers followed similar programs that the team successfully completed. The provisionally final setups for different tank fillings were found.
Ian Morgan, Head of Race Engineering, said; ”Because we lost some time yesterday, we couldn’t finish everything we set out to do with Seb. For that reason we went over more or less one and a half test days worth of work, which got us to 137 laps. That was a lot of turmoil but we managed to do a lot.
The last test went well for us. After limited testing opportunities on dry track during the tests in Jerez, the almost fully dry four days of testing here let us get back on course. During the course of the week we took great steps. These were very good test drives.”
Two weeks still separate us from the first World Championship race, the Bahrain GP.
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05 | 03 | 10
In diesem Jahr nenne ich sie Luscious Liz
Einige von Ihnen wissen vermutlich schon, dass ich meinen Formel 1-Rennwagen Namen gebe.
In der vorigen Saison fuhr ich zwei Autos, die ich auf die Namen Kate und Kates dirty Sister taufte.
In diesem Jahr nenne ich sie Luscious Liz!
This year I’m calling her Luscious Liz
A few of you probably already know that I give names to my F1 cars. In the last season I drove two cars who I christened Kate and Kates dirty Sister.
This year I’m calling her Luscious Liz!
back to the masterpost
the pre-season in general
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ontrackwithelisha · 8 months
𝟭𝟬𝟬 𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗲𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝗿𝗿𝗶𝘀
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In celebration of Lando's 100th race this weekend, I think it's only appropriate to recap the amazing years he's had in his f1 career.
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In February 2019, The British-Belgian driver was contracted to drive for Mclaren in the 2019 Formula One World Championship, meeting his first teammate of his career Carlos Sainz Jr, later becoming a beloved duo in Formula One.
Scoring his first Formula One points when he finished sixth at the Bahrain Grand Prix. However, at the Belgian Grand Prix the rookie missed out on his best career finish yet due to a power failure on the final lap.
In his rookie season he finished with three consecutive point finishes, finishing the season eleventh in the drivers' championship, with 49 points.
This year he also re signed with Mclaren to stay with them until 2022 due to such a successful rookie year.
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In 2020, the first race of the season was the Austrian Grand Prix where Norris qualified in fourth place, but was later elevated to third place due to a grid penalty for Hamilton, making this the highest grid position of his career yet and the highest grid position for Mclaren since the 2016 Austrian Grand Prix. Norris set the fastest lap of the race, and due to the 5 second penalty for Hamilton infront, Lando Norris had achieved the first podium finish ever of his career, making him the third youngest driver to finish on the podium in Formula One History.
Norris got six consecutive point finishes in the season between the British and Tuscan Grand Prix. He finished fourth at the Bahrain Grand Prix and fifth at the closing race of the season, Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.
Alongside his teammate Carlos Sainz, they brought Mclaren to third place in the constructors' championship. Ending the 2020 season in ninth in the drivers' championship with 97 points, just 8 points behind Sainz.
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Norris met his new teammate for the 2021 season, Daniel Ricciardio, as Carlos Sainz left Mclaren to join Ferrari.
At the season-opening, he finished the Bahrain Grand Prix in fourth place. At the following race of the season, the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix, Lando was set for second before being overtook by Hamilton with just three laps remaining, however he still achieved his second Formula One podium finish as he passed the chequered flag in third place. Lando also equalled his highest-grid position at the Styrian Grand Prix, starting third as Bottas recieved a Grid Penalty.
The following weekend at the Austrian Grand Prix, he started in second place after setting a time of just 0.048 seconds behind Verstappen. He finished the race to claim his third podium of the season, coming third.
At the British Grand Prix, Norris set the fastest time in the Friday Qualifying, also finishing fifth in the sprint qualifying and fourth in the Grand Prix, meaning he moved up to third place in the drivers' championship.
At the Italian Grand Prix, Lando finished fourth in the sprint qualifying, soon becoming third as Bottas recieved an engine penalty. The driver managed to finish the race second, behind his teammate Daniel Ricciardio, achieving his fourth podium of the 2021 season and securing a one-two finish for Mclaren for the first time since the 2010 Canadian Grand Prix.
He finished the 2021 season in sixth in the Drivers' Championship, and this impressive year of racing led to Lando signing with Mclaren once again, staying with the team until 2025.
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For Norris the 2022 season brought a new era of Formula One with it, a chance to further develop himself and his Formula One career.
Lando took third in the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix, which ended up being his and Mclaren's only podium finish of the season. At the Monaco Grand Prix Norris came sixth and secured the fastest lap while doing so.
Despite only securing one podium, Lando still finished the 2022 season seventh in the Drivers' Championship, with 122 points, Mclaren finishing fifth place in the Constructors' Championship.
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This year for the 2023 season, Lando has stayed with Mclaren where he has met yet another new teammate Oscar Piastri, a rookie in Formula One. For the first few races of the season the Mclaren team had not been performing as well as other teams, finishing seventeenth at Bahrain. In Saudi Arabia Lando was eliminated in Q1 while qualifying.
However at the Australian Grand Prix, Norris finished sixth and Piastri finished eighth, scoring their first points of the season. The British Grand Prix meant that Lando had got a new best start with a second place qualification. In this race Lando Norris even held the lead for the opening laps after having such a successful start, further managing to hold off Lewis Hamilton for the race and taking a well-deserved second place after such an incredible drive. This finish meant that Lando had become the first Mclaren driver to finish on the podium at the Silverstone Track since Lewis Hamilton in 2010.
In Hungary, Lando started third and finished second, scoring a back-to-back podium for the first time in his career.
And in Singapore fans saw the bond of Carlando return to their screens as Carlos Sainz assisted him in holding off the Mercedes drivers until the end of the race, allowing Lando to gain yet another podium finish for this season and doing it alongside his close former teammate Carlos. His result at the Japanese Grand Prix, taking his fourth podium of the year, meant he took the record of the driver with the most career points without a win.
The success of Lando Norris makes it clear to see that his win is just within his grasp, a truly incredible driver with the full potential to become a World Champion in the future. Congratulations to Lando as he races in his 100th race this weekend, what an amazing couple of years this driver has had, and although he hasn't had the most smooth-sailing couple of years, the potential of Lando Norris should not and can not be ignored.
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dizzyduck44 · 7 months
Time to start unpacking my thoughts following Brazil. Let’s start with Charles.
Seeing Red 🏎
Let me start this by saying since 2020/2021 I have been a firm believer there were 4 World Champions on the grid, Lewis, Seb, Fernando and Kimi and 4 future World Champions in Max, Charles, George and Lando.
I can vividly remember watching Max in those first couple of seasons. Impulsive, reckless, but quick and flashes of the amazing talent that was to come. I can remember telling people Max was a future World Champion in the making and getting laughed at.
Similarly with Charles. That first half of his season was standard rookie fare, accidents, mistakes and almosts. The second half, oh wow! The talent was clear for everyone to see. By summer we were debating which former World Champion was being ousted from Ferrari as there was no way he wasn’t driving for them next season.
As all this was going down George and Lando were around the paddock. Already familiar faces at Mercedes and McLaren. They burst into F1 in 2019 and I still remember the first time Lando caught my attention. Qualifying 8th in his first race in a car I had been likening to a milk float for the last 4 seasons.
All 4 had arrived to their F1 seat with a tide behind them. The whisperings from a young age “this one is special”. They arrived with 4 of the biggest teams in the paddock backing them. This was the future of F1. Bring it on!!
Fast forward to 2023. Max is a three time World Champion. The man looks the finished article.
Lando has slowly but steadily embedding himself into the top 5 drivers of the season year in year out, his faith in McLaren is coming good and he is one of the most exciting drivers to watch of a weekend.
George learnt his trade at Williams, gained the respect of the grid so much they made him GPDA rep and got his much deserved move to Mercedes. It’s not been the easiest time and he has annoyed a lot of fans along the way but he still finds himself towards the front of the grid most weekends in a team of champions. Maybe he overthinks his races, but he never stops trying.
Then there is Charles. I think Charles is the most natural god given talent of the 4. Where the others have had to learn, it seems as natural as breathing to him. In equal machinery, he is the fastest, there is no doubt in my mind. 21 poles say it all. Over one lap, he is a demon.
Yes Charles is all emotion and sometimes his desire to succeed hinders him, sometimes it gives him the edge. He is the driver that I have been least shocked to see him bin it and the one who has gobsmacked me most often with his talent.
That aside, realistically Charles should be knocking on the door of that World Championship by now. As much as I’m loving seeing Lando be Max’s shadow, I can’t be alone in my shock it’s not Charles?
For all his faults, how many points have Ferrari and their incompetence taken from him? I’ve lost track of the awful strategy calls, the bad pit stops, the car taking itself to the shadow realm when we least expect it.
I’m a McLaren girly but I know I’m not alone in the heartbreak of watching Charles hit the barrier on the formation lap. He doesn’t deserve this!
Charles has the talent no question. It’s being wasted at Ferrari, by Ferrari themselves. It’s maddening because I want what’s best for this sport and Charles able to drive to his natural talent and ability is what is best for the sport. This is the first season I’ve questioned is he one of the best 5 drivers on the grid.
The troubling thing for Charles now is the numbers are 3 World Champions on the grid Lewis, Fernando and Max and still 4 World Champions in the making, as hello Oscar 👋. Oscar is showing that same natural talent Charles did in his rookie season. Even more troubling, Lando looks to be the one banging on the door of a Championship. The last 6 races have shown he’s ready but more importantly, so are McLaren.
I’m not sure what will happen if Lando, George or god forbid Oscar get there first. The pain for Charles will be unbearable and too cruel.
It’s that bad already a McLaren fan is writing essays about Charles.
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inchidentally · 5 months
just my feelings ! not objective reality ! not pushing a narrative ! intended just for fun etc ! not pretending my opinions are fact ! fyi !!
the way McLaren has slowly morphed into fully embracing Lando's brand feels like it's culminated in all the promo for 2024:
gentle humor
on trend but not pandering
friendship above business
loyalty above publicity
teamwork that favors the individual
cutting edge but conscious
accountable but not stripped of reality
passionate but not volatile
ambitious but flexible
praise and credit wherever they are due
anti-snob, anti-elitism
and like, you look at the two major players who've been pivotal to this - in one case having moved into a more direct position and the other being a new hire
Andrea Stella: vocally and proudly brought an entire ethos of anti-toxic masculinity for Lando and Oscar; treats them like his sons; places himself as their fair but firm source of authority; always seeks balance and praise to be shared equally, same with when he has to admonish them
Oscar: doesn't excessively showboat or gloat over his own success; showed up literally without fail every single time Lando finished the day in the top 3 (practice, qualifying, sprint, podiums) regardless of how he himself did; literally stood back and respected Lando's position ahead of him at events and in media duties; never pushing for a bromance or private/public relationship with Lando beyond what Lando chose to have with him; prior to getting his seat w McLaren had liked a lot of content criticizing toxic team environments
like, will there be tensions between Lando and Oscar and have there probably already been? of course! that's literally key to how f1 partnerships work best and both of them have said that pushing each other has made them better drivers. are they likely to ever have the drama or in-fighting or blow ups? honestly, massively unlikely. that kind of drama thrives in environments that not only allow it but encourage it.
but between Lando's specific brand and values being what they are and Oscar having literally grown up watching Lando be Like That - and those of us new to Oscar learning just how much he himself has always been Like That - I just don't see them both developing entirely new personalities and social circles and major drama erupting either within the team or outside.
and idk I just really love the feeling w McLaren overall now even if I need their team to remember to go back to creating during the seasons content again
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magical-oppas · 9 months
If we really get into it, Lando didn’t even initially ask for team orders. So many messages weren’t broadcasted vs the ones that were. If you listen to the onboard radio:
On lap 20, his race engineer tells him to stop pushing and not risk his tires and Lando responds he’s not pushing at all.
The next thing that is said between them is on lap 21. Lando’s engineer radios him that because of tire age, Oscar will not make it difficult for him when he catches up to him(nothing was said to Oscar on his own radio at this time).
Lando doesn’t respond and the next communication to his engineer is on lap 22. Lando asks if George has pitted yet. Lando is informed George is on a one-stop and is a threat if Lando does not preserve his tires. Oscar is also informed that George is on a one-stop(and has still not been radioed to not make it difficult when Lando catches up.)
By lap 24 lando has the fastest lap, has caught up to Oscar, was told earlier that Oscar wouldn’t make it difficult, and is worried about his tires in dirty air because of George’s one-stop. This is when Lando tells his engineer the longer he spends behind, the worse the race will be for him.
On Lap 25, Oscars race engineer informs him the car behind is Lando, don’t make it difficult, they have different tire age.
A minute later Lando is once again told by his engineer that Oscar will not make it difficult for him. Oscar’s engineer radioes something to him but there was too much static for me to make out exactly what was said.
Lando attempts to pass Oscar at turn one but is shut down. Lando goes on the radio to ask what he’s doing, asks if you(the team) want George to beat us(never said “he” like it was written on the broadcast graphic). Lando’s race engineer informs him he’s working on it. Lando responds that he is quicker and in dirty air.
Lap 27, Oscar’s engineer instructs him to let Lando by at turn 1 and they swap positions. When all is said and done, Lando finishes the race with a 17+ second gap behind him and Oscar gets his first f1 podium.
This whole thing really blew up on such a happy day for the boys and the team. Wether or not they should have been allowed to fight it out is up to personal opinion. At the end of the day, the team makes those decisions and we got the best possible result. Oscar and Lando have both expressed that as their opinion on the matter.
People do love holding the drivers(some more than others) radios against them in such a high stress and high adrenaline environment.
Lando was already frustrated about Checo holding him back and costing him so much time, was told by the team,without even asking, that Oscar wouldn’t make it difficult for him, and was warned about George’s one-stop and the tire degradation. I think it’s okay that he was a little frustrated over the radio.
Oscar was not even told to not make it difficult until way after Lando was informed that he would. I consider that a failure of communication by the pit wall, not at the fault of either driver. I also think Oscar was in his right to hold his position until explicitly told not to. At the end of the day it’s a balance between team results and individual results and those are not always going to be prioritized equally. That’s just the way these races go.
Anyways I’m waffling now. I agree with everything you and the last anon you posted have said as well. So sorry about how long this is got🙈🧡
And there you have it folks. A completely normal swap of positions.
Thank you so much for going through the trouble of getting all of that context anon🧡
Never apologise to me for getting longwinded, i love reading peoples thoughts!
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