#A Mysterious Gray Creature [Anon]
batbeato · 2 months
I was also thinking alongside the lines of an Umineko AU, where magic is actually real. The era of sorcerers and witches and alchemy and beasts are still generally assigned to being myths. It's still in regards to everything Ushiromiya and Rokkenjima and Beatrice.
I was thinking that magic would still be prevalent in ways similar to the anime Iroduku: A World In Color, or maybe something like Encanto where it runs in family lines and individuals have gifts. Or maybe Kinzo did something, who knows.
But Witches and Sorcerers magic, alchemy, is something long-forgotten and even rumored to have not actually existed - not like they do in stories. Which would further obscure Beatrice's heart in the Meta from Battler - because magic does exist, even if there's no one left that knows if Beatrice's magic is the real deal and killed everyone-
(Speaking of which, I wonder where exactly Meta-Battler's memory cuts off? At the airplane, in the cousins' room in the guesthouse? We never see him question in the vn where they are, I don't think. Does he assume Beatrice just ripped him through space and time to torment him with her games? Not to mention we know Rosa appears and is getting forcefed her family at the end of one of the episodes? Where does she go, after? Where does everyone else go? Are they just lurking in corners, out of sight?)
At the same time though, so much of Umineko is trying to pierce through the veil of magic - not to tear out the guts of the story, but to see the heart hiding underneath. In utilizing literal magic in the plot, even if things like occult black magic and sorcerers and witches and demons are deemed myth or legend, if writing with canon-context, wouldn't it clog the narrative?
Also, it's a rule in mysteries, isn't it? To not actually use supernatural creatures/abilities - including magic? At least, not to hand wave how the crime occurred and pull a solution out of thin air. Though, in a world where traces of magic exist, regardless, Sayo probably wouldn't use it? She wants someone to stop her, Battler to solve the mystery. Her murders - though not anyone else's, arguably - following the rules of a who-dunnit, how-dunnit, why-dunnit mystery.
Rambling here, sorry.
Putting this on anon, because I'm slightly afraid of offending anyone.
Honestly I think it all would really depend on the specifics of the AU and how magic would interact with the existing story to enhance or change it. If it ended up not really changing much, that wouldn't be interesting, but maybe it could. For example, maybe different types of magic are gendered, so 'witches' are generally supposed to have 'feminine' magic (healing, connecting with nature, emotions) and witches that have 'masculine' magic (controlling the elements, summoning powerful demons, etc.) is considered to be heretical or evil. Maybe Rosa encouraged or tolerated Maria's interest in magic at first, but as the abuse continued and Maria grew to be interested in 'unsuitable' magic that intensified the abuse and lead to a cycle. Just an example I'm throwing out - I'm not the best with magic worldbuilding.
Magic being 'real' would probably impact a lot of the metaphors about magic as love, understanding, illusion, etc. though. You'd have to work with that a lot to try to figure out what to do to replace it with in such an AU. In Umineko proper, magic is sort of real but also sort of not, existing in a gray area where you can interpret it either way.
As for using magic in a mystery, Knox doesn't explicitly forbid it. The rules relating to the supernatural are "It is forbidden for supernatural agencies to be employed as a detective technique." and "It is forbidden for unknown drugs or hard to understand scientific devices to be used."
The first relates to the detective, so as long as Battler himself (or Erika) doesn't use magic to suddenly just know things, all is well. As for the second, it doesn't explicitly mention magic, but it mentions similar deus ex machinas. So long as the magic is explained, it should be able to be used as part of a mystery. Van Dine, however, does explicitly forbid supernatural methods of murder/crime. So take that as you will. (Van Dine's rules are very strict compared to Knox.)
It's really about, if you want to make an AU and you think you'll have fun with it, go ahead. I feel like people feel the need to put so much thought into AUs but people can just have AUs, whether they're really meaningful and significant or just fun, which is meaningful and significant in its own way. I have tons of AUs that are just... fun. And that's nice.
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ask-the-usa-manor · 1 year
Wait if Detroit managed to escape did the other kidnapped/almost kidnapped cities manage to avoid those crazy anons??? Like I remember Nashville kept being stalked and other cities too
Nashville ran into the room, slamming the door behind her and gasping for air, broken guitar in hand.
“Nash?” Tennessee frowned, placing his own guitar he was tuning down, “What’s—”
Nashville grabbed Tennessee’s shirt collar and dragged him up from his chair so the two were eye level, “IT’S COMING! SAVE YOURSELVES!”
“What is?”
“The gray creature! With the sunglasses!”
“An… Anon? Do you mean an Anon?”
“So that’s what that… thing, is called…” Nashville shook her head, “It’s coming for me, Nesse! I fought it off as long as I could, but I don’t have much time!”
“Hey, hey. Calm down,” Tennessee stood and patted his city on the shoulder, “The worst thing it could possibly want from you is to kidnap you.”
“Oh your right, that’s not a reason to worry,” Nashville drawled sarcastically, “Kidnapping? Psh, why would anyone worry about that?”
“That’s the spirit,” Tennessee remarked, “Listen, it might not even be following you anymore. If it is, those ‘things’ understand English, so we can reason with them. Just don’t worry about the mysterious being stalking you and planning to kidnap you.”
“Gee, I feel so comforted right now.”
“Hey, I’m here for you Nash.”
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SWORD ~much love from the ivymun
@mun-dertale (hAHAHAHA)
The minute the brave soul notices the kindness soul under attack, he darts forward, placing himself in front of the magical bombardment. “Hey! Get away from here! I won’t hesitate!” He equips his chipped pocket knife, pointing it at the Froggit in front of him.
The froggit flees! 
“You okay, Ivy?” Fire turns towards his older friend, giving her a tired grin.
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Do it. Write the sea monster headcanons.
I'll help.
- Dreamer Anon
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well *adjusts hat* ask and ye shall receive!! also dreamer anon you better deliver with helping (/j) because i'd love to hear yours!!
~ * ~ Sea Monster AU HCs
Warning for beaches, nets, knives, and scars
PART ONE- Read Part Two Here!!
~ * ~
-Soooo mermaid AUs amiright -Here Childe is a deep-sea monster. He can come up to shallower waters but thrives best deeper -Still big!! About the same size as normal Foul Legacy, but he is a bit longer -Why? Because he also has a finned tail :) -He does have back legs as well because I think that looks cooler but his tail is a major factor in swimming -His wings are now a pair of light, gauzy fins that glimmer even under the ocean -The seaside town that you live in has been having… “problems” with him ever since a few people sighted his shadow in the water -And because the people living there are paranoid of large and vicious sea beasts they decided to try and “deal with him” -Which basically means hunt him down -You’re not taking part in the hunt due to having other work and being generally disgusted at the way people are talking about this harmless mystery creature- yes it’s BIG, but it hasn’t DONE anything! -Plus, everyone is telling you to stay away from the beach- where you usually go for strolls- and it’s REALLY starting to get on your nerves -You just roll your eyes and ignore them, going on walks anyways -Usually your walks are on cloudy days now because sunny days will have everyone in a tizzy trying to hunt the sea monster -In fact you’re on a walk today, the sky gray and ominous. Maybe you should head home soon, looks like rain is coming -You’re about to turn back when you hear an awful screeching sound further down the shore -Being the brave little cookie that you are you go to investigate with no hesitation (ok maybe a LITTLE hesitation) -You find a peculiar creature tangled up in the nets and NOW you see why your town was freaking out, because you’re pretty sure this creature is the sea monster everyone’s been chasing -You’re about to run and maybe tell someone when the creature whines -And oh your heart just breaks at the sound -So despite the warnings yelling at you in your head, you take out a pocket knife you carry around -The sea monster shrieks in terror when he sees it but quiets when you begin sawing at the nets surrounding his body -And some of those nets are TIGHT on his skin, to the point where you can see the scales and armor breaking underneath -You work quickly, fearing that you’ll be caught by someone who hears his pained yelps, but finally he’s free -The creatures gives you a soft, worried look, but someone in the distance calls out and he slips back into the sea, leaving you standing alone on the shore -The next day you return, venturing to a rock you like sitting on, only to find a tiny bundle of seaweed placed carefully on the smooth stone -It’s tied with a slightly lopsided knot, and you unwrap it to find a perfect, shining pearl -After that you keep finding little gifts on the rock, from shells to coral to old coins, but you still don’t see the actual creature again -You even begin leaving your own gifts- little flowers and berries- for him, but he still doesn’t appear -Until one day, when the beach is completely deserted again except for you, when you see a familiar pair of horns peeking from the water -You call out to him and he raises a bit more, blinking at you as you jog to the rock -You sit and he perks up and hoists his upper body onto the rock as well, tilting his head and letting out curious coos -Despite his large size, he’s gentle and sweet to you, brushing his hand against your cheek and examining your legs with fascination, and you wonder why you were scared of him in the first place -With a few scratches in the sand he tells you his name- Childe- and when you tell him yours he trills with joy -His tail curls around the edge of the rock and when you reach out to tough it, it shyly wraps itself around your hand and wrist -He lays his head on your lap as you trace a finger over the dips and groves in his scales, finding several scars from various attacks -He shivers when you touch them, but snuggles into your hand with a reassuring purr -When night comes you get up to leave, but Childe whimpers when you stand -You reassure him that you’ll
be back the next day and watch him dip beneath the waves with a satisfied flick of his tail -But the next day, you never appear, having been kept from the beach because it was sunny and the sea monster would obviously come out in the sun -And Childe waits for you, his head just barely above the water as he watches the sandy shore, because you promised to come back, so you’ll be here! -Right?
~ * ~
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you don't post at all, not really much of an incentive to even follow or interact
Hi! yes! Are you aware I'm in high school?? Because I am! And its hard to get comics done with my school schedule. I post more during breaks.
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twice-fallen · 7 years
Hey! Mun! Draw yourself as a UT kid? What's your striped outfit look like? What're your offensive and defensive items? What's your SOUL color/trait? These are answers the world must have.
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Here I am! I’m tired constantly. 
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benjaminthewolf · 2 years
Soul Boyfriend Lol
  Remember that bit about me being on a writing roll, anon? I actually finished this yesterday, but since I had already posted two stories this week and I didn’t want to overwhelm my followers, I didn’t think I should post it just yet. Just for you though, I’ll post it now.
     You had absolutely no idea how you ended up here. The last thing you remembered was that you were in your room gazing at your mirror, staring down your current form right in the face and…well, thinking. Just thinking. Thinking about how this happened, thinking about what it caused, but most importantly, thinking about anything that was in your power at all that could possibly, just possibly maybe, help void all this corruption from your being.
     And then you came here. That was it. That was all you knew. It made zero sense, and you had zero clue what to do about it, but really, wasn't everything related to corruption nowadays like that? Either way, you began to swiftly look around for any possible way out of this place, glaring intently out into the foggy, gray and white abyss that was this mysterious area. Yet, aside from the fog and the colors, there was nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just you, the fog, the colors, and…another person?
     Yes, that’s right. Somewhere, amongst the fog, there appeared a lean, dark figure floating a couple  inches above the ground, skin and clothes the color black, his mouth and eyes glowing pure white. He appeared non-threatening, so you just simply stood there for a while and waited for him to finish emerging before he at last nodded towards your direction, and opened his mouth to speak.
     “Welcome, corrupted one. I am sure you must have a lot of questions right now, but-”
     “Uh, hell yeah I have a lot of questions right now!” you just can’t help but blurt out. You can’t tell if it was the corruption entity talking back there or if you were just extremely anxious right now. But the semi-angry growl that emitted from your throat less than a second afterwards made you lean on the side of the former. “Where am I, who are you, and what’s your goddamn business here, THAT is what I wanna know!”
     The black creature before you remained still and silent for a while, perhaps to make sure you weren’t going to say anything else before speaking again. At last, he closed his eyes and nodded.
     “...of course. I was planning on getting to those either way, but per your request…” he took a second to clear his throat. “We are inside your mind right now. Deep thoughts always lead one to their inner-workings, and this case was by far no different. Now, as to my identity, you may call me Soul Boyfriend. And although you have most likely already figured it out by now, my business here is, quite simply, to help you.”
     Once Soul Boyfriend had finished answering, there came a period of awkward silence that lasted for about ten seconds before you finally realized that he was waiting for you to respond.
     “Oh! Uh- I see.” you eventually end up calling out. “Well, that’s great!”
     Soul Boyfriend smiles in warm comradery.
     “ If you’re telling the truth, that is. You can’t just say you’re on my side and just expect me to believe you. You gotta prove that to me, and the sooner, the better.”
     Soul Boyfriend gives an understanding nod before landing himself on the floor. 
    “Very well then.” he concedes as he slowly walks up to you. “If that is what you wish, then watch.”
     With that, Soul Boyfriend gently grasps onto your arm, extending it outwards for demonstration as he brings out his blackened tongue. You aren’t even given enough time to protest before Soul Boyfriend strokes it, in all its slick, wet glory, across your skin. You did, however, have plenty of time afterwards to protest, which you were just about to do passionately before you noticed something important. 
     Now that it had made contact with your skin, the saliva on Soul Boyfriend’s tongue was beginning to harmlessly melt away at the outer layer of corruption on your body, causing your heart to instantly leap out of its chest in realization.
     “DUDE! NO WAY! YOU CAN DO THAT?” you near-instinctively cry out.
     “Why of course. My healing liquids are designed to destroy corruption; which is exactly what I am here to do. It would be much more efficient, however, if you were to be doused within them, rather than the current intuitive method of simply licking you over.”
     “Well, I mean yeah that would be nice, but unless you’ve also got some sort of shrinking power or something like that-”
     Before you could even finish your sentence, Soul Boyfriend snaps his fingers as his hand that had previously held onto your arm continued to keep a firm grip while you feel your body painlessly shrinking in size, down to about the size of a mouse, before you are finally able to fit square in the palm of Soul Boyfriend’s hand.
     “Maybe I shouldn’t just blurt out whatever I want to say when dealing with magic, ethereal beings.” you murmur to yourself under your breath, though you were pretty sure that Soul Boyfriend could still hear you.
     Shrugging your shoulders slightly as Soul Boyfriend brings you closer to his face, you ultimately decide to just adhere to your own advice as you slowly climb inside his semi-opened maw. Soul Boyfriend’s lips, and subsequently, his jaws cautiously close in behind you as you proceed to lie down on the tongue. You are able to sense your corruption beginning to melt away almost instantly, and once you had lifted your left hand off the surface of the tongue in order to confirm to yourself that that was indeed happening, you were pleasantly surprised to see that the purplish cells that had previously coated the hand were now beginning to painlessly sizzle away. Painlessly for you, anyway, as you could swear that you heard something of some sort screaming in agony in the back of your mind.
     Soul Boyfriend gently lifts up his tongue and proceeds to slowly stroke it across your form, getting your face and body rather soaked in his healing saliva. You were basically able to hear the corruption entity within you cowering in terror as it began to get eradicated from your being, though you knew that the sound was not really a product of vibrating waves, but just the entity itself’s discernable presence within your mind.
      “Yeah you better feel scared, bitch!” you internally taunt your own entity as you begin to gleefully rub the healing juices all over your skin in order to further its suffering. Soul Boyfriend steadily and carefully proceeds to slip his tongue under your being and lift it up slightly. You were forced to duck for a second to avoid scraping your head on the rough ridges at the top of his maw, but since you didn’t exactly feel like complaining in any way to the one being that was actually capable of helping you get back to normal, you just simply brush it off.
     Sliding down the slick, smooth surface of his black tongue, your head strikes Soul Boyfriend’s uvula for a second, causing you to swat the thing away in irritation. You knew instinctively what Soul Boyfriend was planning on doing next, so you just simply wedged yourself as effectively as you could into his gullet in order to help him swallow as such.
     “Man. If you could somehow go back in time and tell me from the past that I would be getting rid of a corrupted being within me by dousing myself in some spirit boyfriend’s stomach juices some time in the future, I would fucking call a mental institutoin on your ass. Now look at me.” you can’t help but relay to yourself internally as a sober realization of just how strange this situation really was. “Ah well. It's not like it really matters anyway. Just as long as I get out of this alive and corruption free, of course. Obviously.”
     Soul Boyfriend on the outside does his best to make sure you’re in the right position to go down, as he didn’t want you accidentally ending up in his trachea, before at last letting out a small sigh, and gulps you down. He could feel his throat muscles squeezing you through the upper esophageal sphincter as the epiglottis went back into its resting position above the windpipe. He could also feel the light weight of your body weighing on and against the walls of the esophagus, confirming to him that the swallow was successful.
     Gently tracing over the slight bulge you made in his throat, Soul Boyfriend nods in silent affirmation, knowing full well that you were going to be alright. Back on the inside, you still were having trouble categorizing everything that was going around you as reality, but eventually manage to shake off your overthinking as you begin to simply focus on the massaging strokes of the muscle walls around you.
     Sputtering a bit as you roll your eyes at yourself because of said overthinking, you proceed to merely lie there within the throat, comfortably waiting for it to finish its job of delivering you towards the stomach as it continuously squelches you on down.
     At last, you are able to pick up the sound of a heartbeat. You weren’t exactly sure how ethereal beings have heartbeats to begin with, but you didn’t really want to start overthinking everything again, so you just let it be. A few seconds later, a great grumble echoes around your ears, letting you know you were very close to your destination.
     As you were squeezed out through the lower esophageal sphincter, you swiftly noticed something important. 
     “No way! This dude’s got a whole ass pride-rave going on up in here!” you jokingly comment as you finally take the plunge. Splashing deep down into the rainbow-colored liquids, you are almost able to hear the corruption entity within you screech in terror as more and more of itself was melted away and voided from your being.
     Gently lying back into the shifting, churning stomach walls, you dip down your body as low as it can get without getting your head soaked in the juices as to maximize exposure. Doing your best to tune out the cries of the raging beast that was now in the process of leaving you for good, you instead choose to focus on the natural ambiance within the stomach itself, its semi-constant gurgling and rumbling, as well as the baseline heartbeat above it all. You are also able to soak in the natural heat within the smooth, wet organ, which not only helps calm you down, but also aids your body in getting into a state where it could start to settle down for a nap.
     “Lord knows I need one after all the shit this corruption entity has put me through…” you murmur to yourself as you begin to slowly close your eyes while all those horrific and petrifying memories begin to play themselves on loop all over again in your head. You shudder a bit as you ball up a fist. At least now, the physical reminders of all of that would be gone quite soon.
     Back on the outside, Soul Boyfriend is able to tell that you’re comfortable by your casual sitting/lying position and general lack of struggling. He is also able to tell that his rainbow healing acids are doing their job by the subtle echoing yowls of the corruption entity that had been formerly sharing your body with you as its form simmered away inside of him into plain and simple nothingness.
     Soul Boyfriend proceeds to sit down and lay his hand over his gut. He rubs it over a few times and then gives it some pats for good measure. You on the inside are able to sense this, and thus return the favor with some internal rubs and pats of your own as the kindness of the initial gesture helps to stop the current memory flow and slowly calms you back down as such. This causes Soul Boyfriend on the outside to become slightly flustered, as he wasn’t exactly sure how he wanted to react to such a gesture from you.
     Nonetheless, as Soul Boyfriend’s body continued to deteriorate the corruption that had formerly resided within your being, both you and your healer began to snuggly settle in for the process to continue automatically, so that when the two of them awoke again, the corruption would be fully gone.
     You had figured out at this point that you didn’t need to soak your head in the juices for the corruption to be ridden from that area, as the purplish matter that had once covered you there was indeed melting clean off just the same as all the parts of your body that actually were touching the juices.
     As such, with a slightly cheeky smirk on your grin, knowing that the corruption entity had indeed lost in the end, you snuggle your head deeper into the squishy, warm confines of Soul Boyfriend’s stomach walls, before letting out a yawn, and letting your body drift off.
     Soul Boyfriend on the outside had a similar idea. He had magically solidified some of the fog around him in order to have something of his own to lean against, before he himself let out a pleased sigh. Nothing gave him more personal pleasure than seeing one who had formerly been struggling with the grip of the corruption entity at last be freed from their chains, punishing the entity for all they had done, and helping the victim begin the process of recovery.
     As the physical manifestation of the corruption continued to melt and sizzle away from its host victim inside of him, Soul Boyfriend knew that his work here was done, and began to close his eyes as such, to contentedly and comfortably lie down with his prey, and just simply let his body handle the rest. 
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mythicalninjas · 3 years
From anon's request: "How would the boys react to see the reader appeared out of no where in the lair. Like there is a portal that open in the middle of the lair and the reader get out of it. They don’t know the reader before. How would they react? You can do separately or all together I don’t mind."
A/N: It got too long, but hope you like it! If you find any mistakes in the paragraphs or do not understand something, feel free to tell me.
They/them pronouns used!
The Guest
It's just another random day in the underground. Eletronic sounds from improvised machines coming from Donnie's computer station, splashing of the waterfall in the enormous main space and a Hip Hop song echoing around, filling the light dump air of the air.
Leo sat on the edge of the platform where he is used to train, a heavy breathe leaving his mouth, exausted by an intensive training session he just had; several drops of sweat slide over his muscled and hot body, clothing showing dark stains here and there as outcome of his effort. But he was satisfied by his well-conclued work. The leader takes a look around to see what is currently happening in his home, as always. Donnie isn't at his computer station or neither his lab. Well, the genius must be doing who knows what somewhere. Leonardo ran his eyes around carefully to find his purple-clad brother and Bingo! Donnie is lying down, using his tablet, on his improvised bed in the giant pipe hole with purple neon wire making a circle around the edge. Rising the corner of his mouth by the view, Leo watched around again to look for his two troublemakers brothers, but couldn't find any of them. Meybe they are distrubing each other somewhere.
Sighing, Leonardo stands and jumped off the platform, walking towards the kitchen area to take a glass of water.
''Eat Me'' red neon sign above the kitchen makes him think of inappropiate things; of course, he tried to change Mikey's mind when the young brother choose it as decoration, but there was nothing the leader could do. Leo is not gonna lie, that sign suits a lot with the kitchen...
Shaking his head to wash the naughty thoughts away and opening the high cabinet door, he picks his favourite blue glass and headed to the fridge. Opening the door he ran his eyes through the small cold space and found the jar water. After pouring the cold liquid into the blue glass, he let's out a relief sigh as brings it to his mouth, finally swallowing the fresh liquid down his throat. His muscles are exausted to continue the intense training, so the blue-clad turtle decided to take a break.
Suddenly a light beam emerged from behind him.
''What the-''
The whole lair vibrated.
He was threw against the cabinets by the shock wave. Groaning, Leo rubs behind his neck; a pair of blue ocean eyes scanned towards to where the defeaning sound came from and saw that there's a thick and dark gray fume hovering in the middle of the big space, spreading around.
"Donnie! You must be careful with your stuff!'' Leo yelled, thinking that this explosion was caused by one of Donnie's inventions.
''It wasn't me, Leo!'' Donnie protested, running beside his brother, who is already in the local of the explosion, trying so hard to see what was demaged.
''What happened?!'' Raphael shouted from a distance with Mikey walking right behind him.
Master Splinter came out of the dojo and gasped while watches the unexpected situation ''Leonardo!'' the old rat called ''Explain what just happaned here. Is everyone okay?''.
''Yes, we are, master. But I don't understand the cause of the explosion. It was so fast.''
''Do not worry, my son. The importand is that no one got hurted.''
Leo sighed relived, placing his hands on each side of his hips and just kept stand there a few seconds, watching everybody disappearing into the dense fume. The brothers walk carefully through it to find a reason of the explosin. But all they can see is the concrete ground was covered with a dark dust, for now.
Raph gasped when see a silhouette a few steps away from him, the arduous smoke difficulting his view.
The silhouette was crouched, its head lowered between its knees, and arms crossed around its body. Raph grabs his both sais and positioned them beside him, ready for the action. He slowly takes steps towards the stranger, being careful to not scare the unexpected guest.
He knew it is not Splinter because that shape is human.
As he aproaches to the mysterious form, Raph noticed that it is a person. ''What ta hell...'' he whispered. ''Hey!'' He called, but you didn't response, keeping your head down between your knees. "Hey!'' Raph called again, but has received no response yet. The brute's yell called the others attention who went quicly beside him, and got surpried by your presence.
''Who is this person?'' Mikey asked, in shock.
''I don't know.'' Leo said as take a few steps closer to you, his eyes watching you form carefully.
Donnie took a few steps foward as well, and pulled his googles down to scan you and adjusted some annulus to have a better view of your vital signals, and kneeled in front of you. ''Hey'' he called, but you kept your head lowered.
The boys looked at each other, not knowing what to do.
You're so afraid to lift your eyes to see what is happening or where you got. You knew that you're being watched by someone, but a discomfort high-pitched sound disturbs your ears, preventing you to hear them.
Donnie lift his hand and with all careful of the world he touches your shoulder.
You quickly rise your head, and shut your eyes open wide.
Gasping, your breathe got faster as you watch a big humanoid green creature a few inches away right in front of you. Without thinking twice you dragged yourself away from the weird creature who stands quickly and lift his hands in front of him as a peace sign. You could see that it is like a human, but with a green skin and so fucking tall; military green cargo pants, a pair of big boots, suspenders around his... plated chest, and that scary thing he's using above his eyes, or are those literally his eyes?!
"WFT?!" You thought.
"Hey, hey, It's okay!" The purple-clad terrapin said, but all you could see is his mouth moving.
You quickly moved your weak body away from him, but something hits your back, preventing you from escape. Slowly your eyes looked back and chills ran down your spine. A pair of sandals in a feet with two big fingers? Your eyes followed up slowly and saw that it is another creature, but this time it is using black pants over his thighs, something you couldn't describe over his lower legs and nothing on upper body. And... Is it wearing a blue cloth around his eyes?
But, out of all of it, you got surprised of how massive these things are. Where have you arrived? And what kind of aliens are they? Wait, they are aliens, right?
"Hey, it's okay. We're not gonna hurt you" Leo said with a comfort voice but you can't hear a single word from him.
You tried to get up and run away but your legs failed, bringing you to the ground. And an excruciating pain started to roll through your legs, making you groan violently.
"Wow, easy!" Donnie shouted "Leo, they're legs are injured! Keep them on the ground or they will hurt themselves even more!".
"Raph, with me!" Leo ordered but his brother didn't even moved; Raph just crossed his arms and shift his wheight from a leg to another. Leo studied your body language, he knew that if he holds you by your legs he would cause more pain on you, so he made a decision to hold you by your arms.
''Hey, hey. Easy'' he tried to grabs your arms but you fought with all your strength to shove his three-fingered hands away. Donnie noticed that Raph doesn't want to collaborate and groaned, walking towards you and kneeling.
Mikey joined his brothers and could finally grabs your arms and laying you down on your back on the ground. Even with a hell of pain you're feeling you moved your legs to kick your immobilizer but the pain hits you so hard, making you're scream.
''We need to calm them down!" Donnie warned.
''And how we're supose to do it? They're freaking out!'' Mikey said, holding you against the ground while Leo keeps his hands on your hips to keep you immobilized.
Donnie has no choice but talk to you.
''Hey'' he carefully lands his hand agaisnt your forehead to call your attention ''I know that you're scared and that you're not understanding what is happening, but you need to calm down''.
You eyes locked with his amber ones.
''Calm down...'' he repeated ''What's your name?''
You didn't get his words and made a question expression, shaking your head from a side to another as a negative response.
''Um... Do you have a name?'' Donnie asked, and quirked a brow ridge.
''I think they're not hearing ya'' Raph opined from behind ''They didn't answer my call when I called them twice in front of them'' Raph continued, shrugging.
''Really?'' Donnie looked back at his red-banded brother.
That's make sense...
Donnie payied back his attention on you. How will he comunicate with you now?
''Can. You. Hear. Me?'' he asked slowly, making sure that his lips are moving for you understand perfectly. Of course, none of them knows language signal, so moving his lips slowly is the only way to make a communication with you. He could see your eyes locked on his lips while he talks, reading carefully each words formed.
You look back at his eyes and nod negatively.
''Oh no...'' Leo murmured.
''Are they deaf?'' Mikey asked.
''I fear...'' Donnie answered, then sighed ''But I'm relieved that they can understand lip reading. Raph" He called, looking back at his brother who was just stand behind him watching you with caution "Can you bring a pen and a paper, or whatever the thing I can write down?"
''Okay." Raph nodded, making a scary and intimidating face without breaking eye contact with you. You knew that the red-clad creature has something negative about you. His deadly stare says everything.
''Hey...'' Donnie called your attention back, and repeated the same exercise as he did to communicate with you ''Keep. Calm. We. Will. Release. You."
You nodded positively.
The boys slowly take their hands off you, waiting if in case you do another resistance or an escape attempt, but you kept layied there, calm.
''I'll need you guys to help me to take them to a confortable place'' Donnie said ''Mikey, I need you to pick them on bridal style. It's the only way to carry them''.
''But how about their legs?'' the young brother questioned, worried about hurting you by accident.
''I guess it will hurt them a bit but... It's the only way. If you lift them just by their arms, they will try to stand instinctively, and it would make them suffer even more''.
"What kind of injury they have on their legs, my son?" Splinter questioned, emerging and walking beside his taller son.
Your eyes went wide.
"I scanned their legs and I found out that they have some brusies and their muscles are demaged. I'm surprised the bones weren't broken." Donnie continued "I'm gonna care their injuries and soon they will walk again. But... I'm not sure when they will be healed a hundred per cent.''
The boys stood around you a minute watching you lay on the ground, thinking and speaking between them about what they must do to help you. And you took it as opportunity to study more carefully their forms. Green skin with scales here and there, tonic muscles on their arms and legs. "Holly fuck shit" you tryied to whisper but your voice cracked, indicating that your vocal chords are very weak as much as your body. For sure that traveling through the portal was pretty bad for you.
Your eyes studied them again and you rise an eyebrow. They're wearing backpacks. Wait, those are not backpacks... are... Shells... Shells?! And why are they're wearing colourful clothes around their eyes? Are they criminals or something?!
Your eyes caught the purple clad creature kneeling beside you again. You are sure that he said something like "alright". He lift his three-fingered hand, approaching it closer to your face and you couldn't help but refuse his touch shifting your head away making Mikey and Leo kneel to hold you still, but this time not too hard as before.
Donnie touches your cheek and sotfly turn your face towards his. "Easy... We. Want. To. Help. You". Then he shares a soft smile.
You have no idea what or who they are, but you knew that whatever they're planning, is for help you. Is for your own healthy and safety. At least, if these massive creatures wanted to harm you, they would have already done it, but all they have done is being careful with you; taking care of you.
You smiled back.
Donnie lets out a heavy breathe, then glanced at Mikey and nodded. Leo stood aside to give his younger brother space enough to adjust himself beside you and pick you up. You quickly turned your eyes back at the purple-clad creature like asking him to tell you what his friend will do.
He just nodded positively, smiling.
Leo positioned himself on your another side to help Mikey, taking care to lift your upper body first. Mikey reached to support your body, placing his arm behind you. And now, the most difficult part: your injured legs. ''I'm sorry if you feel pain. You have to be strong as possible.'' Mikey murmured. But before they could work on your legs, Donnie raised his hand to call their attention and soft landed it on your knee. A soft groan left your mouth but you thanked that your knees were just a bit ached ''Wait! Let's do it one step at time. After I count three, lift them fast. Ready?'' Leo and Mikey give a firm nod. ''Alright. One.'' You read his lips, and asked to yourself why he was counting. ''Two''. Your eyes lower to take a look on your legs, and saw that they're with their hands positioned like would pick you up on bridal style. Wait... Your heart beats faster. Donnie noticed that you are staring at him with wide eyes and shaking your head from a side to another desperately, but there's nothing he could do. ''Three!''
You screamed; a heavy wave of pain ran through your weak legs like a hundred knives were penetrating your meat violently. You threw your head back, your mouth open while agonizing sounds go out; it is hard even to breathe.
''Take them to the sofa. Now!'' Donnie ordered.
Mikey quickly headed towards the .... He has to admit that hearing your protesting painfully in his arms breaks his heart. Never in his life he heard someone scream like you're doing right now.
"Here..." Leo directed, adjusting the soft sheet to lay you down and a sofa pillow to support your head. Mikey bent over to place you carefully on the sofa with Donnie holding your head. "Be careful." Leo commented. It hurt a bit when your legs were landed on two pillows, but as fast as the pain started, it ended.
Finally you can inhale oxygen after a whole minute of suffocate.
"I'll grab a medicine to lower their pain. It will get them tiredness but will worth" Donnie said, turning and heading towards his lab.
Leo and Mikey positioned themselves beside you, his eyes watching over every single movement you do. You kinda felt uncomfortable with them looking at you all the time; feeling totally vulnerable under their care, but you knew that what are they're doing is for you own good.
Your eyes caught another massive form coming closer and your bones started to shiver again. The red-cladded humanoid creature is back but this time he was holding pen and a notebook.
"Hey, guys. This is all I could find at the moment" Raph said while look at the stuff he just took, then his scary stare locked on you.
Your blood freeze.
"Thanks, Raph." The leader grabs the stuff and sat on the ground right beside you. He positioned the pen between his big fingers and the notebook on his lap, and his eyes landed on yours. You couldn't help but appreciate to utmost of how beautiful his eyes are. A deep and vividly color of blue. They're like a painting... You shook your head and looked to opposite side, hiding your blush.
"They shook their head. Why? We didn't make any questions." Mikey said.
"I don't know, but let's find out" Leo continued, writing down "Are you okay?". Finishing, he reaches out his hand and gently touches your shoulder making you snap your eyes back at his. Then Leo lifts the notebook to show you the question.
You read it and shake your hand as "So so" then pointed at your legs.
Leo nodded back, understanding your message, then placed the notebook on his lap again and wrote "My brother will take care of your injuries and certificate that you'll be okay and we will help. Don't be afraid". You read it and show a positive thumb. Leo replaced the notebook back and wrote "I'll introduce us to you". You show a positive thumb again. Then Leo wrote all their names down and lifted it to you."Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael, and our father, Master Splinter".
Leo got up and started to introduce them. He pointed at his name and then at him. Then he pointed at Donnie's name and then pointed towards the lab where Donnie is preparing his medical kit. Then Leo pointed at Mickey's name and then at his brother beside him. The young turtle waved, grinning. "So cute" you thought, waving back. Then Leo pointed at Raph's name and at him, an the brute just crossed his arms. "He's kinda... Rude..." You thought again. Then Leo pointed at Splinter's name and then at him who is a few steps away from you. "Wait. Father? Father? Is he they're father?!" You practically yelled mentally. Your mind was filled with many questions about this impossibility of this giant rat be father, or he must be their adoptive father. You prayed to the second option be the true.
You were brought back to reality with another soft hudge on your shoulder, making you look back at his deep blue eyes. The blue-cladded turtle took a deep breathe and made a worry face; and lift the notebook with the next phrase: "We are mutant turtles."
Your eyes went wide. Mutants? How? Since when it is possible? The boys looked at each other already expecting your shock. What kind of place you just arrived where there're mutants?! The mutants made a fear expression, waiting for your scream. But no sound has come out from your mouth.
You just got froze.
''Won't they scream?'' Raph asked, quirking a brow ridge.
''They got shocked'' Mikey simply commented.
Leo sighed and wrote down another sentence. 'Just keep calm. I'll explain everything when you get well soon". You made an effort to nod.
After a few minutes, Donnie went back holding a first aid kit under one of his his slim but muscular arms, a medicine pack between his thick fingers and a bottle of water. Leo and Mikey took a step back to give their brother some space to work on you. First of all, Donatello shows you the medicine pack, holding it in front of you; he looked at Leo and asked for the notebook and the pen, picking it. Your eyes watched every single move he does and you got the conclusion that this mutant has quick skills and much attention in his work, murmuring who knows what while work on you. "Interesting", you thought.
After finish writing, Donnie lift the notebook. "I'll give you a medicine for your pain, but it will make you tired because it has some substances which cause tiredness. If you feel some uncomfortable symptoms, warn me". You immediately rised a positive thumb. You had taken some medicines with that description many times in your life, so you're kind of used with it. But the bad news is that it makes you fall asleep quickly, a scary idea in your opinion. You have no clue what these mutants would do when you're sleeping; if they would do dirty things or something or whatever the shit you refuse to think. You pray, at least, for these mutants do not do disrespectful things.
Donnie picks a pill from the pack and gave it to you, then the bottle of water. All the five mutants are literally watching you doing it, and it made you uncomfortable. You're not used to many people staring at you like that.
After taking the medicine, Donnie mentioned to you lay down again. The nerd placed the first aid kit on the ground and open it, his hands moving some stuff away again and again, his eyes scanning the stuff in the box. What is he looking for, exactly?
Suddenly your eyes caught his facial expression turning from serious to happy. Well, what did he just find to make him smile? The other mutants—except the red one—grinned. "Why the fuck are they grinning?" You thought. Donnie returned his attention to you with his grin. Okay, you don't know if his smile is a good sign or a naughty sign.
Then you started to feel your eyes heavy.
"Fuck... Now now..." You murmued, feeling a weariness filling your body. You hate when this medicine effect affect you rapdly, and you can't fight back.
"Hey, did they say something? I swear I heard that" Mikey commented.
"Well, they can speak by the way" Raph mocks.
Slowly your vision got blur, and the last thing you remember is they debating with each other, then the darkness pulls you for a long rest.
——————Time Skip——————
The light fills the darkness of your sleepy world like a white spot growing and consuming every single space of the dark. You are not sure how much time you slept, but at least all of it was merely dream and those creatures were just an invention of your mind.
Opening up your eyes slowly, you expected to wake up in your bedroom, but, even with your vision blurring and get used by the ambient light, the place seems totally different of your comfortable bedroom. Damp walls, two thick pipes in a corner a thin one on another, and neon lights a few steps away from where you are layied down. As you can feel, it is a comfortable bed. Groaning softly you turned your head to the space illuminated by the neon flashing lights, seeing a shell with a big backpack facing you. Immediately you recognized him.
It was not a dream.
You hear quick types on a keyboard, noticing that this mutant turtle is using his... computers? He was typing who knows what about something you have no idea, and you got surprised how fast this turtle can do it. He might be a guy of technology, you presume.
Wait. Wait...
If you can hear him working, that's mean your hearing came back to normal! You let out a happy sigh, making the genius turn his head towards you. "Oh, you're awake!" He said grinning, but palmed his face remembering that you can't listen to him. The tall purple clad terrapin takes his skateboard and rolled it beside you and sat down. ''How. Are. You. Feeling?'' he asked; you couldn't help but share a soft smile and say with a weak voice ''I'm good... And I can hear you now.''
His jaw dropped, eyes going wide.
''Hey... Are you... okay?'' you asked quietly with the corner of your mouth rised.
''Oh! I'm- Yeah. I'm-'' he rubs his hand behind his neck ''I'm glad you're okay'' he murmured, sharing a shy smile. What is going on here? You started to think that the air got ''tensed'' sunddely between you. Is it good?
''So...'' Donnie started ''About your physical condition, you're getting better. The muscles of your legs are healing and your wounds are cicatrizing. The rest you've just taken helped you a lot.'' he continued ''Uh... I almost forgot: what's your name?''
''Amazing.'' he lower his head, trying to not show a light blush over his cheeks which you already noticed. ''So, uh... Who are you, where did you come from and how did you get here?'' he asked quicly without concerns, locking his amber eyes on yours again. Okay, that was expected but too fast as he did. You looked away from his gaze, fearing your answers would not convice or be plausibles for the situation. Well, there's no way out.
''You... will not believe me if I answer honestly'' you said with weak tone.
Donatello cocked his head to the side, quirking his brow ridges.
''I am from another... I don't know...'' you answered, sighing ''Also I don't remember exactly how I got into that portal-''
''Portal?'' He questioned.
''Yes. I do not remember how or who exactly put me in that portal, but all I can remember is of the explosion when that thing closed and then... an uncomfortable sound filled my ears and a sudden ache consumed my legs''.
''Oh, yeah. I noticed it too''.
You started to feel a little shame by your overreact you had when the boys tryied to help you; and you regret ''Sorry for my bad behaving. I was very scared...''
''Hey, there's no need to apologize. You were just shocked and didn't have time to think. It's totally okay.'' Donnie knew that going through a portal and end up in another place is odd and unconfortable, so he and his brothers will do everything to make you feel safe before find out a way to take you home. The nerdy shares a smile and comes closer to you, pulling his googles above his eyes to scan your vital signs. Your eyes went wide. That thing scared you when you saw it for the first time!
''Did you make these?'' you pointed at his goggles.
''Oh yeah! I did it all my own'' he said proundly.
You gliggled ''Amazing! But it scared the hell out of me when I saw it for the first time. I thought it were your eyes or something.''
Donnie chuckeld of your observation, which you're not wrong. ''Sorry, was not my intention. You're not the only one who got scared of my briliant creation.'' he grinned, adjusting some of his goggles annulus here and there, then actived his hologram from his watch and typed on it. You got surprised with his advanced technology, never in your life you have seen something like that. Which year are you?! A distant future?
Are these mutants evolued humans or hybrids?!
''Are you still hearing that unconfortable noise?''
You woke up from your thoughts ''What?''
''That noise you said about. Can you describe how it sounded?'' he asked without leave his attention from his screen.
''Um... it was like... uh... high-pitched sound.''
Donnie noded, still typing on his screen. You're just sit there watching him working on his whatever the thing it is, his three-fingered hand moving and shifting above the screen. ''I guess you got a temporary deaf by the reason of explosion, and I am surprised that it just gave you temporary damages. I thought your eardrums would suffer a rupture and your bones break... Well... I'm glad that you're okay now.''
You beamed timidly ''All thanks to you and your brothers''. It's just you or his cheeks are being filled with a dark colour? "So... before answer your questions, can I ask where am I? Is this place another dimension or something?''
Donnie's locked his eyes on you, not expecting this question ''What? Uh, no... Why? Are you from another dimension?''
You shrugged ''I donno. Where I came from is Earth. It's all can describe to you.
''Oh! Well, you can still keep calm because you're still on Earth''. He smiled playfulness.
You sigh relieved; thankfully you weren't thrown out of your planet. ''And... where exactly am I?...''
''New York City, USA. Technically under it; you're in mine and my family's home in the sewers''.
You froze. New York? Underground? Sewers? ''You got be kidden me...",
''No, I'm not. And... how about you?''
''Originally I'm from (your hometown). But... I just remember being kidnap and then... Everything went dark. The last thing I remember is flashbacks of some men putting me in that portal. Why did they do it? I don't know.'' you shrugged.
Donnie noded again, his head filled with several hypothesis about your weird past event. "And these men... what kind of clothing they were wearing?" he asked, rubbing his chin.
"Uh..." You made a question expression, not getting what does he want to know about something so random. But who are you to refuse to answer? This turtle must know something you don't. "There were some people wearing different kind of clothing. I remember some wearing white coats—like doctors—and... Others in black. All black. Even their masks...''
Donnie's eyes went wide. He knows exactly who wear dark clothing as in your description. Foot Clan. He stood and walked towards the exit over quick steps.
''Where're you going?''
''I'll be right back. Stay where you are, okay? Don't you dare escape.'' he pointed at you and then left, leaving you totally alone in his lab. What is he planning, by the way? Perhaps he has some knowledge about those people you have seen? Well, by his sudden shock react, he surely know.
After a few minutes, Donatello has arrived in his lab and going to where you both had a conversation. And he was not alone.
''So... what's the news?'' Mikey shares a cocky smile, picking a chair and sitting on the oposite of ot, keeping the back of this object in front of his plastron and landing his arms above the top rail. Leonardo stood right beside you and Raph a few steps away from your bed, arms crossed and looking at you with no interest, and the giant rat stood beside Mikey, who glanced at his father still with the cocky smile on his face then back at you.
"So, Y/N. Can you explain everything you know for us? We just want to help you, nothing otherwise." Leo assured, but quick steps has approached him and a sudden punch on his arm made him groan. "Help them?" Raph protested "We don't even know who they are or if they work for someone that is not by our side!". Splinter quickly acted, beating his tail behind Raphael's legs to stop "Enough! Let them speak. We will just know if they tell their story.", "But Master, if they lie?!" The brute threw his arms up in protest, but Splinter just shares an intimidating look, making his red-clad son shut up and take a step back. "I apologize, my young one. You can go ahead with your version of your story."
You took a deep breath, feeling a bit uncomfortable for being watched and sorrawnded by five mutants, but actually you don't care. They seem to be good guys—except for the hot head one. For a while, you told every single detail you remember; since your kidnapping till your arriving in this place, the people who put you in that portal, your hometown. It's so weird that all of it happened so fast which you couldn't believe that it took a while—maybe because you were put to sleep as that people did everything they want to you.
The mutants looked at each other, expressions like surprise, shock, suspicious, doubt traveled through each one. You're afraid of they all think that you're lying, well, the red one is already thinking, of course. But how about the others?
"I might think that people in black are members of Foot Clan..." Leo commented after a moment "And the people in white might be scientists. Helpers of-".
"Baxter Stockman." Donnie finished.
''You gotta be kidding me...'' you murmured, surprise that this dangerous clan are in the same universe with them. You thought you got in another dimension or wherever but you literally were transported to another place, just it. And you lived your entire life without know the existence of these mutants. You want to freak out.
''And why would those people put Y/N in that portal?'' Mikey asked ''Like, just them! Were... were you alone when you were transported, right?'' the youngest looked at you with concerns.
''Yes! As I remember, yes...''
"Well..." Leo started "From now on we have a hard work to do. Y/N, you are under our care, and you have to stay down here with us. It's for your protection".
"What?! But-"
Master Splinter takes a step forward and place one of his hands on your shoulder, looking deep into your eyes "You have no choice, my dear. But there's no need to be worry" he smiled "While you're with us, no dangerous will happen to you" then the old rat glanced at Raphael, who groaned and sighed, getting Splinter's message.
You have to be prepared for all obstacles that are coming, and you're thankful that these mutants are by your side. As Leo said before, there's hard work to execute, dangerous or not.
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▶▶ Sarah
“I- I- I’m s- sorry I-” She’s cut off by a punch, knocking her to the ground.
“Save it, Kazuraba!” Samuel glowers. “You should have thought about that when you were siding with her!”
“I-” She’s cut off again, Sam kicking her in the stomach, and then planting his foot on her chest, glaring down at her. 
“SHUT UP! You’re nothing but a killer!” 
Sarah looks around desperately, trying to get any of the others to stop him...
But they don’t even make eye contact.
Not even Aurey can look at her. 
“C- c’mon, I- I was manipulated-”
“oh, right, the smartest person of our group, falling for stupid manipulation. How dumb do you think I am!?” He scoffs. 
“Samuel is correct. Your words do not make sense.” Ricky glances at the scene in front of them. 
Sam picks Sarah up by the front of her jacket, glaring. “Let me get this clear. You. aren’t. welcome. here. So LEAVE! Stay underground for all I care, but you aren’t welcome in Ebbot!” With that, he tosses her away, and walks away....
And the others follow.
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let-love-run-red · 3 years
Could I get a werewolf fanfic with Garcello where he like- Finds the reader hurt in the woods because of family issues (haha not self projecting wdym--) And takes them in and Annie and Garcello don't know what to do and then the reader wakes up to find herself in a tricky situation with 2 werepeople if that makes any sense? Pls and ty djjddnjdnf
Of course you can anon! Garcello would be such a fluffy werewolf I love him. I'm sorry this took so long for me to get to!
PS: This is the type of werewolf I imagine Garcello and Annie to be
You ran through the woods. You couldn't see well through the rain, and it was dark in these woods despite the bright full moon, so you just hoped you wouldn't trip over anything. You were hurt, not physically at least, just emotionally. Your family had always had their, difficult, moments. But usually it was all things you could handle.
Not today.
Not this time.
You tripped over something, probably a root, and went sprawling into the mud and leaves. You sat for a moment with tears streaming down your cheeks as you sat up. Your clothes were now covered in mud, just great.
You took a deep breath and looked up, trying your best to see through the rain. Everything just seemed like blurry shapes in the dark. You sniffled and stood up, trying to keep yourself warm in your soaking wet clothes. You turned to look around at the small clearing you were in, startled to see two pairs of glowing eyes looking at you from the bushes.
You stepped back, worried about what it might be. They were up too high to be a fox or raccoon, and the bears in these woods were usually solitary, but you didn't know of anything else large enough to have those eyes. You watched as two figures stepped out of the bushes, two hulking figures with fur and sharp claws.
The larger of the two, the one in the front, had glowing yellow eyes. The fur covering it's body was a mix of dusty brown and teal green. It walked on it's rear legs, but hunched over and supported it's weight on it's knuckles as well, almost the way a gorilla would walk. It had a short bushy brown tail, and tall pointed ears. It would look almost friendly, if it weren't for the long pointed fangs poking out from it's snout.
The second one, the one behind, was smaller. It had fur as black as the shadows with glowing red eyes. It's ears were shorter, and it's fur was longer than the first creature's, but the fangs and claws were just as sharp. Just as dangerous.
You took another step back as the larger of the two took a halting hop-step towards you, only to feel your shoe catch in the mud on the ground. You fell backwards with a cry, doing your best to catch yourself before you fell to the ground and your head connected with the earth with a thud. Your vision faded, the last thing clear being the glowing yellow eyes of the creature.
When you came to you were in an unfamiliar house, in an unfamiliar bed, wearing unfamiliar clothes. You sat up quickly, regretting it as your head pounded. You lifted a hand to your head and grimaced. You slowly opened your eyes and looked around the room to see sunlight peeking through the curtains over the windows. You threw the blanket off your legs, looking down at them. You were wearing a pair of basketball shorts that were a little too big for you. Your knees were bruised and scraped from your fall.
You stood up out of the bed, slowly making your way to the door and peeking your head out of it. The door opened up to a short hallway, with a door on either side. The hall opened into what you assumed was the living room, you could just see the side of a couch. You stepped out of the door, trying your best to walk silently on the hardwood floor.
"Well what were we supposed to do Annie? Just leave here there?" You heard a male voice snap. You paused. It was coming from the end of the hall, just around the corner. The kitchen must be there then.
"Anything other than take her home Garcello! What are we supposed to do now?" A female voice, probably Annie, asked. You heard a huff.
"What now Garcello?" She pressed. You took another step down the hall.
"I don't know. But I wasn't going to let her freeze to death in the forest." The man, Garcello, responded. So he had brought you here? He was the one to rescue you?
"You're the one who gets to explain that to her." Annie said. Her voice sounded close, and you were about to turn to run back into the room when she came around the corner and almost ran into you. She had brown eyes that had a slight red tinge to them, and jet black hair. She wore an oversized sweater and a pair of gray sweatpants. She paused, looking to you in surprise.
"O-oh, hi. You're awake." She said. She turned to look back into the kitchen and cleared her throat before turning back to meet your eyes.
"How, how long have you been up?" She asked you, furrowing her brows and crossing her arms. You heard heavy footsteps and another person appeared from around the corner.
He was tall, easily 6'5", and broad too. His shoulders looked like they wouldn't fit through a doorway. The white T-shirt he wore clung to him tightly, showing off his dad bod. He had the same teal green hair with dusty brown roots that the creature from the night before had. Were these, it couldn't be...
"Hi, you're awake." He said, copying the words Annie had used. You swallowed and nodded slowly, looking between the two.
"What do you remember?" He asked, standing next to Annie in the hallway. You wanted to run back into the room and lock yourself away, but he seemed safe and welcoming. And this place was definitely better than the one you came from.
"Um, I saw two, things, in the woods, and the, I fell, and I think I blacked out." You explained as you looked between the two of them.
"Do you remember what they looked like?" Annie pressed you. You nodded, how could you forget.
"They looked like, I don't know. It sounds crazy." You said, shaking your head with a chuckle. The two exchanged a glance and Garcello cleared his throat.
"Werewolves?" He asked. You paused before nodding. He crossed his arms and puffed out his cheeks before blowing out a breath.
"Um, yeah. That, that was us." He said, looking to Annie. You hesitated.
"We uh, we found you and we-" Annie cut him off with a harsh clearing of her throat. Garcello rolled his eyes. "I didn't want to leave you there alone." He explained, lifting a hand to scratch at his stubble. He offered a shy smile, showing his eerily sharp canine teeth.
"We can take you back there and you're welcome to head home. We just wanted to make sure you were ok." He finished, shifting his weight from foot to foot. You felt your heart drop at the thought of returning home. You couldn't go back, not after what had happened, You shook your head violently ad Garcello tilted his head.
"No, no I don't want to go back." You said firmly. Annie excused herself, walking into the door on the left side of the hallway. Garcello watched her for a moment before turning to you.
"Did something happen?" He asked. His voice was soft and calming, it made you feel safe, even though you didn't know these people. You felt safer here than you ever had with your family.
"I just, my family. They're not good people." You said softly, scratching your arm and looking down at the shirt you wore. It was a band shirt, Mystery Skulls. It was soft and worn thin and the design on the front was faded, it was well loved.
"I'm sorry," Garcello paused. "you're welcome to stay." He offered after a moment. You looked up at him curiously and saw his cheeks dusted a light shade of pink. The tips of his ears that poked through his hair were the same blush color and he scratched at his stubble again.
"If you don't have anywhere else to go." He rushed to add. You met his eyes, that same soft shade of honey gold you saw in the wolf's eyes last night. He wasn't human, that was for sure, but sometimes humans were worse than monsters.
Humans had driven you into the woods last night, and werewolves gave you a safe place to stay when you were alone and hurt. You nodded slowly and Garcello smiled softly.
"If it's not a bother, yeah. I'd like to stay."
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jjpogue · 4 years
❝Something Different — t.t
Summary:  in which you and topper bond over your romantic troubles and end up sleeping together.
Request: “Hey can you please do a Topper from Outer Banks imagine where y/n is a pouge and she is the bad ass of the group and she doesn’t really like to show her emotions she had a crush on jj but sees the way he looks at kiea so one night she is at the beach alone drinking and topper happens to be there too and they talk about their heartbreak they end up sleeping together and slowly start liking eachother” - anon
Pairing: Topper Thornton x reader 
Length: 3.2k words!
Warnings: 18+ smut, public sex, angst & feels, 
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[ not my gif ] 
The rays of the sun beat down on your skin, making every inch warm. You had a pretty defined tan line, showing off the shadows of your favorite bikini to surf in. When you weren’t with the pogues or working your job on the cut, you were out on the waves. It felt like home to you, more home than land ever felt like. The salt in the breeze made you feel alert. The sheer raw power of the waved flowed into you and made you feel like this was your world, and everyone else was just living in it. 
Feeling the sand between your toes and the current pulling at your ankles rhythmically was grounding, it was exactly what you needed right now to feel calm. Handling emotions had never been your strong suit, that was true. And seeing the way JJ was looking at her — it was too much for your vulnerable heart to handle right now — you had to get away. It was foolish to be so affected by it, let it get to you and fill you with the insecurities you tried to push away. But it was that silent breaking point which you’d reached. And now you were looking out at the tangerine sunset with watery eyes. 
The scene was picturesque and melancholy. You had stripped down to your bikini top and board shorts, wading into the water which reflected the glitters of the fading sun. Sinking down, the ocean reached up to your shoulders, enveloping you in its thick atmosphere. A gentle pressure that wrapped around your whole body like a hug. 
Why did you like JJ so much to begin with? He was a fellow pogue and it was against the hallowed rules to mingle amongst other pogues. Yet it seemed that was a less strictly guided rule than others. All the boys had a thing for Kie, and a part of you resented her for it. A toxic jealousy that simmered in the pit of your chest. The feelings you only let come forth in your worst of times; the devil on your shoulder whispering the sins your mind wouldn’t normally conjure.
Sighing, you close your eyes and leaned back, letting your body go slack to float on the surface. The gentle tide carried you back and forth and lulled you back into a secure place as it always did when you needed it. But it was too much to ask for prolonged peace. 
“Hey pogue!”
You snapped back to the present and stood up in the water, droplets dripping down you in rivers. And it was none other than Topper Thornton and his stupid frosted tips swaggering across the beach towards you. He wore a red polo top and tan shorts, a pair of sunglasses hanging precariously on the button of his nose to complete the “I’m a rich privileged kid” look. He was carrying a blue cooler in one hand and had a smirk plastered across his face. “All alone, princess?”
You sneered at him and narrowed your eyes, “What the hell do you want, kook?”
He set down the cooler in the sand and knelt down beside it, pulling out a brown beer bottle. He snapped his eyes up to meet your and his smirk only grew cockier, “Peace offering? I’m not here to start anything, I promise.” 
You raised a brow, refusing to move closer. “This feels highly suspicious, you’re aware of that right? Swear you’re not here to pull something?”
“Cross my heart.” He cracked open the beer and tipped it up to his lips, a trail of golden amber liquid dripping down from the corner of his lips and off his chin. He wiped it away after his swig and gestured to you, “Coming out of there, princess?”
“Stop calling me that.” You crossed your arms, trudging through the water and back to the beach. You snatched one of his beers from the cooler and opened it off the piece of driftwood you used to hang your clothes on. You let the cool liquid flow down your throat and soothe the bile that had been creeping up. And in the moment it felt like a great solution to your troubles to finish the whole bottle in one go, tossing the bottle aside when you were finished. 
Topper stared at you with widened eyes before composing himself, “You good?”
“None of your business, kook.” You bit back at him, turning to sit yourself on the driftwood with your arms once again crossed defensively. Why was Topper here and what was his ulterior motive? He obviously wanted to tease and taunt you; pull on your hair and kick sand at you. But you were feeling resentful of your fellow pogues and didn’t care about your loyalties, not right now.
Topper shrugged and nursed his beer, sitting a few feet away on the driftlog. You went back to watching the sky, turned into deep crimson brush strokes and speckles of white clouds. You almost forget Topper was there until he had to speak back up. 
“Sarah broke up with me.”
You looked over at him and sniffed, “And? You’re an asshat. It’s about time she ought to see that.”
“Gee thanks, it’s not as if I’m not right here.”
“Well what do you honestly expect me to say? Am I supposed to like you after all the shit you and your goons have pulled on us? That just shows how entitled and sheltered you are.”
“No, I don’t. But I don’t know, you’re here and I just want to talk to someone about it. Rafe and Kelce just make fun of me and they’re suppose to be my friends, my mom doesn’t give a fuck and,” Topper sighed in exasperation and slumped his shoulders, his elbows rest upon his knees, “it feels nice to just have someone listen.”
You hated the fact you softened at his words and his vulnerable blue-gray eyes. You bit your lip and met his eyes, “Okay. I’ll listen.”
Topper hummed and relaxed his shoulders, you could see the gears working in his head, the way his gaze rove over the beach without purpose and how his lip was worked between his teeth.
“I love Sarah — or loved her? — and it feels like it’s all my fault she’s gone. I could only think of her and nothing but her. I was so hyper focused on every little thing I didn’t like, it made me so angry and I didn’t even realize how out of control it was getting before it was too late. And then to see her with John B? Cheating on me? It hurt so much and I let it get out of control. I didn’t mean for John B to fall, honestly.” Topper ran his hands through his hair and pulled on it, his fingers tangling in the tresses. “But it’s too late to apologize.”
“I... I don’t blame you for that. It was an unfortunate accident. And,” you sighed and you didn’t know exactly what compelled you. But it felt right and you moved to sit right beside Topper and carefully set your hand on his back. He stiffened but don’t protest. “I didn’t know she cheated on you. That’s a shitty thing to do to anyone.”
Topper didn't respond, and you took a moment to look him over. The last glow of the setting sun had his face illuminated in neon reds and oranges, his brow scrunched together and his jaw set tight. You took your hand and gently ran circles on his back, hoping it would bring Topper some comfort. But you had never really spoken to him before, much less act as emotional support and you had no idea what you were doing. This was wholly new territory and it was scary- you were going to do something wrong. You still didn’t exactly like Topper but you were disliking him less than before. He had humanity to him and you understood the gravity of Topper letting you see this side of him. So it only felt fair you joined him. He was right, there is comfort to be had in telling your woes to one who has no bearing to judge you on. Just an ear to listen and an open mind. 
“For the longest time,” Topper lifted his head to your voice, his misty eyes looking to you curiously. You smiled weakly to him and then once again looked back out to the sea. The sky was getting darker every minute and the sea was turning black and mysterious. “I’ve had a crush on JJ. The kind of innocent crush that makes you feel all giddy and silly and as if you’re floating on cloud nine, wherever that is. And no, I never acted on it. So I know I have no right to feel the way I do. But I’m only human and I can’t exactly control it, right? So I feel jealous and upset he’s interested in someone else. And what am i going to do? Just bottle it up and move on. Because that’s what I’ve always done and I’m a creature of habit. So trust me, you’re not the only one with a broken heart. The way he looked at her? God, it was as if she were the only one there. And I can’t feel happy for them because all I can think about is my own hurt feelings. At least, look at me like a friend that you love, that’s what I want.  He didn’t really cheat on me, he doesn’t even know. But it’s shit, all the same. Being a teenager sucks, and being in love sucks even more.”
You finally looked back at Topper, his pale eyes looking right into yours with such depth and reverence. 
“What?” You breathed out, feeling small and vulnerable and confused. 
And he kissed you, softly as first with a hand on your cheek and fingers in your hair but it quickly progressed into something deeper and more intimate than that. He bit on your lip and grasped for his hip, pulling you into his lap despite the wet state of your shorts, you were both too engrossed to care. All your senses were invaded and overloaded with him. It was wrong but you didn’t care. Connection, understanding, and emotional vulnerability driving you to give into him. He held you close and every trace of his skin on yours sent jolts of electricity and excitement though your body and you could feel the full, immense sensation of arousal settle in your hips. You hadn’t laid in bed with another in months and that yearning hadn’t come back until now. 
Your lips broke apart and you gasped as Topper bit on your ear, licking and kissing along the side of your neck. You wrapped your arms tight around his neck and buried your face in his soft hair which smelled faintly of cologne and the sweet chemicals of his shampoo. “What are we doing?” You whispered to him. You were scared, excited and so terribly aroused all at the same time.
He squeezed the soft flesh of your hip and pressed one more kiss to the dip of your collarbone, “What feels right.” He replied simply, as if it was the most obvious thing. Maybe it was when you stopped letting all these mixed feelings battle inside you. Fully give yourself away to the present here and now and take comfort in the warm body you were wrapped in. 
“Well we can’t stay out here. What if someone sees us like this?” You pulled back to look across his face, admiring the tiny bit of baby stubble on his chin and the smooth slope of his nose. The tiny sun-dotted freckles under his eyes and the faint rosiness of his cheeks.
“They see us then they’re getting a nice show.” Topper smirked, slapping your ass playfully. “It’s getting dark, they won’t see us anyways.”
“Hey! No tha-” Topper silenced you with a blisteringly hot kiss, and you were so caught by surprise you couldn’t control the whining moan that resonated in your throat. You could feel Topper’s hands trailing up along your spine till it reached the bow of your bikini, tugging at the strings till it came apart and fell slack. He went and undid the bow around your neck next and the small garment came off, you tossing it aside to the sand. You broke apart, gasping and panting headily. You watched Topper admire your chest, confidence bubbling up inside of you. 
“It’s okay to touch them,” You guided him, speaking softly. He nodded slowly and his hands reached up to cup them, squishing the mounds in his strong fingers. You blushed and bit your lip when Topper grew emboldened, kissing each of your breasts and nipping at your nipples. You set a hand on his shoulder and closed your eyes, reveling in the new feeling. 
“It”s good?” He looked up at you with soft eyes and you melted under that look. One of so much care and attention. 
“Yeah..” you nodded dumbly, feeling drunk off the feeling, and maybe the beer you chugged earlier was helping. “I wanna suck your cock.” You were surprised with your bluntness and Topper seemed to be so as well before he quickly recovered, helping you down off his lap and spreading his legs apart. 
You hummed, helping pull his shorts off, leaving him in his tightened briefs. The noticeable bulge was enticing enough you wrapped your lips around the mound, sucking and wetting the fabric with your tongue. Topper’s eyes fluttered and he gasped, “Fuck- don’t tease me like that.”
You giggled and relented, peeling his briefs back, his hard cock popping out and standing to attention. He was of fairly normal size with a slight curve to the shaft. You took hold of him and looked up to him with lusty eyes, putting your lips to the shaft and pressing sweet kisses to the velvety form. Topper let out a euphonious moan, biting his cheek to keep it quiet. You had barely started and he was already so affected, it made you wonder how many blowjobs he had had before, if any. 
You licked a stripe up to the tip and Topper shuddered, his hands grasping the driftwood on either side of him to keep himself grounded, his eyes watching you. You twirled your tongue around the tip and purred at the taste of his precum, a little sweet and tangy. You finally took his cock into your mouth, leaning in to take it all the way in, the head pressing against the back of your throat. You closed your eyes and moaned, the vibrations adding to Topper’s pleasure, one hand reaching out to grasp some of your hair- tight and a little painful. But it was easily ignored by the second hand pleasure. Your enjoyment of bringing the kook to a trembling horny mess. You bobbed your head up and down, hallowing your cheeks and running you tongue against him each time you went down on him. 
“C’mere,” Topper pulled you back and off his cock, a string of saliva still connecting you to the member before it broke. You licked up the sticky line from your lip and grinned, a lightness filling your chest as how easily he was able to lift you to his lap. His arm muscles flexing and contracting as he exercised his strength was so ridiculously hot in this situation. “Wanna cum in that pretty pussy.” He groaned out, his voice coated in a gravely deep timbre. 
You gasped as he practically ripped your little shorts off you, fiddling with them as they were caught on your knees but he was quick to leave them and flip you around. Your back was arched against his firm chest, it was obvious he worked out.
You could feel his cock pressing up against your ass and you rubbed your thighs in anticipation. He was being grabby and panting heavily in your ear, feeling up your tits and thighs. “So sexy with my dick in your mouth huh? Wanna feel your pussy now..” He grasped his cock in one hand and pushed it to rub against your lower lips, squelching from all the wetness you’d accumulated. 
“Please,” you whined, holding onto his thighs and shuddering. Your back arched more, chest pushing out as your whole body was high strung in tension. You could feel the head push against you, pushing back and forth till it caught on your entrance and you held your breath. 
“Ready princess?”
“Yes, yes, please.” 
He snapped his hips and you jolted forward, crying out a muffled sound. All you could hear was the gentle roll of the waves and the slap of skin on skin as Topper rut into you, finding his rhythm. You leaned back into him, rolling your hips back to meet him each time and it only enhanced the pleasure. You both matched pace and were met as one, bodies connected in that most intimate way. The rising moon illuminated your wet skin and it glistened a bluish-white hue. 
Topper quickened his pace and held you tighter, “Fuck, (y/n).” It was the first time he had said your name that night and it made you fall over the edge, reaching down to play with yourself, rubbing tight little circles on your bud. 
The combined pleasure was enough for you to feel the familiar tightness inside, a dull throbbing that soon was lit aflame when your deepest reaches and most sensitive spots were grazed, causing you to combust in Topper’s arms and cum on his cock. He smirked and kissed behind you ear, “That good, baby? I’m gonna cum soon too, such a good, tight, little pussy squeezing me..” 
He held your hips firmly against his and stood, turning so you could hold onto the driftwood as he began pounding you from behind. You let your head hang, ass in the air. Topper slapped your cheeks, causing them to blush, red and raw. “Just like that, princess.” 
You were only more aroused by his praises, more wetness dripping out past his cock as he brought his hips flush to yours one last time. He groaned and gripped your flesh tight, little crescent lines left by his nails. You could feel his cum spurt inside you, the white dribbling out of you and mixing with the sand below. Topper exhaled and pulled out as his cock started to soften. “Holy shit.”
You thighs shook a little as you stood back up straight, grinning at Topper over your shoulder, “You’re certainly better than I expected, Kook.” 
He rolled his eyes and knelt to help you retrieve your clothes, offering them up to you. You smiled and mumbled a small thanks as you redressed, trapping his dripping cum in with your shorts. You were on the pill so you weren’t worried about it. Topper pulled you back to him, his boxers and shorts back in place. 
“I don’t want to leave things here, is that wrong?” He asked quietly, rubbing your arms.
“I don’t think so.” You blushed, “I didn’t expect this to happen but I’m glad it did.”
He smiled down at you, “Same.” 
“So... my place?” You offered, already thinking about a round two. Your whole body tingling in excitement. Topper only offered you a wide smirk but you knew that to mean a “yes”.
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A/N: hoooly shit this was a ride to write out. I haven’t written smut in months and I hope I’m not too rusty at it. Anyways I hope my interpretation of Topper is good, I want to flesh him out more than he is in the show, thats what he deserves haha
If you want more content like this my ask box is always open!
I love getting comments and feedback so please consider it ^^
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lost-not-forgottcn · 7 years
🍲 Suddenly! Sarah is gifted a large box of delicious tacos! The energetic blueberry grins. *YOU LOOKED HUNGRY! PLEASE, ENJOY! [puntasticpal]
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“Woah! Hey thanks!” She grins, eating one. “Dude, these are awesome!”
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missblissy · 5 years
Can I get prompt 13 (wine) for Arthur?
One Word Writing Prompts [pt. 3]
Send me a number 1 thru 50 for a word that I’ll use to write either a headcanon, drabble, or starter. Send 🌀 for a random number instead.
13. — wine
((Thank you for sending in a prompt!! I’m sorry for the wait, anon, I hope you like it!! Enjoy the read! I had so much fun writing this!! I might do a part two or a few more stories on this AU!! let me know what you guys think!!! I’m calling this the Rich!Reader AU!))
The air was warm, muggy, and a little bitter. Anyone could tell that this party was not for the less fortunate. But here Arthur was, blending in with the rich like he was one of them, listening in on conversations of the wealthy in hopes to find some way to rob them. This was only his second week in the toxic state of California. Dutch wanted to try something new, so the gang headed west, as far west as you could go without swimming. The gold mines here produced wealthy owners, along with all the diamonds and other gems they were plucking from the earth.
Arthur had found himself in a very small and isolated city. It was more like a huge town because there was only one factory but dozens of mines and oil reserves. And somehow Arthur got stuck being the spy. He didn’t much like dressing up and mingling with people that obviously would have hated him if they knew who he really was. He needed a damn drink. 
The party was being held in someone’s very large home. Arthur still had yet to meet the host of this party, which was his whole reason for being here. He didn’t even have a name. He was just told the host would reveal themselves when need be, and that Arthur needed to meet them, introduce himself as a lawyer from New York City, and ask as many questions he could about the gold mines here. The only other lead he had was that the host was the owner of the Southern Langdon Gold Mines Inc. 
Just when he thought he’d leave and give up on this ridiculous plan, someone called out while ringing their glass. Arthur looked around among the people, then watched as they all turned one way and looked up. He followed their gazes and saw a woman dressed in all black standing top the grand staircase of this massive home. 
You smiled wide, looking down on your guests, “Welcome, everyone,” Your smile was intoxicating. You held up a large and dark glass of wine, “I’m so glad all of you could make it to the anniversary of my mother and father. A shame they couldn’t be here,” Everyone laughed at your joke.
Arthur wasn’t sure what you meant or why these freaks were laughing. But he was fairly sure you were the person he was looking for. He expected a man, and an old one at that. Instead, he found a beautiful young lady, at least several years younger than himself. This couldn’t be right. Surely your parents were the ones he should be looking for, but apparently, they weren’t here. Arthur grabbed a glass of wine when a butler walked by. He lifted his glass as everyone else did.
“To a wonderful night, my friends!” Your voice was smooth and laced with an underlying ecstasy that Arthur just couldn’t understand. Everyone yelled out a ‘cheers!’ and drank their poison of choice, most of it was a dark red wine.
Arthur tipped his glass back, not particularly enjoying the taste of rotten and fermented grapes. But there wasn’t much else being provided here besides wine, champagne, and surprisingly absinthe. Arthur had tried the green toxic alcohol once before, and he watched all these freaks chug it down. He saw many people doing many kinds of drugs. Was this the equivalent of a teenage party when the parents were away? Or was this just what the wealthy did in their free time? Because there were young and old here alike. 
You stood on your perch atop the stairs, listening to the soft music that played and watching your guest quite literally go wild. Yes, in case anyone was wondering, this was your version of a teenage party when your parents weren’t home. And where were your parents? Well… they were far far away in the deep jungles of Boston, and wouldn’t be home for another month. So surely their young daughter wouldn’t do anything bad while they were away. You smiled wickedly and turn to the head butler of your home, Henry, your most trusted servant.
“Look at them,” You said, “Everyone is going to have such a good time. You were sure to lock all the doors again, right?”
The stern and tall man looked at you and nodded his head. His hair was black and gray and slicked back, “Yes, madam,” He held his hands tightly behind his own back, “No one will be able to get into any rooms besides this one and outside,”
“Thank you, Henry,” You kept your eyes on your guest, peering at them, looking amongst them for anyone who stood out. To often did unwanted maggots worm their way into your home. You personally knew just about everyone you had invited. There could be no more than 60 people here, maybe 70. You took a slow sip from your glass of wine, the lowered it from your lips, “Henry,” Your butler hummed in reply as he tried his best to stand like a statue, “Who is that?”
You pointed to a man, handsome and quite dangerous looking, standing by the bar. You didn’t recognize him at all. Little did he know, but Arthur was found out, his cover was blown the second you laid eyes on him. You didn’t know who he was, or where he was from, but you knew he didn’t belong here. But there was a twisted little monster in your mind and heart. You wanted to mess with this man’s head, maybe play a few mind games before booting him out of your very private party.
“I’m not sure, madam, would you like me to remove him?” Henry asked in a monotone voice that honestly comforted you.
“No,” You held out your wine glass and he quickly took it, “I will take care of this pest,” As you started to walk, you had to lift the front end of your dark and simple dress. You weren’t like your guests, you enjoyed wearing simple clothes with as little decorative parts as possible. But your black and white dress was still high class and quite elegant in a gothic way.
Everyone moved out of the way for you as you surfed through the loosely packed crowd. No one wanted to cross your path, and the mystery man didn’t even see you coming. He was leaning on the bar when you got there, and you took your spot beside him. Up close he was much more rough and handsome. He did fit that suit well, though you honestly thought it made him look out of place. 
Arthur nearly jumped out of his skin when your silky voice reached his ears, saying, “Hello there.” Wasn’t it his job to find you? Surely it was, but he already failed that. 
Your smile was infectious and pretty and Arthur found himself startled and at a loss for words. He cleared his throat then horribly drawled out, “Howdy,”
“Oh~” Your mouth made a perfect little ‘O’ and your eyes sparkled with interest, “A cowboy? In my home? More likely than you’d think,” He could hear the seduction dripping from each word. Was his cover blown? Or was he just that bad at playing the part? He knew Hosea and Dutch should have come, he knew they should be the ones doing this… acting. He really was to dumb to pull this off on his own.
However, maybe it was the wine, no… it had to be the wine he was drinking because he found himself leaning towards you slightly. There was no denying that you were very attractive, and Arthur was young, he hadn’t even reached 25 yet, though he was shy a year at 24. He hadn’t found himself this attracted to a person since Mary Linton left him for.. for whatever the fuck that loser was last year. His heart went cold, bitter and ugly. Though this attraction had little to do with his heart.
Arthur slid his glass of wine closer to him, “I’m not a cowboy,” He said, “I’m just another rich man’s son, miss,” He at least tried his best to cover his true identity. 
You waved your bartender over and whispered something in his ear while you kept your colorful eyes locked on Arthur. The bartender left, then returned with a bottle of whiskey and two shot glasses, “Surely, maybe, perhaps you are,” You took the bottle and popped it open, pouring the brown liquor into the small glass cups, “I would doubt that, but, whatever you say, mister. Would you drink with me? It’d be rude to turn down your host,” You eyed him a way that got Arthur’s blood pumping. You were slowly mesmerizing him. What was it with woman and him? Was he just weak? Or did they love playing with him like a toy?
“Sure,” Arthur’s accent was heavy and liked it. He was a different flavor than you normally used to. You were the cute age of only 19, unmarried, and a mistress of the night. You were an intoxicating creature with features that showed off your body.
You took down your shot of whiskey like a champ, then leaned on the bar and  batted your pretty little eyelashes, “You know, I know everyone here by name, so it doesn’t add up why I don’t know you, or your name.” Ah… So maybe that’s why Arthur’s cover was blown. This was an exclusive party, and the man he killed to get the invitation wasn’t him, obviously, “So will you tell me what they call you, mister?”
“Morgan,” He took down his own shot of whiskey. The warm familiar burn was more soothing than the wine, “Arthur Morgan,” He wasn’t much for words, was he? That only made him more handsome and stoic.
You held your hand out to him, he took it and gave you the most delicate shake, as if he could break you, “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Morgan. I am (Y/N) (L/N). I’m sure you already know that,”
“No,” What? “Actually, I don’t.” This surprised you a bit. You took your hand from him and trailed your fingers across the whiskey bottle. You poured some more for yourself and him.
“Really now? Then do tell me, why are you here? I don’t think I invited you, Mr. Morgan. Though, looking at you, I’m a little glad you came.” 
Arthur had to do his best to keep his eyes off you, so he stared down at his shot of whiskey, “Honestly?” He paused and took down the shot, “I came here to rob you, guess I can’t do that now.”
His honesty and straightforwardness caused you to laugh and laugh a lot. Listening to the chimes of your low giggle made him stare at you. You did this little thing, covering your mouth as you laughed, “Oh my! You’re so funny Mr. Morgan,” You lightly touched his arm, “I almost didn’t believe you!” You were something else, something that kept inching her way closer and closer to him.
A little taken back, and dumbfounded, Arthur deadpanned, “You’re not mad?”
Oh, he was so cute, a little dumb, but that made him cuter, “Oh so many people try to rob me every day, Mr. Morgan, you are not the first. I don’t think you’ve robbed me yet, so I have no reason to kill you, right?”
How did you make a threat so… sexy? Was it the way you looked at him with those dark eyes? Was it the little smile at the corner of your lips? Was it the way you curled your hair around your finger? Or was it how close you had gotten to him in the last four minutes of talking? You were so close he could smell the lilacs and lavenders you used to perfume yourself with.
Despite all this, Arthur didn’t move away, in fact, he leaned a little closer, “I don’t think you can kill me. I’m kind of bastard that just won’t die.” 
He made you laugh again. Or were you just laughing to inflate his ego? Was anything he said really even that funny or were you just this easily amused?
“Oh, Mr. Morgan,” The giggle carried between your words, “Oh, my, you are funny, aren’t you? All somber and depressed like that, wishing for what sounds like death. Oh, how I’m so glad you crashed my party. I haven’t had a laugh like that since Daddy had a heart attack!” 
What? Arthur raised a brow, you were a very odd creature, “Why would you laugh at that?”
“Because I gave it to him!” You laughed, “Daddy caught me with a criminal in my big bed upstairs,” You placed your hand on Arthur’s arm once again, this time keeping it there, “I do have such an infliction for the bad and ugly, as they call themselves,”
Your intentions were very obvious at this point, even Arthur could pick up on that. Maybe he wasn’t that stupid. Arthur faintly remembered the reason why he was here. To rob you of any money he could find, or information. Mostly the information part. The cogs in his head started turning and he thought how… well. This was a way of getting information. Sort of.
He leaned towards you, your hand moved to the corner of his chest and your arms touched, “What makes you think I’m bad? Or ugly?” His voice was low and raspy, like the engine of a train struggling to pick up speed. Your heart shot out a huge wave of lighting into the very depths of your body when he spoke like that.
It had been a long time since someone sparked your interests like this. He was no keeper, he was no amount of husband material, but he was made 100% out of a good time. That was for sure. You kept your cool, got even closer and whispered, “You’re more handsome than any man in here, but why don’t you show me how good of a time you are? I’ll even pay you, like the hookers in the streets, if that’s what you want.”
Pay him? Hm. Never before has Arthur been in a position to prostitute himself. But maybe he could get you to pay him in information, or even better some gold. Your family did own the most profitable and largest gold mine in all of California. What reason did he have to say no? Honor? Pride? Dignity? No. He didn’t have any of that.
“Which way to your room?” He quietly asked. His words made that dangerous little smile return. You did this thing were you pressed your lips together into a little line and bit at them. Dammit… Arthur could feel the rush of lust and desire wave over him.
You grabbed the whiskey bottle in your hand then without warning grabbed Arthur’s hand in yours, “Follow me, Mr. Morgan,” The low tone of your voice sent a shock through his body. You lead in through the crowd, some people stared but the most of them were to busy doing various amounts of drugs to pay attention. Classy and high society wasn’t much different than saloon full of drunks. 
While Arthur followed close behind you up the grand stair cause of your castle home, you were giddy to finally start your night, and your own personal party of pleasure, as was the goal of every party you hosted when your parents were away. You were surprised you weren't pregnant by now. Maybe you were infertile? Or maybe it was because half of your other lovers were women, or maybe because these parties were very Greek in nature, and you took on many lovers at once. But Arthur Morgan was something else, a treat to experience all alone, and you could not wait to get started on that.
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twice-fallen · 7 years
take down this blog take down this blog take down this blog take down this blog take down this blog take down this blog take down this blog take down this blog take down this blog take down this blog take down this blog take down this blog take down this blog take down this blog take down this blog take down this blog take down this blog take down this blog take down this blog take down this blog take down this blog take down this blog take down this blog take down this blog take down this blog
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//this is funny. Hey @side-chara-cter, this is funny, right?
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akindanon · 6 years
If it were not for the distance between us, I would have hugged you (if you wanted me to).
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galadrieljones · 7 years
papae! Solas post trespasser visiting their child and being unable to hold and/or meet them do to him wither being in the Fade or not wanting to wake them
Thank you for this, anon@dadrunkwriting.
She was a blue mystery. She lived alone in a cottage on a hill, and nobody ever saw her but the people who she cared about, the people she allowed. All the kids called her the Witch of the Outskirts, because she had a strange, molten, magical arm, and her hair was always knotted in the back of her head with a piece of vine, and she did not speak much, and this made her seem crazy.
She was not crazy. She was twenty-eight years old and just trying to get on with her life in a way that didn’t get her noticed. Something she could live with.
She sometimes came down in the mornings with her young daughter on her back, and she brought fresh kill or fresh flowers to the tent towns in the valley below. These tent towns were full of people who had once been refugees of the civil war. And though the Inquisition may have been a thing of the past, and their troops were all just empty armor in the dust, the people here still believed in her. Her people. She was their Herald. She was their window and their yellow star. She never forgot this. She sometimes liked to drink heavy brown liquor with the healer of Redcliffe in the evenings. She was another elf and she believed every last thing there was to believe about the Dread Wolf.
“That bastard should get his head cut off,” she’d say, a withered woman who still managed to look pretty as hell. “I’ll do it myself.” And she would take a big drink. She’d set the cup down hard and wipe her mouth on the back of her hand.
These small signs of solidarity were validating to our former Inquisitor. But she didn’t want his head cut off. It was a good head, a nice head, and once it had made lovely words just for her. No. She didn’t want death to the Dread Wolf. She didn’t know what she wanted.
Sometimes, she found solace in the good man named Thom Rainier. He would come down every now and again and help her with the firewood. He would take her on dates and teach her carpentry. Once he asked her to marry him while they both sat with their bare feet in Lake Luthias. The gesture had been so earnest that she cried, but she said no, because she did not love him, and he might have loved her but it wasn’t the kind of love you marry for. Or, was it? Maybe it was. How the hell would I know? Love and marriage and love and marriage. Maybe they have nothing to do with each other at all.
Her daughter was four years old, and she liked to plant daisies and jump off the highest step of the porch, and she sang strange songs of her own invention. She had very dark brown hair and gray eyes like a sleet storm. Wintry Mix–that’s what Scout Lace Harding had called it once. She had compared Solas’s eyes to wintry mix. Like snow and rain all balled up into one very cold, very wet weather phenomenon. It had been about two years since the Exalted Council. She hadn’t told him about the baby, not even then. Fucking asshole. These days, she found temperance in her will to survive. She thought he must have known by now. A man and a mind reader. There was no way he didn’t. No way. And yet, he was not there, still was not there, and to be honest, she didn’t expect anything more.
One day, she found a letter in her letterbox, unsigned, but written in a familiar handwriting. She fell down and threw up and thought Oh no, please no, that she might be pregnant with a baby, a baby by Thom. She was not ready. She was not ready for that, not now. But the letter was from Solas, and maybe that’s all it was. The fact that he had been there, had left it there, or he had sent somebody who knew him, and who knew her as well, to deliver it on his behalf. The letter contained only four short words:
May I see her?
After she was finished, she got up and she wiped her mouth on her apron, and her daughter was calling her from the open front door.
“Is that from Kieran?” she said. “He said he would write to me soon.”
She smiled and she folded up the note, and she put it in her pocket. She went to her daughter and gave her a kiss on the hair. “Not yet,” she said.
“Who is it from?” she said. Her eyes were very big and inescapable. Her ears were just like his.
“Nobody,” she said. “Let’s go in. Let’s have cottage cakes for dinner.”
“No jam,” said the child, hands on her hips. “I hate jam.”
It was enough to remind her that children are their own unique creatures, independent of the parents who create and raise them. It made her sigh. When they went inside, she put that letter in a jewelry box. She had not yet made up her mind. She was not so easy, and she was not so fast. She knew that he knew this. She needed to think on it. She needed to make some cottage cakes and think on it. And that night, the sky came down in rain–just rain–and filled the lake and left a small bit of flooding out in the back lawn. It sank the fence around her garden.
Thom came by to fix it the very next day. She did not tell him about the letter.
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