red-might-be-dead · 3 months
do you do you guys ever think about keeperschampion
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tentaipetto · 4 months
Chapter 11
The Eastern Plains were a formidable and often fatal place to try and live. They were hot, sandy, barren to the average onlooker and savage. But Odis Herrick had made this place his home. He looked upon the sand like it was the finest carpet, it made him feel safe to be out in the emptiness of it all. He liked to be able to look around him and see nothing but sand and sky, he couldnt understand these people that live in cities, or worse still, by the sea. Why on earth anyone would want to get MORE of that stinking sea air was beyond him, he'd tried it for a while and reaffirmed his thorough dislike of anything but desert life. Odis felt like he had spent his entire life trying to get back to the desert, to the places he loved. He was always off on some 'adventure' or other, whether it be in charge of an army or on missions to remove heads of opposing state. There was always something in the way of him just being happy. It wasnt that his work didnt being him happiness, it was that it didnt bring him peace. It was obviously quite difficult to feel at peace when one is at war. But he was good at his job, he made a good return on his time invested so he felt it was a worthwhile pursuit even though he had no one to leave the money to should his life ever be extinguished in the line of duty. He did try quite hard to avoid that though. He knew at some point he was going to have to start turning down work in an effort to make some human bonds and maybe even father some children before he was too old to manage it anymore, but he had a while yet, and there was no harm in looking around while he had the opportunity.
From his vantage point on his horse he could see nothing more than the men marching below him on foot, there was nothing more to see wherever you were. Eventually though, they would make it to Raylyn, most soldiers would still be intact, probably. This wasnt Odis` ideal way of travelling, but circumstances had left his choices limited, he had to move the troops to Raylyn and it had to be tonight or they would all have been in the wrong place and the right time. He HAD to be in the right place at the right time, for once in his life.
Odis had also recieved a letter from the Scryer of the Painted Mountain, who wasnt bothered about peoples affiliations or locations, he saw what he saw and made a judgement on who it was pertinent to tell of these things. It is said that some people just want to watch the world burn, the Scryer was not one of these people, he was one of the few that knew the world was already in flames and just wanted someone to put it out. Even if putting it out meant the end of the world, at least it wouldnt be on fire anymore. The letter Odis had recieved had told him that he must be in Raylyn on this night when the bright western star shines red instead of orange. He was also told that he was going to need an army if he intended to stay alive and make a difference. Luckily for Odis, he had an army.
The men filed into Raylyn through the large gateway which was purely for show as there werent actually any walls around the city, they had meant to build walls at some point but no one ever seemed to get round to it so they had just accepted the status quo in the end. Either way it made for a better view, of sand. Odis wasnt sure what he was going to do while he was here, the men were told they could enjoy the 'entertainment' available in Raylyn for tonight so long as they were back in the camp being set up outside the city boundary by midnight. They had to be clear and able to fight if need be in the morning. Odis wasnt sure, but he figured it was probably a good idea to get up early, just in case.
Sitting down on his sleeping mat Odis almost felt at ease, as much as someone in his predicament can do anyway. He had a purpose, which it seems is what all people desire even if they dont know it. He had a reason to be going to the place he had arrived at, he wasnt sure what, but he was sure that it was important. It seemed the whole world was shifting, moving because of a few letters from an old man in who knows where, the air felt different, like it was filled with static electricity. It occurred to Odis that he hadnt eaten since he had rode out on his horse a good many hours ago, he had raised and marched an army since then, all the men were filling thier bellies so he may as well too. He followed his nose and arrived at a small eating house on the outskirts of Raylyn, it was already crowded with soldiers, all wearing thier purple badges of allegience (he hadnt had a chance to make a uniform so badges had been aquired from a few sources and painted purple). He was offered a seat at a table with 3 other men, he took it gratefully as his stomach had started to realise what it was missing because of the heavenly smells being produced by the pots hovering above the firepit. It growled at him again, pushing him to find some nourishment. "A bowl of whatever is good" he shouted at someone that looked like they worked here as they were mostly obscured from view behind a mountain of empty dirty plates and bowls. "Nothing is good sir, but the horse stew is hot" "Then serve me up some nag stew!" Odis roared with laughter, his soldiers joined in, a few nervously looking around for confirmation as they either hadnt heard the joke or hadnt understood it. It was moments like this that reminded Odis of just how alone he was. But he was trying to be more upbeat these days, so he smiled jovially and began making light chit chat with the men at his table.
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kittydripuwu · 3 years
Heyyy I just found your blog! I have a request: a dazai x reader angst fic about pmdazai having a so, and said so was always asking him to runaway together but dazai always postponed it and one day it's too late, because his so dies
hihi, thank u for requesting, i hope this is okay <3
too late | pm!dazai x reader
words - 1168
warnings - death, swearing, mentions of violence, not a happy ending!
genre - angst
there was alot of conflict going on in the port mafia at the time, and in your life. you had been dating dazai osamu, a young port mafia executive. he was a cold and bitter person, never had mercy for others and never showed interest in anyone. anyone but you. you had meant everything to him. you made him feel ways he's never felt with someone before.
he was busy and his work was filled with blood, torture, crimes and death. you hated how busy he had been recently and you most of all hated how you felt that you always needed to be in hiding. it often felt like you were suffocating; unable to get out of this mess. even though you loved dazai with your whole heart, you hated seeing him like this, all you wanted was to runaway to some far away place with him, and start over.
running away. it was an idea you had brought up to him multiple times. he agreed when you first told him, he said he wanted to get away aswell but he said it could only happen later in the future. you understood because, when the mafia was in conflict, he had alot of work to do and didnt have time to runaway and leave. its never as easy as it seemed.
the mafia was currently involved in a huge conflict with another criminal organization that was a previous mafia ally. they were constantly being attacked and had to fight back. dazai told you to stay at home and not leave for anything unless it was food. he made sure no one in the mafia knew about your relationship so that he can keep you as safe as possible.
you would occasinally ask him from time to time, when you can run away, but he kept saying "soon" or "later" and he constantly kept postponing. it made you frustrated, you two would argue alot because of it, causing him to leave alot during arguments. leaving you confused and upset. all you wanted was to get away.
you were laying on your bed thinking, when you heard someone walk in your appartment.
"osamu? is that you?" you asked, walking out of the bedroom.
you instantly felt something hit you on the back of your head. you saw 3 men standing above you before you blacked out.
next thing you knew, you were in a cold, dark room, tied up with tape over your mouth. your head was pounding as you regained consciousness. where were you? who had knocked you out? what time was it? where was dazai? you felt real fear, for once, dazai wasnt there to protect you.
dazai and his subordinates had finally fought off the group of people sent to kill him, he was exhuasted after a long day of killing. he was walking home down an alleyway to avoid being seen on the street, when a man came up to him.
"you're the mafioso who killed our troops today arent you" he said with an angry voice.
"hm? me?" dazai replied jokingly.
"give us what we want or you're precious little girlfriend is as good as dead" he said to him.
dazai froze. did he just hear this guy correctly?
"what the fuck do you mean" he replied.
"we have her and you wont get her back unless you give us what we want" the man said, beginning to laugh.
the reason for the conflict was money. the ex - ally organization wanted a big sum of money from the mafia, but they wouldnt it give up that easily, resulting in conflict.
"where the fuck is she" dazai asked, pulling out his gun and pointing it to the man's head.
"guess you'll have to find out" said the man.
two shots were heard in that alleyway, and for anyone who would have come even a minute after that, would have seen a man laying on the ground, dead.
dazai was angry. he was furious. this was the last thing he thought would happen. this was out of his control.
he ran back home to your appartment, calling his subordinates on the way and telling them to be ready to infilitrate the enemy's base at any given moment. he looked through every room in your apartment only to find it empty and deserted. this made his blood run cold.
at this point, his anger was out of control, anyone who stepped in his way would be dead, anyone who tried to fucking touch you would be dead within seconds. he couldnt stand not knowing where you were.
meanwhile, you were still in this room, head pounding, crying, and wishing you could be with dazai, when a man came into the room and brought you to a large hall, where he sat you on a table in the middle, and held a gun to your head, knowing dazai would come to save you.
when dazai and his subordinates got to the base, they killed everyone who they didnt recognize, all of the troops who were gaurding the place, everyone was as good as dead. walking into the main building, he saw you sitting on the table, helpless, and in tears with a man standing behind you and pointing a gun to the back of your head. dazai pulled out his gun and instantly shot the man, and coming towrds you, picking you up and untying you.
he hugged you as you began to cry, holding you tight in his arms, before setting you down to hold your hand and walk beside him. as you were heading out of the building, you heard gunshots, quite a few of them, thinking more armed men were to attack.
that was before you realised that, you were the one who had been shot.
one of the armed guards was laying on the ground, barely alive but has just enough strength to be able to point his gun and shoot you from the back.
you fell down, and dazai caught you in his arms. you began to cry in pain and agony. and so did dazai. dazai began to cry. this was the first time you have ever seen him cry.
"d-dazai, i'm sorry" you coughed out.
"n-no.. why y/n, WHY" dazai screamed, holding you close to him in his arms. he felt like he was drowning, he couldnt breath.
"r-runaway for m-me one day okay?" you said, tears flowing from your eyes, pain running through your body.
his eyes widened. he rememebered all the times you two argued about running away, about how you wanted to leave, to be able to start over with him, to live a normal life. he regretted everytime he told you no, everytime he postponed the time, everytime he yelled about it.
"y-y/n im so sorry" he said, breathing heavily, and tears flowing from his eyes.
"i-i love y-you dazai" you said, and those were your last words.
he felt your heart stop beating, and his breathing only became heavier, for he knew, it was now too late.
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h3l10tr0p3 · 4 years
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We all been knew, man. We all knew this was coming.
And godDAMN does it fucking HURT. (oh the sweet sweet angstfest this whole chapter is, just *chef's kiss*)
But i legit cannot put into words how deep the choice to 'Atone' cuts on my bleeding bkdk heart. Let's first take a step back and see how Katsuki went from DvK2 to here- that one keystone moment that has given us this beautiful chapter: And I meant ALLLL the way back to Chap. 252
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I have already written a whole-ass post based on this panel, which you can check Here.
TL;DR Katsuki was actually paying real close attention to Endeavour in this part. He came to Endeavour to learn exactly what he was missing as a Hero, but he learnt so much more.
This scene in particular left a momentous impact on Kacchan. Here, Natsuo is resistant to the idea of forgiving his father for all his sins just because he is more involved in their lives now. And Endeavour had been dreaming for a while about a Home where he is not present with the rest of the Todoroki's which ultimately gave him the idea of buying a house for the others to live in apart from him. This is HUGE. This is what actually drove Endeavour's Redemption home- the perfect understanding and the perfect compensation, the two elements of a brilliant Redemption Arc. NOT THE FORGIVENESS, just as Enji says it. It is NEVER ABOUT THE FORGIVENESS.
Endeavour understood that it was his presence that caused his family distress, and although he dearly wanted to be a part of his family again, was even making efforts towards it by being cordial and accepting of Shouto's friends, inviting them to a family dinner, etc. etc. Endeavour realized the only way he can compensate/atone was to give up something that would cause him suffering, and them happiness. The idea that your family doesnt want you, when you just started to show some effort and HOPE that they might see you in different light, maybe forgive you and then to just terminate those ties entirely, punting yourself into a void where NO ONE CAN COME IN AND SAVE YOU FROM YOUR SUFFERING, is exactly what Endeavour did. He is actively shutting down the ONE window through which his family could see that he was suffering, and miserable, and wanted to be a part of the family again. Endeavour CHOSE to not be forgiven. To writhe with the knowledge of his sins day in and day out with only the shrine of Dabi Touya to haunt him every waking minute.
I cannot explain just how much determination it takes to do that, man. It's just- WOW.
Excuse me for ranting on Endeavour in a bkdk post, but I swear this has a point. And All Might says this the best:
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This is the fanlation, the official release (which I couldnt get my hands on) also mentions that "When I meant you were like Endeavour, I meant the Change"
This here is an important bit that AM has caught onto.
In the 252 panel, where Endeavour says 'It's not like I want forgiveness' (Because Endeavour understands he cannot be, should not be, forgiven) "I just want to make up for everything I have done" (and to back this up, Endeavour shuts down the one communication link that could have offered him forgiveness, and thus salvation from the weight of his sins and his guilt)
Katsuki understood Endeavour's idea of redemption very well here, although he might not be shown with that light-bulb moment. He may have already known this wayyy before Endeavour said anything, but those words lent a solidity and to the path he must persue to acheive redemption: And it's Not forgiveness.
Let me tell you why I think Atonement is the greater factor here, even greater than Redemption itself. Redemption has an end-point: Forgiveness. But Atonement doesn't. Atonement has no expiry date. Atonement is purely propelled by the understanding of self, and the weight of guilt the self bears, whereas a Redemption is All About The Forgiveness.
Forgiveness is an external force, it may or may not be given to you and that is completely up to the person who has been wronged. Atonement is self-imposed, it is a meditation of the soul to forgive itself against the guilt it carries.
If Redemption is a marathon with a banner at the finish line, Atonement is trying to drag a twenty pounds of rocks through the Sahara desert without water, food or a compass- it's endless, hopeless.
And this is why Atonement is greater than Redemption.
And do you think someone as stubborn as Kastuki will ever find himself atoned of his deeds? No. And That, my friends, is The Point. In 252, when Endeavour says, "I dont want forgiveness" it's not just him saying it- it's also Katsuki. "I just want to make it upto you", is also Katsuki.
And to prove it, Katsuki will never ask for forgiveness. A verbal apology will be nice, sure. Especially since dumb-ass, gay-ass, 'Kacchan-sugoi' ass Izuku Doesn't even See it as Atonement. He is just #Blessed that Kacchan and he can talk almost-naturally again. And that is also Katsuki's intention- because the moment Izuku knows, he won't be able to atone this way anymore.
So, as much as I HATE to say this, the chances of a voluntary verbal apology are slim. If allowed to go on like this, Kacchan with continue to shadow Izuku through his life, worrying about him, LOSING SLEEP OVER HIM :
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LOOK AT THOSE BAGS UNDER HIS EYES. /*shoves panels in yo face*/LOOK
Can you believe this bitch-ass gremlin who goes to sleep at 8:30 got bags just from stressing over his Deku??????
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(He is flipping his shit because he worries, and he worries so much, and has worried for him for a long LONG time.)
- Katsuki will continue on this path of being Izuku's support.
Forever if it takes.
Forever, he hopes, it takes-
Because the only way he will stop is in death, either his own or Deku's.
This is his Atonement: To undo everything he once did, to support Izuku's dream instead of squashing it; To help him get stronger instead of perpetuating the narrative on his weakness; To protect him from all harm, when he once hurt; To be on his side when the whole world is against him, because once he was all, but, for him; To save Izuku as he wins, to win as he saves.
And, To deny each oppurtunity of forgiveness even as he desperately longs to be unburdened of his guilt.
Because Katsuki knows:
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He knows Izuku is that one of a million, he is kind and humble and considerate and loving to a fault.
Katsuki knows that Izuku will forgive him in a heartbeat. That is just the kind of selfless, beautiful person he is.
Unlike Endeavour, who had no guarantee to forgiveness, Katsuki does. And that is what makes Katsuki's Atonement more powerful than Endeavour's. He recognizes it is in his grasp, just an arm's length away...
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....Just an arm's length.
And Katsuki will deny himself that. Because he does not believe he deserves it. He hasn't atoned enough for it.
"Keep At Arm's Length"
He says. Because this is the critical distance between them. Not "Stay an arm's length away", because Katsuki doesn't wanna run away from Deku, and he doesn't want to be too far away to protect him, nor does he want to get too close to finally recieve the forgiveness that will give him salvation.
This is the fine balancing act Katsuki must maintain indefintely till he believes he has acheived his idea of atonement. (And when has he ever been happy just the bare minimum?)
I know I said Katsuki will never ask for forgiveness, and a voluntary verbal apology is very unlikely, because in it's very nature, it is inviting a forgiveness from Izuku, which we have established, Katsuki wants to avoid. And if this were any other manga, we would have been doomed to this conclusion. But, there is a scenario when Katsuki might issue a verbal apology and that is when Katsuki knows there isn't enough time to be forgiven in turn, or, hasn't atoned enough and can no longer continue to.
Like when Katsuki launches off, to deliver a final kamikaze blow to a villain, and he has only enough time to tell Deku a short "I am sorry", but not enough time to wait for a reply. Or when Deku is dying and at his final moments, when Katsuki knows however much he has atoned isn't enough and isn't how Deku should leave, without closure.
Whatever the future may hold, my dear readers, Katsuki still has a long, long way to go. And I hope to see him live through everything, to be there -
To survive these wars with Deku, To fight alongside him, To protect him. To win. To save.
To Live.
To hear Deku say "I had forgiven you a long time ago";
and ofcourse,
To forgive himself.
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love-and-anarchy-au · 4 years
Love & Anarchy: Chapter 5
goodmorning my lovesss!! this week will be heavy as I will post 3 chapters xd. In the weekend I had an anxiety attack so to calm myself a little bit down, I wrote three chapters; that’s what you’ll get this week. this chapter in particular made me suffer A LOT as i couldnt find the words i needed and i felt like i didnt  convey the pain that this chapter should make you feelxd. this is the final result, hope you like (suffer with) this chapter! <3
Find out what this AU is about here
Tag list: @healing-winston-pratt @dawniebb @obsidianfr3sk @nodrianbcyes @everyone-has-a-nightmare @magykaldealings
 Part 1: A boy named Alec Artino
 4 years old Alec
    Noise. Fear.
    Light, light, light.
    Stella sighed and turned around.
    It was three in the morning and Alec had had a nightmare. It had been a pretty real nightmare, to be honest, and that was the scariest thing. His father came back from town and slammed him against the wall, all because he was a filthy prodigy. Alec waited for his powers to activate, those powers that Julieta had told him were asleep, but they didn’t show up. He screamed and screamed, pleaded and pleaded, but nothing, and no one, paid any attention to him.
    He was alone.
    Alone, alone, alone.
    “What are you doing, mamma?” Alec whispered, his heart in his throat. His mother had a large leather handbag, worn leather loafers in hand so as not to make noise, and she was covered in clothes, even though it was the middle of summer. Clearly, she didn't want anyone to see nor hear her.
    “Oh, Alec…” she sighed and knelt to hug her son, without letting go of her heavy luggage. Alec felt his mother's tears fall into his threadbare pajamas, the cloth getting wet, the eyes getting glassy, Alec starting to understand why his mother was crying and carrying that way-to-heavy luggage.
    Alec began to cry when he realized what was happening; it was like the beatings his father gave him, unexpected but obvious, painful and painless, black and white in his swollen eyes. His lips trembled, as if an Antarctic breeze had kissed them.
    “Why, mamma? Was I a bad son? What did I do wrong? Mamma, mamma, please don't go,” Alec begged, clinging to his mother as if his life belonged to it. Stella still broke free of Alec, being careful not to hurt him, even though the damage was being done; it was like saying "sorry" while stabbing someone in the heart. What was worth was not the words, but the actions.
    “It's not you, Alec il mio amore,” his mother murmured. She looked her youngest son in the eye and confessed what he already knew: “It's him.”
    “He'll kill me if he discovers what I am,” her mother said, scared and her voice cracking like a wall in an earthquake. “I cannot stay.”
    Alec sobbed. He had to convince her to stay, she couldn't leave him with his father, she couldn't, she couldn't ...
    “Papà does not have to know who you are, he will never realize …”
    Stella looked Alec in the eyes, full of compassion, trying to soften the invisible slaps she was hurting him with, only with her image ready to flee from that hovel, from that life, from that family.
    “He'll find out, eventually. I can't take the risk.”
    Alec wiped his snot with the sleeve of his pajamas, not caring that their pajamas were washed once a month and it was the only pair he had; anyways, who would wash his pajamas if his mother was not there?
    Julieta will, whispered a voice.
    Julieta isn’t my mother, answered Alec to that voice, his own voice.
    “Mamma, please …”
    His mother stood up, ignoring her youngest son, and took the keys from the table, without causing the slightest noise, not even a tingle. Alec did not move from where he was (he could not, he was paralyzed, somehow) and contemplated the tragic scene of his abandonment. Silence, the absence of the present, the presence of the absent, a whirlwind in his soul, an impenetrable stillness around him.
    That was abandonment. Internal noise and external silence; nothing more and nothing less.
    Before leaving, his mother looked him in the eyes, one more time, one last time, and said, with all her soul bent on pronouncing those words, the last ones she would ever say to her youngest son:
    “You are destined for greatness, Alec darling. Ti amo.”
    And just like that, she left, closing the door carefully, not even making a slight noise, although for Alec it would have been better if she slammed the door, it would have hurt less than the silence in which he was drowning. He needed to get her back.
    Alec finally bolted to the door and opened it. There was no one in sight, the street was an urban desert, like his soul at the time.
    “MAMMA!” he called her, in a desperate cry, like someone who longs for a drop of water after crossing a burning wasteland.
    His mother had abandoned him. His mother had abandoned them.
    Alec screamed once more and over and over again; a mask of tears came out of his black eyes while his soul shattered once and for all.
    And it was that crack inside him that lit a spark, a spark unlike any other. Heady heat engulfed his body, completely changing him and not altering him at all, at the same time. That feeling, that sensation, was what Alec felt when he played with wet sand: the world moldable to his hands, to his wishes.
    But that feeling was no stronger than the excruciating pain that gnawed at him like cancer.
    His house shook at his second screech, longer than the last.
    “Mamma! Mamma! MAMMA!” Alec begged/screamed/yearned for. The walls around him continued to shake, under an internal earthquake made by little Alec Artino.
    Julieta came out of her room into the hallway and ran out to see Alec. She hugged him against her old nightgown.
    “Mamma ... mamma …” Alec cried.
    Julieta understood who he was referring to, so she hugged him tighter.
    No more words were needed to describe the tragedy.
    They were alone.
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lu-undy · 4 years
Im a sucker for hurt/comfort what can i say. No one knows this, but Spy is completely terrified of dogs, something happened with one of then in his childhood and now, every time he gets close to one he almost has a panick attack. Sniper loves dogs, grew up with them, so one day, when a lost stray appears in the base, Snipes takes care of it. He helps Spy understand the animal and he ends up creating a bond with it. Snipes couldnt be prouder for Spy to overcome his terrible fear. -🐑💙
Heeere it is! Hopefully you’ll like it, it’s a bit long but I hope it won’t feel like it ^^
Sniper had driven to the nearest payphone for his weekly call to his parents.
It seemed not much had changed back home. His parents were still busy with the farm, they had seen the usual faces at the market the previous day, and their business was going pretty well. 
“And how’s yer darlin’?” His mother asked.
Sniper pushed the hat deeper on his head and blushed as strongly as if he was physically standing in front of his parents.
“Uh, y-yeah, he’s uh, he’s alright. We’re alright.”
A stray dog came to him and the Australian smiled to him as a reflex. He continued the chat as the dog sat next to him, wagging his tail on the orange floor of the desert.
Soon the phone call ended in countless “byes” and “love ya”.
“Roight, back to the base.”
The Australian walked back to his campervan a few metres away and the dog followed him. 
“Mate, you look terrible… Let me see…”
The dog walked his head low, he looked famished but he managed to walk and wag his tails as best as he could.
“You don’t look too sick. Who the hell left such a good puppy out like that…? Come with me, I’ll try and see what I can do for ya. Can you jump in? Good boy-oh, girl, sorry I didn’t pay much attention.”
Sniper had let the dog sit on the passenger’s seat. He patted her head and started the van, heading back to the base and when he arrived, he parked near it.
"Roight, let's see what we can do for ya. First, a bit of food and water won't hurt. Follow me!"
The Australian went to his van's backdoor and opened it. He prepared a bowl of fresh water and opened a can of tuna in another one. He put it all on the floor and patted the dog’s head as she came closer. 
"There ya go. Don't have proper dog food but I guess in yer state, anythin' will do eh? Good girl, now I'll go and get Medic to check you up. I hope he isn't busy or anythin'. I'll be a minute."
Sniper shut the door after him and went to the base, straight to the German doctor's quarters. Meanwhile, a certain man in a suit had heard the van's engine stop from his suite and had deduced that his lover had come back from his phone call. 
Spy put his newspaper down and popped to the bathroom to check himself. Tie? Mask? Gloves? Oh, and teeth? Oui, everything was perfect, as usual. He nodded to his reflection in the mirror and exited his suite to meet with the man his mind had been busy with. 
Once he arrived in front on the van's backdoor, he gave a short knock and pricked his ears up. No answer. But he could hear noises coming from inside. He leaned in closer to the door and realised that it sounded like someone was there, rummaging through his lover's belongings. 
No answers. Non, something was wrong, definitely. The Frenchman flung the door open and jumped in as he flicked his blade open from his breast pocket. His eyes fell on the dog there and he dropped his blade instantly, cold sweat running down his spine. 
"Non… Non, non, non, non…!" 
His breath accelerated deliriously fast as he felt the fear paralyse him and take control of his limbs. He walked back as slowly as he could, his eyes open wide never leaving the dog’s. She was lying down, chewing on the Australian's slipper and wagging her tail happily. 
Spy bent his back down and raised his hands as if he was surrendering. His breath was so erratic that he could not articulate any words. He just slid his feet back very delicately, one after the other until his back hit the base's door. 
His wobbling knees could barely carry his weight and his eyes were full of tears that he held back, in fear that the dog would react and move closer to him. Spy put his hand on the handle and delicately opened it before slipping inside as fast as he could and locking the door. 
Feeling that he was relatively safe now, he put a hand on his chest to calm himself and gulped down his dry throat. As he did so, he realised he had left his blade on the van's floor and winced. Now it was lost. There was no way on Earth he could go back that close to the dog and retrieve it. Fuck the knife!
Spy ran to the living room and flung the door open. No Sniper. He rushed to the kitchen and crashed on its door. Heavy got startled and stopped chewing on his sandwich, his eyes snapping wide. Still no Sniper. 
As he ran through the corridor looking left and right, the Frenchman bumped onto someone. 
"Oh mon Dieu merci! C'est toi, mon amour?!" 
[Oh my God thanks! It's you my love?!]
He was grasping and clinging onto the Australian whose face turned bright red upon being called that way out of the intimacy of their room. 
Spy looked left and right and seeing that no one was around, he grabbed his lover's hand and shoved him in his room before locking the door.
"Spy, what's wrong? Oh?!"
The Frenchman hugged his lover and it was far from the tender usual gesture. No, he was holding him, clinging to his polo shirt as he would to dear life itself and burying his head in Sniper's chest. The Australian hugged him and frowned. 
"What is it with you? You act like you've seen a ghost or something." 
"Mundy… Mundy… Mundy…"
"Are you-? Oh my God, c'mere…" 
The Australian tightened the embrace around his lover's sides as he heard the Frenchman sniff repeatedly. He pulled him to the bedroom and shut the door, Spy clinging to him all along. 
Sniper lied on the bed and his lover laid on top of him.
"Luv', tell me what's wrong. Why're you cryin'? I've never seen you like that, you're scarin' me…"
"I… I wanted to see you…" 
"Yeah, what is it…?"
"I went to your van… Because I heard that you came back… oh mon Dieu, Mundy, I thought I was going to… Oh mon Dieu…"
[Oh my God]
"What is it?! Tell me and whatever it is, I'll deal with it myself, can't have you cryin' like that."
Spy's head was under his lover's chin. He spoke between two sniffs, his tears drenching his mask. 
"And I lost my knife… In your van… I can't fight it… I am… It terrifies me. I could hardly walk back here… Mundy please stay with me, I know it's not far, I can't fight it, it will kill me…"
"Lucien, my love, look up in my eyes now." 
The Australian cupped his lover's face and looked him straight in the eyes. The Frenchman's were red, swollen and soaked wet. 
"I'll get rid of yer mask, ok?"
"N-non, please, it will see me and it will kill me, please Mundy, please protect me…" 
And again, Spy lowered his head and buried it in his lover's chest, sobbing again.
Please Mundy, please protect me.
That sentence hit the Australian like a punch in the throat. 
"Listen, it's just you and me, you locked your door. Do you want me to lock the bedroom's too?" 
Spy nodded, his head still against his lover's torso. 
"Alroight, move aside a bit."
"Non, I'll come with you. I can't let you go." The muffled, broken voice answered. 
"Roight, come with me then." 
They coordinated their movements and locked the bedroom door before coming back to sit down on the edge of the bed. 
"Now, take yer mask off." 
Spy raised his head and looked at the door.
"It's locked, we locked it together. You're safe, it's only me with you." 
The Frenchman nodded and removed his balaclava. 
"Good, now you have to tell me what's wrong, I can't protect you from something if I don't know what it is."
"I can't." 
Sniper raised an eyebrow. 
"You can. Look, I love you and I'm as intrigued as you're scared. Please tell me."
"If you're that paralysed then I guess it's bloody big! You said you lost yer knife, did you fight it, whatever it is?"
Spy lowered his head and shook it. They were both sat on the edge of the bed and Sniper removed his lover's gloves and his own before taking Spy's fingers between his. 
"You didn't fight it but you lost your knife?" 
The Frenchman nodded as he took a handkerchief out to wipe his face. 
"What is it…? Please tell me luv'."
"I-I can't." 
"Even you wouldn't understand."
"No, no I can. That's what I love you means. It means I'll make the effort to get you. But you have to give me a chance. I'm sure I will."
"Non. No one ever understood. It's ridiculous. I can't tell you. Just trust me. I can't go outside now. It will…"
Mundy frowned as he saw his lover hide his face in his hand, his head hung low, his elbows on his thighs. 
"Lucien... I… I won't make fun of you. Y-you're the bravest man I know. You're not scared of… of lovin' a bloke, one like me. You're everything and-and I would never ever make fun of you, whatever it is." 
Lucien didn't flinch. Mundy wrapped an arm around him and pulled him to lean against him, which the Frenchman promptly did.
"Lu', please… Please my love, my darlin'..." Spy screwed his eyes shut and frowned hard. It was very unlike Mundy to use so many sweet words. But that only meant that he himself must be looking devastated. The Frenchman felt ashamed.
"I can't bear to see ya like that. Tell me at least a clue. You said it's in my van, but you've been there before, countless times. What's changed?" 
"Something has. You didn't have it before. I don't even know if you own it per se. I heard noises, like someone rummaging through your things and given that you didn't answer when I called, I opened the door anyway and… That's when I saw it, murderous dark eyes, drool dripping on the floor, it… It looked at me and-"
Mundy's eyes snapped wide. 
The bloody dog!
"Why are you so scared of her?" 
"Yeah. It's a she and she's still a baby."
"Non, non, Mundy, it's a monster, it's-I've seen what it's capable of. Monstrosity and mistake of nature, it kills you in the most painful ways. Even I with my career and the atrocities I've seen during the war, I have never seen such cruelty."
Mundy realised that his lover's hands were shaking.
He pulled him closer. 
"On my lap, c'mon."
The Australian lifted his lover and put him on his lap before hugging him dearly. 
"Tell me now." Mundy said.
"I've told you already." 
"No, tell me what happened for you to think that."
"Look at me."
The Frenchman didn't flinch.
"Lucien." Mundy squeezed him tighter. "Please let me protect you." 
"And I want you to. If this thing comes near me, I'm afraid you won't see much of me." 
"Look, I don't wanna piss you off or anythin' but… I found her near the payphone. She was starvin' and she followed me to the van. She didn't seem sick or anythin' so I asked her to come along and she accepted."
"Mundy, you need to drive it away and get rid of it. If I could, I would do it myself but…"
"Tell me what happened." 
Lucien sighed and hugged his lover, putting his head on Mundy's chest under his chin. 
"I was an infant. I had a friend at school. We use to walk to and from home together, he was a neighbour. One day, a stray dog was there. Being the children that we were, we thought that we could approach it and pet it." 
The Frenchman's silence fell like an axe sliced a log. 
"What happened then?"
"My friend… He… The dog attacked him. He didn't just bite him… It was… I can't even describe it. The violence of it made me vomit and not sleep for days."
Mundy's eyes snapped wide. 
"And the kid?" 
"May peace be upon his soul."
"It was barbaric, absolutely horrendous. And I was a child. I only understood what I had seen later. I've never stopped wondering…"
"About what?" 
"How did they manage to bury him in that state?"
Mundy's eyes might have popped out of his head. He was now imagining the worst. 
"How… How old were you, luv'?"
"About seven or eight years old." 
Silence fell. 
"And since then, you can't approach dogs?" 
"Worse than that. I have panic attacks, I sometimes throw up or faint at the sight of one. They call it a phobia, or a trauma."
"Lu', I swear not all dogs are like that."
"Oui, maybe, but I won't risk it and I don't want you to risk it either."
"But Lu-"
"Non!" The Frenchman raised his index finger in a threatening way. "Mundy if you get near that animal, I… I might lose you." 
The Australian saw his lover's lip tremble. 
"Lu', I drove her here and I fed her. Nothing happened to me, she actually likes me, keeps on waggin' her tail."
"Until she rips your face off your head! Non, Mundy, please, don't get near her." 
"Lu', I grew up with dogs, we have three back home. They're very loyal and lovin' companions. You happened to be unlucky enough to meet the one dog that was actually mad but most of them are lovely." 
"Mundy, I don't want to risk losing you, or seeing you… like that boy…" 
"You won't, I promise. I'm not a young boy, I'm armed and I'm at least five times her size. I have nothing to fear. I've killed beasts much larger than me by the past. No, luv', now look at me."
Mundy loved seeing those very light blue eyes on him and without the mask, they shone more sweetly, more humanly. 
"You'll give me your hand and I'll show you that I am safe with her."
"Mundy, please…" 
"No, look, listen, here's what we're gonna do. You stay in the base and watch me through a window."
"What if she does something to you?"
"I'll ask Pyro to stand there with his flamethrower and grill it if it doesn't behave if you want." 
"Fine, alright." 
"Do you agree?" Mundy asked. 
"Check that Pyro has enough ammunition." 
Mundy smiled. 
"I will, don't worry. Now, let's go." 
A few moments later, the Frenchman had put a new mask on and was standing behind the kitchen's window. Pyro was outside with Sniper. The tall man opened the van's door wide, crouched down and called the dog. She excitedly trotted at the Australian and he patted her head. 
Spy was stuck at the window, his hands wrapped around himself and his jaw clenched hard. Mundy raised his head to him and smiled when he realised how tense his lover was. His head turned to Pyro and the fire expert put his flamethrower down. Lucien was about to shout when he saw that Pyro picked the young dog in his arms. Sniper went back inside the base and locked the door. 
He joined his lover in the kitchen. 
"Look at me, I'm still alive, eh." 
"Thank God you are." 
The Frenchman leant forward and his head landed on his lover's chest. Mundy wrapped his arms around him.
"I came back fer you. And here, that's yer knife."
"Look at Pyro." 
The Frenchman turned his head and looked through the window. 
"See, she isn't doing anything to him." 
"She is sniffing him repeatedly though. Will she devour him? Does she have to do that?" 
Mundy smiled and gently rocked his lover left and right. 
"Nah, it's to get to know him. Everyone has a combination of smells that defines them. That's how she identifies and remembers people. Think of it like names. We humans put names on people, she puts smells." 
"Oh, I see… And, may I ask, I saw her licking your fingers. I was scared for you, mon amour." 
"Don't be, all dogs do that. They'll smell a bit of food or sometimes it's just a bit of sweat on yer hands and that's salty usually, so they'll lick it off."
"Ugh, she disgusts me." 
Mundy chuckled. 
"Who doesn't…? Even I did at the beginning." 
Lucien smiled, his cheek against his lover's polo shirt. He could hear his heartbeat.
"Do you want to go and touch her?" 
"Non, please… I'm, this is too much already." 
"Fine. I'll find a leash or a rope or something to tie her so that she stays put."
"And be careful when you feed her, please." 
Lucien brushed his hand on his lover's chest. The Australian looked down at him and softened. 
"Of course, don't worry… I think I'll call her Hope."
"Hope?" Lucien repeated. "Why?" 
"Because… I don't know, it's a good name. I hope she'll get in shape again and that one day you'll be able to see her like I do."
The door swung open and broke their moment.
"Hey guys? Oh… Fancypants?! With Snipes?!"
Mundy turned red as a brick and tensed. Scout had erupted in the room as delicately as he ever was, and saw the Frenchman in his lover's arms.
"Scout, if you don't proceed out of this room in the next half of a second, I will personally make sure that your family name stops with you." 
The Frenchman only had to raise an eyebrow and the young man spun on his heels. 
"Jeez! Now I owe Engie twenty bucks!"
Mundy and Lucien looked at each other.
"Well, so much for discretion." Lucien added. 
"I-I'm sorry." 
"Not your fault. And I've had enough of hiding. Let everyone know, I couldn't care less." Lucien raised his eyes to the reason he felt safe. "I… I love you." 
Mundy opened wide eyes. 
"It's the first time you tell me… that, in English." 
"So that I'm sure you understand and never forget, now give me your lips, I need them to remember too…" 
Lucien pushed himself to the tip of his toes and pulled Mundy's neck down. Their lips met with a smile. 
"See, I told ya Hard-Hat!" 
Neither Sniper nor Spy broke the kiss. Instead, they just gave the young man a self-explanatory middle finger each…
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baddyxangel · 4 years
well...that was an...experience.
ok babies so i finally finished ALL of teen wolf and umm...wow . im gonna go ahead and share my thoughts, i think im gonna split this into 2 posts 1 where i talk about the characters individually and 1 where i just speak in general
6B never happened, I've never heard of it, never seen it, never touched it, never smelled it and i dont think i wanna see anything anymore.
starting with our MC we have scott, the indecisive, pure, irritating, "true alpha". now my problems with scott are honestly just preferrence but still somewhat justified . if you're familiar with comics you know that we always have our hero who believes and tries his best to save EVERYBODY including his enemies, and he is the "if i kill them i'll be just as bad as them" type. now the issue i have with this trope is that its just annoying and naive , I've always been more of a wonder woman type myself personally i dont see this issue with killing 1 person who has killed hundreds or dozens. Scott in most cases is very...bland ? very cookie cutter goody two shoes type, naive and a little bit soft, and for how gassed up true alphas are he is EXTREMELY underwhelming and one is his only saving graces for me is me being attracted to him.
he lets some of the most dangerous people in his universe roam freely because there is a "line" he wont cross and while i get those are his morals and his code i just personally couldnt fuck with it if i was in pack. his innocence meshes more well with ignorance. AND FOR FUCKS SAKE LET THIS MAN BE FUCKING SINGLE
also this was added in post: he's best on screen when he has other people with him to actually show he had some kind of personality besides "me help people" is what I've noticed. specifically stiles, derek and isaac tbh. i think one of my fav scott moments is "im the hot girl 🙂" and isaac saying "yes you are 👍🏽"
Stiles now we all know stiles, the best friend, the brains of the operation, the sarcastic and funny one who lightens the mood. Now stiles is one of my favorites (surprise surprise) because he's not infuriating to me i dont think I've ever been frustrated with mr.stilinski. he's essentially scotts polar opposite but not really if you get what i mean ? idk i love him, moving on.
Allison- i like her. got on my nerves after her coocoo ass momma died but y know. i thought her and scott were cute and i would've liked her to stay alive
Lydia- my favorite banshee, smart, but for some reason is always being taken hostage, attacked, injured, and put into extremely horrifying situations and i dont think i like that.
Kira- personally my fav of scotts Gf's, i think she's cute, right amount of awkward, strong, interesting and i would've loved for her kitsune to have been able to kill somebody. jeff davis obviously did her dirty with her storyline that was apparently finished even though...we still didnt get to learn that much about her powers ? whatever im upset.
Liam- dont like him . moving on. also the long hair didnt grow on me and i dont think it will.
Jackson- eat shit and die.
coach- we love you.
monroe- i could write an entire 2 hour movie script on this hoe. bitch killed 1 hellhound and start feeling ha pussy and thinking she hot shit fuck this lil girl was annoying, moving on before i keep typing.
gerard- you got what the fuck yo old ass had coming to you
peter- we love an anti hero with a sense of humor 💕 and idc he would've wrecked everybody shit in season 1
kate- girl...you are a mess of a hoe. lemme stop there before i write a book on her too.
chris- ily
melissa- someone give her an award ASAP
sherrif- you were very on and off for me
derek- baby i missed you so much, leave scott musty ass and come pack this puss-
dread doctors- these fuckers used to put fear in my soul when i was little
deaton- i dont like how he's used as a plot device.
desert wolf- LMFAOOOO
malia- i like her because she's impulsive but sometimes those impulsive tendecies make me wanna stomp her head in the ground.
deucalion- also used a plot device after his season and then died for no reason. im so sorry for what this show did to you
im missing a lot but if you drop your opinions and names in the replies i'll share my opinion on whoever i missed
Thoughts on Theo? theo- hated his manipulative ass but he is so fine so it hurt me to be screaming and cursing at my tv when he was on screen. originally i was extremely irritated and annoyed when they brought him back cause i dont think he needed to be redeemed like at all, even though i appreciate that i can love him without him being a piece of shit it was unneeded i think . id still fuck him tho
scott pissed me off cause... is theo just a great liar or does scott just hate stiles ? why would he believe theo so easily yet not ask for stiles part of the story ? its like he forgets that stiles doesnt have claws and fangs and shit so of course he's gonna do what he does to survive when y'all can't protect him 🙄 i swear their werewolf hearing only works when the plot needs it too (ik they probably need to focus to enhance their hearing but still it's so annoying-) the season is essentially based on misunderstandings tbh. everyone's lying for no reason at all. but i do like how we actually get to see the effect of their mental health but this is also what i mean when i was talking about scotts fluctuating intelligence and how he's only smart when the plot needs him to be, how does he go from being the dimmest bulb in the box to being able to be in AP biology or whatever class it was. it makes no sense at all
”scott pissed me off cause... is theo just a great liar or does scott just hate stiles? why would he believe theo so easily yet not ask for stiles’ part of the story?” Because Scott McCall is a toxic friend and an even shittier werewolf (he couldn’t even detect Theo’s cheap lies and let himself be played like a fiddle throughout Season 5) And because Stiles doesn’t cater to Scott’s delusions of werewolf Jesus-hood and doesn’t stroke Scott’s ego like Theo does. Scott simply chose to believe the worst of his neurodivergent best friend – the boy who risked his own life to save his whiny ass countless times – because it suited his agenda, and because he’s pissed that Stiles didn’t share his own trauma with him like Scott wanted and demanded. SCOTT: We can’t kill the people that we’re trying to save! There’s always a choice! And yet Scott has no problem conspiring with Deucalion (Boyd and Erica’s murderer) behind everyone’s back to assassinate Josh and Tracy AND trying (but failing) to kill Gerard – selling Derek and his Pack out to the hunters, violating Derek, and using Derek as his own personal murder weapon to achieve that – just because “He threatened my mom! I had no choice!” A True Hypocrite indeed
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thescarletsith · 4 years
I can only hope that this helps those who felt pain when finding out about the end of Rise of Skywalker. It was never about Kylo Ren getting what he deserved or seeking redemption, it was about ending the pain within Ben Solo. I had to find some sort of positive reasoning behind all of this before witnessing it for myself tonight.
Any negative reason given for why Ben Solo deserved to die isn't convincing, because Ben didn't do any of those things.
He was born into a family of Legends; expectations were set for him before he could even talk. The truth of his grandfather was hidden from him by his family. Facts of his bloodline would have given him insight as to why he felt the way he did, but they were kept away from him, leaving him to feel completely alone with a growing pain inside of him that he couldnt confide with anyone about. His whole family was painted as a perfect, lightside, good guy team. Saviors. Warriors. Heroes. Legends. So how could it be possible for him to feel the conflict that he was trying to hide? He would never be good enough or strong enough to belong to this family. He grew up feeling worthless to his parents who were always gone. The only place he could find self-worth was the darkness reaching out to him, wanting to help him and show him how to end his pain. But he didn't want help, he wanted to do it on his own. He wanted to push through and make his family proud. And when he learned the truth about his grandfather being Darth Vader, (a truth which he learned through the government his mother worked with, NOT from his own family) the teachings of Jedi being good, peaceful people became a joke to him. Good people don't lie. Good people don't turn a blind eye to the suffering of someone they claim to love for the sake of their own desire of not having to address something they'd rather forget. And good people own up to their mistakes - they try to right their wrongs.
Nobody did that for Ben. They saw a darkness in him and chose to fear it instead of face it. They chose to train him and raise him to be what they considered "good". They chose to invade his thoughts during his sleep and make of it what they wanted, deciding on their own that he was destined to belong to darkness no matter what measures they took to prevent that from happening.
Ben saw Luke standing above him with every intention to murder him. So Ben defended himself, disabling Luke from hurting him. The emotions he was constantly burying pushed through to the surface - his own fear, loneliness, anger, and confusion. He had done everything asked of him. On the outside, he was everything they were trying desperately to create and yet... he still wasnt good enough.
And those voices that had been with him since he was born called to him to go and find his true ally - the one who would make him as strong and fearless as Darth Vader.
When the light betrayed Ben Solo, the darkness welcomed him with open arms. It comforted him, embraced him, and accepted him, thus rising the darkness that Ben Solo tried desperately to run from.
Kylo Ren, who was birthed from his parents carelessness towards him and his uncle's betrayal, killed Ben Solo. And though Kylo still felt the same as Ben, he was now being given what he believed to be genuine help to forever end the pain.
And that's all he ever really wanted.
He was manipulated into believing everything he was doing would eventually bring him the peace he craved. He was convinced what he was doing what was right. He was told that the darkness would give him all of the things his family never even attempted to. The dark side became the good side and the Jedi didnt deserve to exist anymore.
He's told that killing his past will allow him to become who he's always been meant to be, and since he has no idea who that is, he's willing to do whatever he has to in order to figure it out.
Then he meets Rey, who makes him realize Ben Solo isn't really dead and that Kylo Ren is just a mask he wears.
Then Rey defeats him in a duel, wielding his families lightsaber. What a slap in the face. Some random girl from a desert planet who has never trained her Force abilities, never really even knew she had these abilities until she met him, was never directly involved with any Jedi, and totally naive to everything she was able to do that he was put through hell and back to learn, just beat him with his own families weapon.
And instead of being sympathized with by the person who swore to help him since he was a kid, he's spit on about it. He was told none of the others ever faced such a task like he would when encountering his own father and by killing his father, reguardless of how he truly felt about it, he expected praise for doing what was suggested to have been the hardest thing he would ever have to do to prove himself worthy, yet he's spit on about it. He's back in the same neverending loop of being a disappointment.
His family saw darkness inside of him and the darkness saw his family inside of him. He couldn't win with either side.
So the Force gave him someone else to turn to, connecting him to this girl he should hate, but felt no hatred whatsoever towards. Instead, he was intrigued by their bond, impressed by her strength, and comforted in the realization that he found someone who felt exactly as he did. He ignored her threats, her doubt, her insults and her disgust towards him because he understood it: Ben Solo felt the same way about Kylo Ren.
He saw so much of himself before his turn to darkness in Rey and wanted to be for her what nobody was brave enough to be for him.
He knew that the only restraint she had on becoming what she longed to be was her inability to let go of a past she didnt need. He saw her strength, potential, determination and hope when she didn't see herself as anything. If he wanted to coax her with him inside of a life of never ending pain, he wouldn't tell her to kill her past, the thing that caused her pain, he would tell her to embrace it, allow it to consume her and feed off the power that pain could give. Her fear of accepting that any family she had is dead was the only source of darkness inside of her - it was her greatest weakness. He tells her of his own families betrayal as a means to say having a family isn't always what she's convinced herself it is. And he's so aggressive about it because he envies her: she has no one determining her path for her. She is free to be whoever she pleases and would face no judgement about it, and yet for some reason she aches to belong to someone.
And she eventually sees him for who he really is; the person inside of him that he's been silencing because he knows he could never go back to that life. She has seen him murder in cold blood, she has felt his conflict, she knows for certain all the horrible things he has done, yet still tells him that it isnt too late, showing him the hope she has in him - a hope he was never shown even before he committed the terrible acts he's done. There in his darkest of days, he's finally found that one person who accepts him, and he has absolutely nothing to offer her.
Still, she goes to him to save him from the darkness that has always been there and because of that, he is able to kill the thing he rightfully assumed was trapping him in that darkness.
He doesnt want to belong to any group, he doesn't want to set himself up to fail again, but he wants to be with this girl and keep the feeling of validation she gives him. So he pleads for her to allow everything to end so that they could start a new order - a new life - together. But she doesn't view it the same way he does. She wants him to go back with her, to the light, but the light already rejected him. He doesn't belong there, even if he wanted to.
There's no common ground then, and she leaves him.
The emotions he is left with cause him to feel the dominant presence of the darkness he had rightfully assumed he killed, and he goes on a rampage, deciding he will end it all himself, only then to be stopped by the single person who's doubts towards him hurt the most. Surely killing his uncle would be the way to end his internal war...
But again, he was wrong.
He sees no other option now but to consume himself in his own misery, and uses his new title as Supreme Leader to cause as much death and despair as he's endured his whole life.
He figures out why his conflict exists when he learns from Lord Sidious that all of the voices he has heard were simply from Sidious.
And Kylo becomes a puppet for the dark side once more, tasked to kill Rey and destroy all Jedi once and for all.
So Kylo faces Rey again, senses his mother's death, nearly dies by Rey's hand, faces his father within that near death, then awakens by a Force ability used by Rey to heal him.
Knowing that Rey should have left him to die but didnt pushes him to help her end a war he helped create. He destroys his own Knights and stands beside Rey in the light to defeat their common enemy. While fighting along side her now, he feels whole. He feels like he has found where his destiny lies. And her small grin, her gleaming eyes of hope as she looks at him, prove that she feels the same way.
During the battle, he is thrown into a pit by their enemy, leaving Rey to fight alone. The physical injuries Kylo sustains in no way hold him back from trying to get back to her. He acknowledges his pain and he accepts it; he doesn't let it physically or mentally hold him back. He doesn't let it control him. And as he climbed despite the pain and weakness he felt as he did it, he accepts his past, and he rids himself of it. He accepts his parents distance from him, his uncles betrayal, the darknesses deceit and his ignorance to the truth. He accepts himself for who he is, what he has done, and where he comes from, because none of it mattered to him anymore. He needed to make sure he hadnt failed Rey the same way people always failed him. He needed to be sure she wasnt pulled to the darkness by her own bloodline. He needed to make sure she was safe, help her end this, and see where they may be able to go from here.
Ben Solo made it back to the surface, leaving Kylo Ren in the darkness of the pit.
But he was too late.
He fell to ground, pulling Rey into his arms. Pain returned to him, only now it was much worse. He has nothing. He has nobody else. He gave his life to the darkside because he trusted it and then he lost everything and everyone he ever loved because of it.
Looking at her lifeless eyes caused Ben to lose any hope for himself he may have had left. He knew Rey had so many people who would mourn her death, cry over her, need her, miss her...
No one would do the same for him.
It wasnt hard for him to find the strength to do what he had to do. He didn't even hesitate.
Through the Force, he gave all that was left of him to the only person he felt truly accepted it - it was all he had left to offer. A descendant of one of the most feared Sith Lords became a source of hope for so many, and was a light too pure to let fade.
Ben was able to accept his life and feel total peace within it when he felt Rey's hand hold onto his. Her smile when she saw him, the joy when she said his name, and the thrill when she kissed him allowed him to feel a happiness he would have otherwise never been able to feel. His own smile felt foreign to him, but he was thankful to feel it one last time.
He was thankful to pass away while in the arms of someone who cared for him. Thankful to have been able to make use of a life that never felt like his.
Ben Solo did not die as a legend. His sacrifice would be seen by others as an act of redemption, though Rey knew he didn't save her for that reason. He never felt as if he needed to seek ways to redeem himself for the damage he had done, because he was always lead to believe he was doing what was right.
Ben Solo was simply saving what he loved, and he was finally free of his pain.
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candytuftgirl · 4 years
A Secret Santa fic for Amylion! (My dumbass couldnt find your tumblr ashfg).
I hereby present this... mess. Probably not what you were asking for (definitely not; Im so sorry I just realized I didnt use the prompts they were going to come up later on RIP) and maybe a tinsy bit cringe-worthy.  There was supposed to be more, but yeah; here’s some good-natured kid Leia and Dad Vader, with a pinch of prophetic dreams for zest.
Well, I tried. 
(Also, this one shot was not beta’ed, I die like the horrible mess of a writer I am)
The hallways are dark.
The shadows that surround a few illuminated viewports create frightening monsters, if one had the right imagination for it. What was worse was that she was alone. There were no droids, white masks or suit-people in sight.
If she were younger, maybe she’d ask a droid to accompany her on this late night journey. But no; she was a big girl now (Seven! That was two fingers more than a whole hand) and besides, her daddy didn’t really like them much.
He didn’t like a lot of things, but there were some he disliked more than others. And she noticed, which was why she was walking alone, in the dark, the metal caging her in from the side. And she’s not scared. Not at all.
Still, if she squeezes Mr. Catty just a bit too tight that was just because he was shivering so much.
The big silver doors are in view soon enough, and she shuffles a bit faster when she notices them. It doesn’t even take a moment before they silently open. She walks in, the doors close and the familiar whirring noise echoes all around her.
“Leia.” Her daddy steps out of the dark, his breathing machine the only constant source of sound in the room. He’s tall, dark and shiny- just like he was when he put her to bed. It calms her; and Mr. Catty.
He absently waves a finger, turning the lights on as he steps closer to her small form. “Angel, what’s wrong?”
She doesn’t answer. Instead she walks over with her bare feet (she was going to get a scolding for that for sure), Mr. Catty firmly in hand and looks up at her father’s dark mask. The staring only lasts a moment.
There’s a small hitch in the constant whirring noise, like an exhausted little sound, and her father firmly picks her up and sits himself down on a nearby chair. She’s on his knee, one black gloved arm still around her while she makes herself comfortable, and now it’s just her father’s strange mask that stares down at her.
Leia doesn’t hesitate. “I had a strange dream daddy.”
She didn’t dream often, but when she did, she always dreamed of strange things. A cave filled with crystals, shining so brightly she swore she heard them sing. An underwater city, beautiful; but there were fish people standing on top of buildings, crying, screaming: “Traitor, traitor!”.
A moon made out of metal, with a heart that screeched in pain.
Everyone always said her dreams were silly, and she was making too much of a fuss about them. Overactive imagination, her retelling a version of a story she read somewhere; one suit-man even accused her of lying once! The more she talked about them, the less everyone who heard them believed her.
Sometimes, Leia thought that if it weren’t for her daddy, their gentle reprimands would turn scathing.  
She knew she shouldn’t have shared her dreams, knew most never believed her, but she couldn’t help herself; they all felt so real to her in a way. Why couldn’t other people understand that?
She knew better now. All the droids and suit-people dismissed her worries so she dismissed them as well; except for her daddy.
He never said she was making things up, and he always listened.
“It was a dry place.” Leia began, fumbling with Mr.Catty’s stuffed legs. She tried to remember. “Like, really dry. Everything was orange and the ground was bright and smooth; with all these little pebbles on them.” She shook her head lightly. “Oh no, they were even smaller than that: tiny, little pebbles. And there were no trees, or rivers, or-“
“A desert.” Her father stated, quickly cutting off her rambling. “You were dreaming of a desert.”
She scrunched her little button nose up at him. “A desert? Like, dessert?”
“No. A desert is a barren wasteland, largely inhospitable, dry and covered in sand; the tiny pebbles.” He explained, and she files away this new revelation in her mind. “I believe the chocolate waffles you had for breakfast this morning don’t fit the same description.”
Uh-oh. She cringed, fumbling her fingers around her stuffed toy. “Oh- you know about that?”
So she might have eaten sweets for breakfast this morning. Really, though, it hadn’t been her fault! She was alone with the droid in the kitchen, and it did ask her what she wanted for breakfast. And she really didn’t want to eat porridge filled with fruits, vitamins and all the “healthy necessities her body required to grow”. Besides, she was sure chocolate waffles made her grow more than that mush anyway.
“We will discuss your punishment tomorrow.” Leia made a face at that; she really didn’t want to scrub her room clean. Again. Her father’s mask turned towards her wriggling feet. “Where are your socks?”
“-So anyway.” She continued undeterred. “I was in a desert. But I wasn’t alone. There was a boy there too.”
Her father straightened a bit more at that. He always did, whenever she dreamed of someone. “What kind of boy?”
She shrugged. “A boy. I guess he was like me- except, well, he’s a boy.” Leia thought about him for a bit; the boy that inexplicably drew her attention more than any scary dream ever had. “He was blonde, with blue eyes- and his clothes were too big.”
She furrowed her eyebrows in concentration, trying to recall the image of a boy in large white sleeves chasing furry creatures across the ground. “He was kinda scruffy looking.”
“Language.” Her father quietly added, though it was more of an automatic response than anything. “Is that all?”
“Umm, he was chasing some weird rat; I guess he was playing a game and-“
“I mean, was there anyone else in the dream?”
Leia shook her head, expression serious as she looked up at her daddy. With her chubby cheeks and button nose, she looked far too adorable to emulate any kind of sobering face but that hardly stopped her from trying. Like a little queen waiting for her adviser’s opinion, she stared at her father while he thought about her dream.
Her father’s mask stared off in a vague direction, head tilted as he considered what she said. The longer he remained in that position, the more Leia’s heartbeat echoed in her head. This is important then. Daddy must think so too.
It didn’t scare her; it made her strangely giddy. Like that boy was a puzzle piece, something she unknowingly needed to complete the distorted picture in her life.
“It’s nothing like your… usual visions.” His rough voice brought her back from her daydreams. Black mask meeting her large chocolate eyes, her father stated his final judgment. “No. I do not believe it really means anything, angel. Maybe it really was just a dream.”
Mr.Catty made a straining nose from the pressure of her tiny fingers.
In hindsight, this information was wonderful. She often came to her father, crying her eyes out because she hated all the scary dreams she was having, and she didn’t want them anymore. The fact that this dream might have been just that; a dream, not a nightmare, not reality…
Leia hated it.
“No daddy!” She yelled suddenly, wiggling free and sliding down to the floor. It caught her father off guard, too surprised to stop her.
With red cheeks she stared up at him, and all his black glory. “He was real. I know he was.”
“No!” She threw Mr. Catty to the floor, angry tears appearing in her narrowed eyes. “You think I’m making things up! Like everyone else!”
Her father got up, voice cold as the atmosphere in the room shifted. No longer approachable, but massive; He stared down at her in the oppressive silence, hands on his hips, looking like a mountain that would break the earth before it would bend.
A scary sight, one that many feared. Leia was no match for that; small, with her chin trembling, and wet, sloppy tears already rolling down her cheeks. She couldn’t even compare.
Still, she refused to back down.
She knew her daddy was angry, and he was probably going to be even angrier the more she continued this staring contest; but- I’m angry too!
After all, out of all the people in her life, it was her father who was supposed to believe her no matter what. The fact that he didn’t, that he thought it was all a dream…
That hurt her.
The staring continued. The tension rose. Before she knew it, the temperature in the room dropped some more. She vaguely wondered if she was going to freeze up. Like those poor people in the vacuum of space, ones that fell under fire and drifted out of reach into an asteroid field. No one went back for them. Nobody even tried.
Would her father leave her like that, all alone? Here in this room, like a sculpture? Would she be able to see? Move? Become a statue for eternity?
It was a daunting thought, the coldness seeping through her jammies and into her skin now. She couldn’t stop shaking; the fear was swallowing her, but she wouldn’t-
It wasn’t until she glanced at Mr. Catty laying on the floor that realization set it and the fear stilled. Eyes straying away from the black void of her father, she took a few steps to her fallen toy, the coldness subsiding as well.
Gingerly picking him up, she muttered a quick apology to her favorite friend, facing her father as the tears roamed unchecked now.
“I-I’m sorry Daddy…” The hiccuping made it harder to speak. “But, but-“
She was full on sobbing now, and just like that, the atmosphere in the room shifted back to normal. The coldness subsided, the warmth came back and she couldn’t stop crying.
Her father made that whirring exhausted little noise, before slowly bending his knees in a crouch so they were more at eye level (Leia didn’t like how he towered over her so much, so piggybacks were still an often occasion).
It was a bit comical to see her tall and menacing father lost as to what to do, his tiny daughter shaking and desperately trying to rub away all the evidence of her uncontrollable tears.
“Oh no, angel not your-“ The warning was too late, as she blew her nose into her sleeves. They were icky already, but she kept smearing her tears in them. Her father quickly battered her attempts away. He looked around, his shoulders slumping some more. 
Soon enough, she was blowing into a soft and leathery like material; her father sacrificing his shiny black gloves, gently wiping away the grime and the snot from her small face.
He was probably going to make that sad little whirring noise about that later, but for now, he remained composed.
“Calm down, angel.” He spoke as gently as he could with his distorted voice, his own version of Sssh, sssh- don’t cry now. 
“I’m sorry, daddy.” Leia stared at his black, droid like mask with her puffy eyes. She made a few more hiccuping noises, before croaking out the truth she knew in her heart. “But… but he’s important.”
“The boy from your dream?” She nodded. “How so?”
“Be-because!” She wiped the remains of her tears away, frantically trying to explain to her father the underlining importance of it all. It was so clear to her, didn’t he understand? “I saw him, daddy. I saw him jump around rocks, kick rats; fix- or maybe he was breaking- droids-!“
Another memory appeared in her head, one that makes her smile. “And he stares at the sunset daddy! Like you stare out the viewport. He must be real.”
This knowledge didn’t seem to appease her father; if anything, it seemed to do the opposite. The coldness in the room came back with alarming ferocity, before it changed into something incredibly hot, like a blazing sun- and then she could breathe again.
Her father’s shoulders slumped lightly, before he started to reach out his hand to her. He stopped, probably remembering the sobbing incident, and pried his gloves off, gently laying his hands down on her small shoulders. Leia tried her best to not shiver from the cold metal prosthetics. They glinted in the light, fake fingers squeezing her softly.
(Once, a long time ago, when she was still curious about her father’s strange suit, she had asked him if he was a droid. She couldn’t see it, but she just knew her daddy became very sad, and she instantly felt bad about it.
“No, not completely” he said.
She never asked again.)
“Leia.” He had her complete undivided attention. “The dream you had was real. But it was only a vision of the past.”
“The past?” She repeated, blinking as her father retracted his hands from her. But that would mean… “Really?”
The boy she dreamed about was real, as real as her heart in her chest. But it was a boy from before, not now. A boy from the past.
She felt an uncomfortable weight settle inside her.
“How do you know?” It couldn’t be true- the boy she saw was here, now, like she was- and he was important. She just knew it. “Did you… know him?”
“Once.” Her father looked away, like when he looked through viewports at the stars; like the boy. “I knew him, once.”
Her father was many things, but he wasn’t a liar.
She sagged with that newfound knowledge, tired and sad all at once, Mr.Catty limp in her hold. A boy from the past- it hurt her in a way she couldn’t explain, like a goal she could see as plain as day evaporated just beyond her reach. He had seemed so real (was he still real?), and now…
Just a boy from before. It felt like the truth.
And yet, there was still a part of her that believed differently.
There was shuffling in the background, her father’s loud stomps echoing in the room. Looking up, she saw him searching for something in his sleek metal closet. He only had one in his room.
Or was it an office- that term would perhaps better serve to describe his room (he didn’t even have a bed; sometimes Leia thought the plush chairs and sofa were there only for her benefit).
Most would have called it an office- if it wasn’t for the large bacta tank standing at the other end.
She opened her mouth when he walked back to her, but he stopped her new bouts of questions by deftly picking her up- new and shiny, clean black gloves in place.
“Enough. It’s late.” That was his order-voice now. The one that didn’t allow protests. She slumped a little in his hold.
The walk back through the shadowed corridors wasn’t as scary as before, and Leia rested her cheek on her father’s broad shoulder as he swallowed the distance between their rooms in short time.
He put her back to bed, exchanging her star shirt for a clean one with lothcats, and tucked her in. Opening her closet, he made sure to look inside before closing it again. A nightly ritual for checking monsters. No matter how many times he assured her that there was nothing scarier than him around, Leia insisted. That late-night holo she saw still made her shiver.
Besides, her daddy wasn’t that scary.
Smoothing down the hair on her head, Mr.Catty snuggled up beside her, he straightened and pointed a finger at her in warning (like he did at the suit-people, though his voice wasn’t so cold): “Now, sleep.”
He left. She shifted to find a more comfortable position, obeying the silent order and closing her eyes. Before drifting off, she repeated the words she knew rang true in her head; her heart.
The boy is real. Like me. I know it.
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cutiewithamind · 4 years
Roleplay Plots and Rules
18+, I am currently 19 years old
I am the female in the plots but dont mind which gender you are
I usually do first POV but can do Third
I usually can do from 3 sentences to 3 paragraphs depending on responses
I have kik and email
1. Me and you meet one night at the carnival that comes to town every year before school starts. We hit it off well— having some make out sessions and some other things. We exchange numbers and agree to go out sometime—there was undeniable chemistry that we both wanted to explore. All of that comes crashing down when I , who is a senior in high school, walks into class on the first day and finds you sitting behind the teachers desk.
2. You hear alarms go off in the city, radios turns into saying that there will be nuclear bombs coming soon. Amd tv shows turning to these screens. Being in school the principal and school board lwt us go to our family. Since i was an orphan, i just went to the store, getting some supplies, clothes and a duffel bag for all the stuff, then i put everything in and goes to the closest apartment or office. Running into it as other people run out, people on the highway, trying to find a place to go, and i gwt down on the lowest level, and goes to a room that seems good enough, knocking on the wall. Seeing if all the walls are concrete.
3. Many years later, we had a big war that were bigger than all others. And as it did, it destroyed many of our land. Making people adapt, and some didnt make it. - I was at a lake, with some bottles of water, trying to get some water to heat up and drink. Also next to me is a backpack and a baseball bat
4. I lived in a poor family, with my parents in debt so i did whatever i could to help them. So i looked for a good paying job. You were looking for a personal assistant, and i thought it’ll be okay. So i applied for the job and you wanted to interview me.
5.We were two strangers that were kidnapped. And i was tied up, having a ball gag in my mouth, music blaring from the headphones that covers my ears. I couldnt tell where i was since they also covered my eyes, leaving me defenseless in all ways. All i knew that i was tied down on a flat surface and that im n.aked.
6. I am your neighbor for a year and i am a little but ive never told anyone. I have the small town house next to you and i have a cute cat that loves to go into your backyard. So i always have to knock on your door to get her back.
7. I was one of your "girls" or what your gang likes to call us "whores". Most of them were more mature, bigger breasts and asses. I was more petite and was picked on more by the other girls and guys. You were the leader of the group. I couldnt tell if you ever liked me around but one day you snapped at an other girl for pushing me on the ground.
8. It was a year after everything collapsed, government, police, economy. There were some communities and it was lucky for someone to move into community without any suspicions. There was a group that would kidnap people in an area. Where they take the victims, it wasnt really known. It was a high school that looks lifeless. There were wooden boards up on every window. There mustve been insulation so no one can hear what happens in it. There were mostly women that were the victims. The men would make the women work, separating peas from the leaves or stitch up clothes, and fullfill their se.xual favors. Some women were older with others and when they find no use for a woman they will take her to a random place and leaves her there. Making sure that the woman is far away from the site.
9. It was during a war. Men came through our town, sirens going off and yelling. I was young, 16, moving with my mother as soldiers pointed us the direction of where to go. We load up on trucks, not knowing if we were going to live. As we are being transported, gun fire goes off and my mother covers me, making me lay down as her body covers me. Men start yelling then shoot again, now at us. I hear screaming and gun fire. Then nothing.
10. You lived on your own but you wanted to visit us. I am your little sister, still in high school and living with mom and dad. You were out of the house for acouple of months.The thing is that mom had her schedule switched so she is gone most nights and dad took advantage of that. You called mom that you were coming over. She was so happy and so was I. Dad wasnt happy or looking like it since it would now be harder for him to take advantage of me.
11. I walk into the town, deserted with rusted cars, weeds growing on the sidewalk and dogs roaming around. I quickly move around, not wanting a bad group to find their way to me. I have a backpack, duct taped boots, hoodie, sweatpants and a bat with me. My hair was always up, I couldnt have it in my face, i needed to watch for things coming my way. I turned a corner hoping to find a supermarket so I can get some canned food.
12. You love going to your favorite restaurant, it is cheap but also great food. You knew mostly all the staff except the new server. She is following around another server, getting a feel for her role. They come around to you and she starts with her lines. "Hello, welcome to Anthony's Diner, is there anything I can get you started with?" I say nervously.
13. We are both in college, you are 2 years ahead of me. I just started and you always tease me when we pass each other since we are step siblings. We got an apartment together, since it was easier. There is a party tomorrow and you hear me talking to my friends about going.
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Please message if interested
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rainecloud020604 · 4 years
🔥🕊️🌙📚👑☕ Universo,Artsy,Leland,Hood,Milo,Violet?
🔥 If your OC known for having temper tantrums? If not, what gets them really angry? What makes their blood BOIL? Is there anyway to calm them down or are they unstoppable? What are they like when they’re angry? Do they take it out on their loved ones?
Universo - its very rare to get this angel’s blood boiling, he hates and absolutely loathes people getting disrespected in any way when they clearly deserve the respect because they earned it. he keeps it to himself and calms himself down, he’s kinda collected when he gets angry, to himself, doesnt let his anger out of others often unless they earned it
Artsy - the gal gets really angry when she is underestimated, along with seeing others mistreated. She can get a bit violent if needed to express the fact that she is pissed. its easy to calm her down, just leave her be for a bit. she will take the anger out on who earned it, not loved ones.
Leland - interruptions, hates them with a passion, along with fire and Rainie of course uwu its hard to calm him down, he has to let it boil down a bit really. he’s violent sometimes, otherwise he’s just cold. and no
Hood - hurting innocents gets her pissed, she gets violent and dont get in her way until she handles it herself. she’s never really taken her anger out on loved ones intentionally, once on Oliver but that was an accident...
Milo - its rare this detective has ever been seen angry, once or twice, mainly when others rights are violated or disrespect in general, deliberate harm to those close to him also pisses him off. once he’s at this point he is honestly ready to give someone a piece of his mind. he does become a bit cold and violent, but only towards who just earned it.
Violet - no such thing as anger for this gal, innocent as can be, never been seen angry.
🕊️ Would your OC ever get married or are they already wed? If they’re married, describe what their wedding was like! If not, describe their ideal wedding (or do this if you feel like it anyway!)
Universo - Marriage is indeed something done differently where he is from. if anything planning a wedding would be a lot of time consuming work, i mean blending both traditions maybe or just going with one or the other, just something simple as can just get the process handled and done. 
Artsy - marriage?! its a bit to soon to be thinking about that in her opinion. just something small, something simple, nothing huge like a lot of other people would dream. 
Leland -no, just no, doesnt like the idea of marriage. 
Hood - she might not recall what the wedding was like but she remembers that she is indeed married. but even drunk memories of this wouldnt even serve well. it was chaotic but also spent with friends, when i say drunk memories, she did get a but drunk near the end, of course after cake and vows! They did have to kick someone out, but i mean they were an unwanted guest so, they didnt need to be there.
Milo - just, he likes the idea of a small wedding a lot more than a huge one, a huge one would be a lot of work and he doesnt really think that he would be able to manage such.
Violet - no no no- gal doesnt know what marriage really is, os cant really answer that.
🌙 If your OC could have one wish come true what would it be and why? Would there be consequences to this wish or would they regret it once they get what they want? What would they give in return for this wish to come true?
Universo - one wish, he wouldnt want it really, give it to someone who needs it more.
Artsy - one wish...thats a bit too much to give her, to never have to go back to her home world... she wouldnt ever regret that..there is no point in going back to nothing...
Leland - he’d wish to not exist... im sure those consequences are clear
Hood - to have her memories back, the consequences are well, she knows a lot more of what she left behind, and the truth hurts a lot. she would regret it a little bit.. she wouldnt give everything for it, depends really..
Milo - every wish carries consequences, he’s happy with how everything is, woudlnt want it, not wanting to risk messing up anything.  
Violet - something simple really, want to go into inkwell a bit, explore. she might end up regretting it, depends on who she meets, which is also where consequences may come in as well
📚 If your OC was given some kind of forbidden knowledge, what would they do with it? Would they tell anyone? Use it for evil or good? How would it change their outlook on life, if at all?
Universo - trust me, he holds a lot of forbidden knowledge he keeps to himself, he wont tell anyone, wont use it, but it will change the way he looks at things, for the better or worse.
Artsy - that would be a bit stressing for her to keep it a secret, she’d write it down and then destroy what she wrote it on, keep it in mind when she would need to use it for good. change everything really
Leland - tell who he felt like, use it to benefit himself only, change a little on how he looks at life, at others.
Hood - ah yes, keep the knowledge to herself for the love of god no one will ever know once you tell her. use it for good, and well it would change a lot..
Milo - i mean he cant just blurt it out, have to end up writing or signing it, and he would just keep it to himself. use it for good, be a bit stressing really, change the way he looks at life for sure
Violet - she cant keep secrets to save her life, tell Harold about it. use it for good, change the way she looks at life for sure.
👑 If your OC was made royal (or is royal) how would they use their power? Are they a good leader or bad? Do their subjects like them or is it ‘off with their head’? Do they enjoy being royal?
Universo -  this angel has a huge heart, use his power for good, some would say make a pretty good leader. be hard to find someone who didnt like him really. and some days yes otherwise most of the time no.
Artsy - she’s used to taking orders, not giving them. she’s make a pretty good leader not gonna lie, benefit everyone in the kingdom. some people wouldnt like her, mainly because her cause is against theirs. most of the time she would rather not be one, probably all the time.
Leland - jeez- selfish needs, horrible leader, everyone would hate him. he’d enjoy the power.
Hood - oh god she hates royals with a passions so let us see, use it for benefiting the kingdom, be an okay leader, some subjects would respect her, there are always some that will never like her. hate being a royal with a passion
Milo - he would use this power to benefit the kingdom, help strengthen it. make a good leader after a few years of practice. being mute has its downfalls with having people like him, hard to talk with him. not really enjoy it, find it stressing.
Violet - gal would need guidance, be liable to being manipulated if it wasnt for Harold being there for sure. a lot of people would like her, she would be an okay leader, just naive. she..might enjoy it a little bit
☕ Give us one (or more if you feel like it) of your OCs deep dark secrets! Why do they keep it hidden? Spill the tea!
Universo - he hates and wishes he couldnt hurt others, its rare he’s fine with is but normally he feels horrible about it. sometimes he hates being this way because he seems to end up making the situation worse
Artsy - she, honest to god, considers herself a deserter. she keeps it to herself, she doesnt want others to know, its kiinda why she doesnt think she could be considered a hero to anyone.
Leland - He only enjoys hurting others because it takes his mind off of the pain he’s been through, only reason why really.
Hood - she is slowly breaking, only reason why she has shuji, she cant help but break for now, cant control it...
Milo - sometimes, sometimes he feels like he doesnt deserve what he earned, he keeps that to himself of course...
Violet - she, does know what happened to her parents, she isnt scared though, she wont tell you how, but Harold doesnt know she knows
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The magical Amulet (Kol Mikaelson x male reader)
New Orleans was a boring place, for Kol. Marcel held the power there, and Klaus was fighting against his protégé for that power. He could not kill to his heart content, or he would be daggered, sex also held no meaning to him. All he did was drink all day, waiting for Klaus to send him on a ‘mission’ to kill a witch, a werewolf or even a vampire. Though, one day he met a young man, in his early twenties, (H/C) hair, and 6 foot tall and lean. He was reading and taking notes on an old book, a grimoire.
Kol had approached this man and had talked to him for the rest of the day. The young witch, new of his past, but was not afraid of him. Not in a cocky way, he knew he couldn’t kill the Original but he knew that he could protect himself against him if necessary. From that day forward, they spent a lot of time together, soon establishing a relationship hidden from the rest of the Original Family.
Kol and (Y/N) had just finished their dinner night and were now walking the deserted streets of New Orleans. Hand in hand. Kol was telling his boyfriend about Hope, and her first words, when he was suddenly thrown into a mausoleum, his body falling limply to the ground. (Y/N)’s eyes widened and he tried to go to his boyfriend. However, an invisible force, grabbed him by the throat, squeezing impossible tight, his back collided with the wall, pain erupting and making him feel light headed. He looked up, a man standing there, a smug grin on his lips. He took (Y/N)’s necklace, inspecting it; (Y/N) felt all of his magic leaving his body, with the necklace.
“Did you really think that you could run forever, (Y/N)!? Your dad will be so happy to have this amulet back.” (Y/N)’s face was a mixture of pain, fear, and worry. His eyes looked past the man, and into Kol’s form. The man, Jason, looked at the vampire with disdain; “Did you really think that a vampire could help you? Your dad was right you are not a witch. It would be fun seeing you light leave your eyes as you die. But I’’ give that honor to your boyfriend.” Jason laughed; he produced a knife and thrust it into (Y/N)’s stomach, twisting it to create a bigger wound.
“Goodbye, Siphoner.” He let go of (Y/N)’s throat, turning invisible once again. (Y/N)’s body fell to the ground. He tried to stop the blood flowing out, but without the amulet, he could not use magic. He heard Kol groaning, as he was getting up. Kol’s eyes abruptly inspected the street, looking for signs of his boyfriend; he smelled the blood and his eyes were now on (Y/N)’s weakening form. In less than a second Kol was crouching down, next to (Y/N). “What happened? Why aren’t you healing?”
(Y/N) gave him a small, strained smile. “I’m a Siphoner, Kol. Jason took my only source of magic.” (Y/N) coughed blood, his arms growing weak, and no longer able to apply pressure to the wound. Kol put his hand over his boyfriend’s wound, (Y/N) grunting. “You can take it from me. Come on, I don’t mind, it’s just like when I feed on you.” (Y/N) caressed Kol’s cheek, his face pale and full of sweat. “I can’t Kol. I am too weak. I love you.” (Y/N) pressed a light peck onto Kol’s lips, a few tears falling down his face.
Kol had felt pain in his life, but nothing could compare to the pain he felt, as he was watching (Y/N)’s life escaping through his fingers. He bit his wrist and fed (Y/N) his blood, hoping against all hope that it wasn’t too late. (Y/N)’s body fell limp, against Kol’s one. He picked him up, and vamp sped to the Mikaelson’s compound. His brothers’ contempt be damned.
Klaus and Elijah were arguing about what was the best strategy against Marcellus when they heard Kol coming him. They could smell blood, and thought that Kol had done something stupid. Klaus’s rage being directed at the younger, impulsive brother. However, when they entered the living room, they didn’t expect to see Kol, hunched over a male’s dead body, crying.
Rebekah came down the stairs, and upon seeing her brother Kol in such a fragile state, rushed over to him. “Kol, what happened? Who is he?” Rebekah had put a comforting hand on Kol’s shoulder, giving him time to regain his breath and tell them who needed to pay for making the uncaring brother so vulnerable. “This is (Y/N), he’s my boyfriend. Someone killed him, whilst I was unconscious instead of helping him.” Elijah sat on Kol’s other side, rubbing his back in a comforting manner. “I gave him my blood, but I don’t know if it was too late.”
Klaus returned with Freya behind him, he had explained what had happened to her. “Hey, Kol come with me, I’ll make you some hot chocolate. We’re all here with you; (Y/N) will be fine, okay?” Kol nodded, and let Freya guide him into the kitchen; he couldn’t help but be worried about (Y/N). He had been the only one who had made Kol feel happy in a long time, and it was not the satisfying feeling of killing someone, but the feeling of pure, ecstatic happiness, as if everything was possible, as long as that person was next to you.
Kol was finishing drinking the hot chocolate when he heard (Y/N) groan from the living room. The next second he was standing in front of (Y/N), tightly hugging him; “(Y/N), how are you feeling? Are you okay? I was so worried, don’t ever do that again.” (Y/N) chuckled, hugging Kol just as tight. He felt different, stronger, his magic didn’t feel like it was running out anymore, but he was also hungry, he was craving blood. He was scared of what this meant for his future, but as long as he had Kol Mikaelson standing by his side, everything would be okay. He grabbed Kol and kissed him passionately.
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maysoa · 5 years
The Best Part
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Miguel x Reader 
Words: 1481 words
Author’s Note: I would highly suggest listening to “Best Part” by Danieal Ceaser ft H.E.R. Plus, I am now obsessed with H.E.R ever since the Grammys and her songs are inspiring many imagines.
Oh, ey
You don't know, babe
When you hold me
And kiss me slowly
It's the sweetest thing
And it don't change
If I had it my way
You would know that you are
You're the coffee that I need in the morning
You're my sunshine in the rain when it's pouring
Won't you give yourself to me
Give it all, oh
The sheets felt cold even with the sun shining through the window onto her soft brown hair that laid across her and the pillow next to her that supposed to lay her husband with his hair just as disheveled as hers. His pillow didn’t even have a dent in it where his head should have been last night she thought as she begins to roll out of bed. He never seems to come to bed anymore but instead just falling asleep on the couch in his office. It is like sleeping next to her would get him a disease or something. The heart inside of her felt battered and bruised as she thought of another night without Miguel by her side and how their love is starting to strain. She misses him holding her tightly at night and when he would wake up, he would kiss her softly and slowly like she was the most delicate thing in the world. Now she can barely get a kiss on the lips but instead gets a quick kiss to the forehead before he is gone for the rest of the day in his office.
Slowly leaving her room, she smells coffee flowing through the house which quickly makes her heart skip as she hasn’t had Miguel make her coffee in weeks. With quickness in her steps, she travels to the kitchen to hopefully see the man who wakes up her heart and soul and makes her feel like the sunshine is always on her. Instead, now she feels like rain is pouring on her as she sees another man making coffee and reading the newspaper. Nestor. The man who never leaves. With that, she travels back to her home to do the same thing her husband does. Hide.
I just wanna see
I just wanna see how beautiful you are
You know that I see it
I know you're a star
Where you go I follow
No matter how far
If life is a movie
Oh you're the best part, oh oh oh
You're the best part, oh oh oh
Best part
It's the sunrise
And those brown eyes, yes
You're the one that I desire
When we wake up
And then we make love
It makes me feel so nice
She laid tightly in the cold sheets with her mind and soul empty as well as her stomach. She didn’t care to go out and eat or drink at the moment as she felt her love slipping through her fingers. After years of being together and going through everything together, it seemed that Miguel wanted it all to end. It terrified her to think that she wouldn’t be able to see his beautiful brown eyes again or wouldn’t feel his skin touch hers when they made love in the early hours like they used to. The moments where they would watch the sunrise as they laid in sheets completely bare and exhausted from a night full of love. She supported him in everything he did and traveled with him when he demanded it. He was the greatest thing to come into her life and she felt that he felt the same for her.
Those were the moments she missed. It was like it was taken from a movie and put it into her life. Unfortunately, this is a reality.  This is her life it is like a movie and their romance story was the best part. She felt her body begin to shake and scream for release as a loud cry left her throat as she knew her movie was about to end with a tragedy.
You're my water when I'm stuck in the desert
You're the Tylenol I take when my head hurts
You're the sunshine on my life
I just wanna see how beautiful you are
You know that I see it
I know you're a star
Where you go I follow
No matter how far
If life is a movie
Then you're the best part, oh oh oh
You're the best part, oh oh oh
Best part
The cry was heard across the house into Miguel’s office where he felt his heart stop as he heard his lover’s heartbreak into pieces. He stood to stagnate as he heard more cries fall from her lips and was bewildered at why she would be crying. Looking around the office, his eyes fall on Nestor and know that he had to at least see her this morning.
“What happened this morning, Nestor?” he asks urgently.
“She came into the kitchen for a few seconds and then instantly left. She seemed down today, man. It was like someone punched in her gut when she saw me making coffee. I don’t think she has been out of her room since.”
Miguel instantly rushed out of the office as Nestor finished his story. He let his work get ahead of his life. He allowed it to take over him and forget about the one person he was doing this for. Her and their future family. His sunshine. The only light in his life. The only one who could get him outside of his own head. She was the love of his life and he let work stomp all over her. He began to knock heavily on the door as he heard her cries become louder as he felt his heart tear and break into pieces. The life of a boss caught up with him even when he promised that to her that he wouldn’t. That he would always stand with her and follow her anywhere she goes. He was supposed to be by her side but he let his shadow take the role.
He knew why she so upset this morning. The morning was their best times together. He is supposed to make the coffee. He was supposed to be the first face she saw in the morning, not Nestor’s. Their love was all he ever wanted to keep sane and simple. No chaos just love and now it seems to be falling apart. But he won’t allow the best part of his life fall apart. He just won’t. 
If you love me won't you say something
If you love me won't you
Won't you
If you love me won't you say something
If you love me won't you
Love me, won't you…
She could hear him banging on the door but she couldn’t make her limbs move. She truly didn’t want to move. All she wanted to do was cry. But she needed to know. She needed some type of validation that their love wasn’t over. Slowly, she unlocks the door and opens it with a slight crack to see him with his hair disheveled and his eyes are heavy with fear and guilt.
“Do you still love me?” she says bluntly with a slight crack in her voice.
He smiles brightly which causes her heart to beat fast,” Of course I do, mi amor. You are my whole world.”
She sniffles and asks,” Then why haven’t you said it for almost two months?”
He stiffens as the tears begin to track down his cheeks as he sees what he has done to her and themselves.
“I am so sorry mi amor. I just got so lost in work. I was trying so hard to protect you that I forgot to protect your heart from the pain I gave you.”
“Miguel, I don’t know how to feel. I don’t know if I can trust you and know that you will never do this again.”
“I know baby but just know that you are the best part of me and I am never going to do this ever again. I never want to hear you cry over me ever again it about broke me into pieces. Please, mi amor, I love you and I will never stop saying till the day I die.”
“I love you too, baby,” she cries with her voice cracking.
A sob racks her body as she throws her body against his when she couldn’t resist being in his arms any longer. She felt right at home and safe in his arms as he begins to tighten his hold on her. He felt his heart elevate as he felt her touch which he hasn’t felt in months. How could I go so long without her touch on me when I need it to survive he wonders as he begins to lead back into the bedroom. They spent the night in each other arms and talking till the moon began to light the room and the next best part of the movie began.
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tsc-living · 5 years
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(So I changed it a bit... because it flowed easier for me. Instead of in England they’re fighting in LA. Sorry!!)
A couple of days after Tessa had told Kit about her first son James and the powers he had had, Kit asked Tessa if she would help him learn to master his as she had done for James. She had agreed, but warned him it may take them a long time as she didn’t have faerie powers, and they would have to learn together. Kit hadn’t cared; he was just thrilled and nervous that he had actual, literal powers like some sort of real life X-Man. The first thing Tessa had done was ask Kit what emotion his power was tied to, what the anchor was that let him use it.
“Anger.” He replied after a moment of thinking, “I was angry when the riders were attacking.” He explained. Tessa had looked disappointed momentarily, but she rolled with it. The two of them spent most mornings trying to harness his power, and within the year he could make small things disappear. By the end of the following year, big things could disappear at his will, and sometimes things could materialise as well, if he wanted it badly enough. All he had to think about was someone hurting his family, or think about something he personally had done wrong and had hurt someone else. He had to make himself angry.
It had been one morning when Tessa and Kit were practicing his magic in the backyard that Jem ran down the stairs with their daughter hurrying behind him on much smaller legs. He looked worried and when he reached them it was clear he was pale.
“Jem? What’s wrong?” Tessa asked, putting her hand on his chest over his heart.
“The Blackthorns,” He said and Kit’s blood ran cold, “They were out on patrol and were attacked. That was a fire message from Mark, he asked for reinforcements and sent the letter to every of age Shadowhunter to help.” Kit was running up the stairs to the small weapons cache the house in Devon had before Jem had even finished the sentence. He was zipping up his gear with one hand and grabbing a weapons belt with the other when Tessa burst into the room with Jem behind her, this time their daughter in his arms.
“Mom I need a portal!” He cried, clipping the belt on and Tessa shook her head.
“I haven’t created a portal in forever.” She said, looking absolutely terrified.
“I don’t care! You have to try Mom this is important! I have to help them!” He said, staring at her in shock. She had to open the portal, she had to let him through. It was the Blackthorns… Dru could even be in danger if they had let her patrol with them. And Ty- Kit didn’t even want to think about Ty in danger.
“You don’t even know where they are!” She argued, “You could get lost in limbo.” She said and Kit turned his gaze on Jem with raised eyebrows. He shifted awkwardly and nodded.
“They’re at the caves on the beach near the institute, a little past where Alec and Magnus got married a couple years ago.” He said.
“Mom if you don’t open the portal I am going to teleport.” He said firmly and Tessa’s face went white. Kit had been trying for the past couple of months to teleport himself because if he could make other things disappear, why not himself? It had worked too, although he had only ever gotten as far as the mail box from the front door and had been too nervous to try to go any further. It also made him feel really sick when he did it.
“You can’t Kit…” She said softly, hand on her mouth. Kit’s face was hard and as immovable as stone.
“I will Mom; I swear it on the angel.” He said and she shook her head wildly. It was clear she wasn’t going to create a portal, or perhaps that she was too nervous to try, and so Kit closed his eyes tightly. He imagined the rocky shore, the sand, the caves and the ocean that he remembered from when he lived in LA and holding onto that image he tapped into his anger. He remembered what it felt like to watch his sister get tripped over by something he had left around, the anger he felt when he zapped the horses out of the sky, the intense rage he felt whenever anyone he loved was in danger and he couldn’t stop it. Like the Blackthorns were. The Blackthorns were in danger. The thought zapped through his veins, hot and nearly painful. He saw Helen and Aline battling back to back, Julian and Emma fighting near each other in tandem trying to protect Dru. What if Dru was trying to fight for herself? Of course Mark would be trying to fight his way to Ty who would be in the middle of the battle because bad luck follows that young man everywhere. Ty Ty Ty Ty Tiberius Blackthorn. He’s in danger. It was the final push he needed and he felt his body and mind get sucked into oblivion.
He landed on his hands and knees in sand, retching violently as his senses came back to him. First was touch, he could feel the shifting sand beneath him. Then came taste, there was coppery blood in his mouth. Next came sight as he opened his eyes and saw that where the sun had been rising over Devon, it was pitch black night in LA. Then he smelt it, the ocean and the sand, the sage off the desert and the blood and ichor stench that saturated the air. Last of all came sound as the ringing in his ears stopped. The battle was on the other side of the rocky alcove he had landed in, he could hear the screeching of demons and the shrieks of battling Shadowhunters. Kit hauled himself to his feet and scrambled as fast as he could up the rock face to see the melee below. It was almost like he had imagined it, but much worse. The first person he saw was Dru who was backed against a rock directly below Kit with three demons advancing on her and fending them off with two seraph blades, screaming so loud her voice was going hoarse. Kit scanned the battle field and saw that she was in the most peril and that the rest of the Blackthorns were fighting in pairs. Aline and Helen who were trying to get to Dru, Julian and Emma were back to back surrounded by a ring of demons, Mark and Cristina were standing against another rock face opposite Dru, but they had it seemingly under as much control as they could. Ty was standing closer to the water in one on one combat with a demon who seemed intent on making Ty dizzy as they circled. Kit could see Ty’s headphones from here, as well as Livvy’s ghost at his side.
Kit rushed down the rocks, half stumbling and half sliding and named a seraph blade as he went, landing squarely beside Dru who didn’t even have time to react in surprise as she slashed upwards at a demon that was trying to sting her with its tail. Kit, who had a height advantage to Dru, stabbed down on the second demon and sliced its head clean off which stained the sand with more black ichor. Kit pulled a throwing blade from his belt and let it soar into the third demon’s eye and it convulsed twice before disappearing completely leaving Kit’s blade in its place. He picked it up and went to surge into the melee, but Dru’s hand stopped him.
“You came.” She said incredulously and he shook her off, they didn’t have time for a reunion.
“Of course I did. Now get somewhere safe or Julian will rip my head off if you get hurt.” He said and when she opened her mouth he cut her off sharply, “I said ‘go’ Drusilla.” She jutted her chin up defiantly and Kit couldn’t believe what he was seeing. They didn’t have time for this, but he couldn’t leave her there when she was going to jump back in the battle.
“Do you have throwing knives?” He asked and she nodded hesitantly, “Get up on high ground and aim for black writhing things okay?” He said, not waiting for a confirmation from her. He whirled and ran hell for leather to the middle of the melee. He reached Helen and Aline first, massacring three demons as he went, and they both thanked him distractedly for saving Dru.
“Go to Mark and Christina, attack from behind the demons and the four of you can circle them. Then round up Ty.” He said and they nodded. They must have understood that he had seen what was going on from a high vantage point and had come up with a strategy plan on his way down to protect Dru.
“Then what?” Aline screamed, whirling around and cutting the heads off two demons in one fell swoop.
“Then you six circle the demons surrounding Emma and Julian! I’m going to help them from inside!” He yelled and the three of them took off through the blood sloshed sand, slashing and hacking their way through. Kit’s seraph blade was dissolving with the amount of demon blood on it and he swore, pulling out another one, naming it and lunging forward just in time to stab up through a demon’s mouth before it could wrap its jaws around his head. He panted, but he didn’t have a second to stop, he just sprang forward until he burst through a wall of demons to face Emma and Julian who not only looked surprised to see him, but also angry.
“We got this help the others!” Julian yelled at Kit who had already whirled to now face the demon wall.
“They’re fine just fight!” He yelled back, stepping into place so that three of them were shoulder to shoulder with enough room to swing their sword arms. There was no way the three of them could hold off all of the demons that were descending on them, and Kit was starting to wonder if he had landed himself in a suicide mission. He also wondered mildly where the rest of the back-up was. One nineteen year old Shadowhunter-Faerie boy was not enough to defeat this mass of demons that were broiling up around them.
“Where did they come from?” Kit yelled, feeling the exhaustion in his veins, but refusing to give up.
“Fucked if we know, they reared up out of nowhere and separated us!” Emma screeched, jumping on Julian’s knees. She leapt off him, flipped in the air and landed, bringing her sword down and cutting a demon clean in half. If Kit hadn’t been fighting for his life he would have been impressed.
“Most of them surrounded us, but the last we saw was Dru pinned against some rocks!” Julian added, yelling over the din of the battle.
“She’s fine, I sent her up the cliff!” Kit reassured him and Julian’s eyes cleared for a moment as he regarded Kit. It was a moment of weakness, Julian’s children had always been his weakness, and a demon reared up behind him. Emma screamed like her heart was broken and Kit reached to his belt for a throwing blade as the demon came down fast with its needle sharp teeth dripping poison. The demon screamed and looked up revealing to Kit blade lodged through the top of its head into its mouth. The blade wasn’t Kit’s. Julian didn’t hesitate to run the demon through with his seraph blade, swearing at it for having the cheek to try and kill him.
“Little cu-“ He was cut off from calling the demon one of the worst names under the sun by Emma who had again screamed, but this time in fear for herself. She was pinned under a demon that Kit didn’t recognise and Julian moved with blurred speed to save her as Kit defended Julian’s back. When it vanished and Emma was hauled to her feet, Kit saw the hopelessness welling in her eyes. It was something he never thought he’d see. Emma was practically a sister to him, if Jem being her only living relative and Kit’s adopted father had anything to do with it, and she never gave up. He knew her to be ruthless and brave, and the best Shadowhunter of their generation under Jace, Clary and the Lightwoods. Seeing hopelessness on her face was like someone telling Kit the sun was never going to rise again. He didn’t believe it, but it was a terrifying possibility.
Kit spun around and through the gaps in the writhing bodies he could see the Blackthorns and their partners (or ghost twin) battling their way through, and up above was Dru looking so small and helpless from so far away.
No hope. No hope. No hope. They’re going to die. They’re all going to die. The words thundered in his mind as he collapsed to his knees. He could see Ty in front of him between two demons, he looked angry and terrified and was stubbornly fighting like he had been taught as a demon rose up behind him, ready to strike to kill.
“TY!” The word ripped itself from Kit’s throat and his entire body felt like it was burning, like he had been struck by lightning.
Two things happened next. First, a portal appeared on top of the cliff and Dru disappeared in a sea of black and flashing silver. Second, the world around Kit flared up in light that shot from his hands.
Then Kit’s world went black and his head hit the sand.
When Kit woke up his head was aching so terribly that he wondered for a moment if sitting up would make him vomit. He opened his eyes tentatively and recognised the infirmary of the LA institute immediately, and Tessa was sitting beside his bed crying softly.
“Mom?” He said weakly and she lifted her head.
“Kit? Oh my angel!” She cried and grabbed his hand.
“Mom?” He said again, gripping her hand tightly, “It’s not anger, it’s love.” He whispered and her eyes filled with a wave of fresh tears. It’s love that controls my powers.
Thank you so much for the request and I hope you enjoyed reading it @bookenthusiast-mermaidwannabe!! Let me know what you think x
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Born to Love you: Spell bound (1/?)
Leo & Alicia, what really happened....
This is from the CGW(Cordonians gone wild)universe. A collaborative effort by @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @cocomaxley @riseandshinelittleblossom and myself.
If you have not yet read the original when Leo met Alicia, you should do so. References will be made from that, and events will coincide with it. You can do so HERE
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Leo opened his eyes and looked around the unfamiliar room. The sound of ringing coming from across the room. He jumped up digging through his pants. “Hello? Liam is that you?”
“Yes its me, where the hell are you?”
“I'm not really sure at the moment?” He held the phone between his face and shoulder,  tugging his jeans on.
“What do you mean you don't know where you are? I thought you were in Santorini.” Liam sighed, Leo could picture him pinching the bridge of his nose, which made him chuckle at the thought.  “I am, I just don't know exactly where or who's house i'm at, right now.”
“Jesus Leo. Look, i'll be there April 9th to come get you. That gives you a month to get your shit on order.” Leo looked at the phone confused. “for what? Ooooh, the wedding,  right. How long you need me for again?”
“yes the wedding. Your the best man Leo. Look if you don't want to do it, I can always ask-”
“NO! I told you, I want to do it Liam. I'll be ready.” Leo heard shuffling outside the door. “Hey, I gotta go Li, I'll talk to you later. And i'll be ready for the wedding, don't worry.” Leo hung up the phone, he slipped his shoes on and pulled his shirt over his head.
“oooo a wedding, I love weddings. I could be your date.” The woman spoke as she walked in the room. “yeah, you're not going.” Leo snorted as he grabbed his leather jacket. “Where are you going?” she asked. “This had been great and all monica, but it's time for me to move on.”
“But my names Beth.”
“Monica, beth, susan… all the same.” He shrugged and walked out of the room, Beth following him out. “But I thought we had something special, that maybe we would end up together.” Leo spun around, one hand on the door knob “Look. Beth. Its Beth right? I don't do relationships. Never have never will.”
“But what if the right girl came along, what if i'm her and you just walked out on true love.” she pouted.
“I have been around, trust me if she's out there, I haven't met her yet.”  He opened the door and left.
Bronx, New York
“Hey Nitah, How's the wedding planning coming along?” Alicia walked down the dimly lit street, she had just closed up the bakery for the night and was headed home with dinner and desert for Mark.
“It’s going! It’s so hectic! I can’t wait for you to get here!”
"I know, I can't wait either. I need a vacation, like stat! Seriously like now would be great."
“I need a vacation too, from all of this planning. Do you have any idea what goes into a royal wedding?” Anitah dropped her voice to a whisper, “some of this shit is so ridiculous.”
"No, but I will find out whenever I get there." She giggled.
“Speaking of when you get here, I’m going to be coming to get you on the 7th.”
"The 7th? The wedding isn't until June, so i'll be staying for 2 months?"
“Please! I need you here,” Anitah whined.
"Um Fuck YES! Absolutely! I will be there. I will need to take care of some stuff for the bakery but, it's not a problem. Oooh I can't wait." Alicia couldnt help but grin.
“I’m so excited!” Anitah squealed. “I already told Liam you were coming. He’s very thankful,” she laughed. “Um...are you bringing the dick head with you?”
"I will have to ask,  you know he doesn't want me to go without him. But, I could use a vacation from him too.”
“Well I purposely sent your invite without a plus 1 option,” Anitah snorted.
"You're such a dick. Hey, I just got to Marks apartment, im gonna get off here. But Anitah, Thank you. Love you. "
“Love you too!”
Alicia ended the call, pulling out her key to marks apartment she walked inside and flicked on the lights. “What the fuck?” she screamed dropping the bags on the floor.
“Alicia, shit. This isn't what it looks like.” mark put a throw pillow over himself.
“Then what the fuck is it Mark? Because it looks alot like you fucking someone else. And fucking Tessa? Seriously dude, you're supposed to upgrade,  not fuck clown school rejects.”
“Hey! You can't talk to me like that.” Tessa yelled.
“Shut the fuck up Tessa before I punch the dicks off your brows.”
“Alicia. I'm sorry I don't know how this happened. I thought you weren't getting off until 10.”
“Yeah well got off early. I brought you dinner.” she opened the container of ziti and tossed it all over tessa.
“What the fuck Alicia. You're crazy.” Mark screamed.
“Oh you haven't seen crazy. Here enjoy desert.” She smashed the whole cake in his face. She cocked her arm back and extended it. Fist connecting with his face.
“Fuck, I think you broke my nose.” Mark held his face.
“oh. And you have a little dick. Enjoy it tessa. Were through.” She slammed the door and took off for home.
Liam walked in from the veranda as Anitah ended her call. “So Leos in.”
“Alicia too.” Liam sat down giving her a kiss.
“you think they'll get along?” Anitah asked as she leaned into him. “well, Leo's a sexed crazed playboy, who cant stay put in one place for long.  Is Alicia anything like that?” Liam chuckled.
“Definitely not. She's been with her current thing for about 2 years now.” Anitah putting extra emphasis on the word thing. Liam chuckled. “it'll be fine love, don't worry.”
One month later…
“Seriously Alicia, you've been sleeping for days, let's get a move on.” Anitah sighed sitting on the bed. “i'm done in the shower, just let me grab my bra and shit.” Alicia yelled as she ran out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. Anita's phone rang, facetime from Liam.
“Hey you. I thought you had meetings today?”
“we wrapped it up early. Im at Leo's hotel room, or dump, which every you want to call it.” Liam scrunched his face. “Haha.” Leo shouted from the background.  
“So what I was calling you for, was to let you know I'm coming home today. Well, that is if Leo ever gets his shit together.”
“Really? Yay! I'm so excited. Don't get me started about not being ready.  Were supposed to go shopping if ALICIA STOPS RUNNING AROUND IN A TOWEL.” she turned behind her yelling. “im working on it, shit.” Alicia called out.
“Who's running around in a towel?” Leo rushed to Liams side.
“Anita's friend is getting ready, they are going shopping. Will you get away.” Liam slapped Leos hands “Just, let me see,  I want to say Hi.”
Leo wrestled with Liam trying to get the phone,  he put him in a headlock, grabbing the phone and running to the other side of the room. “Heeey, there's my favorite soon to be sister.” Leo said out of breath.
“Ah hey Leo, um is everything ok? Where's Liam?”
“Oh yeah everything's great. Liam's um, over there. So your friend-” Liam darted across the room tackling Leo to the ground.  
“Liam!” Anitah shouted
“I'm trying here.” He called out as they scrambled for the phone.
“What the fuck is going on?” Alicia pulled a pair of jeans on looking at Anitah.
“oh, Liam and his brother are fighting over the phone. That's all.”
Liam grabs the phone.  “Sorry, i'm pretty much dealing with a horny teenager.” Liam chuckled as Leo snatches the phone. “So as I was saying before.” Alicia stood next to Anitah. They couldn't see her face, just her front half.
“Ooh they sound like fun,  Hi Liam's brother.”
Leo stood there stunned
“Shirt. Shirt!” Anitah hollered.
“Oh fuck.” Alicia ran off grabbing her shirt, pulling it on.
Finally Liam tackled Leo to the ground, knocking the phone out of his hand and through the open window.
“You broke my phone Leo.” Liam snapped.
“No, you broke your phone when you tackled me. That's on you.” liam rolled his eyes.
“So, you've seen this friend? What's she look like, she had nice tits.” Leo smirked as he continued putting clothes in the suitcase.
Liam pinched the bridge of his nose. “For fucks sakes Leo, NO. You're forbidden.”
Bastien entered the room, sir Anitah is on the phone. Liam gave Leo a pointed look, leo stood there and smirked. “Hello?”
A couple hours later Leo kicked his feet up on the coffee table in Liam and Anita's quarters. “So, what's on the agenda for the lead up to the engagement? Since you guys aren't doing a tour that is?”
“well a few dinners, balls, galas, charity events.  A garden party or two.” Liam folded his hands on his lap, an amused grin in his face as he watched his brothers face fall. “ugh Liam, this is the shit I ran away from, can we do something fun?” Leo groaned.
“Well, Anitah is planning a bachelorette party, we may be able to fit a few trips in before the wedding.”
“Alright, now we're talking.” Leo perked up rubbing his hands together. Bastien entered the room “Sir, we got a call. Anitah is at the bar, the guard assigned to ger can't get her to leave.” Leo snorted,  Liam gave him a pointed look.
They walked into the bar immediately finding Anitah. Leo noticing the woman sitting with her.  It was like time slowed, he felt immediately drawn to her. “Who's that sitting with Anitah?”
“Thats Alicia her bestfriend…” thats all Leo heard, he blocked Liam out almost instantly as they walked over to where the women were.
Alicia turned, her eyes locking with the brightest set of blues she had ever seen. She mumbled some stupidity she instantly regretted. God, He was sexy. His lips, his eyes, that cocky grin that sent a tingle through her body. There was something about him, a feeling she couldn't shake. Nothing bad, all good.
Leos breath caught in his throat,  she was beautiful from a distance but up close, she was breathtaking. The way her long brown hair flowed over her shoulder, those deep chocolate eyes that he could see himself getting lost in. Her full lips and that Gorgeous smile that met her eyes. She said he was hot, god he wanted to tell her she was hot to but the sight of her rendered her momentarily speechless,  a feat no woman had ever accomplished.
He took her hand placing a soft kiss on it. Both of them feeling a jolt pass through them as their eyes locked.
“I'm Leo.”
“I'm Alicia. Nice to meet you, Leo.” ........
I was a wild child between lost and found. Then you spoke my name, it was a sweet sound. - Lanco
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questionsonislam · 5 years
What benefits does the belief in Resurrection have for the life of this world?
Believing in the Hereafter, in resurrection and in the questioning about the deeds one performs in the world, believing in the paradise and the hell has many reflections, benefits and results in the life of this world.
Belief in the hereafter makes itself felt in each phase of human life, in childhood, in youth, and at old age; and in the lives of the family, community, nation and state; its effects stretch from the smallest institution to the largest.
When it is said to a small child whose brother has died: Your brother has gone to the paradise. He rejoices there flying everywhere like birds. How perfectly he would be comforted; there is no doubt.
The most effective obstruction deterring the youth from indulging in illegal pleasures and unrestrained behavior is the belief in the hereafter and fear of the hell.
The only source of consolation that saves the aged who have drawn near to the grave from despair and from sufferings that stem from the lost pleasures of their youth and the thing that links them to life is their faith in the eternal youth and bliss that await them beyond the grave.
The real consolation for patients, the handicapped, and the oppressed, and for those who suffer is their belief in the favors and rewards they will receive in the hereafter. The only thing that can console someone dying is belief in the hereafter.
What units the members of a family, friends, and relatives together more closely is belief in the eternal continuance of this unity in the hereafter. The sole source of consolation for the sorrow and longing felt for deceased relatives and friends is the belief in the eternal life.
The most important means that encourages the human being to perform good deeds, to be generous and helpful and that deters him from bad habits and behaviors is belief in the hereafter.
Giving others rightful dues, abstaining from trespassing on anybodys rights and deceiving no one can be seen in its best form only in those who believe in the hereafter. The motive that leads man to make sacrifices and even to die for his religion, nation and state is the belief in the hereafter.
What opens up perspectives and fortifies ties between the past and the future for the human life is the belief in the hereafter. Benefits the belief in the hereafter brings about for the individual, family, community, nation and state are so many as to be included as a whole here.
And the one who rejects the hereafter-if his means of living are not good-will fall into a complete desperation. If they are good, this time obeying his desires he may fall into kind of being an animal. It can no more be expected of a person who pursues just his desires to benefit his nation and country. Furthermore, these kinds of people refrain neither from leaving their own children in a state of misery nor from dragging their nations and countries into difficult situations in order to satisfy their own worthless desires.
The disbeliever in the hereafter also harms his own self and with the desperation that comes from this unbelief he casts his soul into a kind of hell already in this world.
In many of the verses in the Glorious Quran, these qualities, benefits, and effects of the belief in the hereafter are pointed out. In many places, while virtuous deeds and betterment of morals are encouraged, this pillar of faith is referred to. In many verses, having said Fear God and remain within the bounds of piety and righteousness. , the Quran continues, Know that you will be gathered to Him. (Al-Baqarah Surah, 2:203), Know that you are to meet with Him. (Al-Baqarah Surah, 2:223) which mean that this fear of God will be attained through belief in gathering before God, in reuniting with God, in other words through belief in the hereafter. Similarly, in many verses, after the commandment or encouragement of good deeds, by saying If indeed you believe in God and the Last Day... (An-Nisa Surah, 4:59; An-Nur, 24:2) it is pointed out that belief in God and the Last Day requires performing these good deeds.
Again in the Glorious Quran, while the Believers are called to jihad, while patience is advised in the face of troubles and sufferings, hardships and difficulties, while alms-giving is encouraged, miserliness and evil desires of the soul are forbidden; while such evils and sins as unjustly earning money like through interest and so on are prohibited, while good deeds are encouraged, while the temporariness of worldly bounties are told, while it is emphasized that the worldly gains at the hands of the unbelievers are not to be envied every time this topic of faith in the resurrection is mentioned.
Furthermore, in many verses, the characteristics of those who believe in the hereafter and those who do not are described and it is pointed out that believing in the hereafter makes the human being human in its real meaning and that disbelieving therein, on the other hand, takes him away from humanity.
According to the Glorious Quran, the one who believes in the hereafter even sacrifices his own life when need arises and does not fear death for the sake of reaching him and of His good pleasure; he or she is peaceful both in this world and the next; takes lessons from both Gods signs(in his self and in the universe) and events; knows how to control his carnal soul; is not selfish
As for the one who disbelieves in the hereafter, he or she is subservient to the evil desires of his/her carnal soul, is utterly sinful and is a transgressor; he or she thinks his/her life is aimless; is deluded by the fleeting beauties of this world and takes pride in and prefers the life of this world; cannot regard the universe with the eye of reflection and thought; is haughty and arrogant; is hypocrite and does goodness in order to show off and loves to see others indebted to him/her; is misleading; merciless; coward
All these show how important for and beneficial to the human life the belief in the hereafter is. Furthermore, this belief makes many unbelievers relived in terms of the life of this world by causing them to enter a doubtful disbelief out of an absolute one; while they live with a thought of hope, although slight, they do not come near to the obligations of the religion, as they do not believe. Thus they also take their share from the universal mercy: Islam
Because the desire to believe in the hereafter is in the creation of humankind, because if the human being believes in such a life it will bring about many benefits in terms of the life of this world, many people have wanted to believe in the hereafter seeing these benefits though they do not acknowledge the belief in the hereafter rationally. Cicero says about this topic: Even if my belief in the eternity of the soul is a mistake, I am content with this mistake and happy with my thought. And so long as I live, nobody will be able to dissuade me from this thought of mine. And again it is this thought that provides peace for my soul and contentment for my life.. With these words, Cicero in a way interpreted this verse of the poet:
If my wish comes to be true, what a good wish it will be!
Otherwise, thanks to this wish we will live pleasantly for a time and then pass.
Voltaire also says that the life of the hereafter is of great importance because this belief is the essential agent in establishing the most virtuous and moral principles in the community. He thinks that if this thought of resurrection after death and questioning were to desert the community, we couldnt find reason for good deeds and thus the order in the community would be gone.
The importance carried and the benefits brought about by the belief in the hereafter in terms of the human being and the humanity show that belief in the hereafter depends on a great truth. For a matter that is of such great importance for our life cannot be imaginary. Can something imaginary occupy such a big place in our intellectual life? Has it ever happened in the universe that a thought that is imaginary, unreal, and that has nothing to do with reality, occupy such an important place in real life? That we are in dire need of the hereafter for the order of life and for setting, the life on just and true pillars is actually the proof of the fact that the hereafter is one of the great truths of the universe. It would not be exaggeration to say, These rational proofs shown prove scientifically that this assumption is a truth.
Moreover, some things might be mixed up when they are seeds, but once these seeds become trees, blossom, and give fruits, the truth becomes clear; there is left no reason for mixing them up or for doubting. Similarly, once the pillars of faith and belief in the hereafter have produced such fruits, there is left no doubt any longer about its essence and seed; it is understood that this is an absolute truth.
We should put it here that the proofs of the existence of the hereafter are not limited to those we listed here. In the Quran, many proofs and signs related to the existence of the hereafter are highlighted. Said Nursi, having mentioned the proofs in the Quran of the existence of the hereafter, continues: Do not think that the proofs of hereafter are limited to those listed above! On the contrary, the Glorious Quran points to this reality with innumerable signs It explains this truth with unlimited signs And do not think that the Beautiful Names of God that necessitate the hereafter and the resurrection are only the names All-Wise, All-Generous, All-Merciful, All-Just and All-Preserver. No! On the contrary, all the Divine Names that are manifested in the management of the Universe necessitate the hereafter and the resurrection. In short, the matter of resurrection is something on which the beauty and grandeur and the names of All-Glorious God, the Manifest Quran which encompasses all the books of the prophets and saints, the messengers and prophets with pure souls, and the best of the creatures, Muhammad, upon him be peace, all united.
According to Nursi, in everything there are two ways looking to its Creator and to the hereafter: The first way looks to its Creator. In this way, there are many proofs testifying and pointing to His existence and oneness. The other way looks to the aim and the hereafter. In this way too, there are many proofs testifying to the realm of the hereafter and to the Judgment Day. For example, just as the human being, with his body beautiful in creation, points to the existence and oneness of his Creator, so too does he testify to the hereafter with the abilities he has that carry samples from the abilities of all the creatures and with his desires and wishes nearing fast to the end though they stretch into the eternity. Sometimes these two ways join. For instance, the order seen in the universe, the beauties in the created, mercy, justice, and preservation testify to the Creator Who is All-Wise, All-Generous, All-Compassionate, All-Just and All-Preserver as well as pointing to and even proving the reality of the hereafter, the closeness of the Final Day and the truth of the eternal bliss.
After all these proofs, there remains no doubt about the existence of the hereafter. The final words to say to the one who does not still believe are these: We must believe in and prepare for the hereafter. If it is true, we become victorious, and those who disbelieve perish. If not, this belief of ours does not cause any harm to us. We become deprived of just some of the pleasures of the world. A poet writes about this:
Both the astrologer and the doctor say:
The dead are not to be resurrected, and I say to you:
If what you say is true, then I am not to get any harm,
But if what I say is true, you are indeed in great danger!
What (harm) would fall upon them, if they believed in God and the Last Day! (An-Nisa Surah, 4:39)
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