#3 of 5 stars
ahb-writes · 5 months
Book Review: 'Ascendance of a Bookworm' #17 (4.5)
Ascendance of a Bookworm, Vol. 17 (Part 4, Volume 5) by Miya Kazuki
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library science
royal academy
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
An intriguing pattern has emerged in terms of Lady Rozemyne's tendency to demand change, as well as of the authority of those who recognize the significance of the change she demands. Notably, the individuals who attune themselves to Rozemyne's wild ideas, and rightfully discern her curiosity as worth revering, are usually two or three degrees removed from positions of high authority. Meanwhile, most people who scoff, disregard, or glance askew whenever the young woman's ideas come to the fore are usually those with the power to make change happen.
ASCENDANCE OF A BOOKWORM v17 completes the remainder of seasons in-between Rozemyne's first and second years at the Royal Academy. She visits the northern region of Groschel, to further establish the paper-making industry, and she tends to myriad events at the castle, including the welcoming of two ladies of Ahrensbach, whom have now married into the family. But Rozemyne's standards for industry growth are high, and her tendency to forget her directives and chat up suspected enemies on tangential topics gives everyone an ulcer. In short, the usual.
The current volume is another collection of awkward and interwoven castle affairs. Naturally, many such events threaten to spiral out of control but never do, which speaks well of the author's sprawling network of subplots, but doesn't do much for readers interested in some decent drama.
For example, when Rozemyne goes to Groschel, she leans on her attendant, Brunhilde, who is native to the area. But their visit is replete with problems: the lower city is deeply impoverished, the nobility is stiff and uncompromising, and the local water supply is polluted. Will the paper-making industry forsake setting down roots in an area with so little social progress? Brunhilde doesn't see much of a problem with simply ordering the commoners to do the tasks and then blaming them when things go wrong. But Rozemyne, careful not to offend but conscientious of the need to be truthful, sets the young woman straight: The people are responsible for the work, true, but the nobility is responsible for the people and their environment; it's all connected.
ASCENDANCE OF A BOOKWORM v17 reinforces the novel series' most essential emerging theme: egalitarianism. Quintessentially Japanese though not without other cultural precedence, the equal delegation of opportunity, the equal expectation of good work, and the shared consequences of failure are fundamental convictions of this novel series.
Counter-navigating an ambush during a wedding ceremony? Appeasing the anxiety of a newlywed woman who once felt trapped in her own home? Staying mindful of the watchful gazes of the surrounding duchies once the new school year begins? In each of these scenarios, Rozemyne must rely on her own wits, as well as the untested virtue of individuals who do not always have the station or authority to make a change. When Lady Aurelia of Ahrensbach marries into the family, will she be bitter and ambitions, or will she be uncertain of her position? When Adolphine of the Duchy of Dunkelfelger keys on Rozemyne at the Royal Academy, is it because she's upholding a promise to the now-graduated Lady Eglantine, or is it because she spies value in the tiny blue-haired girl that no one else sees?
The number of scenes that lend one the impression of foreshadowing are high, but the number of scenes with legitimate action or drama are minimal. Readers may have to wait another volume to see if Philine's brief military training comes in handy, or if Ferdinand's warning about the conflict between the old factions' children usurping their parents ever comes to pass, or if Lady Adolphine's role swerves from pleasant nuisance to legitimate knave.
❯ ❯ Light-Novel Reviews || ahb writes on Good Reads
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 261
“So is no one going to talk about the eldritch space child or…” 
“I mean, do you want to get between a child and Batman? I think the only one who could even get close right now is Superman…” 
“No you’re right, I think- oh my god the eldritch space child is playing with batman’s bat-ears and he’s not doing anything about it what the fuck I thought only Robins could get away with that-” 
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so uhm…
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what if i just died
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what then 🧍‍♀️
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ahb-writes · 9 months
Comics Review: ‘Batgirls’ #1
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Batgirls Vol. 1 by Becky Cloonan My rating: 3 of 5 stars Gotham is on fire. Again. (Still?) And fortunately or unfortunately, by this juncture, fewer and fewer people truly care whether anyone is around to douse the flames. Which could be a good thing for Team Batgirl, whose combined ranks of Gordon, Cain, and Brown might slip among the shadows a little bit easier. But nothing really goes as one hopes when crimefighting in a city on fire. In BATGIRLS v1, readers breeze into the chaos midstream: Team Batgirl fights off a street artist with a knack for mind control, encounters a trio of well-equipped militant extremists, defends against a prodigy hacker, and as often happens when dealing with teenage superheroes, the team, from time to time, must also combat its own stupidity. BATGIRLS v1 successfully executes what many recent iterations of Batgirl have done: blend new stories of familiar heroics for new readers. Barbara Gordon is the big sister with a mind for strategy and gadgetry. Cassandra Cain is a strong, silent, and efficient partner looking for comfort among close friends. And Stephanie Brown, who is especially chatty, hates villainy with a casual efficiency that would be terrifying if she weren't so exceedingly upbeat. Few comics fans who thrive on more parochial ("classic") narrative tales of any of these characters will fall in love with this new comic. But that's okay. For what BATGIRLS v1 hopes to achieve, the character relationships and plotting mostly hit the target. The book struggles to balance its quest to entertain as well as the necessity of narrative focus. Does the team settle on relocating its hideout after a bomb threat, does it pound the pavement in search of an upstart mind-control freak, does it crack down on a hyped-up group of well-armed militants, or does it track down a hacker who has infiltrated Oracle's network? Lots of entertaining stuff. But ultimately very poor focus. Some of these stories are relegated to C-level priority, despite being introduced as a big deal. For others, the reverse feels truer than not. For example, The Saints, sharp assassins bearing some sweet gear, enter the story early only to falter and feather into the background. Team Batgirl gets its butt kicked the first time around, but in the end, the headhunters are a piece of cake. Is this another casualty of Big Two comics promising more than it can deliver? Regardless, it's kind of a letdown. BATGIRLS v1 leans heavily on the antics and dynamics of its co-protagonists. Cass is generally mum, but she doesn't hesitate to voice her opinion when her emotions rise to the fore. Steph is written precisely like a modern teenager, which is to say, she somehow balances being incredibly productive while also being dreadfully annoying. The two girls would make for the center-point of a killer series, when they're older, about Batgirl Roommates. But for now, side stories and commentary involving oddball pajamas, burned pancakes, and pierced ears will have to do. Visually, the comic employs an effective art style that works well with these iterations of Cain and Gordon but doesn't always mesh with Brown's ebullience. The book's sharp, angular, fed-from-the-shadows visual design is inherently cryptic, and more than suitable to the storytelling atmospherics of a city lulled to sleep while still on fire. The art in this book really stands out, from the geometric silhouette of Cain's cape to the incredible color-mix of psychosis and psychedelia readers engage, once fear gas is introduced into the story. Perhaps if the book reduced its villain count and narrowed its narrative trajectory, then the art team's work would've been even more effective. BATGIRLS v1 thrives, but ebbs and flows considerably in the process. The character voices are distinct and the art delivers on all accounts. But the story problematically overloads when it should instead pick and choose its challenges.
Comics Reviews || ahb writes on Good Reads
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gracesledomas · 3 months
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2024 Horror Film Diary ↳Saw III (2006) dir. Darren Lynn Bousman ☆☆☆1/2
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starry-snippets · 1 year
things their stands give you/do for you (jotaro, kakyoin, avdol, giorno, abbacchio)
star platinum is often giving you sea shells, rocks, fossils. you'll go on a walk with jotaro and star plat has gathered a handful of the prettiest conch shells and rocks washed onto the shore. jotaro is a bit embarrassed, but seeing you fascinated by the things star plat (aka jotaro) found interesting makes his cheeks hotter and his stoic disguise melting
hierophant green loves to give you emeralds he makes! the most perfect crystals he'll give to you, always ecstatic to see you enjoy them. he'll also give you beetles and fresh fruit whenever you and kakyoin are outside. yes I think kakyoin is a bug nerd
magicians red acts like a true bird. brings you the shiniest things in hopes to impress you. golden beads, broken chains, doesn't matter what it is you'll store it somewhere safe and watch his eyes light up and a happy caw leave his beak. avdol loves that you entertain his stand. red loves when you make things from the shiny scraps he finds, if you do so you'll make red thrilled and avdol utterly crimson with how precious you are
gold experience is always showing you bugs, magazine pages with animals on them, and different flora. he's curious about them and wants to share that with you. giorno likes seeing you interact positively with gold and will use his abilities to wow you. like turning the pages of the magazine into rose petals. gold also gives you bones. almost a surprising amount of times he's shown you bones
moody blues will play whatever song he's heard you listen to back for you. especially if your headphones aren't working but you need the distraction. moody blues shows they care through auditory experiences, and abbacchio worries you'll find him stalkerish when he sees moody blues playing your favorite songs, but your smile while singing along calms abbacchio's anxieties
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kindrehd · 29 days
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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@swsource​ star wars week: day 2 – Trilogy Wars | The Prequel Trilogy
"I have failed you, Anakin... I have failed you."
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