#2 Hours Of Relaxing Rain
amazingchirping · 2 months
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Minecraft Cabin Building by InfiniteDrift
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supremehealingnature · 8 months
2 Hour | Rain Sounds | Fall Asleep Fast | Reduce Stress | Therapeutic
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skzdarlings · 1 year
02. sharing a bed series ; skz ; lee know
sharing a bed series part 2/8. because it’s the cheesiest most classic trope and it’s FUN.
pairing: lee know/reader content info: sexual content. friends2lovers, sharing a bed trope. reader&minho had an argument. reader gets pussy eaten. minho likes to tease.
inspired by the cinematic masterpiece known to the world as lee know log 9, aka that vlog where minho went camping and i never recovered.
There is a perpetual hum around the campsite, heaters and lamps and cookers buzzing through the night, plus the rain has started coming down harder.  Its restless patter over the tarp of the luxury tent is more a nuisance than relaxing. 
The noise is not why you are still awake.   Your insomnia is the cause of good old-fashioned guilt. 
You and Minho lost your reservation thanks to some traffic delays and the campsite only had single-bed tents available by the time you arrived.  You have been sharing a bed all weekend, but right now you are alone.  Minho stormed out an hour ago, claiming he needed a walk to clear his head after your argument.
The argument you started. 
All weekend, you’ve been testing Minho’s seemingly infallible patience.  Minho might joke around sharply, but he’s a secret softy and it’s hard to get him genuinely angry.  You could feel yourself being a ridiculous ass but, like everything else of late, it felt out of control.  You were like a third party watching your own stupid argument, unable to stop yourself and unable to help him.  He was the mature one, leaving to find some space.
Even if it was after calling you ridiculous and uptight.      
You didn’t cry.  You didn’t let yourself cry.  Maybe you can’t control anything else, but you can control that. 
Now, you just lay in bed and listen to the rain.  You can’t sleep anyway, so you leave the lights on for Minho.   The rain is coming down pretty hard.  You hope he gets back soon.   Much as you don’t want to face him, you are worried about him. 
As if summoned by your thoughts, the tent opens and Minho stomps inside.  He is wearing a backwards hat and a hoodie, neither of which did much to protect him from the downpour.  You look over your shoulder at him, watching him shake himself out.   The wet hat comes off and hits the ground with a slap, the hoodie following.  It leaves him shivering in a t-shirt and shorts, his jaw clenched. 
He turns abruptly, looking right at you.  There is so much intensity in his gaze as he stares at you, slicking his wet hair back.   An unbidden spark of heat bursts inside you.   I want him to look at me like that when he fucks me, you think.  The thought makes you whip away to stare at the white tent wall.  Your heart pounds.   That pounding intensifies when Minho struts up to bed, crossing the space in a few quick strides.  You don’t dare turn around, clutching the blankets and staring at the wall.
He turns off the lights.  Then you hear him leave, disappearing into the small bathroom joined to your tent. 
You exhale.  It takes a while to come down from the burst of adrenaline, but it has mostly dwindled by the time Minho returns.  You hear him moving about in the dark.  You lay straight as a board, your back to him. 
You stare through the dark at nothing.  You know you should apologize for earlier but you can’t bring yourself to speak.   You just breathe. 
Minho climbs into the bed.  It dips under his weight and you feel a flood of warmth from his company.  He has toweled himself dry and changed into sweatpants and a dry t-shirt.  He smells fresh and clean, and just a little woodsy. The bed is not very big so he bumps you as he lays down.  It makes your heart race again, which just makes you cringe. 
The rain has slowed.  It still patters against the roof of the tent, but gently.  
The quiet makes the silence between you even more tense.  It feels heavier than the blankets, dense and suffocating.   You swallow. 
The argument was your fault.  Everything that went wrong this weekend was your fault.  You’ve been on edge and quick to overreaction, uncharacteristic to your usual composure.  You could tell it was worrying Minho but he has never been the type to pry.  No, he waits until he is asked, which would be great if you knew how to ask.  Hug me, hold me, help me.   You don’t know how to ask for the things you want.   So you just continued to spiral, taking it out on him.  
It should be you turning around, you facing him, you apologizing, but it’s Minho who rolls over.  You freeze when he wraps his arms around you and hugs you tight from behind.   He doesn’t quite kiss your shoulder, but he presses his face there for a second.  Wisps of his dyed blonde hair tickle your face.  You can imagine his eyes closing when he sighs. 
“I’m sorry,” he says.  “I shouldn’t have said that shit.  I don’t even know why we were fighting.  Just call it my fault, okay?  I shouldn’t have taken a city girl camping.”   
He is trying to joke with you.  His friendliness is what gets you.  Even after everything, he is still so good to you.   
You put a hand over your mouth, trying to stifle the sound when you start crying.  It’s a useless effort because your shoulders shake and Minho can feel it.  Resigned to your pitiful state, you let your gasps shudder out of you. 
“Hey, hey,” he says, rolling you onto your back.  He wipes his thumbs over your wet cheeks, staring down at you with his brow furrowed in confusion.  “I was just kidding.  I’m sorry.  Take a free slap.”  He grabs your hand and lightly taps his own cheek with it. 
It does make you laugh, but it’s a watery sound, rippling through your tears. 
“Minho,” you say miserably, “I lost my job.” 
Understanding fills his expression.  You can’t bear to look at him, so you roll towards him to hide your face in his chest.   He lets you, wrapping an arm around you and rubbing your back as you make a blubbery mess on his shirt.   You tell him the whole story, about the promotion you lost to someone else, about the sudden downsizing and subsequent firing.   You are someone who functions with meticulous planning so your life being upended sent you hurtling into an unfamiliar state of panic.  
“That’s why I went out alone the other night,” you say.  Your tears have slowed to hiccups by now.  “I know it was stupid and it made you mad.  I just felt like I was gonna explode.” 
Hopping bars and picking up random men is very out of wont for you.   That’s why you did it.  Minho was less than pleased when he found out you went wandering around downtown at night, inebriated and alone.   His scolding was reasonable but you were beyond reason.
He goes stiff when you mention it now, though he doesn’t stop rubbing your back. 
“I wasn’t mad,” he says after a minute.  “I was just worried.  And…”
You peek up at him.  He sighs and groans and yells all at once, an amazing feat of sound, throwing his head back so it thumps hard against the headboard. 
“I was jealous,” he says bitterly. 
“Jealous,” you say.  “Of me?”  
“Yes.”  He gives you a very sarcastic look.   “I wished it was me in that little black dress going out and—no.  Obviously not of you.  Why do you always torture me like this?   Go cry on the floor.”  He jostles you but jokingly, still holding you against him. 
You laugh a little, resting your head on his shoulder.  Your head feels fuzzy and you don’t think it’s from crying.  Minho just admitted he was jealous of you going out with some other guy.   It feels like your heart is doing circus tricks. 
“There was nothing to be jealous of anyway,” you say softly.  “We didn’t do anything.  He insisted he was, um, really good with, uh, his mouth, you know, but then, like, the more he insisted, um, you know me, I started thinking too hard and, um, he couldn’t make me, well…”
“Keep stammering.  It makes me feel less embarrassed about myself.”   
“Minho.”  You slap his chest.  His laugh is more of a maniacal cackle, his demeanour having shifted back to glee at your admission.   You lift your head to look at him, biting your lip, noticing how his eyes go to your mouth.  “He wound up leaving before it could go farther,” you say, your words startling him into meeting your gaze.  You know it’s a petty blow, but you can’t help but admit, “He said I was too uptight and left.”
Minho’s whole face scrunches up like he just got punched in the gut.   
“No,” he says.  “No.   You’re just saying that to bully me.  I didn’t call you the same thing as that idiot.”   
“It’s okay,” you say. 
“No.” He groans again, closing his eyes and kicking his feet.  “Ahhhhhhh.  I should be shot!”  
You are laughing properly now, clinging to him as he squirms in horror.          
“I’m sorry,” you say.  “I didn’t mean to make you feel bad.”
“Oh really?”  He cocks an eyebrow at you, his mouth a grim line. 
“Well.”  You burst into laughter all over again.  “Maybe just a little!” 
He laughs hard at that, shaking his head, but still retaliates by tickling you.  Your laughter turns hysterical, peels of giggles as he pokes every ticklish inch of skin. 
“Minhoooo,” you whine to no avail.  He just grins and continues his attack. 
Your wriggling pushes the blankets off the bed.  You try and whack him with a pillow so that hits the floor too.  Soon it is just you and Minho and some dishevelled bedsheets, you on your back with him leaning over you.   You are both out of breath, both smiling.  His hands are by your head, cradling you under him, while yours are on his chest as if preparing to push. 
The room feels quiet, the silence again tense.  But this tension is not rife with the same uncertainty as before.   It is not guilt or shame, but a longing that comes from the whispered confession that he was jealous of the last man in your bed, the simple reality that he is sharing your bed right now.     
You do not push him away.  You hook your fingers in the collar of his shirt and pull.  His elbows bend as he swoops down, meeting your raised head.  He kisses you, deep and hot and slow, gently pressing your head back into the plush bed.  Your squirming is very different now, legs opening to make room for him to settle between them.  He feels so good on top of you, the feeling of his strong thighs between your legs, of his chest under your hands, wisps of hair brushing your face as he kisses and kisses and kisses you. 
The kiss ends when you are simply too breathless to continue.  He rests his forehead against yours, breathing hard. 
“Wow,” you say softly.  You look at him.  His dark eyes are often severe in a playful way and right now they are intense, seductive, and it isn’t a joke.   You touch his bottom lip, holding his gaze while he kisses the tips of your fingers.   “Just so you know, that kiss was way better than everything that happened the other night.”
He grins at that. 
“Oh,” he says.  “Really?” 
“Yeah.”  You watch him kiss your fingers again, then your palm.  He looks at you as he dips a little lower, kissing the inside of your wrist.  You are hypnotized by the heat of his dark stare, so you speak without thinking much.  “Everything you do turns me on, though,” you say.  “Even earlier, when you were crushing that garlic with the knife—”
His seduction breaks with a little laugh and he raises both eyebrows. 
“Garlic?” he asks.  “The garlic got you hot?”
“Don’t make fun of me,” you say, pouting.  “You already made me cry once tonight…”
“Oh, is that what happened?” he says.  “Sure, okay, let’s play.  I made you cry.   I should make it up to you?”
“Well then.”  He leans in close to kiss you but he lingers for a torturously long time, just hovering above your lips.   Then he abruptly pulls away.  He kneels upright and sits back on his heels.   
Confused, you push yourself up on your elbows.   He is looking around the room and tapping his chin thoughtfully.
“What is it?” you ask.   
“Hmm?”  He looks at you, tilting his head as if you are the confusing one.  “What?  I’m just looking for some garlic, since you’re into that for some reason.  Give me a minute to remember where I put it.”  
“Ahhh, I hate you!”  You flop back down, covering your face with your hands. 
Minho, diabolical creature that he is, throws back his head and laughs.  He tries to pry your hands off your face but you stubbornly hold on.  He sighs with theatrical exasperation and gives up.  
You hear the rustle of fabric.  Curious, you peek between your fingers.  Minho is staring down at you with a single eyebrow cocked, a smug little smirk tugging at his lips.  That smirk grows as he reaches back, flexing his arms before grabbing the back of his t-shirt and pulling.  Your hands fall away from your face completely, your eyes drinking in the gradual reveal of skin as he pulls his shirt off.   It lands somewhere on the floor, forgotten. 
“Okay,” he says, nodding curtly.  “Your turn.”  He makes a come-hither motion with two fingers.  “Come on.  Hurry up.” 
Your brain has short-circuited.  It takes a second to make sense of his request and another minute to actually do it.  You sit up long enough to peel your shirt off, then flop back down where you continue to stare at him.   You are checking each other out, looking up and down.   Your eyes goes over his bare chest and down, your mouth falling open. 
You breath catches when he cups his hardening dick through his sweatpants, rubbing the heel of his hand there. 
You meet his gaze, already breathing harder.
“What else then?” he says, still stroking himself through his clothes as he looks at you. 
“Uh, ah, erm, hm—”
“You said everything I do turns you on.”  He falls forward and catches himself on both hands, so suddenly you gasp.   Once again his arms cage you in, his face close to yours.  His hips come down heavy between your legs, his dick hard where it presses intimately against you.  “So,” he says.  “What else then?” 
“Oh.”  You are staring at his mouth, gaze heavy-lidded when he rocks against you.  “Um.  Well.  Sometimes when you’re driving in reverse and you put your hand on my headrest, it kinda—” 
Once again, his seduction attempt is thwarted when he can’t help but laugh.  He drops his head, laughing harder when you lightly smack him.    
“Stop asking if you’re just gonna laugh!” you say, even while laughing too. 
“Okay,” he says.  “Garlic and driving in reverse.  I’m learning so much.” 
“I’m gonna kill you.” 
“That would be very rude,” he says.  “Especially since I’m about to go down on you.” 
You grab his head instinctively, fingers sinking into the natural dark roots of his dyed hair, just as he dips down to press kisses on your chest.  You arch under him as his mouth finds every sensitive spot, licking sweetly and biting meanly, as to be expected from Minho.  By the time he reaches the waistband of your shorts, you are panting and wriggling and clawing at him desperately.   
You don’t even have time to overthink.  The world and all its troubles fall away for the time being.  
You will figure things out.  You always do.  Right now, you let yourself lose control.   You usually hate the feeling, but in this moment you don’t mind at all, because Minho has you.   You trust him completely.  Surrender is easy.   
The rest of your clothes join the messy heap on the floor.  He runs his hand smoothly along the inside of your thigh before guiding it over his shoulder.   He kisses there, then kisses you excruciatingly chastely between your legs.  When you try and move, he keeps you steady, the sturdy hands that captivated you now holding you firmly in place. 
When he finally stops torturing you, he gives you everything at once: a long, hot lick right up your centre.  Again, your fingers find his hair.  He doesn’t complain or lose focus even though you are scratching at him a bit ferociously.  Ever a skilled worker, he stays on task.  It is so deft and swift and thorough; you get so wet and slippery that you can feel it running it down your skin.  
When you get close, your hips lift but he brings you back.  He looks up between your thighs as he brings you over the edge.  Your legs shake and your eyes close and you bite your hand just a little, trying not to be too noisy in the middle of the night at a campsite. 
He climbs back up when finished, looking like a very smug feline as he wipes his face on the back of his hand.   
“On a scale of garlic to driving in reverse—” he starts. 
You playfully cuff the side of his head. 
“That good?” he continues to tease. 
You roll your eyes but smile.   You think it is a seductive smile, but you do feel a little wrecked.   Still, you stay on task too, sliding your hand down his chest, down, down, down and—
“Oh,” you say.  You look down at the same time as him.  A noticeable wet stain is on the front of his sweatpants.  “You already—”
He flops down beside you and sighs.
“Sorry,” he says.  “You weren’t the only one amazed with my sexy performance.” 
“That’s okay,” you say with a laugh.  You roll over to rest your head on his chest.  His arm comes down around you, hand running down your naked back.  You giggle when he cups and squeezes your ass.  You dance your fingers down his pants to the wet spot where he came.  “I think it’s kinda hot, actually.” 
Minho came from eating you out.  Of course you think it’s hot. 
And of course he has to be Minho about it. 
“Okay,” he says.  “Garlic. Driving in reverse.  Premature ejaculation.  Uptight was definitely the wrong word.  I honestly don’t know if I can keep up with a freak like you—”
“Ugh!”  You roll away and turn your back to him, mostly to hide the fact you are laughing at his stupid joke. 
He follows you, wrapping his arms around you and hugging you from behind.  This time he kisses your shoulder properly, once, twice, three times.  All the way up your neck to your ear and just behind it. 
“You’re lucky I like you so much,” you whisper. 
“I like you too,” he whispers back, kissing your shoulder again. 
You smile and close your eyes, listening to the rain and letting yourself snuggle safely in his arms. 
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tatoda · 11 months
Seeing you | college!conrad x fem!reader
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summary: you come to surprise conrad at college on a rainy night
pairing: college!conrad x fem!teader
warnings: SMUT!! fem receiving, piv, conrad pleasing reader, soft sex, male receiving CHARACTERS ARE 18
wc: 2.1K
sorry if it's not really put together but I did try my best sorry if there are any mistakes
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The drive to Brown was horrible tonight. It’s as if it was raining cats and dogs. But you told yourself nothing would stop you from seeing your boyfriend. You had a horrible week back at home. Your sister Belly was making you help her with trigonometry, and the only person you learned from was Conrad but he was busy this whole week with finals. Belly would take up all your free time when you weren’t doing your classes online. You decided to stay home your first 2 years and do online to help with Susannah and your mom as they both were going through a lot. But to your siblings, that just meant you’re always home for them to ask you for anything.
The rain calmed down as you entered the campus. He didn’t know you were coming but he did text you and tell you he has the weekend free to rest until his next final on monday. You wouldn’t be lying if you said that you cried the 3 hours of driving you did and all of connie’s texts were going unanswered so he became worried. He called Steven who told him you were sleeping— he was in on the surprise.
Pulling up to his dorm building you parked the car and grabbed your bag before running through the rain to the entrance. You tried to use the backpack as an umbrella but it didn’t work as your clothes got damp. Walking to the elevator it opened and you clicked the top floor. It felt like the machine was taking forever because he was just a few feet away. And it’s been almost 3 weeks since you saw him last. The sliding doors opened and you speed-walked to his door. Standing in front of it, you knocked breathing out of your mouth.
“coming!” the familiar voice yelled out and the door opened to his beautiful face
“hi.” you softly spoke scared he didn’t want you here but he didn’t say anything just ran and picked you up holding you close to him
“oh my gosh.” his head was in your neck breathing in your scent “you’re here.” he looked back at your teary face
“i missed you.” he wiped a fallen tear
“don’t cry.” he kissed your forehead running his hands through your damp hair “you drove in this rain?” worry struck his face
“i needed to see you.” both his hands cupped your face
“i was so worried when you didn’t answer and then steven said you were sleeping, i didn’t believe him.” he laughed and you shook your head at your young brother
“can i come in?” he moved and let you into the dorm room. his roommate was gone and conrad’s side of the room was neatly made just like he always did in cousins
“my roommate finished his finals so he’s gone.” the door closed behind you as you dropped your bag pealing off your jacket before flopping on his bed “dork.” he chuckled and climbed behind you bringing him towards you. “missed you,” he mumbled
“not possible i missed you more.” you turned around in his arms taking in his face. his thumb slowly drifted across your face
“i’m sorry that i was so busy, i know you were having a hard week.” you shook your head
“just had no time to relax. Belly needed help with trig and it got to a point i couldn’t understand, and then steven called me one night at like three am drunk asking for a ride when i had work at five. my mom was all over the place with your mom and it was a mess.” he didn’t interrupt you he just listened
“i’m sorry i couldn’t be there, you know jere can help too.”
“jere was drunk with steven.”
“of course he was.” conrad laughed “well i’m almost done with finals so i’m gonna be all yours.” he sighed bringing you closer to kiss you softly and you brought your hands up to his soft hair that you missed so much. the kiss depended as he moved to get on top of you putting his weight on you “missed you so much, gosh,” he whispered against your lips
“show me.” his eyes darkened as those words came out of your mouth.
“baby,” he mumbled looking down at you
“con, i’ve missed you so much, please. it’s been forever since you touched me.” a small smirk grew on his face before he leaned down to kiss your lips softly and then slowly descend down to your neck, but his lips stayed there as his hand drifted down towards the waistband of your sweatpants “please”
He didn’t have to be told twice by you. Conrad let his hand slip under your underwear and finally makes contact with you feeling the effect he has on you. His fingers started slowly circling your clit and it made you buck your hips into him feeling the hard pressure from him against you. He didn’t focus on that. Only you. He wanted to make sure you were satisfied. He could wait. As he teased you around your entrance his lips stopped kissing your neck and he looked into your eyes lovingly.
“hi,” you breathed into him as he ran a finger over you again
“hi baby.” he smiled down at you and slipped a finger inside of you catching your mouth in a gasp he kissed you “like that?” you nodded fast against him as he slowly moved in and out of you “so pretty.” he kissed the tip of your nose as he moved his thumb to play with your clit again circling it just how you liked it
“con.” you bucked into him again
“i’m not gonna let you cum, don’t you worry we’re gonna do that together.” he moved faster on the spot you needed him most before pulling out of you when he knew you were getting close
“yeah, yeah.” you sighed and conrad peeled off his shirt over his head and then helped you out of yours to see the lace bra you were wearing
“for me?” you leaned back on your elbows giving him a nice view
“the one and only.” he chuckled before you grabbed the side of his face and brought your lips back together. you slightly lifted yourself and unclipped your bra letting it fall between the both of your bodies. conrad sighed as he looked at your tits wondering how he got so lucky. he then moved both his hands to your waistband and separated from you
“you sure? i just thought you would be tired from the drive.” you couldn’t help but smile at him as he was the most caring and loving boy you have ever met
“for you, always.” he didn’t need another word before dragging both your underwear and pants down and tossed them off the bed to the floor
“careful connie gonna get your room dirty.”
“i’m only fine with that if you cause the mess.” he connected your lips once more as your hands drifted to his jeans. you could do this blindfolded anytime any day of the week. the button popped and you rolled the zipper down and pushed the fabric past his thighs, conrad groaned as it went past his hard erection
“fuck.” he fell to your shoulder
“seems like someone missed me,” you said kissing the side of his head
“give me a break, there’s so much phone sex with you can do.” you couldn’t respond as he bit down on your neck. next thing you knew his boxers were off and he was reaching into his side table for a condom. you designed the box where he kept them as it said ‘for y/n use only’ which you loved and conrad laughed as you gave it to him for his birthday. he ripped open the package and you relaxed on the bed as he slipped the condom on “soft tonight okay? missed you too much.” biting your lip you nodded as he breathed out lining up to you before pushing in little by little getting used to you again
“conrad.” you gasped digging your nails into his back
“i know baby, we have to get used to it again.” he moved a little more as a small whimper came out of you
“just go all the way. this is too much.” he listened to your words and pushed more into you
“fuck!” he bottomed out catching his breath and looked down at your closed-eyed figure “look at me.” he moved your hair from your face and your eyes opened to his pretty face “if it becomes too much, you let me know.”
“okay, i promise.” he relaxed onto you and moved his hips out before pushing them back into you causing both of you to groan
“j-just don’t moan too loud, i got neighbors.” he breathed out. last time you both had sex here conrad got a noise complaint and if he got a second one it would be his last warning for any visitors
“sorry.” you whispered against his lips and his hips slowed movements letting you feel him “don’t slow down.”
“just needed to feel you.” he dipped his head into the crook of your neck holding you close as if he wasn’t inside of you close enough already, you squeezed around him and his body jolted “if you do that again i will cum, and i really don’t want that.”
“then fuck me conrad.” he lifted his head as his eyes darkened over yours
“yes ma’am.” he pulled out all the way and slammed his hips back into yours the sound of skin slapping echoed around the room, he did that multiple times. it wasn’t hard it was telling and passion
As your breaths mixed you both slowly started to lose control. His hips got sloppy and that was a sigh he was getting closer to his edge. But something about conrad is he never wanted to finish first, he wanted you to have to spotlight before he finished after you.
“cant last much longer.” he grabbed one of your hands bringing it above your head and interlocking your fingers together as he looked down between the both of you and where you were connected
“me too.” you arched your back as he hit a spot like never before “fuck.” the man above you continued to hit that g-spot and you started to shake uncontrollably “con-“ he brought his lips down to your mouth and dragged one more thrust before you came, he slowed his movements letting you relax.
“i got you.” he pushed some of your hair away from your face
“did you finish?” the answer was no. he wanted you to feel special even before he could ever
“no it’s okay, i wanted it to be about you-“ you cut him off flipping both of you over carefully as the twin bed didn’t have much room. you slipped the condom off tying it and tossed it in his trash can
“y/n.” he sighed laying back on full display for you
“let me take care of you now.” leaning down his hard erection stayed up, red at the tip wanted to release
“do something baby.” you nodded before taking him all in your mouth
“god i love it when you do that.” using your hands you stroked what you couldn’t fit in your mouth and he bucked into your mouth hearing a gagging sound come from your throat “sorry.” but you ignored him coming up and sucking on the tip before going down again “cumming.” he groaned out and the warm texture filled your mouth some falling out past your lips “fuck, fuck” he held your head in place slowly pumping to get the rest out “good girl.” he sighed and fell back onto his pillow as you swallowed what you could then grabbing his shirt to clean the both of you
“good?” you wanted to make it everything he wanted
“amazing, come here.” he reached for you and you grabbed the blanket at the end of the bed before cuddling into his side covering the think texture over the two of you “i love you.” he looked down at your face
“i love you.” leaning up to kiss him softly he could taste himself on you and he knew there would be many more rounds tomorrow “thank you for visiting.”
“of course, i’d be lost without you conrad fisher.” and you closed your eyes driving off to sleep as he realized, he was gonna marry you one day.
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tpixx · 2 years
Gentle Tropical Rain - 2 Hours of Rain Sounds to Sleep, Study and Relax
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dr3c0mix · 9 months
Can we get more Goth yandere? Like when he offered us the chance to read those dark fairytales together I imagine us in his bed on a rainy day and a candle is lit and we’re snuggled up next to him reading about the darkest shit ever and he’s stuttering because he’s so nervous. Like we’re both under the blankets with our leg over his
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*sniff* man..
Yandere! Goth x GN! Reader Pt. 2
🥀 He was dreaming right? This was a dream? Yeah it's a totally a dream!
🥀 No it's not a dream..
🥀 "Jas? So is it your place or mine?" Your voice snaps him out of his trance.
🥀 "Wh-oh! Uhm, y-you can come over to my place if..thats ok.." He's trying to keep calm, but the fact that you're coming over to his house is almost unreal to him!
🥀 The two of you have been partnered up for a science project and you wanted to work on in together at home.
🥀 Jasper was trying not to pass out from happiness over the prospect of hanging out with you without anyone to bother you two, maybe he can finally make a move!
🥀 You walk home with him, and you arrive at his house. It was a grey house with dark blue tiles on the roof. The yard was filled with bushes and vines that grew everywhere, it was rather charming.
🥀 Your both enter and you're greeting by his mom. She was in the middle of cooking when she greeted you sweetly.
🥀 "Why hello dear! I've never seen Jasper bring home a friend before! I'm so glad he's making friends in school!" She smiles.
🥀 Jasper blushes and pouts "Mom of course I have friends.." he laughs, giving his mom a big hug.
🥀 "Awe I know sweetie, now you two come in! I'm making dinner!" She shoos us away from the kitchen so she could cook, and we run up the stairs to his room.
🥀 His room was full of posters and fairy lights; it was gloomy but in a weirdly comforting way. You could see shelves full of curiosities like a jar full of what seemed like raw ore and..is that the pen you lost?
🥀 Jasper lights a few candles which were scented like flowers, and he sits down on his desk "So where do we start?" he smiles.
🥀 The whole time you were working on the project, Jasper was smiling like an idiot. The thought of you spending time with him in his room sent him over the moon!
🥀 Whenever you leaned near him to look at his laptop, he may or may not have gotten a whiff of your hair..
🥀 A few hours pass, and it's started raining. Jonesy came into the room to sleep in our lap as you two finished up the report.
🥀 "Huh, that's weird. Jonesy hates anyone that isn't me or my mom.." Jasper smiles as he pets the little black cat on your lap.
🥀 You joke that you're his second parent and Jasper turns bright red and starts stuttering like crazy. "R-really? I-I mean you can if you wanna I'm not stopping you! N-not like I'm asking you to be my partner of anything right? I mean it's just a cat! Hahah..yeah.."
🥀 You smile at him and laugh before looking around his room again, complimenting his decor.
🥀 "Th-thanks..Oh! I promised you I'd show you my books! I just got Dante's Inferno! You wanna read it with me?" He asks happily.
🥀 You agree and he gets the book, the two of you lying on his bed as he opens a lamp and starts reading, but he's utterly crap at not stuttering every 10 words.
🥀 He could feel you leaning on his shoulder, your bodies getting closer with each paged turned, it was both exciting and calming to him.
🥀 Jonesy jumps off the bed and out the room as the two of you read.
🥀 The atmosphere was so relaxing, the soft glow of the candles and fairy lights in the room and the rain tapping against the window was like a river flowing all your worries and anxieties away.
🥀 Soon enough the two of you drift off to sleep, cuddling eachother with the book discarded on the floor, Jasper held you close to his chest as your legs were tangled together under his blanket.
🥀 "Kids? Time for- oh.." Jasper's mom quiet's down as she peeks in and sees us sleeping together. She giggles and gently closes the door and picking up Jonesy. "We should let them rest for a bit Jonesy.." She smiles as she goes back down.
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ggwritesstuff · 6 months
hey!! Could you do a fic with finnick odair where r was in the blood rain during the quarter quell and is really shook up from it and finnick helps her clean up and calm down? Thanks!!!
Here Now, Here Always.
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pairing: finnick odair x reader
warnings: the quarter quell blood rain, brief discussions of trauma, mostly just some finn comfort, not totally proofread
a/n: anon!! thank u so much this took me out of my writing drought :,) i made a few tweaks to the original idea but i hope u still enjoy <3
a/n pt 2: please forgive my formatting if it’s awful i haven’t had to format a post on here in a LOOONG time
It’s been years since the Quarter Quell where the blood rain incident occurred. Caught in the middle of the forest as a viscous, crimson red rained down on you; flooding the divots and lapses in the ground around you and pooling up to your calves in some areas. If it weren’t for Finnick, you would have been another victor turned fallen tribute in the sky that night. The onslaught of blood could’ve flooded and drowned you where you stood with how paralyzed your fear had rendered you. But Finnick, ever the heroic type, came to your rescue. Dodging puddles with every careful step until he reached you, hauling you over his shoulder and carrying you to the shore where he cleaned you up and calmed you down.
The rest was history. You had left that arena with Finnick who has hardly left your side since. However, you also left with the horrific image of your lover drenched in that blood rain. It still haunts you to this day. Especially when it’s raining, like it is tonight.
You’d been tossing and turning for the last hour, the drizzle against yours and Finnick’s bedroom window keeping you awake, plaguing your tired mind with the memories of that day. You felt silly being kept awake by it, unable to relax. You knew that logically, of course it was a normal rainfall. However, trauma doesn’t care much for logic. So you fumbled around in bed for what felt like hours until you felt Finnick’s side of the bed move a bit as he turned to face you.
“You okay, hon?” He asked, his voice soft yet still gruff with sleep. His large, calloused hand reached for your face, landing gently on your cheek as he stroked it with his thumb. You nodded silently to his question, and though his eyes were still bleary he could feel the motion you made.
“Rain keepin’ you up?” You nodded again. Finnick then moved to pull you closer, bringing your back flush to his chest, “S’okay, m’right here sweetheart.” He mumbled sleepily, snaking a strong arm under yours and around your waist. He was so warm against you, your own personal furnace as you’ve called him before. A personal armory of weapons couldn’t make you feel safer than you do with Finnick.
The rain continued to beat against the bedroom window, only now your eyelids were finally growing tired as you were wrapped in Finnick’s protective embrace. He was there during the blood rain. He was there for every rainfall since, comforting and assuring you that you were safe. He’s here now, and he always will be.
“Love you, Finny.” You whispered, intertwining your fingers with his own and bringing his hand to your lips, pressing a gentle kiss to the warm, ever tanned skin.
“Love you more, dear.” He whispered back, the feeling of his lips against the soft skin of your neck the last thing you feel before finally falling asleep.
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prettyprettypaci2 · 3 months
Drool - Part 2
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💊 Part 1 💊
"Well someone has ants in their pants! Are you excited to have a room all to yourself?"
Your jaw would drop if it weren't already anchored open by the giant pink pacifier bobbing stupidly in your mouth. You try to catch your breath, but it isn't a simple task. The only way you can comfortably inhale is to gum the firm, rubbery shaft in a regular rhythm, suckling like a lamb as you breathe through your nose in soft, short bursts. The metronome of your squeaking and puffing is interrupted only by sporadic, thunderous slurps, when your full mouth is no longer able to accomodate the ocean of spit spilling out from under your flattened tongue. Any saliva you're unable to swallow bubbles out from behind the shield of the pacifier in a geyser of slimy drool. It glazes your cheeks and chin before draining pitifully onto the front of the tight, cloth bib wrapped around your neck.
And yet, despite the bizarre predicament you find yourself in -- uselessly pawing at your thin paper hospital gown in a pair of pink mitten restraints -- the sight of this bedroom plunges you further into the depths of astonishment.
The pastel purple accent wall is dominated by a life-sized mural of a bashful unicorn, which trots gaily along a rainbow road. A small dresser stands in the opposite corner, painted in the same cream-white and pink trim as the heavy fiberglass guardrails of the hospital-style bed. The large flatscreen television suspended from a high wall is already turned on: a cartoon bunny wearing shortalls stares down at you, singing hypnotically about his favorite letters of the alphabet. The entrance to the small bathroom -- tiled in bubblegum pink -- has no door, and is fully visible from the hallway when the room's privacy curtain is drawn open.
"Nnnngggh eehn ahhee nnggh?" You gurgle in confusion to Nurse Molly, tickling your nose with the spit bubbles that froth up behind the shield of your pacifier. This can't possibly be the room they assigned for you! What is going on here? Unable to bite your lip or scratch yourself to ease your anxiety, you stomp and shuffle awkwardly in the pink jelly sandals you had been given to wear with the matching hospital gown. You use the round, squishy toe of your right shoe to play with the jelly strap of your left, lightly skinning the back of your ankle in the process.
"Sorry, honey," Nurse Molly replies with a dismissive smile. "It'll be tough for us to have a chat during your oral treatments. Before we get you settled in, we need to do something about your fidgeting; you're going to trip and hurt yourself dancing around like that."
Nurse Molly reaches into the pocket of her pink scrubs before playfully shaking an orange cylinder of pills in front of your dripping face.
"These -- " she rattles the container again, as if teasing you with an enticing treat. " -- are a simple muscle relaxer. While our program is set up to address the root cause of your tics, medication can provide some short-term relief in the early stages of treatment. These pills might make your arms and legs feel a little funny, so it's best if you lie down for an hour or two after taking them, until we find a good dosage."
Nurse Molly walks over to the bed and releases a latch under one of the fiberglass guardrails. The chunky, solid barriers of poured white plastic fold down, granting you ingress to the elevated mattress.
You hesitate, feeling the gentle rain of spittle on your chin as you once again behold the giant unicorn on the wall. Everything about this situation feels wrong, and yet Nurse Molly's impassive assurances are filled with so much promise. You imagine the life you could be living soon: no longer afraid to speak in public, no longer drawing looks of concern from your scratching and biting, no longer annoying your peers with shaking legs or incessant tapping...
In defiance of your gut instinct, you climb up onto the bed. Nurse Molly guides you into a supine position as you struggle to gain purchase with your slippery, balled mittens. Soon, she has you on your back, staring up at the dumb cartoon as you paw nervously at the guardrails.
"Stay right there, honey," Nurse Molly retreats to the pink-tiled bathroom and you hear the sound of running water. When she returns to your side, your eyes flutter in shock. She seems to have found an enormous plastic bottle with a wide rubber nipple cap, and filled it to the brim.
"It's important to take these pills with lots of fluids. The water carries the medicine throughout your body and helps it take action more quickly," Nurse Molly explains with clinical confidence. Your lips tingle as Nurse Molly firmly grips the shield of your pacifier with a finger and thumb, sliding the silicone shaft out along the curve of your tongue like a damp carrot being plucked from the ground. You grimace as you watch a thick, cloudy rope of saliva chase the shaft of the pacifier through the air for several inches, then collapse like a heavy bridge onto the front of your soaked bib.
Despite the humilation, you take a moment to rejoice in the feeling of emptiness in your mouth. Your teeth feel strange as they involuntarily clamp down on your bottom lip -- almost like they had shifted slightly to accomodate the bulging, rubbery guest that had come to join them.
"It's worse than I thought," Nurse Molly coos with concern, holding your drool-coated chin with a gloved hand as she massages the inside of your lower lip with her thumb. "We won't be able to leave you without the oral device for long. Until I can consult with the doctor, we're going to keep it in whenever you're not eating or drinking."
"B-b-but -- " The taste of latex from Nurse Molly's gloved thumb is replaced by the slightly bitter flavor of three large pills, which begin dissolving as she drops them onto your tongue. Your stammering attempt at speech is both literally and figuratively drowned as your doting caretaker tips the plastic bottle upside-down, sliding the rubber cap between your slick, drooly lips.
"Soon, all those squirmies are going to go away," she says breezily, squeezing the bottle so that you're forced to gulp down the fountain of cold water. "You'll feel so relaxed...so calm..."
The minutes tick by slowly as Nurse Molly continues to empty the bottle down your throat. You're cognizant of the cartoon playing on the television, but the sing-song of the character voices seems to melt into the background. Your arms do feel a bit funny...and heavy...like they would struggle to lift their own weight...
By the time the bottle announces its emptiness with a few notes of airy suction, your tongue is lolling lazily in your mouth. You don't feel intoxicated, just...
You want to say something else before Nurse Molly eases the pacifier back into your pliant mouth, but it feels like it would take too much effort. Once again stuffed full with the bulbous shaft, you barely take notice of the pink leather strap she loops around the back of your head and through two holes in the pacifier's bobbing shield. It's now snugly secured to your suckling lips.
"We can't have it falling out if you decide to take a nap," she grins, taking a moment to wipe your chin with the saturated bib. "I'm going to go check in on some other patients. Why don't you take it easy for a bit?"
Lifting and locking the fiberglass guardrails back into place, Nurse Molly pulls the privacy curtain of your room closed before leaving you alone with the sickly sweet sing-alongs of the cartoon show. You wish she had left you with the remote so you could change the channel, but realize your dumb mittened hands couldn't work the buttons anyway. Your body seems to melt into the mattress as you're forced to listen to the cartoon rabbit's next song.
"Sometimes it's sunny and sometimes it pours!"
The muscle relaxers seem to be hitting even harder. You can barely keep your eyes open.
"When it rains outside, the puppy dog snores!"
You realize with some anxiety that you can't feel your legs anymore. The whole lower half of your body has gone limp.
"Thank you Mr. Cloud, because when we're awake,"
Something feels...warm...
"We'll dance in the puddles you're about to make!"
💊 Part 3 💊
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yuquinzel · 1 year
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— feat ⨾ itoshi sae, itoshi rin, nagi seishiro, mikage reo.
— contents ⨾ fluff, angst.
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ITOSHI SAE + second chance at love !
it's raw with desperation and fear and hope— the way sae's fingers are clutching the fabric of your shirt. it's wasn't supposed to be this way. he kisses the tears trailing down your cheeks, “you said it was over. you said it wasn't worth it. you said you didn't want—” you choke on your own words, hand closing in fists on your sides when sae mutters breathlessly, “i didn't mean it, never ever.” he says. something like guilt burns in his eyes, a taste of regret on his lips, uncertainty and impatience in his hastened breaths.
it's crazy, you think. the way he still has that effect he had on you years ago when you were both seventeen in the airport terminal, teary eyes and staggered breaths. when the fear that the distance would tear you apart first took over, and sae stopped believing. when you looked away from him for the first time and he didn't reach out to wipe your tears. it wasn't supposed to be this way. he was back after four years and you weren't supposed to be in his arms. you promised yourself you'd talk like old friends do, and he trusted himself that he wouldn't say anything to try and make you stay.
“i think it can work, you and me, us. just the two of us and it'll be enough.” you know these words have burned on his tongue for long, because they're warm on your lips. you're kissing him back like it's only natural to do so.“i'm already yours, always have been.” he murmurs.
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ITOSHI RIN + childhood friends to lovers !
it's the warm and golden hues of the setting sun melting into the evening blues, splattered colours of contrast coming together— the mark of a newborn eve, the smell of wet earth after the first shower of spring and the cool caress of the breeze. rin is standing by the entrance gates to your school, leaning against the wall, head rested to the side as he waits for you.
you think you're caught in a trance. his back covers the remnants of the sunlight like the moon eclipsing the sun, casting shadows of orange glows. when he breathes, the shadows dance with him. he frowns in wait, and you catch up to him. when you smile, it's almost melancholy, “what's got you smiling like that?” rin eyes the solemn curve of your lips.
“hmm? i think it's ’cause i like you.” the words bleed from your voice in saccharine hues, in bittersweet whispers of unrequited love and fear that maybe you've ruined the carefully painted mosaic of years of knowing rin and the sea green gleam of his eyes, the quiet hums and smiles only you know, the knowledge that he doesn't know how to make paper planes, summer nights of horror movie marathons and trading ice creams.
rin parts his lips, eyes as wide as saucers. he sucks a breath in— searching for the second you say you're joking, “do you mean that?”
you nod and rin's arms swallow you whole, chests pressed so close your heartbeats sync and improvise as one.
“i like you too, really like you.” he breathes into your neck— lingers of relief and gratitude like he's breathing for the first time.
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NAGI SEISHIRO + forced proximity !
past 2 am into the late hours of midnight blues and the heavy patters rain against the glass window, reduced to background noise because you're subconsciously trying to trace the steady pattern of nagi's breathing, eyes skimming the fall and rise of his chest every two seconds.
you've been awake since thunder rumbled the walls of your temporarily-shared bedroom for the first time tonight. some fun, memorable just-close-friends trip this is. perhaps it wasn't enough you had to share the bed with someone, maybe it's truly because that someone happened to be nagi seishiro that you can't sleep at all. you're conscious of every breath he takes, how his body expands and relaxes. the heat of your bodies melding as one like a blanket of second warmth over you. “you still awake?” you ask, low and soft. nagi hums, “mhm, if you still are.”
his voice is nothing but a breath of the comfort of not being alone, exhaustion from the day clawing at his throat. “you can sleep if you want.” you say, it's whispered into the night— a silent thank you because he's letting you know he's here as long as you want him, “i wanna stay like this.” he urges, bringing a hand to brush your hair behind your ear and you let him. you let him hook his arm around your waist, foreheads brushing lightly, breaths tangling in knots and lips seconds away from meeting. you watch the curve of his lips, how they move to form words, “i like this more.”
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MIKAGE REO + fake relationship !
you think reo had always looked like midsummer nights adorned with princely smiles and bubbles of champagne in the glass, glitters of neon city lights against damp car windows, juvenile secrets traded as i love you's with the hope it lasts forever. ( it doesn't. )
it lingers in the way he kisses you these days— a small talk to fill in loud silences, pretense and improvised. you kiss him back— a lullaby of aching heartbreak, unrequited and young. it almost makes you forget about the blinding flashes of camera lights, hurrying to capture the moment mikage reo is seen with his partner.
it's just like he had asked you to, “date me” he'd said, missing the way your eyes lit up, “it doesn't have to be real, just enough so my parents stop setting me up for blind dates.”
“i don't think i can do this anymore.” your voice breaks, eyes refusing to meet his.
“what? why?—” he rushes close and you step back, “it's getting too real for me, i can't.”
he pauses— ponders your words, lets them replay in his mind over and over again, “...and you don't want that?” you do. so much that you said yes before thinking when he first proposed this, “what about you, reo? this... this means nothing to you right? none of th—”
“it does”, his voice is almost begging, “it means everything to me. you do. it's you and it's always been you.” he looks at you, wondering if he should continue. he does anyway, “it's real. i loved you every time i said it, every time i didn't say it. I'll say it again if you want me to—” and you hear it, like it's always been there, like it's all he's ever known, “— i love you, y/n.”
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© yuquinzel2023 [ plagiarism is a violation of moral rights ! ]
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hier--soir · 1 year
whole new can of worms
joel miller x f!reader
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rating: explicit, 18+ mdni summary: two friends decide to blow off a little steam together. warnings/tags: [18+ minors DNI] fwb!joel, famous HOG joel miller lmao, age gap [20 years], language, alcohol consumption, established friendship, guitar playing joel!!, oral [f and m recieving], p in v sex, starts slow and careful and ends up rough oops. word count: 6.9k (nice) series masterlist | masterlist a/n: okay LOOK. i’m working on a final part to this little impromptu series, but I got very side-tracked with the idea of a prequel and then the most smut I’ve ever written just fucking spilled out of me. this is the first time they had sex, ladies and gentlemen. you get the beginning before you get the end. enjoy. also, this moment from tlou pt 2 game is what i was picturing for the beginning when joel is playing the song. dont watch if you don't want to, its from a cut scene very late in the second game. zero spoilers, just joel miller strumming that damn guitar in a way i'll never forget. this is part one of my fwb!joel series. you can find the other parts here: two, three, four.
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“Play that one I like.”
Joel offered no verbal response, but sat up straighter in his chair, fingers adjusting along the fretboard of his guitar. You relaxed into your seat, closing your eyes and taking a long sip from your glass of amber liquor.
He began playing and you smiled happily, goosebumps breaking out across your skin as the familiar tune filled the air between you and your friend, melding with the sound of rain softly pattering against the roof of his veranda. You kicked your feet up onto the table between you, the tense muscles in your legs aching from the stretch.
“Get your feet off the table,” Joel muttered, fingers never ceasing on the instrument. “Animal.”
Your eyes stayed closed, but you stuck your tongue out in his direction, smirking a little and keeping your feet up, knowing he didn’t really mind.   
Both of you had endured a long fucking day.
Winter was fading into Spring, and the trees and plants in Jackson were slowly but surely beginning to bloom again. It meant you were spending more hours in the green house than out on patrol, and you weren’t complaining. Tending to the garden relaxed you, connected you to nature and to one of the food sources in the commune that helped put a little bit of food on everyone’s plate each week. Working there made you feel connected to the town, and you loved it, truly. Except, for when a thunderstorm happened.
They’d scared you for as long as you could remember. Since you were a kid, thunder and lightning had made you want to crawl under the covers on your bed and hide away until the loud noises disappeared. But as a full-grown woman, you weren’t afforded such luxuries. Rain, hail or shine, the people in Jackson depended on each other, and you couldn’t duck out of a shift because of a silly little phobia.
When the rain started pouring down on the glass roof of the greenhouse you hadn’t been surprised. Only a few weeks into springtime, the town was still shaking off the remnants of a bitterly cold winter, and a little rain was still common. It was only when the first crack of thunder sounded that you’d stilled, hands frozen gripping a heavy pot, an unwelcome shiver racing down your spine. You’d had to work for hours, the sound of rain pelting against the roof accompanying you, with flashes of lightning appearing out of the corner of your eye all day.
When all was said and done, you’d trudged through the downpour to Joel’s house and arrived on his doorstep looking like a drowned rat, only to find out that he’d spent his afternoon stuck outside on patrol, in the very weather you were so upset about.
He’d opened the door with damp hair, bundled in warm clothes, the tip of his nose a light shade of pink from the cold.
“Whiskey?” he’d asked.
You nodded. “Whiskey.”
And so the pair of you had ended up on his porch, under cover from the residual spit of rain, forgetting all about the shit day through good company and good alcohol.
As Joel strummed the last few chords of the song you sighed glumly, cracking an eye open to watch him. He set the guitar down gently and reached for his glass.
“So beautiful,” you murmured. “Wish I could play.”
“And then what use would I be?” he chuckled. “Can’t have you learning guitar; I’d have no one to play for anymore.”
You watched him closely. Staring into his glass, you could see him mulling the words over in his head. Ellie had hardly spoken a word to him in weeks, and you could see the toll it was taking, although you never pried. Clearly, something had happened, and although you and Joel were close, you hadn’t wanted to insert yourself into whatever drama had consumed his little found family. It made your chest hurt though, to watch him miss that girl. He’d always loved playing for her.
“Good thing I’m lazy then,” you mused softly. “Swear I couldn’t play an instrument with a gun to my head. I’ll need to keep you around.”
“Works for me,” he said, refilling both your glasses. “You on the patrol roster tomorrow?”
You shook your head, accepting the glass with a grateful smile. A slight buzz warmed your insides, fighting to keep your body temperature up as the cool breeze licked at your exposed hands and face. “Nope, I’m a free agent tomorrow, no responsibilities.”
“God damn,” he rolled his eyes. “Gonna be stuck out there all alone with Tommy.”
“Devastating,” you grinned. “I’m way better company.”
“Too right,” Joel agreed. “What’s your plan for the day, little miss no responsibilities? Still reading that book I found you?”
Probably masturbate. The thought zipped through your mind so suddenly that you felt your chest warm, and you cleared your throat softly.
“Yeah,” you replied. “Probably just read for a while. Dinner at Maria and Tommy's, remember?”
You hoped he didn’t see through the lie, because the truth was that you were embarrassed by yourself. Only a few days before you’d been struck by the realisation that you hadn’t had sex, or even been touched intimately by another person, in months. In fact, you noted sullenly, it had been half a fucking year. And you were struggling. It was your longest dry spell in a while, and every night lately you’d found yourself tangled up in your bed with your hand in your underwear, wishing desperately that someone, anyone, else was there with you.
Trying to ward off the unsavoury thoughts filling your mind, you took a deep gulp of whiskey and shut your eyes, contemplating asking if he had any cigarettes laying around.
Suddenly, a deep groan pierced the air between you and your eyes shot open. What the fuck?
With wide eyes, you saw that Joel was gripping his right leg tightly, thumb rubbing deep circles into the skin above his knee cap, and you forced yourself to relax. A sound of pain, you realised. But your heart had stuttered in your chest, because as out of character as it would’ve been, with your eyes closed it had sounded like a vaguely sexual noise. You rolled your eyes, willing yourself to get a grip. But it had been so long, and the sound of a man groaning in any way was enough to light a fire in your stomach.
“It’s the cold,” he noticed your stare. “Makes my knee ache.”
You nodded knowingly, eyes watching as his large hand gripped his thigh, applying pressure to the tender area.
“What’s up your ass?” Joel asked.
“Huh?” your gaze flashed up to meet his and found him watching you closely, eyebrows furrowed.
“You’re frownin’,” he said. “Gone all quiet suddenly.”
“So are you,” you huffed defensively, face warming. “You always fucking frown, I can’t do it one time?”
“No,” he grinned cheekily, stilling rubbing his knee. “I frown enough for the both of us. You can figure somethin’ else out.”  
You let out a begrudging chuckle and felt the indent between your eyebrows relax.
“Seriously,” he pushed. “What’s wrong? Is it too cold? We should move inside.”
“No,” you cringed, scratching the side of your neck awkwardly. Lowering your legs off the table you sat up a little straighter in your chair. “It’s good out here, I like it. I’m just… distracted, I don’t know.”
“What’s on your mind?” he sipped his whiskey.
Without needing any more prompting, you gave up on beating around the bush. “When’s the last time you had sex?”
A choked sound escaped him, and he swallowed quickly, coughing into his elbow. “Christ, what?”
“I’m not,” your cheeks were on fire. “I’m not thinking about you having sex, relax. I was thinking about me having sex. Or not having sex, to be more precise.”
He coughed again, an awkward expression flashing across his face.
You and Joel had been friends for a few years now, since he and Ellie returned to Jackson and decided to settle in the commune. After being friends with Tommy for a few years before that, you’d fallen into a natural friendship with his older brother. It was no secret that there was 20 odd year age difference between you and Joel, but in a post-apocalyptic world, it had never phased either of you. Friends were friends, and an age gap didn’t impact much. But sex was a topic that had seldom come up in conversation over those few years. Here and there maybe, but never in detail, and never so candidly.
“I almost walked in on Shae and Petra fucking the other day,” you continued plainly. “She was late for patrol, so I went over to see if she’d slept in, and I could hear them from outside the fucking house. Stood there like an ass for a minute, just listening like a creep.”
Joel watched you closely, and you noticed his hand gripped his glass a little tighter, fingertips white from the pressure “You… listened?”
“Don’t look at me like that,” you cringed, rubbing a hand over your face shamefully. “Just for a fucking second. Hadn’t realised how long it had been, and it was like my feet wouldn’t move.”
“I see.”
“You better not tell a soul about this,” you pointed at him threateningly. “I’ll end you if anybody finds out, Miller. I swear.”
“I believe you,” he snorted, holding his hands up in surrender. “My lips are sealed.”
You relaxed a little, relieved to discover that he wasn’t going to be as awkward about it as you’d first feared.
“How long has it been?”
Your eyes ticked up to stare at him again. “Like, six months or something.”
Joel let out a low whistle and nodded slowly, sipping from the crystal tumbler in his hand. “You poor soul.”
“Oh, come off it,” you scoffed in disbelief. “Don’t tell me you’re having sex and I’m not? This just keeps getting worse.”
“Fuck you,” he drawled mockingly, that deep Texan accent making you grin. “Would it be such a surprise if I was?”
“S’just bullshit,” you glowered, picking at your nails in frustration. Traces of soil still lined the creases in your palms and you rubbed at it furiously, in a fruitless attempt at cleaning them.  
“I’m not,” is all he said, and you frowned at him in confusion. “Havin’ sex,” he added with a smirk. "And it's been longer for me, so quit your whinin'."
You raised your eyebrows, appreciating the honesty. “Well thank god I’m not the only one.”
“Don’t know when I would,” he shrugged simply. “And who would I be having sex with, anyways? Spend all my fuckin’ time on patrol listening to Tommy talk for hours, or I’m sleepin’, or I’m with you.”
The thought itched so suddenly at the back of your brain, and you fought against it, shaking your head ever so slightly to push it away. Don’t think that. But it was persistent, and after a few moments of silence, your mind was filled with thoughts of you and Joel Miller fucking.
Admittedly, it was something you’d thought about once or twice when you’d first met him. He was a handsome guy, and his arrival in Jackson had definitely caused a stir among the women in the commune. But you’d fallen into a friendship so quickly, so comfortably, that the thought had never reared its ugly head again. Until now.
You watched him for a moment. His hair was dry at that point, and short messy curls framed his face and neck. He had neat dark facial hair, with sweet specks of ashy grey mixed in here and there. That familiar scar on the bridge of his nose. Lips that had gone a darker shade of pink from the cold, that you’d never realised looked quite so… plush. Eyes trailing down, your gaze raked over his hands. Long, calloused fingers that wrapped around almost the entirety of his glass. the warmth in your stomach spread downward, and you knew you should feel embarrassed at where your brain was taking you, but you couldn’t stop yourself. Images flashed through your mind of his hands gripping you like that. Fingers leaving marks on your thighs, on your neck. You shivered, looking away quickly.
“Fuck,” you sighed quietly, not even caring if he heard.
“Hey,” he said softly, assuming you were upset. “Someone’ll come along. We could talk to Tommy about setting you up or somethin’.”
You hummed noncommittally and turned in your chair to face him head on. Joel noticed and adjusted his position to do the same, raising an eyebrow. “What’s that look?” he asked, eyebrows pinching together.
Jesus, here goes nothing.
“What if we fucked?”
Joel stared. His jaw clenched almost imperceptibly, and he put his glass down on the table with a soft clink.
“What?” he said lowly, his voice taking on a sudden gravelly quality.
“I mean,” you searched desperately for the words to explain yourself, licking your lips nervously. “You said it yourself, we’re so busy, right? Always working, or sleeping, or we’re hanging out, you and me. So, what if we just… blew off a little steam together?”
His eyebrows had raised so dramatically you thought they might disappear into his hairline. It wasn’t often you managed to shock Joel, and you laughed gently at the astounded expression that decorated his face.  
“You want to blow off steam… with me?” he pointed lamely at his chest.
“Don’t sound so incredulous,” you joked. “You’re a catch, Joel. You know the teens call you a HOG, right? Hot old guy.“
“Shut up,” he held up a hand to silence you, his eyes squeezing shut tightly as you laughed at his embarrassment. “Don’t want to hear that shit.”
“It wouldn’t mean anything, Joel,” you reassured, veering back on topic. “We could just… help each other wind down after a long day.”
You watched each other in silence for a moment, and you noticed him shuffle slightly in his seat, hand gripping his knee once again. For a minute, you worried that you’d upset him. The friendship you two shared was strong, and you always known you could confide almost anything in him. He was trustworthy, and valued your word above so many others. But maybe this was over the line.
As you were about to speak again, about to take it all back and apologise for even suggesting it, he finally opened his mouth.
“It wouldn’t mean anything?” he clarified. “This won’t affect our friendship.”
You shook your head quickly. “Nothing at all. No strings, bud. Final offer.”
With a deep, rumbling sigh, Joel snatched his glass off the table and downed the remainder of its contents before standing up. “Alright then.”   
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You’d been in Joel’s room a hundred times over the years. Hauling him out of bed for patrol after he’d accidentally slept in, or rifling through his chest of drawers to steal a thick pair of socks. But never for this reason. The pair of you stood awkwardly at the foot of his bed, staring at everything other than each other, as the air crackled with palpable tension.
Joel scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, and you smirked, unfamiliar with seeing him being unsure of himself.
“If you don’t want to, we can just forget I ever sai-“
“Just taking your fuckin’ clothes off,” he grunted, staring you down suddenly. Wide eyed, you felt a rush of heat through your thighs.
“Jesus,” you breathed. “Romance isn’t dead.”
He huffed out a laugh and your shoulders relaxed, happy to see a crack through his tense façade. Your tugged off your sweater, and then your shirt, tossing them over the chair in the corner of his room. Working quickly, you undid the zipper on your pants and pulled them down your legs until you were left in your underwear, a thin white singlet, and your socks.
You reminded yourself that Joel had already seen you naked, thinking back on a time when the two of you had gone skinny dipping in a lake you stumbled across on patrol the summer before. But this was so different. This wasn’t a random moment of spontaneity. And at the lake he'd been a gentleman, averting his eyes for the most part out of politeness, but now? Now he was watching your every move.
Silently, he undid the strap off his watch and placed it on the top of his dresser, before working to undo the buttons on his shirt. After he had tugged it off, you let your eyes trail over his exposed skin, and with no fabric covering him, you could see how quickly his chest rose and fell.
“Hey,” you said quietly, stepping forward and placing a hand on his chest. You felt his heart race under the warm skin and smiled. “It’s just me. Let me help you relax, okay?”
His tongue darted out to wet his lips quickly, and you wondered what it would be like to kiss him. You didn’t dwell on it though, and leaned forward to drag your lips across the skin of his neck. He smelt like rain and pine needles, and you inhaled deeply, pressing soft kisses along his pulse point. One of his hands landed heavily on your waist and his thumb begun rubbing encouraging circles over your hip bone. You hummed against his skin, pressing your chest against his. Exposed to the cool temperature, your nipples pebbled underneath your shirt, and from his exhale you knew he could feel them pressing against his bare chest.
With a slight tremor in your hand, you trailed your fingers down his chest. Through the soft hair smattered there, over the thick jagged scar on his stomach, to his belt buckle. Joel shivered lightly, gripping your waist a little tighter. You worked quickly to undo his belt, and then you dragged his zipper down. With a low sigh, you rested your hand over the front of his pants. He jolted slightly, hand sliding around your back to hold you tighter to his chest. With your face hidden in his neck, you couldn’t see his reaction, but you took the firm pressure of his hand on your back as a clear sign to continue. You palmed him gently through his pants, listening to the little puffs of air that rushed out of his nose as he kept his breathing calm. A surge of confidence rushed through you, and you stepped away, letting your hand fall away from him. His arm dropped from your back to his side, and he watched with bated breath as you lowered yourself onto your knees in front of him.
You gripped the waistband of his pants and started to drag them down his legs, helping him step out of them. Wearing nothing but a tight pair of briefs, it was impossible not to stare. You could see the shape of him through the dark fabric, your mouth salivated. More, you needed to see more. Without wasting a second, you tucked your fingers into the band of them and pulled them down slowly, giving him the chance to stop you if he wanted to. But he didn’t. He watched you with hooded dark eyes, chest moving with deep controlled breaths, his bottom lip tucked into his mouth. With his underwear gone, Joel’s cock finally came into your sight. He was only half hard, you realised with awe, and your stomach tingled as you realised what you were in for. Reaching out, your traced your fingers slowly over his hip bones, smiling as goosebumps broke out across his skin, before gently wrapping your fingers around him.
A shaky breath escaped from his nose.
“Is this okay?” you asked quietly, hand stroking softly along his length. He nodded jerkily. “Why don’t you sit on the bed?”
Joel dropped heavily onto the edge of his bed, and you moved forward to rest on your knees in between his parted legs, placing your hand back over him. The air in the room had turned humid, and you could feel sweat forming on your back out of anticipation. The only light source came from the moon shining in his window, bathing the both of you in a pale light.
“You’re so handsome,” you sighed wistfully, gripping him tighter. “I’ve always known it, but seeing you like this is different. So handsome, Joel.”
He reached out and placed a hand on your shoulder, gripping your skin and massaging the knotted muscle at the top of your back. You groaned appreciatively, and without another moment’s hesitation, you leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his thigh. No more fucking around. You needed him.
Your hand stroked him firmer, tighter, but your mouth was salivating, desperate to taste him. So you dragged wet kisses along his leg until you reached his abdomen, and then you brought your wet mouth to hover over his cock. You heard his breath hitch and smiled devilishly, staring greedily at his ruddy tip, marvelling as a drop of precum leaked out of him. Painfully slow, you pushed forward and pressed a kiss to it, tongue darting out to swipe along him and taste his salt. Joel hissed in surprise, gripping your shoulder tighter as his other hand moved to the back of your head. Not putting any pressure there, just holding you. Lathing your tongue over his head, you moaned lowly at the taste of him. Salty and warm and masculine. You could feel your underwear sticking uncomfortably against you from how wet you were. Closing your eyes, you cupped his balls gently and pressed wet kisses down his length, dragging your tongue over the pulsing vein that ran from base to tip, and basking in the short gasps that flew out of his mouth.
“Stop teasin’,” he grumbled, and you looked up with a smirk to see his dark eyes glaring down at you.
“Sorry,” you lied, before taking his head into your warm mouth and sucking gently. Slowly, you pressed forward, taking more of him in. You felt him swell against your tongue, getting harder from the stimulation, and you hummed around him. He was so big. Maybe bigger than anyone you’d been with, and you struggled to take it all. He was so thick and heavy in your mouth, it was all you could think about. Consuming every thought, every feeling; all you could focus on was the weight of him on your tongue. You worked on creating a rhythm, bobbing your head and taking as much of him in your mouth as you could, while your hand gripped him at the base, stroking him at the same time.
And finally, finally, he made a sound.
“Fuuuck,” he groaned, drawing out the vowel as a heavy breath he’d been holding escaped his lungs. His fingers dragged through your hair roughly, gripping the back of your head. You pushed yourself forward, taking more of him in until he was pressing into your throat, and you swallowed tightly around him. “Christ, feels so fuckin’ good.”
Seemingly against his will, Joel’s hips bucked upward off the bed and you gagged around him, tears springing into your eyes. He moaned lowly, cursing under his breath at the feeling of your throat contracting around him. Unable to help yourself, you removed your hand from him and lowered it down your body, slipping your fingers underneath the band of your underwear and dipping into the wet heat between your own legs. Breathing harshly through your nose, you moaned around him as your finger brushed your aching clit. You pulled back and worked your tongue over his weeping slit, enjoying the way his grip on your hair tightened as you paid close attention to the most sensitive part of him.
“You’re drivin’ me insane,” he ground out, and you glanced up to see him watching you reverently, eyes wide and glossy, cheeks flushed. “So fuckin’ hot. God, you have the prettiest mouth, how did I never notice that? Never fuckin’ thought about how good my cock would look between your lips until it was happening. I’m a fuckin’ idiot.”
Your cunt pulsed against your fingers and you whimpered, taking him back in your mouth as far as you could. God, the way he spoke made you fucking ache for him. after so many years of knowing him, hearing his voice every day, you’d never have imagined him saying things like that to you. But the weight of him in your mouth was delicious, and his words only spurred you to push forward, forward, forward, revelling in the way he groaned as your nose brushed the dark curls at his base. Tears leaked out of your eyes, rolling down your cheeks from the effort, but you didn’t stop. You slid a finger inside yourself and gagged around him again, eyes rolling back in your head at the intoxicating sensation of having something inside both your mouth and your pussy.
“Takin’ me so well,” his thumb brushed across your cheek, wiping away the tears. “God, I’m in your fuckin’ throat, baby.” The pet name made your stomach tighten, and you moaned as more slick formed around your fingers.  
“Shit,” he choked out suddenly, losing all composure. “Are you fucki-“
You moaned, eyebrows furrowing as you fucked your hand and bobbed your mouth up and down quicker over his length.
“Stop,” he ordered, saying your name firmly. “I- Stop, I’m gonna come.” You ignored him, making a high-pitched sound around him as you felt the hot coil in your stomach begin to tighten. His hand gripped your hair tighter, and he pulled you off him.
You blinked lazily up at him, eyebrows furrowed dejectedly, lips parted. A string of saliva hung in the air between your bottom lip and his tip. You dragged your fingers out of your underwear, chest heaving with heavy breaths.
“Jesus, don’t fuckin’ look at me like that,” he groaned and broke eye contact, gripping your shoulder to pull you up off the floor. “Get up.”
Pushing gently on your shoulders, he nudged you forward onto the bed, and you crawled up before collapsing with your heads against the pillows. His bed was softer than you’d anticipated, and everything smelt like him. The pillows, the duvet. God, even if this was a one-time thing, you’d never forget that smell. He followed you, settling with his legs in between yours, and placed his palms on your stomach, pushing the thin material of your shirt up and over your breasts until it was bunched around your collarbones. Your heart pounded heavily in your chest, and you were aching for him, begging him with your eyes to just please, do something, anything.
And Joel was on you before you could speak, his fingers tracing and over your nipples, squeezing the weight of your breast in his palm before latching his lips onto you. He sucked your painfully tight nipple into his mouth, tongue lazily swiping across it, driving you insane. You sighed heavily, running a hand over the skin of his back and holding him to you. His teeth grazed the sensitive skin ever so lightly and your back arched off the bed. Moving over, he shifted his ministrations to your other breast, his eyes closed as he wet your skin with his slick mouth. And then one of his hands was drifting down your stomach, tickling over your skin, under it met your underwear, and he was cupping you through the fabric. Your hips stuttered upward, and he groaned into your chest, trailing his fingers over the soaked material.
“So fuckin’ wet already,” he muttered into your skin, and you nodded franticly against the pillows. “Did you get this turned on just from havin’ my cock in your mouth? Had to touch yourself?” Surprise zapped through you once more, ecstatic to learn just how much he loved to talk during sex. It was one of your favourite things, and it had always killed you to have sex with someone who was just silent the whole time.
“Yes,” you breathed. “Wanted you to finish in my mouth.”
He bit down onto your chest in response and you cried out quietly, eyes rolling back as he sucked a mark onto your skin with his fingers continued tracing feather light over your covered core.
“Maybe later,” his voice was strained. “Need to see you come first.”
He pulled the fabric of your underwear to the side, and then he was touching you with no barrier, and you trembled beneath him. You’d forgotten how good it felt to have someone else’s hands on you.
Joel groaned as he dipped his middle finger between your warm folds, gliding it up and down along your core, getting it covered in your slick. He swirled the tip of his finger around your entrance and you whimpered, hips grinding desperately against his hand. But he didn’t go inside you. His finger moved back up, all the way up, and swiped gently over your clit and you let out a pathetic moan. Such a small, miniscule touch had your stomach tensing painfully, ridiculously close to orgasm after so much time.
Bringing his face up to rest beside yours, he sucked your earlobe into his mouth gently, before murmuring in your ear, “I want to taste you.”
You didn’t say anything, too stunned by the feeling of his fingers against you, until he probed you for a response, purring your name into your ear.
“Need to hear you say it,” he encouraged. “Tell me what you want.”
“Please,” you begged, eyes shut tightly as he rubbed soft circles around your bundle of nerves. “I want you to taste me.” A grunt of frustration left your mouth as his hand disappeared and you opened your eyes to glare at him, but your mouth fell open, awestruck, when you saw him raise his soaked digits to his lips.
“Like this?” he goaded, sucking your slick off himself and groaning.
“Please,” you repeated, mouth dry as you watched him hum around his middle finger. “Need your mouth on me, your tongue, I-“
“Okay,” he soothed, moving down the bed in an instant. “That’s all I wanted to hear.”
He spread your legs apart, fingers splayed as he held your thighs against the bed, displaying your weeping centre for him to see. A deep sound echoed though the room, and it took you a moment to realise it had been Joel. His dark eyes stared at the spot between your legs, and he dragged his fingers through the coarse hair that covered you.
His movements were torturously slow as he leaned down, pressing sloppy kisses on your hips, along the inside of your thighs, until finally his hot breaths were fanning across your core. You clenched around nothing, whimpering at how empty you felt but knowing it would have to wait.
It was like stepping into a warm bath. The second his tongue was on you, fire raced through your veins, warming your body from head to toe. A sound of relief slipped from your lips, and your eyes rolled back as he licked a broad stripe up the entire length of you. A raspy groan vibrated against you as he pressed a messy kiss against your pussy. You looked down and gasped at the sight of his eyes already on you, watching you and your reactions to him.
“Taste so fuckin’ good,” he drawled against you and you twitched at the sensation of his lips brushing against your clit. His thumbs pressed against your folds, holding you open for him to see everything, and he lathed his warm tongue against your clit, circling it until you were moaning and tensing your thighs against his hold, muscles screaming at you to press against his head and hold him to you.
You whispered his name over and over as if it were a prayer. As if you’d forgotten all other words in the English language and his name was your only salvation. His tongue dipped inside your entrance, prodding firmly until you whimpered and begged him to please, please, let you come.
He ate you out like a man possessed. Like you were his last meal and he intended to savour every god damn second of the experience. He was ravenous, lips and tongue working together to make every muscle in your body tighten until you were gasping. At some point your hand had drifted behind his head and you found yourself tangling your fingers in his hair, pulling it tightly as his mouth moved against you.
“Joel,” you groaned. He hummed against you, movements never ceasing. “Oh fuck, Joel, I’m gonna come.”
His eager moan into your cunt was all it took for you to be catapulted over the precipice and drop into your orgasm. Your body was on fire, vibrating against him as you trembled through it, moans and cries leaving your mouth as your way of thanking him. His hands held your thighs in a vice grip, and there would no doubt be marks there tomorrow to remind you were his fingertips had dug into your skin. As your body relaxed into the mattress again, he pressed a final kiss to your clit before pulling back and dragging his face across your thigh, wiping the remnants of your slick off his facial hair.
“Fuck,” he rasped, grinning up at you with glistening lips.
“So good,” you agreed, nodding as you tried to catch your breath.  
“Almost came all over the sheets,” he admitted and you laughed, beckoning him towards you. He stumbled a bit, one of his knees buckling below him on the bed, leading him to land awkwardly on top of you.  
“Shit,” he groused. “Sorry, bad fuckin’ knee. You’ve got me all bent out of shape.”
You chuckled lowly, pulling him up to lay beside you on the bed. “Let’s not put anymore pressure of them then, okay?” He watched you carefully, curiously, as you turned on your side and then moved backwards, pressing yourself flush against his chest.
His cock pulsed against your ass, and he wrapped an arm around your waist, hand splayed on your stomach to hold you against him as he rutted forward. The feeling of his wet tip dragging along your skin reignited the fire in you and you whimpered, lifting your leg only to push it back and drape it over his waist as much as you could.
“You want it like this?” he asked urgently, hot breaths fanning across your sweaty neck. He pinched your nipple between his thumb and forefinger, tugging on it gently.
You nodded, and waited as he pushed his body a little lower on the bed. His hand disappeared from your chest, and you allowed yourself to pout a little, only because you knew he couldn’t see your face. And then his left arm slithered underneath your shoulder and wrapped loosely your neck, gripping your opposite arm to pin you against him. His free hand gripped his cock and pushed it forward until he was sliding his head between your folds.
Both of you sighed at the sensation and you gripped his arm in anticipation. You could feel his torso moving against your back as he breathed, the soft hair on his chest tickling your skin.
“You ready?” he asked and you grunted, pushing back against him again.
“Joel,” you said in a dangerously low tone. “If you’ve ever cared about me, you will stop teasing and fuck me right now.”  
He laughed darkly, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. “Yes, ma’am.”
He notched his tip at your entrance and you gasped as he pressed forward, pressing himself inside of you. It took what felt like minutes for him to bottom out, and when you felt his hips pressing against your ass, you tried to relax. The burn was intense, and you cursed yourself for not anticipating a little bit of pain after such a long dry spell. Joel held still, fingers stroking carefully over the skin of your shoulder, understanding that you needed a second.
“Fuck,” you choked out. “Joel, you’re huge.”  
He let out a gravelly sound into the back of your neck, body shuddering against yours. “You’re takin’ it so well though,” he gritted out. “So tight around me, grippin’ me so good.”   
He pulled back a touch before pressing back into you, and you moaned deeply. That was all the confirmation he needed to continue, pulling almost fully out of you before moving into you harder, stronger, and beginning a steady pace. Your body jolted forward with every one of his movements, but his arm around your neck held you firmly, never allowing you to go too far.
Curses drifted from your mouth, and you hid your face in his arm, biting down on the muscle of his bicep to stifle your sounds. You clenched around him suddenly and his hips stuttered forward, slamming into you in a way that made your stomach tense deliciously. He was so fucking deep, the angle allowing him to glide against your g-spot with every thrust.
“Fuckin’,” he moaned. “You’re so good, bein’ so fuckin’ good for me, aren’t you darlin’?”
You writhed in his arms, accepting the brutal pace he’d set. His skin connected with yours over and over, a satisfying smack, smack, smack sound filling the air.
“J-Joel,” you sobbed. “Oh my fucking god, I-“ He cut you off, gripping your chin and swiftly tugging your face upward so he could see you, and then his mouth was crashing down on yours. He groaned into your mouth, tongue pressing against your lips to part them and then tangling against yours. His lips were soft and wet and you didn’t even care about the odd angle your neck was twisted at as you moaned into it. His thrusts didn’t let up for a second, even as you murmured desperate sounds against each other’s lips.  
“C’mon,” he grunted into your mouth. “Give me another one.” His hand dropped to grip your neck, the sensation only heightening the feeling of him inside you. Liquid heat was spreading in your abdomen, curling through your veins, turning your entire body into jelly. His free hand drifted down your stomach and then his middle finger was dragging across your clit, and a harsh cry spilled from your mouth.
“Shit,” you gasped, face contorting as you felt yourself near your end. He was fucking everywhere, holding you against him by your neck, pounding into you while his fingers circled your clit roughly, and the coil in your stomach just snapped. You yelled his name, body tensing up as he pushed into you, wet squelching sounds filling the air as he fucked you through your orgasm.
“Say my name,” his voice urged in your ear, and you happily obliged, chanting his name like a mantra as he worked your body through it. Within a minute he was groaning frantically, and then he pulled out, and you could feel his come coating your back as he finished. You glanced over your shoulder to see him. His mouth was ajar, soft curses falling from his lips as he gripped his cock, angling it towards you as he painted your skin with his spend.
“Sorry,” he rushed out breathlessly, wide eyes meeting yours. His shoulders shook with the intensity of his orgasm, adrenaline pumping through his veins, and you smiled at the sight. But he looked concerned, eyebrows furrowed as he looked at you warily.
“For what?” you frowned softly, rolling forward onto your stomach to free his arm that was trapped underneath you. “What’s wrong?”
“Came on you,” he clarified. “Should’ve asked first.”
A grin split across your face and his eyes lit up when he saw it, face relaxing again. “Ever the gentleman,” you chuckled. “It’s fine Joel, it was hot.”
His body relaxed and he dropped down to rest on his back, looking at you with a soft, curious expression. “It was,” he agreed quietly.
For a moment the pair of you just laid there, gazing at each other in a moment of wonder, before you suddenly became aware of how much colder the room was now that it was over. You shivered slightly, lifting to sit on your knees. Joel’s eyes trailed over your exposed body, gazing at your breasts, and your stomach, before resting on your face again.
“I’m gonna shower, and then hit the road,” you told him, cringing at the prominent ache between your thighs as you stepped off the bed. You picked your clothes up off the chair in the corner and turned back to look at him. “I’ll see you tomorrow night right, dinner at Maria and Tommy’s?”
He was watching you in a daze, eyelids heavy with drowsiness, but he nodded slowly. “Yeah,” he drawled. “Dinner at Maria and Tommy’s.” His eyes suddenly widened and he rolled over, reaching underneath his pillow before revealing a piece of small dark fabric. Your underwear. He held them out in your direction.
“Keep them big guy,” you winked, and he laughed deeply, dropping them back onto the bed.
You padded towards the door, ready to pop into the bathroom and then head home, before a thought struck you. Resting your shoulder against the doorway you looked at him again, smiling at the sight of him lying naked and fucked out on the bed, eyes closed as he breathed deeply. He looked about as relieved as you felt.
“Hey Joel,” you said quietly, and his eyes flashed open, raising an eyebrow at you. “Between us, right? Probably best if we don’t tell anyone else this happened.”
He nodded once, smiling lazily. “Between us.”
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part two
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amazingchirping · 3 months
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ilovebuckers5 · 4 months
·:*¨༺ Vacation ༻¨*:·
paige bueckers x reader
summary - you take paige and her team to a lakeside cabin for a vacation
-minors dni
authors note - this is only my second time writing smut so don't judge if it's bad or something
Qadence made the final shot in the last 2 seconds and just like that, the uconn women's basketball team won another game. i immediately rose from my seat and cheered loudly.
my eyes switched from the score board to qadence to paige faster than ever. as i looked down at the blonde from the bleachers i saw that she already looking at me.
me and paige had been dating for 3 months now but it felt like i had know her my entire life. her blue eyes stared at me while a smile was plastered on her pretty face. even sweaty and panting, she is the most beautiful girl i've ever layed my eyes on.
the entire team walked around the bleachers high fiving fans and signing sweatshirts. instead of rushing down the steps to give my girlfriend my attention, i watched from atop and waited until the team was back in the locker room. paige kept glancing at me with a confused look as she took photos with her fans and all i did was smirk back at her.
after the crowd had settled down a bit i pushed through a couple groups of people and went straight around all the security to get to the team.
my friendship with the entire team was more popular now that me and paige were together. At first there were a couple pictures of me hugging caroline and aubrey but it quickly escalated to things like pictures of me and paige kissing and videos of after game celebrations (mainly posted by azzi).
this time no one saw me rushing to the lockers so no new pictures for a couple days hopefully. as i made my way to the girls i was trying to think of how to celebrate this win. it was a 34 point difference so it felt like just going out for drinks was underwhelming.
i walked through the opening to see the group of girls jumping around and squealing while also getting changed. my eyes quickly found paige and stuck as i walked up to her. i couldn't help but place a kiss on her lips. she gasped under her breath at me being so bold and swift but she quickly relaxed and kissed back. i pulled away slowly and pulled her back into a hug, wrapping my arms around her back.
"you did so good baby"
she laughed a little and dug her nose in between my neck and ear to hide her red face. usually me and paige wouldn't do a lot of public kisses and flirting but i physically couldn't resist from smashing my lips against hers.
the entire team pretended to ignore us and kept on getting their clothes changed. finally i pulled away and turned around to find a mirror to make sure my lipstick wasn't smudged.
after the team got changed and were ready to leave i looked around suspiciously before grabbing paige's hand and rushing out of the doors into the parking lot. my hand was glued to hers for the rest of the night.
paige laughed as i practically dragged her out of the locker room. a couple laughs left both of ours mouths once we actually got outside and realized it was raining.(did i bring her out there to see her with wet hair? yes i did)
"i have a surprise for you paige."
the blondes eyebrows furrowed inwards as she tilted her head to the side. i had a large smile plastered on my face. our eyes were locked together, almost having a conversation without speaking.
without hesitation paige placed her hands on my hips and pressed me against her car door and shaheed her lips against mine. a quick groan left my mouth at her touch. her hands roamed at my sides "what was that surprise huh?"
i slowly reached into my purse and pulled out a business card that had the address for a lakeside cabin that was luckily only a couple hours away.
"what? how did you-"
i cut her excitement off quickly.
"i have my ways"
i turned my head around to hide my smirk. she aggressively pushed her body against mine, pulling me into a tight hug. paige had been talking about this cabin for the past three weeks so i took this ein as an opportunity to take her there. this was the first time she got all giddy and truly giggly around me since her birthday party. i laughed at her embrace before pulling her arms off of me.
"ok we have to keep this a secret from the team be wise if they hear they will-"
"want to come with?"
i hear a familiar voice come from my right ear. There Azzi was standing with almost the entire team next to her. they heard everything so i guess they were coming with to.
a couple hours later chaos struck. we were all back at the house and everyone was packing as if we were staying for three years. but i won't leave out the fact that i did pack 15 different outfits for a 6 day trip. instead of packing and stressing in silence i played some dominic fike just to lighten the mood. i sat down on the couch scrolling on instagram waiting for another girl to ask where shoes were.
while i was zoned out on a rampage that someone made about paige (speak of the devil) she snuck up behind me and layed a couple of kisses along my neck.
"what're you looking at huh?"
my fingers quickly switched off of instagram to my homescreen. my hands went sweaty along with my forehead.
i sah without looking back at paige. she walked around the arm of the couch and sat down next to me. her hands made their way to my thigh and began to run up and under my shorts. i gently but down my lip, still trying to not look at paige's icy blue eyes to prevent myself from folding. paige leaned in close tto my ear.
"how long do you stalk those little....accounts?"
she whispered in my ear. my heart stuttered, even though she was my girlfriend and not my crush i always found myself getting nervous when her husky voice was let out. i'm positive she was doing that on purpose. i let out a stifled sigh and end the tension by standing up.
"was that...nika calling for me? hold on i'll be right back i think uhm nika needs me over there"
i chuckle softly and try to play it off like i wasnt soaked right now. as i rushed down the hallway into nikas room, i could see out the corner of my eye that paige was staring at my ass. a wave of redness came over my face once i caught her. i step into nikas room and shut the door quickly before giving up and letting gravity pull me down to the end of her bed.
after staying in nikas room for a little while and watching her frantically pack, everyone was done packing and ready to get on the road. it was around 4 by now so we would probably get to the cabin later at night since it was a whole 3 hours away.
all the girls got into their assigned cars. aubrey,caroline,me,paige,azzi, inês, jana, and ice were in one mini van while amari,nika,qadence,kk, ayanna, ashlynn, and aaliyah were in another.
the hours went by quickly with the right amount of music and arguments on breakfast foods. next thing you know we were at the cabin. the air was fresher than on campus. it was just us girls there. no other strangers no other people. this was the only group of girls that got each-other and knew almost every detail about each-others lives. we all felt extremely comfortable with each-other. once we got to the destination and parked and all that other stuff, everyone claimed rooms and fell asleep quickly.
i attempted to go to sleep in my own bed but it felt weird without paige. i gently slipped on a pair of socks and snuck over into paige's room. trying not to wake her up, i slipped under her arms becoming the little spoon for the rest of the night.
the next morning the first thing i noticed when my eyes actually started to open was the sun peering through the curtains of a huge window. i rubbed my eyes open and stretched my arms out slowly. the first thing i did. was gena my phone to check the time and my expression switched quickly when i read the time.
"11 am what the fuck!"
i stood up and darted across the room, through the hallway, and to the main living room that was next to the kitchen. the smell of pancake batter and bacon lingered in the air. i looked around and saw everyone sitting around just talking. plates were scattered across the tables and counters.
"thank you guys for waking me up!"
a sarcastic tone "accidentally" slips out of my words. still irritated, i sat myself down on the couch and layed my head back. i noticed a presence behind me and as i was about to be pissy at whoever was behind me, paige's hands began rubbing my shoulders and collarbones.
i let my head rest further back just enough to graze her stomach. she looked down at me with her icy blue eyes and smiled softly. how could i stay pissed when she kept piercing me with those godamn eyes.
she walked over to sit down next to me and her hand almost immediately was glued to my thigh. her thumb rubbed back and forth over my skin that was peeking through my pajama shorts.
"can we go swimming today baby?"
i said turning my head to face hers and leaning in closer to her ear.
"of course we can"
paige leaned on my shoulder while her hands wrapped around my waist. just as my eyes were closing, caroline popped up infront of me holding a plate with pancakes and bacon on it. without speaking, i give caroline a thank you look and take the plate.
finally i slipped into my bathroom and put on a two piece bikini that was a pale pink color. i let my hair out of the recked ponytail it was in. and throw in some dry shampoo before grabbing the sunscreen and heading outside.
outside there were a couple chairs that one of the girls set out the night before. i set my sunscreen and towel on a red chair and dipped my feet in the water slowly. before i could even get my other foot in, i saw paige leap into the water (managing to splash an insane amount of water on me.)
"hey! did you put on sunscreen?"
i didnt even sorry about the fact that i was completely soaked, only about the fact that paige burns very easily.
paige stopped her playful water splashing to side eye me. taking care of her skin wasn't exactly her strong suit.
paige sulks and drags herself out of the water. i empty out the red chair and sit in it before tapping my lap, motioning for paige to sit down. i gently rubbed sunscreen on her back even though she kept trying to wriggle out of the grip i had on her waist.
after a lot of splashing water, dancing, trying water aerobics, and almost drowning eachother, most of the girls went back inside to dry off. it was around 2 pm now and me and paige couldn't bring ourself to get out of the water.
right now she had her arms wrapped around my waist and her fingers were messing around with the strings that hung off of my bikini bottoms. her chin was on top of my head and our legs were intertwined under the water.
"paige can we do something....i guess try something"
me and paige were together for almost 4 months now and the most we had done was making out. everytime we would try to do more it would get interrupted.
"what's in mind princess"
i could tell that paige was purposely trying to get me to say it just to tease me. i sigh loudly and turn around to face my girlfriend.
"your really gonna make me say it p"
paige nodded silently with a smirk plastered on her face.
"can we just go deeper in the water for a little bit paige"
i could tell that she was holding back a huge outburst of laughter. she placed her hands under my thigh and lifted my legs around her waist. she carried me further in the water so that only our chests were above water.
while she still had a grip under my thighs, she layed me down against the water to get my head wet before quickly bringing me back up and into her lips. a small gasp left my mouth once the cold water touched my head. i moved my hands around the back of her neck, twisting my head to side just enough for our noses to wedge together perfectly.
paige slowly but surely moved her lips down to my exposed neck and gently bit around the skin, sendjng small whines out of my lips. i threw my head back and gave her more room to work her lips around.
this is usually where we would have to stop, either because i got scared or someone would walk in on us. but that definitely wasn't the case right now. i felt paige's hands tease around the hem of my bikini bottoms, rolling the edge down a bit to expose a little bit more of my hip.
her lips made their way back up to mine while she worked her way down into my bottoms. she started rubbing my clit with her thumb, already forcing stifled moans out of my throat.
she parted her lips for her tongue to slip out and against mine. as our tongues mingled and twisted together she began circling her thumb faster before dipping two fingers in me. i felt her finger pumping in and out at a steady pace. her lips were still attached to me while she brought me close to my climax.
paige took that a sign to go a little faster. while she practically swallowed every moan and whine i let out, i began bucking my hips against paige's hand. my bikini bottoms had made they're way down my thighs, giving paige more room to work with.
my legs wrapped tighter around paige's waist as i came for the first time. strings of curse words left my mouth mixed with her name.
i noticed paige slowing her pace and coming to a stop.
"paige please..."
i whined in her ear after pulling my lips off of hers. all i could see was a strong smirk on paiges face. she kept her fingers in me but stayed still, forcing me to ride them.
i began grinding my hips against her fingers. just as i was about to speed up, i felt paige's hand grip on my waist and slow me down. nothing could explain how badly i wanted to go faster but i couldn't deny paige's touch.
she moved her fingers around inside me, teasing through my folds. even though her hand was basically sitting still it felt like she was doing this to me.
once i reached my second orgasm she started guiding my through it again. using her hand to speed up my hips. i let out a louder moan and prayed that we were deep enough in the lake for no one to here me.
finally, my thighs released the tight grip they had around paige's hips. she slowly took out her fingers but kept them under water. i gently pulled up my swim suit bottoms and brought my legs down to rest.
"you did so good baby"
i whispered against her neck while floating back to the cabin. i placed a couple kisses against her flushed lips knowing that i would repay the favor later tonight.
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disneyprincemuke · 7 months
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midnights, 5 * mv1
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max knows how much you hate thunderstorms, and he can't help but think of you when he's home and there's one
pairings: max verstappen x fem!reader
warnings: nothing~
notes: some might say i'm using midnights as a way to cope with my rough breakup from like 7 months ago but i can't be too sure (oversharing is my personality)
(prev) // (next)
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max had been on his driving simulator playing a game when the rain started to pour about 10 minutes ago. he didn't even realise that it had been raining that heavily until jimmy and sassy curled up by his lap.
now he's on the couch, both cats snuggled up into his thigh with the tv on. from the corner of his eye, he notices the crackling bright lights that break up the sky that’s often accompanied by a rumble.
it started off soft, but it’s gradually getting louder.
his mind starts to drift to you. max doesn’t imagine you’re sleeping well in these conditions - or that you're even able to. you’ve always hated thunderstorms in the middle of the night, claiming that all the ruckus is more disruptive than relaxing.
on nights like these, he would typically hold you tight in his arms. he would be sat up against the headboard while you lie on his chest, chatting with you as a distraction from the noise. on rare occasions, he would brush your hair until you’ve fallen asleep on him.
he wonders how well you’re coping with it now that he’s not next to you. he glances at his face-down phone, wondering if he should check in on you just for tonight.
it wouldn’t have to lead to anything — he just wants to make sure.
he just needs to ensure you’re not curled up into a ball in a corner with your hands on your ears. he can still remember it like daylight when it happened the first time.
it was your very first night in his apartment, and you’d both fallen asleep very early in the evening. at some point in the night, it started to rain heavily. a particularly loud thunder had shaken him awake but when he tried to pull you closer to his body, he realised you were no longer in bed with him.
he muttered your name and found you curled in the far corner of his bedroom. your knees were pressed to your chest, chin resting on top with your phone on the ground with a video illuminating your face. even with your airpods in, you still had your hands over your ears.
you weren’t crying, but you were definitely shaken up quite a bit. he managed to get you back into bed but you didn’t fall asleep for another 2 hours. so he stayed up with you in hushed whispers and muted giggles until you drifted off to sleep on his chest.
thunder rumbles, actually surprising him with its intensity as he juggles his phone from falling on sassy. even his cats flinch at the loud sound and snuggle even further into his thigh.
now he’s growing even more concerned about your whereabouts. when there’s a thunderstorm and you’re apart because of his race, he tries to call and talk to you until the storm has passed.
but it seems that he’s lost that privilege to ask if you’ll be okay tonight. he doesn’t even know if you’d answer his message.
the paranoia of your wellbeing never leaves, because he keeps glancing at his phone for a call or message from you. if you called him right now and asked him to come over, he would go to you without a doubt and another thought.
his phone lights up and buzzes, actually making his heart jump in his chest. the excitement immediately disappears when he finds out who the notification is from.
it’s just daniel, asking him if he’s doing fine over the break.
daniel hasn’t left him alone since his confession that night in qatar. though he was able to leave the bar on his own, the older driver was knocking on his hotel room door 10 minutes later.
daniel just hung in his hotel room until he fell asleep. max assumed that he wasn’t trusted to be on his own after a confession that shook daniel, because he was gone by the time he woke up the next morning.
max has tried asking alexandra about you, once after the main race in qatar. but she just shook her head and gave him a weak smile before walking away. charles could only mimic his girlfriend's response with a pat on his shoulder, promptly moving on to talk about other things.
nights like these, max usually sleeps peacefully. unlike you, rain and thunderstorms mixed with the darkness of the night calm him. since your distaste for the combination, he has learned to enjoy it differently.
he loves the late-night conversations he shared with you and having your weight on him. he misses the intimacy of just lying in the dark room with you, talking and mapping out your future together.
your future. your future that suddenly seems like a blurry hallucination, once being the only thing that he would look forward to when he would think about the course of his life. your future that's now obsolete.
max doesn't fall asleep at a reasonable time that night. he waits for the weather to calm and everything to go silent before he does. it's his way, on his own, to feel like you're still here with him. even if you're not.
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taglist: @merchelsea @leclercdream @labelledejourr @laneyspaulding19 @lpab @graciewrote @hollie911 @thatsojasminesworld @mycenterfold
593 notes · View notes
Dear Hearts and Gentle People 6
Summary: There is only so much you can do for Cooper when the two of you are attacked, and the extra vials you carry are crushed. There is only so much you can do when Cooper’s stash runs out. The wasteland takes as much as much it gives.
Pairings: The Ghoul | Cooper Howard x Female Reader
Warnings. Pretty angst filled here. Plus some kissing.
Part 2 -> HERE
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It's been a week, give or take a couple of hours, since the group of raiders had jumped Cooper and his trader. They'd been wandering through some ruins, sightseeing as you liked to call it, when they began to crawl out of the burnt out buildings like ants. You and Cooper had worked like a well-oiled machine, but that still didn't mean that either of you was perfect.
One of the raiders had gotten the drop on you, literally flinging herself from the second flood of a building and slamming into your back, and in turn, your backpack that carried your wares inside. You thrashed about, jerking back and crushing the woman against the concrete wall, trying to shake her off. You smacked her again against the wall, and finally, she lost her grip and fell to the floor.
Cooper had shot the raider before she had time to get up, gore splattering the wall, and then the fight was back on. The two of you were exhausted by the time the fighting was done, and after a bit of well deserved looting, Coop had made a small fire in one of the more preserved buildings and you began to sort through your wares.
While the ghoul sucked down a vial, you had found the crushed medical case, heart shattering when you'd opened it to reveal your sizeable stash of chems destroyed. Fear had gripped your heart, and you shifted through your shattered stockpile and found a single surviving tube.
You'd looked at your ghoul, who looked relaxed across the campfire. The two of you were deep in the wasteland. At least a two week journey to the next town, and it would be a gamble if they sold the chems Cooper would need. You'd swallowed harshly and called his name, voice cracking.
"Cooper. We've got a problem."
His gaze had sharpened, his eyes skating over your form and looking for any kind of injury. When he found nothing, he raised a brow, confused, but still weary of your fearful expression.
"What's wrong, Darlin'. You look right as rain to me," He rasped and reached for his canteen, taking a swig of water that he immediately choked on when you lifted up the single vial. He stands and crosses the fire, crouching down and shifting through the broken glass himself.
"When did this happen?" He demands, and you cast your mind back, thinking hard.
"That one raider. She jumped on my back. They were probably crushed in the fight," you say and hand him the surviving vial, "That's the only one I found."
Rage and fear war within his chest, and Cooper stands, kicking a rock as hard as he could, a snarl on his lips, "Fuck!"
Now, a week later, Cooper hardly had the strength to move. The caughing had started two days ago after he'd sucked down the last chem. He lagged behind you, shoulders drooping and hat covering much of his face as he focused on putting one boot in front of the other. The clinking of his spurs was your only comfort.
Another two days passed, and Cooper couldn't go on. His strength sapped from his bones as he lay across from you, posted up on an old bed in a dusty motel. You kneeled by his side, fingertips tracing his jaw and up his cheekbones. You sniffled heavily, and then leaned in to kiss his brow.
"Ain't gotta go cryin' over me, Darlin'," Cooper murmured and closed his eyes, wishing that he could feel the press of your lips against his flesh better. A tickle licked his throat, and he turned away from you to hack, spit flying and a wheeze echoing through the room when he flopped back in the bed.
You ignore his words and fish out a bottle of water to hand him. You watch, concern coating your features as he hand trembles, and Cooper ends up splashing himself. You hold it steady after he sighs heavily and hands the bottle back.
"Promise me that you'll still be here when I get back," you say after you've taken the water back and stowed it away. You've got a plan, and you'll be much faster by yourself, now it was the hard part, and that was leaving Cooper behind.
Your ghoul sighs and gives you a look. Coop thinks that the two of you have had a good run, and if this is how he's gotta go, then so be it. He just hates that the last thing he'll see is you crying.
"Baby girl. I can't make you a promise I can't keep," He rumbles and forces himself to sit up, giving his girl a weary grin and taking your hands in his own. He presses his lips to your knuckles, one at a time, "You can't let some old man like me slow you down."
You force back the tears that threaten to fall. Coop never liked it when you cried, and you would do your best not to now. You would save this stubborn bastard if it was the last thing you did. Using his hold on you, you tug him down and in for a kiss, so sweet and full of love that the ghoul's clutches you back before he has to pull away and cough harshly.
"I'll be back before you know it, Cowpoke," you say, and at this point, you don't know if it's to assure him or you. You push yourself to your feet and fix your pack, bending to kiss Cooper one last time, memorizing the rough feel of his lips against yours.
Cooper pushes you away after a moment, a fond smirk playing on his lips, "Get outta here, cowgirl. I'll stay right here."
You give a decisive nod and then march away from him, exiting the motel and starting in the direction of the closest town. You had a ghoul to save.
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muchosbesitos · 8 months
Heeey! idk if your requests are open or not— but if it is, I would like to request a Miguel x fem!reader fic! (Friends to lovers-??)
The reader comes back home after hanging out with her friends. She felt a little down after the hangout as one of her friends said something which did affect her a little, the friend was making flirty remarks about Miguel despite them knowing that the reader likes Miguel— thinking about it over and over again made the reader get even more sadder by the minute. The reader tries to brush it off and distract herself with some chores around the house as she last left it messy, next thing the reader knew was that miguel was tapping on the window asking her to let him in as it was pouring outside-
And maybe you could continue it however you like!
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pairing: miguel o’hara x fem reader
warnings: before spider society miguel (sawry), making out, reader being a bit petty lol, mentions of blood, mostly just fluff tbh
author’s note: i hope you enjoy <3 and ty for being so patient with me. i chose not to write smut in this one but lmk if you want a pt 2 with it :) (oscar issac’s voice is so yummy in givin up 😩)
word count: 4k
You were in the middle of cleaning up baby vomit before your shift ended, your nose scrunching up the more you smelt the disgusting combination of fish and milk when your phone pinged, alerting you of a new message. It was your friends texting in the group chat about meeting up for coffee later, and you really wanted to say no. Not only had the baby vomited all over its high chair but you had the pleasure of being the first recipient when you came to bring the family napkins, so you really just wanted to get home and take a bath to relax. After a couple of minutes of deliberation, you decided to text them that you'd be there in around an hour since you were afraid they'd stop inviting you to things with how often you ended up flaking.
Your feet dragged across the pavement as the stench of fish penetrated into your hair, the small chunks still hanging to the strands for dear life. You'd tried to wipe them off but your boss ordered you to get back to work, that you could take care of your personal hygiene at home. You felt angry at how dismissive your boss had been and at how shitty other customers had been today but you felt powerless, knowing that you couldn't really do anything about it. To make matters worse, it started to drizzle just when you were about to get home, your work uniform ending up wet once you stepped inside your apartment.
You gave yourself a little pep talk about how much you needed this night out as you washed the fish chunks out of your hair, almost gagging as they went down the drain. You quickly took a shower before the rain started to pick up even more, rinsing off the grime and sweat from the day. You got out of the shower a couple minutes later, haphazardly throwing clothes around while you tried to find something to wear. You wanted to cheer yourself up, to forget about the fish chunks in your hair and look like you had some aspects of your life put together.
You settled on a black skirt and a white tee with some Converse, not wanting to do too much for the coffee meetup but not wanting to appear like you just rolled out of bed. You assured your friends that you'd get there soon when you heard your phone ping once more, asking you how much longer it would take for you to get there. You glanced over at the clothes thrown on your floor and decided on fixing them when you got back home. You grabbed your umbrella and walked over to the subway station, feeling a sense of relief at finally being able to see your friends again. You could only hope that your friend, Jenn, didn't take her little sister, Krystal though.
"You didn't bring Miguel?" Krystal asked once you showed up at the cafe, skipping over the pleasantries that your friends had given you. Krystal was a part of the group solely because Jenn had pleaded with you guys to let her hang out, that she didn't have any friends in the city. She was nicknamed as "the shark" by you and the other two friends in the group given the fact that she always found a way to 'coincidentally' have a crush on the same guys that you all did, and found ways to embarrass you guys in order to boost herself up. "I don't see why I'd bring Miguel if it's just us, though," you responded, trying to keep your tone light so you wouldn't ruin the afternoon. "But he's so fun to be around!" She gushed as you all walked to the table, her pupils practically turning into little hearts as she talked about him. "He doesn't even like you though," you mumbled loud enough for her to hear, but she decided to ignore your sly comment.
It was true, though. Whenever Miguel had the time, he would join you to hang out with your friends if he thought he was invited, but it was mostly just to hang out with you. He didn't interact much with your friends apart from asking basic questions such as how their day was going or stuff about their job. However, he expressed his dislike towards Krystal, that he thought she changed her personality to cater to men which he didn't find endearing. Even though you found her infatuation with Miguel to be a little weird, you never shared what he said since she could think that you're lying and get the group to turn against you.
The coffee date with your friends was going by smoothly, going from sharing work stories to sharing about your love lives. You had gone to the restroom to freshen up, coming back to Krystal talking about Miguel once more. You looked around, deciding to hide behind a pillar just to hear what she had to say freely. "I still don't get why you keep inviting just her to hang out, it'd be much better if Miguel was here," Krystal critiqued, taking an obnoxious sip of her coffee. "Probably because she's our friend?" One of your other friends replied, her tone a bit agitated. "But I mean, c'mon. I would be a much better fit for Miguel and it's not like she's gonna do anything about her crush."
The group went silent as you came back to the table, picking up your coffee cup. "So what'd I miss?" You asked, giving them a small smile as they started to spin some tale about how they were discussing where to meet up next. You knew that your friends wouldn't pick sides and it'd be wrong to ask them to do that, but the realization that they were okay with having Krystal speak that way about you just made your heart ache. The rest of the afternoon went by okay, the conversation wasn't flowing as easily as it used to but there wasn't a dull moment between you all.
Most of your friends left a couple minutes later, leaving you and your close friend, Jasmine, waiting for your respective taxis. You weren't sure how she knew that you were upset but she hugged you tightly, embracing you in a way that provided comfort and warmth. "Hey, don't worry about Krystal said. You know she's only going after Miguel because she knows you have a crush on him," she assured you, resting her hand on your shoulder. You nodded, mostly because you didn't want to be the cause for drama in the group and hugged her once her taxi arrived.
You headed back home feeling more defeated than when the afternoon began, though it was nice to have spent some time with your friends. The feeling of powerlessness kept looming over you like a dark cloud, reminders of how powerless you were at work and how powerless you were in your personal life. You let out an agitated sigh when you looked at the clothes scattered all throughout the floor, remembering how excited you'd been to go out with your friends. You decided not to prolong the task and started picking up the scattered skirts, taking small comfort in the sounds of the pouring rain outside.
You finished up with the task about half an hour later and you decided to mope around your apartment, watching Friday the 13th while eating ice cream. You couldn't help but feel Krystal’s words reiterating in your brain, that you were only so upset because you knew that she had a point. While you were hopelessly crushing on Miguel, you also didn't give him any signs since you didn't want to end your friendship with him. He'd been a great friend to you, he listened to your rants without saying anything unless you asked for his opinion and he was oddly sweet to you, a difference of how cold he was to everyone else around him.
You were in the middle of watching Jason stalk up on a victim when you heard tapping on your window, your heartbeat starting to race as you let out a scream. You turned to see Miguel laughing as he took off his Spider-Man mask off, waiting for you to open the window. You tried to swallow your sadness away as you stood up, opening up the window to let him in. "Hey there, Spider-Man. How'd patrol go?" You asked him once he stepped inside, giving him a small smile as you took in his appearance. He had a few scratches and a couple bruises, his suit was clinging to his wet body, but he seemed like he was excited to come here. "Can I ask why you screamed? But patrol was good, just a couple thugs to deal with," he asked, the corners of his lips tipping up in amusement. "I thought you were Jason Voorhees."
Miguel had come to your place after a fight with the Green Goblin of your universe one day, bloodied and injured, and had basically confirmed what you already suspected. After he saw how well you reacted to the information, he kept coming over after some of his missions and asking you to play nurse. He'd never admit it to you, but sometimes he looked forward just to getting hurt in order to have an excuse to see you. He started leaving some of his stuff over at your place, like a couple gadgets or a few spare clothes just so he could find more excuses to spend time with you.
"So tell me why there's a sex scene in a Friday the 13th movie? I mean who has Jason Voorhees chasing after them and decides, 'oh let's fuck', y'know?" He asked while you were cleaning up his cuts after he got out of the shower. You couldn't help but keep thinking about what Krystal had said, wondering if all Miguel would see you as is his nurse and his good friend. You were brought back to reality when Miguel snapped his fingers together to get your attention, your eyes shifting from the wound to the tv on the screen. "Well, one final bang and all that. Wonder how they disconnect the corpses," you mused with a small shrug, hoping that he wouldn't notice how detached you were from the situation.
He let out a small hiss as you wiped a cotton ball dipped in rubbing alcohol across his cheeks, his brown eyes boring into yours. "What's wrong?" He asked, looking at you intently. You assured him that nothing was wrong and went back to cleaning his cuts, making stupid remarks about the movie but you could tell that he didn't want to leave the subject alone.
Once you were finished cleaning up his wounds, you made quick work to get off from the couch and excuse yourself to throw away the cotton ball. "Hey, how do you feel about going to the park and having an elote with me?" he asked, resting his hand on your knee when you sat down. (corn) You stared at him, dumbfounded as you felt the heat from his hand radiate all throughout your body. "Is the elotero there? I mean, it was raining pretty hard until a couple minutes ago," you answered after a couple seconds, trying to sound like your body wasn't tingling just from feeling his hand on your knee. "He'll be there. It's like 6, which means prime selling time."
"Don't you get chorro with all that?" You asked him, watching as he took a bite out of the elote drizzled with hot sauce and little pieces of cheese. (diarrhea) He burst out laughing, the sound a bit rough but it sounded like the tune of your favorite song. You loved hearing him laugh given that it was so rare for him to do that, he usually only gave a weak chuckle or an amused huff. "Are you jealous that you can't handle spice, chiquita?" he asked, looking over at you with a trail of hot sauce dripping down his chin. Your hands made quick action before you had a chance to think otherwise, wiping the sauce away with your finger. You quickly retracted your finger when you saw a tinge of red coating his tan cheeks, not wanting to make him uncomfortable or embarrassed.
You could tell that Miguel wanted to ask you again what was wrong, that he used the elote to make you feel better, but you didn't want to tell him out of of fear he might end up swinging away. "So how's it going with your AI assistant? LYLA, no?" You asked him, taking a bite out of your own elote. You knew that it was something that Miguel could spend hours and hours talking about given how much time and effort he spent on it. While you typically enjoyed the way his eyes lit up with any opportunity he got to share about what innovations or new software he'd developed for LYLA, you were using it to distract him away from the subject at hand. At least for a little while longer. "She's doing good, I managed to develop this software that makes her appear like a hologram. All in all, she should be done pretty soon," he responded, his look telling you that he knew what you were up to.
The two of you headed back to your place when it started to drizzle again, most people starting to run down the street to avoid getting wet. The walk back home was mostly quiet but you noticed that he walked close to you whenever someone rushed by, not wanting you to get trampled over. Once you two got back home, you lended him a towel to dry off his hair and you couldn't help but stare at his biceps as he did. You made quick work to change out of your moist clothes and put on one of the shirts Miguel had left behind before heading back over to the couch.
You'd made some popcorn and put some ice cream on the coffee table to fuel the movie night between you two. As you started the movie, you couldn't help but feel Miguel's gaze almost burning a hole into you. "What's up?" You asked, looking over at him after a bit of silence. "Tell me what's wrong, chaparra. You've been deflecting from the subject every time I ask and I just want to know what made you upset," he said, stroking your back lazily as the movie started. (shorty) You were in a turmoil now, unsure if you should tell him what made you so upset since you knew that in turn, you'd basically be admitting your feelings for him.
"I went out with my friends today and Krystal just said some stuff that upset me is all. Didn't help that I got thrown up on earlier in the day," you responded, trying to keep your response as broad as possible. He ceased his movements, looking at you sternly as his brows furrowed. "What'd Krystal say?" he asked, keeping his tone soft despite the look on his face. You fiddled with your hands, thinking about the best way to approach this before deciding to go out right and admit what you felt towards him.
"Well it kinda started off with her not even bothering to say hi to me when I arrived to hang out with the group, she just went ahead and asked me where you were and why I didn't bring you," you started off, watching him as he took in what you were saying. "Then she went ahead and started talking about how she had a crush on you, the usual as I'm sure you know. She then said that she'd be a better pick for you than me," you said, putting your head in your hands to avoid meeting his gaze. He placed his hand on your chin, tilting your face to look up at him as his gaze softened a bit. "Why would she say that she's better for me than you, though?"
That question impacted you more than you would've thought, given that it would be the thing that could possibly end your friendship with Miguel. "Because I have a crush on you. And I wasn't planning on doing anything about it or acting on it since i didn't want to ruin our friendship," you finally admitted, the words hanging in the air like dead weight. You took a moment to look at him, seeing no change in his expression as he took a deep breath. "Well that's where she's wrong, chiquita. She's not you and she'll never compare to you. Hell, I don't even like her," he responds, catching you off guard about how lenient he was being with this. "You're not mad that I like you? Romantically, I mean."
Miguel began tracing small circles on your back, letting out a breath as he looked at you. He looked troubled, like he wanted to admit something to you but was having issues piecing the words together. He cleared his throat, bringing his hand back on his lap before speaking once more. "I could never be mad at you for having feelings, you know that. I guess I have something to admit to you too. All the women that you've seen me talk to or take out on dates have just been a pathetic excuse to forget about the fact that I thought you only saw me as a friend. I ended up ghosting them because none of them could ever size up to you, none of them could make me laugh or smile, hell, none of them made me excited to wake up the same way that you do," he responds, the pitter-patter of your heart ringing in your ears as he speaks.
You never could've imagined that he felt the same way that you did, given how unlucky he was with women and the troubles that he brought from his past. "So.. What does that all mean?" You asked softly, trying to get the confirmation that you desperately needed. "Ay chaparrita, you're not making this easy for me, huh? I guess what i'm trying to say is that I like you romantically too. I have for a long time, but I've settled into the role of being your friend because I figured having you in my life as that would be better than not having you at all," he admits, sitting closer to you. He hangs his arm lazily off your shoulder, holding you close while the sounds of rain and the movie playing fill up the atmosphere.
After half an hour of watching the movie in silence, Miguel turns to face you with a cheeky grin on his face. "So while I can't do anything about the baby vomiting on you, how do you feel about getting back at Krystal?" He starts off, pausing the movie to capture your full attention. You turn around to face him, a bit surprised that he'd come up with an idea to get back at Krystal just because she'd made you upset. "What does this genius idea of yours entail?" You asked cautiously, not trying to give him the impression that you would be agreeing with it right away. "It's kinda stupid now that I do think about it, but what if we sent a picture of us kissing and shit? I feel like that would get her to shut up," he suggests, his hand tracing small circles on your knee.
You wanted to tell him no, that it was a stupid idea and that she'd end up telling all your friends but all your rationale went out the window when you thought about how she made you feel. How powerless you'd felt on the walk home and just how shitty you felt to be around her most of the time. "Alright, let's do it," you agreed after a couple seconds of deliberation, handing your phone to Miguel. He clicked on the camera, turning it on selfie mode before turning to face you. He brought one hand up to your cheek, cupping your face before leaning in to kiss you.
Your eyes fluttered shut as your lips connected, starting the kiss off slow. You didn't notice when Miguel took the picture, you were too focused on how good his lips felt against yours but you heard the click of the camera. He set your phone down on the coffee table, deepening the kiss after he did. The way his mouth moved against yours, his tongue exploring every crevice that he could felt like pure sin. It shouldn't be possible for someone to taste this good, but he managed to surpass every aspect of logic. You brought your hand up to his hair, intertwining your fingers in the soft curls at the nape of his neck while pulling him closer.
You don't know but you eventually moved to his lap, your legs on either side as the kiss continued. He placed his hands on your hips and you couldn't help but feel his erection through the soft material of your panties. You let out a soft groan into the kiss as you moved your hips against it, the tightening in his pants increasing. "Don't start things you can't finish, chiquita," he whispered after you two pulled away for some air, his pupils overtaken by the lust between you two. He went back to kissing you like you were the most potent drug and he couldn't get enough, his tongue battling against yours for some aspect of dominance. He let out a soft grunt as your fingers pulled at his hair gently, urging him to give you more of what he could.
The two of you decided to call it a night after that, both of you claiming that you had an early morning the next day. As you were cleaning up the empty popcorn bowl and the spoons which you ate the ice cream from, you heard your phone buzzing over and over again. You dried your hands once you finished, clicking on the notifications to see what happened in the group chat. Krystal had sent the picture of you and Miguel in there, expressing how sad she was that you would stoop down and be this petty towards her. You couldn't help but feel more and more guilty as you kept scrolling down the thread of messages, seeing your friends agreeing with her and even going so far as to console her for what you'd done.
You didn't feel like acknowledging the accusations that your friends were throwing around in the group chat, so you simply turned your phone off and went to bed where you found Miguel waiting. "Is everything okay?" He asked softly, watching the look on your face intently. "Yeah. Krystal just got really upset and sent the picture to the group chat so now the group's siding with her on the issue," you respond, laying down next to him. "I'm sorry if I messed things up with my idea. I didn't mean to make you more upset than you already were," he whispered, holding you close to him once you turned off the bedside lamp. "No, no. It was a good idea, I was tired of feeling so powerless in my life and being petty for once made me feel better. Thanks for that Miguel," you assured him, leaning in to kiss his cheek.
Though you weren't too sure of what you were now with Miguel, stuck in that limbo of being friends and something more, you didn't find it in you to question him at the moment. You liked having him hold you this way, liked having his plush lips on yours and the way he kissed you, that you were willing to push aside that fact for now. You pulled a blanket over the two of you and laid closer to him, his hand splayed across your stomach as he held you close. "Me gustas mucho, chiquita," he whispered before you went to sleep and you couldn't help but smile like a fool at how sweet the words sounded. (i like you a lot)
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