#1st birthday designer clothes
tervaneula · 3 months
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WAHOO it's finally the 11th of March – my birthday! To celebrate, I'm hosting my very first draw this in your style challenge!!! Featuring the NQK Future Fam, of course. I love them so much. 😭
If you want to, you can change the framing, the poses, their clothes and expressions (but not the character designs, eg. turtle markings). All I ask is that the love is there.
//EDIT: The new end date is April 14th!// The competition will run for one month, March 11th – April 11th. You can join the DTIYS even after that (or without following me) but won't be eligible for the prizes.
Just remember to have fun, this isn't about the skill, it's about the heart. I love y'all so much and I'm so happy to have found such an amazing community of fans and writers and artists alike in the Rise fandom <3 Thank you for loving what I do as much as I do.
To participate in the competition, you must:
Be following me
@ me in the description of your piece
Tag your post with tervs33dtiys
More info and prizes under the cut:
If it's been days and I haven't reblogged your post I most likely didn't see it, so please message me the link! Sometimes tunglr likes to withhold notifications.
I will pick two winners myself and two will be left to fate – a randomised name wheel 😎 The prizes are all free digital character commissions and I'll draw any OC or canon character (with existing visual references) in my "better sketch" style.
Terv's pick 1st prize: A free full body commission of one character 2nd prize: A free waist up commission of one character
Lady Luck's pick 1st prize: A free full body commission of one character 2nd prize: A free waist up commission of one character
I was hoping to have prints and stickers as prizes but turns out that shipping outside the EU is pretty much a nightmare so sadly that won't be happening, but I hope the commissions are a good alternative!
There y'all have it!! Hope you have fun!!! <333
My commission sheet for reference:
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AND also the full dtiys pic without any text:
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The peepaws are boring and are wearing what they always wear when I draw them lmao. Casey is wearing a turtleneck with extra long sleeves (for maximum hands-tucked-in comfort) and a long skirt, complete with black boots! But as I said at the start, feel free to give them something else if you'd like to <3
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psychesalcove · 1 month
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piper mclean x gn!reader
requested: yes, from anon
a/n: My fav nepo baby piper 😔
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ᝰ piper literally loves you so much its not even funny
ᝰ you two go to whole foods and trader joes every Sunday to restock your dorm kitchen
ᝰ shes constantly having you try her new drinks that she saw on her tiktok feed
ᝰ you two went to the zoo for her birthday, her fav area was definitely the giraffes
ᝰ and when you were there she had you take loads of photos of her & you with animals
ᝰ she'll also constantly ask if her outfits look good
ᝰ and she buys the two of you matching everything
ᝰ necklaces, bracelets, rings, t-shirts, you name it
ᝰ you helped her design new shirts for the aphrodite cabin bc all of them hate the orange color shirt
ᝰ and you guys are literally the cutest at the camp fire, cuddling and giggling with each other
ᝰ when the two of you aren't in your dorm, and at camp, you'll always sneak into her cabin for bed, and vise versa
ᝰ you have been caught multiple times by Chrion(STOP I FORGOT HOW TO SPELL HIS NAME AND IM TOO LAZY TO CHECK) , but piper uses her excuse of being apart of the 7 to get away with it
ᝰ you guys went to build a bear for your 1st year anniversary
ᝰ and I would like to think that piper asked you to be her partner on valentines day, so when you go you get those stuffies with hearts
ᝰ and you do those custom noise things in the stuffies to 😔
ᝰ she'll also compliment you 24/7
ᝰ I mean, you're her partner, she just wants to show how much she loves and adores you
ᝰ she also def has a heart locket with a photo of you guys inside of it
ᝰ and she refuses to take it off, she wears it when she showers, during capture the flag, on quests, and going to bed
ᝰ I also headcanon that she always has a pink glitter pen on her, so she'll constantly be drawing little stars and hearts on your hands, arms, and legs
ᝰ SMOOTHIE DATES!! extra points if there's a patio you guys can sit out on (she also always orders sm with strawberries fight me if you think otherwise🥰)
ᝰ another thing I headcanon ab piper is that she's doing a fashion degree, so she'll use you as her model for a lot of clothes she makes
ᝰ ALSO!! when you two are at camp, sometimes you'll leave the camp fire early to go back to one of your cabins and then have a dance party
ᝰ Taylor swift is def on the playlist she plays for you guys (mainly 1989 and lover)
ᝰ you also get to help her decorate her car with a bunch of stuff she bought at dollar tree
ᝰ she says it was for experience and not quality
ᝰ she also tells you Cherokee tales her dad told her before you fall asleep
ᝰ she of course tries to go for the less scary ones (she sometimes tells you scary ones so you cuddle her more that night
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bunnymajo · 1 year
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Went ahead just filled out that whole OC ask prompt for Quake the Elephant :P
Get to know her better! She'll be competing in the @sonic-oc-showdown going on right now!
You can vote here!
Name: Quake the Elephant
Species: Asian Elephant
Type: Power
Alignment: Good
Home: Sol Empire (wanders)
✨How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Since Blaze & Marine have very on-the-nose names based on their powers I wanted a similar kind of name for her. So I thought of a bunch of earth-related names that I thought were cute, Quake I was on the fence about but after talking with some friends (shout-out to the bumblekast server) who liked it I started warming up to it too. 
🌼  - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
Late teen/young adult. Older than Blaze
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Not currently. 
🍕  - What is their favorite food?
Anything Lychee flavored. Tropical fruits are always a hit in general. Never eats meat.
💼  - What do they do for a living?
A traveling oracle, she can pick up vibes and premonitions from certain gemstones or rock formations. People seek out her help for advice or if there’s land that needs excavating
🎹  - Do they have any hobbies?
At her core Quake is just a big rock nerd. She likes learning and going to museums if there's any kind of exhibit about geology
Also all her jewelry is handmade so she's good at metal craft, all her rings are melted down ores & metals she's collected. There's a story behind each one.
🎯  -What do they do best?
Crush rocks. Look at rock. Know where rock came from.
🥊  -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
She loves to just sit and enjoy her surroundings, no drama, only sitting
She hates shopping for herself. She doesn’t mind it if it’s a gift, but clothes shopping for herself in particular she’s just really uncomfortable with the whole experience (look around, looking at sizes, trying them on, figuring out if she likes it enough to wear more than once, standing in line to buy it. etc. )
❤️  - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
I could be cheesy and say when she made friends with Blaze & Marine, but other than that she's always traveling she doesn't usually spend time with other people on her birthday or holidays - but one time a town she was staying at found out and threw her a small surprise party and she still cries when she thinks about it.
✂️   - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Sometimes picking up & and experiencing the memories of an old rock aren't always pretty. She doesn't like to talk about them.
🧊  - Is their current design the first one?
There’s a few initial sketches I did to get the overall idea going, but currently she’s on her 1st finalized design
🍀  - What originally inspired the OC?
I like powerhouse ladies and I like plus-sized representation in my favorite media, Blaze currently doesn’t have that in the Sol dimension so I took that as a challenge to see if I could make one. Sega also (currently) isn’t really keen on large mammal designs like elephants or horses, so I wanted to see if I could make a large hooved animal fit into the Sonic template. 
🌂  - What genre do they belong in?
I picture her fitting right into a kung-fu movie, as either a wise mentor or the hero's traveling companion, or even a mini boss depending on the situation.
She would hope she fit right into a cozy slice of life drama or a hallmark movie though, but she has too much of a fantasy character presence
💚  - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Identifies as a girl, she/her/they pronouns, Ace Lesbian
🙌  - How many siblings does your OC have?
Currently 0. She views Marine as what it would be like to have a little sister though.
🍎  - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Parents? In Sonic’s world? Ha!
Her oracle powers can be traced through her lineage though. I imagine she would view them with respect.
🧠  - What do you like most about the OC?
She’s cute and she can punch a rock in half
I also just like gentle giant characters. She's oc comfort food.
✏️  - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Not as much as I should but I really want to change that, I think there’s so much potential to explore Blaze’s world and it’s just sitting there.
💎  - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
Absolutely not. Even if there was a dire situation where death seems like the only way out, I’ve seen enough magical girl baloney to know there’s always another way. Blaze & Marine would snap her out of that “I have to end myself here to save everyone” mentality, but that's the only kind of scenario where I'd even think about that.
💀  - Does your OC have any phobias?
Claustrophobia, including feeling closed in by big crowds 
🍩  -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
In a playful manner, Blaze as a rival. 
🎓  - How long have you had the OC?
About 5 months :’D
Thanks for reading!
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homomenhommes · 3 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … February 29
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It's Leap-Day, February 29, the day added to our calendar to make the adjustment for all those little extra seconds each day which don't fit into out existing regular calendar. Beware of women who might want to propose to you. If you turn them down—and you probably will—you are expected to buy them a gift!
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A better suggestion is to hang out with your best butt-buddy and play a game of naked leapfrog. Who knows? Maybe he will propose to you, and you can settle down and play house—and all the other indoor and outdoor activities gay men love, such as Hide the Wiener, Handballs, Cross-country rutting, Muff Diving and the old favorite, Camping. The occasional eating out will be an added treat.
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1938 – Superman aka Kal-El aka Clark Kent was born on this day (maybe). Superman only celebrates his birthday on February 29th, which explains why he can look so good even though he's pushing 80. It’s a handy way to explain why a guy who has been fighting crime since 1938 doesn’t appear to age.
February 29th, 1988 was Superman’s “official” 50th birthday celebration, marked by a special edition of Time Magazine and a nearly unwatchable “comedy” special that aired on network TV. More importantly, February 29th is the date that “For the Man Who Has Everything,” one of the greatest Superman stories ever told, takes place, which is clearly marked as Superman’s birthday.
Whatever Kal-El’s actual birthday would be on Krypton depends on how you want to interpret the intricacies of the Kryptonian calendar. A Kryptonian “year” is known as a “zetyar,” which is equivalent to roughly 500 Earth days. By the reckoning of the Kryptonian calendar, Kal-El was born on 38 Eorx 9998. The weirdness of the Kryptonian calendar might offer a possible explanation here, so maybe 38 Eorx 9998 fell on the equivalent of February 29th on Earth. Then again, it’s best not to think too hard about this.
On the other hand, Clark Kent’s birthday would have to be the day his foster parents found his rocket. Superman: Secret Origin by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank put Clark Kent’s birthday on December 1st. Some comic book accounts place it in October, while others put it on June 18th. June is significant since Action Comics #1 has a June, 1938 cover date. You can’t put too much stock in that, though. Because of the weirdness of comic book cover dating practices (they were competitively dated months in advance), it probably actually hit newsstands in late February or early March of 1938. Also, there was no February 29th in 1938.
We are not trying to suggest here that Superman is gay. Far from it, but many of us as gay teens surely hoped he was, imagining him naked and jerking off to the idea. (I, for one, used to get great pleasure out of drawing him sans pants and with an enormous erection! — Ted)
However, Superman's son, Jon, is definitely gay. He came out of the closet in Superman - Son of Kal-El #5. He has fallen for a human named Jay with purple hair and extra powers such as the ability to walk through walls.
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1948 – Willi Smith, cofounder of the WilliWear company, has been called "the most successful black designer in fashion history." He favored natural fabrics and unconstructed clothes since they are more practical for the average consumer. "Models pose in clothes," he said. "People live in them."
Another leap-year baby, Willi Donnell Smith was born in Philadelphia on leap-day. Smith took inspiration from his parents and grandmother, who always dressed fashionably despite being on limited budgets. After studying commercial art, Smith enrolled at the Philadelphia College of Art to study fashion illustration in 1962. He soon realized, however, that he wanted to be a designer.
He earned two scholarships to the Parsons School of Design in New York in 1965. Soon after arriving in the city he began doing freelance work for the designer Arnold Scaasi and the Bobbie Brooks sportswear company. In 1967 he quit school to pursue his career full-time. By 1969 his name was on the label of clothing made by Digits, a sportswear company.
Willi Smith continued doing freelance work until 1976, when he entered into another business partnership, this time with Laurie Mallet, with whom he co-founded WilliWear. Smith and Mallet had met in 1970, when both were working at Digits. After leaving Digits, the two went their separate professional ways, Mallet working primarily in importing textiles and clothing.
WilliWear got off to a modest start. Mallet financed a trip to India so that she and Smith could buy materials and create their first collection. They used the only fabric available, cotton, and, unable to find buttons, designed wrap-around coats. Thus, their initial twelve-piece collection had what would become hallmarks of Willi Smith designs--natural fabrics, a relaxed, comfortable fit, colorful and eye-catching material, and a reasonable price tag.
Smith's eclectic, whimsical, and inventive designs attracted the attention of fashion editors and buyers from department stores and clothing chains such as TJ Maxx. Customers responded favorably, and the fledgling company soon became established in the industry.
Smith's style has been described as "street couture," a designation with which Smith quibbled. While acknowledging that he was acutely aware of what was being worn on the streets of America, he emphasized that he was not designing "for young people who like to look alike," but rather for people who wanted "real clothes" but with a sense of designer fashion.
At first WilliWear produced only women's clothing, but in 1978 the WilliWear Men line was added.
Each year Smith spent several months in India, working on fabrics and designs. On a trip in February 1987 he contracted shigella, a parasitic disease that causes dysentery. His health declined rapidly, and he was hospitalized with pneumonia in April. Two days later he died. A subsequent autopsy revealed that he had AIDS. The news came as a complete surprise to his business partner, Mallet, who said that she had "absolutely no clue" that Smith had AIDS. She described Smith as "fragile" and said that coworkers "were used to him not feeling well, not coming to work." If Smith knew the nature of his illness, however, he did not disclose it to them.
By the time of Smith's death, WilliWear was selling over 25 million dollars' worth of clothing a year. In addition to his retail ventures, Smith occasionally worked for individual clients. For example, he designed suits for Edwin Schlossberg and his groomsmen when Schlossberg married Caroline Kennedy in 1986. He also designed clothing for Spike Lee's film School Daze (1987).
A commemorative panel for Smith is part of the AIDS quilt. He is also remembered in a list of gay black AIDS sufferers in the poem I Speak: A Poem for the Millennium March by Keith Boykin, which the author read at the Millennium March on Washington for Equality on April 29, 2000.
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1972 – Pedro Zamora (d.1994) was a Cuban-American AIDS educator and television personality. As one of the first openly gay men with AIDS to be portrayed in popular media, Zamora brought international attention to HIV/AIDS and LGBT issues and prejudices through his appearance on MTV's reality television series, The Real World: San Francisco.
When his mother died when he was thirteen, he went into denial by throwing himself into his schoolwork, and by having promiscuous sex. He was an honors student, president of the Science Club, captain of the Cross-Country team, and as one of the most popular students in Hialeah High School, was voted Most Intellectual and Most All-Around. His mother's death inspired him to become a doctor, but he replaced her presence in his life by becoming sexually active with many male partners.
He was ignorant of safe sex, as the only AIDS education he received was in the seventh grade from a man who did not present the disease as a legitimate threat to him, but as something distant that only afflicted societal undesirables like prostitutes, drug addicts and homosexuals. Things such as sex and condoms were never mentioned, and thus Zamora never identified himself as someone at risk.
When he was fourteen, his father, suspecting his son was gay, had his brother follow him when he was supposed to be going out with a group of friends, only to find Zamora with his boyfriend. Zamora admitted his sexual orientation when his father confronted him. Hector, rather than being upset, was concerned over the homophobia to which his son might be subjected, but affirmed that he would be supportive of his son.
In his junior year of high school, Zamora donated blood during a Red Cross blood drive, and received a letter saying that his blood tested "reactive", though it did not specify for what, as the general screening was for a variety of viruses and infections. Zamora decided to be tested, and on November 9, 1989, the results confirmed that he had HIV.
He decided to graduate from high school before he died, though he did not give much thought to his health, as he was still in denial. He graduated high school in 1990, a year early, but five months later, he suffered a severe case of shingles that covered the entire right side of his body and face. With medication, the condition subsided after two months, but it inspired Zamora to join a Miami-based HIV/AIDS resource center called Body Positive, where he met others with HIV and AIDS, and educated himself about the disease, learning how to lead a positive life with it. Soon thereafter, he began to talk about his condition to others to attempt to raise awareness about the disease in his community.
Zamora decided to make a career as an AIDS educator. He began to lecture at schools of all levels, PTA meetings, churches, and anyone else who would listen, traveling the country, sitting on the boards of various AIDS organizations, and hoping to use what time he had left to prevent others from sharing his fate.
At the age of 19, his work came into national focus when Eric Morganthaler wrote a front page article about him for the Wall Street Journal, resulting in talk show interviews by Geraldo Rivera, Phil Donahue and Oprah Winfrey.
Though Zamora was gay, he chose to not make that explicit point to school children, preferring to emphasize to them that he got the disease through unprotected sex, so as to underscore the fact that both homosexuals and heterosexuals could contract HIV.
On July 12, 1993, he testified before the United States Congress, arguing for more explicit HIV/AIDS educational programs, saying, "If you want to reach me as a young man - especially a young gay man of color - then you need to give me information in a language and vocabulary I can understand and relate to."
In 1993, Zamora met a fellow AIDS educator named Sean Sasser during a gay/lesbian march in Washington D.C., when both were involved with other people, and they became friends. The constant travel took its toll on Zamora, who at times was so tired that he was forced to cancel speaking engagements.
In mid-1993, Zamora learned that MTV was casting for the next season of their reality TV show, The Real World, which would take place in San Francisco. His best friend and roommate, Alex Escarano, convinced him to put together an audition tape, arguing that he could reach more people simply by living in The Real World house than through the cross-country travel that exhausted him. Six months later, Zamora was informed that he had been chosen to be a castmate on the show, beating out 25,000 applicants.
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The Real World: S.F cast
Zamora and his six castmates (Mohammed Bilal, Rachel Campos, Pam Ling, Cory Murphy, David "Puck" Rainey, and Judd Winick) moved into the house at 953 Lombard Street on Russian Hill on February 12, 1994. While the producers informed the other six housemates that they would be living with someone HIV-positive, they did not tell them who it was.
Zamora informed his roommate, Judd Winick, that he was the one with AIDS by telling him he was an AIDS educator, and the rest of the cast by showing them a scrapbook of his career as an AIDS educator.
Sean Sasser had been living in San Francisco for a couple of years, so when Zamora moved into the loft, he and Sean began dating. Zamora asked the show's producers for permission to go out without cameras, so that he and Sasser could get to know one another in a more natural setting. The producers allowed this, and the two young men fell in love. Sasser proposed to Zamora, and the two exchanged vows in a commitment ceremony in the loft. Their relationship was nominated for "Favorite Love Story" at the 2008 Real Worlds Awards Bash.
Zamora's health continued to deteriorate, however. Although he was able to participate in activities like parasailing during the group's trip to Hawaii, the cast grew more worried about him nonetheless, often covering up for him during their weekly "confessional" interviews with the producers by telling them that Zamora was doing fine when they knew otherwise.
The cast moved out of the loft on June 19, 1994, and the first episodes of The Real World: San Francisco began airing a week later.
Wishing not to subject his family to a slow and prolonged death as had occurred with his mother, Zamora stated his wish not to be kept alive by artificial means. Hospitalized and unable to speak for almost a month, being fed intravenously, and becoming unresponsive, his family honored his wishes, and withdrew life support, including medication, food and water. Surrounded by his family, Zamora died on November 11, 1994, the day after the final episode of The Real World: San Francisco aired.
U.S. President Bill Clinton credited Zamora with personalizing and humanizing those living with HIV—especially to Latino communities—with his activism, including his testimony before Congress. His romantic relationship with Sean Sasser was also documented on the show with the two getting married on air; their relationship was later nominated by MTV viewers for "Favorite Love Story" award. Zamora's personal struggle with AIDS, and his conflict with housemate David "Puck" Rainey is credited with helping to make The Real World a hit show, for which Time ranked it #7 on their list of 32 Epic Moments in Reality-TV History.
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1988 – Joel Kim Booster is an American actor, comedian, and writer. He is best known for his Comedy Central Stand-Up Presents stand-up special.
Kim Booster was born in South Korea and was adopted by a white American couple as an infant. He was raised in Plainfield, Illinois in a conservative, Evangelical Christian family and was initially homeschooled. He went to public school for the first time when he was 16, which he described as his "first time being around non-religious people." He knew he was gay from childhood but kept it a secret. His senior year in high school, his parents found out he was gay by reading his diary where he had described his sexual encounters with other boys. Kim Booster moved out and began to couchsurf until he stayed with a family friend.
He studied theater at Millikin University for his bachelor's degree.Living in Chicago, he took a job as a copywriter and began to perform in theater and write jokes after work. Kim Booster began his stand-up career in an unconventional fashion by opening up for plays in Chicago's theater scene. He then moved to New York in 2014 to pursue a career in comedy. He performed a set on Conan in 2016. He then appeared in his own Comedy Central Stand-Up Presents special in 2017. Kim Booster has also written for the shows Billy on the Street, Big Mouth, and The Other Two.
Kim Booster often talks about his sexuality in his stand-up. He has stated that he knew he was gay before he knew he was Asian.
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"Me too!"
1988 – Svend Robinson becomes Canada's first elected Member of Parliament to come out as gay.
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Unused ideas: Irene Lovejoy's siblings
So originally, Irene was supposed to have 4 younger sisters. That idea was first started when I drafted the Engelika's original family tree.
It was just a simple idea, appeared on a whim, I gave them names and appearances, but it's been a while since then, I don't remember much about them. So now they will have their own spotlight, as I will be redesigning them :D
No promises they will show up any time in the near future, but in an AU, perhaps.
Concept: 4/9 Muses of Greek Mythology
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General info:
Full name: Melpomene Lovejoy (named after the muse of tragedy)
Age: 16
Birthday: 31st October (Before midnight)
Gender: Male (AFAB)
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Transgender, Demisexual
Fun facts:
The second oldest child and the older twin
He prefers to be called Melli or Mel, his legal name is a mouthful and he doesn't like it really much
Mel is somewhat okay with his body the way it is, but dysphoria sometimes gets the best of him, and a lot of those times leaves many scars
Mel got top surgery on his 15th birthday
Mel has ADHD and mild insomnia
Mel dyes his hair white and left a couple strands of black hair to match with his older sister Irene, who has black hair with strands of white
Mel looks up to the oldest a lot and apsires to be as cool as her
Mel enjoys rock and classical music
Mel fears being left alone and forgotten, but his sisters are always there to support him
Mel dreams to become a well-known guitarist in the future
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General info:
Full name: Thalia Lovejoy (named after the muse of comedy)
Age: 16
Birthday: 1st November (After midnight)
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Cisgender, Bisexual
Fun facts:
The middle child and younger twin
Like Mel, she dyed her hair pink but it's to match her love of pastel colours, her original hair colour is brown
Her clothes and room aesthetics is pastel kidcore
She adores the Hello Kitty franchise, plushies, dolls, and pastel fashion
You sometimes can't pry her out of mind when she's hyperfixated on an artistic concept, this results in many times she forgot to eat
She gets better over time, but there are still times she slips into old habits
She wants to be a fashion designer growing up
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General info:
Full names: Erato and Calliope Lovejoy (named after the muse of lyrics and love poetry, and the muse of epic poetry respectively)
Age: 12
Birthday: 21st March
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Fun facts:
The youngest twins
Calliope is the older twin
Both are uually nicknamed Eri and Calli respectively by their older siblings
They're both usually secretive about their mischief, but it's fortunately always end up some harmless pranks
Erato likes technical subjects like Chemistry and Biology, while Calliope enjoys history and music
Both are shy around strangers and prefer to stay close to their siblings
tags🏷️ @cloudcountry @identity-theft-101 @aqua-beam @siren-serenity @xen-blank @moonlit-midnight @ferris-the-wheel @cookiesandbiscuits @dove-da-birb @krenenbaker @axvwriter @escha-evenstar @leichor @loser-jpg @taruruchi @shinysparklesapphires @vioisgoinginsane @mermaidfanficlibrary @thehollowwriter @cyanide-latte @edith-is-a-cat
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icy-prism · 2 months
The picture below is NOT my post! It’s a screenshot of my friend’s post! Look below the picture for the real post! :)
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If you remember this post my dear friend made a while ago and my reblog, you would know that these are my ocs! I don't know if anyone's interested, but at last I'm gonna share some info about them!
So you know how each Splatoon idol group has a different style of music right? Well, Jellri Tears's style of music is K-pop! You may or may not have recognized it through the clothes lol.
Here are their character bios:
Age: 20
Species: Inkling
Birthday: May 7th
A very passionate singer and dancer, Rhine wants to revolutionize K-pop in the Splatoon world. She's been best friends with Jenna since childhood, and they've both shared the same goal growing up. Though not looking like it, she is the more chill member of the duo. She also is the one responsible for writing the music and lyrics.
Species: Octoling
Age: 20
Birthday: November 1st
The younger one of the duo, Jenna is way more energetic than Rhine (and is also kind of an airhead). She found out about K-pop through Rhine, and loved the genre so much since hearing of it she's probably more of a fan than Rhine by now. Jenna is responsible for making and designing their stage outfits, and she was also the one who came up with the duo name: "Jellri Tears"
That’s all I have for now, byeee!! Again, drawing credits go to @allimocha 🩷
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bryan360 · 9 months
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Here’s my note before I’ll get started….
“Brown’s surprise to Miya”
We got a lots of birthday plans for this month to follow up. Having our charged speedster sibling is no exception. Good thing I’d made this artwork in time to celebrate Miya Speedster’s 1st Anniversary.
🥜Brown: That includes myself as I donned my own Miya’s clothes; after previously wear while celebrate our Filipino pal’s birthday. Link Here
🥜Brown: Of course what better way by having in bagged formed now that I’m wearing. Wasn’t the first time when doing so, but fits me nonetheless. 😊 👍 Do apologize of 🐱🎧Mikey wouldn’t be there in time, but at least he behave to celebrating Miya’s birthday. Hope you’ll enjoy my creator friend’s post, Miya!
🥜Brown: Nice to share your creator pal’s share and a new getup. Sammir is liking this very much. 😉
Brown (in his owned Miya Speedster’s clothes) (In bagged formed) created by me; BryanVelasquez87 (Bryan360)
Tagged: @carmenramcat @alexander1301 @rafacaz4lisam2k4 @paektu
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samsseptember · 2 years
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Hi Sam Wilson nation, this is a bit last minute but, a few of us decided to get together and make samtember2022 happen. YAY!!! 🎉
This fan event will be running from Thursday, September 1st to Friday, September 30th and it is meant to celebrate Sam Wilson’s birthday✨
This page is for the creators in the Sam Wilson fandom to share their works, and there will be prompts set for each day:
September 1 - Free choice 
September 2 - Boat | Fishing  
September 3 - Running | Workout
Captain America Week:
September 4 - Uniform | Cap suit 
September 5 - On a mission | Undercover
September 6 - Redwing | Technology
September 7 - Shield | Legacy 
September 8 - Foreign language | International
September 9 - Cap Quartet | New Team 
September 10 - Meet and Greet | Meeting fans 
Angst/ AU Week:
September 11 -  Forgotten | Memory
September 12 - Secrets | Unspoken
September 13 - Dreams | Nightmares
September 14 - Wings | Angel
September 15 - Birds | Telepathic powers 
September 16 - Variant | Multiverse
September  17 - Time Travel | Time loop
Fun / Party Week:
September  18 - Carnival | King of Mardi Gras  
September  19 - Unexpected | Twist 
September  20 - Leather Jacket | Clothing 
September  21 - Weekend getaway | Trip 
September  22 - Party | Night out
September  23 - Cake cake cake 🎂🧁
September  24 - Drunk | Hungover
Fluff / Family Week:
September  25 - Family Recipe | Cooking
September  26 - Rainy day | Cozy
September  27 -  Renovation | House chores
September  28 - Family | Uncle Sam
September  29 - Siblings | Sarah & Gideon Wilson 
September  30 - Home | Louisiana  alt. prompt Goodbyes. 
We have opened a collection on AO3 that can be found here, or by searching  samtember2022. You can also tag any works you post with #samtember2022 or tag this blog @samtember2022​ - works will be reblogged every day throughout the month. 
Can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with! 
FAQs are listed under the cut:
What works count for this fan event?
The following works count:
photosets / mood boards
videos / edits
Whichever way you want to celebrate Sam Wilson, it’s up to you! 
Q&A after the cut.
Q. Are there any length, sizing, etc. requirements for works in this event?
A. No.
Q. Do I have to sign up?
A. No.
Q. Do I have to make something for each prompt / day of the month?
A. You can make as many or as few works for the prompts as you wish; you do not have to make a work for every day or prompt.
Q. Are NSFW postings allowed?
A. Yes, NSFW postings are welcome, just make sure to tag them appropriately.
Q. Can I come up with my own prompt?
A. Yes, but please stick to posting these under Day 1: Free Choice. Other works posted must follow the prompt(s) of the specific posting day.  
Q. Do I have to wait to post on certain dates?
A. Since each date corresponds with a specific theme and prompt(s), we do ask that you wait to post on the day designated for each theme / prompt(s).
Q. Can I use more than one prompt per work?
A. Yes! Though the prompts were intended to create variety, you are more than welcome to combine prompts within a certain theme, i.e. for family week you can do Family recipe + Siblings for Day 29. You can even implement ALL of the prompts of the week in the same work if you feel up to the challenge!
Q. What if I create a work that incorporates two prompts from different posting days?
A.This is allowed, so your posting date would be up to your discretion. For example, if you wrote a fic that was both about Family and Party, you could post your work on either Day 22 or Day 28.
Q. Can I use this event to re-promote something I’ve already created?
A. No; this event is only for new, original works. This means that the fic, fanart, video, gifset, etc. that you’ve created must have been first posted during this event.
Q. Can I post a multi-chaptered fic if it isn’t completed?
A. You can post a multi-chaptered fic and it does not have to be completed as long as you post at least the first chapter on the designated posting date for your prompt.
Q. Can I include other characters/ships in my works?
A. Side characters and side ships are fine, but this is a Sam Wilson event, the main focus of your works must be on Sam.
Have any other questions?
Please feel free to submit any other questions in the ask box, or reach out to either @samwilsonsb4be or @sammy-souffle.
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purplesurveys · 2 months
What's the most worthwhile thing you've done in the last year? I've mentioned it to death at this point, but traveling to Thailand with my friends and seeing Yoongi in concert before he went off to military service. It was the first accessible tour BTS had (the previous ones were all in the US), and my friends and I needed it to happen for us.
What foods make you want to gag? I have a strong stomach when it comes to food and typically have no problem with textures, smells, all that stuff...my biggest issue is not liking fruits, but they're not necessarily something I gag over. I just don't like how they taste.
Do you consider yourself to be organized? Like what I've said before, I'm a messy kind of organized so idk where that falls under. I can be careless when placing things but I always remember where everything is.
Have you ever made out with someone? Yes.
What time do you get sleepy? Usually around 1 or 2 AM.
What music do you listen to? I nearly exclusively listen to K-pop these days.
How old were you when you started to walk? I would guess a little over 1 year old, since I have home videos from my 1st birthday party and those clips would show that I was still struggling to keep myself up. Kinda surprising and I would consider that delayed, since I have cousins who were able to walk at like 10-11 months old.
Which member of your family do you get along with the best? My sister. We have the same sense of humor and we generally have an excellent silent understanding of each other's moods.
What cheers you up when you're sad? My dogs, BTS, and wrestling. But I'm also generous towards myself - if I'm in a really down mood, I don't force myself to cheer up anymore.
What do you sleep in? My designated lounge clothes, which is really just a collection of thin, short, and airy pieces. Can't be all covered up in this tropical climate.
Have you ever tanned topless? I wouldn't want to do that. Even if you tell me I'd have an island to myself, I think I'd still be too shy to go topless.
Wear jewelry? I used to have a necklace constantly on, but I took it off a few months ago. It's sitting on my drawer for now.
What's something you've been told you're good at? Writing. And planning, in the sense of crafting PR pitches - which tbh is just an offshoot of writing as every presentation deck needs a strong and compelling narrative.
How much can you eat? Not a lot in one go; I have a very small appetite and rarely finish a full meal, unless I'm at home.
What's the furthest away you've ever traveled? Just around Southeast and East Asia.
Are you a cat or dog person? Dog!
Have you ever done drugs? Only once.
What does your room look like? It's certainly a lot homier and cozier than it used to be - a year ago we had some renovations done and upgraded my bed to a loft-style one, which was able to save a ton of space. That meant I could add some more stuff in my room that would help make it a comfier spot, so right now I have a loft bed with my work station under it, and dedicated shelves for all my K-pop merch. I also have a makeshift couch where I can hang if I don't feel like climbing up to my bed.
Recommend a really amazing book. I'd just recommend the last one I read since I don't read frequently - Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982.
Recommend a really amazing song. Wild Flower by RM or First Love by Suga. Amygdala by Suga is also good.
Recommend a really amazing movie. Steve Jobs.
Who's your favorite actor/actress? Kate Winslet and Audrey Hepburn.
Have you ever run away from home? No.
Do you exercise ever? The lack of exercise I do I make up for by walking as much as I can and as far as I can. I recently learned that I have low blood pressure, so that has explained a lot for me as far as why I seem to hate exercising so much.
Do you like your hair, the way it is and the colour? It has its good days but admittedly it's something I've been neglecting. It's way overdue for a new dye job and a major trim.
Do you have any friends named Baloo? Or is he just in the Junglebook? I don't know anyone named Baloo.
Are you a Disney movie fan? I'm not a superfan by any means, but I have my share of Disney movies that I really love.
Do you eat seafood? Yes. I had a ton of it just earlier.
When was the last time you cried? Couple of days ago, but they were good tears.
Do you have good working habits? I like to think so. I've slowed down in the last year or so and while that might give off the impression that I'm not as good as I used to be, the fact of the matter is I overworked myself to death when I was just starting out, and have simply learned how to strike the balance between setting boundaries while still performing at the quality I should be delivering.
So where the hell do you want to go in life? I just want to continue being responsible with my savings while not forgetting to enjoy life. I don't want to push myself on a leash, but I don't want to go out of bounds with my means either.
Contentment. It's a cliché answer but it's what I'm perfectly okay going for.
What are your boundaries? The only boundaries I can think of now are all work-related, but I'm glad to say I've been learning to keep those walls up and to not be a slave for my job.
What are some of the funniest things you can think of? I recently remembered the existence of the WWE musical chairs segment, and that was a treat to unlock from my memory hahaha.
What are two quirky little things about you? Thinking of 'quirky' things kinda makes me feel self-conscious, and it might be better asking someone else. What's quirky for me might just be otherwise normal without me knowing hahaha.
Are you claustrophobic? Nah not really, I don't have a lot of problem with being in cramped spaces or super crowded spots. If anything it just makes me annoyed hahaha.
Do you like getting wasted? I like getting a good amount of tipsy in that I become more extroverted and energized than usual, but I've graduated from blackout drunkenness. Not something I'd want to experience again.
List three things that you look for in a friend. Low-maintenance, on a similar wavelength humor- and vibe-wise, is talkative and likes to share stories and ask questions.
Do you prefer Angels and Airwaves or Rhianna? Rihanna.
What religion are you, if any? I haven't identified with any religion in nearly 15 years, although I was baptized as Roman Catholic and technically that's what I am.
If your house was on fire (and your family escaped), what would you save? If family already includes the dogs, I'd simply go for my phone before making my way out.
Do you have any sash belts? No.
What do you have on right now? Include everything, nail polish, makeup, etc BB cream, hair serum, t-shirt, culottes, a hair tie, glasses.
Does caffeine make you hyper? It keeps me awake and focused, but not hyper.
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yakkoyesi · 10 months
YESENIA YESI Well I'll Be A Thousand lovefool Ocs
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"Lovefool" mixture of "Love Me" song's lyrics.yakko ocs actress 'Yesenia' can identify as in our own loving manners.All out to our favorite dearest Warner Brother Yakko Warner (⁠●⁠♡⁠∀⁠♡⁠)(⁠✿⁠ ⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠)
A year since my yakko oc existence, never imagining creating one of my very own ocs
*except dot warner jr of course* And having to grasp the variety of lovey doveys for this character Yakko throughout the years
*and me being such an introvert about it* I decided to take my Yakko Oc to a very interesting turn.
Yesenia Oc's purpose for all the silly mix ups Was to tone down all the jealousies over Yakko and make every yakko oc fangirl winners of his heart, including myself into the long overdue fun As well.And for Smarty-pants to finally get to notice me the real me within all the beautiful parts roles Yesenia has been cast as.
Piece by piece Layer by fictional layer within all the yakko oc's reveals a yakko ocs actress in the end, A long lost forgotten childhood friend of yakkos 'Yesenia'. *Spanish Jessica to the core*
Yakko and the gang to have wondered about her whereabouts absence as a Teenager, meanwhile interpreting the roles of Yakko Ocs you all know of today.*absent teen introvert No Internet partially true story ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯*
And so that being saidHere are the majority of Yakko Ocs Fangirls I've Met Seen Fascinated by and or Befriended by during my Deviant Art years.
This tribute is out to ALL them yakko oc fangirl/boys out there*So. Yeah. Hobbie. Just for fun.Basics Starting with me...
"Minnie mouse of warner brothers" lol. on wanting to share my OC. Hope shes cute. (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡ .... I Hope you like it, Because i sure do love all your yakko oc's back throughout the years.
Thank You All."
- Yesenia (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠) (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)
💙🤍YESENIA YESI ✧♡ OC NICKNAME: Her "Nickname" is 'Yesenia' 'Yesi' (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡ *unless otherwise think of a name* ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
✧♡ HER OCCUPATIONS: Aspiring inclusionist. Representation To All Yakko's OCs, Imitator..... *she serves as a peaceful tribute impersonation to All Yakko's OC Fans. yakko imitates personas, yesi tributes his oc fans throu her, in hopes that she could reveal her true self around him, Be Herself.*
✧♡ PERSONALITY: she's shy quiet mute yet Ecstatic, Gracious, Fun Loving, Multitask little Drama Queen carrying a Sarcastic Glance 😏
✧♡ CATCH PHRASE: "Good Evening Everybody" "Actions Speak Louder Than Words" "Minnie Mouse Of Warner Brothers!"
✧♡ CLOTHING: Styles a White & Blue Dress & Sunhats as her true herself👗👒 *sometimes yakko's oc's clothing for tributes*
✧♡ OC INSPIRATION: Minnie Mouse yesi loves old fashion inspired wear from the 1930s 50s ect *also Yakko isn't Mickey Mouse either lol*
🎁DEBUTE DAY: December 18🎂
*Birthday fact: Yesi's Birthday's the same as Mr. Spielberg's ;)
💚💛💙KIKKO part/role/factsBlonde Haired Green Eyed Animaniac BeautyStyling Primary Colors In Constant Envy towardsBlonde Haired Blue Eyed Bombshells 'Hello Nurse' & 'Minerva Mink'
💗SHANA part/role/facts*now shawn*But one of Yesenia's 1st fun precious roles & 1st fun precious friends (⁠♡⁠ω⁠♡⁠ ⁠)⁠ ⁠~⁠♪
💛🖤💗LAFFY part/role/factsTitles to be 'The Forth Warner' also 'The Giggling Bunny' styling her cute long ears as her pigtails, dressed in yellow making forth the perfect design and color to fit right in with the Warners. Plus also a friend of mine ༼⁠ ⁠つ⁠ ⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠ ⁠༽⁠つ(⁠=⁠`⁠ェ⁠´⁠=⁠)
💟🖤REM part/role/factDressed in shades of PurpleThe serious little Badass Emo vibed Warner *i'd say the closest to my 'current' personality of frustrations beneath my bubbly well mannered self due to life's punches* stays strong thus with a serious whit.
💟🧡LOLA part/role/factsAnother one of my awesome friends (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)Styling pretty much of a Tomboys clothing with neat-oh lavender pants.
💛💗💜LIZZIE part/role/factsTaking place in the Anime Warner WorldLizzie Gardenia not only named after a beautiful flower But beautiful personalty and design as well.Black Hair Yellow Fur creature whos Down to earth Passionate Attentive Creative and Intelligent. Enjoys Cooking Painting Studying Gardening Learning and Reading Long walks in the garden. Favorite pastry the Cheese Cake.
💚🖤🤍ZAYLEE part/role/facts Styling beautiful Pistachio Mint of colors An outgoing teenie bopper from the 50′s, Former lead female vocalist from a band in the 50′s. Singer and Dancer. One of the former mascots of a now defunct diner. Likes Vintage Fashion, 50′s music, Bright flashing colored lights, Poodle Skirts, and Milkshake’s. And dislikes An unorganized or unprepared band, Creepy Crawlies, Clothes she enjoys wearing that apparently don’t fit her anymore, being yelled or nagged at.
❤️🧡YASMIN part/role/factsWears a Yakko pants inspired Skirtwith a red flower in her hair Ponytail.Well there's one thing to know about Yasmine don't diss about Rainbows lols.
💗🖤DAELA part/role/factsSeen often alongside Laffy's success styles bolty bangs Black Ponytail Hot Pink smiley wear and also a friend of mine(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
🧡❤️💛VIKKY part/role/facts And Authentic Cozy Bundle Of Autumn Orange Of Colors and a Nueva Dulce Art Amiga (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^u^⁠)
💗💙🖤AYAKO part/role/factsMeaning 'Coloring Child' styles forth her eye-catching long naturally pink hair. Who's also a friend of mine ༼⁠ ⁠つ⁠ ⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠ ⁠༽⁠つ
(ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ***yakko ocs credited out to their respectful owners⁠**⁠*⁠.⁠✧(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
Minnie Mouse Of Warner Bros
Yesenia Yesi yakko oc actress
by Yesenia Eguia Villanueva
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zebraszegras · 4 months
Meet Sophie Grace Winters
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-> Name: Sophie Grace Winters
-> Nicknames: Soph, Gracie, Phie (pronounced Fee)
-> Birthday and age: Born April 1st 2004, 19 years old (like as of today)
-> Traits: Red head, Green eyes, 5'4", Freckled
-> Personality: Kind, Giving, Loving, Understanding, Sassy, Slightly sarcastic
-> Love Language (How she shows love): Physical Contact, Gift Giving, Words of affirmation
-> Love Language (How people can show her love): Physical Contact, Words of affirmation, Quality time
-> Studies: Majors in Art and Design and business at Umich, Will eventually have her own clothing brand
Family: Has an older sister named Anna Jane Winters (22 years old) and a younger brother named Daniel Jacob Winters (16 years old). Parents are Janice Winters (41 years old) and George Winters (43 years old)
-> Likes: Reading, Music, Kids, Butterflies, Campfires, Flowers, The sound of rain, The smell of new books, Strawberries, The texture of grass
-> Dislikes: Spiders, Clowns, Non girls girls, Being unorganized, The sound of puppies crying, The smell of gas, Pickles, The texture of chalk
-> Talents: Playing piano, Singing, Painting, Writing, Sewing
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femme-malewife · 1 year
Fling Posse Profile Translation
Translator’s note: I’m not a professional translator, so if anyone spots anything weird, feel free to message me.
Also the images provided in the guidebook are various images of them in different outfits, so I’m just going to be using images from the ARB game.
Amemura Ramuda (CV: Shirai Yusuke)
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easy R
Former The Dirty Dawg member and current owner of the fashion brand Empty Candy. He looks like an elementary school student, but he's very quick-witted and calculating. He is popular among women for his natural cuteness, although he is naive, unreserved, and often makes offhanded comments. He has a connection with the Chuohku Ward and has a big secret that hhe can't tell anyone! He is a man of mystery. He and Jakurai from the Shinjuku Division have a heated rivalry.
Hypnosis Ability: Dazzle. It confuses the opponents and causes them to see illusions.
Birthday: February 14th
Zodiac: Aquarius
Age: 24 years
Height: 155cm
Weight: 49kg
Blood Type: Type O
Handedness: Right
Occupation: Fashion Designer (Producer of Empty Candy)
Likes: Hanging out with women, Flashy Clothes
Dislikes: Ghosts, Needles, Nosy People
Favorite Food: Candy
Hated Food: Green Peas
Yumeno Gentaro (CV: Saito Soma)
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He is a well-known novelist. His style is ever-changing. Based on his theory that "the best stories are found in the lives of people walking around everywhere," he imagines the lives of people on the street and uses them as the subject matter for his novels. He is always telling convincing lies and experimenting to see how much the other person will believe him. He dresses like an intellectual scholar.
Hypnosis Ability: Imitation. It mimics an opponent's ability.
Birthday: April 1st
Zodiac: Aries
Age: 24 years
Height: 177cm
Weight: 61kg
Blood Type: Type AB
Handedness: Right
Occupation: Novelist
Likes: People Watching, Coffee Shops, Fantasy Stories
Dislikes: Being ridiculed for his clothes, Self Help Books
Favorite Food: Watermelons
Hated Food: Melons
Arisugawa Dice (CV: Nozuyama Yukihiro)
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Dead or Alive
He's a reckless gambler who's always seeking thrills and is always broke. He's a gambling maniac who would even risk his own life and has somehow survived until now due to his innate luck. When he makes a decision, he rolls the dice he carries. He doesn't live anywhere specifically and due to always being broke, he quickly latches onto people who feed him.
Hypnosis Ability: Max Bet. Depending on the "luck", the contents of the ability will change.
Birthday: July 7th
Zodiac: Cancer
Age: 20 years
Height: 177cm
Weight: 77kg
Blood Type: Type B
Handedness: Left
Occupation: Gambler
Likes: Gambling, Thrills
Dislikes: Solid Living, Tea
Favorite Food: Junk Food
Hated Food: Nothing
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starry-night-rose · 2 years
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“This place is just like a fairytale I’d never want to leave”
Full Name: Ellis Aurora Clawthorne
Nicknames: Child of Man (Malleus), Siren (Floyd), Human (Sebek), Mademoiselle Princesse (Rook), Potato (Vil), Beloved (Malleus), Queen of my Heart (Malleus) Little Miss Princess (Ace)
V/A: Asami Seto (JP) Cherami Leigh (EN) 
Age: 16
Birthday: October 2nd
Horoscope: Libra
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Height: 160 cm (or 5′3)
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Deep Green
Family: Unnamed Mother, Unnamed Father, Unnamed Grandmother (deceased)
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Dormitory: Ramshackle
School Year: 1st year 
Class: 1-A (No. 7)
Best Class- Magical History
Worst Class(es)- Anything involving magic
Favorite Food(s)- Strawberries, Scones, and Angel Food Cake
Least Favorite Food- Pistachios, Peanuts, and Blue Cheese
Hobbies: Reading, Swimming, and Designing Outfits
Dislikes: Mold, Sudden Loud Noises, Hot Weather
Talent(s): Sewing, Dancing, and Singing
Sexuality: Biromantic (On the Ace Spectrum!)
Personality: Most likely the most curious person you will ever meet. As she would put it in her own words “Everyone and everything is like a story that just needs someone to listen to it.” Ellis is a cynical optimist through and through. Raving on and on about how the world is a amazing and beautiful place to cursing at the person who made her drop her drink. Tries to keep the peace most of the time but when the time is right, she can and will fight someone. Though when talking to new people, she tends to freeze up and tries to rely on others to talk before starting a conversation. She always tries her best to make her friends and others have the best time they can! Ellis is a rather sentimental person who cherishes things and conversations with others! Ellis is a romantic at heart and is yearning for a romance to rival those in books. Ellis is a very sweet girl who always tries to befriend others and would do anything for them. Though she is not always the best at comforting someone, she always knows just what to say to someone to make them feel special.
Was in theatre before being brought into NRC
Had a large crush in middle school that she refuses to talk about
Loves to sew her own clothes and for others!
Has keychains on just about everything she owns (you can hear her approach from a mile away due to the keychains dangling)
Has a positive relationship with her parents but hasn’t talked to them since NRC
Knows how to ballroom dance
Carries all her school supplies in a backpack (with tons of keychains on it obviously)
Friend group consists of Deuce, Ace (begrudgingly),Jack, Lilia, Sebek (was dragged in against his will but stayed), Malleus, Epel, and Grim!
Ellis typically carries a bag of strawberry candies at all times to hand out to friends and others!
Ellis is somewhat twisted from Aurora from Sleeping Beauty and Belle from Beauty and the Beast
Ellis took many classes in singing and dancing when she was young
Ellis’ favorite color is pink!
Full body shown below↓↓↓
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go-go-devil · 8 months
6, 23, 35
6) First game you ever played?
Super Mario Sunshine! ☀️
I can't remember exactly if I was four years old when I first got my Gamecube or if I had just turned five, but that was the first video game I ever owned and played. For a while I would only be bought new games on birthdays or Christmas; all the others I played came from rentals at our local Blockbuster. That game was REALLY hard for someone my age, but getting through each mission and exploring the still-very-impressive scope of the levels gave me a feeling of pure adventure and triumph that most games still can't quite replicate. It also the first game I ever beat too, which made me feel like a GOD ✨
23) Do you typically choose to play a male or female character (when asked to pick)?
I've always tended to switch it up for each game I play. For example, in Pokemon I remember often picking the male protags mostly because I preferred the way they looked (i.e. cool hats & pants instead of skirts). Sadly lots of games w/ set male & female characters tend to design the latter as too stereotypically girly for my liking, which I see as another serious problem with video games being a largely cismale dominated industry...
If a game gives me good character building options I am more likely to pick a female character solely because I can make her/them look more like how I'd prefer them to look. This is a major reason why I'm so fond of the soulsborne games; they don't force female characters to be scantily clad compared to the males (and lets you make large, gender-neutral looking women too!)
35) Do you own any gaming themed memorabilia? (e.g. collector’s editions, posters, prop replicas, statues, clothing, etc.)
Not much, but I do own some! My earliest and some of my most prized possessions are a small variety of pokemon stuffed animals I've acquired from childhood (and teenhood): Blaziken, Torchic, Treecko, Corphish, Bulbasaur, and Snivy. My other prized gaming item is this really nice-looking Oddworld shirt I bought a few years back. It's meant to look like an old-timey written advertisement for Rupture Farms, the main dystopian meat-packing factory in the 1st game, and it's one of my absolute favorite t-shirts!
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gcldensnitch · 2 years
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Lainey Bell. – a hpma character’s profile.
Full name: Lainey Imogen Bell
Birthday: May 22th, 1997
Nationality: British
House: Hufflepuff
Blood status: Muggle-born
Upon arriving to Hogwarts, Lainey noticed how mixed most of the students are. She secretly wished she had some exciting story to share, however she comes from a regular muggle family. She was both born and raised in London. Her parents are regular people - her father works as an engineer, while her mother works for a small company as a book keeper. Not to mention she is an only child! All of these factors made her who she is today. Lainey is a shy yet dedicated girl, wanting to prove how even a muggle-born can be a wonderful witch. The sorting had didn’t hesitate too much to choose a house for her. Hufflepuff suited her the most!
House: Hufflepuff
Wand wood: Willow
Wand core: Jackalope antler
Clubs: Gobstones
Special magical abilities: none
Best subjects: Charms, Flying
Worst subject: DADA
Patronus: Ragdoll Cat
Boggart: Her crush rejecting her in public, embarassing her infront of everyone
Riddikulus: The crush starts to talk in a silly voice
• Positive traits: hard working, good listener, accepting, open minded, creative
• Negative traits: shy, obsessed with love, sometimes can have some inner fight due to inferiority complex
Love interests:
• Lottie Turner: She's the very first crush of Lainey. The two of them met in the library and became friends during their 1st year. Lainey started to feel more toward the girl, however sadly it was an one-sided thing. Lottie got confessed to when they were in their 4th year but she had to turn down Lainey. They remained friends but their relationship got slightly colder after that.
• Quentin Alderly (@gaygryffindorgal): Quincey is Lainey's best friend. The boy liked how she did not care about his background at all. Quincey longed for a friend whom he could share his troubles and fears only to find that friend in Lainey! He supported her when she came out as a lesbian to him which was a huge deal to her. Naturally, she also did support Quincey and his lover, Dawn’s relationship! After graduation Quincey did some modelling for Lainey’s fashion brand and she always told him jokingly how she is forever in debt to him. 
- Her faceclaim is Grace Van Dien.
- Lainey is a lesbian, but pretty much closeted.
- After graduation she opens her very own clothing boutique in Hogsmeade where she sells clothes that she designed herself.
- Her hobbies are fashion and gobstones.
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verticordiia · 8 months
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Sherry's birthday is on the 1st of October, making her a Libra.
When she was a child (before Deliora ruined everything), her grandmother would wake her up on her birthday mornings, usually a little earlier than usual on weekdays so that everyone could wish her a happy birthday before going to work or school, the year she turned six). It has been a long time, of course, but the habit of getting up early on her birthdays (and only on her birthdays, truthfully) is deeply ingrained in Sherry. She might also get up early for close friends' birthdays, if she is staying at their place.
Her birthdays tend to make her pensive so she spends much time contemplating what she is doing with her life---and sometimes, she does not like the answer. Each year, she tends to resolve that she will improve one aspect of her life---to go back to therapy after the damage that was done to her by Nirvana despite having been told that it was no longer necessary was something she decided on when she turned 22.
Cake wise, she prefers dark chocolate cakes with red or dark pink frosting, maybe with some 'spooky' designs cast in sugar such as anatomically correct hearts or bones. She rarely bakes the cake herself---life experience has shown that she comes back from jobs shortly before her birthday so she simply does not have the time to prepare a baking project that big, but the bakery near her home knows her and knows her aesthetic so she usually prepays the cake and gives the people their free reign in terms of design within the mentioned guidelines. One year, her cake had little chocolate bats. She loved that.
Some years, she ended up eating the cake alone (over several days) due to the overall circumstances of her life. She rarely let that affect her overall mood.
In terms of gifts---she likes practical gifts. Especially practical things that are a tad too pricey for her to happily buy it for herself. She tends to want to save her money and rather buy the 'basic' version of something. Her friends, on the other hand, tend to buy her the 'nicer' version---and she appreciates her top notch cookware that she got from Jura each time that she cooks. A good pan is worth the money.
Other gifts that she likes are experiences (museum or restaurant visits), art, warm socks, plants and books.
She does not like gifts of clothes, makeup or perfume---that makes her feel weird, like she is one of her own dolls. It is a strange way to feel, she knows this, but she tends to communicate this preference early into amicable relationships.
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