#103 Magnetism
bugmistake · 7 months
just found out cesare the somnambulist was 23.. wtf.. he should've been at the club
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harmoonix · 5 months
Love asteroids to look for in their chart: (list)
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The Main 5 love asteroids known by most people:
Juno (3) it's mostly about your relationship/marriage overall and the person you want or desire in a relationship
Groom (5129) if you are attracted to men, this asteroid will tell you a lot about your future spouse especially when you make a persona chart of it
Briede (19029) this one is if you are attracted to women, it will tell you about your future wife/her personality/traits everything
Eros (433) this asteroid is erotic, so it's indicating how erotic you are, where and how you are erotic and how you express your eroticism
Aphrodite (1388) most people associate this asteroid with beauty but Lady Aphrodite is the goddess of fertility too, so this asteroid can tell how connected/bounded you are with your spouse and how you are in love
Other love asteroids but less known by people:
Valentine (447) represents pure love, and how sacrificing you are in love, I imagine this as another side of Cupid (the angel) + the way you act when you first have a crush on someone
Cupido (763) this is the angel Cupid himself, it will repsent your true love towards your partner and your most sensitive point in love relationships
Destinn (6583) this is not really a love asteroid but in your Juno/Groom/Briede/Descendant persona chart it can show the destiny of that specific relationship
Again not a love asteroid but Born (13954) in harmonious aspects with Juno or Groom/Briede it can show that you were born to be with that specific person
Bacchus (2063) indicates obsesion with love, having a really high sex appeal, very hot/magnetic etc...
Lust (4386) as the name tells. It can indicate your lust/kinks/things you like to do during sex and a beast in bed
Hera (103) - the greek version of Juno but this asteroid will mostly tell about your marriage and how your marriage will be
Kama (1387) this asteroids shows how you value the sex, how sexual you are and taboo topics related to this
Sappho (80) is another asteroid of love if you are attracted to women this asteroid can indicate that.
Amor (1121) - Amor means love in Spanish, this asteroid can indicate your love language/how you give love, how you want to be treated in a relationship and your spouse's love language aswell
Here is a photo with all the house meanings in astrology to have some easier time to find what a specific asteroid can mean in your birth chart
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Hope this helped you to cercetate more about your love life/future spouse/future relationship or current relationship and to know about your spouse.
In my opinion if you wanna know more about your spouse and your relationship with them check your Groom/Briede/Juno persona chart
And for vedic chart, check your d9 chart that usually activates when you are around at the end of 20's and start of 30's tho some people think the d9 charts is activated since birth 🫶😍
Here is the d9 chart site !!🙏🏼 Make sure to check your DK planet the planet with the lowest degree in your chart (The D9 one not the D1) here
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The "DK planet"one should've be showed like this!❤️😊 (I did a random chart for this example lol but I just realised they have DK sun just like me💀)
H a r m o o n i x
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cursedbyastro · 1 year
from (post here!) ✿
ASC - MC, sun, moon, venus, mars or jupiter conjunction, trine and sextile (0-2 orb)
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*added by me* Adonis (2101) — magnetic, charismatic beauty (sextile moon 1º)
Aglaja (47) — Splendor
Alkmene (82) — Faithfulness, Intelligence
*added by me* Apollo (1862) — attraction, beauty (sextile mars 2º, trine MC 2º)
Aphrodite (1388) — Sexual Attractiveness (honorable mention conjunct mercury 3°)
*added by me* Bathseba (592) — lusted after beauty (honorable mention conjunct merucry 3°)
Bella (695) — Beautiful Woman
Candy (3015) — Candy Girl (sextile Sun at 1º)
Casanova (7328) — Charm
Chariklo (10199) — Sensitive
Charis (627) — Charisma
*added by me* Erato (62) — sensual, lovely beauty (trine MC 0º)
Eva (164) — Femininity
Fay (4820) — Ethereal Beauty (trine ASC 0º)
Flora (8) — Ethereal, Fairy Beauty
Freia (76) — Beauty, Fertility (sextile moon 0º)
Glo (3267) — Shine and Glow (sextile moon 0º)
*added by me* Godiva (3018) — untainted, pure beauty (conjunct moon 1º)
*added by me* Helena (101) — The Most Beautiful (conjunct ASC 1°)
Hera (103) — Sexual Attractiveness (sextile Jupiter 2°)
Kallisto (204) — The Most Beautiful (sextile Moon 0º, honorable mention conjunct Saturn at 0º)
Kleopatra (216) — Strength, Authority (trine Moon at 0º)
Lilith (1181) — The Dark Side of Sexuality (trine Moon at 0º)
Lotis (429) — Pure Beauty (trine ASC 2°)
Medusa (149) — Enviable Beauty (trine ASC at 2°)
Nadherna (5089) — Gorgeous (sextile Sun at 2°)
Nefertiti (3199) — Graceful
Narcissus (37117) — Vanity and Attractiveness
Nymphe (875) — Ageless, Natural Beauty
Peitho (118) — The Goddess of Persuasion (trine MC at 1º)
Persephone (399) — Queen of the Underworld (trine ASC °2)
Psyche (16) — Enviable Beauty (conjunct Mars 2º)
Ptah (5011) — Magical Beauty (conjunct Mars 0º, conjunct Venus at 2º)
Queen (5457) — Elegant, Strength, Powerful
Salome (562) — Seductive, Fatal Beauty (sextile Moon at 0º)
Sappho (80) — Bisexual Energy (sextile Sun 2°)
Sassi (7500) — Sassy Girl (sextile Venus 1º, sextile Mars º0)
Sirene (1009) — Dangerous, Femme Fatale (trine ASC 2°)
Shigemi (7597) — Luxuriant Beauty (sextile Jupiter 1º)
Zerlina (531) — Leading Energy
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tearsonthepage · 8 months
Times in I Was Born For This where Rowan+Jimmy (and the occasional Bliss) really don’t know Lister at all. (an incomplete list)
“Wait, don’t tell me,” says Bliss, holding up a hand. “He’s already throwing up in the bathroom. Or he’s already found someone to have sex with.” (page 87)
“You’re the one who does this stuff all the time.” [they were talking about Jimmy kissing Magnet during Lister’s party] (page 93)
“Fuck off, thinking you can help us, thinking you have any fucking understanding of what it means to care about someone, you fucking sex addict!"(page 103)
“How d’you get away with it?” I ask him.
“With what?”
“Getting with so many people.” (page 125)
“We thought he was having sex with someone, or several someones, at every party we went to. And we’ve been to a lot of parties.” (page 127)
"Neither of you get it. It's different for me." He turns to me with one last pleading look. "You and Rowan have each other, but you have to see that its different for me. Being Lister Bird."
I just shake my head. "What does that mean?"
The final bit of hope in his expression drops, and he walks away from the bed and towards the door.
"Why else would anyone want to be around me?" he says. "I'm Lister Bird. Why else would anyone want to be around me other than to get with me?" (page 130)
“You know what he’s like. He’s reckless. He does what he wants.” (page 322)
“Why are you always like this? You just don’t give a shit about literally anything, do you?” (short story at the end)
special mention: “If I [Lister] tried to talk to Rowan about serious stuff, he’d probably just roll his eyes or laugh at me.” (short story at the end)
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psychangels · 3 months
so recently i 100%ed hfr for the 4th time. and during the process, i thought, "hey, i know a lot of things about the combat, maybe i should make a list of tips that other people can use similar to the boss tips list i made back when i 100%ed the game the first time!"
so that's what this is! this also features tips for the bosses, because that old list has been Buried by now, plus i've learned a decent amount since then
this DOES contain some spoilers, by the way, but if you're reading this i'm assuming that you've probably beaten the game by now. figured i'd still give a heads up just in case, though
also! @bpmrush helped me put this list together! go say hi! she doesn't bite (most of the time) :]
and, of course, if you have any tips of your own you'd like to add, feel free to do so!
to start, here's some non-specific things:
parry health chip is your friend
pick me up is also your friend
stun is your bff (equip chips accordingly)
speaking of stun: korsica does stun enemies, yes, but she also doubles the damage you do to their stun meters. also she can physically attack enemies if she's close enough to them, and her typhoon does damage, too
korsica's ground jam combo pulls at least one enemy outside of the one you're using it on over to you, and can hit multiple enemies (it's basically just a less costly, more useful version of twin assault since it actually gives you a score bonus. even has some of the same animations)
macaron and peppermint's jam combos can also hit multiple enemies if you use them close enough, alongside korsica's air jam combo
if you have the shock jump chip equipped, peppermint's air jam combo can stun enemies you're not using it on
you can't parry during certain combos, but you CAN dash out of all of them if you're about to get hit
dont get intimidated or panic. remember, ur the coolest motherfucker around and u WILL destroy everything thats thrown at u
next, some enemy specific things:
magnet backstab sen-c0s when they go to place down their barrier generator, it'll cancel it
magnet backstab ses-103s, it lets you to attack them even while they have their shield up
when you magnet backstab the kem-n0, they'll attack you with their tail, so be prepared to parry immediately
if you run up to a barrier enemy before they get their barrier up, you can parry the barrier, leaving them unprotected + you can do a parry counter
make sure to use peppermint's cannon (her hold attack) against hg-0ms (the big blue fuckers) to break their barriers immediately, as theirs are stronger than other barrier enemies'
always be prepared to parry twice in quick succession when up against a kem-n0. same goes for the dm-et1l
when the dm-et1l summons the two random enemies, just ignore them and whale on the dm-et1l. the enemies will get despawned once you damage the dm-et1l enough
use korsica's air jam combo on vu-rev's, it'll put out their flames + it deals damage + stun + brings them down to the ground
you can use jam combos on an enemy while near z-shielded enemies to damage & break their shields
if you call in korsica or peppermint at the right time when an enemy's stun meter is broken, or perform a jam combo or special, you can attack enemies like the wa-es-2 when they're in their 'invulnerable' state and trying to pull you into a rhythm parry sequence
now, about those s ranks...
kind of obvious, but if you're struggling, equip the rhythm meter rush chip (though you won't really need it on the easier difficulties.)
jam combos > special attacks; they all give you a x2 score bonus AND cost less, meaning that bonus adds up more bc you can do them more often. plus you're less likely to miss. this isn't to say that you should never use your specials, though
you don't need to get the crown/violet s on every track for the "s rank all tracks on x difficulty" challenges, you just need a S
if you rlly need an S rank on a particular fight (or are just challenging yourself to get all S's), but you got an A instead, pause and back out to the hideout while the results for the fight are still up, then go back in. you'll get put back to the last checkpoint you hit before the fight (you can also use this strategy for no hit runs on the bosses, but instead of waiting to see your score you just do it immediately after getting hit)
use your partners often! just calling them in generally (esp multiple at once) gives you points!
remember to grapple and use air combos. the former gives a x1.2 bonus, and the latter gives a x1.5 bonus
try to use a variety of combos!
oh, and for rhythm master...
if you're not sure whether or not you can beat it, do what i did: go up against kale first. if you can beat the final boss on the hardest difficulty, you can do anything
remember how i said to have stun chips equipped? ignore that for this difficulty only. just use parry health and rhythm meter rush. trust me. you'll need them.
during segments where you need to wait (such as the beginning of the section where you have to break the brakes on the LIFT), do random combos. it keeps the meter up, regardless of whether or not you're actually attacking anything
as for the bosses...
korsica is only really useful against mimosa + kale, the others don't have stun meters
if you jump over qa-1mil's arm sweep, make sure it's a double. a regular jump won't be enough to dodge it
don't use specials or jam combos on QA-1MIL (unless you're using smth like power chord), bc it just resets him to his default pose with his fists back up, & jam combos take you to his chest plate which is a quick way to fall off or get smacked
don't go for QA-1MIL's face, just whale on his fists; it's easier and quicker
parry his fists when he slams them down for the parry counter + quick call in to follow up
if you use a special on rekka when she's going for the electric panel/pipes, you can cancel her out of it
when rekka goes to do her Big charge attack, position yourself directly in front of a wall; she'll run into it and get stunned for a bit
even if you think you're safe from rekka's grapple, you're not. dash.
the only thing you really need to worry about when it comes to korsica is catching her at the end, bc if you drop her your rank goes down by a metric fuck ton
do not only use korsica during mimosa's fight. this is a semi-common misconception i've seen, based off of a line in-game where korsica tells you to call her in. you need to call in the others and attack her yourself, too; all forms of damage are useful against her stun meter, just the same as with any regular enemy. korsica just doubles it
if you call in peppermint at the right time during the Lights Out bit in the second phase, she'll reveal mimosa's location to you immediately
you can parry the phase 2 (Vandelay Side Story) and 3 (Equalizer Wave) gimmicks when she sends out the wave to suck you into them, avoiding them entirely
don't be intimidated by roquefort. he hits hard, and his human phases are annoying, but he's not that bad. just do your best to parry everything
most ppl know this, but when he jumps out of the gold after diving into it, stand near the big metal fist. he'll ram into it and get stunned for a bit. (also you can parry him when he tries to swim into you)
you can parry kale's lightning attacks (including the electricity around him, though you have to spam for that to work)
if you stand near him during the second phase, it's easier to trigger the attack he does with the fists. just be ready to parry quickly, and note that it is still mostly up to rng. also don't constantly dash up to/around him, as it can cause him to get stuck dashing away from you
hey, what about the rhythm tower?
remember: pick me up and parry health chip are your bffs. so long as you have them, you will never need to buy any items during your run
specials that are mid-to-long range are best for this, since they can be used to clear an entire floor quickly
...aaand that's all we've got! hope you find this helpful! :]
and like i said earlier, if you have any tips you'd like to share that weren't included here, feel free to add them!
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sugar-grigri · 8 months
Hi there! Hope you are having a nice day! I really love your csm analyses and meta! It's specially great because I don't understand literary symbolism at all, I'm learning a lot. I was wondering if you had any thoughts on my boy Yoshida. What do you think is his role? Is he only an obstacle for the romantic relationship between Denji and Asa? In a world where every detail has a deeper meaning, why an octopus? Hope you have a great day!
The octopus trap 
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I think that if I asked every Chainsaw Man reader about Yoshida, most of the time I'd be told either "I have no idea what he's going to do" or, more precisely, "I keep expecting him to do something, but he doesn't end up doing anything".
You mustn't let your hair stand on end when you read remarks like that. Yoshida is my favorite character of Part 2, yet if I were to describe him succinctly it would be in exactly those terms.
When I say not to be annoyed by these remarks, it's because they're not the result of a lack of writing, a lack of development or even a depreciation of the character, these descriptions only underline the originality of Yoshida's writing.
Yes, it's surely worth clarifying what I mean by all this... 
Let's take a look at things chronologically. Yoshida's first appearance comes just after Asa, who has just discovered she's possessed by the war demon, is unable to set foot inside her school, a victim of anxiety, school phobia and, above all, Bucky's death. 
Yoshida suddenly appears during this scene. He is also quickly associated with Asa, as the demon-hunting club puts him in Yuko's and the protagonist's group. We all said to ourselves: great, something's going to happen between these two! She's dying of shame, so Fujimoto is bound to use this to create more interaction between them.
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When Asa comes across her bullies, who have attacked her locker and shoes, only Yuko comes to comfort her, and Yoshida simply fades into the background. It's strange, because it was as if he had brutally hidden himself from the progress of the scenario and the reaction he might have had to this kind of situation. Keep this in mind. 
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Then Yoshida reappears in chapter 103, as if Fujimoto were accidentally placing an ink blot in the background, Yoshida simply blending into the background until he hits his target. For the reader, this creates a certain "ah yes, where the hell has he been?" situation, and the element of surprise is intensified by the fact that this is Denji's first appearance as a human in Part 2. This time, Yoshida doesn't disappear into the background, as if evaporated, he appears when no one was expecting him.
Put that in the back of your mind too. 
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Then, when he tries to put Denji's goal of a girlfriend into action, he introduces him to Asa Mitaka, whom we suspect, subconsciously or consciously, to be Chainsaw Man's love interest. So we're all thinking (myself included at this point), he's surely going to be the magnet between the two! Which turns out to be completely untrue, as Yoshida brutally declares that Asa has no business getting close to Denji.
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This point not only shows that Yoshida's narrative function is hard to pin down, it also proves something else: he's not omniscient. He's not, as I've read, this absolutely perfect string-puller, since it's clear that he doesn't grasp until later that Asa may not simply be a young girl obsessed with finding a boyfriend, but a possessed one who might disturb the target he's watching: Chainsaw Man. 
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The aquarium was Yoshida's observation ground. Yoshida has no desire to be active, as evidenced by the telephone scene where, after Asa has been humiliated by his failure to call anyone, he shows Denji his phone, arguing that he can't get a signal anyway. Now I'll get to that line : "Do you think CSM would eat it for us ? The Death devil"
Whether it was making you believe that Yoshida is a genius string-puller, this line made you believe that the boy had something to do with the demon of death. Fujimoto wouldn't ruin so many mysteries surrounding one of the most anticipated demons so unskillfully. That's why it's necessary to interpret it differently. A line belongs to a whole, and this scene between Yoshida and Denji is not a scene that escapes its whole, on the contrary, it has consequences.
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It serves to show two things: firstly, Yoshida is aware of Chainsaw Man's ability to erase other demons, which was surely reported by Kishibe who learned of it in chapter 84, proving firstly that the public hunters are now aware of this ability. Something that had never been said before. Then we come to the most interesting part. Yoshida makes it clear in this scene that they've been locked up for three days, and the cases illustrate how each of the students is dealing with their own mortality, with Haruka crying, Nobana flips out, another prefers to be physically active to keep himself busy, while Yoshida prepares to die. As for Denji, he's been through worse, and is cooler than the others.
Then Yoshida pointed out, "Do you think Chainsaw Man would eat the demon of death?" This triggers Denji's act of kindness, as he realizes that he can also "suppress", "devour" fears in his human form, by taking action. Denji has noticed that Asa is looking to be active; she's the one who offered her a date, so she's the one who has priority to receive comfort, so Denji comes to devour the fear that paralyzed the protagonist. All the more ironic given that the demon they were all really facing was the demon of famine. 
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I know everything I'm saying sounds disjointed at the moment, but hang on, I need to be a bit descriptive before I connect all this.
The same phenomenon of script feinting will occur, not to make it look like Yoshida will be a love rival, a friend of Asa, the magnet between Denji and Asa, or the demon of death.
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No, this time, in chapter 133, Fujimoto makes it look like Yoshida will be a great antagonist by proposing Denji's horrible dilemma of either being human and living with his family or being Chainsaw Man without it. But it all falls apart when he realizes that Denji chooses both, leaving Yoshida completely out of his depth. This time Fujimoto erases all the mystique around this character, he's not the player who moves the pieces against Fami, he's just a mediator. 
The same phenomenon occurs when he locks Denji into this normal life that doesn't suit him, placing him in Fumiko's hands, leading to one of the least "normal" chapters, chapter 137. 
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I think that with all this, you're beginning to grasp a certain idea: Yoshida's purpose is a narrative feint, he's a character with indecipherable eyes for us to place all our doubts and mysteries in. The questions just pile up, and we project them through Yoshida, who answers none of them. 
So who is Yoshida ? 
The only thing I can say is that he's a mystery. And when I say this, it's not to clear my name, as nothing can be said about him, because he is written as such and should be appreciated as such. I often read that his eyes, fully black like Kishibe's, are not only perhaps a sign of kinship but also a sign of deep despair. I think it's precisely in this way that we can miss the originality of these characters. 
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Kishibe is not placed in the deepest despair, what makes him so strong, what makes him still here, being practically the only veteran of the public hunters (did you notice how young the public hunters still were?), is that he has accepted and internalized the madness of the system, bows to it instead of fighting against it, but is not dominated by it as someone unreasonable would be.
Whether it's Yoshida's black eyes or Kishibe's, the latter are simply the eyes of acceptance of the system. That is to say, their pupils are no longer illuminated by that little personal glimmer, seemingly devoid of emotion, since they are simply a reflection of the darkness of the system, of what's going on through them.
Yoshida's eyes are the eyes of a mysterious system that constantly stares at the characters without responding to them. 
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And now you're probably wondering, Anon:
What about the octopus ?
This is surely the most interesting answer to Yoshida's question.
When you're looking for meanings for octopuses, your first instinct is to think of mythology, isn't it? Leviathan, Kranken, Akkorokamui, the octopus is the subject of a multitude of legends, whose interpretations are intertwined, creative, healing or destructive, beneficent or maleficent, or even the subject of great divergence from the public, cute? Or monstrous? 
This follows on from the previous statement: the octopus is a being onto which all concepts can be projected, even if they are contradictory. Yoshida's narrative function is the same: we project whatever we can onto him without him acting on it.
What's the one piece of information you could give me with any certainty? The fact that he's a demon hunter, right? In other words, the only thing you could say about the octopus is the environment it lives in? No ? 
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Do you know how octopuses are caught ?
Have you heard of the Japanese octopus trap? Specifically, the takotsubo? In fact, they're not really traps at all, but a form of passive fishing in which simple pierced stones or clay pots are placed on the seabed. The octopuses then enter these pots to protect themselves, using them as shelters to protect their fragile bodies. Above all, when the pots are brought to the surface, the octopuses don't even try to escape, pressing themselves against the walls. 
Yoshida acts like these octopuses, not fighting the system, but rather embracing its walls, thinking he's safe when in fact he's trapped.
Hidden within this obscure system, the octopus has no idea that it's not safe, but has headed for its own destruction.
Now the connections make themselves. The only answer those big black eyes can give is a reflection of the system.
Asa is rejected by her classmates, by this micro-society that is school? The system appears.
Fans cheer Chainsaw Man on, as society is increasingly forged around him. The system takes an interest and invites him for coffee.
As Asa is rejected after her second date with Denji, the system will only add to her loneliness.
Chainsaw Man is a being whose function is to eliminate fears? The system will remind him of this.
Is Chainsaw Man an idiot? Will the system still try to control him, even if it means inhibiting him?
What if we were to use the metaphor of the octopus trap to provide the opposite answer ? Yoshida sticks to the walls of the system.
What does the system do? It weaves itself around Chainsaw Man.
Is this such a good idea ?
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tutuandscoot · 11 months
As promised: Part two of VM Holding Hands-
*A (not by any means exhaustive) collection of VM handy holdy moment:
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I’m sure I’ve seen this before but I only really took it in for the first time the other day and boy were my tear ducts put to the test! This is after their FD at Worlds 2011- only their 3rd competitive skate of the season and their first time competing this FD. It was so good! Like nothing ever seen before (as with basically every program of their- always innovative both in themselves and as leaders of the sport). The lifts were insane, the skating was deadly good, the DANCING they were doing. They get a score of 107.something- the highest so far that season was 103. Something. They were in the lead after the SD and basically all the commentators on this said how near impossible it would be for their skate to be beaten. It was THAT good.. yet.. somehow they were. As they wait for the score to come up here, they look so nervous, exhausted, almost pleading for it to be a high score. And in a way- well the way I’m interpreting it, they almost look a bit defeated already. The score comes up and he goes to find and then squeeze her hand without even looking at her. This feels like another one of those moments of S physically saying/expressing to himself ‘thank god I didn’t let her down’ and also a bit of ‘we did it kiddo, no matter what happens now, we did it, and I’m so freaking proud of you’ a little bit of that protecting her through reassurance. Then as they squeeze that look to each other.. I have so many feels about this but I don’t even know if I can put into clear worlds what I’m feeling.. so I’ll just leave it there. If you know what they were going through at this point in their lives you know what that hand squeeze means (and it means literally everything to them in that moment).
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On a lighter note.. this is just super cute. As I said in the original (part one) post, during their final competitive season they almost completely abandoned using dance hold, for what exact psychological/emotional/competitive reason I don’t know. So this is almost like them being in on their own thing, that ‘hey we don’t do that silly proper dance hold anymore like those inferiors do, we’re cute and let our hands cuddle as we skate around bc we love to hold hands!’ They make a big thing of the it between themselves that they aren’t gonna use dance hold. He goes in and changes like a little ‘tricked ya!’ But no bc of course she knows and changes immediately.
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An “I know, I’m here, I’ve got you” last lil squeeze. T in her beautiful, quiet way protecting him with the simplest of connections.
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2 in 1: holding out his hand for what feels like a really long time for her to get to centre to take their bows, followed by a switching to handy holdy to go thank the person playing music -(as they so often would bc they are previous lil angels).
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You can’t actually see the handy holding here but you know there are. The last few moment on warm up before leaving the ice, her cuddling his arm and him reassuring her that everything will be ok bc they have each other.
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They switch so softly and so naturally. Like it just happens. They don’t even think about it. Earlier in their career.. like it was still natural, but it was maybe that there was something to intitiate them holding hands this way, but here it was just, it was like some kind of magnetic force that drew them to hold hands properly. Idk, but isn’t it beautiful??
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Squeezing hands super tight while singing the anthem in YVR. “They were holding hands”- alma (thanks for shooting me in the heart a dozen times)
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2 in 1:
1: soft little hand cuddle to his heart as they go to the podium.
2: *Captain Canada!, “wait where’s my wife kiddo”
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I really don’t think this is bc her hand is cold I think it’s like a random nervous system tick resulting in expressing huge amounts of affection. (I’m the same I do weird lil physical things when excited that there’s no explanation for).
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S: “hey kiddo”
T: “hey kiddo”
S: “you ready to have some fun!?”
T: “Yeah 😄”
*swings hands like the happy lil kiddos they are 🥲
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Researchers detail never-before-seen properties in a family of superconducting Kagome metals
Dramatic advances in quantum computing, smartphones that only need to be charged once a month, trains that levitate and move at superfast speeds. Technological leaps like these could revolutionize society, but they remain largely out of reach as long as superconductivity—the flow of electricity without resistance or energy waste—isn't fully understood.
One of the major limitations for real-world applications of this technology is that the materials that make superconducting possible typically need to be at extremely cold temperatures to reach that level of electrical efficiency. To get around this limit, researchers need to build a clear picture of what different superconducting materials look like at the atomic scale as they transition through different states of matter to become superconductors.
Scholars in a Brown University lab, working with an international team of scientists, have moved a small step closer to cracking this mystery for a recently discovered family of superconducting Kagome metals. In a new study, they used an innovative new strategy combining nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and a quantum modeling theory to describe the microscopic structure of this superconductor at 103 degrees Kelvin, which is equivalent to about 275 degrees below 0 degrees Fahrenheit.
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asydicsydney · 11 months
It's time for another episode of "I dig too deep into things that don't need to be dug into!!!"
Today's topic: The inaccuracies on the Cecilos dress up magnets (actual canon material, not bringing up fanon obviously)
The additional rose-gold lame cravat on Carlos' Karl Lagerfeld-designed lab coat is credited from #136, which is Mudstone Abyss Pt. 2, it's actually Charles' cravat
There is no UOWII sweatshirt mentioned in #55
The phone left in the pocket of the jeans from #113 is referring to Cecil's jeans, not Carlos' (even though they're on Carlos' page and are credited as the jeans from #25)
There is no hazmat jacket in #159
There are no hazmat pants in #72 or #127
The helmet mentioned in #145 is most likely a space helmet, not a hazmat helmet, and neither of them wear it
There is no barber shop cape in #3
The best rabbit fur coveralls are from #136, aka Mudstone Abyss Pt. 2, aka they're Kevin's
The deer mask in #29 is not worn by either of them
The Mitchigan t-shirt from #116 is worn by City Council
The mirrored leggings and extra long jorts from #175 are Michelle's
The denim vest (otherwise this conversation is over) is in reference to #103's proverb, so neither of them wear it
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lmanburs · 1 year
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#laurel.txt - 2,717 posts
#wilbur soot - 234 posts
#laurel.ask - 127 posts
#tommyinnit - 103 posts
#dream smp - 52 posts
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#like 90% of the cwilbur lore enthusiasts are also into the arg if wilbur doesnt announce it officially the arg hunters will find it anyways
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6,761 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
on a scale of ccs most likely to make a tumblr account, I'd say tommyinnit is one of the most least likely to and by that I mean that the day he makes a tumblr account is the day the world ends
7,897 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
hc that c!wilbur will sometimes just randomly send utah souvenirs to phil, tommy, and the rest of the l'manbergians. it starts out with fridge magnets and faded postcards, and then it becomes scratched snowglobes and random mugs, all before culminating into wilbur sending tommy a copy of the book of mormon
8,263 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
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9,269 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
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13,314 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
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Im crying I don't remember like half of these
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c-40 · 1 year
A-T-3 056 Daevid Allen - Are You Ready
Are You Ready is based on tape loops from the 1979 New York Gong sessions that produced the album About Time and a few tracks on 1982's Divided Alien Playbax 80 (A-T-2 074). Are You Ready is one of two tracks that have their origin in these sessions and appear on the Alien in New York EP. What's special about these sessions and New York Gong is that it would see musicians Michael Beinhorn, Bill Laswell, Fred Maher, Kramer, and Cliff Cultreri emerge as Material
I've featured a lot of Bill Laswell and Material already (A-T-2 388, A-T-2 164, A-T-2 103, A-T-2 074), and 1983 was to be a very productive year for them
I bought my copy of the Alien in New York EP from Gramby Market in Toxteth, Liverpool. There's a guy who must be around my age that has had a stall there for as long as the market has been going. He sells anarchist/alternative publications, Alternative Tentacles pins, second hand Charles Bukowski novels, Jazz LPs and zippo lighters... the kind of thing you'd see a lot of in the 1980s and 1990s, places that sold this kind of 'contraband' would be be a magnet for moody teenagers such as myself (in Brum it was the Oasis market or there were stalls like this in the rag alley)
RIP Lee Whitlock
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ailelie · 1 year
I did not lock in my musical preferences in my youth. Growing up it was all country, which I did not like. Some friends listened to hip hop, which I did not like. I mostly listened to 103, which was the rock channel. I liked Def Leppard and Linkin Park. In my senior year of high school I discovered Magnetic Fields and Vienna Teng. I do still listen to and adore Vienna Teng.
In college I listened to musicals, JPop and JRock, and 80s music mostly. That held for a bit.
I started listening to Blues Rock overseas because I made a character playlist using it and ended up enjoying it. I also enjoyed pop/rock stuff like Electric Feel.
If I have to pick a decade for my musical tastes, I suppose the 2010s would work, but, honestly, I am constantly looking for new music. I check out blogs. I look for playlists on Spotify with stuff I've not heard before and for new artists on Bandcamp.
I like chamber pop and indie rock and folk and folk rock and all that and can almost always reach for those and be certain I'll enjoy what I'm hearing, but I really just like good music.
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iguanalysis · 2 years
The Oedipal Prism: Circumspection of the World and Entities Within-the-world
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In accordance with what has been already formerly expressed, the three psychotic structures of poiesis, genesis, and sinthome are reflective surfaces on the exteriority of the Oedipal prism. On its interior sides, one can see from inside it the three paralellogrammic symbolizations, castration–frustration, castration–privation, and frustration–privation, also called the square of sinthome. Therefore, the switching around of the object and the agent of a specific moment, as it relates to another moment and thereby forms an alternate symbolization, is a figurative representation of the workings of geometric reflection in visual logic, and not a literal occurrence.
However, the exterior of the prism’s three sides bear a real relation to the existence of the phallus, and the reversals of the moments of castration, frustration, and privation, which form the prism's exterior symbolizations, have seemingly magnetic attraction to it. This “attraction” might be best discovered in Martin Heidegger's Being and Time, in the section titled “16. How the Worldly Character of the Environment Announces itself in Entities Within-the-world”. (pp. 102-107).
The danger here lies, of course, in one we are often cautioned against, namely making Heidegger's ontology into a Lacanian one. But Heidegger also makes for us a fundamental sense of castration as being “pre-ontological understanding”, and as being a “pre-phenomenological glimpse of this phenomenon” of “Being-in-the-world” (pg. 102). One can ostensibly show how the phallus does this for castration, in the form(s) of “conspicuousness” (pg. 102), “obtrusiveness” (pg. 103), and “obstinacy” (pg.103). Additionally one can show how it causes this attraction for privation, in “‘inconspicuousness’, ‘unobtrusiveness’, and ‘non-obstinacy’” (pg. 106).
Previously, the associations between psychoanalysis and Heidegger's ontology have perhaps been merely grasped “thematically”, as Heidegger dubs it, if objects are only ever considered as “equipment ready-to-hand to be encountered in its ‘Being-in-itself’” (pg.106).
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Therefore, this passage not only constitutes a vital turning point in the analytic of Dasein for understanding its relationship to phenomena, but also helps to make and understand what is visually logical into mechanisms that are more purely figurative, and conducive to psychoanalytic treatment. Which is to say, even blindness is no obstacle to grasping visual logic, using what Heidegger calls a “non-thematic circumspective absorption” (pg. 107).
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cursedbyastro · 10 months
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© cursedbyastro 2022 - all rights reserved
looking into these asteroid persona charts can show your type of beauty or how your beauty might look. remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. these are only a few asteroids that can symbolize beauty. there are many more. so sit back and enjoy.
PTAH (5011) (conjunct my mars & venus in my natal chart) : ptah is an ancient egyptian deity, the god of craftsmen and architects. ptah is associated with creation and craftsmanship, elements that can relate to the concept of creating beauty or appreciating the beauty in artistry. It gives the vibe that everything it touches is beautiful as well as symbolizing one's innate ability to manifest ideas into reality or the power of intention and thought in shaping one's life.
BELLA (695) : this asteroid shares its name with the Italian word for "beautiful." this asteroid represents the idea of aesthetic beauty and attraction. it relates to physical appearance as well as an appreciation for artistic and visual expressions of beauty
HELENA (101) (conjunct my ascendant & jupiter in my natal chart) : the name "helena" is unmistakably linked to helen of troy from ancient greek mythology. helen is one of the most famous figures associated with beauty, often referred to as "the face that launched a thousand ships." this asteroid symbolizes the supreme/pinnacle of physical beauty and allure, or where one shines most brilliantly in terms of attractiveness. but it also symbolizes beauty with consequences as her beauty is both a blessing and a curse.
HERA (103) (conjunct my saturn in my natal chart) : as the queen of the gods, hera's beauty was one of regality and power. named after the greek goddess of marriage and family, this asteroid is associated with the idealized image of feminine beauty, particularly in a marital context. yet, her beauty is also associated with jealousy and vengeance, especially concerning her husband zeus's infidelities. hera's beauty is multifaceted: it embodies the allure of a queen, but also the pride and wrath of a woman wronged.
APHRODITE (1388) (conjunct my mars) : named after the greek goddess of love and beauty, this asteroid embodies themes of attraction, allure, and physical beauty. originating from the foam of the sea, aphrodite's birth itself is a tale of beauty. As the embodiment of love and desire, her beauty wasn't just physical; it had the power to enthrall gods and mortals alike. It's interesting to note that aphrodite had a magic girdle that could make anyone fall in love with its wearer, further emphasizing her power over desire and beauty.
NYMPHE (875) (conjunct my venus) : this asteroid symbolizes the spirits of nature often depicted as beautiful, ethereal beings in various mythologies. it represents a natural, enchanting kind of beauty and connection to the environment. nymphe is tied to the pristine beauty of nature, natural beauty, and innocence. this asteroid can point to a person's relationship with the natural world and their ability to find beauty in simple things.
PSYCHE (16) (conjunct my venus & mars in my natal chart) : in greek mythology, psyche was a mortal woman of extraordinary beauty. psyche's beauty was so great that it invoked the jealousy of aphrodite herself. this asteroid represents the soul, and its connection to beauty is often interpreted as the beauty that emanates from within, reflecting one's inner world, inner beauty, and spiritual essence
SIRENE (1009) (conjunct my south node & pluto) : this asteroid is named after the sirens of greek mythology, often depicted as seductive creatures known for their enchanting voices. this asteroid relates to the allure, captivating, and magnetic quality of beauty, emphasizing the power of attraction and its potential effects as well as creative/artistic abilities. It also indicated beauty with a dual nature, seductive yet dangerous.
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this is just part one, and many more asteroids can symbolize beauty/certain types of beauty so don't be worried if these asteroids don't make any aspects in your natal chart/or have few aspects/significance in your persona charts of these asteroids. beauty is in the eye of the beholder as we know it. again, thank you for readings as always. please leave feedback below as to what you think of this post or just personal experience. all is welcomed. stay cursed, riri ✬
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134 “M” Prompts:
1. Machine 2. Made 3. Madness 4. Maelstrom   5. Mafia   6. Magazine 7. Mage 8. Magenta 9. Magic 10. Magician
11. Magnetism 12. Magnificent 13. Magnitude 14. Magnolia 15. Maimed 16. Mainstream 17. Maintenance   18. Majestic 19. Makeover 20. Makeshift 21. Malfunction 22. Malice 23. Mall 24. Managing 25. Manic 26. Manifesting 27. Manipulated 28. Mannequin 29. Manners   30. Mansion 31. Mantra 32. Map 33. Marble 34. Mark 35. Maroon 36. Marred 37. Marriage   38. Mars 39. Martyr 40. Mask 41. Masochistic 42. Masquerade   43. Massacre 44. Massage 45. Master   46. Matchmaker 47. Material 48. Maturity 49. Maze 50. Meaningless 51. Meanwhile 52. Measurements 53. Mechanic 54. Mediocre 55. Meeting 56. Melancholy 57. Melodramatic 58. Meltdown 59. Memento 60. Memorable 61. Mentor 62. Merciless   63. Mercy 64. Merger 65. Mermaid 66. Message 67. Metallic 68. Metamorphosis 69. Meteor 70. Methodical 71. Middle 72. Midnight 73. Midsummer 74. Mighty 75. Milestones 76. Military 77. Millennium 78. Mindless 79. Minute 80. Miracle 81. Mirage   82. Mirror 83. Misadventures 84. Misaligned 85. Miscalculation 86. Mischievous 87. Miscommunication   88. Misconceptions   89. Miserable 90. Misery 91. Misfit 92. Misfortune 93. Misguided 94. Misinterpretation 95. Misjudged 96. Misplaced 97. Missile 98. Missing   99. Mission 100. Mistake 101. Mistletoe 102. Misunderstanding 103. Mobile 104. Mock 105. Model 106. Molten 107. Monochrome 108. Monologue 109. Monsoon 110. Monster   111. Moonbeam 112. Moonlight 113. Moping 114. Morbid 115. Motel 116. Motherhood 117. Motion 118. Motivation   119. Mountain 120. Mournful 121. Muddled   122. Multiplicity 123. Murder 124. Muscle 125. Museum 126. Music   127. Musing 128. Mutilation   129. Mutiny   130. Mutual 131. Mysteries 132. Mysterious 133. Mystical 134. Mythical
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minervas-sandwich · 1 year
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#like he complains this girl he’s courting has an onlyfans and it just bothers him bc he ‘paid for a meal- a meal jerry’ and hasn’t seen her
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I really love how Brom being a feminist isn’t something played for laughs, it’s an important part of his character now. He’s a married man and he drinks his respect women juice and respects and supports his wife. In earlier episodes Matilda calls him out for being an asshole and he listens and corrects- their relationship as friends was built on a foundation of mutual trust and respect and their marriage might not have the best romantic foundations, but hell if they aren’t great as partners
189 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
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This just in, Gilear, the Lunch Lad himself, is the pinnacle of sexual magnetism
219 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
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“Like an hourglass, it feels like the inevitability of time is slipping slowly away from you- and even if the timer stopped for something else, say, a channel, that didn’t mean that the timer stopped for you, but that doesn’t mean that the timer is not going to stop. Someday. And every grain of sand is slowly running out for all of us, and eventually... You won’t even see the end when it comes, it’ll just be a slow fade or a sudden stop and then- *pop* All gone.”
Love me a little Unus Annus/Memento Mori in my fun fidget toy review :’)
237 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
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This feels like a forbidden shot. Like we aren’t supposed to see the stage floor, right? This shouldn’t be allowed, right??
252 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hands down best part of the whole episode
544 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
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