#....we even picked up fortnite for the shits and giggles too........
nvoc · 2 months
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modelbus · 4 months
I’m obsessed with the way u write Tommy, the witty dialogue is so >>>> lately I’ve been fixated on the drunk MCC video so if you’d like to write a oneshot based on that it would be super appreciated! Reader probably takes beky’s spot so they’re on the same team, and the more drunk they get the more affectionate and distracted they get and the chat is just eating it up teehee
I actually had to hunt down the video because I haven’t seen it… for anyone curious the video is called “Minecraft But I’m Drunk”!
Pairing: Cc!Tommyinnit x Gn!Reader
Flirting Fools
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The cider you were drinking—same one that Tommy had stocked up on—ends up on your monitor rather than down your throat. Whose idea was it to do a drunk MCC again? Oh, yeah, Tommy fucking Innit.
“Why can’t you say hello like a normal person?” You sigh, wondering if Tommy even has his headphones on.
“Y’know, I want to watch the woman movie but my girlfriend insists I see it with her and I haven’t had the chance.” Jack says, speaking up.
“Oh, Jack, you have a girlfriend?” Tommy asks.
“Acting like you aren’t dating someone too.” You say pointedly, giving a deadpan look to your camera.
“Because you’re amazing! The El-Oh-Em-El! Love of my life!”
“Never spell an acronym out loud again.” You plead.
“What’s an acronym?”
Tubbo’s laugh in the background seems more like a cry of help.
“We’re dropping like Fortnite!” Jack exclaims just as the floor vanishes from under you and everyone is out into elytra mode.
“Shit wait we’re playing Fortnite? We playing Fortnite?” Tommy immediately hops on the joke, and you mentally tune him out.
“I love Fortnite!” Jack agrees eagerly. Twenty seconds later, he dies. “I fucking hate Fortnite!”
“I died too.” You inform him, picking up the can of alcoholic cider to take a drink.
“WAIT!” Tommy screeches. “Cheers! Cheers with me!”
You raise your drink to your camera, assuming Tommy is doing the same in his office. Afterward, Tommy slurps his drink far too close to his mic.
“I’m gonna vomit.” Tubbo declares.
“Don’t back down and give up, that’s some shit Kenergy.”
“Guys, I just bought myself a pack of ‘Colon the Caterpillar’ and if we win MCC I’ll open them.” Tommy’s voice announces during the loading between games. Do you know what that means? No. Do you want some? Fuck yes.
“Share. Share? Share?” You ask, taking another sip of your drink.
“Come over babygirl.” Tommy answers you. For a second, there’s a complete pause in the call. “…I’m going to kill myself.”
“What the FUCK?” Jack shouts.
“Tom, Tom— never say that again.” Tubbo pleads, are you’re inclined to agree.
“Maybe just… keep your mouth shut.” You advise Tommy.
“Oh, Jesus, it’s harder to stream when the— when.” Tommy says, quite eloquently.
“Ah, yes, I when the when all the time with you.” You agree.
“We are when the when-ers.”
“Can you two shut up?” Jack asks.
You grit your teeth, groaning when a player kills you, picking up your drink again. Slowly but surely, you’re getting drunker and drunker. So much for not having a hangover tomorrow.
“We’ve literally gotta get this dub guys or I don’t get my sweets.” Tommy reminds everyone. “Why is talking like fuckin’ on extreme difficulty?”
“Is it?” You ask idly, taking another drink just for fun.
“Worse than when I’m kissin’ you and shit.” He confirms.
“Stop making Tubbo and I the third wheel.” Jack pleads.
You grin, laughing. “Nah.”
“Listen to me now! Look me in the eyes!” Tubbo says, his character moving to stand directly in front of Tommy’s. “You’re my best friend okay and we’ll get you through this.”
“Tom, Tommy, Toms, listen to me.” You giggle, moving to stand next to Tubbo. “You are my boyfriend. And I will not get you through this.”
“Okay, fuck, well I gotta listen to you. Sorry Tubbo.”
“I’m gonna get the coins in the middle!” After his declaration, Tommy sprints to the middle platform and starts mining away at the yellow coin block.
“Jesus fuck, At least wait!” You sigh, shooting a random person.
“Wha— how are you getting them?” Jack agains, laughing wildly. “How is that working?”
“Cause I’ve got backup! My backup’s the best!” Tommy responds, turning in circles.
“You know I’ve always got your back.” You answer.
“Cause you’re cool like that. You got the moves like Jagger.”
“That I do, Tom Simons. That I do.”
“Y’know what? It makes me quiet.” Tommy gives no context, leaving you on your own to puzzle out that he’s talking about being drunk.
“Huh? We literally got plastered that one time and you wouldn’t shut up.” You disagree.
“Well, yeah, ‘cause it was you.”
“What does that even mean?”
“Means I like talking to you, bitch.”
“And you don’t like talking to me?” Jack asks. “Oh, yeah, I see how it is.”
“I got priorities man!” Tommy defends himself.
“Priorities being…?” You question, giggling.
“I’ve got to say, I think there’s a huge lack of focus on the team.” Jack says, coughing pointedly.
“I think I’ve got to agree with you Jack.” Tubbo hums.
“Yeah, and it ain’t us Tubbo.”
“The fuck you saying about me and my boyfriend?” You ask, splash potion of harming in your hand. “You wanna fucking repeat that?”
“No no no no— you guys are great! Teen love— TUBBO RUN—“
“Tommyinnit meet and greet on the rocks outside the pier in Brighton at 1am?” Tommy asks. “Any muggers don’t go there though.”
“I’ll go with. Mug both of us.” You offer.
“Yeah, we team that shit. Power of love right there.”
“Love lets people get mugged together?” Jack laughs.
“Not all love Jack.” Tommy corrects.
“Just ours.” You agree with Tommy. “Our love is special, Jack.”
“Oh, it’s certainly something.”
Sands of Time has you immediately frowning at the screen and taking another drink. It’s such a shit game, it deserves to be drank to.
“I went to the bathroom guys and I was just like oh by the way…”
There’s a second where you, Tubbo, and Jack wait for Tommy to finish his sentence. He doesn’t.
“‘Oh by the way’ what?” Jack finally asks.
“Oh— oh, I just stopped.” Tommy laughs. Cackles, more like.
“Oh by the way I’m coming over to your place after?” You ask him.
“Really? We can watch that new movie you’ve been wanting to see, if you want.” He doesn’t even blink at the subject change.
“Works for me. Might be a bit before I sober enough to not get murdered in the streets though.”
“I’ll just come get you, love.”
“You’re drunker than me.”
“I’ll scare everyone off with my many muscles.”
“Do you even have one?” Tubbo asks. “One muscle?”
“Many manly muscles.” Tommy doubles-down.
“I’ll just walk.” You sigh.
“Guys stop calling me ‘daddy Tommy’ I’m clearly a twink.”
“Tom?” You ask.
“Shut up, please.”
“Whatever you say!”
<Tommyinnit> Tubbo kisses his cousins
“I do not!” Tubbo exclaims, outrage painting his voice.
“I’ve seen Tubbo bare-lipsing his cousins.” Jack argues immediately.
“Have you?” You ask Jack.
“I’d kiss you even if you were my cousin.” Tommy says to you. “That’s how much I love you.”
“You’d what?”
“No, cause it’s my love.”
“Tom, man, I think it’s time for you to be done.” Jack says wisely.
“Well, no, cause what’s wrong with what I said?”
“So many things. So so many things.”
When you blink your eyes open the next morning, everything is hazy and painful. A throbbing headache makes you immediately close your eyes against the bright sunlight of morning, only for you to try again a few moments later.
There's a weight thrown across your middle; upon further inspection, it's Tommy's arm. Heavy and warm, and also keeping you trapped next to him.
"Tom." You groan, knowing that you need some water and Aspirin. He probably does too, considering he definitely drank more than you. "Tom, please."
He mumbles something, barely relenting his grip on you. It's just enough so that you can stretch across the bed to grab your phone from the charger. There's a few messages from friends checking up on you and Tommy (including a shit ton from Wilbur that you're just going to... ignore...) but you swipe open social media.
Only to immediately close it when you realize that you and Tommy are trending for what happened during MCC last night. Although it could very well also have been from the photo Tommy posted of you two kissing, to be fair.
"Stop moving." Tommy groans, pressing his face into your shoulder.
"We need Aspirin and water." You tell him. "And we're trending on Twitter."
"No." His hold on you tightens. "Five more minutes."
You know damn well five minutes will be ten, then thirty, then two hours, but you relent either way.
"Five more minutes."
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slowdiived · 2 years
Hi hi! i really love your fics sm!!!
can i request?? Jealous Kurt because Bobby is getting a little too touchy with s/o?
no need to rush, take your time!!
Thank you (*^3^)/~♡
love’s a two way dream (kurt kunkle x fem! reader)
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i love making all these requests cannon to my story LMAO but warnings for alcohol and some smut references :)
bobby threw a huge party for his 18th birthday. he invited you and kurt, excited for it to be the last party where kurt had to babysit him.
you both got ready at your apartment, the theme was ‘space cowboy’ which gave you a lot of different ideas. kurt wore a pink cowboy hat you had got off amazon a few years back. you giggled at how cute he looked, he was just happy to wear it because you liked it. he also had on just a white t-shirt and jeans with the classic black vans. you wore a tight tank top with high-waisted shorts and cowboy boots that went about mid calf, white socks poking out a inch past the end of the boot. you had on a cowboy hat with pink cow print on it.
you had done your makeup, fake eyelashes and all. you knew a lot of pictures were gonna be taken so you made sure you looked good. you and kurt took a few selfies to post and then left.
“y-you are so pretty,” he placed a warm hand on your thigh.
you thanked him and then went to post your pictures on your story. he soon stopped the car at a red light and looked over at you again.
“i think i might d-drink tonight,” he admitted, his voice shaky.
“really?” you asked with surprise running through your tone.
he was very open with the fact that he didn’t like to drink or do drugs. he even quit vaping after someone he knew got popcorn lung. he made it clear it wasn’t his scene and he didn’t want to turn out a loser like his dad.
“it’s a really special occasion,” he smiled, pressing the gas once the light turned green. “i mean it’s bobby’s 18th birthday, that is special. i won’t have to babysit him anymore.”
you giggled at how excited you were that you would be able to drink with kurt. you had never done that before, always feeling awkward that he had to take care of you. now you guys could both be sloppy and giggly together.
you both arrived early, parking the car and bringing a few cases of white claws in. kurt placed them on the kitchen table and bobby came out of the living room to say hi. he was wearing some stupid nasa get up with a cowboy hat.
“nice hat, kunkle,” he smirked. “you look good.”
he was being a sarcastic shit.
“fuck off bobby,” you said to flip him shit. “i picked it out.”
bobby giggled and gave you a high-five.
“god, your girlfriend is something else man,” he leaned over to kurt. “still don’t know how you pulled her.”
kurt rolled his eyes and quickly placed his hand in yours. they continue to talk for a little bit and you crack open your first drink. you often drank alcohol fast so you took big swigs, mindlessly watching kurt and bobby bickering over something that had to with fortnite.
they soon went their separate ways, bobby starting to play some music and getting his party lights all figured out. people started trickling in and you stood with kurt, both drinking and giggling.
he got two white claws in and he was already acting goofy. he was stumbling a bit, his hands needing to hold onto your hips to ground himself. you finished your fourth and grabbed another one. he decided he wanted to sit down so you took him to the practically empty couch.
kurt kept trying to touch you in front of everyone but you had to stop him so no one saw.
“please,” he whispered in your ear. “i wanna feel you (y/n).”
“baby, we can do that in your car or bathroom l-later,” you slurred out. “let’s just chill out then go have more fun okay?”
“fine,” he pouted with a funny sad face.
“i love you,” you smiled trying to get him to be happy.
“i love you!” he kissed your temple.
bobby soon came over and sat down next to you.
“hey (y/n),” he had a drink in his hand.
“uh hi bobby,” you said with a bit of hesitation. “how’s it feel to be 18?”
he laughed, “i’m not 18 until the clock strikes 12 am.”
you nodded your head to show you understood him.
“how come you are with kurt?” he asked drunkenly.
you furrowed your brow and laughed in disbelief. you looked over at kurt who was on his phone. you assumed he didn’t hear and was thankful for that.
“because i’m in love with him…”
“no you’re not,” he laughed, taking a drink from his can. “you need someone who isn’t fucked up like him.”
you just give bobby a confused stare.
“yeah, i think you are the fucked up one,” you rolled your eyes and turned to look at the ceiling. “always such an asshole.”
“god i love it when you degrade me like that,” he sayid in the most sarcastic cocky tone you had ever heard.
you bust up laughing, slapping your leg from the enjoyment. kurt swung his head to stare at you.
“what happened?” he asked, trying to understand why you were in a laughing fit.
“it was n-nothing,” you manage to choke out as you giggled.
he got nervous at the fact you were laughing that hard with bobby. only kurt should be able to make you laugh like that. he placed his hand on your thigh and you placed your hand on top of his out of instinct. he kept his attention on bobby, making sure he wasn’t pulling any shit.
“shouldn’t say shit like that,” you look back at the boy. “you are still 17, ain’t no way bud.”
he pulled out his phone and shoved his lock screen in your face. it was now 12:02.
“c’mon baby, i’m 18 now,” he tries to say in a sexy way that just makes you gag.
kurt squeezes your thigh, trying to control his anger of bobby hitting on you. he leaned over to shoot him a death glare.
“what the fuck dude?” kurt asks, his fingers deeply pressed into your flesh but not enough to hurt.
“it’s not my fault your girlfriend is so sexy,” bobby tries to hold your knee but kurt swats his hand away.
you got nervous at the interaction, sitting stiff and not saying a word. you wanted bobby to go away and find someone else to creep on for the night. you were getting flustered from how angry kurt was getting. you know he would’ve been so passive if he wasn’t drunk, but the assertive dominance had you wet right then and there.
“c’mon,” kurt stood up and tugged on your hand. “let’s go.”
you looked up at kurt and smiled wide, standing up to follow him. before he starts walking, he pulls you in to kiss him. he grabs your ass and melts into you passionately. you didn’t know that he had kept his gaze on bobby the entire time.
you pulled away and he led you to the bathroom. you both got in and he slammed the door shut.
“you’re mine,” he said with this low growl you have never heard come out of him before. “all mine.”
his gaze were dark, eyes low. he started kissing your cheek down to your neck, biting you just enough to leave a few hickies. you whimper and paw at his hair, shocked by his actions. you loved every second, you wished kurt got jealous more often.
his hat had fell off and the string held it on his back, giving more access to his head. he pulled away and looked at you again with those big dark eyes.
“i’ve never seen you like this, kurt,” you say with excitement. “it’s sexy baby.”
he leaned down and kissed you again, his hunger for you taking over. he motioned for you to sit up on the sink and you carefully got up, cautious to not hit your head on the medicine cabinet. you then wrapped your legs around him as he kept making out with you, his tongue deep into your mouth and whimpers coming out of the both of you.
“i’m all your’s,” you pull away to whisper on his lips. “i am your girl.”
he brought your lip between his teeth and you moaned out.
it was all quickly ruined by someone knocking on the door and yelling at you two to hurry up. kurt gave you one last kiss and helped you down, you both opening the door and leaving.
he kept a hand plastered to your ass the rest of the night.
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pilotheather · 6 months
- this unit. Money is insane what the fuck is happening her e
Ahi the vlinx you're my best friend now
Everybody. You will get bigot disease.
Stookie bill is crazy name
Classic i wonder how many people are gonna accuse this one of being too political when honestly this is about the level of all the others. Like yes it's very in your face but like whereas say orphan 55 was like shitty political commentary that was so disconnected and it www Oooooougj
It's governed by the rules of play
Does the toy maker like fortnite 💁
The pacing is so fucking FAST.... I'M NOT COMPLAINING BUT
Aye you silly sausage
Maybe I'll save you GET HS ASS
The one thing they'll do to Tennant is lock him behind a door
Hi uklm
What the..... JMMMMMMMM
Eepy. creepy!
Bill Bill. Bill Billllll hello BILL I LOVEEE YOU
He can't even...
Cancel. culture. Is. The. Villain. 😊
Whys Neil Patrick h... Oh I mustn't say that
I'm already RUNNING HELP
He said come on we can be gay together
Did You just L
Hi 2hwt the fuck HI 2HWT THE FUCK 2HWT
O 2hwt the
They seem SO CALM TH
Bring me my ncuti.......
Ooh my god it's real OH my god...
Like are we
The teeth kissing was subtitled Help
OK sorry it 2as slay for now but can we undo the bigeneration thing can we sorry I just need.... th
Ncuti why....
OK but now um
Who picked th
He flies off Yeah he does
OK sorry the thing is i wouldn't even mind bigeneration as a crazy twist if we didn't have to have have Tennant as one like I JUST WANT 5O
Help help hWLP
SO LIKE OK......
So like... OK 😭 I just I don't wanna be a hater in just. OK. I think I'm also just kind of worried that this is the wider whoineveerse thing and thees gonna be a fucking Tennant show now like CAN WE JUST......
OK. It's fine. If it's put aside I'm OK. We can go on. Please can 23 Hess
Hiii hiiii hiiiiiiii
0 notes
Part 1 of ?????
Started writing this fic a while ago and then lost faith in it. Should I continue? Feel bad for not posting much lately so I thought I'd share this. Read on and weigh in.
You don't have to fucking shout?
Said the pot to the kettle?
Oh you grandmother The caps were an accidental by-product of voice-to-text Blame Siri if you're going to blame anyone
You have a Samsung Galaxy S20.
HAD. It got smashed. Worst luck. Listen, come out with me tonight.
Urghhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm tired!
Hah (indifferent)
Just come out with me! Isaac has to go see some godawful student performance of the Antigone in wherever the fuck Chichester is and it's Sirius's flatmate's birthday party so I have to go and I don't know any of his weird mates
You don't HAVE to go.
Have to/want to Semantics
I'm not in a birthday party mood. I'm having a stressful week. My arse has been tense since Tuesday.
I will wade into the deep and massage your arse if I have to, just come It's a swank pad in Belgravia! I bet they'll have all sorts of expensive nibbles!
I read that as expensive nipples.
Those too!
Partying it up with the children of wealthy Tories. Sounds super fun.
Just come out with me, for fuck I'll pick you up at 7 and we can steal their silverware if it's boring as the grave
URGH I'll go but I'm NOT dressing up!
You don't have to dress up!
take the drawings down please i'm begging you i'm actually begging you
Nah mate
siriusssssssss pleeeeeease
PLEASE ffs it's MY birthday!!!! there are going to be PEOPLE there! standing around! AT EYE LEVEL
I don't see what the problem is.
EVERYONE will see what the problem is! they literally will not be able to IGNORE what the problem is!
Sounds like a recipe for lively discussion to me tbh
that is NOT what i want people talking about at my birthday!
If I take them down, I'll have to take all the nails out and that'll leave nail marks all over the walls. It would be unsightly.
My dick is bewitching.
She walks in expecting to find herself the infiltrator of a Made in Chelsea/Royal Ascot/Henley Regatta netherworld, filled with a gaggle of giggling, SW-postcode socialites wielding suspiciously powder-edged Harrods Amex cards in the place of horses and boats, but that's not what actually greets her on the other side of the lacquered front door.
What greets her is really quite ordinary.
Aside from the naked drawings of Kingsley's mate, which aren't.
Otherwise, the whole affair is pretty relaxed. People her age are clustered in their small groups, swigging beers. There's a table of oven-heated party foods, salty snacks and rapidly depleting ramekins of guac. She spies more band shirts than there are dress shirts. There's a round of Fortnite in full swing on the TV.
It's all just...startlingly normal. A normal birthday party.
And that's sort of embarrassing, really.
Where are all the visible Tory toffs, she wonders? Where is the braying laughter? The Eton alumni reunion? The glimpse of hunting-happy tweed and shotgun barrels as a coat cupboard door swings shut? Where's the indelible air of sneering superiority, of "we're richer and more privileged and better than you, so fuck the NHS and death to foxes!" that she'd been expecting? There's a fucking Henry Hoover in the corner of the hall, for Christ's sake. Lily came here to smile through her teeth at them all, to listen to the champagne problems privilege that bubbled from their lips and tell herself that she was the one who knew better, who thought better. Her plain white tee and skinny jeans and scuff-toed, high-top trainers were supposed to be a statement, a subtle setting-apart, but she's not even the most underdressed person in the room.
She pre-judged a house full of people. What's that about?
There's a lesson to be found in this. Perhaps.
James covered all of the dicks in Paw Patrol stickers that he bought from the newsagent on his way home from his mum's, but Sirius peeled them all off while he was taking a soothing lavender bath, so what's the bloody point in birthdays anyway?
It's early in the evening, and he's wedged—against his will—between the dining room bar and Shane Ruttle, who has just pointed at one of the many lamentable dicks and asked, "Is this one of yours?" which James kind of wants to thump him for. It's bad enough that he looks like a madman who stuffed his house with naked drawings of his brother, now people are actually assuming that he drew the damn things, even though most of the compositions are appallingly far beneath his skill level. He's a professional illustrator, for the love of god, and Shane is really standing before him like the posturing prick he is, asking him if he's the one who drew Sirius with one arm disproportionately longer than the other.
He knows that he should cheer up.
It is his birthday. There is cake.
Good cake, too, not the kind that gets buried in too-thick fondant that he has to pick off before he can eat what's underneath.
The problem is, there's also a party, and his friends are his friends, Peter and Sirius included, and Peter and Sirius can both get drunk much faster than James can. When Peter and Sirius get drunk, serious injuries tend to follow, Remus tends to fuck off in a flash and James tends to be the one who calls for an ambulance or mothers them back to health—physical, mental or otherwise. He has just turned twenty-six, and these repeated, drunkenly dramatic medical emergency scenes are starting to wear a little thin.
Can't a man get comfortably drunk and have a laugh at his own birthday party?
No, he can't, because Peter's already halfway to trashed, wobbling unsteadily towards the French doors that lead to the terrace, wearing that look on his face that says I'm definitely going to vomit or maybe even shit myself like I did on that one night we all spent in Munich with the Belgian handball team and the creepy tour guide who couldn't keep his sleazy hands to himself. For the sake of sparing the lawn such a punishment, James hastily removes himself from Shane, grabs Peter by the collar, shoves him in the direction of the downstairs loo and retreats to the safety of the living room, where there are, at least, no naked drawings of Sirius gracing the walls.
Most of the people in here are transfixed by Saffy Stephens, who is down to the last three in her Fortnite game and cursing like a sailor, but there are a small pile of birthday cards on the end table where James and Sirius normally keep their keys. He perches on the sofa arm, sets his half-drunk beer bottle on the carpet, pushes his dark, disheveled hair away from his forehead and begins leafing through them. It's a necessity when one lives with Sirius, who thinks nothing of swiping gift cards when the mood strikes him and he's had enough to drink.
They're mostly from his female friends, and all pretty standard, until he reaches the middle of the pile and finds a card bearing a picture of a moustached tabby and the caption: Have a Purr-fect Birthday!
The inscription inside is written in a lovely, swirling hand.
To Jasper/Jack/Jason/maybe Ja Rule?/J-something idk
(see above: everything I've learned about you from the friend* I came here with, verbatim)
(*who can't remember your name)
Happy Birthday! Thank you for (not) specifically inviting me, a stranger, to your party to celebrate this momentous event in your life. Please enjoy this festive card/social nicety/convention from me to you. My friend brought rum which you may prefer.
I'll be around. Not that you'll know.
James lowers the card and twists on the sofa arm at once, eyes darting around the room in search of its author, as if they might be laying in wait to watch him read it and see how he reacts. Nobody appears to have ducked behind the couch, however, so the situation merits further scrutiny.
Obviously, he needs to meet this person.
A mystery! At his birthday party!
He perks right up after that.
She's coming out of the downstairs loo when a short, blonde man in a garish Hawaiian shirt barrels past her and pukes all over the chequerboard tiled floor, narrowly missing her jeans.
"Oh no," he moans into his wet hands. "Oh no—"
"There there, mate," says Lily consolingly, never one to judge somebody for getting drunk early at a party. She pats him on the back before squeezing past him and rejoining Kingsley, who is standing in one of this meandering Georgian house's many hallways, chatting to a bloke in a houndstooth sweater vest and holding two glasses of something very, very sparkly that she must try at once.
"It's like...it's like everything and nothing at the same time," Houndstooth Bloke is saying when Lily draws close, gesturing to a huge canvas painting of a rain-soaked fairground at night.
"Is it?" Kingsley asks.
"Mmm. Very." Houndstooth shakes his shoulders like he's slipping out of a robe. "Meant to be esoteric, I suppose."
That sounds suspiciously like pretentious bullshit to Lily, who doesn't find the concept of a merry looking fairground all that difficult to absorb. Kingsley knows more about the art world than she does, but he must agree with her assessment because he grunts and shoves her glass into her hand when she stops beside him, and more roughly than she deserves, as if she's the one who landed him in this mess of a conversation to begin with.
Trust him to find himself stuck with the only dick (not etched by a 4B Steadtler graphite pencil) in the building, and trust her to be stuck with the person who got himself stuck with King.
"What are we talking about?" she asks brightly, just to fuck with him.
"Drink your champagne, there's a good little hen," King mutters, his teeth clenched together, hallway lights bouncing off the smoothly waxed dome of his bald head.
"We've been discussing this piece." Houndstooth nods to the painting, but his limpid eyes narrow on Lily's face. "Christ, you're very redheaded, aren't you?"
It's decided. She'll wait 'til Houndstooth is drunk and trip him up with Henry Hoover's hose.
"Ergo soulless, yes," she agrees.
"And you...enjoy that?" he asks, as if being redheaded is her profession.
"Very much, thanks."
"Hmmp. Well. I came here with Saffron," he announces, pronouncing it Sef-ron. As if Lily is supposed to know who that is. "Platonically, of course. Actually, we're some sort of cousins, I think. What do you think the artist is trying to convey?"
He's very pointedly asking her, so Lily blinks at the painting, her eyes on the outstretched arm of a child on the carousel.
"I like the pretty colours," she decides aloud.
"Right," says Houndstooth, "but that's not—"
"And the lights, too. The lights are really pretty."
"I love funfairs, actually," she brightly continues, finding a strange satisfaction in playing dumb in front of Houndstooth and his overbleached fade. Although she does really like the colours. "Haven't been to one in years!"
"Yes, good, whatever, but what is the artist trying to convey?"
"What artist?" comes a voice from behind them.
Lily glances over her shoulder and finds herself looking up at the man whose penis she's spent the past thirty minutes avoiding eye contact with, though he is taller, better proportioned and infinitely more beautiful than any of those crudely drawn depictions could possibly convey. He is also beplumed and bejewelled like a pirate, wearing a sumptuous velvet jacket over a loose white shirt, numerous rings on his fingers and an assortment of silver chains around his slender neck, while his grey eyes and elegantly high-set cheekbones are framed by a tumble of black hair that genuinely looks like silk.
The man is so beautiful, in fact, that Lily immediately wonders why he's been taking sketches home from the life drawing class that he and Kingsley pose for—hence their acquaintance and Lily's presence at this party—when nothing she's seen tonight has done him any justice.
Most happily, his penis is tucked safely out of sight.
"Alright, Sirius?" says King.
"Alright, Marvel?" Sirius claps a hand to the taller man's massive shoulder. Kingley's muscles bulge in a way that cannot be hidden by modern habiliments. "What are we talking about?"
"Not much." Houndstooth looks put out by the arrival of yet another person. "We were just mesmerised by this piece."
Lily refrains from gesturing to the painting with both hands and a "ta-dah!" choosing instead to sip her champagne.
It's very good champagne. Mmm. Yes.
"Oh, yeah, it's really something," Sirius agrees. He brushes past Kingsley and runs a finger over the illegible squiggle of a signature on the canvas. His nails are beautifully manicured. "Local guy, young up-and-comer. I assume you've heard of Algernon?" he asks Houndstooth, fixing him with a steely-eyed stare.
"Er, yes." Houndstooth's gaze slides from Sirius to the painting. "I know him."
Sirius's eyebrows lift. "Know him personally?"
"That's so weird, I heard he never speaks to people."
Houndstooth chews on the inside of his cheek, weighing up the challenge. "How…funny."
"Oh, nothing. It's just, I know I've spoken to him before, and since you've bought his painting I assumed that you'd have—"
"That is funny, actually," Sirius interrupts, "because the artist is my brother, and Algernon is the name of his cat."
Kingsley has been tugging on his earring and almost rips it out of his ear as his body convulses, champagne spraying from his nostrils, while an alarming red flush sweeps across Houndstooth's face and he begins to sputter on his own self-importance. Sirius has clearly decided that he's done with all of that noise, however, because he turns back to Lily instead, looking her up and down with great and sudden interest.
"Who's this then?" he asks Kingsley, cocking his head to one side. "James's present?"
The champagne glass swings down and Lily fixes him with a deadpan stare. "Excuse me?"
Sirius slants a grin at Kingsley, a quick flash of teeth. "This one's queenly, isn't she?"
Kingsley wipes his nose with the back of his hand and laughs again. "Hardly."
"This is Primark, mate," Lily retorts, tugging on her t-shirt.
"Queenliness is a state of mind," says Sirius, "not a state of wardrobe."
"You had me marked down as a prostitute not ten seconds ago."
"Oh, that. I was only joking," he sighs, and grips her arm at the elbow, his long fingers cool against her skin. "But still, you're far too attractive to stand here talking to this clown. Come with me and I'll find you someone better."
James's friends are useless.
And drunk. Useless and drunk—or sort of drunk, in Saffy's case. Remus is certainly already pissed, but Remus is on meds so often that he drinks but once in a blue moon. One cocktail is usually enough to set him off, and he's been hard at the gin since he turned up with Peter at six.
"I don't know anyone with those initials," Saffy declares, once she has read, examined and even sniffed the birthday card for clues. "Except for Lisa Edelstein."
"Who's Lisa Edelstein?"
"Cuddy from House," says Remus, lowering the negroni from which he has been drinking deeply.
James pulls a face. "What the fuck is a Cuddy?"
"Oh, actually, it could mean le?" Remus suggests.
"Yes!" Saffy points at him like he might be onto something. "Like the French word for the?"
"Exactly, like—"
"It doesn't mean that!" James interrupts, unwilling to allow such profanity in his home. "That doesn't make sense, why would somebody sign their name as the?"
"Now you're asking me to explain how French people think?" says Saffy derisively, adjusting her bra strap beneath that burnt orange waistcoat she loves, the one that makes her look like she's directing a pornographic movie in the 70s when she pairs it with her tortoiseshell-framed aviators. It clashes wildly with her electric blue buzz-cut. "Am nooooo drunk enough for that."
"They could be one of those one word moniker pop stars, I suppose," Remus pipes up, smiling slyly. "You know, like Madonna?"
They think James doesn't realise that they're taking the piss out of him, but neither of them are sober enough to attempt their gambit with any kind of subtlety or grace.
"You know that's actually her real Christian name?" says Saffy.
Remus turns towards her with interest. "What, Madonna?"
"Yeah!" Saffy repeats. "I thought it couldn't possibly be her real name because, I mean, Madonna, yeah? But then I looked it up and apparently that's the name her mummy gave her, just goes to show—"
"I'm sorry," James interrupts, "but is Madonna relevant to this conversation?"
"Yes, always," says Saffy.
"She's an international pop megastar," Remus seconds.
James stares at his friend incredulously. "Drinking really chips away at your wit, y'know?"
"Does it?" Remus grins lazily and jiggles his cocktail in the air. "Oh, well, I'm negronly joking."
Saffy does a spit-take without the spit and clings helplessly to Remus's shoulder as she laughs, knees buckling, bangles tinkling, but James fights his own urge to start snickering.
"It's not that funny," he lies, and Remus eyes him with an alarmingly teacher-like shrewdness, despite the tellingly intoxicated flush that has crept into his thin, freckled face.
James's love of puns is tragically well known.
"You didn't get it." Remus points at his drink. His speech is starting to slur. "This is a negroni, what I said was—"
"Yeah, I got that part, I just—"
"Jesus fuck, look at her!" Saffy suddenly hisses, staggering sideways into Remus and sending him into the wall in a flurry of giggles—Remus giggling?—her voice hushed and urgent. "Who the hell is that?!"
James does look, following the direction of Saffy's gaze. Sirius has just entered the living room, casually clutching the elbow of a……
An actual. Like. Goddess.
A goddess. In James's house. In his living room. In the place where he eats his chocolate boulder cereal and rewatches Scrubs (even season 9, which is hilarious, and very unfairly disparaged by Joe Public) on Saturday mornings.
She's a goddess. A real one, and cleverly disguised as a mortal, sure, with her slouchy white t-shirt and her big hoop earrings and her light blue jeans that are torn at the knees, wearing her shoulder-length red hair half up, half down and slightly messy, but that doesn't hide what she is.
"Oh my god," he murmurs. His heart is pounding all of a sudden, which is so...utterly bloody stupid, but Saffy's right, bloody look at her, Jesus fuck.
"Surely she can't be with Sirius?" Saffy murmurs back.
"No, she—" He watches Sirius lean down to mutter something in the redhead's ear. A ghost of a laugh flits across her beautiful face. "She's not his—he isn't—"
"D'you think—"
"No, I—"
"Good," says Saffy firmly. She lets go of Remus and rises, lengthening her spine. It is a battle stance of some sort, presumably. "Because I saw her first."
"No!" James cries, wounded, and the redhead shoots him a curious look with a pair of eyes that are startlingly emerald green, even from all the bloody way over here. He spins to face Saffy and lowers his voice, face burning. "It's my house!"
"What are you arguing here, ownership rights?"
"No but it—it's my birthday!" James retorts, jabbing at his own chest. "And, actually, and—"
"It's in the bloody post!"
"—you didn't get me a present!" he finishes in triumph, not that he knows what he's arguing for, because the likelihood is that his tongue will glue itself to the roof of his mouth if he even dares to look in her direction one more time. "Plus I set you up with Vanya Petrich, with whom, as I recall, you enjoyed four years—"
"Stop throwing that in my face!"
"—four blissful years—"
"Is it my fault that you've never fancied any girl I've set you up with?!"
"—promised me an Easter ham for setting you up with her and I never got it—"
"So now you'll trade a woman for a ham?" Saffy accuses, though her face is too lit up, her brown eyes too crinkled at the corners—she's having fun with this and she isn't going to fool him and she knows it. "That's so low, even—"
"Don't start with that," James scathingly cuts in. "You offered me Sean Connery's autograph for Bonnie Grogan's number—"
"Which you never gave me!"
"Because you forged the bloody signature!"
"And now she's bloody married!"
"Yeah, well, Isabella wouldn't give me a counterfeit present, would she?" he retorts, and Saffy lets her shoulders drop, smirking. "This is pointless, Saf, we can't—"
"She's just left with Sirius," Remus informs them, and burps.
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seongwhy · 4 years
ateez if a curvier girl liked them
disclaimer!! i am 100% sure these boys would like you for you and not for how many curves you have. you are beautiful no matter what !!! as a curvier girl myself, writing this made me happy hehe
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let’s be honest. seonghwa loves curvy girls
i mean he loves all girls, but smth abt a curvy lady gets him going
so imagine his face when a curvy girl likes him !!!!!
you’d tell him “seonghwa... u kinda cute doe” and he’d be like😳😃
he’s had his eye on you for a while
he jus luvs your personality and your humour
and your curves
tbh he’s snuck a glance every now and then
you’d bend down to grab the tv remote and suddenly he’s blushing and thinking of everything he’d do to u omg
or you’d wear a crop top and sit down and your belly might show a lil bit and he melts in his seat
all he wants is to feel ur pretty body
but .. unfortunately u didn’t think that he would like you
you thought that he only had his eye out for the slimmer girls, but that was simply not true queen
so it took u a sec to confess your feelings for him
but once you did you were so surprised at his response
“hey seonghwa, i know that you probably don’t think the same but like i rlly think ur cute and funny and pretty and i rlly like u but i know i’m not rlly ur type and like that’s fine-“
“wait!!! u like me”
“i like u too !!!!!!! who tf told u that ur not my type bc i will beat them up ur gorgeous who told u that >:((((“
and u explain to him that it was just ur brain and he says Never to think that about yourself !!!! bc you are beautiful !!!!
and then ur both just uwu in love with each other and he’s in love w ur curves and ur in love with his chicken legs and it’s amazing and wonderful and you’re so happy you said something bc otherwise you wouldn’t have found the love of ur life :’)
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hongjoong is Obsessed
obsessed w your thighs and your tummy and your booty
when u tell him u like him he’s not only like “holy shit i like you too” he’s imagining alllllll the things he can do w u and ur curves
when u first start going out and dating and such it’s great it’s amazing he makes you laugh and you feel beautiful bc he makes you feel beautiful
but when you start opening up to him about your insecurities you thought things would change
but they didn’t !!!!!!!! he started loving u harder
and every day since that first time you cried in his arms he tells you you’re beautiful
“hi honey u look gorgeous”
“baby !!!!! i love that dress on you”
“hey bb, since i can’t see you today i’m just letting u know that you’re beautiful !! and i love and miss you !!!!”
“there’s my fav tummy!!”
he will not Stop telling you how beautiful u are you’re not complaining
he thinks ur a queen and he treats you like one
he loves all of you. all the cellulite and all the curves and all dimples
and he’s not shy abt it either ;)
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ok listen up sweeties
yunho doesn’t rlly pay attention to figure
i mean ofc he LOves your body and he thinks you’re beautiful
but he would not like you if not for your personality
which is absolutely amazing
and so he doesn’t rlly understand when you tell him that you don’t wanna eat that ice cream or the pizza
he thinks you’re beautiful (bc you are) so why don’t u think you’re beautiful too ??????
why won’t u eat w him ????
why wont you take ur shirt off in front of him ???
so one day he brings u mcdonald’s and a shamrock milkshake yummy!!!!
and he sits down w u and watches you try and do everything but eat
so he stops u and looks at u and tells u everything you’ve ever wanted to hear
“babe plz eat in front of me... i think your body is beautiful and i think you’re beautiful and i would not buy u food if i didn’t think so”
and u know this is true bc yunho loves his food and his own shamrock shakes
so u smile at him and lay in his arms and u eat that damn burger!!!!!!
he makes all your insecurities go away
he loves u so much u literally can’t breathe
he’s always hugging you and feeling you up and wrapping his huge arms around u
and he makes u so comfy with yourself
and you love him
and he loves u
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ok yeosang loves u
and u know it he lowkey highkey makes it obvious
everytime you walk in he either 1) gets all blushy and stops talking mid sentence
“dude!!! stop destroying my fucking hous- uh uh h-hi y/ n”
i don’t actually know what they do in fortnite but if u do and this is wrong just imagine minecraft instead
or 2) he tries to be all tuff and show off
“oh hey y/n” he says as he casually rolls up his sleeve and stretches
but what he Doesn’t know is that u like him too!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he thinks ur waaaaaay our of his league
i mean just take a look at u!!! ur thighs ur belly ur boobiez
p e r f e c t i o n
but one day he accidentally walks in on you and seonghwa talking (he thinks u like seonghwa)
and he hears u like “idk seong he’s really cute and so nice to me and such an angel... also have u seen dem arms doe !!”
and What The Heck
yeosang cannot believe it
u???? the girl of his DREAm s ??? likes HIM ???
and what do u know when he hears that he suddenly can’t keep his balance and trips right over
over what exactly ?? his dignity
and he falls right in front of u and seonghwa
seonghwa just snickers and laughs and leave the room
yeosang just stares at u for a moment before getting up and just staring at u some more
“uh yeosang?? u good”
“h a hah yeah .. i’m good”
“ok. did u hear the part where i said i think you’re cute”
“. yes i did y-es”
“ok. do u like me too”
“uh y-yeah i uh yes”
“ok. get over here dummy”
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ok we all know san
this weirdo
this secs ee mf that gives zero fucks
haha mmmm
^^^^ that’s what he’s like every time u walk by
idk it’s getting late i’m tired plz don’t judge
when he sees u he’s all like hehehbajsbs ajdosndbdniejn ùwú
but externally he’s like heh he h wassup
and he makes hand gestures at u like outlining ur curvy body
and winking at u
and let’s be honest he may or may not have slapped dat ass a few times
and even though it’s kinda nasty u kinda like it
u know he means well and it’s just one way he shows his love and appreciation for u
and he wouldn’t do it if you told him no !!! consent is key
and u consent bc u like the way he gets slightly flustered everytime he does it
eventually u have to give in one day bc he’s been teasing you long enough
so one day ur walking by him and he smacks ur dump truck and u spin around and grab his arm and pull him up to ur chest
and he’s like HUH
and ur like hi sannie
and he’s like “h-hi”
and he’s feeling u up and he sits you down and pulls him into his lap
and ur scared that ur too much for that
so when u start pulling away he’s like “NO I LIKE U HERE STAY U LOOK SO ORETTY SITTING ON ME”
and u giggle and stay
and then more kissing and cuddling and loving
and he makes u laugh and feel good
and u make him happy and so excited all the time
and it’s sooo good omg he luvs allllll of u so much
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i may have a soft spot for this man
he’s jus so weird and funky
but he’s so cute like idk
don’t tell seonghwa
those are your exact thoughts abt him too
your relationship was always like....there was tension there
ofc u always thought abt him
and he always thought abt u
u lived in his head rent free
ur curves and dimples and amazing bodyodyody
accompanied w ur amazing personality!!! what could he not love
so when u became friends he was already obsessed w u
he’s always whiny and needy for ur attention
when the boys are there he’s like “😎😈💪🦵”
he does a full 180
his voice goes from deep and scruffy to all soft
the boys clown him for it
but he doesn’t care
he sends u memes all the time
he texts you every day
at first it was an occasional hey wsp and now it’s like “good morning!! how’d u sleep” “hey bb girl wanna go get boba” “u looked rlly good today”
it makes ur heart flutter
and when he started calling u baby girl in PERSON
and tbh he didn’t mean to say it the first time it just slipped out BUT he loved the way it made u blush and look down and cross your legs a lil
so he just couldn’t stop saying it
eventually the reaction u had went down a lil bc u got used to it
and that was when he decided he needed to do more
so eventually he got up the courage on a boba date to stop u and sit u down on a bench
and when u were like yes what is it mango
it took him a sec bc u looked so PRETTY in your dress
your thighs crossed and the way your boobies sat in it
he couldn’t help but stare (respectfully)
and u were like HELLo
and he cleared his throat and was like “ur really pretty”
and u blushed and covered yourself w ur arms
and he was like No >:( ur gorgeous and took your hands in his
and kissed them and kissed your arm all the way up to ur face
and he kissed your cheeks and was like these cheeks are so cute
and kissed ur nose and was like i love your nose
and then ur lips
and he didn’t have to say anything for you to know he loved your lips just as much as he loved your everything else
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okay if i thought hongjoong was obsessed .
wooyoung is a whole other story
as soon as u step into the room ur the only one that matters
he would stop answering the boys
he would only be looking at you
trying his best to make u laugh it works
bc he loves the way your face lights up when u smile
and how your body shakes when u laugh
and he loves talking to u
abt anything and everything
so he becomes your very best friend
and when u get comfortable to share your insecurities with him he gets so sad and mad
he gets so ANGERY
and one day ur ranting to him about something SOME DUMB ASS BOY said to u in class
and ur like 😳 “y-your baby?”
and he’s like oh fuck fuck fuck fuck
he starts to apologize and ramble
and u just giggle
he’s like ??????
and ur like “i’ll be your baby wooyoungie”
“if you’ll be mine too”
he runs up to u and picks u up and spins u around and he kisses u and he’s like MY BABY
“dats ma baby and aint nobody finna touch em”
^^ that’s what he’s like w u
and he’s so happy youre his and he’s yours
cuz now he gets all your curves to himself hehehehehehehehehe
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jongho is such a softie
especially for u
he melts everytime he sees your soft skin and your pretty face
he tries really hard to be all tuff around u
but it never pans out
bc he’s so in luv w how pretty you are
in his mind u are the most perfect person ever
he lets u vent to him abt anything
he likes to talk to u abt everything
deep or not
and one day you’re like “hey jongho, i’ve never heard u talk abt a girl before”
and he goes all blushy and is like ha ha i uh i guess u haven’t
and u ask if he has a crush
and he goes even redder
and ur like “U DO OMG TELL KE ABT HER”
sooooo he does
“well she really pretty and has such a kind heart and beautiful eyes and an amazing smile and the prettiest curves i’ve been talking to her for a while and she makes me so happy”
“she’s so gorgeous but she doesn’t think so and it makes me really angry i just wanna tell her she’s beautiful”
and ur like “awww just tell her then! she’ll love hearing that from you” oblivious mf
so jongho sits up straight and looks u right in the eyes and says “ok then. you’re beautiful y/n”
you’re eyes go wide and u open ur mouth to say smth but nothing comes out
so u just hug him
and he wraps his arms around u and says “it’s true, you’re so beautiful”
and u just hug him tighter
and the night is perfect :,)
and he’s perfect
and he’s so grateful u asked him that question
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amratsu · 4 years
alright these girls have haunted me for about a whole month now time to break it all down for anyone vaguely interested in them
hololive/vtuber 101 below the read more
THE FUCK IS HOLOLIVE?: An idol agency except all of its roughly 20 or so girls are youtube streamers who have their identity protected by a live2d avatar. They recently had a very fun live concert and all of them have or will have 3d models, but the majority of content is just them streaming whatever's their fancy at the time. (As of 2/17/2020 a lot of them play a lot of ARK, thank Coco for that) Therefore, they're part of the new form of niche culture called Vtuber.
THE FUCK IS A VTUBER?: Virtual youtubers. Like a normal streamer but, again, live2d portrait instead of their actual face. That's basically it. Content is about as varied as any other youtuber.
ALRIGHT, WHO WE GOT?: Hololive's split into OG Tokino Sora, the girls alongside her who are also primarily 3d, and then 'generations'. Just plug in their names and you'll find their channel easy. Again, variety differs between all the girls, but expect a lot of Nintendo games, chat streams, karaoke, and Minecraft across the board.
-Tokino Sora OG mom slash idol, debuted all the way back in 2017. Probably the only proper idol in all of Hololive. Warm, friendly, relaxing. She mostly does 3d variety streams and song debuts so she's hard to follow without advanced japanese.
-Roboco(-san) Pose happy killer robo with a notably smokey voice and calming demeanor. Plays a large amount of minecraft and first-person games in general; recent streams include ARK, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon remaster, Apex, and Fortnite.
-Sakura Miko ELIIIITE MLG miko idol with a tendency to swear a bit. High energy, fully embraced 'press f', gives herself sunglasses during streams, great friends with Pekora. Also notably into eroge. Did a full playthrough of Papers Please lately and is one of the most addicted to ARK (21 streams at around 4-5 hours each.)
1st Generation -Yozora Mel Sleepy vampire with the occasional killer instinct. Soothing, gentle, kind of lewd. Very much into nintendo games with Smash, Ring Fit, SwoSh, and Mario Kart being her latest content, but she's a little slower with the output. Part of the lewd blonde club with Aki, Haato, and Choco, who were demonetized until recently.
-Aki Rosenthal Cyber elf with detachable twin tails. Pretty similar to Mel in disposition, though less sleepy and more...I want to say 'fantastical'. Recently gained popularity due to her buck naked superhuman beefcake character in ARK, with Kerbal, Go Home, and some ASMR rounding out the rest of her content.
-Natsuiro Matsuri Eternal 17 year old cheerleader from the class next door, Matsuri is a high energy raging lesbian who's also a complete sweetie. Her infamous bandaid clip is what got a lot of western fans into Hololive. Plays a wide variety of games but also twitcasts at random times of the day like when she's in bed or in the bath, just to chat with her viewers about what's on her mind. Well loved.
-Akai Haato The ESL transfer student, girl next door, Haato is, well, exactly that. Commonly traveling for studies, Haato is a bubbly girl with a fine sense for aesthetics; you'll catch her making elaborate builds in Minecraft or playing visual novels during streams, along with a smattering of other games. Notable in that she's the only girl that'll do purely English streams, likely to help with her own education. Also kind of a baka.
2nd Generation -Minato Aqua Disaster masochist maid who's actually stupidly good at video games sometimes. She's both mischievous and hard working, massively popular in China, and, again, stupidly good at games. Soulsborne speedruns, PUBG, ARK (also one of the most addicted), Minecraft (seeing a pattern?), League if you catch her bilibili streams...but she's also the one who will spend a stream calling the other girls and asking them to bully her. Wild card gremlin.
-Murasaki Shion Genius mage who doesn't do a lot with her magic. Pretty well known for her 'neeeeeee', with a distinctly smug avatar/voice. Pretty good at games too, with a variety of Pokemon, retro games, Minecraft, Smash, horror, Mario Kart, etc. Excellent singing voice too, would recommend her covers.
-Yuzuki Choco The totally-not-a-succubus demon nurse at your highschool, Choco embodies :sweating:. Obviously she's lewd, but there's also a silly and petulant side to her that's fun to watch too. ASMR is her specialty. She's also, surprisingly, really into Dead By Daylight, so if that combination sounds fun to you hit her up.
-Oozora Subaru If Haato is the girl next door, Subaru's the bro next door. A very down to earth but energetic and sporty tomgirl, she recently spent three streams and sixteen hours on trying to take down Sans. Other recent things include Live A Live, The Witch's House, and GTA. Refreshingly easy to relate to compared to the other girls sometimes.
-Nakiri Ayame Hello, honored humans~ Hololive's millenium old oni. Has a peculiar way of speaking, especially in her pronouns, which lends a certain charm if you can got on board with it; happy go lucky, easy to like, and really cute on top of all that. Recently recovered from sickness (as of 2/26) so was the last to get on the Ark craze, she's actually very fond of multiplayer games as a way of 'getting to know mortals'. Apex Legends, Mario Kart, Splatoon, etc.
GAMERS: A sort of generation on its own, and also a kind of weird designation when all the girls game so frequently. Oh well!
-Shirakami Fubuki Fox. Not a cat. Super cheerful, makes a lot of weird noises that people turn into youtube poops (that she encourages), and also a helluva gamer. Plays plenty of battle royales, ARK, and of course Nintendo/Minecraft stuff. Infamous for her absolute feral hunter instincts in Project Winter, where she commonly massacres the entire map on her lonesome when she's the traitor.
-Ookami Mio Mom wolf who has to play tsukkomi (straightman) to basically all of Hololive sometimes. Which makes it all the more hilarious during her semi-common charisma breaks, like during Haato's recent English Exam stream. Has been into EDF, Pokemon, Ghost Trick, and Splatoon lately.
-Nekomata Okayu The sleepy smug cat with the most chill personality. Notably very, VERY close with Korone, and in general kind of a playboy in general. Never denies it or any of her myriad transgressions though. Her Mother 2 run has been fun recently, but really you could just tune into her frequent chat streams and relax that way.
-Inugami Korone Dog. An oddball who kind of just goes at her own pace, playing all sorts of weird games like Nyanpo (the pokemon prototype) and weird PS1 retro games. Shows a disturbingly violent side sometimes; her ongoing Blasphemous run and recent RE4 runs have shown how much she's into that kind of stuff. But also she's still a dog, so really don't worry.
Inonaka Music: -AZKi AZKi is closely associated with Hololive but is really more of her own thing, being even more idol than Sora is. Doesn't stream much if at all, has her own album out, does music collabs more than anything else, etc. Helluva singer though.
-Hoshimachi Suisei The vtuber idol who's totally not a psychopath, and totally a goddess at tetris. Like Fubuki, made a name for herself with her psychotic rampages in Project Winter, and also very much unfazed by horror games. Really fucking good at tetris too, doing 98v1 streams lately in Tetris 99, and a godly songstress too. Her karaoke streams are to die for.
3rd Generation: Also known as Hololive Fantasy. These girls are particularly close to each other. If you can find translated clips, I definitely recommend their host club streams where they compete in seducing other Vtubers. (Yes. That's serious)
-Usada Pekora AH^HA^HA^. You'd think she was a cute rabbit, but no! It's a Tewi level shitposter combined with some legit video game skills. She likes playing the heel deliberately just for shits and giggles, like when she nearly walked off with Miko's Nether Star. She's in fact very close to Miko, their relationship being both great friends and great rivals. Definitely one of the most addicted to ARK too; she's been making headway in conquering the ocean.
-Shiranui Flare Handsome half-elf archer, Flare's the designated tsukkomi of the third generation. She's definitely the most down to earth of them, charismatic to boot, and does as she pleases with a relaxed personality and husky, smokey voice. Very very VERY close to Noel. You'll find some really fun playthroughs of various action games like Dark Souls, Bayonetta, and Sekiro on her channel, and thanks to her picking up game mechanics fast they're fun to watch for anyone.
-Shirogane Noel Knight Captain of the Shirogane Knights, Noel's...kind of an airhead, actually. But she's definitely a pleasant, softspoken sort of person who's incredibly relaxing to listen to. Also a big eater, you'll hear her talk about beef bowls and muscles a lot. Just try not to stare too much at her 'pectorals.' As mentioned, VERY close to Flare (they just had a two day long date to a ryokan). Plays whatever with no focus in particular.
-Uruha Rushia The cute, soft, innocent apprentice necromancer, Rushia occasionally comes out of the gates roaring with rage filled screams before chilling out. An absolute cutie though, who loves her fans very much (though really every Hololive member does), her attempts to be cool and reliable lend to some great comedy. She's got a great singing voice if you can find one of her bilibili streams, and otherwise plays a wide variety of things.
-Houshou Marine A~hoy~. The completely safe for work, modern, not-cosplay eternal 17 pirate...and everything I just said was a lie. Most of it anyways. Marine's a riot of a lady with an incredibly dirty mind and dirtier motor mouth, great voice acting ability, and knack for art that she'll happily show off (among other things). Definitely one of my favorites, you'll find plenty of chat and art content on her channel, along with some of the most Ark addiction and a full array of Touhou game playthroughs.
4th Generation: Hololive's newest five girls, it's been a month and change since they debuted. They're notable for working together on some of the most wild content Hololive's put out so far, all helmed by a certain dragon. But we'll get to that.
-Tokoyami Towa The little devil that does whatever she wants, Towa's known for a couple of other things at this point: refreshingly honest personality, Pokemon playthroughs with an eclectic choice in team comp, and her charmingly atypical tomboy voice (though her mic's not amazing). Great singer, super funny if you can find the rare translated clip of her, and was an absolute menace at the recent Hololive werewolf/mafia game. How she managed to fake being a Seer from day one and nearly win, I'll never know.
-Tsunomaki Watame Hololive's bouncy sheep. Ram? Something like that. A very girly, friendly, lightly ara-ara personality, she's an honest and open with her feelings sort of girl. Earnest laughter at chat and games, real emotional tears while watching the live concert with her generation mates, Watame's a total sweetheart who streams a bit of music everyday as the pre-show to Coco's Morning Shitposts (official name). She's also gotten very close to her senpais in some regards...but above all she likes singing, chilling out in Minecraft, and recently playing through a couple Kirby games.
-Himemori Luna If you want to see a completely innocent cinnamon roll looking character say things like 'ass' and 'don't f*cking take crystal m*th', Luna's your gal. Her high pitched, almost childlike voice takes a bit of getting used to but she's a sweetheart that just has fun no matter what she's doing. But she'll also say a bunch of really funny shit while doing it just from sheer juxtaposition of her voice/appearance and the vocabulary. Surprisingly good at video games too.
-Amane Kanata PP Tenshi. Perfect Pitch, Powerpoint...Kanata's a bit of a sheltered honor student sort of girl who has an incredible vocal range, so much you'd be forgiven for thinking she was a professional voice actor or singer. She loves playing along with jokes even if she doesn't get them some times, and is really close with Coco. If not for said dragon she'd be the biggest memelord in the 4th generation, but alas; her channel has lots of collabs with fellow members and a series of cute 'research' videos on the various generations of Hololive. Unfortunately untranslated though.
-Kiryuu Coco The one, the only, the President of Nishinari herself, Coco has been a force of nature since she debuted. Her vulgar sense of humor, rapid fire jokester nature, fluent English speaking, and complete conversion of Hololive to the wonders of dinosaur taming in Ark has made her one of the most subscribed girls in a matter of weeks. Every day at 6am JST or 1pm PST, she does a quick 20 minute gig called Coco News (officially translated as Coco's Morning Shitpost) where she reports on the various ongoings in Hololive. This ingeniously brings attention to the silly crap everyone's been up to, really fostering a sense of community between the girls you don't see elsewhere, while also being a riot to watch as she roasts everyone for their silliness (with full permission). Other notable memes include her stalwart boycotting of Nintendo Switches, her desire to fund a Hololive house, and her recent Hitman 2 run.
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hatsukeii · 4 years
I may be drunk but I know what I'm saying with Kags?
I’m back from my hibernation:D
I have a oneshot idea omg okay
Here it goes-
Fluffy shit with little to no angst for once:D
Warnings: Underage drinking (Well not really Kags is like 15 or 16 I think it’s f i n e)
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Sigh. You should’ve known Nishinoya would’ve spiked the fruit punch. This Christmas party was about to become an absolute shitshow.
You’ve known Kageyama for years, being one of the few people that introduced him to the oh so wonderful sport of volleyball. You guys were very close, sharing even the tiniest secrets with each other. He relied on you like nobody else. With his parents constantly busy with work, and his sister busy with school, there was no one he could talk to, except you. You were there for him through thick and thin. When his grandfather passed away? He sobbed into you shoulder after the funeral. When you guys got into Karasuno together? He was ecstatic. It took a while for you to register the feelings that had slowly developed with time. Till this day, you were too timid and anxious to ever reveal them to anyone, fearing word would eventually spread the blueberry boy.
Nishinoya decided to hold a huge Christmas party on Christmas Eve, hoping the entire volleyball team could countdown together. By the entire volleyball team, I mean the ENTIRE VOLLEYBALL TEAM. He even invited Coach Ukai and the three managers- Kiyoko, Yachi, and you. The only reason he didn’t invite Takeda sensei was because he had to celebrate with his family all the way in Osaka. He prepped all the food and drinks, which were laid out on a long table. Everyone was buzzing with excitement and anticipation for midnight. However, before midnight came, everyone was already starving. Half the food got wiped out in half an hour, except for the huge bowl of fruit punch that proudly stood in the middle of the table. That remained almost untouched by the most of the first years, while the second and third years took little amounts of it every time they wanted some. You see, all the first years had a taste of it, but all distinguished the distinct taste of alcohol that was added to it, and so decided to not risk it. Well, all the first years except, of course, Kageyama. You didn’t know how, but your dense, somewhat innocent childhood friend was chugging down cup after cup of fruit punch as the others stared amusedly. “He’s gotta be either stupid, or just completely done with life to drink that shit. Or both.” Tsukishima snickered, hands on his hips as he side eyed Yamaguchi, who was giggling along. You were contemplating between telling him about the rum that was in the punch, and letting him continue to drink the punch obliviously. You had your head in you hand as you laughed under your breath. “Y/n, you’re not gonna stop him?” Hinata asked, poking your shoulder. “You know what? I kinda wanna see what happens later, I’ll let this happen.”
Bad idea.
By the time Kageyama had finished his tenth cup, Nishinoya sauntered over to him to break the news.
“Kageyama, you do know that has rum in it, right?”
Kageyama’s eyes widened, spitting out the fruit punch he’d been enjoying.
“You’ve actually had ten Tobio, I just didn’t tell you.” You finally let out a hearty laugh, revealing everything.
“Sorry, I wanted to see what was gonna happen next.” You continued to cackle with the others, feeling slightly bad for Kageyama.
At this point, the blueberry haired boy’s face was tinted red as he stumbled around a bit, much to everyone’s expectations. In other words, it was absolutely hilarious. Never had you ever even seen him trip over air. And yet here he was, taking off the two sweaters he was wearing because apparently it was “too hot.” It was -2°C outside. There was only one warmer in Nishinoya’s house. He hastily stuffed the two sweaters into his bag, before stumbling over to the couch and plopping down on it, mumbling incoherently to himself as everyone else went on with their business. You, being the slightly worried friend, excused yourself from the weird conversation you were having with Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, and took a spot next to Kageyama. “Y/n...? Where are we?” You chuckled to yourself a bit, playing with his hair. “We’re at Nishinoya’s party, and your dumbass drank ten full cups of spiked fruit punch.” He laughed at himself a bit, coughing right afterwards as you pat his back. “You feeling okay? You’re not feeling feverish or anything? You want me to take you home first?” Kageyama stirred a bit, before nodding his head, giving you a lazy thumbs up. You smiled to yourself, taking in the rare sight of a drunk Kageyama, before snapping a photo of him, half passed out and red as a tomato.
Not long passed before the countdown took place. Kageyama was somehow still drunk, and was now doing weird dance moves in the middle of the house to the music that blasted through the speakers. The dance moves consisted of moonwalk attempts, the renegade, various other tiktok dances, the whip nae nae, the meat dance, various Fortnite dances, etc. “Woo damn Kageyama, didn’t know you were a dancer! Maybe I should spike my drinks more when he comes over-” “Nishinoya, no. Label the spiked drinks next time please.” “Yes mother Suga.” You were laughing you ass off on the couch as Kageyama danced with Hinata, who was trying his best not to trip over the table. You were filming this all down for... future uses. “Guys, settle down, it’s two minutes before midnight, we should go onto the roof and wait for the countdown.” Daichi suggested, all the students and Coach Ukai heading upstairs. You walked over to Kageyama, grabbing his sleeve as you dragged him towards the stairs.
“Tobio, we should go upstairs-”
You heaved a sigh, turning around to face the boy.
He slowly inched towards you, picking up the pace as he neared the wall next to the stairs, pinning you right there, his arm next to your head.
“Wh-what the fuck, Kageyama? Cmon, we gotta join the others on the roof-”
“Do you like me?”
You froze, not knowing how to react to such an explicit question. Your mouth hung open as your words got stuck in your throat.
“I-I uh-”
From upstairs, you heard Nishinoya’s voice yelling to downstairs.
“Yo Kageyama! Y/n! Get up here! It’s a minute to midnight!”
Kageyama rolled his eyes at the source of the sound, focusing back on your now pink face. Footsteps could be heard from the staircase as Nishinoya peeped his head at you two, his eyes widening in shock as you sent him a panicked look. The dual haired boy then zoomed back up the stairs, starting the countdown from fifty.
“Y/n, just answer me. Yes, or no?” Kageyama urged on, his voice becoming somewhat desperate.
You continued to stare at him, your mind completely blank. You were feeling very, very hot as you sweat a bit nervously.
Kageyama looked to the ground, squeezing his eyes shut, before snapping back up to look at your figure, nervously pinned up against the wall.
“You know what? Fuck it. If you’re not the one in love with the other then I am. I don’t know how to say it, nor do I know what I’m gonna do next, but I just had to let you know. I’m gonna go upstairs now, bye.” He spilled out, choking back a tiny, almost unnoticeable sob as he slowly turned around, heading to the staircase.
“Tobio wait.”
You grabbed onto his hoodie, forcing him to face you as a stray tear dropped from his eye.
“You’re for real right now? There’s no way, you’re probably just drunk, so don’t worry about it!” You tried to play it off with a stifled laugh. Kageyama furrowed his eyebrows as his eyes bore into yours.
“I may be drunk, but I know what I’m saying.”
Your eyes softened as you let out a sigh, grabbing his hands from his hoodie pocket as you neared his hunched over figure.
You leaned into his ear on your tippy toes, trying to keep your balance as you whispered. “Well in that case, don’t worry. You’re not the only one in love.” Before planting a light kiss on his temple. The tips of his ears went redder as his mouth hung open, registering the shock that entered his body.
Kageyama snapped himself out of his mini trance by slapping himself in the face. “So, now what?” You rolled your eyes, before wrapping your arms around his neck. “What do you think Tobio?”
You slowly pulled his head down, letting your foreheads touch as you enjoyed the warmth he radiated.
You slowly tilted your head, letting him do the same as you both leaned in.
He whispered, smiling softly as he let his hand travel up to your face, planting soft strokes on your cheek.
Both your faces were now dangerously close to each other’s. You could smell whiffs of fruit punch, mint, and a slight tint of alcohol lacing his warm breath as it fanned over your face.
Once he finally counted that down, he let his lips graze yours in a soft, yet intimate kiss. One of his hands continued to stroke your cheek while the other led its way down to the small of your back. All the cheers from the roof became pure white noise as you both let everything that was bottled up out in your little bubble of emotion. You slightly giggled into the kiss, tiny breaths tickling Kageyama’s face just like how his bangs sweeped against your forehead. Your hands found their way into his hair as you fiddled with the dark strands, feeling how fluffy his hair actually was in your fingertips, although it looked flat most of the time. Everything came crashing down on you two as you pulled away for air, the noise coming back just as quick as it vanished. Your faces were still mere inches away only as you took in all his features, from his raven blue eyes, to his now rosy cheeks, and his disheveled hair. “So, did I do it right?” Kageyama nervously asked, looking down at the ground. Your hand went up to his chin, forcing him to look back at you. “Damn straight you did Tobio.” You two giggled at that statement, before he let his hand travel up to yours, intertwining your fingers and giving your hand a light squeeze, bringing it up to his face and planting a soft peck on it.
“Merry Christmas Y/n.”
“Merry Crisis to you too Tobio.”
“Damn Kageyama, way to get a girl on Christmas Eve!” Nishinoya yelled from the staircase, the rest of the volleyball team behind him with the phones in front of their faces. The two of you burned red as the libero snickered. “Just so you know, I got it on my camera, don’t you worry. That’s going on the volleyball groupchat.” The first and third years came down from the staircase, patting Kageyama on the back as they congratulated him for finally getting out of the friend zone, Tsukishima relentlessly teasing him about his “flirting technique of pinning someone to a wall.” You watched on the side as the managers dragged you to a corner, forcing every little detail out of you in an hour long tea spilling session.
Needless to say, this was probably the best Christmas you’ve ever celebrated so far.
You see I’m shoving all my romantic fantasies into this blog so I can read through them and fill the empty void in my heart that is persistent to stay there and never leave. Maybe it’s due to the lack of social interaction with the opposite gender that I get these days, or maybe I just have dumb lonely single bitch syndrome😗✌️
Hope you liked this though xx
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softforcal · 5 years
Can you do a Luke x opener continuation?? I loved it so much
Luke x Opener!Reader
Poly, Cal, Ash, Michael
-you’re an rising performer and they saw you live once while creating their new album and all fell in love with your voice on the spot
-they convince management that they want you as their opener because you’re amazing
-when your management approaches you about it, of course you say yes and soon after that you’re following all of 5sos on insta and they’re following you
-they want to get to know you pre tour to see if you’re chill, it will be easier to tour together if you’re all buds
-so you go meet up with them at Cal’s house and spend the whole day getting to know each other
-they’re all super cool and you find yourselves all laughing and chilling next to the pool having a great time
-they show you some of their new songs and you all end up having an impromptu singing and dancing party
-yeah, its going to be a great tour
-you have to leave and they all offer to drive you home but you have it covered
-as soon as you’re gone they’re all just like “wow.” “yeah, she’s an angel.”
-they make a group chat with you in it and you all talk a bunch before the tour starts
-meeting up with them whenever you can
-Ashton convinces you to go to yoga
-you go walk Cal’s dog with him
-Michael getting you to create fortnite so you can play with him and Luke
-the first day of tour arrives and you show up to the airport only to be sneak attacked by Ashton who was totally waiting for you, he’d really want you to feel included and welcome
-getting to the plane and you go to sit by yourself but then Michael just comes and sits next to you and smiley, and he’s like “are you ready for tour?!” and he’s just a ray of absolute sunshine
-they all kind of take turns sitting next to you because the flight is so long
-you end up falling asleep on Luke’s shoulder and they’re all just like “oh my god she’s so cute.”
-Luke doesn’t let anyone wake you
-usually the opener would travel in a different van and tour bus but they really want to ‘include’ you so you end up being in their van most of the time and you sleep on the other tour bus but you’re in their bus most of the time
-your first show you go out there and you have an amazing set, as you get off the stage the guys all pull you into a huge hug to tell you how amazing you were
-getting to watch them preform and they are brilliant
-hanging out after the concert in a back stage room laughing and talking about the tour
-singing with them
-going over their note changes with them
-can you imagine singing with Calum and Luke and they both just adore your voice
-Michael trying to teach you how to play guitar if you don’t know how to already
-Cal trying to teach you to play bass
-And Ashton letting you dick around with his drums
-going out after concerts to look at the city
-you always get cold and one of them always ends up giving you their jacket
-or one of them offers to hug you to keep you warm
-Michael gives the best fucking hugs but Cal is a close second
-its because Michael is a lil squish okay!?! don’t fight me on this
-all of you taking pictures of each other and being able to freely post them because you’re their opener and its the cutest thing ever
-everyone speculating that you might be dating one of them
-taking cheeky photos where you’re kissing one of their cheeks or their kissing yours and everyone flips out
-spending entire bus rides in their bus goofing off and laughing and having a great time
-when you leave to go to your own bus for the night they spend at least an hour usually talking about the cute things you did while with them
-one night you’re in the chill area with them watching a movie and you fall asleep cuddled against Calum
-none of them want to move to wake you up so they all sleep there
-waking up next to these four guys, you all having moved at some time during the night and you’re just a cuddle blob
-pre concert rituals together with huge group hugs
-helping Luke put glitter on before a show because “more glitter!”
-sometimes they bring you on stage to sing with them as an encore
-you and Luke just have such vocal chemistry
-”and can we give it up for our angel and opening act, Y/N!”
-so many hugs
-group dogpiles after the show
-you all write songs together and bounce ideas off of each other
-harmonizing together
-tapping out beats together
-running around cities and usually one of them grabs your hand and starts running and then you’re all running around looking at stuff
-Cal and Ashton are huge fans of carrying you when you get tired
-getting shipped with all of them
-the five of you looking at the ship names and laughing then picking favourites
-so every guys favourite ship name is their own name with yours? what a fucking coincidence eh?
-they all ask your favourite ship name and you’re just like…… “uhhhhhh….”
-refusing to choose
-it would honestly be such a mess because it’s not like you don’t know they’re into you but its hard to choose because they’re all hella
—————————————————————–Luke con’t here
-so on tour there are also a lot of interviews the guys have to do
-you usually don’t have to do any interviews which is great, you can just spend the day looking around
-one day you get a phone call from Luke, they’re all set to do this super low key interview that they doubt will get much coverage and he has no idea where the other three are and no one is answering their phones except you and the interviewer suggested if you were available you could go because you’re their opener and they could talk about tour life from an outside perspective
-your management sends you a message and they think its a good idea so before you know it, you’re going and meeting Luke for an interview
-the interview starts kinda funny because you’re all laughing about how three members of 5sos are just MIA but you must be the new 5th member
-the interviewer is actually super sweet about it and its obvious that she’s just coming up with questions because obviously she had made questions for the group of guys but can’t use them anymore cuz they aint there
-”so give us an inside look on what it’s like to be on tour with four giant Aussie men?”
-”oh my god it’s the worst.” you joke, Luke pushing you with a grin, “no it’s great, they’re all super great guys.”
-talking about what it’s like to practice vocals with Luke and if there’s a possibility of there ever being an actual duet that might be released
-”i’d be down to write one. Y/N’s a lyrical genius.” Luke grins
-talking about tour shenanigans
-the other three boys showing up ten minutes in, breathless and with dead phones
-they swap in for you and complete their interview
-but the interviewer asks if it’s okay if she posts both interview videos separately
-management agrees
-its a decent interview and you’re not worried because management assured you it’s a super low key interview company and because it’s the two of you it probably wont get as many views as a normal interview would
-so management is wrong
-the interview blows up online
-for very good reason
-every time you speak Luke just looks at you with the most complete adoration and you hadn’t even noticed
-watching a gif of it because holy fuck how could you have not noticed? well, you were looking at the interviewer so it makes sense
-but holy shit this boy has heart eyes
-you never really know how someone feels about you until you see how they look at you when you’re not looking i guess
-you’re at the hotel later that night, you havent seen Luke since the interview
-you have no idea if he’s seen the frenzy on twitter, your ship name is trending and its mayhem
-you’d always kinda guessed that the band all had sorta crushes on you but the way Luke had been looking at you wasnt a simple crush
-there’s a knock at your door and of course when you open it, its Luke
-”hey, uh, can i come in?” he seems kind of nervous, you’re nervous too, i mean how do you even deal with this situation?
-you’re his opener and you’re not even half way into tour, if this goes bad, it will be very bad
-”i wrote some stuff i wanted you to take a look at.” he says, pulling out his phone and opening the app he keeps all his new lyrics on
-the two of you get comfortable and you take his phone and begin to read
-they’re love songs. really good love songs about passion and the inability to make a move and you start to realize little details about the person the speaker is talking about are little things about you
-”what do you think?” he asks nervously
-”i think whoever these are about is a really lucky girl.” i mean, you’re not just going to assume they’re about you because if you’re wrong you’re fucked
-Luke sighs, “you’re going to make me say it arent you?” “what do you mean?” “they’re about you.”
-”oh thank god!” you laugh, closing the space between the two of you so your lips can meet his
-the two of you crash onto the bed with you on top and you both giggle, lips meeting again
-when you pull away and red your forehead against his, just taking in the happiness, his fingers rub small circles on the bit of exposed skin on your waist
-”you have no idea how long i’ve wanted to kiss you.” he breathes ”was it everything you dreamed of?” “better… i want to take you on a date. a proper date. just you and me. have you eaten yet?”
-the two of you decide to go out for dinner, a late dinner but still
-he holds your hand as the two of you walk
-”Luke should we worry about Paparazzi?” “the entire internet already thinks we’re dating… unless you don’t want to hold my hand?”
-gripping his hand tighter
-you’re already such great buds its like almost any other night, except its just you and him (usually at least one of the others tags along)
-and then his hand goes to cover yours on the table and you melt
-so much laughing
-”i’m so glad those dumb asses missed that interview.”
-he insists on paying
-as you’re leaving the restaurant you get papped a bunch but Luke tries to shield you to the best of his abilities
-ending with the two of you running down dark streets like mischievous children to escape the cameras
-him pulling you into a dark alleyway to kiss you as he presses you against the wall
-”wow Hemmings, you know how to sweep a girl off her feet.” “Princesses are meant to be swept off their feet so it’s only natural.” (ok he would not say this, like straight up he wouldnt, but let me live okay. fuck ya’ll i’m soft and a girl can dream of a guy being this squishy okay?)
-running your fingers through his curls
-the two of you getting back to the hotel and as you’re walking down your hallway to your separate rooms, Cal, Michael and Ashton’s doors all open to stare at you two
-”so how was the date?” “do you two need condoms?” “Luke you’re a walking meme again.”
-like yeah they were all into you, yeah you’re gorgeous, but Luke went for it and you’re obviously reciprocating and bros before hoes, man, they gon support their tall bean friend
-”could you guys give us a bit of space?” Luke laughs but he’s serious
-they all kinda begrudgingly close their eyes as Luke walks you to your door, “see you in the morning?” “yeah we’re bussing to the next city.” “just making sure you’re not getting on the next plane or something.”
-soft boy being worried because he can’t believe it’s real
-reaching up and kissing him again
-he goes from soft to hardcore in an instant, his body pinning you against the wall as his hand cups your face and his other goes to your waist
-whistles erupting through the hallways because of course those nosy fucks opened their doors again to see if Luke got a goodnight kiss
-blushing as you hide in your apartment, giving Luke a quick peck before closing the door
-tour continues sort of like normal
-going on stage is kinda weird now because the fans definitely know you and Luke are trying it out
-you and Luke try to find more time alone
-lots of cute short dates when you can find the time
-holding hands on the tour bus
-he invites you to chill in his bunk for a bit one night and you both just talk about lyrics and vocals until you fall asleep
-waking up the next morning to the rest of the boys teasing you and Luke
-you’ve been dating a while and you’re both anxiously awaiting the next time you get to stay at a hotel because like… there’s been some close calls in hallways and on his bunk but he wants your first time to be somewhere you won’t get interrupted
-and the sexual tension is as thick as smoke
-like the boys don’t even want to be around the two of you
-because you and Luke are just looking at each other with such hungry eyes
-Luke getting kinda weird when any of the other guys are doing cute things with you…. like, Ashton had his arm over your shoulders and Luke growled.
-everyone knows that your casual dating is reaching something more
-the day arrives and you have the longest concert of your life before you all pack into a van to go to the hotel
-the van is silent. you all know what’s about to happen let’s be serious
-”so…. my condom offer still stands.”
-”shut up Michael!”
-as soon as the van stops Luke grabs your hand and the two of you practically run into the hotel and up to your rooms, the door isnt even closed and his lips are on yours.
-first time with Luke when you’re his opener is pent up and needy because you’ve both been waiting for a while and patience is not this boys best feature
-hands are everywhere
-clashing teeth
-tearing clothes
-not wanting to have your lips away from each other for that long
-lots of whining and moaning
-the two of you finally get on the bed and he pulls away, “Luke-” you try to protest but he just brushes his fingers softly against your face, “give me a moment to just look at you. you’re so beautiful.”
-his fingers gently roaming your body
-its like the eye of the storm. a few moments of him just cherishing you and being so soft
-”Luke i need you.”
-and then he’s back at making you moan so loudly you’re sure the others arent going to get any sleep
-i feel like he’d spend a lot of time worshipping your body with his fingers and mouth
-yeah, at least one orgasm before he’s even actually inside of you
-he works you up until you’re begging him for it before he actually goes inside of you
-staying still for a moment, his fingers brushing over your face again
-then he just goes ham fam,
-i feel like he’d really be down for first time missionary with someone he actually loves
-having access to his beautiful, broad back and shoulders
-scratching him up
-”fuck you’re so pretty!”
-a super intense orgasm lets be serious
-both of you just lying next to each other after, his arm around you as you both stare at the ceiling.
-”i love you.”
-”i love you too Hemmings.”
-okay i just killed myself. sorry fam. i’m dead. i like need a second.
-waking up next to each other
-going for breakfast with Ashton and Calum the next morning and they’re both just grinning hard core. “where’s Michael?” “still sleeping, he’s the one who had a room next to yours last night.”
-so much hand holding
-long sweet kisses before you go on stage
-singing your love songs and having to fight the urge to look at Luke who’s watching you from side stage
-kissing him before it’s his turn to go on
-the band all making grossed out noises whenever you two kiss but you know they’re all soft for you and Luke
-Ashton sending you a bunch of pictures of you and Luke for “when you wanna make it official on the Gram.”
-you and Luke agreeing to each choose your favourite picture and post it at the same time without showing each other so it’s a surprise
-you both choose the same picture because you’re #that couple
-fans go wild. i mean, they knew, but its like official now
-interviewers everywhere want you to start doing interviews with the band because you’re their opener and you’re dating Luke?
-so many cute pictures of the two of you
-i love this concept. i mean. i love 5sos opener concepts but like, Luke is bae.
-Luke singing Valentine to you all the time
-he sings it while grabbing your face and kissing you
-lots of quickies wherever you can but it’s always amazing because you’re like so in love
-Michael refusing to sleep in the room next to yours when ya’ll get a hotel
-the boys switch each time
-you and Luke buying them ear plugs and then laughing your ass off about it
-Luke’s arm over your shoulders
-he’s very protective of you, especially in cities you’re visiting
-he buys you little presents from most of the cities you’re in
-chasing each other through arenas and venues
-yeah, if people hear giggles or screams they know it’s you and Luke messing around
-”have you seen Y/N?” “are the two of you playing sexy hide and seek again?” “no….”
-”how do you even play sexy hide and seek?” “trust me Cal, you don’t wanna know.”
-you and Luke getting so distracted before he goes on stage that sometimes Ashton has to like tear Luke away from you
-getting to help him take off those gorgeous on stage #looks
-just so soft fam. i am so soft.
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bts7writings · 5 years
Namjoon x reader fluff. Reader is a hardcore gamer (R6S, CSGO, Fortnite, etc. ) and she plays every chance that she gets. But one time Namjoon is just chilling behind her playing half watching her half on his phone. But then she gets harassed for being a girl gamer but it doesn’t really affect her cuz she’s used to it. Sorry if it’s super long lol. Love you!!❤️❤️
“I told you this once and I’ll say it again,” your day between clenched teeth into your mic, “Don’t call me to a battle if you’re fighting noobs.”
You hear grunts from the headset and one of your teammates decided to speak up, “I didn’t -“
“What’s gotten your panties in a twist? You benefit from the score regardless” someone else inturrupts in a rathe hostile voice.
“Well my bad if I don’t get off on bullying inexperienced players”
To this comment you see from your peripheral vision your boyfriend heads snap up from his book.
Namjoon has always been an understanding boyfriend when it came to your gaming - never have you heard him unreasonably complain towards you.
Yes, he whines and reasons with you on other things such as when it’s too much or your health or even when he just wants the day of full attention and you get it and love him for it.
So today was not any different from the others. Namjoon was sitting on your bedroom single loveseat looking like a model while reading his latest philosophical book he will no doubt bring up during your date later today.
Sitting crisscrossed in front of you television, you try and ease back on your commenting. It’s a known fact of the hostility some people(axhem douchbags) have towards girls when they prove they can play better than regular male players.
“Oh shit, rank 3 is a girl?” One of the new players say in pure shock.
“Oh wow” another piles in.
“Yeah she’s pretty great when she’s not on her time of month about things” the same hostile teammate jokes.
“My period doesn’t really explain why you’re still not even ranked at the top 10” you insult back.
Now you could feel Namjoons eyebrows tie together, he takes the argument you get to online a little more serious than you do.
“Rank 3, can we exchange info later?” One of the newcoming players says through the whole chaos of “oooohhs” and “damn” that you hear on your headset.
“Sure kid, but you gotta get a higher rank - I don’t play with noobs”
“No…I was asking to take you on a date”
“Take a knee gentleman” you hear your teammates joke.
“One of ours is about to die”
“Um…I have a boyfriend and…. you guys lost, that’s a wrap, good game guys” you say taking off your headset.
You get up, but before you forget you take your headset again and say clearly into the mic
“And next time you want my rank to bully noobs- I’ll personally kick your ass into next week.”
With that you turn off the game and mic, heading over towards your confused boyfriends lap. He puts his book beside him as he lets you sit on his lap, wrapping his arms around you so you can’t possibly escape.
“Should I ask or?”
“They tricked me into playing lower ranks to get their scores up, made a period joke, and asked me out so pretty much a normal game”
“Should I be concerned if a gamer takes you away” he teases kissing your collarbone as you giggle at your sensitive spots
“Nooo” you push him away to see his face clearly and peck his lips quickly, “I like my men smart and able to expierence the light of day without turning into dust”
“Funny” He puckers his lips again and you comply happily by kissing him again, “should I talk to them for you?”
“Mmm” you kiss him and try thinking about it,”they’ll eat you alive, it takes a special blood to deal with gamers” you push his hair back, his smile appearing gradually.
“If only they knew how submissive-“
“Kim Namjoon” you laugh swatting his chest.
“I’m almost done with my book so how about- “ he pecks your lips causeing you to break out into a smile, “you play one more match as I pick out our outfits to go out for dinner”
You kiss him one last time making sure it kinda hurts your lips before you start running toward your game station, “you’re the best” you feel him slap your behind playfully and laugh as he loudly says,
“Go get ‘em, tiger”
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multitubefics · 5 years
I need you (Zuckles)
Warnings: smoking weed, high behavior, talk of stripping/sex, fluff
Requested: no
Plot: The reader gets really high for the first time and needs to calm down but the only way she can is with her man
Gif by: @sensualkisses
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You and the misfits were chillin at yours and Masons place. They were all high out of their minds and you were usually their sitter. You were all sitting on the couch watching David Dobrik videos.
“Oy, Y/N. You’ve never been high before, right?” Fitz asked me with his eyes hung and a smile on his face. Swags, rolled his eyes and hit his dab pen.
“No.” I said insecurely. I rubbed my arms and looked back at the tv. I have always wanted to try it but I’ve always been scared of the reaction I’d have to it, and if I did I wanted Mason to be there with me.
“You should try it.” Matt said to me sitting back and blowing out smoke.
“I don’t know. Mason isn’t home yet-“ I was cut off by Racc.
“C’mon. We know you want him here, but if something goes wrong, we will all help you. Okay? There’s nothing to worry about.” He said handing me two gummies. I take them in my hand and roll them around. I look at them and they all are waiting for me to chew and swallow. I turn back and look at them and pop them quickly in my mouth I chew them really fast and swallow. They tasted terrible which lead me to cringe at the taste. I shook my head and swallowed the rest of it. They all laughed and waited for it all to hit me. 5 minutes nothing, 10 nothing, 20 nothing, then 30 rolled around and I started feeling really warm in my back. It feels like tickling. I start laughing at the unfamiliar feeling. They all turn their head at me. I was still sitting on the couch but I got the immediate urge to stand up.
“Guys, I feel really warm.” I say to them looking at the fairy lights around the room. They start laughing at me realizing that it had started. I had the biggest dumbest grin on my face. I hugged my small body and giggled.
“What’s wrong, Y/N?” I turn my head quickly at all of them still smiling but this time my hair fell over my face. I snicker at the fact that something so silly seemed so freaking funny. I start to cackle out loud and I fall on the floor and I sit on my lower legs. I stare off into space and I stand up I look up at them with wide eyes.
“Nothings wrong but we need to go dancing. I say running through the big hallway away from the boys. I want to go find the stripper pole we jokingly had installed in the living room. None of the boys except Mason knows that I used to be a stripper and a damn good one. I finally found it and I climbed it. I started doing tricks and stuff before I was spinning upside down and I saw all of the boys walk in to the room slowly. I giggle and swing down I spin around in a flag formation and I dismount gracefully back to the ground they all looked very confused/ shocked at the weird amount of skill that I had under my belt.
“I used to be a fucking stripper, mate.” I said in my best impression of Mason.
“Holy shit!” Racc said out loud as they all started laughing. I start laughing too. Deep down inside me I knew I was going to regret saying that to them.
“When is Mason getting back?” I said getting weirdly close to Fitz even tho he towered over me I was.
“Right now.” He said turning me around as I then saw my amazing, wonderful, beautiful, boyfriend walk through the door. I gasp.
“Hi baby. How are you?” I said to him as I struggled to hug his neck. He hugged me back confused and hesitantly.
“I’m good. I guess I could ask you the same question.” He said smiling looking me in the eyes.
“I think I’m high cause I told the boys that I used to be a stripper and oh yeah I also took two edible THC gummies and it feels like everything is alive.” I said in a whisper. His eyes widened as he looked from me to the boys.
“I’m glad you’re here. You make me feel so nice and beautiful like a angel.” I hugged his torso from beneath him. He picked me up and hugged me tightly.
“That is possibly the cutest fucking thing I’ve ever heard.” Swagger saidIt felt like he needed to keep hugging me or I was going to die. He started walking so I wrapped my legs around him and he carried me to the couch. He sat down with me now just in his lap straddling him and hugging him.
“Hey Mason?” I said quietly and innocently.
“Yes sweet girl?” He said rubbing my back. I started to giggle again. I look at him and giggle. The boys are looking at us too at this point. I bit my thumb and smiled. I leaned into his ear and in whisper.
“I love you, a lot.” I say louder than expected. He and the boys laugh at me.
“I love you, too baby.” He says rubbing my legs. I giggle and throw my head back and smile.
“You really just turn into a snuggle bear when you’re high don’t you?” Mason said kissing my head. I nod my head and stand up.
“Everyone stand up, right now!” I said waving my tiny arms around. They all get up at different times.
“I want to give each of you a hug individually and none of you can say no.” I walk to leary’s Fitz he has this little grin on his face as he holds his arms out to hug me. The same happens for all of them. I end on my boyfriend and I start to cry a little bit. I sniffle and pull away.
“Aw man, we’re all gonna die.” I said looking at them and my voice cracking. Mason laughed pitifully
“Aw-ha-haw, baby, it’s okay. We’re not gonna die.” He pulled me into him like a baby. I start to calm down.
“We are all okay. You see?” Racc said gesturing to all of us. I started realizing soon how silly it was to think that way.
“Okay, I believe you. Your argument is valid.” I said to him. I started to kind of dose off to sleep from all of my expended energy. I fell asleep to the sound of Masons heart beat next to my ear.
Masons POV
She was finally asleep in my arms. I stood up slowly but carefully and carried her unconscious body to our room. I placed her on her site of the bed with the blanket tucked over her. I walk back out to the boys and stood in front of their fortnite game.
“Who gave her that shit?” I said seriously. Everyone pointed at Racc. I walk up to him and smack his head. He flinched and grabs the affected area.
“Ow, you fuck. Why?” He said sourly looking at me.
“You gave her edibles when I wasn’t here you fucking dick head that’s why. That was not your decision to make!” I said with a finger in his face. He stood up and looked down.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have forced her into anything, man. I’m sorry.” He said. I shook his hand.
“It’s fine. I forgive you.” I say back down in my seat.
“Your girl was a stripper?” Matt asked me. I smile and nod.
“Yeah. And a damn good one.”
Thanks for reading my first fic on here. I will write about any topic with any youtuber as long as I know who they are. Thank you!!
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moonnfairie · 6 years
Real Life!AU - Chapter 2
Author: softmochijm
Pairing: Reader x Jungkook
Warnings: Alcohol use
Word Count: 3,677
A/N: I was pretty surprised over the things I wrote myself, but in the best way possible of course. Oh, love. Don’t we all love love??
Hope you enjoy the chapter!! xx
Approaching your neighborhood, you wondered if you should just jump out the car and run to your house, but you figured you’d blame yourself for being a coward just because you didn’t want to run into Andrea... at the party that was being held for her.
“I hate how I live so close to him” you sigh with an irate look on your face. Taehyung and Jimin just look at each other and laugh, making you smirk but still try to hold your ground.
Jimin chimes in to try and ease your worries. “I think you’re overthinking it, Y/N. It may be her party but you know how these go. You drink to your heart’s content, mingling here and there, seeing the host maybe, what, once or twice? Then you’re out of there with free alcohol in your system!”
You giggle at his words, feeling more confident about what you’re about to experience. Exiting Taehyung’s car, you can already hear music blasting from outside Jungkook’s house. People littered on the front lawn with red cups in their hands, a couple smothering their faces into each other against the fence on the side. It’s going to be that kind of night.
With Jungkook’s house having the same exact layout as your own, you burst through the front door and head towards the kitchen. If it was anything that was going to help you through the night, it was going to be some drinks. You walk through the living room, packed with sweaty dancing bodies. How he managed to fit a little DJ booth in here, you’ll never know, but you nod your head at the music as you pass by the tall speakers. Up ahead, you see the entryway to the kitchen, and stop in your tracks to see Jungkook and a couple of his other friends attempting to mix some drinks.
“Step aside, losers. The cocktail connoisseur is here” boasts Jimin, and the little crowd opens up to greet him with loud screams and chants. Taehyung then walks in from behind you to grab an already made drink from one of the other boys, leaving you to stand there awkwardly, just a few feet away from the one person you want to be the absolute closest to.
You watch as Jungkook’s eyes crinkle at the sides as he smiles, licking his lips before he greets his two best friends. “Ah, yes! The alcoholic and party fiend is here! Cheers!”
Your feeling of endearment fades as you watch the boys smack their cups together, liquid escaping the brims from their force. “So, who’d you bring along tonight...” Jungkook’s voice trails off as he turns to see you standing stiffly, watching the drunk mess that are his friends.
“Oh h-hello Y/N! They didn’t tell me you were going to make it tonight.”
You huff and proceed to step closer to him. “I mean, I only live a couple houses down, Gguk. Figured I’d grab a drink or two then leave you to your fun.” You reach in front of him to grab what he was already making for himself and chug it down. Flashing him a smile, you retort “Wouldn’t want to miss Andrea’s birthday for the world!”
The boys around you chuckle and whisper to themselves throughout your whole interaction, and you feel as though you’re winning this little game, until one of them shouts “Where is Andrea anyway? You gotta let her out of your room sometime Kookie! That’s not the right way to get someone in bed!”
The group of boys erupt into laughter, leaving Taehyung and Jimin to look at you sullenly while Jungkook watches as your smile fades away. “Seriously, guys, shut up.” Jungkook demands. You forcefully place the cup on his counter and storm out of the kitchen, raising your hand up behind you to stop Taehyung and Jimin from following you.
“Obnoxious.. fucking annoying.. little brats...” you say between gritted teeth. You walk through the crowded living room again to head to the backyard through the glass doors. Surprisingly enough, you see Jin and his friends sitting around the bonfire, various beer bottles lined along the bottom of their chairs.
“Y/N, I didn’t know you were go-”
“Yeah yeah neither did I, Jin. But yet, here I am! At a party I really don’t give two shits about! Give me some of that!” You interrupted as you snatch his beer and chug it down, Jin’s friends all laughing at your little display.
“Hey, slow down Y/N. If mom finds both you and I drunk out of our minds then we’re both screwed. Just sit down and relax or something.”
You hated when Jin was trying to be the adult, especially since he acted anything but. His friends were here, however, and he had to act like the “responsible older brother” he was.
You fall into the chair and fix your skirt, noticing how everyone’s eyes haven’t quite left you yet. From around the fire sat Hoseok, Namjoon, and Yoongi: Jin’s closest college friends. They’d come over every now and then so they could nerd out and play Fortnite together. You’d sit and watch a few of their games too, knowing how hilarious they’d act after dying in second place. They were overall very amusing to watch, and you found yourself particularly drawn to one of them too.
Yoongi was Jin’s polar opposite. Where Jin was obnoxiously talkative, Yoongi was more kept to himself. That isn’t to say when he were to speak, however, he would have the most intellectual remarks, and had a genuine passion for whatever discussions you held with him. You were lucky enough to share a conversation with him one day that he was over, and felt yourself intrigued by him ever since.
You were discussing what women were looking for in men, a topic Jin had trouble listening in to as he had just come out of a relationship. Jin stormed out of the room leaving you both to go in depth about your perspectives on relationships. It’s not like you were quite keen on them to begin with, considering anything you’ve come close to was merely your crush on Jungkook, but Yoongi further delved into his own relationship experience, leaving you to listen and nod along to all of his interesting stories.
When you told him you’ve never been in a relationship before, his eyes widened in shock, making you drop your head in embarrassment. You wanted to be on Jin’s friends’s level, as you always admired them, but this felt like a setback to you, making you think Yoongi would only look at you like some young and dumb adult. But to your surprise, he lifted your chin with his finger to make you stare directly at him, calmly saying “It is rather unfortunate for someone like you to not have experienced a relationship yet, but I hope some day you do. You are a wonderfully beautiful woman after all.” You felt yourself blushing beet red at that statement, and before you could say anything back, Jin entered the room, making Yoongi continue playing their game together.
Yoongi was something in the back of your head ever since, and seeing him tonight made you melt a little. He was looking at you with sincerity, sensing your uneasiness, but you flashed him a small smile just to prove that you’ll be okay.
After half an hour with your brother and his friends, you heard the indoor crowd get louder, talking about singing happy birthday and blowing out the candles. This signaled everyone to come inside, but you were definitely in no rush. As you got up, Yoongi joined your side and you smiled at his presence.
“It’s dangerous to like someone who’s in a relationship, you know.” You would normally heat up at a comment like that, but Yoongi’s calm tone wouldn’t allow it. “Yeah, yeah. I know that” you say as you roll your eyes. “I’m more... upset, if anything, over us drifting. I really don’t care that he’s dating Andrea.”
The crowd of people gather around and start to boisterously sing, covering the birthday girl from your sight. “Then why aren’t you singing then?” Yoongi shouts.
You turn to stare him down, but he only laughs and joins in song. You just look ahead towards the glow of the candles with your mouth shut tight.
After a while, people returned to their spots with cake in their hand, allowing you to finally see Jungkook and Andrea cutting and passing out the slices.
“Want me to go grab you one?” Yoongi generously offers, making his way over. “No, no. I’ll go with you.” It was an impulse decision, one you wish you didn’t make, but you were full of courage at this point, and decided to just head over yourself. You haven’t seen her the entire night anyway.
“Mind if I have a slice?” you coyly ask, as Andrea turns around and opens her mouth in shock to see you. “Oh my goodness is this Y/N I see? I didn’t even know you were coming!!” She puts down the knife and your plate and hugs you tight on the spot, Jungkook’s eyes never leaving your own. “Little Jungkookie here didn’t even tell me. I’m so glad I get to see you again!” She turns back to pick up the utensil and plate and cuts you a generous slice. Yoongi’s holding in his laugh and you roll your eyes at her overly exaggerated positive attitude.
“Oh, he didn’t? Shame.” you say shaking your head and reaching out for the slice. You want this interaction to end immediately, tapping your foot as Andrea cuts Yoongi’s slice painfully slow.
“Yeah, about that, Y/N, do you mind if I talk to you for a little?” Jungkook cautiously asks.
You weren’t having it and definitely didn’t want to make a scene, noticing Andrea’s face falter a little at his question. Yoongi grabbed his slice and you turn quickly on your feet to make a run for it. “Don’t leave the birthday girl by herself, Gguk. We’ll talk soon!” and you dash to the backyard.
Jin and his other friends are no longer there, so you opt to remain with Yoongi. “As I was saying...” he declares, like you’ve been talking this entire time. “You’re torturing yourself. Look how she swoons over him.” Your heads both turn to see her trying to place cake on his face, laughing uncontrollably when she finally swipes some on his nose. You shudder in disgust. “Lord, this is torture” you both laugh and you place the plate of cake in front of him. “I didn’t even want this anyway.” He shrugs and flashes you a gummy smile “well, it’s more for me then.”
As you’re leaning down, you pick up Yoongi’s unfinished beer bottle and raise an eyebrow at him for permission. He nods calmly, watching you tilt your head back as you finish the bottle dry.
“We should go out drinking sometime, you definitely seem fun to do it with.” You laugh more than you expect to, your head starting to spin with all of this intake. “Ohhh yeah, sure! I’d love to. Honestly, I’d love to do anything with you-” you smack your hand on your mouth, eyes wide in horror. You really didn’t mean to have that come out, but you just can’t help it. It wasn’t like you were lying anyway, but you didn’t realize how your inner thoughts have found their way out.
“Is that so?” he sweetly asks with a smile. And you shake your head vigorously to try and tell him otherwise, but you sigh in defeat. The alcohol has really gotten to you. “Shit I’m sorry Yoongi. I mean, I’m down to drink with you or whatever. Sounds coooool to me.” You were slurring again, leaving Yoongi to smile at you endearingly.
“Well I mean, we could do anything, not just drink. How about we catch a movie sometime?”
You really have no idea how your big mouth allowed for things to play out like this, as shocked as you were, you found yourself surprisingly happy, even swooning over how good he looks just talking to you. Even with the alcohol, these feelings were genuine, and you couldn’t help but blush.
“I-I mean, yeah, okay! Let’s do it!” He smiles with his wide gummy smile again and your heart melts deep in your chest. You both continue to talk for the rest of the night, gazing at the fire and each other all throughout.
A couple days pass and you find yourself getting ready for your movie date with Yoongi. You tilt your head as you stare into your vanity mirror, wondering if you’re wearing “too much:” A white oversized button up with red pinstripes, light blue distressed jeans, and your tan loafers.
“... Nah” you say shaking your head. You’re going on a date with Yoongi, you had to make sure you looked good.
Jin barged into your room looking for who knows what, but stops to see you goggling at yourself in the mirror.
“What are you doing” he asks sternly.
“What do you mean?”
“Why do you look good?”
“Wh-What? You mean I’ve never looked good to you before??”
“Well, ye-”
“Shut up. I’m just... going out tonight. Let me look ‘good’ for once.”
He stares at you and you could see the gears twisting in his brain. “Does this... have to do with Yoongi’s unavailability tonight?”
You stop playing with your hair at his question and slowly move your eyes over to him, not trying to reveal any expressions.
“Uh... no?”
Jin continues to stare at you, but breaks into his loud laughter a few seconds later. “Yeah, I don’t even know what I was thinking. Anyway, have fun or whatever!” He shouts slamming the door behind him. Jin would actually have a heart attack if he were to know anything about you and Yoongi, so you decide to just keep it to yourself for now.
You sigh in relief but become alarmed once more at the vibration your phone makes. You open it to see a text from Yoongi:
Fr: Yoongles
Hey, I’m outside. you ready? or should I come in?
No no that’s okay!!! I’M COMING DOWN!
You frantically gather your things and run down to the living room, abruptly passing Jin and yelling “OK I’M GOING OUT NOW BYE BE BACK SOON!” before he could ask you anything else about tonight.
You smile to see Yoongi staring at you from the driver’s seat, hurriedly exiting the car to hold the door open for you. You thank him with a generous smile as you climb in.
There was a comfortable silence throughout the ride, something you enjoyed as you liked to watch everything pass you outside the window. Every now and then you’d look over at Yoongi staring straight into the streets. How one hand held the wheel while his other was on the stick-shift, relatively close to your thigh. You wondered what would happen if you were to risk it all and reach for his hand right then and there, but you were interrupted by the loud music you heard coming from outside.
Yoongi had taken you to a drive in theater. The sky was a beautiful mix of blue, pink, and purple. Various different cars lined up in rows with people setting up their spots with blankets to get comfortable for the night. For the first time, you felt butterflies in your stomach, and you looked over to Yoongi gazing at you with a tenderness no one’s given you before.
He pulls up next to a dark red pickup truck, one that piqued your interest considering it heavily resembled the truck Andrea would drive you around town with. You shrugged it off nonetheless and got out of the car to help Yoongi set up the trunk. He had a hatchback with plenty of room for the two of you to sit and enjoy the movie. He placed a blanket down, handing you one to wrap yourself in as you plop into the trunk.
La La Land was playing tonight, a movie a hopeless romantic like you would thrive on watching despite how many times you came across it.
“I didn’t take you as a chick flick kind of guy, Yoongs.” He snickered at your remark. “Neither did I, but I asked Jin what kind of movies you liked and he said you were a huge fan of this one.”
You furrowed your brows in confusion. Jin knew about this?! Why was he acting so dumb earlier...
Your train of thought was brought to a halt at the faint obnoxious laughing you could hear coming from your left side. You lean forward to peek at who would be making such a raucous to find your blood boiling over the view of Andrea, arms linked with Jungkook, both laughing like they heard the absolute funniest joke in the world.
“God damnit!” you yell aloud and Yoongi turns to you and pitifully laughs. “We could move, you know.” He starts. “It’s fine by m-”
“Oh my GOSH is that Y/N!!!”
You hide in your hands. “Oh God no. She found us.”
Yoongi continues to crack up, and peaks his head over, resulting in another over exaggerated gasp. Andrea squeals “With Yoongi???”
“With Yoongi?!!” That question catches Jungkook’s attention and he stares at you two in disbelief. They make it over to his trunk and Yoongi climbs out to greet them. Wrapped and warm in your little blanket burrito, you decide to greet them from within the confines of Yoongi’s trunk.
“I didn’t know you guys were a thing” Andrea chimes accusingly, both you and Yoongi responding “We aren’t!” urgently. You hear Jungkook huff a little, while Andrea continues to pry.
“I mean, it sure looks like it... It’s cute, anyway!” You can’t help but roll your eyes every time she speaks. How could someone be so annoying. “Oh... my... gosh... how about you two join us for dinner after this!”
You and Jungkook abruptly turn to face her, eliciting a loud “WHAT?!” from the both of you. Andrea laughs it off and continues “Yeah!! Let’s, like, totally do it! I get to hang out with Y/N again anyway! Oh Jungkookie please??!” You look over to Yoongi and stick your tongue out in disgust, but he gives you a soft sad look, making you roll your eyes.
“Well...” Jungkook stutters. “If you guys are down for it, then so am I.”
You hesitate a bit, fumbling with the bottom of your blanket as Yoongi climbs back in. But you were one for the people, and as much as you despised Andrea, maybe this was actually a way you could hang out with Jungkook again.
You’re at the part of the movie where they start to sing City Of Stars, a huge weakness that would tug on your heart strings. You had actually watched this movie with Jungkook before, and sat next to him as well. You wondered if he felt the same emotions you felt during this scene. How the song played at the idea of the both of you wanting someone in a world filled with millions of others.
You looked over in attempts to glance at Jungkook, only to find Yoongi staring back at you. You jump a little, but smile. You found comfort in Yoongi’s deep, dark eyed stare. It’s like he could express his whole spectrum of emotions just through looking at you, and you could tell he was trying to tell you something.
You were always confused towards Yoongi’s compliments and advances to try and spend more time with you. He was “just Jin’s friend” if anything, and you always shrugged it off thinking he just liked being your friend back. But his eyes were telling you that he didn’t ask you to the movies tonight as just a friend. How his conversation about relationships and his compliment towards you wasn’t just a friend talking to a friend.
It was like he craved affection. He craved the feeling of being loved, and you saw it the more you kept staring. Your mind was swimming in thoughts of trepidation of what would happen next, but the closer he leaned in to you, the more your mind went blank, and your lips met his in the most gentle and tender manner ever.
He raised a hand to your cheek, cradling your face as you parted and gazed into each others eyes. You didn’t realize your heart could feel so happy after falling for someone who didn��t care back.
You were both leaning in to kiss each other again but were startled to hear a few things dropped not too far from you.
You and Yoongi turn in the direction of the scream to see Jungkook looking straight back at you. Startled to meet your eyes, he hurriedly bends down to pick up the hotdogs he had just purchased.
Yoongi gives you a soft smile, then quickly gets up to run over and help him. You wait a little to see if Andrea will get up and help as well, but look over to find her sound asleep sitting upright in her trunk. You laugh at how her mouth falls wide open as she lifts her head from falling, then get out of your blanket wrap to go help clean as well.
“Dude, are you okay?” Yoongi asks Jungkook calmly, and as you approach, Jungkook just looks down again.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine. I just... tripped.”
You handed some napkins to Jungkook, who in response gives you a weak smile and quickly hurries back to Andrea’s truck. You wonder, did he see you kiss Yoongi? Is this why he’s acting so weird?
You climb back in the trunk, worrying about what Jungkook could be thinking, but forgetting all about it when Yoongi reaches out to hold your hand, City Of Stars coming to an end on the big screen.
Chapter 3
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felixsausages · 5 years
Oh! The Pretty boy with Puppy eyes
September first, 7:30
The grumpy clouds grumbled with dissatisfaction on in the dreamy heavens above. The slow, drip of the rainwater splashed my porcelain flesh as i ran out into the street. There was no way i was going to be late on my first lecture!
It was my first year at Fairmont university, a quaint college in the city. My name is L/N Y/N and i’m always tardy. No matter what, i always am, almost like a curse! Anyways, I went to grab a cappuccino since i would already be late. Mr. Kim is not going to be pleased alright!
Walking into the petite café i always go to, i wiped my oxfords on the mat. The pitter patter of the rain of the glass in the early hours was very stress relieving. Walking up the register, the classical music echoed in your head.
“Hello miss, what may your order be today?” an employee cooed.
“I would like an iced cappuccino ma’am.” I replied politely.
I hastily paid and grabbed a seat to sit down for a minute. Man, was all that running tiring! Something struck your eyes, a beautiful sight to behold. There was a very pretty boy sitting a few chairs away from you, gazing out the window. He was so beautiful it was hard not to stare. The way he stroked his pencil onto his paper, and even sipped his drink, it was all gorgeous.
You almost skipped past his very cute puppy, one feature in common with the boy, the adorable puppy eyes. All of a sudden, the boy whipped his head around towards me, annoyed.
“Uh, may i help you? You were-“ he started off but I interfered.
“No, i just think your dog is really cute.”
•A/N: wow very smooth reader chan•
“Oh, uhm thank you i guess, i could’ve sworn you were staring at me-“
“Ahaha! You’re so silly! Oh well would you look at the time! I’m going to be late for my lecture!”
The boy looked at me oddly.
“Oh? I’m late for one of my lectures but i don’t give a shit.” he bluntly commented.
“O-oh okay? well i’ll see you around-? and your cute doggie!”
“The dogs name is Maru, thank you. Good bye, 𝘸𝘦𝘪𝘳𝘥𝘰~.”
I decided to ignore him and left the little shop. Off to my lecture!
~•~•~• time skip •~•~•~
September 8th: 7:00
It’s been a week since the strange run in with the mysterious boy and Maru chan. I wasn’t as late as i usually am so i grabbed a coffee in the shop and ran to my class.
A t t h e c l a s s
Finally! I arrived at my class, and took a seat by one of my childhood friends, Lee Donghyuck.
“Yo! You’re actually not that late today! Congrats!” It was obviously sarcasm.
“Wow i know right! Thanks Haechan!”
You chat with him a little more before the teacher came in with.. a new student?
“Alright class, settle down, settle down. I know you all are verrry excited to be here, i know.” note the monotone..
“Today we are welcoming a very intelligent star boy today! Everyone say hello to Lee Yongbok!” There were a few whispers scattered around the large lecture room.
“I said not to call me Yongbok, jackass. The names Felix.” Everyone was shocked, he looked very friendly, but apparently not. As I was scanning him i stopped at his eyes, puppy dog eyes? Hold on, I know this guy! It’s Maru Chan’s owner!
“Alright Mr. Felix, you may sit next to Y/N. Raise your hand will you?” I hesitantly raised my hand but Donghyuck looked a little pissed.
He strode up to me with all eyes on him, of course he was drop dead gorgeous. Of all things, he dropped his books on the table and plopped his frame down.
“So we meet again, 𝘸𝘦𝘪𝘳𝘥𝘰~. I have a feeling i could get used to you~” Haechan interfered before i could respond.
“Excuse me, Yongbok, but you won’t be getting used to her anytime soon.” The tension was very thick.
“Haha! It’s okay Haechan, Felix is a nice guy! Plus, he has a charming doggie!” Felix looked at Haechan smugly as he sighed in defeat.
“Yeah, Y/N you can come see Maru Chan 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦~”
“AHEM, you three up there, for talking during my class, you have detention for the next month!” Shoot, i think we are in trouble.
~•~• time skip after class •~•~
“Man, he’s making us wash the board too!? I’d rather be playing Fortnite or something.”
•A/N: y’all see what i did there i hope•
“Shut up and start cleaning the board Felix.” There goes Haechan once again, pissed.
“I’ll start cleaning the board when you start treating me nice, asshole.” That was not cool.
“Oi tampon shitter, shut the hell up. Don’t talk to Haechan like that.” It’s decided, my favorite part about Felix is his dog and probably will always be.
“You’re gonna regret saying that, princess.” Like hell, no regrets.
“What happened to the polite boy with puppy eyes at the coffee shop? You seemed so nice.”
I sighed and sat on the bench, but something in felix’s eyes shifted, strange indeed.
“I never said i was polite to everyone, keep that in mind.” He finished off the comment with a wink.
All of your weight was shifted. Strangely, Haechan picked me up and placed me on his lap. You shifted uncomfortably but he groaned and held your hips.
“I don’t know what you’re here for, but if it’s to play with her feelings, you can leave.” Haechan sounded so hostile, it was kind of frightening.
“Fine, but i promise i’m not going to do anything bad to her. See ya later loser. Oh, and weirdo.” With that, he walked off.
“Uh, could i please get down now?” I was so embarrassed, he’s never done anything like this.
“o-oH yeah of course! I-I’m sorry, i don’t know what got into me haha!” He burst into a giggling fit and soon had me giggling too.
“That was SO unlike you, seriously!”The boy suddenly turned serious again.
“Yeah, I guess, hey do me a favor, please? Alright great, thanks! Dont spend too much time with Lee Felix, He’s bad news.”
“Hey- wait! I didn’t agree, uh why do you want me to do that exactly?”
“Look, i don’t want to have to explain right now, time will tell okay?”
“Alright, ill trust you..”
4:30 pm
We both walked to our dorms in silence.
:A/N: HELLO!! Thank you for reading the first chapter of ‘Oh! The pretty boy with puppy eyes’!
~Author san ♥️♥️
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