#.  .   ˚ . visage ╰ sweet little unforgettable thing.
spidersins · 25 days
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blood rose masquerade ball
a commissioned piece by the incredibly talented @vvo1d1ing of angel & husk ( @gamblins ) attending the masquerade ball held by @cannibalxroses in their matching black and gold attire.
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swcctdreams · 2 years
Mad Moxxi Tag Dump
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Read more about Moxxi here.
( Mad Moxxi ic ;; They say I'm a hot mess )
( Mad Moxxi musings ;; Sweet little unforgettable thing )
( Mad Moxxi about ;; Rocket number nine take off to the planet )
( Mad Moxxi visage ;; I'm aiming for full control of this love )
( Mad Moxxi tunes ;;  Rule number one is that you gotta have fun )
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lipsyncforyourlife · 2 years
And The Winner Is... "Grand Finale" Recap + Season 14 Superlatives (Issue #17)
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The RuPaul's Drag Race Official Newsletter
In this week’s Drag Race newsletter, we recap “Grand Finale,” hail America’s newest Drag Superstar, and hand out some special season superlatives of our own. Don’t forget to subscribe so you can stay tuned for all of the latest Drag Race updates!
She’s finally here! America’s Next Drag Superstar! It’s been one long season of surprises, chocolate bars, and her-stoical moments, with a charming and talented cast that was just so easy to fall in love with. It may be bittersweet that we’ve reach the endpoint, but I’m just so excited that we’ve crowned the oh-so-deserving winner of Season 14 [“Spoiler Alert,” I guess, but doesn’t the whole world know by now?]: Willow Pill! Long may she reign!
But before the Official RuPaul’s Drag Race Newsletter can sign off on Season 14, we’ve got one hell of a finale to recap—including an amazing Showgirl Showdown—sickening season superlatives to dole out, and more. I’m Cameron Scheetz, and it’s my absolute honor to break it all down for you, one last time.
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The Set Up
As every finale should, things kicked off with a grand march of the queens, showing off their last looks of the season—category is: Viva Drag Vegas! All the dolls looked positively luminous, but I’ve got to shout out my three favorites: Kornbread’s Beauty/Beast fantasy was brilliantly unexpected, Bosco’s demon showgirl felt like she evolved into her final, glorious form, and Kerri Colby… wow, what can I say? “Tranos” is looking good—a truly genius note for her to end the season on.
Always one to make an entrance, Mama Ru descended from the rafters in gorgeous Aunty Entity regalia with just one thing to say: “It’s chocolate.” She welcomed one and all to The Flamingo Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas (did you know it was the home of RuPauls’ Drag Race Live!? wink) and set the stage for the night’s finale: A Showgirl Showdown, challenging each finalist to perform a solo number that showcased their personalities with a touch of Vegas flair—actually hewing closest to a finale format we haven’t seen since Season 8. But from there, Ru would narrow it down to the Top 2, who would then face off in the final Lip-Sync Smackdown For The Crown. It truly felt like it could be anyone’s to win!
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Before we could get into it, Ru was interrupted by sirens and a twerking Michelle Visage, storming the stage to slap bestow “the winningest host in television her story” with a special honor. From here forward, April 22nd is officially known as RuPaul day on the Vegas Strip! Ru was delighted, and I was personally tickled by the sight of Michelle looking teeny-tiny standing next to Ru in full Thunderdome drag.
Now let’s break down each finalist showcase, which featured a fun video package, their Showgirl Showdown performances, and super charming live interviews.
Angeria Paris VanMicheals
I really liked Angie’s red Vegas look, but I loved her boy drag with the cute little bowtie. swoon In her video, she touted herself as “the pageant girl” with personality to spare, which always shined through no matter the challenge. Angie made a hilarious callback to her premiere Talent Show number (“Where is my check?”) and laughed about being best known for her iconic line reading of “ug-uh-ly bitch”—we love an extra syllable for emphasis! And, of course, we heard from her adoring/adorable parents, who clearly have so much love for their sweet Angie. I nearly fell out of my chair when her dad brought up her crowning as the king/queen of kindergarten. It all felt like a perfect tribute to such a lovable queen.
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Her performance number, “Check My Track Record” was confident, high energy, and perfectly Angie, again referencing her unforgettable Talent Show number, plus the fact that she had an impressive run of wins and high placements this season. Admittedly never the strongest dancer, she delivered some really fun choreo and kept pace with her electrifying song that went from divalcious belting to a rap breakdown and back again. She always knows how to command the stage.
Feeling right at home with the strippers, Bosco’s Vegas video cracked me up—especially her jokes about Jorgeous’ height and Michelle going topless in the pool. Even when reflecting on her rollercoaster of a season, Bosco projected the confidence of a winner, knowing she’s got the goods to go all the way (and to look hot while doing it). In her talk with Ru, she was sweetly surprised by the sisterhood she found among the cast, and remarked that Drag Race had been the first opportunity for her family back in Great Falls, Montana to see her drag (“They have seen every angle of my taint”). It was also great to hear from her boyfriend and fellow queen Lucy Lips—although I really would’ve loved a cameo from those horses of hers!
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The appropriately titled “Devil” had a really saucy Billie Eilish quality to it, setting the tone for an impressively thought out production with a ton of great surprises. Starting with an eye-popping angelic look—complete with an amazing moving headpiece—Bosco lost her wings, one by one, to reveal a demonic bodysuit beneath. The whole thing was gorgeous and monstrous in a way that only Bosco could deliver. Ugh, her mind!!
Daya Betty
Looking like Rita Repulsa with a modern punk twist, Daya Betty brought an exciting element of chaos to the Vegas Strip, tossing a photo of Crystal into the fountain and cheering on some feuding flamingoes (“It’s Daya and Jasmine!”). She dubbed herself the wildcard of season 14, coming back from early elimination and learning the true meaning of resilience. As she told Ru, she was raised by strong-willed Missourians who taught her to speak her mind, shaping her into a fierce queen who never once took her eyes off the prize. In other words, she doesn’t sugarcoat things—it wouldn’t be good for her diabetes anyway! Joined by her boyfriend and House Of Methyd sister Lux Kween, they reminded us that Daya is a fighter, who puts her heart into everything she does.
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That spirit fueled her performance to “Fighter,” with powerful lyrics that spoke to her emotional journey. The whole thing was brilliantly thought out, from concept to execution, starting from behind a web and then emerging in beautiful bug drag (surely a reference to the dragonfly she made an early-season snack). The first reveal was great, but even better was the final beat where the feathery tendrils on her back appeared to come alive.
Lady Camden
In her Vegas video, Lady Camden exuded confidence and charm, underlining how much she’s come out of her shell over the course of the season (from “timid mouse” to “rockstar”). Camden says she felt things shift for her when she missed a Maxi win by a hair, which really did set the stage for her to dominate the second half of the competition. Talking to Ru, she touched on her Freddie Mercury drag being a full circle moment—it was Queen’s “I Want To Break Free” that came to her at a pivotal time—and we also got to meet her two mums! As her (biological) mother said, Camden’s always been a stunt queen, running around in heels since age five; “Once a theater kid, always a theater kid.”
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Naturally, Lady Camden’s “I Fell Down (I Got Up)” had Big Freddie Energy and a whole slew of show-stopping stunts. She started off looking like a prima ballerina, then the backup dancers spun her, slowly unraveling her tutu to reveal a colorful leotard and matching wig, which had the crowd jumping to their feet. Of course Camden brought the fancy footwork, and the song’s enthusiastic theatricality made it hard to deny what a powerhouse performer she is.
Willow Pill
Decked out in ‘70s Vegas Strip shady character drag, Willow’s video has a special sauce that’s “more than just mayonnaise and ketchup.” She knows the queens underestimated her when she walked into the Werk Room, but she’s certainly won them—and the rest of America—over with her sly strategy and outside-the-box drag. As she reminds us, Willow’s barely faltered in the competition, not even during her chat with Ru, where she landed every punchline. Beyond that whipsmart sense of humor, Willow also showed her softer side, sharing that Drag Race helped her find her gender and fall in love with herself. And how cute was her family? Sister Pill got a big laugh when she revealed she shopped with Willow for her very first drag performance—not at H&M, but at Forever 21.
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Leave it to Willow Pill to turn a showgirl routine in a majestic, misanthropic fantasy. “I Hate People” was an utter delight of a song, taking inspiration from Madonna’s “Vogue” as she listed all the things she loves: Toasters, Baths, and more—but not people. It’s just so catchy, so funny, and so very Willow. The audience was eating it up, especially when she removed her headpiece to reveal two more heads (Ross and Carson, respectively), with the final reveal of Michelle below to gag us one more time. Fun Fact: Did you know Season 13’s Utica designed this look?
Miss Congeniality
After the showdown, Ru ceded the stage to the cast of Drag Race Live!—Jaida Essence Hall, Kameron Michaels, Trinity K. Bonet, Kahanna Montrese, Derrick Barry, and Naomi Smalls—for a spirited performance of “Losing Is The New Winning.” In a fun twist, the rest of the Season 14 girls joined them on stage to finish out the song. Ru also gave a touching tribute to local Las Vegas legend and global drag star Hot Chocolate, who was definitely feeling the love. Now that’s an icon!
Next, Ru announced our Top 2 finalists…. But more on that in just a second! First I wanted to touch on the Miss Congeniality coronation, which gathered all the Season 14 dolls on stage, along with last year’s ever-sickening grand champion, Symone (those glammed out jeans… unreal!). She then welcomed out the effervescent LaLa Ri to announce her “Miss C” successor, and the winner of a $10k cash prize: Kornbread “The Snack” Jeté! She may have had to leave the competition early, but Miss Bread left a lasting impact on her sisters and the fans at home, so this feels more than deserved. In response, she joked, “What the f*ck is wrong with y’all?”
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The Lip-Sync For The Crown
And now, the main event! With all five finalists on stage, Ru turned the attention to two giant spinning wheels on screen that revealed our Top 2: Lady Camden and Willow Pill. The pair were then asked to immediately prep for the final lip-sync, and when they returned Ru shared the bad news that the winner would not receive $100,000…. Because they’d receive $150,000! And, look at that, a hefty $50k cash tip for the runner-up! No matter what, both queens would be walking home winners. As Ru went backstage, our finalists hit their marks; just one more lip-sync standing between them and the crown.
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Lightning struck, and then the eternal synths of ABBA’s “Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)” chimed in—only its the dragged up cover from the Goddess Of Pop, Cher! Lady Camden started off in a white dance outfit, complete with a cape and royal crown, as she emphasized the song’s forlorn emotions. Willow was decked out in an oversized pinstripe suit, shimmying within it to wonderful effect. Once the chorus hit, she ditched the jacket for a matching all-pants look, and both kept turning up the heat on their performances. Lady pulled out another fall bait-and-switch, solidifying it as a signature move of hers, revealing a long red wig and fiery piece beneath. At the same time, Willow unbuttoned her pants to show off one final look, and the two had a blast bounding across the stage in the song’s final stretch. As Lady Camden hit a split and Willow went into a tumble on the final note, it looked almost too close to call.
But the winner is… WILLOW PILL!!! What an amazing coronation for one of the most unique contestants to ever grace the Werk Room, a beloved queen, and a beautiful representative for anyone out there dealing with illness and physical disabilities in their lives. In her first official message as a Drag Superstar, Willow Pill thanked her family, her friends, and “most of all, I need to thank Kornbread’s ankle.” What a triumphant end to an incredible season! Now, let the music play.
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Sickening Season Superlatives
Best Lip-Sync
This was a cast of fierce performers, but there’s no question that the season’s lip-syncs were dominated by two jaw-droppingly talented queens: Jasmine and Jorgeous. In many ways, their showdown was the one we—and their sisters—had been anticipating all season long, and baby, it did not disappoint. In lieu of a dance track, we were treated to retro R&B hit “Something’s Got A Hold On Me” from icon Etta James, which allowed the queens to exhibit their stage savvy in all news ways. By the time they looked each other in the eyes and hit those “Oh, oh, ohs” at the same time, I was swooning. This was pure joy, a lip-sync I’ve already revisited many, many times since it aired.
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Jorgeous & Jasmine’s Etta James Lip Sync! 🎤✨ RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 14
Best Runway Category
Okay, this is a tough one, but I think I have to go with Spring Has Sprung from way back in episode five. It’s the kind of immediately vivid category that still leaves a lot of room for imagination, which really let us see the queens’ personalities and creativity shine through. Some turned to groundbreaking florals (Jorgeous, Angeria, Kerri), others the Easter Bunny (DeJa, Orion), and some just served the essence of the season (Daya, Jasmine). But there were four total showstoppers for me this week: Maddy’s stunning stormcloud, Lady Camden’s tea-set realness, Bosco’s surprise reveal with an ode to Seasonal Affective Disorder, and Willow’s immediately iconic house-headed housewife. All in all, a really fun showing on the runway. Plus, our special guest First-Eliminated queens walked, too, and Kahmora Hall in particular looked so gorgeous.
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Best Meme
And the best meme of the season is…. Well, it’s chocolate. sad trombone This was pure camp melodrama from the very first reveal, and, with each successive candy unwrapping, its meme-ability continued to snowball. But it all comes back to Miss June Jambalaya (rightly hailed during the reunion as a “meme queen”) who took it all in stride, and seems to have a great sense of humor about her unique legacy on the show. I think we can anticipate “it’s chocolate” being referenced on Drag Race for many years to come.
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Best Maxi
I think my choice could prove divisive here, but when is the last time RuPaul pulled one over on the queens and the audience at home as well as he did with “The Daytona Wind”? Your tolerance for fart jokes may vary, but this was such a gag (pun intended)—all the better because the final product didn’t undercut what wound up being one of the better written and acted acting challenges in recent memory. I mean, these girls really brought it (“MAXIIIIIINE!”), and Ru’s extended fart cut only hammered that home, delivering both low-brow humor and high drag. Now let’s give fart trailblazer Rock M. Sakura her smelly flowers, shall we?
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The Daytona Wind Acting Challenge 🎬🌬 RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 14
Best Drama
This season had plenty of sisterly squabbles to go around, but there’s no denying that Untucked’s Jasmine Kennedie vs. Maddy Morphosis feud was PEAK Drag Race drama. What started as a calm reflection on the Glamazon runway critiques went gleefully off the rails and the two queens clashed over who should and shouldn’t be worried in that night’s lip-sync, providing some of the season’s most quotable lines (Again: I’ve got money on “This is your moment! Have it!” being part of the Untucked intro next year). Add on top of that the multiple reaction shots of the girls in Daya’s googly-eyed glasses and it’s just chef’s kiss—cue Lady Camden: “I love drag.”
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Best Unseen Looks
I’m grateful that so much of this cast has taken the time to share photos of the looks they didn’t get to wear on the runway, because there have been some true toots—and shoots—throughout the season. I’ve been highlighting them in previous newsletters, but I wanted to take a second to shout out my favorites shared from each of first seven eliminated queens.
Bless June Jambalaya for giving each of her looks the Beyoncé-level video treatment they deserve; best of all was the black Heart On dress topped with that phenomenal heartshaped wig. Perhaps one of my favorites of the entire season was Alyssa Hunter’s Mirror Mirror look, a literal yet highly elevated interpretation of the category, and a true feat of imagination. Kornbread didn’t offer up too many glimpses of her looks, but I’m so glad we got to see her hilarious Jesus drag for the Holy Couture runway. 
Orion Story used the Shoulder Pads prompt as inspiration for a super-fun, nostalgic galactic superhero get-up, while Maddy Morphosis’ Tutu Much look proved she could do classy elegance just as well as she could do campy comedy. Kerri Colby, as ever, looked like a complete goddess in her golden, chainlink piece for the final You’re A Winner, Baby! runway. And, lastly, Jasmine Kennedie was a bionic biker babe in this incredible bodysuit for Mirror, Mirror, which I need in action figure form.
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MIRROR MIRROR on the wall who’s the FASHION QUEEN of them all? 🪞🔮🍎 #MirrorMirrorLook #DragRace 🪡: @JOSHUANAPONTE https://t.co/FNVZSSYMGs
4:55 PM - 26 Mar 2022
Gagatrondra! It's The Tweets Of The Week
As we wind down on this final newsletter of the season, let’s take one last opportunity to check in with the fans on Twitter and share our favorite reactions to the Grand Finale:
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shookdrag on IG
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the actual moment willow pill won the season #DragRace https://t.co/3tihsuAqc6
9:38 PM - 22 Apr 2022
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Ok. But who wore it best, me, @DeJaSkye, or Sandra Bullock?! Miss Congenialities. #DragRaceFinale #dragrace https://t.co/vc8DiHCiRo
9:18 PM - 22 Apr 2022
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Blake Moore
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Lady Camden every time she lip syncs #dragrace https://t.co/qWTSdxUv6Y
8:45 PM - 22 Apr 2022
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shookdrag on IG
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the dragonfly that daya ate didn’t die it had crystallized and turned into a glamazon bitch ready for the top 5 showgirl showdown finale #DragRace https://t.co/UOagcVQkpa
8:40 PM - 22 Apr 2022
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she got her finale main stage moment :,) #dragrace https://t.co/Q1Q9GhZdZM
9:09 PM - 22 Apr 2022
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the odd denver queen & international ballet dancer top 2 parallels #dragrace https://t.co/ZbKXRPGv1S
9:10 PM - 22 Apr 2022
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You found an insignificant xc3 fan
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The current reigning All Star winner, Season 14 winner and Miss Congeniality are all trans women!🏳️‍⚧️ #DragRace https://t.co/Ss1P98P4dL
9:48 PM - 22 Apr 2022
Want More?
How about we make one last Pit Stop on this journey we call RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 14? Every day is leg day for the stunning Naomi Smalls, our special guest who joins Monét X Change to unpack the “Grand Finale” and throw a little shade. Huge shout-out to Monét who’s truly been the hostess with the mostest all season long—I’d say we’re going to miss her, but we’ll be seeing her on All Stars 7 VERY soon.
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The Pit Stop S14 E16 | Monét X Change & Naomi Smalls Crown A Winner | RuPaul’s Drag Race
Also on the official RuPauls’ Drag Race YouTube Channel: New episodes of Whatcha Packin’, featuring Michelle Visage’s interviews with each of the Final Five. And don’t miss this adorable video of the queens watching the finale and live reacting to Willow Pill’s crowning:
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RuPaul’s Drag Race: S14 LIVE Finale Reaction (w/ Angeria, Bosco, Daya, Lady Camden & Willow)
Goodbye For Now!
If you’ve made it this far into the newsletter—especially if you’ve been reading along all season—I just wanted to take a moment to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’ve had such a blast dissecting every single frame of this 14th season of Drag Race, made all the more wonderful because I’ve gotten to share it with all of you. In many ways, this has been a dream come true, so thank you for joining me on this journey. And, of course, thank you to the amazing queens of this cast, who were so generous with their time and shared whole new sides of themselves in our weekly Serve-ey interviews. 
As for what’s next, make sure you stay subscribed to the Official RuPaul’s Drag Race Newsletter for updates and more. For me, well, I’ll be around! You can find me on Twitter at @cameronscheetz, where I’m sure I’ll be tweeting along with All Stars 7 and beyond—talk to you soon ;-)
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0 notes
fangbarednightmares · 3 years
oc tag dump !
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demobait · 2 years
tags !!!
0 notes
dxntwantheaven · 4 years
maggie streeter tag drop
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0 notes
uyv · 4 years
Newfound Avarice
(Businessman!Sakusa Kiyoomi x Fem!Reader)
Words: 3.2K
TW: PWP, choking, fellatio, spanking, hair-pulling, degradation
Author’s Note: Was kinda sorta listening to “Wicked Games” by The Weeknd and it gave me some sorta Sakusa vibe. I also just like the idea of fucking on office desks so yeah 🥰 Enjoy!
Taglist: @tspice283 @sapid-rose @tvbiio @lunar-lilly @kukiisan
“Sakusa-san!” you gave the door a more than generous amount of knocks, an arm embracing two pristine bottles paired with two tulip glasses cautiously.
An exasperated groan came from behind the door, causing you to chuckle. You knew he wouldn’t be able to avoid an appearance made by you today.
"Come in."
You didn’t waste any time flinging the door open, a pearly grin stretched from ear to ear on your face. Sakusa was plopped down in the leather office chair, the sumptuous office surrounding him, the exhibition of the gleaming city in the background illuminating his presence even more. Dark eyes stared back at you with an obviously displeased bearing, a frown hidden under his mask.
During your time with Sakusa as your boss, he kept stepping all over you–though you didn’t seem to mind. He wasn’t all that fun of a guy, moreso an introvert who carried almost too much hand sanitizer around. He obviously took a strong repugnance to crowds, declining Komori’s offers for a small get-together for dinner and disappearing from the scene when the amount of people in an area piled up.
“Why are you here, (L/N)-san?” Sakusa queried, his tone bleak as always.
“Komori-san said that you wouldn’t be attending the New Year’s Eve celebration tonight, so I thought I’d pop in and we’d have a small celebration of our own.” you responded.
“It’s not needed. I have work to do.” Sakusa said brusquely, his tone almost forceful.
“You don’t even want a drink..?” your timbre was almost pitiful, a kittenish pout plastered onto your face, to which the man in front of you mumbled annoyedly.
“Just come in and take a seat.” Sakusa muttered, eyes travelling back to focus on the pile of papers in front of him.
You trotted forward towards his desk, setting the voluptuous bottles of dark tawny along with a corkscrew down on the clear side of his desk.
“Cognac and armagnac, both X.O.” you stated, placing one of the glasses in front of him as you rolled a smaller office chair over in front of his desk.
“I’ll take the cognac. Armagnac is too sweet for me.” Sakusa whirred in a low voice, slipping his mask down with a gloved hand. You reached for the corkscrew and the tall, rotund bottle of cognac, popping the cap off and carefully pouring the amber elixir into his glass. He continued to focus on the forms in front of him, pen moving diligently to swipe his signature onto the last line of the paper.
“Why didn’t you go to the New Year’s Eve party?” you questioned, sitting down as you emptied some of the armagnac bottle into your glass.
“I dislike parties. They don’t interest me at all.” Sakusa responded, gaze pasted on the fresh form in front of him.
“There would’ve been a lot of food, though.” you retorted, leaning back into the chair and lifting your glass to take a sip of the lush tincture.
“Whatever. I don’t indulge in such kiddish interests.” he picked up the glass, taking in a sip of the drink, continuing to focus on his papers. A long silence passed before you opened your mouth again.
“You’re no fun, Sakusa-san.” you murmured, cocking your head back in boredom.
He didn’t respond to your comment, pen swirling over the sheets of paper. So boring. You’d kill for him to say something.
“What’s your life like back at home? I mean, do you have a wife? Kids?”
He sighed before staring you dead in the eyes. “Listen here, and listen well.”
“I don’t know what your business with me is, (L/N) (F/N), but it needs to stop.” he murmured, raising the mahogany tincture to his lips once again, eyes travelling back to the form he was filling out.
You groaned irritatedly before you retaliated. “Sure thing, boss.”
Your visage had become blurred, flames burning in the pits of your cheeks. You giggled hazily. One of the bottles had been drained of the liquor, only a scintilla left rolling around at the base.
“Sakusa-sannnn~ Let’s fuck, please…” You reached over the table to cup his face with a greedy palm, to which he slammed your hand down onto the desk.
“You may leave now, (L/N)-san.”
“But I don’t wanna leave, sweetie.”
You impulsively crawled your way over the desk, knocking both glasses full of liquid over, the tints invading the white of his papers. You pressed yourself onto him, throwing your thighs on either side of his lap, tossing your arms around his neck.
“(L/N).” His timbre came louder now, but you didn’t pay mind to it.
“Please, Sakusa-san? If you like it, I don’t mind more than one night with you…”
“(L/N) (F/N), get off me this instant.” he said in a lower voice, almost like the warning growl of a predator circling a potential prey. You continued wiggling your clothed ass onto the crotch of his dress pants, moaning to yourself.
“Sakusa-san… Sakusa-san, please~”
Little did you know you were treading dangerous waters.
Your moans were interrupted by a sharp pressure around your neck as you felt something caressing your lips savagely. You were unresponsive to the sudden movements until the pressure around your neck became tighter, triggering a choked gasp from your mouth.
You then came to the realization that your own boss was kissing you—rather aggressively, for that matter. He shoved his tongue into your mouth to attack yours, the filthy salaciousness of his tongue messily scraping against yours causing a dissipated moan to erupt from your throat. He took your wet muscle into his mouth, sucking with a brilliant fervor that dramatically changed the tempo of your breath. A gloved finger raced up the cloth covering your stomach to fiddle with a breast, more whimpers flowing from your mouth.
Sakusa leaned over so that your head was pressed to the muddled pile of forms, then pulling back to marvel at the splendor of you, penalized for your downright lecherous deeds, sweat pearling on the scape of your face. Balmy exhales were released from your mouth.
You peered up at Sakusa with curiosity to see his cheeks dominated by a pale tint of sanguine under his skin. His breaths were just as exasperated as yours.
“(L/N), you should really know the consequences for such depraved actions.” Sakusa mused, forehead pressed to yours in a domineering manner, dark orbs peering right back into yours. You gulped as a clothed hand reached down towards your dress shirt, skillfully dismantling the buttons that served as a gate to your bosom. You didn’t dare move, ecstatic about his next move.
“You just had to blabber on and on, didn’t you? Now look where you’ve got me.” he murmured, eyes travelling down to look in between his legs at the protuberant bulge that had risen underneath his black dress pants, causing a whimper to reverberate from your throat. His grip around your neck consolidated again, ripping a few wheezes and coughs from your throat.
“Make another annoying sound again. I dare you.” he snarled, giving a breast a sharp squeeze. He gazed back down at your form, mapping all the slopes and ridges of your body with his eyes.
“Get on your knees.” he used his legs to propel the office chair away from the desk, motioning for you to kneel in front of him. You obeyed, getting off the desk and dropping to your knees as he spread his legs.
Your hands reached to unclasp his belt, but he slapped your hands away.
“No touching.”
He fiddled with his belt for a second before successfully unclasping it, quickly unbuttoning his pants and tugging them down along with his boxers, his cock uprooted from the confines of the tight clothing. His cock slapped against his shirt, the head an agitated maroon hue contrasting the pretty pink flush; white percolating at the peak, trickling down the shaft. You gaped at the size, wondering about how it would fit in your mouth.
“You’re wasting my time just staring like that.” Sakusa smacked the tip of his member against your face, smearing a bit of the silvery liquid onto your cheek. A rough hand grasped and tugged at your hair, causing you to gasp. He took that opportunity to shove his whole length into your mouth. Your nose was pressed to his crotch. As your throat constricted painfully around his length, you peered up at him. What were aloof eigengrau orbs had shifted into voids of pitch black desire.
You withdrew from his crotch, hollowing your cheeks and dropping your jaws even further, triggering a concupiscent trill from his mouth. Your tongue glissaded in tantalizing motions along his shaft, muffled groans trailing on his part. The warm slickness of your mouth embellished the congenial sensations, his thighs starting to shift and tremble as he bit his lip to hold in those blissful keens that flooded his mouth. His dick pushed its way into your throat, tightening around it as small chokes and groans interrupted the process, muddling his mind with even more off-color thoughts.
Sakusa fisted your hair as he felt himself get even closer to his searing climax. He tilted his head back into the office chair he was sitting on. You grinned mischievously at the burning debauchery of your boss, like an unrelenting flame slowly and painfully turning everything in its path to black. He finally squeezed his eyes shut, singing out a sinful lilting.
“S-Stop it–stop–(L/N)–!” Sakusa had bleated through gritted teeth, but you were nowhere close to abiding by his rules. You unwrapped your mouth from around his member as frosted streaks of cum glazed your face. You stuck out your tongue, the creamy white substance coating it.
When Sakusa’s exasperated gaze regained, the sight you were presenting to him was unforgettable. The fire that had just died had reignited in the pit of his stomach, burning even brighter into a shade that consumed all nullified thoughts around it. This was like nothing he’s ever had before. Something about the way his essence was drizzled onto your face was so alluring but he couldn't pinpoint what. He’d had plenty of women at his beckon call to use for his own pleasure, but you–you were something else. His focus was on you, and only you at this point. Absolutely nothing else.
“Damn slut.” Sakusa growled, hand bunching strands of your hair in a rough grasp. “Stand up.”
You obeyed, standing up. Within a blurred moment, you found yourself pinned against his desk face first, your cheek pressed onto the sheets of paper. He impulsively reached under your skirt to tug the thin material of your panties down to your knees so it could no longer sheath your arousal. His cock pressed against your glutinous folds, slick dribbling onto his cock as a salacious message that begged him to shove his entirety into your sopping core. Sin was singing so sweetly to him, like the cry of birds on a sunlit morning.
“Stay down.” He gingerly slid an index finger into your tautness, ripping an obnoxious moan from your throat. A loud clap rang throughout the room as a painful burst crashed onto your clothed ass, causing you to bite your lip and whimper in realization that you’d just moaned so loudly. Sakusa then grabbed your hair, shoving his head close to the shell of your ear.
“Another sound? You really are testing my patience today, aren’t you..?” his breath was humid against your ear. You bit your lip and squeezed your eyes shut, awaiting his next action.
Before your hole had time to unclamp around that single digit, he added another finger, making scissor-like motions to widen you out for the pounding he would deliver afterward.
Arid breaths were drawn from your mouth as he continued his movements, fingers exploring your silken walls. You let out a choked whine when you felt his fingers graze over that one spot, which turned your stomach into an active caldera, preparing to erupt in gushes of shame.
“S-Sakusa–please, I can't–!” you whimpered, vestiges of exasperation in your meek voice.
“Shut up.” he mumbled, using his free hand to slap the sensitive web of nerves between your folds, causing a strained yelp to fall from your already abused lips.
Every heady whine drawn from the pit of your chest made Sakusa’s cock spasm. He just wanted to indulge in all your decadent inclinations. He wanted to feel them with you and make you feel them in the worst and best ways imaginable.
“Fuck it.” Sakusa cursed, removing his fingers from your arousal-laden hole and replacing it with the plush head of his member inside. He pushed into you, every inch making you quaver with utmost rapture. His clothed chest was pressed against your back, crushing you to him as he continued to force himself into your quivering little cunny.
“I-It’s not gonna fit!” you panted as his cock still grazed your sensitivity, teeth sinking into your bottom lip again to hold in the outrageous whines building in your throat. You were left breathless as the man behind you bottomed out, the tip of his dick threatening to attack your cervix and pierce through it.
"Would you look at that? I made it fit."
You mewled as he drew his hips back, leaving only the luscious head of his cock inside you, and then collided into your figure fiercely, your hands scrambling on the desk for stability. His cock nudged against your g-spot, causing you to bleat and writhe as he continued plunging into you.
You wiggled your hips into his thrusts, which earned you a satisfied groan that fell from Sakusa’s lips. He bent over to loom over your figure, hot breath warming the atmosphere of your neck and sending shivers slithering down your spine.
You cried out as he started pumping into you at a fiercer speed, filthy squelching noises echoing through the room as he rubbed up against your leathery walls. The feeling of you squeezing around his cock so desperately drew loud curses and grunts from his mouth. Sakusa had found himself discovering unexplored desires, those that were smutty and licentious and encased his mind in an ever-tightening chrysalis of decadence.
“Fuck!” he roared, reaching to cup your ass with both hands, spreading your ass apart so his cock could reach deeper, reaching the depths of your ocean, sucking him in even deeper like a raging maelstrom. You whined wantonly as he used you to his delectation. He wanted to feel you, hear you, taste you in all your glutinous, honey-trap sweetness; and consume you.
“I’m so close–p-please–!” You pleaded, your voice hoarse from whining out so licentiously. Sakusa felt himself getting closer too, but he couldn’t let you achieve your awaited release–not until he got what he wanted first. He wanted to savor the feeling of your ridges and tense rings of muscle caressing his cock in such a blissful manner.
He pulled out, watching himself withdraw from your hole, your juices slicked all over his length. Usually, such a dirty sight would make him cringe in disgust but it just increased his libidinous intentions. You whined in complaint, the raging fire inside your stomach quickly subsiding into nothing.
Sakusa sat back down in the office chair, deciding he’d give himself another reprieve to fulfill his desires.
“Turn around.”
He motioned for you to come and straddle his lap, which you abided to. You fully slid down your underwear and tossed it onto the floor. Your knees were on either side of his waist as he reached below the armrest to move the backrest of his chair backward, allowing him to recline in a more relaxed position.
You put your hands on his chest for leverage, which he surprisingly didn’t mind. Your hips rose as his hands clasped them, caressing them as you slid back down into his cock, your walls tingling and clenching from the overwhelming sensitivity, instantly milking him for his seed.
You moaned in unison with him as you sunk further down onto his length, tense fingertips leaving dark maroon dents on your hips. He bottomed out again, the searing head of his cock knocking at your cervix. Your avaricious walls slithered up and down Sakusa’s shaft, drawing a depraved bellow from him. He decided to reach his hand behind your head again, pushing you to give into another sloppy interaction of your lips. The tender globes of your ass rested on his toned thighs, your tongues scrambling against each other. Floral notes of iris and candied citrus with a hint of freshly grated cinnamon resided on his tongue as he entangled it with yours, a muffled bleat released from your throat. You pulled away, a bridge of saliva connected your tongues.
He gave a sudden thrust into your heat, your walls not prepared for the abrupt sensations. A licentious warble soared from your mouth which resulted in an aching spark to your ass.
“Damn mouse–” with the last, hard syllable of Sakusa’s sentence, another punitive slap was delivered onto the downy flesh. “You just want the whole building to hear you making such filthy noises, yeah?”
“Saku–Sakusaaa~” you moaned brazenly, paying no mind to the fact he’d punish you with another spank if you didn’t remain quiet–although it wasn’t like he minded either, head growing fuzzy from the way you yelped his name like a benediction every time his hips oscillated to meet yours. Your head tilted to the side exasperatedly, tears sliding down your dewy cheeks, indicating to him that he was so close to tipping you over the edge.
“Why’re you crying, slut?” he queried. You could just hear the quantity of smugness in his voice.
“Answer me.” he glowered, gripping your jaw roughly. A stray drop of saliva leaked from your mouth. Sakusa smeared it back onto your lips, saturating it in an even more lewd film.
“I–I’m gonna cum..!” you could barely breathe it out, the sensations searing your abdomen. He moaned at the way your voice cracked mid-statement, your gasps even louder now, your panting never slowing as he bounced you on top of his cock, splitting you along the shaft in the best way possible. He looks down at his shaft, seeing that some of your juices had dripped all over it. With the way your walls were sucking him in so greedily, it was no surprise that you were close.
“You couldn’t even last for that long? Tch.” his thumb reached for your clit, causing you to squeal at the velvety pain it gave you.
“Cum for me.”
You felt something inside you rip as you cried out one last time, your vision bursting into hues untouched by man as you fell further into rapture. He continued to plunge into your sopping heat as he, too, felt himself get closer to his end. He clutched at your hips, biting his lip as his cum filled you up, your tummy growing warm with the embers of your release.
He gazed up at you in all your depravity, saliva leaking from your lips, dew clinging to your cheeks, your combined juices gushing onto his balls. Such a sight would have made him so utterly disgusted, but with how absolutely ethereal you looked after he had just ravaged you, his mind could only drift into the wonder of what other things he could do with your pulpy little pussy.
Guess it’d take him all night to figure it out.
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othrworldy · 5 years
maggie streeter tag drop
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nomadmilk · 4 years
Why the God Isn’t Bored on Midgard - Loki x F!Reader Drabble - 8.5
Summary: With Ragnarok decimating Asgard, Thor and Loki and their people return to Earth searching for refuge. Everyone else has seemed to settle, except for Loki - the God of Mischief and Chaos - who isn’t willing to live the domesticated Midgard life, and getting utterly bored out of his mind... Until he discovered you.
Word Count: 3K (Here we go, boys n girls)
Warnings: Rated M/18+. Confused feelings and smut. Impulsive/Slight dom Loki. F/M. Foreplay, slight bondage, and vaginal sex.
Author’s Note: As of 11.5.2020 it has been edited, but not much has changed. This is the other half of Part 8. Enjoy, and let me know what you think! :) x
Here are the other parts to the series: Part 1     Part 2 Part 3     Part 4 Part 5     Part 6 Part 7     Part 8 (First Half)     Part 8.5 (Second Half) Part 9
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Loki arrived late. He had been stuck at his office in campus checking over a book a student had enquired on using for an upcoming essay. It was odd that Loki had come to care for miniscule things like this. Surely, if he was doing his job as a professor successfully, it would reflect in the students’ test results. If that was the case, Nick Fury might even stop monitoring him completely. So, Loki couldn’t slack.
He had to admit, however, that his productivity did dwindle when you surprised him with your presence.
Entering the flat, he sees you sitting on the sofa, finishing a canned drink. The can joins the other crumpled ones, lying on their side on the coffee table, but there was still more that stood in a bundle together, ready to be drunk.
He gets rid of the band on his head and relieves himself from the strain on his skull as his dark tresses are freed.
He takes a second to check over your visage. You got changed into something more comfortable; summer was closing in, and the nights were becoming humid. You had a satin vest and shorts on, but it must have been something your new lingerie shop job has given you. The vest shaped your cleavage marvelously, and the cut of your shorts bared your thighs in a bewitching manner.
He slacks his tie and begins to unbutton his waistcoat.
“Loki, why did you kiss me?” You question him.
He stills for a moment; your forwardness never ceases to make him smile. “Yes, my day was well, thank you.”
“I’m serious.” You press, eye contact never leaving his. “Why’d you do it?”
He smirks, discarding the waistcoat. It disappears with a glint of light as its removed. “Is that what you’ve been thinking about all this time?”
“I-…“ You search for words. You weren’t quite sure if being honest to Loki was going to change any of his mannerisms for the better, or if he was going to use your vulnerability as an advantage.
“I haven’t.” You reply, resuming. “…But – hypothetically – if I told you I had been, what would you say?”
You could practically hear Loki’s laugh from his risen brow; it was a stupid response, and you wanted to smack your forehead for it.
He sits opposite you. “Hypothetically, I would say that clearly something about it is bothering you. And, I would ask why.”
You huff. Loki could see your mind in contemplation, wanting to let the topic pass. He has mostly seen you swung by your mood so, observing your solemn ambience, was new for him. Like usual, he didn’t know what to expect with it.
“What seems to be on your mind?” He starts.
“A lot.” You reply. “… I don’t know where to start, probably cause’ I don’t know whether to trust you or not.”
“And why can’t you trust me, Y/N?”
“Because I don’t know who you are besides your title and your magic. I get that some of it’s partially my fault because I tend to be out of the house – even then, how can you blame me when you-… When you mess with the way I feel.” You stand. “Ugh – God, that sounds like I’m some kind of teenager…”
Although you were avoiding his gaze, Loki’s doesn’t lift. Come to think of it, the situations he’d caused, those were odd choices to mess with you. He could have used his Seidr to do much worse, and embarrass you in other ways, or even get you kicked out and he would have had the apartment to himself.
But he didn’t want that.
He acknowledges his behaviour towards you. If you had a serious problem with it, Loki thought you were more than capable in filing a complaint against him, or capable of planning something that would get rid of him from the apartment forever.
But, you hadn’t.
You cross your arms. “We’ve been living together for a while now, and I don’t even know anything about your world, or-… Or, your relationship with your brother-“
“If there is anything you need to know, my brother isn’t one of them.” If anything, Loki wanted you to walk away from the conversation with at least one honest sentence from him. Thor was a renowned hero, there’s no point in getting information from him when you could get it from the internet or on a gossip show on T.V. You could even text Thor himself… Although, now Loki thinks about it, hearing Thor’s side of their past might constrain him to add in actual facts.
You shrug. “Or how about your mom? Or your dad? – Or even something simple like-”
Loki crosses his arms, leaning back into the couch, curious. “And why is it that you’re suddenly interested in all of this?”
“Well, I’d like to if it’s-…” You shake your head. “You know what, I knew this was a bad idea from the start. I just thought that maybe if I got to know you, I’d actually understand you. I mean, I don’t even know what you gain from messing with me all the time.”
Loki’s very nature is chaos, so it was no wonder that Loki found solace in causing trouble. Life lacked lustre after recent events. So, the whimsical universe brought you for him to play and ‘mess’ with.
“If it’s not one thing, then it must be the other…” You say to yourself, clearing the empty cans off of the table. You look at him, a face of forfeit. “If you’re gonna’ bullshit me, then I’m leaving the apartment…“
He had to admit, all those moments he had felt some sense of control, or even lack of, strangely excited him. At times, he didn’t know whether he wanted to break you, or leave you at the cliff, but when you faced him… You were magnetic.
“Stark’s party.” He queries, switching topics. “You wanted to talk about that in particular.”
You stop in your tracks, blinking.
You return the empty cans back onto the table. “… Well, I was in a middle of a phone call-“
“Yes.” Loki’s eyes were intense. “Is that all you remember?”
He swore to himself that nothing, in the many years he had been alive, had stimulated him more than the image of you in climactic bliss. It illuminates in his mind; vivid, and unforgettable.
The creases on your face relax. It seems you had the same image in your mind too, and it was making your knees weak. “W-what do you mean?”
“Did you…Did it feel good?” He interrogates some more.
Your features are softening from the anger fading and, as expected, forms a hue on your cheeks that matched the pink of your lips.
You swallow. “It did.”
There’s a pause that settles between the two of you. Loki’s jaw clenches as he focuses on you; it was your eyes staring back at him. They had that look Loki couldn’t pull himself away from, reminding him from all the past times he had felt breathless from you. It must have been from the heat, or maybe he was tired, but your eyes... They were dilated… And sultry.
Loki reaches over to you, taking your wrists and tugging you towards him. Your legs regain balance, your wrist still within Loki’s hand. You stare down at him, mouth agape.
“Loki,” you stutter, “I know you’re reading me.”
His voice was soft; like it was intended for only you to hear. “Then, let me take closer look at you.”
Another light tug guides you closer towards him, your will to keep the conversation going diminishes to fumbled words. His hands drift to your luscious thighs as they climb on top of him, his lap a perfect seat to gaze up at you.
Feeling his hand cradle your face, his thumb traces your jaw, gently pulling your face closer to his, body leaning towards him. Your hands settle on his chest, and the closeness of it all awakens something in your core, eyes flickering to his lips.
You feel his hot breath as he exhales, the sound of a low tenor sigh making your heart thud out of your ribcage. 
Your ample lips press against his. 
You pull back a little, allowing yourself to breathe. “I... like you, Loki.”
You hear Loki take a deep inhale as he presses himself into you, sinking his lips onto yours. Your tongue slides in, and as he feels yours against his own, he exhales a moan that causes your walls to ache. You whimper as you shift in his lap, rubbing against him, and eventually you could feel his cock pushing itself against you.
His hands holding you, they roam your temperate form; he caresses and squeeze your thighs, they trail up to your hips and waist and graze the sides of your torso. Your nerves sense the smoothness of his skin, and the oddity of temperature; slightly colder than you expected, but it cools you in the humidity of the night.
Breaking the kiss, you pull your vest over your head to reveal more of your skin; your chest, nipples hard and breasts plump, were exquisite to Loki’s irises. Eager to experience all of you, his mouth seizes one of your sensitive mounds, a deep growl sighs from his throat approving the softness and delicacy of it. You gasp as you feel his caressing licks and tender bites, feeling his other hand roam up your stomach to cup and massage the other.
“Fuck…” With each brush of the satin fabric against your clit, you could feel your walls pulse and your folds produce that wetness that made you greedy to be full.
Your fingers were just about to reach the waistband of your shorts to sate yourself, before Loki snatches them away.
His lithe hands stir up on your inner thigh, and your walls squeeze once more. “Let me, my sweet.”
The mist of the cream and rose perfume that Loki could sense was replaced by the beguiling scent of your nectar. You readjust for his closer inspection, and he sees the damage done by your heat; the shorts had darkened from you grinding against him and, as he slides them aside to reveal your delicious pussy drooling for him, deemed unnecessary.
They needed to come off immediately.
He laces a finger in the warmth of your smooth, tender folds. “Was this what you wanted to tell me all along?”
You nod, lip biting to stop yourself from begging to be touched further; his finger just about grazes your gentle bud.
But Loki wasn’t having any of that. “I want you to say it.”
You begin to pant, as you feel his fingers tease your entrance. “L-Loki, I need-”
“Don’t look away from me when you say it, my darling – Say it to me.”
As your shy eyes lock with the compelling inflection in his, your response can’t help but sound like a shameless and sensuous plea.
“I want you, Loki. Please.”
Loki watches your complexion shift to satisfaction as two of his digits dip into the soaked crease. Shorts vanishing, he slowly delves his fingers further, fascinated by how your juices eased them into your snug walls, and his erection twitches from enjoying the view just a little too much.
His free hand aids to keep you still by the waist, tantalizing you by restricting your body from lowering onto his fingers at a faster pace. “Shall we finish what we started?”
You brace yourself, open palms finding their way underneath his loose shirt collar to feel his collarbone. His fingers dive deeper and curl into spot of your crevice, eliciting a moan from your sugary mouth.
“Y-yes, Loki…” You pant more, eye contact proving to be difficult due to ecstasy that Loki was building up inside of you.
His hum is sly, accepting your signature. “Good… Now, let me have all of you.”
He paces his fingers in and out of you, your walls convulse tightly around him and evoke your nectar to drip onto his knuckles like clear honey. Your head swings back from the pleasure, and Loki, seeing your body being bent by his will, is in awe with your nude and flushed form. He had never seen you more beautiful than you were now.
Hips swaying in time with his rhythm, he could feel your body submit to his touch fully. You lean in to kiss him again, and your salacious mewls can be caught upon his tongue.
As you feel his thumb press lightly on your bud one more time, your mind was challenged with the idea of coasting with the pleasure, whilst the other half had a dire need to climax.
Voice uneasy, you whisper against his lips. “Please- ah!- Loki, I’m gonna’ cum.”
He tuts, voice breaking slightly from watching. “Why are you in such a rush, my dear?”
Your gorgeous breaths stop with an abrupt yelp. Loki picks you up to lie you down on to the couch, your naked body beside him. Your heartbeat thumps rapidly, spine adjusting to the awkward surface, as you stare at him briskly taking off his tie.
You whine; your desire had been building, and you could feel it falter. Not wanting to lose it, you touch yourself. You lap the juice onto the tips of your fingers, and drag them up to your delicate bead. You feel that needy pulse in your centre again as Loki unbuttons his shirt, displaying his incredibly toned torso and broad shoulders. You had seen his upper body naked before, but you were still in such amazement as to how his clothes seemed to make him slimmer than he was.
Body calling for him, you slip a couple of fingers inside of you.
Loki slowed in his undressing as he catches what you’re doing; he had wondered what you were like when you pleasured yourself, and he wasn’t disappointed with the truth. He wanted to know all your traits, and all your flaws; your anger, your sadness, your happiness, your awkwardness… And this, this carnal and intimate side of you, was one side he hadn’t realised he’d been patient on waiting for.
Loki was fighting to be composed.
Breathing hard and scattered, you bite your lip. “L-Loki?”
Norns, why did you have to be so erotic.
He grabs both of your wrists, your voice weak in complaint as he binds them together with his discarded tie, preventing you from touching yourself any further. The knot was taut, and any amount of agitation made your wrists cramp, but it didn’t hinder your arousal at all. 
He wanted to have you as he saw fit, and it did not include you cumming without his cock inside you.
Before you attempt to say anything, he gestures for all of his remaining clothes to disappear, and it goes with a shine of light. His cock springs free, Loki grunts in relief that his raging member could now breathe.
Arms slacking from the struggle with the new cuffs, your eyes adjust to his naked physique, your eyes lowering past his abdomen to see his lengthy erection stand. However, you didn’t have a chance to study, or to even admire it, as he grips your thighs once more, pulling you towards him and spreading you open. 
And, within the slick and hot pleat of your core, you feel his hardness slide against you and your bud, and it coaxes your back to arch on the edge of euphoria.
A moan, like caramel to Loki’s ears, cries from your lips as the tip of his cock pushes inside you. He inhales through gritted teeth as his long shaft feels the pressure of your feminine walls, and the sensitivity to its beat. His grasps on your hips tighten, blemishing your skin as he reaches the end of you with another relieving growl. Another precious mewl escapes from the back of your throat as he pulls out, a layer of your aroma covering his shaft.
Not wanting to delay it any longer, Loki thrusts into you.
His thrusts are relentless and deep, feeling yourself stretch and fit around him. He was greeted with your blushing expression, irises glazed with lustful avidity and our lip bitten down, withholding your intoxicating moans. 
But, with each thrust Loki gave you, your lips loosened, and the candy sound of your bliss encourages his movements.
“Loki, I’m-...Ah!” You could feel yourself clutch around him, a release begging to subdue you.
Loki could feel you get close too, and he was desperate to experience that sensation on him. He seizes you by the bind of your wrist, using it to spur his pace, his pelvis rocking and slamming into yours again and again. He savours the aphrodisia of your body, savours the sensuous resonance of his name being cried in wanton need, savours the arousing essence surrounding the both of you, savours the fervor of your warm skin…
And, as your pussy clenches him like a vice, he savours everything about your climax.  
Even after your orgasm, he fills you with every inch of him you could take, voice rasp in nearing his own sexual alleviation. He could feel waves of your peak straining and milking his cock to his own end, your own ears feel muddled with the loud bangs of your heartbeat and the sound of your name being lost from Loki’s lips.
Your skin feeling damp, you survey Loki with bleary eyes, and he surveys you back with same sensual haze.
There you were, splayed recklessly in front of him, looking unashamedly delectable covered with his cum. Like he had finally tamed your wildness, so that he could only have it all to himself.
He kisses you.  Had he known what it was like to bed you, he would have done it sooner.
“You are…” His hot breath runs against your neck. “Divine.”
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erinevrly · 4 years
            FATHER’S  DAY.  each  year ,  while  other  children  and  adults  hit  the  stores  looking  for  the  most  adorable  cards ,  colorful  bouquets  and  other  sweet ,  thoughtful  gifts ,  erin  attempts  to  ignore  even  the  tiniest  things  that  could  remind  her  about  the  loving  dad  she’s  never  had.  as  the  radio  stations  across  the  country  play  songs  dedicated  to  all  these  admirable  parental  figures  who  have  inspired  their  offsprings  to  achieve  great  things  in  life  and  the  commercials  on  the  tv  speak  only  about  spoiling  the  ones  who  have  taught  the  future  generations  how  to  be  better  people ,  she  pretends  she  doesn’t  hear  the  obvious  messages  they  carry  and  avoids  turning  these  two  devices  on.  she  even  goes  as  far  as  trying  to  convince  herself  that  everything’s  simpler  and  better  the  way  it  is  —  she  doesn’t  have  to  spend  hours  wondering  how  to  honor  her  dad ,  how  to  be  more  creative  than  her  siblings ,  how  to  outdo  herself  and  whatever  gift  she  gave  him  the  previous  year.  she  doesn’t  want  to  be  pitied  and  tries  to  play  it  cool  but  deep  down  it  tears  her  heart  to  pieces.  unfortunately ,  there’s  nothing  that  can  be  done  to  change  it.  her  father  has  been  gone  for  exactly  twenty  years ,  absent  physically ,  as  well  as  emotionally.  he’s  missed  all  of  her  birthday  parties ,  all  of  her  recitals  and  school  plays ,  wasn’t  there  to  teach  her  how  to  drive  a  car  or  fix  a  dripping  faucet  or  even  just  watch  her  fly  her  first  kite  at  the  shore.  all  he’s  left  her  with  are  thousands  of  scars ,  the  constantly  bleeding  wounds  that  refuse  to  gradually  go  away  as  time passes ,  and  the  only  lesson  he’s  ever  taught  her  is  how  to  question  every  person,  or  rather  every  man ,  who  tries  to  offer  her  his  LOVE.  he  doesn’t  deserve  to  be  called  a  father  and  for  two  decades  erin’s  tried  to  erase  this  day ,  behave  as  if  it  was  just  another  sunday  in  june ,  as  though  there  was  nothing  special  about  it.
            however ,  ever  since  learning  that  she’ll  become  a  parent  herself  this  november ,  she’s  been  thinking  a  lot  about  her  own  childhood  and  how  it  shaped  her  into  the  person  she  is  today.  her  father’s  absence  is  the  reason  why  she  constantly  questions  her  worth  and  worries  her  husband  will  one  day  abandon  her ,  too.  her  mother’s  authoritarian  personality  is  the  one  to  blame  for  her  shyness  and  anxiety ,  her  extremely  protective  nature  the  cause  for  erin’s  childish  and  naive  behavior.  her  parents  have  never  been  perfect  but  she’s  been  doing  her  best  to  try  and  understand  them ,  forgive  and  learn  how  not  to  repeat  their  mistakes.  she’s  been  thinking  about  all  the  difficulties  that  come  with  parenthood ,  all  the  struggles  and  tears.  it  terrifies  her ,  makes  her  wonder  if  a  person  as  broken  as  herself  is  fit  for  this  extremely  important  and  challenging  role.  the  only  thought  that  can  put  a  genuine  smile  on  her  face  and  keep  her  sane  today  is  the  one  that  crosses  her  mind  every  time  her  stormy  gaze  flickers  to  her  husband’s  bright  emeralds  —  their  child  will  never  feel  the  way  she  has.  they  will  never  feel  worthless  or  inadequate ,  unloved  or  unwanted.  their  child  will  have  someone  who  deserves  to  be  called  not  just  farther  or  dad  but  daddy  or  DADA.  someone  who’ll  truly  care  about  him  or  her.  although ,  the  first  few  weeks  have  been  nothing  but  a  gigantic  struggle  for  both  of  them ,  it  seems  that  they’re  finally  coming  to  terms  with  the  fact  that  their  lives  are  inevitably  changing.  this  giant  responsibility  has  landed  upon  their  shoulders  a  little  sooner  than  expected  but  she  doesn’t  want  to  pull  her  hair  out  or  cry  all  night ,  anymore.  she  wants  to  hope  for  the  best  and  enjoy  their  time  together  as  a  family.  
            today  is  an  extremely  special  day  because  not  only  is  it  axl’s  first  ever  father’s  day  but  also  the  very  first  father’s  day  that  erin’s  truly  excited  about  and  wants  to  celebrate  to  the  fullest.  their  baby  hasn’t  even  been  born  yet  but  her  husband  has  already  made  her  believe  that  he’s  a  better  man  and  a  better  father  than  don (  or  william ,  or  stephen ,  or  any  other  sperm  donor  in  this  world  ).  he’s  proven  that  he  can  be  the  kind  of  parent  everyone  wants  to  have.  he  hasn’t  left  her  alone  with  this.  he’s  been  extremely  caring  and  supportive ,  even  though  she  can  tell  that  this  new  role  isn’t  something  he’s  adjusting  to  easily.  for  this  very  reason ,  as  a  little  thank  you for  his  kindness ,  she’s  decided  to  give  him  an  unforgettable  day  —  one  that’s  solely  about  him.  first ,  she  let  him  sleep  in ,  get  some  much  needed  rest.  then ,  she  made  him  heart - shaped  waffles  for  breakfast  and  brought  them  on  a  wooden  tray  to  their  bedroom.  later ,  they  went  for  a  long  walk  with  their  dogs  and  got  ice  cream.  and  now  she’s  taking  him  to  malibu ,  to  their  favorite  spot ,  the  same  one  where  many  years  ago  they  had  their  first  real  date  and  realized  they  had  fallen  in  love  with  each  other.  if  she  closes  her  eyes  even  just  for  a  moment ,  she  can  still  see  this  young ,  bashful  boy  with  dreams  bigger  than  both  of  them  and  a  heart  so  full  of  affection  and  devotion ,  love  for  her  that  it  could  barely  fit  inside  his  chest ,  his  porcelain  skin  basking  in  the  sun ,  his  green  eyes  reflecting  the  color  of  the  ocean.  at  the  time ,  he  was  as  poor  as  a  rat  but  he  still  made  sure  her  stomach  was  full  and  her  mind  at  ease.  he  brought  homemade  food  and  even  somehow  found  a  picnic  basket  ( to  this  day  she  has  no  idea  where  he  got  it  from  ).  it  was  a  magical  date ,  one  of  the  most  memorable  dates  ever  for  sure.  it’s  hard  to  believe  that  shy  boy  is  going  to  be  a  father  in  a  few  months  and  the  third  sunday  of  june  will  always  be  all  about  him.
            as  they  stroll  along  the  shore ,  bathing  in  the  warm  glow  of  the  afternoon  sun ,  erin  can  barely  take  her  eyes  off  of  her  husband.  her  husband.  she  still can’t  believe  he  really  is  her  husband,  not  her  boyfriend.  husband.  while  she  continues  to  gaze  at  him  as  if  he  hung  the  stars  and  the  moon ,  she  comes  to  the  conclusion  that  neither  the  ocean ,  nor  the  blue ,  cloudless  sky  above  their  heads  can  compete  with  his  beauty.  the  corners  of  her  lips  twitch ,  a  look  of  sheer  happiness  passes  over  her  visage.  she  has  to  admit  that  despite  being  insanely  handsome ,  he  also  looks  a  bit  ridiculous  (  or  rather  ridiculously  adorable ) with  his  red  bandana  no  longer  tied  around  his  head  but  wrapped  tightly  a  few  inches  lower ,  covering  his  starry  eyes ,  preventing  him  from  peeking  and  ruining  the  surprise.  she  can’t  let  him  see  what’s  awaiting  him.  it  has  to  be  kept  secret  until  the  very  last  moment.  after  all ,  that’s  what  makes  things  even  more  exciting.  erin’s  right  arm  remains  draped  around  his  slim  hips ,  guiding  him  and  making  sure  he  doesn’t  lose  his  balance  now  that  she’s  taken  away  one  of  his  senses.  the  sand  is  warm  beneath  the  soles  of  her  bare  feet  (  she  could  barely  wait  and  took  her  wedges  off  the  second  she  parked  her  car  and  got  out  of  it  ) ,  tiny  grains  falling  from  her  skin  with  each  step.  she  blissfully  lifts  her  chin  a  little  higher ,  closing  her  eyes  for  a  second  as  the  salty  breeze  flows  through  her  dark  ringlets  and  kisses  her  rosy  cheeks.  her  blue  cotton  summer  dress  billowing ,  delicate  fabric  dancing  in  the  wind ,  threatening  to  uncover  what’s  beneath.  it  makes  her  giggle ,  has  her  feeling  all  carefree  and  joyous.  her  fingers  curl  a  little  tighter  around  axl’s  hip  as  she  pushes  herself  up  onto  her  tip  toes  and  plants  a  gentle  kiss  on  his  cheek.  she  wishes  they  could  spend  the  rest  of  their  lives  right  where  they  are.  ❛  alrighty !  it’s  right  in  front  of  you ,  ❜  she  softly  coos,  coming  to  a  stop.  ❛  are  you  ready  ?  ❜  to  finally  see  what  this  grand  surprise  is.  she’s  thrumming  with  a  combination  of  nerves  and  excitement  as  her  slender  fingers  carefully  work  on  undoing  the  knot.  with  his  red  strands  and  the  summer  wind  in  the  way ,  it  takes  her  a  good  minute  to  succeed.
            right  before  them ,  in  a  more  secluded  area  of  the  beach ,  with  a  beautiful  cliff  on  one  side  and  azure  waves  crashing  against  the  shore  on  the  other ,  erin’s  created  their  charming  picnic  spot.  all  she  needed  was  an  ounce  of  creativity.  when  combined  with  some  stunning ,  exotic  flowers ,  a  bohemian  teepee  tent ,  a  few  fire  logs  (  in  case  they  decide  to  stay  long  enough  to  watch  the  sun  set  on  the  horizon  and  it  gets  cold  )  and  some  sweet  treats ,  it  resulted  in  a  picture  perfect date  plan.  with  a  little  help  from  her  brother ,  erin’s  managed  to  make  it  look  more  than  just  decent  —  something  straight  out  of  a  movie  or  a  fairytale.  the  linen  walls  of  the  tent  are  meant  to  protect  them  from  the  wind  and  keep  the  bright  rays  away  from  her  husband’s  porcelain  skin.  garlands  made  of  lilies  and  peonies  adorning  the  entrance ,  their  smell  a  combination  of  sweetness  and  happiness.  inside  the  teepee ,  to  make  it  even  more  cozy  and  inviting ,  there’s  a  pile  of  soft  blankets  and  a  bunch  of  colorful  pillows ,  as  well  as  a  picnic  basket  with  all  kinds  of  delicious  teats  underneath  its  lid.  there’s  also  a  blue  bag  —  a  little  gift  from  their  unborn  child  to  the  greatest  daddy  in  the  world.  inside ,  among  torn  rose  petals  and  a  few  other  presents ,  he’ll  find  a  t-shirt  that  says  dada  bear  and  a  tiny  onesie  that  says  little  bear ,  an  album  with  pictures  of  them  and  captions  explaining  (  in  simple  yet  poetic  words  )  their  journey  together  from  the  night  they  met  to  the  day  they  found  out  they  were  having  a  baby ,  a  brand  new  video  camera  so  that  they’ll  be  able  to  record  all  the  precious  moments  with  their  son  or  daughter ,  a  tape  with  some  of  their  favorite  songs  turned  into  lullabies  that  her  brother  and  his  friends  had  worked  in  secret  for  weeks  on  and  a  red ,  heart - shaped  card  .  .  .  a  small  letter  from  their  baby  to  him ,  written  in  erin’s  handwriting :  
           happy  father’s  day,  daddy  !            it’s  the  very  first  one  that  we’re  celebrating  and  i’m  just  a  teeny  tiny  human  now  but  i  already  want  to  tell  you  so  many  things  !  first  and  foremost  — I  LOVE  YOU  SO  MUCH !  i  love  you  the  mostest  !  and  even  though  you  sometimes  doubt  yourself ,  i  know  that  you  are  the  best  daddy  in  the  whole  wide  world  and  i  am  so  grateful  that  it’s  you  i’ll  get  to  learn  from  in  the  future.  my  favorite  part  of  each  day  is  the  one  when  you  talk  or  sing  to  me ,  or  when  you  kiss  and  hug  me.  i  can’t  wait  to  finally  meet  you  and  fall  asleep  in  your  arms  or  on  your  chest  or  even  in  my  crib  with  you  watching  over  me  but  i  have  to  be  patient.  just  a  few  more  months ,  daddy.  i  may  not  be  able  to  give  you  many  precious  gifts  now  but  i  promise  to  draw  plenty  of  pretty  pictures  just  for  you  in  the  future  !  i’ll  bake  thousands  of  cakes  and  cookies  for  all  your  favorite  holidays  and  i’ll  sing  all  of  your  favorite  songs  in  the  car  with  you.  i  can’t  wait  to  finally  hug  you  back.  next  year ,  we’ll  do  all  these  fun  things  that  dads  and  their  babies  do  !  i’m  looking  forward  to  meeting  you  and  celebrating  many  more  father’s  days  with  you  —  the  coolest  daddy  in  the  universe  !              i  love  you  so  much ,              your  teeny  tiny  rose.
            clutching  her  husband’s  red  bandana  in  her  left  hand  and  squeezing  his  wrist  with  her  right  one ,  erin  carefully  studies  his  expression.  her  heart  has  somehow  left  her  chest  and  is  now  beating  within  the  confines  of  her  throat ,  not  even  the  delicate  breeze  can  carry  away  all  of  her  worries.  what  if  instead  of  making  him  happy ,  she’ll  only  stress  him  out  ? what  if  he  gets  upset  or  decides  the  gifts  she’s  picked  for  him  are  too  cheesy  ?  she  can  only  hope  it’s  not  too  much  for  him  to  handle.  after  all ,  she  wants  this  day  to  be  special ,  not  terrifying  and  stressful  for  him.  ❛  happy  father’s  day,  axy,  ❜  she  whispers ,  pressing  her  lips  to  his  soft  cheek  and  kissing  it  again.  her  hand  curling  a  little  tighter.  ❛  our  lion  cub  wanted  to  do  something  nice  for  his  or  her  favorite  dad  and  so  .  .  .  this  is  what  we  came  up  with.  we  know  you  like  picnics  and  the  ocean  ?  i  got  applesauce  and  peanut  butter  sandwiches  ?  happy  first  father’s  day ,  baby.  ❜
☆  ;  @thornrosed​
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josy72 · 4 years
Adèle Haenel ✨ Noémie Merlant ✨
‘Portrait of a Lady on Fire’ Review: This Is Céline Sciamma’s Masterpiece
Portrait Of A Lady On Fire
Céline Sciamma’s Portrait of a Lady on Fire will probably draw comparison to two recent films, Lucrecia Martel’s Zama and Luca Guadagnino’s Call Me by Your Name, for completely different reasons. As a deliberately unhurried, gorgeously shot, eerily still, nearly flawless period piece with a heavy beach presence, it brings Zama to mind. And as a totally engrossing, heartbreaking, and transitory queer romance, it’s hard not to think about Call Me by Your Name. However, as is the case with both films mentioned and any great film in their company, Portrait is a wholly unique treasure all its own.
It traces the romantic encounter of two women on an island off the French coast of Brittany, one an angry daughter trapped in a remote manor, soon to be married and shipped off to a Milanese man she’s never met, and the other a painter. In defiance of the nuptial arrangement, Héloïse (Adèle Haenel) refuses to have her wedding portrait painted. Marianne (Noémie Merlant), the painter, is hired by The Countess (Valeria Golino) to pose as an outing companion to Héloïse, the daughter, while secretly painting her portrait. Marianne is expected to mentally soak up Héloïse’s features during their walks along the towering cliffs and rocky beaches below in order to paint her when they’re not together.
However, much to The Countess’s surprise, Héloïse takes fondly to Marianne and the two develop a formal, understated friendship. They start spending more time together and, in the process, reach new depths of understanding with one another, though still in a muted sense. Soon, Marianne finishes the portrait. She feels compelled to show Héloïse and tell her the truth. The Countess allows it, recognizing the bond that’s formed quickly between the two. Héloïse isn’t too upset about it, but she and The Countess both think the painting is subpar, inaccurate, and ultimately dissatisfying. Trusting Marianne as she does, Héloïse submits to posing if The Countess will allow Marianne another chance. The Countess commissions the second round and goes into the city, leaving the two women and Sophie (Luàna Bajrami), the estate maid, alone for five days to wrap up the portrait.
For this first hour or so, the film moves along at a snail’s pace, inching ever closer to the sensual tension that brews beneath the surface with stark tonal precision. Every small, quiet, seemingly trivial moment works wonders, drawing you deeper into the swelling ambiance of forbidden love. You feel it bubbling up in the tacit moments between Marianne and Héloïse. They fixate their unblinking eyes on each other with unremittent desire, emit stolid nervous ticks, and speak only in quick bursts of conversation, as if expressing too much would expose the vulnerability they crave from one another.
Merlant and Haenel’s performances are remarkable. It’s difficult to imagine the film, so reliant on discrete expression and hidden movement, working with any other actresses. Both have incredibly robust visages, as strong as they are passionate—sharp jaw lines, high cheekbones, velvet lips, regal noses, piercing eyes, bushy dark brows. They both have a thick and luscious head of hair that’s usually pulled back into a neat bun or braid, an outward symbol of the inner restraint that cages them both romantically and culturally (as women in a staunchly patriarchal world). They wear period-appropriate dresses of solid colors, Marianne’s a rich russet and Héloïse a shadowy blue-grey, except when she’s posing, in which case she wears the plainest, most majestic emerald dress you’ve laid eyes on. The dresses are cut low at the collar to reveal smooth, elegant necks which lead down to sharply accentuated collar bones, every aspect of their appearance causing the other to ooze unspoken envy.
Sciamma wields their appearances brilliantly with an abundance of close-ups on face and body. Their faces communicate the mental and emotional gravity at stake and the relational evolution that accompanies it, while the bodies communicate a visceral yearning for intimacy, a carnal longing for love. It doesn’t matter how pronounced or still their movements are, Sciamma makes you feel everything they feel like you’re in a waking dream. When Marianne is frozen with a brush in her hand, her eyes darting back and forth between Héloïse and the canvas, the atmosphere is dense with ardor. And when Héloïse sprints fervently toward the edge of a cliff, a spliff of adrenaline and empathy invades your lungs and rushes through your veins. The mood is palpable every step of the way.
The sound and color alone achieve astounding singularity. Sciamma uses textural sound to score the film, from the smooth scratch of a paintbrush on canvas to the crunch of stiff dresses in silent rooms to the hushed smack of readied lips to the roar of the waves to the creaks and groans of the human body to the crackle of a fire. Likewise, she accentuates color to create an unparalleled tone. The baby blue walls in the house, the varied vibrance of the dresses, the true blackness of night around a bonfire, the golden skin of the women in a warm yellow hue. Even on the beach, the colors are stunningly pronounced—khaki sands, cerulean skies, and an ocean made up of at least ten shades of hazy greens and blues. The cinematography is magnificent, too, as DP Claire Mathon never lets up in her pursuit of exquisite shot composition. Keep your eyes peeled for the nude pipe-smoking shot in front of the fire, the whack-a-mole shot in grassy dunes, the bird’s eye procedure shot with a baby, the armpit-confused-as-ass-hole shot (you certainly won’t miss this one), and the opening canvas and paint shot.
Sciamma’s screenwriting and direction deserve the credit from which every other aspect flows. Her characterization of Héloïse as the titular subject of the film is a magnificent example. She constantly adds little things to her story that make a world of difference in how we understand Héloïse as opposed to leaving her to the trappings of archetypal Hollywood damsels. She’s built as an exiled, angry, yet open woman, but through paint, she’s portrayed as a headless woman in an old failed portrait attempt, and, most noticeably, a calm woman on fire in another. Adding more layers, Sciamma depicts her as a recurring ghost, a masked escapist, a common philosopher, and a sweet, gentle soul.
She is the enigma Marianne unravels throughout the film, at first bitter and lonely, but eventually, undone by the lawlessness of love, soft and kind. Even in her allowance to run out the doors unattended, she recognizes the loneliness that accompanies freedom, what she sarcastically calls the “charms of exile.” Marianne, on the other hand, is quiet and observant, like us. Her spectatorial and inquisitive nature is the lens through which we come to know the depths of Héloïse beyond what imagery can convey.
They share keen debates on art philosophy, rules, ideals, presence, sincerity, truth, loneliness, love, memory, and music, the latter three forming the holy trinity of the film’s thematic core. Lines like “Do all lovers feel like they’re inventing something?” are whispered softly in the dead of night and tiptoe into your psyche where you ask yourself the same question. Others like “Don’t regret, remember,” possess the film like an impassioned forlorn spirit and give way to poetic conversations about what it means to choose memory over love, and the romantic (or professional) agency of a woman.
But perhaps the most noteworthy aspect of Sciamma’s fourth film, among everything already mentioned, is the scant but titanic use of music. If it weren’t for every little phenomenal detail of the film, it would be worth watching for the two music scenes alone. If anyone is quick to dismiss the lack of score, they merely don’t understand the power of music as Sciamma intends to use it. The explosive, emotionally-packed moments—one with instrumentation and no voice and the other inversed—are utterly unforgettable. They’ll occupy your thoughts, your dreams, your fantasies, and, ultimately, the mass cultural lexicon of film history’s greatest moments.
Portrait begins as a still, stoic friendship and blossoms into a tender, compassionate romance, even a gushing romance at times. However, be warned that this is a poet’s romance, not a lover’s, as the film recognizes through some meta-commentary. And there’s a major difference between the two.
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spidersins · 28 days
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now introducing…Hells Angels part 2 @hcllishsins // @poisonedxbeauty // @lustsang // @sugartiits
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24. — sleepwalking / sleeptalking
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“Nobody shall sleep... Nobody shall sleep... ♪”
That haunting voice seduced his ears in the depths of slumber. Oh how it pulled him away from them-- the chittering of otherworldlies,the claws of their damned and ravenous desires. It saved him. It saved him again and again. So familiar, so nostalgic; when was the last he heard this aria? Years now... so many years. But to he it wasn’t so long ago, no. It was now, he as a small child, listening to the practice in the dead of night when the patient souls were the only audience. Was it a private show?
The bed creaked and The Cat rose to his feet, eyes shielded from the waking world still. And he walked, following that melody through the darken halls.
“Even you, oh Little Prince ♪”
He? Yes, sleep always fled from his as the sun did from the moon, and this song knew. Knew him very well; a call to him to occupy his time in peace rather than anguish. And so his feet carried him along an unforgettable path of the past, incorrect with reality; he constantly crashed into furnishing and decor, tripped over clothes and book galore. But he pressed on with shaky breaths and determination. She promised him. He was going to find her.
A call out to her with no answer-- as expected of her as he stumbled into another room. Calloused hands rose to feel out the room; how odd that he couldn't’ see in this darkness. It was never this hard before, or perhaps this night was the darkest in a long time.Still he felt for the wall, then the door, knocking once--twice--three times unknowingly. He’d wait for her beckoning. And then he’ll whimper for her reassurance. And then he’ll beg until he felt that warmth of her breath.
In your cold room, watch the stars that tremble with love and with hope ♪
It never came. No response.
One would expect any sort of answer from the front door of this dreaded home, especially this late in this part of the Holy See. But he tried and failed, shuffling along the confused path to another destination. He was forgotten, surely from time to time, but never blatantly ignored before. It twisted his heart and his head and fueled a panic that made him move faster, stumble harder, and cry out louder. 
“But my secret is hidden within me ♪”
The Cat froze. That tone-- that was not hers. So scratchy and thin. No, she bellowed with such a feeling it shook the heavens and made the winter bend a knee. This made it crescendo, and made him twitch-- an ear rotated this way and that. Something was wrong. Something was wrong. Where was she?!
Everything was a mess now; things were tossed and thrown in his maddening hunt. The crashing of porcelain and the tearing of cotton sung in choirs to that song. He could feel his heart racing now, that adrenaline rushing back tenfold-- oh, sweet child calm down or you will explode. The visage of that path was wavering and fuzzy. What secret? What has she hid away? 
“On your mouth, I will tell it when the light shines~“And my kiss will dissolvet̶h͘e͝ s҉ilenc҉ę t͢h̡at m͘ak̸e͡s ̕yo̕u͢ ̛mine͟ ♪”
Out of instinct, his hand reached for the knife in his shirt-- yet there was no knife nor a shirt to reach into, that small child defenseless again. What will happen now? What will be taken away from him? First his slumber, then his warmth, and not his sense of ease and peace that was promised to him. That was promised! He voice it--! What he wandered for hours to claim! The deep and velvet bass of his voice cutting through that silken mezzo cries was a nightmare within itself.
“V͏án͏i͟s͝h, o ҉ni̛g̶ht!̀”͏
“A̵t̶ ͝d͘awn͝, ͢I͢ ̸wil͞l w͞in! ́I̷ w̵i͝ll w̢iǹ!”͟
That nightmare bloomed when her sound corrupted into something evil and demonic. The way was lost to his feet as they stepped this way and that, unsure where to go-- what to do-- He was defenseless, he had no one with him, he didn’t have a book or charm or spell or rune. What was The Cat going to do?! Hyperventilation kicked in, fingers scratching at the walls for the door. Any door. Any way to get to her to stop her singing. To stop the singing.
Just stop the singing!
And his eyes shot open, dilated with frenzy. He squared into a fighters stance, those eyes trained to kill, focused and ready to strike--
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-- that miserable fowl.
It quacked at him, canting its head to one side in confusing. Why was The Cat wandering in the dark? A drunkard, that’s why-- but nevertheless it waddled forward to nip at his ankles. Yes, that was a dream. Yes, there’s nothing here.  Yes, there was nothing but silence in this home. This quaint little home.
And the sun pierced through the curtains, a ray of light bouncing about which earned a groan. Daylight... such a wicked thing.
“I will win... ♪”
Writing Prompts
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fangirlshrewt97 · 7 years
A Day without You is Like a Year without Rain
Author(s): Fangirlshrewt97
Rating: General
Warnings: no warnings
Summary: When Yuuri has to go to Japan for a couple of weeks, Viktor does not take it well. (Basically 2.5k of Viktor moping as he waits for Yuuri to return and a sweet reunion afterwards).
[Victuuri Week 2017, Day 2: Travelling, Yuuri: Reunion]
Link to A03: http://archiveofourown.org/works/9632222
Viktor Nikiforov was 28 years old, a five-time gold medalist at the Grand Prix and Worlds, engaged to the current World’s champion and also currently moping around his apartment in St. Petersburg. His fiancee Yuuri Katsuki, the top Japanese skater in the world was currently back in Japan, it was his parent’s 35th wedding anniversary and he and Mari Katsuki, his sister, had planned a special one. Viktor would have loved to go, but both Yuuri and Yakov threatened him with castration if he dared travel for a week before his first Grand Prix event in two weeks.
So Viktor was now stuck in his apartment while Georgi had driven Viktor to the airport on Yuuri’s request. The Japanese man had said that if VIktor had come with him he was afraid that they would not be able to separate and Yuuri would miss his flight. Which fair, although the couple had only been together for two years, neither could bear to be away from the other for extended periods of time. Even then, Yuuri seem to handle the separations a little better than Viktor did, because he did not become a complete slob who gorged himself on several pints of ice cream (or so Viktor thought, he didn’t realize the Japanese man did exactly that but was ok afterwards).  
Yuuri had been gone for a week now, but it might as well have been a year for how Viktor was acting. Viktor couldn’t help it though, till he met the younger man a couple years ago in an unforgettable night, he had grown tired and dull of life. He had developed a mild depression, feeling aimless as skating lost its shine to him. But Yuuri had burst into his life with alcohol and pole dancing, and cinched Viktor’s attention wholly. He had not been able to stop thinking of the man even after that one night that sometimes felt like a dream were it not for the photos.
Then meeting Yuuri, going to Japan, coaching him, getting engaged to him!!! Yeah, Viktor had been on top of the world. Then Yuuri had foolishly tried to break them up right before his free skate at the Grand Prix, but obviously, they had not broken up and were going strong now. Viktor couldn’t remember the last time he was this happy with life. He had his inspiration to skate back, he had his beloved Yuuri, friends among skaters who had previously only seen him as unapproachable and someone to knock off the pedestal.
So now with Yuuri gone, the only thing left to do was think about Yuuri for every minute of the day. Because that was what normal people did right? I mean, could you really blame Viktor for missing his precious Katsudon? Since Yuuri had moved to Russia with him almost a year and a half ago, the longest they had been apart was for the one-week lengths when Viktor had travelled elsewhere to compete and Yuuri had stayed back to keep training. But now Yuuri was gone for almost three weeks, and Viktor felt like he was slowly going out of his mind. Yuuri had told Viktor that he could cut it to two weeks, but Viktor did not want to deprive Yuuri of time with his parents.
Everywhere he turned he swore he could see his face smiling at him. His bed felt colder than ever before with Yuuri to cuddle next to. Even Makkachin was affected by the absence of his other owner, whining at the poster of Yuuri Viktor had insisted on buying. Eating was done because it was necessary as was showering and morning jogs, but they seemed harder than ever.
Viktor could barely recall how he had lived without Yuuri, the quiet of the apartment bringing back memories of too many lonely nights. Even worse were the memories of bringing back someone just to have the illusion of a companion for a few hours for when it got really cold. Loving Yuuri, Viktor knew those feeling paled in comparison to what he felt for the younger man. He barely had the motivation to get out of bed today, much less anything else that involved going outside, so he was grateful that it was Sunday.
It wasn’t like Yuuri had been radio silent, in fact they skyped every night before Yuuri went to bed, texted throughout the day, mostly Yuuri texting him to know what he was doing, where/who he was with, what he’d eaten. But it wasn’t enough, no skype video or perfect selfie could fill the empty hole Viktor felt around him. No photo could convey the warmth of Yuuri’s arms and no message could comfort him as much as Yuuri’s touches.
Feeling tears prick at the corner of his eyes again, Viktor rubbed them, Yuuri was going to call soon and he would hate to see Viktor crying. He got up from where he had been sprawled on the couch, picking up the empty cartons of ice cream and chocolate wrappers. Willing himself to clean up, he moved slowly through the paces, trying to distract himself from thinking of Yuuri and failing miserably. It probably wasn’t healthy to miss someone so much, but Viktor couldn’t help himself.
Hearing the Skype ringtone from his laptop in the bedroom, Viktor tossed the last packages in the trash can and ran to the laptop. He dived for the bed and making everything bounce, including a sleeping Makkachin. Answering the call and seeing the screen fill with the face and voice of his fiancee, Viktor felt a little more whole than he had all day.
There were still five days left for Yuuri to return, and Viktor was more miserable than ever. Not only was his fiancee not around, practice had been absolutely brutal. Viktor swore that Yakov was not this sadistic when he last trained with him. Walking slowly to not aggravate his feet more than they were, the Russian took almost a half-hour to get back to his apartment only 5 blocks away.
He felt drained from the extra intense sessions, feeling his age in a way he hadn’t before. Barely able to lift his arm to open the door and remove his jacket, Viktor did not notice the extra pair of shoes by the door or the cleaned up kitchen counter. He did notice how his poodle had not come to greet him at the door as he always did, but shrugged it off as Makkachin sleeping. He leaned with his back to door as he tried to relax from the busy day.
As much he didn’t want to think about it, the poodle was getting older, and was more tired all the time. Thinking about the fact that he had to think about saying goodbye to his best friend was something Viktor avoided at all costs.
Pushing himself off, he shucked off his shoes and stripped his clothes as he went, wanting to just collapse into bed. He dropped his duffle bag on the couch to not damage the skates inside and kept walking down the hallway that would lead to his bed. Reaching the bedroom Viktor almost dismissed the lump on his way to the bathroom, the little tuft of black hair giving him pause though.
As he turned back to the bed, Viktor felt his breath hitch, his hands pinching his forearm to make sure he wasn’t dreaming because this would be the cruelest visage yet. At the same time he caught sight of the luggage that was next to the closet and the jacket and hat Yuuri always wore when travelling inside the hamper. Still holding his breath, Viktor walked softly to the bed, where his dog and lover were curled on.
Yuuri was mostly hidden by the blanket, the lump indicating that we was curled inward, with Makkachin resting in his arms. Hesitantly, almost scared to destroy the illusion if that was what this was, Viktor softly threaded his hands through the Japanese man’s soft black locks. Unable and unwilling to remove his hands from Yuuri now that the man was finally back, Viktor slowly moved his hands through his hair and down his face, tracing the hell of his ear.
How was it that Yuuri was here? He had spoken to the man yesterday, still firmly in Hatsetsu from the Onsen yukata he was wearing and the sounds of Mari’s soap in the background. Viktor could not help himself now that his lover was back and slowly moved to the other side, hating every second he wasn’t touching Yuuri. Softly he petted Makkachin awake and got him to scamper of the bed. Seeing just Yuuri now, the man was lying on his side, both arms outstretched as if reaching for Viktor, fingers curled. Under the sheet Viktor could make out a simple black shirt, and bare calves, so Yuuri was probably in boxers.
Sliding in softly into the spot previously occupied by the poodle, Viktor curled on his hands into Yuuri’s, lifting it softly to his lips and pressing a kiss. The fingers twitched, but the owner stayed asleep. Mindful of the long journey Yuuri must have had, because if he had been in the onsen calling at his regular time, he must have left soon after to make it to the airport and get here. Cradling the hand to his chest, Viktor slid closer to his lover, feeling Yuuri’s heat warm his very bones after two weeks of cold worse than a bitter Russian winter.
Softly, he leaned into his lover’s hair, addicted to him after so long without him. Yuuri was like a magnet, pulling Viktor in with a force that a bigger man might have resisted. But Viktor had long ago accepted that he was slave to this Japanese sleeping beauty, prepared to go to the ends of the Earth if he requested.
In his mind he knew he should stop touching Yuuri, lest he wake him, but the thought felt wrong in so many ways. The hand that had been playing with the brunette’s hair slid down, tracing his face lightly, making Yuuri’s nose scrunch adorably. Running a hand over the curve of his jaw, loving the soft chubbiness that was characteristic of the younger man during his off season. He followed the curve to the juncture of his ear, moving his fingers down the pale throat, skimming Yuuri’s Adam’s apple and collarbones.
A soft exhale drew Viktor’s eyes back to Yuuri’s face. Particularly those now parted lips that looked so plump and delicious. Leaning in more, Viktor pressed a light kiss to Yuuri’s lips, the soft barely-there press of lips was enough though. After almost 15 of not being able to kiss Yuuri, Viktor was a starving man who had found an oasis. He pressed more kisses into Yuuri’s face, one on his forehead, one on his eyelid, move down to his nose, further down to his chin, back to those lips.
Yuuri had managed to remain asleep through all of this, but seemed to be stirring now. Viktor knew he should definately stop, yet he pressed another kiss, a little firmer this time, so he was able to feel the exhale when Yuuri woke up and let out a soft moan, bringing the hand not trapped to VIktor’s chest to cup his cheek.
With Yuuri now awake, Viktor kissed him longer, pushing his tongue into an open mouth. The hand in his hair tightened, pulling him closer and Yuuri’s right leg came to wrap around his waist and pull him in closer. God, VIktor had missed this dance, the soft touches that inevitably became heated, the sounds from Yuuri that were the best song Viktor had ever heard. He slid his own hand further down, cupping Yuuri’s hip and pulling him closer still, till there was barely any space between them.
They kept kissing until they felt dizzy from the lack of air, but even then, separated the barest of distances.
“Good evening Viktor” came the sleep-soft remark from the still half-asleep man.
Viktor swore he was falling in love all over again as he kept caressing Yuuri’s hip and thighs alternatingly.
“Good evening my dearest. I wasn’t expecting you back, if you had told me I’d have come pick you up.”
“Mmmh, that’s why I didn’t tell you. You need to practice Viktor, even if you are the best skater in the world. The trip was hurried anyways so there was really no time to warn ahead.
“What happened? I am so happy you are back but why come back early?”
Yuuri yawned, swallowing and closing his eyes as he tucked himself underneath Viktor. “In Mari’s words? Apparently if I moped anymore I would drive all the customers away. She basically grabbed all my things threw them into my suitcase and pushed me into Yuuko’s car to be driven to the airport. She threatened to bring me all the way here but somebody needed to take care of the onsen and it obviously wasn’t going to me.” Yuuri ended in a grumble.
Affection rushed through every cell in the Russian’s body as he released Yuuri’s hand to free himself and wrap it around Yuuri, properly tucking him in.
“Zvezda moya, I cannot begin to tell you how much I missed you -”
Yuuri interrupted him “Let’s make a promise Viktor.”
“Promise?” Viktor questioned, tilting his head to looking into the younger man’s eyes.
“Mmm promise. Promise that we will never be that far apart for so long again. It was so awful, because even though I was happy to be back home and with my family, it didn’t feel like it. I realized it is because you and Makkachin and even Yurio, you’ve become home to me. And not having you there … I didn’t like it.”
Tears came out of Viktor’s eyes, as the Russian man just hushed any worries his fiancee might have with a deep kiss. Parting, he buried his head into Yuuri’s shoulder as he shook. He had lived alone for so long that he had forgotten what it was like to have someone love him unconditionally. No matter how much Yuuri claimed that Viktor had been the best thing to ever happen to him, Viktor was confident that Yuuri had saved him. In so many ways, so many times, Viktor knew that he would never be able to live without this beautiful soul ever again, and he was ok with that.
“I promise, moya lyubov, I promise a thousand times, i promise upon the sun and the stars, upon the ice that we skate and upon our love. Let us never be apart for so long ever again.
A day without you is like a year without rain
I need you by my side
Don't know how I'll survive
A day without you is like a year without rain
Translations: zvezda moya: my star moya lyubov: my love
---- If you want to read some of my other fics, check them out at: http://archiveofourown.org/users/Fangirlshrewt97/pseuds/Fangirlshrewt97
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spidersins · 28 days
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this is in the credit section of my rules however!!! official post to say that my human angel faceclaim is from the sensational anomalyah who i requested permission from!
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spidersins · 28 days
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now introducing...Hells Angels
@hcllishsins // @poisonedxbeauty // @lustsang // @sugartiits
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