#*these are all wips 👉👈
The gist is this:
Mitch (our Gordon-inspired protag of the story) is a 25-ish guy who hasn’t seen his friends and hasn’t been doing well for a WHILE. Mitch was followed home by an entity and is paranoid he’ll die if he leaves his apartment. He and his three friends (Mill, Tex, and Laís) decide to play a video game and chat to take their mind off of it and reconnect.
They play a Half-Life 1 inspired game entitled “Epicenter” and pick characters from the 4 unique classes they offer (soldier, security officer, CIA agent, or scientist). It is all dandy until the game starts glitching. Instead of a resonance cascade inside the game’s plot, it’s more like the entity that followed Mitch home caused a resonance cascade to the game as a whole and utterly fucks it up! Also, Mitch and his friends are transported into the game. They’re all stuck in the game with mild amnesia and tasked with getting to the end. A 5th player appears to be there too… The cast fill out the class roles they picked at the start, which forces the cast into a tense alliance as they stick together through the science facility. Through near-death experiences and one on one moments, the friends slowly piece together what happened to them and how they knew each other before shit hit the fan. They also piece together that the 5th player, Baxter, isn’t one of them… 👻 ohhh scary
The story is a WIP and I don’t intend it to be anything fancy. I just like Half-Life and I can appreciate the foundations of HLVRAI. I wanted this story to be something for me to chew on while I’m fixated on HL.
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sjonni33 · 7 months
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sketches, wips and paul (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
[support me on ko-fi! get more content!☕]
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bbreaddog · 26 days
42 for literally anything 💜
Ha. Well.
But now, Bobby is slowly sliding his palm up between Luke’s shoulder blades, applying a good amount of pressure that has Luke biting back a groan.
“That’s it,” Bobby breathes. “You’re being so good for me.”
Fuck. How is he gonna survive?
Send me a word count of up to 150, and I’ll write that much for my wips and post what I’ve written
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wcbweblog · 4 months
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valentines day wips! since I’m probably not gonna finish them before the day is up 🫠
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ultimategirldad · 11 months
Old WIPs/doodles of my Girls™️
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padmerrie · 11 months
@panharmonium recently gave me quite the shout-out for my Bookends-verse, so I thought I’d post a series of snippets from various in-progress works for anyone interested. :)
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“This should be illegal,” Obito grumbles, glowering at the school.  He’s slumped back on the bench, hands stuffed into his leather jacket’s pockets, looking as mutinous as Kakashi feels.  He hums his agreement, too tired to use words.  
“Finally.  We agree on something,” Obito mutters under his breath.  He nudges Sasuke with his elbow.  “You’re grounded, by the way.” 
Sasuke’s head snaps to Kakashi.  Occasionally, Obito’s commitment to zero follow-through has its benefits, and it’s often in moments such as these, where flagrant threats are bandied about like a wooden sword, that Sasuke turns to Kakashi for certain assurances.  Namely that said threats are empty and not to be taken seriously.
It’s a shame that Kakashi has been dragged out of the comforts of his bed and into the cold on Sasuke’s behalf.  He offers his unsuspecting companion nothing more than a solemn nod.  
Sasuke’s eyes bug out of his head.  If Kakashi’s not careful, he may find himself on the receiving end of one of Sasuke’s threats.  Those are real and not to be underestimated. 
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Without looking up Kakashi politely asked, “Can I help you?” 
“When is Naruto going home?”
“He’s only just got here,” Kakashi replied softly, his pen skating purposefully across the paper.  Only when he’d finished did he look up.  He stared dispassionately at the shiny, black nest of hair staring at him, while the remainder of Sasuke’s head lay facedown on the table.
“What’s up?  Didn’t sleep well last night?”
As was often the case, Sasuke’s answer was no answer.  Putting his pen down, Kakashi dragged his glasses off and perched them on top of his head.  He leaned back in his chair and assessed the work that lay before him.  
“Why are you way over there?”
Sasuke bolted up ramrod straight and twisted violently in his chair to - and Kakashi could only speculate since he couldn’t see his face - glare at Naruto squinting over at them.  
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“Show me.” 
Iruka beckoned him inside and led him hurriedly over to the coffee table where a mess of papers lay scattered.  “Here,” he said, barely letting Kakashi get a good look before he tapped impatiently at a spot on the paper.  “See?  That’s me!”
Kakashi blinked down at the drawing, then Iruka.  “You’re kidding, right?”
“Are you blind?” Iruka shoved the paper in his face and pointed.  “He has a scar across his nose!”
Kakashi squinted.  “I think that’s supposed to be blood?”
“Not much better!”
“Iruka,” Kakashi said, very deliberately taking the paper from him and setting it down on the table, “if you’re really concerned, call the kid’s parents.  Call me again and I’ll tell Naruto and Sasuke where you hid the Playstation.” 
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There was no time to warn Sasuke about the chaos he’d just unleashed by opening the door.  It only took the dogs one second to catch a whiff of Rin and all hell broke loose.  
Kakashi had to give Sasuke credit; he managed to keep himself upright, even as he was trapped in the center of the pack’s stampede.  Amidst the barking, Rin gave a cry of alarm, seeing Bull bringing up the rear, and in a blink of an eye Kakashi was there to deftly sweep Sasuke up into the air before his behemoth of a dog could flatten him like a pancake. 
The dogs pawed at Rin with a frenzied excitement, competing for her attention, their antics bouncing off the walls, filling their much too small apartment with noise.  In Kakashi’s arms, Sasuke smacked his hands over his ears.  
“Hey,” Kakashi scolded, raising his voice and punctuating the command with a sharp whistle.  It went unheard thanks to Rin’s repeated insistence to each and every one of his dogs that they were, in fact, ‘the best boy.’  All lies at the moment.  
Shaking his head, Kakashi put Sasuke down a safe distance away.  “Come on,” he said with tired exasperation, pulling the dogs off Rin.  “You’re acting like you haven’t seen her in years.  Don’t encourage them,” he directed at Rin, shooting her a look.  “I’ve already got a noise complaint.  I don’t need another.”
“I thought you said this place was dog-friendly.”
“It wasn’t for the dogs,” Kakashi muttered in an undertone, glancing at Sasuke.
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“I am appalled by your attitude,” Madara said rather pompously.  “Do you realize I could have Sasuke arrested?”
“I do.  In fact, I’m one step ahead of you.”  As Kakashi said this, he turned to Yamato, who looked at him questioningly from the kitchen.  “I have one of Konoha’s finest here now to give Sasuke a demonstration of how our criminal justice system works.  What do you think, Madara?  Should I have him cuff Sasuke and take him for a spin in the backseat of his squad car?  Or maybe we should make some wanted posters, huh?  Set him loose and let the people decide his fate?”
Madara clucked his tongue in disgust.  “Be serious, Kakashi.”
“I am serious,” Kakashi insisted, feigning innocence.  “He’s right here if you want to talk to him.”
Yamato’s eyes bulged and, despite the half wall between them, he backed away, wagging a warning finger at Kakashi.  “Do not hand me that phone!”
Kakashi ignored him and brought the phone back up to his ear, catching Madara declaring, “I can’t talk to you when you’re like this.”
“Really?  Because I have 45 daytime minutes that say otherwise.”
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“How many college girls do you think Sasuke’s dated” 
Sakura frowned down at the shirt in her hands, taken aback by Ino’s question.
“I don’t know.  I think he’s gone on a couple dates.”
“You don’t talk about that stuff?” Ino asked.
“We don’t not talk about it,” Sakura said carefully.  She picked up the finished stack of clothes and walked them over to the dresser.  “You know how Sasuke is.  He’s really focused on his studies.”
Ino joined her, cradling a small mountain of socks.  She dumped them into the open drawer.  “You’d think he’d have lightened up a bit.”
Sakura smiled to herself and shook her head.  “Not Sasuke.”
She pushed the drawer shut and turned to Ino.  She was watching her.  Smirking. 
Ino eyed the dresser behind Sakura.  “I thought you said this was temporary.”
Sakura let out a sound of exasperation.  Best friend or not, she’d had enough of Ino’s commentary on this particular subject for one day.  “What do you suggest I do?” she demanded.  “Dump them on the floor?  Most of his clothes are at school.  He won’t mind.”
“I know he won’t,” Ino said smugly.
A knock at the door saved Sakura from having to respond.  She marched across the room, ignoring the triumphant look plastered on Ino’s face, and pulled open the door, relieved to see Kakashi.
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waffulaa · 9 months
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snowangeldotmp3 · 1 year
ok so i know i have 1000 wips and two that are like. top priority right now but um. how do we feel abt mermaid robin? it’s ronance and the official name of the au is “the tide is high” and i already have a first chapter written…
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artekai · 1 year
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This has been the year of OCs and posing and learning how to draw two characters interacting I guess! :D
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null-whump · 2 years
hi guys funny thought lmao what if i started an entirely new story for whumptober. haha wouldn’t that be crazy haha jk jk i wouldn’t do that.
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muselexum · 2 years
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
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im not gonna finish this tonight, here's his face in the meantime
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wyrmscockfortress · 4 months
OUUUUUUGBHHHHH im really proud of the chapter im writing in the bhaal temple rn but it happens to be like 3 chapters ahead of where the story I've posted so far is rn 😭😭
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Okay! Got caught up with latest update of Superstition. AT LAST! Is it wrong to speculate that Syd and Rahim's mother has been manipulating her children all this time? All this rivalry between the two, it's as if she's been building it up for when the prophecy starts and now all I want to do is nudge the twins into getting along better and question their mother. And I mean, a real deep dive reflection on her actions from their childhood to now.
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arknights-imagines · 2 years
You do commissions right? Is it ok if we dm you?
Anon, hiya here 💞!!!
Yes 👍!! I do take commissions, the info for them is linked in my blog description! And yes, of course svhss you can definitely DM me!
Tysm for your ask, and please have a great day 🌸!
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sunfortune · 3 months
hiiii i recently watched kanthony (the so called bridgerton show or whatever) and was wondering if u have any fic recs... 👉👈🤭
okay i litchrally have never compiled a list even tho ive been asked before bc i have read too many to keep them organized. but ill do it. Finally. for YOU.
first. my fav period setting fics <33:
tete a tete by caciopepebowl (14k~) this is REQUIRED reading to ME. its a quick read that explores kate and anthonys roles in their family. with an emphasis on KATE specifically bc of the additional hurdles of being a woman with limited funds. and anthony losing his mind on her behalf while shes breaking his heart by being like "the way i was treated was normal?? you dont know anything" and hes like "what? kate you deserved everything. you deserve ALL the love in the world!!" and shes all ">:( well if i do. you do too." . and hes like "oh. well...no. you see.. bc i suck" and shes like -_-. its really sweeeeeet and lovely <3) and really finally gave me the exploring of kates family issues that THE SHOW DID NOT!!!
the longest betrothal by caciopepebowl. (90k~) my FAVVVVV regency setting fic. its sooo good. its basically a continuation that fills in the gap AFTER they get engaged but BEFORE theyre married. and them trying SO hard to be normal about how in love they are lol. SO funny and sweet. and with IMMACULATE characterization
in vino veritas by wagamiller. (~10k) a one shot about kate going to a ladies society event and coming home drunk to anthony and him being soooo smitten with her. sauuuur cute. ive read this like 4 times <3
for reasons wretched and divine by penny_loaf. (~18k. locked fic. need an account.) basically kate and anthony get stuck in a time loop on that first day edwina is receiving suiters. they both think theyre alone in the loop and its depressing until they realize the other is stuck with them too. they try to break the loop and fail repeatedly. after a while they just give up and start fucking bc theres no consequences so who cares LOL. surprisingly tender and sweet
the harsh light of day by burnerraccount. (~22k. locked) explicit one shot. kate has the idea that they should fuck before they get married so theres less pressure on the wedding night. she decides all this without mentioning it to anthony (LOL). so she shows up at his house the night before their wedding. and his footman is like "theres a woman outside to see you" and he in all his goofy almost-married bliss is like "i dont want to see Any woman but my gorgeous, beautiful, amazing WIFE" and his footman is like "well. you see.. it is your wife. uh fiance" and anthonys like "[voice crack] huh ?". very FUNNY
green in its many hues by burnerraccount. kate and anthony decide they are going to be chaste and proper leading up to their wedding. they suck at it SO bad lol
next. modern AUS my best friends <33:
la semi dolce vita by caciopepebowl (~170k) my FAVVVV modern au of ALL time. kate is a private chef. anthonys family hires her when they go on vacation. hes being so normal about it. i promise. this is one of the best characterizations of kate AND anthony in a modern setting. with an extra emphasis on focusing on kate issues. and not JUST anthonys. which is what makes the dynamic sooo good. 10/10. hot. and i love LOVE <3
close encounters of the acutest kind by caciopepebowl (WIP ~74k. only incomplete fic ill put on this list i PROMMY. bc its by the prev author. and i Looove their writing and its sooo good so far <3) kate and anthony meet for the first time the DAY her dad died which is also the SAME DAY hyacinth is born. theyre both having a panic attack and end up running into the same empty hospital room to have it. are then intrinsically linked forever. as one is. run into each other multiple times over the years. with different feelings each time. and they are so normal (lying) <3. i love them
chosen & cherished by trash4ficsaboutlurv. (~42k) this is so underrated. kate runs a charity organization. anthony is CEO of whatever the fuck. she goes to his company when theyre holding some audition for what charity theyre going to invest in and kate is the last speaker and when its finally her turn he doesnt even pay attention. and shes exhausted and overworked and just oveeeer it All. so she just ends the meeting and tells him to go fuck himself. LOL. genuinely really good. and hot <3
sidelines by ramarro. (~60k) this was THE quintessential kanthony modern AU in 2022. took a far fetched premise and somehow made it soooo good. and hot. and cute. kates an artist who sees a picture of anthony on tinder and thinks he looks obnoxious (lol) but screenshots the photo so she can use it for sketching practice. and then she see him and his grown ass on a date with her BABY sister. and shes like well i was right about him. and lets him know to his face how she feels (LOL). its wild. it slays. read it. theres an explicit follow up to it which also slays
three cities and we never lived here by ramarro. (~25k, ~40k) very different modern au where kate and anthony meet on vacation and are very casual with them both not looking for anything (genuinely for once lol) and then seeing each other multiple times over 2-3 years in different cities and still keeping it casual. but slowly slowly slowlyyyy it doesnt feel as casual as it used to. theres 2 fics in this. the first is kates pov. the second is anthony. both very good.
just go with it by suitsusboth. (~18k) kate when booking a flight sees the potential titles like ms, mrs, dr, and "viscountess" listed as a legit option and has a laugh like whos picking this goofy shit and accidentally clicks it. and then on her flight gets upgraded to first class next to anthony bc they assumed she was his wife. and he tries to be mad about it. but well. hes stupid for her in every universe so lol. funny and sweet
the air i breathe and the bane of my existance by the_loosest_moose. (image fic) these are textfics told through instagram, twitter, article and text message screenshots. with some regular text. would just check them out to gauge how you feel about the storytelling method. very fun reads once you get the hang of it
heirlooms by waterlilyrose. (~12k) modern au where kate gets anthonys ring stuck on her finger for days and has to wait to get it off. he is of course very normal about it
a devils love by irony_rocks. (~57k) this may not be for everyone but kanthony season came out around the same time as the batman (2022) and as someone who was crazy insane about both. this was the MOMENT for me in spring 2022. its a crime mafia type au where kates character is inspired by selina kyle and the pebble lounge where she worked in the batman movie. and well. if youre about that specific combo check it out. if you arent i wouldnt recommend this lmao. its not a batman au
break point (series) by penny_loaf. (multiple. ~25k) like prev this entire series gets kind of dark bc it really delves into the pressure of the world its set in. on TOP of the issues kate and anthony already have. i LOVED it. BUT also i am an ANGST and crazy, complicated characters STAN. which may not be the case for everyone.. but again very GORGEOUS to ME <3 and hot. LOL
take me home by kendal_lynne. (~12k) romcom type explicit one shot where kate makes the mistake of telling anthony her ex couldnt make her come. and hes all like i volunteer as tribute PLEASE PKLEASE PLEASE PICK ME CHOOSE ME PLWASEE etc
we never made a sound by writergirl8. (~4k) spy au that was soooooo good and sexy. i wish it was longer
with elaichi by serendipityinwords (~6k) the two biggest bitches at a dinner party find out they're soulmates. LOL. hilarious dialogue
theres probably more i loved that im not remembering rn and maybe ill update this but for now have fun! yippee <3
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