#* oz = ozpin *
askapossessedfarmboy · 2 months
I know a lot of heavy stuff is happening right now for you both, but is there anything that makes you both smile?
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"They are interesting young men... even if Nora will sometimes chase them off for asking too many questions."
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dragon-razor-writings · 8 months
Glynda, seeing Ruby just standing in the middle of the courtyard, staring at the sky:"…is she…is she okay?"
Ozpin, having seen So Much Shit: "Yeah, she's fine. Give her an hour and make sure nobody touches her."
Ozpin:"She might kill them."
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maripr · 2 months
Extremely interesting and delicious dynamic I didn't know I needed: Oscar and Ozpin being on good terms but that very bond means they are torturing each other without even MEANING TO.
Also Ren calling them both YOU TWO and being sweet and supportive of the both of them. Best boi after Oscar and Ozpin tbh. Ozpin being a de facto team member of JNPR makes me really happy, even if it's because of unfortunate circumstances.
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daniels-rwby-blog · 2 months
Do you ever feel life is laughing behind your back
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banana boy forever
Spoilers ahead
So, very interesting episode Firstly the lose end,Alex was from vacuo pre war as many suspected.
Then the merge of Oz and Oscar, many people will be scared by how "quickly" Oscar has merged but remember it has been a good few months by the time RWBY&J get back to vacuo and we don't know when this little chat is happening.
I wonder if Jaunes journal will become significant later, perhaps he'll get inspired by it and know how to trap Salem or something
But I am enjoying it, it brought a tear when JNPR where at that campfire and the art style is still amazing.
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bestworstcase · 2 months
this is a spinning-circles-in-the-office-chair thought but how did salem find out how the relics work. she knows the lamp has a “password” and a limited number of questions, and that using the staff to create something will destroy its previous creation.
we know she’s never used the lamp before, otherwise she’d have known jinn’s name. it’s possible she had the staff at one point and lost it, although i’m skeptical of ozma’s ability to get it back from her if she did—man is a dreadful strategist. she doesn’t seem to know what the relic of choice is: the lamp, the staff, the sword, and “the beacon relic.”
spins chair.
the way her expression changes when ruby says “we’ve seen what you’re capable of. the lamp showed us.” salem doesn’t react to the interruption in any way until she hears the lamp showed us.
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from ironwood, we know that ozpin told the inner circle that the lamp can answer three questions per century and that the questions were all used up before ozpin sealed the lamp in the vault. we also know that ozpin used the staff to raise atlas at a point when ironwood was already part of the inner circle, meaning within the last couple decades, which necessitated giving a similar explanation of what the staff can do and its limitations to the whole inner circle; in v7 ironwood knows the staff can only make one thing at a time.
salem is startled, and then coldly irritated, when she hears ruby say the lamp showed us.
she’s not upset because the girls learned the truth; she’s upset because all the information salem has about the relics came to her via member(s) of ozpin’s inner circle, and ruby just revealed that at least one thing ozpin told his acolytes was a lie. as far as salem knew before that moment, the lamp was dormant. useless to her. when ruby says “the lamp showed us,” both the assertion that the lamp is out of questions and that the lamp only has a finite number of questions it can answer are thrown into question.
given what salem does immediately after getting her hands on the lamp a few hours later…
“the lamp showed us” switches salem’s train of thought to “the lamp is still usable?” and then to “if that’s so, i could ask it questions myself” and then to “we still haven’t uncovered the location of the beacon relic” and she’s only half-listening to what ruby says to her while she turns this over in her mind and what comes out of her mouth is “your mother said those words to me,” because summer rose is the one who told her, per ozpin, that the lamp was all out of questions. “she was wrong, too.”
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bobauthorman · 2 months
I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and I want to bring it out into the open. Each of Oz’s main lieutenants are deconstructions of character archetypes. Well, everyone in RWBY is a deconstruction, but no one wants to talk about Oz’s circle.
Oz, as has been established, turns the fantasy mentor archetype on its head. Not only is he a bad mentor, whose reckless manipulations never pan out, but the protags are far less forgiving of his string-pulling, and have every right to be. Unforgiving, that is.
Ironwood, similarly, deconstructs the ‘Anti-authority authority figure’; like Captain Kirk (Star Trek) or Nick Fury (Marvel), they are military leaders who frequently chaff under their more politically-minded peers and superiors, who undercut those peers whenever they can. Unlike Kirk/Fury, this is not a sign of open-mindedness, but arrogance and stuborness, the childish belief that the rules don’t apply to him.
Qrow is much like Wolverine (X-Men), a ‘Bad Boy with a Gold Heart’ who is kept in line by his loyalty to the mentor figure. In this case, Qrow’s Too Cool For School ‘tude is coping mechanism and mask for the massive chip on his shoulder, and because his self-worth was tied so deeply to serving Oz, when Oz is exposed as the fraud he is, Qrow has a full-on breakdown.
Lionheart was much harder to figure out, given that he only has one volume’s worth of screen time, and even we don’t get much of Lionheart’s personality. I theorize that Lionheart was intended to be a dig at the ‘Token Minority’ archetype. For many series in the old days, there are these characters who supposed to represent different races. (For example, Haji from Johnny Quest). Unfortunately, these characters are rarely given any personality outside of ‘Guy from foreign culture’, often becoming a deliverer of stereotypical views showrunners have. CRWBY has stated that Lionheart was made headmaster by Oz as a token for Faunus (The series allegory for minorities), but we hear nothing of whether that did any good (Blake even accuses Oz of not doing more for the Faunus). It’s possible that because of this Lionheart lacked the strength of self to stop Salem from forcing his compliance with the attacks on Vale and Haven.
Theodore hasn’t appeared in the series proper, but from the book Before The Dawn I could make a case that he encompasses the stock shonen hero; destructive strength and a destructive temper. The problem is, he’s a moron, but lacks that ‘Deeper wisdom’ even himbos like Son Goku and Monkey D Luffy have to compensate. And his dependence on the smarter but weaker female lead (In this case, Rumpole) to handle the more organizational aspects of his position means that when Rumpole is compromised, Theodore’s shoddy management nearly causes Shade Academy to implode.
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aspennntree · 2 months
since we only see the fucking. what do i call it. this thing.
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when theyre alone do we think oscar has told the others about these weird merge episodes? because it doesnt seem like they know...
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syoyu-moti · 27 days
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nightmare-foundation · 2 months
Muffled screaming. Everyone has it backwards
Oz is Darkness and Salem is Light.
Something something destruction is just the cycle of life. It's to clear out the old and replace it with the new. It's to learn and live and die and be reborn. Oz is Darkness, because he lives and he dies and he is reborn. He tears down the old (abolishing monarchies and militaries) and replaces it with what's new (the Academies, a council). He is demonized every time he does his best to help. He believes humanity shouldn't be punished for his mistakes. He offers choice and even knowledge (but not always; but choice is one thing he values above all else). He offers magic as a gift and a tool to use. He learns and grows from his mistakes. He's willing to concede and admit when he's done wrong.
Salem is Light. She is unchanging, undying. She does not age. She believes humanity is lost without Gods, that humanity, while strong, is a fraction of what it once was. She brings life (creating and modifying Grimm). She heals those who need it (Cinders arm, telling Watts to give Tyrian a new tail). But she's stubborn. She's cruel and terrifies people. She manipulates when deemed necessary. She wants to create a new world, one where she's the sole goddess. She hates Oz's gifts to humanity (possibly aura/semblances if my theory is right). She encroaches on Oz's territory and terrorizes those who side with him, and even those who aren't affiliated with him. She's petty and angry and a hypocrite.
I just. Sits down. They're Darkness and Light. They do hold qualities of the other (Salem is Grimm and destructive, Oz is Light and creates things), but it's like how Darkness can create life and Light can destroy.
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riinkun-art-stuff · 1 year
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Oscar doodle compilation to manifest him being ok in V10
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askapossessedfarmboy · 2 months
Do you expect to be called Oscar, Ozpin or something else at the end… if worst comes to worst?
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"Especially from those who have a hard time… coming to terms with how much we have changed from the person they once knew."
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anthurak · 1 year
I know some people have already started latching onto the idea that Luis was actually an Ozcarnation and that’s why Ozpin accepted Jaune into Beacon because stable time loop and predestination and Oz always knows everything and yadda yadda yadda.
But personally, I really think/hope that’s not the case.
First, I’d like to remind everyone that the originally idea of an Oz having wound up in the Ever After with Alyx was born out of a means of which Alyx could turn out to STILL be trapped in the Ever After. As in, Alyx and the Oz couldn’t get out and the Oz eventually died and reincarnated back on Remnant and that’s how we get The Girl Who Fell Through the World while Alyx is still trapped in the Ever After. But now that it seems that Alyx (or Luis) really DID make it back to Remnant, that originally theory isn’t necessary anymore. So aside from Luis vaguely resembling one of the Oz’s we’ve seen in flashback, we don’t really have anything to go off of for this theory.
And more than that, I am really, really, REALLY hoping that when Team RWBY and co. finally make it back to Remnant and reunite with their family, friends and allies, it turns out that Oz has absolutely, positively NO FUCKING IDEA what the Ever After even IS.
I want Oz to see Team RWBY walk out of this random, freaky portal possibly sporting a few strange transformations, Jaune looking inexplicably twenty+ years older and riding a giant jackalope, possibly a not-actually-dead and maybe-part-grimm Summer Rose, that one mute girl with the parasol who mugged Oscar once, at least one talking animal, and who knows WHAT else...
...and be just as completely and utterly BAFFLED as everyone else.
I want to see the man who has spent the entire series being the ‘guy who always knows something’ (even if he’s not forthcoming with what he knows) be entirely flabbergasted by what Team RWBY and co. explain to him and the others.
I want to hear Ozpin comment in a totally flummoxed tone: “So this is what being in the dark feels like...”
Again, Oz has ALWAYS been the guy who knows something about what’s going on. And I think it would be AWESOME if the story just subverted the hell out of that with the whole Ever After thing.
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maripr · 2 months
RWBY volume 9 epilogue spoilers
So the rosegarden and ozglyn potentials are thru the roof now 👀 I can already see ozpin and oscar realizing their value as people thanks to glynda and ruby in particular, and all of their loved ones too. This last bit includes each other and I Need them to hug somehow before the series ends.
And It Will end. It Will continue to its ending. I'm now more hopeful and excited than ever.
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sugarspikesart · 11 months
I think I'll never understand is why people on fandoms don't listen to the creators when it's about a character they don't like. And yes, this is about RWBY AND RG HOW DID YOU TELL
Like, in RWBY people will say "oh rg is gross" or "they're siblings, not crushes" as if MILES LUNA didn't fucking say that it's not gross, it's a 2year age gap and that they don't have a sibling dynamic in canon
Listen, you're completely allowed to have an opinion. But there's a difference between an opinion and a statement xd
"I'm see their dynamic more sibling-like" is not the same as "they have a sibling dynamic"
And just because you dont like a character doesn't mean you should complete ignore what you're seeing on screen
"ruby and oscar only interacted once"
Be fucking for real right now.
I don't like Jaune in the show, he has some tropes I don't like + a design i do not like so it's a very bad mix for me
Just because you don't enjoy a character (that is not evil or unlikeable, oscar is actually one of the sweetest characters in the show he's always trying to help) doesn't mean you get to ignore him. All characters are linked. If i ignored Phyrra I'd have missed Jaune stuff. If i ignored Ren I'd missed Nora stuff, If I ignored Weiss I'd have missed ruby stuff, AND IF YOU IGNORE OSCAR YOU MISS RUBY STUFF
Also for those who say:
"I don't like Oscar bc ozpin is there and it's icky"
1-the plot will develop??? That's how a show works, that will most likely change
2-You missed Ozpin's character because AGAIN, you didn't like him so you decide to ignore him.
3-If you ignore Ozpin, you miss Oscar stuff which leads to the "oscar is a meatsuit" thing because you think he's a flat and dull character and because you think so (because you ignored one of the pillar characters in ozma/Salem's plotline) then you don't get why rg could be a thing and then you sew that rg MIGHT actually end up happening if CRWBY follows the path they're going and then you get pissed off because you say they don't have chemistry.
I'll say it.
People who dislike rg are ozpin haters. It's a domino effect
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bestworstcase · 1 month
most baffling response to the child soldiers post is definitely “they’re not really child soldiers, though, and it’s like how for physically demanding pastimes like ballet you need to start training young so thirteen is actually pretty old, and the students aren’t actually meant to be fighting in real combat anyway”
the huntsmen academies admit seventeen-year-olds—or younger teens with their guardian’s permission. all of the adults, including ozpin, refer to huntsmen students as “children.” (curiously, salem is the only character who ever gets flak in the fandom for calling the nineteen-year-olds children. i wonder why that is 🤔)
from the mouths of the children themselves:
WEISS: Well, Ruby’s still just a kid. BLAKE: She’s only two years younger. We’re all kids. YANG: Well. Not anymore. I mean, look where we are—in the middle of a war zone and armed to the teeth!
the narrative makes it very emphatically clear that these “warriors” are children. they are consistently referred to as children, and the only one who ever objects to being called a child is yang, on the grounds that children don’t fight in wars.
secondly: “when ozpin's predecessor founded the schools, he built them around the relics to act as a fortress. not only would they be easier to defend, but they would constantly be surrounded by trained warriors.” not only are the huntsmen students expected to face real combat (mountain glenn is explicitly considered a war zone), they are the first line of defense for the relics inside the schools. the point of putting the relics in the academies is so that the students will defend them should salem attack. which is exactly what happens at beacon, because the system works as designed.
thirdly: children die at these schools. gretchen rainart died on a training mission. younger students—the ones attending combat schools, which begin at thirteen if not younger—also sometimes die on training missions involving real grimm:
She had some idea why. The research she had done on her teacher had turned up a story Aurelia would probably much rather forget. A student of hers had died on a training mission at Patch Combat School, lost in a scuffle with Ursa Grimm. The school didn’t hold her responsible—she had managed to protect her fifteen other students, and it was all part of the risk. But there was plenty of blame to go around. The child’s parents vowed to have her pay for the death of the girl, and Aurelia’s official statement was, “I blame myself. She should still be with us. She was always so capable, perhaps I put too much faith in her to take care of herself while I got the others to safety.” The girl had been the same age as Trivia, only fifteen.
the huntsmen academies are more intensive, but new students are expected to show up already capable of mowing through hordes of grimm on day one, because the combat schools also send students into the field with minimal supervision (one teacher, sixteen students 14-15 years old, involved in a “scuffle” with grimm). and that teacher leaving one student behind to cover the retreat of the other fifteen and herself isn’t considered to be negligence—she isn’t held to be at fault for this student’s death—because being killed by grimm is “all part of the risk” of attending a combat school.
which again, enroll students 13-16 years old, if not younger.
so yeah, they’re child soldiers. in the real world we define child soldiers as anyone under the age of eighteen recruited for participation in military activities; in rwby it was a deliberate narrative choice for the huntsmen academies to begin at seventeen, for the characters to consistently refer to the students as “children,” and for one of the major villain’s motivations be that his seventeen-year-old sister enrolled at beacon academy and died on a training mission. the text is very clear about the situation.
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bobauthorman · 6 days
Okay, see, in Volume 7, Ruby does what Ozpin did, keeping secrets "For the greater good".
And in Volume 9, Jaune ends up acting just like Ironwood, basically imprisoning people to feel like a hero.
Am I the only one who sees these parallels?
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