#(which is why it’s my header gif!)
shoshiwrites · 8 months
Can I be basic and ask for #34 moon for Jo/Joe?
You 100% can be and I appreciate it very much:) Gif by the lovely @rebeccapearson ♡
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Bill's a noisy fucker when he sleeps.
It makes sense, Joe concedes. Won't shut up when he's awake. Won't shut up when he's asleep. Bill snores like he's got water in his engine. Mumbles too. The first time he started talking, Joe almost jumped out of his skin.
Guess it's good we only sleep one at a time. 
The moon is half-obscured by clouds, and still painfully bright. It smells like rain.
Joe doesn't let Bill forget it, the snoring. Or the mumbling. The way he says Frannie like he's trying to sound like Bing Fucking Crosby on the radio. 
Joe Toye, tryin' to tell me shit about singing, Bill says, looking only the slightest bit murderous. Joe doesn't mention everything he hears. Henry. His ma. 
Joe figures a muddy foxhole in Ville-sur-wherever-the-fuck isn't a worse place to see the moon than anywhere else. He never had a car for the drive-in theater, anyway. Moonlight meant the next shift wasn't far behind, meant dinner and passing out on the floor, face to a scrap-bin towel. Weekends meant beers or dates or both, cold autumn air and his jacket over a flowered dress, small shoulders. Wandering hands. Perfume.
He wonders if he'll go back to it, after the war. The mine. Somehow, something tells him he won't. 
Bill stirs next to him. Joe's elbow inches toward his friend's ribcage, as he squints into the patchy dark. There are things he'd rather hear than Bill, to put it politely. If he thinks about them too long he knows he'll be in trouble.
A bed, for starters. That damn moonlight. Her. 
When did he turn into a goddamn love song? 
Something rustles in the leaves above them, and he straightens up. Probably a bat. His eyes go back to the horizon, the Germans camped across the field. He can't see them, but they're there. Sometimes they sing. Bill tells him they're only a little worse than he is.
It's almost his turn to sleep. 
He tries to remember it, the sharp green smell of her perfume. Clean hair. How warm she is. Not like he is now, jaw tight in the rain and sweat. The way she'd sighed, all soft and quiet, when he kissed her. 
He prays he won't talk like Bill. Would be a hell of a time to start. He won't have to wonder; Bill would tell him. 
"Hey," he says, more than a little forcefully, and Bill startles awake. He can worry about the moonlight tomorrow, if they get that far. 
[100 Random Prompts]
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mariyekos · 1 month
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Btw for anyone who's never visited my blog and/or doesn't use desktop, I just want you to know that it's a relic blog with an audioplayer, the old tumblr format of indented posts, and a custom floating gif that walks up the right side of the page. I put my love into this theme and I'm going to share it!
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Featuring: Cmdr. Sophie Shepard, Lt. James Vega, EDI, and Urdnot Grunt With: Urdnot Wrex, Dr. Mordin Solus, Primarch Adrien Victus and The Rachni Queen I don't need luck- I have ammo. Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition (2021)
#mira makes gifs ✨#sophie shepard#james vega#EDI#urdnot grunt#urdnot wrex#mass effect#mass effect 3#me3#mass effect legendary edition#dailygaming#i finally finished gif’ing traverse and this set is cursed is all i will say :)#i don’t know why this one was such a pain in the ass but compressing them was a massive chore for some reason#and my dumb ass realized as i was assembling i set the frame hold wrong for like 4 of them so i had to go back and redo a few of them 🙃#the thing that pissed me off most is that there’s usually a nice planet shot with a normandy fly in to make a header from#and traverse just doesn’t fucking get one for some reason?? so ig we get rachni queen header#i’m so sorry but this is like my least favorite mission in the game 😭#like i do like grunt but this mission is just meh on all fronts to me at least#like the decision from ME1 to spare or destroy the rachni queen is so fucking cool?? and it has 0 consequences in ME3 LMAO#not to mention that half of this mission is just standing around with a flame thrower burning down webs lol#the only cool thing i’ll say is i ADORE the Aliens™️/xenomorph vibes that the mission has!! that is so cool the first time around#the cutscenes are alright but there’s really only some towards the front end and the back end? so you miss so much of the middle#which makes it hard to connect what’s going on to make a best of: set lol#grunt has some nice scenes if you have him here and the rachni queen quotes are cool#the enemies are also kind of interesting in concept? i just wish the rachni decision from ME1 had more weight here#james and EDI have a few nice lines towards the front in the shuttle but there’s not a ton of great dialogue like grissom has tbh#idk this mission is just okay to me i guess? like the ardat-yakshi sanctuary with samara is much more interesting to me#i feel like this one needed longer to cook and the rachni deserved more weight in the mission based on your decision in ME1#james and EDI looked cute like always!! and soph ate it up in cleric’s guardian armors for shepard (which continues to be gorgeous ❤️‍🔥✨)#idk seeing grunt and playing fashion dress up was the best part of this mission besides the wrex cameo at the end lmao
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
dont be shy bestie drop the gif version of that sebson photo 😋😋
I included it in this post but here it is on its own as well! :D
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Also please take these as well :)
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And it also my blog header, as you can tell, I'm very normal about it....
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ducktracy · 7 months
What's a good beginner Popeye short?
HMMMM HMM HMM.. you could realistically start anywhere, given the nature of these shorts! i’d say the peak of the Popeye shorts is around 1936-1938, so maybe something around there.. the first Popeye i ever saw was Clean Shaven Man (thanks Devon!) and it’s one of my absolute FAVORITES, so that could be potential!
i guess my “essential viewing” Popeye shorts in chronological order would be something like this: A Dream Walking, King of the Mardi Gras, A Clean Shaven Man, What--No Spinach?, Let's Get Movin', Hold the Wire, the 3 Popeye two-reelers (Meets Sinbad, Meets Ali Baba’s 40 Thieves… i.. i confess i have yet to see Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp but have heard very good things about it/still important in a historical context), Let's Celebrake, Goonland, A Date to Skate, and Hello, How Am I?
some of my favorites in addition to the ones above are Shoein’ Hosses, Pleased to Meet Cha!, The Spinach Overture, The Spinach Roadster, Organ Grinder's Swing, and Fowl Play.
i confess that i myself have only seen up to around 1938 (save for a few exceptions) in the Popeye filmography, which is something i NEED to rectify! i got so attached to the voice trio of Jack Mercer/Mae Questel/Gus Wicke that the idea of not hearing them together was something i was REALLY hesitant to accept. i likewise don’t want to insinuate that the only worthwhile shorts are the ones with them in it! it’s a reason why i need to jump back into the shorts again.
BUT, Popeye i think is one of those rare series’ where you can watch it from the beginning and be relatively well off. the artistic evolution through the years is CERTAINLY there, and the first few years are not without their hiccups, but there are very few shorts pre 1936 that i find to be truly bad or really anything less than “that was quaint!”. it helps that the Fleischer shorts weren’t as vitriolic/racist as their contemporaries—doesn’t mean those moments aren’t there, but the only true reprehensible short i can think of off the top of my head is Big Chief Ugh-Amugh-Ugh. it’s much easier to dive into the filmography chronologically than something like LT (which i still would posit is worth doing—i don’t think it is a SANE thing to do, but) which, length aside, does also sometimes become a laundry list of “how many ethnicities can we make fun of in this short”
THIS IS SO LONG FOR A NON-ANSWER and i apologize!! but the truthful answer is that i don’t really have an answer! i think it’s safe enough to dive in at any point, really. you adopt the tone and gist of the shorts pretty quickly
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gothprentiss · 11 months
making gifs of wh13 is such a pain in my ass bc it's like, such a not well put together show and i am trying so hard to say that nicely. it has many charms, etc., and you can't really hold it to a standard of Convenient For Mediocre Gifmakers. but still! minor issues with continuity editing are very easy to not pay attention to while watching but then you've got, like, shot-countershot and they're each about 30 frames so you SHOULD be able to put them together in a single gif except when you do they look bonkers, and don't get me started on the lighting and color grading.
i have been trying to make gifs of this particular sequence for ages and every time i try it i've got more adjustment layers than frames and i'm almost 100% sure i've made it worse than the show looked. to be sure it's a close race. grumble!
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bunnyyamor · 2 years
Hi, I really don’t want to be rude but please don’t use hentai for your title banners when posting in the main tags, it makes it impossible to avoid when scrolling through otherwise sfw tags, and because I follow #Xiao it was put on my dash.
Please don’t take this as me being a Karen, I enjoy reading genshin smut, I just don’t want uncensored porn popping up when I’m in public or with my family.
Dude wtf is this lol short answer…no.
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 3 months
Can you write a one shot where Bucky and reader have a daughter. One day when reader and their little daughter are at home and Bucky is at the compound or on a mission, reader accidentally hurts herself. She says something like this to the daughter :"Don't tell daddy." But later when Bucky comes home she says something to Bucky and he immediately gets worried. And then maybe some cuddle time with the Barnes Family.
Thank you in advance 💗
Mommy Hurt » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Husband/Dad/Avenger!Bucky Barnes x Wife/Mom!Reader with daughter Daisy
Summary: Bucky gets worried when he finds out from his daughter that Y/N got hurt while he was on a mission.
Warnings: Fluff, language, small injury, brief mention of blood, hugs and kisses, cuddling, uses of nicknames/pet names
A/N: Thank you for requesting @lives-in-midgard 🩵 I had fun writing this🥰
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes and typos.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators. I found this one on Pinterest.
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“Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!” Yours and Bucky’s 3 year old daughter Daisy comes running in the kitchen with a piece of paper in her hands. “Look what I draw!” She says, holding the picture up for you to see.
“It’s beautiful, sweetie. Tell me about.” You say, looking down at her.
“This is daddy. This is mommy. This is Pine Pine. This is me.” She says, point to each stick figure in the picture.
You were trying your best to do the dishes and pay attention to what Daisy was saying which probably wasn’t the best idea, because the next thing you know, you felt a sharp pain in your hand. You gasped and dropped the knife you had in your other hand in the sink, clutching your hand in your other one.
“Mommy?” Daisy tapping on your leg. “What happened?” She asks, looking up at you.
“I-I’m fine, baby.” You tried your best to not cry in front of your daughter. “Mommy cut herself.” You tell her.
You slowly opened your hand to see a small cut on the palm of your hand with a little bit of blood coming out of it. You grabbed a kitchen towel that was next to the sink and put it on your hand, applying pressure.
“Mommy have a boo boo?” Daisy asks.
“Just a little one.” You say.
You crouched down to her height and gave her a hug.
“Don’t tell daddy.” You tell her.
“No tell daddy.” She says.
“Good girl.” You smiled and kissed her cheek. “Why don’t you go watch cartoons in the living room and I’ll be there in a few minutes.” You tell her.
“Ok, mommy!” Daisy says, running off to the living room.
You went to the bathroom and got the first aid kit out from underneath the sink. You cleaned out the cut with alcohol and wrapped some gauze around it and taped it with medical tape. You put the first aid kit away and went to the living room to see that Daisy put on Barbie. You took a seat next to her and watched it with her.
A couple days later, Bucky came home from a week long mission. Bucky frowns in confusion when he didn’t see you and Daisy greet him immediately like the two of you normally do.
“Where are my girls?” Bucky’s voice echos through the house.
Bucky heard Daisy’s little footsteps running towards him.
“Daddy!” Daisy says excitedly.
“There’s my baby girl!” Bucky says happily as he picked up Daisy.
Bucky gave her a bunch of hugs and kisses, making her giggle.
“Mommy hurt.” She tells him.
“What?” Bucky felt his heart drop, thinking that something bad happened to you while he was on the mission. “Where is mommy?” He asks her.
“Kitchen.” Daisy says, pointing towards the kitchen.
Bucky walks in the kitchen with Daisy in his arms to see you putting groceries away.
“Bucky, you’re home!” You smile widely and hugged him.
“Are you ok?” Bucky asks with worry in his voice.
“Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be?” You asked.
“Daisy told me you got hurt.” He says.
“I told her not to tell you.” You say, looking at your daughter.
“Sowwy, mommy.” Daisy says, feeling bad.
“It’s ok, sweetie.” You say, moving a piece of hair from her face.
Daisy tapped on Bucky’s shoulder, telling him that she wants down. When Bucky put her down, she ran to her play room.
“Show me.” He says.
“Babe, it’s nothing.” You say.
“Doll…” He says.
You sighed and took the gauze off of your left hand and showed him the cut on the palm of your hand that was starting to scab up. Bucky gently took your hand in his and inspected it.
“How did you cut yourself?” Bucky asks.
“I was doing the dishes while looking at a picture Daisy drew and I cut myself with a knife.” You explained.
Bucky felt relieved, knowing that you’re fine. He brought your hand up to his lips and kissed it softly, making you smile. Then he kissed you passionately.
“How about I properly patch up your hand.” Bucky says.
Bucky led you upstairs to yours and his bedroom. You took a seat on the bed while Bucky got the first aid kit from the bathroom. He came out of the bathroom and sat down next to you. He cleaned it with alcohol and wrapped it with gauze, also making sure it wasn’t too tight and tapped it with medical tape. He brought your hand up to his lips again and kissed it softly.
“Better?” Bucky asks.
“All better.” You say, leaning forward to kiss him.
“I’m taking you to the Compound tomorrow so Bruce can take a look at it.” He says.
“Fine.” You say with a playful pout.
Bucky kisses your lips once more, but the kiss was interrupted when Daisy came running in the bedroom.
“Hey!” Daisy shouts, getting yours and Bucky’s attention. “Up!” She says, doing grabby hands at her daddy.
You and Bucky smiled at her cuteness. Bucky picked her up and placed her in between the two of you.
“I draw something!” Daisy shows you and Bucky a picture. “This is daddy. This is mommy. This is Pine Pine. This is me. Me and Pine Pine are superheros like daddy in this one.” She tells you guys.
“It’s beautiful, princess.” Bucky says, kissing the top of her head.
You guys heard Alpine meow loudly as she jumped up on the bed. You guys gave Alpine some lovings before laying down with Daisy in between you and Bucky and Alpine on the pillow next to Bucky’s head.
“I wuv you, daddy. I wuv you, mommy.” Daisy says, kissing yours and Bucky’s cheeks.
“We love you too, baby.” You and Bucky say, kissing her cheeks.
Bucky turned on Barbie for Daisy while you guys cuddled for the rest of the night. Bucky couldn’t ask for anything better than this.
-Bucky’s Doll
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imyourbratzdoll · 5 months
𝒃𝒍𝒖𝒆𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒍 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒖𝒏𝒌𝒚 𝒔𝒖𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒏
🍓the strawberry shack masterlist🍓
summary - after getting his heart broken, something leads clark to the strawberry shack, allowing him to release all his anger.
warning - smut, gloryhole, swearing, slight angst, creampie.
18+ only please, the gif and headers I use aren't mine.
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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Lois had left him, she had packed her bags and walked out the door. Though she wasn’t expecting him home, which explained the shocked look on her face when he walked through the front door, seeing her bags packed and her keys in her hand. Clark watched her leave before flying off anywhere that could keep his mind off her. He stumbled upon a certain building that caught his eye, the flashing sign that read ‘The Strawberry Shack’ caused him to become curious, so he landed and walked in. 
Listening to the woman at the front as she explained things, his face turning red, jaw clenching and his brows furrow as he realised the type of establishment he walked into. “So, sugar. What’s it gonna be? Door one or door two?” 
“Uh… What the hell. Door two.” He pulls out some cash and hands it over before walking toward the door, he can feel his mind go crazy as he enters, never seeing this many naked women before. Clark could feel a pull towards a certain woman, not being able to control his feet as he walks in your direction. He’d have to remember to be careful, not wanting to literally split you open from his strength. “Hello.”
Clark was mad and you could practically feel that radiating off him. So, you spread your legs, inviting him in for him to use you however he pleases. “I can feel your anger, handsome. Why don’t you use me, take it out on me.” 
Clark glares down at your sopping cunt, licking his lips as he feels himself harden in his pants. His hands move subconsciously, taking his cock out and stroking it as he stares down at you. A groan slips from his lips before he begins to slowly push inside of you. Clark’s eyes slip closed as he revels in the feel of a new woman, slowly thrusting in and out of you, hands gently gripping your hips as he feels you squeeze around his thick girth. 
“Oh, you feel so good. Fuck me, please.” You let out a breathless moan, your back arches off the bench as he begins to slam into you, hitting that spot deep inside of you. Clark begins to lose control, thrusting faster and harder, his cock throbs as he really fucks you. He grunts and groans, tightening his grip slightly, his eyes glow red as lasers shoot from his eyes and he quickly blinks.
“Fuck…” His balls tighten, hips jerk as he growls, releasing thick ropes of cum inside of you, coating your tight walls. He continues to roughly fuck into you until his balls are empty, enjoying how you squirt around him. “F–fuck…” He pulls out slowly, cleaning you up before tucking himself back into his pants. “I–I’m so sorry! I shouldn’t have… I’m sorry.” Clark quickly worries, hurriedly running out the door and flying off, feeling ashamed for using you for his pleasure. 
You lie there, staring above as you can barely feel your legs, tingling between your thighs as stars cover your vision and a dopey smile rests on your face.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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vg-k · 4 months
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✼ 。゚・ ⌛ 𝒲hy did I do this event?
- Well, first of all I saw several blogs doing events which made me want to do one too, since I think it will be something fun. That's why I plan to use this event as a way to interact more with the blogs on this platform and get to know each other better.
✼ 。゚・ ⌛ ℋow the event works
- You will have to make a moodboard with one of these icons. (You can decide the style, in addition to using any other resource, it will only be necessary to include one of these images).
- You are completely free to include a photo of an idol, whether from gg, bg or soloist
- examples: 🍮1 👩🏼2 🍦3
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✼ 。゚・ ⌛ ℋow to join
- Reblog this post and tag 3 friends or a blog that you like
- Comment joining in your language, if you speak Spanish comment "unirse", if you speak Portuguese comment "participar" and tell something about yourself (it could be a talent you have or something you like) (It is with the intention of getting to know each other better :)
- use the hashtag #vg-k  𝒯 ell me: event and tag me in the post. Having done all that you will be officially participating
✼ 。゚・ ⌛ ℐmportant
- The more creative your moodboard is, the more chances you have to win -You can edit the images if you want, use dividers, gifs and everything you want
- The event will end on February 29, any entry to the event after that day will not be taken into account.
- The results of the event will be published in my account, a few days after the event ends.
- Winners please dm me, to claim prizes
✼ 。゚・ ⌛ 𝒫 rizes
- All prizes will be personalized and made by me
- Winners will be able to decide if they want their prizes to be published or sent privately.
- 1st place: 100 reblogs on my reblog account @gojofetish + 3 custom wallpapers + 5 custom moodboards + 3 insta packs and 3 twitter packs + 3 headers + 2 packs of 5 locs + 3 packs of dividers in this style 🕊
- 2nd place: 80 reblogs on my reblog account @gojofetish + 2 custom wallpapers + 3 custom moodboards + 2 insta packs and 2 twitter packs + 2 headers + 1 pack of 5 locs + 2 pack of dividers in this style 🕊
- 3rd place: 60 reblogs on my reblog account @gojofetish + 1 custom wallpaper + 3 custom moodboards + 1 insta pack and 2 twitter pack + 2 headers + 1 pack of dividers in this style 🕊
- 5 special mentions (They would be the people who were in 4th, 5th, and 6th place) : 20 reblogs on my reblog account @gojofetish + 2 custom moodboards
✼ 。゚・ ⌛ tags ! I tagged them because I like their blogs.
@baesol @jenfaery @bambicito @fuckici @yeritos @iluvrei @japnz @froopis @wonflirtz @wiotas @7hyein @fairymiese @umiena @jeonqham @jnthri @v6mpcat @misdior @tyunlouv @p-oisn @i04rei @yoonitos @gigittamic @y-vna @jeonzio @l-unitas @poeticore @sugarino @tookio @y-unjis @alfaire @deaimachi @i-kyujin @menhpy @h-aewo @jkghost @florietas @dollijongs @s-heon @koosuvi @i6gyu @muruffin @wonysela @gaecoo @eun-luv @giraisol @galavande @v6que @huesudos @flwzai @yeossemble
Thank you from now on for participating.
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spooky-dumb-ass · 8 months
Some random itadori and sukuna headcannons :)) part 3
might suck ass idk
part 1 ; part 2
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Itadori Yuji
Ah yes, Mr. Left right, goodnight cinnamon roll sunshine golden retriever ultra pro max.
To make everyone around him laugh he makes fun of sukuna, like a lot. (sukuna bites him with his weird palm mouth)
Avid pitbull and bruno mars listener dont ask me why
Look i know i said cinnamon roll sunshine ultra pro max but get bro in a cod or valorant lobby and hes changing like the gif i used in my header, somehow he has the best roasts and he almost always says it unintentionally
Has a million playlists
he trolls gojo however he can (A for effort) but fails cause either gojo already did it to someone or knows what hes upto
He one wore nanamis tie to seem "cool" like nanami and pretended to be him with coffee and shit. He spilled coffee on nanamis tie. He was killed for the 2nd time.
Calls himself a 'sigma male' and unironically watches sigma male videos on youtube (his sigmaness leaves whenever he sees Jennifer Lawrence)
He and Todo whenever they see someone with a big ass or smn they say GYATT or smn💀💀💀 idk
Ryōmen Sukuna
Sukuna when i catch you sukuna, sukuna WHEN I CATCH YOU. Ahem, anyways (his hcs are based on him entirely and not on which body hes taken)
So king of curses, dresses like a king really, he probably wore grand cloths back in his time (old man) he technically has a good fashion sense but that was during his time
Aside from being extremely degrading (not that way) he can be kind of motivational its like he subtly urges people to come to his level, he definitely likes the challenge they'll impose and he appreciates the genuine talent and power.
He mentioned he was an unwanted child (deserved), so im assuming he lived on the streets. Then he probably learnt how to sew or knit clothes. Honestly might seem like a stretch but if he wasnt a villain he'd be a great fashion designer idkwhy.
Likes animals (green flag.)( also me choosing to ignore his 99 red flags 😍)he def knits cloths for his cats
Good singer. will not elaborate further
has a crippling fear for mundane things like idk dirt or smn
actually does really good origami and pottery, look hes creative ok, if he didnt get rejected from art school gojo wouldn't have been a kitkat today
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ethan-hawke · 1 year
hey guys, i’m gonna be very real with y’all.... i’ve been in a major funk financially and mentally and with my health insurance ending after this month, it's added even more stress to my overall mental state. after weeks of searching for a decent job, but to no avail, i finally said, you know what? fuck it! why not do something that actually makes me happy?! so i’ve made the decision to try my hand at doing commissions with the skills i’ve acquired over the years. it’s a new venture for me, but i feel like this could really put me in a better mind set and help me financially since i will have to start paying out of pocket for all of my medical needs + other bills i’m responsible for which could get extremely pricey
here's a list of what i can do for commissions:
gif sets (movies & celebs)
main blog theming (icons, mobile headers & sidebar gifs or photos)
tutorials (coloring, text, etc.)
psd’s for gifs & photos
to submit your commission(s), you can check out the details and pricing here. if you would still like to help without going this route, you can buy me a coffee on ko-fi and/or signal boost this post. any form of support is much appreciated, and i thank y'all from the bottom of my heart in advance! ♥︎
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yeetmeoffjueyunkarst · 8 months
Consider this: Ganyu, Keqing and Lynette with a reader that loves to cuddle them.
Ty anon! Waiting for approval to use a certain user's gifs for headers in the meantime, but I will write this for now.
Lynette, Keqing, Ganyu x gn!reader, essentially fluff
Starting off with our beloved Yuheng Keqing, in all this time in Genshin, she strikes me as a tsundere at the core of it all.
She's responsible, and is often busy working, so she would be very surprised with a reader that would suddenly cuddle them a lot.
She may also find it... time-consuming at first, since she is held in place by you when she wants to do work, but I believe that over time she will adapt your love for cuddles into her timetable?
Paperwork? Fine, she will sit on your lap and do her work, but don't do anything funny. And don't get caught, or else Ningguang will tease her about it
On a more personal context, I believe that she will greatly enjoy such cuddles. She is still a young lady who would desire affection from her lover, and she is secretly clingy in private.
Which is much welcomed by you, since you also love cuddles.
She's a terrible mess at home and wants to drop that stoic look of hers
And I do hope that she'll be all over you at home, holding you all around throughout the house, not wanting to be apart from you.
She does not mind being the big spoon or the small spoon, though she has a preference for being the big spoon unless she wants to feel small and comforted
And, everytime I think of her nudging you to just cuddle her, I would burst out in laughter. It's very her style to be like. "Come on. Hug me. I want cuddles." In a deadpan and serious manner in my opinion
Do give her lots of cuddles and kisses and affection, she's worked very hard as Yuheng.
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Next up would be Keqing's coworker, General Secretary Ganyu.
Ganyu, Ganyu, Ganyu. I will bet all my mora that she is the one who loves cuddles among the 3 of them outwardly.
Initially... she may not be as welcoming as you think.
Ganyu is very conscious about her weight, and may find herself too... unflattering for anyone to hug, much less cuddle
Though I must heavily disagree with the above
Ganyu would be more open to cuddling in the public, since she... is not that self-conscious
She doesn't have a lot of time with you, since you are a mortal. Why be shy about cuddling in public if one day, you won't even be around to cuddle her anymore?
Do join her for her naps in the afternoon, I do believe that with you cuddling her in her sleep, she will be more refreshed and ready to tackle her work.
But of course, make sure that she does not stay up too late, lest you end up in bed cold and alone.
Oh, and! Do not touch her horns without permission. She will be upset if you touch her horns without her permission or unless... you two have grown closer over time.
Sometimes she'll find you to cuddle first, sometimes you'll have to be the one who initiates.
Our Ganyu is not as shy as you think. That's all I will say *wink*
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And lastly... *cough* the girl who has caught my eye, after the endless number of girls genshin keeps spamming, Lynette.
I would believe in her younger years, when she was more innocent, she would be very cuddly. Very innocent, very trusting of those around her.
I think I can imagine her with a happy smile as she hugs you close as a child.
But, as we all know, her childhood isn't all sparkles and rainbows.
Becoming orphans, nearly being abducted, having to grow up in the House of the Hearth... which isn't exactly having pure intentions but better than what she previously faced with her brother...
I personally suspect that for the reason why she is rather stoic unless it is regarding those she cares about eg Lyney and Freminet.
And as a result is rather... not used to being touched by most people.
But you... You have a lot of work to do to make her feel comfortable.
I think the first time she would hug you is when she sees that you're sad over something. Maybe you would be friends, or lovers by then.
And over time... she would definitely accept your cuddles.
She is not one to initiate, but she definitely enjoys them.
And who knows? If you're perceptive enough, you can see the soft blush on her face when you two cuddle. Though, the relaxation of her body against you is good enough.
It's good for her to know she's in good hands with someone safe.
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Likes and reblogs appreciated. Yours, J
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inklore · 7 months
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after a year and a handful of months of debating on if i should, or wanted to, do commissions (and with some convincing and hyping from friends) i've decided why the heck not!
so to everyone whose ever complimented me and hyped me up for my themes and graphics thank you and you're definitely another driving force in this decision.
making graphics is therapeutic to me and i take a lot of pride and joy in doing it, from seeing everyone loving the things i create. and i want to share that pride and joy even more, sooo if you've ever struggled with making a good theme, feel too lazy to make one, need a banner for a fic or masterlist, a header, or just need someone to help your graphic vision come together; i'm here to provide!
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before you commission something, or just want some examples, please check out my past work and portfolio!
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✶ all payments will be made through kofi or fiverr depending on what you're commissioning. if you'd rather go through paypal that is also a valid option just message me.
when it comes to commissioning anything details matter!!! i need complete details of what you want to be created. i will not accept something like 'floral vibe' or 'something with browns'. that gives me nothing. i need a vision, i need as much information as possible, examples (but do not take them from other creators please i will decline your commission), you can take inspo or examples from my own themes, or go through my pin board. the more details the better. the greater i can make your vision come into view. this is important!!!
i will not use other peoples art. do not ask for it to be included in whatever project i am creating. everything i make is for personal use only.
you will get two redos for me to change something you don't like about the theme. a preview of the finished product will be sent your way and you can ask for something to be completely re-done, but after that no changes will be made.
please include your user or where you want me to send your graphics within your request.
there's not a time span in which you have to use the theme or graphic for, but a week would be complimentary.
you can commission as many times as you wish after i've finished the first one.
for my own personal reasons minors are not allowed to commission things.
we do not have to be mutuals, nor do you have to be following me to commission something.
you don't have to outwardly give me credit but please do not claim my creations as your own.
if you have any questions before commissioning something my messages are always open and there is never a dumb question. please feel free to ask!
✶ fandoms i will not accept commissions for: anime, supernatural, our flags mean death, good omens (because i am not in them nor have enough knowledge on how to make the vision really suit said fandoms).
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a full theme includes: a navigation banner and a header.
when commissioning a theme there are a few things that need to be mentioned and answered, so please include them in your request!
what kind of navi banner do you want? (refer to my portfolio for this, or if you just want something simplistic, big, small, medium, extra, messy, chaotic, etc)
what vibe are you going for? (dark academia, greek myth, ocean, dainty, horror, etc)
colors? (a must ok i need to know, if you give me none then i'm going to do whatever and choose what i think looks best and that's also fine if you want me to have complete creative liberties)
whats your overall vision? (can be included in the vibes section but giving me more detail is better)
text. (what do you want included on it, words, titles, information, quotes, etc)
examples. (like i mentioned in the rules examples are encouraged but do not take them from other creators on here and i will not copy, or make them look like someone else's work)
what kind of header do you want? (a simple png that goes along with the navi colors and vibe, a whole other banner-esk graphic, none, etc)
✶ see the add ons section below if you want more things included in your theme.
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now these add ons are only for themes. if you commission a header only, or gif, they will have their own add on options.
$1 - for dividers that match your theme in color and vibe (if you want symbol, graphic, or anything that's not color then the price goes up a dollar)
$1 - three+ icon options (want the perfect icon to fit your theme and don't want to do the searching yourself? i got you)
$2 - content warning + minor dni banners (i'll make theme specifically to match your theme, with your user, and whatever you want them to say or look like etc)
$3 - layout + navi formatting (aka i'll come up with a completely new layout format for your navigation post + your bio)
$4 - a gif header or a gif included within the navi graphic (this is the highest price because finding clips, extracting scenes into caps, making the gif, coloring it to match the theme, blending, etc, is a lot lol)
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a header commission includes: only a header. it is not a theme, just a mobile header, or a header for a masterlist, or fic.
the information needed for this commission are as listed below.
what kind of header do you want? (aka what is it for. this is important because the look is dependent on this information)
colors, vibes, vision. (more detail the better)
text. (if you want text on it, what do you want it to say, so title, etc)
examples. (not needed but a plus)
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gif commissions include: gifs for your fics or masterlists. not for themes or headers.
depending on how you want these little moving pictures to look you gotta give some details.
fandom, character, scenes. (don't just say 'any scene' unless you truly want me to choose whatever scene lmao)
how many? (the current cut off is six, if you want more then there's an add on)
coloring. (you can completely leave this up to me but if you want them to be a certain color then please let me know, i'll also check with you before making all of them to make sure you like the coloring)
text. (want them to say anything? a title? subtitles? dialogue from your fic? your username on them? etc)
add on: blends. (want two characters or actors from different angles, scenes, or fandoms in the same gif? i got you)
add on: textures. (if you want added details such as a texture on the gifs then this will be extra, but i need to know what kind of texture / details you want added)
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fic commissions: are only done through fiverr or paypal. if you are interested in commissioning a fic or any kind of writing then please refer to my fiverr and inquire over there or message me on here. thank you!!
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contact info: on tumblr, or discord: toldbylaur.
where to commission: kofi or pm me!
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 9 months
Let's spread some positivity! Tag some of your fellow content creators here and let them know why they are absolutely amazing!❤️
This is a really sweet idea. I'm going to put my list below a cut, because it will be long.
@em-writes-stuff-sometimes - honestly, Em's fan fiction is better than actual published books I've read. You should be doing this professionally, bub, not publishing it for free for us morons on Tumblr. I'm forever amazed that someone with your brain wants to pal around with an idiot like me.
@valeskafics - your tenacity and the sheer volume with which you are able to write will never cease to amaze me. You're a powerhouse, Babybel. You don't have a masterlist, you have a fucking library, it's incredible.
@barbiedragon - your modern Daemon has me in a chokehold. You're also one of the few writers flying the flag for Vizzy 3 and I gobble up everything you write for him like I'm a shark and you've put chum in the water. Can't wait for Kinktober to see what you create!
The rest of this list is just ordered by date of when I followed the person, and expresses no particular favourtism:
@flowerpotmage - not quite so active in fandom anymore, but they're one of the few writers giving gender neutral readers some much needed representation, and their Aemond and Daemon fics are amazing.
@paintb0x - an amazing artist - some of the best I have seen for Ewan and his characters.
@sapphire-writes - I love Jo's modern AUs and her ability to put my heart through the wringer!
@timetravelingpenguin1066 - Eli is one of the sweetest people I've ever met. An incredible gif maker and a great fic writer.
@aemondx - Sili's gifs are wonderful and the kindness she dedicates to this fandom by making icons and headers for people is admirable.
@alicentive - Killy's gifs are insane and I love that she writes for the characters that don't get as much attention from fandom.
@marthawrites - Midnight Passages, you will always be famous.
@exitpursuedbyavulcan - Studious, my beloved. UPDATE WHEN? (sorry)
@targaryenrealnessdarling - I would die for Liz. She's not just an insanely talented writer, but an all round amazing person too, she makes this fandom a much nicer place to be.
@st-eve-barnes - Eve is out here giving the Aegon girlies the content they desperately need. I love her Aemond fics too!
@bottlesandbarricades - one of the funniest fuckers I've ever had the pleasure of speaking too. Only has one fic, but it's a banger, and her edits are unmatched. I will never get over space buns Aemond.
@toms-cherry-trees - more content for Peaky Blinders than HotD, but the Aemond fic is gold.
@just-some-random-blogger - a Daemon girlie, we love to see it! If entertaining reblogs were an Olympic sport then Hani is taking home the gold. Her fics are bonkers, and I love them.
@humanpurposes - Gee's writing is top notch, some of the best Aemond fics I've ever read.
@assortedseaglass - Hilde is one of my favourite writers. Ever. She could write instructions on how to put together IKEA furniture and I'd eat it up, she's that good.
@oneeyedvisenya - another of my favourite Aemond writers. Education is one of my top five fics of all time. So well written.
@lya-dustin - the speed with which Juli produces chapters is mindblowing. All Is Bliss is a great series.
I can only tag 20 accounts at a time, so I shall continue this in a reblog. I wasn't lying in previous ask, when I said my appreciation post would be phonebook sized.
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sunglassesmish · 1 year
italicised oh; (twitter) /wigglebox /status/ 1645556668766248961?s=21
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i can’t access the photos on the google drive but i love this so much 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 which is why the gif of this moment is my header
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