#(luckily for him that can cover a heck of a lot of ground when he arranges his life accordingly)
justassorted · 1 year
Details: Ithadel
…So Ithadel’s double-standard is this:
In the context of his job, ensuring other people’s safety, or dealing with someone who is Actively Unpleasant, Ithadel is perfectly willing to request assistance, order people about, and in general be pretty unapologetic about life. (…to a certain degree. He does struggle more with authority figures.)
At the same time, this is a man who, for example, will be deadly ill and know full-well that he does in fact need help to get to a hospital, but will have to fight through an anxiety attack just in the process of talking himself into deciding to ask for said help.
Let alone, uh. Actually making the out-loud request. 🙃
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thee-yunatic-pixie · 2 years
♤ . ♡ . ◇ . ♧ . ♤ . ♡ . ◇ . ♧
Alice In Borderland: The Next Generation
♤ . ♡ . ◇ . ♧ . ♤ . ♡ . ◇ . ♧
previous chapter | prologue | next chapter | masterlist
"Haha, I won again." Kojima exclaimed after winning at a game she was playing with her father.
"Yes you did, Koji. Oh well, look at the time. I think I need to go after your mother. Her trip ends today."
"Alright. But is it okay if I go out today? I wanna meet up with my friends."
"Why even asking? Of course. But don't stay 'til late."
"Alright then." Kojima hugged Arisu, and went to her room to change. When both Arisu and Kojima left the house, she walked away, took her phone and texted her friends.
The Squad
Arisu Kojima, Niragi Tsuki, Chishiya Akari
r u guys here?
Akari? Tsuki?
* m e a n w h i l e *
"Well, how was today?" Chishiya asked after looking at his partner and daughter returning from their training. "Quite good actually. Mom said I did that kick better than two days ago." Akari replied to her father. "Heck yeah she did. If I wasn't a shop owner, I would've trained her all the time." Kuina said as well, with a confident smile on her lips.
"How about you? Weren't you supposed to be at the university?" "I was. I still gotta come back though. See you later." Chishiya took the pile of books he came for and waved at the girls before going to his car, driving to the hospital.
"Bye dad!" "See ya around!" "By the way, I think I'll go as well. I'm meeting up with the girls." Akari hugged her mom and went away as well. "Don't get yourself into trouble." was what she heard from Kuina. Akari quickly noticed her phone buzzing. She took it out of her pocket to see texts from her friend.
r u guys here?
Akari? Tsuki?
I just came home from training -_-
"What a timing, Akari." Kojima said after looking at her phone.
* m e a n w h i l e *
"How was it?" "That was a nice cover. I remember the times when this song blasted in the radios when I was at highschool like it was yesterday." Niragi praised her daughter's guitar cover. "Thanks dad." "I don't know if you know about this but, back in the day, me and your mother listened to this song a lot. I even thought about proposing to her with it. Unfortunately, the dj screwed up the song and almost ruined the moment." Niragi chuckled at the memory. It was indeed funny, now that he looked back on it. "At least she said yes. That's important." "True. Well, I gotta go now. My boss will ask where the fuck was I. Take care, sweetheart." He hugged Tsuki before going to get his coat and leave the house. She put her guitar away and decided to look on her phone, only to see her friends texting eachother.
(a/n: making text look like messages on tumblr is awful. it makes more sense on wattpad tho)
r u guys here?
Akari? Tsuki? (k)
I just came home from training -_- (a)
whoops, sorry (k)
aye. texting each other without me again? (t)
finally decided to join us, eh? (a)
I was practicing on guitar and didn't see the messages (t)
eh, it's ok.
I was planning on going out?
who's in? (k)
Me ofc (t)
Why even asking when you know my answer?
Where tho? (a)
I was thinking of the center of Shibuya (k)
Sounds nice (a)
Cool. See you guys there (k)
See ya (a)
See y'all (t)
Tsuki was walking down the streets until she saw a Starbucks store nearby. She took her phone and texted her friends again.
imma grab some starbucks, what do y'all want? (t)
iced coffee for me (a)
same (k)
ok (t)
Tsuki entered the store and ordered the drinks for her and the others. While waiting, she bumped into a guy kinda taller than her. That guy also carried some cups with drinks that spilled on the ground. Luckily, it only spilled a little on her shirt.
"Ayo, watch where you're going!" she hissed.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to." the guy apologized.
"I can see that... you good though?" She lend a hand to help him get up. He dusted himself off but... that was no use since the floor was now wet from the spilled stuff.
"Yep. The drinks however..." the guy looked on the ground, scratching the back of his head.
"Yikes. Sorry I can't help ya tho. I gotta go." She took the drinks after paying the cashier and left the place, continuing her road.
* m e a n w h i l e *
Kojima stopped by at an ice cream stand. She didn't need to text her friends, cuz she already knew what to order.
"Three cups, please. Mint choco, strawberry and salted caramel."
"That'll be about 810¥."
"Here you go." She paid the person running the stand and chose to stay near a big billboard, luckily, there weren't many people standing by it. Damn, Shibuya was indeed a busy place, even when the weather was scorching hot. She looked around for her friends, but nothing. There were too many people crowding the zone. She took her phone and looked at the group chat again.
where are you guys? 
i can barely see y'all (k)
don't worry, i'm not very far (a)
yea. me neither (t)
She looked at the crowd again. 
I see ya, Akari (k)
She was approaching the billboard Kojima was sitting at. Soon enough, Tsuki joined them as well.
Aye (a)
Ayeeeee (t)
Ayyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeee (k)
"How about we don't text each other now?" Akari's voice lightly startled Kojima. After seeing each other, they all chuckled.
"Here y'all go." She handed the girls their ice cream cups. They thanked her and began to dig in.
"I was surprised to see the mint choco section was almost untouched at the stand." Kojima uttered. Akari rolled her eyes. "Well, not everyone seems to enjoy a masterpiece like this." "True. Anyways, what now?" Tsuki uttered. The girls looked at the sight in front of them: people crowding the streets of Shibuya, some talking to each other, or on their phones. It wasn't anything new. The only thing that was changed about the place was a giant statue placed nearby. The statue in question was made years ago, but it was frequently visited even now. It looked mostly like a tower, but once you were getting closer, you could've seen the tons of names of people who lost their lives during the comet crash that happened approximately 26 years ago.
"Is it just me or does Shibuya seems more crowded than usual?" Tsuki asks. Kojima shrugs her shoulders, while sipping on her coffee. "People are probably preparing for the commemoration of the victims from the comet incident." Akari said. "Can you actually believe that this place was destroyed almost completely 26 years ago?"
"Not really. I can't really imagine this place empty. Not to mention ruined." The others nodded. "How about we go to Yoshinori's? The store's still open." "Yeah, I could go for some ramen right now." "Same here." And so they went to the restaurant and talked about what they did recently.
Time passed until the sun began to set. The girls were walking down the street. That until Kojima noticed something strange.
"Hey. Check that out." The others looked at the sky along with her. "Ain't those fireworks?" Tsuki asked. "It's not even night, that's weird." Akari stated. Not long after the girls saw the fireworks, the ground started to shake and people ran in different buildings. No wonder why, an earthquake was happening. 
"Shit. Didn't those guys from the news say that the earthquake will happen in Kyoto?" "Fuck if I remember!" "STOP THE TALKING AND RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!" The girls ran inside a cafe. Unfortunately, the building wasn't stable enough so all the girls saw next was pitch black.
The bright light of the morning sun made Kojima wake up.
"Ugh, what the hell happened?" She groaned as she streched her arms and soon reaching her hands on the ground. She immediately opened her eyes and was greeted by the view of the sea.
♤ . ♡ . ◇ . ♧ . ♤ . ♡ . ◇ . ♧
also on wattpad
tags: @maliceinborderland @aceofspadegrass @a-simp-20 @kittyoverraven @alisblackgf @nettlewillow @chishiya-of-diamonds @chabashiron @insecxreasalwqys
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prrism · 2 years
Me, stares long and hard at the number of followers I have: …………
Still me, continues to stare: …… what?… When did I reach over 200 followers?!? Like how?!
Okay, in all seriousness though, thank you guys so much. You have no idea how much this means to me 🥹
I’ll get back into writing soon, I promise. Heck, I’ll even give you guys a sneak peek, if you want, at what I was working on before putting everything on pause. It’s not a lot but it’s something.
Once again, though, from the bottom of my heart, thank you ☺️
Enjoy this sneak peek:
Celestial Convergence (it’s a placeholder title for now, but I might keep it, idk. A requested fic by the lovely ❄️ anon)
Characters: Dream, Tommy (Disc Duo) and Drista x Reader Relationships: platonic, familial
“Are you insane!” You whisper-yell at your brother, the idea he proposed sounding outrageously risky.
“Maybe a little, but can you really blame me? This could be your only chance to escape.” He reasons.
“What about you though? I-I can’t just let you get yourself killed.”
“(Y/n), please. Don’t just throw away our only chance at freedom for me, we have to do this so they can grow up safely.” Dream urges, nodding towards a sleeping Tommy and half-asleep Drista. You stare at the two for a while before taking a shaky breath.
“Okay, let’s do this.” You give a look of determination. He beams at you and gives you a hug, you’re more then happy to return it. Dream steps away from you and stares down at the iron bars that kept you locked in this cage, he grips them tightly, his knuckles almost turning white at the force. It always amazes you whenever you get to watch his wings unfurl, the feathers shifting from their usual barred owl colours to a black canvas, mirroring the starry night sky itself. With a harsh tug he manages to bend the bars, now it was your turn to act quickly scooping Drista and Tommy up into your arms and cling to them while you focus on making not just yourself but the two of them disappear with you, another harsh tug and there’s just enough space to squeeze out of the cage.
“What was that?” “The celestials are escaping!” “Well don’t just stand there! Get them you idiots!” The voices of the hunters ring out around the area, you move as fast as your legs can carry you to the nearest grouping of trees for cover. “Oi! I found one!” You paused for a moment and dared yourself to look back, seeing the hunters give chase to Dream. You wanted to help him but the squirming toddler and stirring baby reminded you otherwise, you continue forward into the surrounding forest and keep running until the shouts and clashing of weapons fades from your ears…
How long have you been traveling? A while, that’s all you were able to decipher. After the first night of your escape you hadn’t really stopped moving, not like you were unused to that but the two little ones in your arms certainly needed somewhere much safer to stay, luckily you had finally made it to a town you were familiar with by night 3. You keep yourself invisible and have a look around, the night offered such calming ambiance but now was no time to rest. You walk up to one of the houses and have a peek inside, it was simple enough, but that wasn’t what you were looking for. Moving to the next house you have another peek, nothing there either. The third house was about the same as the previous two, it wasn’t until the eighth house that you found what you were looking for. It wasn’t a person in particular but a sigil, one that indicates protection and refuge, they’ve been used to help celestials like yourself many times in the past, a symbol of hope for you. Still though, with everything going on you couldn’t just let both your siblings stay here, it’d be too suspicious. You carefully place Drista down, she lets out a soft whine having gone from your comforting grip to the hard ground.
“Shhhh, I know it’s difficult but you’ll be much safer here on your own… just don’t try to shapeshift too much.” You say quietly. Making yourself visible for a moment you use your now free arm to give a few knocks to the door and take a step back, returning to the shadows. A sheep woman opens the door after a bit looking around until she sees Drista sitting there looking up at her innocently, the woman picks her up and carry’s her inside, taking one last look around before shutting the door.
“Looks like it’s just you and me until I find somewhere else for you to stay.” You sigh, looking down at Tommy who just yawns and cuddles into your grip…
Another few days had passed and the terrain was becoming much colder, you’d made the mistake of dropping your invisibility cover for a rest seeing as it drains your energy after a while. However the mistake was you did so in a semi-public area meaning people saw you, and while most went about doing nothing a few alerted some hunters in the area. You made a mad dash in the only direction they weren’t blocking, gripping tightly to the baby in your arms to not drop him.
And that’s as far as I’d gotten… I’ll be honest re-typing this out has defiantly helped relight the fire for writing again. I hope to get their finished soon and start working on other requests and my A Visit From… series soon
Stay safe, stay hydrated and have a lovely morning, afternoon or night wherever you guys are 😊
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bangtangalicious · 3 years
the glow up | kth (2)
pairing: taehyung x reader
summary: after going off to college, you & your best friend committed to working out. a year later, the results show, and you cant wait for your hot hometown friends to see you. now all you wanna do is wild out and have lots of sex, and enjoy it without feeling insecure
genre: smut, fluff, childhoodfriends!au weightloss!au (is that a thing) friends-to-lovers!au
word count: 2.1k
warnings: carrrrr sexxxx, public sex, dry-ish humping, exhibitionist, horny!reader, praise kink, taehyung calls you princess, softdom!taehyung, slightly awkward, unprotected sex, creampie, daddy kink for like 2 seconds, light spanking, body image issues, taehyung DRIVING with ONE HAND fffff
part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7                                              masterlist
The events from Jimin’s party still weighed on you. After Taehyung had left you couldn’t look Jimin in the eye. This is not what you wanted. You just wanted to have fun. You did love Jimin, but Taehyung was right. What Jimin had said…the way he had derogated you all because you willingly had sex with someone you wanted to have sex with...was not okay. 
Before you had been to overwhelmed to recall how exactly the whole thing started. But after sleeping on it, you found yourself back in the car, wind flowing through your hair.
“So” You said nervously, “What’s new? Any new girlfriends?”
Taehyung grinned, “Nah. What about you? Any princes for our little princess?”
You licked your lips, looking at how delectable his long neck was, how much  you just wanted to wrap your arms around it.
“Ah…no. I actually…I wanna start hooking up with people”
“Oh?” Taehyung raised his eyebrows but kept his eyes on the road.
“I’ve had sex before…but it really sucked. I was just worried about crushing him, or if he thought I was…well…I don’t look like a porn star so. I just…wanna enjoy it, you know?”
Taehyung nodded. “Of course, you should enjoy it. Whoever you’re with should make you feel amazing. And stop worrying so much, people don’t care nearly as much as you think they do”
“I guess I just…” You turned to look at the world passing you by, “Don’t know where to start. I don’t know what I like” You had no idea why you were telling Taehyung this. His hand gently massaged the nape of your neck as the other one steadied the steering wheel.
“That’s valid. Just pick a fantasy and start exploring. What do you think about when you masturbate?”
You were grateful at how chill Taehyung was being about having this conversation with you. You realized you really took him for granted at times. He had always been really nice to you, and you really enjoyed his company. You never felt like you had to…try that hard around him. But you knew that was because you didn’t have a shot with someone like Taehyung. Not even now. He was one of the hottest guys from your hometown no question. You assumed he had two or three fuckbuddies in his back pocket at all times.
Taehyung was also openly bisexual. And that made you feel at ease in a way. It was as though because you knew about his sexuality you felt more comfortable to talk about your own.
“Well…” Your face was red, but Taehyung couldn’t see that luckily. “I wanna ride someone’s cock.”
Taehyung bit back a smirk, nodding in understanding. “And?”
“And…I want it to be risky. Like…in a movie theater…or a parking lot…somewhere I could get caught.” You inhaled sharply, thoughts putting you on edge. You rubbed your thighs together feeling the damp squelch of your arousal. You hoped Taehyung hadn’t noticed.
“Ooh. That sounds fun” He glanced your way quickly, noting your blushed state.
“Taehyung” You exhaled, gripping onto the car door tightly, spreading your legs so that the rough wind could ease your yearning a little bit.
“What’s up?”
“I…I…” What the heck were you supposed to say? How did guys initiate things anyway? You couldn’t exactly kiss him while he was driving. “Can I suck your dick?”
Taehyung almost jumped at your query, car jolting slightly before he recovered. He inhaled sharply. “Yeah, um…right now?”
“If that’s okay”
“Yeah…no yeah…um” He glanced down at his lap then back up at the road. “I don’t really know how to do this if I’m being honest y/n.”
“Uh…don’t worry I got it” You reached over to unzip his pants. Taehyung raised himself up just enough for you to tug them down to his knees, giving you access to his cock. It was big. You shivered in anticipation. You stroked him slowly, getting him to harden. You could hear his breathing get shaky. “Does that feel good?”
“fuck y/n of course it does” You couldn’t see his eyes because of his sunglasses but the way his jaw was clenched gave you evidence supporting his words. You look around. There’s a decent number of cars on the highway, but no one directly next to you guys. You decide it’s safe and crouch down into the vehicle, leaning over the console so your tongue could kitten lick his throbbing tip. Your chest pressed against his hand which was clenching the gear shift as you bent over. It was not comfortable.
You licked your lips and covered his tip, sucking slightly as your tongue flicked the opening. Taehyung groaned, pressing his foot down slightly causing the car to speed up.
“This isn’t comfortable”
He glanced down at you quickly and smiled, “Doesn’t look it.”
“Can I sit in your lap?”
Taehyung coughed. He glanced your way again, lowering his glasses to really look at your expression to see if you were kidding. You weren’t. “Go for it princess”
Careful not to block Taehyung’s line of sight, you somehow crawl into his lap so that you can straddle him. You make direct eye contact with the cars behind, whose driver’s look shocked and confused. This turns you on even more.
“I just want to make sure you know how illegal this is” Taehyung said.
“I don’t care” You exhaled, loving the way his raw cock head was pressed against your clit. You rolled your hips slowly. “Does that feel good Tae?”
Taehyung put one hand on your ass to help steady you and squeezed it affectionately. “Feels so good y/n. Shit. Is this really happening?” 
You couldn’t help but smile at the almost childlike excitement in his voice. You began to roll your hips faster, humping him like you were in heat. Arousal shot through your veins. The feeling was addictive, and you didn’t ever want it to stop. You grinded your hips faster and faster, his cock roughly gliding against your barely clothed core, at times pushing the fabric and directly pressing against your soaking folds. You were a moaning mess. You let out streams of curses as you rode him like you couldn’t believe. You tugged his hair roughly, ignoring his whines of pain.
“T…taehyung” You stammered, slowing down. You felt his hand smack your ass making you cry out in pleasure.
“Don’t you dare stop” His tone was gruff, and it sent shivers down your spine. “I want you to cum for me. Can you do that? Can you cream my cock princess?” He smacked you again. You picked up your pace, feeling the sweet friction guiding you closer to your high. You wished you could have his cock inside you, but you also did not want to get in a car crash.
“Want your cock Tae…” You screamed into the wind, “I wanna feel your cock inside me. So bad. God Tae…baby…fuck…I’m…” You squealed as your orgasm hit you like a truck. Taehyung could feel your wetness soak onto him through your swimsuit.
“That’s right princess…cum for me…you sound so sweet I could listen to you all day” He coos at you, lightly slapping your ass because that’s all he really could do without bringing you both near death. You wrap your arms around him and fall against his body.
“That was amazing” You exhaled.
Taehyung was still painfully hard.
“I’m gonna pull over” He announced. You nodded your head. “and then” He inhaled sharply “I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you”
And that’s exactly what he did. He got off the highway at the next exit. You had no idea where you were, but Taehyung found an abandoned parking lot at some hardware store. He parked as far away from the main street as he could. The second the car stopped, he brought his hands to your face and kissed you. Your eyes widened, not expecting that from him.
“Y/n…I…Wow” He chuckled, allowing his tongue to explore your mouth. “What did I do to deserve this? This is like, everything I’ve ever wanted”
“Let me help you now” You whispered seductively, grabbing his cock tightly and pushing the fabric aside to allow yourself to sink down onto his cock.
“Holy shit” Taehyung groaned, gripping your hips tightly as you bottomed out. His hands moved to latch under your knees and he lifted you effortlessly, cock buried in your cunt, out of the car, laying you back down on the head of the white convertible. His strength, the ease with which he could just manhandle you, it drove you crazy. You had never felt this good in your life. Taehyung practically tore your clothes off, not caring that they landed on the ground. He grunted as he rolled his hips, thrusting up into you at a perfect angle. “You’re so tight…so fucking tight princess. How have I waited this long for this…” He steadily piston his cock in and out of you.
“You love this don’t you?” He teased, “Spread out naked all for me. Anyone can come see how much you need my big cock”
“I love your cock Tae. I love it” You whined in agreement, wrapping your legs around him.
“Yeah I bet” He said gruffly “You’re so perfect for me princess, all wet…dripping all for me. You want daddy to cum inside you?”
You nodded dumbly, like you no longer could form words. Your brain had completely shut off, and all you could feel was sheer bliss from Taehyung thrusting into you perfectly.
“My perfect little princess. So good to me…so sweet riding daddy’s cock like that…mmm” He kissed your lips, then traveling down to your jaw, nipping at you harshly, then down to your tits, kissing every inch he possibly could.
“I can’t believe how good you feel” He groaned, “This is even better than in my dreams”
You took off his sunglasses so you could see his fucked out eyes. His pupils were completely dilated, and you could see the rampant pleasure on his gorgeous face. Sweat coated the roots of his pink hair. He clenched his eyes shut, savoring the way your pussy drank him up.
“Where can I cum y/n?”
You didn’t even hear him. You were too caught up in the amazing feeling.
“Y/n…quick…where can I cum? I can’t last much longer”
“I…I have an IUD…” You managed to mutter. Taehyung exhaled in relief.
“Good fucking girl. Ready for my cum hm? You want me to cum in you princess? Make you mine?”
“Yes…yes oh my GOD yes” Your eyes rolled back as you felt the hot liquid seep inside you. He cried out.
“my god princess, just like that, take my fucking cum” He sucked your tit harshly “I’m gonna fuck you up so good. You’re mine. My princess. My sweet sweet princess”
After he finished he quickly slipped out of you, then went to his trunk to grab a towel. You groaned at his absence, but he was back instantly wiping you up as you flinched with oversensitivity.
He took off his button down shirt and wrapped it around you as he picked up your clothes from the ground. You smiled at how tenderly he cared for you. He grabbed some water and handed it to you, taking another bottle for himself.
“Drink up” He tapped the bottle against yours and gulped the whole thing down. You watched the way his throat moved, feeling yourself heat up yet again. He put the bottles back in the car, then helped you into the back seat. He let you lay down comfortably, stroking your face as he lowered himself onto you, careful not to crush you beneath him. His smile reached his eyes and it made you feel elated. He left a soft kiss on your forehead. “I missed you so much y/n” Then another on your nose. “You have no idea” Another on each cheek, “how happy I am right now” another next to your mouth “because you’re back home”. Another at your jaw, pecking all over your face in the most loving way he could. “You’re so beautiful y/n…” He inhaled you deeply “fuck…am I dreaming?”
“No” You giggled.
He sighed, a goofy smile returning to his blissed out face. “Mmm we better get going…” He kissed you once more, lingering as long as he could, before helping you back into the passenger seat. “Did you have fun?”
You nodded. “Yeah…wow…that was”
You dressed yourself quickly, giving Taehyung his shirt back. He stared at you a while longer, blinking almost as though he were in disbelief. You couldn’t blame him. It all happened so fast it seemed unreal. Before you knew it, you two were back on the road, only minutes from arriving at Jimin’s house.  
<-----previous                                                                                 next----->
A/N: WOO okay, there it is. dw dw...i promise jimin will get his chance to shine. 
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shushiyuii · 3 years
Unexpected Uncle
If one remembers correctly it is Monarch Monday which means its Ronan appreciation day which means Roman gets spoiled with love so Roan take my fucking love you handsome devil-
Also first fic yaaayyy, I’m doing this based on memory so i’m sorry if i got some things wrong- (inervoushelp)
Warnings: Injury (Nobody dies), Captivity, swearing i think? (If i forgot anything please let me know-)
For @baka-monarch
Words: 1K ish
Tommy had recently finished tending to his farm, and it seems Tubbo has been quite busy as of late been busy with chores to do around the village, so he was just left to be swimming in the wide ocean.  
He wasn’t alone though, he had his friend Ranboo by his side, who was constantly trying to keep up with him, he honestly found it quite hilarious since Ranboo is so small compared to him and he can see Ranboo swimming around his tentacles, trying to gain speed to keep up with him. Tommy isn’t that much of an ass though, he does keep Ranboo the occasional boost if needed.
He sighed and decided to take a break, well for Ranboo anyways, a couple of easy swims isn’t quite so easy for a tiny Mer like Ranboo. He chuckled “You alright there, Big man?”. He sat there as Ranboo swam up to his face, which took a good minute. “I-I’m fine! You sure swim fast though...”. He said in between pants for his breath.
Before Tommy could even begin communication with his friend, Ranboo’s attention seemed to be elsewhere, as he went to ask, he was interrupted by Ranboo asking, “Tommy, have you destroyed any ships recently?”.
Tommy raised an eyebrow in confusion, he hadn’t taken down any ships in a while since no pirates have dared come near the town for a while, the only ships he’s seen is Puffy's and the other villagers. Oh no.
Tommy went into alert towards the boat to investigate, he hoped it wasn’t one of the villagers, had they been attacked by Mers? Had he not kept an eye on them?!
His heart pounded out of his chest as he surfaced the water, taking a close look at the damage.
He exhaled in relief as it wasn’t one of his own, but something did catch his interest, it appeared to be a net of some sort, containing something. In fact, it was one of the only remnants left of the ship. Heck even the cause of what happened to this boat was unclear.
Ranboo soon surfaced beside him, looking at Tommy in concern, “You alright?”, “Fine, don’t worry. It’s nobody we know”. Tommy reached a hand out to Ranboo in comfort, but before Ranboo could even begin to comfort Tommy, they both heard a strange sound. It came from the net.
Tommy wrapped a hand around Ranboo and brought him towards his chest as he glared at the net in alarm. But his glare changed from one of anger to concern as the nets sound became a lot clearer. It was a baby Mers chirps. Tommy looked down at Ranboo and he seemed just as concerned.
Tommy used his other hand to poke at the net, in response, there was a chirp of alert. It seemed whatever was in this net was a baby mer. “Ranboo, could you open the net for me please?”.
Ranboo immediately went into action and swam quickly towards it, trying to get whatever baby in this net out. What was a baby Mer doing in a net-like this?
The most likely conclusion was that a ship had captured a baby Mer and whatever happened to the ship got it destroyed, leaving this Mer to suffer in this net. Leaving to now Tommy’s and Ranboo’s responsibility to save the poor Mer.
After a while of fiddling with the net Ranboo finally got it loose and held onto the baby Mer. The baby Mer seemed weak with injuries covering their head and arms, they were a light pink colour with a semblance of green too.  Their grip barely had any strength to it. It broke Ranboo’s heart to see them like this, Tommy’s too.
Tommy held out his hand to Ranboo, to which he swam into. Ranboo was then held into a somewhat tight grip, enough to keep him safe when travelling at fast paces. And the second Tommy was sure they were safe, he swam as fast as possible back to the village.
A couple of hours later.
“So let me get this straight, you both found this baby Mer stuck in a net out in the sea?” Tubbo concluded after being told of their recent adventure.
Tommy sat with Tubbo in his human form on the rock and beside them a pond of water, big enough to hold a couple of Mers, and with them in the water was Ranboo, the baby Mer beside him also, laying in his arms, covered in bandages from his injuries. He was fast asleep after their tough day.
“Yeah, and the thing is, we don’t know what to do with the lil’ guy since well, I doubt Wilbur’s up to taking care of another kid since Fundy’s already a handful, doubt Karl would want a kid and I have no idea who else would care for him.”. Tommy explained.
Tubbo didn’t respond initially, he just stared down at the small baby Mer for a moment, the mer was just to put it simply adorable and had gained a spot in Tubbo’s heart, the same could be said for Ranboo and Tommy.
“Mine.”. Tubbo said in a low tone. “What?” Both Tommy and Ranboo looked at Tubbo in confusion. “Mine”. Tubbo stood up from his spot in the rocks and climbed down to a point where he could interact with the baby Mer, he gently put his hand on the Mers's face.
“Tubbo, you’re acting like a clingy Tommy right now”. Ranboo snorted at his platonic husband’s behaviour, Tubbo looked up at him in annoyance. “HEY BITCH! I HEARD THAT Y’KNOW!”. Tommy stomped his foot and stood his ground.
“SHHH!”. They quickly snapped, not wanting the baby to be awoken. Ranboo sighed, “Tubbo, we can’t necessarily take care of a kid, we’re just kids ourselves”. “Don’t care, he’s ours now. I’m naming him Michael”.
And from that point on, Tubbo and Ranboo became parents, and Tommy became an uncle. It luckily didn’t take too long for Michael to recover, only with a couple of scars but he proved to be a very happy and friendly Mer. He loves spending time with his family. And not so long ago Tubbo gave him a little chicken plush he named Benson.
(Now i go back to my corner-)
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impyssadobsessions · 3 years
Danny Phantom Idea
=w=' I'm sure someone done this and I probably should look through fanfics BUT ANYWAYS Time Travel fic Vlad manages to somehow subdue/take over clockwork and reverse time back before Danny got his powers. This time only him and Danny has memories of the future/past. Danny realize this through conversations with his friends, then race back home thinking something terrible happen,(Since he can't go ghost). His mind racing, first thought thinking something bad happened in the future again. His first plan was to go into ghost zone but realizes what day it was. His parents hadn't finished the portal yet. He tries to calm himself down like, its fine, I just gotta go back in there then straight shot to clockwork. Part of him kind of upset not being able to continue living normally, but his anxiety of something terrible happening keeps him from even thinking he could enjoy it for a bit. WELL THEN Jack's old college friend shows up and throws everything out of whack. Danny trying to recreate events that caused him to turn into a halfa, only for it not to work. Vlad standing there, patronizing him about how dangerous that is with the cords unplugged in his hands. Danny getting straight to business asking him what he was up to. Only for Vlad to playfully pretend to be ignorant, before boasting/ranting how he wanted a do over. (Imagine he went into basement after laxatives he puts into jack's food kicked in. Despite being able to freeze time for everyone except him and danny) Vlad basically telling/hinting to Danny his plan. Saying he needs Danny as much alive as possible. Can't have his ghost messing around. Danny tries to fight Vlad, only making Vlad laugh at how helpless he is. Vlad then plugged in the machine once he had his fun, while Danny was still on the ground outside of it. Then called for Jack and Maddie (then realizing they might be preoccupied and sped up time til they could run down there). Vlad convincing them how Danny almost got killed trying to turn on the machine, and that the portal working. Expressing how DANGEROUS it is to have power button on inside and how EASY Danny could of gotten killed. Even helping secure it all later from Danny, to keep him from turning into a ghost. Danny upset he can't find a way to turn into ghost and realized that most inventions that could help him travel, his parents hadn't invented yet. Top that off with a very dangerous ghost calling the shots that want his father dead, and him to suffer. After that night, much to Danny's dismay, Vlad has become their godfather AND is going to be dropping in to help a lot. Keeping in contact with his parents. This adding to Danny's nerves, trying to figure out how the heck he going to reverse this.. or at least protect everyone. Trying to think of all the ghost he fought, worrying about what he going to do now. Jazz knowing something's wrong, and as much as Danny wants to explain to her or his friends, he realized he has absolutely no proof. He can't even go ghost. How and why would they believe him? So instead, he gets the idea if he can't fight ghosts like a ghost then he will like a hunter. Ends up joining in on his parents, trying his best to help jump start ideas of machines he knows they had built in the past, as well as learn how to fight ghosts with just gadgets and skills alone. Becoming a pretty good hunter, and even sneaks down to release ghost into the zone before they can be dissected. But since Jack and Vlad are on "good" terms, unfortunately all his hardwork ends up being destroyed. Vlad congratulating a very tired Danny, who realizing ghost hunting is far more tolling as a human, on his work. Danny gets ready to fight him, only to be beaten, and Vlad teasingly saying such a shame it be all for nothing. Vlad destroys the basement and everything in it with such a ghastly whale or at least whats left of it after having tossed danny around. Danny trying to cover his ears in pain, panicking as everything destroyed around him, to just be tossed onto ground like a ragdoll. Vlad being in his ghost form, making a
large scene to put on a show for Jack and Maddie, when they rush in. Him laughing madly, everything destroyed and Danny beaten and passed out on the ground. Vlad disappearing with words that made it clear that he was after danny because he started hunting ghost, trying to manipulate them into keeping Danny out of the way. Vlad receiving phone call from jack the next day or calling him, only to hear the news, saying how TRAGIC. Luckily he has a portal he just finished at his mansion, (having received plans and help from jack and maddie.) If they ever NEED anything to let him know, offering to help them rebuild and everything. Or offering them to stay with him. Saying how his lab would protect poor Danny. Meanwhile Danny pulling his hair, trying to think, now what do I do?! While his family dotes on him too much. Trying to make sure he's alright. Knowing damn well, Vlad is calling all the shots. I really like Vlad as villain or even as an evil uncle =w= He fun character/antagonist. And thought it be fun if Danny had to fight as fenton and not phantom, as well as how his attitude towards ghost and ppl at school is very much did this done that- to cursing how much easier it was to fight as a ghost. Also imagine he still has a ghost sense in a way. More so he can feel hair on his neck stand and chills, like something's wrong. Can see him finding this out and then getting jump scared by box ghost (meeting him for the "first" time) with a "Boo!". Then him just like I can't believe BOX GHOST just scared me! UGH! Then his attitude ended up him getting caught in a fortress of boxes with said box ghost. Him just unamused and unafraid while Box Ghost keeps trying to spook him. This scenario with his parents breaking in and "saving" him, allows him to pretend this is what made him so interested in fighting ghost with them. : I Also see cute moments of him actually enjoying sitting down with his parents and working with them for once. At least while they're not being over the top. Jack and Maddie getting excited. Jazz knowing something isn't right, but mistakes it as Danny just wanting more time with their parents. Encourages Danny not to forget to spend time with his friends too because of how unhealthy their parents' obsession with ghost hunting can be. Also Also.. I haven't watched the show in a while. =w= b
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tomtenadia · 3 years
A Little Braver - Chapter 11
Hello everyone. That’s me back from my holidays and I have ch 11 ready for you.
The first part is our two lovebirds still on holiday in Doranelle and they get to be cute and yes, this part as fluff. Enjoy it while it lasts.
For the second part and the ending, just blame the angst gremlin. I decline every responsibility.
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It was Sunday and also Aelin’s last day of holiday in Doranelle. She and Rowan had spent their Saturday in the Cambrian Mountains and did a lot of hiking, had a picnic near a waterfall and swam naked in the pool in front of it and also engaged in some other more interesting activities. The day had been perfect and they had managed to survive two full days without fighting and they both were impressed by it.
Now they were in his car and Rowan was driving her to the coast. He had explained that it was the last part left to explore and that one of his colleagues had suggested a lovely place. He had made lunch for both again and they did manage to set off a bit earlier.
Aelin was comfortable in her seat, her feet on the dashboard and he stared at her while her head was turned to look outside. 
After their talk he had decided to stop feeling guilty. Aelin had been right and they both deserved a second chance at happiness. He had finally decided to accept what he felt for her and maybe that was why they had not fought for two whole days. They had been both pushing the other away, too scared of caring once again. He still was, if he was truthful to himself. Her job scared the heck out of him. But he was done pushing her away.
“Are you comfortable over there?”
She turned and smiled at him, her blue eyes lit with mirth “are you going all health and safety on me, captain?”
“You are the firefighter, you should know the dangers of such a position in case I hit hard on the brakes.” He explained, stopping a mocking smile from appearing on his lips.
“Well, just don’t slam on those breaks, captain. Can you do that and deliver us safely to the beach?”
His hand gently brushed her naked knee. She was wearing a pair of blue shorts and a colourful top.
“Will the water be warm enough for me to swim in it?”
Rowan nodded. “According to my colleague this is a lovely beach and not too busy either. Something only the locals know about.”
Aelin pulled her sunglasses down on her eyes “wake me up when we are there.”
Fifteen minutes later Rowan poked her arm “Ohi, sleeping beauty. Get up.”
Aelin lifted her sunglasses on her head and glared at him “why can’t you behave like a well mannered man? I don’t know, wake me up with a kiss?”
He got of the car and opened the rear door and unloaded the two backpacks “get your arse out of my car. We are at the beach.”
“So, so rude.” She complained while leaving the car and grabbing her stuff from him. They had warmed up to each other but she still adored their bickering.
He started walking and she ran after him, grabbing his hand in hers.
They arrived at the beach and she rejoiced at the discovery they had the entire place to themselves.
Rowan selected a space not too far from the water and deposited their stuff on the ground, placing also the two beach towels for them.
In an instant Aelin had removed her clothes and was standing in front of him in her bikini.
He stared at her “is that your… bathing suit?”
She posed for him “lovely isn’t it?”
It covered very little, thought Rowan. Two red triangles covered her breasts all tied together by some very flimsy strings and the same for the bottom part.
He grabbed her hand and pushed her down on the towel “sit,” he rummaged in his back pack and took out sunscreen “you have a very fair skin and you will burn.”
Aelin sat down and he took a place behind her. He dropped some cream on her back and started spreading it on her back “you do the front,” he said by passing her the bottle.
“I thought you’d love the honour.”
Rowan sighed “if I do that it might lead to something else which is not appropriate on a beach in the middle of the day.”
Once his hands stopped she reached for the knot behind her neck and untied it, the top of her bikini falling off. She untied the one on her back as well and turned to him “up to the challenge, captain?” She took the bottle and put a dollop of cream on her fingers and started spreading it on her naked breasts and enjoyed staring at his expression morphing into pure lust.
“You’ll be the death of me.” He put more cream on his hands and began massaging her breasts making sure they had a nice cover “given how flimsy your bikini is, you need protection everywhere.”
“So considerate of you…” she teased him arching her back into his touch. She never had enough of him. She had a few men before Sam and no one had ever made her feel like that. Not even Sam.
Once he was done he bent over and recovered the piece of garment “come on, cover up.”
She took the piece of her bikini from him “scared by a pair of magnificent boobs?”
“No, we are in a public place.”
She slowly put the top back on and he offered to tie it for her “let them stare.”
Rowan’s mouth was at her ear again, biting gently her lobe “I don’t share.” and the tone in which he said it made her toes curl.
She then pulled away and ran to the water, jumping in it with happiness. Rowan stood and joined her slowly.
“Come one, it’s stunning.” She shouted emerging from the water.
Rowan smiled then ran and once he reached her he tackled her and carried Aelin like a sack of potatoes and threw her sin the water as soon as they reached a deeper spot. 
Aelin re emerged. She tried to protest but she found his body against hers, his lips kissing her hard. She stared at his tanned and muscular body and ran a hand along his chest “I don’t share either, captain. I am very jealous of what is mine.”
Those words were his undoing. He grabbed her legs and pulled them around him and Aelin climbed on him and a moment later they had completely forgotten they were in the middle of the sea.
Luckily for them they had remained the only two people on the beach as their adventure in the water was followed a bit later by one on the sand.
Fully clothed again they now lay side by side. Aelin had her eyes closed, trying to suntan a bit and Rowan on his belly reading a book.
Aelin turned on her side and lifted the cover of his book and noticed it looked like about some theory of flight or tactics “we are on holiday and you are working?”
He turned to her.
“Your book,” she pointed “it’s about flight tactics. Can’t you enjoy a day without thinking about flying?”
“I’d like you to know that I am reading for pleasure. The fact that the book is giving me great ideas is another matter.”
Aelin scooted closer to him and placed her head under his arm and stared at the book with curiosity. She noticed strange drawings “are those flight manoeuvres?”
He nodded and with his arm he pulled her closer “this,” he pointed at the diagram “is called barrel roll attack. It’s quite cool.” Then he pointed at another one “this is the Immelmann and this one…” he turned the page “these are a low and high yo-yo.”
“They have funny names.” She looked at the book “this one seems cool,”
“This is a high G barrel roll.” He explained “you do this when the attacker is at your tail and you can feel his guns on you. It’s far more brutal than a regular barrel roll. Not recommended if you have a sensitive stomach.” He took out his phone and showed her something “Fenrys put a camera on his fighter during training and this is a video taken during training and a mock dogfight.”
Aelin watched the video with amazement “Play it again, it was so fast.” He did it and she stared at the jet completing the manoeuvre “was that you?”
Rowan nodded and showed her a few more videos of their training. She was fascinated.
“I still want to see you fly. For real.”
He put the phone down and looked at her “Lorcan says it’s fine. We can do that when I come back.”
Aelin nodded and he kissed her. He closed the book and pulled her closer and then lay down with his arm over her in a very protective gesture. She turned and snuggled all the way against his torso and let his body protect her from the sun. 
It was a few hours later when Rowan woke up and realised they had fallen asleep on the beach. Aelin was tucked in his embrace and was sleeping soundly and he was glad to notice that her body was in the shadow of his body. It would have been a very painful awakening. 
“Hey, sleepyhead.”
She opened her eyes and looked up at him and he loved the freckles that had appeared on her face.
“We fell asleep.”
“You really do make a good pillow.” She told him while sitting back up.
“I will make sure to update my resume, I am sure it’s a very sought after skill.” He stood and offered his hand to her “come on, let’s go for a stroll.”
She wore her top again “we don’t want to cause a riot, don’t we?”
Rowan smiled and he pulled her up after he took her hand.
They walked for a while. The beach had turned out to be much longer than they thought. Aelin had kept her shoes in one hand and walked the whole distance with her feet in the water. She hadn’t realised how much she needed a holiday. In the past year her life had been complete dedication to her job. It had helped to keep the demons at bay. But now there was Rowan and hopefully she had found someone with whom to walk the path back toward light.
“Fancy going out for dinner tonight?”
“I am craving seafood.” She said swinging their linked hands “we can stay here. Have dinner and then go back to your flat.”
“Sounds like a great plan.”
It was much later that night when they finally rolled back into Rowan’s flat.
“I am so tired and my face is on fire.”
Rowan cupped he face with his hands “you have freckles and you are stunning.”
Aelin gave him a smile and then ducked “I call dibs on the shower.”
Rowan laughed and let her win.
The shower took her a bit longer than planned. Her thoughts wandered to the fact that she was meant to fly home the next day and sadness struck when she realised she did not want to leave Rowan. They had the four best days so far and she hated that she had to wait two more weeks for him to be back and finally try and work on the foundation of their relationship that they had built during that holiday.
Once back in Rowan’s room she started packing. He had given her her own room but she never used it. They had ended up sharing the room and the bed.
She was busy groaning at packing when she felt his arms fold around her waist from behind. His smell of pine and snow was much stronger and she leaned against his chest, closing her eyes “I really don’t want to go.”
“I’ll be back in two weeks,” he told her against her ear.
“I know,” and she hated how petulant she sounded. She turned in his arms and buried her face in his naked chest. Rowan held her tight, her head tucked under his chin.
“I love when you hold me like this. It makes me feel less alone.”
Rowan squeezed her and they remained like that for a time that it felt endless. He didn’t want her to go either and he had a feeling they were going to be two very long weeks. He was getting used having her in his bed and loved waking up in the morning with her scent around him. He eventually pulled away and sat down on the bed and put on his briefs “come on,” he patted the bed “time to sleep.” She climbed in bed with him and took her usual position nested against him and his arms protectively around her.
Aelin was once again in his car but alas, this time it was not for an adventure. He was driving her back to the airport. Her holiday was officially over and she had been grumpy all morning. 
His hand was resting on her knee giving her comfort.
“Are you going back to work tomorrow?”
Aelin shook her head “I need to start tonight. We are on night shift.”
“That sucks.”
In the distance she noticed the shape of Doranelle airport appear and her heart sank.
Rowan parked in the short stay car park and he grabbed her hand and together they walked into the airport. Check-in was a breeze and he eventually walked her just before the security area “this is as far as I can go.” He told her sadly.
Aelin crashed against him and fought it very hard not to cry.
“Hey…” he said very gently caressing her head “I will be back soon.”
She took a deep breath and pulled back.
“Call me when you land. I don’t trust those civilian pilots.” His thumb brushed her lips gently then he leaned over and kissed her.
“These are going to be two very long weeks.” He whispered against her mouth.
“I know.” Then she kissed him one more time and pulled away with all the courage she had. One of them had to let go eventually.
He kissed her one last time and let her hand go and stared at her walk away until she disappeared behind security.
It was a few hours later when Aelin landed back in Orynth. She had texted Aedion before boarding and gave him an ETA. While she waited for her bag to arrive on the carousel she phoned Rowan and he answered at the first ring.
“I am pleased to say that my pilot did manage to land us safely back in Terrasen.”
She heard Rowan scoff “It’s not that difficult, he just needs to press a few buttons and use the stick for landing and take off.”
She loved to tease him “he was hot though…”
“Sure, if you fancy men getting paid to fly a big metal trap in a straight line…”
She chuckled “we turned a few times as well.”
“You banked,” he corrected her.
“An aircraft banks, does not turn. Then we roll, pitch and yaw.”
She huffed “fine, we banked. Happy?”
Her bag arrived and she placed it on her shoulder.
“Was the flight okay?”
She started walking to the exit “yeah, no turbulence this time.” She reached the main doors and walked through “what are you doing?”
“Getting ready to head to class.”
“Are you going to crush those little bastards?”
Rowan laughed “oh yes, I have a very hard exercise in mind.”
She spotted Aedion in the distance and weaved at him “Aedion is here. I gotta go.”
“Be safe, okay?”
“You too, captain. I am getting quite fond of having you around.”
“Bye menace.”
Aedion found her within minutes and hugged her as if he hadn’t seen her in a lifetime.
“Welcome back.” He squeezed her “give me your bags.” He grabbed her stuff and they walked back to his car “how was you holiday?”
“I had a good time.”
“You seem happier.”
“How is the station? Is it still standing?” She changed the subject. She had no intention of talking about her time with Rowan with her cousin.
“It is still standing. We had a few interesting calls, but nothing we could not handle. The team we got from west is blending really well in our team.”
They arrived at the station not long after and once she got off the car Lysandra and Elide ran to her and hugged her fiercely “I was away only for four days.”
“We missed you.” Then Lysandra grabbed her arm and pulled her to the lockers room “get changed and talk.”
Aelin opened her locker and dropped her duffel bag inside it and took out her uniform “So nosey,”
“You have just spent four days with hot captain. Come on girl, we want details,” and both women sat on the bench.
“We had a good time.”
“And it was relaxing.”
Aelin removed her clothes and remained in her underwear “and that’s it.”
“You are telling me, that you just spent four days living in his flat and you two did nothing?”
“I am not telling you anything.” She wore her trousers, then grabbed her top and finally her blue shirt “things happened but they are between us.”
“Aelin, I have a bet to win.”
“I knew it.” Shouted Aelin, fixing her hair again in a tight braid.
“Well, they had to concentrate on a new target since Aedion and I are off the betting pool.”
Aelin stopped and turned to Lysandra and the woman showed her her fourth finger now carrying a gorgeous ring.
“Holy fuck, he did it. He finally proposed.”
“It was beautiful,” said Elide dreamingly.
“He did it here at the station?”
Lysandra nodded “he waited for me and Elide to come back from a call. He placed loads of candles in a heart shape in front of the rigs and as we drove back in he stopped in front of the ambulance on one knee. And then he proposed.”
Aelin hugged her best friend “this is amazing. So friggin awesome.”
“So nothing happened with hot guy?”
Aelin looked at the clock. She still had twenty minutes before the start of the shift “Fine. Just as an engagement present.” And she took a seat beside the two women “Rowan and I, we… had a great time.” And at her expression, Lysandra squealed and Elide smiled as well.
“Is he good?”
Aelin laughed “he is… very skilled.”
“Holy shit. How many times? Where? Any naughty places?”
Aelin knew this was going to happen. She and Lys had always shared such things “the first time we did it three time. The night I arrived in Doranelle. And we did it in the sea and on an empty beach.”
“Ok, I am really jealous right now.” Asked Lys grabbing her friend’s hands “what does this mean?”
Aelin shrugged “he is away for two more weeks. Once he is back we… will discuss things.”
“Ok, from a scale from 1 to god, how good is he?”
Aelin laughed “definitely god.”
“And is he…?” Lys’ eyebrows lifted in a suggestive manner.
“I am not telling you that.”
“What does he do to be a god?” Asked Elide shyly.
“Make you scream so much the neighbours thinks he is torturing you.” Explained Lysandra deadpanned.
Aelin laughed and grabbed Elide’s hand “don’t worry about all of this.” She said tenderly “how is it going with Lorcan?”
Elide blushed savagely “really well. I… I told him about… me.”
“And?” Asked Aelin curious. She hoped the man had been nice to her. She knew where his office was.
“He has been nice about it. He promised he’ll wait for me and that when I feel ready he will show me everything.”
Aelin chuckled “Good.” Then looked at the clock “girls, let’s go.”
The team was having a relaxing night in front of the tv. Aelin was on the comfy chair  her legs draped over the arm, reading a book. Rowan’s manual on flight techniques that he had lent her. After he had shown what he was reading at the beach she had started getting curious and wanted to be able to impress him upon his return. Her phone was in her lap and they had been texting all evening. She was hoping in an easy shift when the dispatch alarm went off. Everyone jumped and she and Aedion took a rig each after the announcement called for two engines and the ambulance.
Aelin ran to her turnout gear and got dressed super quickly and jumped in the engine.
“Did I hear correctly?” She asked Nox who was already at the wheel ready to go “are we going to the airport?”
Nox nodded.
“Those bloody civilian pilots.” She joked but no one got her and she wished Rowan was there, he would have loved it.
They arrived at the airport and Nox stopped the truck. Aelin got off and met the man in the car with red flashing lights “Follow me. We have a collision between two aircrafts. The big one then crashed into the hangar and we have people trapped in there as well.”
Aelin ran back and they followed the car and when they reached the accident site they were not ready for the carnage in front of them. The plane had slammed into the hangar and a raging fire had enveloped a side of the aircraft. Aelin searched for the second plane but could not see it. She jumped off the truck and went back to the man to get an idea of what they were dealing with.
“I thought you said there were two aircrafts.”
The man silently pointed at the remains of a smaller aircraft under the bigger one. There was nothing left and the smaller plane had been reduced to smithereens.
She went back to her team and started shouting orders “Manon, Asterin, try and crack the aircraft door open and see if we can save someone. Wesley, Kyllian you go with Ress and cover Asterin and Manon with water.” She ordered them “Ansel, you are on the aerial and get Manon and Asterin where they need to go.” Then she turned to the rest of her squad “Aedion, take Luca and Brullo and stop the aircraft fire. Remember that the fuel is in the wings.”
“How do you know that?” Asked Nox surprised.
“That is not important now.” She went to their engine and grabbed mask and oxygen tank and tools “Ren, Nox, you two are with me. We are going inside the hangar.” They all geared up very quickly and in the distance she noticed Dorian’s approaching. “Aedion, we might need to call west if it gets worse.”
Aelin and the two guys ran to try and find and entrance to the hangar but the frame of the plane was stuck inside it, blocking any access. “Be careful, there is jet fuel everywhere.” They walked under the wing on fire but they could not see any point of access inside the hangar.
“Can you hear it?” Asked Nox.
“Fuck, there are people still in the hangar.” The nose of the plane had collapsed as the landing gear had failed. Then she noticed it. A small passage near the nose. She removed her oxygen tank from her shoulders, pushed it through the opening and walked to the small hole.
“What are you doing?” Shouted Ren.
“Going in. I am the smallest of the three.” She kneeled and started to wriggle her body through the small opening “open up a bigger passage, we need to find a way to evacuate the civilians.”
Once on the other side, the heat was unbearable and fire and smoke made visibility impossible. 
“Fire department, call out.” She shouted to draw attention. A massive explosion rocked the hangar and she threw herself on the ground and rolled quickly on the side managing to avoid a piece of the roof of the hangar collapsing on her.
“Fire department, call out,” she shouted again. Slowly she began walking deeper in the raging inferno in the hope someone was still alive. Everything was collapsing around her. Then she heard it. A voice. 
“Fire department, call out.”
She heard the call again and tried to walk to the voice. Then she saw it. A person was on the floor and beside it there was another one. She ran to them.
“Are you okay?” The woman was in shock but alive.
She had a look at the man lying on the ground and searched for a pulse and found none.
“You need to come with me.”
The woman started shaking and Aelin pulled her up on her feet. She had no time. 
“Go through there, there are firefighters outside. They will help you. You are safe.”
The woman nodded and kneeled and slowly slithered through the small aperture.
“Ren, there is a woman coming out.” She shouted.
“We can’t open a passage. If we do this side will collapse completely.” Shouted Nox in a panicked voice.
“Go through the other side, go through the nose, but I need a fucking bigger passage.” and she left again not waiting for a reply.
Manon had cracked open the door of the aircraft and she and Asterin had made their way inside. The cabin was full of smoke and fire had started to spread from a gash that had opened where the wing was attached to the fuselage. Manon smelled fuel and knew they had to be quick.
“We are with the fire department. If you can walk we need you to follow us and evacuate the aircraft immediately.”
Asterin walked deeper down the aisle “cover mouth and nose with something.” She noticed a few injured people “Manon, you take those who can walk.”
Manon nodded and directed people out of the main door and once at the aerial she shouted for Luca.
The young man climbed the aerial very swiftly “I am passing you some passengers, make sure they get down safely.”
Luca started ferrying people back and forth leading them to safety to two waiting Lys and Elide.
Asterin heard a few ominous sounds and pushed the people down the aisle, Manon joined her and together with the last two passengers they ran into the cockpit and slammed the door shut when an explosion rocked the plane.
Luca flattened on the aerial and covered the person he was accompanying, with his body.
On the ground Aedion and his two men took sheltered from the explosion and Dorian did the same. 
“Evacuate the civilians quickly.” He shouted over the noise.
Lysandra and Elide took all the survivors to the ambulance that had been parked at a safer distance.
“Aedion, I want that fire under control.” Dorian barked again “we are getting close to the collapse point.” then he realised he was missing one person “where’s Aelin?”
“Inside,” and Nox pointing at the hangar.
“Alone?” Shouted Dorian in rage “you let her go inside alone? That is not protocol.”
“She was the only one who could fit through the small gap.” Ren bit back, not caring if he was being disrespectful to his CO. “Nox and I are trying to open a second gap but the fuselage is the only thing holding up the hangar right now.”
Dorian slammed his hat on the ground and tried to call Aelin over the radio but no response came over.
Aelin knew she was lost. She had found two more people beyond saving, but she did not give up. The heat was becoming worse by the minute. She continued walking until she spotted two figures hiding in a corner. They were alive “Fire department,” she shouted. The two people waved at her. One was badly injured “can you walk?”
“I can manage.”
“Lean on me,” offered Aelin to the man. Slowly they crawled back to the nose of the aircraft and as she did with the first person she pointed the exit to them.
She looked at the small screen on her wrist and noticed that her oxygen was running low.
“Shit.” She probably still had fifteen minutes. She could try and save someone else.
Dorian saw the two people come out of the passage and for a moment he hoped a third one would appear as well but Aelin never did. “Where are you?” He whispered to her.
Aedion got the aircraft fire under control, but not yet the hangar and Nox and Ren could finally work on opening a bigger passage for them to go in. They knew it was a race against time. Chances were Aelin’s oxygen was running low and they had to get in and find her quickly. 
Aelin’s breathing apparatus beeped signalling her that her juice was up. She had moved even deeper in the hangar and she had lost sight of the nose of the plane, her only landmark to her way out. All around her there was nothing but fire. She threw the air tank on the ground, now exhausted and useless. She removed the mask and the stench of jet fuel hit her. The smoke grew thicker and she began coughing, her lungs burning at every breath. She placed the mask again against her face and walked a bit more searching for more survivors.
Aedion saw it happen in slow motion. He was helping Nox and Ren opening a new passage to the interior of the hangar when the structure folded on itself. The material, now compromised by the crash and the heat had given up like a house of cards in the wind.
“No… no… no…” said Nox frantically, “Aelin is inside. Fuck it, Aelin is still inside.” He shouted.
Aedion turned to him with a dangerous glare in his eyes.
He ran to the engine and went to grab his oxygen tank but Dorian stopped him “you are not going inside.”
Aedion freed himself from the man’s grip “I am going in and I don’t give a fuck. I am not letting her die in there.”
“You can’t go in there.”
“If you love her as much as you claim you will let me go in and save her.” Aedion wore his gear in defiance.
Dorian tried one more time to stop him but Aedion did not listen and slowly crawled through the passage they had managed to open. 
Aelin stopped and coughed a bit more. Her lungs and her throat were on fire. She could feel the fumes from the jet fuel starting to have an effect on her. She moved a few steps then she heard it. 
A moment later the whole structure collapsed on her. Her mask rolled away from her hand, and Aelin, trapped under the debris, sank into unconsciousness as the fire now surrounded her completely.
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skampi835 · 3 years
Let’s never speak of this again! (Motonari x reader)
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Let’s celebrate Motonari’s upcoming route with an oneshot! 🥳 Since I hopefully avoided most of the spoilers I didn’t come up with any good idea, but then I found this:
you and your enemy hug each other, it's completely accidental, and neither of you know why it happened, and it's like,,, you glare at each other, with an expression of ''let's never speak of this again'´
Thanks for putting this idea in my mind @screnwriter​!
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Language: english
Starring: Motonari x reader (female)
Genre: Comedy
Warning: besides Motonari’s slanguage surprisingly none... ahaha who am I kidding? It's Motonari 😂
real Warnings: angst, bad language, violence (fighting scene!)
Word Count: 1.810
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“Get her!”
Shoot! How do I always end in situations like this?!
With this thought you’re bolting straight into the next alleyway. You’ve left the busy trading streets of Azuchi a long time ago and unfortunately lost track of your current position due the rising panic inside of you. Honestly, you’ve no idea where the heck you are right now! Though obviously still in Azuchi you’re running hopefully into the right direction towards the fuller marketplace!
Desperate, you’re squeezing your way through a very small gap between two buildings and dash on. Maybe your pursuers can’t follow you through this and it'll buy you some extra time! The shouts from traders and the sounds of frisky chatters are getting louder with every step you’re taking, which means you have to be on the right track!
Determined you’re keeping up the fast pace, praying you’re able to shake off your pursuers completely in the crowds of the busy market, as you round the next corner. But all of a sudden you’re awfully crashing into a wall.
The heavy impact is stealing your air, though obviously not only from you, but also from said wall, which in the hustle and bustle you’re literally falling into his arms eagerly not to fall. Together you’re even staggering sideways for a split second. Stressed and tense you’re spinning your head up with surprise, staring into the startled, wide ruby red eyes of the man. "Wah-…?"
“… You?!”
You didn't even realize how tight you were clutching Motonari when you crashed into him, until he’s violently yanking your arms away. "The hell yer doing? Got a bloody death wish?" He hisses and is glaring at you furiously.
As shocked as Motonari's reaction was, so are you aghast to face him right now. "What, of all people, are you doing here?!" You snap, still completely out of breath.
Quick steps are pulling you back to the current situation you are still in. You were supposed to keep running from your pursuers but simultaneously you’re facing an enemy of the Oda forces. Your situation is definetly growing somewhat hopeless. Nevertheless the sight of Motonari’s anger makes it a lot easier for your decision, to pass him and run away, than to stand rooted on the spot.
Unfortunately Motonari suddenly grabs your wrist roughly when you've just turned away and is pulling you back. "Ack-…! Let me go!" you plead.
"I won't do shit," Motonari growls venomously. "Now that yer recognized me, princess, I’ve gotta improvise something."
The hectic steps from the side street are getting louder with every passing moment, before they’re coming to a sudden stop right next to you. “There’s this witch!” One of the pursuers is shouting. He’s considerably tall with broad shoulders and a massive body. Shortly afterwards another two coarse figures appears behind him. They’re building themselves up with stern grimaces in the narrow alleyway.
Your eyes anxiously widen and your body starts to tremble ever so slightly. But there is no running away again for you, for Motonari’s adamant grip is chaining you.
"Huh, didn't even know yer know so many grim-looking acquaintances, princess." Motonari’s saying coolly, scanning the three men with his steely gaze. Still he doesn't loosen his grip on your wrist instead he’s tightening it.
"I haven't!" You snort, trying to yank your hand free to get away from him - without avail. You don’t know if it's better, getting caught by Motonari or these guys. But you know for shure both scenarios are pretty bad.
"Hey, you there! Plat-head!” One of the scoundrels growls and is glaring at Motonari grimly, whose dryly raising an eyebrow at this denomination. "Give us the little girl. We have business with her."
“That stupid hussy broke my nose!” Another of them shouts indignantly. You’re noticing his swollen red nose and you can't suppress a brief, yet inappropriate, flash of pride in your face.
It was just a few minutes ago, when they stalked you after you’ve exited your favorite shop. Unfortunately this shop is located in the outskirts of the village so there weren’t many people when they confronted you. The guys wanted to ‘talk to you nicely’ and after a few seconds you’ve ‘nicely declined'. Thank goodness you know some techniques of self-defense!
However, even more inappropriate is Motonari's spiteful laughter that he’s suddenly uttering. It’s giving you the creeps! "Seriously?" With a quick sideways glance in your direction with his ruby red orbs, he’s grinning at the fellow with extreme smug. "Tell me, how’d she did it, putz? Did she climb onto yer?"
Good gracious! Wouldn’t you please make him madder than he already is? Pretty please?!
"What did you just call me?" The broad shouldered man’s roaring furiously. Shortening the distance to Motonari, he’s threateningly waving with his massive fist.
Without wanting to, you’re quickly seeking cover behind Motonari, who has finally let go of your wrist. Now with his hands free he’s facing the attacker. With quick reflexes Motonari’s skillfully dodging the scoundrel's punch and draws his sword with a metal 'shink' that’s humming in the air. You’re holding your breath when Motonari’s holding the blade right against the throat of the ruffian, who is instantly not moving a muscle anymore. "Are you out of yer damn mind? You fucking want to take me on unarmed?!"
Motonari’s sounding incredibly unimpressed, for it was him against three rapscallions, but also incredibly pissed. No matter how this will end, you're sure you won't be of any use. So you’re looking around for an escape route. But you are cornered. The only side you could rush to is a dead end.
"The lil’ one’s mine, get it? So piss off, aye? ” Motonari’s growling with a frown and kicks the man roughly in his side. Gruntling the man hits the ground hard.
"You sunova-!" Furiously about the defeat of his crony, another ruffian - not quite as stupid as his predecessor - is trying his luck with a rusty dagger, when he’s running towards Motonari. But after a few seconds it lands on the ground, followed by the guy.
The last of the crew charges in, just to earn a brutal smack with the back of Motonari’s sword in the side of his neck. "Tch! How the hell did ya morons think yer can take me on when a lil’ girly beat you up? Ya wanna make me really mad?”
You’re recognizing the change in the air around Motonari. It’s tense, shifting from the beginning amusement to bloodlust. Motonari’s wielding his sword, but apparently used it just to disarm his opponent. But now it seems that he won’t restrain himself any longer.
"Crap, let's get out of here!" The guy with the lost dagger is yelling towards his pals. Frantically they’re getting up and quickly disappear into the alleys.
You sigh, relieved as the men finally disappear. But just one moment later your heart’s sinking completely into your boots when Motonari turns back to you, though this time with a sword in his hand. "Back to ya, princess."
“I haven't seen or heard anything!” You shout, throwing your arms up in air and backing from him. Now pressed against a real wall on the side of the house, your heart is pounding up to your throat, when you meet Motonari’s sharp gaze. Luckily the bloodlust you’ve seen before has gone, too.
Motonari’s raising an eyebrow, probably irritated by your strange reaction and is fixing you. Then the corner of his mouth curves up to an amusing smirk while he’s withdrawing his sword back to his belt. “Heh, ain’t that a start?” He snickers.
Abruptly he shortens the distance to you, placing one of his white gloved hands right next to your head against the wall behind you. Superior and smugly, Motonari’s looking straight into your eyes, straight into you. The tension’s getting tangible again and your heart’s pounding hard in your chest. "You owe me. I bet you saw nothing, understood?"
Something you least of all wanted, is to owe to some madman like Motunari! His stern expression is sending a shiver through your spine. "I- ... uhm ... thank you?"
"What should I do with yer thanks? Can’t buy anything with ‘em.” Motonari snarls dissatisfied and is slightly narrowing his eyes. "Either you damn shut yer mouth about everything ya saw - hell, just forget I’m even here! Or I'll cut out yer pretty tongue. Ain’t that a deal?"
Automatically you’re pressing your lips together sealing your mouth - and especially your tongue. You’re staring at him in horror with wide eyes. "Let's never talk about this again, aye?"
What joice do you have? Of course you could just agree with Motonari and then tell the warlords about his whereabouts. But you’ve always been a woman which sticks to her word, no matter how bitter this one is. Not entirely sure whether he'll still carry out his threat to cut off your tongue, you're just nodding, while glancing determined up to him.
"Splendid." Motonari’s pushing himself off the wall with a mask of satisfaction on his face, giving you the way free. "Then rush back to yer patrons, ‘lil princess.”
Uncertain you’re blinking towards him. Motonari makes no move to stop you, he’s just waving with his hand in your direction. He really leaves you with just that! Without further thinking, you’re taking to your heels and bolt away. Not that he'll change his mind after all!
After two more alleys, you’re finally reaching the busy and crowded market and try to calm your panicked pounding heart. That was definitely too much excitement for one day! Still, you're grateful for Motonari getting those ruffians off your back. But why does it haf to be Motonari of all people?!
A deal is a deal, you’re thinking to yourself taking one last, deep, nessecary breath. Certainly it won’t mean anything good that Motonari’s currently in Azuchi. You just hope, you won’t regret this deal someday.
With quick steps you’re heading purposefully back to the castle. Even if this idiot surely won’t appreciate it, your silence about that accident was certain to him.
And you are going to take to grave, that you’ve embraced Motonari by that accident, when running into him. Yes, better never even think about this again!
Motonari’s running his white gloved fingers through his hair and grunts in annoyance, after you left. That you’ve recognized him is a great nuisance to him. It’s time to rethink his plans. That would slow things down a lot.
As if he’d actually trust a little princess like you to keep her mouth shut. What stupidity!
Casually he drives his hands on his sides to get rid of the strange feeling from your delicate arms embracing him.
Let's never talk about this again. - Yeah, better let's not.
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story-thief · 3 years
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Y/N- Age: 16, Hight: 5'6", Gender: female, Quirk: Plant Growth and Control, Class: 1-A
AU- None, Domestic fluff
Relationship background: You and Bakugo are really good friends and secretly have crushes on each other!!!
It was rather early in the morning and admittedly, (Y/N) hadn’t slept the best, her dreams being plagued with fantasies of hungry gators, with her on the menu. So in short, she needed her morningly sugar.
Walking down the halls of the dorms, she groggily made her way to the kitchen where she opened the fridge and grabbed herself a vanilla DrPepper. Popping it open, she shuffled into the living room and flopped onto the couch where she tiredly sipped at her drink.
Unknown to her were the three mischievous boys who had gathered in Sero’s room. “So here’s the deal…” The tall black haired male began to fill in his peers, Kirishima and Kaminari. “Yesterday, as I was out… I came across this guy who said that he had a special serum that can shrink someone…” He told them, to which their eyes practically bulged from their heads. “Wait for real?!” Denki cried, willing to believe his friend despite the height of the tall tale. Kirishima looked slightly skeptical, “Shrink someone??” He asked, despite how much he wanted to believe his friend.
Sero pulled a small bottle from under his bed with a wide, sly grin. “It’s pure extract from someone’s quirk.” He explained, shaking it gently  as the amber colored liquid inside sloshed lightly. Denki looked momentarily horrified, “LIKE THAT THING THEY DID TO THAT LITTLE GIRL, ERI!?” He cried, “NO!!!” Sero replied, “Yeah, Sero wouldn’t do that, come on man!... Though how did you get it??” The redhead asked, now fully on board. Their friend just gave them a slightly creepy smile. “I have my ways…” he admitted. “Anyways, the reason I called you guys here…” He continued, setting the glass jar down gently in front of them.
“You guys know (Y/N)....”
“Yeah!!!” “Of course man!!!”
“Know Bakugo…?”
“Oh?” “Where’s this going……”
“Well…. I was thinking we could help them come out of their shells a little bit…” He chuckles almost darkly. The other two gave him curious and expectant looks. “I say we find a way to sneak (Y/N) some of the elixir…. Then we leave her to Bakugo.” He says. The other two perk up, “YES!!!” Denki fist pumps, “That’s genius!!!” He laughs. Kiri on the other hand didn’t seem so sure. “I don’t know man… If (Y/N) found out we’d be in a lot of trouble…. And if Bakubro found out….” Kirishima needn’t finish as all three boys shivered at the mere thought.
“Its ok, Bakugo isnt gonna find out because nobody's gonna tell him.” Sero urged, both him and Kirishima giving Denki a death glare. “Wha- HEY!!! I WOULDN'T TELL, YOU GUYS NO THAT, I DON'T SQUEAL LIKE A PIG, I'M NOT MINETA!!” he whined, throwing his arms out before Kirishima quickly clamped a hand over his mouth. “But he will know if you’re not quiet…” He hushed.
“So are we going to do this then??” Sero finally asked, the other two glancing at each other briefly before nodding. “Great!!!”
(Y/N) remained on the couch, passively drinking her soda whilst tapping away on her device. The three boys all came in one by one, gradually as not to seem suspicious. The girl paid them no mind, only acknowledging Kirishima when he sat beside her on the couch, whipping out his own phone after wishing her a goodmorning.
After five or so minutes, The boys’ classmate got up to go retrieve her charger as her phone battery began to run low, leaving her DrPepper on the coffee table. As soon as she was gone Sero tossed Kirishima the bottle and he uncapped it, dumping its entire contents into the unsuspecting drink.  He then quickly screwed the lid back on and pocketed the empty bottle.
Shortly after, (Y/N) returned, retaking her place on the couch, grabbing her drink and taking a small sip.
All three boys couldn't help as devious smiles tugged at the corners of their mouths…
For the first little while she didn’t notice their creepy smiles as they watched her expectantly, her continuing to enjoy her beverage. Finally she looked up to be met by three pairs of eyes. “What??” She asked, furrowing her brows, confused at their behavior. "Nothing..." Kirishima smirked, chin on his fist as he refused to look away. "Riiiight.... Did you guys spit in my drink or something??" She asked, eyeing the other two who laughed, "No!!" Sero guffawed, "So.... Are you guys on drugs or something??" She pressed, feeling frustrated that she didn't know what was going on. "no, but you are...." Denki muttered under his breath with a snicker, getting smacked in the back of the head by his friend.
"Ok then, I'm going to leave you creeps to yourselves and get ready..." She stated, finishing her drink and tossing it into the recycling.
'What on earth was wrong with them??? Did they do something to my drink??? Were they just being dummies and trying to see how she would react???' (Y/N) couldn't help but wonder as she walked down the halls back toward her room where she'd shower and make herself presentable for the day.
Not long after she felt her knees turn to jelly as the air whisked itself from her lungs. Startled, she tripped over herself and fell hard to the ground.'What the heck just happened!? Was this because of Denki, Sero, and Kirishima?!' Her mind whirled as the fall to the ground felt far further than it should have.
The three men peeked around the corner at their classmate and watched as her legs gave way and she tripped, disappearing completely in the process, just her sweat pants and white T-shirt left on the ground.
"What just-"
"Did she-"
"Did we...?"
Their eyes were frozen open. It looked as if they had just vaporized her. "Well, we gotta see if she's ok!!!" Kirishima said, finally running out from their hiding spot, the other two chasing after. As they approached the discarded garments they were able to see a small form moving  underneath the cloth. "Is that-!" Sero's smile grew exponentially. Kirishima looked as if he would reach out and see if she was ok so Sero clamped a hand over his mouth, shaking his head in reminder that Bakugo had to be the one to find her.
(Y/N) Felt the ground shake violently briefly. She sat up, still a little shaky and trying to catch her breath. "What just happened, where am I?!" She cried, trying to look around only to see she was in some sort of large fabric covering. The boys remained silent, slowly backing away as to not be around if anyone else came down the hall. Luckily they had timed things right and the very man they wanted to see came walking down the halls.
The floor vibrated again with his footsteps. "H-hello??" (Y/N) called, a smidge of fear starting to creep in given she still didn't know what all was happening.
Bakugo had only just gotten up and was on his not-so-merry way when he heard a small voice. He stopped, noticing the clothing discarded on the floor. "Eh?? Who on earth just left their clothes on the floor??" He asked, grabbing each piece, unintentionally scooping the small woman inside up as well. "Whatever. If they want their stuff back they'll have to come get it back. I don't have time for this crap." He grumbled, making his way back to his room.
The three other boys just gave each other victorious smiles, the plan was set in motion.
Bakugo reached his room shortly, tossing the clothes onto a nearby chair. He was about to walk right back out when he saw that they were moving. He hesitated, eyes growing a little with curiosity. (Y/N) on the other hand was so close to getting out, "HEY!! WHAT'S GOING ON!!!" She shouted, pushing at the shirt that surrounded her. Bakugo's eyes widened more, was he going crazy or did the pile of clothes talk??? "IS THERE ANYONE THERE??!!" She yelled once more, finally pushing her way out, shoulders and up protruding from the linen prison. The ash blonde's eyes snapped all the way open, which, may I add, was most certainly a first. "Oi, what kind of a joke is this??" he asked, regaining his demeanor, reaching for what looked to him like some kind of doll. (Y/N) was still trying to process what all she was looking at around her when the giant hand tried to grasp for her. With a startled squeak she ducked back down, barely missing as the closing fist brushed the top of her head.
When he grabbed nothing Bakugo only blinked. Curious as to if he really saw what he thought he saw. Bakugo parted the clothes enough to see the top of  a miniature head. What was that thing?! he just stared at it for a second, trying to process what he should do. As he thought, the head turned to look up at him, and he was greeted by the tiny face of his classmate, (Y/N). Startled, he flinched away, goosebumps breaking his skin. "WHAT THE HECK!?" He finally yelled, "B-Bakugo!?" she yelled back, inching her way back out of the shirt just enough to peek up and out at him. "How'd you get so big!?" She asked to which he promptly shouted back, "Nothing happened to me, you're the one who shrunk, idiot!!!" "What!?" She looked down at herself to figure out if he was telling the truth, and soon learned that not only was she a great deal smaller, but she was also in her own clothes, meaning they weren't necessarily on her body anymore.
(Y/N)'s eyes widened and she hugged the fabric closer to herself. "Uh.... I don't think I have anything to actually.... wear" She told him, her cheeks lighting up with embarrassment. Bakugo rolled his eyes, shutting his door roughly, "Tch- well you're not walking around my place with your naked butt." He replied curtly, just standing there as if she should do something about it. "Well?" He asked. She looked around, growing uncomfortable, "Well....?" She responded, unsure of what he wanted. "Use your dumb quirk to make yourself some! You can grow plants from your body right???" He asked, lip slightly curling up as he spoke. "Oh!! i can make them grow from anything really, but it has to have the nutrients that the plants would need to sprout, so I could grow them from my own body, but they'd sap my energy and life force in a sense, plus that could be risky given plants can be kinda flimsy and delicate..." She responded.
Bakugo huffed, making his way over to the bed where he pulled something out from under. A small shoe box. The tiny girl leaned to look inside as he took the lid off to reveal the last thing she expected to see. Barbies.
"YOU HAVE BARBIE DOLLS?!" She cried out in disbelief, quickly covering her mouth as his head swirled to give her a death glare, "IT WAS A PHASE OK!? AND THEY'RE NOT BARBIE DOLLS, THEY'RE ACTION FIGURES!!!!" He belted, making her cover her sensitive ears. "Plus, I was ten...." He grumbled. pulling a few of the different girls out. "Pick whichever one you like, I don't care." the boy huffed, holding them out. "Umm, well I like the last one!!" She told him, pointing to one with a red, flannel shirt with a collar, and blue jeans. The ash blonde didn't respond, only set it down beside her and put the others away, his cheeks ever so slightly pink from embarrassment of the dolls.
"U-um... Could I maybe have some privacy???" The small girl asked, a little flustered. "Yeah, whatever..." he replied, turning around to stare at the wall, "Just hurry up, I have places to go and things to do." he told her, his tone returning to not a mean one, but also not necessarily nice. (Y/N) just nodded, staying within the safety of her shirt as she slipped the doll's clothes on. "Alright, I'm decent now." she told him, climbing from the wrapped cloth to stand before him, his crimson eyes turning to look her up and down. "Eh- They fit you well." he said after a moment of silence, making her blush, "Thanks!" She chirped, quickly turning his cheeks red, "NOT LIKE THAT, THEY JUST AREN'T TOO BIG!!!" He yelled angrily. The tiny couldn't help but laugh, a blush still set on her face. "SHUT UP!!!" He bellowed again, to which she responded, "Hey, no need to get all prickly, it was a nice compliment! Your yelling is hurting my ears though..."
Bakugo just scowled, letting out a terse huff. "Yeah, fine, whatever. I gave you clothes, you can go now, I just want those back whenever this is over." he told her, grabbing a duffle bag off the end of the bed. "Wait! You're just going to leave me here?! While I'm like this?!" (Y/N) sassily inquired, stopping the giant in his tracks. "Why not?? You're not some helpless little kid." he responded, to which she knew translated into another silent compliment. She understood that he thought that even like this she could handle herself just fine, and he wasn't a dunce, so she knew he meant it. "I know... but still, I'm still trying to get used to everything and, would you at least find me someone else safe to stay with?" she secretly hoped deep down that no one else would be able to, but she definitely wasn't going to admit that aloud whilst around him.
The Pomeranian let out a long sigh after glancing at his nightstand clock. "Tch- fine." He slung his duffle bag over his shoulder, then lazily grabbed his shrunken classmate in his fist before she could protest, his large fingers wrapping around her stomach and waist so as to not grip her anywhere that would restrain her or make her uncomfortable, being respectful in his own way. "Hey!!" She cried out in surprise, pressing against his hands. "You're fine." He told her, though he made sure his grip was loose enough he wasn't crushing her, but she couldn't get loose either.
"I never said you could just grab me!!" She objected, "And I never asked." He replied, walking out and into the hallway, toward the common room. (Y/N) just sulked, resting her head on her hands, elbows braced against the giant’s hand that wrapped carefully around her. As they walked in, the three boys from earlier plus Deku, Mina, Ochako, and Iida were all up and about. "OI! Extras!!" Bakugo yelled as he walked in, getting the attention of everyone there. "Who here can watch Flower Face for today??" He asked, waltzing up to the counter where he promptly set her down. (Y/N) stumbled, startled by the sudden and rough motion, trying to regain her balance. The eyes of everyone in the room popped from their heads, save the three boys who put her in the predicament to begin with.
Deku was the first to talk, followed by Iida, then Ochako, then Mina.
"Is that-?!"
"Woah!! How'd she get so small!?"
"So cute!!! What happened!???"
Bakugo let out a long, exasperated breath. "I don't know ok?? I just found her like this in the halls." He explained. Midoryia quickly fell to his knees, making himself eye level with the tiny as he gripped the edge of the counter, in absolute awe. "This is amazing!? Do you know what happened!?" He asked, his excitement enough to make it appear almost as if he were glowing.
(Y/N) stumbled back when he got so close so fast, his already large green eyes suddenly so much bigger. "Uh- well I was just fine when I woke up this morning, then I suddenly just got sick and shrunk..." She told him, still a little unsure of his enthusiasm, simply because of the drastic size difference.
"Wait, wait!! (Y/N,Y/N)!!! Could I hold you!?" Mina squealed, bouncing up and down, holding her hands out. the small girl was just about to answer when Bakugo stepped in. "Jeez, give her some space! She's still a living being and you guys are being super invasive." he growled, growing slightly protective, "And don't be so loud, she has smaller ears now you know." He added, hand raised as if he were ready to slip it in between them and the small. The others stopped to look up at him before realizing that they really must have been overwhelming her. "S-sorry!!" Deku cried, jumping back, "I guess I didn't stop to think how that may have made you feel, (Y/N), I'm sorry..." He said with a apologetic and flustered smile, rubbing his hands nervously. "No... You didn't..." Bakugo scoffed, making the poor boy feel worse. "It's alright, I know you didn't mean to." She chuckled, feeling slightly bad about Bakugo's unnecessary persistent comment.
"Now who here can be responsible and take care of her?? I have stuff I need to get to so hurry up." The grumpy teen curtly explained, leaning against the counter. Deku gave another apologetic smile, "Sorry... I can't today...." He said before looking at the clock, "I have to be somewhere in- IM LATE!!!" He jumped upon seeing the time, grabbing his stuff and running out the door. The girls watched with stifled giggles, "Sorry, we had a girls' day planned for today." Uraraka explained, Mina nodding, "Speaking of which, we need to go wake the others if they're gonna be ready in time!" she added, Uraraka nodding vigorously as they both jogged off. "What about you three?! You've been weirdly quiet." The Pomeranian growled at the culprits. Denki startled, "Uh- yeah well I have to go see my mom...." He said before running out the door, earning exasperated looks from Kirishima and Sero as he bailed on them. "Sorry Bakubro, gym day.." Kirishima said as he casually got up and quickly left, already in workout clothes and sneakers.
(Y/N) watched as one by one, they each left, the chances of her having to stay with Bakugo growing, along with the nervous butterflies in her stomach. Then Iida piped up, "Don't worry, Bakugo, I will gladly keep watch on-"
"Oop- Iida was going to go visit his brother today!! And I have elsewhere to be!!" Sero interrupted him, clamping a hand down on his mouth and dragging him out of the common room.
Bakugo growled, "WHAT!? YOU CAN'T ALL BE BUSY TODAY!!! YOU LITTLE BRATS, GET BACK HERE!!!"  He cried as they left, "Tch-!!" The man was beside himself, they really just left him to watch over her. "Come on Bakugo, I can't be that bad!!" (Y/N) laughed, though part of her felt slightly hurt that he seemed so reluctant to spend time with her. The ash blonde teen rolled his eyes, "Not that bad?? Taking care of your sorry butt would be easy, but it gets annoying when I have to do it while doing hero work..." He grumbled, "I don't have time for this!!" he said, gripping the bridge of his nose. "Oh... Well, I won't be much trouble!!" (Y/N) pressed, still determined to go with him. It'd be better than staying here all day where she wouldn't be able to do anything. The boy just stared at her long and hard before he grumbled, grabbing his bag again and holding his hand out. The tiny girl stared at it for a moment before her face lit up and she looked up at him with a glittering smile, "Wait- I can-!?" She started to ask before he glared, face heating up as he tried to ignore the throbbing in his chest at the sight of her so stoked to go with him. "Hurry up will ya, I already told you I'm in a rush!!" He complained, trying hard to hide the faint coloring in his cheeks.
(Y/N) enthusiastically jumped on, wrapping her hands around his soft yet rough fingers. Bakugo walked out of the building and towards The Best Jeanist's agency. Bakugo had agreed to work with him for a short time whilst he looked for a more permanent position, all under the condition that he wouldn't wear those cursed skinny jeans or have his hair combed back. "Before we get there and I'm officially on patrol and whatever, we'll need to get some things straight. I'm not babysitting you." He stated, still holding his hand up and out where she sat. The girl turned to look back at him as he spoke. "You and I both know you're not some flimsy little pansy, so if you get in a tough spot don't expect me to come in and save you right away, you'll have to be fine holding off as long as you can, got that??" He asked, her nodding her head. (Y/N) noticed he was a little more straightforward with her and honest about his thoughts, a privilege that only she and Kirishima shared. As the thought occurred she couldn't help but blush.
"Oi, earth to Flower Face!!"
His voice broke her train of thought. "Oh!! yeah??" She responded, finally coming to. "I'm getting tired of holding you like this." He told her as he kept walking. "Oh!! Sh-should I move??" she asked, not wanting to do anything without his say so. "Well I didn't tell you just to waste my breath now did I?" He replied, it being as much of an 'okay' as she'd get. "Right!! Is your shoulder okay??" She asked to which he didn't answer other than lifting his hand closer up to his shoulder. Carefully, she climbed on and quickly situated herself to be standing with some of his blonde fluffy hair clutched in her fists to help support her. Bakugo kept walking, seemingly thinking to himself the most of the time, so (Y/N) made herself busy braiding his hair into tiny, spiky braids that followed the natural flow of his messy head. Before she knew it she had braided everywhere she could reach from his right shoulder. 'It'd look weird if I left his hair like this...' she thought to herself, her natural next move being to braid the rest. She grasped each soft clump of hair to keep her from falling as she moved with careful feet to the back of his neck.
As she began to cross she felt him shiver as it quite obviously tickled, his neck and shoulders tensing beneath her feet. "What the heck are you doing??" He asked, the tiny's foot holds vibrating with the hum of his voice. (Y/N) looked down at his feet that kept pace, coming behind him just enough to push off and into the next step. "Oi, What are you up to you little dummy!" He asked again, this time getting her full attention, "Just wanted to see what this'd be like!" She exclaimed, carefully testing to see if his shirt collar would support her. "Yeah well don't get used to it!! And don't fall, you've already made me late enough!!" The Pomeranian warned her as she looked out over the ground they had covered. "Ok!" She chirped back, before  getting to work on his hair.
Crossing each large tuft over the other she soon reached the smaller hairs along the base of his neck that were too small to braid. The tiny girl ran her hands through the far softer, finer hairs that bristled straight up. "So soft!!!" She giggled quietly to herself, eventually burying her face in the fluff and nuzzling the boy's neck.
Bakugo could feel everything the girl did. Truth was that he had been thinking to himself around the beginning of the walk but as tiny fingers began working through his hair, his mind wandered to them. He couldn't tell what exactly she was doing but it felt good and he thought it was kinda cute. She was the only person, other than maybe Weird Hair, that he wouldn't yell at for doing this, plus he knew she was a very hygienic person. Though he grew curious as he could feel tiny hands and feet ever so carefully creeping toward the back of his neck. Bakugo could tell as hands tickled the base of his neck  where the baby hairs were and heard her praise his hair. He couldn't help but scowl harder in an attempt to hide the blush that painted itself across his cheeks. Soon something a little bigger than the minuscule fingers began to nuzzle against him. Shivers ran up his back and goosebumps broke his skin in a mixture of tickle and good feeling sensations washed over him.
"Hey!! No one said you could just do whatever you want back there!!!" The ash blonde growled, reaching back and plopping her on his other shoulder. "Sorry!" She laughed as his hand let go of her and she fell flat on her stomach. "oof-" She let out a little noise before pushing herself back up and looking up at the side of his face which was still very hot. "DUDE YOUR EARS ARE SO RED!!" She exclaims with a snicker, startled by the sudden change in color. "SHUT UP, IT'S JUST A SUNBURN!!" He roared back, shoving his hands deeper into his pockets. "That's a fast sunburn!!!" She retorted to which  she could see a sneer curl at his lips, "You're about to get a fast burn...." He threatened.
(Y/N) shrugs it off and doesn't think much of it, beginning to work at his hair again. "What are you doing anyway???" He snarled after some time to which she realized just how ticked he'd be if he knew she was doing this. "N-nothing.... just- playing with your hair, you know...... fluffing it and stuff." She responded, turning sheet white. "Just don't do anything stupid or I'll blow your sad little butt to shreds." He tells her impatiently, to which she nods, continuing the braids slowly now. "Yep, definitely nothing stupid." She added, only adding to the blonde boy's suspicions. "Yeah, whatever." He sighed, rolling his blood red eyes as he kept walking.
At last the braids were done, and (Y/N) thought they looked amazing!!! She couldn't help but giggle and feel proud as she looked at their reflection in a window of a building they walked by. "Eh?? What's so funny?" The boy asked as he twisted his head to look at his tiny crush. The little girl was still grabbing his hair for support, so when Katsuki turned his head, (Y/N) lost her grip and wobbled before falling back and onto the giant's face. "Hey-Woah!!" She cried as she tipped back and fell against his nose and mouth to which he startled, clearly not expecting her to latch onto him for dear life. "HEY!!!" He hollered, making her grab tighter to his nose as her foot caught in his mouth. "GET OFF ME!!" He then began trying to grab at her. "I'M TRYING!!!" she shot back, her surprised but feisty, small, glittering eyes, meeting his much larger, glaring red ones.
He managed to grab her in his fist and give her quite the look. "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR, HUH!!!???" He bellowed at the tiny that tightly gripped his fingers. "It wasn't on purpose!!" She countered, growing more and more conscious of the smoke that seeped from his palm and the rapid heat that generated around her as well. Bakugo's response came with a hard glare. "Well then be more careful idiot!!! I don't want you all over my face, who knows where on this blasted planet you've been!!" "No, you should be more careful!!!! I was fine till you tried to look at me without giving me any warning!!!" She corrected Bakugo quickly, earning a huff and a growl as he looked away for a moment. "Well I'm not gonna tell you every time I wanted to turn my own blasted head...." He didn't answer any more despite his softened attitude. He knew she was right and that he was letting his anger get the best of him.
"So are you gonna carry me in your hand again, Pufferfish??" The tiny girl asked. Bakugo scoffed, "Well you're not going back on my shoulder." He responded curtly, shoving her down in the pockets of his baggy jeans.
Once again, she was plunged into an ocean of cloth, only this time she was pressed up against his hand that rested casually beside her. Put out, the small girl began squirming around against his hand and in the pocket to get comfortable. "The heck you doing??" She heard his grumpy voice ask, and she promptly ignored him, wiggling into the inside of his hand and pressed herself to the Pomeranian's palm and fingers. She heard him scoff lightly before his hand curled inward and around her. She smiled and snuggled into his rough, work worn hand. She allowed her eyes to pull heavily closed, the swaying motion of Bakugo's walking soothing her.
(Y/N) awoke suddenly to being squished against the giant's leg by his hand briefly. "Oi, Watch it." His voice angrily chided. It was clear she had fallen asleep given that she could hear the sounds of a bus humming and every step seemed to drop her lower and lower before she could hear the vehicle start and drive off. How long she had been asleep, she didn't know, but the miniature girl was tired of being carried around in Bakugo's pocket. "Hey!!" (Y/N) began trying to climb up his arm before he pulled his hand out, leaving her in his loose pocket by herself. "Bakugo!!" She whined, trying to pull herself out before failing.
Bakugo was getting off the bus as a stranger got on, slamming into his side where the tiny was in his pocket. "Oi!!! Watch it!" he barked at them, silently hoping that she was okay. She had fallen asleep quite a while back and he was now at The Best Jeanist's agency when he heard her call from his pocket. "Hey!!" (Y/N)'s small and soft voice chirped. He could feel her pulling herself out, but he needed her to stay hidden or Jeanist might try to confiscate her, saying it wouldn't be smart to take a tiny girl like her on a hero patrol. So he paid her no mind as he pulled his hand out without her to open the building's doors. "Bakugo~~" She continued to complain and protest as he walked in, heading straight to check in with his temporary mentor. "Shuddup." He said quietly, cupping one hand to his pocket to keep her from wriggling around too much, clearly having the opposite effect. "Quit it alright?? I'll let you out in a minute," The giant whispered harshly, bopping the little body in his pocket gently. Luckily she stopped moving and he was able to get his patrol route and head to the changing rooms.
After a while of him walking something began poking hard against his leg. He was confused at what she was doing before he figured that she was probably kicking him. Bakugo ignored the little human who continued to relentlessly jab at him until her protests began to come a little too close to a certain sensitive area he did not want to be kicked in. His eyes widened and he quickened his pace to reach the privacy of the changing room as each rough nudge seemed to creep closer and closer to his midsection.
He swiftly threw open one of the locker room doors and dashed inside, setting his duffle bag down and quickly fishing the girl out right as she threw a hard kick. His hand tightened around her harder than he meant as he folded in half. Her small size did not affect her strength in the slightest. Bakugo then shakily pulled (Y/N) from his pockets and gave her a murderous glare. She looked up at him absolutely clueless as to what she had just done, her face a mix of confusion and surprise. "Dude..... Y-you okay????" She asked with furrowed brows. "Im fine." He responded in a strained voice, "But I'd be better if you didn't plant your gosh darn foot between my legs." He added, rage trickling into his voice with each word.
The tiny's eyes grew large as understanding dawned on her, "WAIT FOR REAL!!??" She quickly lost it, wheezing and choking on her laughs at the giant's misfortune. He held his breath for a few moments, resisting the urge to squeeze her just enough to get her to stop laughing and maybe, just maybe exact some extent of revenge. "Would you quit that?! It's not funny, alright!?" He yelled as she continued to laugh and apologize, "Sorry, I just-" she giggled, tears streaming down her face. "You don't sound gosh darn sorry!" He growled before setting her down roughly on the bench beside the bag. "Just be quiet, alright??" He snarled, unzipping it and pulling out his costume.
"Why didn't you let me out??" She asked carefully, calming herself, but not wanting to upset him any further as he remained still somewhat bent in half. "Because Greasy Hair would try to take you if he knew you were here." He told her, quickly pulling off his shirt to which she just stared, "Dang~." (Y/N) cut herself off face turning bright pink as she looked up at the boy's well built, bare chest. "You look like you work out, do you work out??? Would you like to work out together sometime???" She asked, making him roll his eyes as he tossed his shirt onto her. "Don't make this weird alright??" He told her, taking the opportunity to swap his pants whilst she tried to crawl out of the sweaty cloth.
"Hey!!" She squawked, pulling herself from the shirt and looking to see him sitting on the floor and pulling his boots on. She opted to just sit and watch as he put on the rest of his outfit. The room didn't have a mirror so he had to blindly do his eyeliner that he used to make the area around his eyes black and fit in with his mask.
"You missed a spot," The tiny chimed as he picked up the mask, about to tie it to his face. "Eh? Where."
"Right there."
"Well I'm gonna need something a little more specific than 'there'."
"Here, let me get it." She offered. Bakugo didn't respond, only leaned in close to the bench so she could reach his face. "Right here." She responded, stepping forward and placing her tiny hands on the soft skin beneath his eyes to carefully spread the thick black makeup. He didn't close his eyes while she did this, the giant blood red spheres just followed her every movement. The minuscule girl couldn't help but look back up and into his large eyes, every detail becoming very visible. Being this close up to his face, she had to admit, made her heart hiccup. She watched his large pupils dilate as they stared at her, shifting ever so slightly with his studying her tiny form. It was hypnotizing....
"You done??" His voice broke the silence, puffing a small, warm breath across her little body. "Oh, Yeah!!!" She replied, stepping back as he pulled away, tying on his mask. "Thanks I guess," He muttered before scooping her up in gloved hands, far more gently than the last few times- er- all the other times.
"Whoah!" She let her surprised reaction slip from her lips as she was tucked into the hero's belt loop, typically where a grenade would hang. "ah- This isn't very comfortable you know..." she complained, trying to change her position as she was held up by the strap that ran across her chest and under her arms. "Well you've pretty much lost the privilege to ride anywhere else." The ash blonde told her, opening the door and marching out and into the streets, though he walked with a bit of an awkward limp, presumably from her kick. "I'm not a baby, Come on!!!" She proceeded to whine at his stubborn responses. "You may not be one, but you get into about as much trouble as one." He responded as he walked, not even throwing her a glance. (Y/N) let out a huff equal to her size.
Things seemed pretty uneventful as Bakugo walked around, snapping at the occasional fan, and pretty much just marched around his route, with his tiny classmate hanging from his belt. Surprisingly enough, hardly anyone seemed to notice her. Two or three people did and Bakugo easily passed it off as her being his 'sidekick' or 'partner' but that was the most interesting thing to happen so far.
That is.... until a commotion broke loose...
A building not too far from them suddenly exploded as the side wall flew outwards in thousands of pieces, causing the explosive boy's head to whip around, a crazed grin stretching across his facial features, "Finally!" He cheered, a little too eagerly, as he took off running. (Y/N) was being shaken up and down violently by the mere motion of the giant's sprint. Suddenly they lurched forward as Bakugo rocketed forward with his own explosions, landing just a few feet from a startled bystander, "WHATS GOING ON!?" The angry Pomeranian demanded, startling the poor man even further. "I- I- I don't know!! I was just on my way back from the-" "I don't need to know that crap! It blew up, I know!!" He cut the man off quite rudely as he took to a speedy sprint toward the source of the panic.
As they approached the explosion sight, three figures could be seen coming through the smoke. "We've done it!! Now hurry up and let's get out of here before the pros arrive!!!" One masculine voice could be heard, followed by two more voices, one sounding male, the other female. "Sure thing!!" "Less chatting, more scramming!"
Bakugo couldn't resist the urge but to call out, "Not so fast!! Where do you brats think you're going?!" He taunted with the same frightening smile. "go." The first voice instructed and the other two bolted. The tallest of the bunch stayed, presumably the first to speak.
"Mind your own business kid, this doesn't concern you." He said sharply, raising one arm before it came whistling through the air, stretching out like a whip. Bakugo reacted quickly, using his own blasts to flip over the on coming threat right before it slammed into a nearby pile of debris with a sickening crack. "LIKE I GIVE A CARE!!" The hero in training shouted back, one hand held protectively in front of (Y/N). The figure paused before approaching, the long tentacle-like arm retracting into the thick fog and by their side. "Well then, I suppose I've warned you proficiently..." The figure mused, emerging from the dense aerial soot with a slow but powerful stride, "I have no intention of killing one so young, but I can't make promises, the fight tends to get away from me..." He added early with a sickening grin as he came into the light enough to tell the details.
The man was staggeringly tall with shaggy but well kept black hair, he had a long scar that ran up the night side of his face, painting one of his striking blue eyes a milky, blind white. He wore a battered suit and tie, dress shoes replaced by heavy duty combat boots. Two strange scars crept up from the corners of his mouth to his long pointed ears; sharp fang looking things jutted from the scar.
Bakugo couldn't help but smile wider as the man approached, "Same here, Bean Pole." He chuckled, more under his breath than out loud.
Then, with a loud ripping noise, The villain's arms split into many different tentacles, all rushing forward hastily. Bakugo blew up each one as they reached him, smoke and flame firing off in all directions with ear splitting noises. Bakugo grew careless, excitedly flipping and spinning about, propelling himself dramatically with his hand explosions that were each aimed strategically at on coming tentacles and arms that swung about with startling amounts of force.
It was then that he didn’t notice a particular limb until it slammed into him from behind, knocking the air from him as he was flung toward the ground, flinging the tiny (Y/N) from his belt just before he hit the ground.
(Y/N) watched as the world whirled about her as she fell, the wind whistling loudly in her tiny ears as the unknown of how far she’d fall threatened to plant fear in her chest. Reacting quickly she covered herself in cushioned mushrooms that bounced her gently whilst her tiny form rolled across the ground.
Peaking one eye open she shook the shrooms from her body and looked around in hopes to study her current situation. With shaky legs she stood and observed Bakugo swiftly standing and quickly checking his side where she was previously, he looked panicked as he looked around himself and even under his boots, and where he sat. “Crud-“
“What’s wrong??” The figure asked tauntingly as he walked closer, cradling one particularly burned tentacle close to his body as the others crept closer to the panic stricken hero. "You lose something??? Aww~ That's too bad isn't it... especially since you're about to lose consciousness as well...."
The pale blonde whirled on the villain, firing a barrage of explosive shots at him, each one hitting a tentacle and the villain in the head. The man let out startled cries of pain and surprise before shaking it off, "You little-" He started before Bakugo flew at him with outstretched hands that crackled and spat sparks. "I'll make you pay you filthy low life!!" The hero spat, pouncing on the man who deftly dodged and defended himself against the explosive demon boy that tore at him like a feral animal.
(Y/N)'s eyes widened as she observed the giants fight. She had to help, but she couldn't get close, or she'd risk getting crushed. That's when it occurred to her. She looked down at where she stood to see exposed dirt.
Placing her hands on the ground, they glowed a bright green and long, dark vines began to creep along the ground quickly, toward the two who fought. With careful control she aloud the plants to ensnare the tall man and slowly entangle themselves around his body. "What the?!" Both men asked in confusion but Bakugo's eyes quickly widened with relief and realization as he remembered your quirk.
The villain snapped the vines quickly, "How do you have two quirks?!" He asked in astonishment and confusion before his eyes caught that the plants crept from a further and smaller human form. "Isn't it obvious?! Cause I'm the best gosh darn hero this world will ever see!!" Bakugo yelled back, not wanting him to know about his minuscule classmate and crush who was somewhere he was unaware of.
Narrowing his eyes, he focused all his extensive arms on the explosive teen, cocooning him quickly before tossing him off to the side brutally. He then snapped his head to glare at the tiny girl. (Y/N) startled as the villain walked slowly but steadily toward her, stunning eyes fixated on her. She quickly looked behind herself, silently praying that he was looking at someone or something else. But when she turned to look back he was bolting toward her, long arms outstretched.
The small girl let out a startled scream as she turned to run the other way before one of the scaly limbs wrapped itself around her and pulled her off the ground. "So you have an accomplice!" The villain chimed, turning to look back at Bakugo who was standing up from a pile of crumbled stone, one hand clutched to his side.
Bakugo's eyes widened with genuine fear once they spotted the small. He began to run at the villain with startling speed, "GET YOUR FILTHY LITTLE-"
"Uh-uh -uh! I wouldn't do that if I were you!!" The man teased maliciously, tightening his grip on the girl's small form as the scars opened themselves along his jawline to reveal a startlingly larger mouth full of dagger-like teeth. (Y/N) paled. "Make one wrong move and I'll make sure she isn't a problem.... got that??" he asked, still with a sickeningly terrifying grin playing across his facial features.
Bakugo skidded to a stop, growling as he was left in quite the predicament. "What the heck do you want then....." He asked through gritted teeth, his glare hardening on the criminal. "Let us go and I'll give your friend back." He responded before continuing, "I'm going to take her with me to make sure you don't follow, because if you do...." the man trailed off, flashing a very toothy grin.
Bakugo just glared back, carefully running ideas and scenarios through his head as to how to get his tiny friend back without getting her hurt or putting her in any more risk.
(Y/N) on the other hand gripped the villain's arm that held her and let her quirk go crazy, sapping his energy as thorns exploded across his body, rapidly tangling and ensuring him and each other.
The blonde took the opportunity to jump on the villain whilst he struggled against his restraints, roughly pulling the small woman from his grasp and striking him unconscious. "Stupid extra." He spat under his breath before returning his attention to his miniature crush. "You miss me??" She asked with a bright smile despite her shaky voice, to which he turned her in his hand, setting her on his palm. He began checking her up and down for potential injuries, poking, prodding and feeling at her with careful fingers, "You break anything, idiot??" he asked, avoiding her question, and hiding just how petrified he had been for her safety.
The tiny giggled as he hit some ticklish spot and swatted at his large fingers. "Yeah, i'm fine!!! it'd take more than some creepy Slender-Man dude to take me out!!" She told him to which he sighed, giving the thorn ball on the ground a rough kick. "Yeah, whatever, come on, we can't let those other guys get away." He told her, looking down at himself for a safer spot to place her.
(Y/N) watched him study himself, noticing that the braids were still intact. Honestly a beautiful sight!
"You know what, i don't even care anymore!" He grumbled, interrupting her train of thought and quickly plopping her onto his head, "Grow some dumb vines to secure yourself or something." He told her, marching off before breaking into a full sprint in the direction the other villains had gone. "Wait what about that other guy??" She asked, quickly growing some vines off his head to secure her tightly to him. "What, Bean Pole?! That dunce is done for, the other heroes will take care of him." He chuckled darkly as he continued to run, following a strange trail of blue slimy residue footsteps.
(Y/N) just lied back into the tall, crazy, spiky blonde hair. There was a stunning amount of it and its ridiculously soft texture made it clear that it held its messy composure without any kind of gel or treatment. Good gracious was she glad she didn't have shoes. She couldn't help but wiggle her feet back and forth through his silky tufts, fluffing strands and clumps of it through her hands and against her face as well.
Bakugo knew full well what she was doing and smiled softly to himself as he kept running, doing his best to ignore the burning in his ears as they turned red.
Soon they could hear voices...
"Do we just wait here for the boss???'
"Duh, what else would we do?!"
"Well, what if he got caught?"
"By that kid?! Please, Kanja Kaiju​ise wouldn't get taken down by a silly little twerp like that, just be patient, he said to wait here so we will." a feminine voice chided in an annoyed tone in response to the nervous male one.
Bakugo gave a sadistic grin at their confidence in their leader. “You should watch who you're calling a ‘Silly little twerp’!” He yelled, swinging himself around the corner with a powerful blast, using both legs to kick the two from behind, knocking them to the ground where he pinned them by standing on them. “WHAT THE-?!” They both exclaimed in surprise, grunting as they were pinned beneath the ash blonde teen. “IM GONNA BLOW YOU TWO IDIOTS ALL THE WAY TO HELL...." he rasped harshly in their ears. The woman was stronger built than the guy and her skin was a transparent, glossy blue. "I'd like to see you try, punk!!" She hissed though she didn't seem to have any mouth. And just like that she flattened beneath his feet, upsetting his balance briefly. "What on earth??" He muttered as a large, sticky blue puddle and empty clothes replaced the woman.
Like water, the strange substance began to sift from between Bakugo's feet and took shape behind him. Suddenly a sharp pain connected with the back of the boy's head, sending him flying forward. Miraculously, he stopped himself  before he ended up crushing (Y/N) who gripped onto his hair with surprising strength, tearing at his hair ever so slightly. "You alright Flower Face??" He asked, hands cupped over his head before a shaky answer came, "Y-yeah, never better!! Just focus on kicking this girl's butt!!" She squeaked, gaining a very eager grin from the giant, "Alright then, hold on tight!!" He warned. She tightened her grip before he flinched, "Ow, ow, ow, not that hard dummy!!!" He winced at the feeling of his hair being yanked at.
Turning to face his opponent, he was met by the sight of the women, her entire body made from the blue, glossy slime. It looked as if she wore a loose body suit as the goop lacked any other details. The blonde grinned, sparks popping sporadically, from his palms,  "Come at me!!!" He jeered, both crouching down into battle stances.
"RAHHH!!!!" The woman let out a fierce battle cry, rushing forward and morphing around Bakugo's attacks, delivering heavy blows in return. The giant boy coughed and grunted, catching a second wind before sprinting at his sludge-like enemy. "DIE!" He bellowed, utterly missing again.
(Y/N) on the other hand acted quickly in an act of desperation, she generated a long twisted, horned vine and allowed it to fall back around the woman in attempt to trip or snag her, though it caught around her neck, and went right through the glop, severing her head from the rest of her body in a way that looked a great deal like cutting jello. The rest of her body completely melted. The tiny was left star struck and terrified of what she had just done. That was, until the woman's head touched ground and the rest of her quickly formed back. "OH MY-" her breath caught in her throat as she witnessed what she had thought had just been her own manslaughter. But that's when it clicked, "BAKUGO!! I KNOW HER WEAKNESS!!! ONLY THE SLIME CONNECTED TO HER HEAD CAN BE CONTROLLED, SO IF YOU SHRINK HER DOWN YOU CAN BEAT HER!!!" The minuscule girl yelled, making the boy's eyes snap in realization.
It had happened so quickly, all within the time the giant stopped his missed punch and whirled around to see her form again. "I KNEW THAT DANG IT, JUST SHUT UP AND DON'T GET YOURSELF SPOTTED!!!" He yelled back, "Don't tell me to-!!" "I SAID SHUT UP AND DIIIIEEEE!!!!!" The hero whirled on the woman, this time, using her dodging tactics to blow up or kick off small amounts of goop at a time, instead of trying to blast her face into the floor. With each quick, controlled blow strategically taking out inches at a time, they fought till he towered over the woman who stood at only 3-4 inches tall. "Heh heh heh heh, whatcha gonna do now pipsqueak?!" He asked with a devilish grin, having her backed against a wall.  "You should watch who you're talking to you little-" She was cut short as Bakugo slammed a glass bottle over top of her, trapping her inside. "Can it!" He laughed maliciously at his own pun. She let out a frustrated growl as she banged slimy fists against the glass whilst Katsuki pocketed it in one of his heavy duty pockets on his pant legs, filled with other gear and equipment. He turned to see that the other villain was gone. "Coward!" He rolled his eyes with a click of his tongue. "at least he left the money,..." The boy muttered,. "Oi, Flower Face, you still alive??" he asked to which she answered sassily, "Psh- Yeah!!" she chirped whilst he sighed, grabbing the many, heavy duffle bags off the ground, slinging some over his back, the others over his shoulder, and the last two in his arms.
With a light grunt, he lifted the loot and marched back toward where the fight initially broke loose, where the other pro heroes and police were inspecting things and indeed dealing with the so nick-named "Bean Pole".
"Dynamight!!" a voice called as he marched over. "Eh?" He grumbled as a news reporter rushed over, "It seems you single handedly took out the leader of the villains responsible for this attack!! What can you tell the rest of us!?" The lady asked before practically shoving the mic into his face.
"Well (A, I took down two of those gosh darn villains, and got the money back, (B, i didn't do it alone, so get your stupid facts right." He finished his snide remark before shoving past her and marching steadily toward the police. "What are you talking about 'didn't do it alone', i didn't do squat!!" The tiny asked, genuinely confused. "Well, you wrapped Bean Pole in thorns and helped me figure out how to beat Pipsqueak, didn't you??" He asked, though it came out as more of a declaration. (Y/N) just smiled.
After a long chat with the cops about the third man, Bakugo handed the slime girl over to them, along with the stolen goods. Then they finished up an otherwise uneventful patrol and headed back to Best Jeanist's where the blonde would check in, change back into normal clothes and head home for the day.
Bakugo walked into the agency, no longer determined to hide his miniature crush as he had already gone on patrol so it didn't matter anymore. He reported quickly with Jeanist who was, as the boy predicted, angry that he had brought her along but couldn't do much about it any more.
He then went into the changing rooms, this time getting one with a mirror. "Alright, as soon as we get back to the dorms, i'm-!!!" "THE HECK!?" "DID YOU DO THIS YOU LITTLE FUN SIZED PUNK!?" The ash blonde giant roared, staring in horror at the neat little braids that followed the sides of his head all the way around.
(Y/N) paled, "Um well-"
"NOOO!!!! They look so cuuuute~!"
"Can we leave them-"
Bakugo was livid with her and clenched her in a hot, smoking fist as she was forced to undo the little braids that were far too small for his large fingers to fix. Though unknown to him was the fact that she left a particularly favorite one of hers in the back, where he couldn't see. "No way I'm letting you anywhere near my hair again!!" He snarled, earning a complaining whine from her. "And if you freaking kick me I will kill you..." the explosive giant growled as he stuffed the tiny (Y/N) into his pocket after having changed back into his clothes.
(Y/N) knew full well that he'd send her flying if she did so, though she didn't plan to. Instead, she made herself busy playing with pieces of lint, like one might a cloud or cotton candy, squishing and shaping it in her hands.
Sooner than she would have thought the sound of a door opening and closing caught her attention. "Hey!! Are we home!?" She asked, standing on his thumb to peak out of the pocket. Her question was answered simply by looking around. They were in a simple convenience store. "Tch- Whats it look like??" He asked with a click of his tongue. "Wait, I thought we were gonna head back to the dorms?" She asked to which her classmate let out an annoyed sigh, "We are, dummy, I just wanted to grab some snacks to eat before we get back."
"What do you mean?? You already have a snack!!"
"Eh? what- that plain crap ramen and potato chips back home?? I'm not eating that trash-"
"No, you've got me!!! I'm a hot pocket!!!!"
"Cause I'm hot! And I'm in a pocket!!!" Bakugo just stared at her with a blank expression as she returned one that clearly stated that she knew full well and was proud of her bad pun. She could have sworn his cheeks and ears turned red though, "Are you blush-" "Shuddup!!! Just pick something out already so we can check out!!" He yelled, turning to look away from his pocket and hide his face as his hand shifted beneath her, catching her tiny figure in his palm as he lifted her out of his pocket. (Y/N) decided not to push, but the thought alone that her comment had made him blush caused a hot pink to dust her cheeks whilst her heart swelled.
Bakugo carried her around the small gas station store to pick out some sweets and snacks. A certain treat caught the tiny's eye, "OOO, GRAB THOSE (fav unhealthy snack)!!!" "Are you serious!? Do you know the havoc those things can wreak on your body!?" He asked, disgust lacing his tone. "Yes!!! NOW GIMME!!!" Bakugo rolled his eyes, "Fine, just know I'm not gonna let this be all you eat, you better save room for something healthy!! There's no way I'm letting you eat too much of this junk!!" He chides, (Y/N) just laughing at his comment. "ok, I won't say no to that!!" she giggled.
After picking out some stuff for her, Bakugo bee-lined for the spicy ramen and other hot snack foods, grabbing some ghost pepper potato chips, dried chili peppers, and spiced almonds. "You want some food with that hot sauce??" The tiny asked with a sarcastic little scoff. "Ha!! This is the mild stuff!!!" He said, grabbing a pack of Carolina reaper snack sticks off a shelf. "This.... is the good stuff!!" He spoke with a triumphant laugh as her eyes popped, looking at the pack of seasoned sausages he shook in his hand. "Holy crap man!! How can you even still taste anything!!??" "I can taste plenty fine, and you're gonna eat these with me!!" He laughed, tossing them into the little basket he held. The tiny girl paled as she looked down into the basket below her, sitting on the wrist of his hand that held it. "No way, and you can't make me!" She responded after a moment as they came up to the register. "Oh yeah!? We'll see about that, Flower Face!" he laughed, setting the ingredients and snacks they planned to purchase on the conveyor belt.
The cashier rang them up, casting countless looks and glances at the shrunken human that sat on Bakugo's shoulder. It clearly got on the hot head's nerves as he eventually yelled at the poor guy to stop staring. The adult got defensive and demanded that the temperamental boy give respect to his elders.
"Oh yeah!? And who are you to make me!?"
"Someone who can kick you out of here without your food!"
"Try me Spider!! You're looking at the future number one hero!!!"
"Number one hero!? You're not going to be squat with that attitude!"
"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!? I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT AN ATTITUDE LOOKS LI-" The blonde was promptly cut short as the shrunken girl pressed both her hands against his face, squishing his cheek and getting him to stop. Bakugo had already gotten up and onto the counter, one leg propped up high the other ready to launch him forward as both hands sparked. "Sorry, he's a little hangry, if you'll pardon us we'll just pay for our food and get out of your hair!!" She apologized, still leaning against the boy's face.
The man just stared as Bakugo began angrily fishing the money from his back pocket with a sneer. "Fine whatever, just get out of my store already..." the cashier huffed. Bakugo clearly got angrier at this and moved to further threaten the man but (Y/N) pulled one of the blonde tufts of hair. "Come on, let's just go home and eat!" She urged before he snatched the bag of food and stomped out, "Whatever... " The small girl just let out a long sigh, "good grief..."  she groaned with a soft chuckle.
Bakugo then began walking back to the dorms with her still on his shoulder.
They soon arrived and the teen went straight inside where they were met by the three from earlier who had started the whole thing. "Yo! Bakubro!! How was your time out!? Where'd you guys go?? What'd you do!?" "It was hero work." he replies, giving the red headed, Kirishima, a skeptic glare. "You took her on a hero patrol!?" Sero asked sitting up from his spot on one of the common room couches closer to the kitchen where the blonde set down the food. "Well what else was I supposed to do?! You idiots were all too busy to provide any other supervision... if what you would do could even be called that." he added with a click of his tongue, (Y/N) laughing at his comment, knowing full well how true it was. Denki piped in, "Yeah but how was it???" He asks with a sly grin. Bakugo's scrutinizing scowl returned, "Why do you three dummies care huh?" "No reason, no reason!!!" They all quickly shut him down, throwing each other glances. "Yeah right...." He muttered with a roll of his eyes before grabbing out a pot for the ramen with the tiny girl still perched on his shoulder.
(Y/N) just observed him start the boiling water, silently praying that he forgot his little vow to make her eat the spicy food. "Why the heck did you go quiet all of the sudden, huh?? Usually your mouth runs like a stinking river." The boy commented as he fished out an apron from a kitchen drawer. "Oh! I don't know, just watching I guess." she shrugs. "Yeah well, remember that you're technically not even supposed to be up there so just don't get too comfortable." The boy commented with a sharp exhale.
Bakugo then pulled the strap around his neck, unaware that it loosely wrapped around (Y/N) till he pulled it tight and she was yanked up against his throat. "Hey!!" She cried out in surprise as the previously loose strap suddenly came up and around her stomach, pulling her tight against the giant's neck. "Oi, What are you doing?" "Nothing! The apron strap got me!!" she laughed, gripping the cloth strap around her waist. "The strap-? oh." And with that it loosened and she was able to slip free.
"You alright?" His question startled her. It came softly, as if meant only for her ears, despite being close to the boy's voice box. "I- Yeah I'm ok, just startled me" The small giggled, discovering herself slightly flustered at the fact that he cared enough to ask, especially given that he did not often check on people like that. "Don't take it like that, gosh dang it! I just wasn't sure if it caught around your stupid windpipe or something!" He yelled, though looking up at the subtle color of his face told her otherwise. "I thought you said you knew I could handle myself!" (Y/N) was unable to resist another chance to tease him."Shut up!! Don't think I've forgotten about our little deal!! I'll spice it up just for you if you keep being a little pain in the neck!"
"heh- pain in the neck~"
"I said to shut it already!!"
The blonde then carefully retied the apron, sure to not get the tiny caught up in it this time. (Y/N) Just beamed as she ventured to stand, carefully placing a hand along his jaw. She enjoyed criticizing his cooking and pointing out the few tiny and unimportant mistakes or differences in cooking that he made; be it the way he chopped green onions, the way he de-shelled garlic, or his choice in extra seasonings, she nagged him over everything. It very clearly was ticking him off more and more as she just got a kick out of the whole thing.
"Fine!! I guess you want me to dice up some raw ghost peppers!!"
"NO!!! NO No No Noooo Nonononononono!!! I'll stop, I'll stop!!"
"Heh, that's what I thought, you little punk!"
"Don't be spiky! You porcupine!!!"
"Tch- spiky?! I can show you spiky if that's what you're wanting to see!!!" Bakugo kept on grumbling at her remarks.
"Oh I've seen plenty!!!" (Y/N) laughed before following up, "I wanna help cook." The giant blinked, not only was her comment off topic, but how did she expect to help cook when only a few inches tall?  "Oh yeah?? How so??" "I don't know, but I feel like I haven't really done anything other than be carried around! I wanna help!" She pressed. It had been bothering her since they left the agency. "Alright, Peel the garlic then." He instructed, continuing to cook without giving her much of a way down from his shoulder. (Y/N) knew full well he wasn't going to stop unless she asked, silently giving her her wish of a chance to display her independence. "Okay!!" She cheered, waiting till his arm was hovering over the counter and near the garlic before she slid down, landing rather sloppily before standing back up with a laugh and dusting herself off. The tiny noticed a faint smile tugging at the corners of the blonde's mouth as she got to work on the garlic as he had requested.
She soon finished, and before she could say anything on the subject he scooped it up and plopped it onto the cutting board, promptly dicing it into tiny bits. "What next!?" She chirped. Bakugo scoffed, shaking his head lightly with a soft grin. "I need some of the chicken seasoning in the cabinet." He stated, nodding his head in gesture to the cabinet just above the floor and not too far from her. He felt he should test her with slowly bigger and bigger tasks.
(Y/N) took one glance and replied with a bright and determined smile, "Easy!"
And with that she jumped off the counter, sprouting a large and frilly flower from the soles of her feet, saving her from a dangerous fall. The giant teen watched her scurry across the floor from the corner of his eye, keeping tabs on her as he moved about the kitchen, careful to watch his feet.
The small girl swung the cupboard open with little effort, easily accessing its contents. The seasoning jar was about as big as her, so carrying it was the harder part of the ordeal. With a soft grunt she managed to lift it up and move it out and onto the floor where she rolled it up to Bakugo as he stirred their meal. "Got it!!" (Y/N) cheered in triumph.
"Took you long enough." He chided, her response coming back playfully, "Hey! I did really well given my size!!" The ash blonde just rolled his eyes as he picked the jar off the ground and added some of the dry mixture to the boiling liquid in the small pot.
"What else!?" "Eh? Now we just let it cook for a couple minutes, so why don't you make yourself useful and put stuff away." "Ok then!! Give back the chicken stuff!!!" With that, the giant set the jar on the floor before grabbing other items off the counter tops to return them to where they belonged.
(Y/N) watched the giant move around above her. Being on the floor was both terrifying and exciting. It was cool to watch him shuffle around from below, his feet being careful not to come too close to her, though he did occasionally step over her, his towering shape moving just overhead. She was quick to deftly put the dried herbs back into the cabinet. She then realized that everything else, including her friend and crush, were above her, and she was still on the floor.
She could either ask Bakugo for help, or further prove her independence and find a way up herself. The answer was obvious.
As the giant stood at the fridge, putting things away, (Y/N) took her chance. Moving quickly she climbed onto the boy's stationary feet, causing them to shift ever so slightly beneath her as he looked down to see his shrunken classmate. Bakugo just watched as the small began pulling herself up his pant leg til she reached his pocket where she managed to pull herself inside.
Bakugo couldn't help but smile at this. But he pretended not to notice, moving to grab two bowls of different sizes and serve the ramen. He then grabbed himself chopsticks and her a couple of toothpicks before he grabbed the bag of snacks. "Oi, Flower Face, Ready??" he asked, glancing down at his pocket where she peaked out, giving him a thumbs up. "Yup!!"
Bakugo marched up to his room, sending (Y/N) through another roller coaster of swaying motions. "We're going to your room??" "Yeah, so what?" "I just don't think I've ever seen it before if I'm being honest." "You were in here this morning..." "Oh yeah!! I guess I just didn't pay much attention then..." "Yeah, well then don't make it weird or I won't ever let you in again." He grumbled, opening the door and walking in.
His room, quite honestly, was an absolute aesthetic. The shelves were decorated by comic books and traditional books, he had some small string lights that draped over them too. Small succulent plants and potted cacti could be found here and there. His bed was up against one wall with storage underneath and in the headboard; a cork board hung above it. He had some posters up on the walls, some of U.A., others of All Might, and few of other topics. A laptop lay open on his desk, along with other supplies and small books. An open window allowed the wind to flow through the room. Over all the room's decorations were simple but homey, theming more around a sort of Lofi feel.
"DUDE!!! YOUR ROOM IS SO COOL!!! HOW COME YOU'VE NEVER LET ANYONE ELSE SEE IT BEFORE?!" "Tch- Because I never felt like it." He scoffed, setting the food down on the desk before clearing it up a little. "Well okay, but your room is so cool!!!!" She continued to compliment him. "Yeah yeah, now are we gonna eat this stuff or what??"
That's when (Y/N) remembered that the ramen was spicy, as in spicy spicy......
"Ohhhh.... Yeah.... Well-" She started before the explosive boy cut her off. "You're not bailing on me, are you?!" he taunted, flashing her a devious grin. "I- No!!" She shot back before realizing what she had done. "Good!" He laughed, pushing the small bowl forward. "Because this batch should be really good!" He chuckled darkly.
The bowl was gigantic in comparison to the tiny. There was no way she'd be able to eat all of it, though knowing Bakugo, he'd try and get her to eat as much as she possibly could. "Eat up Bite Size!" He coaxed, using a new nickname.
(Y/N) gave him one last foreboding glance before grabbing the makeshift chopsticks and lifting a noodle out of the bowl. Bakugo already had a full mouth and let a slight grunt of approval to the meal escape. "Well?! It's not going to eat itself!" He managed through his full mouth, finishing and quickly shoveling in another bite. "It's not even that spicy!!! Still pretty flavorful though." The small girl wasn't sure how much she trusted his judgement on that, but nonetheless she took a large bite.
Yup. It was bad.
The tiny human quickly swallowed it before exploding into a coughing fit, making Bakugo almost spray his food. Whilst (Y/N) fanned at her mouth frantically, tears began to well up in her eyes as her nose went bright red, becoming runny from the spice alone. "HOT HOT!!! OH HEAVENS THAT IS VERY VERY HOT!!!" She gasped and sputtered between coughs. "IT'S NOT THAT BAD!!!" The blonde giant guffawed at her predicament. "JUST GET ME FRIGGIN WATER!!!!" "FINE WHATEVER!!!" Bakugo was now choking on his own laughter as he got up and ran out of the room. Had he seriously not grabbed any kind of liquid before trying to get her to eat the stuff?! What was that idiotic brat of a gremlin boy thinking???!!! After what felt like eons of fiery mouth pain, he came back in, slowing from a run.
He dashed over, holding the large glass in his hands, moving to help her drink. In both their hurry to help (Y/N) with the spice, neither thought to be very careful, and the teen ended up drenching his friend in the process, tilting the still sloshing glass of water a little too much. "DUDE!!!" The girl yelled, getting more upset from the pain in her mouth than the actual water. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" The giant lost it, dropping the cup as it further soaked her. "BAKUGO!!!!!" She screeched, no longer in pain given that she choked on an entire wave, but now hopelessly soaked. 
The laughing Katsuki lay face down on his desk, face in his folded arms as his shoulders heaved from his chortling fit. "DUDE! YOU SOAKED ME!!!" "Sorry~" He managed between laughs, "You don't sound sorry." She huffed, folding her arms and glaring at him. Bakugo didn't answer, he just kept laughing.
Despite being sopping wet, (Y/N) couldn't help but smile. He didn't smile much so it was really nice to see. "Well then, since it's so funny, you got me wet, you can dry off!" She exclaimed before throwing herself onto him and scrubbing herself against him furiously. "Hey, get off me idiot!" He half laughed, half yelled, still grinning wide. The miniature girl clung tight, burying into his sleeve and drying herself even more violently. "Dang it! Let go of bite size punk!" He cried, wrapping his fist around her and trying to pull her away with little to no success as she continued to stubbornly cling. "The heck!?" The giant pried and pried, but his best efforts weren't enough. "I'll dry you the fun way if you don't LET GO!!!!" He threatened, his fist becoming increasingly hot as both steam and smoke rose from between his knuckles. "BET!!!" And with that a sharp pain collided with her entire torso, predominantly where he had been gripping her. "OW!" She startled as a loud crack filled her ears and bright light obscured her vision, a strong wave of heat washing over her for a brief instant. "You asked for it you little brat!"  he chuckled, dropping her roughly onto the desk whilst she shook herself from her daze. Her only response was to let out a few short coughs, still a little out-of-it from the blow.
"Tch-" Bakugo clicked his tongue, scoffing at the tiny. "Well... At least I'm dry and okay, but come on bro! What the heck!!" (Y/N) punched his hand that rested by her, causing him to flinch slightly. "Don't look at me Bite Size, I gave you fair warning!"
"That's what I thought, now hurry and finish your ramen!"
"Are you insulting my cooking?~"  The question came dangerously, as if testing waters that were sure to be filled with sharks. "N-No!! It's good, it's just too hot for me!!" She exclaimed, as she began to lightly shiver from the cold of her still lightly damp clothes and the wind blowing through the open window wasn't helping. "Yeah, well at least you handled it better than Dunce Face and Soy Sauce Face." "What's with you and ____ Face?" "Shut up. Plus I'm calling you Bite Size now." "That only concerns me further." "Just have your junk food or whatever." Bakugo scoffed, rolling his eyes with a faint grin still drawn up on his features.
(Y/N) gladly accepted the sweets and ate them quickly, Bakugo finishing both his and her servings of ramen. When he was done, the boy swiftly cleaned up their mess and returned to his tiny friend. When he returned to her, she was shivering violently. "Oi, What's wrong??" She startled a little, previously lost in thought and caught slightly off guard by his question. "Wrong?? Oh! N-Nothing I'm f-fine!" she stuttered out between chattering teeth. "Don't even think about lying to me, idiot." "No really I'm ok." "No you're not, you're freezing, gosh dang it." He huffed back, carefully scooping her tiny figure up in both his hands. "The heck, you freaking ice cube...." He commented softly before lifting her in cupped hands up to his mouth where he began puffing warm breathes across her small body.
Being this close to his face, and mouth no less, made her antsy; not to mention the boy's breath wreaked of peppers and literally everything else hot, and it took a decent amount of self control to not cough from the prickly smell. But his breath was warm and it felt very very good, so who was she to complain?
"Better??" He asked after a moment or two, her response coming as a slow nod, content from the heat. "Good. Wanna get changed into some of the dry clothes??" "Dry clothes??" "Yeah dummy, from my action figures." He clicked his tongue at her before cradling her in one hand, reaching under the bed for the shoe box. "Oh! The barbies! Yes please!" (Y/N) made the mistake of calling the dolls by their real name. "Action figures!!..."  Bakugo hissed back angrily, pulling the box out along with the little figures inside. One caught (Y/N)'s eye, one that Bakugo hadn't pulled out last time. It was a boy so that was probably why, but he wore some simple long sweats that looked especially warm, and the tiny girl wanted them very badly. "That one, that one!!" She cried excitedly, pointing to the very doll. "Him?" "YES." "Geez, chill."
The giant pulled the doll out and stripped it, handing her the clothes. "Be fast alright?" He instructed, placing her on his desk before turning around to face the other way. (Y/N) felt rather uncomfortable changing clothes without what felt like proper privacy, but he wasn't looking and she didn't have any other options, so she swiftly swiped her clothes, making herself decent. "Done!"
"Took you long enough!" Bakugo groaned, taking the wet clothes and laying them out by the desk light that was on.
"Thanks by the way!" The miniature teen girl chirped, earning the boy's attention. "Eh? For what??" Bakugo gave her a curious glance. "For taking care of me!" "You make it sound like some kind of dumb mushy thing, all I did was carry you around." He acknowledged her thanks with a gibe, trying to cover the fact that he really did enjoy it. "Plus I don't really care, it wasn't much effort..." (Y/N) just smiled, wrapping herself around his hand, "Well thanks anyways." She says with a bright smile. Bakugo gains a light blush before covering his mouth with the other hand. "Yeah whatever, I wasn't gonna leave you to get crushed by those idiots." He says before lightly shaking his hand and wiggling it from her grasp.
"Anyways, we have the whole rest of the afternoon, so what do you want to do??" The giant asks, gesturing to the  digital clock which read 4:26pm. The small just shrugged in return, not quite sure herself.
Since neither of them knew how much longer this would last, it seemed that now all they could do was kill time until (Y/N) turned to normal. "Well.... We could play a game??" She suggested half heartedly, shrugging whilst she said it. The ash blonde scrunched his nose, "What kind of game, cause most I can think of won't work for you right now...." He made his point. "Hmmmmm, got any multiplayer games on your phone???" She asked. "Tch- like what?" "I don't know, like Jelly Jump, Astro party, or Fruit Ninja??" "Really?? Fine... But they better be free. I'm not downloading some cheap-crap game if it's gonna rip me off my money." He told her, pulling out his phone and tapping around for a minute or two before setting it down, and confirming with her that they were the right ones, messing around a bit longer before setting it back down, the screen showing the three games downloading. (Y/N) smiled, "Have you ever played them before???" "Tch- no. I don't bother with lame games like those..." He scoffed. But this only made the tiny girl smile wider. "We'll see just how lame they are when I'm beating your sorry butt to a pulp!!!" She declared mightily, giving him a competitive grin. "What was that!? I don't care what these games are, I'll rip you to shreds!!!" Bakugo barked back, suddenly sitting more upright and attentive, until he leaned down to get somewhat in her face. "See you at the finish line!" "Yeah right, I'll make you eat those crappy words you dang Bite Size!!"
Once the games were installed and ready, Bakugo opened the first being the one titled Jelly Jump.
"Ok, so how does this work??" The giant asks gruffly. "This one is a teamwork one, and it's pretty simple." She explains. "Tch- teamwork?! How do I know you're not gonna just drag me down the whole time??" He complains as the screen turns to show a little gelatin like cube. "This already looks lame..." He adds with a grimace upon seeing the little thing. "Shush! Now gimme the phone, I'll show you how to play on one player mode!!"
Bakugo set the device on his desk for the ecstatic little girl. She quickly displayed how to play and spelled out how it applied for two player mode. Pretty soon the boy's room filled with vigorous yelling as the two tapped violently at the phone. (Y/N) was pretty much just slapping the screen, but it worked as they waited and timed things just right for the two small jello-like squares to keep jumping up levels.
"WE DID IT!!!" "WELL DON'T STOP!!!" And it was then that their luck ran cold.  "NO!!! GOSH DANG THIS STUPID GAME!!!!!" Bakugo leaned back in his chair, gripping his hair in enraged fists, fluffy clumps sticking out between his fingers. "WOOOO!!!! WE DID IT, HAHA!!!!" (Y/N) on the other hand found a victory dance more appropriate. "Fist bump!!!" She cheered, sticking her arm out in waiting. "Yeah, whatever, I guess we did alright..." He grumbled, watching his tiny crush doing her funky little jig softening his mood. He complied and tapped his finger against her fist as she beamed up at him, her smile alone like an entire freaking sun.
Bakugo just smiled, though he quickly caught himself and stopped, "What were the other dumb games again??" He inquired, trying to distract himself from the cute and panicky thoughts running through his mind. "Oh! We could do Fruit Ninja now if you like, that one is a verses and is super duper fun!!!" He scrunched his nose. "Mmmm." "It also has brutally murdering fruit with knives." "Ok fine." (Y/N) couldn't help but smile wide at his quick cooperation.
They opened the app and let's just say the explosive Pomeranian didn't need any sort of instruction, and took to quickly wiping his shrunken classmate out, battle after battle.
"Ok, I'm done with this game..." She eventually pouted after finally running out of juice and just accepting defeat. "The heck?? Did I really whip your butt for a full two and a half hours!?" The ash blonde laughed looking up at the clock and making her slouch more. "Yeah- very modest about it too!" she sassily shot back, earning a cocky smirk from the boy. "Oh?? Not so high and mighty now, huh Bite Size?! What happened to beating me to a pulp?!" He taunted with a wide and malign smile. "Be nice!!" She whined, flopping back and onto the hard surface. "Enough mopping you cry baby, you're almost as bad as that dang nerd." He shook his head, still smirking as he grabbed the plastic shopping bag off the desk not too far from where (Y/N) sat. He then pulled out the Carolina reaper sausages and some fresh fruit. "That's dinner??" She asked, slightly confused, mainly because she was so used to Bakugo cooking something in one way or another. "Yeah. It is. Now don't complain. I'm having to take a lighter day on everything because of you, you know." He berated her, pulling out a pocket knife from one of the desk's drawers.
"You have a pocket knife?!" She asked in disbelief. The explosive giant took a long, annoyed sigh. "Yes. Now would you just be quiet for a minute and stop questioning everything I do??? Geez...." He exhaled sharply before continuing in cutting up the fruit into slices including small edible cubes that were perfect for the tiny. "There, eat up." he instructed, setting the pile of minced fruit in front of her before grabbing some of his own fruit and popping it into his mouth. (Y/N) gratefully took the food and ate quickly, finding that even after such a large amount of food she was still a little hungry. "Could I have some more??" She questioned, taking some cautious steps forward and toward the giant's food. "Eh?? You finished yours already!?" "Yeah... And I may or may not still be hungry?" She tries carefully, watching his brows knit together. "More!? Tch- No way!! You had your share!! Don't be stinking greedy!" He scolds harshly through a mouthful of nashi pear.
So be it.
While the boy's eyes fixated on something else for a brief moment, the dwarfed hero-in-training took her chance to quickly latch onto a thinner slice of fruit and swiftly drag it a small ways away and begin eating quickly. "HEY! I TOLD YOU NO!!" His angry voice startled her as she devoured the slice of crunchy pear. "And I told myself yes!!!" She shot right back at him before shoving the last few bits into her mouth and turning to give him a sort of 'try me!!!' look. "Stupid little idiot!! Well that's all you get so make yourself busy doing something else to waste your gosh darn time, got that?!" He growled at her before returning his attention back to what it had previously been on.
Still hungry...
She watched the temperamental Pomeranian before snatching the last one. "YOU LITTLE-!!" She heard him yell and let out a surprised squeak before her legs involuntarily began carrying her further than she had meant. She cast a glance over her shoulder to see a large open hand extended toward her and that was enough to really get the tiny going.
Soon the minuscule little trickster was tearing across his desk, dodging grabby hands that barely missed her each time. That is till he got to close and she jumped up and onto his arm. Still running.
"The heck you think you're doing Bite Size!?" He snarled, his other arm flying to quickly snatch her up before she deftly dodged, "Quit it!!" He yelled at her as tiny feet scampered up to his shoulder, then neck. (Y/N) had dropped the pear by now and it was clearly more about him catching her and her keeping out and away from his dangerous hands. "Heh heh heh! Looks like you've run out of places to run!!" The blonde chuckled maliciously, both hands now quickly closing in and toward her as he bent his head down slightly, making things easier for him.
Clearly she hadn't really thought this far... or like- at all.
Panicking, she made to step back and away from his approaching hands before she realized there was nothing under her foot. Both her stomach and heart dropped in surprise as quicker than either of them could register, the tiny girl slipped and disappeared down Bakugo's shirt.
The explosive teen just stared forward, wide eyed for a minute and frozen in place as the girl disappeared off the back of his neck. "THE HECK!? GET OUT!!!" He cried out, a shiver crawling up his spine as (Y/N) fell about halfway till where his back was pressed against the chair stopped her, entrapping her between the cloth and the boy's bare back, before he arched his spine and made things worse.
One moment (Y/N) was on her classmate's shoulders, the next she was plunged into another ocean of fabrics and cloth, only this time she was pressed against Katsuki's spine. She tried to process what had just happened and began to shift when everything around her started moving, dropping her further down. "STOP STOP, YOU'RE MAKING IT WORSE, YOU'LL CRUSH ME!!!" She quickly yelled back as she quickly got tangled up in the clothes. "THEN GET OUT OF MY GOSH DARN SHIRT!!!" He belted back. The teen had clearly didn't know what to do and was panicking as he just sat there, trembling with rage from the embarrassment and the uncontrollable tickling it was creating. "I'M TRYING, STOP MOVING ALREADY!!" She ordered to which he didn't argue, using all of his will power to keep from jerking or accidentally smooshing her.
The shrunken high school student then managed to get herself loose and began trying to first figure out where exactly she was. "C-can you feel me??" She asked, tentatively reaching a hand out to rub his tense body. "Yes." He snapped, his voice strained. "Ok, where am I?? Which way do I go?" She asked, not wanting to move until she knew what to do. "Just go up." He instructed, to which she began to make her way back up to his shoulder. His shirt wasn't super loose but it wasn't super tight either, so she was able to move about with surprising ease. As she climbed, she could feel each muscle tense and trembled beneath her hands. It was kinda terrifying, felt like he might give in any moment and suffocate her. "Hurry. Up." Bakugo growled through clenched teeth as every part of him twitched and vibrated. It was humiliating to have to sit there and try to not flip. It tickled like heck and he was getting impatient.
After what felt like forever, the ash blonde could see (Y/N) heave herself onto his shoulder out of his peripheral vision. Finally.
Both their faces were beet red and Bakugo didn't move for a minute, seeming to try and calm the embarrassment that had just boiled up. His mini sized friend on the other hand was a giggling mess. "What so funny, huh??" He quickly accused, glaring at her from the side of his vision. "Nothing- its just- Everything!" She snickered, "I guess I'm just so relieved things didn't go worse than they did!!" she added before his expression softened. "Well, just don't ever speak of this to anyone else, ever..." He muttered, still red though calmed down. The small just gave a slow nod, still laughing lightly, draped lazily over his shoulder.
"Oh, and for good measure-" Before (Y/N) could react, Bakugo wrapped a tight fist around her and brought her up to his face where he gave her a victorious grin. "I win!" He taunted smugly before setting her back down on the desk and grabbing the discarded nashi slice and popping it into his mouth. His small companion just gave him a pouty glare, silently promising payback. He just laughed.
Bakugo flashed another glance at the clock before his brows raised slightly. "Mmm- it's getting late..." He commented before glancing around the room as if contemplating what to do first. (Y/N) turned to do the same, reading it. "Late!? Bro it's only like 7:43!!" She exclaimed, her gaze meeting his scowl. "Tch- just because you go to bed so dang late doesn't mean that's when you should go to bed." He scoffs. "Come on! There's no way-" "I have to take care of you, so that means I say when we head off to sleep." He cuts her off abruptly, earning another very annoyed look.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm going to get into something more comfortable." He tells her, getting up and walking to a nearby dresser and opening a drawer to pull out some lazier, and more comfortable clothes. The tiny turned away whilst he swapped out his outfit. Then, without much else warning, two large fingers wrapped around the minuscule girl's underarms, lifting her up and off the table top. "woah~" she squeaked out another cry of surprise. She was carried by the boy off and over to the lights where he flipped them off, and then to the bed. "Come on, I'm tired and ready to sleep." He told her, setting her gently on the headboard before rummaging around in the cabinet space underneath.
After some searching, Bakugo pulled out a match box and a little towel and some cotton balls. He then put the three together and created a makeshift bed for his small classmate and friend. "There, you can use this for tonight." He told her, setting it beside her gently.
"Wait!!! This is still super early for me, and I don't think I'll be able to sleep.... Could we maybe talk for a little bit??" (Y/N) asked timidly, watching his blank face for a moment before he let out a short sigh, lying down on the bed, having already thrown back the sheets. "Fine. Whatever. What do you even want to talk about anyway??" He asked, his tone becoming calm and quiet, reflecting the exhaustion that was coming over them both, though the small was determined to stay up. "I don't know, what if we just took turns asking each other random questions???" She offered, watching as he thought about it for a moment before slowly nodding, "Sure." "You go first!" she chirped, walking over the edge of the head of the bed before dropping down and into his blonde mess of hair.  "Me?? Fine..." The giant teen looked off to the side as he thought, not reacting much to the tiny now on his head. "I don't know, Who are your closest friends here at UA??" He inquired.
(Y/N) just blinked, it was a rather mundane question for someone like Bakugo, so she wonders if it had ulterior meanings. "Uhhh, Well, definitely You, Kirishima, Mina, Ochako, Deku and Iiida are really nice, But so is everyone, I guess that's just everyone I'm super close with...." She admitted, bracing her elbows just above his brows, chin in her hands.
The giant's large eyes scanned the ceiling for a moment longer before they fixated on her, dilating dramatically. "Mmm." He responded to her answer. The soft glow from the moonlight outside illuminated the room just enough to make out the soft details on each other as they both stared for a moment before the mini sized girl broke the silence. "My turn. Who are yours??" She asks, not sure what kind of answer she'd get, nor sure what she expected.
"Ugh- This is between you and I okay?? Share this with anyone else and I'll never tell you anything ever again..." He let out a low growl before taking a deep breath. "If I had to choose someone to consider my friend I guess I'd choose..." He seemed hesitant with his next words. "Don't take it weird, but probably you and weird hair... Then maybe Soy Sauce Face, Dunce Face, and Raccoon eyes..." He replied.
(Y/N) was ecstatic, "Wait really!?" She cried, perking up. Bakugo's face grew hot beneath her, "I said maybe!!!" He insisted, face contorting into an embarrassed glare. When he moved his eyebrows, The tiny fell forward, face-planting into the bridge of his nose. "Would you quit it with the being all over me?!" He growled, scrunching his eyes shut in instinct before grabbing her by the back of her shirt and lifting her off him. "Sorry..." She giggled before he let out an annoyed breath, gently placing her back where she previously sat.
"Who do you think will be the number one hero??" He eventually asks, resuming their little game. "Aha- obviously me!!!!" She laughed, "Ok but for real- Ummmmm either.... You  or Deku... I think Shoto, Momo, and Kirishima have pretty good chances too, maybe like top five for them, but like you or Deku for number one." She replied thoughtfully. "Tch- That dang nerd is good, but nowhere near as much as me." Katsuki scoffs, earning some merry little laughs from his fun-sized companion. "Right! Anyways, Okay, okay, Do you think I'll be a good hero??" "What kind of lame question is that!? Of course, idiot!!" "Really??" "Duh!!! You're smart, you're good at combat, you're strong, you're spunky, and stubborn, and I have no doubt you'll beat the heck out of any and every villain you meet." He says proudly, rattling off his little list as if he's given it much thought.
"You think so??" She asks softly, "I mean- what if people don't like me..." She tacks on, it's clearly something that's been honestly bothering her for quite some time now. "Then they can-" And with that the giant proceeded to use some very colorful language to further make his point. "(Y/N). You've got everything you need to become an amazing Pro-hero and more, way more than you credit yourself. And if you don't believe that. That's ok. I will... till you can." He told her. She wasn't sure if she had ever heard him speak so genuinely or passionately about something and it made the girl tear up.
"Th-thanks!!!" she stuttered out through teary eyes, sniffling softly as she wiped at them. "Hey, hey, calm down okay??" His voice comes tenderly, a cautious finger reaching up to pet her head and back, like one would a small animal, but (Y/N) didn't mind, it felt good. "You good, Bite Size?" He asked after a minute or two. She could only muster out a quick nod, not trusting her voice to not betray her and crack like a dry salt pan.
"Alright then, my question... Have you ever been in a relationship before??" He asked, his skin becoming increasingly hot against her own. "I- um- no??" "Really???- I mean- yeah, ok,"
"Do you-... do you have a crush??....."
The boy remained silent for some time before speaking. "Tch- Who needs crushes!!!"
"oh- ok."
"No I-...D-Do you?"
They sat in silence before the tiny continued.
"Do you like me?"
"......... Do you like me???"
"..... BRO I JUST CONFESSED TO YOU AND THE FIRST FREAKING THING YOU ASK IS WHY!???" The shrunken girl was beside herself with a flustered mix of fear, excitement, anticipation, and confusion. "I DON'T KNOW!!!! I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING OKAY!?? I DON'T GET WHY YOU WOULD LIKE ME!!! I'M LOUD, I'M A BRAT TO ANYONE AND EVERYONE, I'M HORRIBLE WITH EMOTIONS, I'M TEMPERAMENTAL, AND I'M A HORRIBLE PERSON!!!" He cried, balling his hands into large fists and shoving them into his eye sockets.
"That may be true... Not the horrible person part but- you're also super kind and caring in your own way, you're considerate, you recognize your faults and are working on them, you're loyal, you're determined, ambitious, and you're an incredible friend." She said, "And that only scratches the surface...."
"Oh and you're like super duper hot like- really hot." (Y/N) adds quickly, the last part making him let a singular laugh slip loose. "Ok then..." he mumbles after a minute, the soft and subtle glisten of tears welling up in his large crimson eyes able to be seen.
The girl just lies there for a silent moment before pressing her previous question. "So do you like me??"
"I- I think so..."
"Well, what do you mean "you think so"??"
"I don't know. I do!! I like you!! A- A lot, I just- don't know if I'm ready for a relationship right now... or if I'm even looking for one... But at the same time...." He trailed off again, now refusing to make eye contact with her. (Y/N)'s mind began to race before it was quickly interrupted with the giant's gravelly voice. "But here-" And before she could really respond, a large and gentle finger was placed to the back of her head, whilst he tilted his up, bending her carefully over his nose to plant a very large, but soft and innocent kiss onto the entirety that was her face.
It seemed to last forever, but not long enough. A single blissful moment when all time stopped and everything was perfect. A single moment she wanted to experience as much as humanly possible, something one could truly describe as amazing. When she finally pulled away, she caught a breath she hadn't known she had been holding.
"There, I'll think about it, but for now, I won't keep you waiting..." He told her kindly, her still draped over his nose, each word humming a warm breath onto the tiny's face as she continued to try and process what all had just happened. "But for now, I'm tired, so let's get some rest..." He finished, careful fingers gingerly scooping her up only to place her back down on his chest where he then draped one hand over her like a blanket, in a very protective manner.
"Goodnight (Y/N)..." The boy hummed, "Oh- G-goodnight!!" The young girl finally managed to retrieve herself enough to speak and actually make out what was happening around her, that it was real, and that she wasn't dreaming.
And with that, the shrunken girl was able to drift off, the powerful sound of the giant's steady heartbeat and the chorus of each strong breath flowing evenly through his enormous lungs just beneath her lulling her to sleep like a sort of lullaby.
(Y/N) awoke to one of the best nights of sleep she had ever had. And to some place she didn't quite recognize. As the girl was groggily coming to, she slowly pieced things together, finding herself still carefully wrapped in a careful, loving hand, clutched to the giant's chest. She honestly wanted to just curl back into his warm hands and go back to sleep, but she wanted to know if Bakugo had made up his mind yet, and was concerned about the fact that she was still no bigger than a few inches.
So cautiously, she wormed her way out of his fingers and began carefully walking up to the boy's face, where she pulled herself onto him and flopped. "Bakugo." The tiny lay sprawled across the lower half of his face, head resting on her folded hands that lay on the tip of his nose.
"Good morning!!" She greeted, though there was no initial response. "Bakugo! Wake up!!" She made a second attempt as his crimson eyes flew open before he remembered the night before "Mmm...." The boy grunted, shifting a little. His eyes quickly dilated upon spotting her, his mouth curling into a tender glow. She had to admit she absolutely loved how his eyes grew larger every time he looked at her, it honestly reminded her of a cat.
"Hi!" The tiny chimed, grinning from ear to ear. "How'd you sleep!?" she asked, still splayed across him. "I slept fine I guess..." He mumbled, careful of the fact that his tiny crush was over top of his mouth. (Y/N) let out a little yelp, surprised by the ticklish feeling created by the vibrations of his words against her stomach. Bakugo snickered, only making it worse as she squeaked again, quickly sitting up before tumbling off his face, landing on the giant's collar bone. "Oi, watch it, I don't want to have to take you to recovery girl this early, alright??" He chided softly, cradling a hand beneath her before sitting up in the bed, allowing her to slide into his large but gentle palm. "Sorry!! Just startled me!!" She giggled.
"Do-.... do you have an answer for me??" She asked after a few silent moments of inner debate. The ash blonde furrowed his brows in confusion for a mere moment before the night's previous events came back to him entirely. He seemed to linger on her decision before telling her,  "I- I guess we can try it but- don't go telling anyone about us just yet alright??" The usually so confident teen avoids her gaze whilst a bright red glow warms his face. "REALLY!!??" She cried, jumping to her feet, suddenly much more awake than before. "Geez, yes!! Just don't make it weird, got that!?" He warned, his second hand coming up to catch her should she fall.
"This is too good to be true!!!" she squeals, bouncing up and down eagerly, clutching to his thumb to keep from losing what little balance she had left. "I get it, I get it, just calm down already, I don't want to drag the nosey attention of everyone else in the entire stinking dorms!!!" He continues to try and hush her excitement in vain, more and more embarrassment filling him.
"Best day ever!!" (Y/N) squeals clearly not listening to a thing he had just said, lunging forward before falling onto his face yet again and stretching her arms to hug as much of the Pomeranian as she could. Bakugo panicked when she dove for him, her high energy so early in the morning just not being what he had expected. But as the miniaturized hero-in-training clung to him, he couldn't help but smile, "Tch- yeah, whatever..." He finally gave in, taking her up into his hands once more as his expression softened before pulling her down and into another kiss. 
Just as the previous one, the tiny was able to nuzzle her entire face into his show of affection, enjoying every moment of it. Upon finally breaking away, he brought her up eye level, holding her close. "As much as I'd rather stay here than deal with those nerds out there, we've got a full day ahead of us, we should get going." Bakugo whispered, and despite (Y/N)'s reluctants, the ash blonde was eventually able to coax her into greeting the day.
A request for: WinterKlover
WOW. OKAY. THAT WAS A REALLY REALLY LONG REQUEST!!!! I DONT THINK THEY WILL EVER GET AS LONG AS THIS EVER AGAIN BUT I HAD A LOT OF FUN WRITING THIS!!!! This was super fun despite its ridiculous length!!! Thank you to WinterKlover for being my beta reader and helping me sort my story to its finest!!!!! Keep up the cute requests!!! Ill be working on them as much as I can!!!!
Up next: ( ∆ requested, Ω inspiration)
∆~ Giant deku x YN - Baby Bird
∆~ Tiny Bakugo x YN - Dynamight!? More like Firecracker!!!
∆~ Shoto x Tiny YN - Baby It's Cold Outside
∆~ Giant Shinso x YN - Forest Spirits
Ω~ Giant Kirishima x YN - The Crown Jewel
Ω~ Tiny Deku x YN - Hickery Dickery Dock
Ω~ Bakugo x Tiny YN - Pest Control is For Pests
Ω~ Tiny Bakugo x YN - The Prize Fish
Ω~ Giant Kirishima x YN - Baby Shark
Ω~ Giant Kirishima x YN - The Big Bad Wolf
Ω~ Tiny Deku x YN - Peter Rabbit
Ω~ Tiny Bakugo x YN - He's A Pop-Rockin Pixie
Ω~ Tiny Kirishima x YN - Dragon, not Lizard
Ω~ Deku x Tiny YN - The Innocence of a Child
Ω~ Giant Kirishima x YN - I Fear No Man... But That Thing.... Scares Me
Ω~ Tiny Kirishima x YN - Crossing Worlds
Ω~ Tiny Bakugo x YN - A Figment of Imagination
Ω~ Tint Deku x YN - Shoulder Angel
Ω~ Giant Kirishima x YN - One Heck of a Softy
Ω~ Deku x Giant YN - A Pure Soul
Ω~ Kirishima x Giant YN - Snakes Are Very Manly, Very Manly Indeed
Ω~ Giant Deku x YN - ~Blep~
Ω~ Tiny Bakugo x YN - Red on Black, Poison Lack
Let me know if you guys want some of these sooner than others, I will count it as a request and add it to queue, right now they are in the order of request to inspiration. Requests willl come before inspiration.
This is my art please do not trace or repost without my permission. Feel free to reblog i, I would appreciate that!
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spooderboyandtincan · 3 years
The 12(ish) Days of December
A/N: I intended to write a Hanukkah themed chapter, but unfortunately I suffered some burnout and I couldn’t really start it :(((((( I plan and hope to add on to this in the future, I just wanted to get it out here on time! Happy Holidays everyone!!
Read on Ao3
“Che palle!” May cried as she and Peter stepped out of the elevator. “Tony, what the hell is that?!”
“It’s a giant teddy bear,” Tony called back from the kitchen. “It’s for you, Pete!”
“Me?” Peter gasped, his face lighting up. He charged toward the ten-foot teddy bear and tackled it. The giant brown bear teetered slightly with his weight but didn’t tip over. “He’s so soft!”
Tony came out of the kitchen with a wide grin on his face. He wiped his flour-coated hands on his pants and tried to give Peter a hug without pushing him off the bear,
“He’s so beautiful!” Peter giggled, wrapping his arms around the bear’s neck. “And huge!” 
Tony nodded in a proud, self-satisfied sort of way. Besides being delighted that the boy clearly adored his gift, he now had proof that this was obviously how one should react when presented with a ten-foot-tall stuffed animal. He'd have to take a picture and send it to Pepper.
May tossed her purse on the floor and shook her head at Tony. “As long as you can find a place for it, I’m not complaining,” she chuckled.
“I’ll rent a storage unit somewhere,” Tony supplied, taking a sip of coffee from his Iron Man shaped mug. Tony treasured that mug, which had been gifted to him by Peter several months ago. He never brought it in the lab for fear that Dum-E or U would break it, and he kept it in the cabinet next to his “1# IronDad” mug (also a precious gift from his kid).
He looked back to Peter, who had wrapped his arms around the bear, which was tilting dangerously. “Be careful, kiddo,” he said, biting his lip. But the moment the words got out of his mouth, Peter and the gigantic teddy bear started to topple to the ground.
“Shit-!” he began, darting forward, only to be met by Peter’s giggles.
“Nooo. Leave me. ‘M comfy.” He rolled onto the bear’s big belly and sprawled across it. “This’s perfect,” he hummed, closing his eyes. 
Tony and May shared a slightly exasperated yet fond glance. Tony flopped down next to Peter, tucking a curl behind his ear. “Now that I think about it, spider-baby,” he mused, “I’ve got something else for ya.”
Peter perked up and opened his eyes. “What?” 
Tony gave him a large grin and ran a hand through his curls. “C’mere.” He wrapped an arm around his shoulders and led Peter to his room.
May sighed. “I swear to god, Tony, if you’re giving him an Audi….” she muttered. 
“I’m not!” the man insisted. Peter rolled his eyes and sat down on his bead. 
Tony put a warm palm over his eyes. “Close your eyes, bud.” 
Peter tried to keep his eyes closed as Tony ran to his own room, tearing through what sounded like wrapping paper and knocking boxes over with no absence of cursing. 
Moments later, a small, leather 4x4 inch box was placed on his open palm. He opened his eyes and looked first at the box, then at up Tony, who smiled. May shrugged and gestured to open it. 
Inside the box rested a thin, slender watch with a smooth black strap. The face of the watch was rectangular, and when Peter pushed the button on the side it lit up, displaying the time above what looked like a mini arc reactor. It resembled the StarkWatch he was wearing that very moment, except it looked more high-tech.
“A new StarkWatch, specially customized for you, by yours truly,” Tony said. “Your old one looked pretty busted, even though they’re supposed to be indestructible.” Peter snickered at Tony’s gentle jab. “And it’s got a few minor upgrades. You can set the lock screen, for one. And it should be trackable from anywhere in the universe, and I mean everywhere. And you can call me, or May, or Ned or Rhodey or whoever from the top of Mount Everest or the bottom of the Mariana Trench.”
“Wow,” Peter whispered, tracing the sides of the watch before strapping it onto his wrist. “Thank you, Mister Stark! I love it! It’s so cool!” 
“What happened to ‘Tony?’” he grumbled playfully, giving his spider-baby a kiss on his head. “I’m glad you like it, buddy. It’s basically the same stuff as your old one, just better.” 
Then, to both Peter and May’s surprise, Tony bent down and grabbed a colorful red bag covered in golden glitter. Peter laughed.
“Tony, it’s only the ninth!” May snorted, her eyebrows raised past her hairline.
“That’s because we’ll need these before Christmas,” Tony said wisely. He handed Peter a soft package wrapped in green tissue paper and watched him tear the packaging in half.
“It’s so ugly!” he cried, holding up a garish green sweater. There was a plastic red ball attached to the big reindeer's nose and tiny bells were tied onto the reindeer’s harness. Little snowflakes were patterned all over, and Peter couldn’t help but laugh. “I love it, Tony!” Peter pulled the sweater on and was delighted to find that the fabric was incredibly soft, instead of the unbearably itchy sweaters he had owned in the past. “It’s perfect!”
Tony laughed fondly at his already thrilled kid. “If you think it’s good now, wait till you see this. FRI, lights off,” he ordered.  
Peter felt Tony fumble with something on his shoulder, and suddenly the sweater lit up. The reindeer’s nose lit up bright red, the snowflakes began to glow, and, as cliché as it might have sounded, the bells gave a merry jingle as Peter laughed.
“I love it!” He tackled Tony with a hug, relaxing slightly in the man’s arms. 
“Good,” Tony chuckled, “‘Cause I’ve got about three more for you and your aunt each.”
“Tony, where’re we going?” Peter whined, his breath fogging the window. “Tell meeee!”
“My lips are sealed,” Tony said, pretending to zip his lips shut and throw away the key. “We’re almost there, Rudolph, don’t worry.”
“Rudolph?!” Peter snorted.
Tony reached over the console to ruffle his hair. “I thought you might want a Christmas nickname,” he explained. “Plus, y’know, you already had a nickname available that only required a bit of simple reconstruction, Roo.”
Peter shook his head. “Just tell meeee!”
“No. Never.”
“I physically can’t, buddy.”
“Tell me! Tellmetellmetellme pleeeeeeeeease?”
“Will… to keep secrets… decreasing,” Tony said robotically. “Fine. We’re going ice-skating, Petey-Pie.”
Peter gasped, his big chocolate eyes going wide. “Really?!” 
Tony grinned and glanced over to his kid. “Really.” He wished he could stop the car and give his sweet boy a hug. 
“But…” Peter bit his lip. “I don’t really know how. I mean, I went ice skating with Ned a few years ago but we mostly fell over and bruised our butts.”
Tony chuckled fondly. “That’s okay kiddie, I’ll show you the arts. Rhodey and I went when we were in college, and man, we had a blast laughing at each other. Oh- we’re here!”
“Tony, I don’t have any skates!” Peter realized as they hopped out of the car. 
“I already got you some, Pete, don’t worry,” Tony assured him. He opened the trunk of the car. “And I brought you an extra hat, a coat, a scarf, some better gloves, extra socks and a pair of snow pants.” 
“Tony,” Peter began, leaning into the hug the man offered him all the same. He grumbled and rolled his eyes but let Tony wrap a scarf around his neck and trade his thin woolen gloves out for much warmer, thicker ones. Peter had to admit he felt a lot warmer. “You’re ridiculous.”
“Thanks, Pete. M’kay, I’ve got these fancy red and blue skates for you and red and gold for me.” 
“And I’m sure the color choices were random?” Peter asked sarcastically. “Wait- these have the Spider-Man logo on them! Mr. Stark, are there Spider-Man ice-skates?!”
Tony bent to kiss his forehead. “There are, Pete. Pretty cool, huh?”
“So cool! I love ‘em, thank you, Tony!” He held up the skates to admire them. “They’re great!”
“No problem, buddy. It was my pleasure.”
Peter flopped down in the snow and pulled on his skates. He looked up to admire the tall oak and pine trees swaying gently with the wind, the last leaves of fall scattering along the icy roads. A pair of snowflakes drifted down to his coat, and Peter felt a sort of peace flow through him.
“Petey? Are you comin’?” Tony called, skating back and forth along the edge of the pond. Peter knotted the laces of his skates tightly and struggled to his feet.
“I’m trying!” he yelled, staggering forward. He leaned over the ice and felt a bit dizzy. It was about a foot down to the actual ice, and Peter knew without a doubt that he would slip if he tried to get down. “I dunno, um….”
“I gotcha, Petey, don’t worry.” Tony held out his arms and gave him a reassuring smile. Hesitantly, Peter lowered stepped onto the frozen pond, grabbing Tony’s arm and clinging to him as he got both feet on the ice. 
“Good job, Roo!” the man praised, lifting him up by the armpits so he was standing up a bit straighter. He couldn’t help but compare Peter to a fawn who just stood up for the very first time, and the boy’s big bambi eyes weren’t helping his case. “Getting on the ice is the hardest part. I’ve landed on my ass more times than I can count.” Tony frowned at himself. “Sorry I said ‘ass,’ don’t repeat that.”
Peter snorted. His skates slipped and he felt Tony’s arms tighten around him. “Whoa there, buddy. I gotcha.” He tucked a loose curl behind the teen’s ear and kissed his cheek, wrapping an arm around his shoulder.
“‘M’kay, you ready, Pete?” 
“Heck yeah!” 
Tony grinned. “Okay, first, you said ‘heck yeah’ instead of ‘hell yeah’ and that’s adorable,” he teased, chuckling at Peter’s eye roll. “Second: let’s wreck this rink!”
Though of course, they ended up making more of a wreck of themselves rather than the rink.
The very second Peter slid his foot forward, he found himself spontaneously falling backwards. Luckily, Tony caught him easily and gently pulled him back up. 
“I meant to do that,” he huffed, his small hands scrabbling at Tony’s coat. “It was- completely- intentional.” 
“Of course it was, Roo, I know that,” he said with a raise of his eyebrows. “No one has the grace and agility you do.”
“I am graceful, Tony! How dare you?!” Peter grumbled. 
Tony might have made a quip about the arms wrapped tightly around his waist for support, but he decided his poor kid had suffered enough. Despite bumping into every table or chair in his path, Peter was surprisingly graceful, especially when he swung with ease through the air on a thin stand of webbing. “You are graceful, buddy, I promise,” he admitted. “You wanna give it another try?”
Peter stuck his tongue out at him, adjusted his hat, and gingerly took a step forward. Tony tensed, ready to lunge forward and catch him if the boy slipped, but found himself letting a quiet cheer. “Nice job, Pete!”
Peter beamed at him, his legs spread far apart and his arms extended for balance. He tipped backwards and Tony started to jump forward, but Peter flailed his arms around and regained his balance.
“I think you’re getting the hang of it, kiddo!” Tony called as Peter made his way to the opposite side of the pond. He winced suddenly, protectiveness flooding through him at his retreating figure. “Be careful! Wait for me!”
He caught up to Peter easily and zipped in front of him, catching him by the shoulders. “You’re doing great, baby!” 
“Thanks,” he giggled, looking down at his shoes. He wiped his red nose with the back of his hand and sniffled. “‘S fun!”
Tony smiled and adjusted Peter’s scarf. “Glad to hear it.”
“Tony?” he asked. “Can you do a figure eight?”
The man paused to consider this, clicking his tongue. “Only one way to find out!” he decided. 
Peter watched excitedly as he skated out to the middle of the pond, looking practically weightless. Tony took a deep breath, prayed he didn’t break any bones, then pushed off. He zoomed around the pond in a perfect figure eight, only faltering for a brief moment, and traced over it twice before he skidded back to Peter. “Ta-da!”
Peter applauded, clearly very impressed. Tony bowed exaggeratedly and pretended to be embarrassed. 
“D’you think I should try?” Peter asked. 
Tony smiled fondly. “Only if you want to. I know you’d nail it though.”
And he did. Peter skated carefully to the edge of the pond and performed the figure eight beautifully, spinning in circles and laughing when he got a bit too dizzy.
Tony skated up to him, his eyes huge. “Jesus, Petey, that was fantastic!” He pulled the embarrassed teen to his chest and wished, not for the first time, that Peter wasn’t wearing a hat so he could kiss the top of his head. He settled for Peter’s cheek instead. “Wow, baby, that was amazing! Wait- I gotta sign you up for the Olympics. Where’s my phone- oh, I got it.” He pulled his phone from his coat.
“Tony, nooooo!” Peter protested.
“Tony yes. You’re too talented.”
“It was just a figure eight!” he giggled. “And you did one too so you hafta sign yourself up.” Peter looked up to the gray sky and shivered as the brisk winds tore at his heavy coat and scarf. He leaned even closer to Tony.
“You cold, baby?” Tony rubbed his back gently, hoping to generate some warmth. “Wanna go back home? We can come back here anytime you want.”
Peter sighed a bit sadly, but he had to admit he was freezing. He and Tony skated back to the car quickly. Snowflakes began to fall rapidly down as gusts of wind tried to upset their balance. Tony helped Peter onto the bank and they hurriedly yanked off their ice skates.
They found refuge in the car only when Tony turned the heater up full blast and  leaned over the console to pull Peter into his arms. Peter’s shivers that had been worrying him far more than Tony had been willing to say eventually died off and together they watched what was now practically a blizzard raging outside.
“Just in time,” Tony mumbled into Peter’s curls. “Feel any better, baby?”
He grew worried when he received no response and pulled back. Peter’s eyes were shut and his breathing slow, though he made a small whimpering noise in the back of his throat when Tony pulled away. Tony smiled, a tender, loving light in his eyes and pulled Peter back into his arms, cradling his kid against his chest and rubbing his back soothingly. “‘M here. ‘M here, baby, don’t worry,” he cooed, planting a kiss on his forehead. 
Peter curls tickled his cheek, his warm breath heating the skin of Tony’s neck. The console between him and his kid was uncomfortable and hard against his side, but he wouldn’t have moved for the world. Tony held Peter tightly and closed his eyes.
Maybe they could stay there a little while as they waited for the blizzard to pass.
Tony had been brewing a hot cup of coffee in the kitchen when a disheveled, sniffling, sleepy Peter face-planted into his back.
“Whoa, bud!” Tony spun around and caught the boy under the armpits. “Hey, hey. Are you okay?” He tilted Peter’s chin back and found that his nose was bright red, his eyes were half-lidded, and his bedhead was a lot worse (though still absolutely adorable) than it usually was.
“‘M fine,” Peter sniffled, leaning heavily against his chest. “Missed you.”
“Oh, baby,” Tony murmured, wrapping his arms around the small teen, “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere, okay?” He gave his definitely-not-sick spider-baby a smooch on his temple. “You’re pretty warm,” he noted with a hint of worry in his voice. He pressed the back of his hand to the teen’s forehead. “Do you wanna lie down, kiddo?”
Peter shook his head weakly. “Wan’ you.”
Tony’s heart melted and he turned into a pile of mush. In this tired, sick, achy state Peter was clingier than ever, and all he wanted was him. He wanted Tony. He kissed Peter’s temple. “I’m gonna stay right here, Petey, don’t worry,” he assured his kid. “I promise.” 
Tony held Peter with one arm while he rummaged through the kitchen cabinets with the other. “FRI? What’s up with the spider-baby?”
“Peter is exhibiting symptoms of a common cold, such as coughing, sneezing, a runny nose, and a fever,” the AI replied. Tony felt a pang of worry and empathy in his heart. 
“Okay. I’ve got your pain meds,” he announced in a whisper. “Do you want water or OJ?”
Peter decided on the latter, not bothering to raise his head but simply mumbling “juice” into the man’s chest. Tony hummed in agreement and attempted to pour a glass for himself one-handedly (most of the juice ended up on the counter, but holding his sick kid was far more important than pouring orange juice).
He led the boy to the couch, a steadying hand around his shoulders. Peter snuggled against him, coughing and sniffling. He wiped his nose with the back of his hand and shivered.
Tony placed two white pills into palm. Peter took a hesitant sip of his drink and gulped down the pills. Tony tucked an errant curl behind his ear and placed a kiss one his temple. 
With Peter still in his hold, he strained to reach the weighted electric blanket that had fallen behind the couch. With a painful crack from his twisted back, he finally managed to get his fingers around the feather-soft blanket and settled back on the couch with a triumphant grunt.
He wrapped the electric blanket tightly around them both. Peter’s shivering caused a surge of fierce protection to run through his veins, and Tony hugged him to his chest, pressing a kiss to his soft, though slightly sweaty curls. He glared at the dark corners of the room, as if somehow the very cold that was making his child suffer so much would leap from the shadows.  
Peter found comfort in the vibrations of Tony’s chest and the beat of his heart. The calloused fingers running through his hair and the occasional kiss against his temple soothed him beyond measure, and without ever realizing it, Peter started to drift off. Compared to when he had woken up, soaked with sweat, wheezing and sniffling and rather nauseous, he felt so much better in his father-figure’s embrace.
Dimly, he noticed that Tony was talking to him. He thought he recognized the words coming out of his mouth, and he realized suddenly that Tony was reading Mr. Willowby’s Christmas Tree to him. That book had been Peter’s favorite when he was a small toddler, and hearing the familiar words aloud brought a big burst of happiness to his chest. 
Peter let his eyes slip shut for a second. The headache that had been pounding in his head was completely gone and in Tony’s arms, he felt incredibly warm and cozy and happy. 
When his eyes opened again, he determined that Tony had finished reading the book. If he had had enough energy, he would have asked him to read another. But much to his delight, he realized Tony had already picked up another book.
And just before his eyes fluttered shut, he heard Tony’s gentle voice speaking, full of love. “I love you, Petey.”
I love you too.
“Mmm, Tony, the spaghetti was fantastic!” May exclaimed as she loaded her plate into the dishwasher. “I need that recipe, it’s just too good!” 
Tony looked at Peter out of the corner of his eyes. The boy shook his head frantically and drew a finger across his throat. Tony snickered. “Thank you, May, I’m glad to hear that,” he said.
To be completely truthful, he felt like throwing up. During the dinner, Peter had chatted enough to distract him, but now his emotions were left to himself, and Tony had barely been swallowed by them. He stuffed the last plate in the dishwasher and took a few long, deep breaths. He massaged his forehead and blinked, sitting down heavily on the couch.
Tony’s heart was beating out of his chest. He looked up to the boy, who was texting someone- probably Ned, completely oblivious. “Pete?” he began shakily. “Do you think we could talk for a second?” He and May shared a glance. She realized immediately what he was about to do and gave him an encouraging smile and a thumbs up. 
“Yeah!” Peter vaulted onto the couch with a laugh. His grin faded when he saw how worried, how scared the man looked. Alarm kindled in his chest. “What’s wrong, Mr. Stark?”
Tony couldn’t bring himself to laugh at the cookie crumbs in the corners of his mouth or the way his hair frizzed everywhere as he pulled his Santa hat off. He swallowed and took a deep breath.
“Um-” Tony had to clear his throat. He reached down and grabbed a briefcase leaning against the couch that Peter hadn’t noticed before. “Uh,” he tried. He pulled two papers out of the briefcase and stared at them for a long while. “Do you think that you could give these a read, kiddo?”
Peter nodded silently and took them. He looked up at Tony, his head tilted in confusion.
He looked to the papers. His eyes widened in disbelief. “W-what? I-” He turned the papers over as if there would be a sticky note saying “IT'S A PRANK!” on the back. “What? W-what? I-I don’t-” Peter shook his head. 
He couldn’t stop looking at those cream-colored papers. 
Child: Peter Benjamin Parker
Adopting Parent(s): Anthony Edward Stark 
The rest of the paper was blank, except for Tony’s signature at the bottom. 
“Am I asleep? This-this is a dream, right?” Peter's eyes were filling with tears but he didn’t bother to wipe them away.
“It’s not a dream, sweetheart,” May said gently. “It’s real.” She squeezed his knee, hoping to ground him.
“Really?” He opened his mouth but couldn’t seem to form words. He gaped like a fish, reading the adoption papers over and over again. “You-you wanna adopt me?” he finally managed to squeak out.
Tony finally gathered the courage to look at his kid. “Yeah, baby. But only if you want to, okay? Nothing would change, though. We’d- just be making it official. Everything would be the same except-” He throat closed, and suddenly he couldn’t speak. 
Except Peter would be his official son- legally, on paper. And Tony would be his official dad. (There was no way Tony wasn’t already his dad.)
“What are you thinking, baby?” he murmured, instinctively tucking a curl behind Peter’s ear with shaky hands. 
Tony’s gentle touch was enough to break the dam of emotions that had been holding back. Peter sniffled, then burst into tears and practically jumped into his dad’s arms. 
Tony hugged him tightly, rubbing a hand up and down his back and pressing long kisses to his temple. Peter blubbered into his chest, happy tears soaking Tony’s sweater. May wrapped her arms around the two and squeezed them both tightly.
Tony felt tears prickle in his own eyes and he dropped his forehead to Peter’s curls. “Is that a yes?” he finally managed to say.
Peter giggled wetly and nodded frantically against his chest. 
A grin as wide as a dinner plate crossed Tony’s face. He realized suddenly that tears were streaming down his cheeks, but he didn’t wipe them away. He kissed the top of Peter's head and squeezed him tighter. 
May pressed a quick kiss on Peter’s cheek and stood up. “I’ll be back in a bit,” she said, sensing that the father and son might want a moment alone. 
Tony rocked his kid back and forth, rubbing his back and pressing kiss after kiss to his cheek. “I love you,” he murmured into his chestnut curls. “I love you.” IloveyouIloveyouIloveyou.
“Love you,” Peter babbled. “I love you too. I love you.”
He held Peter at an arm’s length, still grinning. Then he pulled his kid back to him again and kissed his cheek, wiping away his tears with the pad of his thumb. “I love you.”
Peter sniffled, wiping his nose with his sweater. He wrapped his arms around Tony’s neck and curled around him like a koala. He leaned heavily against his dad’s chest, his breathing beginning to even out. Tony’s chest vibrated with every “I love you so much, Petey” and his ceaseless murmurs of love and comfort.    
“Love you, Dad,” he said sleepily, his eyelids drooping. 
A lump formed in Tony’s throat that he couldn’t seem to swallow past. Tears started to trickle down his cheeks. “Petey-” he murmured, his voice hoarse. “I love you so much. So damn much, okay?” He ran his hand up and down the boy’s back, kissing his temple and trying to blink his happy tears away. 
Tony felt himself slowly drifting asleep. He blinked, and then his cheek was resting on his kid’s curls. His eyes closed again, and suddenly May was there, draping a blanket over them. He tried to tell her to get Peter’s special heated blanket, because his poor kid couldn’t thermoregulate and absolutely hated the cold. Then he realized that she had already tucked it around the boy and sighed in relief, finally letting himself relax.
May settled on the opposite side of Peter and wrapped an arm around him. Within minutes she was snoring quietly, but Tony was too tired to notice. A wave of joy and peace and love washed over him, and his eyes slipped shut.
Taglist:  @imissyoutoo @aj-that-person @tonystark-deserves-better @nathaly-ab @skeeter-110 @peter-and-tony-vlogs @teammightypen @joyful-soul-collector @loveliestdisappointment @depuella @scwene-qween @honeythepooh @pixiethefirecat7 @spider-man-lover @jami161 @bringitonvoldie @queen-of-sarcasm-25 @roxy3457 @memilon @iron-loyalty @gralaca @bitchingpretty @pillowspace @thatminecraftgal @clockworkteacup @hatakehikari @wtfischeese @keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars @skydiving-without-a-parachute @yansi1923 @slytherin-hamilton-life-12  @dead-inside-pt2 @name-me-regret​ @zanderljones @spidy8664 @hold-our-destiny
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cowboy-anon · 3 years
It’s a long one, lads, but here’s the ✨ super special whump ✨ I promised! The reason? It’s the amazing @unicornscotty‘s birthday!! (Make sure to wish them a happy birthday! :D ) Happy birthday to one of the first friends I made here on Tumblr. <3 What am I doing to celebrate? Posting a Pirate Whump fanfic (OG story by @unicornscotty, hence it being the present)!!!
!!! Note: You don’t need to read the story to understand this fic, but once you’re finished with this, you ought to if you like pirate whump!
Super amazing story idea courtesy of @milk-carton-whump. Then I made it an AU because rivalry, am I right? Canonically, these two get along pretty well, but a prince and a pirate on the same ship? There’s bound to be some bad blood. Then, of course, a sprinkling of enemies to lovers because why the heck not! :) 
Truth be told, I don’t know if it’s whumpy enough. That being said, I’ve been especially bloodthirsty lately, so there probably is enough whump XD. Hope you guys like it!
CW: Accidental self-harm (biting tongue), alcohol mention, bodily fluids (drool and blood), cuts, death mention (in passing), derogatory language towards the classes (monarchs and pirates), hitting, implied murder (but what do you expect with pirates, y’know?), lots of salt and sarcasm, pirate whump, stitches mention, spartan kick, swearing, swords against throats, sword fighting (!!!)
Now, without further ado:
Prince v. Pirate
Augustus calls them “scum” one too many times today. Luckily, Alex knows just how to push his buttons back. 
They stare into the murky bucket of mop water by the mast, full and swirling with the grayish tendrils of dirty soap and muck from the ship’s wooden floorboards. Alex can feel Augustus’ presence by the bow of the ship. He takes up far more space than Alex realized when the two of them first boarded this boat. 
But that’s... perfect, they think slyly. Someone who casts such a long shadow surely has that much more to lose. 
“When we first met,” Alex calls suddenly, fighting the amusement in their voice, “you didn’t kill me. I doubt your father will be very pleased to hear that.” They laugh and give the mop another soapy swipe across the deck. Alex looks over their shoulder with a devilish grin. “A prince saving a pirate. A prince too weak to finish them off. I may be scum, but at least I’m not a coward.”
Alex’s grin only grows when they hear the stomp of Augustus’ approaching boots coming down the stairs behind them. “Careful, Gus,” they jive. “That day was a fluke. Mind you, if we do this again, your inexperience will be your downfall.” Alex spins on their heel and laughs at what they see: The prince wielding his sword, carrying himself in a learned but clearly off-centered defensive position. “Very well. I could give you some pointers if you’d like.”
“Pointers?” Augustus scoffs and moves in closer to Alex, sword low to the ground and too tight in his grip. He crosses his feet when he moves, too, Alex notes. All classic mistakes. 
“The kingdom’s best sword fighters have been training me since I could walk,” Augustus continues lowly. “ I spar as one of the best in the kingdom. Don’t overestimate your prowess, pirate.”
Alex laughs. “You think sparring is anything like combat?”
“Sparring is combat,” Augustus spits back. “And as far as I can tell, your sword isn’t even drawn. Does that not invalidate all of the claims you’ve made so far as to your knowledge on the matter?” He gestures at Alex with his sword. “One of the first rules, be prepared.”
“Oh, not at all, Gus.” Without warning, Alex takes the mop in hand and swings it at Augustus’ exposed shoulder with a wet crack. 
Augustus’ hold on his sword falters when his right hand instantly moves for his injured shoulder. 
“First rule, gain the power in the situation.” Alex unsheathes the sword at their hip and holds it out, at the ready, gripped comfortably between their hands. The correct way, they mentally boast.
 “You know,” Alex says, motioning with their sword, “if you’d held your blade a little higher and led with your chest, you would’ve been able to block that blow with ease. But what would I know?” Alex runs their thumb over the engraved hilt of their sword, etched with tallies. Ten to be exact. Ten men. Ten dead men. “I’m certainly not a seasoned fighter, not like the beloved prince.”
Alex’s eyes fall back on the prince, still nursing his shoulder with gritted teeth—at least, that’s what he wants them to believe. Alex catches the way his fingers curl around the handle of his sword with newfound determination, the flicker of mischief that crosses his downturned face. 
If only he knew who he was dealing with.
Augustus lunges, sharp and quick, favoring his right shoulder but still far faster than Alex expects. But they are expecting it. 
Alex drives their sword forward at an angle, and Augustus misses his mark by a good three inches. It was such a simple maneuver, such a simple counter. 
“Now you’ve done it,” Augustus growls. 
Alex rolls their eyes. “Hasn’t anyone told you good sword fighting comes with a clear mind?” 
Augustus doesn’t hesitate with the overhead arc. Alex brings their sword up in a quick parry and forces Augustus’ sword to the left. “Don’t lock your elbows,” Alex quips, coming in with a left cut that Augustus barely avoids. “And never use that move unless your opponent is incredibly vulnerable.”
“Shut up!” Augustus swings his sword hard at Alex’s right side. “I don’t need advice from a pirate!” 
Alex notes his breathlessness as they match his swing from the left. The swords collide, loud and dangerous. But Augustus breaks it up before it becomes a battle of strength. 
Augustus goes for the arc again. Alex slips to the right and his sword hits the wood with a hollow thunk. 
In the time it takes Augustus to get back in position, Alex has their sword at his throat, not quite touching but threatening nonetheless. “What did I say?” Alex purrs, moving in closer. “If your opponent isn’t vulnerable, you are, plain and simple.”
Augustus’s sword crashes into Alex’s, swiping it away from his neck. The motion shocks Alex and stopping the momentum pulls at their back uncomfortably. They barely manage to get their feet underneath them in time to block yet another attack from above with their sword. 
Augustus wipes the sweat from his brow when the two part, watching Alex scramble towards the bow of the ship to compose themself. The smirk on his face is undeniable. “Vulnerable enough for you?”  
“You’re vulnerable,” Alex snaps back, chest heaving, “and predictable.”  
Augustus snarls, taking it upon himself to make the first move once again. Alex sighs but takes their sword to the ready position. 
“I’m surprised you’re fighting so fairly,” Augustus muses, advancing on the pirate. 
Alex takes a step back and startles when their boot connects with one of the stairs at the end of the deck. They need to move, that much they know, but for now they focus on the princely pain in the ass in front of them. 
“Is that so?” Alex steps back onto the staircase, one step, then another, sword extended in front of them.  “What does fair mean to you monarchs?”
Augustus’ expression sours as he begins ascending the stairs after them. “All sword, all skill. True combat. Noble combat.” 
“‘Noble combat,’ hmm?” Alex reaches the top of the stairs and stops. “You mean as noble as oppression can be, don’t you?”
Augustus smiles, taking another step. “I mean as noble as a piliger who follows it can be.”
Alex nods, feigning understanding. “If I could make one note,” they start. 
Augustus glares at them. 
“Fighting fair gets you killed.” Alex pulls their sword to the right, and with Augustus’ sword so low, Alex has a clear view of his abdomen. “And playing dirty? Well…” Alex sets their feet. “Pretty par for the course.”
The kick Alex delivers to his stomach is solid. Augustus manages to keep a hold of his sword on the way down,  but he hits the ground hard, and the moan that leaves his lips is wretched. Well-deserved but still wretched.
Alex clambers down the stairs and back onto the deck, equally impressed, amused, and horrified to see Augustus getting up so quickly. Augustus keeps one hand on his sword and the other on his stomach, and for a brief moment Alex considers kicking him until he stays down. 
By the time Alex decides that’s exactly what they’re going to do, Augustus is on his feet with more fire in his gorgeous blue eyes than Alex’s seen since they started fighting. 
This isn’t going to end well. 
Augustus straightens and rolls his shoulder with a grimace. “I did say I spar as one of the best, pirate. Part of that is being able to get back up.”
Augustus comes in strong with a ruthless swing to Alex’s right side. Alex brings their sword up and out for a block, and although they don’t end up cut in half, their shoulders ache, then burn with a deep familiar pain. Still predictable, they note, wincing. Thank goodness for that. 
Alex isn’t so lucky the next time. Another swipe, fast and aggressive, flies towards their face. Alex sidesteps but trips over their own feet. They’re quick but not quick enough. 
They feel it, the sharp sting of sweat mingling with an open wound. Alex brings their fingers to their face and prods gently at where they think the cut is. When they bring them back to look at them, they’re covered in blood, superficial but maddening all the same. 
Alex grins, glaring through rich brown curls as they click their tongue. “You’re persistent. I like that. But it does seem like someone needs to work on their timing.”
Alex lunges forward, faking with no spared conviction that they’re going in for a jab and instead plant their foot on the toe of Augustus’ boot. With a spin that’s just as practical as it is for show, they slam their elbow into his jaw. “Like so!”
On their way back to the mast, arm alight with near-paralyzing pins and needles, they catch a glimpse of the trail of blood oozing from Augustus’s lip. He bit his own tongue it seems. Poetic almost. 
“Fighting dirty, are we?” Augustus brings his hand under his chin and catches the blood and drool in his palm. “You know, any other time, your kind would be hung for this. But I must admit I’m enjoying this.”
Augustus tosses his handful of fluids across the freshly-mopped deck, more blood than anything else, and wipes his hand on his pants before returning his bloody grip to the sword’s hilt. “Now then. Let’s continue, shall we, pirate?”
Alex bristles at the way Augustus spits it this time, pirate, like it’s poison. At this point, Alex thinks skewering him might not be a bad idea. 
But no, that won’t be satisfying, not for the likes of him. Alex wants to humiliate him. They want to win. And all winning requires is submission. That and a little salt in the wound. 
“You might want to reconsider, Gus,” Alex says. Their stance is defensive but comfortable, balancing on the balls of their feet just in case Augustus tries to make a move. “It is quite cowardly to submit to a pirate, but if the king knew what I planned on doing to you, I think he’d understand.”
Augustus scoffs. “Meaning?” 
“Meaning I sincerely hope you don’t. I’m sure a missing arm would be quite the message to bring back to your fair kingdom.”
Augustus lunges in for a jab, all rage and false-assured thoughtfulness just like Alex expects him to. All it takes is a slip to the side and an outstretched leg to send them stumbling past them, fighting to regain his balance. 
“What did I say?” Alex goads at Augustus’ back. “Vulnerable and so, so predictable. Switch up your moves and it won’t be so embarrassingly easy to send you reeling.”
Alex doesn’t even see the side swipe coming, but they most certainly feel the slice across their abdomen. “Fuck!” It’s heat, raw and burning, but it’s not pain, not yet, not with the blood roaring in their ears. They swallow their blooming panic in time to meet Augustus’ next blow, weaker than the rest have been, with equal ferocity. 
There’s the shriek of metal against metal, invigorating at any other time, and the swords catch on each other at the hilt—the battle of strength and dexterity Alex was waiting for. Will Augustus break it off again?
Alex meets his eyes through their interlocked swords, brown on blue. No, he won’t break it off, not this time. The wolfish grin hiding the twisted agony behind his eyes says it all. That, and the trembling grip Alex has on their own sword. 
“You look unwell, Alex.” Augustus pushes harder against Alex’s block and laughs windedly. “You may want to consider submission.”  
Alex pants and grits their teeth. “And let you miss out on a… a valuable lesson? That’d be awfully rude of me.” They push back.  “Besides, I could ask you the same thing. How’s that shoulder of yours?”
Alex breaks away and feels the first stab of agony rip through their middle, hard enough that when they swing in retort, their sword almost flies from their unfeeling hands. 
“Keep it together,” they whisper, reclaiming their hold on the sword. Then, to Augustus, “If you’d broken the hold purposely, you could’ve reestablished your power in the situation, you know.”
“I suppose you’re right,” Augustus says lowly. Alex notes the cryptic tone in his voice but not fast enough. Without another word, he charges Alex, sword held higher, chest out strong, back straight because of it. 
Alex anticipates the collision and holds their sword at the ready, stepping back towards the mast in preparation for the inevitable block. What they don’t expect is the way Augustus’ foot hooks around their own. 
Alex’s feet fly out from under them, and this time they’re the one who’s stumbling. In their search for ground, they go blind to everything around them until their back collides with the mast of the ship. 
When the space around them registers again, Augustus is right in front of them and his blade puts a threatening pressure against their neck. His breath is hot and wet against their face. Under their chin, they feel the faintest trickle of sweat or, more likely, blood running down their Adam’s apple. 
Augustus stares into Alex’s eyes, still out of breath but gradually recovering. “How about that?” he breathes.
Alex stares back and chuckles softly, then groans at another stab of pain in their stomach as the adrenaline starts to wear off. “Not bad, Prince. Legs further apart though. You’re screwing your balance.” Alex dips their hands between themself and Augustus, careful not to nick themself with the sword at their throat, and touches at the tear in their shirt, feeling around for damage. It’s nothing rum and a few dozen stitches won’t fix. 
Augustus follows the movement with his eyes, then raises them back to Alex’s face. “Anything else you want to teach me?”
Alex grins. In one swift movement, they drop their sword, tear the arm holding the sword to their neck away from them, and pull that same arm behind Augustus’ back, shoving him hard into the mast. “Yeah,” they say above his surprised grunt. “Never lose focus.”
Alex gives Augustus’ arm a final rough pull, their chest against his back before pulling away with a huff. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need a drink.”
Alex walks across the deck to the sailor’s quarters. They hope Augustus can’t see that their body is on fire.
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mtherhino · 3 years
One side, Two lives
Chapter ten
Is he ok?
First Previous Next
Warnings: slight gore, panicked attack, and mention of eating disorder
Where the heck am I?  Virgil thought as he took in his surroundings. He couldn’t see anything except himself, as I he was standing in a pit of nothingness. He tried to to walk around but the blackness seemed to go on forever so he started to panic. Where a I? How do I get out of here? Where are the others?! Are they here two? I have to find them!
           Suddenly the anxious side heard a scream from behind him in the darkness. That sounds like Roman! He thought. He turned around and there stood Roman, on his knees and grasping at his stomach which confused the other side. Why is he grabbing at his stomach? Never mind I need to get his attention.
“Roman!” Virgil shouted to the other, but the prince didn’t acknowledge him, he didn’t even seem to hear him. This in no way helped Virgils anxiety.
“Roman! Princy can you hear me!” He shouted again, but just like before the creative side didn’t seem to even know he was there. Out of no where Virgil heard a dark chuckle.
He turned his gaze away from the prince and towards the noise. The shape of a person had materialized from the darkness, glimmering in a golden light and having what seemed to be a cape dragging behind him. The whatever it was approached Roman’s fallen from, laughing the whole time.
“You see? Your nothing but a weakling, and theres no place for anything like that here.” Virgil watched in terror as the person drew a sword and used it to tilt Roman’s head up to look at him. The side had tears running down his face and blood leaking from his mouth. Why is he crying? Why is he bleeding!? Virgil thought.
He looked back down to the prince’s hand and saw that the normally pure white outfit was now stained in blood, the red liquid was still spreading rapidly. Virgils eyes grew wide with horror. The golden being ‘tsk’ at the downed side and kicked him in the stomach making him cough up blood. No! Stop! You’re going to kill him! That’s what Virgil wanted to say, but as soon as he tried to scream black tendrils wrapped around his mouth and kept him quite.
Never the less the anxious side tried to run forward to stop everything but he couldn’t. He looked down and his feet where somehow stuck to the ground. He tried to pull himself free but it became clear that it was no use. He looked back at the scene in front of him and saw the figure start to raise his sword.
“You really are worthless. You’re just a pathetic excuse for a side, a useless nothing, and you’re especially no hero.” As the thing said that, it swung it sword down.
           Virgil jolted up from his bed, his hand outstretched like he was trying to reach for something. His forehead was covered in sweat and he was sure that if he looked in a mirror his face would be whiter than a ghost’s. He brought his hand to his chest and he found his heart was beating faster than he thought it ever had. Virgil took a deep sigh and tried to calm down, it didn’t work very well. He looked over at his clock and saw that it was around 3 in the morning.
           What the heck was that? Virgil wondered to himself. He couldn’t remember much of his nightmare but he remembered that he was more scared than he had ever been in his life. Just trying to remember what happened made the side start hyperventilating. Ok. I need to calm down or else I might give Thomas a panic attack. Virgil started taking deep breaths and began to calm down as he repeated his 4 ,7, 8 breathing exercise.
           Once he was calmed downed he realized that he probably wasn’t going to be able to go to sleep for a while and flopped back onto his bed in frustration. The one night I actually tried to get more sleep. Just great. The side pulled out his phone from under his pillow and grabbed his headphones from his bed side table. This wasn’t the first time he was woken up by nightmares, but this time had definitely been the worst.
           He put on his headphones and picked up his phone. He went though a few different playlist before he finally settle on just clicking shuffle on My Chemical Romance. He ended up on Mama and smiled. This song was slightly calmer than most of the groups songs. He went to tumbler and started scrolling though it, humming the lyrics as he looked at post. After about an hour of looking at memes and funny videos Virgil found himself starting to dose off, the residents of the nightmare going to the back of his mind.
           When Virgil woke up it was too Patton calling him down for breakfast. He groaned as he got out of bed and change into his usual style. He pulled on his signature jacket as he went out the door even though he knew that it was crazy to wear a jacket on almost any day in Florida. Virgil walked down the long hallway eyeing every corner suspiciously in case Remus decided to just pop up or something. Because of this he wasn’t looking where he was going and ran straight into someone’s back and fell down.
           “Virgil? Are you ok” a familiar voice said. The anxious side looked up and saw that it was non other than Roman who he just happened to run into. The memories of his dream flashed in his mind and he looked at Romans stomach glad to see that there was no kind off blood staining on the t-shirt he was wearing. He shook his head a bit to clear the image of the fallen prince in his mind.
“Yah, I’m fine Princy.” Virgil said. Roman extended his hand to Virgil and pulled him up.
“You need to watch where your going, wouldn’t want you falling down the stairs or something.” Roman said with a chuckle.  The smaller side smiled softly at the sound but pretended to cough into his sleeve when Roman looked back at him.
           “Kiddos! Come get your breakfast before it gets old!” That had snapped Virgil out of his embarrassed fake coughing fit and the two started heading towards the kitchen. When they entered they found Logan at the table reading a comic book? Roman turned to Virgil and raised an eyebrow in question. The anxious side shrugged and went to go sit down at the table. He took a closer look at the cover and saw that it was a horror comic and that only confused him more.
“What are you reading Lo? I don’t think I’ve ever even seen you pick up a comic book before” Virgil asked. Logan finally looked up from his book and he seemed kinda embarrassed.
“Well um, technically it’s a graphic novel and uh Remus asked me to read it over for him.” Logan said while he adjusted his glasses, and if Virgil wasn’t mistaken, he was ever so slightly blushing. As the gears in his head spun the smaller side started to smirk. It definitely seems like this guy has a crush Remus. Although it may not look it, Virgil didn’t actually hate the duke. They in no way got along, and Virgil didn’t trust the creative side as far as he could though him, but he didn’t necessarily hate the gremlin of a man.
           So, with this in mind, the mischievous raccoon in a jacket decided that as long as he was here, he might as well mess with people.
“I didn’t know you and Remus where such good friends.” Roman, who had sat down after getting a plate of food for himself from the kitchen, tried his absolute hardest not to burst out laughing as Logan stuttered and rambled to try and explain himself.
“He simply assisted me in conducting some research the other day and I wanted to return the kind favor.” Once more the prince and emo character shared a look. Virgil decided that was enough teasing for now. You have to spread out the torture to make it effective after all. So instead of continuing to make fun of his friend he decided he should finally grab some breakfast.
“Whatever you say Lo.” The former dark side walked into the kitchen to see Patton serving up a plate that he assumed was for Logan.
Today Patton had made some scrambled eggs, a few links of sausages, and some toast he was currently adding crafters jam to. Patton turned around to face his dark strange son and smiled widely.
“Hey kiddo! I made a plate for you if that’s alright. If theres anything you want to change about it go right ahead!” The fatherly side said in his usual cheerful tone. Unfortunate this kinda made the smaller of the two freak out a bit.
What if I don’t like whats on the plate? I can’t just mess with it Patton already put in the work to make the food and if I put any of it back it will look like I don’t like his cooking which of course into true but what if he thinks that? Luckily his worries were put to rest when he saw his plate had equal proportions of everything just how he liked it. He breathed a sigh of relief and went to go sit back down with the others.
When he got back to table Roman and Logan were arguing about some sort of play but the conversation was now going too fast for Virgil to actually pay attention to it.
“Don’t you dare say Hamilton wasn’t a good musical in my presence!”
“I’m just saying its historically inaccurate! For one thing the Skylar sisters did have an older brother so the part in the musical where Angelica sings about having to bring the family glory is false. Also she was already wed to a man before she met Alexander so she couldn’t marry him if even if she wanted to.” Logan reasoned in his calm yet frustrated ‘everyone-is-being-an-idiot-except-for-me’ tone of voice.
“Of course it isn’t entirely accurate to the real character. In theater you have to add a bit of drama to express the characters feeling in the scene better!” The royal side tried to explain while he waved his arm around in the air, surprisingly not hitting anything or anyone. Luckily before the two could continue Patton walked into the room carrying both his and Logan’s plate.
“Ok kiddos I think thats enough arguing for now, go ahead and eat instead of bickering please.” Patton said in a hopeful voice.  The two sides grumbled a bit to themselves but did start eating . Virgil looked over at Romans plate and saw that he once again had a lot less food on his plate than the rest of them. He had about two mouthfuls of eggs on his plate, one small sausage and half of a jam covered toast.
Doesn’t he need to eat more than the rest off us? I mean he goes adventuring all the time so he probably burns all the calories he gets from the meals Patton makes. Virgil pondered all this while he ate. If he was being honest he didn’t think he had ever seen Roman get seconds unless people insisted on it. Thats kinda concerning, what if he isn’t eating right because off stress? But why would Princy be stressed he’s the living personification of having a dreamy good life. Could something be wrong and we just haven’t noticed it yet?is he ok? Luckily he was broken from his thoughts as someone called his name.
“Virgil? Are you ok? You’ve been so pacing out for a while now, everything alright?” Roman said as he put a comforting hand on the anxious sides shoulder. Virgil gave the royal a small smile and took a deep breath. I’m just overthinking things. Roman’s fine, he would have come to us if he had a problem.
“Yah I’m fine Princy, just got lost in thought that’s all.” The creative side smiled at that and went back to eating his small plate of food.
           After everyone was done with breakfast they all went back to their own rooms, Logan still reading the graphic novel as he walked. Once Virgil got to his room he threw himself onto his extremely messy bed and was about to pull up something to watch on YouTube when he heard a knock on his door.
           What the, I was just with everyone, if they needed to ask me something wouldn’t they have asked me then? The purple side sighed and got up to open the door, only to find the hallway completely empty?
“Um, ok, anyone there?” Virgil said while he stuck his head out the doorway.
“Yup! I’m right here!” A choice shouted from behind him.
“Ahhh!” The smaller side screeched and accidentally slammed the door shut. There now sitting on his bed kicking his feet, was Remus. He wasn’t wearing his usual outfit for videos but instead a ripped up tank to and some black sweatpants.
“What the hell are you doing here?!” The anxious side said in an accusing tone.
“I was bored and decided that I might as well annoy you for a while.” The taller of the two said with a shrug.
Virgil groaned and destroyed any hope of having a peaceful day from his mind.
“Why in the world did you knock? You haven’t had any real manners since we were kids.” The purple clad side said as he sat down on a beanbag that he had in the corner. The duke shrugged.
“It was part of my grand plan to distract you so that I could scare you even better.” The insane side said with a sharp tooth smile. Before Virgil could make a retort the door burst opened. There stood Princy in a t-shirt and shorts, his hair looking slightly disheveled and with a sword in hand. He for some reason also looked a bit bigger than normal but Virgil discarded the thought as the lighting being weird.
           “Virgil! What’s wrong! What do I need to fight!” The red side exclaimed.
“Hey Ro! I just scared emo over here and he screamed like I had ripped out his guts or something.” The duke said as he threw his arm around his brother. Virgil was kinda surprised. Last time he had seen the twins interact Roman was out cold in seconds but now they were talking like they were best friends. Well I guess they are siblings after all. The smallest in the room said.
“Oh, ok then. Virgil do you need any assistance?” Roman asked. The former dark side thought for a minute and figured that he could handle Remus by himself, he had enough experience dealing with his craziness growing up.
“Yah Romano I’ll be fine.” Virgil said with a wave. Roman nodded but not without a sigh at the nick name and walked out.
“Oh but before I go,” the prince turned around and glared and the both of them, “if you two kill each other I will find a way to somehow resurrect you and get you both scolded by Patton.” And with that Roman left with a royal wave. The two remaining sides gave each other a look, Virgil’s one of distrust and Remus’s one of mischief.
“Sooooo,” Remus said as he jumped back onto the bed, “you like my brother huh?”  Virgil’s face turned bright red.
“I-I don’t know what your talking about!” The now highly nervous side shouted.  This only made the duke chortle.
“Chill out, I’m not gonna tell him, it will be a lot more fun that way.” Remus said with a grin. The hoodie wearing side breathed a sigh of relief.
“However you now owe me a favor.” The dark side said. Virgil grumbled to himself but agreed and asked what the favor was. The royal smiled widely.
“You have to help me beat Deceit’s high score in Mario cart.” The anxious side was surprised at first but then smirked.
“Sure, I’m not going to pass up the chance to piss off the snake.” The smaller jumped onto the bed as Remus summoned his switch that was nearly covered in stickers except for the screen.
           After a few rounds of Mario cart Virgil still hadn’t won once and he was getting annoyed, especially since Remus wouldn’t stop saying how he was the ultimate champion of this game. In this round they where nearing the finish line and Virgil was in second place while Remus was in first. He had dodged all of the shells Virgil had thrown at him but he still had one more.
There’s no way I’m letting this rat man beat me again. Suddenly Virgil had an idea and a dark smile formed on his face.
“So Remus,” the purple side said as he lined up the shot, “how did your date with Logan go?”
“What?!” Remus was so surprised that Virgil somehow knew about his sorta kinda date with Logan that he fell off the bed. Meanwhile Virgil threw a green shell at him and finished in first.
“Yes!” The smaller side exclaimed.
           “How in this wide terribly gruesome world did you find out about that?” Remus said from the floor. Virgil shrugged.
“Logan said that you helped him with some research or something while blushing so I figured you actually took him on a date.” The emo said while he leaned back on his pillow. He looked over at Remus who was now sitting on the bean bag looking slightly startled.
“Well I didn’t technically ask him on a date, I just offered to take him and give him a tour of the imagination.” The duke said while he messed with his white streak of hair. “I haven’t actually told him that I like him.” Virgil was surprised that Remus looked actually embarrassed saying this.
“I never thought I would see the day that you were nervous.” Virgil said honestly. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell Logan if you aren’t ready to tell him.” Remus gave him an incredulous look and started laughing like a mad man which slightly scared the smaller side. He suddenly stoped and got up.
           “Thanks emo, I got to go or else De is going to get mad at me.” While the dark side walked to the door he messed up the purple wearing side’s hair until it defied gravity. “Wanna help me beat the record tomorrow since that slippery snake has such a freaking high score that we couldn’t beat it today?” The crazy side asked.
“Sure.” Virgil said, surprising even himself.
“Cool! Se yah tomorrow emo.” Remus said as he slammed the door loudly. The anxious side relaxed on his bed with a sigh. Even when just hanging out with the others being social was exhausting for him. He remembered that Thomas had some sort of event for tomorrow but Virgil doubted that he would need him for anything. As he was starting to drift off to sleep for a nap he had one last thought. Isn’t the wedding tomorrow?
Well I hope everyone if ready for some angst to come. Hope you guys have a good next 24 hours, bye!
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 4 years
Amadeus Cho when his Future child comes to the Present
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Anon asked:  Amadeus Cho’s kid comes to the present? Please 🥺
A/N: This is the first one that I’ve written where the child is older. The reason I did this is because first Amadeus is already young so if a baby went back to the past chances are they won’t be able to recognize their parents. So I thought that an older child who has seen pictures of their young parents and can recognize features was a good turn. Plus it’s funny.
Also! Thanks to @spacesuitsforemergency​ for helping me decide !
Similar headcanons:
Danny Rand when his future child comes to the Present
Peter Parker when his Future child comes to the Present
Sam Alexander when his Future child comes to the Present
Your lovely boyfriend Amadeus had a bad habit of spending too much time at the lab
As a result, you ended up spending too much time at the lab, bored out of your mind but not trying to touch anything because it could quite possibly blow in your face
You mostly took naps in a quiet corner where he put a huge beanbag for you
But today, just as you were about to fall asleep, a huge explosion rang out in your ears and you immediately ducked for cover
Before the fumes cleared out of the way, Amadeus was covering your body with his
“What the heck do you think you’re doing?”
It was only then that you could see a silhouette of a person through the plumes of smoke
Just as the smoke cleared you caught a glance of the person
She was older, around Peter’s age and Amadeus called his armor and got into a fighting stance before locking down the lab before the person could leave
He used the smoke to cover himself and slowly surrounded the intruder
The girl coughed and tried to get the smoke out of her face
And then
“Oh man! Dad is gonna kill me!”
When she heard the sound of his iron spider legs hitting the floor she froze and turned around with a nervous smile
“Dad, please don’t be mad, it was an accident.”
“I’m not your father.”
She snorted, “I know I messed up but come on, it isn’t that bad.”
“I’m serious. I’m not your father.”
She got into a fighting stance, “If you’re not my dad then what are you doing with his suit?”
He copied her, firing up his blasters and she ducked and it was then that she met your eyes
Cue her getting shocked
“Pretty sure I’m not your mom, and not just because you’re older than me.”
“What year is it?”
She is shell shocked
“Dad is so gonna kill me.”
You then find out that she was messing around with her dad’s—Amadeus’—time machine and it malfunctioned, sending her back a few years
“Serves you right for messing around with something that doesn’t belong to you.”
“What if I can’t go back?”
Her scared voice made you sympathetic and you held her hand tightly
“It’ll be okay, S.H.I.E.L.D. will figure something out.”
The fact that you were supposed to be her mom made you kind of uncomfortable but you quickly figured out the kind of mom you would be
The mediator.
Because it seemed that both your daughter and Amadeus were stubborn as they come
Especially when it came to rebuilding the time machine
“Get out of the way! I’m smarter than you and I can build it better!”
“You seem to forget that I’m the one who has actually seen this time machine! Take a seat, pipsqueak!”
“You watch your tone young lady!”
“I’m older than you, short stack! You aren’t my father yet so I don’t take orders from you!”
“I swear when you get back to your own time, you are getting the grounding of a lifetime!”
It’s hilarious to watch your boyfriend dad out, calling her young lady and telling her to watch her tone
It’s amusing to the rest of the team too
“Uncle Peter!” Your daughter smiled and rushed up to him
“Wait wait wait! He’s your uncle?” Amadeus and Peter still weren’t on the best of terms
“Yeah, he comes over like every weekend.”
The both were in shock.
“Yeah, you walked mom down the aisle on her wedding day.”
Peter is shell shocked and Amadeus is bright red because married?
I mean it was kind of obvious that you two got married and had a kid but actually hearing it made his ears and cheeks turn red
“Also, I’m dating Uncle Peter’s son.”
“Tell your son to get his hands off my daughter!”
“You tell your daughter to get her claws out of my son!”
And you’re just on the floor, laughing so hard that you’re crying
As you get to know your daughter, you find that she’s more than she lets on
She looks up to Amadeus very much, she has an interest in science, like him
They spend a lot of time in the labs just being daddy daughter goals
“How’d you get this scar?” You asked, pointing at a small scar on her hand
“When I was 8, dad took me to learn how to ride a bike but I said I could do it on my own and then I fell and my hand broke my fall.”
It sounded painful but she said it with a smile on her face
“After that I was too scared to ride a bike on my own so dad told me he made me a self-driving bicycle so I wouldn’t be afraid but it was just a regular bike and I was riding it all my myself.”
You couldn’t really picture yourself as a mom, especially since she was a teenager but these stories made it easier to picture it
One day, after about a month of her being here, you found her crying
“What happened? Are you hurt? Did you fight with Amadeus?”
She shook her head, “No, I just—I miss home.”
You comfort her as much as you can and then ask her if she wants to bake some cookies with you
Luckily, the recipe has been in your family for ages so the cookies taste almost identical to the ones that you make in the future and makes her feel at home
Finally, after constant trials and experiments, the time machine is up and running and she can finally go home
Before she leaves, she gives you a big hug
“Thank you for everything, but no offense but I’m not gonna miss you as a teenager.”
You laughed, “It’s gonna be weird to see you as a baby next time.”
She hugged Amadeus as well, “Thank you, for helping me get home.”
“Don’t give your mom and I too much trouble.”
She ran through the portal, excited to get back home and her face brightened up when she saw who was waiting on the other side
She barrelled into her parent’s arms and you hugged her so tightly she couldn’t breathe
“I missed you.”
“We missed you too, honey.”
“I’m so glad to be home.”
“We’re glad you feel that way because that’s where you’ll be staying for the rest of the month. You’re grounded.”
“You called me pipsqueak!”
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heyitmelexie · 4 years
His Salvation
Francisco ‘Catfish’ Morales x GN!Reader
Word count: 3045
Rating: super soft, fluffy as heck, I couldn’t stop myself
Warnings: mentions of drug, mentions of drug abuse and withdrawal
Summary: Road trip with Frankie with a sweet surprise in the end!
A/N: Hi guys! This was my first time writing Frankie. And I generally don’t write too much but I want to change that and start writing more now. This Oneshot started with a 750 words prompt I had to write for one of my creative writing modules and I liked the idea I had created so much, that I afterwards turned it into a Frankie Oneshot. Didn’t expect it to be so long but I’m not complaining! Also, I’m a German native speaker and English is my second language. (In case there are any spelling or grammar mistakes etc.). I’m open for feedback and advice! Enjoy reading!  💕
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The sound of burbling water surrounds you, birds chirping their songs loudly and joyful. You can smell the traces of various flowers in the air, delicate yet intoxicating, mixed with the fresh scent of the green surrounding, accentuated by the mist that lingers in the air from the sloshing of the waterfall.
A light layer of mist is clinging to your face softly, forming little beads here and there that grow and grow until they travel down your cheeks. The soft waves of the water tap gently against your legs where you sit, just where the small spring begins. The water is not deep here, it just covers the hand when you put it flat on the small pebbles beneath the surface. It is crystal clear. If it would not ripple slightly, you would not notice there was anything at all.
You let your fingers glide carefully over the soft, round pebbles. Curiously, you pick one of them and take it out. It glistens in the sun, covered in the remaining water, glowing a soft copper. Its surface is smooth, no sharp edges to it, almost perfectly elliptical after being shaped over, assumably, many decades by the water it lives in. You lift it closer to your face with the intention to study the pebble just a little better. So, you find that the small, soft stone is covered in tiny freckles. Some of them are dark, others are white. And some twinkle golden when the soft beams of sunshine fall upon them. You let your eyes linger on it just a little while longer before carefully putting it back between the others, causing the water to wrinkle a little around your hand.
As you then carefully lean back to lay in the water, you slowly close your eyes at the same time. That feeling, when the cool water soaks through the fabric of your shirt and touches your warm skin, is very pleasant and soothing on a humid day like this one. It wets the back of your head and ever so slightly touches the shells of your ears. Your arms are stretched out on your sides, palms flat on the ground, covering the small stones where they rest.
Without your sense of sight, the auditory and tactile ones heighten.
You can hear the trickling sound of the water behind your ears, the faint rumbling of the waterfall that resonates throughout the whole spring. The slight vibrations run over the soft pebbles and tickle the skin of your palms. You can feel yourself calm down immediately, this peaceful moment soothing your soul in an instant, leaving nothing but the pleasant feeling of serenity coursing through your body.
As you lay there, you feel your face being gently caressed by the soft rays of sun that peak through the treetops here and there. It warms your skin, and your lips form a gentle smile. This is pleasant. You could easily lay there for hours; time means nothing in this moment. It feels good.
This whole time Frankie sits on the steps of your shared camper, watching you with a smile on his lips.
Just about two weeks ago he had suggested that you both take some time off from your jobs and go on a road trip through the states, trying to see as many different places as possible. Without a second thought you had agreed and on the same evening you had both sat down at the kitchen table to come up with a list of things and sights you wanted to visit.
“Toilet Seat Art Museum?”
“Yes, I really want to see it. It sounds so weird that I already love it”, Frankie said, grinning from ear to ear, giddy like a child on Christmas morning. You couldn’t say no to him being so cute and excited, so you just giggled and shook your head slightly.
“Fine. But I want to see Ben and Jerry’s Flavor Graveyard!” Your response caused him to chuckle, you could see the joy in his warm brown eyes.
“Okay, consider it a deal”, he said while holding out his hand for you. Laughing slightly, you took it and gave it a firm squeeze.
The list ended up being really long. Luckily, the two of you had saved quite some money over the past year. You had wanted to go on a vacation anyway, the original plan being a trip to the Bahamas to relax for a week or two. Thinking back to it now, you realize that the road trip was a much better idea, the best option to spend more time with Frankie while seeing new things every day.
The next day you had talked to your bosses and then went to pay a visit to Benny and Will. You knew they had a camper, fully equipped with everything you would need for your trip, so you asked them if you could borrow it and they happily agreed.
Spending the rest of the day with grocery shopping for the vacation and packing, you then left the following day, early in the morning.
Frankie remembers how excited he was, wide awake at five in the morning, driving through the streets of your hometown. You on the other side had been excited, yes, but very tired. The excitement had kept you awake for quite long the night before, so you hadn’t gotten much sleep. This had resulted in you sleeping in the car, spread over the leather bench with your head on Frankie’s lap while he drove. He had kept his hand on your back for the most time, smiling, feeling a warmth bloom in his chest whenever he looked at you.
As you laid there, head on his thigh, drooling onto his pant leg, he decided this was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen, and nothing could top that. So, he quickly parked on the side of the road and took the polaroid camera out of the glove compartment. Wanting to capture this sight forever, he quietly took a picture of your sleeping form, then put the camera back but not before taking the little photo from the slot. He waited for a few minutes, letting the image develop while he watched you sleep, drawing soft patterns onto your shoulder.
When it had fully developed, he looked at it and smiled lovingly. To him, you were the most beautiful creature that had ever been created. You were a deity, and he was just a lucky peasant, deemed worthy of your holy love. It was so easy for him to love you, to cherish every part of you and to take care of you, his wonderful partner in crime.
The past seven years had been filled with nothing but love and affection. You had always been there for him, even in his darkest hours when he struggled with his yearning for the filth that is called cocaine, that had ruined him many years ago. You had clutched him tightly to your chest, had run your soft fingers through his hair and told him how much you loved him, how you would never leave him and would help him get rid of this destructive addiction. And you had kept your word.
With your support and lots of therapy he was able to overcome his addiction. And on this day, the day you left for the road trip, he had been clean for exactly five years. He was proud of himself and knew you were too. You have been the anchor that he had so desperately needed, and he thanked every higher power in the universe that your path had led you to him.
As he now thinks back to the first morning of the trip, he lifts his arm and takes the small photo out of his left chest pocket of the flannel he wore. He had kept it there, close to his heart and had made it a habit of looking at it and kissing it softly every night before kissing your forehead and then falling asleep next to your already quietly snoring form.
Smiling, he now kisses it softly too before sliding it back into the little pocket.
When he looks back at you, resting peacefully in the water, he notices that you are on the verge of falling asleep. So he walks over and kneels next to you, not minding his pants getting wet, and lets his fingertips skim over your cheek gently. Your eyes flutter open and you look at him sleepily.
“Come on, sweet thing. I made you some tea”, he said softly, holding out his hand for you to take. When you take it, he carefully pulls you up and pecks your lips gently. You hum in response and step onto the plush, green grass that covers the small meadow where you had parked the vehicle, right in front of the spring. The small jade carpet is adorned with little daisies, even a few cyclamens. You slowly make your way across the glade towards the camper, revelling in the feeling of the acuminate blades of grass gently tickling your soles.
He sits back on the steps and you sit on the grass between his legs. You rest your temple against his thigh and he hands you the tea. Taking the cup from his hands, you smile and thank him gently. Then you turn your head slightly and press a delicate kiss to the inside of his thigh. He hums softly and rests his hand on the side of your neck while taking a sip of his coffee.
You stay like that for a while, drinking your beverages while talking about anything that comes to your mind. When you both finish your drinks, you decide to take a walk through the woods surrounding the meadow.
Hand in hand you step into the little forest, the slight breeze sliding over your exposed skin, a welcome feeling in this heat. You walk slowly, not feeling the need to rush at all, just enjoying the joyful sounds of nature around the two of you. Oak trees stand tall, some visibly younger, some older. Some look even ancient with their broad trunks and their thick roots already poking through the soil around the stem.
As you wander through the woods, you let the fingers of your free hand gently brush over some shrubs. Beneath a particularly huge oak tree Frankie spots blackberry bushes covering the ground, full of ripe fruits. He then sits on the ground with his back against the stem and gently pulls you into his lap. With you in his arms he reaches over and plucks some of the berries from the plant.
He touches your lips with the berry, telling you like this to open your mouth and when you do so he pops it into your mouth. You crush them between your tongue and hard palate. The small drupelets that cover the berry burst as they are squeezed and release their juices onto your sensitive tastebuds. It is not just one taste, it’s several sensations at once. The juice of the blackberry is sweet, but at the same time sour, even zesty, pecking at the receptive buds. You close her eyes and hum, content, resting your head on his chest while he feeds you more berries, enjoying the freshness of the fruits while the treetops hold back the sun so you two can hide from the harsh heat for a little while.
After a few moments you turn and pluck some of the blackberries yourself. Turning back to Frankie, you touch a berry to his lips just like he did before, and he opens his mouth so you can pop the berry into it. He hums and smiles softly at you while you proceed to feed him the delicious berries.
More than five years prior there had been similar situations, where you had fed him. But they weren’t as pleasant as this moment.
Sometimes his withdrawal was just extreme, there was no other word for it. Cocaine had consumed his every thought; the yearning took his appetite from him and restricted his movements. In these moments he barely even noticed you were with him in the same room. He couldn’t see or think straight. But you stayed with him.
You knew he had to eat; it would help him feel something else for a bit. So you had cooked his favourite dishes and then proceeded to feed him, talking to him softly, telling him how proud you were that he didn’t give in to the urge even though it must be so so hard for him. You had also made him drink loads of water, he was sweating profusely and needed to stay hydrated.
Frankie was so grateful that you stayed with him, even in moments like those where he would have given up on himself if it hadn’t been for you. You had pulled him out of his misery and back into life. Where his life had been dark and grey before, it now was vibrant and colourful, filled with love and absolute adoration.
As he now looks at you, fingers slightly purple from the juice of the blackberries, he knows that you are everything he needs, everything he had ever wanted and he wants to be with you for the rest of his life. ‘It is now or never’, he thinks.
So, while you lick your fingers clean from the juice, he reaches back into his pocket without you noticing and takes out a little box. He keeps it in his hand and gently puts his free hand against your cheek.
You look at him softly, eyes twinkling with absolute joy.
“You are the light of my life. Do you know how much you mean to me? I can’t even put it in words to explain it to you”, he says, letting the pad of his thumb gently glide over your cheekbone.
He doesn’t need to explain it to you, you know it. You always know it. Whenever he kisses you, whenever he makes love to you, whenever he just looks at you, you know it. You can feel and see the amount of love his heart holds for you and every time you have to hold back the tears, because it makes you so happy. Every day, you feel loved and you feel seen by him. But before you can say anything, he continues.
“You know I struggle to express my feelings, put them into words, but I want to try my best just for you.” You smile at that; the tears already make their way into your eyes.
“Since I laid my eyes on you those many years ago, when you poured that coffee over me, you continued and still continue to bless my life. I was just a broken man back then, I had nothing to offer you, I was just a drug addict, an absolute mess. But somehow you didn’t see that and decided you wanted to stay with me. I still can’t believe how lucky I am. You are the best that had ever happened to me and those seven years with you have been the best seven years of my entire life. You cared for me like no one ever could and you pulled me out of that dark hole that had almost entirely consumed me. With every day that I wake up next to you, with your drool on my arms and your elbow in my face, my love for you grows and grows. You are my salvation and the absolute love of my life. I never want to go a day without your love.” He looks at you, his eyes holding nothing but love and affection and you can see that he is holding back tears as well.
You notice a little movement at your hip and look down. On his palm lays a small, black velvet box. A soft gasp escapes your lips and you look at him with huge eyes. You don’t even bother holding back the tears anymore, just let them spill freely from your eyes.
“You have given my life a meaning. And this meaning is you. I never want to spend a day without you in my life anymore.” At this point you cry like a baby while sporting the most beautiful smile Frankie had ever seen. It makes his breath hitch.
“I wanted to do this different, with candles and all this romantic stuff that you love so much but today, as I watched you lay in the water, I realized that all I need is you. And even without candles, music, fuzzy blankets and a good meal, I know this is still romantic, just in a different way. And I can’t hold back from asking you this question any longer. So, will you do me the honour and agree to marry my cranky ass?” He opens the little box and the delicate ring inside of it is absolutely beautiful. A sob escapes your throat and the tears just keep streaming down your face, but you laugh softly, smiling a stunning smile. Now not even the sun can compete anymore.
And then you just nod. Unable to speak but still wanting to reassure him, wanting to tell him that yes, you absolutely wanted to marry his cranky ass, you nod.
Upon seeing your nod, he doesn’t hold back his tears anymore and lets them flow down his face. Tears of happiness because the love of his life, his saviour, his sun and moon and all the stars in the galaxy just agreed to marry him.
With a shaking hand he takes the ring out of the box and carefully slides it onto your finger. He then takes your face into both of his hands and kisses you, putting all the love and passion that he feels in this moment into the kiss. It makes you weak in the knees and at the same time fills you with such a warmth, as if the sun came down from her place in the sky and decided to live inside your heart now. You never want this moment to end.
Yes, the road trip definitely was the better idea.
@absurdthirst​ @softpedropascal​
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ironmansuuucks · 4 years
Dude. Its only me 😇🐨 Butttt... can i ask for a fluffy Dewey x reader where the reader is this insecure-bouncy-odd-tattooed-hippie-open-minded-chick that talks to her plants in the garden and dries flowers and stuff and Dewey notices and falls head over heels for her??? 💙🤫☀️🤘🌷🌼🌻💐🌸🌹🦗🐞🐝🕸️🍂🍀🌿🌵🌳🍃🦋🕊 pretty pleaaase?
hello my lovely, thank you for your beautiful request! thank you so so much for submitting and i’m super sorry its taken me so long! 
but we have it now! and I hope I have done it justice! and of course you have made thee most beautiful aesthetic to match! 
words: 1800 
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Dewey had to get out of there. He had seen his ex-girlfriend in the coffee shop he frequented, which was fine, until he seen her dumbass new boyfriend standing there next to her. And that was it. He was outta there faster than you can say cappuccino with chocolate on top please.
Hood up, hands in pockets and head down. He just needed to walk. Clear his head. Anywhere would do. So he just wandered where his feet took him.
Eventually he found himself in an area full of little cottages and bungalows on avenue fifth. It was quaint, and differed a lot from the big city atmosphere he was used to. It was surrounded by tall trees, and bushes and flower gardens all over. It was refreshing. And the smell of all the flowers was endearing.
As he looked around, he could hear someone.. humming? He knitted his eyebrows together as he looked around, hoping to see where the quiet humming is coming from.
As his head swings around to the right, towards the noise, he first notices this beautiful front garden, covered in beautiful wild flowers and shrubberies. It was enchanting.
And then he saw you. The humming coming straight from your lips. She’s beautiful, he thought. He could see parts of your skin from underneath your cardigan, and you were painted in delicate, intricate tattoos. And heck, you were wearing the cutest overalls underneath your cardigan. They were kinda messy with paint, and gardening, but they were adorable. You were beautiful.
And Dewey was full on staring at you. And as you picked a few more flowers, you lifted her head, and your eyes caught his for a brief second.. before Dewey darted his gaze away. He felt bashful that he had been caught admiring you.
His cheeks went a bright, rosy red colour, mirroring the wild flowers carpeting the garden, and his head went down, picking up his walking pace.
His head was spinning. Who was she? She was amazing. Beautiful. I need to know her. He thought to himself as he walked home, his mood significantly lifted.
 * * * * * *
 Luckily the next day, Dewey’s plans were open, and there was only one thing on his agenda; head down avenue fifth. Hopefully catch a glance at the flower girl.  
He had to lay his eyes on you again. He hadn’t stopped thinking about you. How captivating you were. You had taken up every inch and crevice of his thoughts. And you’d had no idea.
So he woke up earlier than normal. He showered, shampooed and conditioned his hair, lathering himself in body wash, singing Maggie May by rod Stewart.
Dewey even ironed his favourite Motley Crue t-shirt – sincerely a first for him – and gave his black converse a quick wipe down with a cloth. He felt brand new. As if he was on cloud nine. Like he was ready to go and face the world.. or maybe just this cool chick down avenue fifth.
As he inched closer and closer to the little cottage towards the end of the street, his hands began to get sweaty. He was so nervous. Like what if she thinks I’m weird? Or, or ugly or too chubby, or that I’m messy.. what if she doesn’t like music.
His head was racing. He could almost lay eyes on the wild flowers at the end of the garden over the fence. Hopefully you were there.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
He felt kinda awkward, so he shoved his hands in his pockets dramatically. Then he pulled them back out.
What? No. you don’t wanna look like some thug.
He shifted his eyes to the right, the garden just coming into his view.
Aw good, she’s there. What do I do? What do I say?
He was so nervous.
And suddenly he was walking right past the garden. He could see you bending down, picking flowers from the garden and placing them into a basket. It looked as though you were talking, or singing? He wasn’t sure.
And then it happened. you gazed up, and your eyes met his. Dewey was in a dizzy haze and it took him a moment to take in what was going on; he was too mesmerised.
Until he was pulled back to reality when he heard a small “hey” escape from you lips. He began to blush, and babble “uh, uh hey!” he managed out.
His hand absentmindedly found its way up into a cute little wave, you notice and smiled, giggling a little.
Dewey’s cheeks went even redder and he moved his hand and rubbed the back of his scorching hot neck.
He had stopped walking when they caught eyes, and now the setting felt a little awkward. Dewey had no idea what to do or say. He shifted his weight from one leg to the other.
“I-I, I really love your garden” he choked out. Still rubbing the back of his neck.
You were sitting on her knees, leaning back and smiled, looking around the garden, feeling a little bashful that this cute stranger was making conversation. “um thanks”.
Dewey nodded, feeling incredibly awkward. He rocked on his heels very lightly while darting his eyes from side to side.
“yeah.. see you around!” he smiled and started to quickly walk back in the direction he came from.
Fuck dude go the other way! She’ll think you’re stalking her, turn turn turn!
Suddenly he turned around and looked at you to see if you had noticed.
You had.
He laughed sheepishly and pointed in the other direction to which he was supposed to be heading, almost running.
You smiled  back, giggling at him.
Dewey was high on life. He was literally grinning from ear to ear. Sure he wished he had said more but all he was focused on right now was your pretty face and how your nose scrunched a little bit when you giggled at him.
He was headed back tomorrow. But with a plan.
* * * * * *
The next day, avenue fifth, 1 o’clock, Dewey was there. And ready.
He, again, had ironed his shirt and fixed his hair. Just the way he liked it.
As he was walking towards your garden he could see you in the garden again, with your overalls on, and your pretty hair and face.
Dewey cleared his throat, preparing himself.
“uh, uh hey” he started, his voice cracking ever so lightly.
You looked up from your dandelions and daisies, noticing him. The same cute guy you had seen the past few days. The same cute guy you couldn’t take your mind off of.
“hey” you softly replied, waiting to see what todays encounter would bring.
Dewey came closer to the garden, and stood at the start of the path. “I-I know we don’t know each other…” he began. Twiddling his fingers in his hands as his head went down, looking at his feet, then back up to you.
You stood up, wiping your knees and overalls from the dirt on the ground, anticipating what he was going to say.
He stepped forward a little bit again when he noticed you had gotten to your feet. You could see how nervous he felt. His vibe radiated it.
“bu-but I was wondering if you could do me a favour?” he knitted his eyebrows, and his eyes searched your face.
You blushed lightly, putting one hand into the other one, nodding at him. “I can try my best” you smile afflictively.
Dewey took one more step forward so there was little space between you both, maybe a few feet.
He glanced around and gestured to your beautiful garden full of flowers.  “well, I noticed how well kept and how beautiful your flowers were and my mom, she-she loves flowers… and I was wondering if, maybe.. you know… if you could maybe help me.. make her up a bouquet?”.
His eyes went down again, then shifted back up, waiting for your response. He felt silly. Like maybe this was a bad idea. She probably thinks I’m weird. I should leave-
His thoughts were cut off when you grinned at him.
He was so cute! You couldn’t believe this goofy, cute boy was here talking to you.
“of course! I’d love to help you with that!” you beamed.
Dewey’s face softened and a smile slowly came to his face, and his eyes lit up. “uh, really? Thank you so much” he bashfully graced you.
You nodded enthusiastically and smiled.
“what kinda flowers does your mom like?”
“well she uh..” just then Dewey noticed that you had a nose ring and his thoughts completely drifted. It was so cool.
“hey, I love your nose ring by the way!” he suddenly shifted the conversation.
It was your turn to smile bashfully at his words.
“thank you.. I uh, only recently got it… was unsure about it for so long but just decided ah fuck it, only here once right” you chuckled.
Dewey laughed with you, “your not wrong there, but its super cool you really suit! Totally rocking it” he beamed.
Her vibe is so pretty, Dewey thought to himself.
You scrunched up your nose when talking about your nose ring and Dewey was smitten. The boy honestly felt like he had fallen in love with you on the spot.
“so uh.. what kinda flowers does your mom-“
“hey listen, complete transparency here…”
Dewey cut you off and you knitted your eyebrows.
“I uh.. well the thing is, my mom actually doesn’t live here.. she lives up state.. miles and miles away” he confessed.
You continued to look at him confused.
“I uh, I actually just needed as excuse to come and talk to you.. I felt too, uh, embarrassed to just walk in and talk, to uh, you..” he rubbed the back of his neck, waiting on the rejection.
You just stood and folded your arms, kinda confused but also felt complimented. “so you.. don’t like my flowers?” you joked.
Dewey’s face went stiff and he started to babble “no I-I, uh I love your garden I really do! I think it’s beautiful and when I noticed you the other day I just couldn’t take my mind off of you because you were so pretty and…”
You started to laugh at how cute he was when he got anxious and worried.
“I’m just kidding you goof.. but thank you for all the compliments” you smiled sheepishly, looking down at your boots.
Dewey chilled out a bit and sighed a small relief.
“I just… I was just wondering if maybe you’d like to go grab some coffee? Sometime? Maybe?” he asked hesitantly.
“I would love that, uh…” you trailed off
“Dewey!” he replied enthusiastically, “my names Dewey” he beamed.
  tags:  @thewolfisapartofmysoul  @paxenera @heknowshisherbs @missihart23 @geminiacally @go-commander-kim @gegehaddock @baby-beej @sadpuppetshows @hoodoo12 @large-unit @thats-specific @vicunaburger @stranger-strings @bugdrinkss @sheinassheina @demonwifey @beetle-herbs @bugdrinkss
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ahatintimestorybook · 3 years
All Is Found Chap.4-Dance of the Ice Queen
Okay even though I put this story on hold for a bit. I’ve been waiting to write this chapter because of the idea I came up with for this. Basically this idea, plus a few others, is why I thought of making this AU in the first place.
The sun had started to set on Subcon, and Hat Kid never realized how beautiful the kingdom looked. The orange, pink, and purple glow from the sky as the sun slowly drops in the Horizon. It made the kingdom glow in a way.
“Isn’t it a lovely sunset?” Lucas asked, as he went to check up on the child. After coming back from their tour of Subcon, Lucas asked Vanessa if Hat Kid should spend the night in the guest room for the time being, and soon the young child adjusted well into her temporary living space.
“It’s beautiful!” Hat Kid replied. Lucas chuckled and ruffled the young girl’s head. The prince then heard a rumble and heard it came from Hat Kid The latter looked down and chuckled in embarrassment. “Sorry. I’m just hungry.”
Lucas smiled seeing it was perfect timing that he checked up on Hat Kid. “Well good news, dinner is ready!” He announced. Hat Kid smiled and followed the prince out of the room towards the dining room for dinner.
When Hat Kid and Lucas made it to the dining room, the smell of warm food overwhelmed the young girl as she sighed and floated to her seat at the table.
Looking at all the food from the table, Hat Kid didn’t know what to grab first. There was roasted chicken, but what could she have on the side? She then looked at Lucas and Vanessa’s plate and saw they both had potatoes and corn on it so she put some on her plate as well.
The dinner for the most part was normal, and relaxing. Vanessa didn’t say or do anything other than eat her dinner and let Lucas try some of hers in hopes of being romantic. Though it made sense for dinner to be relaxing after her crash landing.
Once dinner was done, Lucas handed Hat Kid a nightgown to wear for the night. It was similar to Vanessa's, only a lilac color. Soon, Hat Kid went to bed and quickly fell asleep. Lucas went to check up on the kid before going to bed, and chuckled seeing how tired the young child was.
“Sleep tight, kid.” Lucas whispered, ruffling the child’s head. He then left the room, turned off the lights.
Hours after falling asleep, Hat Kid was awoken to footsteps passing by her room. She slowly got up out of bed, and opened the door to see who it was. Turning to her left she saw Vanessa, walking to another room. “Vanessa?” She questioned in a low whisper.
The child waited for Vanessa to be further away before quietly following her to another room downstairs in the manor. Once Hat Kid made it to the other room she took a small peak and gasped at what she saw.
The room was cold, and the floor was covered in ice as some statues loomed over Vanessa. The queen had her head down, her blonde hair tied into a ponytail, as a sword made of ice appeared from the ground. The statues then moved ready to grab the queen. In a flash, Vanessa skated around the ice covered floor and soon sneaked up on the statue before striking it with her sword, causing the statue to crumble down.
The other statues growled and went to attack Vanessa, but the queen skated away from them before showing off her sword fighting skills fighting each of the statues. Hat Kid was amazed at the queen’s sword fighting skills, though as much as she would like to cheer her on, she still had to stay quiet.
However, sword fighting wasn’t all Vanessa could do, as she then summoned ice crystals that launched at the statues, while it didn’t destroy them stunned them enough for Vanessa to strike at them and destroy them. One statue then grabbed Vanessa before throwing her to the other end of the room. The statue was ready to ram into the queen, which caused Hat Kid to cover her eyes not to see what will happen next.
Vanessa then formed an ice wall to protect herself, causing the statue to break into pieces. The queen lowered down her ice wall and sighed thinking that was the last of them. That is when she saw one statue leading to the hallway. Before the statue could take one step closer, Vanessa impaled the statue with her sword causing him to fall. The queen looked in the hallway and saw no one was around, sighing in relief.
What she didn’t know was when the statue made its way out, Hat Kid quickly ran back to her room and closed the door, and went to bed before Vanessa noticed her.
The queen sighed realizing she’d have to stop her training for the night. Using her magic she melted the ice statues, and decided to practice her sword fighting skills for the rest of the night.
The next morning, Prince Lucas woke up with a loud yawn. He turned to his side, and smiled seeing Vanessa asleep next to him. “Morning my love.” He whispered, as he ruffled her hair. Vanessa replied with a groan as she turned away from Lucas. The prince stopped ruffling his wife’s head and chuckled before giving her a kiss on the cheek.
He got up from bed and went over to the guest room to check up on Hat Kid. When he got there he saw the young child sleeping soundly and peacefully. Lucas gave a chuckle and went over to the kid and shook her a bit.
This made Hat Kid wake up. She rubbed her eyes and looked up at the Prince. “Good morning.” Lucas whispered.
“Morning.” Hat Kid replied. She let out a yawn and got out of bed.
“Sleep well?” Lucas asked.
Hat Kid wasn’t sure how to respond. She slept well indeed, but the memories of last night started replaying in her head again. Heck she didn’t even know if the Prince knew about this. “Slept okay.” Was all she could say for now.
“That’s good.” He replied. The two then went downstairs to the kitchen to have some breakfast. Once downstairs, Hat Kid’s eyes widened at the breakfast on the table, some waffles with vanilla ice cream on top of them with fruit on the side.
Hat Kid’s mouth was wide open at the delicious breakfast. Never in her entire life Hat Kid saw a waffle before, nor one that looked so mouth watering. Prince Lucas was already seated down, eating his waffle. “Hope you like it kid, this is one of Vanessa’s favorite things for breakfast.” Lucas told her.
In a split second, Hat Kid was already seated down and started to cut into her waffle and take a huge bite from it. Hat Kid smiled as the ice cream and the waffle mixed together almost tasted like cake. “So sweet!” She sighed.
Lucas chuckled seeing the expression on the young girl’s face. He then went over to wipe some of the ice cream off her face with his handkerchief. Lucas then turned to the table, where Vanessa usually sits and looked up to where her room is and saw she hadn’t woken up. Starting to get worried he got up from his seat and grabbed Vanessa’s breakfast. “I’m going to check up on Vanessa. Be right back.”
Hat Kid nodded as she watched the prince go up to check on his wife. This now gave her enough time to think about what to tell Lucas about what she saw last night.
The prince made it back to his room to see Vanessa was still asleep. Lucas gave a smile and put her plate of breakfast on the drawer next to her bed. “I left your breakfast on top of the drawer.” He whispered. Vanessa groaned in reply, and slowly opened her eyes.
“My prince?” Vanessa asked. Lucas nodded in reply. Vanessa groaned and moved herself closer and hugged Lucas. Blinking in surprise, Lucas calmed down and hugged his wife back.
“Couldn’t sleep again, huh?” Lucas asked.
“Mhhmm.” Vanessa replied with a nod. Lucas pulled his wife closer as he rubbed her back.
“Just rest a bit my princess. I’ll keep your breakfast warm.”
“Thank you.” Vanessa whispered in reply. With that Vanessa laid back down and went back to sleep. Lucas smiled and left his wife to rest more.
Hat Kid finally got her thoughts straight and knew what to tell Prince Lucas when he got back. She then heard footsteps coming downstairs. “Okay,” Lucas started. “Vanessa is still asleep, but I left her breakfast in her room so she can eat whenever.” He explained.
“Is she okay?” Hat Kid asked.
“Yeah.” Lucas replied. “She just has trouble sleeping.”
“Oh.” Hat Kid turned away, her mind was racing wondering if she should tell him why, but how to bring it up. “W-well,” She started. Lucas looked up at the child, who was now looking nervous. “I heard someone walking in the hallway last night. I don’t know if it was Vanessa or-” Hat Kid was then cut off by Lucas.
The prince gave a sigh as he sat back down. “You could be right about it being Vanessa.” He replied. Hat Kid blinked, realizing Lucas did know about it. “She’d wake up at odd hours of the night, walk around the hallway and then by morning she’ll be in bed till later in the day.” He explained.
“Do you know what she does at night?” Hat Kid asked. Lucas shook his head in response. “O-oh I see.” She decided that now she’ll stop talking about it. Best for the prince to know a little bit then a lot.
Lucas then smiled and asked something from the child, hoping to change the subject. “You know what I just realized.” He started. “That spaceship you came in, do you want to go on over there to see if it needs fixing?”
Hat Kid’s eyes widened remembering her spaceship. She was so distracted spending her time in Subcon she forgot all about her spaceship. “Oh man! My ship!” She yelled, jumping up from the table and running from the kitchen out the manor.
“W-wait! Hat Kid!” Lucas shouted, chasing after her.
Hat Kid ran as fast as her legs could take her as went deeper into the forest to find the remains of her ship. She doesn’t remember where she landed, and just keeps on running in hopes she’ll stumble upon her ship or at least a crater. Luckily it was both as Hat Kid gasped seeing how damaged her ship was.
Prince Lucas was in a panic as he lost Hat Kid, while chasing after her. “Kid!” He yelled. “Kiddo!” He kept on running hoping he could find her. It felt like hours, but Lucas stopped at the crater where Hat Kid’s ship landed. He slowly walked over to it, and found Hat Kid scavenging through the rumble.
From the looks of it she seemed to be in a panic as Hat Kid scuffled through everything repeating, “Where is it?” Over and over again.
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