#(correction: jay and kittens)
xofeno · 2 years
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PROMOTIONAL PHOTOS CHICAGO P.D. – 10.02, The Real You scheduled airdate: 👉TONIGHT👈 source: NBCUMV
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dxrksong · 1 year
Jason 13 au memes part two
Bruce: *slams a door on accident*
Jason 13, calling Danny on speed dial: JAIL FOR FATHER!!!!
Jason: to be fair, I forgot???
Kitty: speaking of which, hows that going out for you?
Jason: it's been....emotional.....not to mention the whord of shades trying to mother hen me 24/7
Kitty: I've been meaning to ask you about those.
Jason: I thought you wanted to talk about our relationship?
Kitty: we have communication rings, we can do that later. I'm more worried about the tall intimidating city spirit behind you.
Jason: oh that's just Gotham
Gotham: *tall black lady that can kick your ass* ;)
Kitty, sweating:
Jason: don't worry, she's nice. She's just a litte over protective of her kids.
Kitty: there's MORE of you????
The batfam:
Kitty, surrounded by baby ghost cores like stray kittens: I don't know what's worse. How much they look like you or the inane urge to just adopt them all, oh nooooooooooo!!
Jason: now you know how it feels old man.
Bruce: *confused in bat*
Kitty: crimes?
CatWoman: hell yes, kitten!
Kitty: you know considering my name it's a little odd that you're the one being all cat like.
Jason, laying his head on her lap while she cards through his hair: shut uuup, it's not like I can ask anyone else for attention like this. It'd be weeeeiiiird.
Kitty: *sighs* better hope you didn't leave your comm on.
Kitty: Johnny.
Jason: I can't remember if I turned it off or not
Dick: you know little wing, if you wanted attention you could've just asked-
Jason: SHIT!!!!!!
Spectra: so are you still dating him or..?
Kitty: you know? We died basically around the same time and we were introduced to each other first before anyone else, so we kinda just stuck together. And really everyone had kinda just started calling us boyfriend and girlfriend, and we just didn't think otherwise to correct them.
Ember: wait, so you two HAVEN'T been dating??
Kitty: it was never official, if anything it was an ongoing bet to see how long it would last before people started to notice. We're more like.....siblings but not quite. Or emotional support ghosts for each other.
Spectra: that....actually makes a lot of sense. You two are hardly seen without the other and you haven't exactly been dead for long, so it would make sense you're still settling down from the trauma of dying.
Kitty: did you just psychoanalise me?!
Spectra: You basically gave it to me on a silver platter!! It's a force of habit!!!
Jason: hey squishy
Blob ghost in Johnny 13's bike: ?
Jason: think you can get this blob ghost out of my corpse-
Squishy: *Rev's backwards out of the bat cave*
Jason: ouch! Not even my own pet will help a zombie out.
Danny: so how you feelin Jason?
Jason, sarcastically: oh just great, I've only had ONE murderous breakdown this week due to Zom!
Danny: Zom????
Jason: the blob ghost possessing me.
Danny: You named it????!
Danny: I'm telling frostbite-
Jason: Don't you DARE!
Dick: Hey, Jason? Can you come over? I need your help.
Jason, muffled by a humming noise: sorry, I don't think that'll be possible at the moment?
Dick: what do you mean by that Jay, and what is that sound?
Jason, swallowed into the shadows and getting fussed over by the shades: would you believe me if I said I got readopted by shades?
Dick: U Wot?
Batman: Jason, what's this about shades adopting you??
Jason: look I didn't ask for it, it just happened.
Bruce: and are they....good? Parents?
Jason: well they like putting me in shadow jail alot.
Batman: Shadow jail?????
Jason: not to mention the constant babying-
Bruce: WHAT?!?!
Jason: ?! Jeez Bruce!! Wha-
Jason: .....are-are you JEALOUS?!
Bruce >:'(
Dick: ok, so to recap! *pulls out a projector and a Google slide document*
Dick: Jason got reanimated by something going awry and messing with reality, accidentally reviving Jason. *click* He gets scooped up by Talia and revives him fully. *click* this leaves him with powers and uncontrollable emotional problems *click* apparently he can talk to ghosts and they are often friendly to him back. *click* so much so, according to Jason himself, he has been adopted by the entirety of the ghost population in Gotham *click* including the SPIRIT of Gotham herself.
*it's a vague drawing of what Gotham looks like*
Dick: any questions?
Tim: yeah, uh. Who's that?
Danny: hi! :D
Dick: no clue, next question!
Danny: I'm phantom! I used to beat Jason up when he used to go by Johnny 13!
Cass: does the Lazarus pit taste like lemonade?
Dick: no, it tastes more like sprite.
Duke: wait-how do you-
Jason, 'living on his own':
The Shades: :)
Squishy: :)
Gotham sometimes: :)
Kitty: :P
Danny: >:)
The various bird and/or bat: :)
Damien: :
Ember: lmao I'm the older one now! >:D
Spectra: (usually only when Kitty shows up)
Skulker: (target practice training) >:)
Technus: (built Johnny's bike believe it or not) >:)
The box ghost: (this man has dad energy, change my mind) >:)c
The lunch lady: (every growing ghost needs proper calories!) :)
Jason: ...............I need a bigger house....
Batman steps into the batcave to see green fire everywhere, Jason in his ghost form, and Damien trying to stab him with a sword.
Damien: it was Todd's idea!
Jason: Damien, you fucking snitch!
Batman: language!
Damien: yeah Hood, watch your fucking language!
Batman: DAMIEN!
(Reference to this)
Jason: remind me why you're here again?
Danny: what? Like I can't visit my favorite Rouge?
Jason: I thought that was plasmius?
Danny: he's my arch nemesis, not a rouge! He doesn't count!
Jason: if you say so. But why am I your favorite, and I'm pretty sure I no longer qualify to be one of your rouges?
Danny: dude you're the only one I can have a serious conversation about! Vlad's a fruitloop!!
Jason: yeah but at least he knows what he's taking about half the time.
Danny: psh. 'Half the time'
Danny: you can still turn into Johnny, right?
Jason: I mean if I concentrate real hard I guess? But it'll take a lot of energy.
Danny: wanna convince Vlad he's going insane?
Jason: only if I can record it.
Danny: DEAL!
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ladytauria · 8 months
Could I have number 47 for the pairing Jaytim, please? If not, have a wonderful day!
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i hope smut is okay <3
bodyguard au, with jason being involved with the martha wayne foundation & tim working as his bodyguard. is tim a vigilante undercover? is being a bodyguard his actual job? is this a no capes au? reverse robins? alternate canon, where jason didn't die? i dunno, this is just what came out when i started writing ^^;
anyway! i hope you enjoy <3
edit: some sentence structure things i didn't pick up on before. funny the things you notice after you hit post <3
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“No one needs to know,” Tim murmurs, breath ghosting over the shell of Jason’s ear. The resulting shiver rolls down his spine to his toes, where they curl in his shoes.
“I thought— I thought you were supposed to be keeping me out of trouble,” Jason manages, in a voice that stays mostly even, and only a little breathy. He doesn’t pull away from Tim, though; not even when those long, clever fingers start untucking Jason’s shirt.
“I’m supposed to be keeping you out of danger,” Tim corrects. “A little trouble is good for you, now and then.” His hands are hot on Jason’s hips, walking him backwards.
Jason doesn’t resist. “You’re a bad influence,” he accuses. “I— I’m pretty sure this isn’t what Dad had in mind, when he hired you.” His knees hit his office chair. He sits.
"Maybe not," Tim says—and sinks to his knees. Jason is scarcely able to breathe. Like he can tell, Tim smiles up at him; something almost predatory in the curve of his mouth. "Call it a bonus, just for you." He pops the button on Jason's slacks.
Jason’s face is hot. The office is hardly the place for this—especially not when Jason has a meeting in an hour. But… It doesn’t even cross his mind to refuse. Not when Tim is looking at him like he wants to devour him. “S-sweet of you,” he manages.
“I’m a real gentleman,” Tim agrees, lips quirking. He eases Jason out of his slacks and boxers. Cool air brushes his dick, already flushed and half-hard, making Jason shudder—a whine following when Tim’s eyes darken, tongue darting out to wet his lips. Jason’s thighs are trembling. 
Ice blue eyes dart up to meet his as Tim begins to roll up his sleeves. “Lock the doors, Jay,” he says. “We wouldn’t want anyone coming in and seeing you like this, would we?”
The noise Jason makes is strangled. His cock twitches. He has to be red down to his neck, at least. He fumbles for the button on his desk, hitting it clumsily.
Tim doesn’t tease—verbally, at least. Instead, he wraps his hand around Jason's cock; bending his head to lap at the head like a kitten
The sight of him is one of the hottest things Jason's ever seen. His breaths turn shallow; fingers digging into the armrests.
Tim looks up at him—meeting his gaze with his mouth on Jason’s cock. He almost whimpers. “I love the way you taste,” Tim murmurs. There’s nothing Jason can do to stop the shudder that rolls through him, nor the way his teeth sink into his lip.
Fuck. The things Tim does to him.
Tim skims his lips and tongue over Jason’s cock, lavishing it with attention while Jason does his best not to squirm. It’s hard. Tim knows exactly how to drive him wild, and exploits that knowledge ruthlessly, leaving Jason putty in his hands.
Tim hums, pleased as Jason's cock finishes hardening. He kisses the underside, just above his thumb—and then drags his tongue up to the head, drawing a stuttery moan from Jason. The chair creaks under his grip. Tim glances up at him, lust-dark eyes glittering with amusement. Then he closes his lips around the head of Jason’s cock and sucks.
“A-ah!” Jason throws his head back. “F-fuck, Tim,” he whines. Arousal thrums in his veins. 
Tim swirls his tongue and bobs his head, taking more of Jason in his mouth. His hand moves in short jerks, squeezing and slackening like the fluttering of walls around him.
Jason throws his head back, forearm braced over his mouth to muffle the way he moans, embarrassingly loud in the quiet room.
Tim keeps going; enveloping more and more of him with the wet heat of his mouth. Jason can’t help but move, now, little twists of his hips that make the chair squeak beneath him. His breaths come in sharp, rough pants now; broken only by small hitched moans and whimpers. He tangles his hand in Tim's hair, silk strands winding around his fingers. Tim makes soft noises of his own; appreciative hums that make Jason's toes curl.
Finally, his mouth meets his fist, both of them working in tandem; sending wave after wave of pleasure rolling through Jason's veins.
Then—Tim lets go of him, and swallows Jason’s cock.
Only the steady hands on his hips keep him from bucking up into Tim's mouth. His mind is spinning; brain leaking out of his ears—or maybe just his dick. Tim's throat works; the muscles squeezing Jason's cock. He moans, low and deep, pressing his arm harder against his face.
Eventually, Tim has to pull off, panting a little as he goes back to those little kitten licks—coupled now with gentle sucks to the most prominent veins, and the underside of his glans. He works a hand into Jason's boxers, palming his balls and giving them a light squeeze.
Jason whimpers. “T-Tim—”
Just as Jason gets used to the feeling of Tim's lips and tongue, Tim swallows him down again. This time, he does— something with his tongue or the muscles in his throat that has Jason seeing stars. His belly is tight. His skin tingles. He feels a hair's breadth from exploding.
Two fingers press on his perineum as Tim swallows around him.
Jason lets out a strangled cry. "C-close," he manages, hand tightening in Tim's hair.
Tim hums, making Jason's toes curl. Then he eases off until Jason's cock is resting on his tongue. He tightens his lips and sucks, pressing on Jason's perineum at the same time.
Jason shoves two knuckles in his mouth, biting hard to strangle his shout. His thighs clamp tight around Tim, hips jerking upward; stopped only by the hand still holding him down. Tim works him through the orgasm with lips and tongue; the gentleness bliss up until it isn’t, until everything is too much.
He pushes weakly at Tim's shoulder, and Tim goes. A little bit of come dribbles out of his mouth. Jason whimpers when Tim’s tongue flicks out, catching it before it can fall off of his chin and stain his well-fitted suit.
Tim settles back onto his heels, looking pleased—with himself, but also with Jason, which has his stomach doing flips. "There we go," Tim rasps. He tucks Jason back into his slacks with exceeding gentleness, and fixes his fly before rising to his feet. "C'mon. You'll be more comfortable on the couch," he says, offering Jason his hand.
It takes Jason a second to muster the energy to move, but when he does, he lets Tim pull him to his feet and then to the sofa Jason keeps in his office. It’s mostly for Dick and Steph, both of whom like to drop in on him and hang out—and sometimes nap, in Dick’s case. But—sometimes Jason uses it too, like now, with Tim sitting down and pulling Jason after him, adjusting until Jason is lying against his chest, legs curled up beside him.
He’d grabbed Jason’s thermos on the way over. He opens it, the scent of one of Jason's favorite tea blends filling the air. Tim takes a drink, humming appreciatively before offering it to Jason. Sometimes Jason forgets Tim likes tea—though he thinks he can be forgiven, the way the man mainlines coffee.
“I didn’t, um— What about you?” Jason asks, when he lowers the thermos from his mouth. Tim is still tenting his pants.
“Later,” Tim says, still hoarse but not as bad as before. He cards his fingers through Jason’s hair. “You should rest.”
Jason’s mouth twists, even as his body betrays him; slumping more fully against Tim’s warmth. “The meeting—”
“You’ve got time,” Tim cuts him off. “We can go over your notes together in a few.”
Jason huffs, but lets himself melt into Tim’s touch. “Bad influence,” he mutters, just to keep from going quietly.
“Best influence,” Tim counters, sounding amused. “You needed to relax.”
Jason makes a face. Tim’s probably right, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to admit it. “Quiet, m’resting.”
He feels more than hears the quiet laugh he gets in response. Tim lets him have the last word. Jason is sure, somehow, he’ll find a way to be smug later, though. Tim’s annoying like that.
Too bad Jason likes him anyway.
-> AO3 <-
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love-and-hisses · 1 year
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The kittens are 1 week old (as of last night) and this is what they look like now! If you think you see Zelda's eyes opening, you are correct. I'm also seeing glimpses of eyeballs on Jay and Myrtle, but Nick seems pretty sure there's nothing out here worth seeing, thank you. Eyes usually open when kittens are 7 - 10 days old, so these guys are right on track. Myrtle and Jay have shed their umbilical cords, but Nick and Zelda are still hanging on to theirs. Kittens generally lose their umbilical cords by the time they're a week old, but I once had a kitten keep hers 'til she was 3 weeks old; some kittens just have a hard time letting go, I guess. There's no redness, swelling or oozing, so I'm not concerned and you shouldn't be either. Well, unless you like to worry (which I can relate to), in which case have at it. 🙃
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lshark-cs · 3 months
Iron God Chapter 39 [Kolo]
They arrived at the village of Morning – quite appropriately – at sunrise. Just as Azvalath had promised, it was a place of spectacular beauty. The first rays of dawn were nearly blood-red over the largest expanse of water Kolo had ever seen. Her jaw hung open in awe as she took in the view from the cliffs.
Azvalath grabbed her by the hood and pulled her back. "Hey, don't get too close to the edge."
She swatted at him, indignant. "I wasn't that close!"
Jai-Lag scraped her claws along a stone with a sound that made them both wince.
"Can't be too safe." Azvalath scratched his head. "Though yes, this is the best view in the whole village." Ignoring his own supposed wisdom, he stepped closer to the edge and pointed to something out on the water. "Looks like they're going out fishing."
Kolo looked out and saw boats on their way offshore. They looked miniscule in comparison to the blue vastness.
The man cocked his head. "Have you ever seen the ocean?"
She shrugged. "Not until now." Then she smiled. "I like it. How big do you think the fish can get? You think they get to be as big as horses?" Her eyes widened. "Or as big as houses?"
"I don't know." Aza gave a nervous chuckle. "Not exactly sure I want to know, either."
A white bird with silvery wings and big webbed feet flew past. It squawked and then plummeted down toward the waves.
Kolo pointed it out. "What's that?"
"It's a gull." Azvalath shook his head. "They're everywhere, raucous yelling bastards."
Kolo grabbed him in invisible hands and yanked him back from the edge. "Let me guess. There's a story about why you don't like them?"
He tumbled into the snow, then got up and brushed himself off. "It's embarrassing." He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Got shat on by one last time I was here."
She pictured that happening and laughed. "No way."
"I swear, they aim for people's heads." He turned to the pacing sabretooth cat. "Come on. Let's find this contact of ours."
Kolo ran ahead of him even though she had no idea where she was going. There were already plenty of people out on the dirt roads. The houses were packed tightly together, all their wood bleached grayish from salt. One old man hauling a wagon of firewood stopped to look at her. "Never seen you around. Are you a new neighbor?"
"No, we're just visiting." Azvalath caught up to her and nodded politely to the man. "Good morning, sir. Would you mind giving us some directions?"
"There aren't many places to get lost around here." His wizened face lifted in a gap-toothed smile. "But how can I help you two?"
"We're looking for a man by the name of Talin," said Azvalath.
To Kolo's bewilderment, the man laughed at them. "Oh yeah, you're definitely new here. Talin's a bit of a scarce sight these days." He scratched his gray beard. "But hey, you might be lucky. Whenever he's around, he tends to stay at the lodge where I'm delivering this firewood."
"Perfect." Kolo clapped her hands together. "I'm Kolo, by the way."
"Azvalath." Azvalath extended his hand to the man.
The stranger returned the handshake. "Wymer."
Kolo smirked, thinking that was a very unfortunate name. Sounded a lot like whiner. She imagined his parents must have disliked him for no good reason.
"Need any help?" Azvalath asked.
"Ah, it's always refreshing to hear a younger lad offer help." Wymer dislodged one of the wagon's wheels from a pothole in the dirt. "But I'm doing just fine, thank you."
Kolo almost laughed out loud when she heard Wymer refer to Aza as a younger lad. If only he knew. If only.
She cleared her throat. "Aza, where's the cat?"
"Told her to go somewhere else." Azvalath shrugged. "Do you really think we could all walk here without causing a scene?"
"Who'd cause a scene?" Wymer asked. "I like cats just fine."
"A sabretooth cat," Kolo corrected.
"Oh." Wymer's patchy eyebrows rose. "Well, you two have an odd choice of company. You find her as a kitten or something?"
Azvalath huffed. "Yeah, we go way back. You like cats, though?"
Kolo found the small talk charming for about five seconds before it became tedious background noise. When it didn't include her, she found it about as charming as the wagon's creaking. She glanced around her surroundings. Some children were playing with a dog. Two women were arguing through an open window. Something smelled almost as good as Lalek's bear bread. Then three men ran down the road yelling at the top of their lungs, none of them wearing shirts.
"Put a shirt on!" Kolo couldn't help herself. "It's cold!"
Wymer sighed. "Those are my nephews. Just ignore them."
Awkward silence followed them the rest of the way.
The lodge in question was bigger than all of the other houses and smelled like smoked fish. The door opened and a freckled blond young man greeted them. "Right on time, Mr. Wymer. Thank you so much. What'll you be having today?"
"Whatever you're cooking." Wymer dropped the wagon's handle. "And my wagon back, once you're done unloading."
"Of course." The freckled one smiled. "You'll have it back by tonight."
"I'd better." The old man waved and walked away. "Take care. See you for supper."
"Nice to meet you, Talin." Azvalath extended his hand. "I'm Azvalath and I was told you would –"
"Huh? My name's Dras." Dras chuckled nervously. "Nice to meet you though, Azvalath. And you are...?" He looked down at Kolo.
"Kolo." She waved.
"Welcome to Morning, you two." He gave them each a firm handshake. "Always great to see new faces. Change of pace, you know?" He opened the door wider. "You two go on in. Make yourselves comfortable. It's cold out. I'll put the firewood out back. Just don't break anything."
Azvalath peeked inside, seeming suspicious. "Actually, can we help with the firewood?"
"Of course." Dras beckoned them along. "Well, I don't actually need help, but you can come anyway." He shut the door and then grabbed the wagon.
They circled around to the back of the lodge, where there was a small pile of firewood already beneath the overhang of the roof. Azvalath offered again to help, but Dras still refused. Then Aza asked the question he and Kolo both wanted answered. "When does Talin usually come?"
"Oh, he's sometimes part of the lot that comes around for supper." Dras picked up an armful of logs and stacked them on the existing pile. "I'm not good at much except cooking, so anyone who helps me with anything else gets a plate at my table. Mr. Wymer keeps me stocked with firewood."
"So you do know him." Kolo kicked a hole in the snow. "What's he help you out with?"
"Odds and ends." Dras shrugged. "He's really not all that helpful, but he's great company. Guess that's worth something, right?"
"Oh, of course." Azvalath grabbed a log Dras dropped on his next load. "Sure you don't need help?"
"If you want to join me for supper tonight, I don't need help with the firewood, but I do need a couple extra hands in the kitchen, if you'd be so kind." Dras winked. "You two look smart enough to be trusted with knives, at least."
"Wouldn't be so sure about him." Kolo sneered and nudged Azvalath.
Azvalath averted his eyes.
"But he's trustworthy with a sword? Sure." Dras pointed to the sword on Azvalath's belt. "By the way, can I please hold your sword? I always wanted to know what it felt like."
"It's not a toy." Azvalath put his hand on the hilt.
"Please?" Dras had the expression of a begging puppy. "All right, fine. Let's get out of the cold now."
Dras led them inside. A fire was already burning in the fireplace. Next to it was a large table with padded chairs. A deer skull hung on the opposite wall, slightly crooked. Kolo reached out with an invisible hand to straighten it before it could bother her any longer.
"Renovated last year. Isn't it great?" Dras gestured around the room. "Have a seat. Don't put your feet on the table."
Kolo cocked her head as she took the chair that looked most comfortable. "Who'd put their feet on the table?"
"You wouldn't believe some of the things people do, especially when they're drunk." Dras sat down and crossed one leg over his lap. "Though some people do wild things even when they're sober. Like last week, I saw two women picking death cap mushrooms. On purpose!" He slammed a hand on the table. "Who does that?"
Azvalath sat down and shrugged. "Think they were trying to poison someone?"
"Maybe. Don't know. Not my kennel, not my dogshit." He rocked in his seat. "Well, I like gossip unless it involves dead people."
"But dead people will never hear you gossiping," Kolo pointed out.
Dras raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, but the thing is, there's been a lot more of that lately. I've been to more funerals in the past month than I've been to weddings in my whole life." He put his head in his hands. "Sorry, not trying to be gloomy, but it's been hard."
"It's all right." Azvalath nodded. "What's been happening? If you don't mind me asking."
Dras scratched his blond head. "People keep dying in a certain part of the woods. And we don't know why, because no one comes back alive." He sighed. "Talin told me last week he was going to come and tell me more about it when he could. He lives near there, I think, so he probably knows what's going on."
A knock on the door startled all three of them. Kolo bolted up from her chair. "Talin?"
"Flour!" A woman's voice called. "See you tonight."
Dras ran to the door and hauled in a sack of flour from outside. "Nah, that wasn't Talin. You'll know him when you see him." He staggered with the sack through another door across the room. Then there was a thud and a shout. "I'm fine!" Dras called before anyone could ask. "Damn, I spilled it everywhere. You two watch the door while I clean up. Miss Swift said she'd be by with milk in a while."
"Should we help him?" Kolo whispered to Azvalath.
Aza leaned back. "I don't know about you, but I'd really rather not clean up a spill of that magnitude."
"Hm." Kolo looked over and saw the front door was still open. She closed it with her power. A few seconds later, someone else came to the door. Whoever it was didn't knock so much as thump and scratch.
"Miss Swift?" Azvalath called. "Dras should be there in a second."
The voice wasn't a woman's. "No, it's Talin. And who are you?"
Kolo ran to the door and threw it open. "Talin, we were told to..." When she didn't see a person, she looked down. Then she screamed at the top of her lungs.
Azvalath stood up and drew his sword. "What's happening?"
"It's a rat!" Kolo pointed down at the strange animal on the doorstep, though it clearly wasn't a rat. It was big, gray, and hairy, with a black-and-white striped face.
"Excuse me?" The animal looked up, speaking perfectly like a human. "Do I even look like a rat? I'm a badger."
"You're a –" Azvalath's fright turned to surprise and confusion in an instant when he came to look. "What the hell?"
"Don't be rude. Put the sword away." The badger's ears twitched. "Good morning. I'm Talin. And you are...?"
"Kolo." Her heart rate was gradually slowing back down, but she was still winded. "And this is Azvalath."
"Everything all right out there?" Dras called from the other room.
"We're all fine!" Talin called back. "Just a misunderstanding." Then he let himself in. The badger's claws clicked on the floor. "Close the door behind us, will you?"
Kolo slammed it a little too hard. "Is this some kind of joke?"
"If Xigon left out the bit about me being a badger, I imagine it was so you'd have the fright of your lives." Talin yawned, showing bright fangs. "Anyway, Yayaba did tell me a couple Styzian brats would be coming this way. Don't know why Xigon couldn't just come himself, though. Doesn't he want to see an old friend?"
"You're friends?" Kolo asked.
"Well, of course we are." Talin looked up. "Best friends, actually. Since we were little. Well, as little as Xigon ever was. Is he not feeling well or something?"
"Yeah, he's not feeling great." Azvalath fidgeted, clearly unnerved. "So what's happening out there?"
"That's what you're here for, isn't it?" Talin brightened. "Oh, please, yes. Help these people out in any way you can. They don't deserve to be getting eaten like they have been."
Kolo took a step back. "Eaten?"
"Yep." Talin looked down, almost pressing his nose to the floor. "Eaten right up. Bones and all."
Kolo forced a smile. "So...how would we help?"
"Simple." Talin's ears perked up. "You find the thing that's eating people and make it stop. Right?"
"Fair enough." Azvalath's head turned toward the door. "But first we have to know what we're dealing with. Could you maybe tell us where to look?"
"The woods around the beaver pond are where I've heard it crying," said Talin.
Kolo shivered, remembering Magpie all of a sudden. "Crying?"
"Whatever it is, it cries just like a human baby. But the people who go investigating..." Talin averted his gaze. "They never come back. Not ever."
Kolo swallowed her fear and stuck her chin up. "We'll be the first."
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kalliyen · 3 years
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Head canon # 6
Summary: Things that you do that make Enhypen’s heart flutter/happy
Pairing: Enhypen (Seperate) x Gender Neutral! Reader
Warnings: Very slight angst in Sunoo’s part, mentions of food
Genre: FanFiction, Fluff, Crack
Word and Emoji Count: 883
Disclaimer: This is only a work of fiction everybody, in no way is this to condone dating the boys.
A/N: Have some fluff everyone (☞゚∀゚)☞
❅ Lee Heeseung ❅
✎ When you tuck your hair behind your ear.
✎ When you do this specific action, it gets Heeseung into a spiral of emotions, adoration, love, awe, any emotion you feel when your giddy and in love.
✎ He started taking note of how your eyes flicker when you do this and how cute you look when you tuck your beautiful locks behind your ear
✎ When your hair is slightly in your face, he pushes it back for you
✎ Causing you to blush and him to smirk
❅ Park Jay/Jongseong ❅
✎ When you admire his shoes with him
✎ We all know our Jongseong loves his shoes, so he was ecstatic when he found someone who was interested in shoes just as much as him.
✎ He found this cute similarity you had with him when both of you were at the mall, you saw some really cute shoes in a display case and you nudged him and said “Gasp Babe! Look at those really nice shoes! I’ve seen them online and wanted to have one pair”
✎ Genuinely surprised cause he hasn’t really met someone who like shoes as much as him
✎ “You like shoes?” He asks tilting his head to the side, “Well yeah, ever since my mom took me to a shoe store when I was like 6”
✎ Whenever you see him wearing his favorite pair of shoes, you’d always shower him with compliments and he blushes so hard
✎ Standing there like:🧍
✎ With heart eyes like these: 😍🥰
(Ngl, I think I spammed the word shoes for Jay but eh 🤷‍♀️)
❅ Sim Jake/Jaeyun ❅
✎When you take care and gush over Layla with him
✎ Naturally, you loved dogs (sorry if you don’t) and when you found out your own puppy bf had a dog
✎ You were like: 😯😲😱
✎ You asked so many questions to Jake about his pet Border Collie Carnival (correct me if Layla isn’t a Border Collie)
✎ When you did get the chance to meet the sweet dog, you were head over heels immediately
✎ Like how head over heels Jake is for you
✎ You talk to Layla I this cute small voice and Jake wonders
✎ Is that how your going to talk to your future children together?
❅ Park Sunghoon ❅
✎When you watch his old skating videos with heart eyes
✎ Sunghoon didn’t really mind or care when other people watched his old skating videos
✎ But when YOU watch them?
✎ Oh boy, he’s gonna be all read in the face like 😳😳
✎ And when you say he looks so good and ask him a bunch of questions about his Ice skating experience?
✎ Manz will just- calmly past away
✎ Cause your EyES they’re sOoo cUte they look like big kitten eyes
✎ The first time you did this was when you were scrolling through YouTube and stumbled across a video with him skating
✎ Y/N has unlocked lovestruck Sunghoon! Congratulations 🎊!
✎ No but fr his heart would go pitter patter pitter patter 💕
❅ Kim Sun-oo ❅
✎When you compliment him and tell him he’s doing so well
✎We all know that Sunoo is a big ball of sunshine but he does have his down moments
✎You first saw him in this state when you were over at their dorms and you couldn’t find him
✎ Lo and behold he was on his bed silently crying
✎ Your heart absolutely broke seeing him cry
✎ You rushed to him and immediately consoled him wiping his tear away and offering him the snacks you brought over
✎ It made Sunoo’s heart flutter and fall in love with you more, if that was even possible
❅ Yang Jungwon ❅
✎When you wear his jewelry and fiddle with it cutely
✎ Jungwon found this habit of your absolutely adorable
✎ He first saw you do this while you were confessing your feelings to him
✎ Despite being red in the face as well, he notices how your playing around with your rings and bracelets so cutely
✎ He says yes to your confession btw,
✎ Now, whenever you were at the dorms with him and the other boys weren’t there either doing errands or practicing
✎ You would wear his jewelry and fiddle with it like you usually do
✎ When your fingers are a little red from inserting and uninserting his rings he likes to give soft kisses to them
✎ Just, absolute love this dude gives you
❅ Nishimura Riki ❅
✎When you try to copy his dance steps
✎ You tried copying his steps for fun one day
✎ Being a pretty decent dancer yourself, you slightly knocked the winds out of him
✎ When you ask him “How was that Riki?”While slightly panting, he’s just looking at you like
✎ ❤️_❤️ “Great bubs”
✎ When you do it again, he just bluntly says “I swear, if your going to out dance me someday I’m marrying you”
✎ You stand there like: 🧍‍♀️
✎ And he was like “well shi-“ face
✎ “Did I just say that out loud?” “You did Riki, but I wouldn’t mind getting married to you 😉”
✎ Runs out of the studio and internally screams
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pinkiepiebones · 2 years
This is the only computer in Ghost's church. I'm trying to think of how each member interacts with it. I think Nihil has never touched it in his life. Sis def actually does important work. Not sure what II and III would do... Papa I plays solitaire and you can always tell when he's on because it's zoomed in to the max. Ghouls manage social media and play space pinball or watch animal videos I think... not sure what Copia/IV does either....that's I got, you have any ideas?
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Oh, Special has answers.
"Actually we are more, uh, hip than you assume! It took some debating- 'incessant whining' Sister Imperator put it- I did manage to get the church to install a cellular tower on the grounds, and with my phone I am mostly in charge of the Twitter and the Instagram. Sister has to approve what I type, of course... But I'm glad to still be the 'spokesghoul,' eheheheehh. It took a lot of work to be able to shapeshift my hands to activate a touchscreen. A lot of, eh, concentrating on finger print composition and stuff like that.
"Okay now so as for this computer... Jai, this is Jai who sent this, correct? Your assumptions are only partially accurate. While the old fucks do sorta share one computer- very old operating system, got that whole 'family member login page' and everyone's chosen the same icon for themselves, it may even still run on dialup- our congregants, especially those of the younger ages, either have phones or bring in a lap tops should there be a need for technological activities. We have a rule about no tech on orgy nights just 'cause some congregants are uncomfortable being video'd or photo'd in such a state, and we here at the church want everyone to feel good.
"... Sister Imperator actually uses her own computer but it's mostly for video meetings and I'll probably get smacked for saying this but she does also write emails to Nihil knowing fully well he can't and will never receive or read them. I guess it's thera, theraputic for her, given how he treated her and Copia in the '70s... Quick FYI- Copia was a orphan that Sister took in and raised. He was ten-ish years old when that Goat video was filmed. It's not him in Sister's belly in that video. Just clearing the air space here.
"My ghoul siblings, band members and not, all fucking love animal videos, yes. We ghouls have our own body language, y'know, wing ruffling and talon taps and so forth, so especially bird videos are fun for us. And cats! Satan's beloved cats! Oh man, sometimes a congregant might be walking a hall, watching a kitten video, and unbeknownst to them, a dozen ghouls is walking in the ceiling right above, all trying to get a better vantage point for the video. Some brave congregants will hold their devices upwards or even allow ghouls to huddle in close to see. We did have to have some talks, me an' the ghouls, about the nature of phone devices and how you should not under any circumstances attempt to retrieve the animal from within the phone. It's a video, bud! It's a moving record of past events! Your talons are gonna fuck this electronic delicate shit up and the Church's going to have to buy a new phone ...
"Anyways. That picture is absolutely the aesthetic but I think actually it's -the one the Papas use- it's just a Dell with some strategic spooky light strips. Copia's got a phone. He briefly had a PC but now it's been gutted of the electrical shit and his rats have it as part of their expansive playroom. Copia said something like 'I thought only mice liked computers' but I think rats are fine with any climby shit too?
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🎲 🍀 WHAT’S YOUR BET? 🍀 🎲
Prompt: Y/N is lucky enough to have her man Roman at home for a few days, but she sees her luck start to change once she has a video game to overshadow and only a pair of dice as her allies.
Word count: Girl, grab a snack..Longer than it should
Pairing: Roman Reigns x Reader
Warnings: +18, adult content, smut, cursing, masturbation(male receiving), oral sex (female receiving), thigh riding, sex dice.
My Roman’s lovers: @ziasaph, @mindofasagittaruis
Notes: It’s Roman y’all, that’s all I’m gonna say on my defense! Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊) and if you’re comfortable with it,please let me know what you think? Some feedback is always welcomed and appreciated ❤️You can check out my other stories typing ‘masochist writes’ on the search bar on my page and my newest story as a fixed post.Okay,now let’s get to the fun part,shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
“Ro, how long more are you gonna stay playing that damn thing?”
“Just give me 10 more minutes babe, if I drop it now, my team is gonna loose” He said with his eyes glued on the TV.
“You’ve said that 10 minutes ago!Every damn time is this bullshit. I swear to you that some day I’m gonna toss that thing on fire!”
“I love you too babygirl” He blowed me a kiss without taking his eyes off of the TV.
“Argh” I let out a frustrated groan and went up the stairs to our bedroom.
Roman was home, on one of his very rare days off, and instead of being together making up for the time he was on the road, he’s been glued on that fucking video game of his with his cousins!
Generally I don’t mind him playing that boring thing, sometimes I even encourage him to play because I know how much he likes it and it’s sort of relaxing activity for him. But damn! He’s been home for two days now and I didn’t get not even one bit of love since he got here! I’m frustrated, upset and horny which is a quite deadly combination for anyone, really.
Is it too much to ask for a day with the man that you love, who’s been on the road for 3 weeks straight, for some quality couple time ALONE? I miss my man! I miss being in his arms, I miss kissing him, I miss the make out sessions, I miss the sex (heavily), I just want some dick damn it! His dick, buried deep inside of me! Ok I over shared, but I’m an adult woman with needs and I want my boyfriend to fulfill those needs! Am I the only one who thinks I’m not asking for too much?! Usually I don’t mind taking care of business with my own hands, but he’s home now, and I don’t want the battery operated fake one if I have the real one right there, on the living room, playing video games!
As soon as I entered the bedroom, I saw a little pastel pink bag with a huge bright pink bow on the floor near the wardrobe.
*Oh Amber’s bachelorette party gift. I never got to look at what she gave us...I remember she said some of those things were old but gold..*
I sat on the bed and placed the little bag on it, I opened and started to dig into it, removing item by item.
There was penis shaped pasta “Maybe I should cook that for dinner” I laughed to myself.
Some edible panties “Damn it Amber, that’s so 80’s girl!” I chuckled.
A beautiful purple lingerie set
“Uh, those are nice! And looks expensive too” I looked at the tag and was shocked by not only the price (salty as fuck) but also to see that it’s the correct size “How on earth did she knew that?!”
Lumberjack porn, in DVD! “Yep, definitely stuck in the 80’s! Oh well, old but gold she said, she didn’t lied tho” I cackled
Strawberry and chocolate edible lube. I opened the cap, squirted some out and gave it a lick. I was actually surprised how good that actually tasted!
And last but not least the most old but gold items of all time: A Pair Of Sex Dice!
I took it out of the package and red the words. On one dice there were actions “Lick, Bite, Kiss..” and on the other one were body parts “Lips, Thigh, Neck..” on both dice however, there was a question mark, which indicated that the person could choose the action or body part.
As I hold the dice in my hand an idea roamed my head.. *Oh baby, since you like to play so much, let’s see what you will think of my little game...* I thought to myself as I made my way downstairs to the living room.
I could see that he, obviously, continued with his eyes glued on the damn TV. So I made my way towards the couch and stopped a few inches away from him.
“Son of a bitch! You killed OUR guy Jay! He was on our team, you fucker!”
*Of course he didn’t listen to me* I thought
“Roman?” I almost yelled
“I’m sorry baby girl, I’m gonna wrap it up in 15 minutes, I promi- What the fuck? Pay attention man! He almost killed you!” He yelled on the headset’s microfone.
“Would you like to play a game with me?” I asked
“Sure thing baby, just let me finish this level ok?”
“But I wanted to play now..”
“Huh...Why don’t you go on and I’ll be right behind you in a second” He ferociously tapped the buttons of that cursed thing, without even once looking at me.
“Oh well since you don’t wanna play with me...I’ll find someone else to play with, I guess..” With that I threw the pair of dice at him and it landed on his face before hitting the coffee table.
“Fuck babe! Why did you do that for?” He looked down to see what I had thrown at him. “Dice? What is-“ he stopped once he saw the sayings on it and looked up with a smirk on his face.
“Oh, so I finally get you to look at me for the first time in those two days huh?” I said with a bitter tone. He chose to ignore me and asked.
“Was is this?”
“The game I wanted to play with you, but since you’re so focused on your own little game, I’ll go find someone else...who actually wants to play with me.”
I turned around and was walking towards the stairs when he said.
“Oh, I’ll be damned if you play this with someone other than me!”
I turned around just in time to see him desperately take off the headset, turn off the TV, the PlayStation and walk towards me with the dice in hand.
“So baby girl, where do you wanna play?”
“Here” I turned and made my way back to the large couch. He followed and sit down beside me.
“How you wanna do this babe?” He asked with a mischievous smirk
“We’ll take turns, each one will have 60 seconds to do the action, the first one to call for mercy loses”
“Ok, and what does the winner gets?”
“Whatever she”
“Or he” he smiled
“I wouldn’t bet that sweetheart! Whatever SHE wants”
“Are you really that certain you’re going to win kitten?”
“Absolutely!” I proudly smiled
“We’ll see about that baby girl..”
“Who should start?”
“Please baby, ladies first!”
“What a gentleman huh?!” I scoffed
Before I could throw the dice, he leaned forward and said with a deep, low voice.
“Just remember baby girl, all’s fair in love and war” he then proceeded to maliciously wink at me. And he knew the effect that had on me, the fucker was going to play dirty! Well, bring it on then!
“Oh you’re so gonna regret that Reigns!” He just lightly chuckled at me as a response.
I threw the dice on the coffee table and looked at the results.
“Kiss, Lips. Ok that’s a soft start” I said as I made my way closer to him. I kneeled on the couch, in front of him, set the timer for 60 seconds and pressed play to start the countdown. I threw my arms around his neck and gave light pecks on his lips to tease him, when his arms locked around my waist and pulled me closer to his chest I deepened the kiss, he opened his mouth so my tongue could pass through, which it happily did. He groaned into the kiss and tried to move me closer so I could straddle his hips...buzz buzz.
The timer went off and I reluctantly pulled away, returning to my previous place on the couch. When I looked at Roman he had a famished look on his face.
“Your turn Reigns”
He took the dice and toss it on the table without breaking our gaze. Once the dice fell into the table he took a peek at it and smiled amused with what he got.
“Bite, Neck. Oh baby girl, this is going to be interesting..”
*Fuck! You have got to be kidding me! As if I wasn’t sexually frustrated enough!* I thought. If there was one thing that could turn me on in mere seconds was anything neck related. Specially if Roman was the one doing it!
“Come here baby” He patted his lap
I straddle his hips, sitting on his hardening bulge. He pulled my hair to the opposite side of my neck and hold it there to keep it in place.
“Start the countdown kitten”
I pressed start and he leaned forward towards my neck. He started by lightly biting at the base of my neck and made his way torturously slow up. Once I felt his beard scratch my neck I couldn’t help but moan softly. I could feel him smile against my skin, then his biting became slightly rougher, his beard scratching harder, and successfully wetting my panties. When I thought I couldn’t take it anymore of that teasing the timer went off and he lightly pushed me out of his (now very hard) bulge.
“Are you ok baby girl? You look a little flushed over there” He chuckled
“Shut up Reigns! Two can play that game, you know that right?” I said slightly annoyed
“Oh feisty” He mocked me “Give me your best shot kitten!”
I rolled the dice.
“Uh! It looks like I’m in luck.” The dice stopped at ‘Thigh’ and a ‘question mark’.
“Let’s see what you’ve got baby” He lazily smiled
I made my way to his thigh and thought of how I could give myself some temporary relief, when an idea crossed my mind.
I sat down on his thigh, in a riding position, and pressed start on the timer. I begin to ride his thigh first at a slow pace that firmly started to increase it. The friction between his thick jean clad thigh and the thin material of my shorts and lace panties created was perfect.
I looked into his eyes and could see how he was trying to hold himself from griping my hips. I could see his jaw was clenched and he was harder than ever as his erection pressed agonizingly against the zipper of his pants. My breathing became shallowed and I managed to get at least some relief before the timer went off.
I returned to my original place on the couch looked into his eyes and asked
“Want some mercy Reigns?” I cackled
He just stared at me before saying in a frustrated voice
“You know that was a low play you just did, right?”
“What? You were the one who started this with the neck teasing. I just went with the flow, you said yourself all’s fair in love and war, I’m just following your lead.”
He tossed the dice quite furiously at the table, once he saw the outcome he couldn’t help but evilly grin at me.
“Lick, question mark. What word do you think I should put on that question mark, huh baby girl?”
“Roman, don’t you dare!”
He crawled towards me like a predator to it’s prey.
“Pull your shorts down baby” He whispered
“Roman, you’re playing dirty right now”
He reached me and whispered in a low voice.
“Take off your shorts now or I’ll have no problem in ripping them off ya.”
I lowered my shorts to my ankles, Roman then took it on his hand and toss it behind his shoulder. He grabbed my thighs and opened them so he could place himself between it, once he did, he pulled my soaked panties to the side looked up to meet my gaze before saying
“Start the countdown kitten”
I pressed start on the timer at the same time he buried his face between my thighs.
He licked non stop from my entrance to my clit, once he was satisfied with that he begin a sweet torture of licking, sucking and biting my clit, until he had me a moaning mess.
Just when I was close to my release, the timer went off.
Roman groans in frustration and reluctantly get up. He goes back to his place looks at me and say
“You wish Reigns” I rolled the dice, and saw a quite fun combination
“Touch, question mark... Oh isn’t revenge a bitch, Reigns?” I laughed
“You know that if you touch my dick I’m gonna cum in less than 60 seconds, right?”
“Well, you can hold it”
“Oh no baby I cannot! I’m so rock hard ever since you rode my thigh, and as if I wasn’t turned on already, eating you out made it even worst! I’m about to explode at any minute now! So just know that, if you touch my dick, the way you always do, I’m 100% gonna cum.”
I reached him and once again straddle his thigh, I leaned to his ear and whispered
“Start the timer big dog”
“You really gonna do this, huh?” He asked breathless
“I’ll take a lucky shot babe”
He pressed start on the timer. I pulled his zipper down and opened the button of his jeans, I reached my hand inside his boxers grabbed his delicious hard on and pulled free.
The head of his cock had a thick bead of precum and I used as lube to slowly stroke his dick. I needed him to be more slippery to stroke as I wanted to, so without thinking twice I let go of his boner and with that hand I touched my pussy to collect some of my own wetness, so I could stoke him the way he like it. Once he saw what I just did Roman groaned loud.
I removed my hand from my panties, and grabbed his cock again stroking at a slow pace but with a tight grip. The mixture of both of our wetness made it perfectly lubed up to give him a pleasurable handjob.
The timer went off and I was about to remove my hand when he barked at me
“Don’t you fucking dare to remove your hand!”
“But the time is up” I batted my lashes innocently
“I don’t give a fuck about the timer or this stupid game! I call for mercy”
My eyes widened in shock, Roman was always so incredibly competitive, he hated to lose, even at the most stupid things. So him just giving up was a sign that the man was crazily turned on.
“Really kitten! I don’t give a fuck if this means that you’re wining, the only thing that I want right now, is to feel your sweet pussy wrapped around my cock”
I was already so turned on from those 3 weeks build up, that I just got up from the couch to remove my panties, straddle his hips and positioned his cock at my entrance.
Roman pushed himself in quite forcefully and gave me no time to adjust to him.
He pounded merciless against me and we both filled the living room with loud raw moans.
I placed my arms around his neck and he locked my waist with his arms in a ferocious grip as we roughly kissed.
Our pleasure was so strong that I came with an almost scream and him with an inhuman growl.
As we tried to catch our breaths, he stroked from my ass cheeks to my thighs and I nuzzled against his neck, before looking up and say
“Isn’t my game way more fun than yours?”
“No doubt baby girl! I could never disagree on that!” He chuckled
“Does that mean that I can stop to dispute you with your cousins and that damn video game every time you come home?” I made a poorly job at hiding how hurt I was, so of course he noticed
“Oh kitten, I’m sorry! It was never my intention to make you feel like you have to dispute me with anything or anyone. I was so caught up on the simple pleasure of having some time off that I didn’t realize I was neglecting you baby. I love you, and you’re the most important thing in my life! I’m sorry to make you feel that way baby girl, I promise you that from now one you’ll never see me playing games when I’m home ok?”
“I don’t want you to stop playing your video games, I know how much you like it, it’s just...I don’t wanna feel like you’re eagerly coming home just to play video games all day long.. I wanted you to eagerly come home so we could be together, than after that to play your video game.”
“And that’s exactly how I feel baby! I just did a very poor job at showing to you, but”
He got up from the couch, with me still attached to his hip.
“Don’t you worry kitten, I’m about to show you just how much you mean to me”
He then made his way upstairs to our bedroom, tossed me onto the bed and said.
“Spread your legs baby girl” As he leaned his head down...
Oh boy, I could’ve never been happier to bet all my cards on those dice.
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peterxwade24 · 3 years
BWYD Shorts
Marinette and Selina
This is just a little "short" I wrote that focuses on Marinette and Selina.
Marinette knew she wasn’t supposed to leave the house at night, she wasn’t even supposed to be in the cave after they left to go patrol for the night (by the Spear of Athena! Ubaba would’ve grounded her to her bedroom if he knew), so she wasn’t sure how she was going to explain to Ubaba that she’d left the house at night after she’d been in the cave after they left to go patrol for the night. All Marinette knew was that she knew of at least one place where she would be fine, where she could call Oiseaux bleu or Jay-Jay to come get her, and that was Robinson Park. However, she was lost. She was lost somewhere between the external cave entrance and Robinson Park. She had Harley’s phone number, she could text Harley but Harley was currently unavailable. Ubaba had busted her doing something terrible and had put her in “time-out” so she couldn’t reach her.
Marinette was lost in thought when she felt a slender arm wrap around her waist before she was pulled up against a lean but muscular chest. She turned her head to look at the face of her maybe abductor, but his face was obstructed by a helmet. A scream bubbled up in her throat but before it could escape, she felt a rumble in his chest as though he was humming.
“You’re okay. I’ve got you. Nothing will happen to you as long as I am here, as long as you are with me. No one would dare mess with you as long as you are with me, well, except for the Bat and his collection of Clay Pigeons.” His voice was even but deep, giving off a comforting vibe.
Under any other situation, if Marinette was any other child, his words would have comforted her. But, because she was Marinette, because she wasn’t any other child, wasn’t any other little girl, his words shook her to her core. “You’re Deadshot.” Marinette had heard several of her brothers complaining about the way he only ever referred to them as Clay Pigeons, tools of their father. “You’re Deadshot and my dad is going to kill me.”
The duo moved through the city silently, Deadshot carrying Marinette across a bridge into Penguin’s sector. He was hellbent on taking her all the way to the Iceberg Lounge when Marinette saw a black figure in the shadows, the glint off of the goggles giving away the figure’s identity.
“Belle-mère!” Marinette’s voice would have carried to the woman regardless of their human hearing because the woman was advancing on Deadshot, had been since she recognized the girl in his arms.
Catwoman landed in front of the duo, effectively cutting off Deadshot’s path to the Lounge. “What do we have here?” Catwoman’s voice took on the barely there maternal tone that she only used with Marinette and her siblings. “Are you a kidnapper now? Where’d you get the girl Floyd?’
“Found this little stray wandering the streets.” Deadshot, Floyd her mind corrected, looked at Catwoman and couldn’t understand why she’d used his real name.
“Give her here.” Catwoman demanded, knowing that someone else had to have seen them at this point and that she had a narrow window to get Marinette back to the manor before the Bat descended on their location and freaked out.
“Why do you care?” Deadshot asked, holding Marinette tighter against his chest.
“Belle-mère. Ubaba va me tuer. I wasn’t, I’m not supposed to be out here.” Marinette looked into the woman’s eyes and pleaded with everything she had. “Please get me home.”
“Give me just a minute Kitten, Floyd is a tricky fish.” Catwoman call me Selina Kitten soothed the girl with a smile on her face.
Deadshot froze for a moment, before looking between the girl in his arms and the sometimes Rogue in front of him. “‘Kitten’?” He took a moment to gather his thoughts before his eyes seemed to blow wide. “You only call one person Kitten, the person you call Kitten is your fiancée’s kid. Oh my God I just almost kidnapped Bat’s kid.” Deadshot hastily shoved Marinette into Selina’s arms before booking it in the other direction.
“It’s okay now Kitten, let me take you home and we can have some hot cocoa.” Selina tucked Marinette’s face into her neck and held the girl against her chest while she ran as fast as she could back to the manor.
Selina had Marinette in night clothes and in the kitchen drinking hot cocoa before Bruce reentered the manor. The two girls had matching grins on their faces, Selina sat on the counter against the fridge with Marinette in her lap.
Marinette learned a lesson that night, that Selina would always have her back.
Taglist: @dast218 @amayakans @toodaloo-kangaroo @crazylittlemunchkin @marinettepotterandplagg @duckies16
Yes Selina calls Marinette Kitten, she's the only Wayne who gets called Kitten.
Belle-mère means Step-Mother according to google translate while "va me tuer" means "is going to kill me" also according to google translate. Both phrases are French (supposedly).
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toothlessturtle21 · 4 years
Cold Blooded
So as some of y’all know, I’m a fanfic author, so I figured why not publish some of my oneshots on Tumblr? So, here’s the first one in a (maybe) series of oneshots being posted. Enjoy!
Jay's talking gets him into a lot of trouble, sure, but when he's faced with a mob boss who wants to work with him to resurrect his dead father, his chatter might be his only weapon. (Mafia AU) (tw: kidnapping, guns, mentioned death)
All of his life, Jay had been told that his excessive blabbering was annoying. His friends and his family were not safe from the chatter, everywhere and all the time. And god forbid  that he was nervous, because butterflies in his stomach seemed to equate to words spewing from his mouth like a fountain. So when he found himself tied up and blindfolded after a nasty run-in with some gang members, what else was he supposed to do?
"So, uh, what kind of wood is the chair I'm in made of? It feels pretty strong, but I also can't see the color to make any guesses," Jay quirked his mouth, and one of the men nearby grumbled, having put up with his incessant rambling for the better part of the hour. "Is it grainy? I can't really tell through my pants, but if it is you guys should really sand it. Splinters are no joke, even if you're wearing gloves. They always wait until you're least expecting it and then ouch, there's wood in your hand."
His company was silent, perhaps hoping that he would shut up if left unanswered. After a few beats of silence, Jay tapped his feet on the floor, an uneven rhythm that was in no way musical. He tried to think of some beat to mimic that would take his mind off of his situation. He hummed some jingles, some pop songs, and even snuck a little bit of some showtunes in there before a harsh slap to the cheek stopped him, causing Jay to cry out indignantly.
"Hey, I'm just messing around! What's the big deal anyway? You guys are the ones who nabbed me off the street, why should I listen to- mmph!"
A hand was slapped over his mouth very quickly, accompanied by a sharp shh. For once, Jay decided to listen, and heard another man in the room on the phone.
"Please sir, he's driving us insane, can't we just..."
Silence for a few minutes. Jay's heart raced at the thought of there being a man higher up waiting to get his hands on him, despite his current situation already being pretty undesirable.
"Wait, really?"
Muffled words from the other side of the line were audible now, and the man with him laughed a little, obviously relieved.
"Thank you, boss! We'll get him to you right away."
And just like that, Jay was in the air, the chair he was tied to lifted by some thug, and he squawked in surprise as he was gripped roughly by strong hands, the grunts talking amongst themselves as they brought him along. Finally, they stopped, and set him down onto a tile floor, judging by the sound of the legs hitting the ground. One ripped off his blindfold, and they immediately scurried away, leaving Jay to blink his eyes like a newborn kitten to adjust to the light.
"Ah, so you're the famed Ninja of Lightning. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Walker."
Jay finally found his sight, and discovered he was in an office, of sorts. The walls were a circle, bookshelves lining the room, except for the one area where a cabinet full of guns stood. The furniture was elegant, smooth curves and a sleek black sheen to everything made for a very intimidating look.
What was even more intimidating, however, was the figure perched on top of the desk at the far back. He looked to be young, black leather clothes contrasting with his stark white hair, combed back into a feathery undercut. Clear blue eyes stared the ninja down, and Jay felt his skin crawl under the scrutiny.
"Oh, don't tell me they harmed your vocal chords on the journey over, I've heard so much about your jabber," The man slid off the desk, striding over with quiet steps. Now that Jay was closer, he was quite tall, most definitely taller than himself.
"No, they didn't," He managed to squeak out, clearing his throat afterwards. "And how do you know my name?"
"I know a lot of things," The man shrugged. "For example, I know that you were born and raised in a trash heap, your favorite food is blackberry pie, and your name is James."
"If you know so much about me," Jay's cheeks burned from hearing his birth name and from the insult towards his parents' livelihood. "Then who are you?"
The man thought for a moment before answering, almost as if questioning himself. He seemed to finally decide on an answer after a few tense moments.
"Call me Snake."
"No offense, but you don't really don't look like a Snake," Jay blurted, and the man raised an eyebrow in amusement. "I mean, you have a pretty blue, black, white color scheme going on, and snakes are usually green. You seem more like an Spider or Shark to me than a Snake. You don't give me slimy vibes."
"Thank you for the feedback," Snake nodded, stepping back a little. "I suppose I will keep that in mind for the next time I have to choose a persona to give to strangers."
"Was that a joke I heard?" Jay asked, and Snake's expression never wavered. The blonde looked at his gun cabinet for a split second before returning his gaze to his hostage.
"So, Mr. Walker, it has come to my attention that you are especially skilled in robotics, correct?"
"I mean, yeah, but-"
"What do you normally create?"
"Small robots, mostly. Y'know, can sweep things, stack bricks, charge phones, and..." Jay trailed off, mentally slapping himself. "Actually, it's none of your business what I do. You're the one who organized my kidnapping, I'm not telling you anything!"
"Hm, just as we were doing so swimmingly. Very well then," Snake walked away, returning to his desk. He once again avoided the chair, choosing to stalk Jay from his desk like a bird of prey.
"Also, consider changing your name to Falcon. Still fits better than Snake."
"I thought we had moved on from my name, James," Snake smiled amusedly. "Although Falcon does have a nice ring to it, thank you. Perhaps I will keep that one in mind."
He pulled his legs up, crossing them on his desk. It was then that Jay noticed the portrait sitting next to his knee.
"Hey, who's in the picture?"
Snake's expression darkened, and Jay's heart picked up once more at the thought of his last words being so lame.
"Perhaps you don't understand your situation. You are in no position to be asking questions, especially ones about my personal life. As far as guests go, you have been treated rather graciously, Mr. Walker. Although I do consider myself rather forgiving in the face of insubordination, I too have a limit."
Jay went quiet, at least for a few moments, but a sudden bird cry followed by a black shape swooping past his face made him shriek, and Snake laughed at his expense. He held out his arm as a black bird rested on him, and Snake gently took the note from its mouth.
"You really are quite entertaining. I might keep you just for that."
"Usually my jokes are a little more thought out than- wait, what do you mean by keep-"
"Hush, I am trying to read, James. Do be polite."
You could hear a pin drop as the man read, cool blues scanning the page. He bristled as he hit the bulk of the letter, presumably receiving bad news.
Snake scoffed, and snatched a lighter from beside him on the desk. He lit the flame, and held it up to the paper.
"Burning letters is so much safer than texting, wouldn't you agree? Plus, fire can be oh so fun to play with if done properly."
"I'm not really a big fan of fire. I guess I just don't like heat."
"I would be inclined to agree. Ice is often much more effective, anyway. It is a silent killer, with much less destruction than fire."
"Um, killer?"
"I run an organized crime ring, do you think I reached where I am by playing nice and holding hands?"
"How did you weaponize ice?" Jay asked, and then quickly backpedaled. "Uh, sorry, no questions, I'll stop."
"There are many ways, but I will indulge you with my personal favorite," Snake released his bird, the avian flying out the small window it had come in from, and stalked towards Jay. He touched a gentle hand to his bound arm, and Jay felt his breath quicken at the contact.
"I am the master of ice. Blood is half water. If I were to concentrate right now, I could freeze your veins and arteries, leaving you stiff like a doll. My ice does not melt easily, and so it creates a wonderful display if presented properly. Of course, the victim would need to be positioned correctly, but that is beside the point."
"You're sick," Jay strained against his bonds, suddenly comprehending the danger he was in. "Is killing people a game to you?"
"Not necessarily. If I kill by necessity, then deaths are quick and painless. If they have wronged me greatly, however, I enjoy watching them writhe to the best of their ability as they feel their blood freeze under my grasp."
"Then why am I here? I haven't wronged you, as far as I know, and I'm not already dead. What do you want from me?"
"I want your expertise. I am interested in your abilities. You are skilled at creating artificial life, James. While I have trained myself in many areas, capturing the essence of a living being is something I've yet to grasp."
All of a sudden, the puzzle pieces clicked in Jay's head. The color scheme, the white hair, the obsession with birds and robotics, and the ice all suddenly brought back memories that Jay forgot that he had.
The blonde smiled sadly, and then let out a small, hollow laugh.
"Ah, so you do remember. It's been a while, I know."
"Yeah, since we were toddlers."
"Are your parents well?"
"As far as I know, yeah, they're pretty good. How about your dad?"
Zane scowled, resting his chin on his hand.
"Dead. Killed in one of your little endeavors fighting Garmadon. Tasteless, really. My father deserved a death more fitting of the great mind he was than rubble crushing his body."
"I'm so sorry," Jay bit his lip, dread filling his bones. "So, uh, you're a gang leader now?"
"In a way, yes. I was already rising to power when he died, and his passing only drove me further. And now we are here," Zane gestured to the Lightning Ninja, still tied up. Jay's fingers twitched from their bound position.
"So why didn't you tell me your name off the bat?"
"What would be the point in that? None of the men under me know my name, so why I would I tell a stranger?"
"Fair, I guess. So why am I here?"
"Considering that you killed my father, I feel it is only right that you bring him back too."
"I'm the master of lightning, not a necromancer!" Jay writhed in his bonds. "And I haven't killed anyone. You're insane!"
"I'm not insane, I'm insulted you would think that way," Zane frowned. "You recall how I told you that my ice was especially cold, correct?"
"Yeah? What's that got to do with anything?"
"I have his body frozen downstairs. My ice takes an incredibly long time to melt."
"You what?" Jay shrieked. "I'm going nowhere near a frozen corpse!"
"You won't need to," Zane reassured, although his tone was anything but lenient. "I have brought you here for your mechanical skill. Together, we can bring my father back to life."
"And if I say no?"
"I have a cabinet full of guns to my side as well as the power to freeze your blood, and you're tied up at my mercy. We may have met in our earlier years, but familiarity has never stopped me from killing before."
"Uh, okay, noted," Jay said hurriedly, annoyed at himself for forgetting his situation. "So you want me to help you bring your father back to life by building him a body? But what about his memory?"
"You leave the software to me. You're here for the hardware."
"Ok, ok," Jay nodded slowly, although his mind was going a mile a minute trying to figure out how to escape. "Can you untie me though? I can't exactly build if I'm stuck here."
"You just called me insane and have been nothing but resistant this whole time. Why would I let you roam?" Zane sneered, crossing his arms. "However, I can release you to some extent, since you will be working for me."
And with that Zane untied and retied him so that his hands were still bound, but had enough wiggle room to work. Zane kept a length of rope knotted around the middle, to prevent the Lightning Ninja from breaking away.
Jay's cheeks burned at the thought of being led around like some pet, although he supposed his captivity could have been more humiliating. At least Zane was holding him by the wrists and not by some borderline kinky rope collar.
"What, don't like it?" The blonde laughed genuinely, albeit a little cruelly. He glanced over Jay, almost as if reading his mind. "I could change the positioning, if you'd rather. I was trying to spare you some dignity."
"No, it's fine," Jay looked down and away, refusing to make eye contact with the man currently holding him on a leash.
"James, if we're going to be working together, you need to be able to look at me."
"Don't call me James."
"Why not? If you call me Zane, I feel as though me calling you James is just as personal. Although I do request that you call me Snake in front of the others. I have worked for a long time to reach my status, and I would hate to have my persona crumbled by one pesky ninja."
"Fine, I'll call you Snake, just don't call me James."
"You are in no position to bargain, but I suppose I could allow you this one reward."
"Don't call it a reward, I'm not your pet," Jay hissed, and Zane raised an eyebrow threateningly. Jay gulped. "Sorry."
"Now then, shall we get started?" The blonde purred, and Jay bit his lip to stifle a snarky comeback. His stomach decided to respond for him in the form of a growl.
"Uh, actually, do you have any food?"
"I haven't eaten in a while, and nerves makes me extra hungry once I stop feeling anxious. Do you have anything to eat?"
"I'll have someone grab some food for you."
"Thanks," Jay said quietly, and silence fell over the pair, Zane staring off into the distance as if calculating something. "I really am sorry about your dad. I remember him being pretty nice."
"The last memory I have with him is the day before he died. He was telling me about his newest plans for building a robot capable of passing the Turing Test. It was shaping up to be a wonderful project, I would have loved to have seen it."
"Yeah, that would've been really cool. I wish I was better at programming, y'know? People like hardware and stuff, but it's really the code that makes a machine cool. Like, I wish I had a fraction of the capability that your dad had. Wait, if you're planning on bringing him back, that must mean that you're pretty good at coding too, right?"
"I suppose so. But what does this have to do with resurrecting my father?"
"If you miss him more for his inventions than his company, maybe you shouldn't be bringing him back."
Zane didn't say anything, but his eyes bore holes into Jay's head, blue iris filled with cold fury. If looks could kill, Jay's blood would already be solid. Just as Jay was about to backtrack and retract the statement, sensing that it did way more harm than good, Zane yanked Jay towards the side of the room, holding fast to the rope while rifling through the cabinet holding his guns.
"Z- Zane, wait, what are you-"
"Shut up."
The room was silent except for Jay's panicked breathing and his own heartbeat pounding in his ears. Zane pulled out a handgun, the sleek black barrel glinting in the low light of the room.
"Are you religious, Jay?"
"N- No."
"Then pick a god and pray."
Zane loaded it quickly, and pulled Jay closer before he could react, pressing the weapon against his forehead. Jay felt tears form in his eyes, the realization that he was about to die making his muscles spasm and he kicked out, landing a hit on Zane's knee but also handicapping himself, his shaky limbs betraying him as he fell to the floor.
"No-! Don't, please, I'm sorry, just please don't shoot!"
"Too late. We cannot work together, and now that you know who I am I cannot leave you alive."
"I won't tell anyone, I promise! I don't want to die!"
"Neither did my father, and yet you still killed him anyway."
"I- I think I understand why you want him back."
Zane kept the gun pointed at his head, but allowed him to continue.
"You feel like you have no one left for you. Sure, you have your cronies and whatever, but you're just lonely. And you don't have to be," Jay offered, and squeezed his eyes shut just in case the next feeling he knew was a bullet going through his brain. Seconds passed, and nothing happened. The rope around his wrists was still pulled taught in Zane's grasp, but nothing changed.
After a few more moments, Jay slowly opened his eyes to see the gun still pointed at him, but the expression on Zane's face had changed into one of uncertainty.
"What do you mean I don't have to be? I have nothing left."
"You're the master of ice, right? I'm sure Sensei wouldn't mind another student, if you're willing."
"You- you want me to join you?"
"Okay, if I'm being honest, maybe not. You did just almost shoot me. But maybe you could make some friends. It wouldn't do any harm to lower your guard a little."
Zane looked away, and the hand holding the gun shook.
"Damn it," Zane muttered to himself, voice broken, and roughly untied the ropes holding Jay's wrists together. "Just go."
"You're letting me leave?"
"Just get out before I change my mind," Zane mumbled, throwing his gun down on his desk and sitting with his head in his hands. "You're right."
"Hey, woah," Jay couldn't believe his own actions even as he performed them, but he walked towards his captor and rested an easy hand on his shoulder. "I mean, thanks for letting me go, but take care of yourself, alright? We may on opposite sides here, but I'm sure you can be a nice guy if you set your mind to it."
Zane looked up, gaze weary.
"I'm not sure about the truth of your statement, but I appreciate the sentiment. Goodbye, Jay. Perhaps this will not be our last meeting."
"Maybe not," Jay pat him once on the shoulder before walking away, finding his way out pretty easily. Sure, he could run back to his friends and storm Zane's hiding spot if he wanted to, but something told him that would just end up with Zane putting a bullet through his own head instead of Jay's. As he was greeted by the cool night air, he decided on two things.
One, he needed to go back and talk to Zane again sometime, as he was still sure that there was a good guy down there somewhere. And two, never before in his life had been so thankful for his chatter.
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Date Night
Jason looked at Leo, his boyfriend was laying on the bed, a white towel around his hips, his hair drooping water, limbs extended on the mattress.
"Leo, you are drenching the bed."
"Shut up, corazón."
"Dress, the date is tonight."
"The boy is head over heels for you, and I'm charming enough to make him fall for me."
Jason sighed, seeing Leo putting his clothes, not too elegant, but not casual; the blond boy combed his hair, judging the image in the mirror.
He had been the boyfriend of Leo for years, since high school, and he loves him, with all his heart, but he felt in love with other people, Leo too, and now, they were enamored of the same boy.
Nico di Angelo was fascinating, handsome, dark hair, sweet brown eyes, light skin and freckles, soft lips, both, Leo and Jason, dying for kissing it, he was a sweet boy, silent but joyful, kind, smartass, creative and mysterious.
Jason felt hard for him, the first time he saw him, helping a stray kitten during a storm, talking sweetly, running with the cat to a dry place.
Leo started to see Nico with rose-tinted glasses slowly, when Jason began to hang out with the Italian boy, at first he was distant, but the time passed and he met the real di Angelo, sweet and thoughtful.
Now they get a date, both of them, the same night.
"Do you think Nuco really likes me?"
Leo was stretching his t-shirt, his hands moving all around his body, curling his hair, tapping his tights, chewing the lower lip, jumping on his toes, anxious.
"He always sees you with heart in the eyes and loves to listen to you."
Kissing his cheek, Jason went off the room, grabbing their jackets, smiling at the choice of Leo.
"Go big or go home?"
"Nico said I look good on the jacket."
"You look good on everything."
Holding hands, they walked to Nico's house, smiling uncomfortably at Hazel.
"Your boyfriends are here." The girl shouted, sending a wink to the boys.
"Shut up Hazel," Nico walked outside, his cheeks blushing "Or I won't cover you the next time you sneak out."
The door closed hard, Nico was seeing the pavement, his hands behind his back.
"Hi," muttered, "Sorry for Hazel, I know we're not in a relation…"
"Yet" interrupt Leo "We're not official yet"
Jason extended his hand, smiling when Nico hold it, the young boy holding Leo's with his other hand, the three of them walking, sharing about their day.
Shortly they were in a restaurant, Italy's flags hanging off the ceiling, pictures of Venetia in the walls.
"This is an Italian restaurant?"
"A Venetian," corrected Leo "good food, nice music, charming people, and the talk Venetian."
The smile of Nico made the boys happy, Leo winking at Jason.
"Told you, he loves it."
Promptly they ordered, Nico talked about Venice, describing his favorite places, sharing stories about his life, his voice full of nostalgia.
"Sorry," mumbled Nico, when they were walking to his home "I talked a lot."
"I love it when you talk about the things you like," said Jason, a soft smile on his lips.
"You don't have to say sorry." added Leo "If you're happy talking about your hometown, we're happy listening."
Blushing, Nico pulled Leo, holding the boy's face, kissing him fast and soft, hugging him, hiding his head on the crock of the neck, giggling.
"Jay Jay is jealous," muttered Leo on Nico's ear, kissing his cheek.
Nico turned, hugging Jason by the hips, letting the blond kiss his lips, a sweet pressure, the hands stroking the hair of Nico.
"We like you, a lot."
Leo hugged the hips of Nico, kissing the scruff, Jason was leaving butterfly kisses on his face.
"Me too."
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“Dani, you save dragons. This is ninja business,” Kai said with a smug grin.
“I do not just save dragons! I do so much more than that. I only told you what you could handle. Now stay here,” she argued, pointing at the monastery.
“Cupcake, what are you talking about?” Cole asked.
“I don’t just save dragons out of trees. I keep the balance across the realms. Saving dragons is only a small part of my role as the Purple Ninja. What is attacking Ninjago right now make the Oni look like kittens. These demons will stop at nothing to destroy everything,” Dani answered, her face grim.
“And you’re the only one to stop them, right?” Lloyd asked crossly.
“Exactly. Now stay put,” Daniella answered.
“No!” Lloyd protested, grabbing her arm. “There is no way that I will let you go out there and fight. You save dragons, that’s what Sensei Wu told us.”
“Because that was what I asked him too! Now he’s out there and I have to save him, let go!”
“No!” Lloyd repeated, staring into her eyes. She held his gaze defiantly.
“I am not some useless little girl that needs protecting.”
“We just don’t want you getting hurt,” Cole said, standing next to Lloyd.
“Hurt? That’s cute, but I will be fine,” she assured.
“Daniella Nichole, you aren’t ready,” Lloyd scolded. Daniella whipped her head back to meet her brother’s gaze. The ground slightly shook.
“Cole, what are you doing?” Jay whispered.
“That’s not me,” Cole answered, looking around for the cause.
“Not ready? I’ll show you who’s not ready,” Daniella whispered. The ground shook more as Daniella’s eyes began to glow purple.
“What’s going on?” Jay yelled.
               Then the group was no longer in the monastery gardens, but on a clear sheet of glass, surrounded by stars and an eerie fog. The stars shined brightly as a few came closer to the ninja. They backed away slowly, not sure where to go. The stars stopped a few feet away, revealing that they were not stars, but moving images. Images of demons the size of mountains, villages on fire, the screams of children and the roar of a hideous creature.
“What are these?” Jay asked.
“They are my memories. I tried to choose the most family friendly ones,” Daniella answered from behind. They turned to see Daniella, staring past them towards the memories.
“What did you do?” Lloyd asked. “Where are we?”
“We haven’t moved. We are still in the garden of the monastery,” she answered.
“Dani?” Cole asked, staring worriedly at her. Her clothes had changed to a more elegant gi and she now had the horns, wings, and tail of a dragon. The dragon features seemed to glow with her power.
“You didn’t answer my question! We are not in the garden!” Lloyd stated, holding his arms out gesturing around them.
“I did answer your question. We are still in the garden. Physically. I stopped time and brought all your mental selves into an astral plane. These stars are projections of my memories. I picked the ones that I thought you could handle,” Daniella reiterated.
“These are your memories? These are terrible,” Zane whispered, gazing back at the memories that were on loop.
“And they only get worse,” she added, moving through the group, using the Staff of Light as a walking stick, so much like her father and uncle. She stopped in front of the memories and waved them away, summoning a new star.
“Dragons represent creation,” she said as a dragon flew into view. “It is why Grandfather was able to create Ninjago. Saving them is only a portion of the balance. Destruction is the other.” The dragon dissolved into an Oni.
“When we defeated the Oni in our realm, I sent them back to the First Realm. It is their home and where they belong, keeping the balance.”
The ninja watched as they created the Tornado of Creation and sent the Oni running.
“But the memories, those weren’t Oni,” Nya interrupted.
“Correct. There are far worse things out there than the Oni,” Daniella nodded, waving away the image.
“We barely defeated the Oni, how are we supposed to fight now? Jay asked in defeat.
“You don’t. I do,” Daniella answered, staring at the group.
“Dani, that’s impossible,” Lloyd argued, although in a softer tone than before.
“Impossible? Sounds like a Tuesday to me. All the villains I have ever dealt with try to destroy the world on a Tuesday.” Daniella smiled softly at her joke.
“So what do we do to help?” Cole asked, stepping up.
“Nothing. You stay in the monastery. For once, please just do what your told. Let me get Wu back and send the people of Ninjago to the realm of the Great Library. I will come back for you and we retreat for now,” she begged.
“Retreat?” Lloyd asked.
“For now. If we retreat now, I can train you to become the next line of warriors of the Dragon Guard and I can explain everything to you that I can. But my grip on time is slipping. Do we have a deal?” she asked.
The ninja all looked at one another, before all turning to look at Lloyd. He sighed before turning to face his sister.
“Promise you’ll come back?”
There was a sudden flash. The others blinked and looked around in disbelief at the garden of the monastery. Lloyd stared into his sister’s eyes, gripping her arm as before.
“I promise.”
Lloyd nodded silently and let go of her arm. Daniella silently willed her Staff into her hand and walked over to Cole.
“Make sure they stay,” she whispered before kissing his cheek. ********************************************************************************************************************************** Bro, than got a little darker than I thought it would. Her fanseason is going to be so much fun to write! Like I said earlier, her fanseason has two parts. The first part is set between Seasons 3 and 4. The other ninja aren't part of this one and she is supposed to keep her identity as the Purple Ninja a secret. Only her father knows and maybe PIXAL, I'm not sure about her knowing yet though. The second part is set between Season 10 and 11. This is when Ninjago is attacked by demons and the evil deity Chaos and she is forced to share her secret. ^^ I post little snippets here but I am going to post the entire thing to my Wattpad. ^^
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furry-monster-trash · 5 years
a lot of ur least favourites make sense (and i share some of them) but i'm curious about mistystar, snowfur, and runningnose? (and i assume flametail is from all the garbage surrounding his death blaming jay for it right?)
That is correct about Flametail - annoying little bastard.
Spoilers below for the newest series arc
Mistystar I felt was too...perfect? If that makes sense. She for the longest time was RiverClan’s perfect little warrior and now she’s the leader. Idk I felt like she should’ve died long before she was made into a leader and that she was only written to be a leader bc she’s Bluestar’s kin. The fact that she’s also Bluestar’s daughter is kinda the only memorable thing about her. I feel like she’s too “RiverClan is the perfect clan and the only clan” type of cat. Like in the new series she closes off her borders with the rest of the clans when they are in need of help after Darktail and his rogues come and party with the clans. She should’ve HELPED the clans if her clan is so strong.
Snowfur was written as nothing more than Thistleclaw’s plaything, and she had no more personality than a fox. She was Bluestar’s sister, and shouldn’t have been written as a lovestuck kitten who falls in love with arrogant ass Thistleclaw, has his kit (Whitestorm) and then dies. She dies for seemingly no other reason than to spur on Bluestar’s path to leadership. She was annoying because she was only written as a love interest.
Runningnose meant well with a lot of his actions and for the most part was a great medicine cat. Runningnose kept the secret that Nightstar didn’t receive his nine lives - something that was seriously dangerous to keep from ShadowClan. He let Tigerstar (ThunderClan) take over without even consulting StarClan or even asking ThunderClan why they banished him in the first place. I think that Runningnose meant well, but since he was a medicine cat, he had a lot more power than he realized. He would’ve be allowed to walk straight into ThunderClan camp and ask why Tigerclaw was demanding to be leader of ShadowClan. Maybe then Scourge wouldn’t have even come to the forest and all those cats who died in the BloodClan battle would’ve lived a lot longer.
For the most part my hatred with Runningnose is just the fact he annoys me whenever I see his name, less so than Hollyleaf, and for different from her as well. I think he meant well, but his character fell short with me.
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crystalninjaphoenix · 5 years
A New Visage
An idea for the Branded AU that I’ve had for a while. This was a bit difficult for me to write, but I think it came out alright. Anyway, this is for all the people who are wondering what happens to someone once they get masked. And also, how do the masked even work? How do they operate? All those questions and more will be answered soon.
Branded is created by Jay, @blade-of-memeora! Check out more on their profile!
The room probably hadn’t been meant for people to stay in. It was rather small, and it didn’t have any windows. One of the walls had clearly been added in somehow, made of plywood instead of plaster. But regardless of its original purpose, someone had dragged a cot with bedding into the room, and that was where he was sitting now, cross-legged with his hands in his lap.
He wasn’t sure how long he was supposed to stay here. He must’ve been here for at least a couple hours, and there wasn’t any sign of anything changing. There was a strong temptation to get up and just leave through the closed wooden door, but he wasn’t supposed to. That was the overwhelming thought in his mind, that he should stay and wait. Whenever he thought about leaving, the notion was soothed away, and he kept waiting.
When the door opened, he immediately tensed, eyes flying toward it. Two people walked in. One had shoulder-length rose-red hair, and the other had undercut bronze-orange hair. They were both wearing masks, with orange’s being shaped like butterfly wings and red’s being a simpler one that covered the upper half of their face. He stared at them. The two of them stared back. And then the orange one scowled and muttered, “Why do we always get the cats?”
“We don’t have that many,” said the red one.
“The Seamstress just sent us another pair,” the orange one countered. “Guess what? More cats. They’re not house cats, but my point stands. I think we have enough cats to form a pride.”
“Does it really matter?” The red one stepped further into the room. They smiled at him. “Don’t mind Monarch, she’s a bit fussy over details. You’re the new one, then? We’ve been assigned to fill you in. Call me Lightshow.”
He stared at them for a moment more, then slowly stood up. “Hello. It’s...it’s nice to meet you.” Instinctively, he opened his mouth to introduce himself, but nothing came out. Come to think of it...his mind was fairly blank in that department as well…
“You look confused,” Lightshow said. “Don’t worry, we all were at first. It’ll make sense the longer you’re here. Come on, we’ll show you around.”
The three of them came out of the room into a long hallway lined with doors. Some of the doors looked like they belonged, others looked more out of place, sitting in sawn-out door frames. The beige wallpaper was faded and peeling, the red carpet was dirty, and the lights overhead flickered. It looked like the hallway was part of what had once been a nice house, but had been run-down and abandoned for a while. The room they’d just come out of was sitting near the end of the hallway, which extended before them for a long time before it turned. The hall was empty except for two more people in masks, one yellow-haired, one cyan-haired, who were talking to each other.
“Where is this place?” he asked, the words coming out hushed.
“Just some abandoned building on the edge of this town,” Monarch replied, shrugging. “We’ve repurposed it. Unfortunately, there are quite a few of us in this area, so the ones living here had to...remodel it a bit. Hope you get used to it, you’ll be living here unless you’re wanted somewhere else.”
“Really?” He looked around, reconsidering his surroundings. Not exactly what he was used to, but he supposed there were worse places to live, especially if it had to be an abandoned building. “How will I know if I’m wanted somewhere else?”
“You’ll know, kitten,” Lightshow said simply. They started walking, Monarch by their side. One he realized they were walking, he hurried to catch up, but stopped short of walking even with them. He wasn’t supposed to do that. “There are three floors to this building, and this is the second one. Here, we have everyone’s personal spaces.”
“Like bedrooms?” he asked.
“Not exactly.” Lightshow glanced at him. “Bedrooms are for sleeping. You’ll find you don’t really need to do that anymore, but you can if you want. The personal spaces are just that: spaces for privacy. People function better if they have something of their own.”
They passed the two masked who’d been standing in the hallway. He stared at them as they walked by. The yellow-haired one flashed a wicked grin, while the cyan one’s smile and head tilt was a bit softer. “How many people are in here?” he asked, speeding up a bit, barely stopping himself from being even with the other two.
Monarch hummed. “I dunno, I think you make it nineteen?”
“Twenty,” Lightshow corrected. “You always forget about them.”
“Oh yeah. But maybe they don’t count.” Monarch glanced behind them, back at the two others they passed. “A word of advise, by the way? Keep your personal items close while around that yellow one back there. They like to snatch things. Even managed to get away with the doc’s coat once.”
“Whose coat?”
“The doc.” They turned the corner, and Monarch pointed down this new hall towards a door at the very end. “You might meet him soon. He’s one of the ones who travel a lot, in contrary to those of us who stay in one area. Not around now, but he stays there when he is. You ask a lot of questions, don’t you?”
He bristled. “Well, when I’m in a new place I try to find out as much as I can about it. Sorry if that’s rude or something.”
Lightshow laughed. “Kitten’s got a tongue. That’s cute. You might want to keep that to yourself around here. It could get you in trouble, and not everyone’s willing to overlook a slight.”
His immediate reaction was to snap back in retaliation for the cute remark, but that faded away the more he thought about it. It was something he shouldn’t do. That made sense. So instead of saying anything, he just nodded and rubbed his wrists, which suddenly felt odd.
They came to a pair of staircases, one leading up, and one leading down. “I say up,” Monarch said. “I don’t feel like walking up two pairs of steps when I have the option of only walking up one.”
“No, we have to save that part for last.” Lightshow was already heading downward, not even bothering to look back at her. “Just in case something happens.”
“...ah. Right. You know I really think if that was gonna happen, it would’ve by now, but yeah, good point. Come on, whiskers.”
He started after them. “What could happen?”
“Oh, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it,” Lightshow called. “Hurry up, you two.”
The first floor of the house was in a similar state as the second one. It must’ve once been nice, but it was now worn down. The carpets were stained, and when there wasn’t carpet the wooden floor underneath creaked. But the place was still livable. He figured that the people who lived here must keep it fixed up and maintained. Maybe there was a chore wheel. The thought almost made him laugh, but it didn’t get beyond a small grin before it was quieted.
The rooms on the first floor had various purposes. One was announced as the storage room, full of boxes that he wasn’t allowed to look inside of, though he did manage to see a pair of masks sitting on a shelf by the door. One was full of maps, showing various places all around the country, and even the world, all marked up. Again, he wasn’t allowed to look too closely at the contents. There were a couple doors that they walked right past, also based on the principle that he wasn’t allowed inside there. And, somehow, he was okay with that. He wasn’t high up enough yet. He shouldn’t even want to go inside until it was time.
There were only really two places he could stay in for long. The first of which was a sort of common area, apparently the one place people could socialize in this house. There was a fireplace in this large room, as well as a few chairs, sofas, and low tables. It was mostly empty, though there were a couple people in masks chattering in the corner, one blue and one purple. He couldn’t catch much of the conversation, but the one with steel-blue hair seemed to be pretty exasperated.  “You can check this place out once you’re ready,” Monarch said. “It’ll be great for you to get to know the rest of us.”
The other room, Lightshow introduced as the mission room, a medium sized room with a map of the city on one wall and a desk with a computer leaning against the other. There were also coat hangers lining the walls, with various articles of clothing, “In case you need to be subtle,” Lightshow explained.
“Um…what exactly are the missions?” He ventured to ask.
Lightshow looked shocked. “Oh, I thought you’d have figured that out by now! After all, it was a mission that brought you here.”
He blinked. “What?”
“Don’t you remember? They actually sent six out for you, anticipated trouble. Honestly a bit overkill, in my opinion, could’ve gotten away with maybe half that. We really should get someone who can organize things better around here. But I’m not in charge of making the teams, or of deciding who’s next.” Lightshow smiled at him. “You were chosen, kitten. The master thought you’d be useful for the cause. It’s a great honor, but not many people see it that way, so when we go out to recruit them, they don’t exactly appreciate it. They always come around though. Like you did.”
He remembered it now. Every moment, from seeing those people in his house to having the mask put on his face. He remembered being scared. But...why had he been? Nothing bad has happened to him in the whole time he’s been here. And it was an honor to be chosen...it was amazing to be found useful. He had nothing to be scared of. If anything, he should be grateful. He nodded slowly. “That makes sense...so we always go out to recruit more?”
“Oh, not always,” Lightshow continued. “Sometimes we need to get more supplies. And sometimes we have to get rid of the enemies to the cause.”
Of course. “And...that’s how we help the cause? Which is...to get more people?”
“The cause is to help the master, kitten,” Lightshow said, smiling. “And getting more people does just that.”
He nodded again. “I think I get it…”
“Good. This was the last room on the floor. It’s time to go up to the attic.”
Monarch smiled. “This is the best part.”
The top floor looked unfinished, with wooden floors and rafters spanning the ceiling of the one large room. Pillars supported the roof and there were what looked like random crates scattered about. There were also punching bags dangling from the ceiling and simple mannequins lining the edges of the room. The room was empty except for a single white-haired mask sitting against one of the pillars, who quickly stood up and left the moment the three of them entered, mumbling something about “good luck.”
“Alright. First things first.” Monarch grabbed his arm and pulled him to the center of the room while Lightshow meandered over to one of the crates and sat down. “We have to figure out what you can do.”
He was still rather confused, but he just stared at her. Answers would come soon.
“Everyone has magic, you know,” Monarch continued. “But it’s a tiny amount, unable to do much of anything. Until we’re given these.” She tapped her mask. “They amplify our abilities, and connect us to the master and each other. Fascinating, right?”
He nodded. It did seem kind of cool to have actual magic.
“There are a couple different types: allure, illusion, healing, teleportation, creation, elemental, and…” Monarch grimaced. “...chaos. You can only have one, and we need to find out which one you have.”
“Okay…” he said. “How do we do that?”
Monarch grinned. Her orange hair was suddenly glowing, and her eyes lit up with the same color. He barely registered this fact before something hard hit him in the gut, knocking the breath out of him and throwing him hard to the floor. He was winded for a second before managing to push into a sitting position. Monarch was still grinning at him, but not there were wisps of what looked like orange smoke whirling around her. “Well, you see,” she said, “We’ve found that magic tends to kick in when you’re in danger. So the easiest way would be to—”
Some of the smoke broke into small shapes, darting toward him. He yelped, throwing his arms over his head to protect it. The smoke darts hit his skin and poofed away, but they left behind a stinging pain. He glanced up just in time to see more coming. “N—stop!” He scrambled backwards, not nearly fast enough to avoid the next round. He could practically feel the bruises forming.
“Make me stop!” Monarch yelled. The smoke grouped together into larger segments and shot toward him.
He scrambled to his feet and started running, but he wasn’t faster than the smoke. The new, bigger wisps hit with an oof-inducing impact. Make her stop. Once the notion took hold, it wouldn’t go away. Of course, he had to make her stop. But how? The smoke still followed him; even when he tried to hide behind a pillar it managed to flow right around and hit him again. He ducked around the pillar, saw more smoke zooming toward his eyes, and ducked behind it again. The smoke still stung his eyes and he teared up. He squeezed his eyes shut. Somehow it had to stop. Monarch was controlling this, if he could somehow get her away, get her out of here—
Something clicked inside him. He gasped, and opened his eyes. They were now glowing green to match his hair. He circled around the pillar, eyes locking on to Monarch on the other side of the room. Make it stop. There was a splash of green light, a “Hey wha—”, and when the light faded away Monarch was gone.
He stared at the spot where she had been just seconds before. Then, there was the sound of clapping. Lightshow stood up. “Very nice,” they said, walking toward him. “See, that’s the teleportation we mentioned earlier. Good, I was hoping it would be something like that. Most people in this location are elementals or creators, have enough of those around.”
“Where’d she go?” he asked, still staring at the spot of blank floor.
Lightshow waved away the question. “It doesn’t matter. What matters is that you teleported someone else! Usually teleporters can only move themselves around, and need practice to move others. But you were able to do that right away!”
He felt a flicker of pride at that. “Now what?”
“Well, obviously, you still need practice. You just sent someone away without a destination in mind, usually not something you want to happen. But don’t worry, if this was any indication, you’ll improve quickly.” They smiled. “Very good. I was worried you’d be one of the chaotic ones. Those cause some trouble. This last one we picked up basically destroyed their first location, and before that we had one who vanished on a mission. But you? You’ll be very useful to the master.”
That was good. That was all he wanted.
“Now.” Lightshow grabbed his wrist and started pulling him toward the stairs again. “We’re done for today. You can go back to your personal space and wait until we’re ready for practice.”
And so he ended up back in that same room he’d started the day in. He could go out and explore the building again. He could try and practice more with his new magic. He could do any number of things.
But he wasn’t supposed to. Maybe there’d be time for that another day, when there was nothing to do. Now? There was something to do, and that was to wait. So he sat down, folded his legs, and waited to be called on again.
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harper-hook · 6 years
Show | Harry x Reader x Ben
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Summary: You and your boyfriend put on a show for the King.
Warnings: SMUT! and swearing!
Author’s Note: This has been one of my favorite requests I’ve gotten!
Upcoming Work: Jay NSFW Alphabet
You bit your lip nervously, tugging on the bottom of your black lace bra. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” You asked your boyfriend, Harry. Harry put down the small trophy he was eyeing and turned back to you. “Thought this is what you wanted. What we wanted.” Harry raised an eyebrow.
You let out a frustrated sigh and plopped yourself down on Ben’s bed. “It is! But what if she finds out!” You hissed. The she in question was Mal, Ben’s girlfriend. At least, hopefully not for long.
“You didn’t mind it on tha ship, did ya?” Harry questioned, crossing his arms. You felt heat rise to your cheeks. “Shut up.” You growled, thinking back to that day only a week ago.
You and Harry were in a lover’s tiff, as Gil put it earlier. You could help but agree as Harry tossed Gil out. It really put a damper on your mood seeing as you were all about to be free. 
You sighed after you failed for the umpteenth time to get Harry’s attention. “I’m gonna go play with the prisoner.” You announced, heading to the mast where the king was being held. 
“Sup Princey?” You greeted, sitting cross legged on top of a barrel. “It’s King, actually.” He corrected. “Whatever.” You shrugged, taking a better look at Ben. “You know,” You started, jumping down from your barrel. 
“Your portraits do you no justice. You’re a lot better looking in person.” You remarked. “Oh. Well, thank you.” Ben said, taken back. You didn’t say anything, using your knife to clean your nails. “So you’re with Mal?” You questioned.
“Yeah.” Ben sighed. “Really? Why?” You questioned with a raised eyebrow. He didn’t answer. “Has she ever shown you a good time?” You whispered, getting close to his face. Ben hesitantly shook his head.
“That’s really sad.” You pouted. Then, you got a great idea. “I could show you a really good time. I’m sure Mal and Harry won’t mind.” You bit your lip seductively. Ben’s face flushed as he turned away.
You grinned at the bulge in Ben’s leather pants. “Huh? I’m sure Uma would let me take you below deck if I asked nicely.” You teased. You frowned at Ben’s silence. “Hey!” You barked. “I gave you a boner. Don’t fucking ignore me!” You snapped a bit too loudly.
“Oi!” A deep Scottish accent snapped loudly. Oh shit. Harry stormed up to you angrily. “What the fuck is this, {Y/N)?” He demanded, gesturing to the tent in Ben’s pants. This just made you mad.
“Oh! Fucking excuse me for wanting some attention!” You snapped, crossing your arms. Harry’s angry expression faded into a smirk. “So,” Harry turned to Ben. “You thinking about my girlfriend? All the things you want to do to ‘er?” Harry questioned, getting up in his face.
Ben tried to stammer out a response but Harry rested his hook on his lips. “Well,” Harry grinned, looking very much like the cat that caught the canary. “Yer lucky I don’t mind sharing.” 
Both yours and Ben’s eyes widened. “But unfortunately, yer a bit tied up at the moment. Fortunately for me, I’m not.” Harry grinned, grabbing your wrist and pulling you below deck.
“(Y/N)? Harry?” Ben asked, shutting the door behind him. “Hey Princey.” You greeted, standing up. “Wha-” Harry cut Ben off by pushing him down in a chair. ”Don’t talk, just watch.” And with that, Harry marched over to you and gripped your hips in a bruising manner, planting a possessive kiss on your lips.
You gripped Harry’s biceps, getting more confident as you felt Ben’s eyes on you. Harry’s hands moved from your hips to your back and unclasped your bra. You squeaked as Harry ground himself against your thigh once before pushing you down on the bed.
You panted heavily, lifting your head up to see Harry picking Ben up by the collar and to the bed. “I can’t! It’s unfair to Mal!” Ben grunted, trying not to stare at you. “Listen, beasty boy. You’ve got two smokin’ hot people in your room and you want to think about is Princess Purple? Fine.” Harry shrugged.
“(Y/N) and I will stay ‘ere and fuck right ‘ere on your bed. So you can think about it all night and for the rest of yer life”  Harry whispered. “So is it yes or no?” Harry asked. Ben hesitated but nodded his head. “Good choice.” Harry grinned.
In one quick motion, Harry pulled on Ben’s shirt, popping the buttons off. Ben let out a whine but quickly stopped when Harry shoved him on top of you. “Get ‘im ready, dollface.” Harry ordered, pulling off his jacket.
I grinned and pulled Ben in for a deep kiss, my hands finding their way to his belt. Ben’s hands trailed down your sides, leaving goosebumps. You felt him grinding directly on your heat. “Fuck! Ben!” You moaned.
“Alright. That’s enough.” Harry barked, kneeling beside your head. “Ooh, someone’s jealous.” You teased. “Someone’s fuckin’ frustrated.” Harry practically growled. Harry grabbed you by your shoulders and flipped you over to where you were laying on your stomach.
“Hands and knees.” Harry ordered. You quickly followed and got into position. “Alright beastie boy. Get to it.” Harry grinned, tugging his hand through your hair.
You felt Ben gently tugging down your panties. “‘ey! This is no time to be fuckin’ polite!” Harry growled, tightening his grip. “Please.” You whimpered, rubbing your thighs together. 
You grinned as you heard Ben’s zipper unzipping. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you felt Ben enter you. Damn he is part Beast! “Fuck!” You arched your back.
“My turn.” You looked up at Harry and noticed the dick in your face. You placed kitten licks on the tip while Ben was still filling you. You decided to take mercy on him and took in most of his shaft, palming what you couldn't take. Ben finally bottomed out in you.
“Atta girl.” He praised, running his hand through your hair. “Well? Have at ‘er!” He told Ben who paused to let you adjust. You felt Ben pull almost all the way out before slamming back in, making you deep throat Harry by accident.
Harry let out several swears. “Keep doin’ that.” He ordered Ben. All three of you were like a train with Ben as the conductor. “(Y/N), I’m gonna-” He moaned, cutting himself off. You gagged as Harry’s cum hit the back of your throat, flooding your senses. 
You pulled back and swallowed with some difficulty. Harry grinned lazily and draped himself over Ben’s pillows, getting a good view of Ben plowing you. You felt the knot in her gut tightening more and more. You let out a loud moan as it finally snapped and your vision turned white as you came hard.
Ben let out a roar as he came, leaving a deep ache in your hips. Ben pulled out just as your arms gave way. Harry tugged you up between him and Ben, planting kisses on your forehead.
“So (Y/N), you’ve had a prince and a pirate. Now tell us, who’s better?” Harry asked with a devilish grin. “Don’t start.” You warned, making Ben laugh.
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mazurah · 6 years
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So the people over at taagra.com just released a font which is available for download and use on your computer, and of course I had to drop everything and figure out how it worked. This is the result.
The text is a Ta’agra translation of Words of Clan Mother Ahnissi which I made over a year ago, and posted in my very first tumblr post ever. The translation has been converted it into a more verse-like format, and in many places reworded for ease of translation.
Full text in Ta’agra and English under the cut.
Hazura di Shir Fado Ahnissi  Hoj Gzonithka Talali Words of Clan Mother Ahnissi To Her Favorite Daughter
Ahnissi pur jer Jer vara dov saa ibo ja'khajiit An jer raba delaka'ali sri buzurriitay Ahnissi An opa Ahnissi pur jer.
Ahnissi tells you You are no longer a mewing kitten And you have learned to keep secrets from Ahnissi, And so Ahnissi tells you
Shabar fatu tele etofa vabeka qo aalitera Ahnurr an Fadomai Iko suta shivata Fadomai purka Ahnurrali Ahzirr rejizevithse an ras Ma'a ikenith ahzirr karana
In the beginning there were two siblings Ahnurr and Fadomai After long years Fadomai said to Ahnurr We will marry and birth Children to spread our happiness
An jaadi raska Alkosh Fatu Qara An Ahnurr purka Alkoshali ahzirr dan jer Kono Zato kaaka vaba ba fede yo ba fumba ba qara An jaadi raska Khenarthi Zara'a Khenarthi jerali ahzirr dan Ayath Zato kaaka dej thosh saa ali elo zara
And they birthed Alkosh the First Cat And Ahnurr said to Alkosh we give you Time For what is as fast or as slow as a cat And they birthed Khenarthi the Winds Khenarthi to you we give the Sky For what can fly more high than the wind
An jaadi raska Magrus Qara Atha Magrus jerali ahzirr dan Magrus Zato kaaka vaba saa jobal elo atha'a di qara'a An jaadi raska Mara Fado Qara Mara jer vara Ari Zato kaaka vaba saa ari'i elo fada
And they birthed Magrus the Cat Eye Magrus to you we give the Sun For what is more bright than the eyes of cats And they birthed Mara the Mother Cat Mara you are Love For what is more loving than mothers
An jaadi raska S'rendarr Bishu Ja'khajiit S'rendarr ahzirr dan jer Dalaa Zato rik saj bishu ja'khajiit sallidithoh sik iho Dalaa An na shivata labakka An Ahnurr an Fadomai vabeka kara
And they birthed S'rendarr the Runt S'rendarr we give you Mercy For how do runts not die except by Mercy And many years passed And Ahnurr and Fadomai were happy
An Ahnurr purka ahzirr aso raba saa ma'a Ikenith ahzirr karana an Fadomai jatka An roj raska Hermorah an roj raska Hircine An roj raska Merrunz an Mafala an Sangiin An Sheggorath an na saa
And Ahnurr said we should have more children To spread our happiness and Fadomai assented And she birthed Hermorah and she birthed Hircine And she birthed Merrunz and Mafala and Sangiin And Sheggorath and many more
An Fadomai purka Hermorah jer vara Maor Hai'a Zato kaver dej pur ike kha'jay ka maor hai'a Yo maor hai'a ka kha'jay Hircine jer vara Droba'i Qara Zato kaaka hirsinithse saa'do Qara'a wo teko'ioh tajhovepa
And Fadomai said Hermorah you are the Tides For who can say if the moons cause the tides Or the tides cause the moons Hircine you are the Hungry Cat For what will hunt better than cats With an empty stomach
Merrunz jer vara ja'khajiit Zato kaaka kejase saa elo ja'khajiit Mafala jer vara Shir Fado Zato kaaka dej zalva saa buzurra Elo jhava di Shir Fada
Merrunz you are the kitten For what will destroy more than a kitten Mafala you are the Clan Mother For what can conceal more secrets Than the ways of the Clan Mothers
Sangiin jer vara Keth Qara Zato kaver dej ete zeri di keth Sheggorath jer vara Skooma Qara Zato kaaka vaba saa sheggorri elo qara'a iso skooma An ahnurr purka qo kona vaba eks Zato zath na ma'a darse ahzirr karana
Sangiin you are the Blood Cat For who can control the compulsion of blood Sheggorath you are the Skooma Cat For what is more crazy than cats on skooma And Ahnurr said two times is correct For too many children will steal our happiness
Bo Khenarthi khika Fadomaiali an purka Fadomai-fado Khenarthi vabazeri booril Opa ali vado nirni Kalor fano wo ahziss liter Alkosh dej thosh Fadomai rabeka dalaa iso roj an yoshithka Ahnurr Ka roj torewah ma'a pofa
But Khenarthi went to Fadomai and said Fadomai-mother Khenarthi becomes sad So high above the world Where not even brother Alkosh can fly Fadomai had mercy on her and tricked Ahnurr To cause her to carry children again
An Fadomai raska kha'jay an jaadi hai'a An roj raska Nirni serush khaja an hejta vana'a An roj raska Azurah balis an srenaz An fatuiitay tele Nirni an Azurah Rakka dorr vuzmi di jaadi fado Ahnurr katkurika Fadomai Tokono kono roj vaber yesho ras An jan rabeka ra'kujo
And Fadomai birthed the Moons and their Motions And she birthed Nirni the beautiful sands and green forests And she birthed Azurah the dusk and the dawn And from the beginning Nirni and Azurah Fought for the favor of their mother Ahnurr caught Fadomai While she was still birthing And he was enraged
Ahnurr takithka Fadomai an roj lhajiitoka Ras zedro di roj litter Valah tanja shabar Iya Morna Bo ma'a di Fadomai aroka kaaka traajirka tele An jaadi tsin'ra kudka vaba wo roj An rasin roj kujithiitay di Ahnurr
Ahnurr struck Fadomai and she fled To birth the last of her litter Far away in the Great Darkness But the children of Fadomai heard what took place And they all came to be with her And protect her from the anger of Ahnurr
An Fadomai raska Lorkhaj Zedro di roj ma'a shabar Iya Morna An Sunej di Lorkhaj Vaber womikeka wo Iya Morna An q'zi jan vaber raska Iya Morna Korka dat hasaa an dat vaber Namiira
And Fadomai birthed Lorkhaj The last of her children in the Great Darkness And the Heart of Lorkhaj Was infused with the Great Darkness And when he was born the Great Darkness Knew its name and it was Namiira
An Fadomai korka roj kono vaber kranaj Fadomai purka Ja-Kha'jay jerali Fadomai sarefa Ja-Kha’jay Zato kaaka vaba saa zegata elo hai'a di kha'jay Jer raj'kono hai'a rasinse ahzirr kujithiitay di Ahnurr kujith An kha'jay nuruj traajir jaadi tele shabar ayatha An Ahnurr qrarrka an banaka Iya Morna Bo jan dejka khivadoh Ja-Kha’jay
And Fadomai knew her time was near Fadomai said Ja-Kha'jay to you Fadomai gives the Lattice For what is more strong than the motions of the moons Your eternal motions will protect us from Ahnurr’s anger And the moons left to take their place in the skies And Ahnurr growled and shook the Great Darkness But he could not cross the Lattice
An Fadomai purka Nirni jerali Fadomai ayzra roj jai iya sarefi Jer rase ba na iss Ba Fadomai raska jajopal Q'zi Nirni vakoka jaji Azurah rabeka zwonil Nirni nuruj krimir
And Fadomai said Nirni to you Fadomai leaves her most great gift You will birth as many peoples As Fadomai birthed today When Nirni saw that Azurah had nothing Nirni left smiling
An tsin'ra ma'a di Fadomai nuruj sik Azurah An Fadomai purka jerali ahziss krimirka iso tal Fadomai ayzra roj jai iya sarefi Jerali fadomai ayzra roj buzurra An fadomai purka roj krimirka iso tal mi satila
And all Fadomai’s children left except Azurah And Fadomai said to you my favored daughter Fadomai leaves her most great gift To you Fadomai leaves her secrets And Fadomai told her favored daughter three things
An Fadomai purka q'zi Nirni Vaba teko'i wo roj ma'a Traajir fa di jaadi an yena jaadi Ras jai fede an jai yasir An jai serush iss An hika jaadi Khajiit
And Fadomai said When Nirni Is filled with her children Take one of them and change them Make the most fast and most smart And most beautiful people And call them Khajiit
An Fadomai purka Khajiit Deqe vaba jai'do khipe iss Zato ike Zennji an Zennrili rakiznaoh Jaadi deqe khipe zara di Khenarthi Nas kha'jay huna shabar jaadi jhava
And Fadomai said the Khajiit Need to be the best climbing people For if Masser and Secunda fail They need to climb the wind of Khenarthi To set the moons back in their courses
An Fadomai purka Khajiit Deqe vaba jai'do yoshith iss Zato jaadi deqe raj'kono zalva jaadi o'hama Ma'aiitay di Ahnurr
And Fadomai said the Khajiit Need to be the best deceiving people For they need always hide their nature From the children of Ahnurr
An Fadomai purka Khajiit Deqe vaba jai'do to rik sallidithoh Zato Nirni okuse roj wata kasasha An roj rase khaja zath fith An ras vana'a dan dov dalaa An Khajiit raj'konose vaba droba'i An to ra'rak wo Nirni
And Fadomai said the Khajiit Need to be the best survivors For Nirni will seek her own desires And she will make the sands too hot And make the forests give no mercy And the Khajiit will always be hungry And at war with Nirni
An wo jaja hazura Fadomai sallidithka Iko na shivata Nirni kudka Lorkhajali An purka Lorkhaj Fadomai purka ahziss Ras na ma'a Bo etofa vaba dov tele dorr jaadi
And with these words Fadomai died After many years Nirni came to Lorkhaj And said Lorkhaj Fadomai told me To birth many children But there is no place for them
An Lorkhaj purka Lorkhaj rase tele dorr ma'a An Lorkhaj nase jer etofa opa jer dej ras ma'a Bo Sunej di Lorkhaj vaber womikeka wo Iya Morna An Lorkhaj yoshithka jan aalitera Jaji jaadi vabeka zerithka shabar jajo ifa tele wo Nirni
And Lorkhaj said Lorkhaj will make a place for children And Lorkhaj will put you there so you can birth children But the Heart of Lorkhaj was imbued with the Great Darkness And Lorkhaj deceived his siblings So that they were forced into this new place with Nirni
An na di ma'a di Fadomai Lhajiitoka an vabekazar silla'a An na di ma'a di Fadomai Sallidithka ras wodro di Nirni zegata An var khikoh An rava darka Lorkhaj
And many of the children of Fadomai Escaped and became the stars And many of the children of Fadomai Died to make the path of Nirni strong And the living stayed And imprisoned Lorkhaj
Ma'a di Fadomai zanka ov Sunej di Lorkhaj An zalvaka dat duto kerin Nirni An jaadi purka ahzirr may'a rishaj jer da'ij Lorkhaj Iit Nirni dorr na shivata
The children of Fadomai pulled out the Heart of Lorkhaj And hid it deep within Nirni And they said we curse you noisy Lorkhaj To walk Nirni for many phases
Bo Nirni iko nezalka dalaa dorr dorr lorkhaj Zato Nirni dejka ras ma'a An roj rojno vaber arra teko'i wo ma'a Bo iboka zato roj krimirka iso ma'a Vana iss sajka koroh jaadi shu
But Nirni afterward felt forgiveness for for Lorkhaj For Nirni could make children And she was soon filled with children But cried because her favorite children The forest people did not know their shape
An Azurah kudka rojali an purka Po nirni dok jer enartra Azurah rase dorr jer sarefi di ifa iss Nirni dokka ibo An Azurah purka Fatu Buzurr kha'jayali An jaadi sajka trun an dan Azurah avek
And Azurah came to her and said Poor Nirni stop your tears Azurah will make for you a gift of a new people Nirni stopped weeping And Azurah spoke the First Secret to the Moons And they did part and give Azurah passage
An Azurah traajirka ega vana iss Kaver vabeka aqo vakiz ariit an naraj An roj naska jaadi shabar jai'do khaja an vana'a iso Nirni An Azurah shabar roj korna raska jaadi Di na sha fa dorr raj hadi
And Azurah took some forest people Who were half between man and beast And she placed them in the best deserts and forests on Nirni And Azurah in her wisdom made them Of many shapes one for every purpose
An Azurah hasaaka jaadi Khajiit An purka jaadi roj Qotu Buzurr An korna danka jaadi wara di buzurra An Azurah rejika ifa Khajiit Ja-Kha'jayali Ba vaba eks dorr Nirni’s buzurr rasiniit Arra Azurah purka Mitu Buzurr An kha'jay zrimithka fema iso divi ora An jaadi aqir vabekazar var
And Azurah named them Khajiit And told them her Second Secret And taught them the value of secrets And Azurah bound the new Khajiit to the Lunar Lattice As is right for Nirni’s secret defenders Then Azurah spoke the Third Secret And the Moons shone down on the wet lands And their light became sugar
Bo Y'ffer aroka Fatu Buzurr An zalvaka shabar dena Azurah An Y'ffer dejka srioh buzurra An jan purka Nirni di Azurah’s hai'a Opa Nirni raska khaja fith an khaja katataj An Nirni raska vana'a divi an teko'i di gurosha
But Y'ffer heard the First Secret And snuck in behind Azurah And Y'ffer could not keep secrets And he told Nirni of Azurah’s actions So Nirni made the deserts hot and the sands biting And Nirni made the forests wet and full of poisons
An Nirni tonshka Y'ffer An purka jan dejka yena vana iss zath An Y'ffer sajka raboh vako korna di Azurah Opa Y'ffer raska vana iss mer raj'kono an dov'kono naraja An Y'ffer hasaaka jaadi Bosmer An jaji wakaiiitay jaadi vabeka Dov saa tataami aalitera di Khajiit
And Nirni thanked Y'ffer And said he could change the forest people also And Y'ffer did not have the foreseeing wisdom of Azurah So Y'ffer made the forest people mer always and never beasts And Y'ffer named them Bosmer And from that moment they were No longer littermates of the Khajiit
An zato Y'ffer rabeka dov bebana dorr buzurra Jan hikaka Fatu Buzurr etru tsin'ra ayatha Wo jan zedro zara opa jaji tsin'ra di ma'a di Fadomai Dejka khivado ja-Kha’jay bo Azurah shabar roj korna Taska liha'a di Ahnurr teko'i di ra'kujo an da'ij Lorkhaj Opa jaadi ov di tsin'ra sajka aroh hazur
And because Y'ffer had no appreciation for secrets He called the First Secret across all the heavens With his last breath so that all of the children of Fadomai Could cross the Lattice but Azurah in her wisdom Closed the ears of raging Ahnurr and noisy Lorkhaj So they alone did not hear the word
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