#(comics jay not ak jay)
thesandsofelsweyr · 4 months
I want to slap Jason ass so hard the recoil of that thing causes global seismic reactions
Don't we all, anon *sighs dreamily*
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⚠️ cw: smut (⚤)
Him, stretched out over your knees, that beautiful ass of his turned bright red by your hand. Him, grunting and squirming every time you slap his cheeks; feeling his hard cock humping against your thighs. You fisting a handful of sweaty black curls, wrenching his head back so you can stare into those otherworldly green eyes of his as you warn him to stay still and be a good boy for mommy 🔥
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disniq · 1 year
Thinking about a crack scenario where comics!Jason, ArkhamKnight!Jason, Titans!Jason, and GothamKnights!Jason are thrown together for universal fuckery reasons
GK!Jason: [following this theory] "Yeah, I killed the Joker and the Bruce welcomed me back anyway."
Titans!Jason: "Bruce killed the Joker in my name."
AK!Jason: "It's complicated, but yes the Joker is dead and yes B wanted to help me."
Comics!Jason: *stares into the camera like he's on the office*
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konboyblues · 4 months
fanart of kid!chris crushing on thara and kid!jon crushing on jay for some reason has appeared on completely separate tags with the same theme. i am laughing bc i remember reading early drama about how ppl felt like baby!jon was a plastic substitute of og!chris, and yet they both went the same way in terms of editorial clownery over the years 😂😂😂 i do not think it is a coincidence that their love interests both ended up being balls to the wall insane. now im not gonna give geoff and taylor any more credit than that, but it IS hilarious. absolutely. i didn’t care much for thara growing up, but looking back now, her concept work was pure lunacy. she was insane. so is jay. and tbh…. they’re funny too! love the Parallels 😂😂😂
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umbrellacam · 2 months
sure would be nice. if people could debunk a dumb exaggerated/incorrect fanon without people immediately turning it 180° and happily hauling ass right into another dumb exaggerated/incorrect fanon. while gleefully crowing about how canon and correct this opposite take is.
sure would be nice 🙃
#tw salt#tw negativity#venting#I'm crying the reactionary takes are just as bad 😭😭😭#to be clear people can do whatever they want in fandom#we are here ultimately to play with Barbie dolls in whatever way makes our brain go brrrrrrrr#and that is not going to look the same for everyone and we just gotta deal with that#what drives me BONKERS is when people confidently assert their sometimes Extremely Fanon takes as Canon#when every word they type is blaring through a megaphone “I don't know what I'm talking about! :D”#“No I haven't read the relevant comics! :D”#“Everything I think I know I learned from sad woobie fanfic and batfam tiktok and out of context panels from different continuities! :D"#“I am 200% confident in this info and will spread it around as a Subject Matter Expert! :D”#I'll happily run across some funny post with more canon-based characterizations and relationships#and browse through the reblogs only to be slugged in the face by “funny! but AK-SHULLY canon would be that [COMPLETELY INCORRECT FANON] 🤓”#let me have PEACE#going back and deleting a bunch of tag snark about specific examples before hitting post#actually I'll leave just one because it's what set me off#“Dick was a hostile resentful asshole to Jason as Robin and they had a terrible relationship before Jason died!”#versus#“Dick and Robin!Jay were sooooo brothers! just the brothers of all time & the model all later batsibling relationships were based on! <333”#*me taking 4d10 psychic damage from both attacks*#Cam posts
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krashoutluv · 19 days
what do u think ak!jays love language (i think that’s what it’s called 😭) is? also, what type of love language do you think he’d like?? like acts of service, words of affirmation, etc.
also random headcanon but i feel like both ak and comic jay r both good cooks it’s just the vibe i get
Ahkendidhso Ive written about this before but my brainrot my lovely 🪽 anon…
tw; religious themes but their very very very super metaphorical i pinky swear chat. #i love religious themes as a way to metaphorically talk about devotion
Jason Todd is as devoted to his lover as a martyr to their grace. His faith to his loved one is almost insufferable at its core.
Like in a,’ My lungs only breathe because I have faith in your purity. ’ way, so anyways yeah Quality Time and Acts Of Service.
Quality Time- Jaaon can barely pry himself from your presence at times, and yet he does. Though every moment he’s away from you feels sardonic, like that viscous black ooze that he’s named ‘hate’ is getting bigger. Once he even gets a moment of your time his mind melts. He slowly allows himself to indulge in your presence, but in the most unhealthy way possible. Jason tried to keep himself away, he really did, but he always found his feet dragging to you.
Maybe its the little sacrificial lamb in him, the yearn for a greater good in his destruction. Thats what he believe he was conditioned to be, ’The Greater Good.’ Batman cleaned him from the dirt-stricken filth of Gotham alleyways; Batman would make his coat pure and holy, he learned to achieve that ‘Greater-Good’ when Batman wrapper that rope around his neck and lead him to that devil, or saint, he couldn’t tell the two apart sometimes. They both look the same as his depraved reflection.
When his red branded rebirth came he couldn’t help himself trotting to you like the holy little lamb he was conditioned to be. You, the only compass he had, a sense of direction he couldn’t bear to lose. He sits in your presence waiting for his rapture. When not, he’s stuck in a state where can’t tell if he’s more scared of being lost or alone. Jason finds he’s neither when with you, with you he’s stained red but his neck is no longer painfully warm, his body can be mangled, his mind can be mortal. He always trots back to you, because it is the first place he is welcomed to with open arms, yes, you are the warm light of the heavens he was conditioned to bask in. The personification where the death of his self is meant to be.
Acts Of Service - I believe this side of him comes more when its towards the part of the relationship where he’s most comfortable! He’ll run errands, do your dishes, maybe if the guilt of getting your floor a little bloodied gets to him he’ll pay your rent. It takes him awhile to loosen up and stop acting like a house maid. He still does everything he can for you but in an mundane way, like a little routine. (like a little wife omg chat i love him)
Whenever he slips through that window he takes armor off and sets them down on your floor. He’ll walk over to where you sit and kiss you on the cheek, whispering in your ear on how he ordered take out. He’ll come back to you with clean clothes and washed hair, sitting close to you, yet not closer if not allowed.
He’s much like a Saint Bernard now, for he always finds his way back to your side. A gentle giant, neither of you can keep yourselves away from each other; tenderly caring for each others needs. With you, he gave up on his divided sense of pride, his fundamentals and foundations that gave his name meaning were reckoned meaningless, he gave it up and swallowed the bitter pill of which he found the unsatisfactory taste of forgiveness; and with that pill he allowed himself to grieve.
He’s much like a Saint Bernard now, he can guide people to the place they believe to be heavens for their sake of peace. He holds someone in his arms the way they need to be held, he says those things that make someone think, leading them back to the path they left. But most of all he always comes running back to you.
sorry chat this is so bitter sweet i love his self destructive mentality that would take him decades to weed out.
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romanticizingmurder · 2 years
I'm not done loving AK Jay today actually because one of my absolute favorite things about him is how the writing balances him being terrifyingly smart and methodical while still being emotional?
Jason can be (and imo is) both!! Jason loses his temper throughout the game, is all but crying in the final battle, and despite all that effectively brings Batman and the city of Gotham to it's knees like no one else. He's ruthless and terrifying without becoming cold. Being "the emotional one" shouldn't mean making Jason a dumb brute like comics so often do, and Arkham Knight displays the perfect execution of that.
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hoodzgyal · 10 months
When you write ab jay which one do you mainly visualize? Ak!jay? Dexter soy comic!jay? Nick Robles Jay? (his art is 😩) I NEED TO KNOWW
AK! jay for his scar. my jay has a J carved in his cheek. canon idc idc idc
but um um um um nick robles jay😩😩😩😩😩😩 him but with the AK! scar
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boyfridged · 6 months
What is your opinion on the Arkham Knight version of Jason
i have to say that I’ve never watched the full walkthrough nor played the game, but I did watch fragments and read the comics (although that was some years ago), so this is what my opinion is based on. &also there are things that i don’t enjoy about it, like the militia and aesthetics that comes with it, but fash undertones are present in so many batman titles, i’m not going to get into it right now.
i would like to say that i’m quite ambivalent, but that’s a lie because i usually have a soft spot for all jason iterations, even if they are very far off from the original characterisation and even perpetuate stereotypes that i can’t stand in canon. and that is, i think, for the most part, the case with arkham jay, an elseworld characterisation that might have even inspired the mainstream red hood comics a bit too much… especially that the arkham universe seems to be much darker and hopeless.
needless to say, I don’t like it in the main continuity, but for that title i didn’t mind it. if anywhere, pieces of media like that are the place to explore these themes.
two things i find interesting:
pre-robin/robin jay: something that is central to my reading of canon jason is his kindness and dedication to the world. this is attitude that ak jason is many ways definitely lacks. he is sensitive of course & motivated by desire to protect the innocent, but he is already cynical before he even gets to become robin.  it makes sense if you consider he’s older than jay when we first meet him in the main continuity, and that ak jay’s circumstances are much worse from the beginning (which is something i don’t appreciate that much tbh. you know i love willis & i don’t like this portrayal of gotham nor the crime alley specifically; not even sure if they call it in game/ak comics the same either). ak jay doesn’t give up (which i love), but he is already much more vidincative and has more of this somber determination. in batman and red hood comics flashbacks bruce sometimes mentions that jason “always” treated crime-fighting like a “game” – and this rings more true for ak jay than it ever did for 80s robin jason. i’d say ak!jay does treat life as a game because he knows that to an extent, it is one – and he is already on a disadvantaged position, which is why he’s willing to play dirty in the field. it’s a gritty take and much less mature and empathetic than what we get in og jason storylines. there’s def something captivating in this unromantic approach – hence its popularity even with rh retcons & fanon, but i'm more willing to accept it here than on earth prime. the way we can choose to believe that maybe robin could affect it and let him work him through his grievances with the world, only for it this chance to get completely crushed.
ak!jason: this is the universe in which jason gets to actually blame bruce for abandoning him (as a result of psychological torture, of course, but he still does), and in which he seeks revenge on him specifically. it’s interesting to see it unfold since in in comics it makes only for a short episode in the lost days for jay. (however, ngl, i also find it interesting that so many fans who are obsessed with jason being autonomous and responsible for all of his actions seem to adore this take.)
so, tldr, i guess while i do like this version of jason, he’s also basically a stereotype of og jason and everything i don’t want comics jason to be, which is a bit ironic. but there is some good storytelling in there and nice panels in ak: genesis.
and ngl i do like the monicker & his design. perhaps more than the red hood one even.
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Would Chris and Mari ever get together in your universe? Would Jon and Mari 👀
For Chris and Mar’i….I really kinda bit doubt that. My pairing for Chris is with Thara Ak Var much akin to the comics. Only major difference here being that Thara is a 12 year old kid like he is in this version, hopefully making their little crush with each far FAR less icky feeling as opposed to how it’s handled in canon
Meanwhile for Jon (get ready to virtually slap me in the face, I respect it), I’d equally would have a kid version of Jay Nakumura attending Hamilton County Middle School which were Jon and him can meet. It’s with him that Jon’s feelings for romance start budding up despite the both of them being very reluctant to immediately jump into them. Therefore, their relationship is also a slow burn situation akin to Jake and Meredith only they eventually would get around to being officially middle school boyfriends sooner. As with how I approach characters that are kids yet have romantic feelings, I’d keep Jon and Jay appropriate for their ages (Jon at 10 and Jay at 10 1/2) and Chris would staunchly defend said relationship his brother has with Jay; he will not stand anyone bashing it if he can help it
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thesandsofelsweyr · 3 months
What in your opinion, would the ideal gifts be to give to Ak! Jason?
Books of course! Though he'd love to get his hands on some first editions eventually, a box full of secondhand mass market paperbacks missing from his collection would make him the happiest guy in Gotham.
He likes thoughtful gifts that show him that you know him. For example, AK Jay is more utilitarian than his comics counterpart; he'll wear clothes until they're falling apart (just look at his Red Hood gear, lmao.) You know he wears gloves year-round to hide his scarred hands, but the guy has a single pair of nearly threadbare gloves, so you pick him up a pair of (sexy) driving gloves for the warmer months. You might buy him a handmade pot for his houseplant, or even another houseplant for him to dote on when (he thinks) no one's watching. Maybe later after he's had some time to heal and isn't as self-conscious about going out in public, you sign him up for a pottery class so he can make his own plant pots (you know he's got a creative streak that he could put to use for things other than gun mods and drones, heh.)
He'd be just as content with simple gestures of affection, such as an afternoon of pampering that ends with a long, relaxing shoulder massage, or a home-cooked meal of pot roast (or chili dogs) with a bowl of neapolitan ice cream for dessert 💕
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scaryscarecrows · 1 year
I've reread the comic with sick Jason and Bruce in canon and now i wonder...
Have AK Jason ever fallen sick when he lived with Bruce? How was he comforted? How long did it last? Andwhat about now?
Bruce: Jay...
Bruce: Jason. We had no idea you were allergic.
Bruce: It most certainly was not.
Jason: Or that's how you made your fortune...did you take out life insurance on me? DID YOU?
Bruce: No.
Jason: So he says. I'm asking Dick, he'll tell me the truth. Anyways, once Leslie was done covering up the attempt on my life, I spent the next two weeks feeling like shit from the flu.
Bruce: -.-
Jason: You know your blame.
Bruce: And Alfred knows that you went out with a cough last night.
Jason: You snitch.
Bruce: He'll be over in about an hour.
Jason: You are the worst.
Bruce: So I've been told.
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theunavenged · 1 year
More AKJ headcanons! (continued from here)
He played baseball (was a pitcher) as well as ran track.
He loved running so the whole broken ankle thing was especially heartbreaking when he finally escaped from Arkham and could still barely walk. (I subscribe to @lananiscorner's headcanon that it was broken many times, not just once. All of those headcanons are great, btw!) He rehabbed his ankle himself while he was in Venezuela, and eventually has surgery on it (more injury headcanons here and here - I'll eventually make a post about them because they are extensive.)
One of his favorite memories was when Bruce and Alfred showed up to watch one of his track meets before he was even adopted 🥲
Jay's favorite Bruce girlfriend was Selina. She'd always take up for him when Jay would get in trouble for doing normal teenage boy things, like getting wasted at a high school party. (He called Alfred to pick him up, and didn't drink and drive! C'mon Bruce.)
Bruce bought him a car for when he turned 16 but he never got to drive it by himself because he was captured before his actual birthday 😭 He did, however, drive a few times with Bruce and Alfred.
I know nothing about cars so my husband (who never really liked AKJ but knows a lot about him because I talk about him so much and make him read my fanfic) suggested a red Chevelle like Tom Cruise drives in Reacher for Jay's car.
The Gloria story from post-crisis (Batman #424 I think) happens in my Arkhamverse, except Gloria is a trafficked Latina sex worker and her abuser is a wealthy white businessman.
It really shook Jason up when, after Batman & Robin discovered Gloria, she clung to him b/c she was so terrified of men (Jay being a teenager). Seeing how the system failed Gloria, an underprivileged and abused woman of color who desperately needed help but fell through the cracks while a privileged white guy got away with literal murder, was one of the catalysts for him going after Joker.
After the businessman died from a fall from his balcony, Robin told Batman that the man slipped (like in the comics), which was what actually happened. Jason would've thrown him off in a heartbeat, but he didn't out of respect to Bruce, and it always bothered Jason that Bruce never believed him. (Jason did beat the shit out of the guy before he fell, though.)
I try to make Bruce a little less shitty toward Jay in my 'verse than he was portrayed in the game and comics, but they still fight a lot.
After one of their last fights, Bruce said something to Alfred about Jason never measuring up to Dick, and Jason overheard it. This always haunted Bruce after Jason disappeared 🥺
As you can probably tell, my Arkhamverse consists of a mix between AK game lore, AK:G, and my brain 🧐
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igotanidea · 11 months
"Why are you shaking?" angst for AK Jay if you write for him. Otherwise, comic Jay is fine too 💕
Done :D
Really hope you'll like it : Mine
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krashoutluv · 4 months
Imagine if, to save on the water bill/ they're just tired/etc, Jason (AK or comic really) and his S/o take an innocent shower together for the first time, yet the entire time Jason's trying his hardest to stay respectful and not stare, but at the same time wants to admire his S/o because he just loves how much they look. And possibly gets the shampoo in his eyes while distracted.
bear with me as ive been sick since wednesday and ive been writing this throughout my sick days. #fighting4mylife
Showering with Ak!Jason (SFW FIC)
ig their naked but its not ak!jay being horny just like in love so maybe nsfw nothing sexual happens mostly indirect tension soo??😭😭 ((tw: writing might suck))
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JASON came home a little early from a bar. He went there for information on Penguins weapon deals. Jason would say something like, ‘it got a little messy,’ but a little messy to Jason was being covered in mud, blood, and clothes drenched from the rain that started on his way back. It was around 12 AM when he came back way earlier then his usual so you were hoping in the shower getting ready to go to sleep, not expecting him. You two saw each other just as you were walking into the bathroom.
“You look like shit—“ You turned your head into the bathroom so he couldn’t see your face; trying to bite back a cackle because of the words that slipped from your mouth,, “—I mean you can go first.” you looked back over at him,
“Well aren’t you the sweetest thing.“ He started taking off his gloves. “Go ahead.” He huffed.
“No seriously its fine, ill grab you a towel-“
“— The more you talk the longer it takes for the both of us.” He sighed, pulling off his jacket and folding it in a neat little square.
“Right, sorry.” You turn into the bathroom and pause. It was pretty obvious he was tired and wanted to get comfier then his muddied clothes let him; Thats when the thought hit you. “Unless.” You felt your face burn. You weren’t sure if Jason be comfortable with it, but it wasn’t sexual and it’d save you money from your water bill.
“Unless?” Jason questioned flatly, his back was turned to you and he was taking off his bloodied boots.
You slowly turned towards him, “You’d like to.. join me.” you had tried to sound as casual as possible. He paused completely, only getting half of his boot off before freezing. He looked back at you, like he wasn’t sure if he heard you properly. “LIKE—“ You raised your voice a little too loud on accident,”—Like, not like, you know. THAT. But like.” he took off his boot and started walking over to you as you rambled about how you didn’t mean it sexually it’d just be easier n’ y’know obviously he didn’t have to— You didn’t even notice the brick wall of a man making its way over to you until Jason stood in front of you.
”Yeah. Sure.” He replied flatly, your eyes meet his face, he was staring at your face completely stone cold. Maybe if you didn’t turn around to move to the door handle, maybe, just maybe you would’ve seen how his cheeks and ears were lightly dusted with red. But you didn’t.
You awkwardly shuffled to the side to let him in, closing the door behind you two. Back facing each other as you two undressed, you weren’t wearing a full outfit so you took everything off faster then him, yikes, awkward. You didnt wanna just stand there so you slipped past him with your head down at the floor to get the shower water running. Running your hand through the burning water just to push away the sound of him unbuckling his belt in the deepest part of your mind. “Uh, first-aid under the, uhm, fuckin- sink.” You stammered, still facing the shower waiting for the water to now cool down.
“You can get in first, i’ll patch myself up.” You did a little thumbs up behind your back, as if he saw, and made your way in, closing the curtain behind you. But he was totally lying. He should’ve patched himself up after you two had gotten out so he didn’t worry about anything washing into his cleaned wounds. But he needed to buy himself time to calm his nerves. You were so fuckin’ pretty, your skin brushed his as you passed him earlier and—its crazy how the Red Hood is single-handedly fighting for his life more now then when he was dealing with twelve grown men earlier.
After taking a purposeful three minutes longer then his usual, he stands up. He almost backs out as soon as he reaches for the shower curtains, he inhales then exhales, brushing his finger tips against the thin veil of cloth that just separates you two. “I’m, uh,-“ his voice cracks “-comin in now..”
“Hold on,” You quickly stepped out of the water stream, and leaned onto the back wall of the shower. “Alright, front of the shower where like, the, uh- water is, is all yours.” Jason cleared his voice just before he stepped in, being sure to keep his back turned to you. He let the water run over his marred skin, trying to ignore every scar on his back burning. After letting the water wash off the pieces of dirt that it could, or him finally succumbing to the sensation of getting the soap to scrub at his mangled flesh;
Jason turned his head to grab the soap— FUCK, he whipped his head back around into the showers stream. Scrubbing his face to try to wash the burning image of you out of his mind. The mixture of water and light highlighting your skin like an portrait. You’re staring down towards your feet playing with the water droplets on your crossed arms- fuck he needed to stop thinking about it. Jason pulled his head out of the water, croaking out ”Soap.” Yes, yes, wise words I know.
The next thing he knew, right by his shoulder was your hand holding out the soap. “Here, hope I’m holding it in the right spot.” You softly chuckled to yourself. He turned enough to see you covering your eyes with your other hand out of his peripheral vision. God he needed to stop looking. He took it from you and skimmed his face against the water before he grunted out a thanks.
He was questioning himself as he washed his blemished skin. He wasn’t a creep, he wasn’t staring at you because it was sexual. So what was he doing? What was this feeling? Why did he want to look at you anyways? Why did it remind him of the way he looks at marble statues? Was it because of the way your fingers dented your arms skin while you glide water droplets along your skin? Was it the way your head slightly tilted? Was it the was your body was effortlessly posed? Like you knew, like you were ready for every detail of your body was going to be eternalized into marble? Was it because of the urge to trace every part of your skin? Maybe to just get a feeling of what your sculptor felt? Was he being a fuckin creep?
He wasn’t sure, something he suddenly did become sure of was the fact you were probably cold as shit and he needed to hurry the fuck up.
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guys idk how to feel abt this fic tbh
rq / inbox is closed
sorry i got like 12 i needa get done
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yvtro · 1 year
Hi! I apologize if this has already been asked and answered many times, I couldn't find if that is the case.
But I would love to hear what you think of Jason in the Arkham Knight video game? Do you like him? Thank you and again, I'm sorry if this is redundant :(
disclaimer: i’m moving blogs. still here to go through my askbox, but you will find me at @boyfridged from now on.
first, i have to say that I’ve never watched the full walkthrough nor played the game, but I did watch fragments and read the comics (although that was some years ago), so this is what my opinion is based on. (also there are things that i don't enjoy about it, like the militia and aesthetics that comes with it, but fash undertones are present in so many batman titles, i'm not going to get into it right now)
i would like to say that i'm quite ambivalent, but that's a lie because i usually have a soft spot for all jason iterations, even if they are very far off from the original characterisation and even perpetuate stereotypes that i can’t stand in canon. and that is, i think, for the most part, the case with arkham jay, an elseworld characterisation that might have even inspired the mainstream red hood comics a bit too much... especially that the arkham universe seems to be much darker and hopeless.
needless to say, I don’t like it in the main continuity, but for that title i didn’t mind it. if anywhere, pieces of media like that are the place to explore these themes.
two things i find interesting:
 - pre-robin/robin jay: 
something that is central to my reading of canon jason is his kindness and dedication to the world. this is attitude that ak jason is many ways definitely lacks. he is sensitive of course, but he is already cynical before he even gets to become robin.  it makes sense if you consider he’s older than jay when we first meet him in the main continuity, and that ak jay's circumstances are much worse from the beginning (which is something i don’t appreciate that much btw! i don’t like this portrayal of gotham nor the crime alley specifically; not even sure if they call it in game/ak comics that). ak jay doesn't give up (which i love), but he is already much more vidincative and has more of this somber determination. in batman and red hood comics flashbacks bruce sometimes mentions that jason "always" treated crime-fighting like a "game" – and this rings more true for ak jay than it ever did for 80s robin jason. i'd say ak!jay does treat life as a game because he knows that to an extent, it is one – and he is already on a disadvantaged position, which is why he's willing to play dirty in the field. it's a gritty take and much less mature and empathetic than what we get in og jason storylines, but i do not dislike it. there's def something captivating in this unromantic approach, and the way we can choose to believe that maybe robin could affect it and let him work him through his grievances with the world, only for it this chance to get completely crushed.
this is the universe in which jason gets to actually blame bruce for abandoning him (as a result of psychological torture, of course, but he still does), and in which he seeks revenge on him specifically. it's interesting to see it unfold since in in comics it makes only for a short episode in the lost days for jay.
so, to summarise, i guess while i do like this version of jason, he's also basically a stereotype of comics jason and everything i don't want comics jason to be, which is a bit ironic. but there is some cool storytelling in there and my beloved panels from ak: genesis with jay excited about the library.
also like. i think we need to objectivelly agree that his arkham knight design is much cooler than red hood...
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benbamboozled · 2 years
Hi after seeing ur ship-pos post on my dash (i am A mutual) i wanted to make a confession. You dont have to answer this but i felt this would be a safe place to share with *someone* because I thought about this too long one night and made myself sad bc i was too scared to share on my blog
But I just rlly want arkham knight & redhjason to be intensely protective of one another. It's not pseudo-incest if you're technically the same person right. I don't know how they would exist in the same universe but *handwaves* dc does dimension crashes for less interesting reasons.
Archie survived so much bullshit nd Red just wants to pamper this amazing incredible intelligent determined *breathtaking* guy & maybe convince him to at least temporarily leave the vigilante-ing to Red and his crew because AK deserves a fucking bREAK
but Archie's perfectly capable of being a stubborn wet cat when he wants to be. He earned every right to be difficult when it suits him. So he doesnt put his life on the line directly (because its kinda nice when someone honestly cares abt you and you want to make them happy in thanks) but he builds Red the COOLEST gadgets (im pretty sure he invented a lot of his militias tech?? Or is that an amazing B:AK fanfic I once read talking directly to my brainrot) and if Batman even breathes in Red's direction all of Archie's remote control drones will come over & hunt him for sport
I also HC that AK has moderate to severe chronic pain in many of his limbs (esp shoulders & ankles) and reduced function in specific muscle groups due to his period of torture, and while Red can't get him into the habit of using a wheelchair (bad memories 😬) and he vehemently protests against getting a mobility scooter, they at least have crutches stored in every place they crash at throughout Gotham. If Archie refuses to use them during a flare-up Red will pick him up and carry him to where he was going. Wanna be difficult? Fine. I can too - didn't you know? Silly, I'm you!
I’m bummed that you don’t feel comfortable going off on your own blog because this is *chef’s kiss* EXACTLY my jam. So thank you for posting it to meeee!
ALSO ALSO ALSO they would both be so flustered by someone wanting to protect them and having someone in their lives who feels like they deserve protection! They’re both so used to just…sucking it up and going at it alone! (And canon!Jay would be incandescently pissed about what happened to AK!Jay.)
I also HC that AK has moderate to severe chronic pain in many of his limbs (esp shoulders & ankles) and reduced function in specific muscle groups due to his period of torture, and while Red can't get him into the habit of using a wheelchair (bad memories 😬) and he vehemently protests against getting a mobility scooter, they at least have crutches stored in every place they crash at throughout Gotham. If Archie refuses to use them during a flare-up Red will pick him up and carry him to where he was going. Wanna be difficult? Fine. I can too - didn't you know? Silly, I'm you!
Okay…as someone with a disability that affects their mobility + chronic pain…yes I love all of this so much. (And I would REALLY LOVE TO SEE THIS KIND OF THING IN COMICS!!! DC! I’m looking at you!)
Okay…okay…I just really really love all of this concept. These two just deserve to be happy and taken care of and to be around someone who gets them on a fundamental level.
(Please tell me you’ve seen that @jjmk-jjmk art of RH!Jay/AK!Jay? I’ll dig it up…AH here it is! Go here for goodness. Imagine that this is right before they kiss.)
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