#(but please check on your spells xd)
shadowdianne · 7 months
Tagged by the lovely @emettkaysworld thank you love!
Last Song Quelle Surprise by Ursa Major
fav color Burgundy red!!
Last show uhhm, I think it was the fall of the house of usher
Sweet spicy or savoury: spicy and savoury! I don't have much of a sweet tooth
Last thing I googled; a thing pertaining dnd 😂 it's prep day with tomorrow having a session with my lovely idiots and I've put them into a puzzle type situation so I needed some stats
Current obsession: mortgages and bank related questions would be what my search would tell you XD in truth, I've been so stressed out that I haven't had the time to really obsess over anything. Baldurs Gate may be the answer considering the amount of hours I poured into it(?) And I still need to do a durge playthrough
Tagging whoever wants to do this and I'll throw the bone to... @italymystery-swanqueen @waknatious @delirious-comfort @stregaomega @rubikanon and @naralanis
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mechformers · 1 year
Could i request reader with daddy issues calling tonowari daddy by accident during sexy time?
I have no idea if this is anything close to what you were thinking of when you asked, and if it's not, I'm so sorry. You never specified a human/avatar/na'vi reader, so this just kind of landed on human lol Hope that's alright!
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1008 words Tonowari x Human!Reader Content warning: Daddy kink (daddy issues? this gave me daddy issues XD), size difference, Na'vi x human, p in v, belly bulge, steamy nonsense with absolutely no plot whatsoever, fucked dumb (- both of them lol) not spell checked - we die like mansk here...
The lewd sounds coming from your cunt as he buried himself deeper still, would cling to his memories in the quietest of moments for years to come. Your slick, your evident excitement just from being with him, makes the slide irresistibly smooth as he bottoms out once more. Your tight insides quiver around his size, the hot walls all but strangling him as he holds still. Releasing a hot breath over the top of your head, he’s helpless to keep his massive body from pressing deeper into you. 
“P-please…” You beg of him, your lips, red and swollen where he’s kissed you to within an inch of your life. 
Pulling ever so slowly out of you allows for a ragged breath to be drawn before he sheaths himself within your scorching heat once more. His arms are trembling from keeping the full mass of his weight off of you, his ribcage feeling two sizes too small as he clenches every muscle in his body to hold himself back. Looking down between his elbows, your pink, sweaty face stares up at him, head bent backward on the woven mats. It shouldn’t be pretty the way you’re sweaty and blotched, but the sight sends a current through his body which results in an aborted thrust that still moves the entirety of your body up with the force behind it. 
“Ph-pl-se,” Your lips part once more, clumsily begging him for something he has yet to understand. 
Tears are falling from your beautiful eyes, the clear drops glittering in the low light of the setting sun. Not even the prettiest of pearls could compare to the sight, as it burns itself to his memories, joining a series of other wonders. Pulling out again, Tonowari watches intently as your small eyebrows knit together in displeasure. At what, he does not know, but until you tell him to stop, he will take what you freely give and he will give what you will willingly accept from him. 
“D-daddy, please,” You gasp, your voice raw, as just the tip remains inside of your burning cunt. 
Sheathing himself fully inside of you, Tonowari is unable to hold back the powerful thrust that reaches the end of your tight heat, only to push you further up between his elbows. Small arms cling desperately to his chest as your legs spread impossibly wide to accommodate the sudden width of him as he collapses on top of your small form. His head is spinning, his lungs refusing to pull much-needed air into his lungs as he holds as still as he can. From below, your small nails claw at his chest, while you mewl. 
“M-more daddy,” You somehow manage to push out and despite himself, he’s once more unable to stop his hips from thrusting into you, as if there’s still a chance he’s missing a tiny crook inside of you to bury himself in. 
“Little one,” Tonowari manages, his voice strained as his head swims, making him unfocused. 
“N-no,” Your desperation reaches a level that concerns him while he tries to move off of you. 
Instead, you cling to him tighter than before. Your weak arms wrap around his neck while your legs desperately cling to his waist, somehow managing to lock behind him. It’s an awkwardly stretched position you’re in, but you get your point across clear as day. Hushing you, Tonowari holds a hand to your bottom as he sits back up, taking you with him to sit in his lap. Looking down at you, you’re nothing but a toy as your arms loosen from around his neck. Gravity makes you sink further down on his cock, the obscene bulge pressing on your stomach as your tired body leans back. 
“Mh good, Daddy,” You mumble as your small body reaches for him, falling against his chest all boneless and fucked out. 
“Y/n?” Tonowari tries and to his utter surprise, your head actually turns to him as a soft smile crosses your lips. “Still good?”
Inside of your cunt, he can feel his cock twitching at his seemingly new title. There’s definitely something loaded behind it, but as of right now, sheath deep within your welcoming, tight heat, he couldn’t care less. You begged for him with everything that you were... How irresponsible would he be to deny you any longer? 
Thrusting up into the tight heat, the squelching sound of your slick making room for his cock, filled your kelku. There was no doubt in his mind, while he repeated the motion as you mewled babbles of “daddy" and "more”, that the people outside could hear your slick walls while he rearranged them. Tonowari would make sure that there was a permanent shape of his cock inside of you, one that you would never be able to erase. 
“Harder, Daddy,” Your small hands reach for his face and right then, right there, with your face looking so beautifully debauched - he lost all composure.
Holding you up by your middle, he moves you along his cock, watching as it bulges your stomach each time he bottoms out. He’s hitting something tight and spongy, bruising past it to reach the end of your passage, and with each passing, your cunt tightens deliciously until suddenly, your soft body grows taught in his hold. 
“I-I’m gonna - D-daddy!” And with your eyes wide open, staring into his, your cunt spasms hard around his cock, milking him with such force he’s helpless to resist your siren's call. 
With one final press, he buries himself sheath deep within your wet heat as he floods you with his blessings. There’s so much to unpack after this, but for the moment, all he can do is cling to your small body as he breathes heavily. His mind is still swimming deliciously, blank as a clear drop of water where only the reflection of you shines back at him. Kissing your forehead softly, he cups the back of your head as he holds you against his wildly beating heart. 
“Daddy… huh?” He hums, feeling your huffed chuckle against his sweaty skin. 
Masterpost - (under construction)
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I- WOOPS- dang it I feel so embarrassed now-
My deepest apologies, I didn't mean to do that! XD
I really should check twice next time, huh?-
But... Honestly? Now that you mentioned it, I would actually love to see your take on it!
So may I please request your interpretation on any of the boys falling for a male mc?
Thank you and once again I'm really sorry, I'll make sure to double check next time-
Silver, Deuce, Ace, Epel Realizing They Gay/Bi Af
Silver is short because he is the Middle Child of TW with his lack of character traits and screentime. Decided to cut out Riddle cause I wasn't feeling it.
Yuu is male and is heavily implied to be Yuuken. I didn't decide a sexuality for any of them as its not my style but they Def fruity. Crack lmao.
It will take a while to even realize he has a crush. Silver didn’t get the nickname ‘Jellyfish’ for no reason. He isn’t the brightest with social cues and takes everything literally. It’s amusing, infuriating, and endearing all at once. One can only wonder how the wise and mischievous Lilia raised such a boy.
With that being said, if it wasn’t for his father, he would have never even realized he had a crush. The old fae would often watch from afar as he watched the young man that enamored his son, positively tickled at what interactions unfolded.
Silver simply thinks that they are both just friends, like how he and Sebek are. I mean sure, he does find himself genuinely smiling when you wait for him to wake up, and sometimes he finds the look in your eyes when parrying his sword invigorates him, but that's no big deal. He just looks up to Yuu and admires him is all.
It wasn't until one day when Yuu was changing in front of him that it set in. The sight of his bare, muscular back drenched in sweat after another heavy training session had him staring, not even realizing he was out of breath from how he was holding. Lilia is laughing so hard internally rn.
When Silver eventually approaches his father and tell him about these strange feeling he gets whenever he's around Yuu does it click. Mostly because Lilia spelled it out for him. “You're in love, son.” Now Lilia is actually snickering at Silver's shocked face as he skips over all the stages of grief straight to acceptance. He closes his eyes in a mix of embarrassment and shame as he puts it all together.
No wonder he would stare at his butt a lot.
Oh boy, this poor thing is so confused.
You see back when he was in his bad boy phase he had no time for love. It would make him look dumb and weak. He was supposed to be cool.
And now here he is madly in love with his classmate— his friend. It was all on that fateful day in the mines.
Despite it being his mess Yuu still decides to help him. They went into the mines and risked their life for him. He came up with a brilliant plan and fight that strange monster that attacked them just for his sake.
And even then they continued to be so kind and sweet. They helped him study and pass his classes! They sparred together, worked out, went on jogs. They talked about cars and blastcycles and machines. They were a perfect match.
It definitely didn't help that Yuu had a defined body from himself as well, with beautiful features accompanying his face. With arms and body built from kendo drills and dueling blots, he was like a work of art.
Definitely doesn't understand what's happening to him when he feels his face get warm from looking at them, of how his chest tightens whenever he sees them chopping it up with another man.
He thinks it's just very strong admiration he feels for them at first! Of course, he likes you! You've always been there for him! You're his friend! And yet when his homosexual thoughts continue he doesn't understand.
Asks Ace to punch him. "Woah bro, are you serious?! I mean I have no problem with punching you, but what's this about?" "It's nothing, just do it!"
Ace finds out and absolutely teases Deuce, making kissing noises whenever he catches him looking at Yuu. 
Calls his mother like the Chad he is and talks about it. As he's ranting about how great Yuu is and how they helped him grow as a person, and how he wants to be the very best he can be, Mama Spade starts crying a bit.
"Ah, Mom?! I'm sorry! I didn't-" "Oh Deuce…" Mama Spade supremacy. She's so supportive and happy he came out and found a man that makes him happy! She is giving all sorts of advice to her baby and wishes him the best. 
With all that Deuce is now much more confident about pursuing his crush! But first, he must become the very best he can be for them! He promises to better himself for his sake!
Help him. No, seriously he is pissed.
He already struggles with toxic masculinity, this is just going to make it worse. He can't be gay! It would be expected! He’s already short and girly already, of course, everyone would assume he's gay!
He will avoid you like the plague for a while until Vil snaps some sense into him. Vil can sense it from a mile away, this is just embarrassing. After a very embarrassing lecture, made worse by Rook's unneeded commentary, he accepts it. It is still a bit awkward for a bit afterward since Yuu doesn't understand why the hell Epel is staring at him so intently.
Epel will try to overcompensate for these feelings of feminity still by working out. Surely if he gets bigger and more muscular, it would be more surprising and unexpected for him to like men! Vil is sighing but knows that Epel will have to learn this lesson the hard way.
Poor Epel is trying to impress Yuu so bad too with his strength, flexing his muscles as Yuu looks on with a blank face. Curse them and their stupid height, and stupidly their huge muscles and their handsome… masculine features… He means stupid!
I do think he would talk to his mom about it too, telling her that there's some fellow that has him feeling some sort of way and ends up being super surprised by how happy his mother is for him. Of course, she does still say to be a gentleman and also ends up lecturing him.
Even though he's still a bit confused, that call has him much more ready to accept his feeling. Ah, but how is he going to confess…
He also asked Ace to smack him.
The disaster baby bi/gay himself. This man is so far in the closet that he is at a gay bar in Narnia, someone help him. (Average Ginger Behavior)
Deny. Deny. Deny. Sorry but there is no way he is in love, especially with some dude. He’s tried dating in High School and Middle School and it always sucked. He cringes at the memory of ghosting his homecoming sweetheart after the dance comes back to him. She was so… boring, that entire relationship was. Plus it's not like he really liked her either.
But hypothetically, if he did like dudes, then that would make his past relationships make a lot of sense… But wait, what if just liked both like Cater or Vil does? Nah he's not feminine enough… Wait, it's not feminine to like men, if anything it's more masculine— wait…
Maybe he should ask Azul’s gay ass. He's seen the way he looks at Jamil.
He hates these stupid mushy gushy feelings inside of him. Going soft or turning into a lovestruck fool is so not like him. Yet here he was, face tinted pink as he watches Yuu and Silver practice their blade work against each other. the way those strong forearms refused to waiver, how his posture remained perfect, and his stance stood powerfully amongst his foe. 
How he would love those hands around him— Okay fine, maybe he does like them! But even then how would he go about asking Yuu out?! He finds himself staring intensely at Yuu’s back as they walk back to Ramshackle with Grim tucked into their side. Deuce just awkwardly stared at Ace. “Um… Are you okay?” “IT’S NOTHING!’
And now since Deuce was confused he was back at square one: denial. At this point, Yuu shouldn't be surprised if Ace one day takes him by the hand and skips with him deep into the closet together as they seal their lips together with a ‘no homo’ whispered between them.
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Spell your last name, please.
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What -- Daryl's back at the Green's farm after falling down the ridge twice, hallucinating you and Merle, then making it home only to get grazed on his head by a bullet. In this chapter, he wakes up after losing consciousness. S02E05 Chupacabra
Who -- slow burn Daryl x Reader
When -- ten minutes after Daryl gets grazed by that bullet courtesy of Andrea following Invisible, tugging strings, Part 2. <- Read this chapter first!
Perspective -- 3rd person Daryl
Reader's pronouns? -- neutral again, slowpokes, they/them
TWs -- a few cusses in Daryl's perspective
How long will it take me? -- 7-10 minutes
Specific chapters to refresh your memories with -- How's your head? Part 2, Invisible tugging strings, Parts 1 -> and 2 <-
The title of this chapter is weird -- I know, y'all XD. It's in reference to a common (medical) trauma question to check cognition
Where's your Masterlist? -- official one here, chronological one here.
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for better context, reread Invisible, tugging strings, Part 2 here. It's got the word-for-word part of S02E05 Chupacabra with Merle before Daryl makes his way home and sees an angel you.
Hm? Where in the—where is he and what’s warm stuff he just swallowed? Who the hell's this holding hi—
A bunch of voices start saying stuff, and all he sees is brightness and the outline of faces.
But there’s one, familiar voice closest to his ear that soothes, “Shh, sweetheart, you’re safe. Close your eyes awhile, it’s bright in here.”
...oh shit, is this heaven? It's real? I made it?
“Oh man, sorry,” the voice chuckles. “You’re just so hurt, pet names are floppin’ out of my mouth. Which is what some of your tea just did, too. Here, I’m gonna give you the straw. You’re in the Greene’s house.”
He starts to open his eyes again as he sips down more of the warm, peachy drink through the straw. Once he’s aware of it hitting the back of his throat, he starts to slurp it down because hot damn, he’s thirsty.
Finally, he’s able lift his eyes to see the angel his friend beside him, holding a mug.
“It’s from the box of peach tea we found yesterday,” Y/N happily tells him.
They look miles better than they did a few hours ago. He’s relieved.
Awareness of what’s going on and what happened snaps into gear and he tries to look behind him at his side that’d been gashed open, but doing that makes his head spin.
Also he’s—got a tube in his arm?
Y/N notices his confusion. “You need fluids, dude. Maggie suggested I rub your throat to get you take the drink down while you were half-conscious. It was workin’, too, just like for a cat. You’re on your second IV bag already, the first one went in right quick.”
Not to mention, what’s left of the peach tea in the mug is empty within seconds.
“Don’t worry, there’s more of that. You weren’t out too too long,” they mumble, setting the mug down. “We already checked you over for bites, now we’re disinfectin’ your side wound. Mr. Greene and Patricia are gonna resume that, okay? Then Maggie and I are gonna clean up your head.”
The best he can do is grunt in acknowledgement. He’s tired as fuck. Mumbling and quiet conversation fills the room.
“Daryl, spell your last name, please."
Spell his—huh? “Why’d d’you need my last name?” he slurs.
“To see how loopy you are,” Y/N dryly puts it. “I’m going to ask you to tell me the number ‘thirteen’ in a few minutes, deal? Thirteen.” They then uncap a—ha, orange gatorade? That’s their favorite—and place the straw in it and direct him to, “Hold this, drink, spell your last name for me.”
“D-I, um, X-O-N.” Ouch, his voice sounds like he gargled with pebbles. Feels like it, too.
“Did you take any kind of drug this afternoon, mushrooms?”
He makes an nuh-uh type of groan in response, and mumbles, “Tossed Merle’s hard stuff this mornin’.”
He feels whoever’s cleaning his gash pause, then continue. There’s extra hushed whispering, too.
“Th-that’s, um, very good! Ohh my.” His friend clears their throat. “So I guess we’ll only clap you in irons over charges of grand theft horse,” they snort. “Now, did you get mugged, did you fall, what happened to you out there, man?”
Whoever’s cleaning out his bolt wound, they’re pouring liquid stuff and dabbing at it, and shit it is stinging like a mother-fucker, ow!
“Rough afternoon,” he groans. Then, Daryl remembers the most important thing and slurs out a rushed, “Th’doll!” while opening his eyes again and trying to sit up. Pain stops him from moving much.
“Yes!" Y/N giggles. "Straight up, everybody here could’ve kissed you when we saw you’d found it, Daryl. Can you tell us where you found it?”
This rush of heat from outta nowhere zaps his cheeks as he rests his eyes again and relaxes down onto the pillow. “Bottom of the ridge,” he tells them.
“Clever man, you said it would be the best vantage point. Now, about those injuries, what made your afternoon ‘rough’ specifically?”
“…Fell down it.”
A small noise left Y/N’s mouth.
It's the old man’s voice who asks, “Is that how you got the wound to your side, here?”
“Happened th’first time I went down. Bolt.”
“The 'first time.' Y-you fell down it more than once? That’s—” squeaks from Y/N's mouth, then some babbling. “Oh m—does he need a traction collar or, or—”
“You said ‘bolt.’ Would that be from your crossbow?” comes the old man's voice again.
“It’s remarkable the injury didn’t perforate any organs, passed clean through,” he comments. “Do you have any numbness or a tingling sensation anywhere on your appendages?”
His negative groan was hopefully sufficient. He kinda wishes he had numbness, because all he feels now is sore. It’s like he got whumped by a Mack truck.
“Tap your fingers to your thumb,” the old man then orders.
He does.
“Did any of that hurt?”
Another negative groan. He tries to shake his head, too.
A woman’s voice he’s unfamiliar with hushes, “Y/N, he’s okay for now, just keep checkin’ his cognition and feeling his head. Ears and nose, too, for fluids. Maggie, sweetpea, you check his toes for movement and sensation.”
He liked the sound of the woman’s voice. It was down-home twangy and no-nonsense, in a good way.
Now his shoes are getting untied, which must be Maggie. That’s the short-haired chick, if he’s remembering it right?
His friend sighs. “That guardian angel of yours is having a very busy day, Dary-bear.” There are some rustling noises near his head. He opens his eyes to see them pull what looks like a very skinny flashlight from the first aid bag. “I’m going to use this penlight, now. Can, um,” they pause and look around the room.
Wait, how many people are in here?
“Teddy, please hold the drink for him?” they call behind them. “Let’s get that bottle drained.”
Sure enough, T-Dog walks over from wherever he was, crouches down, and holds the bottle by Daryl’s mouth so he can sip from the straw.
“Sorry you had to wake up to all this fussin’ and chaos, man. But, you heard ’em, drink this down.”
“Wiggle your toes, please?” the short-haired chick calls, similarly twangy like the blonde woman and Y/N.
He wiggles his toes.
“Now point, then straighten your feet and toes for her,” Y/N murmurs.
He does.
“Straighten, then relax your legs if you can.”
He can, and does.
“Any of that hurt or feel tingly?”
“No,” he grunts again.
“Next, look at my nose, please,” his friend says. They guide his left hand in theirs and position it so it makes a wall between his two eyes. “Keep your hand there and repeat the months of the year. I’m going to shine this near each eye a few times, just keep starin’ at my nose while I do.”
As he recites the months in between gulps of the gatorade, he notices by the time he says “October” that he’s been staring into their eyes and at their lips instead of their nose.
When they gently take his hand and lower it back down, he gets a rush that helps him feel more awake.
“Now let’s have the months backwards,” they instruct.
He does his best.
“Let me know if you feel anythin’ off,” the blonde older lady says to Y/N. “I’ll palpate when you’re done.”
“Yes, ma’am. Okay, please tell me what memory came into your head when you saw the orange sports drink,” Y/N asks him next, their hands lightly pressing around his head, almost in a massage type of way. He doesn’t know what it is or why they are doing it, or why he isn’t flinching at someone touching him, but here he is. It feels really nice—OW!—except that spot didn’t feel as nice, that hurt!
“I, um,” he croaks. For real, his voice croaked. Rough afternoon. “It’s your favorite.” He rests his eyes again and remembers how Y/N’s floppy sandals squeaked as they’d walked to the wash area together. He’d been holding their bucket. That memory helps him relax more…
“You rememb—um, y-yeah, it’s my—sorry, you remembered that?”
“Give the man credit, Y/N,” T-Dog says under his breath in a way that sounds like he’s joking.
“Theodore,” they whisper back. “He’ll think you’re serious.”
Daryl isn’t sure what that was about, his eyes are still closed and heavy.
Y/N clears their throat. “Anyway, here I thought you’d just mention that you’d given me a bottle, friend. Um, ten points if you can state the name of the generic gatorade?”
T-Dog has tapped him with the straw to get him to drink more, so he opens his eyes and manages a grunt in response while he sips, then closes them again.
“Eh, you’re right, that’d be a stretch even if you didn’t just go through the wringer. It was Sportsman’s Signature Electrolyte Rehydration Beverage,” Y/N fills him in. “Now, I’m gonna check both nostrils and both ears for stuff coming out them, just bear with me, I’m usin’ a gauze square for it, I’ll be poking it into those places. How about you remind me the name of your favorite uncle.”
“Uncle Jesse,” is his answer before Y/N even finishes saying ‘uncle.’ The tickling feeling of the gauze in his nose almost makes him sneeze, then the feel of it in his ears is just uncomfortable.
At least his eyelids and his body don’t feel as heavy as before.
He open his eyes again. Sees Y/N is scribbling something down in a notebook.
“And what number did I ask you to remember, sweetheart?” Y/N checks. “Ugh, there I go with the pet names again. Sorry, honey, ain’t nothing, please tell me what that number was?”
Number? Number, um, uh, honey…um…three…thirteen. “Thirteen.”
“High-five, perfect recall!”
He finds himself tapping his palm to theirs and almost smiling.
Whatever they’re talking about now, though, is going right over his head. He’s gonna rest his eyes again…
“GCS is a solid 14, I think? He’s oriented, it’s just takin’ him slightly longer to get his words. Long term recall was good, short term he passed, too. Seems like he’s wakin’ up. What’s your take, Miss Patricia? Do y’all even use GCS in real life?”
“Ain’t heard ‘GCS’ since workin’ third shift ER for my first job. Oh, that was years ago,” came the twangy woman’s voice. “But it’s used a whole lot. 14 means he’s doin’ pretty good now. We’ll check it again later, I’ll teach you all about RLA scoring.”
“What’s RLA stand for?”
“Rancho Los Amigos, right?” is what Daryl thinks he hears T-Dog answer, but it makes zero sense so he must’ve heard wrong. “A few buddies of mine got concussions back in the day,” T-Dog explains, but it still doesn’t make sense. He opens his eyes as if that’ll clear things up.
Lucky for him, his friend repeats “Rancho-Los-Amigos?” which really is the damn name, the woman assures them both.
Daryl tries to look back again to see his gash. He doesn’t feel as dizzy as bef—where’s his shirt?
His pulse starts to pound in his ears.
He’s got no shirt on. In front of all these people?
Cold chills and a hot waves pelt through him at the same time. If, if his shirt if off and all these people are in here, that means they saw it. His back.
“Please stop trying to twist around,” comes the voice of the old man from behind him. “The wound is clotted and I want it to remain that way before I stitch you up.”
Y/N chirps in like an oblivious damn canary before he has a chance to react or think. “Oh, Daryl, would you mind if I watched? I wanna see it done as much as I can so I can learn.”
Turns out, this was a good thing. Him not being able to react to realizing he’s got no shirt on gave him time to see that a clean towel was bunched around his stomach, as well as positioned over his back shoulder; most of him is covered.
He’s shirtless, yeah, but covered.
And he now sees that his position on the bed means that, although the door is behind him, he’s blocked by the angle and by the blonde woman with the twangy voice and the old man.
“You just paled like you seen a ghost. Brother, you feeling okay?” T-Dog whispers.
Daryl meets his eyes for a second. How is he supposed to admit to not wanting anyone to see him without his shirt without sounding like some priss?
It’s just that—he’s shit at lying and the scars he’s got are kinda obvious. He’d tried to lie to a doctor once about it, the guy saw right through it. Daryl had been over 18 by then, so none of that CPS stuff happened, but still. The look on the doctor’s face made him feel like some pitiful kid and it made him feel small and weak and like he’d done something wrong.
“Y/N, can you check his blood pressure?”
It’s pointless for Daryl to try to say it was nothing, because Y/N was beside him again and pumping up that cuff thing within half a damned minute. He ends up officially meeting the owner of the twangy, no-nonsense voice, too. Patricia.
“He’s 108 over 64, Miss Patricia. That’s good, though, not too low. Oh.” Y/N’s face drops and they pause removing the cuff. “But he is a smoker, d-do you think that means it’s-it’s too low? I-I don’t know his baseline! Honey, what’s your baseline?”
“Daryl, spell that last name again for me?” the woman asks, and way calmer than Y/N.
He spells it again. “D-I-X-O-N.”
“14 times 2 is?”
“Uh, it’s, uh 28.”
“Five squared is?”
Squared is multiplying a number by itself, so…“25.”
“Your older brother’s name was?”
‘Was?’ What does she mean ‘was?’
He perks all the way up, and with a vengeance. “His name still is Merle,” he pretty much snarls back. Merle ain’t dead.
The woman makes a one-sided smile at Y/N and T-Dog with a brow raised. “He’s definitely awake now, doin’ just fine. Hersh, I’m gonna check his skull for any issues, then let’s double check if he’s got spinal damage. Did you check his nose and ears for CSF, Y/N?”
“He’s clean.”
“Anythin’ feel off on his head?”
“Some goose eggs, especially by this area here.” Daryl feels the warmth from Y/N’s hand as it hovers over the area he’d winced at. Their fingers trail along his hair for a sec, if he didn't just imagine that... “But no wiggly bits or step-off. His pupils were good.”
“After I get a good feel for his skull and neck, Maggie and Y/N, please give his hair a quick wash before cleaning and bandaging his graze. Then which of us is gonna stitch him up, you or me, Hersh?”
“I think Mr. Dixon here would prefer fewer people in here. I’ll do it.”
Those words are music to Daryl’s ears. So many damn people fussing over nothing. Patricia is done checking his skull or whatever, now she's poking around his neck.
“How many people are in here, anyway?” he asks whoever will answer.
“Mr. Greene, Patricia, Maggie, T-Dog, Rick, and me. Carol, Lori, Shane, Andrea, Dale and Glenn and Jimmy are out in the hallway,” Y/N tells him. "Carl's still in bed, of course, so Beth's with him."
…The whole group? Even the teenage kid?
What’s he supposed to, um…why the hell are they all crowding around and waiting? For him?
The old man saves his ass again. “Let’s leave dressing his head wound until after he’s stitched up. Everyone out, please.”
The name Sophia pops into the forefront of this thoughts. If they all acted fast, maybe she could be back by tomorrow morning! “I gotta talk to Rick.”
The old man's fuse is low, that’s obvious. “You’re the patient,” he responds.
“Then Y/N, you can stay, too,” is not what Daryl expects would next leap out of his mouth like a frog over hot tar, but there it goes. They wanted to learn, the old man better let them.
Weird part is, he understands that in offering that they stay, Y/N is definitely, 100% going to see the scars if they’ll be watching him get stitched…he doesn’t know, it’s just weird; he doesn’t have any kind of dread or nothing in the pit of his stomach about it. It's better when they're around.
He looks at them for a second, a bloody rag in their hand that they're back to pressing to his head. There's one, little tug to his chest in their direction, then it's gone.
> Masterlist link here
and our teeny tiny taglist :D
@spenciepoo338 @its-freaking-bats​​​​ @whistlesalot​​​​ @buffy-the-assbutt-slayerer​​​​  @dreamingaboutthewonderland @kwazii-kat​ @darylsmavis​​​​​  @outlanderhornet22​​​​​ @battinsonrobs​​
(inbox is open if you would like on or off the taglist, slowpokes. Please don’t feel bad or nervous if you don’t want to be tagged anymore,  just let me know, we’re all friends here!)  
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emptymanuscript · 25 days
When they say shelving stories isn't the end of things and that you can always come back, we mean it.
I did some extremely light editing work today, on a whim, for "In Shining Armor" which I wrote in 1993!
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The file is so old that I had to download LibreOffice to even open the file and then convert it because Word considered the file format a threat (probably to their pocketbooks more than security but still...).
So, to go along with you can always come back, also remember to both back up and never throw any writing away. You do never know when you might need it.
Someone brought some of their old work in to writing group this week, mentioning it was one of their first things which they had been thinking about again but also that they felt bad about how bad it was. And I mentioned, hey, it's probably fantastic compared to my oldest stuff.
So then I was like, hey, I should dig out my equivalent piece.
And... Sheesh, it is BAD bad.
63 pages double spaced but still with 8 parts and 41 chapters. One is a prologue and I'm fairly certain the last 4 "chapters" are all epilogues, two with multiple brand new characters being introduced in them. You know, for all those epic sequels I was going to write.
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Peter Jackson has got nothing on me.
I also managed a very graphic sex scene without ever describing the body of one of the participants. Must have cut that for the magazine back in the day. Highschoolers writing smut! Scandal! Outrage! Why, I never! It's all too shocking! For shaaaaame!!
But it is at least spelling and grammar checked now XD so that's an improvement.
I don't know if I can quite imagine what this story would look like if I tried to do it now. Definitely not the same amount of smut. Don't know if it would be more or less, though.
It's so cliched fantasy.
Evil Tyrant overlord, check.
Return of the long lost prince, check.
Cursed good sorceress, check.
The peasants are revolting AND they're rebelling, Check.
My god the accents >_< XD!, yes, spell check, I do wish to keep all the whadya means.
...Somehow the rebels have guns when everyone else has swords.
The evil good Wizard did it.
The Wizard's name is Marlin, not to be confused with Merlin.
Villain (and HOMG check his name) gets a final monologue. AFTER he has gotten a fatal stab wound and is bleeding fire.
"You may think you have won," Darius gurgled, "But this is only the beginning. I shall come again. When you least expect it, and when you are least prepared to handle it, I  Darius Lucifero shall return." With that the flames engulfed him, and his ashes were set to the winds.
Che-eck, PLEASE.
Ah, no, it was only THREE epilogues. That's fine then.
So, you know, don't get too down on your writing. Trust me, you will get better. And probably faster than me XD! I still give villains final monologues. I like villain monologues.
I may just like monologues XD.
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diana-fortyseven · 5 months
I wrote this instead of sleeping...
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You can find the prompt bingo right here.
It's still a work in progress, and there's so much more I want to add eventually, but everything that's already there is working.
And what's there is a lot. Like, a metric shit ton.
I've added all
Cinematic Titles
Mission Names
Mission Stories
of all Hitman World of Assassination Game Modes.
Some challenge prompts might look like typos to you. While I always appreciate when you point those out to me so I can fix them (seriously, please do let me know if I missed something!), please check first if there isn't an in-game challenge with that exact name, because so many of them look like I forgot how to spell. :D
Fun fact, did you know that there are roughly 1,200 challenges in the game? I wasn't joking about the "instead of sleeping" part of the title.
Additionally, there are long lists with smutty, kinky, romantic, angsty and whumpy prompts.
You can opt-out of NSFW, Shipping and Angst by not opting in (I swear this makes sense in my head right now), but if you select the theme "Romance" from the dropdown menu, you will get shippy prompts even if you don't tick the Shipping checkbox, and if you select Hurt/Comfort from the dropdown menu you will get angsty prompts even if you don't tick the Angst checkbox. I recommend ticking the Shipping or Angst checkbox if you select Romance or Hurt/Comfort for a larger pool of prompts.
You will not get NSFW prompts unless you tick the NSFW checkbox.
However, some mission stories and challenges have names that could be mistaken for NSFW prompts. I haven't put them behind the filter, and I don't know if I will do that in the future.
If you don't like a prompt, you can just re-roll that one specific prompt by clicking/tapping the field it's in.
The Themes
The bingo generator has four themed lists so far: General Prompts, Mission Fic, Romance, and Hurt/Comfort.
I will be adding more at appropriate times, such as a summer list for summer (Northern Hemisphere) or a Halloween list for Halloween. Those will be permanent additions. It's just a lot of work, and I have so many more plot bunnies and code bunnies and art bunnies, so I really have to space these updates out. xD
If you'd like to suggest a theme or donate a list of prompts, please feel free to do so!
How to Play
Create the card you want, do with it whatever you want.
You can take the prompts literally or interpret them any way you like. If it's the name of a mission story or challenge, you can use the mission story or challenge itself as a prompt, or come up with something just based on the name. If it's a pun, you can use the prompt as-is or remove the pun element from it.
Use as many or as few prompts as you want in a fic, or in a drawing, or in a daydream. You make the rules!
If you think a bingo should require a line of prompts used in one single work, cool. If you think four single works should count, that's cool too. And again, if you don't like a prompt, just re-roll it until you get one you like more.
Just have fun with it! :)
Mobile Version
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The mobile version is working, but word breaks for longer words won't be pretty. I still need to add word break opportunities, but that's a lot of work, and I will probably do this in small batches over the next month or so.
If you want a prettier card, you can re-roll prompts with unpretty word breaks by tapping on the prompt you want to change.
Keyboard-Only Users
For accessibility, all prompt fields have added button functionality, which means you can use tab to select them and enter to interact with them. Your browser needs to have JavaScript enabled for that to work, though.
Now go play with it!
Or don't, I'm not your mum, I can't tell you what to do.
Final disclaimer: The platform I'm using to host my generators, Perchance, recently added AI options. My generators were not built using AI, and none of the prompts you'll get are AI generated.
My generators are all 100% handcrafted chaos. :D
If bingos are not to your liking and you'd like more detailed prompts, try my Hitman Prompt Generator!
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wepsi · 2 years
I've been wanting to tie you up for a while now ~ Lucifer(nsfw)
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Female reader, established relationship
Cw: Shibari
Scenario: After seeing you strung up from the ceiling instead of Mammon, Lucifer seemed extremely flustered.
"Yo can you help me get down from here?"
"And why would I do that? You probably deserved it."
"Pleaaaaaaseee, I can't miss another shift again!"
"Even if I were to agree I can't help you."
"Listen, I learned a new spell from Solomon that will let us swap places, please! Remember you owe me a favor!"
"Ughhhhhh fine mammon, let's get it over with."
Mammon casts the spell, swapping your places. Your perspective went from seeing him bound up, to seeing him free. Mammon looking at the time rushes away, mouthing "I'll save you later". The ropes felt snug but not uncomfortable, wow this must have been painful for poor Mammon then.
You suddenly hear footsteps that only could belong to Lucifer, heart sinking to your... stomach? not sure you're upside down right now. Lucifer walks in, with his hand on his forehead and eyes closed, the stance for a lecture. When he opens his eyes, all he saw was your face stupidly giving him a grin.
Lucifer looked taken aback, what were you doing here tied up?You expected a lecture, but he just looked flustered, struggling to form words. Pulling at one specific rope you tumble down freely, Lucifer turned around to walk away, but you caught his face blushing for a second.
Later that night you were in Asmo's room getting your nails repainted. Remembering the event from earlier that day, you confide in Asmo telling what happened and Lucifer's weird response. Asmo looked up at you, a evil smile on his face,
"Fufufufu so Lucifer's into that~ I guess can't say I'm surprised."
You look at him confused, Asmo didn't seem phased and calmly finished your nails. After thoroughly admiring his work, Asmo pulled out his phone and went through his pictures. Showing you this album of photos, you gasped at the lewd pictures. There was what assumed to be his past lovers in all different positions, tied up in elaborate ropes and knots of all shapes and sizes.
It looked beautiful in a way, the rope indenting and making their soft flesh burst out. It highlighted all their parts, and tied in a way their movements were limited. Asmo seemed happy at your curiosity, his mind scheming up a plan for you. Just for this, tonight he will forgo his beauty sleep and teach you the ropes (get it? XD)
After dinner, you scurry to your room to prepare for your surprise for Lucifer, leaving all the brothers confused. Lucifer walks up to check on you, hoping he didn't make you upset when he walked away from you the other day. He did not expect what he stumbled upon when he entered the room.
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh surprise?"
(See header picture for how this scene looked)
You weren't quite done, but have a bad habit of not locking your door. Lucifer came and was thoroughly taken aback, you were bound up foot to neck with the ropes exposing your breasts and your lips. two pieces of rope still in each of your hands unfinished.
"What is the meaning of this?"
"Well honey I figured you might be into this from how you reacted before, so I wanted to give you a surprise. Guess it's ruined now though."
You pouted, loosening the ropes in your hand. Lucifer walked to you, helping you untie yourself. You curse yourself in your head, thinking you mistaken the situation. Lucifer's ruby eyes looked into yours, sending a shiver down your spine,
"I appreciate your gesture my dear, but you're doing it all wrong. Accompany me to my room I'll show you how it's done."
Face as red as a tomato, you rid yourself the rest of the ropes, and followed Lucifer to his room. It's not like you guys haven't had sex before, but this was new and exciting, plus you always liked when Lucifer enticed you like that(not that he had to). You hear Lucifer lock the door behind you with a click, your heart picking up pace. He opens a drawer, and pulls out red rope.
"Shall we begin dear~"
You striped down to nothing as he directed. The rope felt a lot nicer on your skin compared to the one you bought on akuzone. He was looping and knotting around your skin expertly, tight enough for you to feel but not too tight to be uncomfortable. You felt your appendages slowly getting bound to itself. The lack of freedom and control made you nervous and excited.
That's how you spend the next who knows how long, silence besides your heavy breathing and the rope sliding against your skin. When you are almost done Lucifer pulls down a secret latch in the ceiling, exposing multiple hooks (has that always been there?) Having your consent from earlier, Lucifer hooks the ropes and starts suspending you. You felt a little scared but you trusted him.
Finishing the final pieces of his art, Lucifer looks at you satisfied. Bringing over a large mirror so you could see yourself.
here is the inspo pose (nsfw)click at your own discretion!
Looking in the mirror you thought you would feel shy, but you felt like a piece of art. The bright red rope highlighting your skin, you could see Lucifer went with a simpler design seeing as it is your first time. You weren't left completely immobile like some of the demons on Asmo's photo album.
Having your legs wide open but not being able to cover it with your hands, or close your legs left you feeling shameful, but your dripping heat would disagree. Looking over, Lucifer was practically drooling over you, face a mix between wanting to admire you and devouring you.
"I've been wanting to tie you up for a while now, you look beautiful dear"
"I'm not sure how I can not destroy you tonight."
There will be a part 2! eventually
Check out my master list for more content!
Check out my kinktober content!
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inevitably-johnlocked · 4 months
hi Steph!! Hope you are doing well, and otherwise, have some hugs! (you can also have hugs if you are doing well xD)
Random question, because why not: any pet peeves you have when reading something? Mine is when I see a discontinued fic that is marked "completed", learned the hard way to check for the abandoned tag hahah
Hi Lovely!
Thank you for the hugs! I could be better, but just trying my best to go day to day <3
Ooo, I like random questions, hahah! Hmmm, ooooooof this is a tough one because I don't want to sound pretentious or like a douche, because everyone has a writing preference AND not everyone can have a beta AND not everyone's first language is English, so this is VERY VERY personal and subjective... Please don't take my word as gospel.
For me, immediately, it's primarily grammar mistakes that take me RIGHT out of a story. I love grammar and spelling. Biggest one for me is – and I KNOW this is a stylistic thing, but it's the easiest thing to spot right away – are stories written in ALL lowercases and no line breaks for dialogue. It bothers the snot out of me and will pull me right out. I don't read stories if I can see the first few paragraphs beyond intros (because sometimes it IS a style choice for the intro part of a story). The story has zero capital letters starting new sentences... I don't know WHY it bothers me, but it does. Lowercase titles don't bother me, just the full story itself. BUT a lowercase title usually has me clicking warily into a story. The lowercase stories with poor line breaks is usually the no-go for me.
Following that, also grammar-wise, is if the author uses "it's" vs "its". My brain always separates contractions, so I will stop DEAD in reading to try to make sense of "the dog wagged it is tail". I can't help it, I wish I could read past it without noticing it, but I do, and I can't fix my brain from doing that. In the same vein, is if the author uses "wary" vs "weary". I know "lay" and "lie" is big for many but it's one of the few that don't bother me. Basically, if an author uses the wrong spelling of a same-but-different-word.
And finally, because I got spoiled with AO3, is improperly-tagged fics, or when an author "tumblr-tags" a fic... With the latter, it just effs up the search results, stop doing it, I don't want to read through all of it to find the 3 actual tags on a fic for the fic, Tumblr-talk in the notes of your story, that's what it's for. For the former, I've read stories that "are worried about spoilers!" so they don't tag the big triggering event in their story and I've genuinely stopped and never read stories by authors ever again because of it. I GET not wanting to spoil a story, but I don't want to be reading a fic that is progressing along as a fluff and adventure fic and then suddenly Sherlock is a serial killer.
I don't know, spoiled, first-world problems, I know. AND I DO read fics that don't have tags, but I go into those stories knowing anything-goes based on whatever it's rated. It's when a story HAS tags, that doesn't tag certain things because "spoilers" well, it defeats the purpose of having a tagging system.
Again, pretentious douchecanoe, I am, I guess.
Bleh, aside from those, really nothing else... It's all mainly grammar issues for me.
AGAIN I want to stress – since I do have a few authors who follow me – this is ALL personal and NOT everyone has these issues, so take what I say with a grain of salt.
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simpforchuchu · 2 years
I read your Platonic!Hyuga with his older sis (And Rocky). And I love itt!!!
I was thinking about Murayama since this man is just straight up... man-child... Anyways!!
I imagine that when fights between sword and Mighty over, Y/N came to check her lil bro and Rocky while she was checking on them Murayama shamelessly come and whining about how hurts his hands is (that mf's hands literally full of blood) and asking to patch him up (Y/N mother instinct instantly kick in of course she would agree)
I dunno about Rocky but he probably jealous...a bit..??
But Hyuga? If stare could kill, Murayama would die in miserable ways
And Murayama looking at them and just like :D
Could you write little scenario of this? Have A Nice Day!! XD
('M sorry, my English is suck)
Platonic!Murayama x Hyuga's Older Sister x platonic!Hyuga x Rocky
a/n: okay, I had SO MUCH FUN while writing this. My 3 favorite leaders are in the same story jdkdkkf It was a great request, I hope you like it ♥️🥳 More H&L requests !! (Sword gangs, Amamiyas, Oya and Housen High Students and Hope Hill 6)
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: none
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When the fight was over, the leaders were proudly looking at each other. Everyone looked at each other and smiled at the news of victory. And at that moment, a voice was heard.
"Where is that little bastard?"
Everyone looked in that direction as the woman shouted from afar. The Daruma leader knew who she was as soon as he heard the voice. Rascals too.
Koo appeared next to the young woman, trying to block and stop her.
"Y/n-san! Please calm down! It's dangerous for you to be here."
Koo swallowed, looking seriously terrifying as the young woman turned her head to look at the man trying to stop her.
Rocky looked at Hyuga and shook his head. He took a few steps forward and when Y/n saw her boyfriend, she quickly rushed towards him.
Closing the distance between them, she quickly moved forward to the tall man in front of her and stopped in front of him. Seeing the scars on her lover's face, she softened a little and nervously put her hand on his chest and whispered.
"Are you okay ?"
Rocky smiled and nodded. Y/n let out a sigh of relief and frowned again.
"You're getting into such a dangerous fight and you won't tell me? For God's sake Rocky! Do you realize how much you worry me?"
When Rocky saw how serious and frightened the young woman was, he was upset and shook his head.
"I just wanted to protect you, you know-"
Before he could finish, the young woman sighed and wrapped her arms around the man across from her.
"I am glad you are well" Rocky smiled and wrapped his arm around his girlfriend, kissed her hair and laughed.
"I know you're angry, but I still don't like it when you call me a bastard."
Y/n quickly broke away from him and chuckled
"I wasn't actually talking about you-"
Hyuga couldn't take this soggy scene any longer and called out.
"Hey Nee-san! I'm here too, you know..."
Her eyes twitched and she spoke angrily at the voice that interrupted her sentence.
"There's the bastard I was talking about!"
Rocky watched the young woman in surprise as y/n angrily left him. Watch y/n walk up to her brother and shout
"You! You're the biggest idiot I've ever seen, Hisa! How could you join such a big fight without telling me!"
Hyuga grimaced at his older sister's shrill voice
"Hey, you're so loud. I'm fine, don't worry!"
Hyuga grins as Y/n looks at him with disappointment.
"I'm really fine nee-chan, let's go home. I want to sleep."
Y/n rolled her eyes and looked around. Everyone had scars and bruises on their faces. She thought they were all stupid.
Hyuga smiled, putting the Daruma jacket on his sister's shoulders and ruffling her hair.
"Lets go"
Y/n nodded "I'm going with Rocky today, see you tomorrow."
As Hyuga rolled his eyes, y/n hit his arm and turned around.
Just then, she turned her head to the left at the sound she heard.
Y/n looked at the young man approaching him and pursing his lips and pouting. He had scars on his face like the others.
"Murayama-kun! Are you okay?"
Murayama nodded and showed his hands.
"Y/n-nee, my hands... my hands hurt so much..."
Y/n looked at the boy and his hands. Her eyes opened wide and she shouted in a shrill voice.
"Oh my god! My poor baby! What happened to you? Do you want me to patch them up?" Murayama smiled broadly and nodded his head as Y/n put his hands on Murayama's cheeks and shouted. Y/n smiled and squeezed the young man's cheeks and pulled her hands away.
Murayama smiled and bowed slightly. He loved his y/n-nee very much and loved to be pampered by her. But there was something he didn't realize.
Turning his head, he saw Rocky scowling at him and Hyuga looking like he was going to kill him, and he grinned innocently. Y/n took his arm and walked him towards the other two
"Hey Rocky, I'm going to patch this poor guy's hands first. Then I'll come to Heaven, okay?"
Rocky knew how motherly and helpful his girlfriend was. He sighed and said nothing as he knew she had absolutely no bad intentions. He was jealous and wanted to beat up that stupid brat, but he gave up and nodded his head lightly.
Y/n smiled and turned to her brother. Hyuga turned to her sister with a scowl and sarcastic tone.
"You know I have scars too, right?"
Y/n gave a smirk and turned serious when she noticed the jealousy in Hyuga's voice.
"If you can go without telling your sister, you can bandage your wounds yourself."
As Y/n raises an eyebrow, Hyuga rolls his eyes and gives Murayama another deadly look.
"Let's go Murayama-kun"
Murayama nodded his head excitedly and followed y/n. He looked back for a while and swallowed as Hyuga's hand went his throat and pretended to cut it. I guess he had made new enemies now...
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blackjackkent · 2 months
OK, more Rakha adventures. I'm kind of torn on what to do next here.
I'd honestly really like to take her down to the teahouse to deal with Ethel because I'm intrigued by the weirdly positive conversation they had in the refugee camp, but Ethel is still several levels above us. Same with the other thing Rakha is most interested in at present, which is going to kill the fake paladins chasing Karlach.
So I think our best bet is to clear out the blighted village and head straight for the goblins in the temple right now, and then circle back to everything else.
And the first thing we run into in wandering the village iiiiiiis...
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Poor old Barcus.
Not a scene Rakha is easily able to parse at a glance. Several goblins, calling up mockingly at another creature - equal size, with grey-blue skin - tied to the enormous windmill in front of them and screaming as it spins.
One of the goblins looks over with a nasty smile as Rakha approaches.
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"Look what we got here! Another little birdie wantin' to fly!"
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"Stop this thiiiiiiiiiing!" screams the creature on the windmill with abject panic.
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The goblin laughs gleefully. "Yehehehehe - flap those wings some more an' I'll feed you a worm!" he crows. His eyes narrow at Rakha. "An' you - hope you got a stomach for heights!"
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She doesn't overly care about the tied up creature - but the goblin's mocking tone is unmistakable, as is his air of menace. Goblins, she has learned, are already an acceptable and satisfying target, and this one is making an effort right from the jump to rouse her anger.
It mocks us. Kill. Bleed. Destroy. The beast stirs excitedly.
Were she a calmer person, unburdened by the blood-hungry voice behind her eyes, she might spare a moment to wonder how this little pipsqueak intends to make good on his threat. But she is not, and suddenly all she can focus on is the clean and obvious line of his neck where the right pressure would snap--
Attack the goblins.
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(A/N: I forgot that I left off yesterday having just done the other fight with the Blighted Village goblins, so Rakha had no spell slots left and charged in blindly with only cantrips. Luckily, all my most ill-advised combat choices are still perfectly in-character for her. XD Also luckily, getting Fezzerk down to low health ends the combat early.)
The battle is short and brutal; Wyll follows up with an eldritch blast on the group's leader to supplement Rakha's opening electric shock, and he folds like tissue paper.
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"Stop! I give up!" the goblin yelps, scrabbling backwards out of reach of Rakha's still-glowing hands. "M-mercy! Please!"
He squirms nervously, peering up at Rakha with a desperate, pleading gaze, all the bravado gone. "I know things," he says eagerly. "If you let me live, I'll make it worth your while. I p-promise!"
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Rakha hesitates. The beast is not yet sated, and won't be by anything less than this creature's blood spattered out through the dirt. But he promises knowledge. Answers. Is it possible he knows something she needs?
"Talk and you might live," she says sharply; her voice strains with the effort of holding the beast in check. "If it's worth my while."
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The goblin brightens, sensing hope. "M-my lot are camped nearby!" he stammers out. "I can get you inside. No hassle! You can loot it, do whatever! There's a hidden path, p-past the bridge into the camp. Over to the side before you reach the first guards. Easy!"
Rakha's eyes narrow. Useless. This is not the information she wants - about herself, about the tadpoles, even about the Absolute these goblins apparently follow. All he offers is a way to avoid a fight.
Of all things, Rakha does not want to avoid a fight.
No mercy. Kill the goblin.
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The goblin's eyes widen with a moment of pure, exhilarating terror.
"No, wait--" he starts to scream, but the words are cut off into a bubbling gurgle as Rakha's dagger, in her hand in an instant, sinks through his throat. Warm blood spills over her hand and for a moment she is conscious only of the smell of flesh and iron as everything else fades from her.
She comes back to herself kneeling at the goblin's side, staring at his corpse. The others have scattered in terror, and the only remaining sound is the windmill's implacable creaking.
Good... the beast purrs, satisfied.
She does, in the end, let the gnome down, more for curiosity's sake than anything else.
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"Urrrgh. Magga cammara... those pustulent thugs!" He squints up at her warily. "Well. Get on with it! Whatever you are."
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"Get on with what?" Rakha asks, puzzled.
"You saved me," the gnome says with exaggerated patience. "Now you'll extort me. That's how this works, yes?"
Perhaps to her credit, this hadn't even occurred to Rakha. As always, the low-level simmering desire to kill still sits at the back of her mind, but taking his money wasn't even on her radar. "You owe me nothing," she says, as if confused how he came to this conclusion.
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"Nothing?" the gnome says, startled.
Rakha blinks once, then again. "I... *could* extort you, if that's what you want?" she says uncertainly.
He straightens up and scowls in evident irritation. "You're teasing me now," he says. "I'm certain of it. Take my pack, if you can find it. The only reason those goblins caught me was its weight. I'll travel lightly from now on."
Teasing? Rakha had meant the comment entirely seriously. But she just shrugs and doesn't argue the matter, but turns and walks away without another word, leaving the gnome dusting himself off and muttering irritated nonsense behind her.
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haro-hawayu · 8 months
CCS: Clear Card Ch. 78
Chapter 78!!! Waaaa I got so busy the past week that I finally had time to check out the chapter today. The latest chapter can be found on CLAMP-net’s YouTube Channel. As always, please check out @meimi-haneoka's post on the latest chapter for EN-JPN translation differences!!
Links for previous chapter reactions can be found here.
Reading Reactions:
Sakura looks soooooo pretty on the cover!! I love the glowy lights!! It makes everything look so ethereal and soft.
Okay so it's not that he was JUST running away, but also wanted to save Akiho from danger, I'll give you that Kaito, I'm sorry for doubting you lol.
I'm so glad we get a chance to hear Akiho's thoughts now, speak up and say more!!! T^T
BLINK! I love the details of his eyes, even though he's not speaking, he's still conveying SO much!
Ahhhh I'm getting teary-eyed from this scene!!
Akiho knows she would never have asked for her memories of Kaito "whoever this is" to be erased.
I love how it's worded too (not leaving someone behind/removing oneself) and I hope there's no major translation discrepancies here...
Waaaa Lilie!! I love how things are starting to piece together now.
Rewind! Syaoran's reaction is kinda funny.
Wahhhh I'm teary-eyed again TuT
Kaito!!! I was so scared the chapter would end before he appears in human form!! THEY MEET!!!!!
Oh noo the wings stayed, but... but look really cool on him tho.
YES Akiho!!! You tell him all those things right now!!
Tell her your name!! LET HER SCOLD YOU!!
I'm crying so much this chapter. Ahhh. ><
Man, I knew it wasn't gonna last long enough for the danger to get resolved, but it could've ended in a more cliffhanger-way, and I'm glad we were spared... for now.
There was so much happening! I got teary-eyed maybe 3 times reading this chapter, and 100% emotional and kinda crying as I'm thinking and writing about my thoughts.
I'm so happy that Akiho has her moment to finally say all the things she wants to say, even though she still doesn't have all her memories there. I think it's great that Kaito is finally listening, not running away, not stopping her, and only saying what's important. Like how he felt like it wouldn't have been necessary for him to be in that rewritten world. Even though those thoughts of his are wrong, it's important that Akiho is hearing this, so that she can respond to him with what he needs to hear (and she most wants to say). That he is her most important person, that he didn't have to do that (removing himself, her most impt person) just to ensure her happiness, and that she rather live in a world (even though things may be way more painful) WITH her most important person by her side. Ugh, these are the words that they both needed: for Kaito to hear, and for Akiho to declare. And omgsh, I'm tearing up just thinking about how Akiho's reflecting on the happiness that she was basking in (with friends and "family") but how she doesn't want that if it was all false, and she doesn't want that if her most important person isn't there. THERE'S SO MUCH MORE TO UNPACK REGARDING AKIHO AND KAITO BUT I DON'T HAVE THE WORDS?!!! I hope after they all get their memories back, that they can have a proper follow-up conversation. I need this to happen even though I know I'll be a sobby mess when it happens.
I also absolutely loved it that Sakura is encouraging them with her "you'll definitely be alright" spell! YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED BY OUR PROTAG!!!!!! My heart just felt all super warm and hanyannnn that Sakura can be that voice of courage for others. It just shows how much our little 4th/5th grader has come along since the original CCS, and how much she has grown within the Clear Card series. I'm so very excited (but a little worried) to see the extent of Sakura's magical prowess as she's trying to figure out what to do to fix the time stuff.
Now, it's time for me to like recover from this chapter. It was just so much, so good, but so much XD
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sheena-yuet · 2 years
George began to chant the air around him moved strongly as if preparing to fullfil his desire.
All Dream could do was stare amazed and fearfully at the elf as he felt the stronger presence of magic surround him, soon the elf's loud chanting began to quiet down until nothing, and suddenly Dream felt nothing as well, nothing constraining him.
As George finished the chanting he was out of breath, honestly a little bit tired, since magic made to trap giants were stronger then most normal spells mainly because giants themselves are strong beings.
George turned back towards Dream, who just stared at him, George wasn't as skilled at picking up on emotions as elf didn't really show it, he couldn't tell if he was fearfully, confused or well he doesn't know what else there could be.
But George wanted to make sure that the spell worked and didn't leave anything, no hidden curses and such, he moved closer and the giant flinches away.
George titled his head confusedly,
"I'm just checking, making sure your alright."
He said plainly
Dream just starred before hesitantly placing his hand out towards the small elf, hand towering over him.
"Is that all you need?"
George nodded looking up.
George moved forward, touching the giants skin and closed his eyes, Dream felt warmth radiate through his hand then up his arms and then to the rest of his body before he knew it the warmth that felt so comfortable faded and a soft voice said
Dream looked shocked quickly looking at his hand as if he would be able to see the magic that had just flowed through him.
George nodded, pulling the hood back over his ears turning around back facing the giant.
"Your fine , I'll be of."
Before George could even take his first step the giants voice softly said
George turned back around confusedly
"Why, are you feeling unwell?"
(That's all I got sorry for the poor writing it's 2:40AM I'm tired, this is just an idea inspired by your work, please excuse any spelling mistakes and grammatical errors as I am tired.)
O.M.G. THIS IS SO GOOOOOOOOD!!!mua mua mua <3 Same here writing at 2am gang ahahaha
I really like that the way how George speaks just simple and short ,just get to the point. And dream is just like so scared of him right now ahaha kinda cute xD
And really thankful for extending my story qwq! It means to me a lot <3
Don’t know how to show how thankful I am, I drew some scene from the extent content! But idk how to put them together with the inbox grey box like they would separate :p I’m try my best. They all kinda rough cuz I don’t really have enough time for doing the line art oof
As George finished the chanting he was out of breath, honestly a little bit tired, since magic made to trap giants were stronger then most normal spells mainly because giants themselves are strong beings.
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George turned back towards Dream, who just stared at him, George wasn't as skilled at picking up on emotions as elf didn't really show it, he couldn't tell if he was fearfully, confused or well he doesn't know what else there could be.
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But George wanted to make sure that the spell worked and didn't leave anything, no hidden curses and such, he moved closer and the giant flinches away.
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Dream just starred before hesitantly placing his hand out towards the small elf, hand towering over him.
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George moved forward, touching the giants skin and closed his eyes, Dream felt warmth radiate through his hand then up his arms and then to the rest of his body before he knew it the warmth that felt so comfortable faded and a soft voice said
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George nodded, pulling the hood back over his ears turning around back facing the giant.
"Your fine , I'll be off .”
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raraavisalterego · 29 days
To the Wonder (2024) Ep1
(A quick intro)
So i have to say i went into this drama with high expectations based on the cast, the cannes and peoples opinion i had seen. And i was a bit meh in the beginning. The first 2 eps are the lowest point of the drama (which is not bad by any means) but i really enjoy it as a whole. I´d say i enjoy it more than the actual quality of it, like it is good but its better for me because i like it, know what i mean?
I will be writing this as i rewatch . Also like im not going to spell/grammar check this so there may be mistakes
(lets get into it, its going to be loooong and SPOILERS)
"So in the coldest and longest days in winter, no set of footprints can lead to my home"
I really like the intro, gurl set that tone
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Damn 3mins and im already glad that i am rewatching, the birch!
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(just coping this here for later)
But i do find it curious that an young artist does not know what they want, how does one experience the feeling of wanting to create without a vision of ones creation? i guess insecurity plays a part on it but its something you dont see often
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the way the camera panned here made me think this lady was going to be someone later on, is she the writer-housewife? ill see
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Girl we will be able to tell... An yet (i am not knowledged in how altay is) one would think that the county seat is still quite "rural" for how city-like they have written Wenxiu to be, and eh i dont know if its the same in the novel but its definately something that made me go ??? at some moments later
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the icon, the legend, speak your truth
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and now this rat
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we will get back to virginia woolf later on, nice
also another note, for someone who loves writting we never see her read, but there is a respect conveyed with straightening the frame that i liked
ok now we are on the village
Like why are we saying hello in mandarin to the neighbours. Here we have thing nº1 that bothered me: you live here, maybe before in a less rural area but still, and you dont know shit in kazak. And i get that she is han, that at home and at the school she went they spoke in mandarin, that they are closed off in their communities, that everyone has to adapt to them and not the other way around. But with all this considered i would still expect her to know some, like a greeting, like thank you. If this is what is normal irl yikes.
Because i understand its use to define a line and she is written to make the viewer feel like an outsider, but too much. Write her a greating please cmon. An ick of mine. Lets move on
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We go from watching wuxia on tv to nature documentary to 200m dash, who told you to change the channel!
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Exactly: baby. (but i feel this is a minstraslation)
Good point to talk about thing nº2 that bothered me. (it looks like im only talking shit but trust i love this). Ok this happened mainly before starting to watch it. I read the sinopsis and it says Yushi is playing Batay a kazakh and im like wait a minute, he is not. I liked him a lot on fengshen and i knew he can ride a horse pretty well an that is a positive here. So when i started watching and i hear him talk im surprised by the quality of the dubbing, he has the same voice! Then i found out its actually him, nice, another positive. Overall, would i wish that the main actor was kazakh? yes; where the chances high for that? no; am i satisfied with the end result? pretty much.
Also i find him really atractive so...
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XD. But its a real thing.
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Ok they have mentioned the county they live in: fuyun, total population of the county 99k, 54% kazakh. Point nº1 stands.
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"We are practically living like vagrants" watch what you say, in a couple eps you will be all in for that seminomadic life bby
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meandmyechoes · 5 months
King-Ohger ep44
Onii- stops himself
roboles husty XD
yeah yanma how did you get the emblem if your king ran away?
they kept the ball on untransformed rita thank you TT
everyone is so pretty in the OP shots and there's gira
ah Racles's still not in the OP yet.
I'm so jealous of the Tokyo Tower event :(
Oh gosh I love Himeno's dress so much. a ballet vibe.
"let's become one then. let's hold shoulders." "It's not going to be that literal."
oh yesss it's getting spicy~~!
omg. 王之氣度
like Gira, Racules kneeled for an apology - but only on single-kneel and he didn't bow all the way to the ground. Also he kept the langugae exteremly formal and official.
why did you guys even go with Yanma's idea.
that convinced me balloon-hammer is a game popular across all chikyu for y'all to agfree with it.
WAIT Rita just called him "Silver" XD -> nope heard it wrong it's 審判 shinpan
yo Kaguragi that's so dirty why did you bring out people's parents
you know that's not gonna work she's a lesbian TT
the nazo fist pose in show TT
"No need for you, Tool" Rita is so- so cool when they are cold <- lost cause.
the stream broke when Yanma snapped his fingers-
omg yanma??? r u ok??
but yeah very captivated by his mad scientist quality and any of them from the start could be wild with unchecked power
He's not turning PEOPLE into shugod souls right????
okay i'm getting chills now…
"Yanma, you are a king too! You should know only to use the power to protect the people!"
oh god god… redblue
skapon tanuki and his tako menchi…
her spells work on herself too?!
oh bye bye you're dead when you grow giant
finally that bitch DIES
dancing to Try & Fight
I missed you King-Ohger TT
wait we haven't solved the "power residing in king's emblem" plot yet.
It's bit of a let down (then whatever is) from ep39 but I don't really mind as long as that leech DIES
hehe CEYS live broadcast.
goods lineup too so tell us a certain idol will be singing
ooooh they are talking about ep17 good i need to savour this asap
"onegai da." clutches heart
oh god, it's such a nice wrap up for Yanma to propose a re-form as the one who broke the alliance in the first place.
"Did you get brainwashed?" lmao
they. suzuracs are already in so-married phase.
thank you for the material adding to yuzuki rita voice comparison.
the first kings divided the power so they can keep each other in check and when they unite again they can achieve the ultimate power of the cosmos
the back shot of them in jail TT
"reach pass 2000 years" TT
yess basically everything I asked for last night THANK YOU.
besides Gira, Kaguragi is the second one that alaways put "people" on his lips so I'm curious about how he'll contrast with Rita who has no people that love them. Thank you Rita manga for the call and response with TV.
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Scary as a sleepy kitten
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When - 10 or so minutes after He hasn't been himself, which takes place during the Chupacabra episode of Season 2
What - the finishing touches on Daryl's medical care, how Andrea's handling almost mistakenly killing the guy. You assure her that he's about as scary as a sleepy kitten right then. Then, there's digesting big bro Shane's descent from morality along with Daryl's simultaneous growth in it. Bonus is a hint regarding the Greene's barn. So sad there aren't any barn cats in there anymore, wonder what happened...
Genre - a little angsty, a little fluffy, a little found-family.
Who - You, Mangy Hick (that's Daryl), Patricia, Andrea, Papa Dale and his not good book, and sweet little Beth (who's got the same headcanon from the Fabulously Confident Reader stories about liking choose-your-own-adventure books)
Perspective - 2nd person, and 3rd Daryl
Pronouns - did GN again this time
TWs - some language, otherwise you just have a brief blow-up. The day's been something else, y'all
Length? - 10-15 minutes
References - when Daryl made that funny in Like a traditional Sunday dinner, the incident with Ed as seen in "Deserved" Part 1 but mostly Part 2 and its cooldown in It's not the end of the wo - oh. There's the continuation of big brother Shane's descent, a slow progression in a bulk of the chapters. Be sure to check out Invisible Tugging Strings, Part 1 and Part 2 , then Spell your last name, please. as well as He hasn't been himself
Official Masterlist here (find fabulously confident reader there!) and the Chronological Slowpoke Masterlist here
have fun and happy reading!
Apologies for the lengthy delay, slowpokes, my brain has been on power-saver for about a month, might could be evident in the chapter, too XD
“Guess I'll just move this arm like a robot—oh-ho, check it, I can still do the tomahawk chop, y’all!”
And yeah, then his friend proceeds to make barely one and a half chops before wincing. The slight pout that forms afterward makes him want to smile, it’s damn cute.
“Hurt more than I thought it would.”
The twangy blonde lady looks entertained. “Tell me why, Y/N.”
Their pout turns more embarrassed. “…Movin’ the forearm requires these here muscles.”
He liked that their accent revved up more with the blonde lady—sorry, her name’s Patricia, he knows, got it.
“Which affects what?” Patricia asks.
“My shoulder and chest.”
“Which are injured and got irritated something serious today, along with what I’m fairly sure is maybe your C6 and 7, maybe the T1, whenever you first got hurt.”
“Yes, ma’am,” they mumble.
Stop thinking Y/N looks cute. Also, what were those letter-number things?
Sighing, his friend stares at their upper arm.
So, during the, like, he doesn’t know, 5 minutes or whatever it was when the old man helped him slump to the bathroom so he could finally take a piss, Y/N’s upper arm was wrapped to their torso to prevent them from hurting it more. They keep overdoing it, and they keep taking their damn sling off, so Patricia made a compromise, he guesses.
And after doing a modeling-pose type thing with their wrapped arm and asking who was wearing their gauze better, them or him, Y/N immediately tried to do the tomahawk chop and move like a robot and why is he finding that so damn cute right now?.
Patricia winks at Y/N. “Name some of the muscles up there and I won’t put the rest in a sling."
“Ooh, bicep, tricep,” basics out of the way. “This, um, one of these over here is the brachialis, this is the deltoid, the teres major’s under here.” You got that muscle wrong on an anatomy midterm back during college and never forgot about it. “This here is the trapezius.” Because the dudes who do the trapeze at the circus got real big ones (or at least that’s how you remember it). “And, well, the clavicle is this bone, so the bone under it is the scapula, which means right about here’s the subscapularis muscle,” that she said you may have hurt, “Oh, duh, then ‘the major one is the pectoralis.’ And—”
“—Okay, no sling.”
Phew. “Thank you!”
“For now, anyway. Meanwhile, Hersh is givin’ me a look, let’s get to cleaning our friend, here.”
The funny part is, as Patricia left, she made a face and said, “I don’t remember most of the muscle or bone names, I just took Y/N's word for it. Now, Daryl, don’t go gettin’ out of bed, stay put.”
Now he’s finally laying down, nothing else to be done to him. He’s so damn tired.
He’s scrubbed up, too. Got a big-ass bandage over his head, wrapped all around. That was a trip; Patricia and Y/N washed his head and neck over a bowl. He counted the seconds til it was over, half-listened to whatever they were chatting about to distract himself.
Once he was bound up like a cartoon character and given instruction to not get it wet, Hershel came back and walked him to the bathroom again, this time to clean everything else off.
There was a little stool thing in the shower, with the shower hose on the ground instead of hanging. “Don’t get your head or the bandage wet. There's a waterproof cover over the dressing on your side that you'll have to remove when you're finished. Now, I imagine you prefer total privacy, but if you need the help, I can assist, or I can get your friend Theodore, if your prefer.”
The simple response “I’ll be outside the door, Daryl,” surprised him. Made him feel stupid and ashamed and comforted all at the same time.
And he…he needed the damn help. Ain’t like the old guy hadn’t seen his back already, anyway.
Still, the old man mostly stayed behind the shower curtain at his request, and he didn’t see his junk or nothing, Daryl made sure to keep himself covered.
Part of him felt like some pathetic little cat getting a flea bath.
Today was something else.
So goddamned tired…
Not 15 minutes went by since he was escorted to the washroom and now he’s fast asleep under the sheets.
Lori and you stayed inside with Carl (and Daryl), and Carol and Rick brought in plates of food into the house for the four of you.
Carol cooked up some jerky with an egg for Daryl as a special treat with the rest of his meal. Menu for tonight is peanut butter sandwiches (sort of, they’re on saltines), hard-boiled eggs (not soft-boiled, you checked this time), with sauteed field greens.
Your poor friend must be ravenous, but it looks like tiredness won this round. He looks so different asleep. Sweet, even. It's silly, but his light snores almost sound like purring and now you're thinking about kittens.
Another moment in the quiet, and you figure you shouldn’t stand there like a weirdo anymore.
Well, his egg and the peanut butter sandwiches will keep until he wakes up, and the jerky and egg will taste great either way, but his portion of sauteed field greens won’t be nice cold. You’re only a little bummed when you slide your portion of little sandwiches onto his plate and take his portion of greens. He’s earned extra treats, he can have all the peanut butter he wants after what he found today.
You inhale deeply. Exhale slowly. Close your eyes and ask inwardly for help after offering more thanks that he came back alive, and found concrete proof of Sophia.
It’s nice to be in the quiet. It feels safer better to be away from Shane right now, too. You aren’t sure what you’re going to do about the sleeping situation other than tell your brother to set up his own tent.
You also take one of the cracker sandwiches, it’s been a rough day. But when you start to nibble on it…your appetite is gone. Which is so dumb, dude, you’d been stoked at the thought of chowing down when you were high on Daryl being okay and having found Sophia’s doll.
Daryl’s chest rises and falls. You listen to his light snores, and find it, as Amy would’ve said, “interesting,” (but understandable) that your stomach has a few butterflies at seeing him so peaceful and still.
You miss Amy. Which prompts you to consider that you should check on Andrea. Earlier, Dale had come in and asked a bunch of questions for her because she was too ashamed to see people. From wherever she is right now, Amy is probably hoping you’ll help comfort her big sister.
Patricia stops you before you exit the house through the side-door. “Been meanin' to ask, I heard you tell your brother to get out, earlier. Everythin’ okay?”
That question was unexpected, words aren’t working for you. You shake and nod at the same time, which is weird, so, you open your mouth to fix it, but nothing formulates.
After a second try, all you can stumble through is “I don’t know, ma’am,” before ungracefully scooting outside.
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After 5 minutes of polite conversation on the steps, mainly between you and Dale regarding Daryl’s status, Andrea is still dumbfounded that she’d almost killed someone.
“He’s really okay?”
“He’s bandaged and resting now. You only winged him, but the falls he took earlier did the most damage, Andy.” You’re trying not to be angry with her, but failing. Which sucks, because you know she was trying to protect the group…
But that she still shot it even though it was against Mr. Greene’s wishes and she knew that indicates an unhealthy variety of pride. One can't be having that kind of attitude with a firearm, it ain't good. And Daryl was almost a casualty because of it.
And like, come on, there were five of you running toward her target, it was dangerous for her to attempt to shoot from that angle! Doesn’t she understand that’s irrespons—ugh, and isn’t Shane supposed to have been doing gun safety shit with her? Isn’t that his whole wannabe jarhead schtick—great, now you’re more upset about Shane!
“I’m glad you’re enjoying those, ” Dale tells you, nodding at your cracker and chuckling. “They’re the part of dinner I rushed to help make, this evening was…something.”
He shrugs, and you remember how Daryl grunted that today was ‘somethin’ else.’
“I suppose having spread the peanut butter on crackers was a small step up from offering it on spoons to everyone,” he muses.
You can’t help but hum, a spoonful of peanut butter sounds scrumptious right now. Makes a good breakfast or snack, too.
“Did Daryl eat enough?” Andrea worries. “Does he need anything?”
“He was asleep when I brought him his supper, but I left my portion of the crackers—minus this one—on his plate.”
“Come to think of it, I’m not sure he’s a fan of peanut butter,” Dale thinks out loud. “I offered him some for breakfast one morning, and now that I recall, he backed away from it.”
Not like peanut butter?
“—Oh my God, what if he’s he allergic?” Andrea breathes.
“Nah, he ate a peanut yesterday. I was havin’ one of the little packets for lunch and he tried one, he can’t be allergic,” you assure them. And surely he doesn’t not like peanuts. That would be so sad!
It gets quiet.
Andrea stares at her feet.
“I can’t believe almost killed him.” She inhales and buries her face in her hands. “I shot someone.”
And Dale is only meaning to ease her discomfort and add some levity—but whether it’s because of the new bond you have with Daryl, or maybe because here’s something of a flashback hitting you from how you’d had to actually shoot a living person a few months ago—when Dale jokes to you, “Like I told her, we’ve all wanted to shoot Daryl,” you become livid.
After two shallow breaths of your inner tea kettle screaming, this sentence: “Guess y’all will want sunshine over here to work on her aim, then,” seethes out as you stand and book it to the fields.
The past several days especially has shown you how wrong your initial conclusions about that man were. He’s a work-in-progress, make no mistake, but shit if he ain’t working on it!
Unlike your brother, who keeps getting worse, who just tried to flirt with Lori by saying he didn’t care about a missing, abused little girl—the same little girl Daryl was willing to almost die to find!
Horrified at Shane and about today; confused, embarrassed, overwhelmed, in pain, overtired, and therefore angry about everything, you walk, hyperventilate, and finally, quietly, start to cry.
Then you accidentally drop the peanut butter cracker and cry harder.
The light swish of your boots in the grass starts to crunch when you reach the sandy part by now-boarded-up well. You walk faster, neither wanting to be near the two-part walker inside nor in the area where apparently, Daryl dumped Merle’s ‘hard stuff,’ as he slurred to you earlier during his trauma assessment.
Soon you’re by the rocks you’d climbed the other night. You step up and sit on a lower one and sniffle another minute or so until the worst of it seems to have spilled out.
When will you get a better handle on your temper?
While you’re busy wallowing in self-pity, you notice Dale’s watch ticking and are reminded that you have to return it.
You stand.
Trudge back with your tail between your legs.
He and Andrea are still on the steps.
“I’m sorry. I let my anger get the better of me,” you tell them softly.
Dale waves you over. “Come back and sit if you like, kiddo. It’s been a long day.”
“It’s been somethin’,” you mumble. “And you aren’t a bad shot, Andrea, I was being snotty.” About an inch to your left and he’d have been a goner, you leave out.
“I’m glad I wasn’t as good a shot as I’d hoped,” she sounds ashamed to say. Her head is still hanging low when she makes a one-sided smile and taps the spot next to her. “Will you be helping with shooting practice tomorrow?”
“If that’s still on, yeah.” Shane was enlisting your help with that, which means you’ll have to act civil…ugh, why worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will worry about itself. You take the watch off, hand it to Dale. “Here you go, Mr. H.”
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“Ah, very good. I would hate to start losing track of the days, then we’d really be in for it. Let’s see…an hour until it’s time to wind her up.”
The breeze carries the smell of woodsmoke with it. You lean against Andrea for a moment, she leans back.
Then Shane comes into view.
When you catch his eye, you shake your head in warning in case he’s thinking about coming over and schmoozing with the others as if he didn’t just f—tomorrow will be better. Things will be better in the morning. He’ll apologize and things will be better and you’ll all have a good day and maybe Sophia will be found.
“Y/N, how about we talk later tonight?” Dale murmurs.
Did he see the face you made at Shane?
Best change the subject. “If we do, is it finally my turn to borrow that awful book I’ve heard so much about?”
“The Case of the Missing Man is not an awful book,” he chuckles back, then shrugs. “Maybe Jimmie Herron’s style isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. My Irma didn’t like his work, either.”
“Y/N, it’s really not great,” Andrea drones.
“Glenn said the same.”
“Amy had me read it so we could, um,” her gaze grows teary. She closes her eyes for a moment, then smiles and shakes her head. “‘Share the trauma.’”
You smile and shake your head, too. That sounds like Amy. “She finished it up in my tent while I was knocked out with a migraine, first thing out of her mouth to me when I woke up was how lame it was. Told me you had first dibs.”
“Then I lent it to T-Dog”
Oh, right. On the first half-week of the trek to Fort Benning, his nose was stuck in it. “He plowed on through it, didn’t he?”
“He wanted the torture to be over.”
You and she snort, Dale just chuckles again. “After you finish it, only Rick, and our young Carl—oh, and, uh your br—and Shane, they’ll be the only ones to not have done so.” He points his finger as if an idea just popped into his head. “But both Jacqui and Lori thought it was good.”
“Bless their hearts, they loved watching soaps, though, what does that tell us?” you giggle to them.
Dale lifts his hands in surrender. “See me later, troublemaker, I’ll lend you my ‘awful’ book and we can talk. I’m gonna hold you to it.” He looks at Andrea. “Young lady, will you be alright?”
“Yes. I'm just not ready to face anyone yet.”
“You know where to find me.”
She rests her arms on her knees and slouches again, stare fixed on nothing much. You go to rest your arms on your knees, too, and are immediately reminded that that particular position is a no-go for you right now.
“Y/N, after what happened with Ed, when did the feeling of wanting to hide go away?”
“Mine was an easier situation," you quietly point out. "And it wasn’t just me, Shane was the one who—" you grimace at the memory. "You were there.”
To answer her question, “But I guess it wasn’t til, y’know, I faced people again that I got I didn’t have to hide. Shane's sense of 'duty' helped, too. But after I talked to Carol, saw Sophia smile at me, when I knew they were on my side, I didn’t mind so much about the rest.”
“Pretty sure everyone was on your side with that,” she mutters. “For what I just did…”
“Pretty sure even Daryl will, um, well th-that you were tryin’ to protect the group.” …oof.
She lifts her eyebrows. “You aren’t good at lying, Y/N.”
It wasn’t a lie, per se. “Objectively, you were tryin’ to protect the group.”
“I wanted to feel in-control and like I could do it.”
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She admitted that? If only your brain could come up with something heartfelt or whatever the situation called for to convey how much humility from someone so confident and self-assured means, instead of this: “I wanna be on your apocalypse survival team.”
A sigh leaves her, and she simply asks, “Just let me know how furious he is with me. I'm dreading how he’ll be when he’s up. I'm a little scared, while I’m being honest.”
“You’re scared of him?”
She eyes you. “We’ve all seen how he can fly off his handle. He waved that knife at Rick and your brother, the axe at Jenner.”
Oh, right. That didn’t even consider cross your mind, that she’d be scared of his reaction to...being shot in the…head. Man, your brain is not working.
It can’t even configure a response again, now you’re just shaking your head like a confused mute.
“You don’t think I have to worry, Y/N?”
“No,” you answer truthfully. “You might would feel better if you saw him, he's probably up an eatin' dinner by now."
"I think now's too soon."
"Trust me, he’s holed up in bed now, he’s about as scary as a sleepy kitten.”
“Kittens have teeth and sharp claws,” she dryly states.
Your mind immediately hops to the exciting fact that you have yet to meet the Greene’s barn cat(s) as you stand and lead Andrea inside through the side door to get to Daryl’s room, waving to Beth reading her book as you pass.
“Beth, this is Andrea. Andrea this is Beth. She’s the one who made the pudding for Carl. She’s Mr. Greene’s youngest.”
Andrea smiles and goes in for a shake. Beth shyly waves, the returning of the handshake ending up as an awkward afterthought.
Sweet as she is, leaving her in peace is probably what she’s hoping for (the poor teenager’s home and front yard is full of wounded strangers).
And you almost make it through the full sentence before gasping in delight when you see what book she has.“We’re just checkin’ on Dar—is that a choose-your-own-adventure book??”
There was this loud noise in another room, woke him for a second. Y/N’s laugh stuck out from the other sounds.
While falling back asleep, he remembered how he'd made them laugh really loud when he ripped that $20 bill that night at the CDC. How they’d belly-laughed so hard at his dumb, tipsy-ass joke had felt so damned unexpectedly good.
He’s back asleep before the amount of pain he’s in can really register.
“I’ll bring it over after I talk to Mr. Horvath. He’s the older man in our group, I love him to pieces, you probably saw him in his bucket hat?” you tell Beth.
Jimmy apparently has been poking fun at her reading choose-your-own-adventure books to pass the time because they’re ‘for kids,’ so, lending him The Case of the Missing Man was decided to be the best way to get back at him.
You hope y’all didn’t wake Daryl, it’d gotten a little animated for a minute. To make up for it, you tiptoe when you trek down the hall to his room, Andrea and Beth behind you.
Beth left something of hers in there before he was brought in, but she was hesitant to go in there (which you praised, teenage girls and unknown older men don’t mix). Anyway, she was hesitant because she’s a little, um, well, kinda intimidated by him.
Andrea invited her to join you two, citing “Y/N says he’s as scary as a sleepy kitten right now.”
At his door, you knock lightly and call his name. Wait for an answer, try again.
Upon listening more carefully, his snores sound through the door and let you know he’s still asleep. Slowly, slowly, you open it.
As subtly as you can, you step into room and pull the sheet that had fallen down back over his shoulder before the girls see the scarring.
Daryl stirs, then grunts something incoherent as he flinches, blinks, and tries to turn toward you.
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“It’s just me,” you hush. “I was fixin’ your sheet, it’d fallen.” You tuck the sheet down over his shoulder, gently and slowly. “You’re safe in the Greene’s house. Go back to sleep, sweetheart.”
His muscles relax and he’s back to snoring before the pet name is finished slipping out of your mouth.
Still standing beside him, you watch his side rise and fall, rise and fall. Reminds you how grateful you are. He really does look so helpless and sweet right now.
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You notice Beth peeking back and forth between you and him, but she quickly looks away.
Poor buddy. If the man is this tired, he’ll rest better with closed curtains. He’s big on privacy, besides. Carefully, you start to draw them shut. Andrea joins.
Once they’re all pulled closed and the room is dimmer, she puts her hand on your arm and gently pulls you back into the hall, Beth leading the way. You make sure the door doesn’t make too much noise as it shuts.
“Thanks,” Beth whispers.
“Scary as a sleepy kitten, right?” Oh, that reminds you, “Y’all don’t have a barn cat or two, do you?”
“N-not anymore.”
Aw, that’s sad. “I’m sorry, little one.”
“Oh, um—d-don’t get too close to the big, shuttered barn, okay?” she rushes to add.
Before you can both nod and tell her ‘of course,’ she then stumbles through, “There’s—it’s—the, um—it’s just not real safe!”
She looks so freaked out and nervous that you forget you’re supposed to respond.
Lucky for you, Andrea, smooth as ever, assures her “We’ll let Carl know not play around there,” and starts to chat about how she “steers clear of old barns” ever since she spotted “the biggest rat I’ve ever seen come out of one at a company retreat,” while Patricia comes downstairs hugging to her side what looks like a wedding photo.
Beth scurries away, you make eye contact with Andrea, then Patricia gets your attention.
“Sweet pea, about tonight,” she begins, hands pressed together with her fingertips toward you. “Daryl’s gonna need to be checked on—”
“—Of course. I’ll stay with him. Please do me a list of what to check for and how often?”
“Will do. Try and borrow that big watch again, you’ll need it. Prolly will do well to have somebody else, maybe Carol to help. I'll go find her. You know, there’s an old air mattress in the attic, I’ll have Jimmy fill it up. Just go grab your sleeping bag,” she tells you.
“Thank you!” You’d been hoping for a way to avoid Shane all night. Is this a gift from above or something?
A reminder of, “Don’t use your injured side to carry your sleeping bag in,” from Patricia sends you on your way outdoors to retrieve your stuff.
The air is cooling off as the sun sets. The sky is a hazy orange-pink.
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“Y/N, I didn’t realize,” Andrea says, slowly walking beside you.
“Realize what?”
“You two.”
You, too? Is she talking about your shoulder, maybe? “What’d I do? Do you mean my wrapped arm?”
She peers at you, head tilted to the side. “You and Daryl,” she softly clarifies. “It was Dale who wondered first, after you had to excuse yourself.”
Me and Daryl? “What’d we do?” Perhaps she's referring to the search today? Andrea isn’t one to not speak her mind plainly, you wonder why she’s not being more succinct. She doesn't know about you having shot that guy. Dale has an idea, but he's tight-lipped about it.
“So, you and he…?” she trails off.
So, you start to fill her in about the search. “Before Daryl found the doll, we’d—”
—OH WAIT, now you get it!
(for those wondering, the tomahawk chop is something Georgia Braves fans do)
> Masterlist link here
and our teeny tiny taglist :D
@spenciepoo338 @its-freaking-bats​​​​ @whistlesalot​​​​ @buffy-the-assbutt-slayer​​​​  @dreamingaboutthewonderland @kwazii-kat​ @darylsmavis​​​​​  @outlanderhornet22​​​​​ @battinsonrobs @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @multiifandomhoe @writingmybeloved @boomergirl123 @iheartathena0 @moonliight-luv @suniloli
(inbox is open if you would like on or off the taglist, slowpokes. Please don’t feel bad or nervous if you don’t want to be tagged anymore,  just let me know, we’re all friends here and your comfort level is important!)  
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bl4cktourmaline · 7 months
Here are some more pjsk questions that anyone can answer >
Fav char from each unit? Fav vocal from each unit? Fav event frim each unit? Fav girl and boy char? Fav song from each unit?
My answers:
Fav char VBS = Toya WxS = Rui MMJ = Haruka N25 = Ena L/N = Saki
Fav vocal VBS =Toya (im def not biased) WxS = Rui (again totally nit biased) MMJ = Shizuku N25 I literally forgor how all of them sound except kanade- L/N same for N25
Fav event i only watch vbs and wxs events so and i havent even eatched all of them lol... VBS = Never Give Up Cooking WxS = Farewell Behind the Curtainfall(if that is what it was called)
Fav girl char is Emu, fav boy char is Toya
Again, i dont listen to many songs from MMJ or N25 (been trying to get intk mmj) and ive literally never heard any L/N songs besides some snippets. VBS = Crazy or Rad Dogs(xant choose....) WxS = What Kind of Ending Do You Want? MMJ = Float Planner N25 = Kanadetomosusura(how do u even spell that????)
I look forward to your guys' answers 🍜🍜🍜🍜
Omg more questions xD
Favourite characters from each unit:
L/N - Ichika, I don't know why but I just like her the most, since she is quite relatable to me ehe.
VBS - An!! She is just so pretty ajsbaidbksdb
MMJ - Haruka, woah we have the same favourite character for MMJ!!
WXS - Nene, though Rui is a close second!!
N25 - Mafuyu, thought they're all so loveable!! I can see why you like Ena!
Favourite vocals from each unit:
L/N - Ichika, her vocals are nice to listen too, I like shihos as well but to be honest, most songs barely has the other members singing in it, it's mostly Ichika. I would love to hear shiho sing more!!
VBS - Toya, his vocals are pleasing to listen to
MMJ - Shizuku, HER VOICE?! omg I love her voice in Shoujo rei.
WXS - Nene, I have basically almost every nene alt covers. I'm the biggest Nene fan!!/hj
N25 - Mizuki, their vocals just hit different. I love how they sang in Engeki
Favourite Event:
L/N - Don't lose faith!
VBS - Light Up the Fire
MMJ - Dear me, From Back Then
WXS - Desperate Times?! Island Panic!!
N25 - Farewell to My Persona
I think you can tell I like Angst events/j I love 'a sad farewell at the curtain call' too! But I like Island Panic more cause.. Nene xD
My favourite girl is a tie between Nene and Mafuyu and I like Rui the most for males!
Favourite songs from each unit:
L/N - Heartbeat #0822, ichika and honami just sync well in this song!!
VBS - Either Daybreak Frontlines or Devil's Manner are the only ones I like for VBS. I haven't heard Crazy yet though, I'll check it out soon!!
MMJ - Shoujo Rei definitely!!
WXS - At God's Mercy. This was practically the song that for me into PJSK if I'm being honest hehe.
N25 - Engeki, I can't tell you how many times I played this song on repeat xD
~ x/modmafuyu
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