#(but I've never been much of a bandwagon person anyway)
veinsfullofstars · 2 months
Art is happening, guys, don't worry. I just super fell down the writing hole recently (rare for me these days), and I have to put that fire to good use before it burns itself out again. You know how it is.
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notmaplemable · 6 months
Opinion on Arkos?
Ah Arkos, the ship that lives on long after being sunk.
But honestly, I would probably say it's the most well done romance in RWBY, despite the fact it never got past a kiss. For now at least.
And it's easy to see why Arkos is still so popular. Jaune and Pyrrha's personalities do work well together. Even if the initial attraction was fairly shallow, that tends to be the case usually anyways. And I do think that they did a pretty decent job of having Pyrrha and Jaune grow very close.
It's a cute ship. Lot's of great fan art and fics featuring it.
That being said, it is probably my second least favorite of all the Jaune x RWBY/JNPR ships. And it doesn't really have much to do with the ship itself.
You see, I didn't get into RWBY until Volume 7 was being released. And I was introduced to RWBY by a youtuber I watched at the time. I think it was some video about the volume 7 designs. So I kind of got spoiled on Pyrrha's death before I actually started watching the show.
Which has kind of resulted in me not really getting very attached to Pyrrha or really have much interest in any of her ships. The only exception to that being Greek Fire.
If I would've gotten into the show when it was first releasing, or just without spoilers, I probably would've liked it a lot more. I probably still would've preferred Lancaster, or I might have been pretty hard on the Gilded Rose bandwagon.
But the way I was introduced to Arkos, I think it serves it's purpose well. I'd kind of prefer if they actually let Pyrrha rest in peace, but that doesn't have much to do with the ship itself. But I have little interest in writing any sort of long farm narrative with it or really seeking out any fan content of it.
Also it suffers the cardinal sin of being a partner-ship. So that's an automatic -1 for me.
Also I find the trope of Jaune never really moving on from Pyrrha to be annoying. But I've never really been a fan of angst for the sake of angst anyways, so eh.
So in conclusion, Arkos is probably the most well done ship in RWBY at the moment, but due to a lot of external factors I don't really care about it that much.
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juneviews · 7 months
Wanted to start this by saying that I usually agree with your opinions (or even when I don't, I can at least see where you're coming from) but that's not the case when it comes to your opinion on Only Friends because I completely disagree and just wanted to add my two cents. You said that it wasn't relatable to the queer community but I'm sorry, the queer community isn't a monolith, there isn't one universal way that every single queer friendship group functions. Just because it wasn't relatable to your experience, it doesn't mean that it wasn't relatable to many other queer people's experiences. For example, one of my friend groups consists of gay men and the stories they've told me (and some of which I witnessed with myself)? Not that far off from OF (aka everyone getting with everyone, behind people's backs as well, and most of them are still on friendly terms now). It's perfectly fine that you didn't personally relate but you can't say no queer person/community did.
I also saw depth to a lot of characters and I could relate to several of them in different ways and everything in the finale made sense to me for those characters. For me it achieved what it set out to do: entertain, while also make me connect/care about some of the characters. It didn't do that for everyone (you included) but please don't claim it's a "bad show" as a general statement just because you didn't get anything out of it because a lot of people did. (My friend who struggles with depression and is currently going through a depressive slump found comfort in seeing Ray progress to a point where he's much happier at the end of the series because it gives her hope that she can get to that point soon too.)
Is Only Friends a brilliant, amazing, showstopping, incredible show? No. But it's not bad, far from it. It certainly has its flaws but the sudden hate it's getting is not warranted imo.
hi, first of all, it's fine to disagree lol, though it's always a bit jarring to me when people feel the need to let me know they disagree with me bc clearly we simply have a different taste & opinion. when I share my opinion about a show, I do it on my blog but never go on others' blogs to either defend a show I liked or trash a show I didn't like, but anyways. I have NEVER, EVER said that the queer community is a monolith & that all queer representation needs to be relatable to ME. in fact, a lot of my favorite queer media are HIGHLY UN-relatable to me lol. I never implied that only friends' flaws comes from it being unrelatable or unrealistic? in fact I believe it to be realistic since it's made by queer men & has recurring topics that p'jojo especially has used in previous shows of his, especially since the story of only friends is inspired by real-life events. in fact I said that I WISH they'd have leaned into the queer community aspect of it even more bc it was the one point in which this show differentiates itself from friend zone, so yeah. don't really know where you got that notion from. secondly, like it or not, I can claim any shows I've watched are bad in my opinion. once again, media is subjective & I did not like only friends so for me it IS a bad show. is it the worst? no. did I HATE it? no. did I have a good time in front of it? also no. also from a writing standpoint I'm sorry it IS objectively bad and FAILED at what it set out to do, especially considering the show itself doesn't seem to know what it set out to do in the first place. moreover, sudden hate? I've been criticizing only friends since it started airing lol, I'm not jumping on any bandwagon, and in fact it's more so the fandom that's catching up to the fact that this show is not very good. now, I'm genuinely glad that this show helped you & your friend and that you liked it! that's great, of COURSE this show is gonna have its fans, and in fact it has a lot of them! however it seems to me as if you've taken my (justified) criticism of the show to heart for a reason that only you fully know, and I hope you can investigate why that is. I truly value you as a long time follower of mine & I hope you can agree to disagree with me on that one even though I must admit this ask seems a bit jarring & personal to me. wish you all the best :)
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punkshort · 5 months
Can you share how & when you became a fan of Pedro 💘
So I am very much late to the Pedro bandwagon and I am really sad I didn't know of him before The Last Of Us because I wish I could have been a fan back when he was on Twitter. I had heard his name before, but I had never seen anything he did prior to TLOU. I never watched Game of Thrones, Narcos, Mandalorian... none of it. Obviously I had heard of those shows, but for some reason never got into them.
I've been a huge fan of TLOU game since it was released. I actually remember my (now husband) bought be a PS4 and the game for Christmas one year and I cried like a baby because we had an Xbox, but the game is only on Playstation. I had heard so much about it and I really, really wanted to play it and he just fucking bought me a whole new gaming system just so I could play that one damn game. And let me tell you, I played that game SO MUCH... I don't think I could give you an honest answer, but if I had to guess I would say minimum of 50 times, all the way through. I could quote it (and I did while I was watching the show live, drove my husband nuts) I've played it that much. Absolutely obsessed, changed my life, no other game could compare. So when I heard they were making a show, I followed it extremely closely, saw the blurry set pics and all that and when I finally got to watch it last year I once again CRIED like a baby. I had to pause the damn thing because watching how perfectly they created that show from the game made me so emotional, I couldn't handle it. I still cry watching it sometimes because I felt like I waited 10 years for that damn show and when they finally made it, it was fucking perfect.
So anyway, that's when I first saw Pedro's work, and since then I have gone and watched The Mandalorian and Narcos (I watched Game of Thrones but only his scenes because I don't really like that show) and a handful of his movies, and he is just so awesome in everything. Then when I read up on his life, it just made me love him even more. He's been through so much and he deserves every single accolade he gets because he's an incredible actor and he seems like a genuinely sweet and kind person.
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tri-punisher · 10 months
I am LIVING for the Stampede slander. I watched it and had a few criticisms but crit gets so much backlash! People get angry about crit in a way I've never seen for a show before.
Anyway huge brained take on "feminine coded vash" that's always bothered me too.
man, nothing says maturity and demonstrates that you're levelheaded more than the process of getting mad when strangers on the internet posit (valid) criticisms of a show you like. dogpiling bandwagon hatred is one thing--and i dealt with all that plus more when netbop first released--but all the analyses of tri.stamp that i've seen, especially the long form ones, have been posted by long-time fans who are expressing their sincere disbelief and disappointment at how bad orange fumbled tri.stamp. people need to recognise that criticism isn't some kind of personal attack on them and that they should just block and move on if it really is that upsetting to see someone that doesn't share your same opinions on a tv show. that's what happens when you make media consumption your whole personality instead of a hobby, i guess.
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donutdisturblivball · 2 years
im so sorry for doing this so late lol!!! ty @midnightmoon27 for tagging me :DD
nicknames: donut (online)
real name: i don't feel very comfy sharing outright, but i mean literally look at my user man
zodiac sign: aquarius
fave musicians: conan gray, queen, mxmtoon, cavetown, david bowie, the smiths, the cure
fave sports team: dont got one
sports watched: ice skating!!! gymnastics!!!! i think skiing is cool as shit too
other blogs: i can barely handle one yall r asking too much from me
do I get asks: occasionally? i've gotten a bit mroe as of late but nto really
following: SO many byler blogs i cant even begin to NAME--
tumblr crushes: thats like-- people that when they like or reblog my shit im like "!!!! omg they noticed me" right?? bc in that case hard yes
lucky number: i dont think i have a specific one? i've never really thought about it
what I'm wearing: pjs B]
dream vacation: france and canada await.
dream car: i should probably stop relying on public transportation and actually get a license before i even begin thinking of dream cars
fave foods: RICE!!!!! rice and pasta and potatoes. feed me any of these things and i will literally propose within the hour (after i finish eating obviously)
fave drink: water lol
instruments: i've been playing violin since i was around 6 or 7! at this point ive devoted so much time to it that i literally cannot quit even if i wanted to. i really wanna learn how to play piano and guitar tho
languages: just english! im shit at learning other languages RIP
celebrity crush: i have this weird thing where i cannot for the love of god consider people that i dont have a crush on attractive. like i can agree if you ask me if certain celebrities r conventionally and objectively attractive, but i just cant bring myself to actively think that theyre hot in my own opinion. idk its like theres this weird roadblock that just stops my mind from thinking different people that i dont know personally irl are attractive. like i play genshin impact and i have such a problem with making "mommy" jokes myself but idgaf when my friends do it. idk its weird lol
wow that was such an unnecessary rant about the inner workigns of my brain. anyway TYSM FOR TAGGING ME AGAIN!! THIS WAS VERY FUN :))
non pressure tags!! @celestialstars7 @swashbuckling-chicken @l0v3c0r3e @slytherin-crow101 @tntozier @cosmicbrowniefan @quinnick ++ anyone else who'd like to hop on the bandwagon :D
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Hello there dear! I hope you're feeling better (relapses are horrible, mine is making me dread sleeping due to my episodes of sleep paralisis)
Jumping on the Ghost bandwagon I've been thinking about some headcanons that now live rent free in my mind:
1) You know how Rodoldo said to Ghost "With that mask you'll fit in here fine?", what if Alejandro has a task force under his command that uses helmets with a skull/ wears facepaint that resembles the Catrinas during missions? And what if in that squad there is a vibrant, loud and sassy woman(codename: La Bikina, like the song) that enjoys teasing everyone? It became the nightmare of the British lieutenant but little by little she warms up her way unto his heart until after she and her informants are kidnapped; he came to her rescue and finally confesses that she will be the end of him, but he would't have it in any different way.
2) During one mission of Task Force 141 in South America Ghost encounters for the first time a field paramedic that had a similar life experience and doesn't establish relationships or bonds. He is drawn to her like a moth to a flame but in't capable of showing his interest, coming off as rude and hovering over her making the woman weary of him.
He confesses his feelings to her one night when they are drinking and she doesn't believe him, hurting him and leaving as soon as the mission is over.
They met again five times in the span of 2 years, he pines over her but is aware that it's the best for both of them if they aren't together. On one mission Ghost is injured and she is assigned to taking care of him, during those weeks she sees him not as a ruthless soldier, but as a person who went through hell and back and in need of love and affection, just like her. It takes a long time for their relationship to start, but they both know that they met for a reason and are willing to look towards the future with hope, something that they never did when they were alone.
And for his Majesty:
3) König joins a new team and during those months one of his colleagues starts to flirt with him, he is completely oblivious to it, thinking that she's just being nice to him. Until one day she gets exasperated and tells him clearly that she wants a relationship with him, he's taken aback and doesn't know how to respond. She leaves heartbroken and later he comes to her door to apologize, asking her for a chance to show her what his true feeling for her are. She leans about his past and helps him to come out of his shell, he is forever thankful for her and the two become the cheesiest couple, not caring about what the others say.
That's all for now, have a great nigth.
All of these are amazing!!! I'm writing a little something about Ghost confessing to being in love! Knowing that he's probably not scared of much but is terrified of his own feelings.
Anyways, both of my big boys deserve all the love abd I'm gonna give it to them!!! 💙
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What's your opinion on the whole NCT new unit drama?
Mmmmmmm I feel like what I'm about to say is going to be a hot take but anyway I genuinely think it's not that big a deal. It's a case of "who actually knows how this stuff works" vs "let me bandwagon on this."
[More under the cut]
Like everyone and anyone getting into NCT knows that their whole concept is to always have new units with an unlimited number of members, so like I'm just here for the ride. Like, I never understood why so many people hated unit stans because NCT is lowkey kind of made to have unit stans. For example, people tend to be suspicious of older fans being into the youthful concept for Dream since 127 has the more mature concept with their audience being young adults (I'm not gatekeeping, be a fan of whichever unit you want, it's just that this is the trend I've observed after being here for a while).
You don't have to be an active fan of every member or unit of NCT, that's exhaustive, there's 20+ of them for goodness' sake, as long as you're not an anti of any of them or just downright cyberbullying then it's fine to not pay attention to all of them. I'm a WayV ult, for example, so I keep up with their stuff a lot, but I can definitely say that I haven't put the effort in to see a single bit of Dream content recently (mostly because I'm a working student now so I don't have time for that stuff) and that's okay, that doesn't make me any less of an NCTzen, and it really shouldn't.
Like, I get the whole mismanagement of the existing members (because it's true, a lot of them are mismanaged but that's bound to happen in large groups), but that's a fault on the management team, each unit has a different management team on it so the actions of one group are independent of the others, so mismanagement is an in-team issue rather than an NCT issue as a whole. There's nothing we as fans can do to stop the debuting of a new unit, if SM wants to dig their grave with the funds and the management then so be it.
Then the issue with Sungchan and Shotaro, everyone wants a fixed unit for them, and as do I, we went through this drama before with Ten and Kun way back when, so I'm holding out faith that the new unit (aside from NCT H) will be that fixed unit for them, unless they start reallocating 127 members, I don't see either of them joining that unit for reasons stated in the above paragraph
I won't comment too much on NCT H because that's been long decided to be a competition show to market to the west, and although I have a personal vendetta against competition shows I won't say much until it starts airing.
NCT Tokyo is a whole other thing though, no doubt Yuta and Shotaro will be added there, in fact, it would be a bad move on SM's part and on Yuta and Shotaro's part to decline. Yuta has barely had many opportunities in 127, his line distribution is horrid in 127 title tracks, and Shotaro is still lacking a fixed unit, it's only beneficial for them to join NCT Tokyo as both members are extremely popular over there (especially with Actor Yuta being a thing now). The only trouble I see in the future for this is that, inevitably, Yuta will be like Winwin and become an inactive 127 member and I know a lot of people are going to throw a fit over that.
But, yeah, that's basically the gist of it.
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what-if-nct · 6 months
hiiii today's reminder is i love it when I'm in your dreams, it feels like we're in a big subconscious universe together and sometimes we meet each other so that's why we recognise each other even if we've never met. i may have just described nct's concept oops
also I'm kinda unemployed in that i do still have a job but I've been kicked out of my team so I'm in this limbo where it feels like I'm unemployed and i should be enjoying my time off but it's so stressful but anyway. I'm watching friends again and i forgot how much i love the show but then every now and then they say something so incredibly offensive but then before i can get angry Joey does something cute so it's hard to stay mad also I'm most of the way through season two and David schwimmer saves the character with his charm but good lord i need ross to start every scene by stepping on a plug or spilling hot coffee on himself or having his parents call him a disappointment because where the fuck does this man find the audacity
HII, yes it's like we're in the same dream universe and cross over into each other's and we recognize each other strictly off of vibes. I'm sorry to hear that, I can only imagine how stressful it is like it's not definite exactly but you just know. I really hope that you receive a job opportunity within this period of limbo and for things to get easier. I love friends, it's really such a good show and oh isn't that the case for so many 90s and 00s shows. Luckily times have changed but something's in older shows and movies would never fly today. And gosh I am on the I hate Ross bandwagon so hard. Like I can't stand him. And this is horrible timing to say this but I don't care for Chandler either. I'm sorry but Joey, Joey I love and adore Joey. Joey always makes things better Joey and Phoebe are my absolute favorites I just love them so much. Phoebe is me and I am Phoebe we are one. I adore Lisa kudrow so much. And so many people say they don't like Rachel or Carrie from Sex in the City. But I absolutely adore Rachel and her personal growth as a character. She deserves so much better than Ross. Ross didn't deserve her. I've watched friends so much that we were on a break absolutely triggers and enrages me. But yeah if you mix Phoebe & Rachel together that's me. Like if you've seen Sex in the city and you mix Carrie and Charlotte also me. That's another show that did not age well when it comes to political correctness. But I don't expect any of that from 90s\00s shows. Heck even 2 broke girls I love that show and it's a 2010s show but it's also questionable at times but I love it. There's an episode with two Amish boys and Jennifer Coolidge's character that I just think of Jungwoo every time I see it now.
Maybe Sophie represents how I see Jungwoo. Also the puppies part. This is also perhaps questionable I think cause I was around the boys age when I first saw it I didn't see it till now cause I think they were 18 and 19. Yeah it's it kinda weird and it was like 2012\2013
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misty-wisp · 2 years
top 5 smt/persona characters? :3
okay uh. uh uhhhh. there's gonna be a lot of favoritism in this, like a lot a lot...
funnily enough, i did make a personal tier list for persona characters, but i can't find it anywhere...i'll remake it if anyone asks.
anyways, onto that top 5-
5. Yukari Takeba/Yosuke Hanamura
I can't choose between them for this spot, I love them both too much 😭
What can I say, Yukari's my girl. I feel like she's one of the most realistically written girl's in the Persona series, especially in the Answer, even though that's where most people have problems with her.
I really don't get those people, like...c'mon. She's a human being, not a "waifu" who can't experience the emotions that come with grief. lmao.
And Yosuke...Yosuke resonates with me. I, too, am a lonely bored bitch living in a small town...Or, I used to. I'm no country kid these days. lmao.
Seriously, Yosuke is a WHOLE mood aside from the anime trope-type stupidity forcibly written onto him in certain scenes. Moving out of the city and slowly losing contact with your old friends except maybe one? Wow...he's LITERALLY me!
4. Ann Takamaki
Ann's also my girl. I love her to pieces and I will never forgive ATLUS for their butchering of her entire character past her introductory arc.
I've already made a post about this a long time ago, but her social link rank where she talks about the loneliness she felt from moving around so much really resonated with me, and the fact that she managed to befriend not only Shiho, but the other thieves is kind of inspirational to me. I hope to find my own thieves someday, as cheesy as that sounds :)
3. Isamu Nitta
I bet'cha weren't expecting an SMT fella to be on this list, huh? Jokes on you, I actually really like the self isolation enjoyer!
...But I also hate him. And the entire idea of Musubi. I have a very complicated love/hate relationship with this boy. On one hand, I love him, he deserves happiness, but on the other, he's a stupid idiot. I distinctly remember just yelling at my TV "nO-" when he was going off about his bullshittery, because I've been in that kinda spot. I've been isolated from people for years. It's a hell I want to get out of.
But I still love him, he deserves so much better than what life and the Conception dealt him :(
2. Ryoji Mochizuki
Surprise, not surprise! The moon boi himself at number two, who would've guessed?
Honestly, Ryoji's such a tragic character. His characterization in P3 is pretty bad, with a severe lack of screentime in the game. Luckily for me, though, that's improved in not only the movies, but P3P!
I watched through the P3 movies while in the middle of playing the game so I could hurry up and get info on his character, because I wound up spoiling myself somehow(deadass i don't remember how. i just did. i think it was bc i browse the megaten wiki a lot), and lo and behold, I wound up really loving him! He's just...such a sweetheart...gently holds
...And then I played through the rest of P3 and got severely disappointed by how much screentime he got in comparison to the movies.
like. my god. this man got less screentime than Haru did in vanilla P5.
So then I looked through his P3P social link because I learned he was romanceable! And then I nearly cried at how tragic it is. I just...the fucking RING, man...brb crying
so there's no wonder that i ship ryoham and ryomina lmao
1...even though it's unsurprising as hell...Goro Akechi
If you weren't expecting him, then you deserve a gold medal because you actually failed at predicting the most predictable lady on this Earth. Applause.
Akechi's like...like an onion. He's got layers. A lot. Too many. I still can't understand this bastard's character and have to look through analysis after analysis to gain a better understanding because I'm big dum :(
Funnily enough, though, before Royal was released, I was part of the Akechi hate bandwagon, because how DARE this guy mess up what the gang is doing >:((((((!!!!! He's BAD, I DON'T like him >:(
...I didn't play P5. I was only going off of shitposts and discussions whilst severely spoiling myself. Oh, and the limited amount of game footage I got from watching my (at the time, not) boyfriend streaming himself playing through vanilla P5.
And then Royal released! ...And I didn't play it because I did not own a PS4 at the time, like a fool.
Fast forward a few years. I got majorly spoiled (again, forgot how) and I barely have an opinion on Akechi. I have just finished playing through P4G, and just began playing through P3.
And then in comes Christmas, and I get a PS4 along with P5R!
...And then I took a solid year playing the game on and off to finish it, and finish it I did...but only the vanilla story. By then, I really liked Akechi. He was on a similar tier to Isamu. He's a tragic boi for sure...and he needed some more screentime, goddammit!
And screentime he got, with the addition of third semester, which made him even more tragic! Boy oh boy, my favorite flavor of character!
His navigator lines are the funniest shit I've ever seen. I was genuinely pretty salty that he gets replaced with Futaba pretty quickly purely because she's not as entertaining.
Yeah, I cried at 2/2. Ever since I beat the game, my discord status has just been "2/2 broke me" and I think that says enough about how much I love Akechi. lmao.
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jotatetsuken · 2 years
He Left Too Early (Tetsurō Kuroo x Reader)
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Summary: You had a good friend that you'd lost touch with for years on end, and you receive one call about that friend that you were not able to process at all, at least by yourself. You knew that you needed to call someone that would be able to comfort you the most and that someone would be Tetsuro Kuroo.
Warning: Reader's going through an angsty situation (friend's death), there will be fluff, mentions of anxiety, panic attacks and crying. Please lmk if I've missed any other trigger warnings. You can block #shyna angst if it gets too much.
Shyna's Seiyuu Birthday Celebration
Number of words: 1482
Tagging: @akaashi-todorki @cuz-like-why-not @quirrrky @mrskenmakozume @ohtobiors @hyeque @jordyn-degas
Let me know here if you want to be tagged in more content like this :)
A/N: The Seiyuu birthday celebration week is still going on, but, when I wanted to post about Kuroo, it was kind of hard to think about what to write actually. I mean, he may not be my first Haikyuu crush but he definitely was someone that helped me get over a lot of pain from my previous relationships, and reading certain fanfics and headcanons made me fall in love with him, more, to a point where I'd ended up writing my first ever fanfic, dedicated to him. Last year, I'd learned that a good friend of mine passed away from a heart attack and he was 24. I didn't know how else to grieve, I cried and sobbed, and then, this story comes out. So, to be told that I was jumping on the I love Kuroo bandwagon just to copy someone, discredits the personal experience I underwent in loving him and it hurts (long story lol). Anyway, I miss you VT. You left too early. Also, anything related to Haikyuu (the character, the setup) belongs to Haruichi Furudate but the storyline is mine, so reblogs, likes, and comments are highly appreciated <3 This was cross posted from Quotev (attached the link too 😄)
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Barbara: Hey.
Y/N: Oh, hey. What’s up?
Barbara: I don’t know if you heard about Victor?
When someone mentions the phrase, “I don’t know if you heard,” I feel a big sense of numbness in my chest. Because of course, there’s a negative connotation to it. And here, Barbara’s talking about Victor Tyler. My junior in school. Someone I’d called my younger brother. He’d been there through my tough times in high school and had never left my side even when people avoided me. I tried as much as I could to be there for him. In fact, it was him through which I got to know Barbara Boyd, another junior. She was kind and so was he. Their eyes were so full of life and joy that they’d inspire me to keep going in life. I’d last met Victor 4 years ago in a café to catch up with him. He seemed excited about what was coming in the future. I wish I could’ve been there for him more often. But life got busier. Wait? Why am I overthinking again? Surely, it’s because he’s getting married or something…did he?
Y/N: Wait. What happened to him?
No reply. Okay. Something is wrong.
Y/N: Barbara. Tell me. Barbara.
Barbara: He passed away. Last night.
Silence. All I could hear was silence. My ‘baby brother’ was gone. Guilt was seeping in, so was disbelief. This cannot happen. Wasn't he online just a couple of hours ago?  I wasn’t in touch with him for so long. I wish I was.  No, this can’t be happening. Surely this is a joke.
Y/N: Wait. How?! What happened!!?
Barbara: Cardiac arrest.
My brain couldn’t process anything. Guilt was starting to dwell and sadness was trying to find its way in. I needed to know what had happened. Barbara later called to explain the situation and what had happened. She was told that his heart had given away at night. He’d had heart issues for quite some time when he was a kid. (And I barely knew about this, although I could see him struggling with physical exertion even at a young age.) He even underwent surgery and he was slowly recovering. What was more irksome is that he was finally happy in every aspect. He seemed to be settling down in every way. But, he wouldn’t get to experience his happy ending ever. Why is life sometimes so unfair? Barbara had found out through a friend who posted a story on social media and that's when I was slowly starting to come to terms with it. I wanted to be strong for Barbara, so I tried holding my tears. But later on, after hanging up, I immediately called Kuroo ‘cause I needed to hear his voice.
The Tetsurō Kuroo. Yeah, the Nekoma High Volleyball Team captain. Although we’d graduated from different schools and started working in different places, it was quite recently that we started dating. We were getting serious. I was able to share stories about my life and he, about his. We'd experienced a roller coaster of emotions together. And while as a friend and a boyfriend he could get really cheeky with his sense of humor, he always provided a space for me to be vulnerable with him, and he’d not hesitate to be vulnerable with me. Hence, for this moment, I needed to hear him.  I was trying to process it all, but I couldn’t do it alone. I needed him.
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Kuroo: “Hey, kitten. What’s up, everything okay?”
Y/N: “Hey babe, remember I once told you of a close friend from school who was like a younger brother?”
Kuroo: “Oh, yeah. Victor was it?”
Y/N: “Yes, babe. Umm…he...he passed away.”
I could hear a gasp and some sniffles from the other side. Kuroo didn’t know Victor, but he knew my adoration for that boy, and I could tell he was crying. For me. Because I wasn’t able to. I could also hear some noises in the background. Traffic maybe?
“Kitten,” he sniffs, "are you at home?”
“Um, yes. Why?”
“Okay, I'm driving to your place now. Look out from your balcony, in about 10 seconds.”
“Huh-“ I could see in a couple of seconds, that he was there in his car waiting for me to sit next to him. I locked all my bedroom doors except the balcony one and found a way to sneak out and sit on the shotgun seat of his car. It's not that my parents were strict or anything. On the contrary, they were the best support system I could've asked for. However, it was weird that the environment I was in made me feel claustrophobic like I needed air to breathe. So, no sooner than I got to sit in his car than we drove around for some time, stopping at a beach nearby in the night because he knew how much I like the sound of waves.
The car ride was filled with silence mixed with some calming music in the background. Kuroo, initially being his introverted self, was aware of how everyone acted around him and as soon as he came out of his shell, he made it a point to stay attuned to people's emotions, so that he wouldn't lose touch with who he was. This was what made me fall in love with him.
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We parked the car close to the beach. The sound of waves crashing onto the rocks seemed to have a calming effect on me. I looked into Tetsuro’s eyes and there didn’t seem to be any light in them like he always did. They seemed blank, staring into nothingness, but he had to steel himself up for me. His small, warm smile then sent me to tears, as if he was telling me it’s okay to cry. Dang you, Tetsurō Kuroo. He hugged my disheveled self and kept my face on his chest so that I could bury myself in it.
“Babe,” I start to vent out, “he was just a kid. He left this world too early. He didn’t have to die of an effing cardiac arrest. He was..*sniff* so *sniff* young…oh baby, this is so not fair. I wish I could tell him how much I loved him. But all I can say is that I miss him and I’m sorry that I wasn’t in touch with him...I..I..I didn't know he had a girlfriend until *sniff* the day he died. How am I supposed to *sniff* encourage her *sniff* when I am unable to *sniff* come to terms with it *sniff*...I...I.."
“I know, babe. I know. Kitten, I have a feeling he knows even if he’s not here in the world right now. My love, I’m sorry for the pain you’re in. This, however, doesn’t change the fact that there have been instances where you’ve made an impact in his life and he’s made an impact in yours. Focus on that moments. Make him proud. Don’t just tell your baby brother you love and miss him, show him. He’ll receive the message. And as for his girlfriend, if you know her, which you probably do,” Kuroo smiled again as he patted my head with his hand, lifted it, and said, "I know that you'll find a way to comfort her even if she doesn't see it that way. You've experienced loss before, and you will again, but these experiences should make you stronger and help people in need." He brought my face close to him, kissed me on my forehead, and then kissed me on my lips. It was a kiss of sincerity, of protection, of pure love. Something which I was craving for right now. He then hugged me, letting me bury my face in his chest again, as Fix You by Coldplay was playing in the stereo of his car.
“I’ll try, love. I’ll try. Hope you’ll be proud of me, Victor. Someday.”
Victor was one of the boys who knew about my struggles with relationships and I was waiting to tell him about Kuroo, but he was gone. He’d have been proud to know that there was finally someone to be my equal. And the girl that Victor left behind? I can’t imagine what’s going through Hannah’s head and heart. I knew her in school as well, and if I’d get to meet her, I’d offer her a hug and assure her that he’s with her wherever he is. A friend of mine told me this, "There is no right or wrong way to grieve, there's no timeline for grief, and it looks different from day to day." So, I'd tell her to take time to grieve as much as she needs to and I'd offer to be there for her whenever she needed something. That’s the only way she can cope. That’s the only way we can cope. By being there for each other.
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© Shyna 2022
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I think I might be trans (ftm). I am 21 and I only started to really put together that i'm probably not cis a few months ago and the more I think about it, the more I feel like I might be. There have been so many things throughout my life that I wish i'd just put the pieces together and realised that it's probably an indication of being not cis and I feel so stupid for like repressing it. I've always rejected the idea of 'feminine' things e.g. make-up, femenine clothes, I love wearing masculine clothes and shopping in the men's section. I have no woman typical interests. I've never been happy with my hair and wished I had short hair for so long, I only shave for cleanliness and love having hairy legs. I work in a male dominated job and love that because i've always understood and got on with men better (i'm a chef and the 8 other chefs I work with are men). I get so envious of the way men look and I hate having boobs more than anything and lie in bed running my fingers up and down my sternum wishing the rest of my chest was as flat. But also a little voice in my head keeps saying 'what if i'm subconsciously lying to myself? What if i'm attention seeking and I don't even know it? What if it's a phase?' I feel like everyone would reject me if I came out irl and online, especially as I have trans friends and i'm scared they'd think i'm jumping on the bandwagon or whatever and wouldn't support me/ only pretend to but secretly hate me (they probably wouldn't, they're lovely but i'm scared anyway). So, i've not told anyone. Some days I hate my gender so much I cry, other days i'm uncomfortable but not too bothered and i'm just... so tired and so so lonely. It makes me wish I was the only person in the world then I could be trans just for myself and not have to worry about anyone else making it their problem or that I could die and start over as a boy.
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thattimdrakeguy · 3 years
Look, I don't want this to sound bad or be misinterpreted, that's why I'm writing it to you, who are one of the few human beings in the fandom who take more than 5 seconds to think before speaking.
Look, I think I'm just sick of the timkon, I've never been one of those who ship but I just don't care, everyone can imagine what they want, it's just that in this case, it's just on another level.
I'm not homophobic or anything annoying like that, I was among the first to jump with excitement when the first Urban Legends request came out hinting at Tim's reveal.
It's just that I'm fed up, since it became official about Tim it seems that everyone only wanted it for their ships, it doesn't help that the timkon really is one of those ships maked because two characters are close so they should automatically be a couple.
The ship stems from Geoff Johns' TT era where none of the characters were particularly well written, I've seen people who literally only like that run because of the moments they assigned to the ship.
And the worst and what has bothered / surprised me the most at the time of writing this silly complaint, I really just cannot process that there are really people outraged and spitting billis at DC for not putting a ship that is not canon in any way in Titans , that simple, as if it were something real or elemental of both characters.
At the same level of those same people who want to make Kon homosexual from one issue to another just to stick him with Tim and throw the narrative sense in the trash, I don't know what to say anymore, thanks in advance.
Honestly, I'm right there with you.
I'm not sure I can say I'm sick of it. Cause really I'm sick of most of the fandom's stuff.
Because so much of the things are popular is just bandwagoning and that's it. Like I bet you, without finding whatever it is to jump on online, they would not still like it as much and may have a total different view even.
Some of the hills people die on are freaking crazy cause I read a lot of comics and they're often so off the mark it's honestly, so so honestly head scratching.
And I'm not saying this to be like, "yeah screw you TimKon stans", cause legitimately I'm not. People enjoying whatever is good as long as it's not morally wrong. Cause that just means people are enjoying themselves. Which is good in the end.
But boy, do I not get it from a fuller perspective. They were just suddenly best friends in a series without much good characterization. During Y.J. they got on better terms...but not really best friends.
Why...would they be? lol
Neither of them are into the same things. They're quite different. Barely shown just hanging out.
Kon was closer with Bart if I had to compare.
But ships and stans generally speaking. Always have insanely loud, insanely toxic people.
They lie, gaslight, bully, exaggerate, and go into denial about stuff to create this preferred image for whatever it is. Not limited to TimKon. Cause I mean in literally every fan base. In that way.
It's why I stopped being on as much. There's too much about stuff people don't know a lot about and won't let go of. And again I get it. But when you really care about them cause it's a comfort thing or that's just how your mind works, odds are you really won't like it.
I don't find the fun in lying to myself or pretending I find the same jokes funny time and time again.
Like, no, that's exhausting lol
Idgaf about some random dude with a strawman argument online tryna make me feel like a crap person.
"Oh so you prefer when Batman hits his kids huh??"
Like, uh, nah. lol
Just exhausted of fanon. Why do people forget there's a gray area? Sheesh. I'm not into stuff that comes from a janky source at best. I want to like actual content.
Anyways I find people that want Kon to be gay, as in loud ones not all of them, literally just want it for their ship. They don't actually care about the character/characters. They got obsessed with it so much that it's probably not healthy. I've yet to see someone that actually seems to genuinely like the character get so stressed about the ship.
Most of the ones that care about Kon aren't stressed about the ship being canon. Some ship it. But barely nuts about it. Some may want it. But they aren't acting as if they are canon and it's imperative.
That's my experience at the very least.
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
Jikook and Taekook in The Soop: Ep 06 Analysis
This discussion is a continuation of my opinion piece on Soop episode 06. I explained in that post, how I think Soop was initiated by BigHit and BTS to repair and replenish the dwindling bond of the group as prior to Soop, there had been some friction between some of the members which could be traced as far back as November last year and had only increased exponentially through to March this year.
Now I said this without prejudice, and knowing full well there are a ton of content withheld from us in the present day likely to be released years from now that may reveal a moment, a behind scenes, that to others may seemingly counter this perception of mine.
But like my theory on the Jikook break up moments, I stay my ground. I don't draw my conclusions based on a single moment of tension happening in isolation because they are human- a jet lag here and a muscle pain there could lead to an unnecessary outburst here or there. That's not it.
I look for patterns, take into consideration their personalities, note how a moment impacts or is likely to impact those established values and patterns of behavior that BTS themselves consciously contribute to to influence their public image and reputation- I take this delulu business pretty seriously you know? Lol.
For instance, when I say Jikook broke up it's mostly because I've noticed that over a period of time, certain things that make Jikook a couple to me are no longer present between them, in the way they interact, rather than that there was a few seconds tension between them in random moment on screen.
And I am well aware, that when some people say they feel Jikook are broke up that they are basing their conclusions off of their own insecurities about them rather than that they have seen enough, thought through enough about those observations to reasonably draw such conclusions.
For example, because to them Jikook interactions is their evidence of a romantic relationship, then Jikook not interacting in a random moment would indicate to them that something is wrong and that they are broke up- basic delulus.
I employ a different metric. Not better, just different. For example, I used them not knowing certain things about themselves within certain periods as an indication something is off.
This is not a hard rule. It could be random but when the information they are in the dark about came into existence within a period I suspected they weren't a couple due to other things I had noticed within said period, then that becomes a confirmation of that period for me. Feel free to disagree.
Jikook know everything about eachother, EVERYTHING. Or at least, they act like they know or should know everything about eachother.
They love to be the ones to know eachother the most and love to show off their knowledge about eachother like in the recent Bangtan Bomb when JK said he knew Jimin could touch his toe when he stretched.
'See, I told you he could touch his toe.' he says with pride. Then the bit about Jimin and beans, Jimin and the convenience store underwear etc.
So when JK suddenly doesn't know Jimin took pop dancing or when Jimin acts surprised that JK had gimbap it raises an eye brow. No?
What's more concerning to me is their reaction to news like this. JK zoned out for a bit and Jimin looked confused out of his wits in those instances. You could tell its something that really bothered them.
And while this may be an isolated incident for most, it's usually not for me or even surprising to me. Because, as explained, usually moments like these fit into an established pattern of inconsistent behaviours identified within those specific timelines prior to such moments, from my observation.
And I see most people also don't know how Jikook looks like when they are not 'together.' Which is also part of the problem.
To most people, a Jikook break up would look like the apocalypse up in BTS- it's not.
I've said several times in my blogs, if you believe Jikook are real then pay attention to what they are and not what you expect them to be. Their relationship parameters are set by them not us and our ideosyncracies.
To me and the way I see them, a Jikook break up is and would always be a return to friendship.
When Jikook break up they revert back to being friends. Friendship is their default, in the group setting anyway.
And as I've said, they lose or strive away the qualities that make them a couple during break ups but at a bare minimum their friendship will be there- for the harmony of the group.
And I think this is why some Jikookers theorize that Jikook knew the consequences their relationship was going to have on the group before entering into their relationship.
While I disagree they thought things through before deciding to commit to a romantic relationship, I agree that they know and have considered the impact their relationship can have on their group.
It is why they revert and will revert to being friends during times like that so their break up and conflicts doesn't affect the dynamics of the group.
I think this is one thing they both very much understand and commit to, to make sure their shenanigans doesn't impact the dynamics of the group- they owe their bandmates that much.
It is also this understanding that allows them to thrive and hide within the group.
What all this means is that, in times of a break up, the skinship will very much be there, the wearing the same attire will be there, the wearing the same bracelets will be there, they will still ride together if they have to- because none of these is what make them a couple!
And a fight is not a breakup, mind you. Often when they fight, I find they may not want to be around each other among other things but they don't lose the qualities that make them a couple.
You can still see their couple aura in such times. Whereas in the case of a breakup those couple qualities disappear entirely. In my opinion.
Perhaps I should make a blog post on what I feel makes Jikook a couple and how those qualities disappear around the times they break up? I'll think about it.
I have stated over and over that, skinship, car sharing etc are all not in any way indicative of a romantic relationship, not to me anyway. And honestly, if you can't tell between Jikook as friends and jikook as a couple- do you even deserve rights? Consider your delulu membership revoked. Lol
And if you aren't observant, shy away from angst, see them as a fantasy rather than actual human beings in an actual romantic relationship- subject to change, subject to growth, susceptible to temptations; if you mistake things that make them friends for things that make them a couple you would not spot their break ups when they happen. Or worse, you'd dismiss and overlook them when they do happen.
Deadass, you could be very much looking at the end of Jikook but still screaming power couple extraordinaire-
Isn't that where we are with Taekook? People mistaking all the things that make them friends for a romantic couple?
People dismissing all the questionable moments that's happened between them over the years- like Tae saying he couldn't even tell JK had been given a mission to ignore him because Jk ignores him anyway behind cameras, Tae's passive aggressiveness towards JK like in the VLive he exposed Jikook, the missing birthday wishes on Twitter etc- and not reflecting on them enough to critically examine their impact and what it says of the state and nature of their relationship?
Taekook in the Soop is an indictment of the shipping community. But I am not here to police anyone's delusions- freedom of belief, speech and all that jazz.
What I am here to do today, my dear delulu colleagues, is to examine Taekook in the soop and share my thoughts on the infamous conversation they had in that episode.
I will also be pointing out a few observations I made about Jikook in that episode that I feel will help shed more lights on the current dynamics between Jikook which further proofs Jikook is real.
Taekook's conversation in Soop 06 is shaping out to be one of the most controversial moments in the history of BTS ships.
To some it was a doze of reality, a game changer, if you will and had some people questioning their sanity while others jumped off the Taekook bandwagon all together.
But some die hard fans of the ship were quick to come up with a theory to explain away what had transpired that night as big bad BigHit curating that entire scene in order to bamboozle them and absolve themselves of all guilt for having previously separated Taekook and forced them to hide their relationship- scammers never die. Lol
Why would Taekook have that conversation on camera if it was that serious, they ask.
If they aren't close why did JK put his hands around Tae here? Why did he look at Tae there? They fist bumped in the background of this MV, surely they are a couple- y'all know how I feel about skinship being used as a determinant of romantic relationships so I'm just gonna roll my eyes here and keep it pushing-
This is what happens when you whimsically and randamly label a ship as real without due diligence, without conducting the necessary tests that allows you to reasonably assume that that ship is or could be real.
A ship is not real until it's breached the fourth way into alternative shipping and I'm sorry, Taekook has not breached that fourth wall. No other ship in BTS has breached that wall except Jikook. I have explained this over and over again.
How can Taekook breach the fourth wall when half of the moments, half of the content needed to establish it's piercing moment exists in the imagination of people?
By claiming BigHit hides, and cuts Taekook moments or any other ships moment, by claiming Taekook's interactions are mostly off camera, these shippers are shooting themselves in the foot and fooling no one.
Because what they are indirectly saying basically is there aren't enough moments to analyze upon whose findings we can draw such conclusions that Taekook is real.
I have a hard time believing Jesus is real and I'm a Christian. You think I'm about to buy that Taekook is real, based on faith??? Y'all tripping.
And no. The skinship don't count either. I mean people were running around the corners of the internet swearing up and down Jimin and Mina were dating based on their skinship until it was revealed Jimin had been abusing Mina all those years.
Skinship is performative and not a reflection of true intimacy or true bond.
That being said, yes I see Taekook's relationship. I see their dynamics. They are beautiful and as a multishipper- I really dig their bond. I do.
I have called them the evil power duo of BTS. I have said they don't have much intimate interactions between them on camera but when they activate their evil powers, lord do they set my insides on fire.
For quality entertainment purposes. Lol.
Soop is a quasi self produced production by BTS. As such they themselves created the content, concept, decided where they were going to be, what they were going to do at what time and most importantly who they were going to be with or hang out with.
Everything was pre determined by BTS and the schedule was presented to BigHit- the camera crew and staff, beforehand so the staff knew where to place cameras, what equipment they were going to use and what props they are going to have to provide for BTS for effective filming.
Unlike run or Bon V where BTS have little creative control, BTS played a major role in the production of SOOP. So if that bit was staged then it wasn't staged by BigHit, but by BTS themselves- including Tae and JK.
I explained in my previous post, how I felt Soop is business but also BigHit's way of shutting BTS in a room and forcing them to settle whatever differences had crept up between them that had been affecting the dynamics of the group and threatening the longevity of their group around that period.
I said it was no different from Rookie King where they had an episode where BTS was allowed to shout their grievances off the top of a roof to foster unity among the members.
It's also no different from the missions they've are given from time to time or the love letters they have been asked to write to eachother. The objective of such projects have always been to bring the members closer, to build intimacy and to foster unity amongst them. Soop follows suit.
What's of interest to me and what you should be pondering over is what had led them all- BTS and BigHit, to embark on a project of this nature this time around.
BigHit is a business and can only stay on top of the game for so long if BTS is in the game. Them disbanding impromptu due to petty conflicts and misunderstandings amongst them will be a huge loss to BigHit.
And if you think petty issues aren't enough to bring down their empire- you are in the wrong delulu industry. Lol.
Kpop is wrought with stories of these nature. There are a lot of bands that debuted with and around the time of BTS's debut that are disbanded now due to the least misunderstandings- google it. I dare you to.
BTS do have issues from time to time that does threaten their band. How often have we heard them talk about almost disbanding? Remember 2018? Remember when JK cried because Hobi almost left the group? Remember when JK almost left the group to pursue a career in dancing?
The Kpop industry is hectic and brutal and bands within this sphere are fragile. it's easy to jump ship than to keep sailing. I mean, there's a reason Korean interviewers keep asking BTS their secret to staying together and for this long.
As RM puts it in the recent KBS interview, they are seven boys from different backgrounds in the same boat headed in different directions. That can create a lot of clashes here and there. So when tensions arise that they can help it, they take initiatives like Soop to help nip it and replenish their bond.
They don't allow issues to fester on to the point they want to go their separate ways. BigHit loves this about them and encourages that among them.
Do y'all see why I side eye people who claim BigHit is not happy with any pair within the group because they are real and wants to hide and suppress them?
Left to BigHit alone, BTS would be in one big happy gay polyamorous relationship with eachother if that meant the success and longevity of their business- they are depending on it. They would rather BTS keep the love in the barn than spread it elsewhere, if you know what I mean.
How are BTS portrayed in Tiny Tan? The bond you see in that animation is not just a reflection of BTS's actual bond but also a reflection of BigHits vision of their bond.
Jimin is portrayed as that hyung who is always watching over JK because he loves him so much. Tae is also portrayed as the one hyung who will dive to save JK. Tiny Tan is BigHit's ideal intimacy goal for the boys.
Again, BT21, how are their friendships portrayed in there?
It's absurd thus to think, believe or even assume that if there is an actual real intimate relationship between any of the boys, that Bighit's objective would be to hide and suppress it or even to kill it.
BTS's intimacy is a currency BigHit transacts with. But that doesn't mean BTS doesn't bank on it too. They are proud of their bond, often flaunt it. They know it makes them stand out of the lot and it's what has led to them staying together for this long in the business. They have a pretty strong bond.
They wouldn't have agreed to do this project Soop if they didn't want to or didn't think they needed it. They really love eachother as a team, as a band; they love working together and care about their careers unlike other bands we know. Cough, cough.
They are the blueprint and they know it. The last thing they want is for something as trivial as a misunderstanding to break them apart- Hobi said in his recent YouTube live how BE is their voice and an expression of their feelings and I can't wait to hear all the songs on the Album to understand what they've been through these past few months.
If building intimacy is the objective of Soop, then conversations like that of Taekook really shouldn't be shocking. It's to be expected.
If they felt the need to talk it's because they felt they was something they both needed to get off their chest.
Is a content of that nature good for ratings? Absolutely. Does that mean they performed it? No. Not at all.
It's similar to what Jimin did with JK in Rookie King in order to get closer to each other. They were friends. You think he couldn't have just approached JK off camera and told him how his actions hurt him?
How often have we heard RM or Tae ask if the cameras were they to capture a moment where the members have claimed to have cried and consoled each other?
See this is why people think Jikook is fake. They just don't understand that these boys choose to share certain intimate moments with the us out of love, out of a need to connect and have people share in their moments.
It's no different from BTS filming themselves screaming when they heard of that BB news. They share their joy, their pain and their conflicts with us as a way to connect with us.
How often have we wished the VMin dumpling fight was recorded, or that the rain fight was recorded? But when such similar moment is recorded y'all want to question the intention behind it.
Besides, having conversations like these on camera is the perfect cover for them to be vulnerable with eachother without feeling too vulnerable or feel like they are exposing themselves too much.
It's similar to how people choose to text or be vulnerable with others through letters and texts rather than in person. Its the fear of vulnerability. Being vulnerable like that in person can be extremely scary for them too. They are human too and sometimes they find their confidence and their voice when they turn on the cameras.
It's ridiculous to think a moment is staged simply because it is or feels like an intimate moment- Y'all claim BigHit hides Taekook's intimate moments and when they show it to us and it's fake? Chileeee!
If that moment was staged, then Jin apologising to Tae after their fight is fake, the fight itself was staged, V's letters were staged, V crying when reading those letters was staged- y'all see where I'm going with this?
None of it was real and we've all been bamboozled- Let's pack our bags!
Seriously though, we can't sit behind our screens and pick and choose which content is real and which is not simply because it doesn't align with our delusional theories. It doesn't work that way.
Especially not when everything we see is captured by the same lenses, edited by the same people and distributed by the same company.
Besides, Tae said the reason he did that was just to spend time with JK- which was the objective of Soop, wasn't it? For all of them to spend time together and bond?
How then is Taekook bonding by having a meal together any different from Hobi spending time with NamJoon in the mountains? Or Tae riding around the country side with Hobi? Or RM and Kook painting?
I'm yet to figure out the sequence that the entire project was shot in as I still haven't seen the full episodes. But I'll bet if there were any Taekook bonding moments, they were shot after their heart to heart moment, not before it. Tae wouldn't have been shy to invite JK had it been so. But who knows, I could be wrong.
On Taekook's dynamics, I stated during our discussion on their love language that I don't see Taekook as emotionally compatible or emotionally dependent on each other even much less that they speak each other's love languages. They don't.
It's no secret Taekook have always lacked a certain level of mutual emotional dependency and vulnerability within their dynamics. To me anyways.
Rarely would you see them being emotionally vulnerable with eachother the way Tae is with Jimin or Jk is with JM. The only time I have seen them close to being emotionally vulnerable with eachother was at an award show when Tae cried and JK comforted him. But even that felt impersonal-
again the thigh slapping, cheek squishing, pegs on the cheeks, cuddling in bed etc doesn't count. That's skinship and you know how I feel about skinship or what I think of it.
When I say emotional vulnerability and dependency, I'm talking about instances such as when Tae said he missed Jimin, when he had to drag Jk away so he could ride with Jimin, all the things he said about Jimin in his letters, the way he talks about Jimin in his solo Vlives, writing songs inspired by Jimin, when he said Jimin was the one member who had been there for him during his grandmother's passing etc.
Jk expresses his emotional dependency on Jimin through his actions more so than his words- that need he has to constantly be around Jimin. You see this in moments where he subconsciously finds his way to Jimin like the 2018 comeback VLIVE where he and jimin were put in separate teams but after picking their groups mission he headed for Jimin's team instead of his.
You see this in the way he talks about Jimin when Jimin is not around. He would find a way to chip Jimin into any conversation- I dare you; Talk about heaven and it would remind him of Angel Jimin, talk about hell and he will burst out laughing because of Jimin's devil may care attitude that one time.
You see it in moments when he sulks and yap, whines and complains in a submissive tone when he interacts with Jimin at certain times.
Like when he talked about Jimin not waking him up in that interview, or even the New Jersey Live where he whined and pouted like a broke hearted seven year old and Jimin ended up doing- whatever that was to placate him... that VLIVE still makes me uncomfortable to watch to this day.
You just don't see that level of emotional attachment in Taekook. Their interactions are just that- interactions. Frankly, this moment in Soop is the only meaningful conversation I've heard between them in years.
It is this lack of emotional intimacy between Taekook that disqualifies them from being anywhere near real in my books.
While I acknowledge this lack of emotion amongst them, I wouldn't go as far as to say there's been a cataclysmic decline of their bond or friendship. They are still very much friends, just not intimate friends. Skinship wise, sure. But there is no depth to skinship as I've said.
So if skinship isn't what binds them, what does? Personality, for starters. And I know JK saying he and Tae had different personalities sounded confusing to most.
Jk had called Tae his commonality- this Festa was it? He's described Tae in his profiles over years and in recent times as someone he shares the most personality traits with within the group. He is not wrong.
Personally, I see him as very similar to Tae, Suga and RM in different aspects of their personalities.
I think what he meant by his statement about Tae becoming reserved since their trainee days was that he doesn't find Tae relatable.
You can share the same personality trait with people and still not find them relatable. And I contrast this with his interview with Jimin where JM said he and JK were similar in that they are both sleepy heads and hate to lose.
Jk quickly noted that they both were studying Japanese as well. He acknowledged the similarities between him and Jimin here also. Does it mean he found Jimin relatable?
Jimin said after they both acknowledged their similarities that in spite of this Jungkook didn't seem to like him. Clearly. he too like Tae was feeling a barrier in his relationship with JK.
Jk futher admitted he liked Jimin. So if he liked Jimin and had a lot in common with him what was the problem? Relatability. Jk could relate to JM just as he feels he can't relate with Tae now.
In that interview he described how JM was pretty serious minded who liked to focus on one thing at a time- a trait he said was different and as such perhaps he couldn't relate with.
Isn't it the same song he is singing about Tae now? That Tae is reserved and too serious like Jimin was?
The difference between Tae and Jimin is, over the years and especially in recent times the members have talked about how Jimin seems less serious behind camera. Suga even went ahead to give him an award for this- lol, Suga.
Jimin has changed over the years. He's become more goofy and to JK- more relatable.
Have we all not seen Tae gradually close himself off within the group dynamics? How is it hard to see that that could be something that's impacted his dynamics with JK?
I've already mentioned how Tae has been through a lot trauma enough to shut him off emotionally to anyone but Jimin.
Seeing his two besties coupled up too mustn't be easy either. Exclusivity is one of JK's values and love wants. Jimin's love language dictates you treat him exclusively, differently from others- while this is complementary for them, it very much often leaves them with a tendency for to isolate and exclude others- how do you feel watching them from home? Think that but twice Tae and these other members.
That exclusivity Jikook exudes can make anyone emotionally dependent and attached to any one of them feel left out. And for Tae, I see how he would then want JK to treat him as a friend- as he treats Jimin perhaps. He didn't want to feel left out. Similar to how I said Jimin partaked in the culture of the group in early days because he didn't want to feel like the outsider being the last to join the group.
Jikook's exclusivity tendencies have a way to make him feel further isolated and disconnected from the group.
What it then comes down to between Taekook is the difference in their values and their understanding of intimacy. I think.
I have said, JK is one person emotionally closed off within the group. He used to be physically closed of too and took a minute for him to come to terms with even skinship.
These boys may be from the same cultural backgrounds but they have different beliefs and values and upbringing.
I explained how JK had had to suppress himself, his values and his beliefs especially in the early days in order to be the Maknae of the group and how he's been on a journey to slowly yet drastically grow out of that role and image.
I have explained that even though he does not have a problem with Skinship, he believes couples aren't supposed to cross certain boundaries with others which I said is what jeonlous is mostly about.
So when he said during that conversation, he preferred to keep a certain level of distance from people because he felt that level of proximity could end up ruining relationships, I understood perfectly what he meant. I have always suspected and speculated that about him.
No one BangPD script writer-nim put that in his mouth.
Tae is the opposite of JK in that regard. While Jk is emotionally closed off, Tae is emotionally lose and latches on to people quite easily- aka his attachment to Jimin.
He is among the members of BTS who I think lack emotional boundaries in the group.
Being emotionally close to people and receiving that emotional nourishment is one of Tae's love languages as I've explained in the past. And so I smiled when I heard him talk about how he wanted to feel loved by Army.
Tae lowkey has an anxious insecure attachment style brought upon him by no fault of his in my opinion and I've always felt a similarity between his and jimin's attachment styles in that sense- that constant need for reassurance for one.
While I feel Jimin's anxiousness and need for reassurance is often performative and as such is often exaggerated as part of his idol persona- Jimin does not in reality need reassurace of love from his love interest.
He may appear clingy to some and a bit insecure about his looks, but he doesn't trade his looks for love.
His looks I feel are important to him as long as his career goes. And he tries to look a certain way and obsesses about the way he looks because his looks is a means to longevity and fruitfulness of his career.
His love language is more towards wanting certainty and stability and making him feel like he is the only one.
On the other hand, Tae's need for reassurance sits at the core of him. I don't think it is an exaggeration or a persona at all. In my opinion.
His need for reassurance is born out of an innate fear of losing a connection, a fear of not being loved and a fear of losing love- not to psychoanalyze him or anything. It's just theory.
I've said Tae strikes me as a very melancholic person.
Remember when he faked being an Army to see if an Army was a Solo stan who just loved one member or him also as well- that bit was unsettling and uncalled for. Then during his conversation with JK he talked about how he needed that constant reassurance of love from Army- y'all still think he boo-ed up in there? Alright then.
Loneliness is a bitch. And I understand how he would be driven by an emotional void to connect and attach to people. He really was attached to his Grandmother and having a love connection like that yanked away from him without warning, without proper closure can leave a void behind.
So I see often while he craves to connect he often self sabotages that connection- he does this with Jimin at times, boy can he work Jimin's nerves!
It takes a big heart and a lot of patience to love a person of this nature- and there's only one Jimin in that VMinKook dynamics.
Jk is not good at emotions, can barely work his way through his own much less nurture someone with complex emotions such as that of Tae.
Tae has been working through a lot. Trying to be better. Taekook is just a casualty of Jikook...
I keep saying these boys are human and ought to be viewed, thought of and treated as such. If you want to ship them as characters within the Kpop verse then do that. But don't breach the fourth wall and still think of them as fictional beings.
If any ship is real, then their real lives are bound to affect their dynamics, their desires and influence their needs. It's crazy to turn a blind eye to all of that while uWu-ing your ass off at every cute moment edited and shared to you.
Comparing Tae to JK, JK to me barely expresses a need for emotional attachment to anyone. He is similar to Suga in that sense. It's easier to see who he is emotionally attached to and attracted to than to see his overt expressions emotions.
When you look at all seven you see who JK is emotionally attached to based on how he act around and towards that person. He shows, he doesn't tell. In my opinion.
Tae asking JK to treat him as a friend rather than as a hyung thus to me was his way of asking to JK to connect emotionally. That doesn't mean they weren't close. They were, just not as close as Tae wanted to be.
This is what I meant when I said both him and jimin had tried to break down JK's walls in their early dynamics around debut.
Jimin's approach was to breach JK's physical boundaries but in so doing he had accidentally breached Jk's emotional walls as I've explained in previous posts.
I stated how I felt, perhaps, JM coveted that physical connection between Tae and JK at the time he joined BTS, but it's occurring to me Tae equally perhaps coveted Jikooks emotional connection; asking JK to treat him as a friend- as he treats Jimin?
Now I don't know if that conversation was had before Jimin joined BTS or after so I won't push it.
Regardless, it seems JK putting up those emotional walls with him had led to Tar harboring resentments towards JK- typical of people with passive aggressive tendencies.
Sort of explains all those weird TaegiKook dynamics in the early days of Tae trying so hard to do things to make JK jealous- Do y'all see why I disregard anything that happened between all the members before 2016?
I feel because Tae was young at the time, he didn't have the emotional maturity at the time to deal with a situation like that and coupled with his passive aggressive personality, resentment was bound to build up between them.
This resentment showed itself through his passive aggressive attitudes towards JK- Jimin wants to come, JK is stopping him, then that slight head tilt. Oh, you were given a mission to ignore me? I didn't notice, you ignore me off cam anyway followed by that attitude whatever it was.
In turn, I feel JK along the way started to build similar resentments towards Tae too as response to Tae's coldness and I see how to him Tae would be the problem- to him Tae is the one who had changed and grown distant, reserved in their dynamic- unrelatable.
I feel JK's grudge against Tae leading up to Soop however was because he felt his partner in crime had stabbed him in the back- get out of your imagination. That's not what I'm referring to. Lol. I'll explain in a bit.
But yes, this resentment I feel they were both harboring could probably had further complicated their dynamic and got in their way of achieving true intimacy beyond the skinship- when I tell you skinship is not an indication of intimacy.
You could see this in the way they both were very defensive in their conversation. Whatever had happened, JK had extended an olive branch to have Tae to sit and have drinks with him but Tae had brushed it off.
After this, he's shy to approach Jk to ask him to have a meal with him- Where did it all go wrong, they asked- twelve year olds, that's what they are. Lol.
There was a certain degree of lack of vulnerability in the way they expressed themselves with each other especially on JK's part which I feel leads people to conclude that their conversation was somewhat coerced- It wasn't in my opinion.
I have explained when I was talking about their love languages how I feel Tae in general is very headstrong, almost as strong headed as JK which I feel it's one of the things that gets in their way of achieving true intimacy and I feel that is what we were seeing in that moment during conversation.
I've explained intimacy, true intimacy requires a crucification of pride and a sacrifice of ego without which any intimacy would be superficial. I used VMin's dumpling fight as an example, where I said it took 2 days to two weeks for them to resolve their issue because they were both being strong headed.
It took Jimin's vulnerability and a sacrifice of his ego to reach through to Tae and even that took how long? And this is Jimin, the half blood Hufflepuff, president of the kumbaya fanclub we're talking about-
Y'all think Mr. Let it burn, I'll rather be dead than cool is about to let shit go? - Get some education. It's not in his vocabulary. It's not in either of them's vocabulary. Lol.
While I see these two as both unwilling to bow and submit to eachother, I've see them willfully submit emotionally to Jimin. Where they both fail to be vulnerable with eachother they both eagerly let themselves be vulnerable in this way with Jimin.
So it's not as if they are incapable of being vulnerable with eachother. If Tae's narration of his offer of friendship to JK is anything to go by, it seems he at one point was willing to take the steps to build that level of intimacy needed for their friendship to thrive but JK had barred him.
Tae in wanting to be close with JK the way he(Tae) is close with JM spoke volumes about Vmin dynamics as well. It tell me he doesn't see his bond with Jimin as exclusive. Special, but not exclusive- and we know how both Jimin and JK feel about exclusivity.
Which brings me to JK's perception about VMin.
I don't think JK see's Vmin's friendship as problematic. He just see's their lack of emotional boundaries as problematic and so often you see him try to put up boundaries for Jimin in their dynamic.
To Tae emotional connection is important and an indication of intimacy. That's his love language, that's his value. But how is JK going to open himself up like that to Tae when he sees what Tae and JM have as problematic? When he values and believes emotional connection has to be reserved for an intimate partner?
As explained earlier, exclusivity is a huge deal to JK.
He believes somethings ought to be reserved and exclusive to love relationships. He believed it then, he believes it now and he has consistently lived that belief through his actions throughout the years.
And if this is his values, then imagine his frustration at seeing people cross all sorts of boundaries with his man everywhere he turns- its enough to give anyone a complex, seriously.
When Tae explained that JK refusing to treat him casually as a friend was part of the reason they couldn't be as intimate, JK was quick to point out why he made that decision all those years and from the looks of it he ain't changing his mind anytime soon.
Dude literally said- I said what I said.
JK believes to make his intimate relationship special and to protect the sanctity of it, he ought to put up walls not further indulge in and perpetuate the lack of emotional boundaries within the group.
In this regard, Taekook is a casualty of Jikook, nothing personal. I've said, a real relationship involving JK or Jimin within the group is mutually exclusive to any other ship involving those two. As such all those other ships involving those two are bound to be casualties of Jikook.
In as much as BTS have thrived as a group on the lack of boundaries between them, this lack of boundaries was also ruining some of the members' joy especially JK who believes a certain level of boundary is necessary for a healthy relationship- Soop was very much neccessary.
And I see some Jikookers are claiming, Taekook settled their differences and had that conversation perhaps for Jimin's sake? Chileee- it makes sense if you are looking at things in isolation? But...
I mean Jikook have been dating a long time- six years now, for Taekook to be only now considering the effect of their dynamics on Jimin. If Jimin is whom they were concerned about they would have nipped it in the bud a long time ago especially around the time Jimin was having a tough time in his life. In my opinion.
I acknowledge the role Jimin played in bringing those two together and even believe he is the one that influenced them to take the initiatives they both took separately but no. I don't think they did this for Jimin. They did this for themselves first of all and for the sake of the sake of their careers, and the group.
[Image below. Check end of post if it's missing. Tumblr, Sigh]
I know some people have theorized that JK posted this on Weverse after his live because he was eager to do his next live with Jimin- true, but not only that.
The tension in that live was there but it wasn't there because he was uncomfortable with Tae per se. He has had a live with Tae in the past, has filmed with staff around and so Jeon Jungkook really had no excuse now did he?
Then the shade he threw, I shouldn't try to make anything next time- then proceeds to make gimbap with Jimin in their live while cheesing through it.
I feel his statement about making things was a Jab at BigHit. I told you previously how I felt he didn't want to do the live. That neither he nor Tar wanted to do the live hence BigHit's results to coercion. In my opinion.
BigHit at the time, it seems, was making them do these weird PG13 arts and craft thingy during their heavily monitored lives- it was weird as fuck especially for the audience that have grown used their VLives being a way for them to have intimate moments and conversations with BTS- I dipped out of most of those VLives. Deuces.
Homeboy was protesting because he just wanted to, first of all, have a Vlive alone with Jimin because they hadn't had one in a while- he deadass wanted to sit and stare into JM's soul while the rest of us watched on in silent discomfort and miserable loneliness while we thirdwheeled- This man, I swear to God!
But he also wanted to fight for their right to as a group to do whatever they wanted with little control and interference from BigHit- Independence really is recurring theme in JK's dramas. Lol.
After JK posted those rebellious tweets to out BigHit, Tae followed those tweets with a tweet akin to hold your peace followed by the shush emoji.
On its own it doesn't mean much. But read together with JK's post and the background I've given, it takes on a whole new meaning.
This moment to me was one of those evil twin power activation moments. Tae seemed to be with JK on that, in his own passive aggressive manner.
I talked about how social media was one of the tools they use to fight back against BigHit. Especially, by withholding their presence on social media platforms.
The company needs them to be online, interacting with fans and growing their fanbase. I hear some Idols, not BTs, are allegedly forced to appear on VLives even and social media even.
Yet BTS do that pro bono. So when they feel the company is tripping they exercise their rights to remain off the internet.
So imagine my surprise when Tae was suddenly popping up on Weverse, Vlive, YouTube live left right left!
I was surprised not because it was unusual of him, but because I felt that was contrary to the move he had made in support of JK earlier.
Do I think it is probably one of the immediate causes of the heat between Taekook that they needed to address? Probably.
I mean why else would Tae bring up him spending so much time online in his conversation with JK? How is that a way to bond with JK? Unless, perhaps JK had been pissed he did that and so Tae felt he needed to explain why he did that? Don't mind me. I'm delusional- but deadass.
Now a chunk of that conversation was voiced over so we will never know everything about that moment. And I hope, in the future they both talk about this and give us more details about this.
Both Jk and Tae have had issues with BigHit in the past and when they do they aren't afraid to come at BigHit with direct or passive aggressiveness.
Did y'all see ILand? How Tae took a jab at Bang PD over chicken breasts? How in Rookie King he expressed his resentment at BangPD for not knowing his name?
They are both expressive, assertive and less of a pushover in that way, I feel. They will put up the you can force the horse to the river side but can't force it to drink attitude if pushed against their will.
I mentioned in my previous post how Jikook have been asserting themselves against eachother.
By that I meant, JK has been pushing JM to put up boundaries, treat their relationship with the same level of seriousness he does and not act like an ass kisser within the group all the time- bless him.
Jk used to be that guy who tried to please everyone. He would sacrifice his own happiness if that meant the happiness and harmony of the group. He is very Kumbaya in that way.
While this is noble, often he ended up stepping on JK's happiness because sacrificing his happiness is sacrificing Jk's happiness.
Him being the decision maker in their dynamics, that often means he ends up sacrificing JK's happiness without JK's permission.
To JK, JM would always come first. But Jimin is a bit of a people pleaser. He would consider the effect putting JK first would have on the group before placing him first- lately that has changed.
I feel Jk has been pushing him to careless about people's opinions of him and their relationship- please listen to the lyrics of GCF Helsinki to see what I mean especially whenever Jimin comes on the screen for the longest bar.
Just as much as JK has been pushing JM, JM has equally been pushing JK to be mindful of his possessiveness. While I see Jimin as someone who likes to belong, I don't think he wants to be owned.
So you see him pushing Jk to be social, to spend time with others- fix his issues with Tae for example, read books etc.
I hinted at this dynamic when I talked about Jikook shading eachother. Please check it out.
JK's always asserted himself and wanted to assert himself in the group dynamics and he has always expected that of Jimin as well.
It's no surprising then to see Jimin say no to Tae when Tae asked him to go on a car ride with him and Hobi in Soop episode 06. Old Jimin would have run along, no questions asked.
Jikook have changed. Their relationship dynamic has changed, their individual personalities have changed- are changing and they are changing eachother as well.
It explains why to JK Jimin feels more relatable as we've talked about above. They are changing but are also changing for eachother.
Some of these changes are glaringly obvious, others are subtle and easy to miss if you blink.
For example, Vmin's interaction mentioned above. Notice how Jimin is the outdoor kind of guy but in this instance he chose to stay indoors? Outdoors activities are his thing, indoors activities are JK's thing.
Do you see how Jk is influencing him?
He not only chose the indoors, he also chose an indoors activity that had JK written all over. How should I put this, painting, craft, drawing- those are ravenclaw traits not halfbood hufflepuffs' traits. Know what I mean?
True, Jimin loves these activities too but when you think of him traveling all over the world during their vacation- something I said was a cause of misunderstanding between them in August last year, you'd understand what I mean by JK asserting himself against Jimin.
They are compromising, they are negotiating, they are each embracing aspects of their personalities and accommodating it- you call it domesticity, I call it the aftermath of a trail period in Jikook's journey.
There are a lot other observations I made but this is all the length Tumblr can permit. Love Jikook and Support them.
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plague-of-insomnia · 3 years
Lol I *hate* that post. Also like, most people don't read classic lit, and classic lit in general can be critized as being made up of primarily cis, white, straight men. Women and queer authors often have their works shuffled into YA. And fanfic?? Primarily made of of women and queer folk (and queer women). Which... is often what the reasoning is why it's targeted.
Also, children's lit and YA lit are some of the best works I've read. They deal with harsh topics. One of my favorite books from when I was a kid is Gossamer by Lois Lowry. My class read it in fifth grade (so like, 10 year olds) and it dealt heavily with abuse and coping with and recovery from trauma. The book Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson also deals with very dark themes, and it's YA. (Also both very good books and I highly recommend each. Look up the trigger lists for them. When I say they deal with dark subjects, I mean it.)
Fanfic and YA are such broad categories, and to dismiss them shows a clear lack of true understanding of literature. Typically, when people say they dislike them, it boils down to bias against queer people, women, and romance as a genre (which was spear headed by, you guessed it, queers and women).
Also, there's nothing wrong with liking tropes. I like tropes. Everyone likes specific tropes. We've all just been copying off of one another since the beginning of art creation, and we will continue to do so. Just let people enjoy things ffs. Reading is for fun and creating fanfic is for fun. Just because I read or write something doesn't mean I want to base a master's thesis around it
[In reference to this post: TL;DR - people who only read fan fic/YA aren’t capable of understanding/analyzing complex themes bc they’re obsessed with tropes]
Oof! @gabedemon, this is all a really good point/addition to why that OP’s point was 😬.
Now I’ll confess I do not personally like YA as a general rule, largely for two reasons: 1) I don’t like reading about teens and 2) for a while EVERYONE and their grandparents were writing YA to try and hitch onto the bandwagon of popular novels turned films like Harry Potter and The Hunger Games, et al, and so a lot of people were writing stuff just to try and ride a trend rather than bc that’s what they should have been writing/what their story actually wanted.
However, you are 100% right that there are some amazing novels that fall into that broad category and are worth reading whether you’re 15 or 95 (or somewhere in between).
One of the best novels I read before my headache began (and I stopped reading novels 😞) dealt with some really heavy issues (it was focused on suicide) — and it managed to delve into complex mental illness (like BPD, borderline personality disorder) and suicidality in a really realistic and complex way while not glorifying it in anyway. I highly recommend it, if the topic isn’t too tough for you (general you) to deal with, Suicide Watch:
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I definitely think you see queer authors and their stories forced into niche publishers or fan fic (I don’t know if I would say only YA here as I’ve read a ton of non-YA queer published fiction).
I think you have some people who are just “snobs” who think only “serious” “literary fiction” is worth reading and has any depth. Those people have probably never read a really good YA novel (I also recommend Freaks Like Us for one that tackles mental illness in a insightful way) or any fan fic at all. (Or if they have, it’s something like My Immortal.) So they make the assumption that all fan fic must be meaningless drivel (as if there isn’t plenty of that in mainstream, published adult fiction or other media for that matter).
They also forget that people read for different reasons, and like you said, not everyone wants to read something to write a master’s thesis on.
Some “pulp” stories, like the Sherlock Holmes tales, have survived and proliferated across time and languages because people find them entertaining and can identify with the characters in some way. (Ofc some people like to analyze those stories but not everyone does; in fact, most people don’t, and that’s perfectly fine.)
So I think you have the snobs who really aren’t looking at it from a “I must crush queer writers,” though ofc you’re absolutely right about the fact that bias still exists among readers and publishers.
As I mentioned before, trying to publish a novel with a queer MC or romance through one of the big ones is really difficult for the same reason we see plenty of queer baiting in film but very few actual queer stories. Publishers are afraid that those stories won’t sell, will offend and affect sales of other books, etc, etc,
So we see the proliferation of queer stories and writers in fan fic where people are free to write whatever they want. And that’s really wonderful, imo. (But I also hope we finally see more mainstream queer stories and authors/creators as well.)
And as for tropes, honestly that was the dumbest part of the whole argument. Tropes have always and will always exist bc there’s just some things we humans love to see over and over and over again. I’m sure you could label just about any “high” art with a trope of some kind. Just bc something can be distilled into tropes doesn’t mean that’s all it is. I mean, writing programs always talk about things like “the hero’s journey” or whatever and that’s a kind of trope, too.
Anyway, I’m gonna stop before I keep rambling 😅 but yeah I think you make some really great points/additions, and I absolutely think that “all generalizations are bad” 😅😂 and trying to make a sweeping assessment like that is ridiculous.
Kind of reminds me of how much scorn “genre” fiction has gotten (think mystery novels or romance novels or sci fi, etc) because it’s “shallow.” But that has begun to change, and I do think we’re slowly seeing the attitude toward fan fic changing…. Now, if only we could chuck all the antis and their puritanical BS out the door….
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Do you have a character you adore that every1 hates? I'll always love this female character no matter what, but the hate gets tiring. The fandom HATES her so much & always belittles her & erases her existence. Side characters r more loved than her. It makes me feel so down to see the character I love get torn apart by the fandom everywhere online/IRL. No surprise if the author regrets her too. It's been years..I've accepted the hate will never end. But still, sometimes it hurts..:( srry2bother
I wouldn't say I "adore" her, but I've always been a fan of Disney's version of Snow White and I hate how much flack she and some of the older Disney princesses get because they're not the modern version of the "strong independent badass woman" trope.
I hate how a female character has to be a certified badass or funny quirky girl nowadays to be respected or liked by a fandom. There's more to having a personality than being independent or a goofball.
Snow White is an incredibly caring, kind hearted, self-sufficient and optimistic person who's film was released after the Great Depression when children needed characters like her around to give them hope.
She has her flaws, yes. But what Disney characters don't?
And I hate this trend of Disney shitting on their older princesses like they didn't pave the way for the new ones to begin with and all the crappy buzzfeed articles with their hot takes that don't even line up with the movies/characters themselves that people just jump on the bandwagon for because idk it's hip nowadays.
Anyway I'm gonna stop ranting now lol.
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