#(also Mik from Ghosted!)
doodlesanddynomite · 1 month
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SKETCH DUMPPPPPP!!! (non Ghosted! related, I’ll do a Ghosted! dump later)
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nemo-me-impune · 5 months
Listening to Larry talk about Friends explains why they ended it the way they did but I do think the issue that's occurred is that the reason Friends ended the way it did is because Friends was about people who were inevitably going to get older and get married and have kids and that was always the stated goal
Whereas the whole point of Ghosts is they can't change. They never will change. There is no progression for any of them, including Alison and Mike.
I think it speaks to the class thing I was thinking about before (it's almost impossible to stop being poor after all) but also the difference between the 90 and the 2020s is that none of us are able to progress the way we were told we were supposed to. We can't afford to get married, we can't afford to have children, we can't afford to buy a house and move out of the city.
And Alison and Mik as representatives of our generation get those things, but they don't really do it the way they're supposed to. They're married, but they're very young for a married couple who met when they were still in school. They've got a house in the country, but it's a ridiculous crumbling thing that is never going to be sustainable.
So when they have the baby, the ultimate mark of being an Adult, it feels off to us that they get that without there being talk of finances, about childcare, about support. Anyone who has kids these days only manage it with the help of extended family, and Alison's family can't physically help her (which hits so close to me as the child of disabled parents you don't even know lol) so of course Mike's mum steps in and steps over.
But the resolution should have been leaving the house for the good of the child, for the financial security, the tangible reality of the situation. Not because the Ghosts were lesser in some way than the nuclear family model, which is how it came across to many.
It's like when you put a family member into a care home. Of course you want to be able to care for them and be there for them but reality means they need more help than you can give them, and you need to be able to live your own life outside of being a caretaker.
Alison should not be expected to be a caretaker for eight people and a massive house at the cost of her life and her own desires of a family with Mike. That doesn't mean she doesn't love them, but given the choice she had to prioritise herself. That should have been where the emotional focus was.
I hate to say it's a little out of touch but I honestly think that might be a bit of what's going on here.
Ironically it seems like the ending comes from a place in the past, like pre 2016. Not the distant past but distant enough for us to notice.
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girlwithamissingpearl · 10 months
Here we go again. The criticism of SH’s Sassanach Gin tour is as expected. Not everyone has to like what he does. That’s fair. But that continuing narrative that he takes advantage of his fans? Sorry, but that’s a hard no for me.
Personally I don’t know how the actual fuck he does it. Ten years in and he is still gracious and accommodating to all his fans, even those that cross every line. How is unsolicited groping ever acceptable? I think he is far too affable. But the he’s taking advantage of his fans continues. If all he wanted to do was was an Outlander pump and dump cash grab, not only is he doing it all wrong, he’s working far to hard. Rather than invest his own money and produce a craft product, he could have purchased a house brand equivalent of whisky and gin, and concentrate on labels. Imagine limited edition pumpkin spice, thanksgiving, Christmas, new year’s, Valentine’s Day, shirtless-you get the idea- SH limited edition bottles. I think he’s looking beyond that and trying to build a brand.
There’s also been a lot written about the individual appearances and signings. I would never camp out at midnight to get a place in line, but a 6-8 hour wait? There are a small group of gals that I follow and Dm with, that I would gladly grab a lawn chair and sunscreen and happily take my place in line with. Not sure if they would be as keen, but @khccbc1745, @kiaora45, @harriethattie, @caldineens, @collectido, @ maryofboston, @ Stargazer74 , @andorra97 and many more, who take the time to not only comment, but call me out when I get things wrong(which I have been known to do) you know who you are- I’d wait in line, with any of these women, in a heartbeat. Even though we range in age-40-80- I don’t think we would have a single second of silence. With a group, you take turns getting coffee, snacks, lunch…quick SH selfie, hotel nap, dinner and drinks. I think that’s the part people don’t get when they see the long lines. It’s not for everyone, but it’s also for most a once in a lifetime thing. Go ahead and laugh, a couple of years ago I was the first to make fun of people like me, but scrolling through the fandom has become one of my favourite things to do, and something I don’t have to share with other family and friends that will never understand the joy of all things Outlander and SH😊. The other thing that most people don’t get is that, and I think I can speak not only for myself but the other amazing women in the fandom, we really don’t take each other that seriously. This is fun, and for me definitely a guilty pleasure bc🥸I’m so happy that I have these like minded people I can commiserate with because I just watched the last mid season episode of season 7. How dare they say…to be continued next year. Next year? Ffs.
On a final note, a fun fact. If we didn’t have tickets for tennis, I definitely would have gone to the Scottish festival in Fergus Ontario to see our very own hometown boy CV, and RR and for once be able to post some original pics. Not far from home, I’ve been to the festival in the past- definitely have Scots in the family tree including a competitive bagpiper- and its always fun. I’ve really enjoyed CV as WR in the first part of season 7 and really looking forward to watching his story unfold. But having to wait until next year to watch the second half of season 7, and who knows how long before season 8 airs. Don’t even get me started about DG, and the timeline for the release of book 10. Seriously considering a class action lawsuit for the cruel and unusual punishment inflicted by DG when she said Jamie’s ghost story would be revealed in the last page of book 10. Why DG? Why? On the other hand, I can take my time scrolling, commenting and posting about season 7. If I was a patient person, which I’m not. So for now I’ll make due with the ongoing commentary of how people around the world refer to the “pineapple swim trunks” SH sports in an upcoming episode of MIK 2. Something budgies….🦜🏊‍♂️🩲…
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tammyjackson50-blog · 2 years
- Secert relationship - E.M
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<- previous part - next part ->
This time, I set alone at lunch, The cheerleaders were busy, and I had no one to be with and.. my "ex" friends kept looking at me , it's not something new at all ,I got used to it, and I even sometimes don't care, but today.... I don't know... it's different? It's not about me not being with Christy.. it's... " ugh "
I have no idea....
" L/N " your little friend called you. You look up. " Yeah, Dusty? " I know that I said that I don't have friends here, I know Dustin and his friend Mike since he is my neighbor and I get to see him a lot, I guess that because they are a bit younger then me it felt weird to say friends but I'm very happy to call them my friends.
" Why are you alone? Where are Christy and her friends? "
the boys kinda knew about the situation with my cousin and my relationship with her friends and they still didn't mind to be my friend, that's why I appreciate them so much " well, they are pretty busy right now so.. yeah, but I'm fine, do'tcha worry " I said, smiling, " So we are sitting with you today Y/n , it's been a while " Mike said,
" Yeah.. sorry about that boys , but hey I see that you guys really have fun with your friends from Hellfire club " Dustin and Mike looked at each other and smiled " Yes, Y/n the guys are really funny and cool " Dustin said " Mhm aspaclly Eddie , he's the coolest " Eddie? Probably him, right? " Eddie Munson? " You asked the guys that looked at you, surprised." Yes, Eddie munson, how did you know? Do you know him? "Well, yeah, you know, he's pretty much known as a "Freak" here, so...
Dustin and Mike eyes winded like they had seen a ghost. " Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, guys, you know, and I don't have a problem with him, so I don't......." I didn't finish my sentence because of their damn stare. Why do they look so shocked? did I insult them? Until I felt someone's presence behind me... " AHHHH "
You got so freaking jump scared that everyone looked at you,
" People, keep eating, there is nothing to look at," Eddie said while looking around the cafeteria, " So.. you don't think that I'm a freak? " he looked at you with a smirk on his face." Um, well, you are.. Pretty normal? " you didn't know what to say, it was little bit uncomfortable and unexpected " I'll take it as a compliment " you saw Dustin and Mike giggling quietly while looking at my confused face " so , Y/n , I see that you know my good D&D friends " he sat down next to Mike ," yes they are my friends as well " you answer not knowing what else to say " that's nice.. that's really nice , would you like to watch us playing tomorrow? " Oh wow, I... didn't expect that ,The boys turned to look at him , really?? " Dustin asked excitedly " sure why not, I would like to meet my friends nice friend " he smiled looking at me , there was something in the way that he look at me that made me feel some type of way " okay sure why not " you smiled back.
It was after school and you were over Dustin house with Mike, we were chilling doing nothing, you were looking at some Dustins mom magazines, Mike was watching TV with Dustin until we hear a knock on the door " oh it's probably Eddie "
You look confused at Dustin that was walking over the door
" Eddie? I didn't know that he's supposed to come. " Mike is still looking at the TV and said. " Yeah, Dustin invited him. He's bringing some good movies to watch "
" hey Mik-" you looked at Eddie who looked at you surprised for a second " oh hello " he didn't expect to see me as well "sit down feel at home, me and Mike will bring some snacks " Dustin looked at Mike who frowned " why do you need me?" Dustin just looked at him and then at me, and Mike just stood up like he understood something,  "Oh okay, I'll help you, " and just like that, I was left alone with Eddie Munson..... "I didn't know that you were also here" he looked at me "yeah I didn't know that you are coming as well" it was quiet for a moment. How long have you been friends with the boys?  you look over a picture that was on the shelf, you stood up to take it and gave it to him " this long " it was a picture from 3 years ago, the boys looked like babies "oh wow, they look so- Dustin is looking like a baby I can't believe it haha"
"yeah, they were adorable" he then looked at you in the picture and said "you look cute as well" you looked at him, getting a bit shy from the compliment " thank you ".
Okay, it has been almost ten minutes already. Where the hell are they?? How many snacks they want to bring from the freaking kitchen that is literally two minutes away from the living room.
I looked over at Eddie, he was looking at the same magazine that I was reading before he came, his hair was blocking his face preventing me to see him, and his fingers were playing with the edge of the magazine, and then I noticed his shirt "Aerosmith", you let a small gasp and he heard it, " are you okay ? " he asked, looking a bit worried, " yeah yeah I'm totally fine. " what an idiot omg, why did I had to gasp he nodded and went back to the magazine, man I want to say something...
" Um, I- I like your shirt, it's really cool "
He looked at you, surprised a bit. "Do you know Aerosmith?" "Yes, I do, I love his songs. " he turned his body towards you, " Are you serious?" "Yeah, why not?" He looked at me as his smile grew.
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Eddie: what is your favorite song?
Y/n: hmm.. wow I don't think I have only one song, but I'll say " Dream on"
Eddie: Holy shit I love this song!!
Y/n: really? Haha
Eddie: do you listen to other bands?
For almost 20 minutes we were just talking about our favorite bands and songs, we might have a little different tastes from each other but we do have a lot in common.
"I told you that they will enjoy each other" Dustin said to Mike.
they came back not long ago but You didn't even notice them.
"Hey guys.. are we going to watch the movie?" Mike looked at us waiting for our answer, " Oh, when did you came back? " Eddie looked at them confused " we are sitting here about ten minutes, thanks for checking us out guys," he said Sarcastically " Sorry boys , let's watch the movie."
After the movie we watched, I decided to go back home since it was getting late. Even though I live five minutes away from Dustin, I was a bit tired.
" Eddie next time I'm picking a movie to watch " said Dustin " yeah I don't think that I'm a big horror movie fan " Mike looked at Eddie scratching his head " oh come on boys, are you that scared?" He said giggling , the boys were talking and I slowly started to fall asleep so I stood up " guys I'll go home , it was really fun "
"oh okay, thank you for coming, I'll come tomorrow morning before school so we'll bike together" "okay cool" Eddie walked after you and said " wait Y/n let me walk you home, it's getting dark outside"
"Oh, no, it's fine, I live -" he cut you off. "I'm anyway going home right now as well, so.." "Wait, what? I thought that you gonna stay a little bit longer. " Eddie turned around to look at Dustin." Well... plan changed my friend " he winked , " oh- OH haha, okay, I see. " Eddie bummed his shoulder to quiet him, " Okay, bye guys, see you tomorrow, " and we went outside.
We were walking next to each other, not talking as much. It wasn't weird as you thought it would be. It was actually nice.
" Y/n um, I feel like I should apologize." You looked at him confused. " What do you mean? " "for today in the morning, I felt like I made you uncomfortable " you stopped walking " Eddie that's okay, it was just, weird you know, nothing bad happened you just scared me " " well I'm sorry I didn't mean to, it's just... Jason ripped one of my campaign projects so I just felt like going out and I end up in the bushes trying to fix it" you felt sad for him, you saw his expression and it looked like he was trying to hide his sadness " I'm sorry to hear that, did you fixed it" he smiled again " yeah I did, luckily the damage wasn't that bad " you smiled.
He started walking again and he turned around to look at me " why are you standing there?" You pointed to your house " because I live here." "Oh wait, you are neighbors with Dustin? That's cool" you smiled "Yes haha" "thank you though for walking with me Eddie, I appreciate it" Eddie smiled softly " no problem Y/n, it was nice getting to know you today " " yeah it was nice getting to know you too" "um, see you tomorrow at school?" You felt like you were blushing, but it was dark for him to notice." Yeah, of course. "
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hxpelessnurse · 1 year
Please repost do not reblog
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CHARACTER SHEET ― FULL NAME: Mikan Tsumiki NICKNAME: Miks, Miki, Pig, a whole lot of other unpleasant names. ALIASES: The Ultimate Nurse, Super High School Level Health Committee Member, Plague (P5 AU Metaverse nickname) PRONOUNS: Cis woman She/Her/Hers HEIGHT: 5'4" (165cm) AGE: Verse dependent; 16 - 30+ ZODIAC: Taurus, Year of the Rooster SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Japanese, English, Korean
HAIR: Long, dark and choppy. Looks deep purple in certain lighting. FACIAL HAIR: None. EYES: Grey-lilac in colour. Often red and puffy from crying. SKIN TONE: Pale as a ghost. BODY TYPE: Slightly curvy. Pear shaped. VOICE: sharp, nervous, always stuttering and stumbling over words, but very sweet and soft. DOMINANT HAND: Ambidextrous. Both hands are dominant. Tends to use right slightly more though. POSTURE: Always shivering and tense. A little anxious ball of emotions, back always pin-straight. SCARS: Tons all over her body. Most are predominantly on her legs and arms. BIRTHMARKS: a beauty mark under her left eye MOST NOTABLE FEATURES: Her eyes and hair. Grey eyes are rather rare and her hair is always a wild mess. 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐃 ― PLACE OF BIRTH: Kawasaki, Japan HOMETOWN: Tokyo, Japan or Jabberwock Island SIBLINGS: n/a PARENTS: Shinso Tsumiki (Father, half-Korean), Mitsuko Hanawara (Mother, Full Japanese, remarried), Daisuke Hanawara (Step-Father, Full Japanese)
𝐀𝐃𝐔𝐋𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 ― OCCUPATION: Nurse Practitioner CURRENT RESIDENCE: Hope's peak Dorms/Studio apartment in the Kichijoji district of Tokyo/Her cabin on Jabberwock Island. CLOSE FRIENDS: Ibuki Mioda, Mahiru Koizumi, Sonia Nevermind, Chiaki Nanami, Hajime Hinata, Kazuichi Souda. FINANCIAL STATUS: She is getting by. But she's not making a lot. DRIVER'S LICENSE: No. CRIMINAL RECORD: She has murdered a lot of people so... VICES: smoking, drinking, overthinking.
LOVE LANGUAGE: Words Of Affirmation, Physical Touch, Acts of Service, and Quality Time. RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES: She's a paranoid person when it comes to relationships so she will do anything to keep her partner. She can get a little overly possessive and be a bit of a yandere when it comes to her partner. She's also super clingy and willing to put out on the first date if it means they'll stay.
CHARACTER'S THEME TUNE: Crybaby by Melanie Martinez, Girl Anachronism by Dresden Dolls HOBBIES TO PASS THE TIME: Reading romance novels, and watching horror movies. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED: Left-Brained. SELF-CONFIDENCE LEVEL: What confidence? She has none.
Tagged by: @dxfiedfxte (thank you!) Tagging: @webbedphantom, @attractdistract, @more-than-a-princess, and viewers like you.
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arachnidblues · 7 months
Review of the FNAF Movie-
-Spoilers ahead-
I thought it was pretty terrible upon first watch but now thinking about it in hindsight it’s worse than I thought. It’s a movie with no themes, no characters and no interesting lore either.
So let’s start with Mike- Mike is probably the most interesting character given that he is the protagonist. I don’t think that he was supposed to be unlikeable but I found him pretty hard to like. He’s written as sort of pathetic and incompetent but doesn’t really go through any growth. His main goal of the movie is to dream about his brother’s kidnapping and focus on it enough that he can remember the face of the kidnapper. He loses multiple jobs because of PTSD from this encounter and is scolded for doing this while on the job. The thing I don’t like is how he totally gets closure and doesn’t move on from that, he just discovers who it is without even having to work for it. He’s not really that much of a flawed character because in the end the cure for his flaw is not actually him moving on or getting better it’s him finding it through a different way. He doesn’t really face consequences for his issues so I have to wonder if the movie thinks they’re issues at all.
Vanessa is terrible and I do not know why. If we’re being honest I don’t think they knew what they were doing with this character even in the games. But in the movie she is just a really bad person and I don’t know why. She’s a lying police officer who is implied to have covered up multiple murders just to protect somebody who she does not even like. So like, a police officer. I do not understand her motivation in the movie at all. Why does she stand by William at all? Does he pay well? Was she secretly also involved with the murders? Does she just like family that much? If she did that would kind of make sense. She seems to care a lot about Abby and want to protect her and maybe the family as a whole? But if so than why does she immediately betray William when he attempts to do something that he has already done numerous times. Also is Vanessa going to come back in the sequels? I hope that she goes to prison after she’s done in the hospital but I would not put it past them to just bring her back as a good guy for no reason.
Abby is just a kid. I have no thoughts on her.
The Aunt-
I do not remember her name. She’s just a super villain which is fine. I think it’s kind of weird how the resolution to the arc she started is not Mike becoming a better care taker it is her being murdered by Golden Freddy. I also think it’s weird that she’s willing to burn a thousand dollars on clearly incompetent workers but is going through this entire plan just to get welfare money.
William Afton-
He’s barely in the movie so this will be shorter. He’s pretty much just the character in the game. I wish that he got more screen time instead of the random goons that got merc’d. He’s fine though.
All of the animatronics in the movie are nothing. I think that the screen time should have been a lot more focused on them. The reason that FNAF is even popular because people like the animatronics and their personalities. There’s a lot of popular headcanon around them with their personalities but unfortunately that is only headcanon. They don’t really have personality in the games so they don’t in the movie and I think that’s one of the worst parts.
Now, the rest of the movie.
I think that the movie is very distracted and time wasting. The first two or three nights at Freddy’s are just the same dream sequence happening with slight changes and then there’s just a sequence of people being murdered. Then after this the animatronics are just good now. They act good and are just kind of guys until they get mind controlled at the end. I also dislike the fact that the robots don’t seem to follow any sort of rules. I know they get controlled by the drawings but other than that they are just ghosts. Golden Freddy just appears at Mike’s house which to me is very weird, does that mean they can just leave? Why do the animatronics not just leave? I know that they’re spooky and stuff but they’re also just kids and I don’t even think they would clock that in. They barely have minds.
The movie is also just not scary. It’s got more jokes than legitimate attempts at horror. The animatronics just kill 4 people and it’s barely acknowledged again. It has more spooky dream sequences than actual canonical damage. The animatronics hurt Mike in the dream world more than they ever do in the actual world. I know it’s made for kids but I think they could have gone further. Also the movie is not funny either. I don’t know why there were jokes they never made a good one. The MattPat cameo especially was terrible in my opinion. He just says the thing and there’s no joke other than that.
The worst part for me is that the movie just has no themes. None of the threads connect for a message or even just a thru line. I tried to find a reason why everything happened in a thematic sense but there just isn’t. It’s an entirely nothing movie because it’s a nothing script. It’s like a cake covered in fondant. It makes it nice and pretty but the covering has no flavor of it’s own.
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Introducing Character 01 - Erik | Hitchcockian
Erik and Mik (twins) - (age: 8)
Erik and Mik are the spitting image of their father, with his bright red hair and comical personalities.
They also share their father's love for adventure and often sneak into the storeroom for sweets or take the longboats for a joyride.
They are messy and have a tendency to leave a trail of destruction in their steps, causing extra work for their mother.
Taking after their father, they both have vibrant and wild red hair that makes them stand out in a crowd.
Love of playing practical jokes and pranks on their mother.
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Erik and Mik were born as identical twins in a small Viking village in the 9th century. They were born during a particularly warm and sunny day, and their mother, Thora, declared that they were "suns of summer" due to their bright and cheerful dispositions.
Ever since they were old enough to crawl, Erik and Mik have been causing chaos in the village. They loved to sneak into the kitchen and steal honey, play pranks on the other village children, and explore every nook and cranny of their small world.
Their mother, Thora, tried her best to keep up with their mischievous ways, but their father often found their antics amusing and even helped them in their pranks. He taught them how to make silly faces, to imitate different animal sounds and how to create fake ghost stories to tell the other children.
Despite their mischievousness, the boys have a strong sense of loyalty and are fiercely proud of their Viking heritage. They have grown up listening to stories of their father's raids and battles, and they are eager to follow in his footsteps when they are older. They often sneak into their father's tent to try on his arm rings and drinking horn, imagining themselves leading raids and conquering new lands.
Erik and Mik were born into a tight-knit Viking community located on the coast of Norway. This rugged and beautiful region is dotted with towering mountains and deep fjords, and is home to a Viking clan who are used to surviving the harsh winters and fending off raiders from neighboring clans. Despite the constant threat of battle, the village is a lively place, with feasts, mead-drinking contests, and epic storytelling sessions taking place on a regular basis.
Despite their small size, the two were always eager to prove themselves as warriors, just like their father, Harald the Redbeard. They would practice with wooden swords, trying to mimic the battle moves they saw their father and other warriors perform. They would also try to sneak into Harald's mead hall, where the warriors would tell stories of their battles and adventures.
Also, Erik and Mik would often switch places, pretending to be each other, and see if anyone could tell the difference. They would even try to fool their own parents, who were always able to tell them apart by their different laughs.
In their village, the twins were known for their bright red hair, just like their father's, which they inherited from him. The two were inseparable and often found themselves in the middle of some wild adventure, whether it was exploring a nearby cave or tracking a wild beast.
0 notes
THE TWO SONS: Final description of the characters
Erik and Mik (twins) - (age: 8) 
Erik and Mik are the spitting image of their father, with his bright red hair and comical personalities.
They also share their father's love for adventure and often sneak into the storeroom for sweets or take the longboats for a joyride.
They are messy and have a tendency to leave a trail of destruction in their steps, causing extra work for their mother.
Taking after their father, they both have vibrant and wild red hair that makes them stand out in a crowd.
Love of playing practical jokes and pranks on their mother. 
Erik and Mik were born as identical twins in a small Viking village in the 9th century. They were born during a particularly warm and sunny day, and their mother, Thora, declared that they were "suns of summer" due to their bright and cheerful dispositions. 
Ever since they were old enough to crawl, Erik and Mik have been causing chaos in the village. They loved sneaking into the kitchen and steal sweets, play pranks on the other village children, and explore every corner of their small world.
Their mother, Thora, tried her best to keep up with their mischievous pranks, but their father often found those amusing and even helped them in their pranks. He taught them how to make silly faces, to imitate different animal sounds and how to create fake ghost stories to tell the other children. 
Despite their silly behaviour like their father, the boys have a strong sense of loyalty and are devoted and proud of their Viking heritage. They have grown up listening to stories of their father's raids and battles, and they are excited to follow in his footsteps when they are older. They also often sneak into their father's meeting place to try on his arm rings and drinking horn,and would imagine themselves leading raids and conquering new lands. 
Erik and Mik were born into a close-knit Viking village located on the coast of Norway. This village was a home to a Viking clan who are used to surviving the harsh winters and fending off raiders from neighboring clans. The village is a lively place, with feasts, mead-drinking contests, and epic storytelling sessions taking place on a regular basis, despite the threat of constant raids and battles. 
The two were always eager to prove themselves as warriors, just like their father, Harald the Redbeard. They would practice with wooden swords, trying to mimic the battle moves they saw their father and other warriors perform. They would also try to sneak into Harald's mead hall, where the warriors would tell stories of their battles and adventures. 
In their village, the twins were known for their bright red hair, just like their father's, which they inherited from. The two were bestfriends and often found themselves in the middle of any wild adventure, whether it was exploring a nearby forest, cave or tracking a wild beast. 
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sakuraagere · 2 years
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I posted 1,087 times in 2021
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Longest Tag: 37 characters
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M had anotha agere outfit f mself. M tink m looks sooo cute. 😊
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10 notes • Posted 2021-03-08 17:29:51 GMT
Felt cute, did a cutesy style agere outfit f mself, m has otha agere outfits m wants t do but dey is inspired by da japanese fashions fairy kei an lolita dwesses.
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11 notes • Posted 2021-03-10 20:45:13 GMT
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Hello, my name is Sarah Rose, Im 25 years old.
I am new to the agere community on Tumblr.
I am more active on my Instagram account: @sarah_rose_sakura96. Most posts by me will be from there.
I have 2 main tags I will use to indicate if im in little space or not - #bigsakura and #littlesakura.
Some facts about me (TW: mention of mental health and meltdowns):
I am a enby pre-estrogen male to female trans woman
I am autistic
I am a lesbian
I regress mainly due to depression, anxiety, gender dysphoria, autism meltdowns
My little age is 0-3 years old
I love the cutesy and princess type aesthetic
I wear diapers 24/7 due to my autism medically and they are also a comfort object (autism comfort objects)
I love pacis
I have 9 stuffies (I want more)
I love Pokemon, Yugioh, Digimon, Cardcaptor Sakura, Babymetal and love to make friends (Im shy at first though)
I hate being talked over, talked down, misgendered and being invalidated
My fave Pokemon is Sylveon
My pronouns are She/They and Vae/Vaer
I have 3 names for myself incorporated into which pronouns I want to use for when i use them (emojis will be used to indicate which pronoun Im using) (She 🧞‍♀️ = Sarah Rose, They 🧜‍♀️ = Hika and Vae 🧝‍♀️ = Kari).
Please DNI if you are NSFW (18+), MAPs, NMIK, TERF, LGBTphobic, Trump Supporter, Abelist, Anti-Agere, Anti-BLM, rude and disrespectful.
11 notes • Posted 2021-03-04 17:44:00 GMT
Hey everyone,
Sorry that I havent been posting as much on here, I have been way to focused on my Instagram account but I'm back and original posts will start getting posted again soon.
Also huge thanks to everyone that has followed and I hope you all are having wonderful days today.
Sarah Rose xx
14 notes • Posted 2021-03-22 20:31:31 GMT
🌸About Me:🌸
My name is Hikari Sora
I am 25 years old
Im mtf trans*
Im autistic
Im from North Yorkshire, UK
I regress due to mental health and dysphoria
My fave animes are: Pokemon, Yugioh, Cardcaptors, Ghost Hunt and Love Live!
My fave TV series is Doctor Who, Sarah Jane Adventures, Emmerdale, Hello Kitty, 64 Zoo Lane, The Story Makers, Lilo & Stitch .etc.
My fave movies are: Star Wars (prequels and originals), Indiana Jones, Pokemon, Yugioh
My fave genre of music is JPop
My fave music artists are: Babymetal, Love Live! (all of them), Bentley Jones.
i dont really have a set aesthetic for this blog.
If i am regressed during posting or chatting in DMs, i will use the emoji 🌸 to signify that i am regressed.
🌸DNI (Do Not Interact):🌸
🌸Please DNI if you are the following:
Anti-Agere and Anti-Agedre
NSFW (18+ accounts, ABDL and DDLG)
If you are ALM, a Trump supporter, TERF, SWERF, LGBTphobic, antisemetic, racist, ableist and truscum
If you are going to be/or are rude and disrespectful to me or any of my followers
If you think Agere and Agedre is a kink (NEWS FLASH: It isn't a kink, its a coping mechanism)
If you are going to leave some misogyny and misandry comments on any of my posts
if you are a MIK and MAP
If you have no profile pic on your account with no posts
If you are disrespectful of my identity as a enby trans woman and refuse to respect my pronouns.🌸
🌸This page is strictly 100% SFW so please respect the DNI and please be kind and respectful to one another.
Breaking of DNI will result in being blocked.
Edit 1 (Not part of DNI): I would just like to add here that I do wear diapers medically and as a comfort object due to my autism and as a regression tool, if that makes you feel uncomfy in any way, feel free to unfollow me or ask me to unfollow you. My blog is not here to make anyone uncomfy in any way as I would love this blog to be a calm, comfortable and relaxing place for fellow age regressors.🌸
🌸Edit 2: DM Rules
Baby talk is allowed
Be nice, kind and respectful
No meanies please (you will get blocked)
Same with DNI - No TERFs, Anti Agere/dre, MAPs, MIK, ableists, truscum, racists, alm and trump supporters (you will be blocked)
Please dont make any misogyny and misandry comments in my DMs (you will be blocked)
I am shy to respond to anyone at first so please take your time with me
I would love to make friends and sibbys with anyone in the agere community.🌸
🌸Ask Rules:
Be kind and respectful
No meanies allowed
Same as #4 in DM rules
Same as #5 in DM rules
I will reblog a few agere ask challenges and i will answer the asks to the best of my ability if i can remember the questions from the challenge i has shared.🌸
🌸If you have read through all this, I hope you are havin an amazing day today and that you are loved and very valid. If you can please comment the code word "Sakura" in this post so that I know you have read all of it.🌸
Hikari Sora 🌸🌸
57 notes • Posted 2021-03-05 10:55:02 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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mystic-ocs-blog · 2 years
Introducing the OC's of the Q/A!
Down below here is my ocs names and little info about them!
Mischief Grape: The Hero of Poptropica aka protagonist.
Magic Grape: Little sister to the Hero. Is know as a well known writer.
Melian Legolas: An elf on Fairytale Island. Uses any pronouns.
Spooky Sunny: A ghost child that's on Monster Carnival Island.
Fierce Tornado: He is a artist themed villain.
Lucky Bunny: He takes a lot of risks for high rewards as a villain.
Mik Taaktots: They are a Poptropica oc but is also part of the Danganronpa book I'm doing on my Wattpad account. Their pronouns are They/Them and they are Demisexual.
Augus Forseer: She is a Fortune Teller that works in the Carnival on Monster Carnival Island. She also has a monster form.
Friendly Boa: She is transgender from male to female. She lives on Counterfeit Island and plays the violin.
Silly Fox: She is actually a kitsune hybrid but has learned how to hide her form with enough practice. She isn't a villain but she loves causing mischief and pranks.
Eurydice Adel: She is a ghost as well on Monster Carnival Island. She was actually a mother figure to Ringmaster Raven before the fire happened.
Quiet Hawk: He is a adventurer but I can't say much about his au as it's still in beta.
Dangerous Bell: Works on Super Villain Island as a scientist. Great friends with Chilly Lizard.
Chilly Lizard: Scientist on Super Villain Island. Best friend is Dangerous Bell.
Lilac Dawn: Uses She/Her pronouns and is a lesbian. Lives on Spy Island as a journalist.
Captain Catty: Uses They/Them and they are Pansexual. Lives on Skullduggery Island
Poppy: Uses They/Them Pronouns and they are Pansexual. Lives on Ghost Story Island.
Rosie: From Fairytale Island, uses She/Her pronouns, sexuality is unknown atm, and is the Prince's little sister.
Little Flame: She's a nine year old wolf hybrid that lives on Counterfeit Island after Harold Mews adopted her. Her pronouns are She/her and her sexuality is unknown atm.
Crazy Star: She/Her Lesbian witch on the run. She often fly from island to island to not get caught by the Magical Academy.
Alissa Grape: She's the founder and boss of Redemption Heaven. Magic Grape and Mischief Grape's Aunt. Uses She/Her pronouns and is straight.
Gumball Blandstone: He is both a goofball and bland character on Goofball Island with a curse that can make them have a different life if he's not careful. Their pronouns are He/They and they're Ace.
Quick Wolf: Uses He/They pronouns and is Bisexual. They live on Vampire Curse Island and is best friends with Count Berry.
Count Berry: Uses He/Him and is Straight and supportive. He is best friends with Quick Wolf.
Sheriff Sally: From Wild West Island. Uses She/Her Pronouns and is Pansexual!
Jennifer Jupiter: Uses She/Her pronouns and is straight. She is extremely lgbtphobic and treats her workers poorly.
Clean Claw: Uses He/They pronouns and is a Soap Dealer.
Bandit Cactus: He/They pronouns and is straight.
Bendy Bubbles uses He/They pronouns, is Pansexual and is a Chemist.
Erza: He/They pronouns and is Bisexual. They are a huge fan of fashion!
Aquata Lorelei: She is a mermaid who's very curious about humans and loves collecting stuff. They are also Pansexual and use She/They pronouns.
Gentle Feather (Healer): She's a therapist on Super Villain Island. Uses She/Her pronouns and is a lesbian. Some of the villains call her Healer as a nickname.
Zippy Storm: He/They pronouns and they're Asexual. He lives on Zomberry Island.
Sunset Lemon: Fierce Tornado's adopted daughter. Uses She/Her pronouns and she loves anything art related.
Hermes: Crusher and Speeding Spike's son. Nicknamed Scooter.
Aster Alder: He/They Pansexual who has plant based powers!
Silver Heart: She/Her lesbian, works for Director D's agency and is Lilac Dawn's girlfriend.
Arter, el Pastor: He/They pronouns and he is Bisexual. Lives on Astro Knight Island and is a knight.
Anyways that's everyone in the Q/A for now. If I make any new OC's they will be added to this list and also have a introduction post. Anyways see you all later!
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deathbydarkelves · 3 years
Tumblr media
Thought this would be a fun time killer :)
1. Edge of the Moon - Xavier Rudd
2. The Moss - Cosmo Sheldrake
3. Oz - Katie Todd Band
4. Chasing the Moon - Mary Lambert
5. Rasputin - Boney M.
6. No Lullaby - SIAMES
7. Are You Feeling Sad? (feat. Kali Uchis) - Little Dragon
8. Never Let Me Go - Florence + the Machine
9. List of People (To Try and Forget About) - Tame Impala
10. Legion - Blasterjaxx
11. Chewing Cotton Wool - The Japanese House
12. Back Down - Bob Moses
13. Isil Elun'falo - Sharm
1. Come Along - Cosmo Sheldrake
2. What's Up Danger - Blackway & Black Caviar
3. Tongues (feat. Kopps) - Joywave
4. Leaves from the Vine (Lofi Version) - Samuel Kim & MIK
5. Livin' On a Prayer - Bon Jovi
6. Eye for an Eye - Bob Moses
7. Wish That You Were Here - Florence + the Machine
8. Like Real People Do - Hozier
9. Your Ghost - Greg Laswell
10. Harder Better Faster Stronger - Daft Punk
11. Teldrassil Burns - Sharm
12. Kung Fu Fighting - Cee-Lo & Jack Black
13. f a r a w a y - The Japanese House
(11 and 12 for Cathala are super obvious but in my defense when 11 exists what else am I supposed to pick, and for 12 I also just unironically love that version of Kung Fu Fighting)
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purplesurveys · 3 years
The last time you washed your hair, did you use conditioner? Yeah, I’m pretty paranoid and always feel the need to use conditioner because of a bad rebonding job from like a decade ago that stiffened up my hair as soon as it would get wet. It lasted for around a year, so I formed the habit of always using conditioner every time I shower. I don’t think I’ve ever used just shampoo since then.
Do you prefer light or dark jeans?  Dark, but I suppose it would be nice to start experimenting with lighter shades as well.
When you listen to music, do you generally sing along, or just listen?  It depends if I know the lyrics or I’m feeling the song at the moment. Obviously with my new obsession with BTS I can’t really sing along to entire songs, but I do sing the few English lyrics they have per song, hahaha.
Do you have any of your exes as friends on Facebook?  Yeah but she’s been muted for like half a year already, as is the rest of her family. I do have plans to unfriend her entirely; I’m just not sure when I would push through with it, and I already gave Angela permission to log onto my account one of these days to be the one to do the unfriending.
Who was your first love? Do you ever miss that person?  Gabie. I miss the friendship sometimes; I don’t think I’ll have a friendship as deep and connected as the one we had, so I will always feel sorry about how that went to waste. But I don’t really think about our relationship anymore as I’m pretty good at blocking off certain memories, so I don’t miss her in that sense.
How many cars are parked at your house right now?  Two.
Do you have any Italian ancestry?  I highly doubt so. If anything there’s probably a tiny drop Spanish blood in there but that’s the most European I’ll ever get.
Do you prefer water to be ice cold or at room temperature?  Like, drinking water? Ice cold, always. I hate warm water.
Has anyone ever told you you’re a control freak?  Not to my face, but I know I’m one so I’m sure other people have said that about me at least behind my back.
Do you know anyone who has gone missing? If so, were they ever found?  Yes, my friend Mik and one of my aunts. They were both found eventually.
What was the spiciest thing you’ve ever eaten?  Eating ghost pepper instant noodles was a pain I would never want to go through again...I threw that shit out after my first forkful, lmao.
Do you need to talk to someone?  No, not in particular. In a more general sense I do wanna start gaining more friends though, so I’ve been meaning to expand my circle by creating a new Twitter account just for my BTS dump. In other words, I am a 23 year old with a stan Twitter HAHAHAHA
Is something confusing you at the moment?  No, I’m good.
When was the last time you had a real deep chat?  Maybe my conversation with Andi a couple of nights back. We were talking about a tricky situation with their ex-friend who turned out to be a real dick when they came out to him a year ago, and they just wanted to get my perspective on how I would handle it.
Who did you last see on webcam?  The PR manager for one of our clients, who we all despise because he doesn’t know how to do his job. Thankfully he’s resigning soon so we’re all just waiting for him to leave and finally meet a much more competent replacement.
What’s your best friend’s pet’s name(s)?  Angela has two dogs, Hailey and Kennedy. Andi had Apollo, who I wanted to meet so badly but sadly he passed away a week ago at 15.
Have you ever taken a picture while laying in the grass?  There are photos of me sitting on grass, but not lying in it. I would imagine that would feel very prickly and uncomfortable.
Who’s your favorite Disney character? Baymax or Flynn Rider.
Have you ever deliberately tried to get someone drunk?  I’ve made my friends chug drinks or down shots and it’s happened vice versa, but it was always in good fun and we never made each other harassed from it. It’s just your typical college rambunctiousness, and if anyone felt uncomfortable or iffy then we didn’t hesitate to move on.
When was the last time you used a pay phone and who were you calling?  I’ve only ever seen those in my first school, when I was in kindergarten. I never got to use it and they also took them out not long after.
Do you like being kissed on the neck?  Yessssssssss
Have you ever had sex with someone you weren’t dating (but had feelings for) in the hopes that they would ask you out later?  Nope. I don’t think I would have sex with anyone I wasn’t dating.
What’s the most you would be willing to spend on a good bra?  Probably a couple thousand bucks if I thought I looked good in it.
Do you have any of your teachers’ personal cell phone numbers saved in your contacts list?  I don’t think so. I never tried getting close with any of them, and I always tried to stay hidden as much as possible. I was just in class to get good grades and pass.
Do you ever stalk peoples’ personal blogs, even if you don’t know them very well?  I never really scroll through people’s Tumblrs anymore. That was more of a thing I did in like 2013, but these days going through my dashboard is enough.
What’s one thing about today’s generation that you just can’t stand?  Some social media trends done for clout make me revolted, especially when it has anything to do with wasting food. I also hate when they do extreme pranks that I know I wouldn’t find funny if I were ever the victim, like tossing someone’s phone into the ocean.
Be honest: how do you feel about abortion?  Pro-choice. 
Is there anyone you currently want to reach out to?  I would love to catch up with Katreen at some point, but I know we’re at different points in our lives now and it would probably never happen.
What is your favorite piece of art you own?  I commissioned my sister to make an artwork of the 2D1N cast, and she did a great job making it! I haven’t gotten to use it or promote it yet, but I will soon. It’s really well-done.
What’s the one thing you apologized for this month?  Replying late.
My favorite color is ______?  Pastel pink.
I wish I had _____?  Longer weekends.
What did you buy today? Nothing – I’d call that a success lmao, I’ve been spending money as if I had a million fucking bucks over the last week. I did have some packages arrive today though: my own copy of 2 Cool 4 Skool (my first physical BTS album!!!!!!); the official poster from their album BE; the Ivy Park sneakers I ordered earlier this month, and an Ivy Park bucket hat Bea had apparently gotten for me as a birthday present.
What has challenged your morals?  Vices.
What made you pick up the last book you started reading?  I had to read it in preparation for a one-on-one session with my employer’s CEO.
What about your life concerns you the most? Whether a stable future is in the cards for me.
What do you find particularly offensive? Would you say you’re easy or difficult to offend?  Probably Filipino-American comedians or influencers who use stereotyping of Filipino accents and habits as a punchline; they do more harm to the culture than good. I can tell you not one Filipino who lives in the Philippines actually finds those funny, and Bretman Rock is probably the only personality who’s able to flaunt the culture in an entertaining and hilarious yet classy way.
When it comes to being offended, I guess it depends on the context. My humor can get pretty dark and low-blowy, but I would have a problem with someone who I know has genuinely problematic views.
What was the last series you finished watching? Do you have any plans to begin another?  I think it may had still been Start-Up from last December. I’m not too big on Korean dramas since I find one episode waaaaaaayyyyyyy too long. I don’t think I’ll be starting on anything soon, Korean or otherwise.
What is one way in which you are different from a year ago? What is one way in which you are still the same?  I’m single now, for the first time in technically six years. I also think I’m doing better and happier, breakup notwithstanding. OH and I love wasabi now, hahah. As for what’s unchanged, I still like taking surveys and I’m still stuck at home, though the latter’s not really in my control anymore.
If you could learn about anything without the stress of grades or cost, what kind of classes would you take?  I’d just go back to UP for the free tuition. We also have the widest range of programs out of any university in the country, so it’s a damn good deal.
Name a song you’ve listened to today?  Fly To My Room - BTS
When you were younger, did you have a swing set or a playhouse in your backyard?  We didn’t; but one of our relatives that we’d regularly visit did have a playground that I’d use all the time. It’s still there, just very unmaintained since no one uses it anymore.
Is your mall nice?  Which one? We have five different malls nearby lol. Mall culture here is on another level.
Do you have a Sonic near you? If so, what’s your favorite drink from there?  No. I’m not so sure what they serve there, either. I’m guessing milkshakes?
Will you be voting in the presidential elections next time around?  I’ll always exercise my right to vote.
How do you feel about chocolate-covered strawberries?  I hate strawberries and I hate fruits, so even if you coat that shit in Nutella and cookie butter and chocolate syrup I still wouldn’t touch it.
Did you ever stop having feelings for someone and then started having those feelings again for them? No.
Do you hate the last guy you had a thing with?  I’ve never had a thing with guys.
To whom did you last give the finger?  I haven’t had to do that in a while.
What was the last musical instrument played in your presence?  My sister’s keyboard.
Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?  Not particularly. They make things look cute, but they never taste like anything tbh so I never saw the point in paying extra just to have them on my desserts.
Honestly, have you ever crashed a party before?  Nah. I cringe thinking about that.
Do you know how to do the moon walk?  I don’t.
Has anybody ever told you that you have a good singing voice?  Never gotten that specific compliment before because I know I don’t have one.
Onion rings or french fries?  Onion rings.
Has anybody ever described you as a heart breaker? No.
Has anybody ever told you that you talk too fast?  I don’t think so, but I know I have the tendency to do so occasionally, especially while I’m presenting a deck. Once I notice it I make an effort to pace myself.
Who is the best cook that you know?  My dad and both my grandmas all deserve that title.
Which meal throughout the day do you skip the most?  I literally never have lunch ever.
What’s the largest amount that you can juggle at one time?  I can’t juggle.
What was your favorite thing to go on at the playground as a kid?  Sandboxes, since I liked the texture; the sandboxes in school were also often empty, which worked well for my introvert self. I find that it’s carried over to today, since I still enjoy touching things like slime and kinetic sand.
Do you know how much you weighed at birth? How much?  I think 5 or 6 lbs, I’m not exactly sure but it’s definitely somewhere in that small range.
Which aspect of your daily routine takes the most time? What do you do?  Work, for sure. I work a normal 9–6 so that’s already 8 hours out of my day, but I also OT a lot after hours, and I work throughout my lunch break as well so that technically makes it 9 hours. I also like getting up earlier and starting some work before my shift so that I would have less tasks on my plate for the day.
Do you enjoy buying gifts for others, or could you do without this?  I LOVE getting people gifts. Food is especially my love language, and I always get food delivery for my friends, family, and my team at work.
What is one thing you are expected to do, if anything?  I mean, I have work deadlines tomorrow so there’s that.
How do you tend to view driving? Monotonous or entertaining?  I love driving. I don’t think I ever complained about having to do it. It’s calming and relaxing when I’m doing it alone or with a partner; and it can be entertaining with the right set of people.
Do you enjoy talking about music with others? Not always. If I don’t listen to the artist then I can find the conversation quite boring, like if my friends would get into a full-blown discussion about Taylor Swift.
Is acting something you enjoy?  No. It wouldn’t even be something I’d be interested in doing.
When do you feel most accomplished?  Finishing a work day with no tasks left behind.
Do you think Manwich is amazing or completely gross?  Idk what that is.
How many best friends do you have?  Two.
Are you a smoker, drinker, pothead or none of the above?  I drink sometimes. I also kinda smoke, I guess.
If you have your ears pierced, when did you get them pierced?  My mom had them pierced when I was a month old.
Do you own any exercise machines?  My mom has this rowing equipment thingy. I don’t have any of my own, though.
On Facebook, do you have people listed as your siblings who aren’t really your siblings?  No.
Have you ever drawn or painted a self-portrait?  I remember having to draw one as a school assignment, but I’m pretty sure I half-assed that because I couldn’t care less for art class back then.
Who was your last voicemail from?  We don’t have voicemails.
Have you ever been falsely accused of something serious?  I don’t think so. That’s the sort of situation that would stick out in my memory if ever.
Did you ever set up a lemonade stand when you were a kid?  No, not a thing here.
When was the last time you spoke to someone in a different language?  Around an hour ago when I went downstairs and chatted with my sister briefly.
Have you ever received an anonymous gift?  Nope.
Have you ever camped out somewhere for an event the next day?  Nope but I definitely still wouldn’t be opposed to doing that haha.
When were you the saddest in your life? 2016 was fucking miserable. < I’d have to agree. 2017 was also awful.
Do you know anyone, personally, who is in an abusive relationship? Are you?  I used to know one but she got out of it. In a sense, I suppose I also was in one.
If you have siblings, have they moved out or do they still live with you?  Well they’re younger, so they definitely still live here, with our parents. I’m the first one expected to move out, but I’m taking my time.
Have you ever gotten searched by the cops?  No.
Do you like fried rice?  Of course. I like any kind of rice.
What was the last thing you drank?  Water.
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Meta Tag
Rules: Infodump any cool meta about your wip! This can be anything you like: lore, worldbuilding, character development, metaphors, themes, symbolism, etc. just any cool details about your wip that makes it what it is.
@andiwriteunderthemoon and @magic-is-something-we-create both tagged me so let’s ramble about Bride of Loki!
Almost all characters are descended somewhat from people from Earth.
That information is tracked thanks to required genetic testing for Baldar’s education planets.
Every character is based off one or two fairytales/folklore.
The only Asgardians still alive are Baldar and Angerboda.
The latter’s been missing for centuries.
The spear that Loki created to kill Baldar is still around.
That also has been missing for centuries.
Both Angerboda and the spear are things that Baldar is secretly trying to track down.
Alpha One has a tendency to fall in love with powerful people, including Baldar and Siv.
Loki points Siv to Angerboda to help refine her magical power.
Most host relationships have the host taking some of their ghost’s power due to their souls melding together until the pact is done.
To make sure he didn’t run off and not fulfill his side of the pact to her desires, Siv requested a piece of Loki’s soul as hostage. He gave her his magic.
All of it.
Originally, Loki’s spell was only to link his and Sigyn’s souls to hosts. Then Helle died.
Siv dreams of opening a flower shop and Miks wants to be a doctor.
Kari’s hobbies include archery, painting, playing piano, and data-mining through the remains of the Internet.
Mabelle’s favorite animals are butterflies!
A live action actor for Loki would be David Tennant.
Both Siv and Kari are bi, Mabelle claims to be straight, and Miks is very, very gay.
This is inspired by @ellatholmes‘s question but in a Tulio and Miguel relationship, Mabelle is Miguel while Siv is Tulio.
When dealing with Alpha One, Siv will be as petty as she can be.
Sigyn is a mom and has excellent memory.
Asta and Runa, Kari’s little sisters, absolutely cannot live without Halloween. That’s unfortunate for Siv, whose nerves are…not the greatest.
Kari and Helle taught themselves Morse code.
Kari’s jacket becomes an essential part of Siv’s outfit and he can’t get it back unless stealing it straight from the dryer.
Siv’s fatal flaw is doubt in herself. Any and all confidence that she presents is a mask that she created on the advice of Loki.
Back when they were still friends, Mabelle trimmed Siv’s hair for her.
I’ll tag, with no pressure, @stories-by-rie, @ellatholmes, @ettawritesnstudies, @keen2meecha, and @piyawrites.
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vajranam · 3 years
Torment Of Samsara
~Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
THE TORMENT OF SAMSARA The fourth reminder is realizing the torment of samsara, which is due to bad karmic situations. The Tibetan term for this is khor-we nyemik. Khorwa means “turning around,” “circling,” or “spinning around.” It is a vicious circle — khorwa, khorwa, and khorwa. Replacing the a on the end of khorwa with an e makes it “of spinning around.” Nye can mean “ill intention,” “wrongdoing,” or “bad planning.” It also sometimes means “sin,” but I prefer not to use that term, because it has theistic connotations of good and bad, which is somewhat misleading. Mik means “reflecting” or “conception.” Altogether, khor-we nyemik could be translated as the “wrong purpose of samsara.” The torment of samsara is a natural situation, one which happens to us all the time. Whenever we engage in misconduct, we get direct feedback always. Even though the situation may be quite innocent and clear, and even though there are no problems, we suddenly begin to indulge in our habitual patterns or our kleshas. When we get into certain situations, we would like to have a so-called good time. Strangely, we might have a semi-good time, but after we indulge, we begin to be hit by all sorts of sudden neurotic attacks, or döns; we get hit by all sorts of punishments. Such punishment results from violating the sacredness of the world. Appreciating the sacredness of the world is a fundamental point that I have been stressing in my presentation of the Shambhala teachings. In the Buddhist tradition, although the texts do not quite say it directly, there is also the idea of sacred world. It is taught that you have to realize and respect that world. Not only should you respect the world, but fundamentally and above all, you should respect karmic cause and effect as it is taught in hinayana, which is also very much applicable in the vajrayana. This process of karmic punishment is very direct and ordinary. It is the result of not taking care of ourselves properly. Appreciating our existence as human beings is sometimes a hassle: eating properly can be a hassle, and even taking a shower may be a hassle. We sometimes forget to do those things. We begin to abuse our body and mind just to get a temporary kick out of something or other. But patterns of misbehavior of any kind will result in immediate feedback. Overindulgence always gives you feedback. Beyond that, greater overindulgence in the samsaric world of passion, aggression, and ignorance always has the result of sending you down to the lower realms. You find yourself being scorched in the hell realm, hunger stricken in the hungry ghost realm, and made stupid in the animal realm. The hungry ghost realm and the hell realm are states of mind in which you are locked in certain situations and you cannot even get out. You are stuck in your particular vacuum. Because of your intense desire to maintain your habitual patterns, you replay your own cassette tape again and again. This kind of realm is not necessarily a literal colony that has been set up and run by somebody. It is more that you are in a state of existence in which you are stuck, and you cannot come back to the human realm, or even the animal realm. Even the animal realm would be better, in some sense, but you are stuck in the hell realm or the realm of the hungry ghosts. I think some people might get a glimpse of those possibilities by taking psychedelic drugs: you find yourself locked in your mind, and you create your own world. When you are stuck, you also find that your old friends are in that particular state of being stuck as well. You and your cronies are both stuck. You see each other, and you are stuck together in that state of blockage, very intensely replaying your trips, again and again. You could live in such a state for thousands of years, because you have missed the possibilities of practicing dharma, changing your karmic seeds, and not planting further karmic seeds in this life. Once you begin to avoid any kind of discipline, once you neglect your discipline, once you begin to feel that practice and discipline do not need to be respected and that the command of your teacher does not need to be respected, you are blocked. It is like being in an eternal washing machine that cannot be opened by anybody. In the hell realm, you are being scorched and cooked. You watch yourself being cooked and scorched, but you cannot even manage to faint. You cannot pass out for the very reason that you may no longer even have a body You are stuck with your own mind; it is a mental creation. If somebody is being highly tortured on the physical level, they will obviously pass out, faint, or collapse, which is a tremendous relief. But in this case, that is impossible. The hungry ghost level is similar: you have tremendous hunger and thirst, and nothing at all can satisfy you. The result of samsaric torment is very real. We are talking about our immediate experience, our state of mind right now — and this state could continue after our death as well. It is shocking, isn’t it? From: "The Tantric Path of Indestructible Wakefulness". - Shambhala Publications
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queenofthedramedies · 4 years
My Annual Halloween Fanfic Month is Coming:
Hello, my lovely readers!
As any of you know--who have been with me for some time--my favorite holiday is Halloween! Since my computer broke down, I will not be able to write as many fics as I would like to in the month of October, but never fear, because Halloween is still coming here!
Next week: I plan to write the final installment of my Containment based fic Quarantine 2018. If only I had known I was two years early. Ahhhhh! Yes, we’re living a horror movie, folks. For any of you who do not know who the major ship in that fic is; it is BonKai. This is from my one-shot collection: With Open Arms.
There will also be two, brand new fics: 
A Mik-a-el-son Hall-o-ween! Where Hope Mikaelson takes Landon Kirby home to meet her family “spooky” family. May include ghosts... This is post-TO S5, so not all of the family members are amongst the living. Ft. Haylijah, Klaroline, Rebel, Kolvina, Freylin, etc.
For my Legacies fans there will be a Halloween Special: Love Potion #9 in which we finally deal with that pesky will Landon be taken over by Malivore? Hope, Josie and Lizzie will work to deal with the new threat and try to save their friend. If this works out, it will be funny, possibly dark humor, but funny never the less. 
Finally, we will cap the festivities with my yearly addition to the Haylijah Halloween Series. I have not settled on a title, yet, but the plot includes Hayley never having met Elijah and still sending Hope to the Salvatore School. Caroline and Alaric ask Hayley to “watch” the school while they’re away on secret business and, of course, it is attacked by a monster the same night that Uncle Elijah comes to visit!    
Be safe!
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puckinghell · 5 years
To a T | Mikko Rantanen
Summary: The contract stuff brings your mind to a dark place, but Mikko knows just what to do to bring it back. Based on the song “To a T” by Ryan Hurd, would definitely recommend listening to it Words: 2k Note: It’s not really smut but it’s.... something? Steam maybe? So a warning for whatever it is. 
Some days, it was like your brain just kinda shut off the lights. Suddenly, nothing was really fun anymore; you weren’t in the mood for your favorite food, didn’t wanna watch Netflix, or listen to music, didn’t really wanna talk to anyone or see anyone. 
Well, maybe you wanted to see one person, but you weren’t going to bring him down with your bad mood.
Sometimes, there was a reason for your bad mood, and sometimes there wasn’t. Sometimes absolutely nothing had gone wrong, and sometimes everything had gone wrong. This time, it wasn’t so much things going wrong, as it was just one big cloud hanging over your head. 
You and Mikko had only really been together for a few months - although you’d been friends before that, too - and it felt too soon to throw all your demons to him, let him see all your ghosts. If he knew, truly, how you could get sometimes, you weren’t quite so sure he’d wanna stay with you, and you were too selfish to give him up just yet. In just a few weeks, he’d brought you more happiness than you really had thought was possible to receive from someone, always making you laugh and smile and think about how lucky you were.
So, you didn’t tell him how much it bothered you that he was going home to Finland, and you were staying here. After all, it made sense; Finland was home, and he wasn’t signed to an NHL contract right now, and he needed to train. Of course he was going to Finland.
Of course you weren’t coming. You were just his girlfriend. You hadn’t been together for that long. It would be insane, for you to go with him. 
The plan had been for him to take you out on a date - a goodbye date, if you will - but you felt like you could burst into tears at any given moment, especially if you saw him and looked him in the eye and thought about him leaving, so you texted him.
Sorry, but am not feeling well, can’t go out tonight. 
Cancelling on him made you feel even worse, and a little guilty, too, because you weren’t telling him the whole truth – although you were technically not lying, either – and in order to get yourself at least out of this painful mindset enough to settle to sleep later, you took a long bubble bath. When you were done, you put on one of his t-shirts - if you couldn’t cuddle him, that was the next best thing – and went to the living room, your bare feet padding against the wooden floor.
“Hey, babe!”
A yelp escaped your lips at the sudden, unexpected sound of your boyfriend’s low voice. A soft chuckle followed, as the corners of Mikko’s lips curled up.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” He was sitting on your couch, a glass of red wine on the coffee table in front of him.
“I gave you that key for emergencies,” you brought out, once your heartbeat had finally calmed down. “What are you doing here?” 
He shrugged. “You said you weren’t feeling great, so I figured we could stay in tonight instead. I know you said we could just no go, but I wanted to see you before...” He stopped himself from saying it, pulled his bottom lip into a pout.
A warm feeling engulfed your heart at his confession, at the same time it dropped in your stomach, because damn, he was really leaving. And he might want to see you before he went, but he wasn’t taking you with him. 
The thought of not spending time with him before he left was almost painful, but you also didn’t think you were a good enough actress to keep up pleasant conversation all night, and besides, you knew he’d look straight through you anyway.
But how were you going to send him away without explaining, but also without hurting his feelings? What if he would never want to see you again, after that?
What if he never got signed and he stayed in Finland forever? 
To your own annoyance, tears jumped to your eyes.
“Oh,” Mikko let out, jumping onto his feet. “What’s wrong, did I do something wrong? I’m sorry, did you not want me to come?” The confusion on his face was mixed with insecurity and you couldn’t stand the idea of him leaving, now, so you just shook your head and stepped towards him. He got the hint and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his warm chest, his chin resting on the top of your head.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” he whispered, and damn it, he was so perfect, but the thing was, you couldn’t. Anything you said would just make him feel like he was the reason for your sadness - and he was, but it wasn’t his fault either, so you couldn’t let him take the blame. 
Instead of explaining this all to him, you just cried harder. 
“Okay,” he said immediately, “you don’t have to say anything, don’t worry, baby.”
You stood there, for who knows how long, his fingers slowly drawing circles on your back until your breathing evened out.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, wiping your eyes. Mikko took your face in his hands, his eyebrows knotted together in a frown. You’d never seen him so upset; your boyfriend was almost always smiling, always looking on the bright side of things.
“Don’t apologize,” he told you sternly. “Tell me what you need me to do.”
But you didn’t really know that either - except that you needed him to stay, and you weren’t really in a position to ask that of him - and when he caught the distress in your eyes, he simply took your hand in his. “Never mind. Let’s just get into bed and cuddle and watch Princess Diaries, yeah?” Of course he would know what movie you always watched when you felt sad. You were pretty sure you’d only mentioned that once, in passing, but he was stupidly good at remembering little things about you.
He pointed to the glass of wine on the table. “You want that?”
And fuck, yes, you did want that, and you deserved it, too, so you nodded and took the glass from him as he led you to the bedroom. He settled against the headboard of your bed, pulling you against his chest as you crawled in between his legs. Instantly his arms wrapped around you, and a feeling of warmth crept through your veins.
It just reminded you of how much you didn’t want him to leave; you’d never been able to combat the darkness in your mind, usually just laid in bed and stared at the ceiling in a dark room until sleep finally took over, but now it was like you felt someone tugging at the curtains, allowing a tiny strip of light to flow into your head.
“Mik?” you mumbled, and the only sign that he heard you was that you felt the vibrations of an affirmative hum against the top of your head. “Will you stay tonight?”
“I’ll stay as long as you want me to,” he told you, and though you knew that was impossible – for example, his plane left tomorrow at 11am – he said it with nothing but honest truth in his voice, and you knew at that moment, staying with you was his most important priority.
The realization was nearly enough to bring you to tears again.
You sipped your wine and watched the movie for what simultaneously felt like hours and minutes, when suddenly you felt Mikko’s lips on the side of your neck, featherlight and soft like silk. You let him, for a second, closing your eyes and enjoying the familiar feeling, but then you hummed.
“What are you doing?”
“Trust me?” he asked, instead of answering you, and you did, so you didn’t push it.
His lips made their way from your neck to your jaw, then suddenly he slipped out from under you; you fell back into the pillows as he hovered over you, kissing your chest.
He looked up, then, with his big ocean blue eyes and a small smile on his face. “I know what you need tonight,” he proclaimed, his hands grabbing your hips, fingers digging into your skin. “Leave it to me, yeah?”
You felt your cheeks heat up; maybe an orgasm would do you good, get you out of your own head for a bit, but also, it wasn’t his duty to make you feel better, and what if he didn’t like that he needed to take care of you like that? What if it would scare him away, that you could be so much, well, work?
“Don’t overthink,” he whispered, lowering his lips to yours. You allowed him to deepen the kiss, his tongue slowly circling in your mouth; tauntingly slow, sending warmth down to your stomach. When he pulled away, a whimper fell from your lips, and he laughed. “Just lay back.” You did as he asked, and he started making his way down your body, pressing featherlight kisses over the swell of your breasts, then your stomach, stopping right before he reached the waistband of your underwear.
You huffed in annoyance, not in the mood for teasing, and he giggled.
Easy for you to say, was what you wanted to snap at him, but then his teeth grazed your thigh and you decided that for once in your life, you’d just shut up. You allowed your eyes to flutter closed, which earned you a soft smile from Mikko, although you couldn’t see that.
“I like when you close your eyes,” he whispered against the skin of your thigh, “means I’m doing something right.”
Then, suddenly, the warmth was gone and your eyes shot open, confusion written clear over your face. He simply laughed and pried the glass of wine out of your hands.
“White sheets, red wine, not a great combination.”
It was stupidly responsible of him to think of that; it hadn’t crossed your mind even for a second. Normally, he wasn’t that aware of household chores, either, and the look on your face must’ve betrayed your surprise, cause he snorted.
“I know I’m not good at laundry, but I’m not stupid, you know.”
You thought about the time he’d put one of his jerseys – one of his red jerseys! – into the washer with a bunch of your white clothes, which all came out pink the next day, but decided not to bring that up, as his hands had moved to your hips again.
“I like when you wear my shirts,” he hummed, kissing your stomach once more. He was taking his sweet time, pressing kisses into your skin, sucking softly, then kisses again, and you threw your head back against the headboard with an impatient puff of air.
Another giggle. “Okay, okay,” he shushed, and finally, he worked your panties down your legs, finally getting to where you needed him the most.
“I got you,” he said softly, and God, did he ever.
He took his time with you, there, too, dotting all the i’s and driving you absolutely crazy when he stopped before you got to the edge, every time. Finally, his tongue picked up speed, two fingers curling inside you, and you came as a waterfall of hushed curse words, entangled with his name, fell from your lips.
He climbed back up after letting you ride out your orgasm, a content look on his face as his arms snuck around your waist and pressed you to his chest. You could feel him hard against your thigh, but when you tried to reach, he pinned your wrist.
“Was about you,” he mumbled, shaking his head.
“But…” you pouted, and once again, uncertainty took residence in the pit of your stomach. You never let him do all the work, never left him hanging, and you didn’t want him to think you were a selfish lover, or just not worth the effort. “I want it to be fun for you, too.”
He laughed at that, hot air against your hair as he’d buried his nose in there. “Are you kidding?” he asked. “It was amazing. Have you seen yourself in my T-shirt? Most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. And, well, I wanted to make you feel good.” You felt, more than saw, him shrug, as if it was the most normal thing to say.
You turned your head, pressing your nose against his. His blue eyes were staring into yours intently, as if he was searching for something. “Feel good?” he asked, finally, and you smiled.
“Understatement, but, yeah.”
Mikko’s voice was soft when he spoke again. 
“I don’t want you to feel like I’m leaving you behind.” 
He must’ve noticed the way your body froze, because he tightened his grip on you. 
“I know why you’re upset, you know. You don’t have to tell me. But I promise you, I don’t mean to leave you. I hate leaving you. I just, I know you can’t leave work, and I... I can’t train here. But it’s just for a few weeks, at most.” 
Tears were welling up in your eyes again, and your hands made their way to his arms, wrapped around you, clawed at them as you tried to keep yourself together. 
“I’m scared,” you admitted to him, finally saying it out loud, “scared that you won’t be coming back. Or that you’ll forget about me.” 
Mikko scoffed, behind you, and you could almost hear the indignant look on his voice when he spoke.
“That’s never gonna happen. If I don’t get a contract, I’ll have to kidnap you and bring you to Finland.” He paused, his voice softening. “I know you’re scared, but I need you to trust me on this. It’s just for a little while. I love you now, and when I come back, I’ll still love you.” 
Your heart fluttered; he’d said those words before but they still managed to make you feel weak. 
“I love you too,” you whispered. “You always know just what I need to hear.” 
A smug smile tugged at his lips. “I got you figured out pretty good, huh?” he said with a grin. “Got you down to a T.”
You couldn’t help but laugh; you would’ve never expected an expression like that to come out of Mikko’s mouth, and you wouldn’t be surprised if he was just parroting what he’d heard Gabe or Tyson say, but you couldn’t say that he was wrong, per se.
He did have you down. Down to a T-shirt, white sheets, red wine, and a string of light through the curtains in your brain. And you knew no matter what happened, it would end up being okay. 
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