honeydots · 9 months
What do you think Siegbert’s relationship with Laslow and Soleil’s relationship with Xander are like particularly as they get older/teenagers.
anon you're enabling me i LOVE their parent/child relationships as they get older!!! read more cause this got looooong
for laslow and siegbert--well first off, i think laslow always can provide a particular brand of emotionally-based support that develops more as siegbert gets older. siegbert has his Anxiety Issues, and where laslow and xander both struggle w sociality as well, i think laslow can relate in a more... empathetic way? dealing with some of the emotional aftermath and letting feelings be feelings (this isn't to say siegbert doesn't go to xander or that xander doesn't help, i just think they're good at different things). on a more lighthearted note, i think laslow's really good at getting a giggle out of siegbert, and good at finding ways to alleviate pressure. he's been doing this for years with xander. and yes, xander and siegbert need different things, but laslow's good at pinpointing those things
something i rly like abt their relationship is that i think that where siegbert more openly shows his idolization of xander (like we see in-game), he still does something really similar with laslow. looking up to him, taking inspiration from him. it just comes out in different ways. for example, siegbert probably trusts laslow's opinions... a lot. considers his sometimes more than his own. and he's just fascinated by the stories he tells. even after laslow's married to xander, i like to think he still travels (and drags xander with him as often as he can--and also drags their kids along as often as he can hahaha), and those stories in particular really entrap siegbert. which is good for a budding prince, i think something laslow (and eventually siegbert and soleil) has that xander lacks is some open mindedness, and not being so narrowly nohr-centric in his perspective--esp in upbringing, if that makes sense. this is also why i like laslow taking xander traveling, cause ultimately i think it would do him good.
ONTO!!! soleil and xander!! ive mentioned before how much i like the grumpy-dad and peppy-daughter dynamic, but. to reiterate: i really really like it gjsjfjsnf soleil, similarly to laslow but probably even more, tends to go to xander and ramble about her girl successes and failures. just barging into his office like i hope you're not busy cause i have things to SAY!! and i don't think xander dismisses her, but he does make her wait sometimes, hahaha. i also think xander will often tell soleil what she needs to hear, rather than what she wants, and ultimately for her that's better than the alternative. he's not entirely harsh (though he can be and that's something to work on), but honest. he also dotes on her more than he should by a xander-standard LOL
i think soleil provides to xander a lot of brightness--it is NOT lost on me that they named her soleil, sun, in a place like nohr. i think surrounding xander with bright people is a fantastic idea. and just like laslow's doing with the traveling thing, soleil probably gets xander to socialize a little more, haha. he isn't a brick wall that can't talk to anybody, but--he does strike me as the kind of guy who has coworkers, but not friends, ya feel me. soleil's confident and full of energy, and tbh i think she's the type to really want attention from her parents, so asking xander to come along with her is a frequent request. and that eventually, naturally, leads to xander getting out more. she doesn't have the same setback as laslow that if he gets shy enough he'll retreat entirely while they're out, hahaha
and one final note to round this off: i like to think!! that xander and soleil are both cat people (xander = cabbit, and soleil has lines about owning kitten posters), where laslow and siegbert are dog people (i have many aus where laslow has a pet dog so this is more of a 'because i said so' kinda thing) (also you might be inclined to think cat for siegbert also but i need you to look inward. deeper. i think he'd like the enthusiasm...!!! i have more i could say but i'll leave it at that)
there you go!! :D
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spacedykez · 2 years
yknow how people just put a dot and then vent in tags for vent posts i should just start putting "i'm not fine" lyrics as the post cause. yeah thats just a whole mood.
#aaaaaanyways ya wanna hear about my mind rn-#don't read if you don't want to this is all vent#the otter ventposts#the otter splashes#i reblogged a writing ask games whyd i do that i cant write anything people are asking for branzypierce i was hoping i could just do short-#-c!pacix snippets n stuff i cant do this i cant but i have to because i cant just say no because im a writer i can Write its the one thing-#i CAN do its the only thing i can do- :( - i can't draw i never do art everyone else does art and i dont and i. i don't need to i dont Want#to but i. its just. artists can write too. like everyone else is doubly talented everyone else can write AND draw and what do i have i have#NOTHING i can't draw. i can only write. everyone can fucking write. and then people are better at writing than me AND better at drawing and#i know i shouldn't compare myself i just. i wish i had anything to say for myself but all i do is write fucking ONESHOTS i cant even write-#longfics i can write like. 1k-2k words and i cant finish any longfics and i can barely write the last few weeks and now i have to finish-#snippets AND the hermitgao3ng thing which is PROBABLY LATE NOW but i havent even STARTED It and its not even like. long enough to make up-#for being late its just gonna be a horrible rushed thing because i can't. get past this stupid writer's block and im not DOING anything-#lately im just. sorry. i know people like my writing but its just. i. fuck. i mean i just i dont want to say anything because IM FINE im-#fine and i just think if i post ANYTHING its just asking for attention and i. i don't WANT attention i just want to be able to write.#sorry. sorry if youre reading this. i dont know why you are.
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cheswirls · 2 months
sits down to write fic and writes 3k of notes for it instead, spends two separate hrs in the middle of it dwelling on pointless things, there were 8k notes prev so i def added almost half that amnt, have not written a single thing even tho i set down at 8p to write a scene and made a conscious decision to do this instead of starting laundry between 8 and 9 (laundromat closes at ten), it is three am currently,,,,,,
#ik the answer is yes BUT still gonna ask rhetorically#hey uh you ever sit down to write and five hours pass and you have written nothing#this doesn't happen often but i do have times where i want to write smth#then end up making notes for other scenes in the fic instead of actively writing prose#good in the long run and it is technically adding to the story!! somewhat!!!#but is it really writing???? not in my eyes no#but this is leagues better than when i was in hs and all my fic notes lived rent free in my head#at least now when i don't touch a fic for several months ill have some idea of what's going on when i go back to it#also dunno when i made it a habit to have fic notes at the start of the fic doc but i like this better#than having random handwritten notes scattered among planner / uni spirals / class handouts / paper at random#it's nice to have everything in one place#and if it gets annoying to navigate all i have to do is place a marker at start of prose#and format it as a heading so i can pull up the doc outline and click to get to it#but enough abt ease of access!!!!#i said i would eat at one when it was 12 how is it 3 already aaaaaaa#at least i am done. with notes. so now i can start writing for realsies#god it jus hit that this is why i can't jump freely into writing an ongoing longfic....#it takes so much effort to get back into it and i gotta have the time to do so#so sort n parse thru what i have so if i have an hr or only like 3 and it's been mths since ive looked at a fic#then i gotta put it aside again bc that's not enough time to absorb everything and actually get to writing#i rly need to like. cliffnotes all my longer ongoing fic. so much work but that's rly the obv solution
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junos-office-drama · 1 year
Love that fic, but having trouble expressing that love in a comment? Worried that you're leaving the same comments over and over?
Here are 40 comment ideas!
Keyboard Smash. Bonus points for a mix of uppercase and lowercase. End with a brief compliment: "Love it!" "So good!" "Amazing!" "This is my everything!"
Emoji string. Go as long as you feel appropriate. Throw in some 🔥 for good measure.
Quote a phrase, sentence, or passage that resonated with you, and explain why. "I love this description." "This is such beautiful language." "This metaphor is so brilliant." "This is the perfect way to describe [character/thing]."
Ask the author what inspired them to write such an incredible story. (Most authors dream of these types of comments.)
Share how the fic made you feel as you read it. Were you scared for a character? Were you cheering on your favorite? Did that smut make you all hot and bothered?
Thank the author. Bonus if you can thank them for something specific: Sharing this amazing work, introducing this awesome character, creating this cool AU, etc.
Identify your favorite character in the fic, and explain why they're your favorite.
Any indication that you're so in love with a work you literally want to eat it. My personal favorite that I've received is "I want to shove this in my mouth like an entire oreo," but "I want to print this out and stuff it in my face" and "This fic is like an amazing five-course meal, every bite is delicious!" are also winners.
For a multi-chapter fic, any version of "Wow, this keeps getting better and better!" This can really help keep an author motivated, especially if they've been focused on one longfic for a while. Longfics tend to have diminishing engagement over time, so commenting on later chapters is especially meaningful.
Tell the author that something in their fic is your "emotional support [thing]." Bob is my emotional support character, this is my emotional support fic, etc.
Tag it as if it were a social post, with all the hashtags it makes you think of. #myfavoritefic #incrediblewriting #truelove
Did you do something maybe a little dumb while reading the fic? Stay up all night reading? Nearly walk into a wall because you were reading while walking? Show up late to class because you couldn't put it down? Share your dumb thing!
Make predictions on what you think will happen next, and explain why. End your comment with something along the lines of "I can't wait to find out if I'm right or wrong!" Note: Be sure to phrase your comment as to what you predict will happen, not what you think SHOULD happen.
Did the fic make you discover a new side or facet to a character? Talk about that. "I never noticed how [trait] [character] is until I read your work!" Example: "I never noticed how creative Eric was until you brought it out in this fic, but it's absolutely true!"
Have you re-read a work (especially multiple times)? "I'm re-reading this for the third time because I love it so much."
"This is my second kudos!" Repeat as many times as you want. Third, fourth, fortieth, it's all good.
Are you a new subscriber? "Loved this so much that I subscribed!"
Are you an existing subscriber? "Every time I see an update in my inbox, I get so excited and rush to read it!"
Is there an Original Character (OC) in the fic? Ask about the OC! Ask what inspired the author to create the OC. Ask for more information about the OC's background. Ask if the OC is based on any particular character or idea. Ask how they came up with the name, and if it has any special meaning. Seriously, just ask the author about their original creation.
Tell the author how attached you're growing to their story or their characters.
"It was so [emotion] when [character] did [thing]." For example, "It was so scary when Eddie charged off on his own, I was so worried for his safety!"
Having a tough time in the real world? Let the author know if their fic or characters are a much-needed bright spot in your day.
Is the fic something you normally don't read? "Normally I'm not into [thing], but this fic is so good it's changed my mind!"
Did the author portray a complex topic well, with understanding and nuance? For example: surviving domestic abuse, coming out in a non-supportive environment, dealing with trauma, etc. Tell the author! "I can really tell you did your research. You handled [topic] so well!"
Can you personally relate to a scenario or a character in the fic? Did it touch you on a personal level? Say so!
Is it an older story? COMMENT ON THE OLDER STORY! Tell the author that it still has meaning and relevance, and that readers are still enjoying it today.
Does the fic present a pairing (or relationship) you never considered or never liked before, but now you adore? "This fic has made [pairing] my new favorite ship!" or "I was never really into [relationship] before, but this fic is so well done, I've fallen in love with them!"
A string of heart emojis (or the simple <3 ). As many as you feel appropriate. (One is appropriate. So is one hundred. You decide!) Make a rainbow if you want! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Did the fic make you look at the source material in a new way? Share. "I never noticed [thing] about [source material], but your writing really brought it out!"
Screaming about the pain and agony you're in, especially on whump, hurt/comfort, hurt/no comfort, and similar fics. Some authors are sadists. Let them know you're suffering (in that "oh hell it's so good it hurts" kind of way).
For chapters that end on a cliffhanger: Any screaming about how much the suspense is killing you and you can't wait for the next chapter. (Just remember not to demand the next chapter. "I'm so excited for the next chapter" = good / "You have to update right now or else" = bad.)
Is the fic now part of your official headcanon, right along with the source material? "From now own, this is as official canon to me as the original [book/show/movie]!"
Is the fic's title obvious, or is it a little mysterious? Ask if there's a secret meaning behind the title, or how the author decided on the title.
Ask the author if they have a favorite character, scene, chapter, etc. Depending on the fandom, this can be very specific (favorite weapon, attack, transformation, vehicle, horse, monster, etc.).
Is it smut? Did it make you hot? Trust me, smut authors want to know.
"This [chapter/fic] was so good, I feel like I need a smoke after it."
Is there a mystery that's absolutely boggling your brain? Share your theories! (YES: "Oh, what if Prince Smidgeon is actually killer?"). Just remember to never cross the line into telling the author what to do (NO: "You should make it so Prince Smidgeon is the killer.")
"I wish I could give you a kudos for each word in this [fic/chapter], it's just that good!"
Do you like making art? Ask the author if you can make fanart of their fic!
IF, and ONLY IF, the author has very clearly requested concrit (constructive criticism), then role up your sleeves and get to work putting together truly helpful, supportive criticism. Get started with this guide here.
Do you have other suggestions for this list?
Reblog with your favorite comments to give or receive!
(Tumblr insists on re-starting the list at 1 after the cut and I have no idea how to fix it??? It really is 40, I promise.)
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thegoldencontracts · 27 days
Bro this is gonna seem so entitled of meeeee and I really don't mean to complain but why is it that so many x Riddle fics (no matter the ship) are just so fucking one-sided...
don't be a coward show Riddle in love... It feels better when they get together that way too
In canon hes so nice and reasonable... Don't do this to him COME ON STOP MAKING HIM A DOG SHIT BOYFRIEND WHILE HIS PARTNER JUST TAKES bro.
this is bc of an Azurido fic I read recently tbh... I love the ship so much but at the same time a large part of the charm is how at first neither of them like each other - Azul is envious of Riddle but begrudgingly respects his power and vice versa but then that changes during book 6 and these two academic rivals can't help but warm up to each other Azul isn't fucking in love with him while Riddle just doesn't gaf BRO
Low-key wanna write a kinda spitefic angst with a happy ending where Azul gets insecure bc Riddle shows basically no affection and is actively cold to him a lot and ends up acting like a fucking dick to Riddle and then there's a lot of angst and drama and it's like three or four, maybe even six chapters of tea and angst and emotions featuring other charactere and exploration and it ends with them having a big sweet heart to heart amd GOD IM LOVIMG THIS PREMISE
but I know that it would fucking flop like that one Jeiazu longfic I started and gave up on T_T
Why? Bc on top of azurido being a rare pair, NO ONE WOULD LIKE THAT IDEA BUT ME... Because it's just not a common preference just like no one wants to talk about Jamil's pining in pre-relationship JamiAzu
BEING DIFFERENT ISN'T WORTH IT GUYSSS,,, I am a creature of yapping I need someone to tap to about this but I HAVE NO ONEEE bc it is universally depicted as a bad take
Also how the fuck did I go from 'I feel like this is a common mischaracterization of Riddle' to 'WHY ARE MY TAKES EVAPORATED GIVE ME THE COLD WATER TAKES I MUST YAP'
Idek man
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kxlpie · 4 months
i have an idea for a dsmp au okay, hear me out. it's inspired by both dead things can't die twice & better luck next time (both awesome fics, def go read them! better luck next time is bnha longfic and dead things can't die twice is a hp oneshot)
so, everything happens like in canon until tommy gets revived in prison. he dies, and comes back... different. like a piece of the void, limbo, whatever you call it took something from him and attached itself to him.
a couple of days, maybe a week after he leaves the prison tommy's messing around in the nether or something. (in this world, death messages only show up on comms if you're within a certain distance) he falls, dies to fall damage. bam, he's back in limbo. but only for a split second, because his body starts to knit itself together. breaks apart in reverse, blood spread across the netherack flowing back into his veins and bones unfracturing.
tommy's like wtf???? why am i not dead???? but basically just goes about his life slightly more traumatised until.... duh duh duuuuunnn wilbur gets revived. and then wilbur dies again somehow and he's austounded, shocked, freaked tf out by undying.
he goes to tommy for answers, him being the only other person who was revived. (asking other people first ofc) and i have no idea how tommy reacts thats the extenct of my planning
also something could be maybe like phantom wings? like phils because death and that all yeah
idk if anyone wants to write this just credit me :D ill probably try and write it sometime
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tiktaalic · 9 months
re sterek i feel crazy and you might be one of the only people to understand you see i love sterek but it seems like it's literally for reasons no one else does like. they DO hate and disrespect each other they have personalities and histories that clash horribly and neither of them know how to communicate at all?? derek would be triggered four times per conversation with stiles and never say anything they would have the worst most embarrassing cringefail thing going on and everyone would suffer as a result and yet no one writes them like this. instead they're like doing aftercare and shit. sad
i do love when they interact. it's so fun. i love a good old fashioned back and forth suicide baiting. in many lights. they are mac and charlie esque. by transitive property. this might make them jeff and britta esque? what i'm saying. wht i've said before. is that they're capable of being either end in the "oh i'm gay but he's not my boyfriend because i can do much better than him" "oh really. then why don't you, mac?" mac and charlie fake their deaths also very sterek to me. stiles saying ummm derek i think you can crash the car yourself i dont think i need to be in there. and then derek rams a car straight into a brick wall and stiles goes oh holy shit when derek forgets to jump out and instead stumbles out concussed and covered in blood. go to the pawn shop and purchase. one. a grenade. two. poppers. three. a wedding dress because derek can't stop talking about how said it is to be a wedding dress in a pawn shop. again i've said all this before. very much an ESH print this out and show a therapist. but 2012 was not ready for this dynamic. so instead longfic is all HEAVY stiles angst and also derek is there and has never had a problem in his life and is playing bemused and or sympathetic to stiles' gay disaster. and short fic is all. stiles calls derek sourwolf. fill in 5k around this. boo hiss. boo hiss!
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crestfallercanyon · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers! Thank you so much for the tag, @incorrectcoldflashblog !! I'm excited to jump in (and have definitely answered too long windedly, haha, whoops)
How many works do you have on AO3? sixty-six!
What’s your total A03 word count? I was going to guess like over 100,000, which I guess I was technically correct because it’s 717,161!
What fandoms do you write for? A bunch! On this profile I’ve written for The Flash/Legends of Tomorrow, The Maze Runner, Bandersnatch (Black Mirror), Teen Wolf, Inception, and recently have gotten very into Shameless!
What are your top five fics by kudos? All coldflash (pretty sure it’s the most active fandom I’ve ever written for at a more active time, so, makes sense): a) Lullabies for Little Criminals (719 kudos) b) distract me from my last disaster (600) c) Something Out of Nothing (557) d) getting back to fine (512) e) Didn’t Change a Thing (424)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to, and for the longest time I kept up with it. Then I got overwhelmed with a bunch of stuff around late 2021 and into 2022 and stopped. Now i’ve started again, but there’s still a huge backlog that I haven’t gotten to. Please know that I appreciate you if you’ve commented!
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I’ve written so many angsty fics, I don’t think I could name a single one, so here are my major fandoms (5+ fics) breakdown: a) This Time of Doubt (The Flash, coldflash) Len knows there’s something wrong with this timeline, and if he has to go through Barry to prove it, he will. (TW: Implied/Referenced Character Death) b) Red Lights, They Blink Your Name (The Maze Runner, minally) Gally’s going to follow that signal, even if it leads him into the dark. c) it’d be better if you flayed me alive (Shameless (US), gallavich) Mickey can't believe he agreed to let Ian shave his face before his fuckin' court hearing.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? a) Conflicts of Interest (The Maze Runner, thomally) My maze runner criminal law lawyers slow burn au. b) What’s Mine is Yours (The Flash, coldflash) Barry and Len move in together. c) Nocturne, Murmures Milkovich Turns out, Ian still has things to learn about his husband.
Do you get hate on your fic? Only once, and I actually deleted that fic in its entirety. It was the first longfic coldflash I ever posted, and it rattled me pretty good. It was quite nasty. Since then, never again! (and I wouldn’t delete it this time around, I don’t think, but it was a multi chap and I was so stunned by the comment I just never wanted to continue writing it, so).
Do you write smut? I have tried, but I'm not the most confident in it. I’ve got Scheherazade in coldflash fandom, and then two thomally fics: Corpus Delecti (which is a fic you won’t see unless you’re logged in) and then he goes down easy for me.
Do you write crossovers? I do not.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Not to my knowledge.
Have you ever co-written a fic? Not yet!
What‘s your all-time favourite ship? I genuinely don’t know how to answer this question. I don’t really have one. To be perfectly honest, if someone writes it in a way that’s compelling, I’ll probably enjoy it.
What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Probably Stranger Than Your Sympathy. I’m sorry, I want to, but there’s just some foundational things that I would change (mainly Newt’s characterization, I actually prefer how I characterize him now)
What’s your writing strengths? I like to think I'm good with characterization and like... individual internal narration. The whole reason I write fanfiction is because I love exploring characters' heads and their dynamics and their world (or how they interact with aus). So, I like to think that what I write is true to character and makes impactful scenes.
What’s your writing weaknesses? I get easily inspired, so I have left some fics behind (I am so sorry Aphelion and Shiva, I will come back for youuuuu); and then I have worked hard on it, but I occasionally get very long winded and have a hard time killing darlings for the sake of pacing.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I’d love to be able to write in multiple languages, but I’m only fluent in English. At most, I could maybe write in Spanish, but I still would be worried about it being accurate.
First fandom you wrote for? Um, before I really knew what fandom was or anything like that, I wrote Naruto fanfic The first fandom I wrote for knowingly and participated in was Fire Emblem Three Houses.
Favourite fic you’ve ever written? Ufda, this is such a hard question. I’m again going to break it down into fandoms — a) Something Out of Nothing (The Flash, coldflash) b) Thou Shalt Not (The Maze Runner, thomally)(tbh this one changes all the time, ask me tomorrow it will probably be something different). c) I think it is all these things I have left to say to you Now it's my turn to tag! I'm very excited to do so, so here we go (and of course, no pressure!)! @blue-summers , @its-tea-time-darling , @itsthemxze , @sampharos , @callivich , @michellemisfit , @pathsofoak , @mmmichyyy , @go-catch-a-chickn , @sophiainspace , @sproutwings , @iasconsumesmedia
ALSO if anyone else would like to do this, go ahead!
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levmada · 2 months
Hello Kane! I was wondering if you could recommend to me your favorite eruri fics, please? Thanks for answering 💓
yes for sure! eruri is my favorite. here's a top 10:
This Feeling I'll Forget by thefangirlingdead
Levi suffers from short term memory loss, and while that makes it hard for him to find love, he finds Erwin.
completely iconic. just a beautiful oneshot with angst, fluff, and falling in love. seriously can't reccommend enough regardless of what you're looking for.
ALL of obiwhat's eruri fics
especially if you are a fan of hurt/comfort or sickfics. there's not a single one i don't hold in insanely high regard.
1 the smell of rain (my favorite)
2 desire to burn
3 rice porridge (INSANELY cute)
the two of them by fuchsiaring
It roils in his chest: desperate, aching, empty. It sears his throat, stings his eyes. He’s dizzy with it, how it hurts, how he needs it. It burns like a wound, sweet like the summer breeze, and Levi relishes, lets it swell, lets it overtake him. --OR-- 5 times Levi cries during sex + 1 time he doesn’t
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hands-down the best eruri fic i've ever read. i believe in my ao3 bookmarks i have that exact note lol. i binged it all in under a day and then reread it the next day.
it's how i got inspired to write my first longfic (in the aot fandom), and to write eruri (after writing xReader for a long time). ughh it's so sexy and sweet and even a canon fix-it on top of all that. SRSLY is a must-read if u like eruri.
when making this list i went back and had to reread a chapter
in restless silence by GateBreaker
Levi stares at their joined hands, eyes rounded and a bit lost.
Worried, Erwin gently prompts him. “Levi?”
“I had them,” wide eyes stare into Erwin’s, imploring. “I had them, Erwin.”
VERY hurt comfort-y. that's by far my biggest taste if no one can tell yet.
I Can Help You, You Know by avatays
Levi didn’t say anything, just pursed his lips and stared at the desk. Erwin didn’t understand why Levi was so uncomfortable, until he realized— “Levi,” he began softly. “Can you not read?” --- Erwin finds out that Levi never learned to read. He decides to fix that.
Tailor Made by Occasus
The one where Erwin takes Levi to the tailor.
🧎🏻oh jesus. pretty much pwp. erwin is kind of a kinky fuck, oral, and there's breathplay
With You by FoggyGlasses
In the warm Summer breeze, Levi is helping clean out old documents from Erwin's office. When faced with papers he can't read, Levi goes to the commander for help. After a short lesson with lots of encouragement, both men are reluctant to leave each other's comfort. The gentle sunlight leaves them reveling in each other's love.
I Will Love You by thefangirlingdead
Levi tells Erwin that he loves him right before their certain death on the battlefield. Only, they don't die.
Let Me Take Care of You by inkbetweenthekeys
After returning from a mission into Maria territory, Levi seeks Erwin out. Erwin is frustrated that Levi doesn't take better care of himself.
i reread this one a lot. comfort with smut, levi injured
Anything You Want by fuchsiaring
“It’s not what you think,” Levi says, words spilling out fast. His low voice is strained, just a bit, just enough that Erwin can hear the tension. “I kept it to fix the sleeve, I, uh… I’m going to sew the button back on. I’ll wash it and give it back, as… as soon as it’s fixed.” Never, not once in the years since they met, has Erwin heard Levi stammer like this.
“Why are you wearing it?”
oh jesussss🧎🏻virgin levi and service top erwin in canonverse. just so sexy theres nothing else to say wow
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
How do you start writing fanfic? I kinda want to give it a go
oh, interesting question! the easy answer is "just start writing" - i have an idea and i just start writing it. but that's probably not useful for everyone! so here are some things that might help!
get an ao3 account. if you don't already have one, see if a friend has a free invite link, and if not, be prepared for the fact the queue is sometimes like two weeks long before you'll get your invite email. having an ao3 account will help you post your fanfics, but if you use bookmarks better than i do, will also help you keep track of what you're reading! speaking of...
figure out what kinds of stuff you like to read! this won't always be the same as the kind of thing you like to write, but it'll probably be similar, and reading things you like will help you write things you like because you'll pick up on some of the elements of what you read, whether you are trying to or not.
set realistic goals for yourself! your first fanfic will not be perfect, especially if you've never written anything before. it will, however, be something you're proud of, as long as you don't expect to be a genius the first time you write! in addition, i'd say "don't try to write a longfic as the first thing you write, write something shorter", because it's a lot easier to lose motivation while writing a long thing than it is while writing a short thing.
(genuinely, practice and read things. gotta emphasize those. also don't compare yourself to other people who have been writing for ten years if you've only been writing for two weeks, you aren't being fair to yourself then!)
then come up with an idea! i recommend choosing a character you read/watch a lot for who you write the first time; choose one of your favorite guys, yeah, but choose your favorite guy you watch all the time, not your favorite guy you only rarely see. this will also make writing them easier.
as for what idea to come up with... can't help you there, but that's where "learn what kind of stuff i like to read" and "practice" will start making it easier! if you have ever gone "man i wish x existed" or "that idea for an au sounded cool but there's nothing written for it" or "this part of canon that i wish had a bit more about it"... do that!
some people are better at planning than others. i, personally? not good at planning. i normally scrawl out, at best, a list of events that need to happen, and then change my mind halfway through writing. half the time though i'm like "i know where i want this to start, i know what i want this to do, i know how i want it to end, i will make up the rest as i go" and i just start writing. for some people, this is fine - don't force yourself to do mega planning if that'll stop you from actually writing.
however, if a LACK of plan stops you from writing, like i said, i personally find that planning by coming up with the major 'set pieces'/'moments' i want the fic to have and connecting those together helps. idk you may want to ask someone else how to plan if you don't know.
then, as i said before... just start writing! i find external arbitrary deadlines help motivate me, but those may stress you out, so you don't have to do that part. just writing is enough!
don't feel bad if you scrap stuff and start new stuff and don't finish stuff for a while - everyone does that.
i personally recommend waiting until you finish a thing to post it to ao3 because i lose motivation once a fic is posted and having the goal of "actually publish it" helps force me to finish what i'm writing but not everyone is this way; if you think posting and getting feedback is more helpful for you, do that!
uh, finally, ignore the numbers. like, okay, i'm not saying "i want attention and validation" is bad because yeah, i do want attention and validation. that's part of why i post things online. i DO mean that you should ignore the hit counter entirely, not compare the kudos counter to other fics, and cherish each comment, no matter how many of them there are, you know?
not sure how helpful this long list of advice is, but i hope it helps a little!
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
‘straight on til morning’ is so delicious and mesmerising, thank you so much for it!! i’d love to hear about your writing process/tips & tricks if you don’t mind!
thank you so much!!! i'm so happy to hear you enjoyed it!!! :D
as for my writing process... man. im one of those guys who can't write anything longish without outlining. like, A Lot. i also do all my outlines by hand in a physical notebook because that's just what scratches my brain itch nicely and makes the story marinate better in my head!
sotm started off as me going "NOBODY has written a proper long story about kon's knockout and tana trauma?!?!! NO ONE?!?!?" (well, there was one i saw, but it hadnt been updated in like. 5+ years and hadn't really gotten into the meat of it yet iirc.) it sort of manifested in my mind as two distinct images: 1) kon looking at the glint of light off the rim of a teacup while trying not to cry + asking dick grayson what to do, and 2) kon asking clark why he wasn't a child worth protecting.
my first step with a longfic is always to take those initial images, throw them onto a plot diagram, and then fill in the spaces in between. the og one for sotm looks like this!
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after that i go flesh out each point further and develop scenes per chapter. like, here you can see each chapter's basic plot points, but then as i got to each chapter i'd further flesh it out a Lot in the notebook, with as much detail as i could think of. for example, ch5's outline and notes look like this:
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when i outline, i tend to try to imagine both the general vibes for a scene and specific dialogue notes, because i like sorta having guidelines for how to steer the scene as i write it. otherwise i tend to get pretty indecisive as to where it's going, and then i stop writing to think (or overthink) about what should be happening.
so when i do get a new idea and deviate from the outline i actually go back and rework the entire thing dhfjkds!! this happened in sotm, when i decided i wanted to add an extra chapter and focus more also on kon's career crisis, especially as it relates to his realization that OH, he's traumatized by tana in more ways than he knew. so i went back and outlined and fiddled with the last leg of the plot further:
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and ... yeah that's about it!! i work pretty much In Order on everything i do, so it's: outline, outline some more, write the chapter, outline the next chapter, etc.
...also i'm not gonna lie i did partly just use this question as an excuse to show off some of my pretty pens. i am so weak for pretty pens. connoisseur of gelly rolls in particular. <3
ty for asking!! i hope this shed some light on it/actually answered what you were interested in, it was a fun writeup to do :)
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iindigoeyed · 5 months
I've been struggling to get into ml lately. like at first i was so stressed that i regressed back into my mcyt special interest and that was why, but now i think i'm just burned out (both in general and in ml specifically) and i don't know how i'll get back into it. like all i want to do is curl up in bed and sleep for a month. Which… is not good when I have several major projects for ML!!! so you can imagine im not doing great.
I think I'm going to slowly work my way back up to writing again. I plan on contributing to feligami feb, and that fic isn't even remotely done. dont even get me started on the art i have to finish. and I'm gonna try to start finishing up These Things -- initially, i was going to write the whole thing and then post it. but I still only have maybe half of it done, and i think it'd be better for me to just post what i've got and hope for feedback -- and if I don't write more and that's it, then that's it. I have two other longfics i want to finish and post before s6 rolls around and I can't afford to be wasting time on TT any longer. I start college in august and will NOT have that sort of time.
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kai-ni · 5 months
This is gonna be a hot ass take, but don't post art to Ao3. It's not what Ao3 is for, and it's scummy to writers who put their work out there.
And I'm not talking about fics with artwork embedded, that's fine. I'm not even talking about comics, because those involve writing and if they're ongoing I can see why they could work there. I'm talking about people that make a 'work' on Ao3 that's just an embedded image (or a collection of embedded fanart) and nothing else, 0 word count.
Ao3 is the ONLY platform FOR writers. You physically can't post longfic on twitter (I mean maybe in a bazillion tweets, but really?) buttt you can post art on twitter all you want. You can post writing on other sites like tumblr, etc (deviantart? does anyone use it anymore? you shouldn't. anyway) but that's not really what people are LOOKING for on those platforms, and writers will ALWAYS be overshadowed by artists on those platforms because art is easier to consume faster, and anyone scrolling the tags there can scroll past art, appreciate it, like/reblog it in a second rather than taking the commitment to read something (that may take hours to consume) and THEN coming back to like/reblog it/otherwise interact with it.
That's kinda just the nature of writing vs art, and it is what it is.
But people come to Ao3 SPECIFICALLY for writing. It's the ONE platform (I mean barring older stuff like ff.net that's pretty much defunct) where people go specifically looking for writing to consume.
'Okay I get it Kai, but one person putting art on Ao3 doesn't hurt anyone or take away from the writers on there, they're all... there.'
Alas, it does.
In a much smaller fandom I wrote in, one of my more successful fics was on the first page of search results for that fandom when sorted by hits (which is the most popular way to sort 'em and really the only way older fics are found), up until a popular fan artist posted a work on Ao3 that was just a collection of embedded fanart pieces (that they'd already posted on twitter and had been seen there and were very popular) and that very quickly knocked my work off the first page of hits. So, my work was seen less because that artist just decided to repost to a platform primarily for writers. Yea, you're gonna bet that upset me.
'Kai you're just jealous their art was better than your writing'
'Kay not gonna deny it probably was. But their art had already been seen/was really popular on another platform that I, as a writer, didn't even have access to. Doesn't feel great for them to come into the writer's space and also then overshadow. Because again, art is easier to consume. it's always gonna be, that's the POINT of having a site like Ao3 where writers can shine. Fine fine, call me cranky for being bumped, but I wouldn't have cared at all if it were by another fic.
'You can sort out works with 0 words you know'
Yea, sure. Does everyone just visiting Ao3 know how to do that? And again, that's not the default. If you just click on the fandom without doing anything, it doesn't.
Now imagine you're not on the first page, and still had a work in that fandom and your work was on page 10 or whatever for that fandom (again it was a small one). You're now on page 11. Very few people have the patience to search that far back, and now you aren't been seen at all because you got bumped by a popular artist. This isn't something that happens on twitter or other platforms - everyone's bound by the silly algorithm / time on twitter, and time on tumblr. it's a LEVEL playing field. it isn't really on Ao3. Yes, there's sort by 'most recent' and that's all fair, but by hits, kudos etc isn't.
So yes, when those sort functions are taken into consideration, artists posting on Ao3 really do hurt writers, and take space away from them, make smaller writers less seen, etc. It sucks.
There's plenty of other places to post your art. I know, there's fewer places to post NSFW works now and get feedback on them (unfortunately) but Ao3 doesn't even host the images anyway... you have to upload them somewhere else! there are other options. Don't take space from writers because sites like tumblr aren't good for NSFW anymore.
Again this is gonna be a super hot take, but that's how I feel and I lose respect for artists real quick when they do this. No shade, I'm not trying to call anyone out, this isn't specifically directed at anyone, just something that I've seen repeatedly and has been milling around in my head for years now. Disagree if you like, but I'm not looking to get into fights in the rbs so.
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i-did-not-mean-to · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Ah, my dear @cilil has tagged me, and I'll try to do at least one Tumblr thing today. I had hoped that I'd have more time this weekend!!! This week was madness...I swear!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
391 (and yes, I am one of those who put between 7 and 133 different ficlets into one work to keep the number of individual works down).
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,800,713 (this does not include 2 longfics I've orphaned and several fics I've posted anonymously)
(but I've been writing since July 2021)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Tolkien, roles played by Richard Armitage, roles played by Adam Brown, the odd Dean O'Gorman fic for @laurfilijames, 1 Lucifer fic...)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Tumblr Imagines (it's a collection of ficlets from when I started and has over 200k)
October 2022 Ficlet run (Yeah, as I said, I don't post all my fics separately)
Black (Local folkore meets The Hobbit retelling
Silm imagines and ficlets (Again, a 50k+ collection)
"The only way is up" or "thrice stuck" (Smutty dream sequence with Thorin)
These are mostly my first writings which had had time to amass some few kudos :D
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
It takes me a while sometimes, but I need people to know how much I love and appreciate their support! I love every comment, and I truly wish I was a little better at expressing myself when it comes to these things <3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I honestly do not remember...Probably, Love letter to the man you've never got to be.
I usually don't do much angst 😇
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Very hard to say because I don't finish too many of my long fics lol. I'd want to say Sticks and stones (Christmas Hallmark story)...it's just that kind of story.
My TRSBs are usually "Happy End given the circumstances" rather than all-out Happy End...lol
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thus far, no.
I am not relevant or known enough to attract that kind of attention!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Me? No...(There have been spicy scenes in long fics, spicy fics, outrageous ficlets, Kinktober, Dead Dove December, MSV...Ok yeah, I do...and I do all of it. M/F, F/F, M/M, M/F/M...from vanilla to whips. You choose, I write)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I am an AU bitch. I've done a HP drabble once...Les Mis/LOTR for last year's Christmas event...it happens...
Right now? Twilight Crack parody for a good friend :D
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so? Who would steal trash?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nobody has ever approached me...
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes...Once for last year's S&D, I am doing it now for the Calendar fic...I love collaboration, what can I say?
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Ship-ship? Russingon.
OC ship? Ori x OC
Rarepair? Nerdanel x Anairë
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Black - It's one of my first fics...and I've never written that last chapter.
I am also known for having written chapters and chapters of other longfics but just...never posting them lol
16. What are your writing strengths?
I am fast, I am versatile, and I am willing to write almost any character, dynamic, ship, and genre. From tooth-rotting fluff to noncon. From very vanilla M/F meet-cute to kinky sex.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I am bad at punctuation. I rarely have an outline, I just write. I do not plan, I do not come up with complicated worldbuilding, I have exactly 0 HC documents.
I just write whatever comes to mind.
Moreover, I have a real problem with posting. I write A LOT more than I post...because I just can't motivate myself to reread LOL
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I avoid even Tolkien's languages for fear of getting something wrong. I am fluent in at least 3 other languages, but I am not entirely sure whether there would ever be a place for them.
If I did that, I am afraid that it would become incomprehensible as the only one I wouldn't use is my mother tongue. It would sound a bit...magniloquent...
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Tolkien. Only fandom thus far...
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I don't know. Every so often, I write something I don't hate, but I can't remember right now loool
Open tag for everyone who hasn't done this yet :D
Tell me something about yourselves!
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Firstly, thanks for giving me advice about the adhedonia not long ago, knowing how it's called the thing I tend to suffer (apart of the TDA, LOL) most of time helped me a lot —an also thanks to the other people to gave me tips in that post too. I'm feeling better because, well, Christmas vacations are coming! So that means I'll be able to recover more mental health and finally write again, even if it's just a month.
Now I want to ask for more tips that are... How can I organize longfics? I'm a messy person, like... I don't even write the ideas my brain vomit to me at random times, and even when I tell my friends about it that messages end up being buried alive. I kinda used to organize things when I was like, 14yo. It was still messy as hell but least so, now I'm straight up refusing to even do lists. But I feel that if I not know to organize some things I won't able to finish a longfic never ever never again.
I know that there are like, templates? For organizing plot-points and characters and all of that, but I can't recall how they're called. But more importantly than that, I want to know how other people like to organize their things and see if something clicks with me! (Specially because I recall seeing posts like this here on Tumblr but I can't find them)
Oh man, this is such a great question.
I'm all about structure. My plotbunnies tend to come with a lot of plot attached, and I like genres with defined structures (cozy mystery, crime procedural).
I use spreadsheets for everything, including this, but now that I use Scrivener, often, I just use a text document there.
I start by laying out all the parts of the plot that I already have, then I try to make them an academic outline like:
This helps me see where I have a lopsided structure with tons of detail one place and none another. I also look at the timeline as the characters experience it and adjust. If I. takes 24 hours and II. three months, that tells me something about how much detail should be in each, what the final page count should be, etc.
Generally, longer stories that are satisfying have a structure with multiple peaks and dips in action, and the later peaks are higher than the earlier ones.
I find this kind of chart or fitting one's story into a five act structure or whatever to be helpful when you have a good plotbunny that just isn't quite working for some reason, but you know at least parts of it are sound. It helps point out a spot you might be overlooking from familiarity.
I don't find most of these external structures at all helpful for generating plotbunnies. If you have an instinct for structure from years of consuming media, you'll come up with something that works better than following a formula you can't really feel.
Most structures exist to try to explain why some blockbuster movie works retroactively anyway. Unless it's literally theater and there are literally intermissions between chunks, little is set in stone. Even plays often have the "wrong" thing in Act I.
I'll see breakdowns of some novel and they talk about the "inciting incident" or whatever beat in the plot formula, and I'm like "You picked that part as that beat? Really?" Like... I agree the plot formula is basically sound and I agree the book being analyzed is great, but I don't think the formula applies to the book in a super straightforward way that everyone would agree on.
The hero's journey is so fucking general that you can retrofit it to almost any story that has any sort of physical or spiritual journey. But I don't find it inspiring on its own because it is so general. It doesn't actually explain why a particular subgenre's plots work without one adding a lot more detail and specificity.
I tend to put down all my notes on what should be in a story, then rearrange them in story order as I figure that out. I might have a section at the end for things I haven't placed yet or revision notes. I'm a very logical person and work in order a lot. Hell, I write in order, which is generally a terrible idea and even trips me up when I get to a hard bit and waste time instead of moving on. But it's how my brain mostly operates.
Out of the various canned methods, the one I adopted the most from was the Snowflake Method. I like the idea of outlining and then making it more detailed and then EVEN MORE DETAILED till the "first draft" is basically paint by numbers. Some people find that extremely limiting though.
Another thing I try to keep track of is some very basic "What's the point?" or "What's the big change?" notes. I don't do extensive character sheets or big writeups external to the main prose of the story. I don't do exercises where I interview my characters. None of that feels useful to me. It's too much, and I get lost in the weeds. God... I feel like I should be saving this for my patreon.
Uh... anyway, I try to have a big note to write towards that's like "Character X thinks they want A but it's really a symptom of needing B" or "The point of this fic is the big twist in chapter 11" (so I either need to set up emotions that really lay the groundwork for the twist to be a big deal or I need to lay the red herrings to make the twist a shock or whatever).
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turtlecleric · 4 months
15, 16, and 25 for the ask game? please?
you waste your kindness with that please, you could yell at me to do it and I would kdlsajfdkls;ajf <3
15. How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters?
It sorta varies? With fics written for this blog specifically I haven't officially titled a lot of them because they're so short, but it's usually something to do with the central theme of the fic. So for example, the first 07!Viole(n)t ficlet is actually titled Perfect in my google doc, because that's what the boys refer to you as toward the end and I felt like it was just. Idk. It fit? But a lot of fics on this blog are untitled because I'm a heathen and they're just so short. With my non x reader fics, I am That Guy who uses lyrics as titles most of the time. And the lyric/title, again, has to do with the central idea of the fic. So, for example, on my own is about Raph in solitary confinement (I could write an essay on how the title connects to the fic in more detail but I shall restrain myself). i can't be the only one who hears you is about the brothers noticing when Raph is struggling mentally and needs some support. Etc etc etc. And I usually don't title chapters, though I have been titling the chapters of my current longfic, and those are, again, related to the main idea of each chapter. (I cheated for most of those. Chapter titles were like "Day One," "Days Three to Five," etc. until recently.)
16. At what point in the process do you come up with titles?
Once I know what the central theme is, I use that to pick a title. For longer fics, that comes toward the beginning while I'm still planning or just before I post the first chapter lmao. For ficlets like I post on this blog, it's usually after I've written it and can pick through it to see if any lines jump out to make a good title if I title it at all.
25. Have you ever upset yourself with your own writing?
No, it's usually the opposite, actually. I get upset, then I write as a way to deal with that, and it helps me start to process and feel better, at least for a little while. That's why so many of my non x reader fics are uh. specific brands of angst.
tysmmmmm <333
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