#fanfiction comments
magpie-murder · 11 months
okay we need to have an intervention.
i've noticed that people don't leave the same kind of unhinged compliments under fanfics that visual artists usually receive (eg, "i want to eat your art"), so i've come up with a list that you need to start employing when your friends send you their WIPs and when your favorites update on ao3 but you're having a hard time commenting something that sounds intelligent and you still want to support them
"you're like if [famos author] (eg, Victor Hugo if the fic is angst) was into [fandom]"
"well THIS has been added to my pre-sleep daydream schedule"
"this fic invaded my mind and consumed my brain like a spore"
"yOu'Ve AlReAdY lEfT kUdOs HeRe"
"this fic has me scratching at my yellow wallpaper, it's so good"
"this fic has me checking under my floorboards for the heart of a kind man i murdered, it's so good"
"i'm making my parents read this"
"i know only one chapter is out so far, but i'm going to print this out, staple it together, and put it on my bookshelf next to the canon material"
"this fic gave me another mental illness"
(you can only do this one once) "i made an ao3 account specifically to bookmark this"
"i'm going to print this out so i can eat the words on the paper"
and a couple that are just nice (without the feral nature):
"i made a custom playlist to listen to while i read this fic"
"this fic reminds me of [song]"
"i really liked the part where [x], it really stuck with me"
"i really liked this line, [quote the line,] it was so well-written!"
artists: draw fanart of the fic!! it doesn't matter if you think your art skills are good and it doesnt matter if it's just a sketch!! let the author see it!!
make a moodboard!! for the fic!! let the author see it!!
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breannasfluff · 6 months
Fanfiction Comments: Why Bother?
Genuine question: If ya’ll like a story, why not comment?
This question, born out of previous discussions and Discord chats, is one writers have been dealing with for a long time. Feedback/reblogs on art tends to be more common than on fics. Yet writers continue to beg for comments on stories. So what's stopping people?
Don't know what to say/an emoji/script feels too impersonal
Forgot to comment
Read everything and how do you pick out one part?
Rather give feedback personally
Feels like an expectation/I owe them
Send me a string of emojis? I love it. Send a single heart? I love it. Keyboard smash? I love it. Copy/paste a "thank you for writing"? I still love it. "I don't know what to comment or how to put my feelings into words." Then put that! That's a compliment! Can't think of anything to say, then "I don't know what to write but asgfdhgf I liked it." is fine!
Seriously, I don't care WHAT you put, because it shows me you cared enough to take a few second to show that love. I recognize and look for my regular commenters, even the ones who leave just a heart or "extra kudos".
Forgot to comment? Leave the fic open on your phone or get in the habit of dropping SOMETHING right as you finish. If you had time to make it through the last 100 words, you can probably tap an emoji. It's likely more of a habit to build up than anything.
Read it in one go and it's all a blur? "I read this all in one go and it's a blur, but I loved it!" We don't need specifics; just tell us you loved it on the chapter you stopped on. That in itself is a compliment because Hey! You loved it so much you had to keep reading!
Personal feedback? Well, I'll never say no to friends gushing about stories to me! And it might not be the same for everyone, but if you stop commenting on AO3 and only tell me personally...my assumption is you don't like it enough to say it publicly. I've spent many a time wondering why people stopped giving that support and what I should do better. If it's a friend, try asking them which they prefer! We can go back and reread (and do!) AO3 comments. Much harder on discord/dms/etc.
Owing authors? Look, we put a lot of time and work into writing and providing content for free. Hours of idea planning, actual writing, editing, catering to requests, etc. My partner once said I have a second job, writing, but I don't get paid. If you read and enjoyed something that someone put a lot of work into, it's nice to take a few seconds and tell them that.
You don't owe authors comments. They also don't owe you free writing. Sometimes, you forget there is an author at all when you're reading. But there is. A real person put out a story hoping you'd love it, or connect to it. You'd see yourself in the writing and feel less alone, or cheered up when you have a bad day.
Writing is art, and all we want to do is connect with you. Comments help bridge that gap.
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coline7373 · 1 year
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On fanfics and all fanworks.
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sotwk · 11 months
Writers when fellow writers who are super talented compliment or recommend our fics:
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Except we aren't actors so the shock/amazement/joy is 100% genuine.
Support a writer with a comment/reblog today!
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junos-office-drama · 10 months
Love that fic, but having trouble expressing that love in a comment? Worried that you're leaving the same comments over and over?
Here are 40 comment ideas!
Keyboard Smash. Bonus points for a mix of uppercase and lowercase. End with a brief compliment: "Love it!" "So good!" "Amazing!" "This is my everything!"
Emoji string. Go as long as you feel appropriate. Throw in some 🔥 for good measure.
Quote a phrase, sentence, or passage that resonated with you, and explain why. "I love this description." "This is such beautiful language." "This metaphor is so brilliant." "This is the perfect way to describe [character/thing]."
Ask the author what inspired them to write such an incredible story. (Most authors dream of these types of comments.)
Share how the fic made you feel as you read it. Were you scared for a character? Were you cheering on your favorite? Did that smut make you all hot and bothered?
Thank the author. Bonus if you can thank them for something specific: Sharing this amazing work, introducing this awesome character, creating this cool AU, etc.
Identify your favorite character in the fic, and explain why they're your favorite.
Any indication that you're so in love with a work you literally want to eat it. My personal favorite that I've received is "I want to shove this in my mouth like an entire oreo," but "I want to print this out and stuff it in my face" and "This fic is like an amazing five-course meal, every bite is delicious!" are also winners.
For a multi-chapter fic, any version of "Wow, this keeps getting better and better!" This can really help keep an author motivated, especially if they've been focused on one longfic for a while. Longfics tend to have diminishing engagement over time, so commenting on later chapters is especially meaningful.
Tell the author that something in their fic is your "emotional support [thing]." Bob is my emotional support character, this is my emotional support fic, etc.
Tag it as if it were a social post, with all the hashtags it makes you think of. #myfavoritefic #incrediblewriting #truelove
Did you do something maybe a little dumb while reading the fic? Stay up all night reading? Nearly walk into a wall because you were reading while walking? Show up late to class because you couldn't put it down? Share your dumb thing!
Make predictions on what you think will happen next, and explain why. End your comment with something along the lines of "I can't wait to find out if I'm right or wrong!" Note: Be sure to phrase your comment as to what you predict will happen, not what you think SHOULD happen.
Did the fic make you discover a new side or facet to a character? Talk about that. "I never noticed how [trait] [character] is until I read your work!" Example: "I never noticed how creative Eric was until you brought it out in this fic, but it's absolutely true!"
Have you re-read a work (especially multiple times)? "I'm re-reading this for the third time because I love it so much."
"This is my second kudos!" Repeat as many times as you want. Third, fourth, fortieth, it's all good.
Are you a new subscriber? "Loved this so much that I subscribed!"
Are you an existing subscriber? "Every time I see an update in my inbox, I get so excited and rush to read it!"
Is there an Original Character (OC) in the fic? Ask about the OC! Ask what inspired the author to create the OC. Ask for more information about the OC's background. Ask if the OC is based on any particular character or idea. Ask how they came up with the name, and if it has any special meaning. Seriously, just ask the author about their original creation.
Tell the author how attached you're growing to their story or their characters.
"It was so [emotion] when [character] did [thing]." For example, "It was so scary when Eddie charged off on his own, I was so worried for his safety!"
Having a tough time in the real world? Let the author know if their fic or characters are a much-needed bright spot in your day.
Is the fic something you normally don't read? "Normally I'm not into [thing], but this fic is so good it's changed my mind!"
Did the author portray a complex topic well, with understanding and nuance? For example: surviving domestic abuse, coming out in a non-supportive environment, dealing with trauma, etc. Tell the author! "I can really tell you did your research. You handled [topic] so well!"
Can you personally relate to a scenario or a character in the fic? Did it touch you on a personal level? Say so!
Is it an older story? COMMENT ON THE OLDER STORY! Tell the author that it still has meaning and relevance, and that readers are still enjoying it today.
Does the fic present a pairing (or relationship) you never considered or never liked before, but now you adore? "This fic has made [pairing] my new favorite ship!" or "I was never really into [relationship] before, but this fic is so well done, I've fallen in love with them!"
A string of heart emojis (or the simple <3 ). As many as you feel appropriate. (One is appropriate. So is one hundred. You decide!) Make a rainbow if you want! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Did the fic make you look at the source material in a new way? Share. "I never noticed [thing] about [source material], but your writing really brought it out!"
Screaming about the pain and agony you're in, especially on whump, hurt/comfort, hurt/no comfort, and similar fics. Some authors are sadists. Let them know you're suffering (in that "oh hell it's so good it hurts" kind of way).
For chapters that end on a cliffhanger: Any screaming about how much the suspense is killing you and you can't wait for the next chapter. (Just remember not to demand the next chapter. "I'm so excited for the next chapter" = good / "You have to update right now or else" = bad.)
Is the fic now part of your official headcanon, right along with the source material? "From now own, this is as official canon to me as the original [book/show/movie]!"
Is the fic's title obvious, or is it a little mysterious? Ask if there's a secret meaning behind the title, or how the author decided on the title.
Ask the author if they have a favorite character, scene, chapter, etc. Depending on the fandom, this can be very specific (favorite weapon, attack, transformation, vehicle, horse, monster, etc.).
Is it smut? Did it make you hot? Trust me, smut authors want to know.
"This [chapter/fic] was so good, I feel like I need a smoke after it."
Is there a mystery that's absolutely boggling your brain? Share your theories! (YES: "Oh, what if Prince Smidgeon is actually killer?"). Just remember to never cross the line into telling the author what to do (NO: "You should make it so Prince Smidgeon is the killer.")
"I wish I could give you a kudos for each word in this [fic/chapter], it's just that good!"
Do you like making art? Ask the author if you can make fanart of their fic!
IF, and ONLY IF, the author has very clearly requested concrit (constructive criticism), then role up your sleeves and get to work putting together truly helpful, supportive criticism. Get started with this guide here.
Do you have other suggestions for this list?
Reblog with your favorite comments to give or receive!
(Tumblr insists on re-starting the list at 1 after the cut and I have no idea how to fix it??? It really is 40, I promise.)
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Aww I can't wait till babey is all fussy when she's pregnant and begging her kepus to relieve her when her boobies are sore or her feet hurt!! Ugh and maybe she'd need help bathing???👀👀👀
Oh, she's gonna be so needy for him.
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"Kepus," you call over to him, huffy and whining, and the sight of you winded with exertion and cradling your rounded belly is always enough to stir the desire within him, the primal lust of a beast who has thoroughly seeded his mate for all to see. You are pouting, brow wrinkled with consternation. "Help me. I cannot get up."
He sees the problem - the chaise is low, and you had been struggling more and more as of late to pull yourself off its surface after your afternoon naps, weighed down by the mass of the babe. It seems that his child - his his his - has finally won the battle, keeping you firmly grounded until its papa comes to its mother's aid.
Well, he thinks with no small amount of satisfaction, better go and help his sweet little wife. You are being awfully good for him, after all, keeping his babe safe and warm inside you. The thought stirs him in his breeches.
Perhaps he can convince you to remain on the chaise long enough to remedy it.
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AU blurb of my 'terms of endearment' series - check out the Masterlist for the story so far!
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dottiesficrecs · 10 months
Have you ever wished you could use Discord emojis in your AO3 comments? Here's a guide on how to do just that:
Unfortunately, part of this is for desktop only, but ultimately once you have the link to the emoji, you can use it in comments on mobile too!
Saving The Emoji:
First: pick the one you want
For this example, I'm going to use one called :chinhands_pleading: , that looks like this:
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This process will let us add emojis without the dark background, and bigger.
Second: right click the emoji, then choose 'open link'
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Third: when you open it, you'll get a link like this:
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We want to delete the highlighted part, in this case the part that says "?size=96&quality=lossless", then hit enter.
Fourth: right-click and save
Right click, choose 'Save Image As...', and then give your emoji a name. You should be able to save it as a png (even though it's a webp image) by just adding '.png' to the end, i.e. 'chinhands_pleading.png'
If you can't, you can use online converters or sites like photopea to change the image to a png
Using Emojis In AO3 Comments:
First: upload the emoji online
I use a private Discord server for this personally, but where they're uploaded isn't that important, just that they have a link
On Discord:
Upload it like a normal file
Right-click the image and choose 'Copy Link'
Second: use a little bit of html code
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(I would type it out, but I'm not sure how Tumblr will react to code, sorry. If you can't see the image, it does have an image description with the code typed out.)
Once you have that, simply replace the word link with the actual link. You need to keep the quotation marks, they are important!!
If you would like to adjust the size of your emoji, you can also add a height or width value. I've found that 30px is close to the right size, but a bit bigger
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Third: copy the code and paste it in the comment box
At this stage, all you have to do is copy it -- from < to > -- then paste it in!!
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And voila!! Here's what it looks like:
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This also works with gif emojis and gifs from other websites such as Tenor. Happy commenting <3
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drawingdroid · 8 months
Warning, adult themes, minors DNI!
Something I've been thinking a lot lately (because I've been reading an obscene amount of FanFiction lately) is the necessity of depicting Reader as someone who has only had shitty sex, when they're not inexperienced or a virgin.
Im not talking about fics where corruption/purity kink is explored, and also it's perfectly understandable that there's a variety in the experience about intimacy. The point I wanted to make is about the trope where Reader has always been unsatisfied in their sex life until this character arrives to their life and gives them mind-blowing orgasms.
I miss FanFiction where Reader is experienced, who has had loving relationships before and/or mind blowing sex already, someone who's not flashed about some guy finding their sweet spot. I've never seen that in fanfics even though I've been reading them for 15 years, and when they're are experienced is normally because they're sex workers. (Nothing wrong with that, but you can be experienced and work in a different job too.)
I'd love to read your opinions on this, my inbox is always open!
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theleakypen · 1 year
PSA if you read a fic for a relationship style that you don't normally like, and you like the fic in spite of the relationship, only comment with the first part of that sentiment!
"I really liked this!" not "I really liked this even though I don't want to see these characters in this sort of relationship!"
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cipher-zoo · 7 months
Ahhhhhh what a beautiful day 😊
Anyway, there are probably a lot of messages like this out there but since it has "happened" to me, I will write a little PSA
If you are a writer on Ao3 (or any other site I assume) and a commenter invites you to join their discord server, especially from a guest account, do not join that server.
No matter how much they are trying to flatter you!
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Best course of option, in my opinion, report/mark it as spam or delete it and move along with you day.
I'm gonna assume most people are aware of this already, but for those that have never encounters comments like this, please be aware!
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treatsf · 2 months
I went on my ao3 to check something and I saw there was stuff in my inbox and
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breannasfluff · 1 month
Hey pro tip! If you are reading a free story and you don't like it...no one is forcing you to read it! Simple as that!
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It's comments like these that just make my day😂
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sotwk · 9 months
I have realized a new goal: I want to be such an eloquent and creative Fanfiction Commenter that your hypothetical publisher would pick lines from my glowing review to use as blurbs in your fanfic's imaginary book jacket.
Step aside, Kirkus Reviews.
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Every comment is valuable
Recently, I received a comment for one of my works I couldn't make quite sense of at first. It wasn't the first time that happened and I believe every writer makes this experience more than once, but it was the first time in 11 years of posting fanfiction across various archives that I came to fully understand and appreciate the value of a comment that does nothing but confuse the hell out of me.
The comment was for an early chapter of my canonic Yuri!!! On Ice novelisation Can You Hear My Heartbeat. My first instinct was to shrug it off as I had absolutely no idea how to deal with it. But as the day progressed, I found my mind returning to it, trying to figure out what its writer had tried to convey. I ended up reading the scene the comment referred to and soon figured out that the scene had failed its purpose to examine the feelings and motivations of its POV character.
In said scene, I explore the reunion of the two main characters Yuuri and Viktor at the end of episode 1 from Viktor's perspective. The comment quoted Viktor's final dialogue line in that scene and claimed that he was being "most extra". I had no idea what that meant, but I deeply felt that it stood in stark contrast to the (canon) Viktor in that scene.
This is the scene as it was on AO3 when I received the comment:
Strange noises inside stirred him, ripping him out of his daydream. The door banged open. A figure stumbled through in a flurry of brown parka and dark hair, slipped on the tiles, and fell face-first in front of the spring. “Ouch.” The young Japanese man propped himself up. Behind blue-framed glasses, his brown eyes widened as he spotted Viktor. “V-Viktor?” It’s him! Viktor’s heart stopped, then went into overdrive. Suddenly, all weariness was gone. The story of longing and despair that had made no sense was finally coming to its glorious conclusion. As he saw Yuuri now with his messy hair, his soft features, and his gentle brown eyes, it was as if no time had passed since Yuuri had clung to him and begged him to be his coach. “What are you doing here?” Yuuri breathed. Why’s he asking? Here as in the spring or in this place? And with that, the nervousness was back. Viktor took the towel off his head and stood, flashing Yuuri a dazzling smile. “Yuuri,” he said, holding out his hand. “Starting today, I’m your new coach.” He winked. “I’ll make you win the Grand Prix Final.” Yuuri’s mouth popped open. “What?” he spluttered. “WHAT?” Still smiling, Viktor kept holding out his hand, waiting for Yuuri to take it and step to the edge of the spring so they could embrace. Instead, Yuuri spun and bolted back into the house. Viktor stared after him, not understanding. “Huh? Was this too much of a surprise?” he murmured. “Did I overdo it?”
(Note that in the anime, Yuuri doesn't accidentally prostrate himself in front of Viktor. In the anime, he stumbles several times on his way to the hot spring, but as this happens where Viktor can't see it, I added this detail to make the scene more humorous.)
This scene ignores the ramifications of Viktor being nervous about their reunion (as any human being would be!) and his confusion when Yuuri asks why he is here because he doesn't know that Yuuri forgot their encounter at the Grand Prix Final banquet four months earlier. Speaking superficially, it's from Viktor's POV, but it doesn't really explore what is going on inside his head.
As an international celebrity, Viktor has gotten into the habit of acting like a star, especially towards the press and his fans. Viktor is used to wearing a mask in public and as a consequence, he unlearned how to be himself. However, this scene disregards these central aspects of his character. When I wrote it, the Viktor living inside my head wasn't yet fully fleshed out. After I finished the draft of Thousand Spotlights, this scene was one of those I revisited to make adjustments, but I still missed some aspects because I already had adopted a certain "blindness" for my own text.
This is one of the reasons I often ask whether the scenes from the anime are well-embedded into my novelisation.
After contemplating the scene based on that comment, I revised it in my Word document and updated the respective chapter on AO3:
Strange noises from inside the building ripped Viktor out of his daydream. Snowflakes were still tumbling from the sky. The door banged open. A figure stumbled out in a flurry of brown parka and dark hair, slipped on the tiles, and fell face-first in front of the spring. “Ouch.” The young Japanese man propped himself up. Behind blue-framed glasses, his brown eyes widened as he spotted Viktor. “V-Viktor?” It’s him! Viktor’s heart stopped, then went into overdrive. The story of longing and despair that had made no sense was finally coming to its glorious conclusion. As he saw Yuuri now with his messy hair, his soft features, and his gentle brown eyes, it was as if no time had passed since Yuuri had clung to him and begged him to be his coach. “What are you doing here?” Yuuri breathed. Why’s he asking? Here as in the spring or in this place? Viktor struggled to process the implications. His heart was fluttering uncontrollably in his chest. Had Yuuri forgotten that he had extended the invitation? Something felt off, but Viktor struggled to put a finger on it. However, two decades of being a public figure had trained him to navigate unclear situations. After all, Yuuri was his fan, wasn’t he? Viktor took the towel off his head and stood, flashing Yuuri one of his star-smiles. “Yuuri,” he said, holding out his hand. “Starting today, I’m your new coach.” He gave a playful wink that regularly brought even people not liking men to their knees. “I’ll make you win the Grand Prix Final.” Yuuri’s mouth popped open. “What?” he spluttered. “WHAT?” Still smiling, Viktor kept holding out his hand, waiting for Yuuri to take it and step to the edge of the spring so they could embrace. Time stretched on to a taut eternity. Viktor’s heart was hammering in his ribcage. Snow kept tumbling down from grey skies. Two metres across from him, Yuuri spun on his heel and bolted back into the house. Viktor stared after him, not understanding. “Huh? Was this too much of a surprise?” he murmured. “Did I overdo it?”
This second version expands on Viktor's feelings like his nervousness and his confusion as well as on his thoughts when he greets Yuuri. It shows that he reverts to taking on a persona to navigate through life (we see him do that in abundance until Yuuri asks him to be himself and saves the celebrity-persona for press and fans). There's nothing "extra" about his behaviour, he's just applying what he learned and what he seems to be comfortable with in unclear situations. So far, he has been successful with that, and he has yet to learn that this doesn't work with Yuuri.
The additions I made to flesh out Viktor's character are still subtle enough to leave space for interpretation while making sure that he stays in-character.
I'm really glad that this reader alerted me to a problem I wasn't aware of, although it took me a while to get to the solution. I thanked them and told them that I was able to improve the scene (and I really hope I didn't scare them off!)
Writers, if you receive a comment that doesn't make sense to you at first glance or that might even annoy you, it's worth taking a closer look. It might help you find errors no one else noticed and improve your writing and deepen the understanding of your characters.
Readers, please don't be afraid to let us writers know what you think about our works. If you hesitate to comment on a story because your think that your thoughts are silly, take heart in knowing that every comment is valuable to us and can help us write better stories that in turn bring you more joy.
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daeron asking if he will have a sister or brother because he see the princess as his mother and not his half-sister 😭🥹
Aaaaaah, I know—he’s a bit confused, poor lad, but the spirit’s right!
Initially I had written him much younger before realising I’d fucked the ages up, so I had no choice but to retroactively age him up a good four years or so in order for the show timeline to make sense; as such, some of his actions read as more infantile than I’d like. I changed what I could but I couldn’t bear to take that scene out, you know? I’m choosing to interpret it as a little boy who probably didn’t grow up with a very attentive mother in Alicent, given her preoccupation with keeping Aegon out of trouble and the, y’know, emotional incesty vibe she’s got going with Aemond. Babey was very likely the most concrete mothering figure he had, and it’s probably super hard to keep track of all the people in your family when they’ve all got the same damn looks and keep screwing each other all the time. No wonder the kid’s confused about where he fits, lol. But yeah, I thought that was a really cute scene that also establishes in a roundabout way the significance of the sacrifices Alicent has had to make in order to maintain some semblance of control over her wayward eldest. She loses out on any real foundation with Daeron, so that by the time he has started to really grow into himself, he no longer recognises whatever tenuous relationship he initially had with her.
Thanks for the comment, nonnie!
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