shotmrmiller · 3 months
johnny en las almas
It feels like the man with the skull mask had just left when another person traipses in through the broken front door. He's not as sneaky as the big boy— the shattered glass of your windows crunching under his boots with each step. With each inhale, his breath is ragged and uneven, his teeth clattering together due to the biting cold of the rain pouring outside.
Peeking through the crack of the closet door, you watch the muscle-bound soldier with the mohawk moving cautiously through your home— first going left towards your bedroom, then right towards the bathroom.
"Picked up some tape." Scottish accent. Is he talking to himself?
A brief pause settled in the air, interrupted solely by the faint noise of him rummaging through the cupboard.
"If I have to wrap a gift?" He has a radio, then.
Following that, he falls silent, continuing his search for supplies when the plastic bucket you're sitting on unexpectedly caves in, causing a loud and startling noise. Shit. Shit shit shit—
"Out, palms flat on the floor, or I break yer neck." His voice is like steel— hard and cold, much unlike a few minutes before when he was bantering with whoever it was.
You push the door open with the crown of your head to keep your hands flat on the floor as you fearfully crawl out, craning your neck to look at him.
"Creepin' bloody jesus. Cannae be scarin' me like tha', coulda killed ye."
Perhaps it's the overwhelming stress of everything that has unfolded today— from the unexpected arrival of Americans to the uncertainty of becoming just another statistic that leads you to respond with an unwise touch of sarcasm.
"So sorry, friend. I'll be sure to let you know when I leave for work tomorrow, yeah?"
He surprisingly chuckles, wincing when his shoulders shake. "Aye, sorry, sorry," he extends a hand toward you. "Terrible hidin' spot, though."
With a single motion, he effortlessly raises you to your feet. "If you're friends with a bear-sized man that wears a skull mask, he told me the same thing."
As you glance downwards, brushing off the dust from your knees, you fail to notice the piercing gaze he directs towards you. "He came through here?"
"Mhm," you confirm. "Picked me up like a dog and threw me in this closet behind him. He saved my life, though."
Straightening, you glance up at him, only to finally notice the openly bleeding wound on his right arm. "May I?" you gesture at his injury.
His hesitance is obvious, the corner of his thin lips pulling downward and dark brows furrowing so you confess, "I'm a nurse. Well, was, until I came here. I swear to know what I'm doing. Come with me, I've-" but whatever you were about to say is smothered by his hand, fingers digging into your soft cheeks, and uses his other to place a finger over his mouth.
He turns his head to the side; an unsettling stillness descending upon the two of you. Suddenly, he's roughly grabbing your wrist and dragging you to the bedroom, where he presses you firmly against the wall closest to the door.
He whispers harshly into your ear. "Do. not. move."
Trembling with fear, you instinctively curl up, shrinking into yourself as if trying to disappear from sight. Luckily, whoever they were left as fast as they came— merely using your home as a shortcut.
Mohawk man takes no chances, however, so you're effectively pinned under him for a considerable amount of time until he deems it completely safe.
The small grin he gives you after is apologetic. "Sorry."
You irritably soothe the ache on your cheeks. "It's alright. Can't wait to get out of this pisshole, though."
He's acquiescent after, letting you quickly clean and dress his wound. "I have no more bandages so this'll have to do." The sound of fabric being torn echoes in the bathroom. "Get seen for this injury as soon as you're able, otherwise you'll have a nasty infection on your hands."
He huffs out a small laugh. "Dinnae ye mean arm?"
Charming. "Your friend left through the back door. That's all I know."
"Aye. Thank ye." He quickly hops off the counter, jogs to the back door, and with one last glance at you, he disappears.
"Gimme a sit-rep." Ghost says over comms.
"Outside...Gated alley."
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mr-mandalorian · 2 years
ghost x f reader, hurt/comfort, blood & violence, ghost gives reader his mask
she could only ever see his eyes and yet at times it was still too much. shutting the door behind her, she found him at the entrance of the med bay. he was leaning against a wall with his arms crossed, and with what she could only guess, a permanent scowl fixed on his face.
“you didn’t have to wait.”
“you disobeyed a direct order.”
she sighed, not in a mood for a lecture. while she’d never admit it, even with tolerance trained to bear it, her side was absolutely killing her.
“and yet it got us a lead.”
“you put yourself in unnecessary danger. what if the bullet moved just a little bit to the left? you could’ve died.”
“if i did, i’m sure you’d be more than happy to find yourself an obedient replacement.” she pressed further, holding his gaze. she knew she was being unfair, stepping over a line with her lieutenant. and yet she still wished to strip them of their titles, have him admit that there’s more than just friendly comradery making him wait for her to get patched up.
ghost didn’t respond and she could feel months of bonding crumbling before her feet. it’s the way his eyes changed, glazing over with the same coldness when she had just met him. before she felt his flesh on hers, before there was a warmth reserved just for her.
so the silent treatment it was.
readjusting her position, she could feel the stitches at her side pulling. it’s only been two days, but the lead that was the reward of her disobedience could not wait. it didn’t help that the comms were silent, her ears deaf to any usual silly banter that would ensue during a mission. even if she tried to utter a whisper to soap or gaz, ghost would cut in, deeming it unnecessary and distracting.
“entering basement now, how’s it looking on the upper floors?” she voiced an update, slowly ascending down the stairs, finger ready on the trigger as she looked down the narrow hall.
she waited for ghost to confirm, but when no response came she could only roll her eyes. so now even necessities were off the table?
positioning her heavy boots with feather like steps, she made her way down the stuffy hall. the only light illuminating the walls was coming from the door at the end and it didn’t take long for her to spot shadows coming from the gap at the bottom.
“movement spotted, permission to go in?” she quietly tried again only to be met with more silence. “Lt, how copy?”
with a minute to spare and another roll of her eyes, she slowly pushed the door open. a secret tunnel system underneath the building, at least eight goons loading a truck for their escape. but the target was there, a sleek silver briefcase handcuffed to a man.
with the element of surprise on her side, she fully kicked the door open. static filled her ears with ghost’s cursing coming in broken through the comms. four men gunned down, she pressed herself back against the wall, holding her breath and counting down the shots. when the noise died down, she waited. she waited and waited, until a silhouette appeared before her. wasting no time, she kicked the man’s gun up, jabbing him in the neck with her knife. with more goons to follow after, she used the man’s body as a shield as she finally stepped through the doorway. she released the body when the ammunition stopped, throwing herself at another man to slice his throat.
with two men left, she tossed her knife at one of them. a mistake on her part as the briefcase goon pulled it out of his shoulder unfazed. before she could reach for her handgun, the other man flung himself at her, kicking and ripping the stitches at her side. movements slowed by the pain, she danced around the man, missing briefcase coming at her. barely yet not enough out of reach, he launched at her with her own knife, slicing the left side of her face. with blood dripping into her eye and vision turning red, she could only scream in misery and continue to stand.
when the team had finally made their way down underground, they found a bloodbath cooling in the basement. surrounded by corpses, y/n laid in a pool of blood on the floor, briefcase tightly clutched to her chest.
nine days without any communication with ghost. the nurses that tended to y/n, while at first a little terrified of the giant man lingering around the med bay, have grown to admire his patience and started guilt tripping y/n into letting him come inside her ward. but how could she? even with one eye left to see, she could not face his disappointed gaze.
they were removing her face bandages today. dreadful stitching starting from her chin all the way up to her eyebrow that she refused to catch sight of in a mirror.
“you know, it’s not only him today. the whole task force is here to see you.” the nurse spoke finishing up, her tone sympathetic.
“well, let’s get it over it then. tell ghost he can have the honor of chewing me out first, i’ll see the others after.”
moments later ghost entered the room. he looked so out of place, a dark looming shadow a stark contrast to the med bay’s sanitary white. only his mask matched, concerned eyes behind a pale skull boring into her own.
silence seemed to follow ghost everywhere he went. but it was no longer some petty treatment, it was uncertainty. he was overwhelmed, seeing her up and about when the image of her unmoving body still haunted him. he’s endured trauma beyond belief throughout his life yet somehow nothing compared to the nausea he felt when he saw her sliced up face.
“you went in without permission.”
“here we fucking go.” turning away, she hung her head low, hoping to hide herself as much as possible. “i did ask for permission, but when you didn’t respond i thought you were just being prick. only later did i realize the comms got fucked when i went underground.”
“you still should’ve waited for backup. look where it got you-“
“i did wait, but they were about to escape! i got the briefcase, didn’t i? what else matters?”
“what else-? fucking hell, y/n, i thought i lost you!” grabbing her arm, he twirled her around to face him. “i thought i lost you for good. a pain in my ass you are, doing whatever the fuck you want with no regard for your own safety.”
she shrunk under his frame, eyes still glued to the floor. a gloved hand raised her face, cupping her jaw gently to make her look at him. she never understood how a man of his size and talents could be so tender with his touch, always holding her like a porcelain doll that was bound to shatter at any moment.
“keeping me waiting all these days like a fucking dog, trying to break my heart or somethin’?”
her stomach twisting with butterflies, she held his gaze. there was nothing but sincerity behind the hollow curves of his mask.
“you started it.”
“for fuck’s sake-“
“i’m okay, Lt. as okay as i can be, but it’ll take time getting used to this.” she gestured towards her eye. “it’s why i didn’t want to see you, or anyone else. any chance you have a spare to share?”
she gently tugged on the bottom of his balaclava, a sad smile painted on her face.
“love, you took eight men down. the boys were speechless when we got there, it was like a fucking massacre. you’re the most divine woman i have ever laid eyes on, but now there’s a pretty scar on your pretty face to remind me not to fuck around. god knows, you could fucking take me if i act a fool again.”
“mmm, i don’t know.” she hummed, breaking into a genuine smile. “i don’t feel ready yet, you know? i appreciate everyone coming to see me but-“
before she could finish talking, she was cut off by something getting shoved down her head. she gasped as realization set in, immediately raising her hands to cover her eyes.
“simon! what are you doing?” she gaped, pressing her palms further into the fabric of the skull mask that covered her face.
“i trust you.” taking her hands into his own, he lowered them without any intent of ever letting go. “besides, what’s the harm? you only have one good eye left to look at me.”
her cheeks hurt from smiling, she couldn’t find it in herself to be mad. she stood on her toes, reaching up to ruffle his hair, ghost closing his eyes in content. she only ever hoped for him to confirm that the yearning was mutual, she never expected to receive a gift as precious as adorning his infamous mask.
“now go on, go wave hello to the lads. i’ve waited days to see you, what’s a few minutes more?”
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miredball · 11 months
sydney and carmy established relationship headcanons:
carmy’s a pet name guy. he’s been weaned on pet names his whole life (‘bear’ ‘sugar’ one could argue ‘cousin’). he uses the typical ‘baby’ for syd, which she loves, but one morning she walks into the office and upon seeing her carmy murmurs a “hey honey” and she gets flashes of a kitchen with a window over the sink, an herb garden, something warm and expanding and joy joy joy
they get found out by the rest of the staff at family. well, it’s a series of family dinners. they start sitting next to each other, then carmy’s arm is on the back of her chair and syd’s rubbing his back after he chokes on some rapini. what confirms it for everyone though happens on a lull in the conversation so everyone hears it. sydney needs something from the kitchen and as she’s getting up, for the bit, carmy motions to scoop the last piece of marcus’ take on a pandan chiffon cake out of her plate. she turns to him with a quickness and a huge fake grin and says “carmen, I will literally fucking kill you” as she backs away, to which carmy laughs (laughing!? carmy?!). then he puts his own slice on her plate. richie and nat share a look and the noise at the table comes roaring back to life before carmy realizes it even left. shouldn’t spook those bears.
they move in together and both feel really good with sharing everyday life with someone else. they go to farmers markets and change the garbage under the sink and get a drawer for carmy’s vintage denim. they leave notes on the fridge, much like they do on the whiteboard at work. there’s photos and take-out menus and also vague post-it notes from syd like ‘quail eggs!!!!!! not real’ or ‘break into 45th and Syracuse – man in farmer hat (durian connect??)” and lame weird inspirational quotes from carmy “There’s no one thing that’s true. It’s all true❤️” and sydney’s like what and just thinks they’re funny and doesn’t really make sense but loves him a lot
when carmy can’t sleep he makes sure the blankets are warm around syd and hangs out by the open window for a smoke. he doesn’t smoke as much as he did before and he’s working on cutting it down. sometimes syd wakes up and comes out the bedroom to find him and says “carmy” and sleepily perches on his lap, arm around his shoulder and curls her head into the crook of his neck. her fingers hold onto his gold chain and he stubs out his cig and plays with her hair instead.
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littlemelaninfics · 7 months
Mistaken Identity
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Warnings: angst, soft!dom Carmy
The Bear kitchen was hot as usual. The doors for lunch open in 37 minutes and like everyday the tension was high.
Carmy is snaking through the kitchen making sure everything and everyone are where they're supposed to be,
"Where are the t-bones?! I should have 5 t-bone steaks trimmed and prepped on this station!" Carmy yelled as he slammed his hand on the metal table grabbing everyone's attention.
"Someone thought it would be a good a idea to test a new wine glaze and pushed back the steak prep," Sydney informed her boss.
Sydney slowly looked to her left with Carmy's hard gaze following, only to be met with a "nonchalant" Richie,
"Oh c'mon! What the fuck, Sydney! Fuckin snitch," Richie whined as he threw his hands up.
"If you think I'm going to stand here and let anybody else get chewed out because of your idiocracy, you are dumber than I thought-"
"I'm not dumb, Sydney! I had a great idea and it would've worked perfectly if I was in the right environment. Can't do shit with you toxic people around me."
"You make it toxic by making people fall behind! You don’t think of anyone else but yourself-"
"I was thinking of the whole restauarant when I started back there so don't even start that with me!" Richie yelled in defense.
The two started overlapping each other and getting louder and louder before Carmy had enough,
"Alright. Alright. ALRIGHT! Fucking ENOUGH! Jesus,” Carmy said cutting both of them off.
“Next person to fuck up my prep is so fucked-" he didn’t even let himself finish the sentence before sighing deeply and starting another,
“Y/n, grab and prep the t-bones before you do anything else.” The look he gave you sent shivers down your spine and you nodded your head slightly. He gave everyone else their orders before storming past Richie,
“Kill the fucking heat, grab the cutting board and dice onions.” Richie rolled his eyes at the grunt work.
Carmy grabbed the rag off his shoulder and wiped his brow,
“Gimmie that shit,” he said pointing to the “glaze” on the stove. Richie handed the pan to his cousin in way that would’ve been fine, but today he grabbed for it without looking.
"Why the fuck would you hand me a hot pan?! Huh?"
“Maybe if you were looking-"
“Shut the fuck up, Richie!”
You heard the commotion and headed towards the noise. You saw Carmy holding his hand and rushed over to help him. You tried to guide him to the sink when his wrath turned to you,
“What, what, what!? What the fuck do you want!?”
“I’m-um. You got burned so-"
“So what!? I told where to be so why aren’t you there!?”
“I was just trying to help you,” your voice was very low. His tone was one you connected with your head chef, but the look in his eyes was definitely something more personal.
“Chef, did I or did I not tell you to prep those steaks?” All you could do was stare back at him with a head full of nothing.
“When I tell you to do something, you do it. Understand?”
“Yes what?”
It’s like he can see you malfunctioning on whether to say “yes chef” or “yes daddy” because in two seconds of you not answering, he’s standing at full height and licking his lips,
“Get out of my sight and into the back,” he said in a very low tone that had the rest of staff looking around for confirmation from one another. You stumble backwards a few steps before regaining your footing and beelining for the office.
You kick yourself for being so stupid. You knew better than to get caught up like that. In the middle of your one on one scolding, the office door flung open and was slammed shut again. You stood up from leaning against the desk and met him face to face. Your eyes wanted to scan the rest of his features, but his were set so you didn’t dare avert yours.
The tension became too much and you broke,
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“You got hurt and I didn’t think-"
“For what?” Carmy reiterated.
You looked at him confused before he got the hint,
“For getting distracted.”
“For getting distracted,” you repeated. The eye contact continued and so did you,
“I don’t like seeing you get hurt,” you said hanging your head low. Carmy could see it in the kitchen, but this just solidified that you were slipping into a space reserved for outside of work.
“Hey, hey, hey. I’m fine. Okay? I promise. But if we’re gonna keep doing this, then you have to behave. Got it?”
“Yes, Daddy,” you said with a wide grin growing.
“Good girl.”
a/n: carmy berzatto aka just jeremy allen white period has been living in my head. this man is 5’7 with a 6’9 personality of bde 🍆
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mimisempai · 2 years
I wanted to go back to their meet cute. The exchange of glances is so rich in this part. There is a constant game of ping pong in their attitudes from the moment Dream speaks to Hob until the end. It's just so so brilliant (Tom and Ferdie are gods). Already, the way Dream arrives, in a position of superiority, him standing, Hob sitting, and this kind of mocking arrogance. The kind of smug little smile you just want to wipe off his face.
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But Hob being Hob (a loudmouth who assumes himself completely and never backs down) doesn't let himself be intimidated and answers with this little smile at the end, like, yes I said that, so what?
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Dream starts to set off his bomb, quietly and Hob does not take it seriously and chuckle in response.
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And there Dream will say two words that will make Hob understand - even if he doesn't know the extent of what Dream is telling him at this moment - that it is more than a joke. "Robert Gadling" His first and last name, how can this stranger know them? And it shows on his face, it's not the meeting here in 100 years that calls to him but the realization that the stranger seems to know him.
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All the others burst out laughing and laughing at the side but Hob does not laugh, he feels something, it is so obvious. Well, and Dream adds to the drama with his face becoming super serious and his voice even deeper.
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What I missed the first time around and love here, the way everyone else keeps laughing and Hob has that special smile here, it gave such a playful expression, when he tells Dream not to pay attention to them. Like, "it's between you and me."
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Once again no turning back, Hob feels something isn’t ordinary, it's clear because he has this look as if he is trying to decipher Dream.
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And once he has the confirmation, he took Dream's challenge to return it to him. Like he's the one challenging Dream now.
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If you hear a loud noise, that's me falling off my chair every time I watch this gif. That little smile at the end kills me. I put the last two gifs one after the other because Hob and Dream are just mirroring each other. When Dream walks away, each one looks at the other with a defiant smile, neither one looks down, BUT at the end, each one becomes serious again.
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Once again thank you for bearing with my rambling 🤓
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queen-of-scissors · 2 years
Not teardrop anon, but may I request hallucinations with Kaeya and Dainsleif? I need more Khaenri'ahns in my life
AWW yeahhh hot khaenri'ahns who worship the reader~
İm gonna strugle a little because im not realy sure about Dainsliefs personality so, it might be out of character bear with me pls 🙏
(Khanrie'ahn hotties version)
TW: swearing, mentions of being injured, Kaeya being fatherless, Dainslief not worshiping you at first
İt was, yet again, another tiring day for you. You finally finish work and was allowed to go back home.
Your eyes were slowly closing as you struggled to keep them open. Your body was looking for any reason to shut down and if you don't go back to your bed soon, you might fail to stop your body from deciding that the floor is comfortable enough.
You open the door and get back inside, and cursed yourself for forgetting to call a cleaner.
The house was a mess, as it always have been whenever you are busy. You desperatly tried to keep it clean but all you could do was tidy it up a little before giving up and going back to sleep.
Wouldn't it be great to have roommates that help you with the house chores that you have to do today?
Being exhausted and not wanting to walk any more than you have to, you find the nearest room, anywhere but your own room, that has a comfortable place to sit down and collapse on to. Suprisingly, you didn't realy have to sleep, but did so just to see the day end and wake up in the next day already.
You hear footsteps from where you were laying down. Profably the neighbor doing whatever. Did they realy choose this day to make a ruckus?
You notice the sounds are getting closer and clearer. This cant be the noise of someone who is in another apartment.
Someone is inside your house.
Are they burglars?! Do they have a gun?! Will they kill you to get away with it?! Oh god you don't want to die!! Not yet please-
The sounds are coming closer and you hear a voice: "...hello?"
What if you played dead? Would they just take what they want and leave? What if they try to-
"Please excuse us for breaking in, we didn't mean to"
You hear another voice "see? Dainslief? What did i told you?"
"Hold on, Kaeya, we didn't confirm if this is their home yet"
Abondoning the first plan faster than how Kaeya got abondened by his father, you look around to find something, ANYTHİNG to use as a weapon. Even if it wouldnt do much if they have a gun, you might stall enough time to at least run away, or even better, survive long enough so people who hears the commotion calls the cops.
But during your search for a weapon, you must have made alot of noise, you can hear them easily this time. They must be behind the door.
"Your highness, are you in there?"
You hide in the first place where you can hide.
"Ah, so you are."
"We are coming in, ok?"
The door slowly opens, you ready yourself to fight. The adrenaline was too much for a normal person to handle so as soon as you saw a familiar face,
...your first reaction is to throw your weapon,
...you missed.
Wait, a familiar face?
"That was... Pretty close uhh, good job your highness! Great reflexes!" The person in the Kaeya cosplay laughed anxiously.
"They are obviously confused. They can't be the creator."
"You can clearly see that their face is identical to the ones we have on the holy scripture. Maybe before speaking such blasphemy, you might want to use your brain a little?~"
You looked at the other person. İt was the coolest cosplay of Dain you've ever seen. But it got you even more confused
"Why are you guys in a cosplay..?" You mumbled to yourself, Not realy expecting an answer.
"A what?" Dainslief spoke, his voice is soothing, just like his in game voice.
"Nevermind him your Grace" kaeya decided to walk up to you on where you hid, only to stop once realises how scared you are.
"We are not here to hurt you." He calmly stated, as if he was soothing a child(e) "We.. aren't too sure on how we got here either. This is new to us as well. Would you hear us out oh mighty one?"
You saw Dainslief throw Kaeya a look that you can read very easily "i told you so"
"Do you not recocnise us?"
Dainslief puts a hand on Kaeya's shoulder "then there must be a misunderstanding, we apologise for the inconviniance"
"Hold on, captain. We can still ask them questions about where they are."
"Can't you see how scared you made them? Lets go already, we can find them ourselves."
"Oh? So you do belive us now? That the creator actually exists?"
"İ don't. However i won't deny that we are indeed in a diffrent world than ours, if what you and your... Friends... Belive in is true, than i have a few questions i would like to ask of them as well"
You stop them "wait a minute, did you say another world?"
Kaeya looks at you and softly smiles "rings a bell?"
"Do you guys think that... You come from Tevat?"
"Ah! So you do know us!"
"And you think that you guys are actually... Dainslief and Kaeya..?"
Dainslief crosses his arms "...think? Do you belive that we made it up?"
"No.... No not at all" you say quickly, whatever maddness happening needs to stay further away from you.
"You clearly don't belive us."
"İ do! Please don't hurt me-"
"hurt you? What would we even gain out of it?"
"AHEM." Kaeya cutted in "Maybe choose your words carefully when speaking with a scared person?"
"...my appologies, i was not angry, i was just addresing the situation."
Kaeya continued "your Grace, you have every reason to not belive that we are who we say we are, in fact it would be smart not to. But im sure that there is a way to make you realise that we are Real."
"Could i trouble you to get me a glass of water?"
Dainslief mocked "you are making your 'god' do stuff for you now? İ tought you wouldnt let them work at all!"
"That would be the case, yes." He admitted "however i dont want them to think i did something to the glass."
You slowly attempted to leave where you hide "what are you... Going to do..?"
"İ'll use my vision for you." What the fu-
"İ must note that we are in a diffrent world. Visions are tied to tevat, so your plan might fail before it even starts"
"Then what do you suggest i do? They might know about our creator and better yet, they might be them!"
"İ suggest we find a way to go back. And say everyone that they don't exist."
They move out of your way as you go out and get a cup. They just glared at eachother while you bring it. Then you asked yourself.
What the fuck are you doing? Why are you giving water to an insane person? Did their voice made you calm down and stop thinking? Why the hell aren't you calling the cops?
But before you can even act Upon your toughts, you were already back in the room that all of this started in. Maybe you are the insane one.
Kaeya takes the glass from you with a smile "you have my thanks." Your heart flutters a little at that, tough you weren't sure if it was because of his charms or being scared to death.
He holds his vision to somewhere you can see easily, and holds the glass.
As the water inside starts turning into crystall ice, you could only stare at it in awe.
"Yeah im deffinetly dreaming im going to sleep."
"What- we had an agreement!" Dainslief shouted at you. While you leave for your room.
"Yeah leave that to when i wake u-
Both of them were immediatly at your Side when they Heard you scream,
Your room was empty. REALY EMPTY.
İn the middle of your room, there was a big portal that is eating away the last things in the room that you had.
"What's wrong are you ok- Oh dear..."
"İt... İt wasnt this bad when we first let it be..."
You sit down on the ground. Frustrated. This can't be fucking Real this is the worse..
"Are you ok? What matters is that you are safe-"
"What do you want to know."
At this point, you just want them to leave. You are exhausted mentally now. You will just tell them what they need to know and figure out what to do from there.
"Lets... Uhh.... Leave this room first, its dangerous."
"İ... İ don't belive it..."
Dainslief was shocked Upon hearing your explanation. You were the one who everyone included in their in their rituals. Anyone who worshiped any god used your name to strengthen their worship.
Your title was used for everything. To buying stuff for daily purposes to murdering thousands and winning wars, all done in your name.
He tought they just created a fake god that the even the criminals find strength in, for them to feel justified with some form of divine power and guidance. Even gods themsselves needed one huh.
İf you were Real, why weren't you there? Why aren't you walking among them? Why are you letting disgusting people use your name for their own power?
The story you told him was a confusing one, the one that changes anything he belives in.
You didnt create it to be worshiped in the first place. You created because you loved creating them.
You let them be, and experianced what they created with your own creation, instead of ruling over them.
You were powerfull, but not in the way that people write you to be. You were more human, more flawed.
You were beautifull.
"İ see that you belive me now, captain~"
"...shut up."
Now that everything is Clear, both of them realises that they made you upset by opening that portal.
Since you refused to leave this world because of your chores, maybe they can do something for you while you decide.
As much as i like dainslief, im pretty sure that he eats for survival rather than going out and cooking things, if he cant, he will buy it.
So the cooking is done by Kaeya for the time being! (#3 best housebusband)
Dainslief was tasked with cleaning up, which is... Oh boy you live here??? Without dying?
The first time he started up a vacoom he got scared and kick it. He tought it became alive. You do the vacooming now.
Your room is gone. Reduced to atoms. And they feel bad about it. So they suggested on finding a job!
İf you refuse they won't care that much, but if you accept?
They throwing hands (weapons) to the 5th person that Karen them.
BREAKİNG NEWS! there has been a fight in the local MC Donalds.
The fighting got heated when one of the sides pull out a sword, and the other Side pulls out a gun.
Thankfully No one got hurt and neither Side reported one another
Hi i hope you liked it! İt was fun to make :D
İ had other requests to go through but i just realy like this idea so you lucky!
Kaeya isnt realy on the spotlight here bc dainslief's belifes and backstory just outshines Kaeya's (im sorry Kaeyak ma dude its true)
Requests are also open for anyone nor just annons so feel free to give me any brainrot you have and lets rot together hehehe
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bucksdaffy · 21 days
can i ask about your thoughts about this vertigo-esque storyline with eddie and what do you think buck's role in this?
oh boy, this is a long one. i'm sorry in advance.
i'll be honest, i haven't watched that movie so i don't feel too confident speaking on this, but i'm not really worried.
from what i have gathered, it's a story about a retired detective, scottie, who is hired to follow the wife of his acquaintance, madeleine, and he becomes increasingly obsessed with her. he learns that she visits a grave of her grandmother, who committed s**c*de, and he is worried she is possessed by her ghost. he then rescues her when she attempts to jump from a bridge. they spend some time together, and then at some point she runs up the bell tower, and scottie can't follow her because he has a fear of heights, so he essentially watches her plunge to her death, and as a result, he spirals into depression.
so, up until this point, the only common theme between this story and eddie's is that the women they are in love with die, and both of them have a hard time dealing with it. i don't think there is anything else, but if someone who actually watched the movie wishes to correct me, please do.
later, scottie encounters a woman named judy who bears a striking resemblance to madeleine, and he becomes obsessed with transforming her into the image of his lost love because he is convinced that will allow him to overcome his grief.
so, this is basically what we see happening with eddie right now. he meets kim, and he is so struck by her resemblance to shannon he can't help himself but think he can rebuild with her what he had with shannon. so, he makes some questionable choices by telling her he's single, going on a date with her, and lying about it not only to marisol but also to buck and chris. we obviously haven't seen him trying to transform kim into shannon (i think at this moment he is only fascinated by her), but it is possible he is going to attempt to do so. maybe not in the same way scottie does, but perhaps in a more subtle way. he has looked for shannon in every relationship he has had so far. and now that he met her lookalike, he thinks that god gave him a second chance, and he doesn't want to waste it.
then, scottie learns that the acquaintance who originally hired him to follow madeleine actually orchestrated the whole thing. madeleine was never madeleine – she was judy. she was hired to impersonate his acquaintance's wife. they took advantage of scottie's fear of heights because they knew he wouldn't follow madeleine up the bell tower, and then the acquaintance killed his real wife (and she was the body that was thought to be madeleine/judy). madeleine/judy was never dead. scottie takes judy to the bell tower and confronts her about it. he overcomes his fear of heights so they are together on top now. at some point, a nun appears to investigate the noise and surprises judy, causing her to fall off the bell tower.
now we don't know yet what they are going to do with eddie and kim, but i don't think any of that is going to happen. we have to keep in mind those are two different stories. yes, they do share some common themes, but at their core, they are vastly different. i don't want to speculate about the outcome of it much because 911 always manages to surprise me, so i'll just leave it there.
but now on to the real question of this ask – what's buck's role in it? i suppose you have seen buddie shippers screaming from the rooftops that this is basically a confirmation that buddie will go canon because oliver/buck is mentioned on the poster as well (in a place where there originally is the name of the actress that plays midge, a character who is scottie's friend and who is in love with him). so, i guess everyone thinks there is going to be some kind of feelings realization (god do i hate this phrase) moment on buck's part and whatnot. SIGH.
well, first of all, i want to point out that midge's feelings are one-sided. and from what i've heard she does move on in the end. she and scottie do not end up together.
and second of all, i have said it already, but those are two completely different stories. the only common denominator is that in both cases, a male character becomes infatuated with a female character who eventually dies, and later on, they encounter their lookalike. for buck to be midge, there would have to be some already established romantic feelings for eddie on buck's part, and there simply aren't any. not in canon anyway. i don't think this is the time or place for "feelings realization".
i think buck is mentioned simply because he will be present in this arc, but certainly not in the way midge was. i think his role in it will be actually more important than that.
we know that he and kim do have a scene together. so i assume he's going to find out about eddie's shenanigans one way or another. i doubt eddie will tell him voluntarily, so i'm guessing he's going to run in on them somehow. and i don't think he's going to be happy. well, first of all, i think he's going to be confused. because what do you mean you're here with a woman who resembles your dead wife? but once he realizes what's going on, he's going to get a little angry. both for marisol, because this is NOT how you treat a woman you supposedly love (or any woman for that matter), and for himself, because eddie lied to him. and for chris, of course, don't get me started on that! one thing i'm pretty certain about is that he will be disappointed with him.
perhaps they'll also touch more on this honesty issue, actually. we all know buck is a pretty open and straightforward person, whereas eddie likes to keep things to himself unless he's directly asked about them. so, how this lie affects their friendship would definitely be very interesting to see.
either way, i think their bond will be a bit severed as a result of that. i don't think buck's going to support what eddie's doing and will call him out on it instead (will eddie fight back? that is quite possible, yes. and because of that they might take a longer time to patch things up). but they will make up eventually. if that's going to be this season or next, only time will tell. i also don't think buck will completely turn his back on eddie. he still has to work with him, and i think he's going to see him struggle, which will for sure hurt him inside. he might not support what he's doing, but he still cares about him after all. that's his best friend.
also, this is not really what i think will happen, but what i really hope to see – buck leaning on tommy throughout all of this, especially if it continues into the next episodes or even season 8. i think that would be a great way to kind of solidify their relationship. and if it continues into season 8 (which i doubt, but who knows?) i'd LOVE if tommy was encouraging buck to patch things up with eddie and perhaps encouraging eddie to patch things up with buck as well. i think that would introduce a great dynamic between all three of them.
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allmyocsarebritish · 1 month
Kiss, Maime, Kill - Chapter 2: The Louisiana Butcher
Pairing: Alastor X killer! fem reader
Warnings!!!: Reader is a serial killer, convinced she is in the right, descriptions of murder, it goes without saying but I really don't condone this, Al's surname in this is Altruist cause it's even more ironic, but yes I know that's not canon
Wordcount: 1k
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Louisiana, New Orleans
The partnership you forged with Alastor woke something inside you. In the year that had passed, you felt alive; quite possibly more so than you had in your whole existence. Killing became even more of a thrill, something you had previously thought to be impossible. But with someone to share in the sadistic glee, it was only natural you'd be even more enthralled with the act of slaughter. How strange it was to dream whilst awake.
Murder aside, Alastor himself was truly something else. He understood your twisted mind in ways you never thought would be possible, always reassuring and calm, even in the face of utmost danger. You became close, closer than you were to anyone else, a strong friendship that broadened beyond the constraints of a mere work acquaintanceship.
Therefore, the once fortnightly affair of serial killing became more frequent as time progressed. And, proportional to the increase in your escapades was the time in which the two of you spent together outside of 'work'. Long, leisurely strolls through the park as he rambled became the highlight of your day. There was something about Al's voice that soothed you; there was a good chance that you were the top listener to his radio show, tuning in daily and without fail.
Sitting by the radio, warm mug of coffee in hand, you fiddled with the dials, the exact pattern to Alastor's show ingrained in your memory. Twisting the knobs, it felt as natural as breathing. The radio whirred into life, Al's voice rang out, clear and comforting, like a peaceful white noise.
"Salutations, dear listeners! I say, it's so good to be back on the air." You couldn't help the smile that appeared in response to hearing as he spoke.
You listened intently as Al discussed recent news topics, and, though mostly mundane and repetitive, the host managed to spark interest in even the most boring affairs.
"Now my friends, I urge all of you to stay safe out there."
A sentence which sent shivers hurtling down your spine.
"Rumurs of another missing person have spread like wildfire, and, although we must wait for confirmation of the police report, there is good reason to suspect that this is the work of the illusive Louisiana Butcher."
The Louisiana Butcher. That was what the press was calling you. It all came from Alastor's idea of how to spice up the slaughter further.
*graphic description warning!!*
You leant over the body as you slowly sliced along the man's clavicle relishing in sadistic delight. Your breath came out in sharp pants as you stared into the soulless, unblinking eyes of your victim. Sweat plastered your hair to your forehead, the exertion straining your muscles as you paused to catch your bearings.
Behind you, Alastor chuckled darkly, applauding your lack of mercy.
"Well done, Cher, quite the display."
You basked in his praise, eyes gleaming with manic pleasure.
"Thanks, Al." You stood, wiping the knife on your prey's shirt and moving towards the shovel.
"Wait-" Alastor's gentle yet firm grip on your wrist was a surprise, sending a wave of adrenaline through you, matching the high you felt following a kill. What was he doing to you?
"Leave it." He smirked, a dangerous spark lighting up his eyes.
"And get caught? Oh, Alastor, don't make me laugh!" You smirked, though your smile dropped when he remained insistent.
"I'm serious, dearest. Don't you want to make this adventure so much more exciting?" Bastard knew your weak spot: your penchant for criminal adventure. "Give the law a lead in our case. It isn't like we're at risk of actually being discovered; it will just add to the thrill of the chase when we make the front page of the tabloids!" His hand took your own, his face bearing an expression only present as the aftermath of a brutal killing. But this time there was something else in the mix of those rarely heightened emotions: affection.
Alastor liked you more than be had initially expected to. At first you had been but a mere pawn in his game, an opportunity to deflect the blame should he ever slip up. But now? You were so much more than that. His partner in crime, his best friend, his moitié. (Louisiana Creole for better half)
True to Alastor's word, the two of you made the cover of the paper the following evening.
"The Louisiana Butcher. That's what they're calling us, Al. Oh isn't it just so exciting?"
He smiled at the clear rush of ecstasy flowing through your veins. "Quite."
You were sitting on the plush, brown leather sofa in his living room, two mugs of coffee on the small table before you. Leaning into him slightly more than you knew you should, his arm draped over the back of the couch, directly behind where you sat. The broadsheet newspaper you had picked up in the way over splayed across your laps, the two of you intricately studying page one, the title practically jumping out of the sheet.
"Alastor?" You asked after a moment's pause.
"What do you think would happen if we were to be caught? Y'know, just in case." Something foreign weighed down your voice, fear.
Alastor folded the paper and placed it on the coffee table, turning to face you entirely. He took your chin between hos thumb and forefinger.
"Well, first of all, Cher, you needn't fret in the slightest. Not a single officer would ever suspect a pretty little thing like you as a cold blooded killer. And regardless, even if the whole world was against you I'd still proudly stand at your side, my darling." Your cheeks heated at the compliment, drawing a smile to your lips, reflected on his own.
"But what if you were suspected?" Al let out another laugh at your concern.
"Ha, ha! My dear, don't make me laugh! You know I wouldn't slip up in such a way!"
"You promise?"
"You have my word." He drew your knuckles up to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to them.
"Thank you, Al."
"Whatever for?"
"For being here." You moved further into his side, to which he froze for a long moment before reciprocating.
"Not a problem in the slightest, Mon Cher."
Part 3!
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soaringeag1e · 8 months
Escape {66}
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Detective!Dean x Victim!Reader
Warnings: Language, Angst, Guns, Injuries, Blood
Words: 2,347
Series Masterlist - Main Masterlist - Patreon
His head was throbbing. So much so that he was starting to think that he was still getting wailed on.
Out of normal reaction, Dean goes to reach for the source of the ache but finds his wrists are tied to a chair. Disappointed, he sighs because he knows that he should have seen that coming. 
Slowly blinking his eyes open, he can feel a sticky film on his forehead. Between the pain and that gross feeling, he can only assume that he was bleeding for a certain amount of time. How long, he'll probably never know. 
The dim lighting in the barn caused pain behind his eyes, making him squint as he tried to take in his surroundings. To his knowledge, the man that attacked him was nowhere around and it was quiet except for some weird white noise he was picking up from a few feet away. 
It hurts to move his head, but he forces it to lift from his chest. It’s a slow process, but he gets there. It’s when he sees the legs of another chair that he tries to push through the pain and he’s glad that he does.
“Y/N?” His voice is more faint than he wanted, but surprisingly enough it gets you to look over in his direction. The sight of you tied to your own chair hurts enough as it is, but when he sees that your mouth is covered in duct tape, the pain in his chest gets worse. 
You immediately become emotional when you see him, your eyes glistening under the dim light. Despite your mouth being covered, you attempt to call out for him, the distressed moans making Dean wish he could break free from his binds.
“See. I told you he was fine.” The unknown voice wipes all emotion from Dean’s face and instantly gets replaced with fury. The shadow of a man moves closer to your chair and he watches as his hand lays against your shoulder. You attempt to pull away from him, but of course to no avail. “She thought I killed you.” Then, as he crouches down in front of you, his face gets illuminated by the light just enough that Dean is finally able to see who this asshole is. “That’s why we have this on now though, huh?” The man's hand grips onto your chin, holding you in place as he looks into your eyes. “Because you just wouldn’t shut up about it.”
“Cassidy.” Dean looks on in horror. To think that the man he’s been searching for this entire time was right in front of him, it was almost too much to bear. “It would be you, you son of a bitch.” With his grip still on you, Cassidy looks in Dean’s direction, a sickening smirk on his face.
“It’s funny, isn’t it?” With a light shove, Cassidy pushes your face away and stands. “When you’re guilty of doing something you feel like it’s so obvious to those around you, but…no one had any clue.”
“You’re such an arrogant asshole.”
“Joke all you want to, Dean. But how many years have you been looking for me?” When he catches the tick in the detective's jaw, it only makes him grin more.
“So you did kill Cassie.” Dean puts out there just to get that confirmation.
“Hmm.” Cassidy hums, wavering his head a bit as he thinks about his answer in a condescending fashion. “I would say that I put her out of her misery.” It was obvious that there wasn’t going to be an answer that was a good one, but that was still hard to hear. “I’m just telling the truth.” he says as he spreads his arms like he’s at a loss for words. “Because after what she went through, I mean…come on.” he shrugs and then looks back at you. “She knows how it is. Don’t ya, darling.” 
“Don’t talk to her.” Dean grits through his teeth, his disgust and anger for this man at an all time high.
“Sorry.” Cassidy’s hands go up in defense mode, but the smirk on his face doesn’t go anywhere. “Just so you know, the thing with this one?” he points at you before going over to his table of little screens and other equipment. “That was all a coincidence. I let Paul pick out the girls.” Dean watches as he slowly starts to gather up all his stuff, looking like a few disposable phones and other random equipment. All of it used to keep himself off the radar, he’s sure.
“But when Paul called me up and told me that she had escaped? Oh, buddy.” he lets out an evil cackle. “I was so pissed. I hauled ass to that house and started looking everywhere for her. I checked top to bottom, wondering if she just hid out somewhere, but…nothing.” he tosses a phone into a wheelbarrow with a loud, echoey thud. “So then I started searching the woods around the house. Still nothing.” he shakes his head, recalling all his movements after you disappeared.
“I even went back to her house, scoped it out for awhile, but she never came home. So, at that point I was really hoping that she had died in the woods somewhere.” he chuckles and just the sheer amount of disregard for human life made Dean pull at his bindings. He wanted to break free and beat this fucker into the ground. “But I looked everywhere and I couldn’t even find a body.” he seems upset with that last part. “I could only hope that you disappeared on your own account and I tried to let it go.” he adds before going back to his task before him. 
“But then!” he yells, making you jump in your seat. “I find out that Paul has been arrested and that some witness was responsible for it. So when I’m asked to work a line up and I see you walk through that door with her!?” he laughs out loud and Dean can see you shaking from across the way. 
“Holy shit! It took so much control to not burst out in laughter right then and there, I’ll tell you that!” Only having a few more things to toss in the wheelbarrow, Dean looks between you and Cassidy, trying to figure out what is going to happen next. Of course, anyone would know how Cassidy wanted this to end and they didn’t need a law enforcement background to figure it out. But Dean knew he had to come up with a plan of his own and really soon if he wanted to get you out of there alive.
“So? What’s your plan now, huh? Shoot us? Leave us here to die? Don’t you think that’ll raise some questions?”
“Oh, it definitely will.” Cassidy nods, throwing a few more trinkets in the large metal wheelbarrow. “No. It wasn’t easy, but I got everything sorted out.” Dean knew that he had to have something planned, but the way he said that didn’t sit right with him. “Lets just say that you’re going to go down in history, Dean. They’re going to have documentaries about you.” he pauses to look at the detective, his smirk looking more evil than ever. “You’re welcome by the way.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Well, going undetected all these years after killing your fiance? That’s some hard stuff. And then of course working with Paul and kidnapping all those girls? That takes a lot of planning and hard work too.” Dean had a feeling he knew where this was going, his stomach churning the more the man talked. “And then…” he laughs, glancing at you. “You fell for one of your victims. And who wouldn’t?” he asks rhetorically as he walks up to you and runs his fingers across your cheek. You try to pull away from him, unable to go far while quiet sobs shake your body. “You try and settle down, even get engaged. But then she uncovers your secret.” his fingers run through strands of your hair before he steps away again.
“She finds out that you killed Cassie all those years ago and she confronts you about it. You deny it but she already knows the truth. A fight ensues and in self defense, she kills you. Out of fear, she runs away. But, later down the road, in some other state somewhere, they’ll find her in a motel or something. Suicide, because she just couldn’t handle it all.” Dean swallows at the thought of you dead somewhere like that, but he reminds himself to keep his head in the game. It wasn’t over yet. “As for Bobby? I’m hoping to get this done and get out of here before they can find your body. If they can, that is. I have another life waiting for me in another state. Clean slate, all the way.”
“No one is going to believe you. Especially my family. They know better.”
“Maybe?” Cassidy shrugs. “No one will want to believe it, but you can’t ignore hard evidence. You know that better than anyone, Dean.” After that, Cassidy turns and lifts the handles of the wheelbarrow, pushing it a good ten feet or more from where you sat. It’s there that he grabs a hitch in the ground, hidden underneath some dirt and hay and lifts up an unseen hatch. It was big enough that all Cassidy had to do was push the thing into the hole and just like that, all that evidence was gone. Including the tape he left in the Impala.
After everything was ditched below the floor, Dean watched as Cassidy walked over to the far corner of the barn. Seeing what was over there got his adrenaline pumping and in fear for you, he starts yanking at his binds. When you see how Dean is panicking, you attempt to look over your shoulder, but unfortunately can’t see anything.
“Man! It’s been an eventful couple of years, hasn’t it?” Sadistically amused, Cassidy lifts the red gas can and twists the lid off with ease before pouring the flammable liquid all over the ground. He walks around the perimeter of the barn, soaking every corner of the building before letting the gas dribble out on his way back over to you.
Dean keeps pulling at the ropes that hold him to the chair, his wrists starting to bleed because he’s pulling so hard. He watches as Cassidy pulls a gun from a holster on his back and then his eyes dart to you. Tears are streaming down your face and Dean can see that your eyes are glued to the gun while Cassidy pops the clip out to make sure it’s loaded, and it’s then that Dean recognizes the weapon he’s holding. 
He looks over his shoulder as if he expects to see his gun on him, but it’s clear that it wasn’t. It was now in the hands of the same man that took Cassie from him. The same man that did unspeakable things to you and now, the same man that was going to shoot him with his own weapon.
Sticking the clip back into place, Cassidy locks eyes with the detective. No emotion in the man whatsoever. He was purely cold hearted and evil and there was nothing that could be said to change Dean’s mind on that.
“Any last words, Dean?” Dean can only stare at him, his jaw locked, teeth clenched together and if looks could kill, Dean would be free already. 
“Go to hell.”
“Well,” Slipping the safety off, Cassidy raises the gun. “Have a table waiting for me, will ya? We’ll share a drink when I make it down there.” When the gun goes off, Dean can hear you scream through the duct tape. Except, to hear anything throws Dean for a loop. He knows that Cassidy is a good shot, so why wasn’t he already dead?
“Sorry, darling.” he says through your continued screams and it’s then that Dean opens his eyes. His chair has toppled over and there’s an excruciating pain coming from his leg. 
“Can’t have you fighting me while I get you out of the chair, now can I?” Taking a knife, Cassidy cuts him loose and then kicks the chair into the corner of the barn. Knowing that flames would take over the structure soon, there was no need in hiding the thing. It would be ashes in no time.
Dean expects to see the barrel of his gun in his face after that, but it’s not what happens. Instead, Cassidy starts to walk back to you and unties you next. He slaps some handcuffs on your wrists and keeps you close, tugging you along as he walks back to the injured detective.
“You have any last words, darlin?” he asks just before ripping the duct tape from your face. You cry out in pain, tears streaming down your face as you look at Dean on the ground. He holds his thigh, blood seeping through his fingers as he looks up at you.
“You can’t win, Cassidy.” he grounds out through the pain. “Bobby has already seen that tape and he won’t stop until he has you. You know that.”
“We’ll see.”
“Dean.” you whimper just before Cassidy lifts the gun and shoots off two more rounds. “No! Dean!”
“That’s for punching me in the face.” Cassidy adds before gripping down on your arm and yanking you out of the barn. 
Your screams for Dean echo into the night and he can hear each one as he lays there in the dirt. The pain doesn’t seem to be as bad as he was expecting it to be, but trying to stay awake? That was the real challenge. Your voice sounded like it was falling down a rabbit hole after a while and then he could barely hear the sound of an engine after that.
Then nothing. It was quiet except for the bugs chirping in the bushes outside and his own gurgled breathing.
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ghostofskywalker · 6 months
i am so tired right now and accidentally deleted the ask instead of clicking "answer", so this ficlet is for an anon who requested "can our goal be not to die today" - "that seems like a lot to ask" with harley quinn! i hope you enjoy it :)
words: 818
What a Night
summary: you should have known what you were getting into when you began hanging out with her, but of course sometimes love is truly blind.
harley quinn masterlist || request a winter ficlet!
“Hey Harley!” you yelled from the passenger seat of the car. 
She didn’t listen, and you didn’t really have a way to confirm this from where you were sitting, but you had a feeling that the gas pedal of the car you were riding in was practically resting on the floor of the car, and she had no intention of changing that any time soon. 
“What’s up pumpkin?” How she had the confidence to look over and shoot you a smile while the car was weaving in and out of Gotham traffic at full speed was beyond your comprehension, and you certainly didn’t feel safer for it. 
“Can our goal be not to die today?” 
Something (you thought it might have been a whole watermelon, but you honestly weren’t too sure) came flying off the truck in front of you, and Harley swerved just before it made contact with the windshield. “I don’t know!” she called out, as even though the windows were closed the radio was turned up inexplicably loud. “That seems like a lot to ask!” 
“I don’t feel like it is!” 
The sound of gunshots joined the cacophony of Gotham’s night noises, and you were sure that they had to be raining down all around the car. You should have really expected some kind of chaos to start when you hang around Harley, and maybe you should have said no to tonight, but you couldn’t help it. Even now, with a manic glint in her eye as she played fast and loose with the traffic rules of Gotham (and your lives), you could see something special about her, and it wasn’t just the crazy color combinations she wore. 
Maybe falling in love was admitting when you’re too doomed to ignore it, and there was no questioning that anymore. You thought that your friendship with the exuberant ex-criminal was right at the point where it could shift to be something more, and you couldn’t help the way you hoped that something would happen to trigger that change in the near future. You would have never guessed that you would be speeding through the streets of Gotham with her, but you supposed this probably wasn’t the craziest thing she’s ever done. 
Thankfully, it felt like the stakes of the evening took a momentary pause when Harley pulled into an alley and opened the driver’s door of the car. “What are you doing?” you called, just finally beginning to gather your bearings about what was going on. 
“No time to explain!” she called, right as she took off running. “Follow me!”
With what you felt like was no other choice, you obeyed, and the two of you finally ended up in an abandoned warehouse. Old building materials, shattered window shards, and forgotten furniture laid beneath a thick blanket of dust, and you were just thankful to finally be granted a moment this evening in which you weren’t in active danger of dying. 
“Who were those people?” you asked between heaving pants, wishing that you had access to water (or something else to quench your thirst). 
Harley shrugged. “I don’t know,” she said, with a tone that was way too nonchalant for your liking. “I can hardly ever keep track of who wants to kill me these days.”
“Can we leave this place?” 
Again, she shrugged, the smile on her face only growing. “Why would you want to?” 
Your eyebrows shot up. “Have you seen this place? I don’t think it’s been in use since before Batman was born.”
She just laughed, reaching down to take your hand. “Fine grumpy. I can take you home now, how’s that?” 
“Are we actually going to make it there, or are we going to die two blocks away?” 
“I don’t know!” She giggled as she began to pull you back towards the car. “And isn’t that the fun part of all this?” 
“I think you and I have different definitions of fun Harley.” 
“Oh?” she stopped in her tracks. “And what would you consider fun?” 
“I don’t know, maybe dinner out somewhere? Anywhere where I’m not in mortal peril, really.” 
You hadn’t even realized what you said until you watched her expression shift. “Is this your way of asking me out?” 
Maybe it was the insane car chase you had just experienced, a side effect of the adrenaline that was so obviously pumping through your body right now, but you didn’t shy away. “And what if it is? Would you say yes?” 
Harley answered your question by leaning in to steal a kiss from you, just before she turned and sprinted away from you, gleeful laughter escaping her mouth as she shouted something about racing her back to the car. 
And with the potential of another kiss (and one even better than that) suddenly on the table, you took off running after her, this time a little less worried about your life.
- the end -
i no longer have a taglist! if you're interested in being notified when i post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
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haunted-xander · 1 year
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Chiaki hasn't seen the two girls since she helped them deal with the Monokuma hoard. The only notable people she's met are a few of the captives scattered about, all wearing an armband with the Monokuma eye symbol on it. The girl Fukawa-san was with was wearing one too... She must've been a captive. She has Fukawa-san and a hacking gun though, so she's probably fine... I think.
There was also a pure white Monokuma covered in bandages that tried to talk to her, telling her about a 'secret hideout' he'd been bringing surviving adults to. Chiaki didn't trust a word of what he said, so she left him alone, vaugely taking notes of the bear's description of the supposed hideout. Just in case. Even if he acts friendly, I can't trust him. His claims of an advanced AI only makes him more suspicious. If this was a video game, I bet there'd be a twist reveal at the end that the hideout was a trap all along and Monokumas would swarm the place and kill all the adults. That 'Shirokuma' is bad news.
Out of the corner of her eye, she sees a blue-haired kid run away from the nearby shrine. That kid... he's part of the 'Warriors of Hope', right? What's he running from? ...Maybe Fukawa-san and that girl are over there... I should check it out. Having made her decision, Chiaki cautiously walked up the stairs.
By the time she had walked all the way up, Toko was laying on the ground talking with the girl. The girl sounded like she was crying. Unexpectedly, she heard a familiar voice coming from behind them. Chiaki was still too far away to make any words out, but there was no mistaking it. Komaeda-kun...? What's he doing here? This can't be good...
She got as close as she dared, making sure to be quiet all the way. Now able to see Nagito clearly, she noted that he had a single mitten on his left hand, a metal chain collar around his neck, and... face paint? Crudely scribbled all over his face. He briefly glanced her way, and she quickly ducked behind the torii gate's pillar. It'd be bad if I got spotted... I could end up putting those two in danger. And... I don't want them to know my relation to Komaeda-kun... As she could now hear them, she started paying attention to the scene.
"Well, personally... It's for the sake of the game. Byakuya Togami is important to you, is he not?" Togami-kun? Did Komaeda-kun... "Then allow me to lend a hand. See, you'll still make it if you go now." What's he talking about? Did he make a deal with Fukawa-san? Nagito opened the lid of the small container and poured pepper over Toko's face, who covered her nose and tried not to sneeze. "Toko!" The unfamiliar girl made to move towards her, "Don't come near me! You, you...! Run!"
Right after she said her warning, Toko sneezed and promptly jumped up, twirled in the air and masterfully landed on her feet. "TA-DAAAA! Don't get your blood on my glasses~ I'm the Cinderella of the slaughter flower garden~ AHAHAHAAHHAHAAHA!" Her voice and body language was completely different, now resembling more how she was when Chiaki met her holding back the Monokumas. "Please... Please stop!" The girl tried to plead with her friend, but to no avail.
With her scissors ready for attack, 'Toko' dashed forward in between Nagito and the girl at a speed Chiaki could barely process. She swore she saw the scissors making an 'X' in the air from the slash. Clearly expecting to be the one hurt, the unfamiliar girl's face shifted into shock as Nagito's thighs started bleeding as his knees wobbled and he fell down.
Standing up, 'Toko' started making mocking blabbing noises, "SHUT the hell up, you lanky wavy-haired bastard!" By now she had turned around to face him. Chiaki guessed she was scowling at him, though she couldn't see 'Toko's' face to confirm it.
"Ah, oh right. Even though you two share knowledge, you don't share memories, correct?" Nagito's reply was calm, completely unbothered by his wounds. "So then, you have no idea who the real enemy is. An honest mistake I suppo-"
"You IDIOT, it's no mistake." 'Toko' started walking closer. "What I share with her isn't just knowledge. She and I also share... emotions." 'She'? "If we didn't, there's no way we'd both love Master." Pointing her scissors at his face, she continued, "And my emotions are telling me this: To kill you and let Dekomaru escape." 'Dekomaru'? I get the feeling that's a nickname... "And you're something of a pretty boy yourself, so I can kill you as I like, no remorse~" Why would it matter if he's pretty? ...Ah! Could it be...?
"Haa, I see. So you've stopped trying to take advantage of Komaru Naegi. Is that friendship?" 'Komaru Naegi'... So that's the other girl's name. 'Naegi'... She's probably related to Naegi-kun. Sister, maybe? He has mentioned having one...
"To travel the harsher path for the sake of protecting your friend... Such beautiful friendship... I truly think it's a... splendid thing." ...Well, Komaeda-kun's being his usual self at least. "But, aren't you a serial killer? A person who has no problem taking lives to satiate your own lusts." Oh, so I was right. She is Genocider Syo. Guess that explains some things. "For someone like that... saying things like 'friendship' or 'friends'... Do you not find it strange? Or even shameful?"
As Nagito finished talking, Syo retreated the scissors and statted clutching her stomach. "MhmhmhahaHAHAAHAHAHAHAAA-HAAH I CAN'T BREATHE! 'Friendship'? 'Friends'? HahaahaHAHAHAHAHAAHAAA!" The moment she finished laughing, she grabbed him by the hair and lowered her face to be eye-level with him. "Obviously freaking not." She lifted herself back up and threw her scissors back preparing to stab. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING MY FRIEND!?"
"No! You're my friend!" Komaru rushed and grabbed Syo's arm with her entire body, hugging it close to restrain it. Annoyed, Syo grunted out, "Uggghhh what are you doing... Let go!"
"No, I won't! I mean, you made a promise with Togami-kun, right? You said... you wouldn't kill anymore. If you keep your promise, you can be an official member of Future Foundation." She's not one already? ...I guess they'd be wary of recruiting a serial killer... "That's why you... you just can't!" Komaru voice cracked, clearly keeping back tears, but Chiaki could still make out the corner of a smile. "I...never thought of you or Toko as abnormal. You're just a little strange, that's all. But even so, you're important to me! No matter what, you're a precious friend and I won't let you do this!" Her voice cracked as she finished speaking.
"You know... You're probably wasting your time." Komaru's attention shifted to Nagito. "After all... She knows she needs to kill me. Togami-kun's life is in danger as long as I am alive. If she breaks the promise we made and let's you escape..." She looked back to Syo, and made a decision. "...I'll stay. If that's how it is. If I stay in this city and go with her, then it's fine, right?"
"That's right-"
"HEY" Syo broke out of Komaru's hold and released Nagito. "Do you know what the hell you're talking about!? You were crying and whining about escaping earlier, remember!? Now what, you changed your mind?"
"I still want to escape! I'm still scared, even now! But you feel the same way, don't you? You're still scared, but you tried to help me escape. You hid how scare you were inside, didn't you? There's no way I can run now, leaving you behind!" Syo lowered her head at Komaru's words, her voice getting quiet. "...As expected. You just don't get it."
She stabbed her scissors towards Komaru's neck, just barely avoiding cutting the skin. "I betrayed you. I betrayed you, you know!?" Not at all fazed by Syo's actions, Komaru grabbed the scissors with both hands and spoke. "...No. No, you didn't. And you're suffering from guilt, aren't you?" She smiled "If you're hurting, you can tell me. I'm an unreliable, normal girl who can't do anything... But...I can at least do normal things, right? And it's normal for a friend to help a friend." Speaking louder, "I'll... stay. No matter how much you say no, I will definitely stay with you, alright? I've... decided."
Syo finally let up and turned her back to Komaru, now facing the stairs. Chiaki made sure to hide herself more discreetly. "...Man, so annoying. All that lip-service talk I hate, so irritating. Anybody can just say something." Komaru started to look more and more dejected. "In that case, I'm a great detective, an austronaut, a reporter and a tera-suuuuper beauty!"
Finishing her mockery, Syo lowered her head. "...And besides, you have absolutely no idea what I'm really like." Komaru took a step forward. "What do you mean?"
A long pause followed, the silence finally breaking at Syo's reply, "...There's no way I'd say no."
"Rather... Thanks."
Komaru broke out into a relieved smiled, the tears disappearing "...Toko!" She ran towards her, when Syo's face suddenly scrunged up and she sneezed, switching back to Toko. Now feeling awkward, Komaru tried to explain herself, "...Oh. So, um. About what just happened..." Toko started to blush and twiddled her fingers together. "I-it's alright... I kinda figured out what was happening..."
"Huh? Really?"
"F-friend...? T-the last time I was called that w-was in a dream I had in grade school..."
"That's pretty depressing..." As the two girls' conversation started devolving into banter, Chiaki tuned them out and focused her attention back to Nagito.
"Well, guess it turned out alright. If Komaru Naegi had run away, the hope of this city would've gone with her... To prevent that... A wound like this will not dimish my resolve. ...Though it does hurt." As he spoke up, the girls remembered that he was still there, and focused their attention back to him. Toko approached him first. "It's time you started talking. How do we release Master Togami?"
"All you have to do is defeat the Final Boss. You save the princess after defeating the Final Boss, right? ...In theory."
"In theory...?"
"I was not the only one who came up with the plan to take you to the children's base. I have a partner... But I'm not sure what they are planning, to be honest." So Komaeda-kun is a part of this after all... Guess I should've expected that. He is still Ultimate Despair... "Wh-who is that...?"
"There's no way I would tell you that. I have... already been disqualified from the game." I wonder why he keeps talking like it's a video game. Maybe the kids have something to do with that? "But, it'll be alright. No matter what kind of despair awaits you, hope will overcome it. The deeper and darker the despair... the brighter and more powerful the hope born from it." ...Typical Komaeda-kun.
"Yeah... you're crazy alright." Oh, you have no idea... "You are seriously disgusting... You're like three steps below vomit in a toilet." ...That's a bit far. Clearly ignoring their comments, Nagito ended his exposition. "Anyway, all you need is to progress forward. I will support you until the very end."
"So in order to get Togami-kun, we have to stop the children's rioting, right? Then... I'll do it. There's no other choice." Komaru turned to look at Toko. "...Right, Toko?" Turning to Komaru as well, Toko questioned, "B-but... are you sure you can do this?"
"There's no way I can accept leaving you behind. Thanks to you, I've come this far... And not just that... Maybe I'm not really attached to this town, but I will save my friend."
Nagito started talking about hints or something, telling them where they should go now. Chiaki wasn't really paying attention anymore, but she did catch Komaru talking about a 'resistance', and mentioned Shirokuma alongside some 'Towa' guy. At that, Nagito mentioned an alternative route they could take to arrive at the resistance hideout. ...Not very secret, now is it, Shirokuma? Having made their decision, the girls went back down the stairs and left the area, neither of them noticing Chiaki behind the pillar.
"...You can come out now, Nanami-san. There's only me left here." Chiaki jumped, not expecting Nagito to have noticed her. She cautiously peeked out from behind the pillar, looking around to make sure there really wasn't anyone else around, and stepped out once she had confirmed it. "...Komaeda-kun. I didn't expect to see you here. You look... different."
"Ah, right. I apologise for making you see me like this. I must be such a repulsive sight."
"...That's not what I meant. It just suprised me. ...Did those kids draw on your face? Should I wash it off?" Deciding to focus on the more simple change, she pointed out the... less than professional face paint. "Ah, that. I completely forgot about that, haha. Little Monaca-san got annoyed by me, so she told the other kids to draw on my face as punishment, that's all."
"...I'm definitely wiping it off." She pouted as she dug into her bag for tissues. Finally finding them, she took them out and started wiping Nagito's face paint off. Since the tissue was dry, she ended up just making a smudgy mess instead. Annoyed, she put her hand back into her bag, hoping she has a spray-bottle of water or something. She took out an ordinary water bottle and poured a tiny bit onto the tissue, trying to wipe his face again.
"...You, ah, really didn't need to do this, Nanami-san. It was my fault for ticking off Monaca-san to begin with..."
"Shut up. The face paint looks stupid so I'm removing it. ...And there! all gone." She stepped back and reviewed her work, nodding to herself when she confirmed there was no face paint left. "...Now, what about the other stuff?"
"...Other stuff?"
"You know the... Mitten and chains. Did the kids put those on too?" Honestly, she found the sole mitten weirder than the chain. A chain collar seems like something Komaeda-kun would be into, it wouldn't surprise me if it was some kink thing he forgot to take off... But the mitten seems out of place. "Ah, those... Well, the chain collar was indeed from the Warriors of Hope. I have been working as their servant for a while now, so it is not odd for them to chain me to signify that."
"Oh, I see. That makes sense. ...And the mitten?"
"Well-" Nagito was cut off by the sound of moving metal coming from behind him. "...Ah, it seems we are out of time. I do hate to cut our reunion short, but I believe you should leave now, Nanami-san."
"Ahaha, do not worry about me. I will be fine. Now, go. I will live, but you will be killed on the spot if he sees you." Who's 'he'? "...Alright. But I'll be looking for you later, okay?" Nagito simply smiled in reply and waved with his right hand.
As Chiaki turned her back to him and walked away, she started thinking about how she hadn't seen Nagito use his left hand at all. Did something happen to it...?
And with that, she walked away from the sound of heavy metal.
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bluegalaxygirl · 8 months
Full moon (Zosan X Reader) P4
Plot: While out taking photo's Sanji and reader get attacked by a strange creature. While the crew decide to hunt it down to save the village Sanji starts acting strange.
Warning: Violence, blood, bad language
Sanji X Zoro X Reader, poly relationship, established relationship, Reader is GN. Reader is the photographer of the crew always carrying around a camera they made (Polaroid) that doesn't include a snail.
Thought i's add the reference photos i used to describe Sanji (Left) and the old wolf (Right). Explanation why they look so different will be in the final chapter.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 5
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Setting your lantern down on the ground and crouching behind Sanji as a dark figure appears from behind a tree, the same creature that attacked you and Sanji, it smelled the air before looking over at you making your wolf growl. The creature stood up tall its yellow eyes starring right at you as it walked closer. Sanji's growls became louder and louder to the point you had to cover your ears to stop you form going deaf. Almost at arms length and bearing its teeth, Sanji started to stand towering over the other werewolf but it didn't seem intimidated. As you stood there they both made growls, huffs and snaps at each other seeming to be talking. Their conversation got more and move aggressive especially when the other wolf went to snap at you trying to get round Sanji's body to do so but Sanji's large clawed hand swiped across the others face starting a growling match between the two. You felt trapped and shaky as the two continued to snap at each other occasionally biting at each other or clawing at each other. Soon it turned into a full-blown fight when the older wolf jumping a Sanji pushing him back and biting his shoulder. You barely had time to move when Sanji's large back hit the tree you were pressed up against, falling to the floor you backed up as Sanji tried pushing the creature off, teeth, claws and feet all working to try and get it off him.
You grabbed the camera out of your bag and used the flash taking a photo in the process. Both werewolves howled in pain, the older wolf shaking its head while stumbling away before off while Sanji got up and growled at you, getting in your face. You backed up crawling along the floor as your wolf got up and stepped over to you "I-im sorry" you spoke sliding back until your back hit a tree turning your head away as Sanji's noise almost touched your cheek. Your wolf growled in your face as you closed your eyes scared he was going to kill you but he didn't, he stopped growling watching you cower in front of him, his eyes seem to soften again as he nuzzled your face, noticing you flinch when his fur face touched your neck. Opening your eyes you try to calm down seeing Sanji nuzzle your neck showing no sign of aggression. "So, thats what happened in the kitchen" you state watching as the wolf pulled away to look at you "Did the bang scare you?" you ask only earning a stair "Did.. Did it hurt you? The bang and flash?" you ask earning a whimper and another nuzzle. You place your arms around his large head and hold it as a way of hugging him "I guess Robin was right, your senses are heightened. Im sorry, i won't do it again" you whisper, being so close to his ear you don't want to hurt him. Pulling away he looks around him before walking again waiting for you to put your camera away, get up and grab the lantern.
Zoro, Luffy and Franky walked through the woods trying to sense where the werewolf was but it wasn't working too well. Franky listened out soon getting something and pointing "I hear fighting, it doesn't sound normal" he calls out the two running after him as they made their way through the woods towards the noise stepping over traps that covered the floor in some areas, a few seconds later two loud howls echo through the forest confirming that the werewolf was there and probably Sanji. A figure came running through the woods winding thru trees, Zoro used his swords to try and cut it but the werewolf jumped over him landing behind him only to be hit by Luffy's kick "What happened to making sure it's not Sanji?" Fanky yells out getting his bullets ready. "Woops" Luffy shrugs looking over at the human like wolf getting up off the floor, standing up to its full height and growling at them. Zoro smiles putting his third sword in his mouth "That's not Sanji" charging in he slashes at the thing which manages to dodge his attacks, the werewolf trys to slash and get behind the sword's man but Zoro's just as fast, managing to dodge and soon land a hit only managing to slash the things long arm. Luffy joins in using Gum Gum gatling, punching the creature over and over again sending it further and further back as Zoro jumps away to let his Captain fight. Pulling his arms back Luffy smiles seeing the wolf still standing although panting and looking very pissed off. Franky fires Silver bullets at it only for it to move from side to side getting closer to the three as it does, dodging the bullets with its fast moments. Luffy pulls his arm back and uses Haki to harden his arm sending a punch flying at the wolf hitting it in the shoulder when it tried to dodge. Zoro raised his swords and slashed all three down on the wolf cutting its leg, chest and arm. A bullet managed to hit it in the side making it howl out in pain and fall back skidding along the floor away form the three.
It growled and looked up at them with yellow eyes, anger and hate burning inside. "What?" Zoro yelled watching as the wounds they inflicted start to heal except for the bullet wound that seems to singe the skin stopping it from closing. It let out a ear-piercing howl before running off into the trees, Franky went to move only for Luffy to stop him sensing the wolf still around "Its looking for an opening" Zoro whispered looking around keeping his guard up waiting for it to attack. Luffy closed his eyes using his Haki again to sense around him, the wolf was fast, seeming to circle them but once he had the pattern down, he pulled his arm back again hardening it and punching out into the tree line. His fist didn't hit anything but something jumped onto his arm and ran out of the woods jumping off his arm and tackling him to the ground barely missing Zoro's sword swing. Its teeth went into Luffy's other arm but due to his rubber body its jaw only squished the arm. Realizing it couldn't bite the boy it moved using all its force to push off the Captain and crash into Franky sending Luffy sliding away along the floor hitting a tree as the wolf landed on the Cyborg. Zoro's sword went into its back stabbing it only for it to kick him way sending the swords man tumbling back. It raised it clawed hand swiping down and clawing thru one of Franky's metal shoulders at the same time Fanky punched it off of him. The wolf skidded long the ground rolling a bit before hitting a tree with its back. Zoro got up as the wolf turned its attention to him growling low with its teeth bared. It stood tall being a little taller than Zoro, The swords man noticed Franky getting up and refiling his arm gun with silver bullets, the slight distraction gave the wolf the advantage lunging at Zoro.
Walking with Sanji you looked him over noticing the bite and scratch wounds healing slower than the bear trap. It made you concerned, but he seemed to push past the pain and keep moving. The sound of fighting and gun fire startled you and Sanji, the wolf in front of you growling at the sound but you placed a hand on his head causing him to look up at you as you stared into the forest. The familiar sound of Zoro's voice sent you running in the direction of the fighting Sanji running and getting in your way causing you to bump into him and almost fall over "Sanji?" you ask annoyed that he stopped you, at your tine he stands up towering over you not wanting you to go that way "Zoro and the others are fighting that thing. if we kill it there's a chance you'll be normal again" you sign hoping he will understand. His head turns towards the fighting and his ears twitch a little hearing something you can't, a growl leaves his mouth as he gets down again giving you a glance that says stay there before he runs off into the dark woods "SANJI" you yell out watching him run off. Shaking your head you start running not wanting to lose him again. You know there's no hope of catching up to him but you needed him to be safe, you try not to trip on roots as you run trying your best to go as fast as you can.
As the werewolf lunched at Zoro another Wolf much larger ran out of the forest, using Franky to jump off and tackle the werewolf midair. Sanji slammed the werewolf into a tree almost crushing it before biting down on its shoulder. The other wolf howled out in pain before biting down on Sanji's arm managing to pull him off and to the floor. The two lunged at each other again biting and clawing managing to get several bad hits on each other as Zoro stared in disbelief. Luffy stood up fixing his hat and rubbing his back seeing the two wolves fighting it out. "Sanji?" Luffy asks gaining the cook's attention giving the older wolf enough room to kick Sanji off him and run into the woods, Sanji hot on his trail "Shit" Zoro yells running after them along with Luffy and Franky. Zoro was so focused on trying to find his boyfriend and the older wolf he didn't realize he got himself separated from his captain. Putting two of his swords away he stopped to look around him and catch his breath. he had no idea where he was or even where to go but a light caught his attention, standing on guard he watched the light get closer. "Zoro?" your voice was like music to his ears as you walked closer a lantern in your hand but anger boiled in him seeing you in the forest and not in the village.
As you approach Zoro stomps over to you, thinking he was going to scold you, you let the lantern hang at your said and keep your eyes on the floor only for on of his arm to go around you and pull you into his chest "What are you doing out here?" with his voice full of worry you look up at him seeing his eyes scanning the forest around you two "The villagers went hunting for Sanji. i found him but when we heard you fighting he ran off" you state trying to summarize what happened as to not waist time "Yea, he ran after that bastard when it ran away. i don't even know where they went" looking around you sign taking his hand in yours "Sanji didn't mean to attack us. The sound of the door slamming hurt him, he's still our Sanji" Zoro looks down at you with a slightly sad look "Lets find him so i can apologist" he sighs walking with you through the forest. Not really knowing where you two were going, you followed any kind of growling or animal noises hoping it would lead them. The noises came and went, some closer than others but you both soon made it to a wooden Cabin.
"This place again" the swords man sighs only for you two to hear a loud crash and snarling coming form inside. A window shatters as a large wolf, your wolf, crashed through the kitchen window landing on the grass trying to get up, his legs and arms torn up trying to heal. Zoro lets go of you and runs up dragging his sword along the ground as the older wolf jumps out the window. Slashing the wolf away form Sanji, the swords man manages to cut off one of the wolfs arms making it howl in pain as it skids away leaving claw marks in the ground. You run over to Sanji placing your hand on him, he snarls at you before looking up to see its you, his eyes look sad when he realizes he growled at you. "Take care of him" Zoro places a hand on Sanji's head rubbing the wolfs forehead with his thumb calming the wolf before putting his third sword back in his mouth and take out his other sword running to fight the beast as it reattached its arm.
Taking the broken glass out of Sanji you watched most of the wounds close but the bite and scratch marks were taking longer. His eyes drifted form Zoro's fight to you, seeing you shaking trying figure out how to help. Lifting his head up he placed it on your lap catching your attention, his eyes met yours as you ran your hands over his fur covered face, the moment managed to calm you enough to think and an idea struck you. "Stay here I'll be right back" you whisper down at him placing a kiss on his snout and lowing his head off your lap. He whimpered a little not wanting you to go but you left anyway running into the house using your lantern to look around. Checking the kitchen you found some alcohol and a match. Grabbing some empty bottles and ripping up some clothes in the bedroom you made some make shift Molotov cocktails but not lighting them yet as you ran outside seeing Sanji trying to get up. "Zoro. Cut its limbs off again" you yelled holding up one of the bottles. The swords man smile and nods slashing at the wolf's arms and legs. You place the bottles down next to Sanji only for him to get up and growl at the older wolf, before you can say anything Sanji runs at the wolf tackling it to the ground and trying to pin it down, biting into its shoulder to try and keep it down.
You groan lighting one of the cocktails as Zoro cuts one of the wolves arms off that tried to grab onto Sanji and kicks it away. You throw the lite cocktail where the arm fall setting it on fire, the arm burning to a crisp at an arming rate. The now one armed wolf tries to kick Sanji off but again Zoro slices through the leg and kicks it onto the fire. Sanji yelped out when the wolves fangs dig into Sanji's already injured shoulder and throw him off. "Just die already" Zoro yells swinging two of his swords and finally decapitating the older wolf. Lighting another cocktail you throw it at the wolf lighting it of fire as Zoro runs to check on Sanji. Watching the wolf burn to a crisp made you sigh in relief. Placing the rest if the bottles down you run over to Zoro and Sanji expecting to see your cook human again, but he wasn't, he was still a werewolf although looking worse for wear. Zoro holds Sanji's head in lap rubbing his hand over his back as the wolfs breathing staggers, whimpering a little in pain. "I'll fine something" you step back before running back into the cabin looking around for any kind of med kit but there was nothing, the only place you haven't looked was the basement.
Walking down the steps you looked around throwing papers and books on the floor to get at other things. Your hand landed on something solid behind the bookcase. Pulling it out you found a small box, opening it to find a half full bottle and a scroll, you didn't read too much of it but the basic was to help a wolf heal form silver wounds and other wolf bites. This is probably why the old werewolf lived through all the attacks. Smiling you ran back up the stairs and outside heading to your two boys. Opening the bottle you noticed a strange smell but didn't think too much about it poring it over the wound on his shoulder. Letting out a yelp Sanji's head shot up off Zoro's lap "It's ok" Zoro calls pulling his head back down and taking the wolves large hand. The wound started to heal much faster so you moved onto his other bed wounds, there wasn't much so you only focused on the worst cuts and bites. With the bottle empty and Sanji feeling much better the wolf lifted himself up pressing his nose against yours as a thank you before licking your neck making you giggle and push him away. With a smile you put the bottle in your bag wondering of Chopper can do something with the drips left over and stand up brushing the dirt off your legs.
"Your right, he's still Sanji" Zoro laughs seeing your neck covered in slobber, his laugh was cut short by Sanji jumping on him and licking his neck as well. You can't help but laugh, your sides hurting and tears falling from your eyes as Zoro struggles to stop sanji form licking his face and neck. "Urm... should we help?" Luffy's voice calls out making the three of you look over at your Captain and Cyborg "No where good" you wipe away tears as Zoro pulls himself out form under Sanji "Speak for yourself" he glares at you only to earn another large lick up his face. Wrapping both hands around Sanji's muzzle he glares at the wolf "Stop that" he doesn't yell, but he wants too, letting go and standing up he wipes his face with his sleeve as Luffy and Franky walk over. "Wow Sanji you look so cool" Luffy's eyes shine as he jumps up and down finally getting a good look at the werewolf version of his cook. Sanji stands to his full height towing over Franky who laughs and give him a thumbs up "Hay finally taller than me, SU" The cyborg goes to yell but you and Zoro shove your hands over his mouth "No loud noises or flashing lights" you say to Franky before looking at Luffy who pretends to zip his lips.
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gwenbrightly · 10 months
(Re)Building the Future Chapter 1
A mixture of ideas I’ve had rolling around in my brain since Ruin came out. Please enjoy.
 "I'm so sorry…"
"I love carrot cake. Happy birthday, Cassie…"
There's a click accompanied by sobbing, and then……. Nothing… 
Beep. Beep. Beep. 
"Reboot complete."
Roxy regains awareness with a groan. What happened?
She tries to sit up, but something heavy is pressing down on her. Great. Just great. It feels like one of those vehicles humans use to get around the Pizza Plex. Inferior to her golf carts, of course, but also dreadfully inconvenient to be trapped under. And Roxy would know. This isn't the first time one has fallen on her since she lost her eyes to that stupid boy, Gregory. That horrible awful loser. How she'd like to get her claws on him… 
Roxy tries to ignore the obnoxious voice in her head. Plotting revenge is much more appealing right now than dealing with Helpy. Unfortunately, Helpy doesn't seem to feel the same way. 
"ROXANNE WOLF!" He blasts. If she were human, the volume would probably be painful. 
"What? I'm a little busy here." Roxy finally replies, giving the vehicle another shove to prove her point. 
"You're needed down below. That silly girl showed up out of nowhere and I… May have shown her how to deactivate all of M.X.E.S's security nodes. There's nothing keeping It from getting out now!" 
"Oh, Fizzy Faz. Why would you give a child that kind of power?" Roxy really wishes cursing wasn't against her programming. 
Helpy is right (for once). This is very bad. 
"I’ve been feeling a little glitchy today, okay? Anyway," Helpy says, clearly avoiding responsibility for his mistakes, "we've got a HUGE problem, so get down there and do something."
"What exactly do you want me to do? Beat it in a race?" Roxy asks, finally managing to dislodge her good leg. 
"Beating It is an option. Just not in a race. Don't worry - I'll be here to guide you, since, you know, you can't see! I'll be like your seeing eye bear!" Helpy says enthusiastically. 
Roxy sighs. Normally, she hates spending time with Helpy. He's an annoying little digital know it all who doesn't know how to shut up. (and he did just insult her). But without her eyes, she doesn't really have a choice. Her Number 1 Twice is somewhere down below and has no idea what she's unleashed. She has to save Cassie. And taking It down is also important, she supposes. 
Roxy is built for speed and agility. The next few minutes pass in a blur. Down the stairs - she loses track of how many flights. The elevator has already left. She takes another route. One covered with debris she must navigate. (If Helpy is leading her to her death, she'll kill him first). There are places she has to tunnel through planks and concrete rubble to make her way. But she does it. It's damp. She can hear water nearby and the ground makes a squishy noise when she steps in certain places. "Oh hey! There's an underground waterfall over there!" Helpy informs her at one point. 
"Focus, Helpy. We're not here to sight see." Roxy reminds him. 
"Riiiiight. Well, we're getting close. I think. Just through this door and down a few more flights of stairs!"
As she treks down stairs and through the halls of a structure she didn't even know existed until just now, Helpy continues to give her, well, 'helpful' suggestions. 
"There's an automatic door exactly 2.345 feet to your right."
"No! Not that door!" 
"Be sure to watch out for the burners on the floor in here!"
This particular piece of advice confuses Roxy to no end. "Why the Faz are there burners on the floor? Do you know how many safety regulations that violates?!" 
"Don't ask me. I just work here. Digitally, of course."
After the weird burner rooms, and another round of stairs, Roxy suddenly runs out of floor. Without thinking, without waiting for Helpy to confirm that it is safe, she jumps. Luckily, the space beneath her is not very deep. Rolling into a stand with both legs more or less intact, she scrambles around until she finds a small hole in the wall. As she crawls through, she hears a small voice in the distance say, "You're not Gregory."
Cassie is close. She can feel it. 
The thing Fazbear Entertainment keeps trapped beneath the Pizza Plex doesn’t go down without a fight. Neither does Roxy. Unfortunately, she isn't able to hold it off for long before it's able to shove her aside and continue after Cassie. To make matters worse, Helpy is giving her conflicting directions, leading her in circles. It is probably interfering somehow. She's on her own if she wants to get anywhere with this. She stalks forward, listening carefully. A faint creaking, scaping sound catches her attention. Then a whimper. 
Roxy dashes to her right. Right again. Forward. In the distance, the elevator doors slide shut with a grinding crunch. It struggles for a moment, seemingly caught in the door. This gives Roxy just enough time to pull the creature into a choke hold. 
"Leave her alone!" she growls at It. 
"But she came to rescue me!" It protests in a voice that sounds a little too much like Gregory. 
Whatever actually prompted Cassie to come down here, Roxy is pretty sure the kid didn't come to save It on purpose. Cassie is smarter than that. 
"You tried to kill her!" Roxy shrieks in anger. It struggles against her. She refuses to let go. With a little luck, the elevator will finish its journey soon and Cassie will be safely back at the surface in no time. 
Luck, however, is a fickle thing. Rarely do things turn out as luckily as we would prefer. Roxy knows this. She's never relied on luck to win races or make crying children smile. Deep down, she knows she can't always win (though she still tries to, often at the detriment of others). But that doesn't make it any less horrifying when the elevator begins to plummet instead of going up. When she hears Cassie's panicked screams. Or the shattering crash of the elevator splitting apart at the bottom of the shaft. 
"No…" Roxy nearly lets go of It in her panic.  
"Now she can stay forever," It says gleefully, once again mimicking Gregory's voice. 
"One more word and I'll tear your head off," Roxy threatens. She drags It away from the elevator. 
"Lock It up!" Helpy screeches. "Lock It up!" 
"Where?" Roxy asks reluctantly. She doesn't want to leave the elevator's ruins. Cassie is in there somewhere. 
"M.X.E.S wants you to put It in one of the extra containment rooms to your left," Helpy starts, "No one is safe until you've done that."
As much as she hates to admit it, the annoying little bear is right. If Cassie is still alive, leaving It to roam free will put her in danger. 
"Okay. Let's do this," she finally agrees. Hoping Helpy's instructions ring true this time, Roxy lets him guide her to It's new containment cell. Her threats seem to have worked; the creature doesn't fight her as hard as she knows it could. She shoves the thing into the room and grabs the sliding door, ready to shut It away forever, but she thinks better of it. 
"I'll be taking these," Roxy says. Then she reaches for It's face and yanks on the eye receptacles. They give way with a pop. She haphazardly connects the wires to her own eye sockets, blinking as the world flickers into focus for the first time in a long time. 
"My eyes!" It complains. "You took them!"
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ohnowthatsfowl · 3 months
KFP 2 : Firefeather au
Because why not
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I figured out Mwamei and Shen's ship name, which is Firefeather (following firework theming and both of them being birds)
Anyway, warnings ig.
OcXcannon based AU, Selfship themes, Story changes (duh), Possibly sterotypical backstory writing (since we don't get enough of it), OP hasn't watched fourth movie yet and has heard its absolute garbadge, OP is lacking lore for the first movie bear with her, OP is not trying to justify character actions, AU mostly focuses in giving shen more context than "child started making b0mbs in his room".
Click here for Mwamei (oc) lore Its only a quick skim, but it gets her point across.
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Anyway, for some Firefeather!Shen lore.
Shen in this AU is born albino (since i dont think it was confirmed that he is)
As a result of being born albino, his parents decided to help him out by getting his feathers permanitly dyed with his favorite color at the time (red), dying a pattern of his choice.
Despite the lack of attention he would get from his parents doing their diplomats duty, Shen didn't seem to mind (being undignosed ASPD)
Thankfully most were able to teach him in his formative age what was proper manners and morals...But that didn't mean he would follow them all the time.
Due to being born with Albinism, he wasbullied lightly and teased. though, that wasn't the worst thing.
When he was concidered a freshmen in his schooling, a fireworks festival was held, and he got to light one...Though it backfired, and took out his legs. Such prompted more bullying, causing his grades to drop.
Though he was very anti-social, he didn't actually think his parents cared enough about him...Well, since he didn't know them. He thought he had to please them, and get their attention, despite the fact the only thing in the way of their relationship was the peacock higharky being extreamly selfless to thousands
So, while they continued dealing with city issues, Shen continued watching his grades drop because of his bullying, begining a spiral,
The spiral soon lead to him begining to make bombs, though on accsident at first, he enjoys the attention he was finally getting from his parents.
Until the prophecy.
The prophecy scared him. Not just scared, him, but terrified him. He didn't know when he was going to die, where he was going to die- hell the existentialism gave him a panic attack alone.
Thinking he had nothing left to loose, he decided he would kill whatever could be made into his oponent. Pandas.
Though, he didn't do much research. So his attempt at forced extinction only ended in the pillage of a simple village. Though, it was a bloody one, and he did it without thinking.
when he arrived home, he thought his parents would recognize him for fixing his problem-
but it only gained him negative attention. so, he was banished. Though it broke his parents, he didn't know, simply because he really didn't know who his parents really were.
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Now, in movie lore.
Mwamei is a notorious criminal in gongmen city, though the athorities had compleatly stopped dealing with her and jailing her. As much adressing went, they would provide anybody who was beat up with free medical and such payments.
Though, when Shen came to power, he couldn't sleep due to her noise. So, he arrested her to be tried in front of him. She was scentenced to life in prison from her multiple offenses, but it didn't last long. She attemped escape over 20 times, and was sucsessful, as she always made it to the throne.
Eventually, Shen decided the only way to teach her...well anything, was to make her his bodygard. So far, they stand as villanous (sort of) parralels to Tigris and Po. Though, it takes a little bit in the movie for Shen to realize he's getting attatched.
During the final battle sequence, Mwamei ends up passing out due to the fight, right before Shen was supposed to seal his fate. The other furious 5 and po would watch as Mwamei and Shen would have a nice moment while she wakes up after her little moment of unconciousness.
After the movie, maybe during a final scene, Mwamei ends up confessing while they have a nice moment on a balcony somewhere outside of gonghem (because Shen is still banned.)
Since i haven't watched movie 4, i do want to rewrite it as a sort of half-redemption ark to Shen, where the best he can do is try to apologize to po and the furious 5 by trying to help beat the other villans. (and possibly a past version of himself.)
I may update this, but i'll tag it <3
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Splitter source: cafe kitsune
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just-a-lil-otter · 1 month
Question about your Fnae au! Do the ghost kids (if there are any) have identities yet? Like names personalities etc?
(So sorry if this is super long btw QwQ)
As I said, the story itself is still in development, so this might change eventually
But as of now I'm going with the idea that the animatronics are completely sentient, like in security breach in a way!
The only 100% confirmed animatronic(?) To have a human soul is The Marionette, aka River in this au! :D
Since they're a puppet with no internal mechanisms/robotic parts, the only way they're able to move is because they have a human soul, even then they don't move that much simply because they don't want too
I imagine they were an adult when they were killed, but that might be changed later
As for the animatronics personalities, I have a few ideas!
Matt - Matt is the most friendly of the animatronics, and he's the one who interacts with kids the most! I imagine he has his own area he stays in when he's not preforming that the kids go to play at, a sort of play place for the kids to hang out it while the parents are ordering food/setting up the birthday parties. He basically watches over and plays with the kiddos
He's very sweet and is curious, but not really hostile, towards the night guard for the most part
He also has a love for pizza, and sweets! He has a big sweet tooth :3 also he plays the keyboard in the main band
Tom - Tom is pretty grumpy and annoyed with the night guard, but for the most part he's very chill and nice with the kiddos
He spends most of his time when he's not preforming either back stage or taking photos with guests, since some kids find him a bit intimidating(which he isn't upset about, he knows he's a bit scary)
He doesn't like being watched on the cameras and is pretty aggressive, especially if the night guard watches him on the camera for too long
He plays the bass in the band :]
Edd - Edd is the calmest of the group, at least to the night guard
He's very sweet and friendly to the kids and can be found either taking photos with guests or helping Matt in the play area, he's a big friendly teddy bear! :]
He doesn't move much during the night, only if he has a reason to really
He's the main singer and has a very lovley voice :3
Tord - the most aggressive. Just in general.
He used to be rather sweet and caring towards the kids, but after an accident that caused him to be very damaged he's be stuck in the parts and service room
That, plus the fact some of his internal mechanisms that regulate his emotions and behavior were messed up, causes him to be EXTREMELY hostile towards the night guard.
He probably starts entering the vents around night three or four and trying to get into the office through there
One way to calm him down is by using the Marionettes music box, which causes him to go search for the cause of the noise
The Marionette(River) - as I said, they're the only one with an actual soul and don't move much
They're always at the 'puppet theater' performing during the day, but after Tord's accident they've been found sitting outside the parts and service room almost every night, which is why a nighttime security guard was hired in the first place
They're usually calm and don't try to access to office at all, only trying to get to the parts and service door
The night guard probably uses a music box/recorded song to bring them back to their stage, and they get more and more pissed off as the night continues and they keep getting tricked
The reason they're outside the part and service door at all is because they know Tord's inside, and they REALLY don't like that he's trapped and being kept away from everyone else
I imagine eventually they are locked inside the theater by management after they keep escaping 'somehow', which pisses Tord off and is what causes him to try and get into the office, thinking the nightguard is to blame
Yes, I somehow found a way to make my oc x canon ship part of the au, yall can SUE ME
Also, no one knows the animatronics(and TM/River) are alive, they just think they're like super high tech and they only really show actual sentience during the night
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liquid-geodes · 1 year
@glitchysquidd activated... something
So I know I've already touched on this before but the blind Springtrap au is just that: springtrap is blind, years of decay and lack of remnant leaving him shrouded in darkness.
This makes using your audio lures CRUCIAL to your survival, seeing as his hearing has advanced to make up for this lack of vision.
Of course, if something undesirable DOES make its way into your office, it's best to hold your breath and stay still until it wanders back out again.
It takes Springtrap some time to become acquainted with his new surroundings, but he feels his way through on the nights before the attraction hires a security guard.
Springtrap has already successfully killed the first nightguard despite his disadvantage, this was before audio cues were added to the attraction. Now each new security guard must learn why its important to check your cameras, keep the ventilation on, and make sure your speakers are in working order.
Most don't last very long, quitting after the second night (Springtrap likes to play nice the first night to get a feel for who is new opponent is since he can't size them up visually).
Once it's Michael's turn to take up the task, he expects a much... different reaction from his father, and is confused when the man doesn't recognize him. It isn't until he manages to approach Springtrap during the day that he realizes he can't see. Now he thinks this will make his job a bit easier.
Michael quickly learns that he was wrong to assume that.
Springtrap is still a force to be reckoned with. He's clumsy at first sure, but once he gets his bearings he slips through the attraction with ease, making virtually no noise as not to obstruct his own hearing.
Things are a bit different in the case of if I want to make it reader and not Michael:
He doesn't know that his animatronic eyes glow, obviously, so when you point it out to him one night it's something he thinks about a lot. He CAN speak in this, he just chooses not to for the most part so he can listen better.
Follows you around during the day, always trying to guess what you're doing.
At night he always manages to sneak up on you, there's no harm in a little scare!
He's able to pick your breathing and heartbeat apart from everyone else's, so he's never approached the office if he wasn't sure it was you in there.
On the off occasion that he genuinely can't tell, he'll make a noise outside the office door. He won't enter until he hears your voice and confirms that it's just you.
Doesn't like the nights when someone else is working, but since meeting you he's stopped killing them... for now. He still lurks and hunts them, for fun of course. He wouldn't hurt them while he still thinks you'd get mad at him.
Eventually he'll open up more about his past, the things he misses, and will eventually ask you to describe his current appearance to him (seriously, not the joking "old and gross, kinda soggy" response you might usually give. He wants the truth, whatever it may be).
PLEASE take this man gently by the hand and let him feel around your face, he just wants to get an idea of what you look like (spoiler he thinks you're beautiful regardless).
I think he'd definitely let himself start making more noise the more he gets comfortable with you. He might not know right away if you're even in the building, and he doesn't want to accidentally scare you, so he makes sure to announce his presence with specific noises that only you'd know the meaning of.
I also think eventually he'd trust you enough to lead him anywhere (he can't stay in that attraction forever). So even if he feels nervous out of his element at first, he finds comfort in knowing that you'd never lead him astray.
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