#detective dean
soaringeag1e · 9 months
Escape {64}
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Detective!Dean x Victim!Reader
Warnings: Language, Fluff....Then a Ton of Angst {Sorry, not sorry}
Words: 2,124
Series Masterlist - Main Masterlist - Patreon
After making a breakthrough with the security footage at the convenience store, Styles and Dean followed a few leads. With some luck on their side, they were able to pin who the suspect was that attacked the clerk and took his life. They were even able to get an address and to both of their surprise, their man was home. Within just a few hours of finding the body they had their suspect in cuffs. That chalked up to a good day.
“Great work, Styles.” 
“Same goes for you, boss.” The two men share a smile as they descend the stairs outside the precinct. “Tell Y/N I said hi.”
“Will do.” After giving him a nod, Dean pats his friend on the shoulder and then they split, both heading for their cars at different ends of the parking lot. 
As Dean makes his way towards the car, he pulls out his phone and clicks on one of the most recent contacts before bringing the device up to his ear. When he makes it to his door, Eddie is driving by, already on his way out of the parking lot, so Dean sends him a wave and that’s when the ringing ends.
“Hey, you.”
“Hey! How was dress shopping?” 
“Good. How was your thing?” Dean smirks as he slips into his car.
“Really good actually. I’ll tell you about it later.”
“But first…did you find a dress?” The silence makes him a little nervous. He begins to think that maybe it turned out to be harder than you expected and that you were disappointed with the entire thing.
“Maybe…” you tease, getting him to light up in the drivers seat.
“Man…you have no idea how bad I want to see you in it.” He tries so hard to picture you in a wedding dress, but he’s sure that whatever his mind is coming up with is nothing compared to what you really look like. That’s what Sam had told him anyway. 
“You still have a few months there, cowboy.” you giggle over the phone, getting Dean to smile even bigger. “Are you coming home?”
“Uh…yeah. Just got in the car. But I wanted to see what you wanted for dinner. I figured I could pick up something on the way home.”
“Hmm.” You hum quietly, clearly thinking about what you might want to eat. “How about Chinese?” The way you ask him makes him chuckle. The cute innocence always got him to adore you more.
“You got it, babe.” With that, he turns over the ignition and the car rumbles to life. “Do you need me to grab anything else on the way?”
“Nope. Just need you and food.”
“I love how you put me before the food.”
“It was a close one, but you just barely edged it out.”
“Is that so?” he laughs as he pulls out of his spot and heads for the main road.
“Yep. I’ve been missing you longer than food. But, if you take too long and my stomach starts to eat itself you may be bumped out of the running.”
“Then I better hurry then, huh?” The sound of your laughter makes him feel like he’s already home. Between the score with the case and the fact that he’s heading home to you, he felt like today couldn’t get any better. “I miss you.”
“I miss you too.” Dean focuses on the road but stays silent for a minute and just admires the sound of your voice, replaying what you just said over in his head like one of his favorite songs.
“Alright, I’ll let you go. I’m going to grab food and I’ll be home as soon as I can.”
“Okay. Love you.”
“Love you.”
The chatter down the hall had died down telling Bobby that it was getting later. The night crew at the precinct were starting their shifts and the morning crew had either already left or like him were on their way out the door. He was just taking a few more minutes to file a couple reports and clean up his desk a bit, because he knew that if he didn’t take the time now he would have to deal with it in the morning.
Just as his computer was shutting down for the night, he grabbed his keys from inside the top drawer and stood from his chair, pulling his jacket off the back of it.
“What is it?” Bobby gave a little attitude because this always seemed to happen. Right as he was heading out for the day he always seemed to get stopped for something.
“There’s someone here that’s asked to see you and Detective Styles.” Huffing as he slides his jacket on, Bobby then glares at the officer at his door.
“Sampson, I’m on my way out the door, can’t this wait?”
“Well…I don’t know.” As the officer seemed conflicted, Bobby decides to give the newbie a break. But just this once.
“Who is it?”
“He said his name is Robert Thare.” And that’s when Bobby was grateful he cooled his head. The name instantly clicked and he couldn’t have reacted faster.
“Let him in.” Thankfully Sampson was quick to show Mr.Thare into the office. The tall man peeks his head in before stepping through the threshold and nodding to the officer before he walks away.
“Hi, Mr. Singer. I’m sorry it’s so late. I almost waited until tomorrow, but…”
“That’s alright.” Bobby grins, stepping around his desk. “What can I do for you?”
“Well, I uh…I found that tape I was looking for. You know, the one that shows Norman coming home and then his friend showing up?” As he tells Bobby, he hands the tape over to him and Bobby treats the VHS as if it’s a precious diamond.
“So….this has that footage on it? You’re sure?”
“Yes. I um…I forgot that I had some stuff put away in a storage unit in town and when I found more tapes I went through them.” he says, looking from the tape to the captain, an uneasiness taking over his expressions. “I uh…I can’t believe that I didn’t turn it in sooner, honestly. After watching it again…I don’t know why I didn’t find it suspicious earlier. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. When you’re not used to spotting those types of things, it’s harder to believe when you see it for yourself.” Mr. Thare nods faintly, looking a little sick.
“Well I uh…I found the footage and then rewound it for you, so you should just be able to pop it in and play it.”
“Thank you.” Bobby tells him sincerely. “You don’t know how much we appreciate this. I’m glad you caught me before I left.”
“Me too.” Mr. Thare says after a few nods. “I um, I don’t know if I’ll be of any help, but if you need anything else….let me know.”
“We will. But I think this might be the extent of it. Hopefully we don’t have to bother you anymore.” The two share a nice chuckle and then Bobby shows the man to the door. He is deeply appreciative of what that man has done for them, but once he was heading towards the front of the precinct, Bobby couldn’t have moved faster. He rushed over to the TV in his office and popped the tape in the VCR and he couldn’t have hit the play button any quicker either.
It was only a few seconds between him hitting play and when Norman's car pulled into the driveway, but for Bobby those were the longest seconds ever, and even then, that’s not what he wanted to see. He knew that Norman was responsible for bringing Cassie back to his house. It was the next car that he was anxiously waiting to see cross the screen.
Then finally, the moment came. The second car whipped up to the house and as the man climbed out of the drivers side, Bobby’s jaw dropped.
Getting food took longer than expected, but now that Dean was finally home he felt himself becoming more relaxed. He couldn’t wait to go inside, share a good meal and tell you about their slam dunk. It’s been a long time since they’ve been able to close a murder case that fast and it seriously made his day.
Hearing the garage door close behind him, he enters the house and goes for the coffee table in the living room to set the bag of Chinese down.
“Babe!? I’m home!” he yells out when he sees you’re not on the main floor anywhere. Figuring you jumped in the shower before he got home, he glances up the stairs before moving towards the front door where he drops off his keys and wallet and then takes off his suit jacket.
“They had some of your favorite egg rolls so I grabbed a couple of them!” He continues talking as he climbs to the second floor. He hopes you’ll hear him coming so he won’t scare you in the process. “I also stopped and grabbed a bottle of wine! Thought that sounded like a good way to celebrate!” 
His smile is literally from ear to ear as he enters the bedroom, but sadly it doesn’t stay that way. Because when he does enter the room he’s met with darkness. The bedroom light is off and as he moves further in, it’s clear that the bathroom is vacant as well.
“Y/N?” he turns, his eyes scanning the room as if you’re going to pop out and scare him. But nothing. It’s silent. 
“Y/N!?” he calls out as he moves down the hall to your office and he even peeks into the spare bedroom. But again, nothing. There’s no sign of you upstairs.
“Babe!?” Rushing back down the stairs, his heart is now racing from fear. This wasn’t right and the more his mind tried to figure out what was going on, the more scared he got. “Y/N!” he runs into his office, even with nowhere to hide he searches top to bottom. Nothing.
Running back into the other room, he quickly enters the empty kitchen and that’s when bile begins to rise in his throat.
“Y/N?” he calls out weakly, his eyes darting around the house as he leaves the kitchen and enters the dining room. The living room is quiet, only the food sitting there waiting for him. He tries to take a few breaths before he pulls out his phone, but just as he’s about to call you something on the dining room table catches his eye.
His feet slowly take him towards the objects waiting for him. His heart is beating so fast that it feels as if it’s already broken a rib or two. He doesn’t even realize tears have filled his eyes until he stands over the table and a water droplet falls onto the ripped piece of paper in front of him.
Play Me
The words took up the little torn sheet and now shared the space with the tear that had fallen from his eye.
Dean swallows as he picks up the recorder, his recorder, and his thumb shakes as it hovers over the play button. But when it finally pushes it down, he has to fight to keep the contents in his stomach.
The voice is distorted, as if the atmosphere didn’t already feel like a horror movie.
We both know that I have something precious to you, so listen carefully.
Dean’s jaw locks, his body trembling as he listens to this horrible robotic voice.
If you contact any law enforcement including anyone at that station of yours, she dies. If you reach out to that lawyer brother of yours, she dies. If you do anything other than what I’m telling you to do….well, you don’t need me to go into specific details of what I’ll do to her. So, I hope you’re listening.
Dean screws his eyes shut, his fingernails digging into his palm as his hands clenched into fists. The thought of you in this guy's presence is unbearable. He can’t think straight let alone breathe.
Now, take the phone with you. I’m going to send you an address to where you are going to retrieve a tape. When you get it, I’ll send you another address. Dean glances down at the table, seeing a prepaid phone sitting next to the note. 
If you come with any type of backup, wanted or unwanted, I’ll slit her throat. Understand?
I am watching you detective. So if you get any of those brilliant ideas of yours along the way, ask yourself, is it worth her life?
See you soon.
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frosthexe · 3 months
(Atypical) Love Story - tiamatv - Supernatural [Archive of Our Own]
“Are you… scenting me?” the man in an oversized beige trench coat asked, suspiciously, in a deep gravel voice that ran down Dean’s spine. "Why? I really don't smell like much."
Dean’s mouth sagged open. “Dude,” he answered, honestly, “You smell amazing.”
He’d never seen anyone look so shocked at a compliment before. “O-oh.”
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nikossasaki · 1 month
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Sorry. No version of this where I didn't come get you, is there?
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naughtystiel · 2 months
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detective novak has been trying to get a different partner for a while now (id sell a kidney to watch them bicker)
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dyke-will-graham · 1 month
Oh! I love that one ship...
You know the one with the repressed bisexual 80's leather wearing charmer with daddy issues and a million dollar smile and the autistic repressed gay twink who wears vaguely vintage clothing with sassy mannerisms and avoidance issues!
(the game here is guess what ship im talking about)
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zepskies · 9 months
Series Masterlist - Smoke Eater
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Pairing: Firefighter!Dean Winchester x F. Reader 
Summary: Dean Winchester is the cocky, but well-respected Lieutenant at Firehouse 25. He leads by example, but he’s also known to break a few hearts. He’s starting to crave something he’s never had, though. Something stable. Something real. 
That’s when he meets you, on a truly terrible day, trapped in a rickety old elevator.   
AN: "Smoke eater": a self-appointed slang term for a firefighter.
Get ready for an AU! Several SPN characters will make their appearances: Sam and John Winchester, Castiel as "Cas Novak," Ellen and Jo Harvelle, Jack Kline, Benny Lafitte, Gordon Walker, Meg Masters, Chuck Shurley, Nick (yes, even him), and more!
Series Tags/Warnings: (**18+ only!) There will be a lot of heart, a lot of fun, drama, heartbreak, protective Dean, and even a murder mystery. Rating for eventual smut, perilous situations, and other chapter-specific tags.
🎵 Listen While You Read: The Smoke Eater Playlist
Part 1 - Class and Style - Podcast Version!
Part 2 - Lieutenant Winchester
Part 3 - Got a Hold on Me
Part 4 - Rocky Road
Part 5 - Twitterpated
Part 6 - Just Casual
Part 7 - Cherry Pie & Lemon Drizzle
Part 8 - Likewise, Baby
Part 9 - Do Not Disturb
Part 10 - Toil and Trouble
Part 11 - Heart of the Home
Part 12 - All in the Family
Part 13 - Boiling Point
Part 14 - Message in a Bottle
Part 15 - The Good Part
Part 16 - Break Down the Gates
Part 17 - The Real Deal
Part 18 - V for Vendetta
Part 19 - Sacrifice
Epilogue - Easy as Pie
Series Complete!
Bonus One-Shots:
Something Real** Now that you and Dean are officially engaged, you take some much needed time off together for a family vacation. But even with the wedding set for next year, the two of you are still at odds when it comes to one key part of your future together…
(Want to listen to the podcast version? Keep scrolling below!)
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🎙️ Podcast Fic:
Listen to Part 1 in podfic form!
(A "podfic" is where you can listen to the story narrated.)
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(Cover image and narration by @talltalesandbedtimestories)
Or listen to the official Idling in the Impala episode of Smoke Eater Part 1 on YouTube:
Listen to the Idling in the Impala podfic episode of the sequel story, Something Real below:
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Ko-Fi Me ☕
Dean Winchester Series List
Dean Winchester Masterlist
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2K notes · View notes
eat-the-lemons · 2 months
A character being dragged to hell after attempting to confess to their crush? I think we've all seen this before
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mattzerella-sticks · 2 months
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"Who are you?"
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"We're you, but on Netflix. And ghosts."
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orionsangel86 · 2 months
If I had a nickle for every time Richard Speight Jr directed a Hell Adjacent Gay Love Confession between two characters who happen to be running away from a leather clad black lady Death I'd have two nickles, which isn't a lot but its WEIRD THAT IT HAPPENED TWICE
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werestillclose · 1 month
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i need people to get this bc the fact that that happened IN HELL is insane
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soaringeag1e · 9 months
Escape {63}
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Detective!Dean x Victim!Reader
Warnings: Language, Fluff, Sadness, Dead Body
Words: 2,352
Series Masterlist - Main Masterlist -Patreon
Sorry I haven't been able to update the Escape Masterlist, it's been a little crazy on my end. Hopefully I'll get to it soon. Love you guys!
Dean smiles contently as he stands at the kitchen counter. The two mugs in front of him are full of steaming fresh brewed coffee and he can’t wait to drink it. But first he adds a little sugar and creamer to one of them and then he carefully makes his way to the table. You lean your head back as he walks up behind you and sets your coffee down on the table, both your smiles growing when he leans down and steals a kiss in front of his family.
“Thank you.” you say to him quietly, earning a wink from him before he slips into the chair next to you.
“Did you know that that place is closing down, though?” You look across the table, putting yourself back into the conversation as you take a sip of your coffee. You have to take a moment to really savor that first sip though because Dean had it spot on. “They made the best muffins. I’m so bummed.”
“What place are you talking about?” You have to ask, clearly missing the beginning of the conversation.
“Annie’s. They’ve been around for…I don’t know. For as long as I can remember. But apparently the original owner passed and her kids can’t, or don’t want to keep it up without her, so…” Sarah shrugs, but it’s clear she still isn’t happy about it.
“That’s sad.” Marry adds, lifting her mug to her lips. “But to keep up a business is a lot of work, so…they probably made the right decision.”
“You’ll just have to find better muffins somewhere else.” Dean teases her, smirking behind his coffee.
“There will never be somewhere better than them.” Sarah tells him with a playful angry tone, getting the rest of you to laugh a bit.
After the laughter dies down, the six of you fall into a content silence. All of you enjoy more drinks from your coffee’s and even take a few bites of the doughnuts that Sam and Sarah brought along. But when Mary sighs, all eyes go to her. With the sun coming in from the window, her golden hair glowing from the spotlight and the soft grin on her face, it seems to spread around the table to the lot of you.
“It’s such a beautiful morning.” she finally says, the rest of you agreeing with either a soft hum or just a nod of your heads.
March had finally shown and spring looked like it was just around the corner. The colder weather hadn’t been around for the past few weeks and none of you were complaining about that.
After a few more minutes of quiet, Mary and Sarah started talking about some things that were happening around town now that the weather was picking back up, like farmers markets. The three of you girls were already planning a get together when someone's phone started going off, and you knew it was Dean’s the second it did.
He shifts in his seat so that he can pull it from his pocket and takes a quick glance at the caller ID before scooting his chair away from the table.
“Excuse me.” he says to the family in a low voice, not wanting to interrupt his mom and sister in law from talking and then he steps into the other room, just out of earshot for all of you. 
You knew it had to be work and you were trying not to let it get to you. This was his life and you supported that. He was a good detective and an honest to God great officer for when they needed help with little side jobs. It just got you down a bit knowing that this day was supposed to be special and you had a gut feeling that he was getting called away on a job right now. You were heading out with the girls to look for wedding dresses and the guys were off to get their tuxedos, but you were getting the feeling that the tuxes were going to have to wait.
You tried to get into the conversation at the table but you just couldn’t do it. You looked on with the best smile you could, but you had your head tilted back a tad in attempts to hear Dean with his phone call. Unfortunately you couldn’t pick up anything, just a few ‘okay’s’ and ‘yes’s’ here and there, otherwise you didn’t hear anything until his boots carried him back into the dining room.
“Hey.” The tone told you that you were right. As for the others, it updated them on what their day was going to be.
“Work?” John asks right away as the other three just looked a tad disappointed.
“Yeah. There was a hold up at the convenience store off of Wesley last night and they need me.”
“Is everyone okay?” Mary was the first to ask the dreaded question and you could see just from the way Dean was looking over all of you that the answer was no.
“No.” he finally says in a somber voice. “So, I’m afraid we’ll have to postpone the tuxes. I mean, it shouldn’t take us long to find good ones, so…we’ll do it soon.” Both Sam and John nod, understanding, and though you did too, the slight jealousy you felt that work took your fiance away again must have been showing. 
“I promise it’ll be okay.” he tries to assure you, his hand resting on your shoulder before he looks over his family again. “So, you girls go out, have fun. Get some lunch and enjoy yourselves.” he takes a second and drinks a little more of his coffee but then squeezes your shoulder to get you to look up at him. 
“Can I talk to you for a sec?” That of course didn’t help how you were feeling in that moment, but you nod and follow him out to the foyer.
“What’s up?” you ask when he gets you alone. But he just reaches into his back pocket and digs out his wallet. You don’t understand what he’s doing even as he pulls out one of his cards and hands it over to you. You’re so confused that you don’t even know what to ask.
“If you find the right one.” he tells you, getting your eyes to snap back to him. “And don’t worry about the price, there should be plenty on there.”
“Dean…” you choke, looking back at the credit card in your hand. “No, I can’t…”
“Look, I know that you and your family aren’t exactly on the best terms because of the Jeff thing and…” he shrugs, not knowing how to explain himself without bringing up the heavy subject. “If you were able to get a hold of them and they showed interest in coming out, then maybe they’d get you a dress. But that isn’t the case, so.” he shrugs again, a little nervous that he probably upset you.
“Still, I don’t think it’s customary for the groom to buy the dress.”
“Well, as far as I know, I’m just not supposed to see the bride before the ceremony. I haven’t seen any rules on seeing the price of the dress.” he jokes, getting you to finally smile a little.
“Dean.” you whine, still slipping the card between your fingers nervously. “I don’t feel right doing this.”
“Well, you should.” You feel his hands slide along your arms, but you can’t pull yourself to look  him in the eye. “You deserve to have the dress of your dreams, Y/N.” Your eyes continue to burn holes in the credit card, your head trying to decline the offer with short sways, but you knew Dean wasn’t going to take no for an answer.
“I hate you.” you finally say, unable to hold back a soft, grateful grin. 
“I love you too.” His reply makes your lips break even more and then he steals a kiss before backing towards the door. “Have fun.”
News vans were already outside the store, cameras rolling in hopes of catching something good with all the commotion going on. Caution tape along with select officers keep the curious crowd of civilians and news crew back at a safe distance and Dean ignores the news anchors as he ducks under the tape and heads for the entrance of the store. 
He can see Eddie through the glass doors and even catches a glimpse of Bobby before he walks behind the counter. When he steps through the threshold, the men look up to see who the new body is and aside from his boss and partner, the other officers go back to work.
“Dean.” Styles gives him a nod and then looks sedately back down at the floor. Dean catches a hand sprawled out on the floor, blood dripping from the fingertips. As he takes a few more steps in, the body of an older man lays sprawled out on the floor, a gun laying just a few inches away from him.
“He tried to stop whoever it was.” Dean crouches down next to the body and Styles continues to tell him what they found. “Looks like the suspect shot him twice, once in the chest and the other in the head. I’m pretty sure the headshot was the fatal one.”
“Cash register empty?” Styles nods when the detective looks up. 
“Cigarettes are all over the floor back here too, so we think he stole some cigs before taking off.”
“Yeah, well, why not, right? You already killed the guy so grab what you can and get out.” Standing again, Dean glances around the store and notices that nothing else seems to be too out of place. “How are we with the surveillance footage?”
“Got Johnson on it now. Doesn’t look like it’s been tampered with so we should be able to get something off of it.”
“I can’t believe you came.” Sarah giggles, draping a veil over her lap.
“Why? My plans fell through so I had nothing better to do.”
“But usually guys like to be as far away from this stuff as possible.” she counters and Mary just sits off to the side holding back laughter.
“Well,” Sam shrugs, looking over at a rack of dresses. “Y/N’s like a sister to me, so…thought it’d be fun.” Sarah can only smile at her husband, honestly loving how close you two are.
“How are you doing in there, sweetie? You need help?”
“No, I almost have it! I’ll be out in a sec!” Sarah smiles to herself and then looks down at the veil again. She thinks you’ll really like it, but it was one of the last ones on the rack, so she snatched it just in case.
“Sucks about Dean, though. Do you think you’ll be able to get tuxes soon?” she asks her husband, Sam taking a seat next to her after that. 
“Yeah.” he says with confidence. “Dean was right, it doesn’t take long to find a good tux. We’ll get them.”
“Alright,” When the three of them hear you through the door, they look up just in time to see you step out with a light sigh. “What do you guys think?” Each one of them is speechless and there for a minute you were beginning to think they didn’t like it.
"Oh my God, Y/N. You look…" Sarah is unable to finish her sentence, but Sam is able to help her out.
"Really?" You question, looking down at the dress and pulling at the lace.
"You're glowing." Mary adds, her eyes studying every detail of the gown. "But what do you think? Your opinion is the one that matters." You look from Mary back down to the glistening gown.
The subtle glitter gives it the perfect amount of sparkle and the little bit of lace gives it just enough character to stand out from the rest. Grabbing the dress from the sides, you pull the fabric up a bit so that you can walk over to the mirror. 
This mirror was bigger than the one in the dressing room and gave you a better perspective on how it looked on you and you couldn’t understand how a mirror, such a simple invention could change how you saw things. Somehow, unknown to you, you loved the dress even more looking at it now than you did inside the dressing room.
“I love it.” you finally speak, emotion in your voice and even your eyes are glistening in the mirror, matching the shine of the dress. Sarah squeals in her seat, looking as if she’s struggling to contain her excitement while Mary and Sam just look at you, admiring the gown as much as you. 
“Do you think this is the one?” Sarah asks as she jumps out of her seat and comes to your side, her fingers unable to keep to themselves any longer as they feel the lace and the fabric itself.
“I think it is.” you confess, tears becoming more prominent in your eyes. 
More squeals come from your friend and she takes a few more moments to look over the gown, then she glances towards the dressing room, craning her neck a little as she tries to see inside.
“How many do you have left?”
“Um…” you think for a second. “Two, I think.”
“Okay, go ahead and try them on. We’ll see if anything else catches your eye and then when you’re done, put this one back on. That’s how you know.” she sends you a wink and helps you back towards the dressing room.
“I would say she just likes playing dress up with you, but I can confirm that that is a good way to know you got the right dress.” You laugh a little at what Mary says before Sarah shuts you inside your dressing room and then you go for the next gown. But even while trying those other two on, you couldn’t stop looking at that dress and you couldn’t wait to put it back on.
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static-horrors · 1 month
running through the hallways of hell with your best friend is one of the gayest things you can do. oh, you're both trapped in hell together? better hold hands so you don't get separated. that's the only reason, right? not because you're in gay love. never because of that.
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ibreathhere · 2 months
So let me get this straight, in April 2024 this happened,
yuri !!! on ice: ice adolescence, movie got cancelled buy ungrateful Mappa studio, who would be dead if not for the gays and girlies money. 
Shinichi aka Conan and the magic thief Kaito are cousins, so they can't kiss or hold hands despite years and years of hints and sniffing each other and looking in the eyes.
Supernatural insider revealed they queer coded Dean and Castiel relationship from the begging to attract the gays and girlies, but it got too real so they even had to cool them down, and we still got queer bating somehow.
People are evil.
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carebeardean · 23 days
dead boy detectives saw supernatural have a gay man go to hell for confessing to his “straight” best friend and said hold my beer. all that love is returned to you tenfold. BITCH
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unicornflowerssss · 1 month
destiel walked so that charles and edwin could walk in a very similar way just slightly faster i think
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dyke-will-graham · 11 days
Happy Pride Month to the gay couples of the internet that sparked a thousand blogs May the odds of reboots, post-series conventions, and actor affirmed canon be in your favor. Wishing a very happy gay month to Destiel, Merthur, Hannigram, Johnlock and all those in between including our new brethren Painland, Blackbonnet, Ineffable Husbands, Nandermo and others! Rejoice!
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