#( odin . ) \ / birthright was to die .
maryse127 · 9 months
Fire Emblem Warriors ost giving me all the nostalgia for Awakening and Fates. Honestly I think Fates is overall much better than a lot of people give it credit for but at least even the haters agree that that game's soundtrack fucks.
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mischiefmodig · 1 year
Tag Dump
( ic . ) \ / prince of asgard . rightful heir of jotunheim . odin son .
( ooc . ) \ / legend of D. B Cooper .
( dash comm . ) \ / I'll have that drink now .
( crack . ) \ / puny god .
( answered . ) \ / you may bring your urgent to me .
( queue . ) \ / the sun will shine upon us once again .
( meme . ) \ / the god of mischief .
( hc . ) \ / you think so little of me ?
( musings . ) \ / burdened by glorious purpose .
( albums . ) \ / another relic locked in a vault .
( music . ) \ / mothers lullabies .
( magnusmodig . ) \ / I remember a shadow. living in the shade of your greatness .
( odin . ) \ / birthright was to die .
( frigga . ) \ / trust my rage .
( thor . ) \ / I'm here .
( loki . ) \ / your savior is here .
( laufey/jotunheim . ) \ / the stories of monsters children are told .
( asgard . ) \ / the rightful king . betrayed .
( thread . ) \ / starter call .
( thread . ) \ / closed .
( thread . ) \ / open .
( thread . ) \ / drabble .
( saved. ) \ / have you come to gloat ?
( aevum isles . ) \ / this is madness .
( tva . ) \ / love is like a dagger .
( hiddleston . ) \ / where's the pudding .
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teetering-dinosaur · 7 months
hey don't cry loki became yggdrasil and it's a fitting end to his narrative because remember when odin told him his birthright was to die and now he's the tree of life and sure all loki's ever actually wanted was someone to love and accept him unconditionally and mobius did that and now they're separated for eternity and loki will watch mobius from a distance for the rest of his life never getting to touch him or be with him hey i said don't cry why are you crying
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bookinit02 · 8 months
even if loki and mobius’s relationship isn’t, or never is romantic, i still love how important it is just for loki to have a friend. a real friend, someone who he feels comfortable casually touching and approaching when one or both of them is in a bad mood. someone who he can sit in comfortable silence with, someone who he knows how to read, someone who knows exactly how to read him in return. this is loki, who grew up alone and unwanted, who constantly competed with his brother because he never felt like he belonged, who learned how to close himself off from everyone else in the world. who learned how to be prickly, defensive, evil, because no one ever saw him as anything else. because he was told his birthright was to die as a child, and that he should be lucky he gets to beg for scraps at odin’s table.
this is loki, who’s never been friends with anyone who didn’t want something from him. who’s never been real friends with anyone at all. and for the first time, we get to see him just existing. comfortable with another person, laughing with another person, sharing his thoughts and feelings with another person like he hasn’t been alone for his entire life. and it’s really, really nice.
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Blue Dhalia
Pairing: Avenger Loki x female jotun reader
Warnings: mentions of past trauma, mentions of past torture, anxiety, panic, angst with a tiny bit of fluff, loki needs a hug, y/n needs a hug. I think that's it, If I missed anything I'm sorry!!!!
Summary: Loki tries to deal with resurfacing feelings....y/n tries to remember her past.....
**dividers by: @firefly-graphics
A/N-a very special thank you to @mochie85 for helping me work this out and brainstorming with me!! You are absolutely amazing love!! 💚💚💚
Part two--Part three-
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Loki sat in his chair in the library, reading the same page for the fifth time before snapping it shut tossing it on the table giving up. Sitting back he leaned his head on his fist, looking down at his hand. Dropping his glamor he watched his fingers turn blue. "I'm the monster parents tell their children about at night.." he shuddered, remembering the day his world sharttered.. "Everywhere you go there is war, ruin and death.." Odin's words echoed through his mind "your birthright...was to die, cast out onto a frozen rock." He rubbed is forehead, trying to push the memories back feeling a tear run down his cheek. He hadn't thought about such things in years, but finding that woman pulled all of it to the surface, and he hated it.
"Brother.." he heard Thor, quickly wiping his face he put the mask back on "what is it Thor?" He asked not looking at him. "Are you...is everything alright?" Thor asked sitting across from him. "Why wouldn't it be?" He asked looking out the window. "Loki, I know with your past you may be feeling..." Thor started "Do not presume to know anything of how I am feeling brother." Loki snapped glaring at him. "Apologies, I only thought.." Thor started "well that was your first mistake." Loki snapped looking back out the window hearing Thor sigh. "Just know that I am here if you wish to talk." Thor said. "Is that all you came here to say?" Loki asked turning to him. "Not all no, banner wished me to get you, he said the woman should hopefully wake soon an wishes you present." He said standing up. "Very well, lead the way." Loki sighed standing up.
The elevator ride down was silent when Loki looked up seeing they had passed the medical floor. "Thor, where are we going?" He asked looking at him "we had to move her a few floors down." He said as the elevator dinged "but thats.." Loki started as the doors opened. Thor nodded, walking out down the small hallway. Loki cleared his throat, following behind him as Thor opened the door. He slowly walked into the large open room, the glass cell in the middle. His thoughts swirled as he stared into the room....the helacarrier...locking Thor inside....pushing the button watching the cell release... a hand touched his shoulder making him jump "it is only for her protection brother, we don't wish her to hurt herself." Thor said. Loki cleared his throat looking at Thor "Well, Let's get this over with." He said walking to the stairs.
They made it to the bottom, taking long strides towards the desk set up next to the cell "banner, i was told you needed me." Loki said crossing his arms. "Loki, yes. She should wake up soon and i was hoping maybe you could talk to her, see what happened to her." He said looking through some papers "and what pray tell made you think I was the best choice?" Loki snarked "well Thor told me your the same species...Jotun right?" Bruce asked seeing Loki look at Thor "Brother, she needs someone like her...I thought..." he started when Loki put his hand up. He looked at the woman sleeping through the glass, he honestly was curious about her. When he touched her his seidr sensed...something but he couldn't put his finger on what. "Very well, open the door." He said walking up to the cell.
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You slowly opened your eyes, seeing the white ceiling like before. You shot up, looking around seeing the green eyed man sitting on a chair looking at something when his eyes met yours. You started to back away when he he waved his hands and the thing in his hands disappeared "Hey, it's ok." He said softly holding his hands up as he stood up. "Do you understand what I'm saying?" He asked. You pulled the blanket up nodding. "And can you talk?" He asked not moving. You saw movement in the corner if your eye, looking over seeing the man with the hammer making you freeze "no, don't pay attention to him, focus on me." The man said stepping into your line of sight. "O..ok." You whispered looking down.
"Can you tell me how you got here?" He asked staying where he was. You cleared your throat looking at the wall "i..I remember white...and cold." You said working through your memory "a..and then...a man. He...took me." You said fidgeting with your blanket "He said...I was important. That I needed to go home." You said seeing the man sit back down. "He..um..he said my father needed me home." You explained. "And is this home? Is your father here?" The man asked leaning forward. You looked into his eyes, looking over his features, his long black hair "What is your name?" You asked watching him "my name is Loki." He said sitting back. You looked out to the other man "Thor?" You asked pointing at him. "Yes, he's my brother." Loki said when you looked at him "adopted.." he said.
"A..and you, you were blue...and now.." you trailed off studying him. He cleared his throat looking down "I am like you, we are Jotun." He said shifting in the chair. "But, you are not now?" You asked "it is an illusion...I use my siedr to look as I do now." He said crossing his arms. "You hide yourself...why?" You asked as he stood up "we are not here to discuss me, why are you here?" He asked sternly making you jump. "I don't know, the one who took me said my father...umm...Ego!...needed me home." You rushed out gripping your blanket. "H..he said I had a purpose to fulfill." You stuttered watching Loki pace back and forth. "I..I am unsure how long I was with them when the man told me he was bringing me here, he said there was another." You said looking down. "When they left I was able to get of my cell, to get away but....they came." You said shakely.
"Loki, come out for a moment." You heard a voice say making you jump. "Stay there, I will be right back." Loki said walking out. You looked out, seeing the two men talking when the one with glasses walked up. You looked around, seeing the door Loki went through was the only one. You went to stand up, stumbling a bit as you walked over to the glass, placing your hands on it when Loki walked back to the door. "Do you have a name?" He asked not moving from the door "umm..y/n...that's what the man who took me called me." You said turning around. "Very well..y/n the doctor wishes to examine you." He said when you saw the man with the glasses put on a white coat. "W..what did I do!?" You asked shrinking back "You didn't do anything, he just..." loki started "i..I'm sorry...I won't do it again...I didn't mean to." You rushed out seeing the man walk to the door.
"Y/n, he only wishes to make sure you are ok." Loki said stopping the man at the door. "Y..you won't do the heat will you? I'll do anything but that...p..please." You pleaded dropping to your knees. "Heat..no he just.." loki started as you backed up by the bed "I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I won't run again I promise." you said putting your head down, hoping they would be lenient. "Banner, take the coat off." You heard Loki say closing your eyes, wrapping your arms around your middle. "Y/n.." you heard Loki say, opening your eyes seeing a pair of boots in front of you before he kneeled down in front of you.
You looked up, your eyes meeting his "He will not hurt you, I swear." He said not taking his eyes off of you. You looked between him and the other man "he is only going to make sure you are healing, nothing more." Loki said. "W...will you stay?" You asked looking into his eyes, you weren't sure why but there was something in them that made you feel safe. "If it will help." He said. You nodded looking between them. "Very well then, come on." He said standing up holding out his hand. "But...you will..." you started "it's fine, take my hand y/n." He said. You reached your hand out, placing yours in his watching his hand turn the same as yours. He gently pulled you up, grabbing your arm to steady you when you looked up seeing the blue travel to his neck as he let you go, the blue turning to its original color.
You sat on the bed, bracing yourself when the other man came up "Hello y/n, my name is Bruce. Im just going to look your over ok." He said. You looked over seeing Loki nod "o..ok." you said closing your eyes. You watched as he put something on your chest that attached to his ears, tilting your head when he strapped something to your arm "to check your blood pressure, now open fow me." He said smiling, opening your mouth as be placed a glass stick under your tongue. He put everything away nodding to Loki as they both walked to the door. You fidgeted with the bottom of your dress when Loki came back "what is this called?" You asked pointing to your dress "that is a hospital gown." He said simply as you nodded "i..I haven't had clothes in awhile." You said smoothing it out hearing Loki clear his throat.
"Banner said he wishes to keep you here a few more days to watch you. You are malnourished and dehydrated so you need to eat and rest, that in your arm is giving you fluids." He said pointing to a tube in your arm. "Your temperature is also too high for a jotun, so I have instructed him to turn on the a/c." He said making your eyebrows furrow "cold air, it will help your healing." He explained "It also appears you have not been able to clean yourself in some time, I can do so with me seidr for now If it is alright with you." He said "will it hurt?" You asked seeing his hands glow green "no, you shouldnt feel much at all" He said. You nodded feeling your skin turn colder, your body tingling as a green light hovered over you, your hair falling around your shoulders. You looked up seeing Loki staring at you.
"There, that will do until you can shower. I will take my leave now, make sure you rest." He said walking to the door "L..loki.." you said as he turned "w..will you come visit me...while I'm here?" You asked watching him look down. "We will see." He said opening the door. "Goodnight y/n." He said walking out. "Bye Loki." You said as the door closed. You watched him walk up to the other man, Thor before leaving. You felt the air get colder making you sigh. "Ok y/n, get some rest and I'll get you something to eat." The man, Bruce said as the lights dimmed. You laid down, pulling the covers up staring at the ceiling. You hoped this time would be different, they were all being so nice, but the others were nice too...at first....
@vbecker10 @lokisgoodgirl @sinsandguilt @high-functioning-lokipath @slytherclaw1227 @jaidenhawke @budugu @xorpsbane @schizonephilim @lokidokieokie @holdmytesseract @your-taste-on-my-lips @lokixryss @asgardianprincess1050 @tallseaweed @aniar4wniak @sekaishell @lokispetblogs @loopsisloops @trojanaurora @lonadane @all-envy-suyu @yelkmelk @stupidthoughtsinwriting @123forgottherest @silverfire475 @goblingirlsarah @commanding-officer @glitterylokislut @kkdvkyya @cueloki @daggers-and-mischief @sititran @witchyblue @verycollectivecreator @nixymarvelkins @chantsdemarins @shinraski @usagishira @nightshadelm @filthyhiddles @dukes2581 @assemblingavenger @lulubelle814 @irishhappiness @wolfsmom1 @luvlady-writes @lovingchoices14
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itscomplicatedx · 7 months
Marvel at the beginning of the show: So this show will be about Loki learning to love himself and not being afraid of being lonely anymore.
Also Marvel: completely ignores Loki‘s trauma and tries to make him an evil narcissist** (Mobius is not qualified to make that assessment, especially since according to the TVA, Loki was supposed to do the bad things he did) at the beginning, tries to stick him with a Thor light version of himself, and has him end up alone, where once again, very few people will know or care when he did something heroic.
I liked season 2 a lot better than season 1, but that ending was whack.
If you don’t feel like reading a long rant, feel free to skip below. If you disagree with me and want to make your own long answer, write your own post. I’m mostly here to express my opinion, not get into long debates.
**Marvel doesn’t seem to understand much at all about mental health. I wish we could get whoever wrote Moon Knight to write everything about mental health in the MCU as they handled it in a decent way for a TV show. The last guy they tried to call a narcissist (Tony Stark) literally either tried to or sacrificed himself to save the universe more than once; as did Loki and his variants. Loki was set up to fail since the beginning of the timeline; and while obviously he’s far from innocent, acting like it was all his grievances were in his head and “imagined slights” or just a function of a narcissist is a pretty awful message to send about trauma. We know for a fact there’s a shit load wrong with Asgard, and an amazing slew of double standards in the MCU. It would be a great way to explain it to say it was all part of a timeline that was meant for somethings to turn out a certain way, but I’m not sure they’ll do that. But that’s my head canon anyway, based on what we saw in the What If series. There we see that when certain events aren’t set up and happen differently, heroes can go off the trail and villains can be just fine.
They conveniently showed Loki how Odin “loves him”, but not that he literally kidnapped him and lied that his birthright “was to die”, and just basically let everybody else off the hook including people who have done worse than Loki.
I understand if they didn’t want to use another actual mental health term, but instead of “narcissist” they could’ve just gone with Loki having “severe attachment issues” or something more vague like that, but then they might’ve actually had to talk about how he got them. Because I guarantee you when the majority of people hear the term narcissist they think of the worst kind who have all the worst full blown traits on the spectrum, not of the fragile kind, who do have self-esteem issues, share a lot of traits with BPD, and are said to be more rare. They most definitely don’t think of people who would sacrifice themselves.  
I personally see Loki as Borderline with some narcissistic traits (who wouldn’t have them being raised a royal in a place like Asgard). With Tony I think some of his supposedly worst traits were him trying to cover up his trauma. Sorry Natasha, but an assassin/spy who works for a shady government organization is not qualified to make a mental health assessment. Neither is Mobius.
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galaxythreads · 7 months
How do you feel about Odin, because I saw lots of posts saying odin messed big time with all three of his kids but then you say you only said because it’s fun
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In Thor 1, and only Thor 1, with ONLY the context of Thor 1, I can argue that Odin was just trying to reach out to his kids and couldn't quite manage it. That he was a good, but flawed father, who tried. That opening scene where he grabs their hands is extremely soft. Odin couldn't fight the Odinsleep and he had been putting it off, but rather than immediately go to sleep after Thor was banished he finds Loki to make sure he's okay. I genuinely think that if Odin hadn't fallen asleep, he could have talked Loki down from the rest of the chaos of the movie. When you add in all the movies after Thor 1, that's when I'm like "hmmm. no. with more context, you're actually a terrible person and father."
I've read so many fics where Odin is a good parent. I've written a few myself. I actually started a one-shot series, now deleted, of times where Odin was a good parent. I love the idea of him being a good parent, but I just don't see that as canon reality. With how he's treated his children, the combined evidence of how all of them turned out speaks volumes for how loved they felt. Even if we got to see Odin's perspective, that doesn't matter to me. Odin doesn't get to decide he isn't the bad guy to his children. What he did affected them permanently. Are his children biased in how they view him, so the audience is too? Yes. But again, Odin doesn't get to be the good guy just because his motivations are muddled and more complicated than we usually think of them as being. His children were victims of him and you can see that time and time again. That is something that I personally can't look past. Even if he had the most loving, deeply caring reason in the entire world to treat them like that, Thor, Loki, and Hela deserved better than what they got. They are not okay and if Odin had been a good parent, they would have felt loved and more secure. Being a bad parent is different than being a bad person, but Odin manages to get 2/2 with the context of later movies.
I said in the tags of a post I reblogged discussing Odin not being as horrible of a person as we consider him to be, the post you tagged me on, that "I write him as abusive because I find it interesting" and to be clear - I do think that Odin, with all the context of every movie we have, is abusive. I do not think he is physically abusive, and I didn't clarify that. There is little to no canon evidence of that, but THAT is what I put into my fics because I find it interesting. Physical abuse. It's not that it's the Worst Type of Abuse or that I'm trying to play everything up just because I can. IT's just one type of abuse that I want to explore. It's fanfiction. I am exploring the possibility of what Thor and Loki would be like if they were physically abused. I wrote a fic where Hela was the victim of human experimentation and like. I had fun. People love that story. It isn't canon and I know that, but that doesn't mean I can't write it. It's very canon-adjacent.
But, regardless of that, emotional neglect is abuse. Thor, Hela, and Loki in canon absolutely have symptoms of being emotionally neglected and somewhat have some of being emotionally abused, You can see Frigga being emotionally neglectful to Loki in the TDW, and the way Loki reacts to it suggests that he's not surprised and he is used to it. Odin tells Loki his birthright was to die as a child on a frozen rock and that he should be grateful to Odin for not killing him. You know. As a baby. Odin is extremely dismissive and emotionally neglectful of both Thor and Loki in the TDW. He compares the woman Thor almost died for to a goat and you can see that it hurts Thor, but he says nothing in his defense. Thor is severely depressed in TDW and you can see it everywhere, and Odin doesn't care. Frigga doesn't care. They ignore it because it's easier. Sif is really the only person to ask if he's okay, and that's at the end of Thor 1. That to me suggests that their home environment was not very healthy. You know that entire conversation of "reassurance" between Frigga and Thor in Endgame? That is a master class of emotional neglect. She didn't help him. She didn't listen to him. Not a healthy environment.
I think deep, deep, deeeeeep down in canon, Odin and Frigga wanted to be good parents - to Thor and Loki, they would leave Hela in prison for a 1000 years and be cool with it, oh wait they actually did - but they didn't have the time/energy/mental health to manage it. They're both the rulers of nine worlds, they don't have time to raise kids. Thor and Loki are vying for their attention constantly which suggests that it's a very rare thing to receive from their parents. Thor is the most attention-starved person in MCU in the first Thor. Emotional neglect!! I genuinely think that Thor and Loki more so raised each other than their parents.
So no, I don't like Odin. I think he's a complex character and I'm happy to discuss him in depth, but I think he is an awful, awful parent. Like I said, there is a distinction between parenting and the person, and Odin is a TERRIBLE parent. He's not an amazing person either, but I think he tried. Odin didn't decide to stop collecting realms on a whim, something must have happened that made him value peace over bloodshed. He told Thor and Loki that "a wise king must never seek out war, but must always be ready for it" so he was trying to be a better king and not leaping at things with his teeth bared. He tries to stop the war with Laufey. Idk. It's complicated. Canon is complicated. People are very rarely black and white and Odin isn't an exception to that rule.
There is a reason that him being physically abusive doesn't feel ooc, AND why him trying to be a good parent also doesn't feel ooc. A complicated man, to be sure. I don't really discuss Odin as a character that much, but I do think about him. He and Frigga are fascinating to me.
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lokiandbuckysdoll · 1 year
I would like to request loki x plus!size reader. Where the reader is there for Loki's small trial in the throne room and odin forbids loki to see the reader of course loki argues because he wants to see his fiance eve if he,s gonna be imprisoned odin tells loki to say his goodbyes because it's the last time he is gonna see her the reader tells loki that she will try and figure a way to free him so the reader waits at the bifrost for thor to get back and she asks him for his help to free loki thor agrees if the reader helps him to get jane out of Asgard she agrees because she wants to free loki "you can decide how it ends"
Thank you for sending this request! I love it!! I’m sorry it took me a while to write this but I really hope you enjoy it. It’s probably one of my favorite works. I’ve written so far. 
My Beloved King  
Pairing: Loki x Plus!size reader
Word count: 4k+ 
Divider: @silkholland
Warnings: angst, fluff mean Odin, slightly jerk Thor. implied/suggestive smut at the end but nothing major.
Also I know there’s still grammar errors I tired to fix them all to the best I could! 😔
^* I think that’s all but if I missed anything, please let me know! 
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The sound of heavy boots from the guards and the chains attached to Loki filled the throne room. Slightly lifting your gaze, you both briefly lock eyes, and he quickly shifted it away, to meet his mother’s gaze. His face held his signature smirk, keeping up the facade and acting as if nothing was wrong. You knew just by the glance he gave you, those blue eyes that you fell in love with held fear of what Odin would do to him.
 The guards stopped before the thrown, and Loki quickly greeted his mother. “Hello Mother, have I made you proud“ he smiled. Frigga held a worried expression before she spoke.” Please, don’t make this worse” she said in a soft-spoken tone. 
 “ Defined worse” he replied, shifting his gaze to look at you. Odin was quick to interrupt before Loki could say a word to you “ Enough! I will speak to the prisoner now”  his voice boomed throughout the throne room causing vibrations.   
Frigga could sense the fear in your eyes, she softly grabbed your hand. “ Don’t worry my child” she whispered rubbing your hand. 
Odin moved his attention back to Loki, as he moved ford clicking the chains together. “I don’t see what all the fuss is about really?” he snickered. Only to be with a more serious Odin. 
“The gravity of your crimes has caused war and death, all this just because you desire the throne?” Odin questioned wanting to see what Loki would say. 
“The throne is my birthright!!”  Loki shouted. 
“ Your birthright was to die! As a child cast out to die on a frozen rock” Odin's voice grew louder causing you to flinch in your spot. 
Odin continued his rant. “ If I had not taken you in, you would not be here now to hate me" Loki then stepped forward even more.
 “ If I am for the axe, then for mercy’s sake, just swing it,” he admitted already getting tired of this conversation.   
Odin peered at Frigga and you before he moved his eyes back to Loki. “ Frigga and Lady y/n are the only reason you’re still alive, and you will never see them again. You’ll spend the rest of your days in the dungeons”  
You let out a gasp looking between Frigga and Odin. Frigga tried to keep you in her grip as you began to run to Loki, she pulled your hand hard to stop you.
“No! No, you cannot do this all-father!“ you broke free from Frigga, and tried to run again to Loki only to be grabbed by the guards. “ Let go of her!” Loki seethed trying to break free and also got pulled by the guards. 
 The guard moved you to be back by Frigga and Odin.  “ All-Father I beg of you to show mercy to him, please I beg!“ tears ran down your face as you were still trying to break free.  
“ There’s nothing I can do, he brought this upon himself” he moved to stand, however, Loki was quick to speak. 
“ So I’ll rot away in chains, while you’ll make that witless oaf king!” he spoke trying to change the subject to Thor being king.  He did not want Odin nor you to see the pain he felt at never being able to see you again
Odin looked him in the eyes. “ Thor must strive to undo the damage you have done. He will bring order to the nine realms,  then yes he will be king.” Odin’s face was stoic. 
Loki scuffed at his confession, he looked at you before he spoke again. 
“Could I at least say a proper goodbye to Lady y/n”. Odin looked at Frigga seeing she had a pleading look on them.  
“say your goodbyes” Odin replied.  
  You ran up to Loki hugging him tightly. He tried to hug you back but couldn’t do to how the chains were. “ Darling, do not worry” he whispered in your ear before placing a kiss on your temple. 
 You pulled back from him, his eyes held love for you as they slightly watered. You moved to place your forehead against his. 
 “ I will get you out of here I promise, even if it’s the last thing I do. I Love you my king” you whispered cupping his face before placing a delicate kiss on his lips. Once you pulled away, giving him a sad smile, Odin was quick to tell the guards to take him away.  
 The second Loki left you excused yourself to your chambers. You were feeling all kinds of emotions, you were mostly beyond devastated. Loki and you had been engaged for quite some time before everything on in  New York happened. 
You entered your chambers and took a deep breath, your right-hand fiddling with the ostentatious ring that attributes your finger. Opening your eyes, you twirl the ring to reveal where Loki’s name was engraved with Norse lettering.  
“I’ll fix this my beloved” you whispered into the air. You took a deep breath before turning around, you open your chamber door and ask your chambermaid to leave you alone for the rest of the evening.
“Lady y/n are you sure you do not require any further assistance?” your chambermaid Lilly asked, she was one of the younger yet sweet chambermaids.   
“ Yes, I’m sure. I can handle my bedchamber for tonight, you are excused my dear” you gave her a faint smile that didn’t meet your eyes. She bowed before leaving you alone for the night. 
With you now being completely alone, you had time to fully think about what to do. You undress out of your grey chemise, before submerging yourself in the warmth of the bath. You closed your eyes, tilting your head back. You’d wish Loki was here with you like he had been many times before. Leaving loving kisses on every exposed inch of your beautiful plump skin, gently washing away your worries for the day. 
You let out a frustrated cry before finishing your bath. As you began to lay your head to rest on your pillows, you began to cry. You were going to find a way to get Loki out, even if it meant treason. In the end, you’d have to gain the help of Thor for you to succeed. Although you were not certain if he would help. There wasn’t anything you were not willing to do to save the love of your life.
Sleep shortly consumed you after, you drifted off dreaming of when Loki first declared his love for you.  What you didn’t see as your eyes were closed was Loki was casting his holograph to see if you were alright. 
He smiled at your sleeping form before vanishing. He soon sleeps as well remembering the first time he tried to teach you how to adapt Seiðr to Asdargian magic, just like Frigga taught when he was a child. 
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Morning came fast, you woke to Lily quietly opening the drapes. “Sorry Lady y/n, would you like to sleep a while longer” her hands went to her sides. You sat up against the headboard. 
“ No it’s alright, thank you” you smiled and got up from the bed wrapping a robe around you while Lily nodded and moved about as usual. You took a deep breath before you noticed a plate of fresh fruit on the balcony’s table. 
You moved out on the balcony looking at the sunrise as began to indulge in the sweet fruit. The sunrises in Asgard we're always breathtaking. You think back to the first time you ever saw one with Loki. It was the most beautiful sight, the way all the colors and hues blended perfectly together casting over Asgard. 
Too lost in your thoughts, you didn’t hear Lilly step out onto the balcony as well until her soft voice spoke. “ Pardon my interruption Lady y/n, your clothes are ready for the day.” her gaze moved to the empty plate that now sat in your hand.  
“Allow me to take your plate” You place the plate in her hands. Lily was about to leave before she turned around. 
 “ I have also been informed by All-Mother to let you know that Thor will be arriving back today. All-Father will be holding a feast this evening for his return” she spoke. 
You nodded giving a quiet “ thank you” before you she bowed and left for the kitchen.
You took a deep breath before getting ready for the day. You knew today you had to talk to Thor about what had happened yesterday. You're not sure how he will take the news. 
The day seemed to pass by quickly. Before you knew it, Lily was back in your chamber helping you get ready for the feast. Your only shot to speak to Thor was tonight at the feast. However, you knew Odin would have a watchful eye on you tonight. Considering how you acted in the throne room yesterday.   
You arrived at the feast making your appearance, and greeting those who needed to be greeted. All eyes are on you as you wore an astonishing gown with Loki's colors. It was normal to wear the colors of the person you wish to or were courting. However, considering how half of the Kingdom knew about Loki's imprisonment, you had a few frowns upon you.   
The ballroom got louder with cheers as Thor made his entrance. You could see Odin was glancing at you as he announced the arrival of his son. Thor made his rounds around the room, greeting and cheering others.  He finally got to you. 
“ Lady y/n” he greeted you with a slight bow before pulling you into a hug. “ You look stunning wearing my brother's colors as always, speaking of him where is he?” he looked at you for a moment before he sensed something was wrong.  
“Thor could we please talk in private, it’s a serious matter.” before Thor could even reply Lady Sif smoothly appeared next two the two of you. 
“ You are needed at one at the Bifrost, it’s an urgent matter according to Heimdall” she whispered to him,  Thor without hesitation subtly rushed out of the ballroom heading straight to the Bifrost. 
Judging the look on Lady Sif's face, you knew this was a serious matter. You quickly left the ballroom unnoticed following Thor to see what the urgent matter was. 
As you arrive at the Bifrost you see Heimdall had already sent Thor through. “Heimdall, what is the urgent matter?” You ask slightly out of breath from having to run.  
He had a sharp gaze on the Bifrost like always before he spoke. “ Thor’s Midgardian love Jane Foster has been injured” he replied still keeping his gaze on the Bifrost. 
You didn't know what to say, the only thing you knew was that chaos was going to break loose if Odin found out about this. After the news broke of Thor and his love for Jane Odin refused Thor to return to Midgard to be with her. One thing was sure, Thor loved Jane with the same love you had for Loki, he’d be damned what Odin would tell him. 
Heimdall opened the Bifrost again and Thor returned with an unconscious Jane in his arms. “ What happen!?” you quickly rush to him to inspect her. “ The Aether was absorbed into Jane, We must hurry before my father finds out” he looked at you with pleading eyes and you knew what he meant.  He wanted you to try and use the teleportation spell Loki had taught you. 
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“ Thor… I'm not sure if it'll work. I haven't been practicing that long” you pleaded and sensed the tension begin to raise. “ Please, try I cannot let anyone see her like this” he pleaded again.  You gave him a skittish look before you nodded in approval. You took a deep breath trying to calm your nerves before you recite the spell that Loki has gone over countless times.  
You say the final words in the spell before purple smoke surrounds the three of you. As you look around you are in your chambers, except Lily was in your bedchamber as well and was startled.   
“ She can’t be in here y/n!” thor grew worried. You looked at him and gave him a pointed look and he quietly shut his mouth. You turned your attention back to Lily. 
“My dear listen to me,” You said to her in a stern tone. Lily has never heard you use that tone of voice on her, she knew this is very serious.  
“You mustn't say a word to anyone of this. Not the other chambermaids, all-mother, or even All-father. I know I can trust you so please when you leave my Chambers do not speak a word "she swallowed hard but nodded her head. 
“ Of course Lady y/n you have my word”  she looked to Thor and Jane before looking back at you. In her eyes, you see the promise that she wouldn't speak a word.  She excused herself before heading out of your chamber. When she was gone, you gestured to Thor to lay Jane on your bed.  Once she was settled in you pulled Thor out onto the balcony to speak to him 
“ Exactly what happened when you arrived on midgard?” you asked trying to comfort Thor as he was in full distress. He went on to explain what happened when he arrived there and how Jane had absorbed the Aether into her.  
You cannot believe everything that Thor was telling you. With everything that was on your mind with Loki, with now the Aether being back in Asgard. If the dark elves knew of this,  a war would start again. If another war were to start, you lose your shot at Forever trying to free Loki from Odin's punishment. 
Once Thor finished explaining everything, you took a deep breath before speaking. 
“ There's a way I could help extract the Aether out of Jane and return her to Midgard unharmed” Thor interrupted you before you could finish speaking. 
“What must we do?”   He looked at you with hope in his eyes. “ I wasn't finished” You looked at him more seriously. “ If I were to help you,  I would need a favor in return.” 
“ Anything, what can I do?” he looked at you more seriously this time as well.
 “ You asked about the whereabouts earlier tonight of Loki, he's currently imprisoned in the dungeons. Odin sentences his punishment yesterday.  If I were to help you I would need your help to free him so we could escape.” Upon hearing this news Loki took a seat on the bench that was out on the balcony. You slowly moved towards him and sat in the spot next to him. 
Small silence grew between the two US you could tell Thor was thinking heavily about everything. You were going to speak again, but he beat you to it. “ I can’t help you Lady y/n I’m sorry, You must help me with Jane. Please” he spoke with pure remorse in his voice. 
You were taken back by his confession. You knew Thor was a part of trying to help the people of Midgard when Loki attacked. However, for him to sit here and tell you he cannot help you free his brother and your soon-to-be husband. Completely took you by surprise, what baffled you was the fact he still expected your help even if he wasn't willing to help you. 
 Anger quickly fumes you “ No!, Thor, I will not aid you if you are not willing to aid me in  freeing my Husndad!” You got up from the bench walking over to the ledge of the balcony. 
Thor was quick to follow you. “ You must understand, I'm in a very tight and compromising position my lady. If Odin finds out about this all chaos and War will break loose. Loki knew what he was doing when he went to Midgard and attack New York”  he tried to get close to you but after hearing the words that just left his mouth you were angrier with him. 
“ Loki is your brother and you would let him rot away for something he was mind controlled to do?” You looked at Thor and he was honestly speechless and didn't know how to respond. 
“I love you like a brother Thor but if you are not willing to help free my husband then I will not help you with your beloved Jane” Side. It felt like everything was about to crumble down. You felt tears begin to prickle out in the corner of your eyes. Just as you are about to let everything out he spoke again. “ You are Right, what kind of brother would I be if I didn’t help him? I’m sorry, I’ll help you but we must work fast.” You looked up at him and quickly brought him into a hug silently whispering ‘thank-yous’ into his chest. You pulled back and wipe your tears away.  
“ I at least need a couple of days to prepare for the extraction, Jane can stay in my chambers and my chambermaid Lily will look after her. You can trust your Thor” he smiled at you. You looked at him seriously one more time. “ I am trusting you with my life Thor Odinson, please keep your word and help free Loki. He deserves it after everything he's been through”.  
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 That was the last thing you said to Thor that night. It had been a  week since the feast and things have gotten hectic. Jane had woken up the next morning and you reassured her she was okay and safe. You had to keep her in your room and out of sight. Thor would come in and visit her, but this caused Frigga suspicious as to why he was entering your Chambers often.
It was only a matter of time before chaos was breaking loose. Thor had gone to visit Loki and told him about the plans and everything. He was skeptical about how everything would play out, especially with you 
 Finally, the day arrived when you had everything you needed to extract the Aether from Jane and have Loki set free. You had made sure the healing room was empty today. Thor snuck  Jane into the healing room and she lay on the table.  
As you're about to get started the doors open startling the three of you. Lo and behold there entered Frigga. “ I knew something was up with you children, I'm a witch you can never hide things from me.” She looked at all three of you amused yet she had a smile on her face. 
“ This must be the lovely Jane that has captured one of my son's hearts, a pleasure to meet you, my dear. Although I wish it  was on better circumstances.” She looked at the table near where Jane was and saw all the things you needed for extracting it. 
Say you and Thor were Beyond speechless at this would be an understatement. Nothing less you know how time-sensitive everything was so you let Frigga help you. Everything went well and by the end of it, She looked at the three of you. 
“ Never hide something this serious like this from me again. Odin will have to deal with me.” she looked to you now. “ I also know your plans for freeing Loki, might I say never thought you'd be such the Revel but then again I see myself in you sometimes”  she grabbed your hand and gave it a light pat. “  Thor, Lady Jane, Lady y/n…..  I can hold Odin off for another hour or so but you must hurry to escape here”. 
 She gestured to pull Thor aside and you and Jane stepped away giving them some privacy. Once you and Jane were away from them, she pulled you into the hug thanking you for helping her. You reassured her it was nothing. You knew the love Thor had for her was just as deep as the love you had for Loki. 
Soon enough you had everything ready, Thor had distracted the guards while you went down to the dungeons to get Loki. As soon as he saw you he picked you up and wrapped you in your arms. “My love! I missed you. Are you alright?” he pulled back examining your face and body. “ Yes, I’m alright my love but we must hurry” You placed a quick kiss on his lips before you pull him by his hand. 
You have gone through a secret passageway that only you and Loki knew about, it led to another portal just like the Bifrost. Loki was confused as to why Thor and Jane weren't with him. You told him you didn't have time for questions you would explain everything after you got to where you were going.  
Soon enough you jump through the portal and ended up in the mountain escapes on Midgard. He quickly grew suspicious upon seeing Tony Stark on the stairs of a small cottage. He pulled you close to him as he whipped out his daggers. “ Stark!” he seethed. 
You moved from the place beside him and gently placed your hand on his chest. “ My love, it is alright. Mr. Stark is here because of Thor. He means no harm” he looked down at you and the look you held in your eyes was a trusting one. Loki used his magic To put the daggers away, he still kept a watchful eye on Tony though. 
 As the two of you slowly step forward towards a small cottage where Tony was at. Tony quickly explained how Thor came to him and seek help.  You see while you were away dealing with Jane. The war made a trip back to Earth to talk to Tony, she and Tony made a deal that Loki would be off the radar from the government while also providing a home and shelter for the two of you to live at in the time being. 
 You only knew of this as Thor told you a couple of hours before you helped Jane. Tony finished explaining in Walking you through the house. You had a content smile on your face. One stone you left Loki was quick to wrap you up in his arms again hugging and kissing you.
 “I’ve missed you so much, my love! you don’t know how worried I was about you. I worried about you every says” he held your face in his hands as you kissed him once more. 
 “I've been the same way, my love, trust me these last two weeks have not been easy without you. Nothing has,  I think I might have something to cheer you up” you smiled. Loki being the Mischief person smirked. 
“ What might that be ?” you Let out of school as he picked you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist in your arms around his neck. 
“ Well, it involves your sliver tongue and what magic it can perform” you smirked. “ Darling you are the death of me” he smiled before kissing you deeply. That night Loki spent it worshipping you and your body kissing every inch of exposed skin he could. He expressed his love for you throughout the night. You were Loki's and he was yours. There is nothing that could tear the two of you apart with the love you had. 
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Tags: @caothicshit @huntressandlioness1 @huntress-artemiss @eleniblue @springdandelixn @hannibals-favourite-meal @silverfire475 @vbecker10 @sarahrogersevans @lokisgoodgirl @nana1000night
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ralexsol · 7 months
ive been on a marvel binge but just the movies loki's in for the past few days. anyways i rewatched thor 2 tonight for the first time since 2017 (when i first saw it) and OUGH. I FORGOT HOW FUCKING HORRIBLE ODIN IS AS A FATHER. WORST DAD EVER AWARD. "your birthright was to die" EXCUSE FUCKING ME??????????????? NO WONDER WHY THEY HAVE FUCKING DADDY ISSUES
also dont even SPEAK to me about the convo thor and loki have about thor loving jane. loki telling him that jane will be gone in the blink of an eye, it's not worth it. flash forward to them stumbling over their words while talking to an older single man who's a jetski salesman. flash forward to them eating pie with that same man. flash forward to them watching over him because he is the only one who ever really saw them for who they really are. you have gone soft loki friggadottir, and you will sit on the gilded throne you so desperately wanted. but even thor, who you let slip away from it, has lost his jane. and so you must lose your mobius, because you are gods, and mortals are not meant for you
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marvelburner · 6 months
Yk how Odin was all like “uR bIRThRiGhT WAs tEH dIE!”
But his birthright was to quite literally hold time together and he’s doing amazing at it
Like even tho I hate Odin I think Frigga and him would be so proud and most importantly Thor
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Also I found the majestic music they played at the end and legit sobbing rn 😮‍💨
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p4nishers · 7 months
2am ask. Still having my little cry.. the nexus event on lamentus-1 that tripped the tva’s detectors…. was a plain old Character Beat
Loki deciding that they (and all Lokis, especially Sylvie) deserve more/better than the hand the sacred timeline (or the Canon, the Narrative) has deigned to deal them, in seemingly every story.
Sylvie didn’t inherently deserve what happened to her, and Loki cemented the idea that she was worth fighting for, that she deserved better, deserved to be Ok and happy and safe, had the right to live her own life— (Reminded me of “your birthright?!?! was to die!!!!” fuckin ouch but also cruelly true- in terms of what the ST had in store for Loki. Apollo hitting Odin over the head with the dodgeball there) —Instead of her life story being full of suffering and running only to get squashed by a big space rock just when things were looking up.
If Loki could accept that Sylvie was worthy, then by extension it applied to them too. A significant enough development in a character for it to change their trajectory from the predetermined canon? A plot-bunny hole that derailed the canon choo-choo……
in my mind I’m seeing like “‘stick to the script’ over my dead body. I do what i want! If anyone is going to go off-script it’s gonna be ME!” *dodges stage hooks, dives offstage into the orchestra pit, leaves a trail of chaos backstage, slaps the director, escapes the theatre, kicks down the writer’s office door* etc
this is my favorite theory of that scene yet thank u for sharing
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tyrannuspitch · 10 months
"know your place, brother" and how loki treads lightly around thor while thor threatens and manhandles him in ways that are never reciprocated even once they're firmly enemies and how loki isn't allowed to speak when thor and odin are arguing no matter how deferential he is and how odin tells thor he's "unworthy of his loved ones" like he's confiscating a piece of property while loki looks on in silence and how loki calls himself "stolen" and speaks of being "used" for a "purpose" and how loki screams about wanting to be thor's equal and bows sarcastically before their fight but his defeat still comes down to odin not judging him worthy of "the power of thor" in the end and how loki comes back from the dead feverishly and desperately trying to frame his "new purpose" as a good thing but still calling freedom "life's great lie" and how the exhibition in stuttgart is called "conquest and sacrifice" and loki is both of those things and "you're going to lose, it's in your nature" and "in the end you will always kneel" and how odin and frigga can never tell loki that they love him only "you're my son" which is just another expression of possession and how being odin and frigga's son is a lie that loki's whole life is built on but it's burrowed right down to his core and how when he challenges it frigga tells him she (still) knows him better than he knows himself and how odin tells loki "your birthright was to die" meaning that because he saved his life as a baby loki has no rights and even his hatred of odin isn't truly his own but also just meaning that loki should die, it's his purpose, it's what he's for and how even AFTER that loki gives his life to save the future king of asgard not once but two separate times it's SICK it's fucking NAUSEATING why do people not SEE IT!!!
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pillowprincessvarric · 8 months
i was a die-hard marvel fan in my teens (i've recovered now) and your post about the emotional depth of the movies (and shows ig) just triggered a most unwelcome flood of memories. however if they're going to pick an emotional scene they're all sleeping on "YOUR BIRTHRIGHT WAS TO DIE. AS A CHILD" from the 1st Thor movie or like any
actually i realized i don't care about the mcu anymore. here have a picture of my cat instead
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OH YEAH THAT TOO. Or even like, Loki's little breakdown after their mom died? That still kinda works on me, as does the Thor & Odin dynamic in Ragnarok.... Like....
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Odin’s Hypocrisy Translated
Odin to Loki: “Everywhere you go there is war, murder and death.”
My commentary: Hypocrite much!
Odin: “All this, because Loki desires a throne.”
My commentary: He says this while sitting on the throne of privilege himself while Loki is in the chains of slavery.
Loki: “It is my birthright.”
My commentary: Like I said, Odin dangled the glory of rulership over his head while pitting Loki and Thor against each other for it.
Odin: “Your birthrighT, was to DIE! …as a child. Cast out on a frozen rock.”
Translation: I was going to kill you when you were a mere baby and I regard your home realm as nothing more than a “frozen rock.” Again, hinting at my racism and lack of remorse for the genocide of your people.
Odin to Loki: “If i had not taken you in, you would not be here now to hate me.”
Translation: If I had just murdered you when you were a baby then you would not be here now exposing my lies to everyone and making me look like an unsuitable king and abusive kidnapping monster.
Odin to Loki: “Frigga is the only reason you’re still alive and you will never see her again.”
Translation: Unlike me, Frigga is remorseful for lying to you and I must keep her happy or else she may go rogue and expose me for who I really am to the Asgardian people and I don’t want to lose my throne of power and control.
Odin to Loki: “You will spend the rest of your days in the dungeon.”
Translation: I can’t kill you so this is the second best option, hide my victim in the dungeon or else he cries “me too” and my rulership is threatened.
Loki to Odin: “And what of Thor, you will make that witless oaf king as I rot in chains?”
My commentary: Yes of course! Thor is his only son and Odin is too narcissistic to let the Asgardian people live free without rulership, the people must be under the thumb of the Odinson bloodline.
Odin to Loki: “Thor must strive to undo the damage you have done, and will bring order to the nine realms, and then yes, he will be king.”
Read the full article Loki’s Injustice: A Case Against Odin at Villainism.com
Written by Nina Robinson author of Villainism: A Villain’s Transformation
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loki's relationship with sylvie and mobius is honestly depressing when you think about it , their interactions with loki seem to resemble that of thor in the first thor movie and odin
Odin : 'wherever you go there is war ruin and death' 'your birthright was to die'
Mobius: you were born to cause pain suffering and death that's how it is that's how it was that's how it will be , all so that others can achieve their best versions of themselves
Sylvie with her i am the superior loki , i have lived longest all her 'shut up' 'you're a clown' and narcissistic behaviour overall just resembles thor
It doesn't work to heal him or make him love himself cause he is looking to heal in the exact place that broke him in the first place ,almost like he can't break free from his family's constant degradation he can't handle to be free , can't handle the idea that he can be more it is easier if they are right about him easier if he were this monster everybody thinks he is
He keeps them around as reminders cause he knows , he knows how the story always goes knows how to play this game and knows he will always lose cause they always throw him away ones they are done with him ,mobius locks him like a reliac in the tva as a varient cause he needs him , Sylvie let's him hear exactly what he wants , that she is the loki that is doing something right she is the loki that found that 'glorious purpose' he seeks or so desperately wants to have but this had all been about getting her revenge (which i guess holt was right about she does remind me of frigga...huh)
I would have said it was brilliant actually but the way it is framed and the way the fandom interpreters it tells me that it is not as deep as i think it is and waldron is just an idiot who actually thinks he has done something 😅
I think you nailed it. They had a pretty good base there, they just needed to change the framing a little, judge the characters accordingly and have Loki be the hero of his own story.
But instead of taking this opportunity to allow him to give his side of the story, they decided to buy the royal family's version of events and ran away with it. Perhaps the main difference between the movies and the series is that in the former we had a pretty perfect characterization in Thor + The Avengers + TDW that gave us enough nuance to work with, but the series is so plain and simple in its message - and the characters surrounding Loki are framed as perfect while he's condemned.
I'm of the opinion that Odin and Frigga should have been treated far worse by the narrative but at the very least they were shown to be somewhat flawed. Thor has the entire first movie centered around how much he needs to learn in order to improve, and he's humbled a few times in the process. But the series frames Mobius and Sylvie as perfect beings and every mistake and crime they commit is swept under the rug while the audience is told to ignore what we're seeing with our own two eyes and believe only the framing.
The only thing Loki knows for sure after all this is that love is conditional and he will never be enough, that only by making himself useful to those around him he might get a chance to be loved by them. That's not healing for him at all, but it's pretty convenient for Mobius and Sylvie and ultimately the MCU... I mean, the TVA.
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fidelitygoddess · 6 months
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Let's talk about the fact that Sigyn USED to respect Odin as All-Father and her Father-in-law in her Marvel verse, however, once he decides to imprison Loki as punishment for eternity, she loses ALL respect for him, especially when he tells Loki straight up: "Your birthright was to DIE! As a child, cast out on a frozen rock. If I had not taken you in, you would not be here now, to hate me."
Thor literally has to hold her back. From that moment on, Sigyn is always serving Odin cold stares, letting him know she is not happy with him or how he is treating his children.
It doesn't get any better when she discovers the truth of Hela: "Ah, of course, another child Odin has locked away in prison for eternity. I shouldn't have expected anything else..."
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