#'You're gonna go swimming' hey. Hey shut up.
mello-hello · 27 days
Every once in a while, Griffin writes a line in one of his loss/trauma monolouges that feels so hyper specific to you. Like yes in all they fit but like. Some times one line is like oh. Oh. Thats exactly how i feel. Or like. Thats exactly how i need to heal. Griffin what the fuck griFFIN DID YOU SEE MY TRAUMA HOW DID YOU SAY SOMETHING THAT MAKES ME FEEL SO SEEN BUT ALSO. OW!!! OWCH!!!
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Thinking about Hotch and/or Spencer with a BAU!reader who faints often and are just used to catching them when it happens despite others being like ??? when it happens. Kinda like when Hotch literally excused himself before passing out in that one episode
i'll do this with hotch too!! i just picked spence this time bc the dialogue came to me <3
"-but it's not as hard as you think it is, Reid. Really, you can handle it, and I'll even help you practice before the game, okay?"
"That's not what I'm worried about, Morgan." Spencer only half-lies, feet crossing the threshold into the bullpen, "I'm going with Y/N to a film festival and it starts thirty minutes after the game ends. I won't be able to make it in time."
"We'll get you in and out quick," Morgan pledges, partly honest and partly excited to see Reid on the basketball court, not just hustling from the sidelines, "Come on, please? I'll even throw in-"
"Stop talking." Reid commands, his voice quiet and focused.
"-what? Reid, do you know how many of your rambles I've had to listen to? For once, let me talk."
"No, shut up, I'm serious." Reid's standing at attention like a pointer dog now, staring hard at you, "Stop talking."
Morgan finally realizes it's serious, just in time to watch Spencer bolt for you.
Like clockwork you fall, and Spencer's arms slide beneath your own in time to keep you from hitting the ground. Emily lets out a startled cry, and Hotch rushes over to stand beside you.
“Spencer, are they okay?”
“Yeah,” Spencer nods, holding you up as he settles with his legs crossed. He lowers you to lay in his lap carefully, and when his hands are free, he uses them to tuck your hair away from your face.
“They faint sometimes,” Spencer explains, keeping his hand on your neck to check your pulse point, “It’s an iron issue, they probably just didn’t eat well today. They’ll be okay, they’ll wake up soon.”
There’s a few seconds of tense silence where everyone wants to believe Reid’s promise, but no one really does. Then your chest rises with a hearty inhale, and your eyes flutter open, blowing wide in concern.
“Hey,” Spencer murmurs, face hovering above your panic-stricken one, “You’re okay. You fell, I caught you.”
“I’m gonna go get you a sandwich,” Derek decides, only comfortable leaving now that your eyes have reopened.
"And- and I'll get water!" Garcia rushes to join him, "We'll be back ASAP, sweetness!"
Her heels click on the floor as she speedwalks, and the rhythm helps you orient yourself. You struggle to sit upright, and your head swims as you do, but Spencer lets you lean back against his chest, keeping his arms around your torso so that you don't tip forward.
"Y/L/N, you're excused for the day," Hotch waves his hand, as if clearing your schedule, "Reid, take them back to their apartment. Wait for Morgan and Garcia, they can eat in the car."
"Okay," Spencer agrees, keeping your cheek pressed to his own, "That sound okay, angel? Think you can walk?"
"Yeah," You nod, voice raspy, "Yeah, I can walk. But- will you help?"
"Of course," Spencer croons, and now that everyone has dispersed again to their own tasks, he cranes his neck out to nuzzle his nose against yours.
"I've got you," He promises, pecking your cheek, "You're safe with me, angel."
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wileys-russo · 4 months
KCC, “Will you carry me to bed?”, at home ❤️
couch nap II k.cooney-cross
"ky are you sure? you hate watching stuff like this." you chuckled as your girlfriend returned, dumping a bowl of popcorn in your lap with a block of chocolate held securely in hand.
"maybe, but i love you. and they make you happy and you had a shit day, and if you're happy i'm happy because i don't want you to have a shit day." kyra explained as you melted, leaning up to kiss her and melting into her side.
"but can we not watch one about the ocean please? i'd still like to go swimming when we go home without worrying about whats underneath me." your girlfriend quickly added on as you flicked through the documentaries.
"and here i was about to click into mysteries of the deep!" you teased, choosing one about africa and accepting the piece of chocolate offered to you from kyra's fingers. "i'm aware only 5% of the ocean has been discovered but i don't need to know anything about that 5%." your girlfriend shook her head stubbornly.
"oh elephants! mad." kyra perked up a little as the documentary started making you smile and kiss her cheek appreciatively. "see? they're not so bad." you promised, shoveling a handful of popcorn into your mouth.
"can we start narrating training like this? oo we could make vlogs for my close friends story!" kyra suggested excitedly around an hour later, the next episode starting.
"the allusive snakehipped wally lurks close to the corner of the pitch, watching with beaded eyes as the younger, better looking, wildly successful kyra cooney cross sprints across the midfield. is it pride in her eyes? or a bitter jealousy she's been surpassed by her protege." kyra mocked in her best david attenborough voice making you laugh.
"i'm so telling her you said that." you teased, moving the now empty popcorn bowl off your lap as your girlfriend stretched out, her head dropping onto your thighs instead.
"no don't! she promised to teach me how to rainbow flick on monday." kyra pouted up at you with a whine and her best puppy dog eyes. "shut up and watch the monkeys cooney-cross." you tutted, squishing her cheeks in your hands and nodding to the screen.
"ky, baby go to bed. i'll be up after this episode, your necks gonna get sore." you warned gently another couple of hours later and shaking her softly, your girlfriend now sprawled out in a strange curled up position in the corner of the sofa.
"no m'fine." kyra mumbled, forcing her eyes open again and shuffling around so she was sitting up a little more as you looked on amused. "ky, go to bed." you laugh, kicking her gently as she shook her head stubbornly, gesturing for you to watch the screen again.
you rolled your eyes knowing this was a bad idea but not bothered to fight her on it, glancing over a few minutes later to see she was once again dead asleep.
the episode finishing you left your girlfriend on the lounge as you washed up your bowls, flicking off all the lights and locking up before returning, chuckling at her very awkward position.
"hey, ky." you squatted down and shook her again, poking her cheeks as she groaned tiredly and swatted your hands away. "come on, time for bed." you smiled, tugging on her hoodie as she sighed deeply.
"will you carry me to bed?" the midfielder asked quietly, opening her arms as her eyes stayed shut. "babe you're like a foot taller than me." you laughed softly, shaking her again as she whined. "i've done it for you so many times, its your turn." kyra mumbled.
"fine, but you need to help me out here and sit up a little baby." you shook your head with a smile, grabbing her hands and tugging her into a sitting position. "okay." you nodded determined, wrapping her arms around you and grabbing under her thighs.
trying to lift her you grunted, your girlfriend purposefully rag dolling to make it harder for you as you finally picked her up but stumbled sending the two of you crashing back to the sofa.
"kyra!" you groaned, smacking her leg as her body vibrated with laughter. "you're making it harder on purpose." you huffed glaring down at her, cheeky grin plastered on her face despite the obvious exhaustion in her eyes.
"piggyback?" kyra tried again this time her smile more charming as you let out a deep and exaggerated groan. "get on then, but carefully!" you warned, standing to your feet and bracing as your girlfriend climbed onto your back.
"this is so romantic." kyra sighed, patting your chest as her chin rested on your shoulder, letting out a yell as you reached the bedroom and dumped her on the bed.
"don't get used to it, i'm the one who gets the princess treatment in this relationship cooney-cross."
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goldenwilliamson · 7 months
salty skin | lucy bronze
a/n: this is my first woso anything on here... pls send requests to my ask box if you have any xxx
pairing: lucy bronze x lioness!reader
summary: reader and lucy are in australia for the world cup, pure fluff
word count: 881
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Being in Australia for the World Cup was nothing less than a dream come true. Not only were you getting to represent England, but it also meant you and Lucy got to spend some time together. Playing in different Leagues means you spend most of the year apart, so you were both feeling very grateful to be back playing together.
You'd woken up before Lucy did, feeling the incomparable comfort of being held in her arms. Being able to room together was another perk of National Camps. You'd made a promise to yourself that you would go for a swim at sunrise, so you carefully slipped out of Lucy's grasp, instantly missing the warmth of her body.
Slowly and quietly, you made your way around the hotel room, slipping a bikini on under your trackies and puffer and grabbing a spare towel from the bathroom. You grabbed your key card and phone and softly shut the door behind you. The beach was incredibly beautiful, despite it being the middle of Australian winter. It seemed like a few other girls had the same idea as you did, because you bumped into Ella, Alessia, and Lotte as you made your way down onto the sand.
"Up for sunrise?" You asked them.
"Hey!" They all said excitedly, not having spotted you.
"Lucy didn't want to come down?" Lotte asked sweetly.
"No, she was sound asleep, I didn't want to wake her," you explained.
You started unzipping your puffer jacket and pulling off you tracksuit pants, much to the surprise of the three other girls.
"You're not going in are you?" Alessia scoffed.
"Of course I am, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity Less," you smiled as you began to slowly jog down to the shoreline. The water was a bit of a shock to the system, but it felt amazing. A cold plunge was actually what you felt you needed after the gruelling nature of tournament play.
You didn't stay in for too long, just long enough to get used to the temperature, and then you hopped back out. The girls on the sand shook their heads at you as you approached them with a smile on your face.
"It's lovely in there," you told them as you picked up your towel and started drying off.
"You're braver than I am," Tooney said, making you laugh as you pulled your jacket back around your body.
"Alright, I'm gonna go get myself a coffee now," you bid the girls farewell and went back to the hotel. You made two coffees at the coffee machine, anticipating Lucy would be up soon. She was usually the early riser out of the two of you.
And you were right, because as you tried your best to quietly push the hotel room door open Lucy informed you she was awake, "I'm up, don't worry."
"Morning," you smiled at the sight of Lucy tucked into the crisp white bed sheets. She set her phone down on the bedside table as you sat down on the bed, handing her the second coffee.
"You're amazing," Lucy said appreciatively.
"How long have you been awake?" You ask, admiring how soft your girlfriend looks when she's just woken up and her huskier morning voice.
"Since you left," she says.
"Oh, sorry," you apologise, thinking you'd been able to leave without waking her.
"It's alright," she shakes her head, smiling at you. She always takes the piss out of you for how you can tend to apologise for things that you don't need to say sorry for. This usually ends up in you apologising for apologising and Lucy in fits of laughter at your chronic kindness.
"Did you go for a swim?" Lucy asks surprisedly as she reaches out to drag her fingers through your wet hair.
"I did!" You said proudly.
"Was it cold?" She asks.
You nod, "Like an ice bath."
"You're insane," she says.
"Mmm, I am," you hum, leaning in towards Lucy to give her a kiss, "But you love me anyway."
"I do," Lucy says contentedly.
You shiver for a second and Lucy furrows her brows together.
"I'm gonna run a warm shower for you. You'll get sick if you sit here all cold," she tells you, immediately stepping out of bed and going to the bathroom. Your heart swells at the gesture and you follow her to the bathroom, tearing away your jacket and letting it fall on the floor on the way.
You stand there in your trackies and bikini top as Lucy checks the temperature of the water with her hands.
"Thank you," you say appreciatively, never feeling so loved by such a simple act in your life.
Lucy steps towards you, planting a kiss on your forehead in response.
"Huh," she steps back, smirking.
"What?" You ask.
"Your skins all salty, so Australian," she laughs.
"God I need a rinse," you say, stripping away the rest of the clothes.
As you step under the warmth of the water, Lucy rests against vanity, trying to make conversation about the day ahead.
"You'll have to come in here Luce, I can't hear you over the water," you say, a thinly veiled request for something more.
Lucy scoffs, knowing what you're really looking for, "If you insist."
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oizysian · 4 months
All Eyes on Me masterlist
Word count: 2.2k
Brie was in the process of taking off her pants when there was a knock at the door. Hurriedly, knowing it was her, I answered it, my smile faltering at the look on her face.
"Y/N -" she began before stopping abruptly at the sight of Brie taking her clothes off behind me. "U-um, am I interrupting something?"
My brow furrowed in confusion before I remembered Brie and turned to look at her, now standing before us in just her underwear.
"N-no! We're gonna go swimming, remember?"
She nodded slowly, looking from Brie to me.
"Right. Listen, I'm so sorry about those articles. I should've known this would happen."
"Hey, it's okay. I'm not - articles? Plural, with an 's'?" I hadn't realized there had been multiple articles about her featuring me.
"Yes, but it seems as though most of them are innocent enough. I'm sure you don't want rumors going around that you're a homewrecker." She joked lightly and I smiled at her, shaking my head.
"No, not really. Not this early in my career, at least." I joked back and she laughed.
We momentarily forgot about Brie, only the two of us standing in the room, our giggles the only sound to be heard. Until Brie cleared her throat.
"We still swimmin'?" She asked, smiling brightly when I nodded.
"Care to join us?"
"I ... didn't bring my suit."
"That's okay. Neither of us have suits either. And the pool downstairs is private so only we'll be in there."
She looked into my eyes, searching for something unknown and then gave me a small nod.
"Okay, sure, why not."
I smiled, pulling her inside and shutting the door so we could finish removing our clothes.
Brie was already ready, having stripped when Elizabeth came in. I shyly took off my joggers, leaving me in my boy shorts and socks, and then peeled my shirt off, tossing it on the bed. I breathed nervously as I took off my socks, noticing that both Elizabeth and Brie were watching me.
I looked up at Lizzie and she shook herself out of her stupor, quickly removing her clothing as well.
I was staring. I knew I was. Before Lizzie could notice, I got hit in the face with a towel, causing me to grunt and fall back on the bed.
"Wipe up your drool, loser, or we'll be able to swim right here."
My cheeks burned as I took the towel off of my head, watching as Lizzie giggled softly to herself at the situation. At least she wasn't upset by my rudeness.
"Sorry, c'mon."
I wrapped my towel around myself and they did the same, and we left the room, taking only the room key with us.
Brie had really picked a nice hotel. The private pool needed a key to get in, and of course, she had gotten it. It was beautifully lit, with chairs and tables as if it was an outdoor pool. The pool itself was huge and looked quite deep.
I stopped in my tracks as I looked at the clean, blue water, fear creeping down my spine as I thought about my head being dunked under the water.
"Hey, guys, please don't splash me. My head, I mean. My ears - I don't like when they get wet."
"Then how do you shower?" Brie asked smartly and Elizabeth nudged her gently with her elbow.
"Don't worry, Y/N, we won't splash you."
She shot Brie a look before heading over to one of the tables, laying her towel down on a chair and sitting at the edge of the pool, her feet dipping in.
"It's nice and cool!" She exclaimed cheerfully, her feet making small splashes as she kicked in the water.
I smiled to myself, walking over to her and putting my towel down next to hers. I decided to take the steps in; the safest way to keep my head above water. She was right, the water was pleasantly cool and I went in up to my shoulders easily.
I doggie paddled around as Brie did a cannonball in on the deep end, sending ripples of water towards Elizabeth and I.
"Brie! No splashing!" Lizzie scolded her and she rolled her eyes playfully, sending a small wave of water in her direction.
"We can't splash Y/N, that doesn't mean we can't splash you."
Lizzie looked over at me and I smiled weakly at her, shrugging. She slid into the water and splashed Brie back, the two girls having fun attacking each other. I stayed far away, paddling gently as they squealed with laughter. The sight of them made my heart swell; one of my best friends and the woman of my dreams hanging out together. It felt nice.
I swam back towards the steps and sat on them, watching as the two girls caught their breath. Brie dived down into the water and Elizabeth swam over to me, her form much better than mine could ever be.
"Hey." She greeted me shyly and I smiled at her, watching as she approached.
"Hey." I replied, noticing Brie climbing out of the pool to only jump in once again.
"You want a piggyback ride?" She asked softly and I tilted my head at her.
"You're not gonna dunk me, are you?"
She shook her head, turning her back to me so I could grab hold of her. I wrapped my arms around her neck and she linked her arms under my legs as I lifted myself up against her.
She began walking towards the deep end and nervously I wrapped my arms around her tighter, afraid she would put me under the water.
"Don't worry," she whispered, her voice soft and low. "I got you."
Thumpthumpthump. My heart was pounding against my chest at her words.
She only took us so far before turning back and doing it again. Brie was watching us from the other side of the pool and I could practically see the jealous look in her eyes. I should've been hanging out with her too, not just Lizzie.
I began to release her and, almost in a panic, she held onto my legs tighter.
"It's okay," I smiled, not that she could see it. "I'm getting down. I'll be fine."
She let me go and I stood behind her, trying to slow down the rate of my heartbeat as I thought about our closeness.
"Your turn, Brie."
I smiled over at her and she swam over to us, hopping on my back with ease.
"Oof," I groaned as I held onto her, her front pressed tightly against my back. "Easy there, tiger."
"Giddyup!" She yelled playfully, bouncing up and down as I walked us around.
Lizzie gave me a look and I smiled at her, bringing Brie around the shallow end of the pool a few times before she grew bored, heading back to do cannonballs in the deep end.
I swam back over to Lizzie and then stood up straight, offering my back to her.
"Miss Olsen?"
I looked over my shoulder at her, mesmerized by the smile she shot me as she got on my back, wrapping her legs around my waist and draping her arms over my shoulders.
I could feel her relax against me, her chin resting atop my head and her hands dangling in front of me. I took hold of her wrists, as she already had a firm hold on me with her legs, and kept her up as I waded around. She wriggled her wrists out of my grip, a disappointed frown appearing on my face, before she slipped her hands into my own, lacing our fingers together.
I could feel my cheeks burning with nervousness and I wished at that moment I could duck my head under the water so I could hide my face and put out the fire in my cheeks. Friends held hands. Of course they did.
I took her around the shallow end a few times before we heard Brie calling out to us.
"Hey, lovebirds, I'm pruning. You ready to get out?"
Ignoring her words, I tried looking up at Lizzie, but she kept her chin on top of my head.
"No, I wanna keep swimming." She mumbled softly, almost as if she was falling asleep.
"But you're not swimming, I am." I chuckled and she squeezed my hands.
"Just five more minutes."
"Five more minutes, Brie!" I called out to her and she nodded as she began drying herself with a towel.
"You're comfy and the water is nice."
"The water is nice," I mused, taking her around in a circle once more before stopping in front of the steps. "I think this is your stop, Olsen."
She groaned and released her iron grip on me, and I couldn't help but think how I missed the feel of her hands in mine. I watched as she exited the pool, her cute little ass swaying with each step and I snapped myself out of it. She was my friend! I had to stop looking at her like that.
I came out right after her, grabbing my towel and patting myself down. I had a feeling once we got back to the room, I would have a cat fight on my hands over who gets the shower first.
"Let's go, ladies!" Brie called out as she grabbed the keys and started heading out the door.
I shook my head and Lizzie giggled as we followed her out and up, rushing to the room to put some proper clothes on.
"I'll shower first," Brie announced, picking up her discarded clothing and heading towards the bathroom. "I'm sure you two won't mind being alone for a bit."
I sighed, almost unable to believe the bluntness of my friend. I made sure the door was closed behind us and picked up the clothes I tossed on the bed, trying to decide if I wanted to wear the same outfit again or not.
I turned to look at Lizzie and noticed she was standing in the middle of the room, shivering ferociously, the towel not doing much to warm her.
"Shit, I'm sorry, Lizzie." I said as I went over to the air conditioner and shut it off, returning to her and rubbing her arms with my hands.
"I-it's okay." She stuttered, her teeth chattering.
"Do you wanna get changed here? I can wait outside for you to finish up."
She shook her head.
"I'm o-okay."
"Yeah, and I'm the queen of England."
She let out a shuddering laugh and I smiled, my hands still working on her arms.
"Brie should be out soon. A hot shower will fix you right up."
She nodded and after a few moments, Brie walked out, dressed in her clothes from before and drying her hair with a towel.
"Your turn, Liz."
Wordlessly, she walked into the bathroom with her clothing and shut the door behind her.
"You're failing, aren't you?"
"Huh?" I asked dumbly, not knowing what she was talking about.
"You're falling for her."
"Psh, no." I lied. "We're just good friends."
She came up to me, bringing her face close to mine and smiled.
I swallowed roughly as she turned away from me, flopping on the bed and turning on the television.
"Can we order food soon?" She asked as she flipped through the channels. "I'm hungry."
"Again?" I laughed, but was silenced by my own stomach grumbling.
"Yes, again, we were swimming for hours. I'm starving."
Had we been? I honestly lost track of time being with her and Lizzie. Before I could respond to her, the bathroom door opened and out came Lizzie, looking much warmer than before.
"My turn, I guess."
I grabbed my clothes and smiled, leaving the two of them alone. I only hoped Brie didn't say something embarrassing while I was gone.
I was quick to shower, not needing to do my hair since I didn't get it wet, and exited the room to see the both of them on the bed, the air conditioner back on and Lizzie in one of my hoodies.
"What's all this?" I asked as I approached the bed, smirking as she cuddled deeper into the garment.
"I got cold again." She murmured from underneath the hoodie.
"I had her turn the AC back on and she complained about being cold, so we went through your stuff and found something for her to wear."
"Nice, thanks guys." I joked, noticing my suitcase was half opened and some things were sticking out. "We can order food now, if you want."
"Oh yeah, let's do it! Girls night!"
"I should probably go." Lizzie said as she started to get up from the bed.
"You don't have to." I said quickly, my eyes looking at Brie desperately. "It's my last night here, we can have a little party before I leave tomorrow."
It took her less than a second to smile up at me and nod, Brie cheering as Lizzie went to get her phone.
"I'm just gonna text Robbie and then we can order food."
Robbie. That was cold water right on my entire being. I nodded at her words and walked into the kitchenette, grabbing the hotel menu from the counter.
Wine, lots of wine would be necessary tonight.
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rickittys · 4 days
𝐰𝐞𝐭 ‘𝐧 𝐰𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫!
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warnings: semi-public sex, pool sex, unprotected sex (wrap it up, sillys), semi-rough sex, teasing (i think that’s it?? pls lemme know if i missed any)
a/n: an absolutely ancient draft that i finished rq! first piece after my hiatus, hope i’m not too rusty :p
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"hey matthew, do you wanna go out to eat lat-" you started before your sight was blinded by a wave of water. you screeched, whipped your head around, and glared at your boyfriend currently howling with laughter.
"hey!! the fuck was that for?" you yelled. he paused to catch his breath before paddling towards you.
"no reason, just enjoying being somewhere else that's wet with you," he purred, rubbing his nose against yours. he smiled at the eyeroll you displayed ("oh shut up...") as he motioned to hold you in the pool. the lukewarm water swayed around you both while you ran a hand through his wet locs and let it fall onto his toned shoulder and back. "damn, have you always looked this good? less clothing really does suit you," matthew muttered, eyeing you up and down.
"i think you're getting a bit thirsty, babe. maybe too much time in the pool..lemme go get some water for you," you said, trying to hide how flustered you were. you moved to wade to the edge before he grabbed you again. you felt the ridges of his abs press against your back while he hugged you.
"aww, running away so fast? you're no fun, baby," he pouted, kissing your shoulder. "stay with me a little longer? we could play around...get a little wetter?"
you giggled before you gently pushed him off of you. you turned around, quickly pressing your lips against him before swimming off. "be right back!"
once you reached the concrete edge, you looked over your shoulder at matthew as you slowly dragged your body out of the water. a naughty smile graced your lips seeing his eyes flash with want.
you jogged over to your poolside table and quickly sipped at your iced drink. playing with the straw, you turned to gaze at your partner. his muscular backside was turned towards you, glimmering with droplets. it flexed as he dove underwater again for strokes, suddenly giving you an idea.
watching the water carefully, you quickly stripped your swimsuit off, letting it fall to the ground. drink in hand, you skipped back to the pool's edge, gently stepping in and submerging yourself.
"matt, i'm back!" you singsonged, leaning against the pool wall. animatedly, his head popped out of the water, and he happily swam to your side.
"thanks, babe 'ppreciate it," he chirped while leaning over and planting a kiss on your cheek. while he played with the straw between his teeth, his hand underwater moved to give your ass a brief squeeze but froze when he felt no fabric covering it. his eyes snapped to meet yours.
"wait wait wha-?" he began, eyes widening. you grinned, perking your bare ass against his hand.
"just a super special skinny dipping surprise supreme, matty," you purred, loving the attention. his eyes hungrily ran over your nude figure upon realization. setting the drink down, he pressed your back against the wall and held your legs to wrap around his waist. you cocked an eyebrow, challenging his thirsty gaze. "well? whatcha gonna do about it?"
he felt your bare pussy throb against his torso and pressed his nose against yours breathing heavily. "gonna do so many things to you that you'll be too fucked out to remember after how good i'm fucking you," he growled. you yelped as he pulled you out of the water and sat you down on the pool edge, nestling between your spread thighs and crashing his lips against yours.
“matt-!” you squealed. biting back moans, you arched your chest against matthew’s, relishing the hot hickeys he was planting on your neck and tits. you squirmed against his growing bulge, slightly humping against it. he hissed as you reached down to palm it, cupping and squeezing it in your hands.
“fuck it,” he muttered, hastily shoving his trunks down. you gasped as he tightly gripped your thigh while rubbing his cock head against your folds. a long quick kiss almost distracted you from his dick pushing past your entrance, slowly filling your pussy.
“m-matthew, fuck..” you whimper against his neck, digging your nails into his shoulders. hushed curses fell from your lips as he began thrusting rhythmically into you, water clapping around him. he chuckled between his groans, leaning to look into your eyes.
“all that time in the pool and you’re still this wet? so tight too, angel. making this so easy for me,” he purred before pounding harshly into you. you screamed out, holding his shoulders as you trembled, legs weakly holding his hips.
throwing your head back, your eyes crossing dumbly as your cunt clenched his thick cock. through the brain fog, matthew’s voice was clear- “cmon, baby. wanna make you cum. imagine who might be watching, hm? wanna give them a show? show them how good i’m fucking you full?”
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glitch-karma · 9 months
have you seen the new valentine episode for horimiya?? can you write a one shot where the reader gives iura chocolate 🥹 he deserves it!!!
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✧Cw: Fluffy fluff, slight implied fem reader (no prns specified though)
✧ Confession, Reader is also a third year, reader and Iura are friends and in the same class
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"it's that time of year. Store shelves are gonna be packed with valentine's stuff everywhere." Toru speaks up. "I feel ya man. But... you're one of those guys who are gonna be swimming in chocolate treats so maybe I don't feel ya." Iura sulks, resting his head in his hand. You glance over at him as you nibble at a pastry you'd bought from the cafeteria earlier.
"you already said you did, no take backs." Toru says. "So, any plans for the lovey dovey day?" Iura asks Toru. "Uhm, Practice tying a tie? Yeah." Toru says. "Is that what Miyamura's teaching you now?" Iura questions as you both watched Miyamura attempt to tie Torus tie.
"he said he wanted to practice too." Toru replied. "Tada!" Miyamura said as he finished. Looking at it, it was a mess. Maybe the worst tie you'd ever seen. After a short pause Miyamura spoke up. "It's not appealing at all." "Uh, yeah you think?" Toru remarked. "Damn dude it's impressive how bad that is." You spoke in-between bites. "What is this monstrosity? Uh, it's freaking tight dude! I can't untie your stupid note!" Toru yelled.
Hearing the door crack open, You and Iura peaked around to see sawada peaking in. "Oh hey! Sawada just showed up guys!" Iura loudly announced. "I'm guessing you can for Miyamura." Iura continued as you finished your pastry. "No." Sawada said quietly. As soon as Miyamura greeted her she as usual ran behind him.
"I'm actually here for you Iura." Sawada said. "Me? Really? What's up dudette?" Iura questioned. "Uhm, do you like chocolate? Or no?"
Everyone in the room stood quietly in shock for a few seconds. You looked over at Iura as he looked shocked and shook lightly. "Y-Yes. I like chocolate." He said shyly. "Do you have a favorite?" Sawada asked as you stared in shock still. "No not at all! I love them all! I like bitter or sweet and I have no known allergies, kay!" Iura said with a big smile on his face. You stared at him as you could feel your face getting sweaty.
"So yup! Any kinda chocolate works!" Iura then said. "Got it. Thanks Iura." Sawada said. You could see Iura looking back and forth before reiterateing by yelling; "Any kind at all!"
"You wanna spend time and cash on chocolate for Shuu?" Toru asked. "Wait!" Sawada said surprised. "Shocked anyone besides Hori is on your list." Miyamura said. You nodded as well. "Kinda surprising.."
"Shut your mouths right now before you discourage her you killjoys!" Iura yelled. "Hey if you wanna make me sweets that's your prerogative okay?" Iura says with a hand behind his head. "Ugh- what kind of warped delusion are you living in to think I'd make sweets for you?" Sawada says with a grossed out look on her face. Iura stands there shell shocked. "I'm going back to class, where things make sense." She says as you four watch her leave. Iura stands there shocked still.
"Huh.. What!? She's the one who's not making sense, y'know?! Huh?!" Iura yells in a phrensy. You sigh a bit. Although you felt bad, it was revealing that Sawada wasn't going to give Iura any sweets.
After a while, Iura heads out for the day. You stand slightly awkwardly looking at your feet. "So, bet that was pretty awkward for ya?" Toru teases you as he slaps your shoulder. "Considering you were planning on giving Shu something?" "Toru!" You yelled as you punched his shoulder. "Ah you like Iura, Y/n?" Miyamura asked. "It's pretty obvious." Toru speaks up as you continue hitting him.
You sigh as you finally stop, looking towards the ground as you whip your bag over your shoulder. "I've liked Shuu for awhile now. He's my best friend though. So this I guess will be the test or whatever? Ugh. Why am I even talking to you two about this?" You turn twords the two with a frown. "I need someone like Hori or Yoshikawa." "Harsh." Toru and Miyamura sulk slightly.
"Well, whatever you get him I'm sure he'll go crazy. He's my friend, but he's pretty lonely." Toru says as Miyamura nods. "Thanks for nothing." You sigh as you open the class door. "I'm out, see you tomorrow." "Cya." Toru waves as you close the class door.
Valentine's day is so far away, yet so soon. You were pretty nervous, but still. This was something that had to happen. It is third year after all.
The day was here. You'd stayed up late into the night out of fear, but it was finally time. The entire walk to school you were a mess as you shook with nervousness and fear. You inhaled as you looked around the corner to see Iura laughing with a classmate. As you backed away a little, you felt a shove. You looked behind you to see Yoshikawa shoving you with a grin. You hid the gift behind your back before speaking up.
"U-Uhm Shuu?" You mumbled loud enough for him to hear as your blush grew. "Oh, hey what's up N/n?" Iura paused as he saw the blush painting for face. When he saw your hand behind your back his face suddenly also exploded in red.
You stuttered for a second as you took your hands out shakily, revealing a small box wrapped with a yellow and pink pattern and a cd that had a small yellow bow on it. "Happy.. Valentine's day." You said as you held them out towards him. He yelled as he shook his head causing you to jump lightly. He grabbed them from you quickly with stars in his eyes. "Wow really for me?!" He yelled. You nodded as you cracked a smile at him.
"The CD has some new songs I thought you'd like.. I'm not sure if you've listened to them though." You awkwardly laughed. Shuu nodded as he placed the CD under the box and opened it up. There were various different kinds of chocolates all placed neatly in a row. Shuu could feel his face get hotter.
"I made the fillings myself. There's only 3 of them though." You laughed. "Oh! And here," you said digging through your bag pulling out a pink paper bag. "For your sister and you to share.. I made too many for just you." You blushed more.
"Y/n.." Iura looked shell shocked as he just stared at you. He then laughed as he pulled you into a hug. "You're just the person I wanted to receive chocolates from y'know!!" He yelled. You gasped as you felt him slightly rock you back and forth. He backed up a bit, popping a chocolate in his mouth. "Mhm matcha.." he gapped as he spoke with his mouth full. You chuckled as you could feel yourself get nervous again. "so.. Do you.. Uhm." You stopped as you could feel more eyes on you. Suddenly you remembered you were in the hallways. You looked around in embarrassment as you stuck your face in your hands. "I should have chosen a calmer spot!" You yelled, startling Iura.
He then laughed as he closed the box and hugged you again. You slowly took your hands out of you face as you looked up at his face. His goofy grin was replaced with this serious smile, one you'd only really seen at his house.
"I like you too." He said softly. You gasped as you tensed a bit. You then relaxed into the hug as you hugged him back. "Good. Cause those chocolates were hard." You joked.
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j0kers-light · 4 months
Bit of an old trend, but I clearly remember this trend where girlfriend’s would pull their partner in by the belt to give them a goodbye kiss when parting ways for one reason or another- Wonder how J would react if Y/N pulled such a bold move? 👀
Hey hi @unholiiness I love you mi love!!! 🖤✨
This was such an adorable request, don't hate me but I turned it into a head canon! I remember this trend 🤭 hopefully I did well with this scenario if not, do let me know and I can try it again!!
This could go one or two ways. Either you catch Joker in a bad mood and he gives you The Look™ that's when you stop, back away, and run to the your room. Don't mess with that man when he's unpredictable, just don't.
But if you do happen to catch Joker in a good mood then huzzah! Joker will be wholly unprepared. However there's still a problem! Its all about finding the right time to do it that's tricky.
If you pull said stunt at home, it'll just lead to Joker picking you up and having his way with you. All you can do is squeal and kick your feet, after being tossed over his shoulders. There are consequences to your silly little stunts. Not like you're complaining
But that's considering he has time to spare. If you wait till Joker is ready to leave (to terrorize Gotham City no doubt) and hook your finger into his belt to tug him close, he'll allow it— but there's a deep, ominous growl that escapes him while you do it.
It spells nothing but trouble and you should be scared... but your panties are instantly wet from hearing it. And it goes something like this
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"Mmm, Bunny... you're ahhh playing a dangerous game there."
His eyes fluttered shut the second your hands touched him but they soon open, giving you a clear view to the fire within.
You know Joker is rushing to a last minute heist. He has no time to spare but you and your little antics... he can’t help but to stick around.
You bat your eyelashes and tug him more closer so his chest bumps into yours. He had you cornered— your back to the front door but there's no other place you'd rather be. With your fingers toying with his belt, it’s you that has him cornered.
"I didn't get my goodbye kiss, J." You pout. You can tell he's listening but his fiery gaze is burning holes into your lips.
You’re wearing that lip balm he loves so much. It made your lips so glossy and feel incredible. And don't get him started on the taste...
You know you're a vixen and your widening smile confirms it. "Well?"
"Well whaT?" Joker fired right back. He had a few minutes to spare, but after that, he really needed to go.
It’s time to go big or go home.
"Either you be late to the robbery orrrr...." You stood on your tippy toes to brush your lips against Joker's in a phantom kiss, "You give me what I want, Daddy."
It took seconds for Joker to react. That title was the match to his gasoline tank every time.
He made you swallow his groan as your lips finally met his in a dance of old. For a split second you were weightless until your back slammed into the door and Joker's hands slid down to your waist to hold you steady.
Hands roamed wildly to claw at clothes but in the end, there was no time for what you and Joker truly desired.
He ripped himself away, panting heavily and you weren't any better. Your head was swimming and no doubt, a doepy smile was plastered on your face.
Joker considered staying here with you but business came first. He planned this heist for too long to bail out now.
Joker sat you back down on your feet and set about righting his clothes the best he could.
You took pride in shaking up a man like Joker. He looked frazzled and his hazy green eyes quickly found your e/c ones.
He shook his head, "This isn't over, Princess. When I get back—"
"Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna get it. I’ve heard it before. Have fun causing mayhem. Don't get caught." You stepped aside so Joker could finally walk out the door, but not before playfully smacking his butt.
Thankfully the door slammed closed before he could grab ahold of you.
You were so gonna get it later.
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Once upon a time there was a lovely princess. But she had an enchantment upon her of a fearful sort which could only be broken by love's first kiss. She was locked away in a castle guarded by a terrible fire-breathing dragon. Many brave knigts had attempted to free her from this dreadful prison, but non prevailed. She waited in the dragon's keep in the highest room of the tallest tower for her true love and true love's first kiss. {Laughing} Like that's ever gonna happen. {Paper Rusting, Toilet Flushes} What a load of - Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed She was lookin' kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb In the shape of an "L" on her forehead The years start comin' and they don't stop comin' Fed to the rules and hit the ground runnin' Didn't make sense not to live for fun Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb So much to do so much to see So what's wrong with takin' the backstreets You'll never know if you don't go You'll never shine if you don't glow Hey, now You're an all-star Get your game on, go play Hey, now You're a rock star Get the show on, get paid And all that glitters is gold Only shootin' stars break the mold It's a cool place and they say it gets colder You're bundled up now but wait till you get older But the meteor men beg to differ Judging by the hole in the satellite picture The ice we skate is gettin' pretty thin The water's getting warm so you might as well swim My world's on fire How 'bout yours That's the way I like it and I'll never get bored Hey, now, you're an all-star {Shouting} Get your game on, go play Hey, now You're a rock star Get the show on, get paid And all that glitters is gold Only shootin' stars break the mold {Belches} Go! Go! {Record Scratching} Go. Go.Go. Hey, now, you're an all-star Get your game on, go play Hey, now You're a rock star Get the show on, get paid And all that glitters is gold Only shootin' stars break the mold -Think it's in there? -All right. Let's get it! -Whoa.
Hold on. Do you know what that thing can do to you? -Yeah, it'll grind your bones for it's bread. {Laughs} -Yes, well, actually, that would be a gaint. Now, ogres - - They're much worse. They'll make a suit from your freshly peeled skin. -No! -They'll shave your liver. Squeeze the jelly from your eyes! Actually, it's quite good on toast. -Back! Back, beast! Back! I warn ya! {Gasping} -Right. {Roaring} {Shouting} {Roaring} {Whispers} This is the part where you run away. {Gasping} {Laughs} {Laughing} And stay out! "Wanted. Fairy tale creatures." {Sighs} {Man's voice} All right. This one's full. -Take it away! {Gasps} -Move it along. Come on! Get up! -Next! -Give me that! Your fiying days are over. That's 20 pieces of silver for the witch. Next! -Get up! Come on! -Twenty pieces. {Thudding} -Sit down there! -Keep quiet! {Crying} -This cage is too small. -Please, don't turn me in. I'll never be stubborn again. I can change. Please! Give me another chance! -Oh, shut up. -Oh! -Next! -What have you got? -This little wooden puppet. -I'm not a puppet. I'm a real boy. -Five shillings for the possessed toy. Take it away. -Father, please! Don't let them do this! -Help me! -Next! What have you got? -Well, I've got a talking donkey. {Grunts} -Right. Well, that's good for ten shillings, if you can prove it. -Oh, go ahead, little fella. -Well? -Oh, oh, he's just - - He's just a little nervous. He's really quite a chatterbox. Talk, you boneheaded dolt - - -That's it. I've heard enough. Guards! -No, no, he talks! He does.
I can talk. I love to talk. I'm the talkingest damn thing you ever saw. -Get her out of my sight. -No, no! I swear! Oh! He can talk! {Gasps} -Hey! I can fly! -He can fly! -He can fly! -He can talk! -Ha, ha! That's right, fool! Now I'm a flying, talking donkey. You might have seen a housefly, maybe even a superfly but I bet you ain't never seen a donkey fly. Ha, ha! Oh-oh. {Grunts} -Seize him! -After him! He's getting away! {Grunts, Gasps} {Man} -Get him! This way! Turn! -You there. Orge! -Aye? -By the order of Lord Farquaad I am authorized to place you both under arrest and transport you to a designated..... resettlement facility. -Oh, really? You and what army? {Gasps, Whimpering} {Chuckles} -Can I say something to you? -Listen, you was really, really, really somethin' back here. Incredible! Are you talkin' to - - me? Whoa! -Yes. I was talkin' to you. Can I tell you that you that you was great back here? Those guards! They thought they was all of that. Then you showed up, and bam! They was trippin' over themselves like babes in the woods. That really made me feel good to see that. -Oh, that's great. Really. -Man, it's good to be free. -Now, why don't you go celebrate your freedom with your own friends? Hmm? -But, uh, I don't have any friends. And I'm not goin' out there by myself. Hey, wait a minute! I got a great idea! I'll stick with you. You're mean, green, fightin' machine. Together we'll scare the spit out of anybody that crosses us. {Roaring} -Oh, wow! That was really scary. If you don't mind me sayin', if that don't work, your breath certainly will get the job done, 'cause you definitely need some Tic Tacs or something, 'cause you breath stinks! You almost burned the hair outta my nose, just like the time - - {Mumbling} Than I ate some rotten berries. I had strong gases eking out of my butt that day. -Why are you following me? -I'll tell you why. 'Cause I'm all alone There's no one here beside me My promlems have all gone There's no one to deride me But you gotta heve friends - - -Stop singing! It's no wonder you don't have any friends. -Wow. Only a true friend would be that cruelly honest. -Listen, little donkey. Take a look at me. What am I? -Uh - - Really tall? -No! I'm an orge! You know.
"Grab your torch and pitchforks." Doesn't that bother you? -Nope. -Really? -Really, really. -Oh. -Man, I like you. What's you name? -Uh, Shrek. -Shrek? Well, you know what I like about you, Shrek? You got that kind of I-don't-care-what-nobody-thinks-of-me thing. I like that. I respect that, Shrek. You all right. Whoo! Look at that. Who'd want to live in place like that? -That would be my home. -Oh! And it is lovely! Just beautiful. You know you are quite a decorator. It's amazing what you've done with such a modest budget. I like that boulder. That is a nice boulder. -I guess you don't entertain much, do you? -I like my privacy. -You know, I do too. That's another thing we have in common. Like I hate it when you got somebody in your face. You've trying to give them a hint, and they won't leave. There's that awkward silence. -Can I stay with you? -Uh, what? -Can I stay with you, please? -Of course! -Really? -No. -Please! I don't wanna go back there! You don't know what it's like to be considered a freak. Well, maybe you do. But that's why we gotta stick together. You gotta let me stay! Please! Please! -Okay! Okay! But one night only.
-Ah! Thank you! -What are you - - No! No! -This is gonna be fun! We can stay up late, swappin' manly stories, and in the mornin' I'm makin' waffles. -Oh! -Where do, uh, I sleep? -Outside! -Oh, well. I guess that's cool. I mean, I don't know you, and you don't know me, so I guess outside is best, you know. {Sniffles} -Here I go. -Good night. {Sighs} -I mean, I do like the outdoors. I'm a donkey. I was born outside. I'll just be sitting by myself outside, I guess, you know. By myself, outside. I'm all alone There's no one here beside me {Bubbling} {Sighs} {Creaking} {Sighs} -I thought I told you to stay outside. -I'm outside. {Clattering} -Well, gents, it's a far cry from the farm, but what choice do we have? -It's not home, but it'll do just fune. -What a lovely bed. -Got ya. {Sniffs} I found some cheese. -Ow! {Grunts} -Blah! Awful stuff. -Is that you, Gorder? -How did you know? -Enough! What are you doing in my house? {Grunts} -Hey! {Snickers} -Oh, no, no, no. Dead broad off the table. -Where are we supposed to put her? The bed's taken. -Huh? {Gusps} {Male voice} What? -I live in a swamp. I put up signs. I'm a terrifying orge! What do I have to do get a little privacy? -Aah! -Oh, no. No! No! {Cackling} -What? -Quit it. -Don't push. {Squeaking} {Lows} - What are you doing in my swamp? {Echoing} Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! {Gasping} -Oh, dear! -Whoa! -All right, get out of here. All of you, move it! Come on! Let's go! Hapaya! Hapaya! Hey! -Quickly. Come on! -No, no! No, no. Not there. Not there. -Oh! {Sighs} -Hey, don't look at me. I didn't invite them. -Oh, gosh, no one invited us. -What? -We were forced to come here. -By who? -Lord Farquaad. -He huffed und he puffed und he...... signed an eviction notice. {Sighs} -All right. Who knows where this Farquaad guy is? {Murmuring} -Oh, I do. I know where he is.
-Does anyone else know where to find him? Anyone at all? -Me! Me! -Anyone? -Oh! Oh, pick me! Oh, I know! I know! Me, me! {Sighs} -Okay, fine. Attention, all fairy tale things. Do not get comfortable. Your welcome is officially worn out. In fact, I'm gonna see this guy Farquaad right now and get you all off my land and back where you came from! {Cheering} {Twittering} -Oh! You! You're comin' with me. - All right, that's what I like to hear, man. Shrek and Donkey, two stalwart friends, off on a whirlwind big-city adventure. I love it! -On the road again. Sing it with me, Shrek. -Hey. Oh, oh! -I can't wait to get on the road again. -What did I say about singing? -Can I whistle? -No. -Can I hum it? -All right, hum it. {Humming} {Grunts} {Whimpering} -That's enough. He's ready to talk. {Coughing} {Laughing} {Clears throat} -Run, run, run, as fust as you can. You can't catch me. I'm the gingerbread man! -You are a monster. -I'm not the monster here. You are. You and the rest of that fairy tale trash, poisoning my perfect world. Now, tell me! Where are the others? -Eat me!{Grunts} -I've tried to be fair to you creatures. Now my patience has reached its end! Tell me or I'll - -
-No, no, not the buttons. Not my gumdrop buttons. -All right then. Who's hiding them? -Okay, I'll tell you. Do you know the muffin man? -The muffin man? -The muffin man. -Yes, I know the muffin man, who lives on Drury Lane? -Well, she's married to the muffin man. -The muffin man? -The muffin man! -She's married to the muffin man. {Door opens} -My lord! We found it. -Then what are you waiting for? Bring it in. {Man grunting} {Gasping} -Oh! -Magic mirror - - -Don't tell him anything! -No! {Ginerbread man whispers} -Evening. Mirror, mirror on the wall. Is this not the most perfect kingdom of them all? -Well, technically you're not a king. -Uh, Thelonius. -You were saying? -What I mean is, you're not a king yet. But you can become one. All you have to do is marry a princess. -Go on. {Chuckles} -So, just sit back and relax, my lord, because it's time for you to meet today's eligible bachelorettes. And here they are! Bachelorette number one is a mentally abused shut-in from a kingdom far, far away. She likes sushi and hot tubbing anytime. Her hobbies include cooking and cleaning for her two evil sisters. Please welcome Cinderella. -Bachelorette number two is a cape-wearing girl from the land of fancy. Although she lives with seven other men, she's not easy.
Just kiss her dead, frozen lips and find out what a live wire she is. Come on. Give it up for Snow White! -And last, but certainly not last, bachelorette number three is a fiery redhead from a dragon-guarded castle surrounded by hot boiling lava! But don't let that cool you off. She's a loaded pistol who likes pina colads and getting caught in the rain. Yours for the rescuing, Princess Fiona! -So will it be bachelorette number one, bachelorette number two or bachelorette number three? -Two! Two! -Three! Three! -Two! Two! -Three! -Three? One? {Shudders} Three? --Three! Pick number three, my lord! -Okay, okay, uh, number three! -Lord Farquaad, you've chosen Princess Fiona. If you like pina coladas And getting caught in the rain -Princess Fiona. If you're not into yoga -She's perfect. All I have to do is just find someone who can go - - -But I probably should mention the little thing that happens at night. -I'll do it. -Yes, but after sunset - - -Silence! I will make this Princess Fiona my queen, and DuLoc will finally have the perfect king! Captain, assemble your finest men. We're going to have a tournament. -But that's it. That's it right there. That's DuLoc. I told ya I'd find it. -So, that must be Lord Farquaad's castle. -Uh-huh. That's the place. -Do you think maybe he's compensating for something? {Laughs} {Groans} -Hey, wait. Wait up, Shrek. -Hurry, darling. We're late. Hurry. -Hey, you! {Screams} -Wait a second. Look, I'm not gonna eat you. I just - - I just - - {Whimpering} {Sighs} {Whimpering, Groans} {Turnstile clatters} {Chuckles} {Sighs} -It's quiet. Too quiet. {Creaking} -Where is everybody? -Hey, look at this! {Clattering, whirring, clicking} Welcome to DuLoc such a perfect town Here we have some rules Let us lay them down Don't make waves, stay in line And we'll get along fine DuLoc is perfect place
Please keep off of the grass Shine your shoes, wipe your... face DuLoc is, DuLoc is DuLoc is perfect ...... place {Camera shutter clicks {Whirring} -Wow! Let's do that again! -No. No. No, no, no! No. {Trumpet fanfare} {Crowd cheering} -Brave knights. -You are the best and brightest in all the land. -Today one of you shall prove himself - - -All right. You're going the right way for a smacked bottom. -Sorry about that. {Cheering} -That champion shall have the honor - - no, no - - the privilege to go forth and rescue the lovely Princess Fiona from the fiery keep of the dragon. If for any reason the winner is unsuccessful, the first runner-up will take his place and so on and so forth. Some of you mae die, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make. {Cheering} -Let the tournament begin! {Gasps} -Oh! -What is that? {Gasping} -It's hideous! -Ah, that's not very nice. It's just a donkey. -Indeed. Knights, new plan! The one who kills the orge will be named champion! Have it him! -Get him! -Oh, hey! Now come on! Hang on now. -Go ahead! Get him! -Can't we just settle this over a pint? -Kill the beast! -No? All right then. Come on! I don't give a damn about my reputation You're living in the past It's a new generation -Damn! {Whinnying} A girl can do what she wants to do And that's what I'm gonna do And I don't give a damn about my bad reputation Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Not me Me, me, me -Hey, Shrek, tag me! Tag me! And I don't give a damn about my bad reputation
just so everyone knows, there are like 5 other asks with the rest of the Shrek script in my inbox…..
but i’m only posting this one, so you’re all so very welcome!!!
(also thank you so very much @genlossicle, your commitment is astounding and very much appreciated lol)
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bellysoupset · 3 months
Some unlikely caretaker - Luke and Wendy.
Lucas pressed his eyes shut, fighting a wave of dizziness.
After quitting his meds for three weeks, he was giving them a try once more - due to a particularly prickly call to his father, that had left him feeling all sorts of shitty. He had, foolishly, expected this time around the meds would simply have him feeling like himself once again.
Pretending he had his usual amount of energy was exhausting and the worst part was that he wasn't even able to fake that well. Bella had been watching him like a hawk for the past week, squinting at him whenever Luke said something too out there.
Luke's hypothesis that the meds were making him sick was proven though, since he had been feeling fine that morning and now he felt like he was about to throw up in the middle of the park.
He had been in the gym, but soon it had started to feel suffocating, as if the ceiling was caving down on him... Luke wasn't dumb, his therapist had sat him through the symptoms of an anxiety attack and his father always used to have him sweating buckets, even before... Before.
It had seemed like a good idea to take the pills and go for a walk in the park.
He stumbled back and collapsed on a small hill, the leaves crunching under him. Luke let his head hang, taking shallow breaths through his mouth and trying to ignore the horrible tingling on his face and hands.
Lucas wasn't sure what was worse, feeling like he was threading waters with the depression or feeling this horrible, gut churning nausea and dizziness that accompanied the meds. Probably the depression, but still.
With blood ringing in his ears and trying valiantly to take a deep breath, Luke struggled to type on his phone. His fingers were sweaty, hands shaking.
Luke: Bell.
It wasn't much, he just hoped Bella would telephatically figure out what was wrong or call him back or- Her contact dot lit up, and he let out a relieved sigh.
Bella: sry, cant talk, client is chewing me up. call u in 1hr 🖤
Well that was just great. Lucas groaned, rubbing his face and falling on his back on the grass, staring at the dark clouds over his head. It was a chilly day, but it wasn't raining so there were people coming and going...
Luke squeezed his eyes shut when his vision went blurry with tears, the knot in his chest tightening even more. He wanted- He just wanted for things to feel normal again. For this horrible sensation that someone, the fucking universe, was out there to get him, to go away.
"Please just call her and stop bothering me, you dork," a familiar voice said and Luke breathed in deeply, hoping Wendy would simply not recognize him.
He wasn't an easy guy to miss, but surely she would be too enraptured by her friend to pay any attention to the fallen guy on the grass...
"Isn't that the captain?"
Oh great.
He flinched out of instinct, then suddenly Wendy's face appeared over his, her whole body blocking the grey sunlight that was being filtered by the dark clouds.
"Hey," Luke grimaced, squinting at her and then saying preemptively, "I'm fine."
"You're fine," she repeated, sounding skeptical, "so is this a thing you do often?"
Lucas rolled his eyes, forcing himself to sit up instead of lying on his back and immediately regretting it when the sudden movement made his head swim. He gulped down, fighting a gagging fit, his throat working against his consent.
"Here," Wendy crouched down next to him and pushed her pink water bottle before his eyes, "small sips," she fanned his face, "you're alright."
Lucas felt the furthest from alright. He took a small sip, trying to swallow, but there was a knot in his throat so tight that just this motion set off another gag.
Wendy snatched her water bottle back, shoving it on Barbie's direction, and grabbed his bicep, forcing Luke to lean forward slightly, "it's alright, are you gonna be sick?"
Lucas nodded, panting frantically. His mouth was filling up rapidly with saliva and he couldn't swallow without gagging and his head was swimming-
He let out a little, dainty burp and then coughed, with his whole body, and up came his breakfast, splashing between his spread legs and sinking on the grass, a little on the stone path of the park.
Wendy rubbed his back in circles, humming under her voice, "you're alright, get it up."
Luke let out a groan, his head hanging, trying to collect the scraps of his dignity, but his body had other ideas. His stomach was still flipping and his head hurt. He had no warning as another violent retch wrecked through him, puke stinging his nose and causing him to cough, more acidic liquid joining the mess.
He pulled back with a moan, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, still feeling weak and shaky, "sorry-" his voice was at least a note deeper, rumbling in his chest.
Lucas tried to take in his surroundings. Wendy was kneeling on the grass next to him, wearing her gym clothes, looking terribly concerned. Her brown hair was pulled up on a perky ponytail on the top of her head and she was wearing a turquoise set, that matched Barbie's pastel green one, who was standing a couple feet away from him and grimacing in sympathy and disgust.
"Sorry," Luke repeated and Wendy squeezed his arm.
"Nothing to be sorry for," she glared at the mess, "did you catch Vin's bug?"
"No," Luke groaned, closing his eyes to avoid looking at the puddle sipping in the grass. He still felt too weak to get up and walk away from it, "no, I-"
Wendy's hand met his forehead and Lucas instinctively leaned on her touch. He wanted Bella. Or Vince. Hell, his bed would be plenty.
"Yeah, you're not warm," Wendy pulled back, squeezing his nape, "what's wrong, Lucas?"
"Meds," he groaned, swallowing convulsively when his mouth started to get all wet again. He gulped down, his stomach souring and causing him to shudder violently, "fuck- Urgh-" Luke leaned forward again, breathing through his mouth.
"Get it up, sweetheart," Wendy cooed and Luke let out a pitiful whine, trying to focus on the sensation of her small hand on his back, grounding him.
His stomach clenched again and Lucas coughed, another mouthful of barf joining the mess. He felt disgusting and ready to be done with this.
After another gut churning burp, Luke straightened up, panting so much he felt dangerously close to tears.
"You're alright, just breathe," Wendy instructed him, pushing back his bangs, as if they were much closer than they actually were. Behind her, Barbie let out a sigh.
"Wen, he doesn't look fine..."
"He's alright," Wendy insisted, grabbing Luke's arm, "we're gonna pull you up, okay?"
He nodded, weakly, and his head swam as Barbie wrapped her hands around his opposite arm and together the girls pulled him to his feet. Luke swayed dangerously and Wendy hugged him by the middle, her face tinted red thanks to the strain.
"You good?" she gasped, still hugging him and Luke leaned on her a little more, causing Barbie to squeal and sink her nails on his bicep.
"I'm good..." Lucas closed his eyes, trying to steady his breath, "I wanna go home."
"I'm gonna drive you home," Wendy reassured him, her voice all breathy, "Babs, help me take him to my car."
The next couple of minutes were a blur, because next thing Luke knew Wendy was all but lying across his lap, trying to wrap the seatbelt around him.
"Uhmmm," Luke sighed, clumsy hands trying to grab the metal buckle of the seat belt and aid her, only for Wendy to slap his hand away.
"I got this," she said sharply, causing him to let out a weak chuckle. She sounded a whole lot like Jonah.
"You said meds?" Wendy asked, pushing her water bottle back in his hand, "you think your meds caused this?"
"Uh-hu," Luke pressed his forehead to the window, breathing deeply, "every time... Get all barfy."
"Lucas," Wendy scoffed, "sweetheart, that's not right."
"Doctor said-" he hiccupped suddenly and let out a whine, clutching his chest, "s-normal to feel sick."
"Nauseous for the first couple of weeks, sure, but not literally throwing up," Wendy glared ahead, "you're taking it with food?"
Luke gulped down at the thought, his breakfast flashing in front of his eyes and causing him to groan loudly, "Wendy..."
"I'm sorry, sorry," she squeaked, chewing on her lip, "sorry... But you really should try, it helps a lot."
"Uhm," Lucas leaned forward, all but resting his forehead to the dashboard and staring at his sneakers, "Bell'ssworking."
"Want me to drive you somewhere else?"
He shook his head, "nowhere else," Luke mumbled, his lips feeling numb, "thanks- Thanks for helping."
"You mean driving you home?" Wendy sounded incredulous, "you're my friend, was I supposed to just leave you there?"
He opened a small smile at her tone, turning his head slightly, forehead still pressed to the dashboard. Wendy's fingers were drumming on the steering wheel nervously and her cheeks turned pink as she caught his eyes, all but barking "what?"
"Nothing," Lucas sighed, wrapping an arm around his stomach, "you should come over more often."
Wendy's cheeks turned even redder, "sit down right, you'll make yourself dizzier like that," she bossed instead of answering and Luke snorted.
"Yes, ma'am," he replied, lying back against the seat.
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ddejavvu · 2 years
hey if you’re not too busy could you do sth with like perv!eddie seeing the reader (his gf) in a bikini and he like dry humps her or sth? if not it’s okay i hope you’re having a good day<333
combined with: could you do something where the innocent!reader and perv!eddie are gonna go swimming but he sees her in a bikini and he just can’t help himself please? if you’re busy that’s okay!!<333
thank you both for being so sweet :D <33
this post is 18+, minors dni.
"I'm gonna head inside for a sec," You call out to Robin, "I want a snack!"
Your bathing suit is still soaked, puddles left behind where your feet hit the ground. But you towel off just before you go inside, bundling yourself up so that you don't drip onto the floor.
You head straight for the kitchen, reaching eagerly for a cookie. It's frosted, and you feel some of the white frosting smear messily across your upper lip when you sink your teeth into it.
"Good cookie?" Eddie's voice comes from behind you, his arms caging you to the counter and startling you.
"Eddie!" You gasp, your chest heaving as you turn clumsily around to face him, "God, you scared me!"
He's wet. You had the courtesy to dry yourself off before coming inside, but it looks like Eddie beelined to follow you and neglected his towel. His hair is stringy, water droplets dripping onto his chest and streaking down the skin there that's littered with tattoos.
You gulp. He notices.
A sly smirk flits over his face, and he leans down to kiss the frosting off of your lips. His tongue slides smoothly over the smear of icing, collecting it and sweeping it into your mouth. He spreads it over your own tongue, the sugary taste of vanilla marking your kiss.
As much as you're enjoying the sticky sweet kiss, you know you'll never hear the end of it if you get caught making out in the kitchen. You push against Eddie's water-dotted chest, lips shining with saliva under the lights as you pull away.
"We're gonna get caught," You warn him with wide eyes and an accusatory finger, "We cannot get caught."
"We won't get caught," Eddie scoffs, glancing behind you at the tray of sweets, "Get me a cookie?"
You mumble something along the lines of 'get it yourself', but there's no malice in your mind to match that in your voice. You'll grumble and groan at Eddie all day long, but you love the man.
You turn back so that your stomach is pressed against the counter, fingers outstretched and reaching for another one of the frosted treats. Before you can grab it, though, you feel Eddie's hands clamp down over your sides, your hips yanked backwards slightly as he thrusts his own forwards.
You barely contain your indignant shout, but the squeak you let out is still dangerously loud. Eddie huffs as one hand flies from your waist and out towards your half-eaten cookie, stuffing it in your mouth that's still ajar in shock.
"I thought you were the one worried about getting caught," Eddie drawls, voice condescending and wry against your ear, "Maybe you should stop making so much noise if you don't want anyone else to know what's happening."
You can't spit the cookie out onto Steve's nice, clean countertops, but the mouthful of dry, flaky dough combines with much-too-rich frosting and creates a perfect paste that glues your mouth shut. All you can do is breathe through your nose, slowly working through your mouthful. All the while, Eddie tugs your hips closer, cock hardening against his soaked swimsuit.
The towel you'd wrapped yourself in flops to the counter after Eddie yanks at it, a full view of your body now accessible to him. He groans, muffling the sound against the skin just below your ear. He ruts desperately against your ass, one hand snaking around your waist to thumb at your clit. The sensation makes you gasp, and as a result, your core throbs. Your stomach caves, and it only allows Eddie to yank you closer, his lips slick as they mash into your skin.
"God fuck," Eddie breathes, "It's like- like you're just wearing a bra! And- underwear, shit."
"It's just a swimsuit," You croak, cakey dough still clogging your throat.
"Shut up," Eddie scoffs, reaching blindly for something else to stuff in your mouth and coming up only with the semi-wet towel, "Here. Bite this."
"I don't want to- oh!" You yelp, the fabric already on your tongue, "Eddie!"
It comes out muddled and groggy, but he hears it. His fingers tighten on your hips and you feel his cock twitch, somewhere tight against your ass. He cums with a shuddering breath and a shaky swear, eyes squeezed shut, not that you can see it from where he hovers over your shoulder. The fabric of his swim trunks, already wet, doesn't show the stain, and you know he's grateful for that as he plans his escape to the bathroom. He barely remembers to take the towel out of your mouth in his rush to flee the scene before witnesses arrive, but when he does, he presses a kiss to the spot where it sat.
"Thanks, sweetheart," He grins, eyes mischievous, "Meet me in the pool house later to shower off, we can go for round two."
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mamawasatesttube · 11 months
timkon w “here, let me carry you” xoxo
Reality comes rushing back in an overwhelming roar. Tim opens his eyes with a harsh gasp, hand flying to his side for a bo staff that isn't there; he tries to spring to his feet, adrenaline thrumming through his veins with the burn of sheer panic, and bites back a swear as his knees buckle and the world swims around him.
He has to get out of here, he has to warn Kon—
Strong hands catch his shoulders; dark hair and luminous cyan eyes swim into view. "Whoa! Hey, hey, relax, it's me!"
Tim squeezes his eyes shut, willing the fog and vertigo out of his mind; he feels all... all... soggy, and disoriented, and wet, and exhausted, and... and awful, the panic roiling in his gut still churning to the point of nausea. He doesn't understand. The last thing he knew, he was in that warehouse, surrounded, realizing he'd fallen for a trap and they were going to use him to get to Kon, and...
"Kon?" he finally rasps, and immediately winces. His voice is raw, and his throat hurts like a bitch. Ugh, what even happened?
"Yeah, sunshine." Kon's arm wraps around his shoulders, his other hand tenderly cradling Tim's cheek. Tim blearily opens his eyes as the panic drains away; it's impossible to be so desperate and terrified when he knows Kon is here. "I got you. Easy, honey, just breathe. I got you."
"The aliens," Tim forces out, despite the pain, because Kon needs to know. "They want to get to Superman through you, they—I'm bait, you're not safe—"
"Shhhh." Kon's brows are furrowed, his jaw tight with worry; the edges of his lips tug downwards. Tim doesn't like seeing him so upset. "Don't worry. I know. I know. We took care of it. Everything's gonna be okay. They had you in stasis for a couple days."
Days. He vanished at that warehouse days ago? His poor Kon has to have been out of his mind with worry. Tim aches for him just at the thought, just for an instant, before the rest of Kon's words catch up to him and relief slams into him like a freight train.
They took care of it. Kon—Superman and everyone else too, but mostly Kon—isn't in danger. It's all okay..
It's okay.
"Oh," Tim breathes, dizzy from sheer relief; he's not even standing, but he sways again, slumping forward against Kon's chest. Kon smells of sunlight, his favorite aftershave, and a bit of ozone; Tim can feel his heart beating.
Kon's here. He's safe.
"Yeah. There you go." Kon's lips brush his forehead and linger, soft and warm against Tim's clammy skin. "Everything's okay, sunshine. You're safe now."
All the pain and exhaustion hits him tenfold as he starts to relax in Kon's arms; being held in a stasis pod clearly did very little for the injuries inflicted by the trap in the warehouse, and his whole body screams in protest. His head is killing him, and his eyelids are heavy, and his limbs are leaden.
"Here," Kon murmurs, his voice a bit distant even as he gathers Tim into his arms. Tim's head lolls against his shoulder. "Lemme carry you. Wanna go home?"
Tim can't quite muster up the energy to nod against him, but hopefully Kon gets the idea. He's really, really tired. And he's safe now, because Kon is here.
"...Tim? Tim—oh, shit."
Kon is here. So it's okay for him to close his eyes again, to sink down into the depths of his exhaustion. To give in and rest.
There's wind against his face now, he registers vaguely, and sunlight. That's nice. And Kon's arms, firm around him. "Okay," Kon murmurs. "You just—you just rest, baby. I'll get you taken care of. Promise."
As the darkness fully takes him, Tim almost laughs. That didn't need to be a promise; obviously Kon's gonna take care of him. That's the entire reason he's letting himself pass out to begin with.
Kon's here. He's safe.
He lets himself drift.
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(A/n: this is entirely self indulgent btw (which is ironic bc I /can/ swim but idc I just want an excuse for Luci to hold me okay😭))
(Ironic bc as soon as I started writing this, Milk of the Siren by Melanie Martinez started playing lmao)
(If you don't know, it's basically about getting revenge on men and drowning them)
Word Count: 1,422
Summary: Lucifer finds out MC doesn't know how to swim and decides to change that
Warnings: don't know if this needs to be a warning but: reader can't swim (obvi)
Age Rating: Pg 13
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Swimming Lessons: Lucifer x Fem! Reader
'I can do this... It's gonna be fine, I'm gonna be fine.'
You're standing at the door to the RAD pool as you try to steel yourself for what's to come.
The House of Lamentation had gone for a beach day a week prior; just taking a day to wind down from exams and student council duties. You had managed to keep your inability to swim a secret for most of the day under the guise of keeping Beel from eating all the snacks.
All good things must come to an end, though. Cue Mammon chasing you down to throw you in the ocean.
All you could do was panic as you desperately tried to keep your head above the waves. Your feet slipping as the sand gave under you, unable to support the weight of your hysteric kicking.
But just as fast as you were thrown in, you're pulled out.
You sputter as you wiped the salty water from your eyes, your arm in someone's vice grip as they yank you to land. Looking to your savior, you're met with am angry Lucifer glaring at your assailant.
"I really should stop expecting you to start acting like the second oldest brother. No matter what punishments you recieve, no matter how many lectures, you never seem to grow up. It's one thing when you cause problems for yourself, it's a completely different problem when you almost kill an exchange student. You're a sorry excuse for an avatar, Mammon."
"Hey!- That's not fair! How's I s'posed to know the human can't swi-"
"Enough! Everybody, start packing. We're going home." The groans and protests are silenced with a cold glare leveled towards them.
One by one the brothers file off to gather everything with the occasional (read: frequent) insult or snide comment to the second born.
After the ordeal was done and everyone was back at the HoL, Lucifer had cornered you in your room.
You were unpacking your beach bag when he came in, door clicking shut behind him.
"You can't swim." He doesn't ask.
"What of it?" You ask, looking over your shoulder at him as you gather your bathing suit and towel to throw in the laundry hamper.
You shrug, moving back to your bag to put away your sunglasses and spf. "I don't know, I just never learned."
Minutes pass in silence as he watches you unpack, the only noise is the ruffling of your bag accompanied with the occasional clack of something dropping.
Eventually he breaks the silence. "Would you like to?"
"Like to what?"
"Would you like to learn to swim?"
You stop to think about it. "Um, I feel like I would just get embarrassed... Most people learn when they're kids and the ones that don't, rarely learn. I mean, can you really imagine me in a pool surrounded by literal children who swim better than me?"
You chuckle at the mental image of yourself with water wings on. "I think I'll pass."
"I was referring to me teaching you." He still hasn't moved from his sentry position as you shuck your now empty bag into your closet.
"Like, alone? With you? In a pool? With water?" No offense to him but you feel like all it would take is one wrong move and you'll have annoyed him to the point of drowning you. You tell him so, earning a rare Lucifer smile.
"You'll be safe." He muses. "I have an inclination that Lord Diavolo wouldn't take too kindly to me killing one of his exchange students. Much less one of his favorite ones."
"Ha ha," you fake. "Funny, though I'm far from his favorite.'
"But I guess I'll trust you."
So here you are, about to potentially enter your very own death chamber.
'Oh, god- It's not going to be fine.' Your heart starts to pick up but before you can fully freak out you hear a voice from inside.
"Are you going to come in or just stare at the door?" Lucifer calls from the other side of the door.
No turning back now. You push the surprisingly heavy door open, revealing an even more surprisingly sized pool. It easily puts an Olympic sized swimming pool to shame. You can scarcely see the bottom even in the so-called shallow end.
Lucifer is already in, arms holding his upper body out of the water as he waits for you to join him. You can't lie, you're having a bit of a struggle to not stare at his toned arms and what you can see of his sculpted chest.
"Come on, the water isn't going to bite."
"Says you," you mutter as you strip to your swimsuit. You pad over to the edge, sitting down to put your legs in first. Taking a deep breath, you push off, keeping a death grip on the siding.
A couple feet separate you from the avatar of pride.
"Okay, now push off and try to pad over to me." He holds out a hand to you.
"I thought you were supposed to be teaching me?" You're trying not to panic or look into the depths beneath you.
"I am. I need to see what you can do before I can help with what you can't." He states, gesturing you towards him.
"If I die, I swear to god, I will haunt you for the rest of your life. If you think Mammon is bad, just you wait until you see what ghost Y/n has in store for you." With one last proclamation of wrath, you shove off, more tossing yourself towards him than paddling over to him, but that's as much as he's getting from you.
As soon as your head submerges, you panic, arms flailing as you try to reach out to Lucifer. You feel his hand grip your forearm as he hauls you back up. It's when you clear your eyes of the awful, chlorinated water that you notice he had moved the both of you further into the pool. There's no way you can reach the siding from here.
"Fucking hell!" You scramble to cling tighter to Lucifer. "I'm gonna die. This is how I die-"
"Calm down," he interrupts. "You are going to die if you don't stop panicking."
He pulls you away from his body, causing your nails to dig further into his skin. "Look at me."
You do. Panting with pupils blown from fear.
"Are you drowning?"
"I-" "Are you?"
You swallow. "No."
"Exactly, and I told you I wouldn't let you; do you think I'm going back on my word not even 5 minutes in?"
"Okay then. you said you'd trust me, so do so. Kick your legs lightly. Almost in a pedaling rhythm." He instructs. "We're going to start with keeping you above the surface."
And so, your legs start moving, the force of the water pushing back with each movement is a bit odd, but not too bad.
When you get a good rhythm going Lucifer drops your arms. "Keep kicking and stay calm."
You start to sink a bit but try to stay calm.
"Kick a bit harder."
You start to gain back face-to-water distance and you let yourself get excited.
"I'm doing it!-" In the process of celebrating, you stop kicking.
Just before your head goes under, Lucifer pulls you up yet again.
"What happened to 'keep kicking'?" He asks.
You look up to answer, only to find that his face is way closer than you thought. All too sudden, you're aware of his tight hold around your waist and how your chests press together as your hands rest on his shoulders. Your legs lightly brush against each other as you both kick to stay afloat.
Neither of you break the silence as your eyes stay locked together.
Are you going insane, or is his face getting closer?
No, it definitely is. Your noses bump as Lucifer tilts to the side. Your eyes are sliding shut and your lips are a hair's width apart when the pool door slams open.
Both of you jump apart as much as you can without him letting you sink. Luke stands at the entrance, staring at you with a look of shock.
"I- I was looking for Beelzebub- He... He ate the last of a cake I made and ran. I- Sorry." With that the angel scurries away, effectively taking the tension with him.
"I think we're done for the day." Lucifer says.
"Yep. Completely."
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sweetygardenerpeach · 4 months
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Leo valdez X F! Posiedon kid!reader
Warnings: Curse words, Enemies to Lovers???, and Kissing
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More under the cut!
It was about to be the end of the summer, and leo decided to go to the beach and dragged you along with him, suprisingly no one was there, well, exept Percy. But that didn't matter. Leo was wearing nothing but swim trunks, you were wearing your regular clothing, the only reason you were there, was because forced you, you didn't plan on getting in the water. But..leo had other plans......., you were sitting on the sand when he walked up to with water in his hands, and splashed it on you. "Leo! What the fuck?!" You got up from the sand, Leo just stood there laughing. "You're gonna regret that!", a wave came crashing down on him, Leaving him laying on the sand, drenched. You began to laugh. While he got up with an annoyed face, arms crossed, and Hair wet. "Cabrona..", you looked at him with a shocked expression on your face, "Did you just call me a Bitch?!" You yelled. "Sí, ¿tienes algún problema con eso?" He said with a angry face, "Sí, tengo un problema con eso!", He looked at you with a shocked expression, " you can speak spanish?! Percy only said that you could understand it, not speak it!", you looked towards percy who was sitting on the sand scared for his life," Persues Jackson!", Percy got up and started running." I'm sorry, i forgot to mention it!" percy said. You yelled while chasing him" you better be!", You were chasing after him when you felt something around your waist.. it was leo's arms, he was trying to stop you from chasing after percy. "¡Cálmate!" Leo yelled while still holding your waist, You looked at by looking over your shoulder, " "never!" You yelled at him "and Let me go! Jackass!" You removed his hands from your waist. "I was just trying to calm you down, Idiota!" , "Blah, Blah, yeah i don't care." Yoy said to him.
TIME SKIP!(sorry i got lazy.But i hope you like it!)
You were training when leo began to tease you in spanish, You got annoyed and Punched him in the face,"Ow! That fucking hurt, Cabrona!" He yelled at you, you raised an eyebrow"your lucky i didn't kick you in the nuts...again." you said, He stared at you "you promised not to mentiom that Again!" He whisper yelled, you scoffed "like i care-" You got off by Leo dragging you to hia cabin and pinning you to outside wall, "Hey what was that f-" you couldn't even finish your sentence before He put his finger on your lips and shushed you. "Shut up." He said, he removed his finger from your lips. "What the fuck was that for?: you whisper yelled," nothing!" He said, "that was not nothing!" You said, "shut up, Before i kiss you!" He said looking straight at you. "WHAT-" he cut you off by kissing you on the lips, He gently cut the kiss, "...What the fuck was that?!" You asked," it was to shut you up, Princessa!"He said, your eyes widened, 'Princessa' He's never called you that before," Princessa?!" You asked, "yes, Princessa, and this conversasion is over" He unpinned you from the wall and looked away, you just slowly walked away..
A/N: hello! So this is one of the many x reader is will be doing, let me know if you want a part two!
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ninjadeathblade · 3 months
Like the Sun and the Moon (Lego Monkie Kid fanfic)
Summary: Macaque helps MK train a little. Aside from that this is Shadowpeach angst.
Word count: 2,641
Warnings: Mentions of blood, reference to murder, Wukong and Macaque have a complicated past, swearing
Author's notes: Yes, I do briefly reference Shopping Trip but it's not necessary to read. This wasn't meant to be angst, it was going to be fluffy but ho-hum I guess, I lost control of writing this. Enjoy!
It was an adjustment, trying to train MK to begin to handle his new powers and form.
But a welcome one.
Wukong certainly seemed happier.
Macaque was trying his best to help MK adjust.
There was still some tension between the two mentors - things that were never truly going to be spoken about.
Moments they tried not to bring up again, like that night after the shopping trip.
But overall, things were calm.
“Hey Macaque, am I doing it right?” MK called.
Macaque's ears swivelled, pinpointing where the kid was in the trees below him.
“Yeah, that's great!” Wukong shouted from elsewhere.
The warrior dropped down a few branches before catching his tail around the branch above him and hanging, swinging slightly.
MK was in the tree across from him, tail wound tightly around the branch.
“Looser, you're gonna hurt yourself if your tail is that tight around the branch,” Macaque advised.
MK’s face fell. “What if I drop out of the tree?”
“If you do then I'll catch you in a portal, you'll be fine, I promise,” Macaque soothed, holding MK's own golden gaze.
The boy nodded, the brown furred appendage loosening as his brow furrowed with concentration.
“That's it. See? That wasn't so-”
MK dropped like a stone, plummeting down through the tree cover.
“Shit,” Macaque swore, kicking off of the branch to dive into a shadow portal and out into the air where MK should be falling.
Nothing. Thin air.
The shadow dived through another portal, depositing himself onto a lower branch. “MK?!”
“It's okay!” The kid shouted from a short way above him. “Monkey King caught me!”
Macaque let out a relieved breath, scaling up the tree before looking across a few branches at where the other two were. “Hey.”
“Nice of you to finally join us,” Wukong teased, holding their shared apprentice under one arm.
Macaque rolled his eyes, hopping over to stand next to him. “Says the guy who wasn't watching our kid while he was practising with his powers.”
“Um, I'm not your kid, I'm Pigsy's kid,” MK corrected, squirming out of Wukong's grip. “I'm taking a lunch break!”
“Okay kid, go chill for a bit, you've earned it,” the king responded, smiling as he watched the boy leave.
With a sigh he turned back to the warrior. “We should probably take a break too.”
“I can keep going.”
“We both know you're lying so shut up,” Wukong deadpanned with a frown.
Macaque blinked, taken aback by the turn of seriousness.
“C'mon, let's go get lunch,” Wukong said, back to his usual cheery disposition as he grabbed Macaque's wrist and began to lead him through the trees.
It felt strange, being welcome back on Flower Fruit Mountain.
Like hundreds of years hadn't passed.
“Moonbeam, stop stealing all my snacks!”
“But they're tasty!”
“Doesn't mean you can have them whenever you want!”
No, no point getting caught up in the past.
That was before everything happened.
“Mac, you good there?”
Macaque snapped back out of his thoughts, looking at Wukong before down to their now joined hands.
When did that happen?
“Y-yeah, I'm fine.”
Wukong frowned. “Looking a bit shook up. Did MK falling really freak you out that much?”
“Be careful up there, sunburst!”
“I'm fine, starlight!”
“Nope, you're totally going to fall!”
“Wow, how supportive of you! Thanks sooooo much!”
“Yeah, guess I just got worried,” Macaque mumbled the excuse, trying to block out memories he didn't ask for.
Memories of times that it hurt to remember, no matter how happy they were.
Wukong fully turned to him, concern swimming in those golden pools that were focused on him. “Macaque? What's wrong? As in what's really wrong?”
Macaque bit the inside of his lip, thinking it over for a moment before replying. “It's nothing, really. Let's go get food.”
The warrior withdrew his hand from the king's, skipping down branches before falling into a shadow portal that took him to the ground.
Air strangled in his throat as he looked at the clearing in front of him, at the one blooming tree that stood alone in the centre.
He remembered this tree.
He remembered climbing it, chasing his friend through the branches before settling down at the base and crashing out from exhaustion, held in an embrace that was as warm as the sun.
“Bud, are you sure you aren't sick or something?” Wukong questioned quietly as he landed beside him, one hand moving to rest on his shoulder. “You can go home and get some rest if you need.”
“I'm fine,” Macaque breathed, slowly walking over to the tree and tracing his hand over the gnarled bark.
The warrior let his head fall forward and rest against the tree, ears pricking as he heard a few of the other inhabitants skittering around in nearby foliage.
The shadow looked up as the king dropped down beside him with a flurry of blossom petals. “Gonna be honest, I kinda forgot that the peaches won't grow on this for a while.”
The sunlight glimmered behind him, framing his face with a shining glow.
It was radiant.
He was radiant.
It almost distracted Macaque from what he'd said.
“So there isn't going to be anything to eat?” Macaque fixed Wukong with the most unimpressed look he could muster.
“I can-”
“No Wukong, I am not eating your hair.”
“Well then, I got nothing,” Wukong said with a shrug, flipping down out of the tree onto the ground beside him.
Macaque conjured a shadow portal, gesturing to it - and was then thoroughly annoyed when Wukong didn't go through.
“You'll be fine, it's just back to your place.”
The king hesitantly went through and Macaque followed him, closing that one before summoning a smaller one.
One hand reached in and grabbed out a couple packets of crisps before throwing one at Wukong.
“There you go. Try and keep track of the seasons next time.”
Wukong ripped it open, hungrily shoving the cooked potato slices into his mouth. “Mmm! Thank you!”
“Chew with your mouth closed, unhygienic asshole,” Macaque grumbled, walking out of the building and over to where MK was, back to his human form. “Heya kid.”
“Hi Macaque,” MK greeted, one arm slung over his face from where he was lying on the ground.
The warrior prodded at him. “You good?”
The kid let out a groan. “No, don't do that, I'm in so much pain.”
Macaque immediately scanned him for injuries, tail lashing worriedly behind him. “Shit, where did you hurt yourself?”
MK shifted his arm, squinting up at his mentor. “Hurt myself, what? No, I just think that using my powers has drained all my energy.”
Macaque took in a deep breath, calming his nerves. “Yeah, okay, that would make sense.”
MK sat up. “You okay? You seem really shaken up.”
“Moonbeam, what is it, what happened? How can I help? Please, Macaque, tell me what's wrong.”
Macaque grabbed his left arm with the other, stopping the slow shaking that had started up at that most recent flash of memory. “It's nothing MK, don't worry about it.”
The apprentice looked sceptical but stood up. “Okay then. I'm going to say bye to Monkey King. I'll see you again tomorrow Macaque.”
“See ya kid.”
Macaque opened up a shadow portal, dropping into the space between places.
His quiet place, where nothing mattered.
Where he could just let his emotions vent.
The shadows swirled in a torrent around him, blocking out anything that he might have been able to sense from outside.
Why now?
Why those memories of all things?
He was only just fixing their friendship he shouldn't-
He shouldn't be thinking about when they were more.
He could feel himself fracturing, becoming one with the shadows surrounding him.
Not again.
He pulled back the strings of his consciousness, gathering them back to his body.
One hand reached up to trace over the scar that covered most of the right side of his face, over the marred flesh that twisted over his features.
He was fine.
Yes, he was fine.
Wukong blinked his eyes open at the sound of shuffling from elsewhere, instincts blaring an alarm at the threat of an intruder.
Then his memory kicked in, shutting off those instincts.
It was just Macaque, staying over to seemingly make sure that he ate something.
Wukong watched as the warrior was silhouetted by the moon as he stood in the doorway, a gasp strangling in the king's throat.
There were six ears to that silhouette.
Something was definitely wrong.
Macaque had been acting off all day, acting distant - although that wasn't new - and even nostalgic if possible.
“Sunburst, let me clean that wound for you.”
And it made him feel nostalgic as well.
Of things that had been that could never be again.
Wukong dragged himself up, following Macaque as he left.
It was strange, having him back.
Not the same as he used to be.
Not his shadow.
His warrior.
His moonbeam.
His starlight.
“Your starlight huh? You sound like a sentimental fool.”
“Maybe I am.”
“You're so annoying.”
“But you love me anyway.”
The king swallowed around the thickness in his throat, eyes scanning over the treeline.
He didn't have perfect hearing like Macaque but he did have gold vision.
The sage closed his eyes and then reopened them, flitting across his surroundings and sighing when he couldn't spot the familiar form he was searching for.
“Macaque, where are you?”
“Right here.”
Wukong practically jumped out his skin, turning around and hissing at his friend. “Fucking shit you scared me!”
Macaque just moved closer and dropped his head to Wukong's shoulder, hands grabbing tightly onto his sides.
“Mac? What is it, what happened?” The king whispered. “How can I help?”
The hands only tightened at his sides, claws digging into his skin slightly.
“Please, Macaque, tell me what's wrong.”
Dampness soaked into his skin and Wukong's eyes widened, concern properly overtaking him; he hadn't seen Macaque cry in forever.
Not since before.
“I don't want to.”
“Go away Wukong. I'm fine. Just leave me.”
Similar venom coating his words both times, trying to push him away.
Wukong moved to brush his hands up and down the shadow's back, trying to soothe him.
“Please? Moonbeam?” He tried.
Macaque tensed under his grip.
Okay, maybe that wasn't such a good idea.
“I just want to help.”
Macaque moved away, stepping so he was a short distance away.
Tear tracks glinted in the moonlight down his cheeks.
“I don't know how to get it to go away.” Macaque's voice cracked, looking down at his shaking hands. “I have these feelings that I don't want and it won't go away and I hate it.”
Wukong reached out for him. “Macaque…”
The warrior moved away from him, pacing as he ranted.
“And they won't stop. It was fine before everything with Azure happened and I thought I was okay but when me and MK were looking for you I saw us. From before. And I don't know what to do about it now.”
Macaque turned to face him, a hysterical expression on his face as he dragged one hand back over his head.
“Wukong it doesn't make any fucking sense! I was fine before but now I'm not! I didn't feel any of this up until recently and now it is threatening to ruin everything!”
His face fell, lip quivering.
“And I don't want that. I'm the closest I've been to happiness since coming back.”
“You know, peaches, I think this is the happiest I've ever been.”
“Yeah, me too moonbeam.”
“And I don't-” Macaque paused, taking a deep breath. “I don't want to fuck it up.”
“Fuck what up?” Wukong asked, slowly approaching him.
Macaque let out a sob, more tears sliding down his cheeks. “Our friendship. I keep thinking about before and I don't even know if we'd work like that anymore! You killed me and yet I still care for you.”
“You're so lucky I care for you.”
“I know I am.”
“I still care for you,” Wukong admitted quietly, just loud enough for Macaque alone to hear, gently grabbing Macaque's hand.
The warrior looked up at him, shaking his head slowly. “No. There's- there's so much else going on, we-”
“Who cares?” The king reached his other hand up to cup the shadow's cheek. “Who cares? Yes, you were right, this probably is the calm before the storm. But I have regretted what I did since the second it happened.”
Even now flashes of Macaque's corpse plagued his mind, sticky blood coating his body.
Never feeling fully rid of it.
“Please, Macaque, I can't lose you again,” Wukong all but begged. “I spent centuries trying to remember everything I could about you and then you finally showed back up and I-”
He looked away from Macaque.
“I only pushed you away more. And I need to make up for that.”
Forced his gaze back to meet Macaque's.
“I can't lose you again.”
Macaque stepped away, gaze flitting around wildly. “No, no, Wukong, we can't.”
“Why not?!” Wukong asked, voice rising.
Macaque flinched further away from him, all six ears pressing back.
“I need to go.”
“No, Macaque, please don't leave again.”
Something flickered across the warrior's face, there and gone within the span of a second.
All too late the king noticed the portal of shadows under Macaque's feet.
“I'm sorry Wukong.”
The sage threw himself onto the ground that the shadow had disappeared into, one fist pounding against the dirt.
“Hey, Wukong, look! I made a little portal!”
“Wukong, are you sure this is a good idea?”
“No, that's you! You're the one who's always running off! Looking for more power, more sources of immortality! You're the one who wouldn't quit while we were ahead! Not the Great Sage, he's got to drag everyone else into his mess!”
“Please, just come back,” he cried, slumping against the floor. “I'm sorry. For everything. I'm sorry.”
“The two of you are such a mess.”
“I'm sorry.”
“Come on! Show me the real Sun-Wukong! The old you would have levelled this whole mountain range to stop me! But you're scared of hurting some kid. Pathetic!”
“I'm sorry!”
“Macaque told me a story one time about you two. Well, not me specifically. But he said about how you two were like the sun and the moon. You and him sure used to be close, didn't you Monkey King?”
“Macaque, I'm sorry,” Wukong repeated. “I'm sorry I was so obsessed with power. I'm sorry I forgot about you.”
The tingling sensation of something brushing past him.
“And I'm sorry that we'll never be able to go back to what we used to be.”
“We could,” Wukong said, frowning when nothing was behind him.
Macaque had always loved mind games but he didn't feel like this was the time for them.
“Because years worth of battles can just be forgotten? Brushed over? Crossed out and not written into the history books?”
The voice echoed around him, wind swirling and buffering the treetops.
“No but we could work through it,” Wukong responded. “I love you, I don't want to fight again.”
The wind died down and the shadow cast from him by the moon, violet eyes opening and staring at him.
“Really? You aren't just saying that?”
“Fuck, no, of course not,” Wukong near cried.
The shadow's eyes narrowed, as if in contemplation.
“I need some time.”
“We have all the time in the world, Macaque, a whole universe to explore!”
“Can we just stay here for a little longer though?”
“Of course.”
“You know me. All the time in the world,” the sage replied, trying to ignore the pang in his chest as the shadow's eyes closed.
It was something.
They had… they had something.
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alastorswifee · 1 year
No clue if requests are open rn but id love a nsfw jay (top,dom) x f reader (bottom) 🫶
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༄Fiancé!Jay taking you both on a romantic getaway, a break from all the stresses you both had in life
He took you to a beautiful beach resort, he saved up so much money for this surprise and it was worth it in the end
You absolutely adored the location, this must have been so expensive..Jay was too sweet
The room had everything you could ever want and the room service was absolutely amazing
༄Fiancé!Jay making sure you don’t have to lift a finger throughout your entire stay there, spoiling you like..way more than usual
He was the sweetest ever and so adorable
You don’t deserve such an amazing guy such as him yet he insists it’s the other way around, he thinks you’re too good for him
༄Fiancé!Jay immediately suggesting that you both go enjoy the private pool and or the hot tub
Since the sun was starting to set into nighttime, the atmosphere was beginning to get chilly so you agreed to the hot tub
༄Fiancé!Jay wasting no time when it came to changing into his swimming trunks and running out to the hot tub happily
He plopped himself in and immediately relaxed against the comfy seat within the small heated pool
You couldn’t help but laugh at his eagerness mixed with excitement, he was so cute
༄Fiancé!Jay slowly opening his eyes to see if you were gonna join him only for his jaw to drop at the sight of you
Yes he’s seen you in bikinis and swim suits many times before but something about this atmosphere slightly changed how he felt
The sight of you slowly walking towards the hot tub, hips slowly swaying with each step taken, a loving look in your eyes as you maintained contact with him
He felt a bit of blood rushing to his lower region
No no Jay cmon man you promised to relax with her not get turned on
He was so lost in mentally scolding himself, he didn’t notice that you got into the hot tub and was snuggling against his side
Automatically his arm lifted and wrapped around you gently, pulling you against him gently
“Hey..” he would whisper before leaning down to press a soft kiss against your head, running his hand along your arm gently to keep you warm
"you look amazing" he comments much to your happiness, you couldn't help but smile at how sweet he was to you
༄Fiance!Jay continuously showering you with compliments throughout the night, hands slowly roaming more and more with each compliment
The more his hands got closer to your sensitive areas, the more you would squirm and get flustered
You knew better than anyone what he wanted but you didn't want to just give in so easily
༄Fiance!Jay getting impatient and taking you both back into the bedroom, babbling quickly about how you should be careful with what you wear around him cause you know how he can get
Him gently moving your bikini panty to the side before pushing his swimming trunks down, clearly impatient as his painfully restrained hard on finally got released
༄Fiance!Jay carefully resting your legs onto his shoulders before pushing into you, a slight hiss leaving his lips at the feeling
"shit you're so tight baby.."
༄Fiance!Jay not wasting any time and immediately fucking into you like he wouldn't ever get the chance to ever again
Eyes squeezed shut as he didn't even bother to go slow at first, too eager and needy to feel your pussy around him
You were keeping your moans muffled, hand covering your mouth as your eyes rolled back a bit
༄Fiance!Jay carefully reaching forward and grabbing both your wrists together, holding them above your head against the bed as he started to pound into you at a quick pace
You almost choked on your moan at his sudden rough pace, thighs shaking a bit as you feel your orgasm building up faster than before
Arching your back off the bedsheet as your walls start to clamp around your fiancé's cock, his composure slightly faltering at the feeling
"s-shit baby if you keep- fuuck..doing that, i might have to fill that pretty pussy of yours"
It didn't take long for you to reach your high, your orgasm washing over you causing your thighs to quiver from pleasure
༄Fiance!Jay immediately pushing your legs against your chest, his weight starting to press against you as he had pushed you into a mating press
Thrusts getting frantic and losing rhythm as he got closer and closer to his orgasm
"fuck fuck fuck baby so good"
Your jaw goes slack as you feel his warm cum fill you up, his thrusts slowing until he stopped
Your legs slowly and shakily being let down from being pushed against your chest, your body relaxing against the bed as he let go of your wrists
As you're about to let yourself fall into a deep slumber, you hear your fiance speak up which resulted in your body tensing up again
"how bout another round, hm?"
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I didn’t edit this lmfao
Tags: @kitomon @rosiroleplays @strahmslayer @thatonesimpforlegiteveryman @0s0me0n30
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