#🗡 eddie
amberswords ¡ 2 years
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A little fun exercise on “can I draw people semi-realistically from memory?”! It was very fun!
Close-ups under the cut.
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poisonedprose ¡ 2 years
The Vampire King ♰˚‧
prolouge / backstory !
warnings: mentions of porn movies, cursing, mentions of sex
masterlist - @thefailcollection
chap 1 // chap 2 // chap 3 // chap 4 // chap 5
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meet cute
It was a quiet day in Family Video. So much so, that Steve let Robin leave early. Steve didn't really expect anyone to come in for the rest of the day, so when he heard the door open, he assumed it was Robin coming back to get something, but when he looked up, the last thing he expected was to see the town's freak. The two just looked at each other, neither of them really knowing what to say. "Hey, Harrington." Eddie laughed nervously. "Is Robin in? She ordered this, uh, movie for me." He banged on the counter in a rhythmic pattern. "She actually just left not too long ago, but I can get it for you. It's probably in the back, what's it called?" Steve asked as he began typing on the computer. "Y'know, don't worry about it, Harrington. I'll just come back tomorrow." He began backing up slowly. "She doesn't work tomorrow." Steve stated as if it were obvious.
"I don't really need the movie that bad." Eddie laughed nervously again and made his way to the door. "Bareback?" Eddie froze. That was in fact the name of the movie Eddie ordered. "Uh, yeah, but really, don't worry about it." He started to leave again before Steve's voice caught his attention. "People order pornos all the time. You don't have to be embarrassed." He laughed before hopping over the counter. "Let me go get it real quick." Eddie stood at the door, still staring at the now employeeless counter. Steve quickly returned with the movie, hopping back over the counter to ring Eddie up. Eddie walked back over to the counter cautiously. Eddie tapped his fingers anxiously on the counter. "I promise there's nothing to be embarrassed about." Steve tried to reassure him, though it was useless. "If anything, let me know if it's any good." He joked trying to ease the tension. "It's gay." "I know. I can see the cover." Steve held up the movie, showcasing the very vile cover, with the text "Bareback: Fuck Me Raw #2" written on it. "Oh." Eddie laughed awkwardly, trying to find something in the room to focus on.
"So, you're gay?" Eddie asked Steve absentmindedly. Steve looked at Eddie with wide eyes. "Sorry! It just- It slipped out! I'm sorry!" Eddie dropped his head on the counter. Steve laughed slightly as he put the movie in a bag. "Don't worry, it happens to the best of us." He carefully avoided the question, which Eddie took note of. "Six-fifty." Steve told him as he handed Eddie the bag. Eddie placed the money on the counter. "Thank you, and I'm sorry again." Eddie offered a half smile. "Don't worry about it." Steve returned Eddie's half smile with a full one.
the first hangout
Eddie had invited Robin and Steve to come over to watch a movie. Well, he invited Robin and she insisted that Steve came. She claimed 'it would be good to make more friends.' Eddie didn't put up much of a fight, he actually didn't mind all that much. The doorbell rang and Eddie quickly answered it, welcoming the two with a warm smile and inviting them in. "Hi!" Robin exclaimed quite happily and enveloped Eddie in a hug. Eddie was quick to hug her back, though it was awkward. Eddie had never really hugged anyone before he met Robin. "Don't mind Steve, he's in a mood right now." She whispered as she pulled away. "Just because I said no to going to the beach tomorrow, doesn't mean I'm in a mood." Steve sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "He's in a mood." She whispered again and Eddie laughed.
"You guys can sit on the couch or something I'm gonna get a blunt. If that's okay with you, of course." Robin mumbled something about how 'he didn't need to ask her' while already beginning to snoop through his things, respectfully of course. "It's fine with me." Steve smiled before walking over to Robin telling her not to knock things over. Eddie laughed before making his way to his room. Robin and Steve sat down on the couch, Robin on the left, Steve in the middle. Normally, Steve would argue that Robin should sit in the middle, but he was too tired to care. Eddie soon returned, trying his best to keep the smoke away from his two guests. "Whaddya' guys bring to watch?" Eddie asked before taking a drag. "We have Nightmare on Elm Street," Robin started as she began looking through the bag of movies she and Steve had brought. "The Breakfast Club, The Never Ending Story, Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink- Oh my god, can we watch Pretty in Pink?" Robin asked excitedly turning towards Steve and Eddie. "What the hell is Pretty in Pink?" Eddie asked while eyeing his blunt. "Oh no." Steve mumbled before leaning his head back against the couch, where Eddie rested his arm.
Steve knew he laid on his arm, but he didn't move. He, quite honestly, didn't care. Eddie on the other hand, was going feral. Steve 'Pretty Boy' Harrington resting his head on his arm? Eddie thought his heart was going to explode. Though, Eddie didn't have much time to think about it before Robin was rambling again. "How do you not know Pretty in Pink? I mean, I know you're all Metal, ooo yeah, Metallica, and stuff, but like, this movie is amazing!" Robin emphasized her words and got up to play the movie. "This is going to be an hour and thirty-six minutes of your life you'll never get back." Steve lolled his head towards Eddie, speaking in a half sarcastic manner. "Don't listen to Steve. This will be the best hour and half of your life." Robin sat back down as the movie began to play, the dim light from the TV brightening the room. "You know the run time?" Eddie leaned closer to Steve to whisper as to not disturb Robin. "Yeah, the amount of times she makes me watch this movie, it's honestly ridiculous." Steve smiled before returning his vision to the TV screen.
The group was well into the movie, a little more than an hour in. Robin had fallen asleep a little bit ago, warning that Eddie better watch the whole thing before she ended up dozing off. Eddie had stopped trying to pay attention 15 minutes into the movie. He couldn't focus when the hottest boy he knew was so close to him, practically cuddling. "Can we turn this off, I hate this movie." Steve sighed before running a hand through his hair. "Then, why did you agree to watch it?" Eddie asked before standing up and turning the TV off, blunt long forgotten. "She loves it." Steve shrugged before resting his head in the same spot, wishing his previous pillow would come back. "You're a real nice guy, Harrington." Eddie laughed lowly before returning to his seat, although his arm stayed by his side, beginning to play with the jacket he was wearing. Steve rolled his eyes before grabbing the arm that laid on the outside of the couch and returning it to its original position, leaning back on it again. Eddie felt his heart skip a beat, maybe even two or three. "Wake me up, when she starts complaining she's hungry." Steve said as he snuggled closer to Eddie, who by now was having a full-on gay crisis. "Hungry?" Eddie mustered out. "She gets hungry after naps." That was all Steve said before falling asleep against Eddie.
the first kiss
Eddie and Steve had been hanging out a lot more since the movie night. Eddie started visiting Steve at work, making sure he was drinking enough water or really anything. Just any excuse to talk to him. Eddie knew he looked desperate, and fuck, he felt desperate. Sure, Steve noticed it, but for a reason he didn't really know, it intrigued him. And, he would be lying to himself if he said he didn't enjoy Eddie's company. So, when Eddie asked Steve to go to his trailer alone, Steve couldn't say no. So, here he was, in Eddie's room, on the floor, as high as Mount Everest. "You know, you never did tell me how that porno was." Steve giggled at the remembrance of the interaction. "It was absolute shit." Eddie rolled his eyes. "That's a bummer." Steve sounded almost disappointed. "What about you? Watch any good ones lately?" Eddie mostly joked, though, there was a part of him that did really want to know. "No, I'm not really into porno movies. Porno magazines are cool though." He rolled over to look at Eddie, who was already looking at Steve.
"Do you want some new ones? Gareth got me some the other day, but they're all women." Steve hesitated for a moment. Steve knew Eddie was gay but Gareth didn't? Really? "There's no guys in it at all?" Steve asked with a small frown. "No. Did you want there to be guys?" Eddie asked, what he thought was, rhetorically. "Yeah, kinda." Steve let the words slip from his tongue faster than he could register what he was saying. Eddie looked at Steve dumbfoundedly. Steve sat up quickly, almost causing his head to spin. "I meant because the guys- the guys fuck the girls. I'm not gay. I'm not. Don't look at me like that. I'm not gay." Steve rambled similarly to how Robin did. Eddie didn't want to force Steve into anything, but he knew that speech all too well. Trying to convince everyone around him, including himself, that he wasn't gay, that he liked women.
"Steve..." "I'm not gay, Eddie." Steve could feel his heart pounding in his throat. "It's okay if you are." Eddie tried to sound as calm and sincere as possible. "I'm not gay!" Steve repeated, though this time, it didn't sound like he was trying to convince Eddie, more like he was trying to convince himself. Eddie stayed silent this time, unsure of how to respond. "I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I promise I'm not." Steve lowered his head as he sobbed. "Steve, don't cry." Eddie scooted over to Steve, putting a hand on his back, in an attempt to soothe him. "I'm not." Eddie stayed silent, watching the younger boy sob on his bedroom floor. "I'm not. I don't want to be. I don't want to be, Eddie." Steve confessed as if he had just come to terms with it. Which, he had, all the times he wanted to be near Eddie, all the times he got butterflies when Eddie smiled at him, all the times he had wished the girl he was fucking was Eddie. It all made sense to him now.
Eddie stared at the boy. He knows he should say something, but he can't think of anything to say. Nothing helpful that is. "I don't wanna be like this. I don't want them to disown me. I don't want to be an orphan." Steve sobbed as he grabbed Eddie's knee. Eddie tried not to laugh, he really did, but sometimes things don't go the way you want them to. "Why are you laughing? This isn't funny." Steve looked up at Eddie who had tears in his eyes. Was he crying with Steve? For Steve? At Steve? "I know. I just... I know what this is like. You just remind me of me, that's all." Eddie let his free hand push hair out of Steve's face. Steve stared at Eddie. He looked so pretty in this lighting. His eyes looked so sympathetic. His lips, oh god his lips, they looked so kissable. Steve leaned forward brushing their lips together. Eddie closed the small gap between them, leading Steve through the kiss. It didn't end until they were pulling apart for air.
"Steve." "Kiss me, again." Steve asked watching Eddie's lips still. "Steve." "What?" "What are you doing?" Steve was confused. What was he doing? Wasn't it obvious? "What?" "I don't want to be some gay experiment." Eddie confessed. "You're not." Steve said which seemed convincing enough for Eddie. He pulled him in for another kiss, savoring Steve's taste as he did so. Eddie lifted his hands to Steve's face, wiping the almost dried tears off his stained face. Steve brought his hands up to Eddie's hair, tugging on it slightly as he combed his fingers through it. The two pulled away again, looking into each other’s eyes. "I'm so... enamored by you." Steve always had a special talent for avoiding things, and Eddie wouldn't let it go unnoticed. Eddie smiled as he pulled Steve back in for another kiss.
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theoreticslut ¡ 2 years
Just wanted to let you know jealousy jealousy is one of the best fics I’ve read on here in a while. You write Eddie so perfectly in character, it’s so refreshing? I hope you never stop. I’m living for it, thank you. -🗡
This is so fucking sweet! Thank you!! It’s always such an amazing compliment to be told I write someone in character 🥹🥰
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apolloanddaphnis ¡ 6 months
Eddie Munson x Horror!Bimbo Reader Headcanons Part Dos 🦇 🗡 💗
She loves dolls, like Barbie dolls. She has so many of them, she calls them all Marie Antoinette, and has each one in the case holding their own head.
Sometimes she wears Eddie's band shirts as a dress (he's a guy and it's the 80s so his shirts and jackets are oversized because let's face it our little coffin cutie isn't gonna be Nancy's size. Nothing wrong with her size because Nancy is hot and perfect her body is perfect but the group needs other perfect bodies.) And when she bends over he can see her thong because our neighborhood gore whore ain't the type to wear shorts underneath and protect her virtue.
Eddie. Goes. Feral!
He makes up any excuse to rub against her or touch her back.
Their friendship is already at the place where she sits in his lap. And at lunch it takes everything he has as she has her cunt that is only protected by a thin thong that presses between her slit, that is pressing against the crotch of his denim and wetting it. It takes every thing he has not to unzip and slip it in. Because that would not be friendship anymore...no...
He nearly cums in his pants again when she stands up when lunch ends to see her face flush.
Horror!Bimbo makes Eddie's lunch for school everyday. She makes him club sandwiches, double decker sandwiches, soups in a thermos, meatloaf sandwiches, she goes all out and his friends always weep with envy as they eat pb&js and baloney sandwiches.
She also goes over to the trailer often to make dinner. Excited constantly about trying new recipes, using her allowance money to buy the ingredients for her recipes. But Eddie doesn't allow that to go far, he always puts money in her pocket literally, has to force her to take it, doing more deals to make more money for her. Eventually she stops putting up a fight and takes the money because Eddie gets a 'do what I tell you or else' look in his eye.
She does his laundry and when she's over tidies his room up a bit and brings over fresh sheets from her place.
When horror!bimbo finds his playboy and penthouse stash she asks him if she would be pretty enough to pose for these magazines because she has always wanted to. "You're way sexier than Kim Morris bunny, but there is no way I'd ever let the world see that. "
Eddie would always drop casual dominance with her, and it always made you a fuzzy brained wet mess. Like whenever they walked through the hallways together and he'd gently guide her with a hand on her lower back. Or when they cross the street and he will hold his arm out in front of her until they could cross because one time she almost got hit in the parking lot. Or when he always has her sit either next to him or in his lap. There's also him always making sure she eats, asking "what did you have for breakfast?" "Did you remember to pack lunch?" "Sit, eat, you won't wait to serve us to eat your dinner." He even packs snacks for she so you can munch throughout the day. He nearly lost his shit when there was a time our coffin bimbo was starting a diet, only ensures and slimfast. "You're on some good shit if you think I'm allowing you to starve yourself and ruin your perfect body bunny, not on my goddamn life, you must be certified crazy if you think I would allow that!"
He makes her feel cherished and taken care of.
And when they go to a drive in movie or Benny's or anywhere he never lets her pay, and when she runs through her allowance quickly, he gives her more money.
She knows he's been working more to take care of her, so bimbo!reader will run him nice hot bubble baths because her Eddie works so hard for her.
She honestly loves being at her best friend Eddie's more than at home. Even added some touches to his room, like her stuffies, her favorite horror novels, her clothes, her soap, her skin care, hair stuff, perfume, just slowly nesting. Even brings Pyewacket and Socky (Socrates) over to be watched by Wayne during the day since he works at night. Pyewacket actually LIKES Wayne, maybe because he feeds him those Vienna sausages...
And when poor Chrissy Cunningham doesn't see it coming when reader notices her getting close to HER Eddie, and surprises Chrissy with spiders in her cheer locker..
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rustboxstarr ¡ 7 months
🗡"Seeking attention like some common whore"🗡
Summary: Eddie doesn't think before he talks when he's pissed, he regrets that now when he has to explain to his daughter why her mom can't wear whatever she wants.
Pairings: Dad!Eddie Munson x Mom!Reader
Warnings: Angst, fluff, some fighting, Eddie being a dick, Eddie and R being a healthy couple and talking about their problems lol
Wordcount: 2.6 k
A/N: I found this in my docs and thought why not post it? Idk where the idea for this came from but I guess its mildly funny 🤷‍♀️
Love yas!
Check out my other works!
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You woke up in a sour mood on Saturday, head pounding and your mouth extremely dry, a bitter taste resting on your gums. Your week had been long and challenging, you hadn’t even been that keen on going out partying Friday evening but Cindy, your closest colleague had psyched you up and made you feel excited about the whole thing, you even enjoyed yourself, had quite a few drinks, lots of laughs, some stumbling around with some other girls from the office as you made your way out and a permanent sloppy grin painted your features as you got out the cab and stepped through the door to your small house where so much love had been shared you were comfortable calling it a home. That grin was wiped clean off the moment you stepped through the door. 
A hangover was beating down on you, made even worse when you woke up with no long muscly arms wrapped around you, or any limbs even touching you for that matter. You craned your neck from your position lying on your side to see Eddies back to you, shallow even breaths making his torso expand evenly. It felt melancholy, not waking up with a comforting warmth wrapped around you, and you almost let that feeling overtake you before you rolled your eyes as you remembered what had actually gone down the night before, the reason for why there would be no awaiting tylenol and water on your bedside table and no lazy saturday morning cuddles before Ophelia woke up. 
You dragged yourself out of bed, the weight on your feet feeling undeniably heavy and sagging as your post drunk state hit you like a slap in the face when your head leveled upright. Taking a deep breath you decided to go downstairs and get yourself some pain killers, a very large glass of water or two and a strong cup of coffee. 
Rubbing your eyes of sleep you sipped your coffee at the kitchen table, sunk into the wooden chair, much too hard for any slouching to be at all comfortable. Footsteps pattered against the wooden stairs alerting you that someone was coming to join you, much to your dismay it wasn't a light pitter patter of tiny feet but heavy steps of a tired grown man probably equally as sour as you. The thuds alerting his presence caused you to quickly adjust your worn cotton nightgown, pulling the hem up comfortably to cover any awkward cleavage. 
You didn't even look his way as you heard the same footsteps enter the sage green and powder blue kitchen, you made no effort to stand up and greet him in any way instead you just sipped your coffee and looked out of the window. Your husband’s and your own car parked in the driveway in front of the empty quiet street of the suburbs. Green grass damp with the morning dew brightening up the dark hours of the early winter morning, a colorful painted mailbox even more a stark contrast to the blacks and deep blues that painted the sky. 
Eddie poured himself a cup of coffee and folded himself into the opposite chair, a low groan slipping past his lips at the action. All you did was glance over to him, at the interruption, but Eddie's eyes were fixed on the maple of the table as his hands wrapped around the dark Star Wars mug, the same one he drank his coffee in every morning, just like you with your Zelda mug. Before you flicked your eyes back to the view of the street through the window you noticed Eddie was shirtless, pale skin dampened in the lack of light shining at him, torso littered with tattoos, snaking up his arms and chest, down to his hips. He too hadn’t bothered to change into day clothes yet.
The silence loomed over the small open kitchen as you both sipped your coffee in quiet, you refusing to meet his gaze as Eddie chanced glances at you, trying to gather what mood you were in and by extension how the rest of the day would look like. All he could understand was that you were nowhere near happy and that meant that his day would probably be even longer than the workweek had been. 
He cleared his throat in an attempt to get you to look at him but you blatantly ignored him and continued staring out the window. Just as he was about to try again the familiar noise of tiny feet tread the steps down the stairs that he had taken not long ago. In an instant both of your heads turned in the direction of the hall awaiting Ophelia, eyes fixed on the corner before a head of messy brown curls appeared. 
In her blue whale pajamas, clutching her favorite teddy bear, Mr Burr as she so pleasantly called him. Rugged white fabric, fluff lost with the amount of love it had been given the past four and a half years and stuffing unevenly placed in the head and body, leaving a thin long neck on the seal in its rightful position of Ophi’s elbow. 
“Hia baby” had it been any other day your voice would be alot more chipper, but today, you couldn't muster up the strength, your tone was flat and croaky, clear evidence of the night before. Eddie winced behind you as he heard it, you were probably not feeling very well and he couldn't help but feel the slight guilt that part of it was his fault with the fighting yesterday, but also not being there to dote on you the morning after you had been out drinking. 
“Hi” Ophis' voice was near a whisper, still tired and not fully awake, she walked over to you, holding her hands out expectantly. You groaned as your weak muscles worked to pick your daughter up and sit her in your lap, that too made Eddie wince, guilt bubbling up even more than it already had. “Sleep ok?” he leaned over the table to let her slide her small hand into his big palm “No it was too loud” she complained as she let her dad wrap his fingers around her wrist. “Oh I’m sorry baby, were mommy and daddy talking too loud? you should have come in and told us” you hugged her to you as you felt bad about keeping your daughter up. “Probably would have helped me get to bed faster than staying up till 4 am” you mumbled, too groggy and hoarse for Ophi to understand what you were saying. Eddie let go of his daughter's hand with an eye roll, occupying himself with a large gulp of bitter coffee instead. 
“Why were you and daddy fighting?” Ophelia turned to you as she nuzzled her head to your collarbone “Me and daddy just had a little argument” you explained as a hand instinctively went to comfort her, smoothing down her hair atop her head. “What was it about?” she pressed as Eddie stood up from his seat to prepare a bowl of cereal for her and later on, her sister. 
You looked over at him and decided, you may as well just tell her “Hmm well you know when Daddy says you can’t wear some things?” looking down at her. “Oh great turn our daughter against me” Eddie grumbled as he poured milk into a pink plastic bowl, you scowled at him as the little girl spoke “Yeah, I don't like that, he tells Woxy too” she frowned up at you, it was difficult to take her seriously as she tried to pronounce her sister Roxette’s nickname. “Yeah well daddy does that with me too” you explained in a soft tone, despite the fact that you were actually really annoyed at the fact. “Why? Daddy says it's because I'm just little but you’re old” you chuckled, not catching the way Eddie's lips tugged up at the corners. “Yeah, I’m old” 
Eddie sat back down before placing the bowl and a small spoon in front of Ophelia's usual place at the kitchen table, signaling for you to let her down so she could eat. Ophelia crawled down and then up again to sit with her knees digging into the specially placed cushion on her chair. 
“Daddy” she looked up after a few mouthfuls “Hm?” he turned to give her his full attention “Why can't mommy wear what she wants? She’s not little, she's a woman” Ophelia asked confused. The gears were visibly turning in Eddie's brain as he thought over how best to explain it, he couldn't exactly tell his almost 5 year old daughter that her mom couldn’t waltz around in skirts that he barely considered an actual article of clothing and tops that reveal the things that are only for his eyes to see. “Um… well” he was fighting for words. “Because sometimes Daddy forgets that I’m not little like you” you interrupted, booping Ophelia's nose to earn a light giggle “So he forgets that it's not okay for him to tell me how to dress” even though your voice is soft you shoot Eddie a hard glare giving him insight into how you were actually feeling about him at the moment. 
Eddie rolled his eyes again and sat back in his chair, bringing the black ceramic up to his lips. “But listen Ophi, ok this is very important” you lent forward to catch her eye “When you become a big girl and same goes for your sister, if someone other than me or your daddy ever tells you what you can and can't do you have to come to us, and tell us ok?” Ophelia nodded in understanding “Especially if it's a boy ok? Because it's very important that you remember that you are your own person, and that no one can tell you how to dress ok?” Ophelia nodded again “You gonna come tell us if that happens?” “Yeah” Ophelia nodded happily as you sat back to mimic Eddie and bring your own coffee cup up to your lips and your eldest began her meal again. 
You recognised Eddie's face as he stared unfocused behind you, he was clearly mulling something over by the looks of it arguing with himself in his mind. Under any other circumstances you would ask him “Penny for your thought princess?” in some corny southern british accent, but today you simply didn't want to know. 
Ophelia seemed not to notice the tension between her two parents as she told you both about a strange dream she had where Eddie’s guitar had turned into an airplane and she had flown off with her friend Louise Harrington in it, both you and Eddie humoring her as she spoke with mouthfuls of cheerios. Soon enough she was situated under a blanket with various stuffed animals and a bottle of water on the couch to watch her morning cartoons next to three year old little Roxette who munched on some cut up slices of toast by Eddie and sat watching intently as bright colors lit up the screen. 
As Eddie got Ophelia and Roxette settled you pulled yourself upstairs with the intent of a shower and a fresh change of clothes, but decided to belly flop head first into the soft pillows of your bed, almost dozing off as the door next to your right opened. You didn't bother looking up as you heard Eddie close the door carefully and tiptoed around the bed to his own side, under the impression that you had passed out but was instantly startled as you awkwardly turned your head to press your cheek into the pillows, facing Eddie as he was about to climb back into bed himself. 
Your voice was muffled against the pillow as you spoke, “Come to shout about what a massive slut I am again?” Eddie cringed as he heard you, he took a deep breath before sitting down next to you, his back to the headboard. “No..” he sighed “You sure? Or would you maybe prefer attention seeking.. whore? Was it? No no wait, seeking attention like some common whore, that's what it was” Eddie shrunk in on himself as you repeated the words he had shouted at you in fury the night before, you knew Eddie would come around, you knew he would apologize, but this particular time you felt he had really crossed a line so you had no problem sprinkling some salt in his wounds. 
“Baby.. I’m sorry” he whispered as he leaned over to place a hand on your back and rub it up and down. “Mmmm” you sarcastically hummed “I-I really shouldn't have said that, I was being an absolute dick” at that you hummed in agreement, face still half smushed into the pillows as you looked up at him. “I just, you know how I feel about Billy.. I already don't want him around you, and when I saw you come home like that I just knew he was probably lapping it up” a roll of your eyes “But I took my anger out on the wrong person, I’m really sorry” Eddie moved down the bed to lie on his side as his hand continued rubbing up and down your back. 
“Mhm and?” you looked at him as his face was now level with yours “And..” he breathed fighting a roll of his eyes, he knew what you were doing “I just thought about you know if Ophelia or Roxette ever comes home with a boyfriend” “mhm” you coaxed him on “I wouldn't be that happy to know he was telling them what to wear” you broke out into a wide smug grin, even though there were a few more things to unpack about yesterday, an apology was all you needed for the moment. 
“Yup” you popped the ‘p’ even more smug, this time Eddie did actually roll his eyes but a playful grin tugged at his lips. “But” Eddie’s face suddenly went serious “I would… appreciate if maybe you don't wear those kinds of outfits around, at least Billy in the future” he was feeling sheepish at his request. “In my defense” you pushed yourself up to lay your head on your crossed forearms “I didn’t actually know Billy was gonna be there” you grinned “also if I knew that, do you seriously think I would have worn that?” Eddie chuckled “Yeah ok no, that's true” another smug hum of approval. “Mmmm but why you gotta wear that stuff anyway” he started of with a hint of a whine “Who you tryna impress when you have a big hunky husband with the biggest dick you've ever set your eyes on” a loud snort rang through the room as you turned to lie on your side, letting Eddie scoot closer and wrap his arms around you. 
“Maybe I’m tryna impress my boss, ya know get myself a sweet promotion, or maybe that so called big dick you pride yourself just isn't cutting it anymore” you nuzzled your face into his bare chest as it vibrated with laughter “Well first of all you are the boss, hate to break it to ya butchya’ can’t really get promoted babe, second whatchu’ talkin’ ‘bout woman, just last morning you were drooling over it” you rolled your eyes as a big amused smile spread across your face. 
“Well now you're just lying, I was not drooling” 
“Oh Eddie! Oh Eddie god! Oh my god! AAUUH Ugh! Your cock is so big oh my goood! Fuck Eddie yes! Yes! YEEES!” Eddie's voice turned into an awfully high pitched imitation of a girl's voice as he whispered as to not let the girls hear, whole body shaking with you in his grasp to get his point across further. 
“Oh my god shut up!” you clasped a hand around his mouth which Eddie easily pulled away to kiss at your knuckles “I’m getting a divorce” you giggle as you cozy up to Eddie.
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daffi-990 ¡ 1 month
Seven(ish) Sentence Sunday 🗡
Tagged by @diazsdimples @exhuastedpigeon @jesuisici33 @devirnis
Had the smallest amount of writing beans yesterday for my Buddie Fantasy AU .. which is a bit of a mess and all over the place (I don’t even have one chapter fully complete 🥴).
For context -> this is what happens from Bobby’s POV a little after this snippet. No idea if it’ll stay in the final cut (because that seems light years away), but thought I’d share anyway.
Bobby reaches for his sword, his hand slipping slightly along the hilt due to the blood covering his palm. If he’s going to die, he’s going to do it protecting his son. He’ll fight for Buck until his last breath.
Using his sword for support, Bobby slowly stands, the excruciating pain from his wound almost bringing him to his knees. He grits his teeth against it, shifting his feet into a better position readying for attack.
The small group of soldiers are closing in. He only has a few moments before they’ll be upon him.
Lifting his sword, Bobby takes a shuddering breath, ignoring the way the arrow pulls painfully in his side. Eddie and Buck should’ve made it deep into the forest by now. They’ll be safe. Eddie will keep him safe. He promised.
The first soldier approaches, weapon raised as he charges towards Bobby, but before he’s even within striking distance he falls to the ground, an arrow embedded in his chest.
Bobby whips his head to look behind him, a relieved laugh spilling from his lips, for charging in behind him is what looks to be a hunting party of fae warriors on horseback.
The fae gallop past him and towards the enemy soldiers who are now beginning to retreat in fear, but it is of no use, for the fae cut them down easily.
Bobby falls to his knees, exhaustion crashing into him like a rolling wave.
“Looks like we arrived in just the nick of time, Mage Robert of Nash”
No pressure tagging: @spotsandsocks @hippolotamus @wikiangela @wildlife4life @watchyourbuck @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @madneywedding @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @missmagooglie @monsterrae1 @mellaithwen @loserdiaz @lover-of-mine @ladydorian05 @rainbow-nerdss @thewolvesof1998 @the-likesofus @theotherbuckley @smilingbuckley @tizniz @shitouttabuck @steadfastsaturnsrings @sunshinediaz @spagheddiediaz @dangerpronebuddie @bidisasterevankinard @fortheloveofbuddie @fiona-fififi @giddyupbuck @honestlydarkprincess @homerforsure @hoodie-buck @jeeyuns @neverevan @nmcggg @bekkachaos @captain-hen and as always, anyone else who has something they want to share -> consider this your official tag 🏷
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andvys ¡ 2 years
Love will tear us apart // part eleven
Warnings: angst, mentions of death, mentions of panic attacks and anxiety
Pairings: Eddie Munson x fem!reader // mentions of Steve Harrington x fem!reader 
series masterlist 
*🗡anon, I sneaked in the quote you wished for!
Your vision was blurry as you were wandering through the empty streets of Hawkins. Tears that kept streaming down your face were staining your cheeks. Your bottom lip was quivering as you tried to keep the sobs in. You wrapped your arms around yourself, not because you were trying to shield yourself from the cold wind but because you needed some type of comfort, even if your own touch wouldn't do much. 
You didn't know where you were going. You had nowhere to go. Steve’s words threw a new wave of insecurities and uncertainty over you. Too many questions were running through your mind. Questions that you had no answers to. 
If you had known that this would happen, then you would have cancelled plans with him and you would have taken Eddie up on his offer to take you out on a date. At least then, you could have still been happy. As happy as you had felt all day before this. 
You had no idea how long you were walking or where you were going but as you found yourself standing downtown, you looked around, wiping away the fallen tears, you noticed how empty the town was at night. The stores were all closed, the street was empty, the only place that was still open was the hideout.  
You could go in there but seeing your uncle meant answering a bunch of questions and you haven't seen him since both him and Seth had caught you and Eddie in the storage room. 
Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath, annoyed at the tears that keep falling.
You don't know what you did to deserve all of this, to have all the people that you love so dearly, hurt you like this. A breathless laugh falls from your lips. You will never be happy. Opening your eyes, you look around, eyes falling on the bench across Melvald’s General Store. 
You walk towards the bench and pull your jacket tighter around your body. Distant laughter fills the silent streets as a young couple walks out of the hideout. You look their way as you sit down, watching them, you wipe another fallen tear away. The guy wraps his arm around who you assume is his girlfriend, they share a kiss as they stop walking for a moment, he tugs her closer as they start walking again. 
The longing feeling in your chest worsens, you wish for something like this. With Eddie.
“Are you alright?” 
Startled, you turn around, away from the couple the walks into the opposite direction. Cursing at yourself for letting your guard down, you put your hand on your chest. 
A tall man stands a few feet away from you, a kind smile on his face as he looks at you. 
You heart is racing in your chest, a weird feeling settles in. You furrow your brows as you look at him, you haven't seen him around before. 
You nod “y-yeah, I'm alright.” 
He tilts his head “you are crying.” he points to the tears on your face. 
Turning away from him, you wipe your tears quickly “allergies.” you mumble as you wipe your wet hands on your jeans, looking back at him, he looks at you with an unreadable look on his face. 
“Mind if I sit?” he asks, pointing to the other end of the bench. 
You hesitate as you look around the empty streets, no one’s around, you look back at him, he doesn't look very threatening anyways. 
You shake your head. 
He smiles as he sits down “thank you.” 
You watch him intently, trying to figure out if you had ever seen him somewhere, there was something, familiar about him. He has blonde hair and even in the darkness, you can make out the stark blue eyes, a kind smile plays on his lips as he turns towards you.
He eyes you slowly, almost as though he’s trying to memorize your face. Something flickers in his eyes, you don't know what it is but for some reason it sends a shiver down your spine that leaves you feeling even more nervous than before. 
Walk away. No. Run away. The voices in your head say but you don't listen. 
“Do you need a tissue?” he asks as he digs into the pocket of his jacket. 
“No-” you try to decline but he already holds out a small pack of tissues. You look at him with a curious look in your eyes before your eyes flicker down to his hand. 
“Take it.” he says softly, nudging it towards you. 
You swallow nervously as you reach for it, you take it, fingertips brushing his and you almost let out a gasp at how cold his hand feels. He smiles at you as you take it from his hands. You can’t figure out what the look in his eyes is. 
“T-Thank you-” you pause, looking at him in curiosity. 
“Henry. My name is Henry.” he smiles. 
You nod “thank you, Henry.” you mumble as you grab a tissue out of the little package. 
“What’s your name?” he asks. 
You can feel his eyes on you as you bring the tissue up to your face, wiping away all the tears. You must look like a mess, with mascara stains under your eyes and your hair a mess from the wind. 
You shouldn't tell him and you shouldn't sit here with a stranger in the first place and yet you turn towards him and tell him your name. 
He smiles again as he looks into your eyes “y/n.” he says. 
Something about the way he says your name feels, familiar and something about his eyes is also familiar but you can't place him anywhere. 
“Why were you crying, y/n?” he asks “are you in pain?” 
A breathless chuckle leaves your lips “no, I'm not in pain.” Not in physical pain.
“You look like you’re in pain.” he says as he scoots closer “are you suffering?” 
Your heartbeat picks up and you turn to look at him with confusion in your eyes. 
“You know, sometimes it’s easier to talk to a stranger, maybe all you need to do is let it out.” 
You blink, crossing your arms over your chest, you lean back. Maybe he’s right. There’s no one you can talk to- well, there is but you don't want to bother them with your problems and you also don't want them to know about, certain things. 
He is a stranger, one who you might never see again. You won't have to worry about crossing paths with him again, right? 
“And, you wanna be the guy that has to listen to my problems?” you ask, laughing nervously. 
He chuckles at your words “well, I have nothing else to do and you seem like you need.. someone that listens to you and I got all the time in the world.” he shrugs. 
You take a deep breath before the words tumble out of your mouth “I just got into a fight with my best friend, he got angry at me for something I did.” 
“Did you do something bad?” 
You furrow your brows at his questions “no, he just didn't like what I did.” you shrug. 
“Why’s that?” 
“I-I don't know.” you mumble. Deep down you know exactly why he didn't like what you did but a part of you is in denial of it. 
“I think you do.” he says with a knowing look in his eyes “You know more than you think, y/n, you seem like a smart girl.”
Something about the way he spoke your name, send chills through your body. The alarm bells are ringing in your head, something about this man is off. 
“Doesn't matter, anyways.” 
You aren't blind or completely unaware. You know that Steve has some sort of feelings for you and while you do love him and care for him more than you care for any other friend of yours, you don't feel the same. You love Eddie, you always did. 
“Why?” he asks. 
“Cause it just doesn't matter.” you shrug as you look into his cold blue eyes “he likes me b-but, I don't like him like that.”
A chuckle leaves his lips, he tilts his head to the side as he looks right at you with a weird look in his eyes, one that looks familiar, one that you can’t place anywhere, where have you seen him? 
You try to remember, you try so hard but you can’t figure it out. 
But his next words, reveal it. 
“You are resisting your feelings, you always do.” he says as he moves closer to your frozen form “why are you resisting, y/n?” he asks as he reaches his hand up to touch your face. 
As realization dawned, you froze like a deer in headlights. 
These eyes, you saw them before. These words, you heard them before. 
In Steve’s bathroom. When you came to him after your fight with your brother. He was standing behind you, saying these exact same words. 
You can’t move, you can’t speak, you can only watch as he draws closer to you. Cold fingers brush against your skin, you don't even feel the blood running down your nose until you see it on the tip of his fingers “kindness was all it took for you to let me in?” he asks, chuckling “for a moment, I thought you were strong but in the end you are nothing but another weak human who is guided by emotions. At least, you’re gonna be a beautiful first sacrifice.” he speaks “a beautiful ending to a tragic story, don't worry, it will all be over soon.” 
A sudden adrenaline rush curses through your veins and you manage to slap his hand away before you jump up. You start running without looking back. 
You don’t know who he is or what this means but you know that this has something to do with the upside down, he has something to do with the upside down. 
Your heart is beating wildly against your ribcage, whether it is from running or the fear that runs through your body, you don't know. But you do know, that you haven't felt this kind of fear in years. Not since you were dragged into hell. 
You don't bother to wipe the blood from your nose, or the tears that escaped your eyes. You just run and run. 
Your lungs are burning, your legs are aching and yet you don't stop. You just need to get away, as far as possible. All you ever do is run and fight, just as you thought that things might work out, that things could be good again, this pulls you right back in. 
Your feet hit the pavement, whimpers escape your lips. You are surrounded by nothing but trees and the long darkened road. You feel helpless, you don't know where to go, where to hide. 
Like one of those stupid girls in horror movies that you always get angry at, you trip over nothing as you make the stupid mistake to look back. You hit the ground, the rough pavement digs into your skin and you scratch your palms open on the rough surface. 
“Fuck.” you groan. 
You don't waste a second and push yourself up but you freeze when you realize that you aren't here anymore. You are back in the upside down. Spores drift through the air and the slight breeze of spring is replaced by the freezing cold wind. Red lighting illuminates the dark streets. 
“No.” you whisper as you turn around “no...” 
Your heart starts racing even more, cold sweats runs down your skin. 
“This isn't real.” you mumble to yourself as you remember what happened at the party. You were here before, it was all in your head, when Eddie had pulled you back again. 
You hear screeching in the distance, turning around, your eyes fall on the creature standing in the middle of the road up in the distance. Demogorgon. 
You swallow harshly as you stare at the monster with wide eyes. You have nothing on you, no weapons, nothing to protect yourself with. 
“This isn't real.” you whisper as you take a step backwards “not real.” you repeat, taking another step “wake up, y/n.” 
The demogorgon no longer standing still in the spot, instead he stalks towards you. 
“Fuck.” you mumble.
You hear a voice in the distant, screaming for help. Screaming your name. 
“Help me! Y/n! Please!” 
“No.. no..” you mumble. Your heart drops as you turn to look into the forest. He keeps calling out to you, calling and begging for help. 
“Please, y/n!” 
You turn towards the demogorgon to find him gone. You look around frantically, trying to spot the monster but all you hear is rustling in the forest, thunder and Will’s cries. 
Closing your eyes, you shake your head “this isn't real” you mumble. Will is in California, far away from Hawkins, far away from this place. 
You open your eyes again, your vision blurs, the sight in front of you keeps glitching. For a moment, you’re back on the other side but something pulls you back in. 
“Help me!” 
His voice sounds so real, it’s almost convincing. Almost. 
You turn around and start running, again. Only this time, you don't make it far, you bump into something, or someone. Their hands grip your upper arms strongly as you start trashing against their hold. 
“Y/n! Hey! Calm down, it’s me!” 
Your eyes widen and you stop trashing against his hold on you. You look around in confusion. No spores, no red lightning, no monster. You’re back in the real world and he is here. 
“Eddie?” you whimper, you look up at him, his warm brown eyes staring right back at you. 
“I’m here.”
You sigh in relief and throw your arms around him, burying your face in his chest, you start crying. 
“I’m here, y/n.” 
Your heartbeat calms down as you lean against him, hoping to find safety in his arms but, something feels off. He’s not as warm as usual and his arms around wrapped around you, instead he keeps his hands wrapped around your arms, grip tightening. 
You furrow your brows “Eddie?” you ask. 
A whimper escapes your lips as pain rushes through you, he tugs you closer, not in the way he usually does. His ringed fingers dig into your skin. 
“Y-You’re hurting me.” you say, trying to push him away from through you but he doesn't let go “you’re hurting me, Eddie.” 
“Isn't that what you like?” he asks “you like it, when I hurt you.” 
“W-What?” you ask as your heart begins to race again. 
“I hurt you again and again but you still want me.” he says with a cold tone in his voice “stupid girl.” 
You lay your palms against his chest and finally push him off of you, immediately taking a step back from him. Your eyes widen at the look in his eyes, it’s cold, dark and hateful. The warmth is gone and the look in his eyes is so different. It reminds you of all the times you two have fought, a similar look lingered in his eyes. 
He chuckles at your actions “you are so stupid, y/n. So dumb and naive, do you really think I care about you? I don't.” he spits and takes a step forward “I just pity you. You are so pathetic, all I have to do is whistle and you run to me like a dog.” 
Your bottom lip begins to tremble as you look at him in disbelief. Your already aching heart begins to break a little. 
“S-Stop, you’re lying!” 
‘I couldn't sleep with someone that I don't care about or.. that I don't love.’
“Why? Can’t bear the truth?” he asks, chuckling “oh but you have to hear the truth, sweetheart. How else will you understand?” 
You shake your head, tears blurring your vision “stop, please stop.” 
“Keep begging, I like that.” he says, a taunting look in his eyes. 
You try to take another step back but he grabs your arm and tugs you closer to him, ignoring your whimper. He reaches his hand up to grasps your face “so beautiful but so stupid and useless.” he says as he leans down to whisper in your ear “the only useful thing about you is your warm body.” 
He wanted to trigger your pain by saying these awful words to you and he managed to do so. 
‘Just, leave me alone, y/n. Go back to Steve, I bet he could use a warm body in his bed tonight.’
‘Damn old men and Harrington huh? Guess you’re open to all types.’
‘You’re nothing but a warm body to him.’
A broken sob escapes your lips, tears begin to stream down your face. He leans back, his face hovers over yours, a taunting smile tugs at his lips “oh, don’t cry little dove, it’s nothing you’re not used to, hm?” 
He wipes away your tears and you do nothing to stop him, you stand still and stare at him with pain and disbelief in your eyes. His usual touch is so cold, his cold rings grazing your skin “I can do anything to you, I can hurt you and use you in any way I want to, you will still love me, right?” 
You sniffle, shaking your head at his words, your chest rises and falls with rapid breaths “n-no.” 
“No?” he chuckles, gripping your face tighter in his hands, he ignores your whimper of pain as his thumb rests right on the cut on your cheek “what a lie.” 
“Look at us now, y/n.” he says “look at all the things, I’ve said and done. None of them changed anything, none of them changed how you look at me, how you feel about me. You love me, you care about me, despite everything. You would die for me.” he places his palm on your chest and tugs you closer with his other hand, his lips almost brush against yours now, his cold breath hits your face, his cold eyes bore into yours “but do you know how much I hate you?” 
‘I never hated you, sweetheart.’ 
Another sob leaves your lips and you close your eyes. Your heart begins to rip in half and the walls around you start tumbling down, leaving you weak and vulnerable. 
“I hate you so much, y/n. I did so from the moment I laid my eyes on you but everywhere I went and everywhere I looked, I saw you. Your stupid face would always manage to ruin my day.” 
You don't even hide your cries or the tears that stream down your face. Your knees buckle, whether it is from all the running or from the pain deep within your soul, you don't know but it leaves you weak. 
“I was so happy when you were finally gone. I didn't have to see that stupid face anymore.” he says as he taps your cheek “I was hoping you that you wouldn't come back, I was hoping that you’re dead.” 
“But you came back, you always do.” he grumbles “no matter what I do or say, you just won't leave me alone. You’re like a stray dog, if you feed them, they will come back. The only difference between you and a stray dog, I never fed you. I never gave you a reason to come back and yet you did- like a parasite that I can’t get rid of.”
“Shut up.” you cry. 
You thought that Steve’s words were hurtful already but those were nothing compared to Eddie’s words right now. 
You rip yourself free of his grasp and push him away from you “shut up.” you repeat, you put your hands over your ears, shaking your head. 
Eddie chuckles “why? Does the truth hurt, y/n?” he asks, walking closer to you. 
You walk backwards, tripping over nothing, you fall to the ground. 
“It’s okay, you finally let me in and now it will all be over soon.” 
You don't even bother to push yourself up, you start crawling backwards as you look up at him. He stalks towards you slowly, tilting his head at you in a mocking way “what’s the matter, sweetheart?” 
“Leave me alone.” you whisper in a broken whisper.
“Oh, now you want me to leave you alone?” he chuckles as he crouches down in front of you “but I don't want to. Now that you aren't resisting anymore.” 
Even through all your pain and heartbreak, even through your foggy mind and all the repeating hurtful words, echoing in your mind, you know that this isn't real, that he isn't real. 
“This isn't real.” you mumble, “you aren’t real, you aren’t him.”
A wide smile spreads across his face “see, I knew you were smart.” he says “but you're too smart for your own good.” 
You scramble to your feet the moment he reaches his hand out to grab you. You stumble back “still resisting, I see.”
The blood from your nose trickles down to your lips, the metallic taste never hits you though.
This isn't real. He isn't real.
“Get out of my head.” you mumble as you walk backwards. You put your hands over your ears, just like you did back in his trailer. You close your eyes and  ignore his presence. 
Focus y/n, you tell yourself. Focus on the light. Focus on the good things, the one’s that pulled you out before. Focus on your friends, the ones that have become your family, focus on him. 
“We looked everywhere!” Mike complains. 
“Not everywhere, we should probably head to Eddie’s.” Lucas says, gripping the bike handles tighter. 
Dustin who usually rambles away, is awfully quiet as the three of them look for you. He can’t help but feel disappointed with both Steve and Eddie. The two of them are like older brothers to him. He looks up to them, idolizing both of them. To find out that Eddie has mistreated you and even bullied you, saddens him. 
And then he also heard all the words that Steve had said to you. He couldn't help but eavesdrop and a part of him wishes he didn't. He saw you crying and storming away, he has never seen you so upset before. 
“I don't think she wants to see anyone right now.” Dustin mumbles “you know her, she hides for days when something’s wrong.”
“You're right but, we should still see if she's with Eddie or at least tell him.” 
Dustin looks at Lucas “why? Apparently he bullied her.” 
Both Mike and Lucas look at Dustin in shock. No one worships Eddie more than Dustin does. In his eyes, there's nothing he could do wrong and yet, he doesn't seem fond of him right now. 
“Dude, that probably happened a long time ago.” Mike mumbles.
“Yeah. I’ve seen the way he looks at her. Eddie likes her.” 
Dustin looks at Lucas with uncertainty in his eyes before he turns back to look at the road “yeah, I thought the same about Steve until he said all those mean things to her. You don’t say mean shit to people you like.” 
Mike sighs and turns away from Dustin. His brows furrow in confusion, squinting his eyes. Even in the darkness, he can make out the figure in the middle of the road “guys.” he mumbles “do you see that?” 
Lucas’s eyes widen as he eyes the person “that’s her!” 
They race towards you and jump off of their bikes. Dustin runs towards you, shouting your name. He is about to hug you, feeling relieved to see you but then he notices the state you are in. With a shocked expression, he stares at you, frozen in place.
Your eyes are white, a weird blue tint in them. Tears are streaming down your face and blood drips from your nose. 
“What the hell?” Lucas exclaims as he stops next to Dustin, his eyes widen.
“What.. what is-” Mike stops, he lays a palm on your shoulder “what’s wrong with her?” 
They all stare at you in shock and fear, not knowing what to do or say.
Dustin speaks your name and asks “can you hear me?” 
Mike tries to shake you but you don't even budge. 
“What’s up with her eyes?” 
“And her nose? She’s bleeding.”
They watch you with puzzled looks on their faces. 
“Hey, y/n!” Dustin waves his hand in front of your face. 
The wind picks up and the trees in the forrest start to rustle. Both Lucas and Mike look around nervously. 
“Wake up, y/n!” 
The lights on their bikes start flickering, something that Mike notices right away. Realization dawns on him and he turns back abruptly, pushing Dustin out of the way, ignoring his complaints. He starts shaking your shoulders roughly, yelling at you to wake up. 
“This is upside down stuff, guys!” he yells as he points to the flickering lights. 
Both Lucas and Dustin turn to the lights that Mike is pointing to. 
“Oh shit!” 
“W-What do we do?” 
“I-I don't know!” 
Lucas puts both hands on his temples, looking around in fear “this is not good, guys.”
“No shit?” Dustin grumbles as he looks back at you “wait! Stop! She’s saying something!” he yells, pushing Mike out of the way. 
Your voice is barely above a whisper and it’s almost hard to make out what you’re saying. 
“Shh!” Dustin mumbles, glaring at Mike, he turns back to you.
His eyes widen “Eddie!” he yells “Go get Eddie!” 
Lucas makes a run for his bike “I’ll be right back!” he yells. 
Dustin and Mike nod and turn back to you, they glance at each other for a moment, fear flashes in both their eyes. 
“Y/n.” Mike speaks slowly “can you hear us?” 
This time, the light on both their bikes shines brighter than before. 
“I think she can! Keep talking to her!”
“We’re here! A-And Lucas is getting Eddie!” 
“You gotta wake up!” 
Dustin sighs, he feels helpless. Whatever this is, it has something to do with the upside down. This moment reminds him of Will, how he had stood frozen in place on the football field while the mindflayer got to him. 
His eyes widen “w-what if it’s the mindflayer again?” 
“It’s like with Will-” 
With a sudden gasp, you open your eyes, startling both boys as they jump back. You look around in fear, with wide eyes you lock your eyes on them before you drop down to your knees. Clutching your chest tightly. You feel your heart beating against your chest. Your throat feels tight, as though someone is choking you. Panic settles in you. 
They speak your name with fear in their voices as they drop down on both sides of you. 
“I-I can’t breathe.” you manage to croak out. You keep your eyes open, afraid to close them and to find out that you’re back in the upside down. 
Dustin and Mike look at each other, not knowing what to do. They have never seen you like that before, so scared and vulnerable. They have never even see you cry before. 
“Is this r-real?” you ask as you lay your palm on the ground. 
“Yes, it’s real!” Dustin says, he puts his arm around you, hoping that this will bring some sort of comfort. 
“We’re here.” Mike whispers, offering his hand to you. You take it, clutching it tightly. Warm, his hand is warm. Not like Eddie’s- no, that wasn't Eddie. That wasn't real but this is. 
You never wanted the kids to see you like this. You were supposed to be strong but right now, you can’t be. You can’t be strong. Fear consumed you and left you a broken shell. 
All the words that Eddie had said to you, real or not, felt like a million stabs to your heart. 
Your throat felt as though it was getting tighter and tighter. Like someone put a rope around your neck, tightening it around your throat. You gasped and scratched at your neck, as thought it would help you breath. You could no longer keep your eyes open. You shut them and started gasping for air. 
“Hey! Y/n! Hey, you’re okay!” Dustin tells you, patting your back. 
“J-Just breathe! Everything is okay, you’re okay!” Mike says, squeezing your hand. 
You hear them but their voices start to fade away as you feel yourself being pulled back into the darkness again. 
“Hey! No! Stay with us!” Dustin yells, you feel him grabbing your face, slapping your skin lightly. 
“Her eyes!” 
“No, no, no...”
“Why are you still resisting, y/n?” 
“Stay with us!”
“You’re not meant to go back there. You belong here, the way you always did. You and the boy.” 
You’re starting to feel numb, the freezing cold and the darkness start to consume you once again and but you fight it, you keep fighting it, you keep reaching for the light until it embraces you. Just as you open your eyes, you finally feel his warmth enveloping you. 
“Hey sweetheart. I’m here.” 
Arms wrapped around your body and a kiss to your forehead, his sweet voice and his touch are enough to bring you back to where you belong. 
Eddie cradles your face in his large hands, his warm hands. Your glassy eyes meet his, they’re soft and filled with concern. This is Eddie, your Eddie. 
“Breathe with me, okay?” he asks, softly. 
You nod weakly before you let yourself fall against his chest. Just like back in the school’s bathroom, Eddie pulls you tightly against his chest, rubbing your back with his hand, he whispers into your ear as you listen to his heartbeat. 
“You’re okay, baby. I’m here.” 
The boys step back and Mike and Dustin watch the scene unfold, confusion lingering in their eyes. The only one who doesn't seem fazed by it is Lucas. 
Eddie manages to calm you down, he helps you breathe again. But, the moment your lungs fill with air again, you start crying. It starts with quiet sniffles at first, you clutch Eddie’s jacket tightly and then you start sobbing, mumbling something under your breath. 
“Hey, hey, sweetheart.” Eddie mumbles as he cradles your face again. The look in your eyes breaks his heart. A mixture of fear and heartbreak flashes in your eyes. Tears are streaming down your face, blood continues to drip from your nose, you look like you have been through hell “w-what’s wrong?” he asks. 
Your grip loosens on his jacket and instead you reach your hands up to grab his wrists “I-I got into a fight with Steve a-and then I left.” you cry “t-this man, he said something weird, I ran and then I was back there- the upside down.” 
“Man? What man? Did he hurt you?” Eddie asks, anger rushes through him already. 
You shake your head, another sob escape your lips “y-you were there.” 
“You were there.” you repeat “y-you said you hate me and that you wished I was dead-” you continue on with your rambling, words incoherent, you cry and sniffle in between your words. Eddie is barely able to keep up with the things you’re saying but his heart breaks. 
Eddie’s eyes flash with guilt and fear. Whatever it was that made you see a version of him that wasn't real, was only there because he had once made you feel like that. He told you that he hates you, he told you so many things that weren't close to the truth. It’s his fault. 
Eddie never hated you and he surely never wished for your death. No one knows but Eddie was suffering when you were gone, he was looking for you, he was one of the only ones looking for you. 
You keep babbling between sobs, tears continue to stream down your face. You’re still panicked, still in fear from everything that has happened. Eddie is barely able to keep up with your words but his heart is aching for you. Tears well up in his eyes. Guilt and regret curses through him. 
The boys watch you with sadness in their eyes. They have never seen you like this. Not after you came back from the upside down and not anytime afterwards. 
“Hey, listen to me, sweetheart.” Eddie whispers “this wasn't real, okay? None of it was real.” he tells you, he leans in and places a kiss on your lips before he starts to kiss your tears away slowly. 
“I never hated you. I could never hate you.” he says in between kisses “you mean everything to me, even when I said otherwise. I was a fool because I was scared and I lied about my feelings- how I feel about you but y/n, you had my heart from the first time I ever saw you.” he whispers as he leans his forehead against yours “there's nothing that you could do that would make me hate you, you can break my heart for all I care.” he breathes, caressing your cheeks with his thumbs.
His words make you cry even more but you throw your arms around him and bury your face in his neck. 
“I got you.” he whispers, wrapping his arms around you “I got you, baby.” 
It took some time for you to fully calm down. Eddie kept you in his arms the whole time. Rubbing your back softly and kissing your shoulder as you hid your face in the crook of his neck and once you finally felt calm enough, he helped you up to your feet and brought you to his van. He put his jacket around your shoulders before you sat down in the passenger seat. He kissed your temple and gave you a soft smile before he closed the door. 
He turned towards the boys and asked what happened back at Steve's house. He expected Dustin to break out into a ramble, the way he usually does but he stays quiet and instead looks at you in the van. 
Eddie furrows his brows in confusion, worry flickers in his eyes as he eyes the teen. 
“Steve said some messed up things to her- I’d rather not repeat it but it was about you.” Lucas explained, wincing at the memory of what they had witnessed.
Mike nods “yeah, he uh called her stupid and he called you an asshole.” 
Eddie clenches his jaw in anger “tell me more, please.” 
A lot of things were running through Eddie’s mind. He was angry, angry at Steve and at the false things he had said to you. If it wasn't for the boys, he would've never found out about it. You would have protected your best friend, no matter how much he had hurt you. You wouldn't tell Eddie about the awful things he had spat at you. In fear that you’d put more tension in between them. 
He is angry at himself, for giving Steve a reason to think so lowly of him. He understands his anger, he understands that he's trying to protect you from Eddie, not just because you’re his best friend but also, because he loves you. Eddie knows it. But, there was no need for him to be so cruel to you. 
He is angry at himself for making you feel this way, for making you believe all the cruel things that he has said to you. His heart is aching and the guilt starts to consume him, the one he pushed back for so long. He doesn't deserve you, he is sure of that. But he wants to make things right so bad. 
“Yeah?” he asks, snapped out of his thoughts, he turns to you. You’re standing in the doorway of his room, in his shirt and a pair of his boxers. Your hair is wet from the shower, you just took. Eddie’s heart skips a beat and his anger fades away as he looks at you. 
“Are you okay?” you ask. 
Eddie almost wants to laugh. You have been through hell and yet you ask him, if he's okay but he just nods and gets up, he walks towards you and cups your face “are you okay?” he asks. 
Your eyes are puffy from all the crying and your lips are set in a frown. The look in your eyes is distant. He can tell that you have been crying again while you were in the shower. 
Eddie’s heart twists with sadness the longer he looks at you.
“I think so.” you nod.
Eddie can feel the shift of energy. You aren't completely here with him. Your mind is somewhere else, probably replaying all the things that your best friend said and everything else that happened afterwards. 
He feels worried and also scared that you might change your mind about him now. He feels scared that you rethink everything and that you’ll realize that Eddie isn't good for you, that he's not good enough and that he doesn't deserve you. That last night was a mistake. 
You look into his large sad eyes. Eyes darting back and forth. Your lips part, there's something you want to say and Eddie is afraid that you might break his heart. 
You take a step closer and you reach for his hands, you give him a sad smile and the tears in your eyes return and Eddie just knows that it’s over before it could even start. 
“Eddie.” you whisper. 
He holds his breath and his heart stops beating for a moment but the words you say next aren't what he expected. 
“I don’t know what’s gonna happen,” you start. You know that you're being pulled back in, into something much larger than before. A bad feelings settles in your stomach and you know, that you might not make it this time “b-but, I just want you to know that I’m not angry at you for everything that happened. I forgave you. You saved my life more than once, even today.” 
Your words sound like a goodbye, not the kind of ‘I break up with you’ goodbye but the kind of ‘I’m gonna die soon’ goodbye. 
“Y/n.” Eddie sighs, sadness clouding his features.
“I-I just need you to know that you saved me. You’re my hero, Eddie.” you whisper. 
Eddie may not fully understand the things you have gone through tonight or even in the past but he feels scared, for you and for the future. He has saved you but what if he won't make it next time, what then?
Tears well up in his eyes, his heart feels warm and full of love. Eddie has never felt important, he never felt like he truly mattered in this world. People treated him badly and no one but Wayne or his few friends made him feel welcome in this world, or you. There was a void in his chest, that was filled whenever he looked at you or whenever he was around you. Even when he didn't know how to deal with his feelings properly. 
But you, you have always made him feel whole. You have always given him this, warm and reassuring feeling. One look into your eyes and he felt as though he truly mattered. He just wishes that he had realized it sooner. A part of him feels undeserving of your love. 
“I love you.” you say as you look into his eyes “no matter what.” 
Eddie’s heart flutters in his chest. If Eddie had known just how much he means to you, he would've never wasted all this time. He would've never pushed you away.
He pulls you closer and your lips meet in a soft kiss. One that leaves you breathless and wanting for more. Your heart races, not from fear this time. His touch and the kiss is enough to ground you, to pull you back into this world. You can’t even describe the feelings you get from a single kiss from him. He makes you feel safe and, loved. 
Your emotions get the best of you and tears start to run down your cheeks again. The intensity of the kiss is so overwhelming. He makes you feel alive again. 
Eddie cups the back of your head and pulls you closer, if that’s even possible. He sighs into the kiss. The feeling of your smaller hands tugging him closer, send shivers down his spine. His heart is filled with so much love. 
“It’s gonna be okay, sweetheart.” he murmurs against your lips “we’re gonna be okay.” 
“I promise.” he whispers. He smiles softly as he leans in, kissing away the fallen tear on your cheek.
“Let’s get some sleep, yeah?” 
You nod.
He smiles, the action will never not make his heart race. He pulls you towards his bed. 
You lay down with him and Eddie pulls you into his arms right away. Kissing the top of your head. 
A smile tugs at your lips, the feeling of being in his arms makes you feel safe, like nothing bad can ever happen to you. You snuggle closer to him as he pulls his blanket over you both. 
Eddie runs his fingers through your damp hair. You close your eyes, enjoying the feeling of his touch. 
“Hey, y/n?”
Eddie hesitates for a moment, his hand moves from your hair to your back. You furrow your brows, placing your palms on his chest, you lean up and look at him with a questioning look on your face. 
The eyes are sad, glistening with tears “I’m sorry.” he whispers.  
Concern flashes in your eyes “w-what?”
“I’m so sorry, for everything. I-I never wanted this, I never wanted to hurt you. I was stupid and insecure. I know, I can’t take things back but y/n, I never wanted this and I never hated you. I always cared about you, I always wanted you.” he says brokenly. There is regret in his eyes, so much of it. And a twinge of fear. You know he is scared that you might change your mind about him but how could you? 
“Whatever happened tonight, wasn't real. The things that you have heard, it’s all lies.” I was hoping that you’re dead “I was losing my goddamn mind when you were gone, I was looking for you.” 
Your features hold nothing but surprise as you stare into his eyes “w-what?” 
“People said that you ran away but I didn't believe it. My heart fucking dropped when I saw the missing poster. I thought, I’d never see you again but then you came back a-and I wanted to see you, I wanted to talk to you but then I saw you with Steve and I just- I don't know. I got jealous and sad and then I got angry at myself for feeling this way.” 
You watch him intently, trying to process everything that he said. You never knew that he cared so much but your eyes and your heart soften at his confession. 
“I shouldn't have acted this way towards you. Heartbreak and jealousy is no excuse for my fucked up behavior.” Heartbreak.
“Eddie.” you whisper as you reach out to touch his face “I-”
“It’s not your fault, you never knew, you couldn't have known. But, you have had my heart from the start, sweetheart.” he whispers, taking your hand in his, he places a kiss on the top of your hand “you have my heart, you can do whatever you want with it.”
Both of you are staring at each other with tears in your eyes. Happy tears. A love that was finally set free. 
Eddie kisses you so deeply, leaving your heart racing and fluttering. He kisses all the pain away, all the awful things that have happened. He pulls you in, wanting to feel you closer and closer. 
You taste the saltiness of your tears on each other’s lips. You whimper as his tongue meets yours, deepening the kiss, he holds you tightly as he flips you over, laying you gently against the soft pillows.
“Break my heart, break it a thousand times, it was only ever yours to break anyway.” he whispers against your lips, kissing you softly. 
“I’ll keep your heart safe.” you tell him, reaching for the necklace around his neck, you use it to pull him back in, your lips brush against his as you look into his eyes “my heart is yours.” 
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edsforehead ¡ 1 year
March fic rec list
Fic rec list for Eddie Munson, JQ’s other roles, and potentially some other ST/misc characters.
🔥smut 🗡angst ☁️fluff 🕷️dark Series (I can’t begin to explain how amazing every single one of these is) Begin again (beautiful slow burn, strangers to lovers) by @abibliophobiaa Vintage Reeboks (strangers to lovers, Eddie time travels to 2022) by @storiesbyrhi Honey, I’m home (enemies to lovers, gross!roommate!fboy!eddie) by @trashmouth-richie Linger (Part 1) (eddie x older!neighbor!reader) by @eagerbby Let’s go, don’t wait (Part 1) (first date w modern!Eddie) by @carolmunson I will wait(enemies to lovers, soulmate au) by @abibliophobiaa @blue-mossbird @breddiemunson @myosotisa @fracturedarkness Freaky Friday (reader X Steve, reader X Eddie, Eddie and Steve body swap) by @jo-harrington Lonestar (pornstar!Eddie) (Part 3) by @mysticmunson Red light nights(Eddie x sex worker!reader)(Part 1) by @mantorokk-writes The customers always right(virgin!Eddie) by @lovebugism The soulmates (soulmates au) by @neonghostlights One shots Slip of the lip (friends to lovers) ☁️ by @boomhauer Eddie x asian!reader ☁️ by @dearest-readers Exes to lover, rockstar!eddie ☁️ by @abibliophobiaa Cute girls don’t play DnD ☁️ by @galaxy-siren Reader breaks up with Eddie so he can graduate 🗡☁️ by @corroded-hellfire I’m starvin, sweetheart 🔥(kinda) by @myosotisa Little glass doves (alpha!eddie munson x omega!reader) 🔥 by @mysticmunson Virgin!reader, breeding kink 🔥 by @hlkwrites Older!fuckboy!Eddie x reader ☁️ by @newlips Perv!Eddie thots 🔥 by @gaybybirth Bestfriend!Eddie ☁️🔥(kinda) by @brimbrimbrimbrim Long time coming (virgin!Eddie x rockstar!reader) 🔥 by @eddiemunsonsmum Twisted 🔥 by @sweetsweetjellybean Blurbs Late nights with eddie ☁️ by @myosotisa Playing with eddies curls ☁️ by @eddiemunsonfuxks Giving Eddie flowers ☁️ by @wanturvideo Amnesia 🗡☁️ by @quinnsmunson Kas!Eddie 🔥🕷️ by @chainsawmunson Sub!Eddie thots 🔥 by @mantorokk-writes Bully!Stepbro!Eddie 🔥 by @love-toxin Bully!eddie(piss kink) 🔥 by @love-toxin
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oriarts ¡ 7 months
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my art for @hereforanepilogue's big bang piece! it was a blast working together with them and @grimweathers!! read chapter 1 now!!
for the heart i once had
Steve gets his arms around Eddie, pins his wings to his back even as they flutter nervously. Eddie slumps against him, presses his face into the crook of Steve’s shoulder. He can feel Steve’s warmth through his clothes, so Eddie stays, even though it might be the worst place for Steve to let Kas press himself. 🗡 Months after Vecna is defeated, months after things should be back to normal, Eddie is still stuck. Kas’s influence lingers, and with nothing to do but wait, he turns to his friends and D&D to try and pull himself back to normality. But the more time goes on, the clearer it becomes that normal might not be an option anymore.
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imbeelingwithit ¡ 2 years
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eddie munson doodles for practice ✨🗡🦇🌑📖
— he is very fun to draw!!!
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amberswords ¡ 2 years
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Resting with the beloveds <3
🗡Click for quality!
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poisonedprose ¡ 2 years
The Vampire King 4 ♰˚‧
chapter 4 !
warnings: cursing, character death
masterlist - @thefailcollection @riffcrusader
prolouge // chap 1 // chap 2 // chap 3 // chap 5
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 "I'm not Eddie? I'm not fucking Eddie?!" The supposed Eddie look alike shouted, making everyone raise their guards. "You know, if I wasn't Eddie," He slowly turned towards Steve. "I wouldn't know your secret." Manic laughs erupted from his mouth as he watched the fear take over Steve's face. He took slow steps, making his walk over to Steve dramatic. "I know how much you want to hide it. How much you've cried over it. How much you loathe it. How much you're enamored by it." Steve swallowed harshly, feeling all eyes on him. "Please don't do this." Steve whispered. "Huh? What was that?" Eddie put his hand to his ear, waiting for Steve to repeat his sentence. "Leave him alone." Robin chimed up, attempting to free Steve of his living nightmare.
"C'mon Stevie." Eddie whispered as he drew closer to Steve. "If... If you're the real Eddie, you wouldn't do this to us." Steve firmly spoke. "Us? There is no us. There never was. You really thought this was real?" Each of Eddie's words was like a gunshot through Steve's heart. He stood frozen, the words ringing in his ears. The dreadful truth now on full display. "Oh." Steve let the words fall from his lips, not even attempting to hide his disappointment. "You were never anything more to me than a quick fuck." Eddie let his anger flow out of his body. "I never fucking liked you." Eddie waited for a response but was only met with complete silence. "You hear me?! I never fucking liked you!" He screamed at Steve who was now on the verge of tears.
His every fear was coming true, having Eddie turn his back on him. The one thing that made him physically sick to think about, and here he is facing everything he tried so hard to deny. "You're an asshole!" Lucas shouted, causing Eddie to break his attention away from Steve. "Oh." He laughed in an eerily way. "I'm an asshole? For having a little fun with Stevie boy?" Eddie asked Lucas in a belittling manner. Lucas hesitantly nodded. Will lifted his hand towards the back of his neck, which Mike was quick to notice. "Then, you're really about to hate what's gonna happen next." Almost as if on cue the ground began to shake beneath them and low, grumbling laughs began to fill their ears. "I warned you that your world would fall." A deep, gurgling voice sent chills down the entirety of the group's spines.
"Vecna..." Lucas whispered. They quickly began to search for the crazed demon like creature, all except one. One whose eyes couldn't bare to look away from the maniac he once loved, that he still loves. "You pitful humans. Always having optimism and... hope." A dreadful laugh rumbled that seemed to encase them. "Come out, coward!" Jonathan called out into the void, but to no avail the creature did not bring himself forward. "Your world is now mine." Bats began swarming around the group. "Uhhh, I'm not liking this, brochachos." Argyle spun in a circle, looking at the bats that have now trapped them.
Nancy was the first to take action. She quickly grabbed one of the gallons of gasoline and poured it out recklessly, hoping it would fall onto the vines. Robin and Jonathan quickly took after her, mimicking her frantic behavior. "It's too late. Give up." His silhouette appeared visible as he slowly walked toward the group. "Hurry!" Mike shouted. Nancy quickly lit the lighter and tossed it into the gasoline.
The fire started quickly and the bats began dropping one by one. El kept her eyes on Vecna. He seemed to be unaffected by the raging fire. She walked forward and prepared herself for a battle she knew she would never be ready for. "Don't do this, Eleven." The voice almost sounded robotic, as if he were a toy with a sound box that was melting. "We can be one in the same." He stopped walking just before he became visible. "No." El raised her hand, starting to use her powers. She stepped forward as she used her powers to keep him in a telekinetic chokehold. The rest of the group spread apart, trying to avoid the fire, whereas Steve just continued to stare at Eddie who looked unsure of himself.
Steve studied Eddies every feature. Trying anything and everything to prove that wasn't the real Eddie, but eventually all he could find was nothing. Soon, Eddie picked up on the fact Steve was staring at him. He could sense Steve's eyes on him but refused to look towards him. It hurt. To hear Steve say that he never loved him was a pain that was unbearable, even for the undead.
"Steve! Look out!" Robin called out for Steve as the fire approached him, but he didn't move a muscle. The warmth of the fire formed beads of sweat all over his body. He was focused on Eddie. "Why aren't you moving? Do you have a death wish?" Eddie spoke with uncertainty in his voice. "What is there to live for if you aren't even alive." Eddie finally met Steve's gaze, immediately regretting it. Nancy carefully avoided the fire as she pulled Steve away from it, causing Eddie and Steve staring match to come to an end. "What the hell is wrong with you? Didn't you see the fire? Or feel the fire?!" Robin swatted Steve's arm. "Sorry." Steve spoke with a dead voice.
El continued to use her powers on Vecna, seemingly winning. Though, they should have known better than to turn their backs on someone they left to die. Eddie pulled Dustin back, holding him tightly so that he couldn't escape his grasp. "What are you doing!?" Dustin tried to squirm out of Eddie's grasp, which grabbed the attention of several people. "I'm getting my revenge, Henderson." He smirked before biting Dustin's neck, letting blood pour out. Dustin screamed as it happened, causing everyone to refocus towards the sound, including El. Steve looked at the boy, who now was dropped onto the ground, in disbelief. "Whoever said 'revenge is a dish best served cold' obviously never had it served hot." Eddie laughed as he licked Dustin's blood off his lips.
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grimweathers ¡ 7 months
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max and eddie, in an upcoming scene from @hereforanepilogue ‘s wonderful @steddiebang fic, for the heart i once had!
Steve gets his arms around Eddie, pins his wings to his back even as they flutter nervously. Eddie slumps against him, presses his face into the crook of Steve’s shoulder. He can feel Steve’s warmth through his clothes, so Eddie stays, even though it might be the worst place for Steve to let Kas press himself. 🗡 Months after Vecna is defeated, months after things should be back to normal, Eddie is still stuck. Kas’s influence lingers, and with nothing to do but wait, he turns to his friends and D&D to try and pull himself back to normality. But the more time goes on, the clearer it becomes that normal might not be an option anymore.
fic on ao3! amazing art from @oriarts / @stevespookington!
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rayofsunshinc ¡ 2 months
starter call.  comment with a symbol to get a starter from the corresponding muse !
also comment with a name is fine too. other multis, specify muse too pls.
🌼 → peeta mellark - the hunger games
🦾 → aaron raleigh - twd universe
🏹 → daryl dixon - twd universe
🗡 → michonne - twd universe
🩸 → nick clark - twd universe
🔥 → dominic williams (deputy so n so) - sinister
🌟  → dan torrance - the shining/doctor sleep (book/movie based)
🎈  → richie tozier - it (movie based)
🎧  → ben hanscom- it (movie based)
👑 → steve harrington - stranger things
🦇 → eddie munson - stranger things
📷 → jonathan byers - stranger things
🐺  → stiles stilinski - teen wolf
💘 → allison argent — teen wolf
🐍 → jughead jones - riverdale
🍁  → kevin keller - riverdale
🍒  → cheryl blossom - riverdale
🖕 → mickey milkovich - shameless
🚬 → fiona gallagher - shameless
💥 → steve rogers - MCU
❄️ → bucky barnes - MCU
💋 → natasha romanoff - MCU
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acircusfullofdemons ¡ 2 months
Because of the posts by @maddgical-boy [link] & @nevermore-grimes [link], I will now be subjecting my paras to the Horrors. I have a lloottttt of paras, so to make this simply I used a random number generator to select the new victims tributes.
I will also be adding commentary on how accurate this would be to my paras. Because I can’t have fun without criticizing their every decision, despite forcing them to make those decisions in the first place. Bullying my paras is a full time job and brother, I just clocked in >:3
District 1: Edward Nixon [Mad as a Crow: Missing Piece of the Puzzle], Lucy Fisher [Phantasmagoria: DreamSet Circus]
District 2: Loyd Nixon [Mad as a Crow: Missing Piece of the Puzzle], Benjamin Graves [Mad as a Crow]
District 3: Marzipan Velveteen [Fractured Fables: Illusions of Life], Neil O’Brian [Mad as a Crow: A Plague of Octopuses]
District 4: Beelzebub Honeyblood [Phantasmagoria: Crossfire], Reign Blanc [Fractured Fables: Illusions of Life]
District 5: Phineas Glazier [Fractured Fables: Illusions of Life], Luciana Potenza [Phantasmagoria]
District 6: Phoebe Sparks [Phantasmagoria: ElectroGear Software], Prism Raymond [Phantasmagoria: DreamSet Circus]
District 7: Thackery Velveteen [Phantasmagoria: Illusions of Life], Rosemary Velveteen [Fractured Fables: She Trusts me, He Loves Me Not]
District 8: Victor West [Mad as a Crow], CaterpillarOS [Fractured Fables: Illusions of Life]
District 9: Mary Crowley [Mad as a Crow], Ketrill Hyde [Phantasmagoria: As the World Falls Down]
District 10: Khole Banner [Mad as a Crow: Assembled Monsters], Alex Grimm [Fractured Fables]
District 11: Stacy Collins [Mad as a Crow], Orion Guerrero [Mad as a Crow]
District 12: Vincent Hyde [Phantasmagoria], Lucien Jekyll [Phantasmagoria]
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Yknow what i just realized. CaterpillarOS is, uh, a giant robot caterpillar. Khole is a weird mix of species but yeah there’s no way he’d win that fight. 
Aint no fucking way Neil would loose to a blind girl. She has the power of accuracy but is smaller and younger than Neil. He’d rip her to shreds!!
DAY 01
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I like to think she read him, ironically, one of the brother’s grimms books. It’d be so funny for various reasons. 
NNOOO MARY 😭 say goodbye to our only licensed nurse everyone…
uuuuhhh something something phineas in the wrong paracosm. insert joke about d//c or para!jervis here.
Interesting team up! No idea why Eddie would work with Loyd since that’s his father and they hate each other. Same with Stacy, she hates Eddie bc that’s her dad. I fully believe Prism and Lucy are being held captive here, folks.
Accurate !!! sorry rosemary BUT ALSO. WOW. I CANNOT OVERSTATE HOW ACCURATE THIS IS OH MY GOD??? GIRL HOW DID YOU LIVE OUT YOUR TALE ALL THE WAY OUT HERE IM SCREAMING. also wow accurate for Neil too. Killing another innocent child, I see. At least this one’s intentional!
Our fallen tributes are: CaterpillarOS, Ketrill Hyde, Mary Crowley, Rosemary Glazier.
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Bee! Don’t kill the bunny!! But fair lol
Debating on if Neil would keep a victim alive. I think for a little bit, for the psychological torment. He always liked to play with his food. 
That is a VERY tense truce lmao, Stacy hates basically everyone Eddie is associated with, which includes the Crowley Family bc ooo boy, that family is a Certified Mess.
Luce 🤝 Phineas: ripped away from their home at a young age thanks to a random dimension portal. Not the same case here but wow I never noticed that. 
DAY 02
Nothing interesting to note.
Our fallen tributes are: Marzipan Velveteen, Phineas Glazier
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Khole winning is just…perfect. All 3 have to do with experimentation (Khole & Neil are from the same lab/facility/organization, actually!) but Khole was made first, both in a story context and meta context. So. yeah. Older Sibling Rights.
Either Orion or Eddie is winning those ghost stories bc Orion knew Aurelia, and she worshiped the god of fear, while Eddie knows Jonathan, Aurelia’s descendant and uses fear in his villain schemes. Then again, Bee is literally a demon, so….
YAY STACY!!! sorry loyd just…sucks lmao fuck outta here
DAY 03
Nothing interesting to note.
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Our fallen tributes are: Victor West, Neil O’Brian, Loyd Nixon, Reign Blanc, Orion Guerrero, Luciana Potenza, Khole Banner, Vincent Hyde, Thackery Velveteen. Only 9 people left!
Nothing of interest to note for NIGHT 03.
THE FEAST happens, aka The Cornucopia is refilled.
Nothing interesting to note for DAY 04 & NIGHT 04.
Our fallen tributes are: Benjamin Graves, Lucien Jekyll.
Nothing interesting to note for DAY 05 & NIGHT 05.
DAY 06: Eddie dies by accidentally drinking his own poison. Get wrecked, idiot.
NIGHT 06: Prism bashes Alex’s head in. Get his ass!!
Nothing interesting to note for DAY 07, NIGHT 07, & DAY 08.
NIGHT 08: Stacy poisons Prism. Lucy dies from thirst.
Stacy wins!! Wow. Fucking lame as shit I don’t even like her. Wish she stayed wherever the fuck she was before moving to Prism Pulse. Whatever! Realistically speaking she would’ve been killed way back at that random family reunion thing. Yes, by Eddie. he would’ve killed his own daughter. what of it.
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startheraddict ¡ 2 years
How would Joseph Quinn's characters act if you dropped an L-bomb on them?
I have a feeling one of them would hit you jokingly COUGH (Enjolras)
This is an amazing idea lol
!Minimal spoilers but a slight spoiler for Arthur/Dickensian!
Includes: ✒Arthur Havisham(Dickensian), ♦️Eddie Munson(Stranger Things), ❣Ralph(Timewasters) and 🗡Enjolras(Les Misérables)
None of the GIFs I use are mine, credits to the rightful owners
Arthur Havisham
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✒ Male Reader
✒ Would give you the wildest look
✒ Would probably ask you "Pardon?! Excuse you, huh?!"
✒ He'd question everything he'd done that day to get an 'I love you'
✒ He'd probably laugh light-heartedly and say "Nuh-uh, keep telling yourself that though,"
✒ Would probably shake his head at you
✒ He's been though too much with Compeyson to believe that you really mean it
✒ He'd cry if you weren't stood in front of him but if you catch him in the right moment he'd more than most likely shove his head into your shoulder and bawl his eyes out
Eddie Munson
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♦️ Gn Reader
♦️ Would 100% start crying and then would tell you his eyes are just dry or something silly like that
♦️ If you two were in his room he'd turn his music down and be like "I'm sorry did I hear you right?"
♦️ Would then kiss you all over and not let you go
♦️ He'd say it back repeatedly in between kissing you
♦️ You'd have to pry him off you even if you had to go to the bathroom
♦️ Would pout and pretend to cry if you left him to go home that night but he'd probably actually cry when/if you left
♦️ Two words, clingy. Mf.
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❣ Gn Reader
❣ Wouldn't respond to you for a while out of pure shock
❣ Would probably go on a walk to clear his head (aka go and buy a ring) and then come and find you
❣ "Y/n! If you meant what you said, I love you too!"
❣ He'd rush his words out and stutter a bit
❣ He'd probably then grab a black box from his back pocket
❣ You knew where this was going so you shook your head slightly in a 'not again' type of way
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🗡 Gn Reader
🗡 Would either say "Thank you," or say it back without thinking and then shout "Wait no!" when he realizes like 5 minutes later because he's far too busy rambling about France
🗡 You'd end up in a fit of giggles either way
🗡 and of course he'd jokingly nudge you after you couldn't stop laughing
🗡 But when he says he loves you he means it<3
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