#speaking of Rivals .. chapter three is up in case anyone missed it 🙂
daffi-990 · 1 month
Seven(ish) Sentence Sunday đź—ˇ
Tagged by @diazsdimples @exhuastedpigeon @jesuisici33 @devirnis
Had the smallest amount of writing beans yesterday for my Buddie Fantasy AU .. which is a bit of a mess and all over the place (I don’t even have one chapter fully complete 🥴).
For context -> this is what happens from Bobby’s POV a little after this snippet. No idea if it’ll stay in the final cut (because that seems light years away), but thought I’d share anyway.
Bobby reaches for his sword, his hand slipping slightly along the hilt due to the blood covering his palm. If he’s going to die, he’s going to do it protecting his son. He’ll fight for Buck until his last breath.
Using his sword for support, Bobby slowly stands, the excruciating pain from his wound almost bringing him to his knees. He grits his teeth against it, shifting his feet into a better position readying for attack.
The small group of soldiers are closing in. He only has a few moments before they’ll be upon him.
Lifting his sword, Bobby takes a shuddering breath, ignoring the way the arrow pulls painfully in his side. Eddie and Buck should’ve made it deep into the forest by now. They’ll be safe. Eddie will keep him safe. He promised.
The first soldier approaches, weapon raised as he charges towards Bobby, but before he’s even within striking distance he falls to the ground, an arrow embedded in his chest.
Bobby whips his head to look behind him, a relieved laugh spilling from his lips, for charging in behind him is what looks to be a hunting party of fae warriors on horseback.
The fae gallop past him and towards the enemy soldiers who are now beginning to retreat in fear, but it is of no use, for the fae cut them down easily.
Bobby falls to his knees, exhaustion crashing into him like a rolling wave.
“Looks like we arrived in just the nick of time, Mage Robert of Nash”
No pressure tagging: @spotsandsocks @hippolotamus @wikiangela @wildlife4life @watchyourbuck @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @madneywedding @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @missmagooglie @monsterrae1 @mellaithwen @loserdiaz @lover-of-mine @ladydorian05 @rainbow-nerdss @thewolvesof1998 @the-likesofus @theotherbuckley @smilingbuckley @tizniz @shitouttabuck @steadfastsaturnsrings @sunshinediaz @spagheddiediaz @dangerpronebuddie @bidisasterevankinard @fortheloveofbuddie @fiona-fififi @giddyupbuck @honestlydarkprincess @homerforsure @hoodie-buck @jeeyuns @neverevan @nmcggg @bekkachaos @captain-hen and as always, anyone else who has something they want to share -> consider this your official tag 🏷
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