#🌊 crybaby
freakkisser · 5 months
thinking about soft and sweet f/o’s loosing their shit when someone messes with you. even if it was a minor thing the moment they see someone cross a line with you and make you even a little upset their face hardens and they immediately step in. theyre willing to do anything for you weather that means just telling someone off or throwing punches for you.
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baksterly · 11 months
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crybaby as always? yeah
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celestialtarot11 · 4 months
Pisces Importance 🐳🌊
Hi friends! 🌟🌊 I would like to shed light on the meaning of Pisces beyond what we think we know. This is all based off of Esoteric Astrology + Vedic + Traditional Astrology. I feel like I understand the mission of Pisces in this lifetime and others much better 💅🏻 please feel free to comment like and reblog! 🤗✨
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First, let’s talk about the metaphorical death of man. It’s incredibly important to understanding Pisces position of healing. In Esoteric Astrology, after the man faces his metaphorical death in Aries (the ego, impulses, material desires, and trauma) then the man reaches Scorpio. The earth burial, and his own grave. Suffocation by the physical. In this process, after Aries the body must lay, and that’s where decomposition starts. Scorpio rules decomposition, decay, and rotting. After the lesser leaves, the ego, physical desires, material impulses and what was once comfortable, the man reaches a point of salvation and experience. After seeing himself burn, lay, and rot, he reaps his experience and know is filled with the knowledge of Pisces. The relinquishing of himself. The last cycle after burial in earth is drowning. The release into humanity and the cleansing of the physical.
Pisces rules the finishing and yet the beginning of the mans soul. Without the death metaphorically speaking, Pisces in a man is dormant and the power of his intuition is dimmed. To awaken it on a profound level, he must release the physical.
Therefore, Pisces is the healer and sovereign after all manner of deaths. Relinquishing oneself. It’s the death of all attachments, and returning to ones peace and harmony.
Ruled by Jupiter, this planet is a benefict bringing fusion between the soul and physical form. Allowing the native to embrace their soul in their form. Jupiter allows the native to always uplift his personality and come back to improving oneself. Pisces can harbor knowledge from experiences gathered after loss of oneself and share that. This is where Pisces begins to service humanity in their teachings, operating from their purest self as they connect to their heart. As seen in Pisces, two fish dance cosmically. One representing the soul, and the other the physical form. Jupiter binds the two in a functional relationship by a thread.
In Vedic astrology, Pisces are lead to spiritual liberation (moksha) often associated with independence, being self-led in their journey, and determined individuals. The notion that water signs are crybabies are far from the truth. Pisces goes on to develop their intuitive abilities in a physical form, most likely music or drawing of some kind. Pisces are incredibly tuned in, resilient, and go through constant cycles of change. Although they are sensitive to their environments, they are not necessarily weak because of that.
Pisces and water signs are integral to all our deepest healing journeys as one can see 💗 there’s so much more to cancer, pisces and scorpio and the role these signs play in the remission of our soul.
Please comment your feedback and share your thoughts! It’s always appreciated.
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Paid Readings 🤍
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jonathan-samuel-smith · 2 months
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"Tt. It's too small, you idiot."
"Well the tub was more than big enough for me!"
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"💢Do not let go, Kent."
"It's slippery😢!"
"Graahhh ^-^ 🌊 🌧️"
"Great, now my hair is ruined."
"And you say I'm the crybaby."
I went to a comic convention that was more like a trade show, and I got this Kyogre, a mushroom beret, and a mango bun. I'm so happy I was able to attend despite my arthritis, I had fun!
Also even with me tagging as jondami, this is platonic cuz they're still kids. I also tagged as 20cm doll but they're 15cm and ~10cm respectively.
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twistedastrology · 1 month
🌊my take on neptune🌊
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LOOK at that gorgeous fucking planet man-
i wanna start this with a little tiny disclaimer that my take on neptune is very different from the usual and kinda flips a lot of shit on its head so my bad if this makes no sense to u but i wouldn't be uranus ruled if i didnt do shit crazy different would i 💔💔
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let's start with what I'm dismantling-
in modern astrology, neptune is often considered the higher octave of venus and is known as the planet of spirituality or higher love. ive seen a lot of ppl say that neptune is associated with hollywood, which makes no fucking sense to me but whatever yknow to each their own-
neptune is also known as the ruler of pisces, and is exalted in cancer, the sign the moon rules.
I am about to flip a Whole fuckton on its head here so strap in and give me ur brain for a second 💔💔
neptune, the god, is the roman counterpart to poseidon, and poseidon rules over the sea, storms and earthquakes- generally very chaotic stuff-
poseidon's egyptian equivalent would be Seth, or Set. Seth was the god of chaos, storms, earthquakes, generally very chaotic stuff again.
Seth was also a trickster and, in egyptian mythology, overall kind of an asshole (since he literally chopped up Osiris into like a billion pieces and then scattered him across the earth so- idk kind of a dick move ngl)
but that's what he did!! that was his thing!!! he was the god of chaos!!!! gods of chaos are gonna be kinda assholes!!!!
But what does this mean for neptune- well this means that Neptune would be Seth (and neptune is known for it's deceptive qualities)
now keep that in ur brain as i go off on another tangent that will eventually circle back around to this one-
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another proposal i have that may be shocking is that to me, Neptune is the one that rules Cancer, and the moon is the one that rules Pisces.
stay with me here hold on hear me out 💔
since ive been quite literally twisting the fuck out of astrology in my head and debunking cancer myth after cancer myth, I've come to find that cancers are a much more volatile sign than we give them credit for- or at least Can be-
they're not crybabies by any sense of the imagination, and like i said in my post abt cancers and rage, they feel anger more heavily than anything. they can also be very chaotic because they're cardinal water (think tsunamis).
now they're not all bad, dont think im tryna paint em as villains dawg i am literally a cancer rising/mars- but they have a distinct dark side to them that is Not to be fucked with.
cancers are often considered the "mothers" of the zodiac, but that has been watered down to "they're good with kids and probably want kids"- when cancers were Initially considered the mothers of the zodiac, they were talking abt cancers are the Guardians of the Zodiac.
not the galaxy-
now i will say, if a cancer has children, they will be VERY protective of them, but not in a helicopter-y way. more like in a "if you say something bad about their children or threaten to harm their children in any way, they will most likely punch you in the face and knock you out."
they wont bitch at you or be polite about it, they will probably break your face- BREAK YOUR FUCKIN FACE TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!
now, where do cancers get that rage from? who around here borders on being or Is a god of chaos in the zodiac................. seth.
neptune is a much darker, more volatile planet than we give it credit for, just like cancers can be the same- But at the same time, they can both be very pleasant entities-
cancers can easily be some of the nicest people you've ever met, they're incredibly loyal and would probably go to war for you if you meant a lot to them, and they can be VERY and often times Are creative and artistic in some way.
neptune can be a very rewarding planet to work with, it can be incredibly creative because of the depth it represents, and it can put you and guide you on your path to and through spirituality.
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neptune ruling cardinal water makes much more sense in this light than it ruling mutable water in my opinion. a planet as potentially volatile as neptune would NOT be mutable.
all of this also comes partially from my slightly different idea of what higher octaves really are- ive seen people say they're the "large scale influence" planets, but i think they're quite literally just the more powerful versions of the planets they're the higher octaves of (so they can and do affect the large scale, but that's not ALL they are).
so the moon in this case would deal with our conscious emotions, our humanity, that level of stuff- which makes more sense for pisces in my opinion- the moon would be more along the lines of the emotions we Think we should feel (mutable) and therefore do- the moon is how we may have Learned to feel, among many other things.
whereas neptune is our deep, inner self. our subconscious emotions, the feelings that penetrate our very soul. neptune is our shadow self, but it's also our higher self. just as the moon has a dark side, neptune has one too, but neptune's dark side is infinitely more painful.
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this role switch also makes much more sense at least in my chart, because when looking at the moon as being my chart ruler, my co-ascendant would be pisces, which never made any sense to me- so i chalked it up to "oh well my moon is 1° pisces so it's basically aquarius i guess" which DID make sense
but my moon is still in pisces. My neptune, however, is firmly in aquarius, which explains perfectly why i feel so much more aquarius coded than anything else.
im also like 99% outer planet ruled, mercury being the only inner planet that dominates my chart- my most active planets are mercury, saturn, uranus, neptune and pluto 😮‍💨
i wanna say that whenever i switch everything up like this, i still find value in normal astrology and often combine it with my twisted version to get the most accuracy possible- so while my neptune and uranus are in mutual reception (aquarius/pisces) but i believe that neptune rules cancer, i still feel that mutual reception but i also still feel the neptune/cancer influence, especially since my ascendant literally starts in the neptune decan of cancer.
and this makes my chart make a lot more sense in terms of neptune too-
if this makes absolutely no fucking sense at all to you then that's fine!!! this is just my personal view on neptune and i honestly still associate a lot of My View of neptune's traits with the moon, which is why i incorporate a multitude of different perspectives into how i interpret everything and it gives me accurate meanings so i see no problem with it-
once it stops being accurate, then there's a problem, but we're not there yet so it's ok 🙏🙏
ultimately u can kinda just take this as food for thought if nothing else!! and if u read this far into my yapping session, god bless fr 😮‍💨 (i am not religious. HAHAHHAA)
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lawlawlaws-blog · 1 month
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sweeteatercat · 5 months
The Breakroom Winter Exchange!
My story for The Breakroom Winter Exchange 💓 @thebreakroomds
@glxyqst for you, my dear! 🌊🧜🏻‍♂️🌊🧜‍♂️🌊🧜🏻‍♂️🌊🧜‍♂️
ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏᴄᴇᴀɴ 1/2
In a desperate, pleading whisper, Nines' voice echoes through the ocean.More often than he would like, Gavin sees the normally so lively merfolk wailing over their wounded or dead.
Their painful lamentation melts into a bittersweet symphony. Gavin, however, seals his heart against it. He has no right to give in to these emotions. Not yet. He's not a fucking crybaby like the others. He knows what to do. He can't lose his nerve.
Not until Nines is back by his side.
Reed900 // explicit / Mers // Hurt&Comfort // Sex // Violence!
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neteyamtesuli · 2 months
Yk u seem to have a LOT of girls (Which is no problem ofc), is there any u prefer?
And don’t u think it’s unfair u got only 1 page in the Avatar colouring book when other characters got multiple?!
~ love your little wave 🌊
Baby, there's no favourite girl. i love you all the same way because all of you are different. @hotdsworld can have an attitude with me while @crybabies-heart is shy when i reply.
And excuse me?! i got only one page?!
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sassyredheadedmess · 11 months
Tagged by @scars-and-memories
Last song:
Last show: People Investigates (true crime)
Last movie: Love & Death - it’s a drama miniseries about Candace Montgomery & the Betty Gore murder, but felt like a movie bc I binged the entire thing in one day
Currently watching: Lizzo: Live in Concert
Reading: the coast guard waivers we gotta sign for our upcoming whale watching tour, concert ticket infos, and airline baggage policies
Obsession: The 15-20 million beautiful sky babies I recently witnessed emerging for their nightly journey 🫶🦇
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and….where I’ll be so super soon 😌🌊♥️
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Tagging (without obligation) @blockedbygod @idleblatherings @derekisonfire @crybaby-foxx @cause-not-symptom @darkinternalthoughts @monsterhidinginshadow @sunday-brunch @sporecored and anyone else that wants to join!
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freakkisser · 4 months
f/o scratching your head like a dog
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safetycar-restart · 1 year
Hey, I’m the anon who sent the 4 part ask about Charles the other day 😅 I also sent one a lot earlier about the kinkmas pornstar!au. Those are the only two times I’ve ever sent asks and I just want to say thanks for making me feel so welcomed 😭 I was so anxious because I’m not that good of a writer but thankfully you’re great and developed my lil brain rot pieces into some beautiful cliterature ❤️ So as a thank you, I shall deposit this thought:
Crybaby!Charles cries every time he cums. And he’s a soft subby baby but I can’t help but think about a little overstimulation play with him. You’re his mommy, his dom, so he trusts you to know when he’s really at his limit and knows that you’ll always listen and take care of him. You’re his safe person so there’s no one else he trusts more for overstimulating him. No restraints because that would really be too much for him. Especially on his first try. But he’s so eager and happy to please mommy. So when mommy asks if he wants one more (yk to cum one more time) he’ll still fig deep and let out one more for you. Even though this is the second time you said ‘one more?’ And you always know how to read his tears. You’re so attentive that you learn and know the difference between happy to cum crying, feeling very sensitive crying and the whimpers that indicate his had enough.
Hopefully this one’s as ok as my first 2 😅 And if it’s ok with you, can I claim the 🦦 emoji?
Firstly I love this idea so much!!!! All your asks have been so good and I’m so glad you want an emoji so that we can know it’s you!!
Unfortunately that emoji is already taken, there’s a list of all the claimed emojis on my pinned post but I know sometimes tumblr doesn’t show the pinned post for some reason so here is the current list of claimed emojis: 💋 🍒 🍅 🍁🐞🍄🏉 🎃 🧡 🔥🧦 🛒🎮 🦁 🦊🍌 ✨ 🌙 🐥 🍋 🌛👩‍🌾 🐍 🐢🌱 🐬 🌊🫐 🍆 👾🍬 🌸🩰 🐇 ⛸️🪩📓 🪑🦦
So any other emoji is available :)) (also I would LOVE to see people claim these emojis: 🦉🌻⛄️🧂🧩🕯️🧬🛎️🪫🛸🍿🥀🧳🫀) so please pick another emoji and then let me know which one you’ve chosen and I’ll add to the claimed list and to the tags of this post :))
But anyway, let’s get back to your absolutely amazing ask!!
I think that at first, Charles would be very scared of overstimulation. Not because he didn’t want to cum so much that he couldn’t even remember his own name, because he absolutely did, but because he’s scared of how vulnerable he would he?
Charles is well aware that he’s already a subby baby, and so to add overstimulation would make him even more vulnerable than he already is and that’s scary. Very scary.
But then he meets you and you gain his trust and suddenly overstimulation isn’t scary anymore. Nothing is scary when his mommy is looking after him.
He has no doubt that you’ll push him, as he wants you to, but that you’ll never push him too far because you know exactly where his limits are. He can just completely submit without a care in the world because he knows his mommy will look after him and make him feel good.
You know he’s gonna start crying before you even start the scene, because he always cries after he cums and so you’re sure the tears will only increase as he cums again and again.
You’re right of course.
To untrained eyes and ears, Charles’s sounds and tears might seem the same always but you know better. Charles’s lack of ability to form words or sentences in scenes used to scare you, but now you understand his sounds like a full language.
It should also be noted that you keep on wiping his tears from his cheeks even though you know he’s going to be cumming again after this and will cry even more so there’s no real point in wiping his tears. But you do it because you know charles loves it, loves to have a little break from the overstimulation with you wiping his tears and kissing his forehead.
And of course aftercare will involve tears too, because he’s so vulnerable and subby and overwhelmed with all these big emotions and so you must hold him tight and let him cry softly in your arms until he’s ready to be cleaned up.
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rukia-writes · 1 year
Oh no thinking of our Shirahoshi reader it gave me a thought… like seeing our crybaby absolutely balling her eyes out seeing Hercules lose his bout! I cried like mad!! So I can see her drowning (quite literally) everyone with her tears! She’s big enough to cause a flood… poor baby…
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There is no ragnarok 😭 it’s all flooded 🌊
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spellplobs · 1 year
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Aquarius 🌊💙
skin cc:
skin blend: https://www.patreon.com/posts/cartoon-style-ii-72215146
face kit: https://pyxiidis.tumblr.com/post/171902140901/about-face-skin-details-by-pyxis-a-set-of-subtle
tattoos: https://www.patreon.com/posts/zodiac-tattoo-52419045
eyelashes: https://www.patreon.com/posts/57269237
eyebags: https://mysteriousfinds.tumblr.com/post/188696118217/ratboysims-kiwi-eyebags-by-ratboysims-2
nose highlight: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/664291981933117440/ohgerbits-heihu-nose-highlight-separated-i-love
eyebrows: https://twisted-cat.tumblr.com/post/696931625195503616/brow-set-no4
makeup set: https://breezytrait.tumblr.com/post/692418588486811648/petals-a-soft-makeup-pack
eye contacts: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-makeup-female-costumemakeup/title/crybabies-crystal-eyes/id/1380934/
top and pants: https://www.patreon.com/posts/golden-days-cc-34443980
necklace: https://simandy.tumblr.com/post/663610432468238336/meadow-winds-by-simandy-x-clumsyalien
earrings: https://pakupakutapir.tumblr.com/post/690629858302328832/candy-time-earrings-cc-set-star-lolipop
socks : https://cloudcat.tumblr.com/post/686267394595946496/summer-poem
hairstyle: https://simstrouble.tumblr.com/post/700819373608271872/poena-by-simstrouble-base-game-compatible-24
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runes-hideaway · 2 months
I know that guy and actually he’s a little crybaby bitch. just so you’re aware. he calls himself a wizard but you slay ONE mermaid in front of him and suddenly it’s a problem???
he was probably upset :( maybe the mermaid was his friend :((
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skz-chatbot · 8 months
Angel: *wakes up*
Hyunjin: *slips into the room* hi mommy.
Angel: hi Hyune. 🥺 you still wanna marry me, a crybaby who just got pregnant?
Hyunjin: more than anything. You’re perfect to us, and I would never let you go. Not in this reality or the next.
*Angel gets carried to the bathroom by Chan to freshen up, her dress in Minho’s hands*
Lino: I saw the lace and silk and how she gazed at it last week. It’s blue. I know she’s going to look beautiful in it.
🌊 anon
Yes yes she is. She'll look absolutely gorgeous oh and it's blue perfect for my little ocean baby
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lexacoolfox · 3 years
Lexacoolfox writing
Masterlist last update 07/28/21
Multiple characters
S/o tooth removal (featuring: Nagito, Kokichi, naegi, hajime)
Why some danganronpa character would call in the middle of the night (featuring: Nagito, Kokichi, naegi, Mikan, ibuki)
What type of partner dancing I think some danganronpa characters would do with their S/O (featuring: gundham, hiyoko, nagito)
How danganronpa characters act with kittens with their S/O. (Featuring: kazuichu, naegi, Kokichi, Hajime, Nagito)
Danganronpa character with the ultimate barista (featuring: chiaki, Nagito, naegi)
Mikan and Nagito with an s/o who has insomnia
Nagito komeada 🍀
Nagito with a talentless s/o (who is also I a bit of a crybaby)
Nagito with a clingy s/o who loves cuddling
Nagito with an s/o who’s like zenitsu from demon slayer
Nagito with an s/o who’s like kanao from demon slayer
Nagito reassuring his insecure s/o
Nagito with an s/o like inosuke from demon slayer
Nagito with a romantic and a protective fem!S/o
A clingy!shy!nagito x A flirty!protective!fem!reader
Nagito with the ultimate bodyguard!
Nagito with a S/O who’s like muichirou (from demon slayer!)
Nagito with an insecure S/O because of their looks and refuses to smile.
Nagito with a S/O like Zack! (From angels of death
Nagito with an S/O like leviathan
Nagito with an S/O who’s the ultimate detective
🌟One shots:
Nagito reacting to his s/o being a vampire and needing blood
Nagito and the ultimate dancer
Nagito x fem!reader who tries to smoke for the first time!
Kokichi oma 🎲
What type of partner dancing I think some danganronpa characters would do with their S/O Pt.2 (bonus)
✨-Demon slayer
The pillars
With an s/o like Mikan Tsumiki (featuring: rengoku, mitsuri, shinobu)
With an s/o like Mikan Tsumiki (pt 2. Featuring sanemi and uzui)
How they would react to their s/o becoming a demon
S/o like izuru (danganronpa2)
Shy, Immortal reader who is selectively mute, and has the same power as saitama (from on punch man)
Obanai and Rengoku with an S/O like miu from danganronpa
With an S/O like Isaac Foster! (Featuring: Rengoku, Obanai, and Sanemi
The hashira with a clingy S/O! (Featuring: Giyu, shinobu, rengoku)
The hashira with a clingy S/O! Part 2 (featuring: Mitsuri, Sanemi, Uzui)
Giyu and uzui with an S/O who acts like Nagito!
Obanai and Tengen with an S/O like Peko (from danganronpa 2)
Obanai, shinobu, and gyomei with an S/O who acts like Nagito!
Obanai, Sanemi, Uzui, and Rengoku. With a super human zombie male (I honestly don’t what to put it as.)
Uzui and Sanemi with an S/O like Kokichi (from danganronpa 3)
Obanai, Giyuu, and shinobu with an S/O like Kokichi (from danganronpa 3)
With an s/o like Chiaki nanami (featuring: Shinobu, Giyu, and Sanemi)
With an S/O like Moxxie (from helluva boss)
Giyu Tomioka 🌊
Please…I can’t lose anybody else
with an S/O like kirumi (featuring: Tanjiro and Obanai)
Shinobu Kocho 🦋
Going to a nail salon
Kyojuro Rengoku 🔥
With an S/O like Kokichi (featuring: tanjiro)
With an S/O or friend like ibuki from danganronpa (featuring tanjiro and senjuro)
Mitsuri Kanroji 💗
With an s/o like Chiaki nanami (featuring: uzui and Tanjiro)
Going to a nail salon
Muichiro Tokito ☁️
…nothing yet
Obanai Iguro 🐍
with an S/O like kirumi (featuring: Tanjiro and Giyuu)
Tengen Uzui 💎
With an s/o like Chiaki nanami (featuring: tanjiro and Mitsuri)
Sanemi Shinazugawa🌪
…Nothing yet
Gyomei Himejima 🪨
…nothing yet
Kamaboko squad
S/o like izuru from danganronpa
Tanjiro ☀️
Enemies into lovers. An s/o like stolas (from helluva boss.)
with an S/O like kirumi (featuring: Obanai and Giyuu)
Tanjiro with an s/o like Nagito (from danganronpa)
With an S/O like Mikan Tsumiki (featuring: Douma)
With an S/O like Kokichi (featuring: Rengoku)
With an S/O or friend like ibuki from danganronpa (featuring kyojuro Rengoku and senjuro)
With an s/o like Chiaki nanami (featuring: uzui and Mitsuri)
Zenitsu ⚡️
…nothing yet
Inosuke 🐗
…nothing yet
Nezuko 🌸
…nothing yet
Genya 🔫
…nothing yet
The upper moons + muzan
Upper moons getting exorcised and turned back into a human by a exorcist. Then falling in love with them!(featuring: kokushibo, Akaza, douma, and gyutaro.)
Upper moon demons with a S/O who is close with muzan. (Featuring: kokushibo, doma, akaza + muzan)
What outfit the upper moons fem!S/O! Buy for them (featuring: muzan, kokushibo, doma, akaza)
Uppermoon +Muzan and enmu with a somebody like junko enoshima! (Featuring: enmu, gyutaro, kaigaku, Akaza, doma, kokushibo, and Muzan.)
Muzan 🩸
Muzan with an s/o like kaguya otsutsuki
Kokushibo 🌕
…nothing yet
With an S/O like Mikan Tsumiki (featuring: tanjiro)
…nothing yet
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