#⋄ * ✿ ⋄ * TYLER LOCKWOOD. › desires.
aughts · 2 years
t. lockwood.
0 notes
klausysworld · 4 months
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Love is a dangerous game.
Love is a fickle thing.
Love is unpredictable.
Love is merciless.
Love can be both feared and desired.
Love can make a woman do such awful things.
Love can drive a woman mad.
It drove me mad. It made me do awful things. It made people scared and it made people excited. It made me merciless, unpredictable and dangerous but my love was never fickle and it never will be.
Not when it came down to Niklaus Mikaelson.
It started off way before he arrived in town.
I grew up in Mystic Falls, one of the only witches in town alongside the Bennett family. When I was little, Sheila Bennet-Grams would always offer to babysit me from my mother. When I would play there with Bonnie my emotions would always get the better of me, objects would begin to float or catch fire. Grams would always pick me up and calm me down while telling me how powerful I would become.
She never mentioned magic to Bonnie, and I promised not to either even though we were so close. However my magic was something I had always been aware of and Grams said that finding control over it would be better than pretending it didn't exist.
Once I got a little older, she began to teach me things on other supernaturals. Starting with the Lockwood heritage and the basics of werewolves and then we went deeper, to Eenadu and how/why she created the species. Then a while later it was vampires. The basics first again and then the Originals, and Esther.
That was when I first heard of him; Klaus.
Grams spoke his name with such distaste but it stirred something inside me. She only told me the bast things, put a sinister spin on everything about them. So I had to do some digging myself.
He was just so damaged.
He was so broken, but so fixable.
He was just so loveable.
I knew he needed the doppelgänger so I convinced Bonnie that we should befriend Elena.
I knew he needed a werewolf so i befriended Matt through Elena which lead to befriending Tyler.
I knew he needed a vampire too but I didn't need to worry about that. I was certain that Katerina Petrova, Katherine Pierce, would pay the town a visit and death would follow her like the plague. She would either be my vampire or make me a vampire that I could give to Klaus.
And she did, just as predicted. So when I was sure that she had done everything for me: triggered Tylers 'curse', turned Caroline and collected the moonstone, I made my move in form of a letter.
It had taken a damn long time to find him. He moves, a lot. However, I too had made contacts over the last few years with other witches across the states and was able to pinpoint him.
And reach out.
Dear Niklaus Mikaelson,
We have yet to meet though I am certain that when we do you will be pleased. Come to where it all began for I have an opportunity for you to seize.
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It was simple but still cryptic enough to grab his attention. I sent it to him with my magic and patiently waited.
And planned.
Klaus would definitely want to create more hybrids. Which meant some sort of trip as soon as the ritual was over and his wolf was free. I also knew that he and Stefan were friends in the 1920s, courtesy of Gloria who was a witch I had met and remained in contact with who was also in communication with Klaus and helped me find the man.
So I was betting that he would find a way to take Stefan with him to find his hybrids and bring the ripper out of him, which would not be difficult. I remember when he had gone a little mad for human blood earlier in the year. It wouldn't take a lot to push him back over that line.
Now was a nervous when Katherine went missing which meant klaus was in town? Yes. But I was much more excited.
I could feel myself literally buzzing when I stepped into the Salvatore manor house, I could feel the magic rolling off of Alaric! I sat between him and Damon and I could feel my skin burning. Damon kept putting his hand on my knee to stop my legs bouncing, asked if I was on drugs a couple times too but didn't suspect too much. I hadn't revealed to everyone the amount I knew. Though Elijah knew that I was much more than I let on but I kinda wanted him to know.
Of course everyone knew I was a witch but they assumed I was an amateur, Bonnie knew I was better than I made out to be but still didn't know the extents of what I was now capable of. When you've been practicing magic since you were a small child your power ages with you, I knew that I'd only grow stronger. And so far I have.
I just hoped that he couldn't feel my magic as well as I could feel his. That was a silly thought. I knew that he couldn't, I had a spell to mask it.
Time went fast, one second I was sat next to him and the next he was walking out the door and Damon was asking what was wrong with me today. I got out of it and went home to my planning board.
I wondered how long it would take for him to know that it was I who sent him the letter. I wondered how he would react. I also wondered how he would be if I sent him another.
Dear Niklaus Mikaelson,
I see that you have arrived though not as I may have expected, Either way I hope you appreciate the ingredients that I have collected.
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I sent it via my magic again, I knew that it would lay waiting for him when he returned from the decade dance. It meant I was far too excited the entire time. Though I did my best to keep my mouth shut around Alaric Klaus himself.
Even when he revealed his true identity I had to bite back my smile, instead I allowed him to pin me, toss me and harm me until he though he'd won. I couldn't reveal my powers, the truth behind my innocent mask. I needed him to think I was weak but still interesting enough.
Bonnie ended up 'sacrificing' herself. To be completely honest it made me mad. Of all the people he could have hurt he had to choose her. I wouldn't have cared if it was any one else but Bonnie was the only true friend I had made, she wasn't here for me to use or bargain with. I liked her and felt my skin burn with rage.
So I made a little spell to cause Klaus an extensive amount of pain .
I got over it of course but I needed him to understand my feelings. It's the only way we could work.
I was pissed off that he hadn't used my chosen ingredients. Damon saved Tyler and Caroline and Bonnie was saving Elena.
Still, I watched his ritual anyway from a distance, my eyes lighting up as I watched his bones snap and his wolf rush to the front of his mind. Elijah's eyes locked on mine for a split second, a slight nod from us both before he took his brother to a place in the woods.
After that I had to babysit Damon while he whined and shook in pain. When his fevers got too bad I would place a cooling spell over his body and transfer some of his pain to myself. Despite not being Damons biggest fan, he was the one I got along most with out of the little group that had formed. He had a sense of humour and wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty. Damon was no liar like most of the others and I admired that. Still, I did not trust him exactly but I didn't mind his company.
Eventually Katerina arrived, she did not look eager to see me however she delivered the cure as expected and revealed what I had assumed. Klaus had taken Stefan.
Unfortunately for Klaus, since finding him the first time, I was able to play a tracking spell on his soul. If I closed my eyes and chanted the right words I was able to find exactly where he was in the moment I did so. Which meant he received more letters.
They were always short and suggestive, never revealing quite how much I knew but just hinting at it. I knew it would annoy him, he would see it as child’s play but that's what made it all so amusing when I would whisper my spells and watch his jaw clench as he attempted to tear up the paper only for it to magically bind back together in mockery of his frustration.
It was when he arrived in Chicago that Gloria had me on the phone.
"I warn you child, he's been asking me to find out who's sending the notes. I wouldn't ever tell on you dear but you know how he becomes. Don't play with fire unless you plan to get burnt" she told me, her tone worried
"Thank you Gloria but you've always known I enjoy the burn. Even if he knows, I can contain him. I've been preparing." I murmur, as my fingers trace over the sketch of the cage I plan to create for him should it ever be necessary.
"Do be careful" she whispered, "They don't call him a beast for fun"
"I know" I hum "It's going to be wonderful" I stated, my mind picturng those golden eyes of his.
Gloria had to hang up when she heard Rebekah's voice nearing but messaged me an update later that day. Unfortunately I felt as her life was taken, by Katerina of all people though I couldn't be too surprised. Her obsession with Stefan never failed to shine through.
Not that I could judge.
Plus it worked in my favour. Klaus came back home.
I got to see him and senior prank night, he even grabbed my wrist. I asked if he just wanted to hold my hand which made him smirk and made my lower stomach implode.
He did in fact hold my hand.
Sure it was while he dragged me down a corridor but he held it all the same.
Then he started killing people and turned Tyler which made me happy. At least my werewolf was useful after all.
Eventually I got back home and went to bed, with Klaus still on my mind of course.
Things got much more interesting from then onward. Klaus was in town much more and always getting in everyones business. I both enjoyed it and loathed it.
It was lovely because it meant I got to talk to him, and because I knew so much about him already I was able to keep him entertained and talkative. Especially when it came to art. I had to research so many artists so that I could engage him in conversation for long periods of time. I convinced the others that it was to distract him while they did their stupid little plans but it was really just for me.
I still sent my letters but I was confident that he didn't know it was me. Somehow I had made him believe that I was brand knew to magic and practically hopeless which he apparently found 'cute'. Whether he meant it or not it still made me blush.
After a few months I had the cage made. It was doused in magic to ensure he couldn't ever escape and I had put in a bookshelf with books I knew he would enjoy as well as a sketch pad and an array of crayons. Pencils were a little risky as they had a point but I put in some blunt charcoal. I had vervain growing beside the cage and wolvebane on my bedroom windowsill. The cage was set up in my basement.
My mother never went down there, she still thinks it's all horiible down their. She also doesn't really practise magic anymore so she's basically a human and oblivious to my supernatural involvment.
Thanks to her unawareness I was able to go about things without even being that discreet. Even if she had picked up on it, she made no effort to intervene.
So I continued to indulge in my obsession.
It was mostly harmless, though my letters progressively became love letters. It was entertaining to watch his brows rise as he read the suggestive words, often now his fingers would trace over the lipstick print I had left in the bottom right corner. Occasionally I would wear the same shade around him, just to test my limits. Sometimes I would spray the paper with my perfume before sending it too.
Soon I began sending other things too, like a rose alongside the letter or a sugary beignet that I had made myself. Sometimes they would contain propofol or something similar. This, with a high enough dosage, would knock even the original hybrid out long enough for me to go on over. I would often sit down beside him on his bed, usually my fingers would stroke through his sweet curls and I would press a kiss to his cheek. Almost always leaving the same mark as I did on those letters and taking pride in the confusion that painted his gorgeous face when he would see it in the morning and wash off my mark.
There were a couple close calls where I had assumed him to be passed out only to find him waiting in his bed, then I would have to be more forceful with putting him to sleep. Often magic was involved and I would lay with him, stroking the area I had struck him with my power to soothe the sting away.
Since then I had noticed his glances over his shoulders as he walked and the way his fingers would nervously tap against his scotch glass. I couldn't deny the pleasant feeling that buzzed through me at the knowledge that I made him nervous, borderline afraid. He even went so far as to have one of his hybrids stand guard outside of his room when he slept. So I had to climb up through his window. It was a hassle really but it got easier each time I did so.
I found myself in his room pretty much every single night. Something about how he was when he slept was so peaceful and innocent that I couldn't help but crave it. It soothed something within me.
What was even better than watching him while he slept?
Finding a painting in his art room...of me!
It was beautifully done and looked just like a photo. If i hadn't touched it to feel the layers of paint then I wouldn't have known he created it. A true, genuine smile graced my lips when I held it and I couldn't help but go through all his sketch pads to find more.
My next love letter hinted toward the art but I think that he was beginning to over think the notes at this point. They were driving him a little mad.
I considered leaving him alone for a little while but then he started getting into trouble. Too much trouble. The kind that got him hurt and stabbed by white oak. The kind that had him ready to leave Mystic Falls.
So I had to start eliminating threats toward him.
I went as far as hospitalising Elena, making it look like natural causes so that the others would have to leave Klaus alone for a while.
I befriended Rebekah, started learning things about Klaus's childhood, the little things that meant so much to him. So I went home and hand carved him a wooden wolf and left it on top my letter.
Slowly, I think he began to have suspicions. Sometimes I catch him watching me with a very calculative look in his eye though he would break into a nervous smile and look away, often walking out the room entirely. I didn't like that.
He tried to distance himself but I wouldn't let him. I thought it was clear that he was mine by now. If he had figured it out then he should be happy and relaxed knowing that it's me, not tense and worried. What did he think I would do, really?
Didn't matter. Time went on.
Thanksgiving came and went, Christmas and then New Year. I always sent and received a present. The Mikaelsons actually threw a Christmas ball which I of course attended and I was able to bag multiiple dances with Klaus. I also danced with Elijah, he directly asked me if I was the one messing with his brothers head, we were whispering and I made a little spell so Klaus couldn't eavesdrop. I confirmed it without actually admitting it and made some little threats for if he should try to stop anything, after I left for home.
I continued with my visits, my growing friendships and my gifts. And then valentines day came around.
I had been contemplating whether I treat it any differently to every other day. I never had before however this time I had somebody to think of, somebody I loved.
So when I woke up, I decided that perhaps I'd at least go see Klaus today.
What I had not expected was a large bouquet of roses, bunched into the shape of a heart set on my dining room table with a typed note attached.
Dearest Y/N, I don't usually engage in human holidays however you've recently changed my perspective. I hope you don't think I've been oblivious to your advances, I'll admit they've been affective. Love Niklaus
The note made me smile. The rhyming scheme matched all my letters and this was all the confirmation I needed that he had accepted my feelings.
So I got dressed into a dress, the same deep red as the flowers he had gifted me with the eyeshadow and lipstick to match. I drove myself to his home and this time knocked on the door.
Klaus must have been waiting for he opened it as soon as my knuckles hit the wood and he was dressed to perfection. His blood red tie matched my dress as though he just knew and his hand held out for mine without a word being said. I nodded to him and held his hand, enjoying the way it caused my magic to ignite inside me.
I was lead inside to the area which was usually primarily empty and used for parties and events however it was down littered with rose petals. Fairy lights and candles lit the room and a little square table rest in the centre of the room covered by a white table cloth with two golden plates hidden by gold plate covers sat waiting to be revealed.
"Oh wow" I whispered quietly. This was most definitely not something I had thought of occurring. I heard Klaus clear his throat a little as he hesitantly slipped his hand round my waist causing my tummy to flutter pleasantly before he kept leading me over to the table. He proceeded to pull out my hair, waiting for me to sit and then carefully pushing me closer to the table before sitting opposite me.
"I do hope you'll enjoy the food though if you don't I can be sure to get you something else-" His voice began to speed up, I could see his nerves playing.
"That won't be necessary, I'll have what I'm given and I'll enjoy it" I state simply with a reassuring smile. He returned it and nodded quietly to himself as he lifted the cover off of his play and I did the same. Underneath was a beautifully cooked slice of beef wellington with potatoes and a few vegetables alongside and a sauce to go with.
"I was going to do starters as well but I didn't want you too be too full as I have more for us to eat later" he explained quietly.
"Later?" I question with the slight tilt of my head and he smiled.
"We have a lot to talk about" He answered and I hummed, lifting the wine glass to my lips and allowing the rich taste to please my tongue. I licked my lips clean, watching as his eyes followed my tongues movements as he sat a little straighter. "However," he began, clearing his throat again making a slither of amusement make its way to my face. "For the moment, I just want to have a valentines dinner with you, my questions will wait for after." He decided and I nod, happy with his arrangement.
"Very well" I agreed as I cut into my steak and pastry and popped a piece into my mouth, moaning at the flavour and locking my eyes onto his. His adams apple bobbed and his eyes darted to his plate making me grin.
Dinner was mostly small talk, a few flirty comments through desert before he took our empty plates out to the kitchen. I got up from my seat to follow him but he shook his head and asked that I stay while he cleaned. I agreed without resistance, if he wanted to do the dishes then I wouldn't object.
He was back in just a minute and holding his hand out for me to take again, which I did. Then I was brought upstairs which made me raise a brow, "Already huh?" I ask teasingly.
He glanced over his shoulder at me with a knowing look "Don't act like you don't spend nearly every night in my room" he replied making my eyes roll playfully.
He pulled me into his room and closed the door behind me. On the bed lay every single letter I had written him, I clicked my tongue as I looked over the generous pile and slowly glanced up at his face. His arms were folded over his chest and he had that look in his eyes that just told be to begin.
I smiled up at him and let out a little laugh "Right..." I muttered, "Well..., okay, can we sit for this?" I asked and he hummed, gesturing two chairs that we went to.
And then I started talking. A lot.
I went from the start, Grams. There was no point lying to the man, so I just laid it all out bare for him. From the first time I heard his name to the first time I was able to see his face to the first time we actually met, to now. It took hours of explaining and answering questions for silence to actually come around.
His expressions changed throughout the discussion, sometimes he looked a little confused, sometimes he even looked a little afraid but for the most part he just looked intrigued. When I was done and his questions stopped flowing, he leaned back in his chair and looked up at the ceiling.
"You're crazy" He whispered and I felt my demeanour change, just as I went to snap his eyes went back to mine and a wide smile spread across his face. "You're so insane, I love it" he murmured before my face was in his hands and his lips were on mine.
I'll admit it took me by surprise so it took me a minute to react. Of course I kissed him back, would have been really dumb not to at this point.
His hands seemed to be everywhere all at once, every single nerve I owned stood on edge for him and my magic began to flow a little too fast than I was used to. Klaus pulled away, a chuckle leaving his lips making my eyes, which I didn't remember closing, open.
"You've set the curtains on fire sweetheart" he mumbled, stroking a few strands of hair behind my ear as I took a breathe and silently mended the curtains with my mind. A kiss was placed behind my ear and I breathed in deeply. "I can't believe you let me think you couldn't even light a candle when I met you" he muttered and he smiled.
"You let everyone think you were Alaric, so..." I trailed but he tutted.
"Ah, ah. Everyone except for you as it turns out so we are in no way even. You have been tormenting me, lying to me, watching me sleep..." he smirked and I rolled my eyes, "borderline assaulting me!" he exasperated and I dropped my head back with a sigh. His lips pressed to my neck in response and I hummed with a clenched jaw. "You do not like to be teased" he stated and my eyes flicked to him "I'm not mad" he told me but I didn't think he was anyway "your methods for my...affections have been questionable-"
"Well-" I interjected but he shook his head and kissed my lips again which was a seemingly affective way to keep me quiet but I liked it.
"But" he cut in "It has been incredibly sexy to watch you pull an unbelievable amount of power moves under everyone's noses, including my own. I look forward to seeing how many more moves you have" he whispered, his voice becoming progressively lower.
My gaze fixed on him, my eyes narrowed a little. Was he saying what he wanted to say or what I wanted to hear?
His hands slid down my sides to the backs of my thighs before he lifted me onto his lap, having me straddle him in his chair and causing my dress to ride up. My hands held onto his upper arms lightly, he looked back at me with the same calculative look I'm sure I was wearing. His head tilted to the side making my lips twitch, he looked cute like a confused pet.
"I don't take well to being played with" I tell him and he frowned.
"I'm not playing" he replied, his hand caressing my thigh in a way that made an unfamiliar warmth spread through me and I wasn't quite sure what to do with it. For some reason I had mapped out a plan for every scenario except for one where he actually showed the interest I wanted from him. "I wouldn't toy with you Y/n. Should I have wanted to harm you I would have just done so"
"You don't think I'm a threat?" I question and he furrowed his brows
"Do you want me to see you as a threat?" He asked confused and I hesitated, did I?
"Maybe?" I whispered, unsure and he huffed softly.
"You have been dancing around me for almost a year now, don’t you think it’s time we both give in?” He murmured and I stared at him. Slowly his hands brushed higher up my thighs and he pulled me closer on his lap making my heart pound. “Will you let yourself give in to me?” He asked as his fingertips grazed the thin material of my panties. “No more stalking or knocking me out…just be with me, you can sleep beside me…with me and I’ll give you everything you could ever want”
I hummed quietly and clenched my jaw as I felt and heard the elastic in my panties snap. His hand pulled the fabric away from my body and tucked them into his pocket as his eyes locked on mine. I shifted a little on his lap, my thigh clenching around him as I felt my pussy flutter against the erection that was pushing against his suit trousers.
“You have no idea how hard it was to figure out who you were” he muttered as he pushed my hips back and forth in a slow motion. I could feel my skin heating up as my sensitive flesh rubbed over his pants. “You drove me mad” he whispered, his lips brushing against the shell of my ear making a warm shiver slide down my spine.
A breathy moan fell from my lips as I felt his hips grind up against my bare pussy. “Do you remember that letter you wrote, you were practically begging me to fuck you” he reminded making my eyes shut, my lips parting as I moved my hips with his to receive the perfect amount of friction against my clit. “Do you know how many faceless dreams I’ve had of you? I had to guess what your pretty moans would sound like, how tight your cunt was, I need to see if my imagination was accurate” He practically purred against my neck.
I kept grinding myself on his crotch, panting softly to try catch my breath and my thoughts and his hands cupped my ass firmly. They brushed across the tops of my thighs before a finger was rubbing my clit making my hips thrust up and a moan to escape me.
My hands curled into his jacket, I always had the control in situations. I needed the power and the control yet I couldn’t even think about taking it right now. I just needed to chase that feeling.
I couldn’t help the choked sound that left me when a finger plunged its way inside of me. At this point my hips were rutting against his hand, my pussy surely dripping onto his pants but I couldn’t stop myself.
“Happy Valentine’s Day sweetheart” his voice cooed against my ear and I moaned aloud. Kisses burned into the top of my neck and base of my jaw, “I’m gonna fuck you against all of your little love letters” he mumbled and I cried out his name weakly.
Another finger stretched me open with my clit was rubbed ferociously making my hips stutter and thighs tremble with need.
His mouth captured mine as I felt my resistance snap. My body shook and my head felt light as my lips pushed against his with force. After he pulled back and let me catch my breath he lifted me up and dropped me onto his bed amongst all the notes I’d left him in the past.
His body knelt between my legs and his face hovered over mine as he brushed his nose against mine.
I think it was that moment that I knew:
Love would destroy us both.
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klonnieshippersclub · 2 months
Looking at your last reblog I never peeped Michael Trevino’s eyebrow lift and side gaze at Joseph pushing Klonnie…can you imagine Tyler being forced to be the wingman for Klaus?
Suddenly, I'm feeling creative. I haven't written a drabble or a fic concept in a while. I couldn’t help but try this as a prompt. First, check out my previous ask here (TLDR: Klaus and his inner wolf being thirsty as hell for Bonnie) on the inspo behind this post:
Red Moon, Red Roses
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Klaus watches her. His eyes follow her every move. The Bennett witch doesn't know he's there (or does she?), but he makes note of all his observations in his mind. What started his sudden fascination with her? It was Rebekah and a throwaway remark about her friends needing Bonnie more than she needed them. It was true. Without her, they had nothing. With the distance growing between Bonnie and her friends, his world was filled with possibilities. Could he recruit her? Attack her? Charm her? Kill her? Seduce her?
He lies to himself about not knowing what he wants from the girl. His inner wolf was screaming at him. It was the night of the red moon that he crawled himself to her. He fought his wolf, but Klaus couldn't resist the siren's call. Those golden eyes trailed her every move. The girl- The woman wore a long, thin nightgown and gently applied lotion to her body. He could practically smell her skin. Roses.
He knew the truth. Bonnie was his heart's desire. Klaus' wolf wanted nothing more than to knock on her door, but he couldn't. The vampire kept him away. He couldn't do it. He refused to be rejected and be unwanted again. Before leaving, he plucks a flower from her garden (the same one she used to make perfume). He drags himself home and finds himself being questioned by his hybrids in the morning. Where was he? He wouldn't tell them. It wasn't until Tyler suspiciously commented that he smells like Bonnie that Klaus' hopes rise.
Tyler was her friend. They weren't particularly close, but Bonnie cared for him. Klaus remembered her concern when he turned the Lockwood boy. Tyler was not a threat to him as a potential rival for his beloved. However, he could be an asset. Tyler was Klaus' way in. The wolf was his chance to be closer to Bonnie. Tyler would help him willingly or not. The football player reluctantly agrees to assist Klaus in his pursuit of Bonnie. Tyler knew it would be hard to convince Bonnie to give the Original a chance, but he'd do anything to keep Klaus from looking at Caroline.
Watch out, Bonnie. Klaus is coming for your heart.
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supercap2319 · 5 months
Silas wasn't Stefan.He wasn't the goodie goodie vampire, who sacrificed everything, even his own happiness, for the sake of others. He didn't groom his hero hair to save lives. He wasn't a good man, nor did he have a heart of gold.
He was selfish, manipulative, and just a bit spoiled, but hey, could you really blame him? All these copycats running around, claiming to be better than him, when Silas, was pure and utterly perfection. Perhaps that's why Y/N Gilbert thought he could come into Silas' house and demand things of him. Otherwise, the witch-vampire would kill him. Such hubris that it was almost comical of what Silas did to the young man.
He didn't just do it to be mean, mind you, but to teach Y/N a lesson in humility and respect, something lost to this generation. Silas will admit Y/N was powerful. Perhaps even more powerful than Qetisyah or himself. Adding to the fact that he was half vampire made him all the more powerful. But power wasn't his problem. It was knowledge. His mental defensive were shit, so it was very easy, almost laughable at how Silas slipped into Y/N's head, and read him like a book. Literally.
In the center of a podium sat a large book that contained all of Y/N's desires and wants. Page after page, Silas read about Y/N and Stefan's vomit inducing love story. And while it was clear the Gilbert boy loved his shadow self, but it doesn't mean Silas didn't find hidden desires. He read deeper into the chasm of Y/N's head and found out that he desired to be fucked by Stefan's brother, Damon. To give Tyler Lockwood and Matt Donovan blow jobs in front of the football team. To be gangbanged by Klaus Mikaelson and his brothers.
It was all too delicious as Silas wrote in the book of his psyche. Two words that turned Y/N from a powerful hybrid to a cum slut.
Silas' slut.
Silas watched from his home with a smirk as he used his powers of illusions and telepathy to make Y/N live out his fantasies of being dominated by all the hot men in his life as he sat in the middle of town square, naked, and people watched Elena's little brother getting fucked by imaginary cocks until he came.
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
29 - Sweet Vampire-Witch
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Part 30
Gemini Runaway
Tag list ask to be added @dragonixfrye @secretdreamlandmentality
Strolling down the streets of the town with my hand intertwined with Klaus’s I felt like everything was going in the somewhat right direction for us. We were both immortal now and I was carrying his child, correcting three children. I hadn’t done anything more than put a daylight ring on my finger seeing that he had managed to find where Tyler had dropped my ring. “You’ve declared that you wish for little Lockwood to suffer. Any suggestions or can I make some hmm?”
“You’ve had a thousand years of practice. But I’m the one he killed me so I want to do this. I was thinking something with making her lose her mind or you messing with Tyler since you can compel other vampires.” Swinging our intertwined hands I smirked at him.
He tilted his head at me cheeky grin on his face until we stopped outside the Grill. “Splendid idea. Now are you hungry I think it’s time we have a proper drink together.”
“I can’t have alcohol, Nik. It’s not good for them.” I warned him until he raised a brow smirking at me.
“That’s not the type I am talking about, Raelyn.” He led me into one of the booths where I felt my fangs wanting to come out almost instantly by how many humans were around here. “Now I assume Caroline will want to teach you. But I say well if you are going to learn you should learn from the best. So you see the brunette over there by herself. Compel her to follow you then meet me in the back alley for the next lesson.”
“How do I know if I am doing it right?” I asked not sure how to start.
He reached across the table grabbing my hand before leaving the restaurant to watch from afar. “Believe what you are saying and you’ll be fine. You must do it yourself to learn in this new game of survival. If something goes wrong I’ll be shot in ear shot.”
Slowly walking up to the girl she downed a shot jumping when I was standing behind her when she got up from her chair. “Rough day I take it?”
“Yeah my boyfriend dumped me.” She grumbled through some annoyed tears.
Resting my hands on the table I bent down closer to her face focusing on what I was telling her like he told me to. “Awe. How about you and I go into the back ally and talk about it. But you won’t turn me down. You want to come with me no questions asked.”
“I’ll go with you.” She said in a slow manner meaning I had done it right where she followed me outside to where we met up with my boyfriend.
He was leaned up against the brick wall smiling at me and the girl I compelled. “Good job. Now listen to the heartbeat. It will tell you when to stop.” Nodding my head my fangs came out before I bit into the girl’s neck moaning when the blood entered my mouth. The taste used to be bitter but now it was the sweetest thing I had ever tasted.
The girl's heartbeat began to slow down to which I ignored. “Rae. Rae, let go.” He called my name thinking I would pull back but my fingers gripped her shoulders feeling her body almost collapse onto the ground until he yanked me backwards by my jacket putting himself in between the bleeding girl and I. “Raelyn!”
“What the heck, Klaus. You have shown me this is what we do. We hunt, we feed, we kill. Now give me the blood. I need more!” I vamped forward but he shoved me against the other wall across from us trapping me in between him.
He had his hands on either side of my head where our breaths could mix together as one with his eyes glaring down at me. “Yes that’s true, Rae. But you have to learn control.”
“Oh, do I. Because I've seen you kill people without blinking. So why should I have to be in control….when all I can desire is the hunger. The taste that I never imagined I would enjoy so much.” Shoving my hands against his chest I twisted his arm managing to get under his arm vamping back to the girl sinking my fangs into her neck hearing her heart barely beating.
Klaus grabbed me by my hair, spinning me away from her again, quickly compelling the girl and giving her some blood so she’d heal. “Forget my face and my blonde friend. Now leave.”
“Seriously Nik. Are you trying to teach me self control?” I snapped showing him my fangs.
He threw his hands up, dropping them at his sides heavily. “What I do and what you should do aren’t the same thing, darling. You are better than me. So I will teach you self control to keep you from becoming what I am.”
“So you’ll help me get revenge on the Lockwood boy but when I want to drink from the vein like we are supposed to do you back out like a coward.” I growled rising up on my toes since he was taller than me glaring daggers into him.
He bent his head down huffing when he rolled his shoulders. He wasn’t sure what to do with this new Raelyn. When someone becomes a vampire it doesn’t change who you are completely. Yet he never would have taken her to be a Ripper. “You’re not yourself, Rae. So this is what we are going to do. We will take our revenge on Tyler tonight. And I pray that it will bring you some comfort.”
We ended up at his mother’s house where I headed for the front door smacking into the barrier. “Damn it…let’s see if this works.” Placing my hand on the invisible barrier in front of us attempting to siphon the magic away so we could go inside.
“Rae, I don’t think it works that way. Oh and look our savior, Mayor Lockwood would you be so kind as to invite us inside.” He asked seeing that Carol had opened the front door seeing us there.
She smiled saying the words. “Klaus. Raelyn, of course. Come in”
Placing my foot forward I slumped my shoulders being able to step over the threshold. He followed behind me shutting the front door sending me a look. “Sorrow to bother you, mayor. But do you happen to know where Tyler is?”
“Unfortunately no. Can I ask what this is about?” His mother asked, sitting down on the couch in the living room.
Grabbing her suddenly by her throat she started choking with my fingers tightly around her. “This is revenge for what he did to me! I’m sorry to say this Carol but you are the only person he cares about bedside Caroline and I will never hurt my friend. So this is how we are going to do this, you are not going to mention this to anybody.”
“I won’t tell anyone ... .Raelyn, please whatever he did I am sorry for.” She tried to say.
Showing her my fangs I snapped in her direction. “There’s no apology in the world to fix what he did. He and his hybrid buddies kidnapped me and then killed me when Klaus came to my rescue. And on top of that he nearly killed the babies inside my belly. For those things he has to pay. Nik, would you mind getting me a fire poker?”
“What exactly are you thinking, love? I would suggest starting with the fingernails or something smaller.” Nik asked leaving the room at my request.
Turning away from the mayor I replied back. “A dark object spell I heard my mother mention once when she thought about dealing with my cousin Kai. Plus I read about it in one of the spell books that Kol gave me to learn from.”
“Raelyn.” Carol called my name where I turned my head around seeing her holding a gun with green darts inside of it about to shoot me.
She pulled the trigger once where I was thrown onto my back by Nik with the dart going in his back where he grunted. “Vervain….dart!”
“Let me at her!” I growled, talking the poker from his hands vamping her into the wall. She drops the dart gun with me holding her by her throat with one hand. “You shouldn’t have done that, Carol. I was going to make this less painful for your son but that’s off the table now. Torsion fou mort de l'esprit.”
She winced, beginning to cry when I pressed the poker against her skin turning the metal red in my hand spelling her. “Raelyn…..ah….please…I’ll give you anything!”
“You have nothing I want. Torsion fou mort de l'esprit….Torsion fou mort de l'esprit.” The mark on her arm once I pulled the metal away turned red
Carol collapsed to the floor when I released her twirling the metal in my hands smirking down at her. “What did you do to me?”
“Oh you see this mark well it is called an Insanity Hex.” Lowering myself down when I bent my legs resting my hands on my knees. My hair fell over my shoulders with Klaus closely watching now recovered from the vervain she shot him with. “It will make you go slowly mad and Tyler will be forced to watch since you can’t reverse the process so I am told.”
Someone vamped into the house where I glanced towards whoever it was making my face turn cold at night with a devilish smirk on my lips. “Hello Tyler.”
“Raelyn….mom. What did you do to her?” He asked stepping forward until I raised my hand causing pain to go through his head.
Walking up to him I grabbed his chin in my freehand showing him my fangs. “Don’t worry your punishment will come soon enough. Let’s go, Nik. We’re done for today.” Rising to my feet I vamped out of the house and into the woods.
“The lesson here, mate. Is never piss off a pregnant vampire-witch.” Klaus warned him slightly proud and disappointed in his girlfriend all at the same time when he vamped after her.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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miss-shifter · 6 months
Meet me in my Diabolik Lovers Desired Reality
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Name: Sumi Komori
My nicknames: Sums by Family
Backstory: Im Yumi Komor's younger step sister. I'm about a year younger than her. We've been sisters for 15 years now. Both my biological parents are demons but I was born a human making Yui, Eve and I, Lilith.
My family:
Yui Komori: Step-sister
Seiji Komori : My Step-dad
*Unscripted name* Komori: My mom
People in my Desired Reality:
Yumi Komori: My Step-sister and bestfriend. I think in our whole lives we've spent about 4 hours away from each other outside of school. We do everything together even though before meeting the Sakamakis we both had very different lifes. We made sure to still be with each other 25/8
Laito Sakamaki: The vampire I like the most. Yknow how Yui and Ayato are basically "together" in the show? That's me and him. We are usually seen together and I like him a lot.
Reiji Sakamaki: My second least favorite in the whole damn house. All he ever does is yap and be fucking angry. Constantly yelling at me and just being a classified dick.
Ayato Sakamaki: Very little opinion about him? I don't like him very much nor do I want to get to know him. He prefers yui compared to me.
Kanato Sakamaki: This man lives in my nightmares. I try my best to avoid him since he's always comparing me to dolls he's seen. I think out of the Sakamakis he scares me most.
Shu Sakamaki: One of the few vampires who's borderline "nice" to me. We're not friends (none of us are) but he doesn't really mind my presence as long as im not talking to him.
Subaru: We'd make such good friends if he wasn't so angry and aggressive all the time (I see us having a similar friendship to me and Tyler Lockwood when we first met.) I also lack the patience to try and get to know him.
This may be my most controversial DR on this tumblr. I also ended up scripting that these characters are nothing like how they are in the manga and the games just because ew I could never be in that type of sitaution in any reality, but ummm moots please still love me <3
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ghost-bison · 9 months
Rules For Requests
No hard smut, but I will write flirting/kissing/soft NSFW
I can do y/n, cross-ships, crackships, rare pairs... As long as it's characters I'm willing to write for
You can send your request in my ask box. I'll only answer if you're polite and nice, though
Length of the OS may vary with inspiration/characters I'm writing for
Try to give me at least a little bit of information so I know which direction your OS will take
I'll write about (almost) any ship as long as it involves at least one character in my list
Good Omens: Anthony J. Crowley - Aziraphale Fell - Gabriel - Beelzebub - Furfur - Hastur - Muriel - Shax
Doctor Who: Donna Noble - Tenth Doctor - Ninth Doctor - Martha Jones - Rose Tyler - River Song - Fourteenth Doctor - Rose Noble - Shaun Temple
Broadchurch: Alec Hardy - Ellie Miller - Beth Latimer
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Negan Smith - Carol Pelletier - Michonne Hawthorne - Judith Grimes - Beth Greene
Project Blue Book: Michael James Quinn - Allen Hynek - Mimi Hynek - Susie Miller
Teen Wolf: Derek Hale - Malia Hale - Allison Argent - Stiles Stilinski - Scott McCall - Lydia Martin - Isaac Lahey - Peter Hale - Theo Raeken - Liam Dunbar - Kira Yukimura - Cora Hale - Braeden - Kate Argent - Chris Argent
The Vampire Diaries: Lorenzo 'Enzo' St. John - Damon Salvatore - Bonnie Bennett - Elena Gilbert - Rebekah Mikaelson - Malachai 'Kai' Parker - Alexia 'Lexi' Branson - Tyler Lockwood - Elijah Mikaelson - Niklaus 'Klaus' Mikaelson - Caroline Forbes - Katherine Pierce - Matt Donovan - Stefan Salvatore
The Sandman: Morpheus 'Dream' of the Endless - Robert 'Hob' Gadling - Corinthian - Death of the Endless - Desire of the Endless - Matthew - Lucifer Morningstar - Lucienne
Once Upon A Time: Regina Mills - Emma Swan - Zelena Mills - Mary Margaret Blanchard - Henry Mills - David 'Charming' Nolan - Rogers - Lucy Mills - Robyn Mills - Alice Jones
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: Catra - Adora - Glimmer of Brightmoon - Bow - Scorpia - Entrapta - Mermista - Sea Hawk - Perfuma - Swiftwind - Frosta - Mara - Castaspella - Angela - Micah - Double Trouble - Madame Razz - Light Hope
The Haunting of Hill House: Eleanor 'Nell' Crain - Theodora 'Theo' Crain - Hugh Crain - Olivia Crain
The Haunting of Bly Manor: Dani Clayton - Jamie Taylor - Viola Willoughby
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bonniebird · 2 years
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Tyler Lockwood x Gender Neutral!Reader
Requested by anon​
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Warnings: Implied smut, neck kissing / biting.
“I’ll see you later.” You said to Bonnie who looked up from the book she was reading and looked as if she hadn’t heard a word that you’d said. You’d had lunch with her under a big tree in the centre of town, enjoying the soft breeze and afternoon sun.
“You’re going?” She asked.
“Yes. To talk to Tyler. We just agreed I should do that.” You reminded her.
“Sorry. I. Yeah. That sounds great. Maybe you can figure out why he’s being so weird around you.” Bonnie grinned apologetically as she realised that she had said those exact words ten minutes earlier. “Sorry. The book.” “I get it. I’ll call later and tell you how it went.” You said as you saw one of the only two buses that run through town pulling up towards the stop nearby. Waving goodbye over your shoulder you ran to the stop and made it just in time. As you sat near the front of the bus you fiddled with your fingers in your lap nervously. Something had been going on between you and Tyler. You worried that he’d finally figured out you had a crush on him but Elena had been quick to point out that if he hadn’t figured it out by now, he probably never would unless you told him. 
You got off the bus and walked the rest of the way to the Lockwood mansion. When you reached the doors you let yourself in and called out to Tyler. You’d texted him that you’d be by later in the afternoon when you’d met up with Bonnie.
“Hey!” Tyler said. He was sleepy and pulling on a red shirt. Clearly, he’d been asleep all day. 
“Hi.” You smiled despite noticing that he sat at the bottom of the stairs rather than come over to you. His hair was tousled and you couldn't help but feel a flutter of affection and nervous desire. Tyler cleared his throat and moved up a few steps, shifting awkwardly in his spot. 
“I urm. I wasn’t sure what time you’d be coming down so I had a nap.” he admitted and you smiled. Things were definitely awkward between the two of you.
“You should just say it.” He said suddenly, interrupting your thoughts. 
“Say what?” You asked and he ran a hand through his hair.
“I think it's time you gave in and admitted that you want me.” Tyler said as he watched you carefully. He got up, stepping closer. His presence pushed you backwards with each step until your back hit the archway between the hall and reception room and he was in front of you.
“If I did. What would you do?” you asked. He leaned forwards and kissed you, his arms snaking sound you, using the wall for balance as he pulled you up into him. His fingers dug into your clothes so roughly that the fabric became irrevocably stretched. Your breath hitched in your throat as his teeth scraped at the skin of your neck when his kiss travelled down from your lips and across your jaw.
“We should go up to my room.” He said against your skin, hoisting you into his arms and heading towards the stairs as he continued to tug at your clothes to get them off.
Tyler tags:
@linkpk88 @babypink224221 @lisainhell @spiderwebs-blog @gryffindorqueensworld @rockyrascal @twerp8999 @greekktragedyy @alexxavicry @daughterofthenight117 @multi-fandom5 @akshi8278 @kaylantus @ssa--holmes
@salemsnothere @supernatural-wolfie @yougottalovefandoms @babygrinchsblog
@love1deandra @archaeologydigit @im-eating-rn @bucketbunny @littlefreakingfangirl @gillybear17 @gatefleet @lucyqueenofthestars @kaitieskidmore1 @123cxcv @slxthxrxn-sxmp
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kiss-my-freckle · 7 months
There's nothing makes TVD so easy to understand more than your intellectual posts. You could write a series that comes off from all the series you analyze where people gets better understanding because with understanding what's happening, it's very easy to watch the series.
More so as soundtracks matters especially in TVD .
Never let me go says a lot about 3x19
When the lights dies out says a lot about 3x21 when Elena collapse
Walking Blind says alot about Stefan and Elena from 3x20 straight to 4x6
I believe S4 is an extension of S3 .
I would nicely ask you to do analysis on soundtracks .❤️🫶
Take the soundtracks from season 6 and overlay them to season 3 because Elena isn't falling in love with Damon for the first time, she's re-falling after having her memories erased by Alaric. Unbreakable by Jamie Scott plays in 6x6. This hits huge for Delena in their workout scene in 3x6 and continues forward into 3x22. Stefan breaks his finger during football practice, he snaps it back in place. Damon's blood created vampire Elena, and she's unbreakable. His solid plate of bone is now hers. She's training to kill vampires just to become a vampire created by Damon. When Damon becomes human, you can see why he put his hand on her heart in that same workout scene. Her soft, human heart is now his. It's every bit what he told Jessica in the road in 2x12. There's only so much hurt a man can take. Hurt that can break you. Damon and Elena are each others protector. They would die together and for each other. 3x6 is the opposite of 3x4. In 3x4, Damon thinks she's going to break, and she says she won't. In 3x6, Elena thinks she's going to break, and he says she won't. Alaric act as an invisible bystander in 3x6 opposite 3x4. She's lifting weights because he told her to. Damon basically told Elena that if anyone's gonna break, it will be him and/or Stefan. Not her.
6x13 is one of the biggest hits to season 3. More specifically, to the reason Elena became a vampire. I'm not just talking about the soundtrack, I'm talking about the sum of their Delena scenes in that episode. The concept of Elena in reverse because it's all the same whether it forward or backward. That's why Elena kisses Damon as a human in 3x19, kisses Damon as a vampire in 4x7, then kisses Damon as a human in season 6. What they're really doing, is putting Elena and Damon in parallel with Liv and Tyler. Elena wasn't choosing between both brothers in 3x22. She was choosing between being human with Damon or being a vampire with Damon. She basically chose death over him, but only as it pertains to her phone call. If you've seen my Ghost World analysis, you can see the Wickery Bridge in 3x22 and how it parallels the vampire seal in the Lockwood tunnels.
Time by Mikky Ekko, their soundtrack for 6x13
Time doesn't love you anymore But I-I-I I'm still knocking at your door
Damon had an hour to make it back home in 3x22. Elena had three hours to feed in 4x1. Time doesn't love her anymore.
Honey, we can run forever, if forever's what's in store Oh, time to take me home
Damon asked Elena where she was. His vampire hearing knew she was on the road. Elena said, "Matt's taking me home." Home is in the water to drown with Damon's blood in her system.
On a tree in the garden I carved your name, An word is spelled desire Like an ocean deep with the waters even, even
Damon written as the ocean. Just look at 3x19's soundtrack.
And your love pours down like a waterfall And I can't escape the tide Here's my hand, baby take it or leave it, leave it
Again, the water theme. Similar lyrics in their 4x4 soundtrack.
Now we're too young to recognize Nothing stays the same Promise I won't be the one to blame
Nothing stays the same. Even people change. Matt's comment to Elena on the bridge in 3x11. She's not that girl anymore. It's okay if she wants to let her go.
The love triangle is Stefan - Elena - Damon. Damon didn't compel her of Stefan in 3x5. Alaric compelled her of Damon in 6x2. This leaves Elena only remembering Stefan's half of the story in 3x22. She gets Damon's half from Damon, that's why they talk about it. She's not shaking her head at Damon. She's shaking her head at herself, for the poor choice she made back then. Despite lacking every single detail, she knows enough to know that she chose death over Damon. She was no longer in love with Stefan in 3x22. When Damon told her she was choosing between them, she knew because Stefan wasn't a choice, he was a friend.
Elena's comment before they kiss at the end of the episode. If the past is a place without her and Damon together, then stop living in it. Stop living in it because they were dying in it in season 3. That's the only reason they weren't together in 3x22 and 4x1. She always finds her way back to him because he is her always. Every bit 3x22.
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klausysworld · 1 year
Are request still open and if they are can you make a Klaus Mikaelson one shot the girl is Tyler Lockwood sister and she hates Klaus so she rejects him as her mate but at the end she accepts him so like fluff at the end
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What are you doing to me?
Finding out your mated to the all powerful original hybrid who ruined your brothers like and forced him to become half vampire while also terrorising your childhood friends and what not isn’t exactly at the top of my bucket list.
Him being a willing participant when it came to the whole ‘soulmate’ arrangement was also not meant to be in the cards.
When I realised we were mates I was 99% sure he would immediately reject me as a mate. As strong as a soulmate makes you, it will also always be your greatest weakness. I would be able to kill him far easier than anyone else and I was certain he would want to kill me first.
So him leaving me expensive gifts was…unexpected to say the least.
Detailed drawings of wolves and the full moon in the sky with a poem hand written on the back had my heart fluttering in ways that I should not have enjoyed.
But he had destroyed my brothers and the people I consider my family’s lives.
And so, despite the utter agony I was inflicting on both him and myself, I rejected him as my mate.
It’s a rare thing for wolves to reject their one, the side affects are awful in a way to force your mind into reconsidering.
The crippling pain was emotionally tormenting and physically exhausting. After the initial rejection I was barely able to leave my bed, eat, drink, I barely spoke a word and each time I fell asleep I was haunted by a similar image of Klaus.
Damon had messaged me letting me know Klaus had been out of sight for nearly 3 weeks after.
The pain lingered, never truly gone but it had dimmed. Though a sharp pain would shoot through me when he was too close, when the bond knew I was purposely ignoring him, and i could always see him wince at the same time.
The few times I didn’t shove him away, well I felt much better. He brought peace to my wolfs inner battle between soulmate and family because in reality I knew that he was both. I was just too afraid to admit it fully.
Though I couldn’t help but occasionally step a tad bit closer to him, to feel the warm buzz that ran through my bloodstream.
He was a lot less subtle though.
Often, as soon as his wolf sensed mine approaching he was all over me. Hands would be rubbing up and down my arms, his lips on my neck in a desperate instinctual need to mark me. And what was worse was that my wolf was all the more compliant and for a few wonderful seconds I could indulge in the blissful sensations. My head back, hands firmly gripping his henley and moans leaving my lips, my wolf having the desire to present myself in a truly embarrassing fashion.
Though he would always push it a tad too far, a grope to my ass, his canines about to pierce my skin, and I would be pushing him away. My wolf panting as I nearly tripped over my own two feet to get away from him while ignoring the intense feeling of my heart being squeezed unpleasantly.
I always managed to just scrape past him.
Suffering alone in my room again at the recurring torture of rejecting a mate.
His continued flow of presents didn’t help either, only made me feel worse seeing effort put into paintings of me and my wolf. He hadn’t turned into a hybrid, not yet at least, he probably knew that would be my last straw and id maim him.
But I knew he had followed my wolf on the full moons, I always woke with brand new clothes beside me, lead on a cotton blanket with a pillow under head and the snapping of twigs in the distance as he walked away.
And even though I should have said absolutely not when he personally delivered an invitation to his family’s ball, with those stupid puppy dog eyes, I couldn’t bring myself to.
“Please love, just one dance and if you don’t like it…then I’ll leave you be and accept your decision” as soon as the words left his mouth, both our souls twisted in agony making my teeth grind.
“Fine, just one” I whispered and he nodded, pulling me into a quick hug to calm down both our pain. Which it did like water on a fire, entirely putting out the flames and leaving us calm and quiet.
And then the dress arrived at my door, with matching shoes and accessories and I realised I actually had to do this.
Walking into his house sent a chill down my spine, my body felt much warmer and my wolf was howling inside me.
A hand on my shoulder had me whimpering softly making an arm wrap around my waist and pull me aside to another room.
“Shh love, we don’t want the rest of the guests hearing such lovely sounds” klaus murmured into my ear and I pressed against him, a small moan leaving my lips.
“This is too much for you isn’t it my love?” He whispered, his hand tilting my head making me look up at him.
The entire house smelt like him, I had seen parts of it in the dreams of him when he was suffering from my rejection. Which now intensified my guilt, my emotions were running haywire. I was in his home; I was in the wolf’s den.
Without thinking my hands tugged at his blazer, pushing it down his arms before my fingers began to pull his shirt open
“Woah love, it’s alright” he muttered, his hands grabbed mine and before I could blink we were outside. The cold air cooled down my boiling skin as I panted and he stroked my hair away from my face
“There we go, it’s okay” he cooed, the back of his hand pressing against my forehead.
“I hate this stupid bond” I whispered, covering my face.
“I know love…we can have our dance another time, I’ll take you home” he uttered, his tone was sad and my heart ached again.
“Stop it” I whispered “please stop it”
“Stop what love? What’s wrong?”
“Make it stop fucking hurting! I rejected you weeks, months ago! Why does it still hurt!? What are you doing to me?” I whispered, tears filling my eyes and spilling over. I looked up at him to see him in a similar state though no tears had fallen from his eyes yet.
His hand moved to cup my face and I couldn’t help but lean into it.
“It will only stop hurting us when you truly reject me. Somewhere, inside you, you still haven’t truly given up on the idea. You either have to reject the bond once and for all or accept me” he explained softly
“I would’ve been able to reject you if you left me alone. You kept sending all those things and being so kind, you did this to me” I whimpered
“I wouldn’t have done that if I couldn’t feel your soul still reaching for mine” he uttered “I would never intentionally harm you”
I let out a quiet sob as my soul pleaded for his.
I leaned forward so my head could press against his chest, my eyes closing at the content feeling that rose in me. I could feel myself giving into the bond, our souls slowly binding together. His hand held the back of my head, I could hear his heart speeding up as mine mimicked it.
His other hand moved around my waist, pulling me to him. “Good girl” he whispered “you’ll feel so much better now” he reassured “I promise I’ll make it better now sweetheart”
He kissed my head softly, his hand rubbing my back “let the bond form my love” he encouraged.
I focused on the connection trying to relight the candle.
I could feel the second it happened, my knees growing too weak to stand making him chuckle quietly and wrap both arms around me. He lifted me so my face could be right infront of his, prompting me to lean forward and press our lips together.
Our souls entwined as we did so, endless amounts of passion poured into one act.
The silent appreciation that this was real and it was only just the beginning.
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weslockwood · 4 months
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 ⚰. →   Wolfgang Novogratz :  male  :  he/him/his  :  natural by imagine dragons   —  looks like Wes Lockwood has been driven to mystic falls. the 24-year-old werewolf is  known  for  being charming on  a  good  day  and  hot-headed  on  a  bad  day .  now that you mention it, when i think of them i think of DIMPLES & DANGER, THE LEGACY OF THE LOCKWOODS, A CHARMING MISCHIEVOUS GRIN, AND AN ALPHA WANNABE. lets hope they enjoy small town mystic falls, whilst they still can. ( sarah ● 28 ● est ● she/her/hers )
FULL NAME: Wesley Aaron Lockwood AGE: 24 SPECIES: Werewolf PRONOUNS: He/Him/His ORIENTATION: Straight MARITAL STATUS: Single OCCUPATION: Job? What job? LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: English
FACECLAIM: Wolfgang Novogratz HAIR COLOR: Dark Brown EYE COLOR: Brown HEIGHT: 6'3" BUILD: Strong TATTOO(S): N/A SCARS(S): N/A
POSITIVE: Charming, Brave NEGATIVE: Hot-headed GOALS/DESIRES: To become alpha of is own pack FEARS: Dying like his father HOBBIES: Exercise, Sports
FATHER: Mason Lockwood MOTHER: Lara Archer SIBLING(S): None EXTENDED FAMILY: Tyler Lockwood (cousin) PET(S): N/A SIGNIFICANT OTHER: N/A ENEMIES: Damon Salvatore CLOSEST FRIEND: TBD
Wes Lockwood was born shortly after his father's death at the hands of Damon Salvatore.
Mason died without learning of his son's existence.
Currently lives in the old Lockwood mansion.
Big himbo energy
Triggered the werewolf curse in a similar way to his cousin, Tyler. He doesn't like to discuss it however.
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mysticfallsresidents · 7 months
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send 🔞 for a sexual starter .
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⚰️    ――――       EVER  SINCE  VICKI  HAD  GONE  MISSING  AND  WITH  ALL  THE  WEIRD,  SUPERNATURAL  OCCURRENCES  THAT  WERE  HAPPENING  IN  MYSTIC  FALLS,  JEREMY  HAD  FELT  MORE  ALONE  THAN  EVER.  elena  had  always  been  out  with  stefan  or  someone  else,  he  didn't  have  a  single  true  friend  around  that  cared  for  him  more  than  just  the  drugs  he'd  provide.  he  found  himself  in  a  strange,  unsuspecting  friendship  with  tyler  lockwood.  the  pair  had  never  gotten  along  to  begin  with  because  of  their  macho  pissing  contests  but,  for  some  reason,  they  had  found  themselves  bonding  over  vicki's  disappearance  despite  their  mutual  dislike  for  one  another.  as  much  as  jeremy  was  confused  by  it,  he  welcomed  it  because  it  was  much  better  than  being  alone  in  a  dark  room  wondering  what  he  could've  done  differently.  now,  he  had  someone  to  do  that  with.  they  spent  a  lot  of  their  nights  together  drinking,  playing  games,  and  bonding  over  things  they  didn't  think  they  had  in  common.  until  one  night,  their  bonding  had  become  more  intimate  than  they  ever  thought  it  would.  they  had  maybe  one  or  two  more  drinks  than  intended  and  those  drinks  had  granted  jeremy  the  courage  to  do  something  he  didn't  think  he'd  ever  desire  to  do.  they  were  sitting  next  to  each  other,  playing  some  video  game,  when  @dynastymuses  had  taunted  him  over  it  and  it  caused  an  overwhelming  urge  to  erupt  from  jeremy.  it  didn't  take  him  just  a  split  second  to  lunge  at  tyler  and  smash  his  lips  into  his,  passionately  holding  onto  that  kiss  and  cherishing  the  complete  feeling.  after  a  long,  lingering  moment,  jeremy  pulled  back  and  looked  at  tyler  in  the  eyes,  noticing  the  look  of  shock  he  wore.        “      i'm  sorry   —   i  just   [   ....   ]   come  on,  you  can't  tell  me  you  haven't  thought  about  it.  i  was  just  doing  what  we  were  both  thinking        ”     he  insisted,  chuckling  and  hoping  to  brush  it  off.  he  wasn't  sure  how  tyler  was  going  to  react  to  this  sudden  revelation  but  he  was  hoping  it  wouldn't  be  a  punch  to  the  face.
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 9 months
SPN Boarding School For The Gifted
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/0DpP7zK by Respecttheboss25 The Winchesters were an odd duo. One was incredibly strong, the other was defenseless. But their codependency makes them both dangerous and unpredictable. The Salvatores however were both powerful, strong people who brought even stronger opponents to their knees. But they hate each other. Klaus was a hybrid, granted with wind and water abilities. If only his power came with the ability to love without the fear of his father. Castiel was a new student, trying to navigate through everything. He never fit into a certain category. His main problem was the desire to be wanted and protect his heart at the same time. Words: 1108, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005), The Vampire Diaries (TV), The Originals (TV), Legacies (TV 2018) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Klaus Mikaelson, Tyler Lockwood, Elijah Mikaelson, Damon Salvatore, Rebekah Mikaelson, Stefan Salvatore, Kol Mikaelson, Eileen Leahy, Katherine Pierce Relationships: Klaus Mikaelson/Stefan Salvatore, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Katherine Pierce/Damon Salvatore Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Boarding School, Alternate Universe - Different Powers, Protective Dean Winchester, Castiel is a Novak (Supernatural), Hybrid Klaus Mikaelson, Everyone Is Gay, Sex Worker Stefan Salvatore, Castiel's Family is Rich (Supernatural), Dean Winchester Has Powers, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt No Comfort read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/0DpP7zK
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ao3feeddestiel · 9 months
SPN Boarding School For The Gifted
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/FaHK7z5 by Respecttheboss25 The Winchesters were an odd duo. One was incredibly strong, the other was defenseless. But their codependency makes them both dangerous and unpredictable. The Salvatores however were both powerful, strong people who brought even stronger opponents to their knees. But they hate each other. Klaus was a hybrid, granted with wind and water abilities. If only his power came with the ability to love without the fear of his father. Castiel was a new student, trying to navigate through everything. He never fit into a certain category. His main problem was the desire to be wanted and protect his heart at the same time. Words: 1108, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005), The Vampire Diaries (TV), The Originals (TV), Legacies (TV 2018) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Klaus Mikaelson, Tyler Lockwood, Elijah Mikaelson, Damon Salvatore, Rebekah Mikaelson, Stefan Salvatore, Kol Mikaelson, Eileen Leahy, Katherine Pierce Relationships: Klaus Mikaelson/Stefan Salvatore, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Katherine Pierce/Damon Salvatore Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Boarding School, Alternate Universe - Different Powers, Protective Dean Winchester, Castiel is a Novak (Supernatural), Hybrid Klaus Mikaelson, Everyone Is Gay, Sex Worker Stefan Salvatore, Castiel's Family is Rich (Supernatural), Dean Winchester Has Powers, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt No Comfort read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/FaHK7z5
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miss-shifter · 10 months
Meet me in my Vampire Diaries Desired Reality
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Name: Isabella (Izzy) Bennett
My nicknames: Backup Witch By Damon, Bella by Bonnie and nan, Izzy by Caroline, and the Little one by Klaus
Backstory: I’m Bonnie’s little sister and the strongest witch alive (Main Character Energy) I’m said to be Qetsiyah’s favorite and everything she wanted to be. My magic was sealed off by nan at young age (similarly to how Hope’s was) I wake up Episode 1 Season 1.
My family:
Bonnie Bennet: Older sister
Sheila Bennet: Nan (My grandma)
Abby Bennet: My “mom”
Rudy Hopkins : My dad
People in my Desired Reality:
Elena Gilbert: I don’t really like her. We’re kinda just friends by association.
Caroline Forbes: She is my best friend. We act so much alike especially in Season 1 and I just adore everything she does. We are basically attached at the hip and don’t go anywhere without the other. (One day she’s gonna be my Maid Of Honor lol)
Tyler Lockwood: We’re dating but more out of convenience  that out of mutual romantic feelings. His dad thinks we look good together and the town thinks of us as the “perfect” couple
Jeremy Gilbert: Elena’s little brother whom I LOVE. I definitely have a crush on him but hes a grade lower and obsessed with Vicki Donovan.
Bonnie Bennett: The most OVERPROTECTIVE sister to ever exist. I love her but when it comes to Damon and I she’s always right in the middle making sure he never pushes me too hard for a spell or potion.
Stefan Salvatore: We’re friends but not very close. We talk a very minimum amount.
Damon Salvatore: Love-Hate relationship. We grow to be friends but at first we were strictly doing favors for each other. I do this spell you help me with this. I kidnap her you find this Grimoire. Just basic things…
I have a few plans and scenarios for this Dr one of them involving Hope that i’d love to share in the future anyways stay tuned for more shifting updates and manifestation help
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legiacies · 3 years
Some Divergencies for Mr. Tyler Lockwood:
he does not get killed by Damon 
he does not attack/kidnap Hayley while she’s pregnant with Hope & that whole plotline/storyline does not exist for my version of Tyler. Tyler is friends with Hayley and that isn’t something Tyler would do to his friends, regardless of having a vendetta against Klaus for all he’s done, he would not harm Hayley or her unborn child.
while i like the storyline of him becoming human again and then once again turning into a werewolf again (him and liv were cute from what i saw on the dash back then); tyler is still a hybrid.
as a hybrid who was first a werewolf, Tyler can still have children.
tied to my oc Sabina & @toignite‘s oc Cristian, he is the biological father (via sperm donation) of Alaric’s and Meredith’s twin children.
Tyler in Legacies verses, is a mentor to the werewolves at Salvatore Boarding School. He is unmarried (unless plotted otherwise) & has no children other then the youngest Saltzman twins.(again unless plotted otherwise)
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