#⋄ * ✿ ⋄ * HAYLEY MARSHALL. › writing.
fandoms--fluff · 5 months
Heloop can you do one of baby Mikaelson, that she is always with nik and Elijah but when Hayley comes to leave with them yn what to be with her
New Favorite
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Baby Mikaelson sister reader x Hayley marshall (+ Klaus & Elijah)
Warnings: pregnancy?
A/n: I've been wanting to write something like this for a while and I got so happy when this request came in!
You peek out from behind your big brother, Elijah's, leg. Across the room, where she's sitting on the couch with her legs crossed, is Hayley. The lady who all of your brothers and sister have been fighting about what should happen.
Apparently something happened with Niky and her, but no one will tell you and you've been too nervous to go up to Hayley and actually say something to her.
The closest you ever gotten to her is right now, holding on for dear life to Elijah's leg. You don't like being around people you aren't familiar with. Which I weird that you're feeling like that with Hayley, Elijah has been noticing, since you technically have met her before in Mystic Falls. But you guys did just move back to New Orleans and it's a bigger change for you considering you like being in Mystic Falls, that's sometimes hard to believe truthfully for him. Then again you don't have some horrendous memories of the place like the others do.
You look at what she's wearing and your eyes land on her hands. On her fingers, there are a couple rings in various shapes and some have a colorful stone on them.
Elijah is talking with Niky. It sounds like he's mad with him. Though that's not really concerning to you considering he and Elijah get into fights all the time, so you're used to it. The same with when Niky and Bekah also get into fights.
As they continue to squabble, you carefully start letting go of your big brother's leg and start to make your way over to Hayley. You move slowly, not wanting to accidently trip like you do sometimes when you're nervous or excited.
Hayley looks down and sees you standing a couple feet away the end of the couch supporting your small basically toddler frame. She smiles softly, she took a liking to you during her time in Mystic Falls. Even though she despised, and still kinda does, Klaus, she likes how he acts all soft and protective of you.
She's noticed you're basically always with either Elijah or Klaus. Whether that be them carrying you, holding your hand, you attached to their legs or just being in the same room.
"Hi there" She speaks to you first, her tone soft.
You look up at her with big eyes and take a small step towards her, still holding onto the couch cushions on the way. You lift your other tiny hand up to give her a small wave.
It takes you a moment to climb up on the couch and sit down on your knees, facing her.
She has to admit, You're pretty cute.
You look up at her face and then down at her hands, repeating that a couple more times. Your sight finally lands on her hands. The rings shine under the light.
She realizes it's her rings you're looking at, so she moves her hand and places it in front of you, right above your knees. "You like my rings?" She asks you quietly.
You wrap your tiny hands around her hand and start tracing the ring with a butterfly on it. It takes you a moment to reply, but quietly you finally say something, "Pretty." You mumbled before looking back up at her, your hands still clutched to hers.
"It is, isn't it?" She smiles.
Rebekah walks into the house from being out all day. She rolls her eyes at the two arguing. Instead, she made her way to the both of you.
"Well, I think it's time for a certain someone to get ready for bed," She tells you after reading the clock that's sitting on the mantel.
You frown before complying and climb off the couch. You reach up and grab your big sister's outstretched hand. As you guys start walking toward the stairs, you look back and wave a 'bye' to Hayley.
Over the next few months, you start spending more time with Hayley. You got attached to her quickly. She revealed to you about being pregnant with Klaus' child, earning an excited reaction from you, and getting a smile out of herself as well.
It seems as if you're spending more time with Hayley than your brothers. As Rebekah has teased your guys' brothers about.
Klaus sits with you on your bed, trying to get you to sleep. Which isn't working in his favor. When you want to be, you can be more stubborn than Rebekah, and that's saying something.
"It's past your bedtime" He whispers. He's not exactly trying that hard anyway, but you usually listen to him.
"Bad sleep" You frown up at him. "No, not bad sleep, you need sleep, or else you'll be grumpy in the morning," He says, leaving out the point on how Elijah will have his head if he lets you stay up way too late again.
"So let's lay back down, curl up, and go to sleep," He tells you softly, handing you your stuffed yellow teddy bear.
You slowly follow his wording and snuggle your teddy bear as he tucks you in. Your brother places a kiss on your head before turning the lamp off and slowly leaves the room.
After laying in your bed for ten minutes, unable to fall asleep, you sit back up and shuffle out of your bed.
You quietly walk out into the hallway until you find yourself in what used to be Kol's room and now is Hayley's. You patter in and Hayley looks up from her book to see you standing a couple feet away with your teddy bear clutched in your hand.
"Hey sweetie, aren't you supposed to be in bed" She asked you, already knowing the answer. "uh-uh" You shake your head and walk over to the bed and climb up with Hayley helping you.
"Whatever you say, hun" She chuckles.
You crawl closer to her. She lifts her right arm up, having you cuddle into her side. You move down a bit to rest your head on her pregnancy bump. You giggle from the feeling of magic coming from the baby. You're the only one who seems to be able to feel any of it.
You hug your teddy with one arm while your other hand is tracing shapes on Hayley's bump, tiredly. Not even ten minutes later, you're out like a light.
Klaus searches around the house, trying to find you. He hasn't seen you all morning. While he searches, Elijah stands up from where he's sat. "What's wrong?"
"I can't seem to find our baby sister anywhere" Klaus answers before leaving the room, obvious that you're not in here. Elijah follows after him.
"Have you checked Hayley's room?" Elijah asks him. That makes him pause before going up the stairs to where the bedrooms are.
He opens the door to the pregnant werewolf's room and walks in. What he sees makes him breathe a sigh of relief. Showing in front of them, Hayley and you are sound asleep, you cuddled into her arms with your bear still in your grasp.
"What are you two doing? There are more than enough reasons as to why not to wake up one of them, let alone both of them" Rebekah whisper at them, pulling the two men out of the bedroom and closing the door.
"But I think, you guys have been replaced with a new favorite" Rebekah smirks, nodding to Hayley's door before walking away.
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hyperactivewhore · 7 months
How did you feel with Hope’s and Rebekah’s interactions in legacies? I was really disappointed in Rebekah. I understand that Klaus and Hayley would’ve hated to see Hope without her humanity, but Rebekah had no right to say that Klaus would be disappointed in Hope. Hope has been through so much, and no one in her family seemed to care. Rebekah, and the rest of the mikaelsons, seemingly abandoned Hope - which would’ve disappointed Klaus, Hayley, and Elijah way more than Hope unwillingly turning off her humanity. Say what you will about Elijah, and you can say a lot because he was awful (especially towards Marcel), but he wouldn’t have allowed Hope to deal with malivore and a random god alone. It still makes me angry that the Mikaelsons helped Hope regain her humanity but scattered when she was in danger once more because of some idiotic god named Ken.
Rebekah got on my nerves so badly, to be honest. She showed up out of nowhere after years of no contact and she just expected Hope to be happy and not hold a grudge against the fact that they left her completely alone to die???
Honestly, the Mikaelson (and by this I mean Kol, Rebekah and Freya) did not care for Hope that much even in The Originals. They had set crazy expectations in her and once they saw Hope didn't fit their happily ever after, they dumped her.
I'm not saying they didn't love her because they clearly did, but they cared more about her being the redemption of their family/what she was supposed to "fix" way more than they cared for Hope herself: in my opinion, the only people who didn't see her as their redemption were Klaus and Hayley and don't get me wrong, Klaus was a shitty father but at least he along with Hayley never put any expectation in her.
I mean, Freya already expressed her little interest in making sure Hope kept her innocence as a kid in this conversation:
[HAYLEY: I've done plenty wrong in my life, Freya. But things are different now. I have a sweet little girl who's going around healing injured fireflies with her magic. If we're keeping someone captive in our barn, she's gonna have questions.
FREYA: Then tell her that the world's a bad place and that sometimes we have to do bad things to survive. She'll be safer if she learns that early.
HAYLEY: It's not her job to keep herself safe. It's mine. It's ours. And that includes protecting her innocence.
FREYA: She's a Mikaelson -- she can live without her innocence. She can't live without her family. She's a Mikaelson, and you're-]
And as any other Mikaelson loves doing, Freya made sure to remind her of why Hayley would never be actually part of her family: she doesn't share their blood. I mean, look at Hope; she does share their blood and yet they didn't give a damn about her, Freya didn't care about making sure she grew as normal as possible (extremely difficult with their lifestyle), Rebekah ditched Hope the moment she stopped being a baby because she couldn't live her fantasy of wanting to cosplay as a mother and Kol wasn't even allowed to be around her when she was a baby, and then they never actually developed a bond once she grew up.
Of course, this is controversial because in The Originals, judging by the phone call Hope has with Kol, the way she behaves around Freya and that line in Legacies about Rebekah teaching her how to dance, it is implied they were close enough to have a good relationship and that they did care for her. And she's even closer to Marcel, if we take into account how comfortable and happy they act with each other.
Freya did say she saw Hope as the kid she lost and of course, the moment she had a kid of her own she dumped her. Rebekah was obsessed with being a mother and yet it's proven time and time again to be a shitty person around kids: the grooming with Marcel, being mean to Elena and Caroline because she was jealous and not giving a damn about Hope once she grew up and then we have Kol, who funnily enough seems to be closer to her than Freya and Rebekah and of course Marcel, the person Hope loves more than any of her blood relatives lol.
Don't get me wrong, Legacies played a big part in the way the Mikaelson ruined their relationship with Hope, but I don't get why people act so surprised and hurt about their abandonment of her when there were already signs of this in The Originals. The only reason they even stayed together for a millennium was because of Elijah and because Klaus refused to let them go, so of course they would fall apart once they died.
And yes, I agree with the whole Elijah thing. He loved Hope a lot once he got to know her in season five and he would have never left her alone in the Salvatore school, but he would also never have allowed her to stay that long on it.
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klayleyism · 6 months
As per popular demand (literally 12 votes) I'm getting into what can be considered the controversial aspect of klayley
Or What the show failed to address
This is really also a character study for my girl Hayley all at once in regards to how her overlooked trauma affected her relationships ( because I love @bloodsoakedfangs )
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Hayley never knew her family all she's aware of is that they gave her up, and her adoptive parents simply kicked her out at the young age of 13 I believe after finding out what she is,
She's an abandoned little girl forced to roam the streets on her own, that is both absolutely terrifying and very risky, there's no limits to what she might have gone through and seen as both a kid but also a girl if we're being realistic, which is a direct cause of her hyper independence, she was forced to rely on herself completely since childhood
Now in regards to Klaus, when she meets him, despite the disdain she understandably has for him there's also attraction, one she's fully aware of and okay with, she knows he's a horrible person but she's also self aware enough to know she's no better
So despite everything he's done to her friends including Tyler it wasn't enough to stop her from succumbing to that attraction, and as she herself states in ep 1, it's pretty common for her to go for that type of men
Straight forward to 1x02, the episode that pretty much seals the deal, so for a starter this will go into sensitive issues but unlike the writers I'm not going to sugarcoat it, but you can leave idk
Klaus is in fact very unstable, any slight provocation sends him off the rails, he has severe ptsd as a result of the abuse he endured and clearly suffers from abandonment issues, and that's not to justify or excuse anything he's ever done but rather it serves partially as an explanation for why he is the way he is , you CANNOT honest to God expect him to be able to be in or maintain a healthy relationship,
Similarly to hayley , who also suffers from abandonment issues and doesn't have a healthy perception of love or relationships which is why she always sabotages any healthy relationship she's in and ends up constantly running back to Klaus and giving her all in her quest for the family she fantasizes of finally having
Her reaction to what he does in that episode is when you see the trauma bonding part
He physically assaults her, almost killing her both and the baby in response to what he perceived as a threat of "leaving him" or pretty much being able to easily "take away" that fantasy he too has of a family he secretly wished for, to have something he can truly call his own, and maybe even heal what Mikael broke in him which is ironically why he got angry, she hit him where it hurts, the "kill her and the baby" was bullshit and how furious he was when she almost left him proves it, he was both worried he's being played by the witches AND scared of failing this child the way his father did, (he liked hayley too much to do shit to her as tvd proved already if he was ever careless about her she would've been gone by tvd 4x16 instead of him genuinely risking his life and his family's to just have dinner with her and then willingly let her go without her providing the life or death info she's nonchalantly holding back)
Even next morning when he tries to make up for what he did in his own way, he asks why she didn't just "leave him" and that he deserved it, by that point he calmed down, is clearly regretful and knew what he did had nothing to do with hayley, he was angry with himself
Hayley's reaction (who's very straightforward and dangerously bold, something Klaus admired in her since the beginning) to a violent man being To smile at him the very next morning, casually talk to him , being happy when he offers to do something as decent as fixing the air conditioning
is if anything a sad testament to how she's holding on to any crumb of affection he has to offer, to that dream of a family she never had growing up.
And throughout the first two seasons he still never learns, he still willingly puts her and THEIR child in mortal danger again in 1x06 because unsurprisingly he's jealous of Elijah's interest in her
She calls him horrible for it as she should and says Elijah is infinitely better than him but when he forces her to go back home and shuts off Elijah and Rebekah, her reaction (5x08) is to tell him that after ALL THAT, she wants to believe in him, and to not fail her, and is once again happy he agrees to get rid of the dead bodies he left to rot in the the middle of the compound ????
Her acknowledgement of him putting her and his child at risk twice because he's "a notorious Psycho" as she called him and that Elijah is a good man but at the same time staying with him after almost just leaving and still settling for whatever decency he may provide at some point
It's classic trauma bonding, where after anything horrible he does that throws her off he does something "nice" that makes her believe he may change, it might be worth it. Hence, the "I want to believe in you" it's not that she has a good reason to believe in him, it's that she desperately wants him to be what she sees in Elijah
And ultimately it's not even that she wants him to be better, she had Elijah, she had Jackson but it didn't stop her from bending over backwards for Klaus of all people but leaving Elijah whenever she has to put in any bit of work
Elijah and Jackson's sole appeal was that they loved her greatly, she felt loved, they were easy to love, they were good but when it came to putting in the work to make these perfectly healthy relationships work she dips, but all her energy is invested in a situationship (the term fits here sorry 😭) where Klaus keeps bringing them back to ground 0,
She also despite having Elijah and Rebekah says she's "sure she'll be doing this alone" in regards to Klaus probably not being a traditional father
When Mikael calls him all sorts of vile things , which from Hayley's perspective are all valid, she should agree with him , instead she hates Michael, defends Klaus saying none of it is true and stops calling Mikael Klaus's father
This ties well with season 2 where hayley literally blames Klaus for all the people coming after hope, she could've left but she goes with the option of marrying Jackson and staying even as it drove Elijah away ( tbf she also married Jackson for him which is funny because she literally went on to marry the low maintainance guy because she simply didn't want to work for her relationship with Elijah despite killing herself for Klaus of all people)
She stays because Klaus asked her to after swearing up and down she's leaving when her daughter was almost murdered /blown to pieces in one day due to what she perceived to be Klaus's indirect fault but she didn't give a fuck about Elijah begging her not to leave AFTER Klaus took the heat for killing Aiden and finally pushing her over the limits
She has said prior to that , to Klaus's face, that she's leaving for good if he doesn't change his ways
So it's absolutely telling when it's proven Klaus was her main, sole even, tie to the mikaelsons including ELIJAH 💀, that when she felt like she's too sick of his shit she ditches everyone FOR GOOD
She finds comfort in him and only him at her lowest, pushing Elijah away and only getting better when it's Klaus telling her she's family and boosting her confidence,
Same exact things Elijah said, except it's coming from the person that truly matters to her, she doesn't yell,she actually sits down and listens to him and eventually he's the only person to understand her and successfully gets her out of crippling depression and self loathing, as Elijah himself noted ironically
Hayley defends him abandoning her and hope,to go commit mass murder somewhere else, tells him she won't give up on him,writes him countless letters to tell him she misses him and she wouldn't have wanted anything to be different , including all her trauma mind you, because it led them to having hope together, something she wouldn't have changed
Now keeping everything he did especially in season 1 and 2 in mind,and her having other romances, she tells Klaus she wouldn't change the fact he's hope's father
That's how dedicated she was to him
Hayley did NOT love Elijah, she was attracted to him sure, he was first to show her kindness at a time she needed it most, especially from klaus
And he made her feel loved, something she craved
When it was easy she welcomed it but he wasn't worth staying for, fighting for or even getting to know given they both did not know or like each other beyond the romanticized version
What she had for Klaus,{ while for all the wrong reasons since she wasn't one with a healthy understanding of love due to trauma and abandonment, } was unconditional love, she knew exactly what he was, how vile and sadistic he can be, is a first hand witness to all of what he can be too but it made her attachment to him and the sacrifices she was willing to make for him all the more stronger,
It's the "show don't tell" version of the all consuming devotion d*lena and the other ships failed to have
Mainly because they're both similar in the way that they were both fucked up individuals, both self aware and know they aren't good people and both desperate for love, love that truly sees them for what they are but doesn't shy away from it, it's why she's the ONLY love interest he calls family, and family as he describes is above all others, worth everything, the only constant for him,more reasons why it's very dumb to say he loved any other woman more than her .
Klaus and hope (being two faces of the same coin for her) are the single most important people to hayley,above literally everyone else , the two people she spared a glance before offing herself
The ones she fought tooth and nail for,risked everything for on multiple occasions
Hayley was a complicated character, she's damaged and all she knew from others was abuse and abandonment
It's why Klaus is familiar, safe, her comfort zone
She uses the two healthy relationships she has to feel better about herself, discards them when it's convenient but does ALL that, endures all that from a man who's treatment of her is typical, why she defends him and risks everything for him and is more than happy with the tiniest bit of love he has for her can be summarized in trauma bonding and "daddy issues" , he's an older guy with all the power here , he's emotionally unavailable, unpredictable and quite violent but occasionally calls her with an endearing nickname "little wolf" and can be soft with her, why while she revels in pissing him off and challenging his authority he's the only man she keeps running back to and can actually get her to listen to him when no one else can
While, like she herself says even when she hates the living shit out of him for all the ways he hurts her (out of love from his perspective) she can't help but love him
They're basically a match made in hell, they have no limits to what they'd do for each other, and out of every other one of their ships they're the only ones with an actual relationship where they fully see, understand, accept and love each other no matter how heinous they can be
And if anything it makes sense because at that point they were both too far gone to know what healthy love looks like
They develop at season 3 but that's a different convo
The main point is that I can still talk about their relationship because it was actually written surprisingly well despite the neglect and are very,very complex and multi layered outside of classical and empty romance
Klayley, through hope, what the show was built around and who they are as characters was pretty much a part of the show's heart and core all while integrating romantic elements without it becoming their sole defining characteristic
Something you can't say about the other romantic relationships in the show
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andreal831 · 3 months
I don’t absolutely despise klaroline, although I definitely do not like them either, but one of the most stupid things in the entirety of the originals is Klaus flirting with Caroline while Hayley and hope is abducted. Would you consider this to be a writing mistake or just Klaus being Klaus? I’ve always wondered if he focused more on finding them if he’d of been able to save Hayley in time.
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I've made an entire tik tok about this because I despised this episode since the first time I saw it. I laid out all of the dumb decisions Klaus made in the episode in the tik tok as well as a lengthy caption. You can see that here.
Klaus in Season 5 is terribly written. He may not be my favorite character and I don't like klaroline but everything about him and them in Season 5 was wrong.
Starting with Rebekah calling Caroline to go find Klaus. That made no sense. Why wouldn't Freya or Marcel go find him. They are his family. Marcel has known him for 200 years. It's not like Rebekah thought he wouldn't harm her, he had nearly killed Caroline multiple times. Marcel was upgraded, he would have been the best choice to go and talk some sense into Klaus. Or Freya who could have gone and yelled at him for abandoning Hope.
Just the fact that Klaus was ignoring Hope for five years made no sense to me. I get he was terrified that she would hate him after what she saw, but the end of Season 3 and through Season 4, we began to see a version of Klaus that was actually putting Hope's needs first. This abandonment was a complete regression back to his Season 2 narcissism. Also, Hope not continuing to astral project to find him made no sense. She is a powerful witch, if Caroline could track him down, so could Hope.
Now onto the day of the event.
My biggest gripe is that they are literally driving everywhere. Klaus is the fastest being, why is he taking an SUV that can go max 180 mph? Why did they stop at a rest stop to get coffee? Exhaustion doesn't affect them that way. They are literally flirting and joking around as Hope and Hayley are missing. Sure at this point they may not have realized how serious it was, but Klaus would never have allowed himself to be distracted like that. It was bad writing purely for ratings.
Klaus would rip apart the world to save both Hayley and Hope. Showing him doing anything less is a disservice to his character.
Good writing, writing that is true to Klaus' character would have shown him turning into a wolf to track Hope down. Ansel tells Klaus in Season 2 that he was drawn to Klaus as a child and even to Hope because wolves are drawn to their family. It would have been so satisfying to finally watch Klaus at one with his wolf side in order to find Hope.
It also was so out of character to see Klaus walking slowly to the house. Hayley was actively having her wolf side suppressed and fighting Greta. Klaus would have heard this from miles away and sped as fast as possible to the house. Instead we see him walking at a slow human speed. Caroline is also easily snuck up on by Elijah and Klaus doesn't immediately snap his neck? True-to-character Klaus would have ripped out Elijah's heart to save Hope and Hayley. After all, Elijah would have been fine.
Very little of Season 5 was not just poor writing. There were scenes and plot points that directly contradict established canon. The reason the writing was so bad is because the writers were killing Hayley, Elijah, and Klaus off no matter what. Hayley's death was 1000% preventable. Hayley was a hybrid and a member of the strongest family but was somehow killed by a 100 year old vamp? Say what you will about Klaus, but Klaus definitely would have saved her no matter what. She never should have died but Julie wanted Legacies to have an orphaned Hope and didn't care to make the writing good.
Shameless plug: If you want to read how I would rewrite Season 5 to make more sense, check out my story, Don't It Just Break Your Heart, on AO3 and Wattpad.
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ex-coolgirl · 6 months
Let’s goooo!! New chapter up! :)
Posting on both wattpad and ao3 so that you could read on whichever you prefer. Only difference is wattpad will have pics/gifs of the characters/their looks/ etc.
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Cassie on Crack presents:
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A/N: While I write part three of Rational Thinking, have this headcanon. Why? Because it's healthy to write absolute crack every once in a while. Here lies my Masterlist.
The Rules:
Head shot = you're out.
Leg shot, arm shot, chest shot, and back shot = Target joins shooter's team. (E.X: Hayley hits Marcel's arm, Marcel joins Hayley's team.)
Gut shot = Target has 10 minutes to take out as many players as possible. Gut shot enemies CANNOT be killed during this time, but die after their 10 minutes is up. If a team leader is the target of a gut shot, their team is disbanded and it's once again every man for himself.
Weapons and Ammo are hidden throughout the compound/mansion. Obtainment of weapons and ammo is up to each player. No freebies. Hiding one's own weapons and ammo stashe is completely legal.
Finder's keepers.
If a team leader is killed or shot onto another team, their previous team is disbanded and the members thereof return to free for all combat.
Butt and groin shots are cheap... and absolutely legal.
Any magical modifications to any weapon is strictly BANNED. That means no homing rounds, no cloaked stashes, and no silencing charms. (We're looking at you, Freya.)
For those without enhanced senses, perception altering charms are legal, however such magic can only be used to dull footsteps, breathing, and heartbeat. NO SILENT RELOADS.
Rule breakers are out and forced to observe for the rest of the round and the next three games.
The last player or team standing wins!
How it Starts:
In an alternate universe where everyone is alive and happy, the birth of Hope Mikaelson inspires the whole family to do better when it comes to petty disputes. This decision brings about a new Mikaelson Family tradition... THE NERF WAR...
A war can be started at any time and they can last for days. (The longest was two weeks and where Klaus was hiding that entire time remains unknown.)
The cause can vary from a serious argument to an off-handed insult. Really, it just depends how close the nearest weapon is to whomever is involved.
This particular time, Rebekah tosses a snide remark at Kol - something about being the pop-tart hog - then suddenly Kol is reaching under the table. The sound of duct tape ripping pierces the air and a loud click rings out across the compound. Rebekah cries out, holding a hand to her cheek as a little yellow sphere rolls across the table. Kol grins.
The lights go out and everyone scatters, some breakfasts remain on the table - unfinished though they may be - while others seemingly disappear as fast as their respective owners.
A teenage Hope, more than sick of losing to various family members, murmurs a quick spell to dull her footsteps and breathing before rushing to the kitchen.
There, atop the cabinets she has previously hidden a Nerf bolt-action sniper rifle and six packs of ammo.
She reasons this should be enough to get her through the first hour or so for she has grown up learning her family's strategies and now plans to use their strengths against them.
Hayley finds her daughter first.
The unsired hybrid is dangerous as she's rather unpredictable. She's smart and her aim is fantastic. She is NOT to be underestimated.
"You're exposed, Hope-ers," Hayley's voice calls out from the darkness, just beyond the kitchen doorway.
Hope dives behind the kitchen island as a foam dart whizzes past her left ear. She bites her lip to contain a laugh as she shoves her first clip into her rifle.
"Didn't think you'd be coming so soon," Hope replies, inching her way to peak around the corner. She sees a dark silhouette outlined against the door frame and peaks her gun out just slightly to aim.
"Think again!" Hayley says with a chuckle.
Two more darts fly past the kitchen island, one just a hairsbreadth away from Hope's hand wrapped around the handle of her rifle.
Knowing she has little chance if she doesn't act now, Hope empties her clip as fast as she can.
Two of the rounds tag her mother in the bicep and Hayley steps out from the corner with her hands up - she's holding a post-apocalyptic lookin' thing with four revolving barrels and a slide-action reload.
"Guess you're on my team now." Hope smirks proudly, standing up from behind the island.
Hayley hugs her daughter, pressing a kiss to the teenager's forehead.
"Guess you're right."
Both take a moment to retrieve their ammo before cautiously leaving the kitchen and moving into the lower floor sitting room.
"So who should we go for first?" Hope asks in hardly a whisper - talking any louder would draw more attention then they can currently handle. She knows teams are already forming and the mother daughter duo is unlikely to last long if their numbers remain as they are.
"Aww... My baby's all grown up and plotting world domination! I'm so proud!" Hayley snickers.
Hope rolls her eyes. "Thanks mom."
"Any time, princess. Anyway, we should definitely go for Elijah. We don't want that absolute monster of a drum sneaking up behind us. I think he'll probably still be in the attic by now," Hayley hisses back, checking behind an armchair for any hidden assailants.
Elijah is the strategic one of the family; he goes floor by floor and room by room, mowing down anyone who happens to fall into his path with the biggest gun the world has ever seen. Sacrificing accuracy for sheer firepower, Elijah's weapon bears more than one hundred rounds on its own. Not to mention the various slings and bags worth of extra ammo he straps to his person at the beginning of every game. Suppression Fire is Elijah's M.O.
"Okay." Hope nods, passing by the old dumbwaiter hatch beside the bookcase.
No one's used it in years, of course... At least, that's what a very certain someone wants the family to think.
Hope smirks and waves at Hayley who regards her with a questioning look. The girl presses a finger to her lips and points at the dumb waiter shaft. She carefully tip-toes over to it and wraps her hand around the handle. Hayley nods in understanding and raises her weapon. Hope begins mouthing a count down. 3...2...1
She throws the shudder open and Hayley opens fire, Hope joining in a second later. A voice cries out in surprise from inside the shaft as mother and daughter pummel the poor sod with round after round of foam darts. There is no mercy from them.
"Alright! Alright! You've got me! I yield!"
The family likes to refer to Hope as their miracle, but the real miracle is how her father manages to jam almost six feet worth of Original Hybrid into that miniscule dumbwaiter shaft.
Positioned in there like a spider lying in wait with his arms and legs curled up to protect his face, Klaus spends the next minute or so grumbling under his breath as he somehow dislodges himself from his hiding spot.
"One of you hit my knee first," He admits, brushing off his jacket.
"Thanks for the easy win, dad!" Hope grins.
Klaus opens his mouth to object, but Hayley shoots his arm.
"Bloody hell, what was that for? I'm already on your team!"
"That was for being a camper." Hayley smirks.
That's right, Klaus Mikaelson the big bad Original Hybrid is a camper. He's always preferred to wait for his enemies to come to him and, in all fairness, his tactic is extremely effective. He wins a majority of games simply by outlasting other players. But he'll always emerge and pounce when there's only a few players left. He also keeps an enormous stash with him wherever he's hiding.
"Fork it over, Klaus," Hayley says. He rolls his eyes and reaches back into the elevator shaft, drawing forth a huge sack of darts, guns, and even a few snacks.
"Santa Klaus," Hope mutters. Her father shoots her a scathing look.
"How'd you find me anyway?" He demands, swapping his rival pistol for a tri-shot weapon that looks suspiciously like a Winchester rifle.
"Well I know you have like 8 hiding spots that you rotate every game - this is the only one I've found, though." Hope says with a shrug. Klaus' expression softens.
"Clever girl." He nods. Hope smiles.
Moving on from the sitting room, the trio hope to find a safe path to the attic.
"Status report?" Hayley whispers.
No matter where he chooses to hide, Klaus - paranoid genius that he is - always finds a way to keep track of team compositions.
"No one's had the guts to confront Elijah yet, so he's still alone which means Marcel can't be far behind. Though, I believe he's on his own as well," Klaus says.
Predictable as his tactics might be, Elijah has never been beaten by any other family member on their own.
What Elijah doesn't know, however, is that Marcel tends to follow him as he clears each room, eventually picking one to hunker down in. He then proceeds to camp with almost the effectiveness of Klaus.
The Hybrid continues-
"I do believe Keelin has managed to locate her custom bow as she has shot Freya onto her team. Freya then shot Cami in the face, so she's out of the game."
Keelin's modified bow is the bane of just about everyone's existence as it is a legal silent-load weapon. She's customized it with a more durable string and a higher draw weight, giving it greater accuracy and range. It also hurts like a mother.
Freya typically uses a semi-auto Rival assult rifle. She's a scavenger when it comes to ammo, preferring to fill her weapon with the darts other players have been foolish enough to leave behind.
Freya's solo tactic is to go straight for the kill regardless of who she's facing, while Keelin prefers to build a small team - three people at most. (That way there's fewer people to deal with should she be shot onto another team.) When the two of them team up, they are queens of the corner rooms, using any and all entrances as extremely effective ambush points.
Poor Camille has yet to win a Nerf War. She tries to use the hallways as choke points but her aim just isn't the best. Although, she is excellent at turning on her former teammates should she be shot onto another team. Her skills of escaping are unparalleled. She's also the family's best cheerleader when she gets 'killed' early on.
"As usual, no one's heard from Finn," Klaus tells with an annoyed eye-roll.
Finn practically invented the term 'silent as the grave'. No one hears him coming. Ever. Preferring foam knives, axes and swords to guns, he hides out in the darkness of the basement/dungeon, waiting for a brave wanderer to enter his domain. Although he despises being a vampire, he's learned that his undead state is not without it's advantages, such as not needing to breathe. The man will actually stop his heart and hold his breath for however long is needed in order to lull other players into a false sense of security before silently slipping out to slit their throats or stab them in the back. He's won his fair share of games this way. Oh, and his knives, axes, and swords are weighted accurately to their more lethal counterparts.
Unfortunately, Finn's not that great of a team player. He does his best work from the shadows and tends to get knocked out pretty quick otherwise. He and Cami have had some pretty fantastic conversations from the sidelines.
"Rebekah is once again queen of the courtyard," Klaus reports. There's a simultaneous groan from his other two team mates.
Despite other family members casual use of long range rifles, the youngest Mikaelson sibling is the only true sniper of the bunch.
Rebekah's infamous use of sniper rifles has won her quite a few games, though more often than not it ends up being spectacularly annoying. The blonde's favorite spot is lying prone on the actual roof, looking down over the courtyard. Her aim is impeccable and she will not hesitate to shoot her brothers out. However, Marcel and any female who happens to wander into her line of sight can just as well count themselves as the newest member of her team.
So far, Keelin and Kol are the only ones who have managed to shoot her down from that position.
Although, Rebekah does have the unfortunate tendency to underestimate the amount of ammo necessary for some of the longer games. She's most vulnerable when she ventures down from the roof to restock on ammunition. That's when other players or teams usually wait to ambush her.
"And to everyone's great surprise, Kol has allowed Davina to shoot him onto her team for the sixtieth time in a row," Klaus finishes with a grimace.
See, those two are tricky.
Davina has somehow mastered just about every Nerf weapon ever made. She'll carry several on her person and will not hesitate to switch between them at any time. Her unpredictability makes her a tough adversary to fight as she roams the maze of hallways and staircases that make up the compound's second floor.
Davina's default weapon choice for her patrol is a double barreled shotgun paired with a foam knife. Though her small stature makes for something of a disadvantage against the actual mountains of Viking that are the Mikaelson boys, it should be noted that she can and will tackle and slit the throats of anyone and everyone who crosses her path.
Kol, on the other hand, has mastered the art of being an absolute nuisance. His primary weapon is a four barreled pistol that can split into two separate pistols on command. He's the third best shot in the family and the king of dual-weilding. The variable arsenal he packs on his body is also annoying, not to mention the Nerf gatling gun he keeps strapped to his back in case of emergencies. Whether it be hiding under the main stairway or dropping down from the ceiling of a seemingly empty room, the guy is always bringing some weird new strategy to the table. More on his insane tactics later.
On their own, the witch and former witch are extremely dangerous. But together? It's a well known fact that, these two are absolutely deadly.
Kol and Davina are undisputed masters of the Sword and Shield technique. They have used it to single-handedly win dozens of games.
Back when the Nerf Wars first started, Kol managed to obtain a S.W.A.T Riot Shield. You know, those huge full body ones? Yeah. One of those. No one wants to know exactly how he got it. He holds the shield with one hand, and uses that four barreled pistol with the other. Davina stands between him and the shield, either weilding two hammer-load pistols or a fully automatic assault rifle. Together they roam the halls mowing down anyone they can find.
However, this tactic leaves them extremely vulnerable from the back and slightly weak from the sides. During a particularly long and competitive game, Finn successfully snuck up behind the two. He threw Kol to the floor and stabbed him in the back no less than twelve times before throwing a knife at Davina's head. Kol and Finn on one team was nothing short of disastrous.
Now if Kol gets separated from Davina, then things really get interesting. Kol will intentionally try to get himself shot in the gut.
He's affectionately dubbed this tactic: BERSERKER MODE.
This is when the gatling gun comes out. Within the next ten minutes the best chance any other players have to survive is simply to find the best hiding spot they can and stay as quiet as possible. He'll gladly go about slaughtering as many players as he can find, all while singing Fulsome Prison Blues.
"That's just spectacular," Hope complains softly. "Do you think they'll go for Marcel or Rebekah next?"
"Definitely Rebekah. With Kol and Marcel on a team, they'll lose any element of surprise," Hayley snorts.
On their way up to intercept Elijah, the trio encounter Freya and Keelin in the second floor study.
Battle ensues.
Hope ducks and scrambles back as Hayley dives forward and rolls behind a couch. Klaus rushes in and takes cover behind the desk, standing up every now and then to open fire on Freya and Keelin who move to flank Hayley. Freya turns to shoot Klaus but misses and in the split second it takes her to reload, Hope pokes her gun out from the doorway and hits Freya square in the jaw.
"I'm out!" She declares, raising her hands and stepping aside.
Klaus grins and makes eye contact with Hayley, together they hop up and pepper Keelin with darts.
"Ha! That's a gut shot!" She cries out a second later.
"Oh, bloody hell..." Klaus and Hayley are out of there faster than Freya can cheer. "Hope, run!"
Luckily, the wolf has to gather her foam arrows before she can go after them so that gives the trio some time. They rush through the rooms of the upper floor, not really caring who they might alert to their presence. Barring themselves in the library, they take a moment for Hope to catch her breath.
They chose the wrong room.
There's a loud whirring noise just before a spray of yellow Rival rounds attacks Hope's legs. She jumps in surprise and dives to hide behind a book case. Her other team members follow her example.
"You guys just missed Elijah," Marcel's lazy New Orleans accent draws from his hiding spot. He's taken a page out of Rebekah's book it seems, laying prone atop a bookshelf. Hope wonders how he managed to climb up there without attracting notice.
"Yeah, well we were a little bit busy running for our lives!" Hayley exclaims. "Keelin's been gut shot-ed."
Marcel's chuckle trails off into a mutter. "That's gonna be a pain..." He's absolutely right.
"Come now, Marcellus. It's three against one, the odds aren't exactly in your favor," Klaus reasons. "You should just surrender now."
"Not a chance!" Another barrage rains down over Klaus who grins as the rounds fly by him, missing by inches.
Without warning, Hayley makes a mad dash for the center of the room and jumps onto a table, giving her the extra height needed to nail Marcel in the forearm.
He lets lose a string of curses and climbs down, like a grumpy, six foot Rapunzel descending from a very unsteady tower. The bookshelf nearly topples on him during his dismount.
"Alright, so aside from a gut-shot Keelin, who are we up against?" He asks as he picks up as many of his discarded rounds as he can find.
Hope counts off on her fingers. "Freya and Cami are out. Davina and Kol are a team - shocker, I know - but that leaves Elijah, Rebekah, and Finn on their own."
"Sounds like fun." Marcel grins and cocks his gun, fully loaded once more. "Elijah's in the billiard room, if we hurry, we should be able to catch him before he reaches the lounge."
"Yeah, I'm totally with Davina on the whole 'you guys live in the Clue mansion' thing," Hayley huffs.
They stop in the hall just outside the billiard room. There are no volunteers to enter first.
"Uncle Elijah, we have you out-numbered and out-gunned!" Hope announces, pressing her shoulder against the door frame. "Surrender willingly, or die a painful death - the choice is yours!"
"Are you sure about that, little one?" Elijah questions. "Because, from where I'm standing, the odds of any member of your team subduing me before I take out any number of you seems rather low. Out-numbered... Perhaps. Out-gunned... I think not." He sounded extremely smug. "Oh, and hello Hayley."
"Hi, Elijah," Hayley tosses back.
Klaus sighs dramatically before sharing a glance with Hope. "Tell my story," He says.
Klaus throws himself through the doorway, catching Elijah just slightly off-guard. He fires, but misses and is met with a shower of foam darts. He cries out and staggers back as Marcel pokes just his gun around the corner and shoots blind.
"That was an incredibly lucky shot," Elijah observes.
Hope peaks around the corner to see just what had happened. Elijah had apparently flipped the billiard table on its side to use for cover with only his gun resting on his leg sticking out from behind it. Marcel had hit him in the leg. Lucky shot indeed.
"And that was my eye, Elijah," Klaus bites back, rubbing at the injury.
"I do believe that removes you from combat, brother." Elijah smirks, hoisting his enormous gun over his shoulder. Klaus glares at him.
"Cocktails for the loser squad!" Cami's voice calls from downstairs. That seems to lighten the hybrid's mood.
"Ah, now there's a party I can get into." He walks off pretty quickly after that.
Elijah doesn't bother to collect his expended ammunition. He's got more than enough. "Where to next?"
All other eyes turn to Hope.
She shrugs. "I dunno, I didn't really expect to make it this far."
"Oh, that's a shame; you were doing so well."
Everyone turns just in time to see Elijah's head get 'lopped off' by a foam axe. Standing behind him is Finn, armed with a foam sword, an axe, several knives strapped to various places, and another axe slung across his back. He's ventured from the basement and is grinning like a mad man.
Elijah chuckles and follows after Klaus.
"So, who's next?" Finn asks. He throws the axe in his hand and it hits Marcel square in the chest and he immediately turns to shoot Hayley who yelps and dives for cover.
But before Marcel can fire a shot, a loud snap rings out from behind Finn. A rubber tipped arrow sails into the back of his head and he hisses in pain, glancing over his shoulder to see Keelin and her bow at the end of the hall.
"I'm back, suckers!" She laughs.
Finn sighs and walks away, grumbling about how he actually had a chance this time.
Hope is quick to shoot Marcel back onto her team.
"Gahh Dayum!" He complains. "Again? Really?"
"You better believe it." Hope grins though her face falls when she sees Keelin barreling towards them. "Yeah, time to go!"
At this point, however, they find themselves cut off. With nowhere else to run, aside from trapping themselves in the lounge, they're forced to risk an unprotected dash across the courtyard. It's a long distance to cross - even longer when they know there's a sniper waiting to rain fire on them. They make their break for the stairs anyway, skipping down the steps two at a time.
Exposed as they are, they dash across the length of the courtyard, aiming for the formal dining room.
"Anyone care to notice the lack of darts whizzing by our heads right about now?" Hayley points out as she and Marcel push the sliding doors shut.
Hope blinks, tallying up the fallen players in her head. "Wait, that means..."
Cami, Freya, Klaus, Elijah, Finn...
"Kol and Dee have Bekah." Marcel nods shrugging. "That's it, we're screwed."
"No, we're not!" Hayley smacks his arm.
"Either way, Keelin's got one minute 'till she's dead," Hope offers, trying to be helpful.
"Which means, we gotta be outta here by then 'cuz five bucks says those three musketeers are right on Keelin's tail... Which is probably where they've been this whole time!" Marcel groans, shaking his head. "Have I ever told you guys how much I hate Kol?"
"Only every other day." Hope smirks.
"He's a damn snake," Marcel rants. "Hiding right behind the most dangerous player until she's out of time? What a lousy move."
"You're just jealous you didn't think of it," Hayley says.
"I am not!" He protests. "See, I have better ideas, such as using the servant's passages to get outta here."
With time running out, Marcel's idea is the one they end up going with. The servant's passage leads them back to the kitchen, right where they first started.
From the kitchen stretches two hallways, one of which leads to the lower floor sitting room, while the other leads to a foyer-type space. As the trio emerges into the kitchen, they catch wind of voices drifting from the second hallway.
"Really feeling the sibling love here, Kol." That voice belongs to Rebekah and she doesn't sound too happy.
"I bet you are, sister," Kol hums, smug as a bug.
"Why do I have to be cannon fodder?" She whines.
"Because you're lucky!" Davina chimes in.
Hope waves what remains of her team forward. Once in the foyer-like space, they take up positions on opposite sides of the room, hoping to catch the other team in a crossfire.
A moment later, Rebekah appears from a side hall. She's armed with a Rival pistol, her sniper rifle is slung over her back.
"Well I haven't been shot yet, so I guess that means this room's clear," Rebekah huffs a moment later. She takes a few steps further into their trap.
Behind her, Davina steps out, full-auto machine gun in hand, and hair tied up in a ponytail. She's followed by Kol with that riot shield on one arm and his pistol in single-hand configuration.
"I dunno, Bex," Kol says. "I smell a trap."
Rebekah turns on her heel to stare at him, raising a brow. "You've said that in literally every room we've been in."
"Yeah, well which one of us hasn't gotten shot?" He quips.
"Me." Davina smirks and Kol opens his mouth to reply but closes it a second later.
From the way the three of them have positioned themselves in the room, only Marcel has a feasible shot at any of them. Hope sends him a meaningful look and he just winks.
Throwing away any and all chance at a surprise attack, Marcel steps out from behind his pillar with a lazy grin spread across his face.
He opens fire, and as for what follows...
Kol swears loudly as he moves to shield Davina and poor Rebekah is left to fend for herself. She dives behind a couch and turns her aim on Marcel. Kol and Davina also fire on him and he just manages to duck back behind the pillar to avoid being hit.
Just as Marcel takes cover, Hope and her mother move in for the attack. It's a pincer maneuver - the one thing Kol and Davina's sword and shield tactic can't handle. With fire incoming from two directions, the two of them are out flanked.
Hayley lands two shots to Kol's back and for a moment, the shooting stops.
"Wait Kol, are you dead?" Davina wonders.
The Mikaelson boy tosses his riot shield to the side and looks up with regret in his eyes.
"I'm sorry, darling," He says.
"DAVINA, GET DOWN!!!" Rebekah screams.
In one swift movement, Kol splits his gun in two, leveling one each at Davina and his sister.
Pulling out her sniper rifle, Rebekah uses it as a shield/baseball bat combo as she races to Davina's side. She twists and swings the bulky weapon, knocking Kol's darts out of the air with it in an excellent effort to keep both of them protected as she and Davina climb the foyer's staircase.
With Kol laying down covering fire, Hope, Hayley, and Marcel rush for the cover of a small doorway. Hope throws the door open and waves her team inside. There's a smaller, cozier study space waiting beyond. Hayley's in first, followed by Kol, and then Marcel.
Rebekah rushes to set up a shot from the catwalk adjacent just as Marcel closes the entrance. The doors are nearly shut when her dart streaks through the gap and tags Marcel right between the eyes.
"Well... Damn," He sighs.
Kol whistles. "Nice shot, Bex..."
Marcel smacks him upside the head and stalks off to join the rest of the losers for cocktails.
"That was quite the epic betrayal, Uncle Kol," Hope smirks, snatching Marcel's gun from where he left it on a sofa.
"It was perfect, wasn't it?" He grins.
Hope shakes her head. "Should'a kept the shield."
"Nah, that would have made this next bit far too easy," Kol says, waving a hand. "Now, I take it the two of you have something of a plan?"
"Oh, yeah, let's see-" Hope ticks the bullet points off on her fingers. "Shoot, try not to die, win... That's about it."
Kol nods. "Solid plan. Simple, easy to remember." He turns to Hayley. "We're going to die."
Hope answers his comment instead, shrugging. "Maybe, but if you purposefully gut-shot yourself, I swear I'll kick you."
"Ooh, somebody wants to win," He laughs, grinning cheekily.
"What can I say, I'm sick of losing!" Hope declares.
Before Kol can come up with something more to tease his niece with, a whooshing noise turns all three heads towards the back of the room where a dart flies out from the darkness. It hits Hayley's nose before she can duck.
Crouched in the dark is Rebekah, that alcove is one of those maze-like passengers of halls and stairs between the first and second floor. This is the counter attack.
Hope revs up her new weapon and aims at the shadowy figure, laying down suppressive fire as she and Kol make for cover. None of her shots seem to hit, however, and she crouches behind a bookcase.
Kol, who flung himself onto a sofa, is closer to Rebekah's hiding spot. He reaches one pistol over the back of the couch with the blind confidence of Jack Sparrow and fires two shots.
"Bloody hell! That was my throat!" Rebekah coughs a second later.
"You're dead, sister! Cry about it!" Kol laughs as he reloads his pistol.
Without warning, Davina flings herself over the back of the sofa, landing on top of her husband.
"What the bloody f-" He doesn't even get to finish his profanity.
"Hi." Davina grins.
Kol raises a brow. "Would you kill me, my love?"
She kisses his cheek as she drags her foam knife across his throat.
"Yep!" She cheers, jumping up to her feet again. She turns to face Hope, switching her knife out for a pistol and shotgun while Kol shuffles off to pout like a child.
"Just you and me now," Hope says, leveling her gun on her aunt.
"Just you and me." Davina's smile is razor sharp.
Hope hesitates.
Then she turns, and high-tails it out of that room, screaming over her shoulder.
"You'll never take me alive!"
"That's the idea!" Davina laughs and gives chase.
Hope dashes into the kitchen as fast as her legs will carry her and hops up onto the counter, carefully aiming.
Davina rounds the corner hardly a second later and Hope, heart pounding, shoots first. The rival round bounces off Davina's cheek and all goes still.
"Di-Did I just win?" Hope whispers in awestruck delight.
Davina smiles and droops her weapons, giving her niece a hug. "That you did, Hawkeye."
Hayley wanders in right after with a loving smile. She gives her daughter a kiss on the forehead. "I think this calls for ice-cream," She whispers conspiratorially.
"Who said what about ice-cream?" Cami shouts from across the house and soon there are six or so voices arguing about where to find the best ice cream in New Orleans...
Tagging: @yn-ymn-yln @r13mar @rootbeerfaygo @iiskittles16ii @fandomrulesall-blog @dark-night-sky-99 @railingsofsorrow @apolloroid @thatweirdoleigh @misswe03
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Chapters: 6/6
Elijah, Hayley, Klaus, Josh, and Marcel plan to attend a black tie ball— a party at which a probable half of the members have a fully formed plan to kill Elijah, who is now especially vulnerable from Esther’s torture. The Originals (and company), knowing about the planned ambush, decide to dress up and attend said party with polite smiles and posh demeanors… at least to begin with… and take out the threats to their beloved Elijah in one fell swoop. When their own carefully formulated plan goes off the rails not five minutes into the night, a series of instances require their prudent problem-solving skills (which Joshua is still learning), and, possibly even more difficult to achieve, their teamwork.
(Set around-ish S2 but not totally canon stuff.)
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I gotta take a minute to address the cancellation of Legacies AND the END of the whole TVD universe..
first Josie gets shitty writing then Kaylee leaves and Plec writes her out. At least she’s not dead but apparently needs to get her shit together
then all of the sudden after a GREAT season 4 Hope gets a shitty ending, which we know Plec had to be petty and ruin the character because Danielle wanted to move on. Personally I think Danielle always tried to give her two cents about Hope and that’s why Plec wrote her to be portrayed as weak in most of Legacies. Yes, she is Plec’s character but the actor is just as significant to their own character.
This is reminding me a lot of the mistreatment Kat had gone through while on TVD. Bonnie was the heroine EVERY TIME but she was so under appreciated and went through hell over and over for NO reason; Probably Danielle complains Hope is weak for being the almighty tribrid, Plec doesn’t give a shit, Danielle decides to leave, Plec gives her an awful ending.
Hope goes against gods THATS a big deal but there were no major fight scenes, never a big blast of the first witch Michaelson power, AND NOTHING to do with her wolf side. Like you’re telling me that Hope is not going to fuck up a god with her claws or AT LEAST threaten it. Her bite is venomous to vampires and even if it wouldn’t poison a god, if she bit him with her fangs that would still hurt. I like that Hope and Lizzie were a team but it was very out of character for there to even be an opportunity for Aurora to sacrifice herself for Hope.
WHEN would Klaus’s daughter lose her confidence, HOW would Hayley’s daughter not fight back like wtf
**honorable mentions: Hayley should have been brought up a lot more. We know Hope has daddy issues but girl should also have mommy issues and they’re not addressed at all**Hope had her childhood with Hayley before the school and when she was still alive she was an active parent for the school SO WHAT HAPPENED to the influence Hayley had on her**
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fandoms--fluff · 3 months
Crushing Hard
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Hybrid female reader x Hope Mikaelson (+mikaelson family & caroline)
Summary: Hope has a massive crush on you, a girl who basically nobody knows anything about. And her family comes for a surprise visit, yay.
Warnings: swearing
Hope has been a little obsessed with you, she admits it. She can't help but be attracted to you, you're crazy hot, not afraid to speak what you think, and your personality is amazing. And has she mentioned how drop-dead gorgeous you are?
The only setback is that you hate the school and basically everyone in it.
"You're drooling" Josie whispers into her ear. Hope snaps out of it, and brings a hand up to the corner of her mouth to find out it's completely dry. She rolls her eyes and looks up at Josie, frowning.
"Oh, you're crushing hard. Sorry for interrupting your daydream, but I'm pretty sure your family is here," Josie tells her, looking between Hope and some of her family.
"There are a bunch of newer kids this year, but still a lot of the older ones. I try to make the environment around here fully positive and happy." Caroline explains to the family. An amused snort comes from the couch a couple feet away.
"And you don't ever take a break" You glare at her. All their heads turn towards you. "This is y/n, one of the older students. I believe she came here a couple months before Hope did." Caroline sighs.
"You must be delusional because I did not come here willingly. You forced me. And still force me to be here every fucking day of the year" You stand up, crossing your arms, fury evident in your tons and stance.
"Werewolf?" Kol's the next one to speak. "I don't know, what do you think?" You snap at him before turning back to Caroline. "And that's the other thing, I've been here for how many years, and no one still knows what I am"
"You won't tell us" Caroline points out.
"Well, I would think considering you're apparently an expert on supernatural beings, and run a damn school for them, that you or anyone here would be able to tell like that" You snap your fingers at the end.
Klaus steps forward, not liking the way you've been talking to Caroline. "Oh, don't even start" You roll your eyes before he can get a word out.
"What?" Hope snaps her attention to her friend before looking in the direction Josie was a moment ago. To her surprise, her Dad, Mom, Auntie Rebekah, Uncle Kol, and Uncle Elijah are standing across the room, chatting with the headmistress, Caroline and you?
Oh no, Hope thinks to herself before getting out of her seat and quickly walking toward the group with Josie right behind her.
"Dad! What are you guys doing here?" Hope goes up to her father. "We came here for a surprise visit, but caught up in the wonderland tour," Kol told his niece, glancing at Caroline then at you.
You still have your arms crossed, leaning most of your weight on your right leg, making your left hip slightly pop out a bit more than the other.
Hope tries to keep her eyes off of you, not wanting her family or you to notice.
"Oh, nothing. Having a splendid fucking time!" You tell her in a fake cheery voice. You start walking away, "I like your shoes" you tell Rebekah before walking out of the room, your high heels clicking strongly as you do.
"She's mean..but sweet? I don't know" Caroline shakes her head. "She's like Katherine. I like her" Kol answers, smirking.
"Kol." Elijah says sternly to his little brother as Klaus galres at him.
Hope just stares at the ground, not wanting anyone to notice the flush that appeared on her face. "You okay Sweetie?" Her Mom asks. "Mhm. Uh I'm glad that you guys are here, but Josie and I have to finish a project. I'll, uh, catch up with you later" Hope tells them quickly before practically dragging Josie out of the room with her.
"What was that?" Josie asks her as Hope paces around Josie's room. Lizzie is planning a dance somewhere outside with a huge binder.
"I don't know, but now im pretty sure my family kost likely doesn't like Y/n. And if somehow my delusional relationship with her actually freaking happens then there's no point becuase there's a big chance my dad will get protective and ban her or kill her or something. Wait can she even die? I don't know, there's no way she can't die, right? Oh that would suck I'd she died before I can even make a move, or who am I kidding there's no way that's gonna happen. She probably hates me anyways. God, I'm so pathetic" Hope rants to her best friend.
"Okay, okay, calm down. You're not pathetic. You're just overthinking this way too much. There's no way Y/n hates you, I don't believe she does" Josie places her hands on Hope's shoulders, making her stop moving around.
Hope let's out a breath she didn't know she was holding in, then sighs, "I'm sorry."
"Nothing to be sorry for" Josie smiles.
You walk into the dining hall, only to be met with the same group of people. "Fucking great" you practically growl, rolling your eyes. You go over to the table lined with food and grabbed a piece of garlic bread.
As you're about to take a bite of it, a voice sounds. "Are you sure you're supposed to be eating that? It says no one is to touch the food" Elijah nods to the sign standing before the long table of food.
You glance at it then shrug, "Well too bad, I'm hungry and they don't exactly have any blood beside from fucking Thumper and Bambi" you take a bite of the garlic bread.
"So you're a vampire" Rebekah says. You twitch your eyebrow up, a smirk playing at your lips.
"Depends how you perceive it" you walk over to them, your eyes turning yellow and veins appearing under your eyes.
"A hybrid" Hayley's eyes widened a bit. "Did Hope turn you?" Klaus asks, not remembering himself ever turning you.
"Seriously? You think I'd let a girl who has a crush on me, sire me? I don't think so" you cross your arms.
"Crush?" Kol asks, knowing Hope has only told him about her crush on you. He wonders how you found out, cause there's no way his neice would've told you. Especially considering the interaction earlier today.
"Not that hard to figure out. Especially when her eyes are always on me, not the chalkboard in class" you cross your arms. "Oh, and Katherine was basically my sister, so that was a compliment back there" you smirk.
"Wait, if you're that old, what are you doing here?" Hayley asks.
"Well I'm pretty sure then Caroline would hate me more than she already does, then tell Damon and he would try to kill me, but it would end up with his head cut off his body and then Elena and everyone, and personally I don't have any fucking time or want for that. Though Damon being dead would be a bonus. So mind as well make some people, aka, Caroline miserable for a bit" you pop the rest of the garlic bread in your mouth.
"What? You still have that sappy crush on her?" You tease Klaus.
You turn around and walk out of the room. As you turn the corner, you run into Hope. She looks if you had a word, sheepish.
You sigh, realizing it, "You've been here the whole time, haven't ya?" You crossed your arms.
"Uh, yeah. Sorry," She turned before walking as fast as she could away from you. She had come down here to find her family, and instead heard you talking to them again and couldn't help but eavesdrop on the conversation.
She can't believe she's been so stupid. There's no way she's ever had any chance with you. And your acknowledging about her crush on you was just the cherry on top. She wishes she was anywhere but here now.
You look up, quietly groaning, not wanting her to find out like that. Both your age (well, sort of) and the knowledge of her crush.
You vamp in front of her in a split time of two seconds. "Look, I get it, I'm just some stupid girl who has a crush on a girl or woman I don't know! who's way out of my league. No need to rub it in my face!" She exclaims, trying not to let any tears cloud her vision.
"Hey! You're not some stupid girl, okay?" You tell her before she tries to walk away from you again. She lets out a harsh breath before looking up at you from the ground.
"And I'm not trying to rub anything in your face. Yes, I know you have a crush on me, but I don't want you to think anything bad about that. I'd never use it against you or make fun of you for it, or whatever you think I may do." You run your hands through your hair to keep it out of your face.
"And I've never thought about you in that way before, but I can say that I don't hate you as much as everyone else here," She snaps her gaze from the wall to your face, not expecting that. To have that said to her from you is basically like a simple 'I love you' to someone a person may have known for a while. It's also a really big compliment coming from you.
"So there's that" You walk closer to her before pressing a kiss on her cheek. You walk away, up the stairs to your room as Hope stands there frozen. That's one of the best solutions that could have happened at the moment, and she's practically screaming with joy on the inside.
She brings a hand up to the cheek you kissed and gently grazes her finger against the spot.
Her family then also comes down the hallway and up to her. "What happened, Sweetie?" Her mom asks, noticing her reddened face.
"Oh, n-nothing," She tells her, trying her best to hold back the grin that she has on the inside.
Kol looks from her hand placement and reddened face to her excited stance, putting two and two together. He catches her eye and smirks before mouthing 'good luck'.
That just makes her blush more than she already is if that's even possible.
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hyperactivewhore · 1 year
I'm never, ever, getting over the fact that they brought Klaroline back for the last season of The Originals, especially the way they did.
The way Klaus was showing her New Orleans and was spending time with Care the same day he was gonna die was just so ooc, both for him and her. That man loved his family, he was obssesed with them, and absolutely doted on his daughter, literally the most important thing/person in his life, and the fact that instead of being with her and his siblings on his last moments he chose to fuck around with his one night stand it's literally the biggest form of fan service (especially considering they brought Candice because I think the viewers were getting low).
I wouldn't have minded them if they decided to stay as friends, because that's what their whole dynamic in TO suggested (he was literally thinking of Cami, and she still had Stefan's ring), because I actually liked them that way; they both madurated (Klaus in his own way, but still) but then the writers decided to turn around, have them kiss and have Caroline say she will never forget him when she literally said she never felt safe with him.
It's not Klaroline (or the shippers) I have a problem with, it’s the fact that the writers were so adamant in shoving them down our throats.
Again, if Klaus somehow survived and let Elijah kill himself in order to contain The Hollow (which is so unlikely, Klaus would not just let his brother die and we all know it), and Klaroline was made endgame, it’s the way they should have been made endgame, and it's certainly not the way the show handled them. And I doubt they had stayed long as a couple, Rebekah hated her and I doubt Caroline would have been able to support the Mikaelson lifestyle (and tbh I don't think Kol or either Freya would have liked her, but that's my opinion).
And don't even let me get started on the fact that while Hayley was kidnapped they were fucking flirting (soo ooc, again).
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klayleyism · 10 months
"wdym Klaus cared more about Hayley than he did Hope🤬🤬"
Idk maybe because he literally almost got Hayley AND his baby killed because he was jealous she's growing closer to Elijah??
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andreal831 · 1 month
Let me get this straight, in TVDU:
We blame amnesic Elijah, who erased his memories seven years before Hayley's death, for Hayley's death when he didn't even know who she was and didn't actually kill her.
But we don't blame Kol for Davina's death when he was the one that actually drained her of blood because the ancestors were controlling him.
And we don't blame Freya for torturing and kidnapping Keelin because she did it for family.
And we don't blame Klaus for nearly killing Caroline twice because it was romantic when he saved her from his own venom.
And we don't blame Klaus for nearly strangling Hayley to death because he was just scared of being a father.
Just wanted to make sure I understood where the fandom stands on this.
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crazychicke · 7 months
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ella10pythonissam · 2 years
Part 2 of "Pieces: The Scream":
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Pieces: The Fight, by Alexis_lupus567 on AO3
Pieces, chapter 2/part 2 - Pieces: The Fight, by Alexis.CursedMoon on fanfiction.net
Summary: They can't wait any longer, if they wait any longer it will be too late. They have to act now, they have to run now, or next vacation they might not be able to look each other in the eye again. Klaus, Katherine, Caroline, Marcel, Damon, Stefan and Hayley decide to run away together, but things are not that simple.
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hollowed-hallowed · 2 years
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AU-gust Day 17: Annoying Neighbor
“Having perfected our disguise, we spend our lives searching for someone we don’t fool.” ―Robert Brault  
As the last weapon able to destroy their new and dangerous neighbors, Bonnie’s mother cashes in a favor with Carol Lockwood and sends Bonnie into hiding with Tyler. While she works with her childhood friend to help break his sirebond, Bonnie forms an intimate bond with a werewolf named Hayley.
Hearts fall hard, but secrets fall harder.
Forced back to Mystic Falls, the witch, the werewolf, and the hybrid do their best to secretly unsire the other hybrids and get the upper hand against the Mikaelsons. But not without keeping secrets from each other. As Hayley begins to doubt which side she’s on, her past intentions are exposed, forcing Bonnie to make a decision between the two halves of her heart ― the one that wants to protect her friends and the other that wants to love selfishly for once.
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cursedbcrn · 1 year
HAYLEY MARSHALL ( @fightforbetter ) asked for ﹟  recovering together﹕ sender  &  receiver  recover  from  a  bad  experience 
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The thing they don't tell you about immortality is how... long it lasts. Maybe such a thing shouldn't have been so surprising to Hope but she supposes it's different because she's never thought she would have to live without her mother.
She's never thought she would have to do it twice.
Both times were brought about by her own hand too, and maybe this is just the universe's way of telling her that she never deserved the goodness that was in Hayley Marshall-Kenner. That no matter what, her father's monstrous temper that people always believed was inherent in her, could never be fully tempered by the fiery pragmatism of her mother even though it was Hayley who raised her and left her indelible mark on Hope.
So she gives Hayley the space she asks for, watching from afar with the occasional comment from Marcel or other members of their family. No one comforts Hope or tries to reassure her, not that she would have listened to them had they tried in the first place. She doesn't know what they tell Hayley, if Hayley even asks about her eldest daughter.
Because that's a new thing she's heard about through the grapevine. Hayley had taken in another child, a werewolf orphan. A replacement. She disappears for three years after hearing about that, and when she re-emerges to the public life, Freya makes her swear that she'll never do that again, not without telling someone. Hope wants to ask whether it was because they were afraid she had died or whether they were afraid she flipped her humanity again, but the question sticks in her throat. She never does know for certain, but she imagines it's a little bit of both. She doesn't have the heart to tell them she spent most of it in a self-imposed dessicated state because Hope still hasn't quite learned how not to run away from the things that hurt her.
She settles in California, letting the salt and sand act as a balm to her wounds. It's easy enough to buy a house on the beach, secluded enough that no one bothers her (or worries about her immortal age), but close enough to a major metropolitan area so she can hunt easily. Hope spends her days walking along the beach or setting up her easel to paint another sunset. She finds a new life, one completely divorced from her former one, with no ties to her family, other than Kol and Davina halfway across the state. And no one understands better than her Uncle Kol the need for some distance.
Immortality both drags on and goes by in a flash, one of those paradoxes that doesn't make sense, probably spurred on by the imbalance of nature that it occupies. Thirty years go by in the blink of an eye and Hope realizes she's not had a mother in her life longer than she had one. It's a brief moment of selfishness that has her sending the letter to Hayley, the first she actually puts stamps on and drops into the mailbox, but not the first she's written. There's a room in her spartan house, dedicated to the letters she has written to Hayley, to Klaus, to Freya, Josie, MG, Cleo, and the handful of others who have remained important over the years. It's equal parts therapy and catharsis, and she understands why her father kept journals. A few have been sent back and forth over the years, but never once to Hayley.
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She doesn't expect Hayley to answer and she doesn't know what compels her to keep sending her letters after she doesn't hear back from the first one, but she does. Nothing heavy, but small updates on her life, trying to let her know that despite everything, she's somewhat okay. In case she was curious. When a month goes by without hearing back, Hope is ready to give up again, the rejection searing enough to make her walls fly back up sturdier than ever. If her own mother can't love her, then what hope, no pun intended, did she have for anyone else managing to do that?
Two days later, a letter arrives. A week later, she's flying back to New Orleans for the first time in decades.
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