#“I need someone to be my friend. Someone who won't run away. Maybe send me an angel! The nicest angel you have.”
blithesharem · 8 months
diavolo 🌠 !
The day that Diavolo fell in love it was raining.
The morning had begun gray, a slow drizzle, but by mid-day it had crashed into a proper storm. Barbatos had been caught several times staring out the window, watching the wind tear through the gardens and the water create rivers over the pathways. Diavolo had asked the demon if he was worried for his flowers, but Barbatos had only give him a thin smile and offered him a fresh pot of tea.
Eventually the prince made his way back to his office to continue working through the stack of his father’s paperwork. No. His paperwork. He was still adjusting to thinking of it that way, to taking ownership over the decisions he made every day. No longer would he have his father’s shadow to fall back on. No longer would he have his father’s shadow oppressing him.
While Diavolo mused over those two thoughts, the storm continued. It seemed like it was demanding something from him, he thought with mild amusement, like it wanted his attention.
“Not now, storm, Barbatos will scold me if I don’t get these finished,” he tried to jest aloud, but his voice fell flat in the empty room. And anyway, his butler was far too distracted today to pay him much thought.
‘Perhaps,’ Diavolo then thought, setting down his pen and giving a stretch, ‘A walk will do me some good.’
And so on the day that Diavolo fell in love he went on a walk in the rain.
Of course, he took an umbrella. He wasn’t a barbarian. Still, it made him feel a bit wild to be strolling through the castle grounds in the rain. His father would never have allowed such behavior, and Diavolo suspected Barbatos might have something to say if he was caught as well. But for now, he was as free as a prince could get in his gilded cage.
“Well, here I am, storm,” he said pleasantly, smiling when a rumble of thunder answered him, “Yes, thank you, I must agree.” He chuckled to himself, shaking his head. Perhaps he was a bit lonely, he had to admit. Demon princes probably shouldn’t be talking to themselves in the rain.
He was about to turn around and return inside with a sudden light caught his eyes. Anticipating a score of lightning, Diavolo stopped and lifted his eyes to the boiling clouds in the sky. There, tearing across the grey, was not lightning but a shooting star.
A chill ran down Diavolo’s spine, a feeling he felt rarely enough to note it. A shooting star midday?
He had better make a very special wish.
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butters-flower-mom · 3 months
Pepper is Lilo and Butters is Stitch.
Cute little guy who's been made to feel like his only purpose in life is to destroy and be evil and can never change that and therefore can never be loved.
Sad, lonely girl who loves him anyway and they become something in between friends and family to each other.
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mamoru-chiba-ua · 1 year
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"It's me again. I need someone to be my friend. Someone who won't run away. Maybe send me an angel! The nicest angel you have..." ©
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done-with-the-shit · 1 year
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Lots of love~
Karma Akabane x Reader
Anime: Assassination Classroom
Characters: Karma Akabane
Note: GN!Reader
You sat quietly on the porch of Karma's house. You'd tried knocking on the door, but no one answered. You'd also tried texting Karma to ask where he was, but so far you'd received no reply.
'Where is he?' you wondered.
Earlier that day Karma had called you and invited you over to cuddle and watch movies.
"I've got snacks, blankets, and some of the most horrific movies I could find!" Karma had said.
"A horror movie marathon?" You had smiled at the suggestion, "We haven't had one of those in ages!"
"Yep, it's been too long." Karma had agreed, "Meet me at my house at 4:45 this afternoon. sound good?"
You had agreed to the plan enthusiastically, but now it was past 5:00 pm and Karma had yet to arrive.
'He... He probably had to go to the store or something before we met up and he's on his way back now!' you tried to reason to yourself.
But as more and more time passed, the you became more and more worried abour where your boyfriend could be.
You checked the time on your phone. 'It's almost 5:25 and he still hasn't replied. Maybe I should see if I can find him. But where should I look? I don't know where he is.. Maybe I should just head home? But what if Karma is hurt? Or, what if..'
You paused as a thought came to your mind. 'What if he isn't hurt or on his way back at all? What if Karma wasn't responding to me for a different reason..?'
"What if.. he just doesn't want to see me?" you said quietly as you looked at the ground.
You shook your head, trying to forget about that thought. Even though you and Karma were dating, your self-consciousness still affected you when you thought about your relationship with the confident redhead. You still found it hard to believe that someone as amazing as Karma would be interested in being friends with someone like you, let alone date them.
'No, no I shouldn't think about that!' you internally scolded yourself, 'Why would Karma invite me over today if he didn't want to see me..? If he changed his mind about this movie night he would have told me wouldn't he? He wouldn't just leave me on his porch until I got tired of waiting and left.. Right?'
You shook your head, 'No, of course that's right? He's just running late is all. I don't know where he would have needed to go before our meet up, but he's late coming back from there...'
You frowned as you contemplated whether it would be better to continue waiting for your boyfriend to arrive or to go home. It was late autumn so the sun would be setting soon and it was dangerous to stay out after sunset. Not to mention Karma still hadn't answered your texts...
'I think I should go home..' you decided, standing up off of the porch steps. 'I should text Karma and let him know I'm leaving! Actually, if he hasn't seen my texts by now he probably won't see them if I send another... I think I have my notebook with me, maybe I can leave a note instead? We'll just have to meet up again some other ti-'
You were reaching for your pocket to grab your notebook when the sound of your nickname being spoken made you freeze. But the only person who called you that was...
You looked up and sure enough, Karma was standing a few feet away on the pathway leading to the front porch. In an instant you smiled and ran over to greet your boyfriend.
"Hey Karma! What took you so...?" you trailed off as you realized something as Karma didn't seem to notice as he started talking, "Yeah, sorry for the wait. I ran into a bit of.. trouble on the way home." Karma explained.
You fell silent as you looked Karma over. He seemed normal for the most part, but you couldn't help feeling like something about him was... Off. Then you saw a small cut on the side of Karma's face, almost hidden by his hair.
Your eyes widened. "You're hurt!"
"Oh, it's nothing," Karma shrugged, surprised that you noticed so quickly.
"It is not nothing!" you argued, taking Karma's hand in yours, "Come on, let's go inside and I'll get you a bandage."
Karma wanted to assure you that he was fine, but he was too startled by his lover's insistence to do anything except hand you his house key. You took the key and led Karma inside by the hand, sitting him on the couch before running to the bathroom to search for a first aid kit. You returned a minute or so later with the kit and sat down next to Karma, but before you could do anything else Karma spoke "Y/N.. I appreciate your concern, but I'm fi-"
"No you aren't, you're bleeding!" you argued as you carefully moved Karma's hair away from the cut. "Now hold still."
Karma sighed a bit and held still while you pulled a bandage out of the first aid kit and put it over the cut. Once you'd put the bandage on, Karma moved back with a wince. You frowned, more worried than ever, "Karma, where else are you hurt?"
"Nowhere." he tried to argue.
You frowned, clearly unconvinced. The redhead looked away without saying anything. You only became more worried when your boyfriend wouldn't tell where he was hurt. You put a hand on Karma's shoulder as the taller male winced again.
"Karma, will you please tell me where you're hurt?" you asked.
Karma frowned, but turned toward you and pointed to his chest. Somewhat hesitantly, you reached over and unbuttoned Karma's shirt. The red haired teen looked away as you removed his shirt.
As you finished unbuttoning his shirt you gasp.. There were already bruises beginning to form on Karma's chest and stomach as well as on his right shoulder. The male with amber eyes noticed his lover's shock and tried to laugh his injuries off.
"See? I'm fine. Ha ha! Ow. "Karma trailed off with a slight wince.
You grabbed Karma's upper arms trying to avoid his injured shoulder and glared at him. "Why weren't you going to tell me about this?"
The redhead frowned again and looked at you quietly. You just sighed and got to work fixing up Karma's torso.
"Did you get into a fight on the way home?" you asked as you took care of the worst forming bruises.
Karma nodded, "Yeah, I-Ow!"
"Sorry." you apologized, "Please continue."
There wasn't much you could do about the bruises other than clean the area and wrap Karma's chest with bandages. You knew keeping ice on the bruises could also help, but you didn't have an ice pack on hand. So for the moment you just did the best you could to treat the injuries while Karma began his story.
"I decided to stop by the store to pick up some snacks for us before you came over, but on my way back a kid in B-Class stopped me. As it turns out, he was a friend of an A-Class kid I beat up a while ago and he wanted revenge... I figured I could beat him pretty easily so I decided to humor him, maybe let him get a few good hits in on me if I was feeling nice! Thing is, the bastard didn't tell me he'd brought some friends with him.." Karma paused for a moment before he continued with a sigh, "He led me into an alley far enough off of the main road for no one to see us and four other people our age jumped me. I fought them off... but not before they could pull their punches, as you can see!"
You nodded, "I see.. That explains the bruising, but what about the cut on your face?"
"Oh, one of them had a knife.", Karma said.
"Ow! Geez, be carefull!"
You frowned. "I'm sorry, but you shouldn't be so calm about that. You could've lost an eye or something!"
"Sorry mom," Karma teased.
You laughed softly, "I guess I do sound like a parent, but I'm being serious! If one of them brought a knife, chances are they weren't just planning to rough you up."
"Are you suggesting they were trying to kill me?"
"It's possible.." you grabbed the bandage wrap and began wrapping it around the bruised areas. "You need to be careful about stuff like that. You're definitely a good fighter.. but you should be more aware of your health before and after fights! I don't know what I'd do if anything bad happened to you.."
You were so focused on finishing treating Karma's wounds that you didn't notice that Karma had gone silent until you were done. You put Karma's shirt back on and rebuttoned it while you gave your boyfriend a concerned look. "Karma, are you okay?"
Karma smiled, "You really care about me, don't you?"
You nodded slightly confused by the sudden question, "Of course I care about you! I love you."
Karma's face turned light pink, but still he smiled and pulled you into a hug.
You were still confused, but you hugged him back anyway, "Karma?"
"Sorry for the sudden hug. It's just... It's been a while since anyone cares about me this much. I'm not sure what to do or say.."
You smiled and moved back enough to see Karma without ending the hug. "You don't have to say anything Karma. But if you want to say something, just say you love me." Karma looked down at you, meeting your eyes and smiling softly. "Y/N, I love you!"
Those simple yet heartfelt words resonated with you and the only way you could think to repay your boyfriend was with a kiss.
When the kiss ended, the two of you cuddled up to each other on the couch, you were careful not to put any pressure on the bruises as you rested your head on Karma's left shoulder, while Karma put his arm around you squeezing you.
"Let's watch those movies later." Karma suggested.
You nodded in agreement, snuggling against your lover while being careful not to injure him further.
'I think I'm starting to understand..' you thought as you gazed up at your boyfriend, 'I'm new to relationships like this so most of the time I'm not sure what to do, but.. I think I need to take my time and let Karma know how much I care about him!'
Meanehile the redhead rested against you comfortably, "Y/N, you're really something special!" you smiled up at Karma. "I know."
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wongyuuu · 2 months
seventeen as songs from eternal sunshine (ag)
a/n: like usual, i'll be giving songs and lyrics to each of the members, as well as small plots based on those lyrics. i don't plan to write all of these, but they are still my ideas (as basic as some of them might be). so if you are interested in writing one of them, you can message me about it. if you want to read one of them you can send in as ask or dm and i'll add it to my writing list
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• Seungcheol ➝ true story But I'll play whatever part you need me to And I'll be good in it, too ↳ seungcheol was willing to do anything for you, even if it meant destroying himself
• Jeonghan ➝ saturn returns Aha, it's time for you to get real about life and sort out who you really are  ↳ Jeonghan always thought that life would be easier if he just stayed as he was, unmoving. Turns out that there was more to life than just that
• Joshua ➝ we can’t be friends We can't be friends But I'd like to just pretend ↳ you and joshua always traveled through the same friend groups but you were never really close to one another, mostly because you might have carried a crush on him for years. but when joshua suddenly decides that he wants to be friends, you don’t have it in you to say no
• Jun ➝ end of the world Wonder if he’s thinkin’ ‘bout it too and smiling Wonder if he knows that that’s been what's inspirin’ me Wonder if he’s judging me like I am right now ↳ after a first date that went beyond expectations, you couldn't help but wonder if jun too felt those same butterflies when he thought about you
• Soonyoung ➝ eternal sunshine I found a good boy and he’s on my side You’re just my eternal sunshine, sunshine ↳ even after months after your break up, after you met someone new, you can’t help but think back to your relationship with soonyoung, and how you're sure you’ll never truly be able to move on from him, after all he was still your eternal sunshine
• Wonwoo ➝ i wish i hated you our shadow dance in a parallel plane Just two different endings ↳ looking from the outside, you and wonwoo are the same, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. in fact, you couldn't be further away from each other
• Jihoon ➝ Don’t Wanna Break Up Again This situationship has to end But I just can't refuse I don't wanna break up again  ↳ you know you have to get away from jihoon, but whenever he calls you’re ready to run toward him, even if it means breaking your own heart in the process
• Mingyu ➝ bye Didn't think you'd lose me Now it's just too late to choose me ↳ you’re tired of always being the second choice for Mingyu, maybe it’s time for you to become your first option 
• Seokmin ➝ supernatural This love's possessin' me, but I don't mind at all It's taking over me, don't wanna fight the fall ↳ you knew that you were falling way too deep for seokmin, but there was no way you’d ever try to catch yourself before you hit the ground
• Vernon ➝ yes, and? Now, I’m so done with caring What you think, no, I won't hide Underneath your projections Or change my most authentic life ↳ throughout all of his life, vernon heard about how uncommon and weird his interests were, so in order to fit in more easily, he did his best to hide the odd away, but he was done doing that, especially when all it did was keep you away from him. 
• Seungkwan ➝ ordinary things It’s funny, but it's true There's never going to be an ordinary thing As long as I'm with you ↳ life with Seungkwan was always extraordinary, he made sure of that
• Chan ➝ the boy is mine Promise you I'm not usually Like this, shit, it's like news to me, to me But I can't ignore my heart, boy ↳ you had always been chill and your relationship with had never been labeled, so at times it was hard to pinpoint where you stood, but one day, at a particular party, when a particular girl showed up, you couldn't help but be jealous
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onmyyan · 3 months
hello, i LOVE your writing and style and i took a social media break and came back and HOLY SHIT what a time to be alive
i got to thinking about your guys and i do love a reluctant darling, so ignore this if it makes you uncomfortable, so sorry if it does. but the guys doing the absolute m o s t to get this girl to like them. someone who maybe got a couple of rough exes and either knows what to look for and isn't looking for love. and the boys are just like :) oh :) to bad 💐 for you. they get her heart racing and she's a little nervous about it. shes got a mouth on her and aren't afraid to pop off on a rant about how she knows what they are (she doesn't)
Marcos? psh you'll cheat and laugh about it with your friends at some party. you think you can get away with it just cuz you're good looking? go find another person to piss off. and he's all like ☺️you think i'm hot😊😚 love the idea of her being a snarky bar tender at his favorite bar and they have a will they won't they sitcommy type relationship
manny? just buy the book and leave, girlies on the clock, no she doesn't care how good he looks on the motor cycle. totally not. definitely, definitely not. she doesn't worry when he goes really fast on it, it doesn't make her scared. girls just trying to get paid and get peace.
ricky? oh big strong man trying to boss her around? she doesn't need all that. she sees through that tough exterior and her rbf is worse than his. but it ain't resting. she's just loving life with her friends (who aren't as available anymore?? i wonder why??) and she doesn't care when he runs his fingers through his hair. she doesn't want to do that. she'll get her car fixed there- sure- but she won't like it.
gabe? sure he seems fun but ultimately she views him like a movie sequel, seems fun until about halfway through when you see it's the same plot as last time. no way is she falling for that old trick again. yeah he's nice, and and he helps her with groceries when he sees her walking with all those bags. bare minimum raise it, gabriel.
caspian? when's that other shoe drop? when does the sweet charming teddy bear end? (never)and yeah his pastries are delicious. and he's nice. and smells like cookies. and- oh fuck she's in love, better avoid him but SOMEHOW the man is everywhere. doesn't matter. she needs a night in, and yeah she misses him when she's in her place alone. little does she know how close he is. she won't be lonely anymore ☺️
ashley? she can fix up her own house, thank you very much. she's not interested in some old fashion cowboy and his old fashion values. or his arms. or the way he checks in on her, making sure she's settled in ok, finding her way around town, if she's eating alright and if she needs anything and woah- what's wrong with this door? he'll fix it and no. he doesn't want money. she doesn't owe him anything but, if she wants to grab a drink she's always welcome to join him. she won't be thinking about what would've happened if she took him up on that late that night. or how she made fun of his accent.
diego? WHY is there chickens on her door, and WHY is it w o r k i n g? and where is the shirt she was wearing yesterday? it's laundry day. feral fella makes sure everything's going alright and she's got everything she needs. she doesn't want some man following her around like an over grown puppy. or does she?
imagine them giving her they're number and getting a drunk text like
"you don't suck anymore ❤️" and they go feral
anyways hope you like that and are having a good day/night. i do wonder if any of them kidnap darling like in sharing is caring (my guess is ricky, ash, and manny in no particular order) and how they'd deal with a darling like this. have a wonderful day/night.
This is amazing and made me smile like a fool the whole time I read it!! Like wowiewowie you totally nailed the characterization of the guys and I love how sweet and nervous the reader is about this seemingly perfect dude ugh thank you for sending this baby in I adore it
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luvring · 5 months
Monster mhin headcannons???? Or just mhin headcannons in general I've been starving with the lack of mhin content lately
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gn!reader | mhin time! :3 i'm going to let the knowledgeable and big brained people mostly take care of monster mhin bc I fear a girl like me is silly and less capable...
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as for my limited monster thoughts it'd be nice if their first transformation was done to protect you rather than an involuntary thing and letting it act as a symbol for your growing relationship. but Who Knows at this point
i assume there's some level of lost conscience when they transform So if there's a scene where some part of them refrains from hurting you I Will Start Eating Tree Bark.
Oh...and a scene where they've transformed back and you try to help them...them flinching and confused (though their voice comes out angry? frustrated? at first) about why you haven't run away....letting you cover them and bandage their injuries... 😵‍💫
moving on. they're on the verge of if not threatening people when it comes to co-op games like pico park or heave ho, especially if they're playing with people like vere and ais. no one's ever heard them speak this much someone needs to get them out of there
window seat enjoyer :-)
secretly enjoys when you send posts that remind you of them. the first few times they're like ? what do i do with this. but learn to appreciate it even if they don't actually reply in chat (sometimes if you're like "this is u" and it's Too accurate mhin's like Can you stop no it isn't (yes it is))
"when you're complaining about someone and your best friend is meaner" or however that trend goes. that's them. very direct with saying that person sounds like shit and you should stop talking to them
mhin may not like big, loud festivals, but i think they'd enjoy celebrating things with you alone ^^ maybe eating their favourite dish (tang yuan?)....it'd mean a lot to have someone to share with again
also!! having it for the first time and them mentioning their family and the last time they had it with people... the intimacy of it all...
and !! they reciprocate it!! they do!! they take note of any festivities you say you like, especially one that you wish you could celebrate or haven't in a long time. whether it's cultural, your birthday, your pet's birthday—mhin plans something for you and 'offers' to spend time together that day if you'd like. 'offers' as in shows up and mentions they'll be free some time in the conversation
^ more for the beginning of a relationship (platonic or romantic)... it'll take time, they'd be more direct eventually!
they care for you quietly and by...noticing. folding your laundry and putting it away when they know you're busy. picking up your favourite snacks when they notice you're running out. automatically getting ready to catch you or pull you back when the time calls for it. watching you from across the room at a party and noting where you are and how long you've been gone. that kind of deal
mhin's wary and off-put by being spoiled, but if you're stubborn enough, you'll find them using whatever you got pretty regularly. for example they'll tell you they don't Need a new softer comfier blanket, theirs is Fine, but then the one you buy is the only one they ever want to use. they will pretend like it isn't a big deal if you try to tease them about it
they don't like reading things online and would rather have a physical book. not that i'm projecting or anything of course. they take care of them too and don't lend them to just anybody
i think mhin has actual bookmarks, or would at least like them. they might also use a receipt to mark their page but won't fold the corners...
they always put books back where they found them at the library/book store. if they find one in the wrong section, they'll put it in the right place themself
they can get upset, but don't cry super easily, but that's mostly because they've gotten used to suppressing their emotions. they do their best to channel it into anger instead
mhin isolating themself when they're upset,, conflicted over wanting to be happy and letting themself drown in the sadness. but in the end they hope and survive and will continue to do so
hmm... keeps information of their family and history close to them, but at some point i do think they'd (bittersweetly) share stories with quiet fondness
mhin seems like a silver jewelry kind of person but i just think they'd look really nice with gold earrings while pushing their hair behind their ear...
they see You in formal attire for the first time and keep trying to glance at you the entire night btw. they might not take initiative to compliment you, but if you ask if you look alright, they'll say yes you look nice
...? likes earphones more than headphones. can't tell you why i feel this way
light sleeper. i think. they always know when you can't sleep and they'll stay up with you. if you say you'll go sleep somewhere else so you don't bother them, they're like ..? no.
...affectionate mhin....NOOOOO... it takes so long for them to reach that point it's literally like when a cat finally trusts you and lies next to you/on your lap You Cannot Move Now. You're both obligated to stay here and don't Want to do Anything else.
like imagine cuddling them and they hug you back and their grip tightens in their sleep when you shift around. mhin burying their face into your neck and taking a deep breath. please
if you're an introvert and you both finally get home after a long day out, it's just like. Thank god. and i think they'd understand if you'd rather spend time alone to recover ^^ but depending on the crowd there will be a gossip/complaint session at some point
mhin is one of the top LI's for me when it comes to scenes of like, fixing their collar/clothes. the intimacy of them clasping your necklace, the tension and bated breath because you've never been this close. the surprise on their face when you reach to fix their hood etc.
they enjoy sneaking up on you. they end up in some corner of the room and while you're scanning the crowd to look for them, they suddenly speak from behind you. there's a hint of an amused smile when you jump
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@semifilms @mitskiologist @sweet-milky-tea705 hiii
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sleepingnova · 4 months
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Pairing: Ray x fem! black! reader
Summary: it's the summer of 1996, and Los Angeles is all the rage. Living life and maybe, you'll have some friends to enjoy the ride of life with.
I have such a brainrot for this movie omg I love this movie, it's so good. I actually wanna get back into writing fr, so send asks guys !!
As always, likes and reblog are appreciated, mwah mwah mwah <3
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Working at the local corner store, it's always some sort of racket outside. Loud chattering every day. Yelling and screaming from the store manager for whoever's outside to get away.
“man come on, we ain't even doing nothing for real! we just chillin’!” someone's voice rings out from outside, followed by the store manager. Rolling your eyes, you walk out, seeing your manager walking away and down the street.
“fuck. shit, what the fuck is his problem?” a curly haired boy rings out, drinking from what looked like a jug of water.
“sorry about him. he's just not used to a bunch of noise everyday. neither am I, to be honest.” your voice rings out, honey sweet and kind.
“damn, you kinda fine. you wanna see sumn?” the same boy rings out, his eyes hooded.
“fuckshit, shut up. damn. you'll have to excuse my friend here.” a black boy politely says, looking you up and down respectfully.
“wow, you are really pretty. I— woah!” a younger boy says, tripping over your skateboard. you act quick, catching him and helping him back up.
“Be careful sunburn. who the hell puts a random skateboard in the middle of the sidewalk anyway, right? I mean, just dumb,” the dark-skinned boy looks at you, a little dazed at your beauty. “ray. I-I’m Ray, nice to meet you.”
You smile, as a car comes up to you, catcalling you, telling you to ‘bring that ass here’.
“Yo, you know that fool?” Ray looks back and forth from you and the car.
“Yeah, he's my ex boyfriend. Won't leave me alone.” You smile at him, the car getting closer, the profanities getting more and more grotesque. “guess I should get going. I'll, uh.. see you around, Ray, right?” You pick up the skateboard, starting to walk as you walk away.
“Yeah. Wait, yo, what's ya name?” Ray yells down the sidewalk as you start to run, hopping on your skateboard in the distance.
“It’s whateva you want it to be, baby!” You yell back, turning the corner to get away from the car that's gaining on you. You run, running until it starts to hurt, seeing your house in sight. Going in your house, you watch at your window for the car to drive past, sighing as it finally does.
Over the next few days, your boyfriend— or well, ex, has been tannin’ your hide. It's up whenever he sees you outside. You've been getting a few hits in, but you're a heavy hitter, so he looks worse than you. Running from your ex again, you run into the skateboard shop, not expecting to see Ray.
“Yo, ain't that the chick from the other day? The one that had Ray all blushin’?” A kid asks, apparently called Ruben, followed by a ‘black people can blush?’ by someone, who they all seem to call “fourth grade”. You and Ray exchange a glance, but even though you're out of breath, you defo have time to pull a ‘is this nigga serious?’ look at him, before putting your hands on your knees, panting, your face flushed from the heat outside.
“Yo, you breathing like you just got fucked, calm down.” Ruben laughs, lighting a cigarette.
“Shut up, Ruben. Hey, you okay? I still ain't got your name from the other day.” Ray jokes, helping you over to the couch.
You wheeze, taking your jacket off, wincing as dark bruises and scars paint against your brown skin.
“Need you to hide me.. please. My ex— he's..he's coming and he's gonna beat my ass.” You pant, Ray nodding, looking at everyone else. Just as he starts to speak, your ex comes busting through the door. Ray and fuckshit block him, taunting him as he stares you down. They eventually get him away and out of the store, leaving you a mess.
“That was dope as hell, not gonna lie. You was all starin’ him down like ‘yeah, nigga I got the juice now. what's up?’ even though you look really bad.” fuckshit comments, Ray looking at you with concern.
“He did all that? Yo, he's a pussy, man, beating on a woman like that,” Ray tilts his head, pointing up and down. “ay, you finna roll with us from now on.”
“You got bitched. Why you ain't fight back?” Ruben laughs, sunburn and fourth grade looking at him with a side eye.
“Shut up, Ruben. You suck, nigga. Real shit, are you okay? Come on, go into the bathroom, you bleeding through your shirt.” Ray helps you up and into the bathroom.
Closing the door, you're pressed against the sink as Ray tries his best to help you.
“Where're you from, again? Remember you said we was too loud. Y'know, cause you aren't used to all the noise where you're from,” Ray asks, his hands around your hips, trying to lift you. “sorry, where are my manners? can I? need you to jump, so you can sit on the sink.” He asks, you mumbling a ‘mhm.’ before lifting you onto the sink, his hand lifting up your shirt to see your whole stomach area covered in blood and sweat.
“m from the east side.” you mumble, blushing from being so close to him.
As he finishes cleaning as best he can and putting a bandage on your stomach, he helps you down with a smile.
After a while, after adopting the name ‘babydoll’ or doll or sweets, or honey, and after fighting with your parents so much about the friends you hang with and finally getting your ex to leave you alone, it brings you to here— waking up in the hospital bed, after apparently being asleep for 3 and a half days from the accident, extremely drowsy as Ray and the others come in your room, Stevie sitting on your bed, facing you.
“Hey, sunny baby, thought you couldn't be out the bed?” you slur, still on all of the painkillers.
“Convinced them to let me out my room.” Stevie shrugs, drinking a carton of orange juice.
“How you feeling?” Ray grabs at your file, looking over all your injuries as you groan, collective gasps and ‘damn’s come out of everyone's mouth.
“Everything hurts. All the bruises n stuff don't help neither.” You groan, not moving.
“One thing's for sure; you're resilient. I like that about you. Get some rest. I'll be here, babydoll,” Ray hugs you, kissing your cheek, followed by all of them snuggling up next to you. “we all will. for real.”
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catcas22 · 1 month
Young Godwyn: Hello Greater Will, it's me again. I need someone to be my friend, someone who won't run away. Maybe send me an angel... The nicest angel you have. Vyke: [Crawls out from under Gransax's corpse, sob-cackling and drenched in dragon blood.]
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diddyspice · 1 year
JAUNE: Oh Brothers, I need someone to be my friend, someone who won't run away. Maybe send me an angel? The nicest angel you have!
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torchwood-99 · 6 months
Rose: I need someone to be my friend. Someone who won't run away. Maybe send me an angel! The nicest angel you have.
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Beep the Meep: *Maniacal laughter.*
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gengarartblog · 4 months
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Not really phases of the incident but more like different concepts of what could have happened? These are mostly scrapped now but I figured I could post them since they were technically almost done. This is again leaning into the "what if Dalv was the Integrity SOUL's final boss fight" idea I had. Maybe if I figure this out I'll make a doodle page or something.
Ramblings below the cut for my thought process atm when it comes to me trying to figure out the timeline of events with the Snowdin Incident. Because I am fucking STRUGGLING with this one.
Enjoy the scrapped concepts and, if you read it, the rambling below the cut.
All I know that I have to work with is:
-Kanako was unharmed -Dalv was injured, bad enough to be traumatized by it. He's also aware of the integrity human dying. (He mentions that day just repeating for him, which is probably flashbacks.) -Chujin knows that Dalv was injured, and instead of comforting his daughter or helping Dalv, he sends Axis after the human only to arrive to an absolute mess of a scene when he finds Axis and the remains of the human.
So the first issue:
Did Chujin and Axis show up before the human ran? Chujin was told by the other Snowdin residents about the human and he definitely found Kanako and Dalv at least. I'm actually starting to lean towards him having not arrived before the human ran since Chujin mentions that Kanako had no one to protect her (technically incorrect, as Dalv was 100% there and likely would have been protecting her. BUT if he had died then she would have been next with no one to save her). This would mean that for Kanako to be unharmed and for Dalv to be still alive, one of three things had to have happened:
a. The human decided to spare Dalv. Maybe because they didn't want to kill in front of another child or because they just decided to spare Dalv after beating him up. They then ran to waterfall because that was the next area they needed to go to get to the castle, and had no idea that Axis would be following soon.
b. Dalv managed to deal enough damage that the human decided to flee. He does mention holding back against Clover, and he's one of few monsters that live long enough to speak a few sentences after a fatal hit (like Starlo, Ceroba, Papyrus, and Undyne to name a few examples, who are all stronger regular monsters). And as we've seen from Undyne, even regular monsters can hold their own against a human if they're protecting someone or something. Hell, with Undyne we even have to run from her to be able to spare her in UT. The problem with this is that Dalv mentions that he won't run away this time ("All I know is that somehow... you found me. Sorry to make things difficult but I'm not cowering away this time"). But I'm not sure if he means the snowdin incident or if he means when he ran away twice from Clover in the dark ruins. Because while he's mistaking Clover for the integrity human here, he did run away from them in the dark ruins. However the pillar fun value event has Dalv running away???
c. Dalv and Kanako ran when they had the chance. But then why did the human run to waterfall instead of just wiping out snowdin? Sure Dalv and Kanako could have been the last monsters the human encountered before waterfall, but then Chujin would have likely encountered the human before Dalv and Kanako did. Not only that but from the sounds of it, Dalv stuck around for a bit probably due to injuries since Chujin mentions that he should have stayed to help calm Kanako down and to help Dalv with his injuries.
So what the hell is the timeline of events here? Like. Was the human already past Snowdin and went backwards for some reason at some point? Maybe they found out what happened to some of the other humans and that upset them to the point where they started violently defending themselves? I dunno.
The second issue:
Who the hell is the "friend" that Dalv mentions in his journal that apparently "doesn't exist"? I'm guessing it's whoever was leaving the corn right? Maybe Kanako since he said it's been a year?
I have no idea. I'm gonna go back to trying to figure out more stuff and put a timeline together for this. See ya.
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
Round 7 *ding ding ding*
(Oh no, I've breached containment)
Keeli and "Stay behind me, no matter what."
Please and thank you, my love 💚💚💚
Stay Behind Me
Summary: When you take a job, after promising Keeli that you were done in that line of work, you have a lot of explaining to to.
Pairing: Captain Keeli x Reader
Word Count: 644
Warning: Disappointed Keeli (which should be a warning in and of itself), Reader is a thief
Tagging: @trixie2023
A/N: I woke up at 4:30 am and then laid in bed until it was a slightly less disgusting time to be awake. Which resulted in me typing this in under an hour after making my mocha latte. Also, this is sorta based on Leverage, and I could probably write a whole series on the adventures of Captain Keeli and his cyare, the thief. But I won't because I have some self-control.
Divider by Saradika
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“Why are you here?”
You smile, sheepishly, up at your Captain, “Well,” you say slowly, “You see-”
Keeli sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, “Cyare, are you here on a job?”
“What! No!”
“Maybe. Just a little one.” You admit as your shoulders slump.
“Babe, you promised you were done.”
“I know, I know I did. But this is important-” You try.
“It’s always important. Where’s the rest of your crew?”
“Maybe I came by myself.” You say defensively, and then you quail until his unimpressed stare, “Uhm…they’re on other floors.” You finally admit, your voice small.
“Cyare,” Keeli sounded very disappointed, “You promised me that you were done with the whole thief thing. You swore it.”
“I know! I know! And I meant it! I did!” 
“Then why are you here? If you meant it, you would be at home, babe. Not here.” He sounds so very disappointed in you that you nervously start playing with your gloves.
“It’s important, Keel.” You say quietly.
“What, exactly, is so important that you would break your promise to me?” Keeli asks, well, demands really.
You’re quiet, for a long moment, and then you hesitantly touch his arm, “Keeli, this company is funding the terrorists that did the First Citizen bombing, and they’re planning something bigger. We’re here to stop it.”
Keeli is quiet for a moment, and then he sighs, “You have proof of this?”
“And it’s solid evidence? Evidence that would hold up in a court of law?”
You grimace, “The evidence is more than just solid, Keeli. It’s incontrovertible.” You reply, “But the man in charge is wealthy enough that he’ll never see a day of prison.”
“You should have more faith in the justice system.” Keeli chides gently.
“In the six years I’ve been doing this, they never see a prison cell, Keeli. Ever.” You counter, just as gently, “One last job. I promise.”
“Cyare, there’s always going to be one more job. You need to stop this before you get yourself killed.” Keeli replies.
“I have the ability to help the families of the people who were killed,” You say, “And I know that you feel like I lied to you, but I meant it when I said I was done. But I’m the best at what I do.”
“That’s not something to be proud of!”
“I know!” You snap, and then you take a deep breath, “I know.” You repeat quieter, gentler, “But sometimes this feels like the only thing I can do. And I use it to help people.”
“You’re a thief.”
“You knew that when you asked me out on our first date, Keeli. I never hid that from you.” You remind him.
And Keeli sighs. He runs his gloved hand over his intricately shaved head, and then he sighs again, “You are, so incredibly, lucky that I love you and that I like your friends.” He grumbles, “Where do you need to get?”
You stare at him for a long moment, and then you grin, “Server room 3.”
Keeli grumbles and pulls his helmet on, “Stay behind me, no matter what.”
“Yes sir!” You say with a bright grin.
“Ugh, don’t call me sir.” Keeli turns away from you and sends a message through his comm to his men, and then he turns back to you, “I’ve given the order that the men are to ignore you and your friends unless they hurt someone.”
“Thank you, Keeli!” You say with a delighted grin as you practically bounce over to him and kiss his helmet, “You’re the best.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know. You owe me for this, cyare.”
“I’m good for it!” You promise gleefully, and then you fall into step behind him.
“And cyare,” He glances at you over his shoulder, “Love you.”
And you melt a little bit, “I love you too.”
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wazzappp · 2 months
It's my dad's birthday weekend so my family rented a place by the lake and HOOGH is it giving me ideas for the safe house Robbie and Gabe would be staying at between RE7 and RE 8.
I want to change some stuff about the safe house itself (specifically I want it to be by the water). Maybe fewer stairs (just in case Gabe has some trouble adjusting). It's still in Spain of course we still need RE8 to happen, still in the woods, just with a lake!
After about 2 days of interviews (interrogations) to figure out exactly WHAT happened the BSAA makes their decision what to do with the boys. They're told they're getting relocated. Congratulations! It's not a choice.
They're shipped out on a plane to some place they don't know the name of and introduced to a house they've never seen before. There's a lady showing them around like she's trying to sell it to them. It's an older place but with new furnishings. It's nice and cozy. Two floors, fireplaces for the winter, two bedrooms and two bathrooms (Gabe is EXTATIC about that bit he gets HIS OWN BATHROOM. Robbies not really mad about it either). The top area is a living room with a kitchen dining room deck and a bedroom with a bathroom. Downstairs is an additional bedroom and bathroom with its own smaller deck. The backyard is a bit of a mess with two distinct areas. The garden (facing the lake with an artificial beach and dock) and a running around area (overrun with tall grass. The people who lived there before hadnt bothered to weed or mow. Or hadn't been there in a while). There's also a garage (the lady mentions There's also a fixer upper car in there.) There's also a town not to far away (they'll need to ask for permission to leave).
Groceries are delivered each week with instructions for how to cook the meals inside (if they want to switch to pre-made all they need to do is ask) along with a weekly allowance of what robbie made in about a month working at Canelos for any extra stuff they might want. It's perfect. Robbie is scheming for how to get away immediately.
But suddenly he realizes the wall to stop erosion on the small beach is starting to fail and Gabe has been loving being in the water so much. So he takes a couple of rocks and spends a day moving them around to fix it. The fixer upper in the garage has some unique problems of its own too, and if he ever wants to get to town he should really take care of that. And they have the money now so he orders Gabe all the ninja wolf memorabilia he could want. Games and books and action figures the whole deal. Pretty soon posters are all over his walls.
The meals are good too. Gabes finally approaching a good bodyweight and he's using it to explore the woods nearby and he's taken an interest in cleaning up the garden. Robbie realizes the more grassy area would make an EXCELLENT shooting range for practice (he was caught off guard. He wont be EVER again). He asks about it and the handlers say they'll see what they can do. Sending someone to 'train him' (supervise) while he tries new things and sets up targets. Sometimes he even has Gabe move pulleys around so he can practice shooting moving targets. They still dont trust him, but to appease his want for a morning routine of shooting practice they let him keep a handgun. Gabe is able to call some of his friends on occasion (monitored of course) and tell them a bit about what life is like now. They feel distant but hey. Better than nothing.
It's sort of hard to think about leaving now (especially after Gabe starts practicing his abilities in the garden. Especially after Robbie cuts himself on accident while cooking and sees it heal right before his eyes. When he starts to wonder if it's a good move to keep him away from other people).
The BSAA has managed to strike a balance between 'allowing them to recover' and 'keeping them busy enough that they won't WANT to escape or fall into any post traumatic depression (hey they can't really control that but they can t r y). Keeping the boys together, monitored, and away from people they can infect is their best move. Regular doctors visits help to monitor their mutations. They're both still infected and the BSAA knows that. But it's worth more to keep them alive as possible assets than to destroy the first real example of a stable biowepon.
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You can give me a name if you would like, I would love to see what you can come up with my friend.
Billy is going to have a hell of a time explaining everything to them, especially the fact that he may or may not technically sort of maybe be just a little homeless? This statement is immediately followed by the tiny feral child pulling a pocket knife when someone mentions that they can find him a nice foster home and he replies, "I am *NOT* going back in the system! *Fuck* the system, you wanna help me? Find an apartment that won't raise an eye brow at me living alone there." Billy gets Very Angry at any mentions of Foster Care and does let slip he has a living relative but "frankly the system is safer than he is."
It takes a lot of debate but Billy ends up agreeing to stay on the watch tower at least part time when he needs somewhere safe to sleep.
Took a while to respond to this one because I was brainstorming names for you. You'd think after so many OCs I'd be better at this. I don't know your pronouns so I searched a bunch of unisex names and settled on Beck, let me know if you like it, it's okay if you don't. Anyway back to the prompt-
After about a week of recovery for everyone so their wounds could heal and to repair their cities, they held a meeting to get a full explanation out of the Captain. He gives his story, leaving out all the unnecessary details (aka all the things that tell people he's homeless) but then someone asks him why he was even in that alley to begin with.
Billy: Ah- wellll uhhhh
JL: ???
Billy: So as you can tell I may or may not have left some details out of that story that I was not planning to tell you but now I feel like I have to.
Batman: What is it?
Billy gradually getting quieter as a talks: I may or may not be living on the streets...
Then the whole fiasco of that reaction ensues. (Think someone had an aneurysm back there.) Til someone asks why he isn't in the foster system, they would have asked about parents first but in this profession you gotta know better.
Billy scrambling out of his chair, practically bolting away just to those words: You'll never take me back alive! They done fucked me over before, I'm not running away from the twelfth shitty home the system gives me! Or worse, they'll send me back to juvie!
Wonder Woman: Twelfth? Wait how many times have you run away from them?
(Hal) Green Lantern: Wait juvie? Kid what have you done before?
By that point when everyone else is just getting out of their chairs to give chase to the little gremlin he's halfway to the zeta beams. Poor planning though on his part, Flash was also in the meeting.
After they manage to get him to chase Billy and bring him back to the table they get a response. Of course after Billy calms down and they promise to not send him back.
Billy: Okay so the twelve families thing. I've run away and closed off eleven foster homes before. After just a few you're labeled as a troubled kid and put on watch. Eventually they stop being able to find families who want you so you either get sent to juvie or they don't care anymore and you slip through the cracks.
Idk how to carry a conversation after that info dump. Would Billy actually give that much information in this kind of situation? No, probably not, he has trust issues for a reason. But I wrote it down and I don't wanna erase it now. I know it doesn't go with what you wrote in your end but I thought it was funny, forgive my rambling.
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bassettmemes · 9 months
BIG DUMB HEART, CHAPTER ONE ↳ a collection of lyrics from jenna raine's big dumb heart, chapter one ep.
"I know I made it weird the second I said those eight letters."
"You kinda disappeared so fast your silence made my head hurt."
"I take it back and honestly, I probably didn't mean it."
"Is there a way that you can turn this off?"
"I used to hear your voice every night."
"Every single sound, I miss it, cause now all I hear is crickets."
"I'm sorry if I'm having trouble following your logic."
"You got this funny way of keeping things purely platonic."
"I'm not delusional, I'm not the only one who sees it."
"You could hold my hand and rest your head to keep your heart real busy."
"You could tuck me in and play pretend, but you just couldn't kiss me."
"Here come the nights, the losing sleep. You're out with people I won't ever meet, instead of me."
"I can't decide on which is worse: the moving on or staying in the hurt."
"I wanna hold on tighter, that's just the way I'm wired."
"I wanna hold you like this, don't wanna say goodbye yet."
"Stupid cupid really hit me hard with a love that could've gone real far."
"Stupid cupid when you crossed our stars, you broke my heart."
"Here comes the distance sinking in, the paranoia wonder where you been."
"Sometimes I wish we never started. Loves a moving target, and the next part is the hardest."
"Stupid cupid, why'd you do me like that? Why'd you send me someone I can't have?"
"I looked in your eyes and I didn't see the same you."
"You were just going through the motions. You didn't care at all."
"You watched me fade away and left me with your ghost."
"You just faded away and left us in the smoke."
"I tried to defend you, but all of my friends just shut me up."
"Maybe I was never enough."
"Watch me take back all the love you don't deserve."
"You lost me baby and I know you'll start to hurt."
"I won't be there when you need somebody like I needed you."
"If I got a dollar every time I let you back in, boy, I'd be richer than any doctor, could you imagine?"
"I'm tired of giving and giving and giving 'til I'm out of battery."
"Little Miss forgives too easily."
"Little Miss walk all over me."
"Little Miss never gets checked up on."
"A therapist for everyone."
"Little Miss tryin' to do her best."
"Little Miss needs more hours of rest."
"Little miss running on a tightrope in thin air, just to show she's there."
"Night of your birthday, I made a big deal. I bought you flowers."
"Mine three weeks later, you didn't text me. How hard is two words?"
"I'm never the voice who disappoints you, and I show up every time. When you don't, then it's fine."
"You were my everything, my here goes nothing."
"Thought you were chasing me, but you were runnin'."
"I did nothing wrong, was perfect as perfect can be."
"You didn't shed a tear cause you've got this down to a t."
"I was crying, and you kept lying, saying you're sorry for the thousandth time."
"Bad hearts don't break when they say goodbye."
"So, I hope one day, I'll cross your mind, and you'll realize you ruined the girl who could make you better."
"if you're still okay, it's 'cause bad hearts don't break."
"You walk away and you shrug your shoulders."
"You were over us before we were over."
"Barely been a week, and there you go again."
"I already know how that love will end."
"I always wondered how they do it. Hurt someone like there's nothing to it?"
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