#— ✿ my demons are on the hunt but my angels taught me how to run. › annaleigh's default naruto verse.
dearestagony · 19 days
These are going to be under a read more, because this got very long.
— ✿ putting my defenses up ‘cause i don’t wanna fall in love. › annaleigh's default modern verse.
— ✿ i can see right through all your empty lies i won’t stay long in this world so wrong. › annaleigh's default yugioh verse.
— ✿ my demons are on the hunt but my angels taught me how to run. › annaleigh's default naruto verse.
— ✿ you’ve always been right there for me. › annaleigh's ohshc verse.
— ✿ 'cause now there’s a new life to behold and its the biggest part of my life to unfold. › annaleigh's new mom verse.
— ✿ papa don’t preach i’m in trouble deep. › annaleigh's pregnancy verse.
— ✿ look what you did suck on your lies until your eyes turn red. › annaleigh's gang days verse.
— ✿ you’re on your own kid you always have been. › annaleigh's teenager verse.
— ✿ she’s got a smile that it seems to me reminds me of childhood memories. › annaleigh's supernatural verse.
— ✿ i’ve been waiting for someone to come all alone in darkness waiting for more. › annaleigh's noragami verse.
— ✿ my scars remind me that the past is real i tear my heart open just to feel. › annaleigh's tvd verse.
— ✿ remember me i’m everything you can’t control. › annaleigh's ancient egypt verse.
— ✿ who said i can’t wear my converse with my dress. › annaleigh's charmed verse.
— ✿ annaleigh lancaster. › in character.
— ✿ is this what you’d all prefer would you like me better if i was still her. › annaleigh's appearance.
— ✿ you’re not alone here not at all let me belong here break my fall. › annaleigh's headcanons.
— ✿ your sugarcoat is just as sweet as i am. › annaleigh's aesthetics.
— ✿ i let you see the parts of me that weren’t all that pretty and with every touch you fixed them. › annaleigh & saeyoung. diverse-hearts.
#— ✿ tag dump.#— ✿ putting my defenses up ‘cause i don’t wanna fall in love. › annaleigh's default modern verse.#— ✿ i can see right through all your empty lies i won’t stay long in this world so wrong. › annaleigh's default yugioh verse.#— ✿ my demons are on the hunt but my angels taught me how to run. › annaleigh's default naruto verse.#— ✿ you’ve always been right there for me. › annaleigh's ohshc verse.#— ✿ 'cause now there’s a new life to behold and its the biggest part of my life to unfold. › annaleigh's new mom verse.#— ✿ papa don’t preach i’m in trouble deep. › annaleigh's pregnancy verse.#— ✿ look what you did suck on your lies until your eyes turn red. › annaleigh's gang days verse.#— ✿ you’re on your own kid you always have been. › annaleigh's teenager verse.#— ✿ she’s got a smile that it seems to me reminds me of childhood memories. › annaleigh's supernatural verse.#— ✿ i’ve been waiting for someone to come all alone in darkness waiting for more. › annaleigh's noragami verse.#— ✿ my scars remind me that the past is real i tear my heart open just to feel. › annaleigh's tvd verse.#— ✿ remember me i’m everything you can’t control. › annaleigh's ancient egypt verse.#— ✿ who said i can’t wear my converse with my dress. › annaleigh's charmed verse.#— ✿ annaleigh lancaster. › in character.#— ✿ is this what you’d all prefer would you like me better if i was still her. › annaleigh's appearance.#— ✿ you’re not alone here not at all let me belong here break my fall. › annaleigh's headcanons.#— ✿ your sugarcoat is just as sweet as i am. › annaleigh's aesthetics.#— ✿ i let you see the parts of me that weren’t all that pretty and with every touch you fixed them. › annaleigh & saeyoung. diverse-hearts.
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rageagaiinst · 1 month
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@frogprinceus sent an ask!! :: [text] I’m a zombie the law can’t stop me.
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[text] Uh ... How did you get this number?! [text] Did that punk Naruto give it to you? [text] And what do you mean the law can't catch you? What did you do?
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the-mountain-flower · 2 years
“I can’t drown my demons, they know how to swim.” Yeah well, guess who else can swim? YOU! You can swim.
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Hello. If you don't mind, I'd like to ask for headcanons about the kuro characters and their favourite video game genres/series? ^_^
Kuro characters and their favourite video game genres/series
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don't know why, but he looks like he'd enjoy simulator games
if Black Butler would've happened in the modern day (and someone would've taught this grandpa how to use technology) he would probably used these to learn the things he needs to know as a human
cooking simulator (or Cooking Mama), school simulator, anything that could be useful like that
definitely also enjoys slasher games
simply judging by the way he enjoyed that bloodbath on the Campania, he'd looooooove extremely violent games
idk, I don't know too many in that genre, but Dead by Daylight could be one of his faves
but nothing with guns. Those things are beneath him. He wants the real thrill of the kill
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oh, please, as if he'd even know what that is
he doesn't even have time for this
imagine the hours wasted on lines of code and digital pixels
do you know that one game where it's basically like a VR job simulator with different kinds of jobs like cook or office or gas station? Instead of humans, the NPCs are robots that insult you at every given opportunity and set you up for failure. Yeah, he'd like that.
also, Powerwash Simulator
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ok, stereotypical, but dress up games
especially Style Savvy (ngl, these games are way too good)
other than that, she seems like a casual enjoyer of Animal Crossing
except that she bullies all the ugly neighbours off of her island and hunts for very specific characters (so basically like me)
another obvious choice is Bayonetta
I mean, have you looked at her? Slashing her way through demons and angels while having chainsaws for arms and legs? The cunty outfits?
Let me tell you: Bayonetta and Grell? An iconic match made in heaven
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I can't decide
either he's a die-hard Mario Kart player or a huge Sonic enthusiast (the older games, not the newer ones)
he probably doesn't have enough time to really play though, since he's either out working overtime or out partying
he doesn't seem like a shooter person
okay, this is coming out of me because of a huge lack of sleep (it's currently 1 am where I'm living), but why does he look like he would drunkenly play Fortnite or Roblox?
"You got games on your phone?" No, back the fuck up dude. You're an adult.
Why did I just write that? Inco, what's wrong with you?
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this is very specific, but that one Coraline game for the Wii and the DS
he's definitely leaning more towards psychological horror games
American McGee's Alice and Alice: Madness Returns. You can't convince me otherwise
he's an unfairly skilled Mario Kart player, to the point that it almost seems like he's cheating (he's 100% cheating, just like when playing Uno)
on the other hand, he's a huuuuge sucker for Kirby games
doesn't matter what type or gimick, he loves it and has perfected it down to the last frame
but you'd never know unless he wanted you to know (and I know it because I am God and run on my last bar of my batterie and because he's officially and undeniably my husband, deal with it. Omfg, this is so fucking cringe, I'm gonna go shoot myself, I'll be right back.)
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well, first of all, you need to explain everything to him because he couldn't even read the instructions on the screen (I'm 100% convinced that his eyesight is pure batshit and he's just cheating his way through the manga through some deus-ex-machina type of shit)
newsflash, but he loves horror games
I really see him with games like Resident Evil or Don't Starve Together
also, Undetale
you know, because of morals and choices and consequences and all that (surely not because of a skeleton with dry humour)
maybe it would help to show him a bathing simulator so this crusty man learns how to clean himself
is it too obvious and on the nose to say The Mortuary Assistant?
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omg, look at him! My boy! Finally animated! I love him so much! My boy!
ahem, so anyway...
Trombone Champ
he'd play it on his loudest speakers just to annoy the hell out of everyone
also, you know those really cheap horror games you can find on Steam that are really terrible? He lives for those
idk why, but he seems like he'd enjoy Portal
and Assassin's Creed. Especially the first four mainline games
continueing with puzzle games, he really enjoys Professor Layton, no doubt
That's it for now. It's almost 2 am and I have to help out at a sports event I only registered for to watch some random kids suffer in the heat. But now I have to wake up early for that... Oh, how ironically bitchy life is. And to top it all of I have to work the graveyard shift today. Coffee and energy will be my best friend today.
So, yeah, that's it for now. Or maybe not, maybe I'll pull an all-nighter simply so I can't oversleep. If you're up for a part 2 just slide into my requests and I'll see what I can do.
Until then~
Your Inconsistent Kuroshitsuji Blog~
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winchestersickness · 7 months
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Sorry anon I somehow deleted your ask 😔 but here's the rec! I went through my ao3 history and picked these, I hope there's something you haven't read yet and that you will enjoy :))
Gift Horse, Mouth, etc.
Sam gets accidentally stuck with a curse that can only be lifted by acting on his deepest hidden fantasy. Dean thinks it's hilarious, and why won't Sammy just tell him what it is already? It can't be anything that weird. Right?
Please Tell Me Who I Am
A/B/O AU. As a beta, Sam shouldn’t even be attracted to his alpha brother (much less be yearning for Dean to finally take that last step into claiming him officially) but, a few compatibility issues aside, they’re happy with the pseudo-mateship they’ve got going on. At least, until a hunt-gone-wrong ends up with Sam being cursed into an omega. He and Dean race to find a way to reverse the spell before it’s too late…but now Sam’s not entirely sure if he even wants to be cured.
Post-Cage!Sam seen through the eyes of others.
(more under the cut)
In Loco Parentis
“Sam, are you,” Dean pauses, squeezing his eyes shut for a second because his brain just doesn’t want to catch up. “Are you jerking off and thinking about Dad?” (Sam is 15).
take the things you love
The thing is, Sam’s reinforcing every bad behavior Dean’s ever had with this kind of shit. Fucking Sam stupid over the hood of the Impala? Dean’s wet dream—unfortunately also Sam’s—but more importantly the implicit validation of every claim Dean thinks he has on Sam—unfortunately every claim Sam’s lizard brain wants Dean to have. (Sam knows his brother wants to possess him. It's a point of internal conflict.)
There's An Enochian Incantation
Dean finds a spell to create a weapon to banish leviathans. It involves an Enochian incantation. The last thing Sam's already-fragile mind needs is to hear words in the language of angels.
brother only wants
Sam breathes like it takes effort, and then he says, "Wanting you was the very first thing I realized was wrong with me. It was how I knew there was something sick inside." (One of them had to fall first. A story about devotion.)
Hands Away
When you’re horny and alone with one person in one room for a long time and you’re sixteen and all you’ve ever been taught is to love your brother more than anything, it doesn’t seem like that far of a leap to start imagining what his mouth would feel like around your dick.
Squint into the Sunset | Glare into the Gloaming
The 70k-word nonlinear coming of age story that literally no one asked for. "I know you want to give him the world, Dean, but you were never supposed to give him this."
Taking Advantage
Sam is doing everything Dean tells him to. It’s weird, and Dean wants to get to the bottom of it so he pushes Sam. Sam breaks.
I'd Gladly Lose Me To Find You
Sam takes a vow of silence in order to pull Dean out of Hell, but by the time Dean comes back, Sam's lost more of himself than just his voice. Splits off completely from canon after the season 3 finale.
One Going On Eternity And Counting
Some boundaries were never meant to be crossed ...
with hearts that are guilty, not remorseful
“I’ve wanted you since I knew what wanting was.” It’s a fact, as plain as the day. The sky is blue. Their mother was killed by a demon. They hunt monsters. Sam wants Dean. “I’ve loved you for longer, I think.” “God,” Dean’s voice is barely a whisper, raising a hand to grip his own hair by the roots and pulling. He looks absolutely wretched. “I fucked you up, didn’t I?”
When You're Not Here
The third time Sam Winchester comes to school with bruises, Mrs. Davidson decides it's time to intervene - before it's too late.
Sticky fingers, that’s what Dean always calls him.
Bullet for my Valentine
Stupid. He is so goddamn fucking stupid. Running his mouth like a fucking idiot, not knowing when to leave well enough alone. Bad enough that he just practically talked dirty to his little brother, which, Christ – he must be more stressed than he thought if his self-control mechanisms have started malfunctioning that badly. But no, no, he came up with a scenario straight out of a bad slasher film, as if that is something normal people talk dirty about, as if that is something Sam would seriously enjoy. As if – As if Dean hadn’t hunted his own brother through the maze of the bunker, eyes black and hammer raised to strike, not even a full year ago. As if Sam hadn’t, just a few weeks back, knelt at his feet, neck bared, waiting for Dean to deal a fatal blow with a fucking scythe.
I haven't been reading spn fics for long so idk if all these are well known already, but I loved all of these (a couple of them are platonic). hope you'll like them!
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theraggedygirl11 · 2 months
Love’s the death of peace of mind
Kris' POV
Bojan's POV: AO3 - Tumblr
SUMMARY: In a world where Heaven and Hell exist, angels and demons are constantly fighting and killing one another. What if a stoic and cold angel starts questioning his whole existence after he met a demon who he was supposed to kill as Heaven demands?
PAIRING: Bojan Cvjetićanin/Kris Guštin
WARNINGS: swearing, blood, implied violence, hurt/comfort, emotional rollercoaster, enemies to lovers, implied suicide, hint of jance in the background
NOTES: Hello! I didn't plan this fic, honestly. It all started from this anon ask and now here I am with almost a 6k pov. This was a bit of a challenge, since I never wrote from Kris' pov, but I think it came out quite good.
I was also extremely shocked because I didn't expect Bojan's pov to blow up (and to get also a fanart from @sparkles-oflight), but in a positive way! I loved every comment I received 🥹 thank you so, so much!
As always, thanks to my beta @anxious-witch! And also thanks to @arctixout for her gifs. Without that post this fic wouldn't exist.
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“Y-you were right about him. He-he’s a heartless angel, just like anyone else of them.”
“Not every angel is heartless.”
“He is, Nace! He is! I showed him my love and he accused me of trying to corrupt him! I-I gave him my whole heart and he laughed at me, he stabbed it with his ice dagger and killed me- H-He called me a filthy demon, Nace. After all I did for him and showed him, I-I’m still a filthy demon to him.”
Humans always forget that angels are supposed to be warriors of Heaven, not peaceful winged creatures with a harp in their hands.
We do have wings, yes, but we also have great powers, and they get stronger and stronger as the celestial rank goes up. As soon as we are able to walk straight and run, we start our training to become soldiers of Heaven. The training is different for every rank.
I’m a seraph, the highest angelic rank. I was born from two seraphim, thus I can say I’m discreetly powerful. I’m also a general.
One of our tasks is to hunt down demons who run freely on Earth, among humans. It’s our duty to protect human souls from corruption and temptation.
This is how I met a demon, a weird one. I identified him, followed him and attacked him with the intent to kill him, just like I was taught. My dagger was about to sink into his throat, but I stopped when my eyes met his. My whole body froze, I even stopped breathing for a couple of seconds. His eyes were deep, filled with fear and…what seemed to be surprise. His glance was so intense.
We stared at each other for what felt like a very long minute, then I recoiled and disappeared with a quick flutter of my wings, invisible at the time.
Why did I stop? Why didn’t I kill him? My heart was racing in my chest and I had no answers to my questions. 
I obviously didn’t mention this event to anyone, not even to my loyal angelic friends. They would mock me for not killing a low rank demon. No, forgetting this event was the best option. 
* * *
I’m an angel, but this doesn’t interdict me from having some “guilty pleasures”. In my case, it’s music. I like playing the guitar with Jan and Martin, two cherubim and friends of mine. Sometimes we also attend concerts in the human world, like tonight.
“Will Jan ever be on time?” I sigh.
I’ve been walking in circles for at least half an hour, but Jan is nowhere to be seen. I’m starting to get a little bit pissed. 
“Calm down, Kris,” Martin says, looking at me. “He’ll arrive. I give him ten minutes. We won’t miss that band, don’t worry.”
I’m about to reply to Martin’s words, when we see an angel running towards us, dressed in black and with long hair.
“Guys! I’m here!”
I take a deep breath, then quickly glance at Martin. “Finally. We can go, then,” I say, giving Jan a displeased look.
We fly to our destination and in a few minutes we are in the middle of the crowd. I start singing and dancing along with the music letting it flow over me, sometimes I even close my eyes. In my opinion, music is the supreme and purest form of art. It doesn’t matter the language you speak or the language the song was written in, if you listen to the melody, you can enjoy every type of music.
When I open my eyes again, I meet a weirdly familiar gaze coming from two deep brown eyes. I pale when I recognise the owner of those eyes.
That demon.
My heart is racing in my chest just like the first time we met, my whole body is frozen. He’s here too. He likes music just like I do. A demon, a creature from Hell, a filthy being appreciates something so celestial like music. I don’t understand. Why? It’s not supposed to be like this. They are…barbaric creatures, dominated by violent emotions.
I see two male figures standing by the demon’s side, a tall guy with a tattooed arm and a slightly shorter one with messy blond hair and thick black make-up around his eyes. The tattooed man places a hand on the demon’s shoulder. They must be his demonic friends. 
Three demons enjoying music.
“Is everything ok?” Jan asks, getting closer to me. He then moves his eyes to find the reason for such a reaction on my part. “Demons,” he hisses.
Martin appears by my side a second after. We are all trained to deal with demons, we are ready to attack them, and maybe even kill them. Jan steps towards them, but my arm moves without my control and stops him. Jan glances at me, confused, but since I’m a higher rank than him, he withdraws, stepping back.
I observe the three demons. The blond one grabs the brown-haired one and pulls him away, meddling with the crowd around us. I try to follow them with my eyes, but there are too many people. I lost my demon.
“Excuse me, Kris, but what was that? What just happened?”
We are back in Heaven, in my quarters. I’m still pale, I saw my face in a mirror next to the entrance door. And I’m unwell too. That meeting messed up my mind in a way I couldn’t believe possible. 
“Kris,” Jan calls me again. “What was that?” He spells word after word, this time his voice is harsher, more like an order than a simple question.
“We saw three demons at that concert,” I reply, taking a deep breath to try to regain some control over my body and my mind.
“No shit, Sherlock. We know they were demons. Why did you freeze like a greenhorn?”
“Jan, calm down,” Martin tries to mediate between me and Jan.
“No, don’t tell me to calm down! Kris, what’s going on? You are one of the best seraphim in Heaven. What happened there?”
I glance at Jan, then divert my eyes from him. “I have already met that demon, but I couldn’t kill him. I don’t know why.”
I feel Jan’s and Martin’s eyes on me. Their confusion is almost tangible. 
“You…couldn’t kill him?” 
“No, Jan, I couldn’t!” I shout back at him, looking him right in the eyes. “Are you happy now? A seraph failed to kill a squalid demon!”
Both Jan and Martin exchange a quick glance. They seem worried in my eyes. Well, they should be. A seraph that isn’t able to kill a demon for whatever reason is concerning.
“How much time ago did this happen?” Asks Martin, his voice is calmer and quieter.
“I don’t remember. Recently, maybe some months.”
“Why didn’t you tell us?”
“Because of Jan’s reaction,” and I point at him with the movement of my head. “Because I’m supposed to be better than letting a demon go,” I sigh and sit down on a couch in the living room. “I have no idea why I haven’t killed him. It just happened. I met his eyes while I was about to stab him and…something in them made me stop,” I run a hand through my hair. “They were different from the demons I killed. I felt like I had a puppy in front of me.”
“A puppy?” Jan asks.
“Yes, a puppy! He looked like a terrified puppy.”
Jan chuckles. “I’m sorry, Kris, but hearing this description of a demon coming from your mouth wasn’t on my celestial bingo card. Maybe he managed to melt your ice cold heart,” he teases me.
I roll my eyes, then shake my head. “Listen, this story ends here, ok? No one needs to know this. No one.”
“Ok, we won’t tell anyone, don’t worry,” Martin nods, followed by Jan.
It’s reassuring on one hand. On the other hand, though, I feel even more confused now. Why is this demon so special? Why does he have such a power over me? What does he hide behind those eyes of his? Did demons develop a new way of corrupting us angels, of getting inside our heads and messing with us?
My head is exploding with all these questions. And the more I think about an answer, the more questions pop up in my mind. Maybe I should follow him to discover what happened to me.
In the next weeks I keep an eye on that demon, when I catch him roaming on Earth from Heaven. I always find him staring at the sky, searching for something, maybe even me.
I don't understand him. Why is he looking for me? We are enemies, I tried to kill him, shouldn't he be scared of me? Is he this dumb?
One night, I decide to follow him not from Heaven, but directly on Earth. I need to understand why he's behaving like this.
I follow his steps until he lays on the ground in the middle of a grass patch in a woodland. He’s staring at the starry sky. I let a few minutes pass, then I slowly approach him. He seems relaxed, his defences are down, I could easily kill him, but…I want to talk to him instead, to understand why he’s like this.
I lean forward, covering his view with my head. 
“What are you doing here all alone?” I ask him.
I observe his reaction: he startles, then stands up and steps back, he seems ready to run away from me. His eyes are wide open, there’s fear in them. Ok, this is a more appropriate reaction from his part. My lips bent in an amused and satisfied smile.
“Angel,” I hear him whisper.
He’s staring at me, I feel the weight of his eyes on me. He doesn’t seem scared anymore, or at least fear is slowly disappearing in him. Yeah, he’s definitely stupid. Why isn’t he scared? His boldness and stupidity confuse me. I must be aware of what he does, I don’t trust him.
I move my hands behind my back, then I adjust my position, sticking my chest out, trying to give myself an intimidating stance.
“I repeat, since you seem to not understand my words, what are you doing here all alone?” I ask again, since I’m not receiving any answer for my previous question.
The demon takes a few seconds before answering. “I was looking for you.”
“For me?” I raise my eyebrows. I wasn’t expecting this, to be honest.
“Yes, for you. I wanted to talk to you, angel.”
I keep staring at him, confused. He must be truly dumb and with zero survival instincts. Well, I guess not every demon gets a bright mind, in the end. I probably should kill him, so he can stop making dumb decisions.
I’m about to unsheathe my dagger, but the demon starts moving towards me in that exact moment. He raises his hands in front of him, showing them to me.
“I’m not armed. You can check on me. This is not a trap.”
I don’t take my eyes off of him. I can feel my powers creeping under my skin, some sparks leave my palms. I’m ready to strike at the mere danger signal from the demon. My whole body is stiff. My jaws are locked. I don’t feel at ease with a demon in front of me, especially this demon, because I’m not able to see through him.
My attention is caught by his hand, which slowly moves towards my face. Suddenly, it stops a few centimetres away from my cheek, hesitant. My eyes run from his hand to his face. He seems blissed by my presence.
“Why do you want to talk to me, exactly?”
“I…I want to know you, angel.”
I’m astonished. It can’t be real. This must be a trap, no demon is so stupid to risk his life to simply talk to an angel.
“I beg your pardon, you want to know…me?”
“Yes,” he nods too. “You are amazingly beautiful, angel.”
Heat reaches my cheeks. Ok, that was smooth, I must admit it. The demon chuckles, I let slip a shy smile. It’s difficult to resist, his small laugh made him look cute-Kris, for god’s sake, you can’t think this of a demon! You are a freaking seraph! But…his eyes are so sweet, he doesn’t look like a cruel being from the depth of Hell. I bet he isn’t even able to corrupt a single human soul. 
“Would you like to…I don’t know, come grab a coffee or anything else to drink?”
“It’s a nice idea,” I reply. “You seem more used to the human world, so show me the way to your favourite place to…drink,” I continue. “Please,” I quickly add. The previous sentence looked too much like an order.
The demon’s smile is even bigger this time, I’m afraid it will break his face. But at the same time it warms my heart too. He seems really happy that I accepted his invitation.
“With pleasure, my lovely angel!”
The demon has a name. It’s Bojan, but he prefers being called Bojči, just because it sounds cuter and sweeter. I concur with him, but I still call him by his full name. Bojči sounds too intimate for me, and I don’t want to get too close to him. He remains a creature from Hell.
After all, spending time with him is pleasant. I’m still confused because he doesn’t follow the classic image of a demon we are taught to fight and despise. First of all, he loves music. We talk a lot about it, sometimes we even attend concerts together during our time together. He’s full of energy, it’s impossible to at least not smile when you see him jumping around because music got to him. Every time I see his eyes and his shining smile, my chest warms so much. 
Bojan always tries his best to make our time spent together the best. He plans trips in various cities around the world, or simple strolls in the middle of nature. These last ones are my favourite because we are alone, far away from mortals, in quiet places.
I feel his eyes on me, but I attempt to ignore them. Sometimes I glance at him, our eyes meet and I see only happiness in him. The fear he felt that night on that field disappeared long ago. This is so wrong. He shouldn’t be this happy to be with me. And I shouldn’t be so excited to see him.
What am I doing? Why am I doing this? Is this…corruption? Is this how Lucifer felt when he fell from the sky? I’m an angel, I shouldn’t behave like this, not with a demon.
I accept to meet him again one more time, only because I want…I want to…what do I want from him? I’m so confused, I don’t know anything anymore. This must be corruption. I can’t think straight, a thick fog prevents my mind from creating consistent thoughts. A general who cannot control his mind is useless.
I still dress and prepare for the “date”, as Bojan likes to call our meetings. I’m wearing clothes with light colours, just to show from which reign I’m from, an attempt to bring distance between me and the demon.
He told me the location where we are supposed to meet. Thus I appear in that place, my wings announcing my arrival to whoever may live in that small apartment.
I barely have the time to look around when Bojan runs in the room. I’m stunned. He’s wearing black skinny clothes that shape his body wonderfully. My eyes land on his broad shoulders, then on his muscular thighs. He’s tempting, he’s for sure playing with me, tricking me.
“You are stunning, ljubavi.”
“You…too, Bojan,” I can barely speak.
My attention gets caught by two other figures entering the room. His demon friends are there too, the blond one and the tattooed one. I stiff my body, pushing out my chest as I try to look taller than I already am.
“Oh, yeah, these are my dearest friends. This is Jure,” he points to the blond demon. “And this is Nace,” and then to the tattooed demon. “They are safe, they won’t hurt you. I ask you to do the same.”
“...fine,” I surrender not so willingly. My eyes go back to Bojan and I notice that there’s something black and with glitter on his face. “You put on makeup.” 
“Yes, just for you. Do you like it?”
“You…look good,” I admit, my voice is trembling a bit. He looks even more beautiful with that dark makeup on his eyes.
He grabs my hand and smiles at me. “I have a surprise for you. Close your eyes and follow me.”
Bojan pulls me and I do as he said, a little bit scared of what kind of surprise he might have for me. He makes me sit on something cold and hard. I touch that surface with one hand, it feels like plastic. 
“What are you trying to do, little demon?”
“I told you, it’s a surprise.”
I hear him handle something, then he sits on my lap, making me stiffen. Something soft touches my eyelid, I immediately feel something on my skin. What is he doing? I could open my eyes, but something inside of me prevents me from doing it. He stands up, then speaks again.
“You are otherworldly, ljubavi. Open your eyes.”
A little bit hesitant, I open my eyes and look at my reflection in the mirror. He put makeup on me too. Golden makeup around my eyes, to be precise. I…I like it. It’s weirdly good on me. I stand up, get closer to the mirror to admire his work. 
“Gold is your colour. It suits you perfectly.”
“I-It does,” I whisper, my voice barely audible.
He always knows exactly what to do to make me feel special, even loved dare I say. It’s surreal. A gentle kiss on the cheek brings me back to reality. I turn and see Bojan's smiling face. He's shining like never before. His eyes are dark and remind me of the black hole at the centre of this galaxy. The glittery makeup represents the stars that move in circles around that core of pure darkness, but his eyes reflect all the light instead of devouring it. 
“We can go, then. I have other surprises for you, my angel.”
Our “date” begins: Bojan takes me to my favourite human restaurant. He lets me order whatever I want, adding that I don’t have to worry about the bill. It’s not the first time that he pays for me, but this time it feels…strange. I’m nervous by all the charm he’s displaying tonight, the elegance in his clothes, the makeup, his smiles bigger than usual. What did he plan to do? Should I be worried? I’m so deep into my own train of thoughts that often I forget to reply to Bojan.
“Is everything ok, ljubavi?” 
I fall back into reality. “Yeah, sure, don't worry. I…had a rough day in Heaven, that's all,” I say the first thing that hits my mind.
Bojan grabs my hand with extreme gentleness, then starts caressing its back. His smile could melt a gigantic iceberg.
“Now it's time for you to relax, then. Enjoy this night out.”
I meet his eyes. I immediately feel more relaxed, more at ease. How…? Is he naturally like this or is he using some kind of dark demonic magic to make me lower my defences? I don’t understand.
We continue our dinner and once it’s finished we go for a walk around the city. Bojan grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers. A shiver runs down my spine, but I decide to ignore it.
We walk and walk until we reach a tall building. Bojan takes me to the top of it. We are alone here. I look around me, there’s nothing strange or even remotely dangerous.
“Why did you bring me here?” I ask.
Suddenly, so many candles appear all around us, following the verge of the roof. A soft melody starts playing out of thin air. I look at my demon, confused. He’s offering me his hand.
“Would you like to dance with me, Kris?”
Ok, he just wants to dance. We did it a couple of times, I guess we can do it again.
Thus, I take his hand, a little bit hesitant, then we begin dancing along with the music. I’m a terrible dancer, Bojan is far better than me, so I focus on his steps and movements and try to repeat them, following him.
“Just let the music flow over you. Hear it inside of you and allow it to take control over your body,” he suggests to me, whispering with an extremely tender voice, which makes me shiver.
I take a deep breath, then follow Bojan’s suggestion. The music is slow and sweet, it allows us, and especially me, to dance quite well, even if we both aren’t expert dancers. The demon’s movements are more fluid, he’s more used to letting himself go, my posture is more rigid, it’s the one of a soldier. We stare into each other’s eyes the whole time. 
What am I doing here? Why am I here? Why am I with a demon? I am not this. I’m a fucking seraph! I should kill demons, not frolic with one of them! I keep asking myself these questions, but I’m never able to find an answer.
I leave his hands and step back. I notice concern and confusion in the demon’s eyes.
“We can’t go on doing this, Bojan.”
“Why not? I don’t understand.”
“Because we can’t! You are a demon, and I’m an angel. We are not supposed to…mingle.”
“We are not mingling, ljubavi. This is a romantic date between two creatures who have feelings for each other.”
He gets closer and tales my hands kindly. Our eyes meet again. The confusion in them became something else, but I can’t name it. I’m not good with feelings. Does it seem like betrayal?
“Kris, I'm not the monster Heaven teaches you to despise. You saw me, you got to know me.”
“You are still a demon, Bojan, no matter how you behave or what you do.”
“And so? What does it change between us?”
“I'm a freaking angel! We are supposed to fight each other, not…doing this, dancing alone like two teenagers in love!”
“Only because we are not human teenagers? Because we come from two different places? Because others tell us that we should hate each other?” He clutches my hands between his,a spark of fear appears in my chest. “You know me,” Bojan brings one of my hands right to his chest.. “This heart is yours, ljubavi, and no one else’s.”
“Bojan, this is wrong.”
“Kris, I love you. What's wrong with that?” He stops talking for a few seconds. “You…don't love me?”
“No, Bojan. I don’t love you. Let’s stop pretending.”
I won’t admit it, but seeing Bojan’s reaction made me feel bad. Extremely bad. He’s visibly devastated by what I just said. I’m clearly influenced by his demonic magic, I can’t feel this bad for a demon.
“I-I’m not pretending.”
“Don’t lie, Bojan. You are a demon, all demons do is lie. You know who and what I am, you saw weakness in me because I didn’t kill you that day. You are corrupting me because you want me to lose my wings!”
My voice is harsh while I spit out those words. I want them to hit him like whips. He needs to understand who I am, what I am.
“I know you are an angel and nothing else! I-I don't want you to lose your wings!” His voice trembles, he tries to articulate his words, but he has problems in doing so. “I’m not lying!”
“You want to bring me to the path of perdition! You want me to fall, just like Lucifer.”
He lets my hands go. I follow him with my eyes while he recoils. Now even his body is affected by all those feelings, he’s staggering and shaking. It’s just evidence of how emotions are just a liability and how much demons can’t control themselves when those same emotions are involved. They are inferior creatures, in the end.
“I-I’m not, Kris. I-I don’t want to-”
“Stop lying!” I shout at him, powers exploding from me, I can barely hold my wings hidden. “You are a filthy demon. You don’t change, you just want to destroy us.”
This is the final strike. The demon is defeated. I won. Heaven won. I’m finally free from him, from his influence, from his corruption.
I stay on that rooftop observing Bojan running away from me, then I turn to glance at all those candles. I should feel better now that I cut every tie I had with that impure being, instead there’s a strange feeling in my chest, like an emptiness. 
I shake my head. It will go away, eventually, when his power will fade and he will no longer have some kind of control over me. I won’t fall, I won’t be the next Lucifer.
Life in Heaven continues as always. I help the other seraphim training the new angels, teaching them how to use their powers and how to not fall in demons’ traps. In my mind I have me as an example.
Who knows what he’s doing right now. Did he move on? Did some other angel killehim? Or maybe one of his overlords took care of him and killed him because he didn’t manage to corrupt an angel.
One day I’m tempted to go looking for him from my quarters, but I stop my hand in mid air over the mirror we angels use to watch Earth and humans from Heaven. And demons too, sometimes.
“Is everything ok, Kris?”
I turn. Martin’s there, he just entered the room.
“Yes,” I nod. “Why are you asking?”
“Because you are not our usual Kris since the last time you went on Earth.”
“I’m still me, nothing has changed.”
“Are you sure?” Martin looks me in the eyes.
“Yes, I am sure,” I reply, my voice almost growling.
“How is your little demon?”
“How am I supposed to know?” I blurt.
“You summoned his image in the mirror.”
I turn again. My eyes are wide open and my face is pale when I see him in my mirror. I didn’t touch it to activate it. Bojan is in a park, with one of his demonic friends, the blond one, Jure should be his name. They are talking about something written on that notebook. 
He…looks fine. No, he’s pretending. His eyes are sad, the light in them is muffled. Is he really sad…? 
“Apparently, your desire to know how he is doing is really strong,” notices Martin, now he’s next to me.
“It’s just a coincidence, Martin,” I say while staring at Bojan. “It’s a mere coincidence because we were talking about him.”
I don’t understand my mind and my body anymore. His simple image in my mirror made unknown feelings explode in me, even if on the outside I’m apparently calm. But they say that the calmest waters are the most dangerous and unpredictable ones, no? The turmoil inside of me looks like a tornado. I want to go to him, hug him, and make him smile again. Because his smile is everything to me.
A voice is calling me. I don’t even realise I’m marching towards the room where my mirror is. Bojan’s there, singing, looking up at the sky.
“Stolicu primakni, ruku mi dotakni, noćas ti si moja muza, ja u ritmu tvoga bluza ću da plešem bez prestanka.”
“You should talk to him,” says Jan, while approaching me, I’m watching that damn demon in my mirror. I forgot he was with me.
“Why? He's a demon. He's impure, a damned soul,” I reply. In the meantime Bojan’s voice is spreading in the room where I’m observing him from the sky. His voice is broken, filled with emotions, and despair. My heart is breaking, but my face shows no emotion, just like I was taught.
“Soba nam je mala. Ja ko pijana budala, a ni čaše nisam popio. Ja mislim da sam se zaljubio u tebe. Baš ja, koji nisam verovao da za nekim biću lud. Za tebe, kao u pesmama i filmovima ljubavnim, staviću zvuk.”
“And you love him.”
“Angels can't love. He started corrupting me,” I turn towards Jan.
“Angels can love and they must love. It's not corruption.”
“How can you tell it's not his corruption, Jan?!” I hiss at him, a shade of rage and maybe panic evident from my voice.
“Because I fell in love with a demon too. And I accepted it. Go to him, speak to him. He’s singing for you.”
“Samo se okreni, baci pogled prema meni. Preći će tišina sama kilometre među nama dok jednom srce otkuca.”
“With…a demon?”
“Yes, Kris. Like you, I didn’t think it was possible, but it happened. And he’s the most amazing creature I’ve ever had the chance to talk to. He’s sweet, he’s lovely, he’s…I love him. Now, please, go to him. You can hear his voice, he’s offering you his heart.”
“Soba nam je mala. Ja ko pijana budala, a ni čaše nisam popio. Ja mislim da sam se zaljubio u tebe. Baš ja, koji nisam verovao da za nekim biću lud. Za tebe, kao u pesmama i filmovima ljubavnim, staviću zvuk.”
I sigh. I don’t want to see him because I know I won’t be able to resist him. However, I find myself flying to the Earth, where Bojan is singing. His voice becomes more desperate the more the song goes on. When his eyes land on me, he falls on his knees. In my hand I have my sword. I’m trying to be intimidating, to behave like the seraph I am.
���Ne palite još svetla, još samo jedan tren da se nagledam lepote te. Ne palite još svetla. Ne prizivajte dan. Spasite me, smislite neki plan. Ako svane sunce, ostaću sam.”
Silence falls between us. We stare at each other. The demon looks even smaller now that he is on his knees, on the ground. And he’s also the one who breaks the silence.
“You came.”
“You called,” I reply. It was hard not to hear his cry for help.
No one speaks, so I decide to get closer to Bojan, slowly. His eyes on me make me feel uncomfortable, it’s so difficult to not divert my attention from him.
“You know I should kill you right now because you are on Earth and not in Hell, right?”
“Then do it. I won’t fight, I won’t run away. If I can’t be with you, I’d rather be dead.”
I finally divert my eyes from him. Those words hit me right in the chest. How dare he be this dramatic and romantic at the same time? 
“You are an idiot, Bojan.”
“Yeah, I know, ljubavi. Love made me lose my mind in a way I didn’t think possible.”
“You said that in the song.”
“Maybe it’s just one of the many flaws that make us demons so imperfect in front of you angels. I was so unlucky to fall in love with you, but I don’t consider myself unlucky. I had the best moments of my life with you, I don’t want to change this for anything else in this world, not even a place in Heaven, if this means that I will lose my ability to love so strongly.”
I wince at those words, shivers run down my whole body. He has always been good with words, my complete opposite. I never admitted it, but I love how he plays with words.
I let my guard down, and in that moment he grabs my sword to sticks his point on his chest, where the heart is.
“You are here for this, no? Killing another impure soul that doesn’t follow the rules.”
I lay my eyes on him again. His only answer is a big smile, almost relieved. What is he doing? What is he trying to achieve?
“Don’t make me do this, Bojan.”
“It’s ok, ljubavi. It’s ok. It’s…it’s your nature, you have been trained to do this your whole life.”
My eyes hurt, tears are threatening to come out. No! He can’t really be like this! He wants to die? He wants me to kill him?
My first thought is to pull away my sword, and throw it as far away as possible, so Bojan can’t hurt himself, but my whole body petrifies. He’s crying in front of me. My inability to read emotions is hitting me hard, because I want to know what he’s feeling right now so I can make him feel better, but I can’t recognise anything on his face. Is he…relieved? Happy? Terrified?
He closes his eyes, and waits for me to strike. I’m still petrified. My mind stops working for a few seconds that seem to last centuries.
When I can finally control my body again, I’m able to throw away my sword. Bojan won’t die today, not thanks to me. He doesn’t deserve to die, he’s an amazing being, and a stunningly gorgeous one too. I can’t take him away from this world, and from mine too.
I fall on my knees too, I grab his face and kiss him. My lips move against his motionless ones, but he kisses me back a few seconds later. I can taste him, and his emotions too. These kisses are just showing us how much we need each other. I, a seraph, need my little demon by my side.
When we stop, Bojan lays his forehead on mine.
“Please, let it be real,” He’s whispering. “Please, please, let it be real.”
I chuckle. “It’s real, Bojan.”
He looks me in the eyes. “Real-real kind of way or…real-I’m-in-some-sort-of-Heaven-for-demons-because-I’m-dead kind of way?” 
I gently caress his cheeks, then lean forwards just to kiss him again. This is my answer, at least my first one.  
“This kind of way, my little demon,” I add immediately after.
“I’m your little demon, then?”
I nod. I really enjoy calling him that. And he likes it too. I keep stroking his cheeks.
“What made you change your mind?”
“Your song,” my answer arrives instantly, he is still talking. “I had feelings for you, they developed pretty early, but I…wasn’t acknowledging their existence because I never had the chance to fall in love with someone,” I confess, feeling a little bit of embarrassment. Being a high ranking angel and having problems with your feelings isn’t the best thing, to be honest.
Bojan brings me back from my thoughts while he just slams on me, pushing me on the ground. He’s now on top of me, I feel my cheeks getting redder. 
“Well, now you have someone right here.”
I notice his cute little tail on his back, moving in the air. I smile. 
* * *
Since my first kiss with Bojan the weight I had on me immediately disappeared. My whole life I’ve been trained to despise, fight and kill demons. But Bojan, one of those same creatures, opened my eyes and changed my world. He made me discover that angels can love too, even beings they were taught to hate, and that maybe demons are not so bad as we are told.
Now we are inseparable and I can’t picture myself without my little demon by my side.
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onemoreparadise · 1 year
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Went to the mountain, drank all the wine. Walked through the valley, felt every high. I ran through fire, I did my time. I found my soul just to lose my mind. Met with the healers, prayed with the saints. All of the sinners know my name. There's scars I've caused and scars I've earned. Still don't know much but here's what I learned : My demons are on the hunt but my angels taught me how to run. I got two wolves inside of me but I decide which one to feed
Freya Allan x Matt Smith requested by @lydskhaleesi
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bluefurrsmemes · 11 months
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DEMI LOVATO :: HOLY FVCK PROMPTS. PART 3. Feel free to change pronouns as needed.
"I'm scared of the come down."
"I don't think I'll know how to live without this now."
"Will my heart stop? Will I withdrawal?"
"So I can't figure out how I'm wasted."
"The highest high can't hold a candle to getting wasted on you."
"Happened so fast, I can't hold back."
"It feels like it's dangerous and I wanna chase it."
" 'Cause just one look at you and I'm wasted."
"You breathe, I feel it in my bones."
"I knew the minute I met you that I had to have you, or I'd die."
"We both want it, but we don't surrender."
"Your hands send shivers down my spine."
"Don't rush, I love a slow touch, and you're doing everything just right."
"And we could make it last forever."
"But paradise is even better when we come together."
"Feels like the first time every night with you."
"I'm waking up right now, and they never will."
"Again, I still can't understand."
"I made it through hell and I don't know why."
"I miss the hell we can't raise, I miss the time we can't waste."
"We had the rest of our lives, didn't get to say goodbye."
"God only knows where they went."
"I danced with the devil."
"I'll see them again, I miss my dead friends."
"What you think matters."
"You say suck it up."
"There's nothing I can do but throw the two birdies up."
"I must be feeling better now."
"I'm gonna take your opinions shove 'em back in your face."
"Help me, you think you're helping, huh?"
"Hey, thank you for your useless information."
"Hey, you're never satisfied with my explanation."
"I ran through fire, I did my time."
"I found my soul just to lose my mind."
"All of the sinners know my name."
"Still don't know much but here's what I learned."
"My demons are on the hunt, but my angels taught me how to run."
"I got two wolves inside of me, but I decide which one to feed."
"I've built a bridge and burned it down."
"I hold on tight to things I've learned."
4 EVER 4 ME.
"Where did they go? I didn't notice."
"When they fell, I fell for you."
"I couldn't be scared if I tried."
" 'Cause nothings ever felt this right."
"I can't hold back, I'm falling in love."
"When we're alone, time floats away, we stare at each other."
"I think this is forever for me."
"They say you know when you find the one."
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delicatefalice · 2 years
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vickyanne40 · 2 years
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One wolf howls while the other one sings One wolf soothes while the other one stings (Yeah) My demons are on the hunt But my angels taught me how to run I got two wolves inside of me (Yeah) But I decide which one to feed (Yeah) I decide which one to feed https://www.instagram.com/p/ChdwOBaOm3P/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
books-and-catears · 2 years
Monster hunter!mc is killing me I love it so much. Solomon abusing their ability to beat the shit out of demons to acquire more pacts. Honestly Belphie should be glad he's locked in the attic. He won't have to worry about getting his ass kicked by some "pathetic" human.
Luke is out there cheering this human on.
What an amazing addition oh my god! Must write immediately! Thank you!
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MC arriving in Purgatory Hall
Simeon: Why hello there!
Solomon: Ah you're the new exchange student who has all these demons so frantic?
MC: One of you isn't human. But your aura is quite different from the demons.
Simeon: Ah I hope so, cause I'm an angel you see.
MC: Ah you're not dangerous. Nice to meet you. And you... you're human, but there's something off.
Solomon: Well I am older than an average human, I suppose.
MC: How much older?
Solomon: Uh..not much. Just a few thousand years, give or take.
MC: ......
Luke: *walks in* Guys come see, there's a bunch of demons with broken limbs. They were following me for a while and then out of nowhere there was this human- oh it's you again!
MC: You're the non human from before. And you're not a monster. In fact, you are the opposite of a monster.
Luke: I'm an angel, just like Simeon over there! So um...thank you for saving me back there. Would you like some tea and cakes? I made them myself.
MC: *nods* Tea and cakes sound nice. Thank you.
Luke: Okay we'll bring them right out. Simeon a little help?
Simeon: Make yourself comfortable. Also you have my gratitude for looking out for Luke.
MC: The innocent must be protected. That's why my Nana taught me to hunt monsters. So innocent don't get hurt.
Simeon: You'd make a good archangel. I'll go bring that tea now. *Leaves*
Solomon: So what do you think of your fellow exchange students?
MC: I like those two. Their aura is calming. Especially the little one.
Solomon: What about me?
MC: You are strange but not bad. But you look like you want to ask something. What is it?
Solomon: Wow you could tell that just from looking at me?
MC: Been around too many people. I know too many things.
Solomon: You don't seem to like hurting people. You beat up those heavy looking demons but you're not exactly celebrating your victory.
MC: Killing is a last resort. Nana told me killing dirties the soul. First protect, then defeat if they don't give up then kill. And also, there's too many of them. Too many monsters. Too many to kill.
Solomon: You know...there is a way control these demons. Make them harmless in a way. So you won't be needing to kill anyone.
MC: ...that would be good.
Solomon: Let's work out a deal then, shall we?
Meanwhile in the HOL attic,
Belphie: What's all this commotion? I can usually never hear what's going on outside...
Belphie: *presses his ear to the outer walls*
"...We are initiating the lock down now. Please if you see a feral human running around, donot provoke them. Simply run from the scene into the safe space and contact us with the location."
Belphie: Isn't that...Barbatos?! What did he say? A feral HUMAN?!
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rageagaiinst · 7 months
— ✿ tag dump. › ANNALEIGH LANCASTER.
These are going to be under a read more, because this got very long.
— ✿ putting my defenses up 'cause i don't wanna fall in love. › default modern verse.
— ✿ i can see right through all your empty lies i won't stay long in this world so wrong. › default yugioh verse.
— ✿ my demons are on the hunt but my angels taught me how to run. › default naruto verse.
— ✿ you've always been right there for me. › ohshc verse.
— ✿ 'Cause now there's a new life to behold and its the biggest part of my life to unfold. › new mom verse.
— ✿ papa don't preach i'm in trouble deep. › pregnancy verse.
— ✿ look what you did suck on your lies until your eyes turn red. › gang days verse.
— ✿ you're on your own kid you always have been. › teenager verse.
— ✿ she’s got a smile that it seems to me reminds me of childhood memories. › supernatural verse.
— ✿ i've been waiting for someone to come all alone in darkness waiting for more. › noragami verse.
— ✿ my scars remind me that the past is real i tear my heart open just to feel. › tvd verse.
— ✿ remember me i'm everything you can't control. › ancient egypt verse.
— ✿ who said i can't wear my converse with my dress. › charmed verse.
— ✿ annaleigh lancaster. › in character.
— ✿ is this what you'd all prefer would you like me better if i was still her. › appearance.
— ✿ you're not alone here not at all let me belong here break my fall. › headcanons.
— ✿ your sugarcoat is just as sweet as i am. › aesthetics.
— ✿ i let you see the parts of me that weren’t all that pretty and with every touch you fixed them. › annaleigh & saeyoung. diverse-hearts.
#— ✿ tag dump.#— ✿ putting my defenses up 'cause i don't wanna fall in love. › default modern verse.#— ✿ i can see right through all your empty lies i won't stay long in this world so wrong. › default yugioh verse.#— ✿ my demons are on the hunt but my angels taught me how to run. › default naruto verse.#— ✿ you've always been right there for me. › ohshc verse.#— ✿ 'Cause now there's a new life to behold and its the biggest part of my life to unfold. › new mom verse.#— ✿ papa don't preach i'm in trouble deep. › pregnancy verse.#— ✿ look what you did suck on your lies until your eyes turn red. › gang days verse.#— ✿ you're on your own kid you always have been. › teenager verse.#— ✿ she’s got a smile that it seems to me reminds me of childhood memories. › supernatural verse.#— ✿ i've been waiting for someone to come all alone in darkness waiting for more. › noragami verse.#— ✿ my scars remind me that the past is real i tear my heart open just to feel. › tvd verse.#— ✿ remember me i'm everything you can't control. › ancient egypt verse.#— ✿ who said i can't wear my converse with my dress. › charmed verse.#— ✿ annaleigh lancaster. › in character.#— ✿ is this what you'd all prefer would you like me better if i was still her. › appearance.#— ✿ you're not alone here not at all let me belong here break my fall. › headcanons.#— ✿ your sugarcoat is just as sweet as i am. › aesthetics.#— ✿ i let you see the parts of me that weren’t all that pretty and with every touch you fixed them. › annaleigh & saeyoung. diverse-hearts.
0 notes
the-mountain-flower · 5 months
Few lyrics will ever be epic in the same way this is:
"My demons are on the hunt, but my angels taught me how to run"
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
Hi do you think you do the 4 lords reaction to finding out their GN s/o has a shadow demon that goes wherever they go and some time find the 2 of them playing board games
Hiii!! okay important note here! i decided to go a little off topic (sorry) for the purpose of a part 2 where the lord’s s/o will be an angel!! of course still gender neutral and there will be a shadow demon but the s/o will be a demon that hasn’t fully formed yet!
i’ve been really uninspired lately so this probably isn’t my best! i apologise :((
Devil or Angel? Pt.1
General HC’s
It was strange how quickly your life had changed. One morning you were just a normal villager in some godforsaken town in the middle of nowhere Romania and the next day you woke up from the cold dirty ground with a pair of huge dark wings and sharp nails.
You had been exploring some of the woodlands surrounding the village, looking for a water source which was running low when a dark figure came barrelling towards you. It felt like hours, when really it was only a few seconds of sharp searing pain. Maybe it was a bad idea to leave the village alone.
You didn’t die however, or maybe you did? You weren’t quite sure what was happening to your body. All you knew was it must have been something supernatural to make the huge black wings appear.
“Looks like you finally woke up! Do you know how fucking boring it is just waiting for you to wake up?”
You screamed in terror at the large demonic creature floating above you. It was surrounded by a cloud of black mist with red eyes that pierced through its silhouette. It had a large wicked smile aligned with sharp teeth and a set of wings that matched your own.
Behind those eyes was something much more human however, in fact it looked rather bored.
“Who, or what are you?! And mind that language!”
The creature only laughed at you, amused by the whole situation which bothered you beyond compare.
“Well I’m a demon, if I didn’t swear you’d probably think me an angel with these playful charms I posses! And to be more specific I’m your demon, it seems you fell prey to one of the other demons condemned to this world it’s quite the tragedy really.”
You were shocked at just how easily this creature, this demon talked to you. As if it was a completely normal morning and life in the village had not changed at all.
“Oh don’t act so shocked, you medieval villagers have been worshiping my kind for a lot longer than that Mother Miranda. You’re one of us now!”
Surprisingly over time the creature, who’d you’d nicknamed “red” for their glowing eyes, was slowly growing on you. You might even call them a friend.
Sure Red was cocky as all hell and didn’t hesitate to cause trouble amongst the village but they became very protective over you and showed you the ropes on life as a demon.
Life can get kinda boring when you’re practically immortal and so you and red pass the time playing old Romanian board games and solitaire. When village life got really boring you even stooped so low to play go fish together.
A lot of the time you cause mischief in and around the village while Red was practically the devil on your shoulder, egging you on to stir the pot. The lycans were particularly enjoyable to taunt.
Regardless of everything, you couldn’t see yourself without Red and to lose them would crush you. There had been one too many nights when you’d chat about everything and nothing until you fell asleep curled up underneath your wings.
That was when you felt a protective wing curl around you, one that wasn’t your own.
“Always gotta fall asleep on me don’t you, huh? Don’t worry, I’ll have you partying all night before you know it kiddo.”
Alcina Dimitrescu
It started out as a stupid dare when Red dared you to sneak into Castle Dimitrescu and steal the Lady’s lipstick after hearing the village gossip that it was expensive.
You did not expect however to get caught in the hallway, starting straight up into the eyes of Alcina Dimitrescu, a stuttering and blushing mess. It was something that Red would tease you for until eternity ended.
After winning her favour, both you and Red were invited to stay in the Castle with Alcina and her daughters. She thought you were much better company than her brother and her affluent but gothic lifestyle totally appealed to you.
As it turns out you and Alcina had a lot more in common, both being creatures of a supernatural nature. You enjoyed the lazy afternoons curled up on the couch, a glass of maidens blood in your hand as she gentle stroked the back of her hand against your wings.
You had the finest outfits that matched your black wings perfectly and everything was tailor made so you were comfortable.
Red taught you how to fly so you were able to use your wings to be at eye level with Alcina which was perfect for hugs and kisses.
It turns out that Red is a great babysitter for the girls and keeps them entertained with hunting maidens and chasing them around the Castle while you and Alcina can spend some time together.
Donna Beneveinto
At first, Donna is truly scared of you and Red much like how you were in the beginning. But eventually, with the help of Angie she saw that you were not going to harm her.
You loved to spend time with Donna and watch her make her dolls or sew her dresses. Sometimes Red will come back with Angie from a day of causing trouble to find you reading to her another encyclopaedia of plants. Her head is resting on your chest and your wings are wrapped around her protectively while you read.
Your favourite thing to do together is to take Donna into your arms and fly to the top of the mountain where the waterfall begins and watch the sunset together. She’ll always have a deathly grip on your hand the whole time even though you’ve reassured her that you’d never drop her.
One time when you leaned in and gave her a kiss, a rather loud noise was heard from the corner and interrupted you.
“EWWW you guys are too cute!! All that lovey-dovey stuff makes me sick!”
Red is standing to the side with Angie on their shoulder who is sitting there making her own dramatic faces. One of Angie’s wooden hands covers Red’s eyes while the other is held on her forehead as if the kiss was enough to kill her.
Besides from their comment both Angie and Red act like your wing man for your relationship with Donna. They absolutely love you two together and have set up many dates for the two of you.
Salvatore Moreau
You meet Salvatore Moreau one day when you’re at the reservoir playing hide and seek in the near by mines with Red.
As it’s your turn to hide you end up ducking between some planks to find a tv set up and a small couch. Sitting in the middle of it happens to be someone you now know as Sal.
He thought you were going to kill him at first, hiding his face in his hands but very slowly after some months he saw that you weren’t a threat.
Over this time trying to convince Sal that you weren’t going to hurt him and trying to spend more time with him, Red took the opportunity to tease you for your crush.
“I think someone’s in got a little crush hmm??”
Eventually you become very close with Sal and the two of you will playfully chase each other at the reservoir. Sal will swim just below the surface while you fly just above it and your fingers brush together just where the water meets the air.
One time when you were chasing Red around the rooftops of the old village, you slipped and fell into the water, something that your large feathery wings did not enjoy and Red had to pull you out.
You ended up bundled on the couch with Sal, a bunch of blankets around you as your wings dried out. It took forever and you ended up a giant bundle of fluffy feathers but Sal thought you looked adorable.
Karl Heisenberg
Karl caught you and Red taunting the lycans when he went to check on them at their den one day. At the site of you two he raised an eyebrow and proceeded to light a cigar.
“I think you two may be lost, don’t you know it’s dangerous out here?”
You can hear the sarcasm in his voice and you spread your wings out to be intimidating, Red’s black mist behind you adding to it.
“Indeed it is very dangerous out here, I’d hate for you to get hurt.”
It was then when the three of you burst into a fit of laughter knowing that you were the strongest creatures in these woods and nothing could really hurt either of you.
Both you and Karl had a mischievous side and spent a lot of time causing trouble for his sister in her Castle.
It was fun to spend time with Karl and you both grew rather close. He even trusted you enough to let you help him on some of his plans and designs.
Red was particularly fond of the idea of killing Mother Miranda.
“Ooh when she’s gone can I have my picture put back up?! Pretty please!”
Karl designed his soldats with a red glowing chest plate that reminded him of your red glowing eyes which now matched Red’s.
While Karl will deny it forever, he’s completely in awe of you and finds you absolutely breathtaking. He can’t get over how soft your wings are and always cuddles up to you complaining that it’s cold even though it’s sweltering hot in the factory.
One day Karl took you by surprise and kissed you gently but with a degree of confidence which took him months to find. You melted into him and wrapped your arms around him securely, completely forgetting Red who’s hovering in the room.
“Guys I hate to break it to you but I’m kinda third wheeling here…”
Needless to say, Red third wheeled a lot and ended up befriend Sturm as an alternative to watching you guys make out.
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Elf-On-The-Shelf Trouble
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Characters: Reader, Dean, Sam, Castiel, Jack (all platonic)
Warnings: None.
Summary: Something unnatural enters the bunker - unnatural and Christmas-y.
A/n: Happy Holidays, my loves!
It had been a quieter week for hunting almost as if the monsters had taken the holidays seriously. This gave you and the boys time to yourselves to properly enjoy the time off. It was two days before Christmas and you wanted to take advantage of the spirit.
Sam had taken Jack into town for a grocery run in which you had requested a few extra ingredients to create a nice holiday feast while Dean and Castiel were in the library clearing up the spare decorations.
In the kitchen, you pushed your sleeves up and began to strategise how you were going to tackle the challenge. You stooped down and opened up the cabinet to retrieve your cookbook. Well, it started as ‘your’ cookbook but overtime, Sam and Dean added to it until it was just a mashup of the Kitchen’s Greatest Hits. 
You gathered the ingredients for gingerbread and eggnog only stopping briefly when Dean walked in, dusting his hands of ornament glitter.
“The library is clean as a whistle and Cas is heading out for more of your tinsel crap.” He approached the bench with the bottle of rum. You turned around to pick up a spoon and smiled at the jab.
“Calm down, Scrooge. It’s festive.” You replied and then sighed. “All we’re missing is a star for the top.”
“We could just stick Cas on there instead.”
The thought of Castiel perched at the top of the tree with his trench coat made you laugh which infected Dean until you were both in stitches.
The pair of you had just started folding base ingredients together when Sam and Jack announced their arrival, finding their fellow hunters in the kitchen. They carried in the grocery bags and set them on the table, Sam starting to unpack while Jack approached you with a grin.
“Hey.” You greeted. He was curiously happy and it made you smile.
“I met a nice old lady in town today and she gave me something that I think you’ll like.” Jack told you while you caught the small bottle of nutmeg powder that Sam had tossed over.
Unscrewing the bottle, you tilted your head. “I do love surprises.”
As the words flew out of your mouth, in your face, was a doll dressed in a white-collared red stocking, blue eyes staring to the side, a smile completed by its rosy cheeks.
You almost jumped back when you saw it. In a world of demons, ghouls, wraiths - no real monster creeped you out more than the elf on the shelf and Jack had brought one home as a gift for you.
“Oh...!” You didn’t really know what to say so you gave a small nervous laugh, taking the doll in your hands. “Jack, this is so... sweet...”
The nephilim beamed. He had never given a gift before and Sam was right - it filled him up with so much happiness.
“You like it?” He asked and you replicated the smile.
“Of course, I do. Hey, why don’t you set this little guy down, go upstairs and get changed and come back to help me with these cookies?” You suggested quickly.
Jack cast his eyes down at the bench stop filled with various ingredients and was overtaken with excitement to learn how to make gingerbread. “Okay.”
He set the elf to sit upright on the kitchen table before disappearing to change into more comfortable clothes. You waved the young boy off and then cast a beady look at the toy, not noticing Sam’s smirk.
“Wow. For someone who enjoys the holiday spirit, you really hate the Elf-On-The-Shelf.” He chuckled and you shook your head, eyes still fixated on the small object.
“He looks like he knows something.” You said suspiciously. “And why is he always smiling?”
Sam chuckled and then mentioned wanting to go for a walk. You m nodded and let him leave just as Jack returned with a bright grin and rolled up sleeves. “How can I help?”
You had a plan laid out for him but it turned on its head when Dean ‘donated’ his bowl of dough to the nephilim, “You can start with that.” He said and grabbed a towel, wiping his fingers of any excess. “I’m going to set the table.”
You thanked him for the help and watched the man leave as well.
Now left with Jack, you taught the boy everything you knew about gingerbread. As the day was pleasantly quiet on the hunting front, you both spent the majority of the time baking and getting the occasional helping hand from one of the brothers or Jack. Castiel had appeared briefly to help but he confused salt with sugar and received a temporary ban.
When night came around, gingerbread was successfully baked and you were exhausted. Thankfully, there were no hunting drama about hormonal teenagers summoning the Krampus which meant that you could finally rest.
After bidding everyone a goodnight, and warning Dean of the repercussions if he tried to steal a cookie early, you climbed into your bed and were swept away in a peaceful dreamless sleep.
A giggle came from right beside your ear. You swat out of instinct and sat up in a daze. The room was dark and you thought your mind was playing tricks but then you made out a small movement across the floor - it looked... red?
Now on high alert, you grabbed your gun from beneath your pillow and jumped out of the covers. You walked silently across the room and flicked on the lights, pointing your gun at an empty floor.
Then you heard the giggle from the hallway and you spun around to wrench the door open only to find nothing. Rubbing your eyes, you let out a sigh until you heard quick receding footsteps and a shout.
You bolted for Room 11, almost at the door, when you skid to a halt. Standing just outside Dean’s room was the elf doll that Jack had brought home - it was holding a kitchen knife.
Hell. No.
You raised your gun and fired into the dolls chest sending the scent of burnt cotton into the air. Instead of dropping to the ground, the doll turned to you and vanished in a wisp of smoke.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t over. You felt a weight on your shoulder and Dean emerged from his room just in time to see the elf raise its blade. The older Winchester pulled out his own gun and took a shot, effectively disarming the elf as the weapon clanged on the floor.
You jumped and reached back to pull it off - but it wouldn’t budge. This was like dropping into a nightmare. And just when it seemed like it couldn’t get worse, you felt a bite at your neck.
“Get it off!” You screamed, flailing around the corridor as panic actually set in.
Suddenly, a grey sweatshirt came into view. “Okay, okay - hold on!” Sam instructed. You could tell he was trying to help but when he yanked at the doll, the pain in your neck increased and you struggled against the tall man.
Sam huffed, a little frustrated with how much you were moving which made his task more difficult.
“Damn it, Y/n - hold still for Sam.” Dean told you tensely.
And you stopped moving - you stopped only to give the blonde-haired man a scathing glare and a piece of your mind.
“Don’t make me shoot you - ow!”
“Sorry!” Sam apologised. “I need an angel blade.”
Dean whipped around to fetch the one from his room when he saw Jack jogging over after being woken up from the commotion.
“Kid, angel blade - now!”
The nephilim’s eyes glowed and, instantly, Sam’s hand wielded the angelic weapon. The man was hoping to cut the thing off but one touch of the silver and the elf unlatched itself, springing back.
You gasped in relief, leaning against the wall as you clutched your neck, noticing a few spots of blood. Dean and Jack rushed over to your side hurtling questions to ask if you were okay.
“Do you feel any odd... sensations?”
You rolled your eyes at Dean. “I was bitten by a Christmas demon - not a radioactive spider.”
Dean made a quick comment about how you could never be too sure but was interrupted when when Sam called out for the three of you.
Looking over at where he stood, you noticed that his eyes were fixed on the elf who had gotten to its feet and was walking in the direction of the fallen knife.
Dean pointed at the doll, “We should run.”
Without a second thought, the four of you bolted through the hallway into the furthest room you could find - a high pitched giggle nipping at your heels.
“In here!” Sam ushered everyone into a storage facility. Once the lock was clicked, you all let out a collective sigh.
You pressed your hand against the wound and found that the blood had mostly dried up. “What the hell was that?”
“A seriously pissed elf.” Dean said instantly. “Scared the crap out of me when it blew my door open.”
You blinked at him as something awful dawned on you. “It blew your door open?”
“That’s what I said. There were three knocks and then bam!”
You turned towards the door of the room and quietly walked closer. You pressed your ear against the dark wood and waited.
“Why didn’t it go inside?” Jack wondered and the Winchester shrugged, not sure how to answer.
Then his eyes widened.
“I spilled holy oil on the floor when I knocked the bottle over.”
Knock, knock...
Dean was at your side instantly helping you brace the door as it rattled, the elf trying to gain access. Jack paced nervously and Sam pulled out his phone as he attempted to do some quick research in the chaos.
You glanced up at the hinges and saw them loosen slowly. “Cursed object?” You guessed.
Sam gnawed at his lip as he thought, “Maybe but it hasn’t done anything curse-y.”
“It bit me!” You snapped.
Dean pushed harder while frowning at your argument. “Y/n, you didn’t let any of us eat your cookies - I’d bite you.”
“It’s not a cursed object...” Sam realised as he scrolled through his phone quickly. Dean slammed his shoulder against the door with a grunt and a shot a scowl in his brothers direction.
“Did you see that thing with the knife? It’s cursed!”
“No - Dean, I think it’s been possessed by the - well, the literal Spirit of Christmas.”
You frowned at the man and tilted your head. “Are you saying Santa bit me?”
Sam looked up from his device at your admission and exhaled at the foolish answer, not surprised that you had given it. He then looked over at Jack, the young boy had been the one to bring the elf into the bunker with innocent intentions.
“Jack, when the woman gave you the elf, did you walk under any evergreen?”
With furrowed brows, Jack thought hard as he recalled his steps that morning in the small town.
“I had just picked up the pie and left the store when the sweet old lady gifted it to me. Then I crossed the street to meet with you at the car.”
It sounded simple enough until you remembered a small detail from when you ventured the same road several weeks ago. “The lampposts have fresh evergreen leaves hanging between them. You would have crossed beneath it to get to Sam.”
“That’s probably what set the spirit off.” Sam nodded while you helped his brother brace the door. “Okay - there’s an ancient fable here that says ‘without a sacrifice, the spirit comes down, until presented with a stem of green from the town’ - a stem of green?”
“Like a branch from the tree we have downstairs?” You asked, feet almost sliding out from under you as the spirit slammed against the only thing keeping it out.
“Son of a bitch.” Dean cursed at the tiny toy. “You just had to convince us to celebrate the holidays!”
There was a scowl on your face the moment his tone hit your ears. Turning to the man, you slapped his shoulder.
“How do we know that this isn’t because of your ‘grinchy’ behaviour? Honestly, I’d set a psycho-Christmas spirit on your ass too.”
“Believe me Y/n I haven’t started being-“
“Guys?” Sam’s call drew your attention and that’s when you and Dean realised that it had gone quiet. Leaning forward you pressed an ear to the door and listened to what seemed like little footsteps running off.
The spirit appeared to have moved on to another part of the bunker and you weren’t sure if that was comforting or more alarming. You and Dean stepped away from the door with a small sigh of relief.
Now, you needed a plan to kill the spirit and quick.
All heads worked together to form a rough sketch of how to tackle the issue before unlocking the door and creeping out of the room. With minimal noise, you all managed to get to a hallway opening that allowed you see a top view of the crows nest and a part of the library where the tree was - and the damn elf.
It was sitting there on the edge of the table with its rosy cheeks, blue eyes, and uncomfortable smile.
Oh, how you hated that thing.
There was a nudge to your right, pulling you from your thoughts and you saw that Dean and Sam had disappeared to lay their plan in motion which left you with the nephilim. Nodding at the boy, you stayed quiet before retracing your steps and headed down the hall towards Dean’s room. Thankfully, it was only two corridor turns away.
Turning the handle, you quickly entered and spotted the weapon that was needed hanging on the wall above his desk. You grabbed it, knocking a few pens over in the process, and bolted out. As you neared Jack, you heard a commotion downstairs which could only be Dean and Sam attempting to distract the spirit and you sped up.
Sliding to a stop, Jack presented you with the sharp-edge of a branch that he managed to snap off while the elf was occupied. You took it from his hand and stealthily moved down the stairs, staying out of sight. You reached the tree and loaded the branch into the crossbow as you heard a body fly against the wall, hitting the opposing bookshelf, and a seperate grunt that landed on the floor by the foot of the tree.
Taking in a deep breath - it was now or never.
You whipped around the side of the tree, spotted the little red holiday-demon pinning Dean to the floor and fired the evergreen. The branch sank itself into the elf’s soft body and flung it away from the Winchester who gasped for air. Sam got to his feet, rolling out his aching shoulder and walked over to where the Christmas entity laid still.
You, Dean and Jack did the same, still a little jumpy in case the thing attacked.
“Is it over?” Jack asked curiously.
Suddenly, the spirit shook the walls for a few seconds before combusting into a tall white cloud that dropped small snowflakes.
Talk about dramatic.
“Yeah - it’s over.” Sam sighed.
The door to the bunker screeched open, reminding you to oil the hinges later, and Castiel walked in with eyes fixed on the boxes in his hands. He didn’t notice the messed state of the bunker until he approached the four of you in the library, disheveled and breathless.
“What happened in here?” He frowned, blue eyes darting about for the danger. Jack smiled at his fatherly-figure. “We were attacked by a holiday spirit but it’s just a pile of snow now.”
Castiel was thoroughly confused at how this chaos transpired and opened his mouth when you caught his inquiry.
“It’s a long story.” You said quickly and diverted the attention to the item in his hands. “What’s that?”
The angel would get himself the details a little bit later and entertained your question. He moved forward and set the first box on the table before opening the second and a beautiful gold light sprang forth. Reaching in, Castiel gingerly picked up the contents and revealed a small glowing ball.
“I believe you said that you wanted a star on the top.”
You couldn’t believe what you were seeing and Dean playfully bumped into your shoulder.
“Happy holidays, Y/n.”
Looking to your side, you saw Sam and Dean smiling back at you - they knew.
There weren’t enough words to describe what it was you were feeling in that moment but it was strong. Forget the trees and presents, Team Free Will 2.0 was your forever gift.
Castiel handed the glowing star to the nephilim and stepped back beside you, Dean and Sam - the four of you watching as Jack reached up to placed it on the top where it hovered silently, emitting its warm light.
It was perfect.
“That reminds me... I found this on my way back.” Castiel moved over and picked up the second box and presenting it to everyone in the room. In his hands, and sitting neatly inside, was a little santa-hat wearing elf with his smile.
“I believe that you put them on the shelf.”
You swallowed nervously and glanced over at the brothers and Jack.
Sam caught your look and nodded.
“Yeah - I’ll get the holy oil.”
Masterlist here
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fandoms-and-things · 3 years
So someone told me I should actually post my psychology assignment for adolescent psych...
Pop Culture Assignment
The long-running TV show, Supernatural, follows the story of two brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester, who repeatedly save the world from demons, monsters, angels, vampires, and any other number of mythical creatures. The show begins by flashing back to their childhood with the death of their mother as she bursts into flames on the ceiling above the cradle of the younger brother, Sam. Sam, Dean, and their father, John Winchester survive the fire and we later learn that it was all caused by a demon. From that day forth John Winchester makes it his life mission to avenge the death of his wife and begins spending his life as a “hunter” for supernatural creatures in the hopes that one day he’d come across the one that killed his wife. However, travelling from motel room to motel room back and forth across the country, facing dangerous creatures day in and day out is no healthy way to raise two children and this comes across very clearly in the parenting styles John uses and especially in how they affect the development of the elder son, Dean.
Supernatural is a show that has a very large fan following and thus has people all over the world dedicating hours upon hours a week to it - creating fanart, writing novel-length stories, or even analyzing the character’s every action to figure out their intrinsic motivations. Thus, in my analysis of the character of Dean Winchester and the effect his father’s parenting had on him, I would like to take into account the more popular subplots that fans have collectively believed to be true even if it is not directly evident in the media.
Parenting styles play an important role in the development of children to adolescents and beyond through the rest of their lives. There are four main parenting styles: authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and neglecting. Authoritative consists mainly of high acceptance and high control, they are controlling but flexible such as making reasonable demands and explaining why they have those rules. Authoritarian parents have high control and low acceptance and are often highly restrictive, rely on punitive, forceful tactics, and are not sensitive to their child’s or viewpoints. Permissive parents practice low control and high acceptance - being very lax with establishing and enforcing rules and making few demands at all. Finally, neglecting or uninvolved parents are low control/ low acceptance, being extremely lax and may have either rejected their children or been completely overwhelmed by their own issues to worry about caring for their children All four parenting styles have different effects on the person they’re being used to parent. Authoritative parenting often leaves children in the best case scenario all around: happy, socially responsible, self-reliant, achievement-oriented, etc. Authoritarian parents leave children commonly less independent, less assertive, less achievement oriented, aimless, and unhappy. Permissive parents create children who may be impulsive, aggressive, bossy, self-centered, and lack self-control. Neglectful parents have children who are commonly aggressive, have behavioral problems, poor academic performance, hostile, and a higher likelihood of delinquent acts. These are only the beginnings of the effects the style of parenting used can affect their kids.
On Archive of Our Own, a popular fanfiction website, the tag “John Winchester’s A+ Parenting” has nearly 3,400 works posted. This tag is used in obvious satire as John Winchester often flip-flops between Authoritarian and Neglecting parenting styles. As the boys were growing up, John often gave them some money for food and then left them alone in various motel rooms for days on end as he went on trips to hunt the various supernatural creatures. Dean was always left in charge of his younger brother in these moments. Dean made it his job to take care of Sam to the best of his ability, and would sometimes have to forgo food for himself for days in order to keep his brother well fed. On at least one occasion, he had to resort to stealing food after the money he’d been left not being enough to last them as long as their father was gone, and when his father came to get him after he’d been caught he told the police to “let him rot in jail”. Dean grew to end up being the closest thing to a real parent figure for his brother; one Christmas, Dean lied to his brother saying that his father had come over night, decorated their dingy motel room and left presents, instead, Dean had done all this himself and stolen the presents from a house down the street to give to his brother. In later adolescence, Dean can be seen gambling and hustling pool, and his actor in one interview even suggests that he may have taken to sex work at some points to make extra money. These instances help display the neglecting side of John Winchester’s parenting and how it led Dean to commit delinquent acts. Dean also never graduated from high school and has a history of anger issues, all possibly stemming from neglectful parenting.
On the other hand, when John Winchester was around, he undoubtedly took on an authoritarian parenting style. He was a “my house, my rules” kind of guy, or in this case, “my car, my rules” since they spent so much time on the road. He had both boys call him “sir” and demanded them to “follow his direct orders” all of the time and would scold them if they stepped out of line, even resorting to physical discipline. John also taught Dean how to shoot before he was even ten years old. One day when their family-friend, Bobby, was babysitting them, he got scolded on the phone by John for playing catch with Dean instead of doing target practice with a shotgun. Growing up, Dean thought his father was a hero for hunting monsters and grew to idealize him and be the most loyal son he could be. Because of this, while father was still alive, Dean never really got the chance to develop emotional autonomy, his father would have found it disrespectful to ask for any kind of freedom and since Dean always wanted to please his father, he never even asked. Throughout the series, Dean is repeatedly referred to as his father’s “good soldier” or “Daddy’s blunt little instrument” insinuating further that Dean was extremely affected by his father’s authoritarian parenting style. Additionally, John Winchester also used some psychological control - influencing his child’s behavior by ignoring, discounting, belittling, withholding affection, and injecting shame and guilt. In one episode, Dean immediately knows his father is possessed because John said he was proud of Dean and Dean knew that would never happen under normal circumstances. Additionally, John is a man very preoccupied with being the “manliest man” he can be and made sure to instill this in his children at a young age and would use various language to belittle his sons showing any signs of weakness like by saying “stop being such a girl”, etc. Many fans have analyzed that Dean Winchester is bisexual and agree that this belittling would be the main cause of Dean’s internalized homophobia that he may not even come to terms with until in his 40s. All of this as well caused a lot of internalizing and externalizing issues for Dean, shattering his self-esteem and making him afraid to be open with his emotions. Overall, I would say that John Winchester’s two negative extremes in terms of parenting style greatly impacted the overall wellbeing of his sons and especially his eldest, Dean.
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