revvnant · 1 year
i know the typical william reaction to the bite is for him to be like ‘you killed my precious bugaboo whomst i forced to have his birthday party at a place he hates, i think his name was ethan?’ ( i will never be convinced that william actually gave two shits about his son why is he crying alone 24/7 why did you make him have his birthday party at a restaurant filled with characters he’s petrified of, which does not exempt him from post-death being like ‘but but but i loved him’ but at the very least he was neglectful ) but i love when he does one or more of the following:
- you’re just like me fr! ( derogatory ) - this has opened my eyes to a whole world of child murder! - i’m about to act my heart out so the police never suspect me of any future wrongdoing, thanks sport! - fell asleep and had to be told of the murder later. - UNPLUGGED EVAN’S LIFE SUPPORT TO CHARGE HIS PHONE.
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Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: After a horrific experience at a bar, you blame yourself for letting your guard down and getting in the situation in the first place. As always, Dean is there to clean you up and help you get through it.
Warnings: Mention of physical and sexual assault (non-descriptive), swearing, hurt/comfort
Word count: 2,087
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“You’ll call me when you’re on the way back, yeah?” you nibbled at your fingers as you knocked a stone around with your feet, phone clasped tight against your ear.
“Of course, sweetheart. We’ll probably be back before you even are, it’s a simple salt and burn. Now go have fun!” you smiled at the sound of Dean’s voice. He’d been trapped in the bunker for weeks now searching for cases. Since Jack had taken over up top things had been quiet, and you knew Dean was getting itchy. You were pleased the brothers finally had a job to keep them occupied.
As you hung up, you turned back and headed into the bar, giving a wave towards your friend sitting across the room. You hadn’t seen Ashley in ages and it was about time you had a good ‘ol girly catch up. Two hours later and your stomach hurt from laughing so much and your cheeks were flushed from the cocktails. Sure, you drank beer casually with the boys, but you’d let your hair down tonight. The band was good, the drinks were cheap, and the company was the best. But of course, you and Ashley weren’t in college anymore, and she had normal adult responsibilities. Once the clock hit 11, her phone buzzed.
“Ahh dammit Y/N, I gotta get back for the babysitter. But I’ve had the BEST time, we gotta do this more often girl!” you embraced her in a tight hug.
“You’re right, we really, really do. Give my love to Dan and the kids, yeah?” you squeezed her hand tight.
“You’ll be okay getting home?” she quizzed. You nodded happily. “Yeah, I’ll be all good to drive once I’ve had some chips and a soda. And I can always call Dean if I need to.” You gave her another hug before waving goodbye. Checking your phone, you were somewhat disappointed your boyfriend hadn’t called yet, but you supposed it was still quite early. You ordered a glass of coke and a bag of chips before settling back in your seat to watch the band finish up.
It wasn’t long before you were rudely interrupted. “Hey honey, you look a little lonely over here.” The man was short but stocky, very intoxicated and clearly in love with himself. He lent up against the table and winked at you. Gross.
“Actually, I was just about to head off. My nights over, man.” You smiled at him sympathetically before swinging your bag over your shoulder and standing up.
“Hey, c’mon now. Lemme buy you a drink.” He reached forward and grabbed your arm tight. Shrugging him off, you gave him a stern look. “I said I’m leaving, dude. Sorry.” Before he could say anything, you spun around and darted out the bar. Stupid man. You hunted monsters for a living - did he really think he could get one over on you?
Apparently, yes, he did. Just as you reached the car, you heard the crack of branches and froze. “Shit,” you muttered under your breath as you fingered your keys around to make claws between your knuckles. You knew you should never have left your gun in the car.
Before you knew it, you were pinned against the car, hand round your throat. The stubby little car key barely broke the skin on the hefty guy’s chest and only made him grip you tighter. The last thing you heard before your head thumped against the concrete was his squeaky, weedy laugh.
It was just after 12, but Dean knew you’d probably still be up. The last time he’d checked your phones location, you were on your way back from the bar so would probably just be getting home now. So he wasn’t concerned when you didn’t pick up.
“Doesn’t she always answer?” Sam questioned from where he sat shotgun. “Nah, she’ll be driving. She never answers when she’s driving but she’ll be glad to see I’ve called.” Dean tossed his phone over his shoulder onto the back seat.
“Maybe it’s about time you look a leaf out of her book, Dean. I mean, we hunt monsters for goodness sake. You really wanna go out for something so stupid as crashing the car because you were on the phone?”
Dean grinned at his brother. “Sammy, if it’s that simple, I’ll be honoured.”
You didn’t remember the drive home. You weren’t even sure how you’d got away, how you’d made it back to the car. But you had, and now you were home, back at the bunker. You stumbled down the stairs and towards your bedroom but failed to make it much further, collapsing against the wall. There were no tears yet - you were just numb. You felt stupid; how the hell had you let that happen? Why didn’t you protect yourself? He was a man, for gods sake. A normal, human, fucking man. Not a spirit, or a vampire, or a werewolf. Hell, you’d fought God, and Lucifer, and walked out in one piece. But no, it had to be a stupid human man that broke you.
Dean cut the engine and climbed out with a stretch before helping his brother grab the bags from the trunk. The first thing he did when he barged through the door was shout for his girl.
“Hey baby, you home? You better not be drunk outta your head cos I ain’t in the mood to be cleaning up your vomit tonight,” he smirked to himself as he ran down the stairs and chucked the bags on the table in the middle of the room. Sam was close behind him, dropping his load on the floor and continuing on towards the hall. As he rounded the corner he jumped at the sight of you curled up in the floor and chuckled.
“Damn Y/N, you scared the life out of me. Take it you had a good night?” he laughed as he walked towards you but quickly his expression changed as he drew closer. “Y/N? You alright?” concern spreading across his face, he crouched down in front of you. You head was between your knees, arms wrapped tight around your legs hugging them close.
Something was wrong. Your hair was tangled and streaked with mud. Your jeans were ripped - not in a cool, purposeful way like they’d been made like that, but in a violent, messy kinda tear. Sam reached forward, placing a hand softly on your shoulder. You shuddered, whimpering without even looking up.
“Dean…” Sam didn’t take his eyes off you as he beckoned to his brother. “DEAN!”
Your boyfriend strutted round the corner, gnawing at a twizzler. He didn’t waste a second running to your side once he saw the scene before him, sliding on his knees as he reached you.
“Hey, hey baby what’s wrong? What happened?” he frantically tried to pull your face up but you cried out in terror and pushed him away. The brothers looked at each other in horror. “Y/N, beautiful, it’s okay, it’s me, it’s Dean. I need you to tell me what’s wrong, yeah? Are you hurt, baby?” The sound of his voice pulled you out of your trance.
“Dean…” you croaked, slowly lifting your head and peering through your hair. Fresh tears ran down your cheeks as you glimpsed his face, creased with concern. “I’m here, baby.” He glanced at Sam, who nodded and slowly stood up to give you two some space. Dean shuffled round to sit beside you, wrapping his arms tightly round your shoulders and drawing you close. “What did this to you?” his voice shook.
You tightened your human ball and buried your face into Dean’s flannel. “Not what..who…” you were too afraid to even look up at him, feeling the anger tighten his body. “I was so stupid Dean…I should’ve been more alert I’m-I’m sorry…”
“Shhhh,” Dean stroked your hair and cursed at the ceiling. “You-you don’t have to tell me if you aren’t ready, okay?” he could feel his body vibrating as his blood boiled. He had already planned out a million ways he was gonna kill the evil son of a bitch. You shook your head and lifted it up, wiping your eyes with your sleeve.
“I let my guard down. He was flirting, I rejected him, he wasn’t happy. He - he grabbed me when I walked back to the lot…I was stupid, De, I-I left my gun in the car…” you stammered as you tried not to let the floodgate open again.
“Did he hurt you? Did he…you know…” Dean couldn’t even bring himself say it. You couldn’t bring yourself to reply.
“But it’s okay…” you couldn’t meet his eyes. “I managed to smash his head in with a rock…” Dean shot up, punching the wall with a livid fist. You jumped at the sudden movement and Sam came running out to see what was all the commotion. “Dean!” he shouted before lowering his voice at his error. “She scared Dean. C’mon.” His brother nodded. Sam was right. Now wasn’t the time to let his emotions get to him.
Crouching back at your side, Dean guided you up by the arm. “C’mon, let’s get you cleaned up.” He wrapped an arm round your waist as he led you to the bathroom. Placing you on the toilet seat, he started running the bath water, adding whatever random soaps and oils he could find to create a somewhat overwhelming, yet comforting, aroma. Then, he slowly peeled off your battered clothes, tears pricking his eyes as he glanced over the cuts and bruises littering your body. He stroked your hair as he brushed an antiseptic wipe over them, trying to comfort the stinging. Once tended to, he stepped back and started undressing himself. You couldn’t help but smile as he scooped you up, his warm chest pressed against yours, and lowered you into the bath.
The water was an immediate remedy. Your tight muscles started to unravel as you lay back against your boyfriend, welcoming his wandering hands as he lathered the soap over your body. You rolled your head back to rest on Dean’s collarbone, planting a kiss on his shoulder. God knows how long the pair of you sat in the water, but once Dean noticed the goosebumps rising on your arms he clambered out and wrapped you up in a towel. Carrying you bridal style, he headed straight for the bedroom you shared and perched you on the bed. Clothing wise, he wavered over your wardrobe, before opting for one of his oversized t-shirts and pants. He knew you had a habit of stealing them when you felt unwell and figured of all times, this situation called for a bit of comfort.
Folding you into the duvet, Dean looked down at you sadly. He felt like a failure, the very worst boyfriend in the world. How could he have let you get hurt, get assaulted by some fucked up creep? He was meant to look out for you, for gods sake.
“Dean,” you mumbled into the pillow. “Lie with me?” your puppy-dog eyes made his heart melt. “Of course, baby.” He crawled in behind you, snuggling in close and resting his chin against your shoulder. He felt your body relax beneath him as he traced his fingers up and down your arm, humming an old Led Zeppelin hook. Minutes later, your breathing steadied as you drifted into sleep. He stayed awake all night just watching you, gently kissing your cheek each time you stirred. There was no way he was ever gonna let you out of his sight again. You meant way too much to him to lose, and it hurt him to only just be realising it now.
“Thank you, Dean,” you breathed as you woke from a strangely dreamless sleep. He chuckled, but sobered up pretty quickly once he remembered why the two of you were in this situation in the first place.
“Y/N, I know I can never understand what you’ve been through tonight, but I swear to God, I will never, ever let anyone hurt you ever again. And whatever you need to get through this, I’m here. And so is Sam. I might fuck up sometimes - hell, most of the time - but I promise I’ll be here for you. I love you, Y/N.”
You rolled over in his arms to face him. “I love you too, Dean. And no matter what - I’m here for you, too.”
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beatleszeppelin · 3 years
You're A … Inexperienced
Summary: On watch one night you find out some thing that Daryl has never done. And you offer him some experience
Category: Friends to Lovers, Eventual Mild Smut, just a good ol' time
Paring: Daryl x reader (second person)
Warnings/Includes: General Walking Dead grossness, Smut (but not in this chapter), swearing, use of weapons, non-graphic hunting, mention of past child abuse, (let me know if you see anything else)
Word count: 2.1k
Chapter 1: Truth
The night was off to a slow start since you and Daryl had taken watch. The sound of the chain link fence rattling in the wind served as a pendulum in the back of your mind. A chill in the late summer air made the concrete you used as a backrest cool to the touch. Both of you sat against the base of the watchtower on lookout, since the two with the regular shift were on a run.
“Know any games to play to stay awake?” You asked, slumped against a wall, and turning to look at Daryl, who was sitting cross legged, head rested in his hands.
“No,” he replied, “should get some cards or somethin’.”
“Yeah, next time we go into town.”
The night had become dark, no moonlight deciphered the sky from the inside of your eyelids. Time ticked on and before you knew it both of you had fallen asleep.
The rattle of the fence shocked you out of your sleep, and you saw an arm reaching through the fence trying to grab at you. Although a decent distance away, you could still see it’s skin peeled back up to it’s bicep; raw meat dangling behind the wires, so it could fit the exposed bone deeper through the fence.
The growling must have woken Daryl up, because by the time you were standing to go and kill the bloody thing, he had handed you his knife to use. You took it graciously and tiredly walked over to kill it, looking much like a zombie yourself.
Stabbing it through the eye, you could feel the pop of penetration to the skull, and with that it fell to the ground dead, fully dead. With all of its weight moving downwards, the force must have been too much, causing it’s limb to stay on the side of the fence opposite to it’s corpse. You hoped backwards as the appendage reached for your ankle, then shriveled up like the rest of its body.
Returning to your space adjacent to Daryl, you handed his knife back, and sat down breathing heavily.
“You rest, I won’t go back to sleep,” he said leaning on his hip to pull his red rag out from his back pocket. The knife you had used was laying on the ground next to him, beaded with blood.
“No way I’m getting back to sleep, I can hear my blood pounding in my ears.”
“Tell me if you need ta though, ‘cause I’m good,” He said, reassuring you.
You just shook your head and leaned against the wall, propping yourself up with a gun by your side.
You rolled your shoulders back every once in a while to stretch your back. Daryl mindlessly fiddled with a rock that he picked up off the ground. The sky was now dark and all of the stars in the night could be seen. Nothing like this would have ever been possible before. As the stars moved and passed with the coming hours, your tiredness from before seemed to return.
Neither of you had spoken in quite some time, which wasn't weird for you now that you have been taking shifts with Daryl for sometime. At first it was weird doing nothing with him, it was like he wasn't comfortable enough with you to converse, but now you know it's quite the opposite. You guys can communicate by means other than just talking. However, silence needed to be broken if you were going to keep him company until sunrise.
“I miss coffee,” you broke silence, plucking some grass and throwing it past your outstretched feet.
“Huh,” he snickered.
"I don't think I appreciated it before, I don't even remember drinking it that often."
"Don't even remember the last time I had it." He said and spun the little shiny rock he had in his grasp.
“I do,” you said.
He readjusted his position to be facing you holding his knees up to his chest with his chin rested on top. His head tilted down, but his eyes looked up at you to continue.
"Was a date, or not a date, but a meeting. I was out at a cafe, with the TA, for the psych class I was in. And he ordered for us, and after I explicitly told him to get almond milk, he didn't."
"Why?" Daryl asked with conviction.
"Because I'm lactose intolerant and I had to kick him out that night because my stomach hurt so bad." You picked a few sticks up from the ground and broke them into tiny pieces. The stick sprinkled across the ground, and disappeared in the surrounding weeds.
"Didn't mean why are you lactose intolerant, I meant why didn’t he get ya what ya wanted?" He furrowed his brow for a second.
“I don’t know, never thought about it, maybe he’d just forgotten or something. Doesn’t matter, he wasn’t even that good in bed.”
Daryl threw his special rock in the air and caught it swiftly. For just a second it had sparkled in the air, before he held it in his fist like he would never let it go.
“I bet you’ve been on bad dates, too.”
“Nah,” He said and threw his rock across the land and wrapped both his arms around his legs.
“What!? Okay, I guess your fucking perfect,” you said scoffing in a half joking manner.
“No, just didn’t go with too many people.” He mumbled.
“And all of them just happened to be great?” You questioned.
“Never said that,” He tucked his chin under his arms, that still rested on his knees, “I never went on any good ones neither.”
“It’s kinda hard to believe you didn’t date much, I mean, look at you,” you joked, but also couldn’t deny the genuine admiration that he evoked from the people that surrounded him.
“Nah, forget I ever said anythin’. Let’s just go back to sittin’ here.” He turned his head to the side in which the sun would eventually rise.
“No, please, I just came up with a game idea,” you begged.
“Hmm?” He glanced over.
“Truth or dare!” You exclaimed, failing your attempt of hiding your excitement.
“Nuh uh. Not subjecting myself to that shit,” he said tersely.
“Come on, I wanna know about these dates you didn’t go on, and you could dare me to do stupid shit in the mean time,” you said with your shoulders sagging.
“Ain’t gonna ask you nothin’,” he said stubbornly.
“Okay, then it’ll be one-sided truth.” You had as much enthusiasm as a little girl at a sleepover as you asked, “Truth or da…”
“Okay, when was the last time you got drunk?” you started him off easy.
“Uh… CDC.”
“Wait, the CDC? Like the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta? How have I not heard about this before?” You asked. If this was the easy question,then this game may be more fun than you had previously thought.
“Yeah, stopped there, it’s gone now though,” he said nonchalantly.
“It’s gone? You would think it’d be better guarded or something.” You were astonished by the first question, and immediately got excited for the night to come.
“Blew up. My turn,” he said and pondered for a second, resting his chin on his palms like a winsome child. “What was his name?”
“Who’s name?” You wondered if this was what he was wasting his first question on.
“Coffee date guy,” he raised his eyebrows ever so slightly.
“I don’t remember,” you shrugged.
“That ain’t how this game works,” he argued back with a pout.
“Okay fine, I think his name was Bryce,” you gave up.
“‘S a douchey name.”
“He was a douche… probably dead now.” You looked down at the weeds growing, plucking a few and tying them together, waiting for someone to speak. You looked over at Daryl, who was patiently waiting for his question. He actually looked like he wasn't completely hating this game.
You thought for a minute, wondering how you could crack the boy in front of you. After some thought you said, “What was your first date like?” It was the perfect question, because really you could not imagine what he’d say.
“I told you, never did that type of thing.” He brought his thumb up to his mouth and started rubbing his lip as he talked.
“Okay then, who was the first person you ever did anything romantic with?” you asked.
“‘S not romantic, but there was this one girl that Merle’d bring out drinking with us sometimes. Name was Candy or something.” He mumbled around his thumb.
“Aww, little 20 something Daryl going out with a girl named Candy,” you teased.
“Wasn’t 20, I musta been ‘bout 13 or 14,” he recalled.
“I thought you said you’d go out drinking together?”
“Yeah, we’d go to this bowling alley, ‘cause they don’t card, and they had a pool table and a back room, I used to pay Merle t’ get me drinks.”
“He have to buy her drinks too?” You questioned.
“Nah, she was ‘bout his age I think, and he’d never buy something for someone else,'' he looked off.
“Wait, she was his age, and they let you drink when you were just a kid?” You tried not to chide.
“Hey, ain’t it supposed to be my turn?”
“Sorry,” you stopped.
“You said you were in a psych class, was that what you were gonna be?” He looked interested, as he inquired, studying your face as he awaited your response.
You explained “That’s what I went to school for, but who knows, I minored in fine arts. Truth is I hated psychology, but my parents needed me to make money for myself, otherwise I could have lived happily as a broke artist. Doesn’t really matter now though,” you trailed off. “Speaking of, what were your parents like?”
“Mean, drunk, dead.” He put it bluntly.
"I'm sorry, I didn’t know. How old were you?"
"With my mom, I’s 9. I was out playing with kids from around where I lived. They were all on bikes and wanted to chase this fire engine trying to see somethin’ exciting. I ran behind, and when I caught up I realized it was my house that was on fire. My mom had been smoking in bed."
"I'm really sorry about that, I didn't know about your mom or anything." You looked at him genuinely, giving a sympathetic smile.
"Was a long time ago,” he shrugged off. “Now for you. What art did you do?"
“I drew, painted, took pictures, everything really.” You added kindly.
He tilted his head back until it hit the wall, he stretched out his legs, and looked up at the stars as he said, “I’ll have to see that sometime.” “It’s not like I still have any of them,” you said, perplexed at his interest.
“Oooh, who was your celebrity crush as a kid,” you asked, “like who did you have posters of above your bed?” “Ya’ know Blondie,” he looked over to get your reaction. As he saw you nod, he said “Yeah, had a Debbie Harry poster, ripped out from a magazine.”
You laughed, and the questions continued; some questions resulted in stories others sat in stillness. The morning was short to come as the warm glow of the sun peered over the trees, and chirping birds made themselves present.
“Okay, what was your first time like?” you pestered.
You were met with a second of awkward silence, before he stumbled over the phrases “ I never, I mean… I did, it wasn’t like that though.” He brought his thumb up to his mouth again.
“Are you trying to tell me that you’re a…” he dipped his head down, and looked up at you through his hair. A sickly puppy could make your heart hurt any more, so you danced around your initial wording and asked “uhh, inexperienced?”
“Morning!” sang through the fields, and Daryl had been saved by the bell. Carol stood alongside Carl to take over for the morning shift, and relieve Daryl of his painted flush. She extended her hand out first to you, helping you up. Then to Daryl, letting the hand holding linger as she instructed for you guys to go get some rest.
The walk up was silent, but just before parting you joked with him “If you ever need some more experience, you know where my cell is.” You had said it quiet enough where he could ignore it, but you knew he heard it, because he silently split, seconds after you said it.
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wheninitalyy · 4 years
France is no escape - part 1.
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A/N : hey! I dont share my writing online very often but since I've been reading all the Benny Watts fanfics I could find, I thought I would post the one I wrote here. I tried to make this pretty gender neutral and I do not know anything about chess, I intend to do a bit of research eventually, but I wrote this solely for my love for the characters and the show (that I may watch again because I’m so obsessed).
This should be a multiple part story if I can motivate myself to continue writing. I’m also very new to Tumblr so I apologize if I'm just- messy.
Final thing! Writing is just a hobby of mine to write down all my thoughts so I apologize if my sentences are a bit messy or too long. Thank you for reading !
Click here for Part Two :]
Pairings : Benny Watts x Reader
Word count : 1865
Warnings : none :]
-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 “Well, shit,” Harry breathed as he resigned. A smile grew on my face as I leaned back in my chair, one foot on the seat with my leg pulled up against my chest and the other on the cold floor. 
Harry was visiting me in little Rouen, France. He had become one of my closer friends even if he was hundreds of miles away.
Cleo, who I met through Benny, was in France for modeling often so I saw her quite a bit, but she wasn’t my home. She wasn’t chess obsessed like my friends were back in America. 
Harry sighed as he checked his watch, I glanced over to him and already knew what was going through his head.
“Harry- you don’t have to leave. You could move in with me,” I told Harry, he smiled as he shook his head. 
“You know I can’t do that- I’m lucky you’re paying for a flight for me every time I come to France. I couldn’t afford living here and wouldn’t fit in very well,” 
He had a point; this wasn’t a place he would enjoy living his day-to-day life in. I got on just fine but learning the language to finding a new job would drive him mad... but I couldn’t help but offer, I was lonely here. I went from being in a relationship with a US Chess Champion in a little apartment in New York to being offered a whole photography career in France. I couldn’t turn this down, with my mother passing away a few months before, there was nothing keeping me in New York. 
Heh... I wonder what mother would think of me living in a little apartment in Rouen. 
She would likely ask me about the boys and restaurants, if I was making enough to buy elegant clothes and dance in the rain with strangers on late nights. I miss her.
“Hey? You okay Y/N?” Harry pulled me out of my thoughts, 
I shook my head and laughed lightly, “Sorry, I was just thinking about when I lived in New York,” I half lied,
“New York? Back when you lived with the Benny Watts?” he asked me,
“Yes, when I lived with the Benny Watts,” I responded mocking the way he referred to Benny. 
Benny Watts. The relationship with the US Chess Champion, but he wasn’t a trophy, he was very important to me at the time. 
We were meant to stay in contact after I left for France, but days without calling turned into weeks, then months and eventually I don’t think either of us expected to hear from each other in any way other than reading the chess articles.
I buy a magazine when I see him on the cover, I flip through it for a bit but within the day it gets throw into the pile of magazines sat under my coffee table. He just climbed up the ladder of chess higher and higher after I left, it’s possible that Benny Watts getting romantically involved really was bad for him like the fan girls said. 
I smiled at the thought.
I took a deep breath as I got up from my chair, “I assume it’s time for you to get going?” I looked to Harry. Harry gave me a sad smile and nodded.
  Sunny Paris, another day, another twenty chess players to hunt down for some good cover photos. This wasn’t actually a very common thing, there was a tournament here in Paris. One of the biggest we’ve had in a while actually- this could very well be the talk of the town for quite a while. 
“Hello Y/N Y/L!” the front desk receptionist greeted me with a bright smile.
“Big day, huh?” I said as rested my wrists on the counter fidgeting with a pen in my hand.
“Oh yes! your company must be thrilled about this one!” she said, I’ve talked to her enough to book a room here for the little chess tournaments (and sometimes big) to call her an acquaintance and maybe a bit more. 
“Yep, it’s going to be a long weekend,” I laughed as I looked back to her, 
“I heard they flew in a couple big players from America, anyone you know?” she asked as she looked up at me and slid my room-card over the counter to me. 
“Oh? I haven’t checked who was coming in, I’m sure I know a couple of them though,” I smiled and slid the card into my pocket, dropping my pen in my bag as well. 
“Well you have a nice morning and tell me if you need anything!” she smiled back,
“Thank you!” I waved to her goodbye and started to walk around the lobby. 
One, two, ten chess tables lined up by the windows. The patterned carpet matched the drapes and the tables and chairs were a deep burgundy shade. Potted plants in every corner and little decorative ribbons hung from the ceiling, they really went all out this year. 
The games didn’t start until tomorrow, not any important ones at least, so today would be the best day to strike on interviews and photos. I arrived early so people were only just arriving or settling in.
I sat down on a nearby sofa and pulled my camera out, fixing a few things here and there so I didn’t have to later. 
After about 30 minutes, I heard a familiar voice, “Well that’s just pawns, there’s no hope there,” the man had an American accent.
I stood up and looked around for the man who I heard; I scanned the room until he spoke again. My eyes darted behind me as I quickly turned around, oh lord. 
There he was, long black leather trench coat with a hat that anyone could recognize, tight dark jeans and a black t-shirt. I could almost call the chains around his neck sparkly if the sunrays hit them just right, a crowd around him at all times since he got here, I’d assume. 
There he was, Benny Watts. 
I was about to walk over knowing how much my company would love to see some shots of him, or maybe it was because he was an old friend... or an old lover. 
I shook the thoughts out of my head as I put my camera back in my bag gently and brushed myself off. 
I should go.
I stood up and begun to walk toward the elevator across the room, “Y/N!” someone shouted from behind me. I swiftly turned around to be met with Cleo.
“Cleo!” I greeted her, pulling her into a hug.
“I’m so glad I caught you before I had to leave! I have a job at eleven,” she paused as she looked over my shoulder. “Oh! have you said hello to Benny yet?” shit.
I turned around to be met with Benny’s gaze, he smiled as he stood up. Of course, his name being said would immediately catch his attention. I looked back to Cleo, there is no turning back, thank you for that Cleo. 
I shut my eyes as I swore under my breath.
“Y/N?” Benny asked,
I forgot to breathe for a moment and let out a quiet exhale and turned around, “Ben- Mr. Watts,” I corrected myself as I would if I was on a job, which I was.
At this moment it seemed I had forgotten all my history with Benny while also remembering every detail. 
He seemed taken aback by what I called him, “Why are you calling me that?” he smiled but his eyes clearly said he was caught off guard. 
“I- I’m on the job,” I stuttered at first, I could see him deciding to let it slide as he looked away. He looked back to me and opened his arms for a hug, I backed away just a bit and he immediately got the message. Why did I do that?
“What? You’ve been gone for a couple years and I’m a stranger now?” he laughed, yet I could tell he was irritated by how I acted. But he was Benny Watts, he never shared how he felt, and he never shows weakness. What I did merely confused him as far as I knew.
I didn’t know how to act if I was being honest, things weren’t left exactly fantastic when I left for France. Benny wasn’t happy I was leaving, not at all. He went from being shocked, to upset, to begging me to stay, to making promises like he would visit me. He didn’t keep those promises, but I never expected him to. 
I took a deep breath, “No you’re not- I’m just- sorry,” I was a mess, I wasn’t even able to stay cool around Benny when we were together.
He was my weakness, his smile, his messy dirty blonde locks, his voice. 
He looked down, “Don’t worry about it,” he paused as he looked at my eyes. He just stared at me, “Better get going, I think some people are waiting on me,” he told me as he looked back to the crowd who sat around him and a chess table just moments ago.
I looked over to Cleo with a worried expression, she put her hand on my shoulder and shrugged with a sympathetic smile. I was an idiot, I backed away from a hug with Benny when I used to wake up to him everyday only 2 years ago.
Benny looked me up and down and tipped his hat, he spun on his heel as he turned around to walk away. I didn’t know what to say so I decided to say my goodbyes to Cleo and go to my room,
“Benny,” I turned around suddenly hoping to catch him,
“Yeah?” Benny turned to look at me,
“I’ll see you later?” I asked,
He chuckled quietly and looked to his feet, “Sure Y/N, I’ll see you later,” he said dully.
I felt relieved he didn’t scoff and keep walking like he had done to many who wronged him.
I do miss him; I wasn’t distant because I wanted to be- I was distant because I had lost my ways with him. I didn’t know how to be his friend again. I miss the bad jokes and the excited chess talk and even some of the pointless arguing, what it was before I left. 
  I fell onto my bed and stared at the ceiling in my hotel room.
What would mother think?
I ask myself the same question every day. She would think if he didn’t move to France with me in the first place that he wasn’t worth my time, I smiled as I remembered when she first met him.
She asked how much money he had, if he took me to his tournaments, if he would die for me. Benny sat there speechless while I was a giggling mess, I don’t even believe we were together at that point but over my dead body did I not introduce a US Chess Champion to my mother.
I’ll talk to him before he leaves, I’ll be there to watch him win everyone. I’ll fix what I have clearly broken.
// Part Two ! //
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lunarastrobabe · 3 years
Sam Drake x F!Reader- Toys
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(Warning: NSFW)
“Is this all the boxes?” Sam said, out of breath, carrying four heavy cardboard boxes into his living room. You had just moved in with him after a year of dating and there was about 15 or so boxes, including the four in his arms full of your stuff. You took two boxes off him revealing his smile that was hidden. 
“Yeah, that’s all of them.” You dropped the boxes on the floor causing them to tip over and spill out everything contained in them. You frantically grabbed the items and shoved them back into the boxes as quick as you could before Sam could see what they were, you really didn’t want to be laughed at. His eyes immediately darted to the contents, a little shocked but then overtaken by ideas. 
“This is .. new.” He mumbled to himself, raising an eyebrow, crouching down and holding up a white vibrating wand, going for the ‘on’ button. You snatched it from his soft hands, your finger tips brushing against his skin and you threw it on the couch. You didn’t dare look in his eyes. After a year, he’d never seen your kinky side before when it came to sex. It took a while for him to open up to you emotionally and sexually, mainly because of his past and the scars that were left behind, he was afraid to show you who he really was, he didn’t want his issues to define him as a person, he wants to be loved for who he is. 
“Why didn’t you say you had these?” He spoke calmly, a little chuckle leaving his lips, feeling sympathetic that you were embarrassed. He stood back up, putting his hands on your waist and pulling you close to his body, he was already radiating heat and lust. Your hands found their place on his chest, feeling the soft fabric of his black v-neck t-shirt and his toned body. 
“You never asked.” You said quietly, looking up at him, his hazel eyes flickering from your eyes to your lips. 
“Mm, then we should go .. experiment.” His voice almost a whisper, the sexual tension was building up between the two of you and the gap you so badly wanted to close. You couldn’t resist his smirk any longer, just thinking about him pushing you against the cold wall and dominating your entire body and soul with his hands and his lips was already making your panties wet. You shivered at the feeling. He moved his right hand to your neck and caressed your cheek with his thumb which then brushed across your lips. His heart was beating profusely, his face feeling hot and flustered, you were both a mess and the desperate need to tear each others clothes off was unbearable. 
“Sam-,” You whispered, your eyes closing as his thumb continued tracing your lips. “Just kiss me.” He didn’t take anytime waiting and immediately took your face in his hands and kissed you, his minty breath mixed with cologne and cigarette smoke was heaven. It was a taste that only you were allowed to enjoy. A soft moan escaped your throat, causing him to chuckle in between the kiss. He pulled back slowly, a tiny gap between both your lips, his breath shaky, still holding your face in his hands. 
“C’mon,” He removed his hands from your face and walked to the couch grabbing the vibrator. “Ladies first.” He gestured to the staircase leading to the bedroom. That stupid smirk plastered across his face, he had multiple ideas of what he would do to you to make you squirm. Walking up the stairs and into his bedroom, which was now yours too. A double bed with a black duvet cover was neatly made. Sam walked up behind you in the doorway and moved your hair from your neck to get access to your skin. He did not hesitate and instantly kissed your shoulder, then leaving multiple more kisses up your neck and to your ear, you hadn’t even begun to fuck each other yet and you were already melting into him. 
You spun round to face him, and grabbed his shirt, pulling him towards the bed. He gently pushed you onto the comfy mattress, falling on your back, he crawled over you and hovered above your body, holding his weight up with his arms. His lips then went back to your neck, this time, roughly biting you, you felt him lick you a couple of times, he craved the taste of you. You felt the bulge through his jeans pressing against you, feeling tingling sensations in your core, begging for him to fuck you. 
“Mmm.” You hummed, your hand moving in between both your bodies and tugging on his belt to get it off. 
“Having trouble there?” He mumbled, finished with leaving a few hickeys, marking you has his own. 
You nodded, letting out a quiet whine. He sat up and unbuckled the belt whipping it off and throwing it to the side. You slid your hands under his t-shirt and lifted it over his head, admiring his toned body and his strong biceps. He pulled off your top and then your bra along with it. 
Giving you another kiss, his tongue dancing with yours. “Lay down, Princess.” He said in a raspy tone. You fell back onto the bed, your arms raised above your head. 
“Wreck me Samuel.” You spoke. “Please.” You begged. 
“You can count on that.” He chuckled, unbuttoning your jeans and slowly pulling them down along with your panties, taking them completely off. 
He held your thighs, putting your legs onto his shoulders and lifted you up slightly. Your core was dripping, your panties were soaked, he loved the sight, knowing this is what he does to you. “Jesus, [Y/N].” 
Leaning down he kissed your left inner thigh, gently nibbling. A moan hitched in your throat, a squeal of pleasure. He smirked and licked your clit, going slow at first, circling his tongue around, tasting the pre-cum that leaked from you. You moved your hands to his hair, arching your back at the stimulating feeling, giving his hair a tug. He moaned into your clit, “Fuck, you taste amazing.” Giggling at his remark, he stopped teasing you and licked his lips, looking up at you, your eyes were squeezed shut, your heart pumping at an alarming rate and sweat already beginning to form on your forehead. 
You opened your eyes and propped yourself up on your elbows when he suddenly stopped, the pleasure was already building up inside of you, ready to release. “Goddammit Sam .. I was so close.” You reached and ran your fingers through his soft-brown hair. 
“Patience.” He winked at you. You bit your lip and fell back on the bed. He put your legs down and grabbed the vibrator, pressing the button. The room was quiet, all that could be heard was heavy breathing from the both of you and the sounds of the wand. He put his left hand on your breast and squeezed, twisting your nipple. You gasped. He put the vibrator against your clit. 
“Fuck.” You yelled quietly. Your legs shook but he held them open with his free hand, removing it from your breast. 
“That’s it, babygirl.” He focused on moving the wand around, you were twitching at the sensitivity, your hands gripping the bed covers pulling on them. Your hips rocked up and down along with the movement of his hands. 
“Shit, Sam-,” He cut you off mid sentence moving the wand to your entrance, you felt your walls pulsating, ready to blow. 
“What’s my name?” He asked. “You can’t come till you say it.” 
“Samuel Drake.” You gasped again, much louder this time. 
“No no.” He shook his head, turning up the vibration speed. 
“Fuck. Daddy.” As you said that, he turned the speed up to max, hot cum shot out of your entrance as you hit your climax, the orgasm was incredible. Your legs shook violently, more loud moans escaped you and your eyes rolled back. You were in Heaven, every time you had sex, a quickie or just foreplay, he always knew how to make you scream his name. 
You relaxed, out of breath, sweating and feeling like you were floating. 
“How’s that babe? Better?” He gave you a smirk, feeling proud of himself. 
“Fuck, yes.” You said in between breaths. You swung your arm over your forehead. 
You heard him moan slightly. You forgot about his pleasurable needs. 
“Need help?” Sitting up and kneeled in front of him, he nodded and sat in front of you on the bed. Unbuttoning his jeans and pulling them down slowly, his cock flung out, impressed with his 8 inch member staring at you in the face, after the feeling he gave you, he only deserved the best. The vein’s throbbing, he was close and he already knew he couldn’t wait any longer. You took hold of it, pre-cum leaking onto your hand. He tangled his fingers in your hair holding on for dear life. 
You firstly kissed his length, kissing all the way to the tip. You licked the tip before taking it in your mouth. Your head moving up and down along with your hand to jack him off at the same time. His grip in your hair tightened, “Jesus, fuck, [Y/N].” He says in a breathy tone, his head hung back, his eyes shut tight. 
You sucked once more and pulled back. “Come for me, Daddy.” You said in a seductive tone, your hand moving in a faster pace. He jerked his body a little. 
“Say it again for me.” His teeth gritted together. 
You put your arm around his neck, pulling him close and whispering in his ear as your other hand kept working it’s magic on his cock. “Come Daddy. I’m begging you.” You bit his earlobe gently. 
His cock twitched, the cum hitting your breasts and dripping down to your stomach. Him moaning directly into your ear as he released. He pulled his hands out of your hair and took your face in his hands pulling you into a passionate but soft kiss. 
“Look at what you do to me.” He let out a small laugh. 
“Well, I think we should buy more toys to play with.” You smiled, looking in his golden hazel eyes. Now sparkling with love instead of lust. He wrapped his arms around your waist and nestled his face in your neck. 
“I fucking love you.” He spoke. 
You laughed, and responded, “I love you too Sam.” 
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
Return To Sender
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Ok so I was eating a corn on the cob earlier and it made me realize how similar it is to.....other things. So this came out. Yes, a corn on the cob prompt.
Don't judge me. Or do. Just enjoy.
You had been working at SVU for several months now, and you loved every moment of it. Especially the moments with the ADA, Rafael Barba. You couldn’t deny you became enamored with him the moment he walked into the squad room on your first day. But you kept your little infatuation to yourself; at work anyway. When you would go home to your childhood best friend and current room mate, they’d ask you to spill details of your day, and many of those details included Rafael.
This one particular evening, Amanda had invited you out to eat with the squad. You hadn’t exactly “bonded” with anyone yet, and it was a welcoming gesture that you happily accepted. To your delight, the “squad” included Rafael! You desperately tried to hide your excitement as you followed Amanda to the back of the restaurant where the gang already had drinks and a calamari appetizer.
“I uh, I didn’t realize we were going fancy,” You sheepishly stated, after greetings of welcome were exchanged.
“I didn’t think Fazolli’s counted as ‘fancy’. Liv and I come here all the time” Rafael shrugged.
“Any food that doesn’t come out of Styrofoam containers is fancy to me, counselor,” You bit back with a bit more attitude than you meant. Rafael raised an eyebrow at your sudden bold demeanor.
“Ah. Well, I suppose we could take up a collection plate for you to eat something,” he smirked back as he sipped his scotch.
“Rafa, don’t be a dick. If you need a spot sweetie I got you, i invited you,” Amanda gave you a sympathetic look.
“I don’t think she’d have any trouble getting any guy to buy her anything in here,” Sonny chuckled, gesturing to your outfit.
Okay, so you were younger than them; Significantly younger. You couldn’t help it you were a child prodigy, graduating college at 18. And instead of being a rocket scientist, you used your many scholarship offers to go through the Police Academy AND Law School, because you wanted to use your smarts to help people. So yes, you were quite younger than the rest of them. Probably a big reason this was the first time you had been invited out to their “Grown Up” dinners.
You glanced down to the outfit Sonny was referring to; nothing fancy. Although you had to admit it showed off more cleavage than any of them were used to seeing on you. You blushed and pulled your jacket over your top and grabbed a menu to cover your red face.
“Thanks, I think,” You muttered a small thanks to Sonny, to which he winked back. Good lord maybe this wasn’t a great idea. You flipped out your phone and texted your roommate, begging them to help you get through this. You discreetly dictated the progression of the evening, like a play by play in a football game.
However as the night went on, you became more and more comfortable with your coworkers. They really were wonderful people; and the three drinks you had didn’t hurt either.
“Damn Y/N, I didn’t realize you were so funny!” Fin laughed, recovering from one of the jokes you had continually kept in the conversations all night.
“Oh yeah, Clown College is one of the most prestigious degrees I have in my collection,” You nodded your head as if in a subtle bow.
“That’s right, you’re like a child genius aren’t you?” Liv asked; she had definitely noticed that when she went over your resume to hire you.
“Emphasis on child,” Rafael muttered with food in his mouth. The group stopped laughing and glanced at him with perplexed looks.
“Really man?” Sonny asked with a hint of defense in his tone.
“Oh it’s fine, old man river is just upset he's not the center of attention for once,” you smirked at him without missing a beat. He huffed and muttered grumblings in Spanish under his breath while the rest of the table chuckled in amusement. Nobody had dared to mess with the big bad DA in social settings, he was scary enough in the courtroom.
You were so engrossed in the little cat and mouse game you were playing with the man you’d been obsessed with for months that you had forgotten you were in the middle of a conversation with your roommate. Your phone finally began vibrating on the table, causing Amanda to notice.
“Someone waiting on you?” She asked. “Boyfriend maybe?”
“Or a sitter, perhaps?” Rafa once again tried the young thing, but he was a bit more drunk than earlier and his quip made no sense.
“That would mean I HAVE a kid, counselor. Which I do not.” you rolled your eyes.”Or a boyfriend,” you added with a smirk. Oh God why were you being so brash NOW? Reign it in there, Don Juan.
You quickly jotted a text to your roommate letting them know you were ok and that the evening was going significantly better by the moment, and you’d tell them more when you got home later.
Not a second after you hit SEND did Amanda’s phone go off in her pocket. She looked at it with an amused smile.
“Uh how sloshed are you, newbie?” She giggled, starting to read the text.
Your face drained of all color, your expression frozen in fear. Oh God OH GOD she’s going to read that, let’s just say, ADULT detailed text you had just sent. You watched her expression go from amusement, to confusion, to absolute delight as she looked between you and Rafael. The rest of the table looked at each other in confusion, as she added “Ok ya’ll listen to this,”
Was she SERIOUS? She was going to read this intercepted text of your most private thoughts ALOUD to all of your coworkers?!
“Oh um, Amanda you know I really don’t think…” You tried going for her phone while looking at her with pleading eyes.
“Ok Ok, you’re right. I’m just teasing girl,” She smiled as she patted you on the back, and you started to relax back into your chair. That is, until you heard Sonny’s voice next to you:
“Oh my God the way Rafael is sucking down his corn of cob definitely confirms my thought of him giving EXCELLENT head,”
Your head spun so fast you swore it might have twisted off like a Barbie doll as you saw your phone was left unlocked and open on messages right on the table, and Sonny had just read a text you had sent your BFF earlier!
The entire table fell silent, Olivia had done a spit take as Sonny was talking. You couldn’t bring yourself to look up at ANYONE, you just snatched your phone off the table and stuck it in your lap while glaring holes into the floor. Should you leave? You should probably leave. Would it be worse if you left?
“Wow Y/N I am so sorry, I just...I ain’t the smartest guy and sometimes I read stuff out loud without thinking and I...I shouldn’t have been lookin at your messages,” You heard Sonny’s soft apology, but it sounded so far away. Oh God, were you having a panic attack?!
Suddenly, you hear a boisterous laugh that knocks you back to reality. You lift your head slightly from your lap to see Rafael laughing and shaking his head.
“So that’s why you're so mean to me, carino,” he smiled, dying down his laughter. “You have a crush on me!”
Oh good God, you’ve had nightmares go better than this.
“Wha-- n-n-no, you’re mean to ME, counselor,” You found yourself shooting back at him like a five year old.
“Oh good lord, just make out already!” Fin laughed, the others followed suit. The two of you locked eyes and blushed before quickly looking anywhere else but each other.
“Um...you know maybe I should go, I have court early tomorrow,” Rafael cleared his throat, gathering his belongings.
“Let’s all just agree the last 10 minutes never happened, yeah?” he proposed to the group, who all nodded back with amused smiles.
“I’ll see you all on Monday,” He nodded to the group as he got up from the table, walking behind your chair.
“....And for the record, I AM excellent in that area,” He whispered in your ear. Your face turned hot, your core tingled. Your head whipped around to confirm what he had just said, but he was already out the door. Did….Did you just make that up in your head?
You glance at the now three remaining dinner mates, huge smiles on all of them back at you.
“Well, I guess you’re welcome then!” Sonny laughed, Amanda hit him in annoyance.
Yeah. That had DEFINITELY just happened.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch44: Peanut Butter And Poop
Introducing: Baby Rogers!  
Warnings: Bad Language words. Smut! (NSFW) No under 18s. Teeth rotting fluff…
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: Yeah, I love this chapter. I hope you all do too. And thank @angrybirdcr​ for the edits. They melted me.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 43
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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 March 2020
“Is everything ok?” Steve asked, tiredly. For the fourth time in about two minutes Katie had shifted, next to him, rubbing her hand over her distended belly. She was fed up now, and he wished he could help her get comfy, he really did. But until their baby decided to make an appearance, there wasn’t much more he could do. She had been feeling crappy all day and had thrown a spectacular tantrum at the fact Steve had shaved his stubble. His reasoning being that although she technically had another four weeks to go, she was already at full term size, and if their son arrived, who knew how long it would be before he managed to shave again, but she was having none of it. Steve had simply stood there, calmly whilst she’d ranted and raved about that and everything else she was pissed off about before she’d broken down into tears and apologised, falling into his arms and going on another rant about how shitty she was feeling.
His wife was such a strong person normally, the strongest person Steve knew in fact, but over the last week she’d been up and down mood-wise more than any other time during her pregnancy, and he hated seeing her so uncomfortable and upset. And tonight, she was physically the most uncomfortable he had seen her yet. “Yeah, he’s just kicking.” She sighed, rolling over to face him. “Really hard, Steve. It fucking hurts.” Steve gave her a sympathetic smile as he reached out and pressed his hand to her abdomen, waiting, and then he felt another sharp dig, Katie hissing air out through her teeth.
“Maybe he’s gonna be a footballer.” Steve yawned, attempting to make light of the situation. But it didn’t work. “Well I’m not a football.” She grumbled, pressing her hand to her stomach just above Steve’s. “Pack it in, Buddy, please.”
Co-incidence or not, their baby stopped kicking, but Katie was still restless. She moved again, and again, until finally Steve sat up, flicking on the lamp, his face silently asking her what the issue was. Katie had to smile, there wasn’t a shred of annoyance in his face, despite the fact it was almost one in the morning thanks to her sleep patterns being all over the place. Instead, there was nothing but love and genuine concern across his handsome features and coupled with the fact she was hormonal and just felt a bit shit, she started to cry.
“I’m fed up Steve.” She sniffled. “I’m fat, I had to get Natasha to shave my legs yesterday, I can’t see my feet, I need to pee all the time and…” “Sweetheart,” he chuckled, softly looking down at her, taking his face in her hands, “first off, you’re not fat, you’re pregnant. Very pregnant. With our baby.”
“I know but,” she continued to cry, “I just…”
Whatever it was that she just, Steve never found out as she simply sniffed again and moved so that her head was lay across his lap over the covers of their California king, and he gently stroked her hair. And for a moment he thought he’d managed to sooth her until she gave another groan.
“For fucks sake, I just can’t get comfy.”  She sniffled, her sobs coming again as she sat up. “My back and my shoulders…”
Okay, this he could try and help with. Smiling to himself he looked at her. “Assume the position, Doll.” She gave out a watery laugh as she heaved herself over so she was facing away from him. Steve shuffled down so that he was led right behind her and doing the one thing he could to try and get her to feel a little relaxed, he slid his strong hands up her top, his deft fingers gently massaging and rubbing at the spot he knew was sor in her lower back.
“You still feeling funny?” He asked, his fingers working the tight and aching muscles and she nodded.
“Have been all day, but it’s not uncommon apparently. Pepper said she felt iffy for the last four weeks of her pregnancy.” “Four weeks.” Steve mused, his fingers stopping momentarily before he started again. “As if he’s gonna be here in four weeks.” “Well, it could be any time technically. And I hope it is, because frankly, I can’t wait to get him out.” She sighed, as Steve’s hands gently guided her top, well his shirt, over her head so his hands could work at her shoulders and her upper back.
“Hmmm,” he gently swept her hair off her neck so he could plant a soft kiss there. “I can’t wait but I’m gonna miss your bump.” “I’m not,” she scoffed, as his hands crept round to cradle her distended stomach, “and stop feeling him and carry on. Until he’s here this is all about me, remember.” She shrugged her shoulders, emphasizing her message, and he chuckled. “Sorry doll.” Relaxing into his touch, Katie felt herself leaning back against him and then Steve made the best suggestion he had ever made to her in the history of suggestions.
“Why don’t I run you a bath? I know it’s late but Emmy’s at Brooke’s for the evening and it might help.” Katie groaned “God, yes.”
He kissed the back of her neck and threw back the covers, climbing out of the bed, not an inch of tiredness displayed in his body. Despite herself, Katie had to bite back a laugh. He was like a coiled spring at the moment. He had told Rhodey a few weeks ago that he wasn’t travelling anywhere now until the baby was here for fear of missing anything, but as a result that relentless energy which normally went into his work was bubbling inside him, and even his runs every morning and night were doing nothing to help.
Laying back she closed her eyes until she heard him calling and she heaved herself up, taking a moment to steady herself before she rather ungraciously waddled out of the room, one hand pressed to her lower back, the other clamped under the bottom of her bump.
“Give me a hand when you need me to lift you out.” Steve chuckled as he passed her on the hallway and she spun round, glaring at him. “Like last time.” “That’s not funny.”
“No, but it will give me the chance to eye up your naked pregnant body, something I intend to make the most of as it won’t be around for much longer.” “You’re a piece of work, Steven Grant Rogers.” She huffed, as she turned and headed to the bathroom.
Steve settled back on the bed and flicked on the TV. There wasn’t much on but in the end he logged into Netflix and settled for a few re-runs of ‘Brooklyn 99’. The show was absurd, but it was easy watching and he quite liked it, Jake Peralta reminded him in an odd way of a cross between Tony and Thor with his incessant energy and ridiculousness. About halfway through an episode, he was struck with another good idea, and he headed down into the kitchen to make them both a drink, cocoa for him and a ginger and honey tea for Katie. He carried the mug into the bathroom where his wife was slumped in the tub, surrounded by lavender and camomile bubbles, her eyes closed. She looked up at him, one eye open as he walked in, handing her the mug and she let out a soft groan.
“My hero.” She smiled as he dropped a kiss onto her lips before heading back into their room.
It was about another thirty minutes or so when she did call him. He knew she hated this, needing his help, but getting out of the huge tub on her own was simply a physical impossibility.  Once he’d helped her out and she was wrapped in a robe, she dropped on the bed, seemingly pacified for a moment until she suddenly wanted peanut butter. Heading into the kitchen, he opened the cupboard and a cold feeling of dread washed over him when he realised they were out.
Fuck, fuck!
He was certain there had been three jars in there this morning. He frantically searched the rest of the kitchen, just in case Katie’s baby-brain had meant she’d stashed it somewhere else, but there as none to be found. Grimacing, he took the stairs two at a time and winced at the look on his wife’s face when he told her she must have eaten it all, before hastily placating her as her eyes watered, reminding her that the twenty-four hour mart was only a five minute drive away.
Which was why he found himself there at twenty-seven minutes past two on a Sunday morning buying six jars of the damned stuff.
Captain America, buying jars of peanut butter at half 2 in the morning for his wife.
Steve smiled to himself, he didn’t give a shit.
“Missus is Pregnant.” He nodded to the man behind the counter, who gave him a look of confusion as he dropped the jars onto the side by the till. The guy laughed, and nodded.
“It was chow-mein with my gal.” He chuckled as Steve handed over the cash. “That was a pain in the ass at four am on a Sunday. Trust me buddy, you got off lightly.”
Thanking his lucky stars that his wife’s craving was, indeed, relatively simple, Steve headed back home and she nearly cried when she took a jar off him and dug in with a spoon. They sat still for another hour, at which point Steve really was ready to fall asleep, and after eating half of a jar in one go, Katie screwed the top back on and set it back on her nightstand, her eyes drooping slightly.
“Think I’m okay now.” She nodded softly and Steve hummed into her hair, reaching up and turning the TV and lamp off and settling them down. She managed about half an hour before she groaned again and heaved herself off to the bathroom, this time for a pee. When she came back she lay facing him, her fingers gently tracing his jaw and he cracked one eye open and they just lay there, watching one another in the dim light.
“I’m sorry.” She whispered.
“What for?”
“Keeping you awake.”
Steve chuckled and leaned forward to give her a soft kiss “Honey, it’s fine.”
And it was, it really was. He would be tired tomorrow, he knew that, but he didn’t care.
He closed his eyes and he was on the verge of sleep, teetering between dozing and being fully under when…
“Steve.” Katie whispered softly, and he grinned as he knew that suggestive tone way too well. “I’m horny, now.” “You really know how to pick your moments, Mrs Rogers.” He sniggered a little, opening his eyes,  as his mouth met hers again, the slight taste of the peanut butter made him smile even more as both his lips held her bottom one as the kiss lingered.
“Blame your son.” She murmured as she kissed him again, her hands creeping into the back of his hair, eliciting a soft moan from him.
And that was all it took.
Steve was obliging, and kissed every part of her body he could, taking care to avoid the rather tender chest area. It was slow, soft, as their bodies joined in the ever so familiar dance, tangled in the sheets of the bed. As his wife rode him, her large bump not allowing for any other position, Steve’s hands never left the side of her hips, the pair of them groaning loudly as her release took her over the edge and he followed shortly after. They lay there, gently on the bed together, Katie’s back pressed into his chest, for half an hour or so afterwards. Steve’s hand was strong yet gentle over her waist, his hand caressing the place his son was currently dwelling, thumb stroking her stretched skin in soft arcs. And when he felt her finally relaxed, he took a quick glance at the digital clock on the night stand, giving a slight roll of the eyes as he saw it was almost half four in the morning.
****** Katie woke later that morning at little after eight, trying not to groan at the now quite nasty pain in her back. She didn’t even try to go back to sleep, knowing it was utterly pointless. Instead, leaving Steve flat out, exhausted from the nights activities, she headed into the kitchen to make herself a peppermint tea and stuck a heat pack into the microwave, grabbing another jar of peanut butter.
The pains in her back and lower stomach continued to get progressively worse through the morning and along with them so did Katie’s mood. Emmy had called asking to stay at Brooke’s for a bit longer, which suited Steve as it meant he could give Katie his undivided attention, so he agreed and promised to collect her later in the evening.
As they both stood in the kitchen, Katie trying to decide what she wanted for lunch, eventually settling on meatball subs. They began to cook together, something to take Katie’s mind of feeling so uncomfortable, but as she turned to pass Steve the cheese so he could start loading the bread up, a searing pain flashed across her abdomen causing her to give a loud exclamation and clutch at the counter edge with one hand, dropping the packet of grated cheddar from the other.
“Katie?” Steve turned to face her, frowning “Sweetheart?”
She turned into him, curling her fists into his shirt, pressing her head against his chest, with a groan, her forehead digging into his collarbone. He gently held her back, supporting her as she breathed through the pain.
“I - mm.”  Katie’s voice was trembling, a combination of fear and excitement. “I thought it was just cramps but now I think…”
Steve understood immediately. And despite all the classes, all the prep, everything, he suddenly felt really, really nervous “What? Now?”
She looked up into his eyes which were wide, in a combination of anticipation and trepidation and laughed. “I think so, yeah.”
Steve went straight into Captain mode. The maternity bag was loaded into the car, Dr Kellet was called who told them to monitor the contractions in frequency and duration, and a bath was run to try and make Katie more comfortable but it didn’t work.
Neither did a soft walk round the block with Lucky.
Four hours later, Katie was stood, bent over the back of the sofa as Steve rubbed her back, helping her breath through another contraction. They were now coming every thirteen minutes and getting far more painful (thanks to Steve’s impeccable time keeping skills for that one) when Katie noticed him step back slightly as she felt a dampness spread across her legs.
Her waters had gone.
“Baby, I think-“ “I know,” she grit her teeth as the pain subsided again. Steve was already on the phone to Dr Kellet and as he thanked her and placed the phone into his pocket he gently placed his hands on the side of his wife’s hips as she straightened up.
“She’s told us to go in.” A smile flickered on his face and despite the pain and stress she was feeling, Katie couldn’t help but find her heart swelling at the excitement on his face.
Steve called Tony, asking him to collect Emmy, then rang the girl herself who squealed with excitement at the fact her brother was on his way. A quick chat to Jennifer’s mum to explain, the woman wishing them both luck, and Katie was in the car and they were off, making quite possibly the most important journey of their lives. Steve drove carefully but determinedly to the Birthing Centre, his thumb tapping out a nervous rhythm on the steering wheel, casting glances at Katie every chance he got, and by the time they had arrived twenty minutes later the contractions were arriving five minutes apart.
He helped her change and got her settled in their airey room, his hand curling round hers as she lay back on the bed, both of them pleased to see the familiar face of Dr Kellet as she walked into the room just as another contraction hit Katie. Once it had subsided, Dr Kellet smiled moved to examine her.
“Yes, you’re in active labour Mrs Rogers.” The Doctor smiled. “You have a little while to go yet though so, we’ll try and get you a little more comfortable, okay?”
Katie nodded.
“And you still don’t want an epidural?”
“No.” She shook her head firmly, and Steve raised her hand to his mouth, pressing a kiss to the back of it. She’d been adamant that there were no needles going anywhere near her back, not after what HYDRA had done to her, which broke Steve a little when she’d said that to him, not only at the memory of what she’d been through, but also a the fact she was going to be giving birth with little relief.
Three hours later, however, Katie was seriously questioning her decision. She was on all fours on the bed, desperately trying to find some release that the gas and air wasn’t really providing anymore as Steve rubbed her back, feeling utterly helpless.
“I don’t like you-” Katie groaned, her voice cutting off as another wave of pain washed over me. “I don’t you seeing me like this. I don’t like it, you should go”
Go? Not a chance, Doll, he thought to himself as he glanced up at the midwife who simply smiled at him. He leant down so his lips were by Katie’s ear and she turned her head, burying it into his shoulder, as his arms supported hers. “Katie Marie Rogers, I have seen you throw tantrums that rival the ones a two year old could produce, I’ve seen you with a face full of blood and a broken nose, I’ve watched you crawl through a dirty hole in the floor to disarm a bomb, and come out trembling. I’ve seen you scream the house down after spotting a damned spider, I’ve seen you half dead,” the words caught in his throat at the memory, “I’ve seen you shit faced to the point of puking, not to mention that I’ve seen you in every single position going.”
Katie snorted loudly, before gripping at his arm as another wave crashed over her.
“None of that could ever make me love you any less. And, seeing you here now, about to give birth to our boy, well I couldn’t love you anymore if I tried. I’m not going anywhere, okay?”
She looked up at him through her tears and he wiped at her face with his thumbs, giving her what he hoped was a reassuring smile, before she let out a gasp.
“I need, I need to push.” The panic tone in her voice made Steve glance up at the Doctor as Katie grabbed athis arm. “Steve, I…oh shit, I want to lay back, please, I need-“
“Okay, okay, I got you.” Steve assured her as the Doctor nodded at him to oblige. He gently helped her onto the back as Dr Kellet stood forward.
“You good?” She asked Katie who shot her a scathing look and Steve had to bite back the snort at the fact the Doctor merely raised an eyebrow whereas most people would be quaking in their boots at that infamous Stark glare. Instead, she merely smiled. “Let’s have a look.” Katie grabbed Steve’s hand with a force he didn’t think possible, and it almost made him wince slightly, but he was damned if he was showing her that she was hurting him. As far as he was concerned, she could break every damned finger he had if it meant she was okay, that their son was okay.
“Yep, we’re in business.” The Doctor said, nodding to the midwife that was in the room. “Okay, Mrs Rogers, next time you feel ready to push I want you to do so gently, follow my lead, Steve is gonna help you with your breathing okay?”
And Steve tried, boy did he try. But after twenty minutes of pushing, Katie was pissed off, tired, in agony and just wanted it all to be over.
"You’re doing so well, Sweetheart.”  He smiled gently, as he brought her hand up to his lips.
“You are NEVER touching me again.” She grit her teeth and he let out a chuckle, wiping her clammy forehead with one hand.
“Alright, Katie.” The midwife looked at her from the foot of the bed. “Next time, I want a big, strong one. He’s crowning. Chin into your chest…”
“Fuuuuuck…” Katie screamed, another contraction hitting her and she let out a yell, gripping Steve’s hand as she pushed with everything she had.
You’re doing amazing, Katie. Just one more.” Steve dropped a kiss to her forehead, his heart was beating so loud he was sure she would hear it. “Come on, you got this, and I’ve got you, okay?” Another yell, one final push and then…
A piercing scream hit their ears as Katie sagged back on the pillow panting before she looked up, relief crashing over her. Steve was beaming from ear to ear, his eyes wet as he looked at his wife, in awe at how simply amazing and strong she was.
“You did it.” His voice cracked as he kissed her head. “Oh, Baby Girl, you did it.”
“He’s here?” Katie asked, dazed slightly as their baby was placed straight onto her chest, where the buttons at the top of her gown were undone, and instantly the warmth she felt was like nothing she had ever experienced before, her chest filling as she held their baby boy tenderly, tears pouring down her face.
“Oh God.” Steve breathed, his voice cracking, as Jamie was covered with a towel, resting on his wife’s chest, his piercing cries subsiding at the skin to skin contact. Steve rest his head against Katie’s, wiping the tears that had pooled at the end of his nose away, and the pair of them looked down getting their first glimpse of their son.
“Hi, baby!” Katie finally managed to speak, looking down through her tears at the tiny bundle in her arms as his head lay against her chest, making little snuffling noises. “We waited so long for you!”
She finally tore her eyes off the precious bundle and looked up at Steve, his eyes swimming with tears of joy as her own continued to fall down her cheeks. "It’s our boy, Steve.”
“He’s perfect.” Steve whispered again and gently smoothed down the towel with a trembling hand so he could see their baby’s face clearly. Steve instantly noticed he small spattering of dark blonde hair on his head, and there was something distinctly Stark-like about his nose. Then his eyes barely opened, but through them he saw a sliver of beautiful baby blue. 
The Soldier’s heart instantly swelled so full he thought it would bust from his chest. He already knew this, but as he looked down at his son, it simply solidified the fact that he would take on the world to protect that little bundle in his wife’s arms, shield or no shield.
They remained wrapped in their own little bubble so much so that neither of them knew what was going on around them. Eventually, their baby was gently taken to the opposite side of the room whilst Katie was cleaned up. He was weighed at 7lb 4, which was, given Steve’s size, rather small but still perfectly healthy. Steve couldn’t help but hover, watching what they were doing with his boy, wincing as they gave him a shot of vitamin K.
“Does he have a name?” The nurse recording his AGPA scores looked up. Steve looked at Katie and she nodded at him.
“James” Steve spoke, his voice croaky. “Jamie.” “Alright.” The nurse scribbled something onto a band which was placed around his wrist before he was wrapped in a clean towel and the midwife looked up at Steve.
“Would you like to take him, Dad?”
Steve nodded, swallowing.“Yeah, yeah I would.” “Okay, well if you’re comfortable doing so, open your shirt, he’ll appreciate the skin to skin contact…”
Steve did was he was told, undoing the four buttons on his dark green Henley and could do nothing but gasp as his son was laid in his arms, tears once more forming in his eyes as he cradled their child to his chest for the first time, awestruck as he brought his lips down to drop gently on his head.
“Hey, Pal.” He whispered unsteadily. “I’m your Dad.”
Katie watched the two of them, more tears springing into her eyes as Steve sat down on the chair next to the bed and she just watched the pair of them, Steve’s eyes not once leaving his boy, who Katie noticed was now trying to burrow into his chest face-first.
“What are you doing, lights too bright for you, Buddy?” He asked softly.
“It’s called rooting.” One of the nurses looked over “He’s wanting to feed. Are you ready to try Mrs Rogers?”
Katie nodded and sat up slightly, as Steve gently handed him over and the midwife helped Katie position him correctly. It took a while, but when he finally latched on and began to suckle, Katie looked down into her baby’s face, trying to memorize the way the tiny hand curled against her skin. Steve leaned close, simply watching, his heart full of a love like nothing he had ever felt before.
“You’re beautiful,” he told Katie suddenly, and she laughed a little, because it was anything but true at that moment in time.
“I think the serum is failing as your eyes are clearly not working properly.” She retorted, glancing up at him.
“I mean it,” he repeated, leaning in to kiss her temple. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. And look what you made!”
She glanced down at Jamie, who was feeding enthusiastically and smiled. “What we made…” “Yeah but you cooked him.” Steve’s finger slid under her chin so that she was looking back up at him, and he held her gaze, driving his words home. “Thank you.”
Katie leaned into his touch as his palm caressed her cheek. Carefully, he moved to sit on the bed beside her, guiding her head against his shoulder and gathering his family into very gentle embrace, his eyes not once leaving his baby.
"I love you,” he whispered into her hair - and he didn’t budge from that spot until Jamie was done nursing and Katie was then escorted to the toilet. In there she changed out of the gown and into a pair of pyjamas and returned from the en-suite of their private room, with a tired smile on her face to see that Steve, had dug out a baby grow. Katie watched as he placed their son in the cot by the end of the bed, with infinite tenderness, and the new parents dressed him for the first time.
“I suggest you both get some sleep whilst you can.” Dr Kellet smiled, peering into the cot where Jamie was now yawning, eyes drooping. “I’ll be back tomorrow to check on you. If you need anything though, just hit the call button and one of the Midwives will come in. Congratulations.” Steve and Katie both thanked her as Katie headed over to the bed, dropping exhaustedly onto it.
“You should go get some rest.” She yawned and Steve shook his head.
“I’m not leaving you.” Steve snapped a quick photo of the sleeping baby before settling on the bed as Katie lay her head on his chest. “Not a chance.”
It wasn’t long before she had fallen asleep, exhausted, and Steve sat up slightly, firing the photo off to Tony, Emmy, Nat and Rhodey. The replies of congratulations flooded in, along with a selfie of Tony, Pepper and Emmy on Tony’s sofa with their thumbs up. Steve snorted, it was almost two am now, but he knew that Tony and Emmy would be too excited to sleep. He placed his phone back on the night stand and settled down next to his wife, his hand straying into her hair. A little sniffling noise came from the cot at the side of the bed and Steve sat up, to check on him, but Jamie was sleeping soundly so he relaxed back, taking a deep breath.
He was in way over his head, and there was no planning for this mission, not one bit. But Steve found he didn’t mind. As he dropped a kiss to Katie’s head, he closed his eyes with a satisfied sigh knowing full well that the 7th March 2020 was a date he was never going to forget.
Katie opened her eyes and stared around the unfamiliar room which was lowly lit from a chink of light flooding in under the door. She sat up so quickly that her head spun, and she dropped back against the pillow, taking a deep breath. Then her eyes caught the man in the chair by her bed, and the memory of the night before came back. At some point in the night Jamie had woken for a feed but post it wouldn’t stop fussing and Katie’s half-conscious attempts to soothe him had failed. Steve had at that point stepped in and taken him, insisting that she get some rest as he paced the room with his son, gently rocking him to and fro. Her husband was now leaned back in the chair by her bed fast asleep, their little boy slumbering on his dad’s chest, secured by Steve’s large, gentle hands. Katie felt her heart swell and she grabbed her phone, noting that the time was only a little after 6:30 am, meaning that it was only two hours or so since his feed. She took a quick snap, contemplated taking Jamie back to his crib before she decided he was fine where he was. Steve wouldn’t let anything happen to him. Glancing at her two boys, she sank deeper into her pillow, quietly satisfied, as she drifted back off into a light sleep.
Steve was woken by a soft cry about forty-five minutes later, and despite his best attempts Jamie wouldn’t settle.
“Sorry, Doll.” he looked at Katie as she woke, blinking as she pushed herself up. “I think he’s hungry and I can’t help him in that department.” With a smile she took their baby and began to nurse him again, something Steve didn’t think he’d ever get tired of seeing. Once he was fed, the midwives appeared and offered them breakfast which they gratefully accepted and then Katie positively moaned when she was told she could shower. She was dried off an and in a clean set of Pyjamas just in time for visiting hours which started at ten.
At one minute past there was a knock on the door to their room.
“Hey Mommy and Daddy!” Pepper peering round the door clutching a huge blue balloon as Tony followed, Morgan in her stroller. The tot squealed when she saw Steve who stood up to greet them as Emmy flew into the room, locking her arms around Steve’s waist. He dropped a kiss to her head and looked up as Natasha stepped in hot on their tail.
”Congratulations Cap.”  Tony beamed, shaking Steve’s hand before he pulled him into an embrace. Katie smiled up at her family, Jamie clutched in her arms having just been fed again as Tony moved and stepped up to the bed, kissing the top of his sister’s head as he peered down at his nephew.
“Well done, Kiddo.” he whispered softly and she smiled at him. 
Pepper was next to congratulate her, then Natasha and finally Emmy who gave her brother an appraising look. “Hmmm takes after you, Dad.” She smirked up at Steve. “Where else is he gonna get a face like that?” Steve rolled his eyes as he stood up from where he had been crouched saying hello to Morgan. He glanced at Tony who was peering down at his nephew, a huge grin on his face.
“He’s beautiful, guys.” Tony said and Katie smiled up at her brother and he made a gesture with his arms. “Can I?”
Katie nodded, and moved to gently pass him over, and Tony took him in his arms with a soft chuckle.
“Hey, Champ.” He beamed down as Jamie moved softly in his arms, kicking slightly. “How’s it going?”
“How are you feeling?” Pepper asked, looking at Katie.
“Tired but, I’m good.”
“So, does he have a name yet?” Tony looked at Katie and Steve took a deep breath, his arms crossing over his chest. If truth be told, he was a little nervous about revealing the name they had chosen, Bucky wasn’t Tony’s favourite person, but before he could answer he spotted Katie giving Emmy a small wink.
“Horatio Montgomery Rogers.” Katie nodded. “Monty for short.” There was a pause whilst Pepper, Tony and Nat all exchanged a look and Steve bit on his lip.
“That’s…” Tony began, searching for words as he glanced down at the baby in his arms before he finally settled on, “…unusual”
Emmy looked at Katie again before they but out laughing.
“I can’t believe you fell for that, Uncle Tony!” Emmy cackled. “Such an idiot.”
“I resent that.” Tony pouted and Natasha cleared her throat.
“So what is his name?” Nat pressed. Katie looked at Steve and gave him a nod.
“James Anthony Samuel Rogers” Steve took a deep breath as Tony blinked. “Jamie for short.” “James Anthony Samuel.” Tony whispered looking down at Jamie. “James. Anthony?” His eyes locked onto Katie’s, then Steve’s, before they flicked back down to his nephew. “You actually named him after me?”
Katie smiled. “Yeah, guess we did”
“And I was only joking too.” His voice choked as Natasha, stepped forward to peer down at the baby in his arms. “But the James is after Barnes, right?” She looked up. Steve took a deep breath, his eyes flickered to Tony who was simply gazing down at his nephew with adoration as Katie answered.
“There’s so many people we’ve both known or know with the name James.” She shrugged. “Rhodey, half the Howling Commandos, but yes, Bucky was one big reason, another was Grandad Jim.” Tony looked up at her, smiling, his eyes wet. “Yeah, Grandpa Jim was pretty awesome”
“And so is his uncle-slash-grandpa.” She smiled and Tony gave a loud sniffle.
“Wrap it up Kiddo, you’re killing me” He shook his head as he turned to Natasha. “We’ll call that one a draw.”
Steve rolled his eyes, as Natasha shrugged. “Suppose you can’t be wrong all the time, Shell-Head.”
Jamie was passed around, and Emmy finally got to have a hold as she sat in the chair, Steve crouched by her side as she peered down at the baby. But when it was Natasha’s turn, the red head grew almost as emotional as Tony as she held him and he curled his tiny hand around her finger.
“Good job he likes you.” Katie smiled at her, “you know, seeing as you’re gonna be his god-mother and all…” “Me?” Nat’s head whipped up and she looked at Katie, then Steve, her eyes full of tears. “I mean…” “Well, there’s no one else for the job so it kinda falls to you by default.” Steve teased from where he was perched on the arm of the chair.
“You’re such a douche.”  Emmy muttered, elbowing Steve in the ribs and Tony’s face split into a grin.
“Kid, you have no idea…did you know his nickname is Spangles?” “Spangles?” she grinned and Steve groaned
“No one calls him Spangles other than Tony, because Tony is an idiot.” Katie shook her head.
At that point, Jamie let out a huge shriek and Natasha promptly crossed the room to hand him back to his momma, who placed him over her shoulder and he nuzzled into her neck, his nose brushing against her jaw line. As she looked around the room, her eyes locked onto Steve’s and he gave her, quite possibly, the most affectionate look she could ever recall him giving her. And at that moment, although they were surrounded by their friends and family, she felt like the only woman in the world.
Thankfully as everything had gone as well as expected they were discharged later that day and they could go home. Steve, having practiced about a billion times, expertly clipped Jamie’s car seat into the base of the Porche SUV they had borrowed from Tony a few weeks ago (the Camero just wasn’t baby friendly) and Katie climbed into the back, positioning herself in the middle seat so she was by their son for the drive home.
Emmy had gone back to Tony’s to give them the evening to settle in, and with Lucky also with them, when Katie and Steve walked into the house, Steve carefully carrying the car seat containing the most precious cargo he had ever carried, it struck them that they were suddenly on their own.
With a baby.
Steve set the car seat on the coffee table in the lounge and the two of them sat on the couch, looking at their baby before they looked at one another, neither of them having a clue what to do next.
Thankfully, a piercing scream from Jamie jolted them out of the stupor and dictated exactly what they needed to do. As Katie set about feeding him, Steve headed into the kitchen to make them something to eat and by eight pm the pair of them were whacked and ready for bed but Jamie had other ideas. It took a lot of pacing, frustrated sighs and prayers but he finally settled a few hours later and the new parents crawled between their sheets, exhausted, frustrated and feeling like they were embarking on a mission which was far bigger than any they had faced before.
Steve heard his wife get up, but didn’t register why. Not at first. He dozed for another half hour or so before he heard a cry and he sat upright, looking around. He blinked, saw the empty crib at the side of the bed and smiled to himself. Swinging his legs out of bed he pulled on a t-shirt and grabbed the bag he’d had waiting for weeks out of the back of his closet before he headed down the stairs.
Katie was sat on the sofa in one of his button downs, her bare legs crossed, munching on a piece of toast when he paused in the door to the lounge taking in the scene. The domesticity of it all hit him for a moment and he felt himself welling up, he’d never in his wildest dreams dared to imagine he would ever be this damned lucky. But here he was, gorgeous wife, beautiful baby…
At that point, Jamie started fussing and she instantly placed her hand on his tummy whilst he lay in the wicker Moses basket in front of her, gently hushing him, all the while a look on her face of infinite tenderness. As he settled she smiled, simply gazing at their boy for a moment before she looked up and smiled at Steve. He walked over to her and dropped a soft, lingering kiss to her lips and she smiled.
“Morning.” She whispered and he smiled against her mouth, kissing her again before his attention turned to his boy and he gently reached into the basket, his finger softly running down his son’s cheek.
“Why didn’t you wake me?” “Could you feed him?” Katie grinned and Steve let out a soft laugh and shook his head.
“No, suppose not.” He looked at Katie and nodded to Jamie “Can I?”
“Steve, honey, he’s your son. Of course you can.” He placed the bag he was holding on the coffee table, Katie still not noticing it, as he reached into the basket and gently picked his son up, cradling him to his chest as Jamie buried his face into his neck, still sleeping. Steve gently moved to sit on the couch and Katie watched the pair of them, smiling softly.
“That’s for you.” He nodded to the Tiffany bag. Katie glanced at, blinking in surprise before she frowned slightly.
“What for?”
“Well it used to be a tradition to buy your wife something after your first child and Tony assured me it still was so…”
She beamed at him and reached over for the bag. As Steve cradled his boy close he watched his wife pull out the blue ring box and open it, her mouth dropping open as she looked at the platinum Eternity band which was studded with sapphires and diamonds.
“It’s beautiful.” She whispered, turning to him and leaning over to give him a soft kiss. “Thank you.” Steve beamed at her and watched as she rejigged the rings on her wedding finger so she could place it in between her wedding and her engagement ring. She flashed her hand at him to show him what it looked like on.
“Looks good.” He smiled “I clearly have good taste.” “Of course you do, you chose me.” ****
“Come here.”
Steve turned to look at Katie who was on the other side of their bedroom and he frowned. “What?”
“Just come here.” 
Steve crossed the room towards her where she grabbed the bottle of his aftershave and sprayed an amount to his neck.
“What are you…” he frowned as she stood up to take a deep sniff.
“Oh thank God!” She groaned. “I can sniff you again without feeling sick!”
Steve snorted, and shook his head, a grin on his face as Katie began to spray the Hugo Boss around the room, sniffing and smiling to herself before she stopped and grimaced.
“Oh, that’s…” She looked down at the crib and Steve did the same.
“Oh.” Steve wrinkled his nose
“Your turn, Daddy.” She patted his back. “I’m going for a shower.” Steve looked at her, slightly panicked as Jamie began to let out a soft cry “What, alone?” “Don’t tell me Captain American can’t deal with a bit of poop.”
“It’s not that. I might do it wrong or…” “Steve, relax, what’s the worst that can happen?” She eyed him, as he bit his lip, watching his reaction carefully. Whilst he had been amazing that night in the hospital, once they had gotten home and away from the safety net of midwives, she had fast realised that Steve had suddenly grown incredibly nervous when it came to their baby, asking permission to pick him up, wind him, cuddle him and Katie was keen to nip that in the bud right away. She knew he wanted to help as much as possible and she didn’t want him to constantly be second guessing everything he did.
“I err…” Steve stuttered and she cut him off. “You saw me before.” She shrugged, heading into the en-suite. “You’ll be fine.”
Steve watched her go and then peered down at his son, swallowing slightly before he picked him up and took him into the nursery. As soon as the baby-grow was off, Jamie still crying slightly, Steve suddenly felt completely inadequate. Cursing to himself, he laid Jamie gently on the changing mat, wrinkling his nose and trying to shut out the scream that was ringing round his ears. At that point he was seriously starting to believe that this was worse than facing off against thirty HYDRA agents single headedly. Taking a deep breath and telling himself to get it together, he managed to clean Jamie, get a fresh diaper on, and then once he was dressed again, he picked the baby up.
“Come on, Pall.” He soothed softly, his large hand gently smoothing his son’s back as he walked over to look out of the bedroom window “You know, that there is the best city in the world,” he glanced over the Brooklyn skyline, “one day I’ll show you all the places I used to go, tell you all about my life and the Rogers clan, and who you’re named after. Take you to meet your Grandma…”
He stopped talking as he realised Jamie had fallen silent, and was now relaxed completely against him, his face gently pressed against his shoulder.  “Thass ma boy.” He whispered, dropping a kiss to his head. He turned to see Katie was stood in the doorway, her hair damp as she was wrapped in a towel gown.
“See.” she smiled as she crossed the room towards them both. “I told you it would be okay.” She gently smoothed a hand over the baby boy’s head before dropping a kiss to his crown.
“Should I put him down to sleep now?” Steve asked and Katie looked at him.
“Do you want to put him down?”
“Not really.” Steve admitted, with a little smile. “You gonna drop him?” “Shut up.” Steve rolled his eyes. “Of course not.” “Then no, you don’t have to put him down.” Katie smiled “He’s your baby, Steve. If you wanna cuddle him, cuddle him.” “Sorry, I’m fussing again ain’t I?” Steve sighed.
Katie gently stood on her toes and pressed a kiss to her husband’s lips. “Fussing is fine, just don’t doubt yourself. I don’t know what I’m doing any more than you do, but we’ll figure it out.”
Steve smiled, as he gave her a soft kiss. “I still swear you can read minds.”
“No, I can just read you.” She corrected. “Now, before you go get Emmy, can I leave you whilst I take a quick nap? He’s gonna want a feed soon and I’m so tired. ”
Steve looked at his wife, then to his son who was perfectly content, his little nose and mouth now resting firmly against Steve’s collar bone. He smiled back at Katie and gave her another soft kiss.
“Think we’ll be okay.”
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 **** Chapter 45
**Original Posting**
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He Could Be That Boy ~ Alfie Jones x Reader (Me and Mrs. Jones) - 1
A/N: I decided to just go with it. And then it turned into at least a 2 part thing. Maybe 3? Is it a series now? I don’t know, we’ll see what happens at this point. Stupid boy-creature.
Word Count: 1075
Rating: T - heavy alcohol consumption, jealousy, language
“Why do you call him Scarecrow?” Billy asked, planting his elbows on the bar next to you as you watched Alfie saunter off toward a group of giggling girls in the corner.
“Oh god,” you laughed awkwardly. “It’s been a running joke since primary school. Mostly it’s because he walks around like he doesn’t know what bones are. But also…” you cleared your throat, putting on an exaggerated American accent and singing, “If I only had a brain…”
Billy laughed. “That seems mean.”
“Oh come on. You know I’m right. Alfie has one of the biggest hearts I know, but...he’s sweet, and adorable, and stupid. Like a puppy.”
“I guess he’d have to be, to not see that his best friend is in love with him.”
“You are?” you joked, heart racing at how quickly Billy had seen through you, and the shrewd gaze he leveled at you.
“Y/N,” he sighed, fixing you with a firm look. “Why haven’t you told him?”
“Because it always seemed like a bad time, and then he left. And besides...Alfie’s type is tall and leggy and supermodel-y. And I’m...just me,” you shrugged. You had given up a long time ago on that venture, preferring to watch from afar and be there for him when he needed you, usually because another one of his Type had broken his heart.
“I think you’d be surprised, if you give him a chance.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be doling out drinks with your wisdom, Mr. Cliché?” 
Billy shrugged, turning back to the wall of liquor bottles, before returning a moment later to place a glass on the bar-top.
“What’s this?” you asked, eyeing it, and him, suspiciously.
“A drink to go with my wisdom.” He smiled winningly, and even you, with your heart set on someone else, were not immune to his charms for a moment. “Specifically, though it pains me to make, it’s a scotch and soda, with a twist. Orange not lime. Alfie may have mentioned they were your favorite.”
“And you remembered that before we even met?” you raised an eyebrow, still skeptical. 
“A good bartender knows his customers. And he mentioned it more than once.”
You marveled for a moment at the idea that you had come up in conversation between the two young men, especially so frequently that Billy had been able to commit your drink of choice to memory. Actually, it seemed miraculous that Alfie had even known, let alone shared that information. You nibbled nervously on the end of the straw, puzzling over what that meant.
Alfie looked up at Y/N's laugh and scowled as he watched her lightly hit Billy's arm with her palm. He scoffed. 
“First my mum and now my best mate,” he muttered petulantly. “I'm beginning to regret bringing you back from China.”
A few moments later, Y/N left for the loos, and Billy tucked her drink behind the bar for safekeeping, and Alfie seized the opportunity, a spike of surprising anger shooting through him. He shrugged off the gorgeous blonde that had been sitting on his lap and stormed over to the bar.
“What the fuck are you doing, mate?” he snapped, leaning close to Billy to keep his voice a hiss.
“Working?” the Irishman asked winningly, raising a confused eyebrow.
Alfie jabbed a finger into his friend’s face. “Well quit it. Y/N is...my Y/N and I won’t let you toy with her. Find someone else to work.” A pair of finger-quotes and a sarcastic bob of his head accompanied the spat final word.
“Alfie--” Billy started.
“No. The thing with my mom was weird, but I got over it. But I’m not going to let you do that to Y/N too.”
“I’m not trying--”
“You know what she means to me.”
“I'm just being friendly.”
“Friendly? Yeah right. Stop. Flirting. With. Y/N.”
“Alfie…” Billy cast a glance over Alfie's shoulder where you stood, wide-eyed before quickly narrowing your expression to a glare. 
“Really?” You exclaimed, catching your friend's attention, tone somewhere between furious and hurt. 
All your lives he had hated it every time you sounded like that, and hated himself for being the one to cause it now.
“Y/N! How much of that did you hear?” He grimaced, voice cracking with nerves. 
“You are such a selfish ass, Alfred Jones,” you could feel hot tears gathering in your eyes but for a second, you didn't care. You wanted Alfie to see. “You could never want me, but god forbid anyone else does either?”
“Y/N, that’s not…”
Turning to Billy, back to Alfie, you dug around for your wallet, until he held up a hand. 
“We’re good, Y/N,” he said, frowning sympathetically. 
“Thanks, I’ll settle up with you later, I swear. It was really nice chatting with you Billy. Alfie, go to hell.” 
With that you spun on a heel and stormed out of the bar, trying to keep your head high. Unfortunately you didn’t make it far past the closing door before the facade cracked and you sank to the curb with a sob. You curled in on yourself, burying your face into your knees, years of frustration and heartbreak spilling out until you could barely breathe.
“Y/N?” Alfie’s voice was hesitant, and quiet in a way you couldn’t remember ever hearing him before. “Hey.”
“What do you want, Alfie?” you mumbled, sniffling and swiping at your eyes.
He sat down next to you, nudging your shoulder, as he always did, pulling a face to try and make you laugh. Try as you might, you couldn’t keep the corners of your mouth from twitching up at the corners. After a moment, he looked away, tugging nervously at his lower lip pinched between thumb and forefinger.
“Will you come back inside and let me buy you a drink, make things right?”
You sighed, whatever anger you felt melting away instantly. “There’s nothing to make right, Alf,” you said with a roll of your eyes.
“You sure?”
“Of course. I’ll always love you, Alfie, you know that.”
He grinned. “Always?”
“Unless you become a serial killer or something,” you shook your head. “But I won’t say no to another drink anyway. As long as you’re not going to accuse Billy of flirting again...”
He grinned, tugging you to your feet and wrapping an arm around your shoulders as he led you back inside. “Of course not.”
18 notes · View notes
rhosyn-du · 3 years
Never make a mess when a total catastrophe will do - Chapter Seven
Pairings: Jimon, past Clace, background Clizzy, a bunch of other minor background pairings Rating: Explicit Art: @cor321​ Beta: @all-thestories-aretrue​ Tags:  Alternate Universe - College/University, fake dating, oh my god they were roommates, friends with benefits, idiots to lovers, pining, miscommunication, holidays, drinking games, mistletoe, symbolically significant Oreos, domestic fluff, brief mention of past character death, Jace’s self-worth issues deserve their own tag Summary: What do you do when you find out your sister is not only dating your ex and love-of-your-high-school-life but is also bringing her home for Christmas? Bring your annoying, hot, annoyingly-hot roommate as your fake boyfriend to show them you're totally fine with it, obviously! There's no possible way this could backfire. Link: AO3 , Tumblr Master Post
Chapter Seven
Jace knew they were in trouble as soon as he saw Maia’s face. The Cheshire Cat had nothing on her grin as she sauntered into Java Jones Monday afternoon, the last of their group to arrive.
She pulled a chair up between Jace and Simon, spun it around with a flourish to sit on it backwards, and flung an arm around both their shoulders. “So, is this the part where I say mazel tov?”
“I am going to literally murder my sister,” Simon announced.
Lily perked up. “Wait, what happened?” She looked between Simon and Jace, then fixed an intense gaze on Maia. “Did one of them finally break down and call you? Why didn’t you assholes mention anything? Who won the bet?”
“Oh, I got a call,” Maia said. “Not from either of these fools, though.”
Jace drained his coffee cup, wishing it were vodka instead. There was clearly no stopping this, so he might as well just face the music now.
“According to Becky, she and her grandmother caught these two in a storage closet about to get down and dirty, and Jace tried to cover up what they were doing by pretending he was down on his knees to propose.”
“Oh no,” Maureen said through a fit of giggles. “That’s terrible.”
Jace flipped her off, which only made her giggle harder.
“Don’t worry,” Maia said, patting Simon’s shoulder, “Becky said she’s like ninety percent sure your grandma didn’t know what was really up.”
“I can hide two bodies,” Simon told her. “I have a van.”
“And my sister is studying forensics,” Jace added. “I bet she’d tell me how to cover up a crime scene if I asked.”
“Every time you bring up your family, I just have more questions,” Lily said.
“Wait,” Maureen said suddenly, holding up her hands. Everyone looked at her. “If you guys are giving each other clandestine blowjobs, does this mean everyone in our friend group has slept together now?”
“Nope,” Bat said, and Jace shook his head.
“Wait, really?” Simon sounded genuinely surprised.
“We thought for sure you two were hooking up back when Simon and I were dating,” Maureen added, looking at Bat. “Jace was over at your place pretty much all the time.”
Jace stared intently into his empty coffee cup. He wasn’t about to tell them he’d spent so much time at Bat’s because he couldn’t quite stomach spending time in his apartment when Simon and Maureen were there, together.
“Jace was over at my place sulking because he got his ass dumped.” Which was the excuse Jace had given him. “He swore me to secrecy because he didn’t want you guys giving him shit for getting his heart broken.”
“You seem to be a little confused about the whole concept of secrecy, though,” Jace said.
“You could’ve told us,” Maureen said, earnest and sympathetic. “We wouldn’t tease you about something if you were really hurting.”
“Well, I’d tease you a little,” Lily said.
“You had your heart broken?” Simon’s voice was soft, and when Jace met his eyes, he found a confused curiosity there. Which of course there would be, Jace realized, given the conversation they’d had on the drive home, where he’d admitted that he hadn’t been serious about anyone since Clary.
“I wasn’t heartbroken,” Jace said, putting as much disdain as he could manage into the word. “Sasha just had some very strong opinions when I told her I didn’t want to get serious, and I kind of wanted to lay low for a while after.” The part about Sasha wasn’t even a lie.
“Oh,” Lily said, dragging the word out with relish. “You were embarrassed because she told you off in public.”
Bat looked skeptical. “You really expect me to believe you spent three weeks curled up on my couch eating Double Stuf Oreos because your ego was bruised?”
“Of course not.” Jace grinned at him. “That was because you’re a sucker who kept buying me Double Stuf Oreos.”
Maia smacked his arm hard enough to sting. “No taking advantage of Bat’s kind and generous spirit.”
Bat looked unconvinced. “Well, next time you decide to hide out at my place because you definitely didn’t get your heart broken, you’re on your own for Oreos.”
Simon was still watching him. “I would’ve shared my Oreos if I knew you needed them.” His tone was far too serious for a conversation about Oreos. Like maybe he knew Jace was hiding something. Like maybe he suspected what Jace was hiding.
Jace flashed him a shit-eating grin. “I hope you know I’m taking that as an invitation to steal your Oreos whenever I want from now on.”
“Dude, you can’t just steal Oreos!” Maureen protested. “That’s like rule number two of the roommate code.”
“What’s rule number one?” Bat asked.
“Booze,” Maureen and Lily answered in unison.
“And for everyone who keeps asking how we managed to share a dorm and not murder each other freshman year,” Lily continued, “this is the answer.”
“Truth,” Maureen agreed.
This sparked a lively debate about what did and did not constitute violations of roommate code that lasted until Jace had to leave for his evening class.
Two days later, a package of Double Stuf Oreos appeared on Jace’s desk. He didn’t bring them up, and neither did Simon.
Jace wasn’t sure exactly how they started studying together on the couch instead of their separate rooms. It might have been that one group study session where everyone else had to bail early. But somewhere along the line, he’d started dragging his textbooks and laptop out to the living room any time he needed to get work done. Half the time, he found Simon already there, and the times he didn’t, Simon usually joined him pretty soon after.
And it was…nice. Comfortable in a way Jace tried not to think about. Just another item on his ever-growing list of things not to think about. Conveniently, his assigned paper on the Thirty Years’ War didn’t leave room for thinking about much of anything else.
Which was probably why it took him so long to notice on this particular evening that he and Simon had somehow migrated from their usual spots at either end of the couch to sharing its center. And once he did notice, all thoughts of the Second Defenestration of Prague went out the window, the warmth of Simon’s leg against his own and occasional bump of their shoulders as they worked driving him to distraction.
It was stupid, really. It wasn’t like they never touched. In fact, Jace would bet they’d spent more of their time together over the past few months touching than not, in increasingly creative ways.
But they didn’t touch like this, without teasing or seduction or intent. It made Jace feel twitchy. Restless. There was a part of him that wanted to sink into it, to let the warmth of Simon’s touch seep under his skin. But a far greater part was telling him to pull away, to retreat back to his end of the couch. Or maybe to turn and press Simon back into the couch cushions and turn this into something far more familiar. Something safer.
“Hey,” Simon said, making Jace flinch in surprise. If Simon noticed, he didn’t let on. “I was gonna make stroganoff for dinner tonight, and I’m pretty ready for a break. Any chance I could talk you into slicing mushrooms for me while I start on the beef?”
It took Jace several seconds to process the question, so far from what he’d been thinking. “Um. Yeah. Sure, sounds good.”
Once they made their way to the kitchen, Jace was grateful to be back on familiar ground. They didn’t cook together often—didn’t have much time for cooking at all, really—but they’d done it a handful of times, and they worked well together in a kitchen, which was not something Jace could say about most of his friends, or his family.
It was also, he realized as he stood next to Simon at the stove, boiling egg noodles while Simon stirred the roux, acutely domestic. It was another addition to the list of things he wasn’t going to think about.
When they returned to the living room, bowls of saucy noodles and beef in hand, Simon sat right back down in the middle of the couch, where he’d been before they got up to make dinner. Jace hesitated only an instant before reclaiming his spot next to him. Simon flashed him a quick smile before pulling his financial analytics textbook over to balance precariously on his knee so he could read while he ate. Jace tore his gaze away, turning his attention half-heartedly back to his notes.
By the time he finished eating, Jace had realized two very important things. First, he needed to make another trip to the library if he wanted to have enough sources to back up his thesis. Second, it would be far too easy to get used to nights like tonight, and that wasn’t something he could allow himself to do. Before he could make himself do something about it, though, Simon shifted, half-turning to pull his knees up onto the couch and letting his head rest back against Jace’s shoulder.
“This okay? The light’s better like this.”
Jace took maybe a second too long to answer. “It’s fine.”
He placed his empty bowl on the coffee table—gingerly, so as not to jostle Simon—and returned to his reading. When he shifted a few minutes later, tossing one arm over the back of the couch and letting Simon rest against his chest, it was just a matter of comfort, really. Letting his hand come to rest on Simon’s chest, fingers absently toying with the neckline of his shirt, was not, but Simon didn’t object.
When his fingers encountered skin-warm metal, it took Jace several seconds to realize it. By the time he did, his fingers had already followed the line of the chain down to the center of Simon’s chest, where the object that hung from it rested beneath his t-shirt. He recognized its shape at the same time he felt Simon go unnaturally still.
“I didn’t want to lose it,” Simon said in a rush.
Jace traced the shape of the ring through Simon’s shirt. His ring. “It’s a good place to keep it.”
“Yeah,” Jace agreed, flattening his hand against Simon’s chest. The ring pressed into his palm, the telltale beat of Simon’s heart thrumming behind it. He wondered if his own were beating just as fast.
“You know,” he said slowly, “Alec is getting married next month.”
Simon relaxed against him with a soft huff of laughter. “Yeah, I think I heard something about that in the approximately five hundred phone calls you’ve had in the last couple weeks.”
“A best man’s work is never done, apparently.” He took a breath, let it out. “But, I was thinking, you should come with me.”
Simon craned his neck to look at him. “Like, to play your boyfriend again, or…?”
As my date. It was on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t force the words past his lips. He wasn’t ready to risk that he might be reading this wrong. He’d done it before, and for reasons he couldn’t put his finger on, it felt so much more dangerous now.
“I mean, it would be weird if you didn’t, right?” he said instead. “Since my entire family thinks we’re together still.”
“Right.” Simon looked back at the book in his lap, but he didn’t make any move to pull away. Jace could almost imagine he sounded disappointed. “Totally weird. I think Clary’s expecting me to be there, anyway.”
“Cool. I’ll RSVP you as my plus-one.”
Simon made a soft noise of affirmation and returned to his reading. Jace tried to go back to his, but he found himself unable to concentrate. After reading the same paragraph five times and not retaining a single word of it, he gave up and let his head loll against the back of the couch, cheek resting lightly against the top of Simon’s head. He closed his eyes and let his mind drift.
Jace was pulled out of sleep sometime later by gentle fingers stroking through his hair. He scrunched up his face and made an unhappy noise; he wasn’t ready to be awake.
“If you’re going to sleep, you should go to bed.”
Jace cracked an eye open to find Simon watching him with a fond smile. Still half-asleep, it was easy to smile back, something warm and soft settling in his chest. Sometime while he slept, they’d shifted again so Simon was leaning back against the arm of the couch with Jace sprawled half on top of him. Simon’s books were stacked neatly on the coffee table. Jace wondered how long they’d been there.
“‘M comfy.”
Simon chuckled. “You won’t be if you stay here all night and wake up with a sore back.”
Jace thought that spending the night with Simon as his pillow might be worth waking up with a sore back, but the fog of sleep had lifted enough that the feeling of impending danger was returning. He pushed himself up to sitting and immediately missed Simon’s warmth.
“I think I’m a couple decades away from waking up with a sore back from one night spent on the couch.”
He reached for his dirty bowl, still sitting on the table, but Simon stopped him with a hand on his arm.
“Leave it. You’re tired; I’ve got the dishes.”
Jace frowned at him.
“Go to bed,” Simon insisted with a laugh. “You’re obviously exhausted.”
It was the laugh that got him. The way Simon’s eyes crinkled at the corners. The way he always smiled wide enough to show teeth. The way it never failed to tug at something inside Jace, urging him to smile back no matter how much he might resist it. Except this time it was less of a tug than a wrench that threatened to break him wide open.
Jace remembered, with sudden, vivid clarity, that drunken conversation he’d had with Maia last year. The one he tried to forget ever happened.
They’d all be hanging out at Maia’s new apartment, a tiny studio that wasn’t really big enough to host a six-person housewarming party, but they’d made it work because she was so proud of finally making good enough tips she could afford to live in her own place off campus.
Everyone but Jace had early morning classes that semester, so he’d stayed behind to keep the party going with Maia while the others had headed home. Jace didn’t remember how many shots it had taken for him to start complaining about Simon’s propensity for wandering around the apartment in only a towel, but he absolutely remembered Maia’s knowing grin.
“Someone’s got a crush.”
“It’s not a crush,” Jace had insisted. “He’s just annoyingly hot.” If he’d been sober, he wouldn’t have spoken the next words. He wouldn’t have even let himself think them. “And I bet he’d be stupidly easy to fall in love with, too.”
And then Maia had laughed so hard she’d fallen over onto her cheap, beige carpet that still smelled faintly of new plastic while Jace was left to deal with the slowly dawning realization of what he’d just said.
“Before you fall asleep again,” Simon prompted, snapping Jace’s mind back to the present. Where Simon was smiling at him with an indisputable fondness that made Jace feel raw and exposed.
“Right,” Jace said, practically jumping up from the couch. “Bed. Thanks. For,” he waved his hand vaguely, “dishes and whatever.”
“No problem,” Simon said, bemused. “Sleep well.”
Jace understood what that feeling of danger was about now. It seemed there was some truth to that old adage about finding answers at the bottom of a bottle; it had been so easy, he wasn’t even sure when he’d fallen in love.
“You’re sure this is a classic?” Jace eyed the grainy opening shots of the movie playing on Simon’s laptop with some skepticism.
They normally did movie night out in the living room, on the flat-screen TV that had probably cost more than every other piece of furniture in their apartment combined, but Simon insisted a film this old would look ridiculous on a large HD screen. Considering how bad it looked even on Simon’s old laptop, it was probably the right call. And Jace wasn’t going to complain about having to squish together on Simon’s bed so they could both see the screen, even if that did make it feel perilously close to being a date.
“Cult classic,” Simon corrected. “Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama is, like, peak so-bad-it’s-good 80’s horror comedy. And they’re making a sequel with the original cast, so you have to watch the original.”
Jace grabbed a fistful of popcorn from the bowl in Simon’s lap. “You mean so you can drag me to the sequel when it comes out?”
“Exactly.” Simon grinned at him. “Thanks for offering to see it with me.”
“That’s not what just happened,” Jace said around a mouthful of popcorn.
“Agree to disagree.”
The movie turned out to be surprisingly entertaining, film quality and 80’s aesthetics notwithstanding. And the atrocious special effects. And, well, the entire plot, really.
“Do you think sororities were really like that back in the 80’s?” Simon wondered as the titular sorority babes outlined the hazing their pledges would undergo.
“It wouldn’t surprise me if some of them still are,” Jace said. “But Greek life isn’t really my thing, even if I have seen the inside of a few sorority houses in my time.”
“Was that supposed to be a flex?”
Jace ignored that comment and pulled out his phone. “Alec might know, though.”
Simon leaned in to watch Jace type, resting his chin on Jace’s shoulder. “I know I’ve only met your brother once, but I’m having trouble picturing him anywhere near a sorority.”
“Alec was in a fraternity in college,” Jace explained.
“Yeah, no, still not seeing it.” Even after Jace sent the text, he didn’t move away.
Alec’s response came only moments later.
why would I know that Phi Beta Kappa is an academic fraternity and sorority girls are well outside my areas of interest
“Okay, that makes sense.” Simon slid the bowl of popcorn off his lap so he could lean more fully into Jace’s side.
maybe ask Iz
Jace snorted and slipped his phone back into his pocket. He reached for the popcorn and gave an irritated huff when he found it just out of reach.
Without taking his eyes off the screen, Simon grabbed the bowl and moved it to Jace’s other side. On impulse, Jace caught his hand and laced their fingers together. They hadn’t talked about that night on the couch—not about the casual intimacy or Simon wearing Jace’s ring around his neck or Jace falling asleep on Simon or any of it—but there was no question things were different between them since. Or maybe it was just Jace that was different, knowing how deep he was in this just making him more reckless with his heart.
Simon’s fingers curled around his, his arm coming to rest draped over Jace’s hip as he let out a small, contented sigh.
Okay, so maybe it wasn’t just Jace. But Jace wasn’t exactly sure what to do about it. He could probably have written an entire treatise on navigating hookups, but he had no idea how to navigate…whatever this was. The only experience he had with actual romantic relationships was with Clary, and despite how fucked up they’d both been back then—or maybe even because they’d both been so fucked up—there had never been any ambiguity about how they felt, no questions about what they were to each other. No wondering if she knew she could do so much better than him.
It was different with Simon. Simon, who never seemed fazed by the shit life threw at him. Simon, who actually dated, and always seemed to leave a breakup on good terms. Simon, who held him like he was afraid Jace might break, who fucked him like he wanted him to break.
Simon, who had to know he could do better than Jace.
“Let me guess,” Jace said as the two characters he’d mentally tagged as the protagonists ducked into a closet to escape a demonic minion, “the nerd and the hot bad girl are the only survivors, and they get together at the end.”
Simon gave him an unimpressed look. “You don’t get any points for guessing that. This is a comedy made in the 80’s that leans heavily into the tropes of the era.”
“Yeah, but that’s not why I guessed it. I just figured you’d be into the whole ‘nerd gets the bad girl’ thing.”
“That’s not why I like this movie,” Simon said. “But Spider might have been part of why 12-year-old me liked this movie,” he admitted.
“Thought so,” Jace said smugly.
“You’re the worst.” Simon’s arm tightened around Jace’s waist, belying his words. “I’m seriously questioning why I even like you right now.”
“Because I’m charming, witty, and great in bed.”
The smile Simon flashed him probably shouldn’t have made Jace’s stomach do a pleasant little flip, but it did. “Those are some pretty great selling points.”
“Watch your dumb movie,” Jace said, trying and failing to hide his own smile.
When Jace’s phone buzzed several minutes later during a particularly tense scene, they both jumped. Jace pulled it out to check his new messages, then chuckled and turned the screen so Simon could read Alec’s message.
Magnus says there was at least one sorority exactly like that five years ago also I’m now being subjected to this atrocious movie, so thanks for that
“I knew Magnus would have good taste in movies,” Simon commented.
“I’m disturbed you can even talk about this movie and good taste in the same sentence.”
“Oh, come on,” Simon said reproachfully. “Didn’t you once tell me that any movie with boobs and explosions was a good movie?”
“Yeah, but this movie doesn’t have any—” On screen, the nerd threw a Molotov cocktail at a possessed sorority babe. Jace sighed. “Objection withdrawn.”
Simon flashed him a smug grin. “Admit it, I’ve got fantastic taste.”
Jace smirked. “I do like the way you taste.”
“Not what I—” He cut off as Jace illustrated his point by licking a line up Simon’s throat.
Simon let out a hiss. “You’re going to miss the end of the movie.” He didn’t pull away.
“Told you,” Jace murmured, scraping teeth along his jaw, “I already know the nerd and biker girl are going to survive. I don’t need to see the end.”
Simon turned his head to catch Jace’s lips with his own in a surprisingly gentle kiss, his hand coming up to cup Jace’s cheek. They stayed like that for what felt to Jace like hours but couldn’t actually have been more than a minute or two judging by the tinny screams coming from the laptop speakers.
“What do you need?” Simon whispered when he finally broke the kiss. His tone was teasing, but the way his thumb caressed Jace’s cheekbone was all sincerity.
“Just this,” Jace whispered back, and it was the truest thing he’d ever said.
Then they were kissing again, slow and soft, and Jace thought he might drown in it, thought he might want to drown in it. He kissed Simon like he’d been wanting to for weeks, for months. Maybe longer. He put everything he felt into the kiss—his hope and his love and his fear—and prayed that Simon would understand, that he wouldn’t pull away.
He didn’t.
They kissed until they were breathless with it, until the last strains of the movie’s closing credits had long since faded away, until there was no room for anything in Jace’s thoughts and heart and dreams but Simon. He knew he was grinning like an idiot when they finally broke apart, and he couldn’t bring himself to care. Especially not with Simon grinning back at him.
“See?” Jace combed a hand through Simon’s curls. He couldn’t stop touching. “Way better than that movie.”
“You don’t know that,” Simon protested. “You didn’t even watch the end. It could have been twenty straight minutes of boobs and explosions, and you’d never even know.”
“Weirdly, I think I might like kissing you even more than I like boobs and explosions.”
“Wow, high praise.” Simon was still teasing, and Jace suddenly needed him to understand how much he wasn’t really joking.
“No, seriously.” He wrapped a hand around the back of Simon’s neck, drew him close enough to feel his breath. “I—” Words he meant far too much—that would be too much—stuck behind his teeth. “I’m not really here for the movie,” he said instead. “No matter how many boobs or explosions it has. You get that, right?”
There was something subdued and almost vulnerable in Simon’s voice, something that didn’t quite track with the conversation they were having, but before Jace could even catch the thread of it, he was being pushed back into the bed and kissed breathless once again. By the time Simon was tugging his shirt over his head, brushing calloused fingertips over a peaked nipple and making him gasp, Jace thought he must have imagined it.
Simon took him apart slowly, deliberately, maintaining a calm focus even when Jace teased, never altering his pace even when Jace begged. And Jace did beg, edging on desperation before they even got all their clothes off. By the time Simon had him spread out on the bed, opening him up with slick fingers and teasing his dick with strokes far too light to even approach enough, Jace wasn’t sure he was capable of anything but begging.
“Simon, please.” He scrabbled ineffectually at Simon’s shoulders, trying ineffectually to drag him close. The angle was bad for it, but Simon was also strong, something that was easy to forget until they were like this. It was also seriously fucking hot. “Please. Fuck. Need you in me already, please.”
“You’re so beautiful.” There was an edge to Simon’s voice, but Jace still thought he sounded far too composed for what they were doing, for what he was doing to Jace. “God, do you even know?”
Jace couldn’t even begin to answer, because Simon chose that moment to press his fingers very deliberately against Jace’s prostate, and the only words Jace was capable of anymore were garbled curses and Simon’s name.
“You have to know.” Simon withdrew his fingers and all Jace could do was whine in protest. “I bet people tell you all the time.”
Jace shook his head, not sure if he was disagreeing or just objecting to the sudden tragic lack of Simon’s hands on him and in him. Simon pressed a soothing kiss to his knee before pulling away to roll a condom onto his own dick, which took way too long in Jace’s opinion, but it was enough time for Jace to find his voice again.
“Please, Simon.” His voice was half a sob, and he didn’t even care. “Need you.”
“You’ve got me,” Simon breathed, the faintest tremor in his voice as leaned in to line his cock up with Jace’s hole and brushed the lightest of kisses against his lips.
“Yes,” Jace whispered. “Yes, please.”
And then Simon was finally, finally pushing inside, and Jace was rocking down against him, desperate and greedy for everything Simon was willing to give him. It took exactly two thrusts for Simon’s composure to crack completely, and Jace swallowed down his moans as greedily as he took everything else, licking into Simon’s mouth to chase every sound.
Jace would have been embarrassed by how quickly he came after that, lasting maybe a full ten seconds after Simon wrapped a hand around his dick, except that Simon was right there with him, following him over the edge with a barely audible, “Fuck, fuck, Jace, oh god.”
After, they lay next to each other on the bed, catching their breaths. This would normally be when one of them left to go back to their own room, or went to take a shower, or make food, or anything, really, to keep this thing between them from seeming like more than it was. Except it was more for Jace. Maybe for both of them.
“You’ve got me.”
Jace wasn’t sure if Simon had meant the words the way Jace wanted him to, but he wasn’t ready to let go of the possibility that he did. Trying not to overthink it, he curled into Simon’s side, resting a hand on his chest.
For a few seconds, Simon went absolutely still, and Jace thought for sure he’d fucked everything up. But just as cold dread was beginning to claw its way up his throat, Simon let out a shaky breath and cuddled closer, pulling the blanket up to cover them both and covering Jace’s hand with his own. Jace smiled into Simon’s shoulder.
“You’ve got me.”
He would hold onto that for as long as Simon let him.
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popcrone818 · 4 years
warnings: smuts drugs, swearing 
Requested but i got carried away. You buy new lingerie and Sarah sends it to Rafe, he then goes crazy with list and confessed that he’s had feelings for a while.
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I thought that buying some new lingerie was the best way to give myself a confidence boost. I was sick to death of the number of girls who just threw themselves at Rafe, just so they could get laid and say they slept with Rafe Cameron or so that they could get high for free. Rafe tended to think with his dick often. So not a bad idea. I was sick of it; I had grown up with Rafe. After all I was Topper’s sister, and he and Rafe were fairly close even being a couple of years between the two. I had spent a majority of high school telling myself and my friends that I was not in love with the eldest Cameron sibling, but when he went off to college and I stayed on the island, I realised that  I was in fact, in love with Rafe Cameron. However, it was too late. He was on the mainland learning the trade of business like his father, so that one day he could take over the business. Soon enough though Rafe returned home, but he was never the same after that. He started to get drunk every night, always finding an excuse to drown his sorrows in booze, he went to every party being held over the weekend and sometimes during the week, then he started the drugs, at first it was only weed and he had offered a joint to me a few times which I gladly accepted to destress myself from the previous week. But then out of the blue Rafe met Barry, from there it was all downhill. Barry introduced him to cocaine. That was when I had had enough, I was fed up with his attitude, fed up with the numerous girls hanging off him at every party, just fed up with him in general. And according to Topper, Rafe had started to notice. He noticed that I was no longer anywhere near him at parties, he noticed that when I was at his house, I would completely ignore him and head straight to Sarah’s room instead of stopping by his door and checking on him first. He noticed I started to not give a fuck about him and the way he wanted to live his life.
“Y/N you and I need to go shopping before the party tonight, I will not allow my best friend to sit in this room any longer and mope over my coke addict brother. We need to find you someone who will worship the ground you walk on. Or at least for the night anyway.” I had flopped myself face first onto Sarah’s bed upon my arrival.
“Do I have to go to this stupid party. Hell be there and I really don’t want to feel any worse than I already do.” I groaned into my propped-up arms as she hit me with a pillow, and I heard the door to her bedroom creek open. I shot up fairly quickly only to see a pair of ocean blue eyes stare back at me.
“You two discussing the party tonight?” he crossed his arms across his toned chest. His pupils were blown out, but I could always picture his perfect eyes.
“Yes, now please leave.” Sarah threw a pillow at his face, but he was able to quickly catch it before it hit his face.
“Then you will be pleased to know that it is being held here.” He threw the pillow back at me and left Sarah’s room. She turned to me with a sympathetic look. Tonight, just got worse.
   Once Sarah and I got back from out shopping trip the party was fast approaching. Sarah and I raced up stairs to her bedroom but before I even stepped foot on the top step I crashed into a muscular chest. Trying not to lose my footing on the stairs I reached out to grab whatever was in front of me. Unfortunately for my heart I felt large biceps in my hands. I also felt those same strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me towards a toned torso. My heart felt like it was going to break out of my chest with how hard it was hammering against its confines.
“Careful Y/N, don’t need you falling for me before the party even starts.” His lips were millimetres away from my ear and caused me to shudder involuntarily.
“Y/N hurry up-.” I heard Sarah come out of her room looking for me. I pushed Rafe away from me and continued on my way to Sarah’s bedroom where she and I would be getting ready.
  “Show me the new lingerie you bought today.” Sarah squealed as she got dressed in tight white jeans and a pastel blue crop top. I rolled my eyes at her but pulled on the navy-blue lacy lingerie I had bought while we were shopping. I looked at myself in the mirror of Sarah’s ensuite, I will admit I looked hot, I knew that these garments could make any man go crazy.
“Okay, I think I’m wearing this under whatever I wear tonight. And hopefully I get lucky.” I struck a pose against the door frame as Sarah started to click away at the camera on my phone.
“You know navy blue is his favourite colour right?” I blushed and rifled around in one of the shopping bags. I did know that, but I also knew that it was the best colour for my skin tone. Sarah threw a pair of black high waisted skinny jeans at me before I pulled out a navy-blue front tie up crop top out of the bag I had been digging through.
“We match!” we squealed together. Sarah’s bedroom door swung open as Rafe ran his fingers through his gelled back hair.
“Are the two of you done? Sarah Topper is waiting for you downstairs. Y/N just hurry up.” He turned away and I rolled my eyes. That boy was insufferable. Hot, but insufferable. We both groaned and linked arms before skipping out of her room and down the stairs. I was immediately ditched for my brother though. I found myself grabbing a red solo cup and filling it with beer.
I felt a pair of large hands land in my hips and spin me around trapping me between the counter and his body. Rafe. Of course it was. He leaned in close to me, I could already smell the vodka on his breath and his pupils were blown out. I didn’t even want to know how many lines he did.
“That new lingerie you’ve got on is fucking hot.” I felt his breath on the shell of my ear. I involuntarily shivered at his proximity.
“How do you know its new?” I blushed and pushed my hair behind my ear once again. His large hand came up to my face and his thumb ran across my left cheek.
“You sent them to me Y/N,”
“No I – Sarah.” My blood boiled; tonight was supposed to help me forget about my feelings for Rafe. I pushed him off me and slammed my beer down on the counter before storming off to the outside patio where I'm sure my brother was seated around the table doing lines that Rafe would have procured for the party. “Sarah Cameron!” I was able to grab her attention, but her eyes widened as she looked behind me. I spun around and nearly crashed into Rafe’s chest. I pushed him away from my body once again and stormed over to Sarah pulling her up from Topper’s lap and dragged her away from the other guests that were too high to really notice what was going on anyway. “You sent those photos to Rafe?!” I could feel my face heat up and I looked into her eyes as she played with her hair.
“I had to, I'm sick of watching the two of you dance around each other. You both like each other, just fuck already and get over it.” I took a deep breath and calmed down as his royal highness started walking over to us.
“I hate you but thank you.” I told her. She nodded and ran off. Rafe came back up to me.
“So, you didn’t actually send them to me then?” one of his hands wrapped around my waist as the other held the two open beer bottles in the other one. I plucked one out of his hand and took a long swig of the ice-cold beverage.
“No, I did not. Sarah had my phone and was taking photos of me while I was getting changed earlier. I'm sorry.” I felt myself rest my cheek on his toned chest as he pulled me closer.
“I still stand by what I said.  It was fucking hot, you don’t know how hard I got looking at them.” He whispered into my ear. I felt his hand make its way from my waist up my body softly and slowly. Very un-Rafe like ill admit. I felt his cool ring graze my neck before his large hand was wrapped around my throat. My breath hitched as Rafe smirked, there he was. “You are going to pay for how you made me feel before I even had time to grab a drink.” He squeezed slightly on my throat and the feel of the cool metal of his ring caused me to clench my thighs together. Suddenly I felt the cool air wrap around me again as he walked away from me. Sarah came back up to me once he was out of ear shot.
“He got you hot all bothered, didn’t he?” she asked, I nodded taking a deep breath and another long swig of the beer I had forgotten I was holding. She rubbed my shoulder gently and I found myself searching the back patio for his ocean blue eyes once more. “Top, Kelce and Rafe went down to the basement to pay some pool.” I nodded and she and I walked down to annoy the boys. I heard Topper groan at the sight of me and I flicked the back of his head.
“Just be thankful I'm not giving you an earful about doing cocaine, little brother.” He scoffed and wrapped his arms around Sarah as some more people piled into the basement to get more drugs off Rafe or to play pool with the boys. Sarah and I set up the pool table while Topper, Kelce and Rafe move over to the seating area to start doing more lines with some other people. One particular girl rubs her ass against Rafe before they sit down, and I feel myself get jealous. I felt Sarah try to hold me back as I make my way over to Rafe and lean slightly on the arm of the chair that Rafe’s sitting on. His left arm wrapped around my hips as he watches Top do a line. He pulls me on his lap with ease and leans into my ear.
“Lets get out of here.” He gently nips at the skin just below my ear. I shivered and wiggled my ass against his crotch before getting up and walking towards the stairs. I noticed Rafe lean down to Topper and whisper to him before he followed me. Once we got closer to his room, about a metre or two away from his door he grasped my throat with his left hand and pulled my body towards his chest. “Fuck you drive me crazy, Princess, you going to be a good girl for me tonight?” I gulped and nodded. “Answer me.” He growled in my ear.
“Yes.” He walked us slowly towards his door.
“Yes what?” he growled in my ear as he pushed my front into the door.
“Yes daddy.” I whimpered under his touch as he opened the door and pushed me in.
“Better.” He closed the door and pushed me up against it his lips attaching to mine in a heated passion filled daze. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his large hands found my hips and pulled my closer to him then pushed the both of us further into the door. His right hand lifted my left thigh and I wrapped it around his hip loosely. “Fuck you make me so horny baby, always teasing me.” His lips left mine and started to trail down my jaw and neck and found my sweet spot on the base of my neck. He nipped and sucked on it eliciting moans from my mouth before moving away to continue his assault on my neck leaving small little bruises in his wake. I leaned my head back giving him better access to my throat.
I pushed him off me, my leg coming back to rest on the floor beside my other one. I pushed on his chest until the back of his knees hit his bed and they buckled causing him to sit at the foot of his bed with his hands still resting on my hips. I knelt over his body pushing him further back slightly until he was no longer touching me with his hands, but instead was holding his body up so he could still look at me. I situated myself over his bulge in his shorts and placed my hands on his shoulders using his body to keep me up. I brought my lips close to his breathing heavily. I left a small kiss just under his ear as I felt him shudder underneath me, I started to suck gently while I ground my hips into his gently causing enough friction to hear him moan from under me. I continued littering his throat with little hickeys as I continued to grind my hips into his. He groaned and threw his head  back as I bite and sucked just under his adam’s apple I grinned and continued to do it, I got a little bit more rough with the grinding and biting and I felt him growl before he flipped us over, ruining my rein of dominance.
He pulled off my crop top leaving me in my high waisted tight black jeans and my new navy-blue lace bustier. He groaned causing his eyes to roll back into his head as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He quickly popped the button my jeans and tugged them down my legs leaving me in the matching navy panties and thoroughly exposed to Rafe like I never have before. I smirked at him as he licked his lips checking me out not so subtly before I moved my arms around to his chest and started to unbutton his shirt hastily. The look he was giving me as my nimble fingers undid his buttons made the warmth between my thighs intensify. I pushed the cotton fabric over his broad shoulders and shamelessly checked out his well-toned torso and arms as he started to undo his belt and buttons on his jeans. He leaned down to me once again, placing his hand around my throat squeezing gently as he littered my exposed breasts with small bruises. I helped him push down his jeans over his hips where they just ended up pooling by his ankles before he kicked them off. I felt his left hand start to creep up my thigh as his thigh was placed against my core.
“Your so wet for me already aren’t you baby?” he nipped just under my ear as he whispered. I nodded as his left hand landed and sharp smack to outer thigh.
“Yes daddy, please, I need to feel you.” I begged as I tried to rub against his thigh to cause some friction. I felt him nod against my shoulder pressing a small kiss with a gentle bite on my shoulder before I felt him move my panties to the side and slip two fingers into my pussy. I moaned digging my nails into his shoulder.
“You like that don’t you, princess, your mine tonight, and you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.” He promised him as I nodded and he went faster, adding in a third finger and his thumb started to draw figure eights on my clit. I moaned his name into his shoulder. “I want to hear you scream my name princess, don’t be shy, everyone is outside.” I nodded again as he continued his pace and bit down gently on my sweet spot at the base of my neck. I felt myself clench around his fingers, and I dug my nails into his shoulders harder as I came undone on his fingers. He ripped my panties off my body shrugging when I glared at him for ruining them. His black boxers slipped off his hips and my eyes widened at the size of his cock. I sucked in a large breath as I looked over his body that was illuminated by the few candles he had littering the surfaces in his room. I pushed my chest off the bed and reached behind me to undo my bustier and slip it off so that Rafe and I were both as naked and exposed as each other. Rafe threw it on the ground somewhere behind us and immediately took a nipple into his mouth as he assaulted the other one with his thumb and forefinger, rolling it and pinching it while he bit and sucked on my nipple. I felt his cock graze my entrance and my chest pushed further into his face. He switched nipples and pulled on the nipple that was hardened to a peak. He let my nipple go with a pop and he looked into my eyes, I noticed his eyes were the beautiful ocean blue I loved but there was lust and desire sitting on the top. But he was fully sober it had been a while since his last line of coke. I nodded to him and he pumped his cock in his hand a couple of times before he lined up with my entrance and pushed in the tip. He gave me a moment to get used to his size before he bottomed out in me, he stayed there for a moment as he grunted and I felt my pussy stretch further than it ever had in my sexual experience. His hand found my throat once again and I latched my lips onto his Adam’s apple and he started to trust in and out picking up his pace and squeezing slightly harder with each thrust. We had become a moaning grunting mess before he reached down and started drawing figure eights on my clit as his thrusts got faster and rougher. His other hand held up his body I could feel the coil start to build up again in my stomach and I clenched around him.
“Cum for me princess. I'm not far behind you.” I nodded and I felt him cut off the air supply in my throat as his hips found mine even faster than before. My nails dug into his shoulders once more as I felt myself release around him and I screamed his name. A few more thrusts and I felt him cum inside me. He let go of my throat and his body gently fell on top of mine where he left small kisses on my shoulder. Our sweaty body meshed together as I felt myself wrap my arms around his broad shoulders and gently rub the spots I had scratched and dug my nails into. “That was well overdue.” He breathed into my neck. I nodded still not being able to form words as he and I came down from our highs.
“Should we re-join the party?” I asked him as I sat up slowly. He nodded and unwrapped his body from my own before he rushed into the bathroom and came back out with a washcloth to help me clean myself. I was still fairly sensitive and whimpered as he wiped up his cum from my pussy. I groaned remembering he ripped my panties as he threw my jeans at me.
“I’ll buy you new ones Y/N, but for now, just don’t wear any. I'm sure we will be back here later anyway.” I felt him press small gentle kisses to my bare shoulders as he helped me with the clasps on my bustier. “Also, don’t wear your top, you can get away without it.” He winked at me as I rolled my eyes at him and watched as he pulled on his jeans and tried to fix up his hair.
“Rafe?” he spun on his heel and looked at me as I sat on his bed to tie up my shoes. “What are we going to do now?” he chuckled as he turned back around to his dresser and pulled out a button up salmon shirt that he rolled the sleeves up to his elbows but left it undone. He motioned for me to walk over to him.
“This, this was us doing something that was long overdue,” he placed a gentle kiss on my collarbone as I rolled my head back to lean onto his shoulder. “But I will be the first to acknowledge the feelings between us, they’ve always been there. And I want to be able to call you mine.” He nuzzled his head into my neck. I had never seen Rafe act this way towards anyone. It was almost like he craved human affection. “I love you Y/n, I always have.” I spun around in his arms and kissed his lips gently.
“I love you too Rafe, always have.” He pulled my body closer to his and wrapped his body  around mine.
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parkersharthook · 4 years
Sorry For The Disruption
(Tom x female!reader)
warnings: mentions of weed, I think some curse words
1.8K+ words
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Requested by the lovely @im-not-okay-i-promise1452​ You’re a teacher and now with this quarantine and social distancing situation going on, you’re expected to teach your classes from the “comfort” of your apartment. Unfortunately, this idea doesn’t really accommodate for those that will be living with three loud boys who never know when to be quiet
“yeah mom I still have classes, it’ll all just be online now.” There was a pause as you fiddled with your apartment keys, “The kids are gonna hate it.”
Well that sucks honey, I’m sorry.
You shrugged, forcing your screen to press harder against your cheek. “it’s not that big of a deal. It’ll take some time to get used to, but my kids are smart and I’m sure they’ll do just fine.”
You’re planning on staying in, right?
“yeah, I just ran to the supermarket to do some grocery shopping but we should be good for the next week and a half at least.”
You didn’t bulk buy, did you? Everyone is doing that here and I was barely able to get any toilet paper.
You let out a small chuckle as you pushed into your apartment, “no mom I didn’t. Just got some necessities and did regular grocery shopping. I’ll go back out in a week or two or I’ll have some new supplies delivered. We’ll see how bad it all gets.”
Ok well stay safe sweetheart. Tom’s home right?
“yeah he is.” You set the bags on the counter and smiled as you watched Tom immediately go to the hallway to help with the rest.
Is anyone staying with you through this? I know you guys have friends over a lot.
“Yeah.” You shifted the phone to your other ear. “Harrison’s apartment is getting fumigated so he’ll be staying with us. And I think Harry is staying with us for a week too, I’m pretty sure he’s sick of his house right now.”
I know the feeling. Your sister is trying to figure this online thing out and I’m trying to be patient with her but she’s driving me crazy.
You frowned slightly, wishing you could be there to help out. “Well I’m sorry I’m not there. I would’ve come to help out if I knew there would be a travel ban.”
Oh it’s okay sweetheart. It’s pretty bad over here too. I think we just need to stay home and stay calm.
“yeah…” You sighed and ran a hand through your hair, “how is y/s/n taking all of this?”
She’s sad. Her prom and graduation just got cancelled so she spent yesterday crying. She’s trying to play it off but I know it’s affecting her.
“I’m sure. That’s definitely not how I would’ve wanted my senior year to go.”
There’s still a chance that they’ll have a dance or something at the school if this all calms down so we’ll see.
“well I hope it all works out for her. I’m gonna let you go mom, I have to put away some groceries and I’m sure you have work to do as well.”
Okay honey. I’ll talk to you soon and please keep in touch.
“I will. Love you.”
Love you.
A deep sigh and a click to the phone and you were washed in silence. It didn’t last long though as Tom strolled through the door with his arms full of groceries.
He smiled and pecked your cheek. “are you sure you didn’t bulk buy?”
You rolled your eyes and started putting away some cans. “please, you eat this much every week. And now we’re feeding Haz and Harry. I had to get a lot.”
“you’re sure you’re okay with them staying this week?” His hand grazed your waist as he passed by you in the small kitchen.
You smiled warmly at him, “of course. They’re my family too.”
Tom returned the smile and gave you a chaste kiss. You didn’t want to break it, but you had frozens. You gave him one last peck before turning and opening the freezer. “I do have an online class tonight though so I’ll need you guys to be somewhat quiet.”
“do you need the den?”
You shook your head, reaching up on your tip toes to put away a can of peanuts. Tom smiled and came behind you, easily taking it from your hand and placing it on the shelf.
“I’ll let you guys have the common spaces, I’ll just use the desk in our room.”
“okay love.” Tom pecked your cheek and gave your waist a squeeze. A ding came from his phone and he spun around to check it. “they’re here.”
“one last kiss?”
“of course.” He smiled as he pressed his lips softly against yours. You quickly wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in deeper. You knew that your PDA would be cut back with both his best friend and brother in the apartment. You needed to make this kiss last. You felt his strong, warm hands come around your back and lower to the curve of your ass. And right as you were about to kiss him even deeper- ping!
You groaned slightly and pulled away, patting his chest to signal the end. He smiled at you sympathetically before moving to the door to let them in. There was a sudden rush of noise as the two boys quickly came in with their luggage and greeted Tom before coming to you. You smiled through the oncoming headache… you could do this.
“I have my class for the next 45 minutes or so, so I’m gonna need y’all to be somewhat quiet.” You told the three as you grabbed your laptop and backpack and moved towards the bedroom.
“we’re doing a puzzle; how loud could we get?” Harry said as he studied the box.
“knowing you guys? Pretty loud.” You sent them a warning glare before you went back to the bedroom. You sat in the office chair, opened your laptop, and launched the meeting for your students.
You waited patiently as your students slowly began to pop up on your screens in various degrees of ready. Some were wearing pajamas, one was in a very vibrant and tight dress, another boy was shirtless, and there was even one smoking a blunt. You rubbed your head, why did I start teaching high schoolers?
“Okay guys I know this whole thing is a little weird and this is our first meeting so this will be more like an orientation but I do have to go over a few rules.” You sighed as you started talking to your class. “Each session will be recorded for educational and safety purposes so Ryan, I really suggest no smoking on camera. You all also need to be appropriately dressed so Dylan you need to put a shirt on and Ashley, I would recommend a sweater. I personally don’t care if you guys eat while in these sessions, I know a lot of them might interrupt your day to day life but please either mute yourself or chew quietly because that is a gross sound to hear over video.”
There was a small wave of chuckles that went across your students. You watched as your two students that needed to change throw on sweatshirts but unfortunately Ryan was still smoking.
“Ryan I really need you to-”
“Babe! We need you to settle a debate.” You whipped around to see Tom’s head poking through the door.
“Tom, I’m teaching a class!”
He grimaced, “sorry! Sorry y/n’s class!” he quickly ducked out of the room leaving you to groan and spend back around to your class.
“sorry about that guys. Much like you, me and my family are all working from home so it’s a little chaotic.”
“Was that your fiancé?” Gemma asked.
You smiled and nodded. You knew your students knew you had a fiancé, but you had been very secretive about who he was. You knew that your students would never get any work done if they knew that Tom Holland was your boyfriend.
“again sorry about that. Let’s get back to this. Ryan, I’m really going to need you to put that out.” A beat. “thank you. So basically with this class we’ll have a few online assignments-” CRASH!
“Ah what the hell Harry?!”
“I didn’t do anything!”
“well obviously you did!”
You frowned deeply and apologized to your students before getting up and going to the door, opening it and looking down the hallway. You saw probably half of their 1000 piece puzzle on the floor. “You guys really need to be quiet. I’m trying to teach!” You slammed the door and stomped back over to the computer.
“I’m going to try to get this out as quick as possible because obviously everyone in my household doesn’t know how to be quiet. I’ll be assigning a few online things, but I don’t want to just stick you guys with busy work. We’ll be meeting twice a week on zoom so you guys can ask me any questions you have on any of the work. I will also be available to reach by email from 9 to 4 everyday so if you have any questions just email me. Ummm, I understand that this change to online is hard for all of us so I’ll definitely try to be flexible with you guys and I ask that you do the same for me. Any questions?”
Margaret raised her hand, “are our tests and quizzes going to be online?”
You nodded, “yeah they will. The teachers are still working with the school to figure everything out so when I have more information on that I will let you know. Anything else?”
“If we can’t make a meeting what should we do?”
“well every meeting will be recorded so you can access-”
“Y/n!” You looked to the door with an angry expression but before you could stop him, he ran over and grabbed your hand. “we finished the puzzle first! You got to come see!”
“Tom I’m still teaching!” You quickly pulled your hand away and lightly pushed him out of the frame.
“I am so sorry you guys.”
“was that Tom Holland?!”
“Is Tom Holland your fiancé?!”
Your students rattled of questions faster than you could comprehend them and all you could do was glare at tom as he smiled sheepishly. He mouthed sorry as you narrowed your eyes at him.
“I am so sorry but obviously we won’t be talking about anything else and I don’t want to keep you longer than I have to so please email me any and all of your questions. Bye guys!” You ended the meeting before they could respond and you instantly whipped around to face Tom.
“Love... I am so sorry.” Tom began slowly.
You closed your eyes slowly and then opened them back up with a tight smile present on your face. “Thomas Stanley, you are answering every email about you because I cannot handle that right now.”
You could hear Haz and Harry’s laughter from the other room. Fuck, you didn’t know if you could do this for 3 weeks.
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darkarfs · 3 years
my favorite WWE matches of 1997
Though I officially started watching wrestling in 1995 (my family famously first bought SummerSlam that year, which would be my first wrestling show ever, because it was $25.00. 1995 was a bad year for wrestling), I became a regular watcher of both WWE and WCW Raw and Nitro, and was able to buy my own PPVs, around summer of 1996, when Hogan turned. The first show I bought with my own money was In Your House: Buried Alive, though I kept up with weekly TV. And, for better or worse, I've been a fan ever since.
1997 was a REAL rollercoaster year for wrestling. The NWO was becoming a bloated mess in no time at all, Bret Hart was riding high, while he and Shawn Michaels publicly hated one another, a young Rocky Maivia was slowly transforming into the most charismatic wrestler of maybe all time, a young Steve Austin has broken his neck and can only work 5 minute matches but is somehow the most OVER wrestler in the company, and by the end of the year, the Screwjob happens, Bret's in WCW, Shawn's on handfuls of SOMAs (yet main-eventing). In a lot of ways, I'm grateful, because I side-stepped all of Hogan's WWF and WCW run. But it was a tornado of a year for a business always on precarious footing, as it ever has been.
And it gave us some CRACKING matches! - The 1997 Royal Rumble I love me a Rumble, and it's REALLY hard (but not impossible) to find a bad one (1993, 1995, 1999). And I personally love one with a storyline that runs throughout, and in this case, it's the ultimate heeling of Stone Cold Steve Austin. He visibly dominates the match until he hears Bret Hart's music, and then goes into panic mode. And it furthers the characterization of Bret's hand-spun narrative as being rightfully pissed that he's being taken advantage of by the roster, screwed by the company, and booed by the fans. Fun bonus: this is also the only Rumble appearance of lucha legend Mil Mascaras, who was so full of old-school carny spirit he famously refused to let anyone else eliminate him, so he eliminated himself, pissed Vince off, and was not spoken of again on WWE TV until the 2012 Hall of Fame ceremony, where he was inducted by his huge prick nephew, Alberto del Rio. - Bret Hart vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin, WrestleMania 13 This match is considered legendary, and for good reason. The greatest technical wrestler in the company vs. the best brawler, months of build, the world's most iconic (and off-the-cuff) blade-job (so much so that the visual of Austin bleeding in the Sharpshooter going "DAAAHHHH!" became the cover for his first VHS) and the wrestling world's most exquisite double-turn. It's fun, it's thrilling, it feels at once timeless and modern. Fun fact: there's a fun version of this match you can watch with just Austin doing commentary over it, and it's entertaining as hell. A true classic, and one of the greatest 'Mania matches of all time. - Ken Shamrock vs. Vader, No Holds Barred match, In Your House: a Cold Day In Hell Vader, famously, while a big teddy bear and a for-all-accounts lovely guy outside of the ring, had a reputation of being a bit "snug" with other wrestlers. Meaning he hit a little too hard, had little self-control, and took liberties with people, especially rookies and younger guys. It's supposedly why Shawn Michaels didn't want to work a world title program with him from summer to fall of 1996, because he was "too rough." But what never occurred to Vader is that trying that with a guy who's had 2 matches but has almost 5 years of MMA experience might not be the smartest or most prudent idea. Shamrock gives Vader as much as Vader gives him in this match, and there are moments where you can tell the guys are going into business for themselves. There's a moment where Shamrock is clubbing Vader with punches, and you can hear Vader, as he's turtling up and putting his arms up to block, yell "SLOW DOWN!" and then he rolls out of the ring to catch a breather. Vader, by the end of this match, is bleeding through his mask, a product of a broken nose, which is why I assume he gives Shamrock the stiffest short-arm clothesline I've ever seen. It's brutal, it's stupid, it weaves in and out of the script SO many times like a drunk man trying to stand up straight on a canoe, and I'm fascinated by each and every instance. - Owen Hart vs. the British Bulldog, European Championship Tournament Finals, Monday Night Raw, March 3rd Somehow, a workrate classic is stuck on a rinky-dink episode of Raw from Berlin, Germany. Smith and Hart blended some of their acquired WWE-style of work with classic junior heavyweight wrestling, complete with intricate reversals and fast-paced offense that was unlike either man's designed ethos of the time. Hart's shift toward his underhanded instincts as the match wore on provided enough story to balance the beautiful grappling from two men with impressive resumes. You can feel that these two knew one another, grew up together, and most importantly, wrestled together. An honest-to-God sleeper hit, but everyone who knows this match calls it a classic. - Shawn Michaels vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin, King of the Ring It's a concept that would be beaten into the ground in short order: Tag Team Champions that hate each other's guts. John Cena, seriously, has only been tag champions with people he's feuding with. That's
not even a joke. Austin and Michaels won the belts out of mutual dislike for the Hart Foundation, and then were programmed together for a wild match at the King of the Ring, one without a winner. Early on, the two actually pieced together a tremendous wrestling match full of nifty counters (prior to Austin changing his style after August for obvious reasons), before it degenerated into chaos after both men assaulted referees in the heat of the moment. Granted, neither man could really lose this one, so the screwy finish did serve its purpose. Until that point, it's a different type of incredible Austin match. You're never so happy to see a double-DQ finish. - Owen Hart & the British Bulldog vs. Shawn Michaels & Stone Cold Steve Austin, Monday Night Raw, May 26th And now we have a match set! The previous 4 participants in a brilliant and brutal tag team match. The Tag Team championship switch marked Austin's first piece of recognized gold in WWE, in a match on free television no less. That's not to insult the match any, as it was a pay-per-view quality fracas that barely slowed down. It is a mere 14 minutes long WITH entrances, but it moves at a clip, and everyone has their working boots on. It was a harbinger of days to come for this new period in WWE's history, and the crowd ate it up.
- Taka Michinoku vs. the Great Sasuke, In Your House: Canadian Stampede What happened here? Just when you think WCW had the cruiserweights cornered, WWE pulls this shit...and then kind of ignores it for a few months. But not before importing two of Michinoku Pro's finest to have a TakeOver-length exhibition. At first, the crowd in Calgary wasn't sure what to make of the undersized performers, but it wouldn't take long to win them over. From Michinoku's hands-free springboard dive to Sasuke's beautiful Thunder Fire Powerbomb, the expansive crowd was positively hooked on the daredevils with each passing minute. Although Sasuke wouldn't be long for the company, and Michinoku's run as Light Heavyweight Champion faded as 1998 wore on, the display at Canadian Stampede was a wondrous experience. This wouldn't have looked out of place in a Chikara King of Trios tournament. - The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Jim Neidhart, Brian Pillman, the British Bulldog) vs. Team Austin (Stone Cold Steve Austin, the Legion of Doom, Ken Shamrock and Goldust), In Your House: Canadian Stampede I would have put this match on the list for the entrances and the finish alone. The crowd is at fever static for the entire match, seriously at the level of Punk/Cena at MITB 2011. And even though the Harts are the heels, they're in Calgary, and they get rock-star level ovations for merely existing. Everyone plays it mad and delighted, and you can tell they're all having a ball. Especially Pillman, who is just magically unhinged, a template for a young Dean Ambrose during their feud with the Wyatt Family. It is a magical, unreal main event, one of the best B-ppv main events maybe of all time. Well...other than MAYBE... - Shawn Michaels vs. the Undertaker, Hell in a Cell, In Your House: Badd Blood The very first Hell in a Cell match may very well double as the greatest of its kind. What stands out to me (other than how the match ends) is just how GREAT Michaels' selling is. When he's running away, he's constantly looking around for an exit, like a scared rat. When he finally gets caught and struck, he sells almost to the level he did for Hogan at SummerSlam 2005. But while he was doing that to make Hogan's offense look stupid, he's doing it here to make Taker's offense and anger look legit, and it somehow WORKS. But as fabulous as the match and the psychology is, it somehow takes a backseat to the debut of the Undertaker's monstrous little brother Kane, finally confronting his older brother in perhaps the greatest character debut in WWE history. - Mankind vs. Kane, Survivor Series I dunno what it is about this match that does it for me. Mankind's emotional lead-up to the match, where he's sad that Uncle Paul (Bearer) left him. Maybe the fact that Kane sells like Michael Myers, not so much that he's in pain, but as if he's never been hit in the face with a steel chair, a DDT or a piledriver. Maybe it's because Mick takes more horrific bumps than he needs to to make sure Kane looks like a legit monster. Maybe it's the broken Virtua Boy lighting. But it's genuinely unlike any other Mankind, Kane or ANY match I've seen before or since. It's a perfect somehow sympathetic serial killer vs. bigger, scarier serial killer that feels nothing story in a wrestling match. I didn't even know you could DO that.
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anastasiaskarsgard · 4 years
Can you write something where reader and Roman goes on a vacation but Roman barely pays attention to her and basically takes there relationship for granted by paying attention to other girls. Then reader snaps when he doesn’t come to the hotel room all night. She buys an early plane ticket back to HG and tells Roman there over since he wants to cheat and not pay attention to her. Then a week and half goes by where the reader doesn’t speak to him and his assistant calls reader and tells her to..
You swore If he bought one more round for his group of giggling, nearly naked “friends” at the pool on your vacation, you we’re leaving. The weekend get away you had planned and worried over for the past 3 months, trying to make both your busy schedules work together. This was supposed to be a bonding one on one time, but as soon as you arrived, what could pass for the swedish swimsuit team hadn’t left your boyfriends side.
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Initially you thought they were just some brazen whores, with dollar signs in their eyes, and air in their heads going for the famous billionaire, and although that still accurately described them, they apparaently knew him. How Roman knew half a dozen supermodel swimsuit models was beyond you, but not in the least shocking.
“Why weren’t you at the show this year? I looked for you.” Poofy lipped Barbie asked as she ran a finger down his bare arm. “I was so sad, ask anyone.” She finished with an alluring pout.
You were gonna pull her fucking hair out.
“Oh she is telling you zee truth handsome! She looked so pouty. And not just cuz her lips too.” The other platinum blonde in the group whined. Of course she was French.
“You know I’m a busy man. I can’t go to every Victoria’s Secret show they put on. Even if all my favorite models are there waiting for me to kidnap them afterwards.” He drawled sexily as he winked at them and smirked.
That was it. You we’re leaving! But you weren’t going to make a scene. You wouldn’t give these bitches the satisfaction. You took a few calming breaths and walked up in front of Roman to remind him who he came with. Flashing your brightest smile, you got on you tip toes and whispered in his ear, “you were right. I should of worn my suit under this dress. I’m gonna go throw it on and be right back. Don’t get lost! Do you need anything from the room?” You looked up in his beautiful green eyes and refused to show any of the heartbreak you currently were feeling.
“No I’m good. Already got my suit on and I’m ready to swim. Who’s with me? Let’s gets another round and then everyone in the pool.” He glanced over to you and winked just like he had just done to the other girls and it steeled your resolve.
“Be right back!” You said merrily as you caught the sneer of disdain clearly present on half the girls faces, directed right at you, just as you turned towards your bungalow. Just when you thought that was it, you felt two strong arms wrap around you and you were spun around to be kissed quite passionately in front of his little fan club. Pulling away, you looked up in his smiling face.
“I love you. Miss you already!” He said as he released you and headed back to his lounge chair in the shade. You always joked around with him and called him your little vampire, since he really seemed to dislike it, in more than minuscule amounts.
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If looks could kill, you’d be dead from the glares you got sent your way now. Every woman there was as readable as a billboard, and hardly made an effort to hide their intentions from Roman.
Making your way to the little beach bungalow, you decided maybe you were being crazy and over reacting. He just said he loved you in front of a bunch of supermodels! Was it really a huge deal he was nice to them? They were his friends, and after the huge fight you guys had last week over why you could have male friends, it’d be pretty hypocritical to get mad now.
Throwing your suit on, and putting your hair up in a messy bun, you grabbed your sunscreen and giant sunglasses and made your way back out to find your man. It was kinda funny you were wearing a Victoria’s Secret swimsuit too.
Laughing at how exciting life was with Roman Godfrey, you turned the corner bringing the pool into view and stopped dead in your tracks.
Roman currently had a Topless supermodel straddling his shoulders, as she very Unenthusiastically attempted to get her top back from the other supermodel straddling what appeared to be a Calvin Klein underwear model or fucking professional athlete, in what appeared to be a game of chicken.
All of a sudden it was all too much. They were all too much. Too tall, too gorgeous, too fit, too intimidating, too athletic, too perfect. Those girls were who he belonged with. You didn’t know who you were kidding.
While you know that you werent unattractive, and considered pretty in a lot of circles, you were not a freaking supermodel angel or whatever they called them. You were hurt and mad, but you were also realistic.
No longer in the mood to swim, you headed back to the bungalow and felt like you stuck in a haze. Deciding to lay down for a few minutes, you soon were fast asleep.
By the time you woke, it was very dark and you were still very alone. Turning to the clock it read 11:52pm. You lay there blinking at the clock. It was too late to catch a flight home, but every fiber of your being had no desire to look at your neglectful asshole now ex boyfriend . You weren’t going to think about that now. Right now you were calling the front desk and getting your own room.
Thirty minutes later and you had all your stuff moved to your own room, a flight booked for first thing in the morning, and a sympathetic female front desk person that thought very little of Roman godfreys treatment of his girlfriend. As long as she didn’t give up where you were, you were pretty sure you could get out in the morning realatively conflict free.
By the time 2 am rolled around and not even a text message, you resigned yourself to being cast aside. Turning off your phone and removing the SIM card, you swiftly walked to the bathroom and flushed it before you could think about it. That would at least stop her from being able to talk to him or get messages for a day or two.
That’s all she could mentally handle at this point. One day at a time.
One and half weeks later....
You stared at the ceiling listening to your ringtone for the umpteenth time in a row. Whoever they were, they were persistent. Luckily you really liked the song your phone played when it rang so you just kinda zoned out and wiggled to the beat.
When the song ended, and almost instantly began again, you huffed and marched over, grabbing the phone without looking at the caller ID. “Someone better be dead.”
“Excuse me? Um. I’m sorry to disappoint but everyone here is alive and well. However I have to request that you dress yourself in something business casual and get in the limousine waiting outside.” The clipped unmistakable tone of Romans assistant cane through the phone.
Staring ahead incredulously, you couldnt help but laugh out loud. “Is he insane? I’m not getting into a fucking car. It’s over. Tell him to call Malibu Barbie and eat a dick.”
“Mam, I’m afraid I have to insist that you get in the car. Please I am begging. He’s been a nightmare. He said if I failed to convince you to get in the car, then I’m fired. I am actively looking for new employment, but I can’t afford to be jobless. I know this is unprofessional, but please get in the car and have lunch with the man. That’s all he’s asking.” The assistant pleaded.
You knew Roman was difficult and treated his employees poorly at times. You didn’t want to see him but you also didn’t want anyone to get fired because of you. And free food never hurt anybody..
Famous last words....
“Ok. I’ll go.”
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s-horne · 4 years
Hi! Could you please write a ficlet where tony and Steve just got married and Steve takes tony to his mums house as a new husband, where tony officially meets Sarah, Sam, Bucky as Steve’s new husband? And they all gently tease the new married couple and make tony feel at ease? Thank you so much! xx
Maybe it was quick to have gotten married, but Steve had known it was real as soon as he’d met Tony. He had never been a believer in love at first sight until Tony had come along.
They’d met through work, at an intimidatingly large party thrown by the company’s board in order to bring all staff from every department together for the first time. They’d thrown out some trash about company relations or keeping the cogs working together as a strong team. Steve had thought it was all utter nonsense. He’d only gone for the free booze.
All the seating had been mixed and, as a result, R&D had met marketing. Steve and Tony had been introduced before the appetizers had been served and had been playing footsie by dessert. Their hands were linked during the speeches and only one out of their two hotel rooms had been used that night.
The months had flown by and before anyone realised, they had been together for a year. A wedding had seemed like the most natural thing in the world for Steve to propose next. He had known that they would be together for the rest of their lives, so the timeline didn’t matter to him.
“I think I’m going to be sick.”
Steve snorted as he took the exit. “You haven’t eaten enough today to be sick.”
He could feel Tony’s glare on the side of his head as Tony rolled the window down. “You’re meant to play the role of the sympathetic husband here.”
Laughing again, Steve pulled up to a stop sign. “Sorry, sweetheart. Shall we try it again?”
Tony huffed. “Moment’s passed.”
“And the nausea?”
There was a moment of silence before Tony sniffed. “Gone.”
“Good.” Steve couldn’t control his smile as he looked over to see Tony staring out of the window. He reached over and rested a hand on Tony’s thigh. “There’s nothing to be nervous of.”
Tony’s head shot round and he glared at Steve. “Nothing to be nervous of? No, of course not. Just meeting your whole family for the first–”
“Technically Sam isn’t my fa–”
“Okay, but that’s worse,” Tony snapped, the worry clear in his tone. “That’s so much worse that he isn’t actually family.”
Steve squeezed his knee tighter, rubbing his thumb in what he hoped were soothing circles. “It’s going to be fine. Mom loves you.”
“Moms don’t love me,” Tony said, “that’s just a fact.”
“Well,” Steve said, not letting the words get to him and keeping himself as the strong one, “mine does. And quite honestly, she’s the only one that matters.”
Something settled inside of Steve when he cut the engine outside the unimposing, red-brick house. Though it wasn’t where he’d grown up, it was still his mom’s house. It was where Sarah Rogers had moved out to when they’d passed the worst times in Steve’s childhood, when the illnesses had been battled and the poverty somehow left in the past. Steve would never know how she’d done it, but he thanked God every day.
He wasn’t homesick in New York, not by a long shot. The apartment that he and Tony had made their own was the only place he ever wanted to go back to after a long day at work, the sight of Tony sprawled out on their couch more than enough to make up for the fact that the dishes were always left piled up on the marble counters.
But there was still something about going to his mom’s house. No matter where Sarah lived, she provided a refuge. It was a safe place to escape to, a break from the hustle and bustle of the city center. Sarah herself made it that safe place and Steve couldn’t wait to give the exact same thing to Tony.
“You get the bags and I get the flowers, okay?”
Steve was pulled from his musings by Tony appearing at his side. “Sorry?”
“Unless that’ll make it look like I don’t do anything for you.” Tony bit his lip and shook his head. “I get the bags and you get the flowers – but then your mom might think that the flowers are from you instead and you laughed at me when I suggested buying them. So, I’ll take the bags and the–”
Steve cut Tony off with a soft laugh, wrapping his arms around Tony’s waist and pushing him in front of Steve’s body. Holding Tony tight against his chest, Steve leant back until he was resting on the car door.
“Please calm down,” he murmured into Tony’s neck. “I love you and my mom loves you. You talk every week.”
“Of course we do,” Tony said, relaxing minutely into Steve’s hold. “But that’s just because we gossip through The Bachelor. There’s no Bachelor episode to discuss here. The season finished.”
“Thank God.” Steve laughed when Tony reached a hand back to jab him in the thigh. “Sweetheart, please. It’s going to be fine.”
Tony took a deep, shuddering breath and lifted Steve’s hand to his lips, pressing a quick kiss to the ring around his finger before freeing himself from Steve’s hold. “Fine. Let’s get this over with.”
“That’s the spirit, sweetheart. Exactly how to sound when faced with your in-law.” Rolling his eyes, Steve stood upright again and reached down for their suitcase. “You’re making her sound like a haunted house.”
When Steve snuck up behind him and wrapped his arms around Tony’s waist, Tony jumped almost a mile in the air. He spun around in Steve’s embrace and smacked him on the chest, an angry flush to his cheeks.
“Asshole. You scared me.”
“Yeah,” Steve laughed, snagging one of the cookies Tony had snaffled away when Sarah had kicked them out of the kitchen, “you look really terrified.”
“Oh, shut up.” Tony’s flush darkened. “It’s stress eating.”
“Well, at least you’re finally eating,” Steve said, brushing a crumb from the corner of Tony’s mouth. Tony had been too tired to manage breakfast and claimed he could never eat on planes. If Steve hadn’t seen him do the same thing before every big business meeting, he’d have been worried.
They could hear Sarah bumbling around preparing their lunch, pots and pans banging together over the faint hum of her music. She’d had the same playlist for as long as Steve could remember, the same one she used to twirl Steve around the kitchen to.
“It’s going well,” Steve said quietly when he’d finished his mouthful. “Mom adores you – she made those cookies just for you, you know. What are you stressing about now?”
There was a beat of silence before Tony broke Steve’s gaze, swallowing another bite of Sarah’s macadamia-nut cookies and shuffling awkwardly.
“Oh.” Steve ducked his head until he met Tony’s eyes again. He ran a finger down Tony’s cheek, chucking him under the chin. “If this is about Bucky, then I promise you, you have nothing to worry about. He’ll love you, too.”
Tony lifted his chin and stared directly at Steve, reaching for another cookie and taking a large bite.
“You know about the tradition, right?” Sam asked, lifting a leg and settling his ankle on his opposite knee.
Tony blinked and turned to look up at Steve with a bemused expression. “No?”
Steve bit down on his grin and shrugged back at Tony as though confused. Maybe it was a bit mean, but he couldn’t resist the tease. Sooner or later Tony would jump right out of his shell and get his own back. Until then, Steve would poke a bit of fun at him.
“Oh?” Bucky joined in, a smirk growing on his face. “Stevie didn’t tell you about the garter?”
Tony’s eyes widened comically. “The what now?”
Sam snorted. “Typical Steve. We have a tradition here where–”
“Oh,” Tony said in recognition, relaxing back into the couch. Steve frowned, wondering what Tony knew. “That tradition. Didn’t realise you all knew about Steve’s kinks. We covered that on the honeymoon, but I can reprise it for you guys if you’d like.” He paused before he turned to look up at Steve, biting his lip thoughtfully. “Might have to go shopping, though. Think we, um, ruined the last outfit I had.”
There was a beat of silence where Steve stared at Tony with wide eyes, mouth hanging open ever so slightly. Tony arched an eyebrow in challenge, clearly refusing to back down. He’d been waiting for Tony to lose his nerves, but, damn, Steve hadn’t seen that coming.
The silence stretched on until a sudden bark of laughter came from the other couch. Having almost forgotten that they weren’t alone in the room, Steve jumped.
“Amazing,” Bucky said through another laugh. When Steve looked over at him, he was wiping a finger under his eye and thumping himself on the chest. “That was awesome. You’re awesome. Another beer?”
Thinking his best friend was speaking to him, Steve opened his mouth. Before he could speak, Tony’s voice rung out.
“No, thanks. But I’ll grab one for you. I’m going in to see Sarah.”
“Don’t be a punk,” Bucky said, using Sam’s thigh as a brace to push himself up. “I’ll get it myself.”
“I don’t mind,” Tony said and Steve’s eyes flicked between the two of them as they bantered like they’d been friends for years. “You just want to steal her cookies.”
As Tony untangled himself from Steve’s embrace and stood up, Bucky snorted. “Like you’re not going for the exact same thing.”
“Yeah, because she made them for me. She even told me so. I’m the guest of honour.”
As he crossed the threshold to the hallway, Tony turned and shot Steve a wink, lifting his middle finger and holding it up as he disappeared out of view. Steve felt a wide smile spread across his face, grinning like a madman as he sat and stared at the space that Tony had occupied.
“That’s it,” Sam said and Steve turned to him with a question on his face. “We’re keeping him.” 
Steve laughed as he took a long swig of his beer. The love he felt for Tony threatened to make him explode. He felt as though it were seeping out of every pore. “I had planned to, actually.” 
“Not you,” Sam said, rolling his eyes. “Us. Me, to be more specific.”
“Well, I’m glad you approve.”
“Oh, I do more than approve.” Sam sipped his beer and set it down on the coffee table. “I’m stealing him. He’s my new partner in crime.”
“What am I then?” Bucky asked indignantly, coming back into the room at that moment. He smacked Sam on the back of the head as he flopped onto the arm of the couch. “Chopped liver?”
“Stale,” Sam answered dryly. “You’ve got no new jokes. I need someone new, someone lively.” 
“You dick. Can’t believe you’re dropping me so quickly. And anyway, what if I wanted to claim Tony for my new sidekick?”
Rolling his eyes with a laugh, Steve shook his head. “Please stop fighting and tell me what you’ve done with my husband.”
“Oh, relax,” Bucky said, elbowing Sam. “He’s fine. He’s charming the pants off my Sarah.”
“If she’s anyone’s,” Sam said as he shoved at Bucky’s thigh, “she’s mine.”
“I’ve known her longer. She definitely loves me more,” Bucky argued, wiping the condensation from his new beer on Sam’s face.
“Doesn’t mean anything. Quality over quantity and all that.”
Watching them shove and push at each other. Steve stood from his chair and went in search of his partner. He couldn’t believe anyone could ever be nervous about meeting those two overgrown children.
Steve stood in the doorway and watched two of his favourite people laughing over something. It was probably him, but he couldn’t have cared less. Steve knew he would happily be laughed at if it meant that he could see Tony and his mother bond so well in front of him, if he could see Tony fully relax into a domestic setting.
“Hey,” he said, smiling when Tony and Sarah both turned to face him with wide smiles. He winced when a crash came from somewhere behind him.
“Hello, my darling,” Sarah said before she turned to Tony, squeezing his forearm. “Can you keep an eye on the oven for me, sweetheart? Let me just go and sort out those boys in the living room.”
Tony fixed her with a wide-eyed stare as she left the room. “I can’t keep an eye on the oven,” he hissed. “How do you keep an eye on an oven?”
Laughing, Steve crossed the room and wrapped Tony in a tight hug, pinning his arms to his sides. “God, I love you.”
“Help me! I don’t know what to do.”
“You stand here,” Steve said, grinning into Tony’s neck, “and that’s about it.”
“Oh. Well, that’s easy enough.” Steve felt Tony relax in his hold and softened his embrace enough for Tony to wrap his arms around Steve’s waist. “Your mom’s nice.”  
“Told you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Tony said, the eye-roll audible in his voice. That was a special talent that Tony seemed to have perfected during their relationship. “You were right.”
Steve gasped and pulled back to meet Tony’s eyes, knowing there was a smug grin on his face. “Can you say that again? I’d like to record it.”
Tony rolled his eyes, fingers slipping into Steve’s back pockets. He bit his lip as the amusement fell away. “Do you really think they like me?”
“Believe me,” Steve said, lifting his hand to cup Tony’s face, thumb swiping over the dent in his bottom lip, “they adore you.”
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millenniumpuzzle · 3 years
it’s beginning to look a lot like checkout
summary: Joey is trying to survive working as a cashier during the holiday season. When a cute customer manages to turn around his entire day, he doesn't think he'll ever see the guy again. But when he keeps turning up, will Joey manage to form a relationship with him?
howdy! yes, i’m posting a multi-chapter fic for once. you can also read it on ao3 here <3 hope y’all enjoy!
Not for the first time today, Joey eyed the speaker embedded in the ceiling above his cash register and wondered how difficult it would be to smash it from the ground. Sure, it was a few feet up, but if he threw something hard enough at it, he could probably damage it, right? The stapler at his register wasn’t too heavy, but it was solid enough that it might fritz it out. Then again, he would almost certainly be fired, but he would take that if it meant that the speaker was at least non-functional. Anything to stop being forced to listen to that damn Christmas music.
Normally, he couldn’t really hear the music pumped through the hardware store at which he was (regrettably) employed, being too quiet to hear over the general din of a retail environment. The only exceptions were with songs he knew, which he was able to pick out easier, or when there was hardly anyone in the store making noise to drown out the speakers overhead. However, that all changed when Thanksgiving ended. Once that happened, corporate switched their generally palatable 70’s playlist to Christmas music, and Joey’s annual nightmare began.
That’s not to say he didn’t like Christmas; he wasn’t religious, so he didn’t really celebrate it except in the most bare-bones sense of getting his dad and sister a present on the day, but he thought the holiday season in general was fine. It was listening to the same damn songs for hours on end that was driving him up the wall. While he might hear a repeat or two on the standard playlist if he had a long shift, when Christmas rolled around, it was very possible to hear the same song three different times in only a few hours. If Joey ever met the person that designed this playlist and told their store to play it, he would give them a piece of his mind—and a piece of his fist besides.
Damn brain, he thought, resting his chin on his elbows, which were crossed on the counter. Can’t pay attention to somebody when they’re talking to me, but I can’t stop paying attention to Christmas music. Figures.
Furtively, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked the time: 3:15 pm. Only forty-five minutes until he got to clock out, but he knew this would be the longest part of his shift. It was after lunch but before most people got off work, meaning that business had slowed to a crawl. Normally, he was grateful for any downtime at work, especially later in his shift, but as “Silver Bells” started up for the fourth time that day, Joey was actively wishing someone would come to his register, just so he would be able to tune out the music.
The irritation from the music just added to everything else miserable about working in retail; Joey’s knees were killing him from having to stand all day on a concrete floor, and he was in that half-bored, half-stressed state that came with a slow moment at the register. He wanted to zone out, think about what he would make for dinner or come up with something fun to do with Serenity over her school break, but he couldn’t risk getting interrupted by a customer. So, he was stuck, unable to sit and rest his knees and forced to pay attention to his surroundings. Which, unfortunately, included the music.
The tell-tale beeping of a register being activated was a welcome distraction, and he picked his chin off his elbows to look in the direction of the noise. It wasn’t especially eventful; just his coworker, Ryou, being forced into scanning some lady’s entire basket, despite the fact that she was at a clearly labeled self-checkout register. Joey felt bad for him; Ryou was a sweet guy, which meant that he often got roped into doing way more than he should. He did, however, have more than a passing interest in the occult, which he weaponized against customers that pissed him off, so he was helpful to have around when dealing with someone annoying. He was a real wild card; Joey appreciated that about him.
“Hello? Can I check out here?”
God damn it.
“Yeah, sure thing!” Joey said, putting on his best Customer Service Voice. He whipped his head back around, coming face-to-face with the customer who had managed to sneak up on him, despite his earlier promises to not zone out. Immediately, however, Joey forgot everything about work, his mind going blank except for one thought: this guy was cute.
At first, Joey had made eye contact with his hair, rather than his face, given that the customer was pretty short and his hair was pretty tall. After a stray thought as to how much gel someone had to use to get it to stay that way, his eyes dropped to his actual face; that was when his brain had really started to short-circuit. How was he supposed to focus on making this guy pay for his stuff when he had such clear, violet eyes, such a friendly smile? Joey was only human, after all. The glimpse of a leather choker underneath the scarf the customer wore only made things worse.
“Is everything alright?” Fuck, the customer must have asked him a question. Not only that, but all his stuff was on the counter, and he was looking at Joey with an expectant, if confused, expression.
“Uh, yeah, just zoned out for a second.” It wasn’t a lie; he had zoned out, but he wasn’t going to tell the customer why. He grabbed the customer’s first item—a string of white Christmas lights—and scanned it as quick as he could, hoping to make up for lost time. “Did you, uh, find everything okay?”
“Yes, I did, thanks,” the customer responded, sounding just as friendly as he did when he first asked to check out. “I’m glad you still had some white lights! I really needed them, and they were sold out at the first two stores I checked.”
“Oh yeah? I’m glad we could provide, then.” Joey continued scanning his items, noting that they were all Christmas decorations. He found it odd that the only lights the customer wanted to buy were white and blue, but maybe he was going for an unconventional Christmas tree design. Joey wasn’t here to judge people’s purchases, only make sure they happen. “Alright, your total is $32.64, cash or card?”
The customer held up a debit card in response, and Joey indicated the card reader in front of him. He finished paying in relative silence, leaving Joey to almost-zone-out at least a dozen more times, getting stuck on different aspects of the customer’s appearance. How much work is it for him to dye his hair three different colors? His nose scrunches up when he concentrates, that’s cute. Would it be too weird to ask for his number?
Too quickly, however, the card reader beeped, prompting the customer to remove his card. “Thanks so much!” he said, with a smile that was too charming for Joey’s poor, flustered heart to take.
“No problem,” he managed to say, despite being sure that he was going to ascend out of his body at any moment. He grabbed the customer’s receipt from the printer and handed to its owner; if he held it in a way to where he ensured that their fingers didn’t brush, well, that was self-preservation. “Thanks, and have a nice day.”
“Thanks, uh, Joey,” the customer said, peering at his name tag, “and happy holidays!” He waved goodbye with the hand not holding his bags, still with that blinding smile on his face, and turned to leave. Joey propped his chin back on his hand and watched him walk to the exit door, smiling at the way he pulled his scarf up over his nose before facing the cold.
“Fall in love with a customer, Joey?”
Joey yelled, losing his balance and nearly smashing his chin onto the counter, before he caught himself and spun around to face the person who had just spoken. “Ryou, what the fuck? You can’t just sneak up on me like that, you’re gonna get me killed.”
Ryou giggled, his elbows on the low wall that separated self-checkout from Joey’s register. There wasn’t a customer in sight—which meant that Joey was now fair game for ridicule. “Not my fault you were distracted. He’s cute though, did you get his number?”
“No, I don’t even know his name,” Joey grumbled. That made him remember that the customer had said his name, though, which made his face heat up. Didn’t think my name could sound that nice. He peeled open a new plastic bag, just for the sake of having something to do that meant he didn’t have to look Ryou in the eyes. “Besides, I can’t just ask a customer for his number! What if he thinks I’m weird, and writes me up, and gets me fired?”
“You have a point.” Ryou hummed, tapping his finger on his chin. “But what if he thought you were also cute?”
“It’s not like I’ll ever find out.” Joey sighed, putting his head in his hands. “He said he went to other stores for white lights before he found them here, which means he probably doesn’t live around here, which means I’ll probably never see him again. Better to just forget about it.”
Ryou made a sympathetic sound, and Joey didn’t have to see his face to know he was looking at him with pity. “I suppose,” he said slowly. “Still, you seemed happy when you were talking to him. You never smile like that when you’re working, it was a nice change.”
Joey just sighed again, before the clearing of a stranger’s throat made him look up to realize that someone was ready to check out—right as the strains of “Blue Christmas” reached his ears from the damned speaker above him. Right, he had work to do, and on-the-nose Christmas music to endure. He plastered on his Work Smile, ready to greet his customer with all the fake friendliness a retail employee could muster.
Ryou was right; while talking to that cute customer, he had been genuinely happy. Unfortunately, it made his return to dismal reality all the sadder.
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svgurl410 · 3 years
clois fic
Title: i’m broken and it’s beautiful (can someone just hold me, don’t fix me) Fandom: Smallville Pairing/Characters: Clark Kent/Lois Lane (mostly pre-relationship) Rating: G Word Count: 3063 Summary: A sad anniversary, a broken locket, and a talk that promises a brighter future.  A/N: for the poetry_fiction (DW) 2021 challenge; prompt: I'll be the things left behind for you, I'll be much kinder then. I'll kiss the drowning atmosphere all a summer's afternoon, and that's not all.
AO3 link 
The rooftop of the Talon was quiet and peaceful and yet the silence wasn’t at all comforting. It was still better than being alone inside her apartment, since Lois couldn’t bring herself to be around other people, which is why she had been actively avoiding her friends all day. Well, for the past two days really.
She didn’t actually like being alone, but she needed the space. The downside of making that decision was that she had to turn down dinner at the Kents, and as much as she regretted missing out on Mrs Kent’s cooking, she knew she wouldn’t be very good company.
Glancing down at her phone, she swallowed down the disappointment as she realized that the two people she hoped would call yet knew probably wouldn’t hadn’t. She shouldn’t be surprised; after all, it’s not like her dad or Lucy had acknowledged this day, but Lois’s stupid hopeful heart wouldn’t let her give up.
You’re a sad fool. Which wasn’t anything new and likely wouldn’t change. She finally pocketed her phone, accepting defeat, as her other hand fingered a broken locket, the metal chipped and the chain having snapped years ago. It had been her mother’s, and it was one of the few things she carried around wherever she went. While Lois didn’t have that many memories of her mom, she remembered her wearing the necklace all the time, pictures of her family kept inside, always close to her heart.
Lois herself had never worn it, but she also couldn’t let go either. Letting go was never her style. Then again, it felt like she was the one people let go of, as everyone else always left her behind, from her family to the men she dated. Staring out into the night sky, she wondered if she was just destined to be alone, her heart aching at the thought, feeling as cracked and chipped at the locket in her hands.
Yet, unlike the locket, she wasn’t sure if she even wanted to be fixed, just accepted for who she was, broken parts included, but at this point, that seemed like a pipe dream. As if anyone wants to sign up for that.
A sudden noise shook her out of the path she was on, and she spun around, ready to snap at whoever dared to interrupt her solitude. Much to her shock, it was none other than Clark who had entered through the door leading to the rooftop, carrying a white plastic bag in his hands.
“Smallville,” she said, surprised evident in her tone and expression. “What are you doing here?”
He shrugged, making his way to her, and offered her the bag. “Mom felt bad that you missed dinner tonight and she sent me over here with some food.”
Feeling touched, Lois’s lips curved into a smile at the thought of Martha Kent’s generosity. The other woman had been nothing but kind to her, and more welcoming than she deserved. She and Jonathan both, and Lois felt an ache in her heart as she remembered him, still not completely over the pain of his sudden death.
Their fingers brushed as she accepted the bag, causing an unexpected spark ran through her spine, and she barely refrained from jerking her hand away at the feeling. Keeping her expression as neutral as she could manage, she moved her hand away, fingers clutching around the plastic straps.
“Thanks,” she said, hoping she didn’t reveal anything in her voice or facial expression. “Got stuck playing delivery boy then?”
“Something like that,” Clark replied, shoving his hands in his pockets. “We haven’t seen you around in a few days so I figured I would drop by to see what’s up.”
“Aww, Smallville, I didn’t know you would miss me that much,” Lois teased.
“I never said I missed you,” he protested. “Just making sure you were still in one piece. I’ve seen the trouble you can get into on your own.”
“And you were worried about me,” she said triumphantly. “No need to hide it. I’m touched, truly.”
He rolled his eyes, and she smirked, already feeling better.
“More like the house was quiet, and the fridge was full for once,” Clark countered.
“With you around?” she retorted. “I doubt it.”
“And Shelby might have missed you,” Clark continued, as if he hadn’t heard her. “But he likes to chase his own tail, so there’s really no accounting for taste on his end.”
“Jealous your dog likes me better?” Lois asked. “Don’t worry, I’ll visit soon.”
“I’m sure he’ll be relieved,” Clark said, dryly, leaning against the railing.
“I know he’s not the only one,” she said, nudging him.
“Yes, I was terrified that you had found someone else to harass,” Clark remarked, glancing at her out of the side of his eye, his lips twitching into an easy grin, which she couldn’t help but return.
“Don’t worry, Smallville, I’ll never replace you,” she promised, realizing that she was only half joking. She couldn’t imagine her life without him anymore, and it was a pretty terrifying thought that she decided not to linger on.
“Well, now I can sleep at night,” he said, fortunately oblivious to her line of thinking.
“That’s what I’m here for,” she managed, as her fingers stroked the locket unconsciously.
Clark let out a chuckle, his eyes drawn to her hand, his gaze turning questioning.
“That’s nice,” he commented, gesturing to her locket.
She lifted it up and gave a half hearted smile. “Don’t lie, Smallville, I know it’s seen better days.”
He shrugged. “But clearly it means something, right? Which is more important than how it looks.”
Taken aback, she could only nod. Composing herself, she said, “Who knew you were so deep?”
“I have layers,” Clark replied easily. “Have to keep you on your toes after all.”
“Let’s not go too far,” she warned. “My toes are firmly planted on the ground.”
“Worth a shot,” he responded, with a cheeky smile. “So …” He gave her an expectant look, pointedly glancing at the necklace. “Is it a deep dark secret?”
She bit her lower lip. “Nothing that exciting. It was my mom’s.”
“Oh.” Clark’s expression immediately went sympathetic, almost apologetic. She could easily say she didn’t want to talk about it, and she had faith he would drop it, and they could immediately go back to making fun of each other, or he would even leave, but for some reason, she felt the need to share.
“She, um,” Lois looked down, “it’s actually the anniversary of her death today.”
Clark placed his hand on her arm, and Lois automatically leaned into it, comforted by the touch. “I’m sorry,” he told her.
She forced a smile. “It was a long time ago.”
“Pretty sure there isn’t an expiration date on grief,” Clark replied.
“Yeah,” she said, a touch of wistfulness in her tone. “Anyway, that’s why I missed dinner. I get kind of moody this time of year, and I didn’t want to bring you all down too. Just thought it’d be best to be alone.”
“I can leave if you want?” Clark offered.
She shook her head. “No, you can stay.”
He moved closer, dropping his hand, and Lois kind of hated herself for missing the touch almost immediately.
“Just because you think you should be alone doesn’t mean you have to be or even want to be, from what it sounds like,” Clark said. “You don’t have to protect us from you.” Offering a teasing smile, he added, “We can handle a little grumpy Lois. I have seen you in the morning before you’ve had your coffee after all.”
Suddenly feeling self conscious, she just shrugged. “I mean, it’s not been that long since …” She trailed off, unable to finish the sentence. “Well, the point is you are both going through your own stuff. Doesn’t seem fair to burden you with something that happened a long time ago. I’m not that selfish.”
Clark frowned. “Lois, I would call you a lot of things, but selfish isn’t one of them.” His face relaxed for a moment. “Well, when you’re not using up all the hot water anyway.”
She let out a small laugh, and watched as he grew serious once more.
“Look,” Clark said, taking a deep breath, running a hand through his hair. “I miss my dad. I’m always going to miss my dad, five months from now or even five years. I would hate it if I was told I can’t be sad about it, just because it’s not as recent as someone else’s loss. I’d never do that to you, and mom wouldn’t either.”
“He was a good man,” she said quietly.
“And I’m sure your mom was a good person too,” Clark replied sincerely.
Lois felt her throat tightened, grateful for Clark’s kindness, which she had witnessed first hand more times than she could count. He was a little weird sometimes, and could drive her crazy on any given day, but overall he was a good man too.
“She was,” she confirmed finally, unable to stop the tears from springing to her eyes. “I miss her.”
To her surprise, Clark didn’t say anything, just pulled her in his arms, and she felt herself sink into his embrace, the tears that she had been holding back falling down, finally letting her grief and disappointment go.
Clark didn’t judge her, just stroked her back, until she sniffed and slowly pulled away.
“Are you okay?” he wanted to know, and she nodded, wiping her eyes.
“Looks like you went from delivery boy to glorified tissue,” she said, gesturing to his shirt.
“Told you- I have layers,” he claimed, looking down at the wet spot. “And I have other shirts.”
“Yeah, do you buy those in bulk or something?” Lois asked, doing her best to pull herself together once more.
“No comment.” He raised an eyebrow. “There are a few flannel ones that have suspiciously gone missing though since you moved out. Know anything about that?”
“Nope,” she said, giving him her best innocent look, leaning over to lightly punch him in the arm. “Besides, finders keepers, losers weepers, Smallville.”
“I don’t think that’s how that works,” Clark said, but he was smiling. “Did you want to stay out here?”
“Nah,” she decided. “I think I’m done now. I wouldn’t want you to get too cold.” She started heading toward the door, and Clark followed her.
“You’re all heart,” he remarked, as they headed inside, and back to her apartment. Once they were inside, she set the necklace down on a coffee table, and the food on top of the counter.
Turning back to Clark, she asked, “Do you have to head out?”
“If you want me to go, I can, but I can also stay,” Clark replied.
“I was just planning on watching a movie,” she said nonchalantly.
“Something with sharks or lots of blood and gore?” he questioned, amused.
“I’ll have you know I was watching Star Trek earlier,” she proclaimed, and then wrinkled her nose at the admission. He always got more information out of her than she was comfortable with.
“I wouldn’t have guessed you were a Trekkie,” Clark commented, raising an eyebrow.
“My mom was a fan” she admitted, taking a seat on the couch. “She liked the idea of there being life in outer space, and that there could be peace between humans and aliens.”
His expression turned unreadable, and she wasn’t quite sure what to think about that. “Oh yeah?” he said.
“Yeah, I never quite knew if she was serious or not,” Lois explained.
“What about the rest of your family?” Clark asked, taking a seat next to her.
“Who knows what Lucy thinks?” Lois sighed. “Don’t even ask the General about this stuff though. One mention of Area 51 or aliens and you can get that vein in his forehead to show up in five seconds flat.”
“What do you think?” Clark asked, and Lois wondered why he cared so much. His expression was serious, almost as if her answer meant something more, which was obviously ridiculous. He was probably just trying to distract her.
“Once upon a time, I would’ve said it’s nonsense,” Lois responded. “Now- who knows?” If he was going to be patient with her, she might’ve well give him a real answer instead of a sarcastic remark.
“Not afraid of being kidnapped in the middle of a corn field?” Clark joked. “Have your brain probed?”
“Nah,” Lois said dismissively. “Besides, humans can be pretty awful. Who says the aliens will be bad guys bent up on taking over Earth? Maybe they just might be looking for a home … somewhere to belong.”
Clark was silent long enough for Lois to look up, worry running through her veins, and his expression was filled with something, if she didn’t know better, was gratitude. It was a look she wouldn’t understand for years. As of right now, she dismissed the idea. After all, she hadn’t said anything for him to feel that way.
“Should I ask you if you’re okay?” Lois quizzed, and he seemed to find himself, and immediately shook his head, expression clearing.
“No, just thinking about how it turns out that I’m not the only one with layers,” Clark responded, with an easy smile.
“What can I say?” she offered. “I like to keep you guessing, Smallville.”
“I take it you haven’t shared those ideas with your dad,” Clark suggested.
Lois snorted. “Are you kidding me? I just mentioned the vein, didn’t it?”
“Have you heard from them-?” Clark trailed off when he saw the look on her face. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” she said. She picked up the necklace once more, keeping her eyes focused on it. “I never do. I am used to it. I’m better off alone anyway.”
Clark’s hand covered her’s. “You’re not alone.”
“So you keep reminding me,” Lois said. “I’m starting to wonder if I should take it as a threat.”
“Take it any way you want,” Clark responded. “Still won’t stop it from being true.”
“Guess I can deal with that,” she allowed. “So you can stick around then.”
“I’m honored,” Clark said dryly. He pointed at her necklace. “Have you ever worn that?”
“No,” she said. “As you can, it’s kind of broken.”
“Can easily be fixed,” Clark pointed out.
“I’m pretty broken too,” she murmured, without thinking. “Can I be fixed?”
“I don’t think you need to be,” came Clark’s response, and that was when, much to her horror, she realized she said that out loud.
“Oh, please, like you wouldn't make a few changes,” Lois said, as dismissive as she could, hoping she kept her feeling off her face for once.
“Nah, I think I like you as you are,” Clark insisted.
“Even when I bully you and steal your shirts?” she challenged.
“Yeah, even then,” he replied, eyes twinkling. “Besides, I’m flattered. Clearly I have better fashion sense than you will admit.”
“Whatever, they’re just comfortable,” Lois said, infusing some haughtiness in her tone. “Don’t get a big head over it.”
“No promises,” Clark retorted. Softening his voice, he added, “We’re all a little broken, Lois. Doesn’t mean we need to be fixed.”
She cleared her throat. “Whatever, Smallville.” Leaning over she punched him lightly on the shoulder. “Don’t go getting all sappy on me.”
He let out a laugh. “I wouldn’t dare.”
Popping up from the sofa, she said, “Want to watch that movie now? I am suddenly in the mood to see something with lots of violence.”
He thankfully let her change the subject, even if the transition wasn’t her best work. “Sure.”
“I’ll get the popcorn!” she said, making her way to the kitchen, gathering some snacks and drinks for the two of them while the popcorn bag was in the microwave.
Plopping back down next to Clark, she grinned and he smiled back. He didn’t even complain when she popped in The Amityville Horror dvd that she had rented recently, the two of sitting in mostly a comfortable silence as the movie played.
At one point, she leaned close and told him softly, “Thanks, Clark.”
“Any time, Lois,” he replied kindly.
He stuck around for a second movie, but she fell asleep halfway through, only to wake up in the middle of the night to an empty apartment, a pillow under her head and covered by blanket. Clearly Clark had some of those caretaker instincts, and she really shouldn’t be surprised at this point.
She fell asleep again, with a smile on her face, feeling better than she had in awhile.
And two days later, she would walk into her apartment to see her broken locket on the table, suddenly fixed, still with its original chain, just shinier and no longer with cracks. The fact Clark would go through those efforts for her left her more than a little overwhelmed.
How he got in and out of her apartment that easily, she didn’t want to know, but she was grateful and didn’t ask.
And she’d wear it to see the Kents the following day.
“That’s a nice necklace,” Martha commented, as she passed. Clark’s smile seemed to widen upon seeing her with it, and she returned the smile, keeping her gaze on him.
“Thank you.”
He seemed to get the message.
And Lois realized when he said he wasn’t going anywhere, he meant it.
Which he would continue to prove in the years to come, even when she realized he could no longer fit in the friendship box she had put him in. Falling in love and letting him in completely wasn’t easy, but she’d find it was more than worth it.
Clark was there for her for her good days, as well as the bad ones, never forgetting that anniversary, or really any other ones. And when she would wake up in the middle of the night, feeling off, she could just roll over and snuggle closer to Clark, who was always ready with open arms and a heart that she would eventually accept was her’s and only her’s.
Maybe she was broken, maybe they both were a little broken really, but their broken pieces seem to fit together, and he did accept her for everything she was and wasn’t.
And it turned out she wasn’t meant to be alone after all.
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