#|| william drinking roadie the road beer all up and hitting charlotte with his car: this is for ethan. egbert. e. allen.
revvnant · 1 year
i know the typical william reaction to the bite is for him to be like ‘you killed my precious bugaboo whomst i forced to have his birthday party at a place he hates, i think his name was ethan?’ ( i will never be convinced that william actually gave two shits about his son why is he crying alone 24/7 why did you make him have his birthday party at a restaurant filled with characters he’s petrified of, which does not exempt him from post-death being like ‘but but but i loved him’ but at the very least he was neglectful ) but i love when he does one or more of the following:
- you’re just like me fr! ( derogatory ) - this has opened my eyes to a whole world of child murder! - i’m about to act my heart out so the police never suspect me of any future wrongdoing, thanks sport! - fell asleep and had to be told of the murder later. - UNPLUGGED EVAN’S LIFE SUPPORT TO CHARGE HIS PHONE.
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