#[merman Richard]
supercap2319 · 1 year
Y/N was excited to meet Eric's cousin from the mainland. He talked such wonderful tales of his cousin who was now king of his kingdom. Y/N was a bit nervous about meeting him. He didn't want to embarrass himself or Eric when meeting him, but it couldn't be helped.
They stood at the gates of the palace and waited as the horse and carriage appeared in the distance. Beautiful white horses pulled a white and golden carriage as Y/N held his breath as a young man with dark hair and sparkling blue eyes looked at Eric.
"Cousin, Eric. So good to see you after so long."
"You as well." Eric smiles."
"And who is this handsome young man?" The man looked at Y/N.
Eric smiled. "Prince–I mean–King Kit. This is Y/N. Y/N, this is my cousin, King Kit Charming."
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pebbledoes · 3 months
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Fishuary Day 29: Leap Day, Leaping Fish
Is it any small wonder I used to play a largemouth bass merman when my friends and I role played???
@fish-daily @fishyfishyfishtimes
Thanks for joining me thru Fishuary2024!!!!
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safyresky · 10 days
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Scrimbly Jacquelines 21/52: IT'S FUCKING MERMAY?!?! HELLO?!?!?
Yo. She turned out SO CUTE. I'm grinning like a maniac. Wtf. Who ALLOWED THIS.
yes that's deffs Dite a necklace
wanted to incorporate some warm colours bc. half summer sprite. but alas. they didn't quite turn out so now it's BLUE
the scales on her belly are her SCARS! MERMAID SCARS! SCALES GREW OVER THEM! AH!
had a whole ass crisis bc i SWEAR i wrote where her scars were SOMEWHERE but I can't fucking FIND IT. losing my MIND. in a PRISON of my OWN MAKING
update: FOUND THE PASSAGE LMAO. I HAVE WRITTEN ABOUT WHERE THEY ARE! WHEE! 9CS Chapter 14, but I think I edited the passage down. I know I have the og saved SOMEWHERE with all three scars listed)
got way too excited when I realized she could use icicles in lieu of 'shell bra" or whatever
can't believe I actually drew a hairline. i never do. wildin. idek what hairlines any of these blorbos have, i just wing it
(we are going to ignore the outside the lines bit, yes yes yes)
i am very proud of those scrimbly hands y'all. AH
Unedited version here:
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geneseedraws · 1 year
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Pirate Keith and merman Mick for MerMay 🏴‍☠️🧜‍♂️
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underchaser · 1 year
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Commish for @soulbrothers121
  Richard and Lauriel for mermay Lauriel reallly wants Richie~
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🌳  Link tree  🌳
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thehappyspaceman · 4 months
I Watched Every Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Special - TheHappySpaceman Reviews
For a late Christmas special, TheHappySpaceman sits down and reviews every single Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer film and TV special. Yes, even that one.
Feel free to support me on Patreon!
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phckingusername · 1 year
Chapter 5 is out
I'm sorry but I'm tired. It's out now finally though.
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People don't know much about orchestration as a rule; it's one of the undersung aspects of the musical. But no musical had quite such a saga of orchestration as Annie Get Your Gun.
Irving Berlin wrote the score; Rodgers and Hammerstein produced, and Phil Lang was asked to orchestrate Berlin's music. He was reasonably early in his career and would go on to orchestrate hits like Hello, Dolly! and My Fair Lady - but here, he tried to create an orchestral sound where the melody was not given to the singers. Normally there is a line for the singers to hold to, often the clarinet in that era. Legend has it that the sitzprobe was a disaster; the cast was not used to music without the leading line and Rodgers and Hammerstein insisted that the orchestrations be rewritten from scratch before the impending opening.
Phil Lang still has the first credit, but he was fired from production. The other orchestrators credited are Robert Russell Bennett, arguably the most famous orchestrator of the time, and Ted Royal. However, extant scores show that as many as 25 orchestrators were called in to finish the job, "ghosting" as a favour as was not uncommon in that era. As a result, Annie Get Your Gun is possibly the musical where the finished product has been touched by the largest number of orchestrators - does this affect the style? Arguably not - ghosting was common in that era and most orchestrators were quite good at blending to the dominant sound. A side of musical theatre that few know about!
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josh-lanceero · 2 years
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My head is full of chubby walrus Pat I need to get it out of my system 
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papermoonloveslucy · 1 year
Lucy On Stage ~ Act 2
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Lucille Ball’s dream was to appear on Broadway. That dream become a reality in 1960, but ended prematurely. if Lucy couldn’t be on Broadway, Broadway would come to Hollywood – on Lucy’s new TV show “The Lucy Show.” 
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“Chris’s New Year’s Eve Party” (1962) ~ When Lucy’s daughter’s New Year’s Eve party is a dud, Lucy and Viv revive it with their silent movie sketch featuring Lucy as Charlie Chaplin. Not exactly a full scale show, it is still performed for an audience - Chris’s teenage friends. 
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Lucy is joined by Viv as a flapper, Harry (Dick Martin) as a waiter, and Eddie (Don Briggs) as the thug.  The entire presentation is done without dialogue to honky tonk piano music. 
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“Lucy Plays Cleopatra” (1963) ~ After the Danfield Volunteer Fire Department’s charity revue “Volunteer Vanities” is cancelled, Lucy stars as the Queen of the Nile opposite Professor Gitterman in “Antony and Cleopatra”. 
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For the aborted “Volunteer Vanities” the women sing an original song called “Hello” to the tune of “Ta-ra-ra Boom-de-ay" which is a traditional vaudeville and music hall song. The song's first known public performance was in the 1891 revue Tuxedo. Joining Lucy and Viv in the “Vanities” are Mary Lou (Hazel Pierce), Frances (Mary Wickes), Audrey (Mary Jane Croft) and Colleen (Renita Reachi). 
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Professor Gitterman (Hans Conried) says he is scheduled to do excerpt from his readings from Cyrano de Bergerac for the Danfield Literary Society. He is referring to Edmond Rostand's 1898 stage play. Gitterman (who also directs) says that Lucy needs to project so that the people in the back row who paid $4 can hear her.  
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Viv is assigned the roles of Mardion, Diomedes and Fulvia. She notes that Fulvia dies before the play begins and says the combined speeches of Mardion and Diomedes amounts to “Hark!” “ Begone!  and “Fie!”  Professor Gitterman mentions that he did some 'improvements' to Shakespeare, so although Viv seems to be exaggerating about the paucity of dialogue, the characters’ lines may indeed have been greatly reduced.  
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“ANNUAL BOY SCOUT SHOW” starring Ethel Merman
“Ethel Merman and the Boy Scout Show” (1964) ~ Lucy and Viv recruit Ethel Merman to star in their sons’ Boy Scout Show and the group discovers that there’s no business like show business!
LUCY: You’d think she was the biggest star on Broadway. VIV: She is.
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The show tributes vaudeville, silent films, talkies, Broadway musicals, radio, and television. It consists of the following acts:
Sherman (Ralph Hart) does an acrobatic dance routine
Jerry (Jimmy Garrett) tells a joke
Merman, Lucy, Viv and Mr. Mooney sing “There’s No Business Like Show Business” from Annie Get Your Gun
Lucy does a plate balancing act (a repeated gag)
Mr. Mooney and Viv sing “Tiptoe Through the Tulips” (originally to be sung by Mr. Mooney and his wife Irma, had she not had to go to Trenton for the birth of their grandchild)
Lucy, Mr. Mooney, and Ethel Merman perform a silent movie sketch about a husband leaving his wife for another woman
Viv, as Shirley Temple, sings “On the Good Ship Lollipop” from the 1934 film Bright Eyes
A tribute to 1920s stage musicals features Lucy, Viv, Ethel Merman, and Mr. Mooney
Mr. Mooney is a radio host presenting a lady saxophone player (Lucy) from Altoona, Pennsylvania playing “Glow Worm” (badly) from Paul Lincke's 1902 operetta Lysistrata
A tribute to “The Ed Sullivan Show” and its showcase of variety acts
Ethel Merman sings “Everything’s Coming Up Roses” from Gypsy
Everyone joins in for a reprise of “There’s No Business Like Show Business”
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“Lucy and Arthur Godfrey” (1965) ~ Lucy and Viv convince the star to headline in the Danfield Community Players production about the founding of their town. 
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The show is to benefit the children's wing of the hospital. The two-act musical melodrama is set aboard a riverboat in the South. It stars Godfrey as Daddy, Lucy as his daughter Lucybelle, Viv as dance hall girl Bessie, Mr. Mooney as wealthy landowner Conrad P. Field, and Vinnie (Max Showalter) as the Honest-But-Poor Piano Player. The songs for the show-within-the-show were written by Broadway veteran Showalter, Bob Lees, and Peter Walker.
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LUCYBELLE: You want me to play hankie-panky with a Yankee?
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“Lucy and Mickey Rooney” (1966) ~ Mickey Rooney takes out a loan from Mr. Mooney's bank to open an acting school. Lucy and Mr. Mooney each wangle free acting lessons, which culminates in a silent movie sketch.  
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MR. MOONEY (to LUCY): What in the name of Bette Davis makes you think you can act?
To impress Rooney, Lucy lists her acting credits: Mr. Roberts (in a 1948 play of the same name), MacBeth (in Shakespeare's tragedy of the same name), Julius Caesar, and Captain Hook in Peter Pan. She fails to mention her experience playing Cleopatra for the Danfield Community Players!
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In Rooney's acting class, Mr. Mooney (wearing a pink table cloth as a toga) rehearses Mark Antony's famous speech from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar: “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears.”  
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Lucy revives her Charlie Chaplin impersonation with Rooney as “The Kid”. The Players Showcase also includes Mr. Mooney as the Grocer and Sid Gould as a Keystone Kop.   
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“Lucy in London” (1966) ~ In the stand-alone special, Lucy Carmichael travels to London, with Anthony Newley as her tour guide. 
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Lucy stars as Kate in Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew filmed on location at Great Fosters, an English country manor from the Tudor period located in Egham, Surry, just outside of London. 
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Her tamer is actor Peter Wyngarde as Petruchio, although we never hear or see any actual Shakespeare. But the costumes look great! 
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At the end of the special, Lucy finds herself at The Scala Theatre on Charlotte Street, off Tottenham Court Road. There she is audience to Newley (a West End and Broadway veteran) in “The Bricusse-Newley Song Book”. The one-man show is presented with lights, scenery, costume changes, and an orchestra. He first sings “Fine Day in London” then “Gonna Build a Mountain” (from The Roar of the Greasepaint - The Smell of the Crowd). He follows with “Once in a Lifetime” from Stop the World - I Want to Get Off and “Nothing Can Stop Me Now” also from Greasepaint.  During “Look at That Face” (Greasepaint) he sings directly to Lucy. He ends the medley with “This Dream” (Greasepaint).
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The special takes on a dreamlike quality with Lucy on stage doing a pantomime in a spotlight. The very end of the show, still on the Scala stage, Lucy sings about her “One Day in London”.
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“Lucy and Carol Burnett: Part 2″ (1967) ~ After graduating from flight attendant’s school, Lucy and Carol Tilford (Burnett), participate in a graduating class musical revue in tribute to the history of aviation. The revue also features Buddy Rogers and Richard Arlen, stars of the very first Oscar-winning film, Wings (1929). 
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The show musical revue features:
Lucy, Carol and the flight attendants sing “Over There” (1917) written by George M. Cohan
Rodgers and Arlen sing “My Buddy” (1922) with music by Walter Donaldson and lyrics by Gus Kahn
Lucy, Carol, Mr. Mooney, Arlen, and Rodgers sing “How ‘Ya Gonna Keep 'em Down on the Farm (After They’ve Seen Paree?)” (1919) with music by Walter Donaldson and lyrics by Sam Lewis and Joe Young
Lucy, Carol and the flight attendants (as flappers) dance to “Thoroughly Modern Millie” (1967) with music by Jimmy Van Heusen from the film of the same title
Lucy, Carol, and a male soloist sing “Chattanooga Choo Choo” (1941) with music by Harry Warren and lyrics by Mack Gordon
Three male tap dancers sing “Alabamy Bound” (1924) with music by Ray Henderson and lyrics by Buddy G. DeSylva and Bud Green
A bride and groom performe “Shuffle Off to Buffalo” (1933) from the film 42nd Street with music by Harry Warren and lyrics by Al Dubin
Six boys and girls sing “Toot, Toot, Tootsie” (1921) written by Dan Russo, Ernie Erdman and Gus Kahn for the Al Jolson musical Bombo
Lucy, Carol and the ensemble perform “Hey, Look Me Over” (1960) from the musical Wildcat with music by Cy Coleman and lyrics by Carolyn Leigh. This version has specially written lyrics to suit the setting.
 The ensemble performs “The Army Air Corps Song” (1917) written by Robert Crawford   
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“SPEAK EASY DAZE” starring Joan Crawford
“Lucy and the Lost Star” (1968) ~ Lucy and Viv discover Joan Crawford  has no furniture and believe she is broke so they arrange to star her in a show so that movie producers will offer her work.  
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The charity show is written by Lucille Carmichael and presented by the Good Samaritan Players. It is never clear if The Good Samaritan Players are an actual group or something that Lucy and Viv made up to protect Crawford’s pride. 
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Lucy plays Rusty, Viv is Cuddles, and Crawford is Cynthia, the new girl at the Speak Easy. Mr. Mooney plays Scarface, a gangster. 
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The show opens in a speakeasy with dancers performing to “I’m Just Wild About Harry,” a song written in 1921 by Eubie Blake for the Broadway show Shuffle Along. The band briefly plays “Ain’t We Got Fun” by Richard A. Whiting, first performed in the revue Satires of 1920. The last song is “The Charleston” by James P. Johnson, which originated in the Broadway show Runnin’ Wild (1923) and became one of the most popular hits of the decade.
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ellie88-blog-blog · 6 months
Christmas in JULY?!
"Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas in July" is a 1979 TV film that intertwines three classic franchises into a unique story of Christmas cheer in July, complete with top-tier stop motion animation.
Do you get irritated when you see Christmas lights and/or decorations out well past the holiday or are you the type of person to leave their holiday decorations out year-round, regardless of what the neighbors think? We’ll you can finally put your differences aside, because Frosty AND Rudolph says it’s ok to celebrate any time of the year. When did they say that? Well, in the 1979 TV Film…
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[Mermaid AU] 
Having rowed the pair of them across the large lake, Bailey soon relaxed against the end of the ship. He was opting to ignore the sound of animals, even if it did sound like their noises were in a tune of a song somehow. Maybe he was just hearing things. The Rooster tilted his head, smiling towards the Eagle in his boat, 
“You know, I feel really bad not knowing your name,” He sits up, giving a small laugh, “Heh - maybe I could  guess.”
Sure, there were a good hundred names out there, but, he has to try. Bailey smiles at him, bringing a finger to his beak as he thinks it over before taking a guest,
“Is it, err, Thomas?”
Bailey can’t help but laugh a little more when the Eagle recoils in near disgust. He lifts his hands and waves them off, 
“O.K., no.  How 'bout - Daniel?” A shake of his head, “Ralph?” 
He begins to hum again, only pausing when he swears a small voice speaks to him. Telling Bailey a name: Richard. Looking to his shoulder, trying to find the source of that little voice,
“Richard?” When they nod, Bailey grins, lifting himself up, “Richard? Well, that’s kinda pretty,” Bailey leans closer and takes a hold of their hands, “O.K. - Richy...” 
| Muse interaction Bailey and Richard had spent all day going around the kingdom, well better to say that Bailey had been near enough dragged around the kingdom by Richard in all his excitement. Not that he could help himself coming to the land had been everything he thought it would be. And everything he never even thought it could be all at once. They had spent the whole together and now as a way to wind down from the day Bailey suggested taking them for a boat ride. More water? That was Richard's first thought but he had never been on a boat so it would be different he guessed. Bailey rowed it out as they seemed to move across the small body of water, Richard looked at Bailey for a moment before turning away. Despite the day, they had the whole only three-day limit was starting to eat at him. This was day two and even though they had been through so much..Bailey still hadn't kissed him yet. What was he not doing right here? He figured this would be easy not being able to talk seemed to matter a lot. Stupid Vald he could see thier dumb face right now. There was still some time right? And then the worst sound imageable interpreting his thoughts as Richard and Bailey turned to find Scuttle in a tree. Singing? Richard wanted to nicely consider the attempt at least. But the sound wasn't good and if anything was making things between bailey and him worse. Oh in truth it was awful and horrible he was begging someone to stop him wishing to just be dragged down into the water even if it made it end sooner. Though Richard now wonders did Bailey sing. were they any good? What else did they like? Not being able to ask sucked. Not even noticing Val had taken things into her own hands on the music. Richard too hung up wondering where to go from here. At Least Val's take on music was far better even if it didn't seem to work. Bailey hardly was looking his way, oh. He stood corrected they were looking over at him now. Moving to sit upright now as they both smiled at each other. Richard felt his heart suddenly flutter inside his chest. Was? Was this the moment? Was Val helping this happen maybe? Taking his chance Richard moved in closer for a kiss and it seemed like Bailey was too, until he pulled away leaving the eagle to see he misread the situation just now. Looks away from the prince wishing, even more, to just be sucked up into the water. Resting his cheek against his hand as he sighed this wasn't going all that great was it now? Feeling discouraged for only a brief moment before Bailey spoke up.
“You know, I feel really bad not knowing your name,”
Richard's attention went back to the rooster, smiling a little at that. It's true they didn't. Richard had been lucky to overhear thier own after all.
“Heh - maybe I could  guess.”
Could they guess his name though? Richard wondered if he was willing to sit and let them try of course but there were a lot of options. Well, what if he did guess it though? for one it makes things a bit easier right? Richard wouldn't just be the handsome mute eagle they found on the beach, right? They would be Richard the extremely handsome eagle they found on the beach. Waiting for Bailey to make his first guess as they tap a finger to thier two-toned beak, unfairly brings attention to. Soon to take back the thought with thier first guess on the name.
“Is it, err, Thomas?”
Thomas? Richard physically recoiled at the guess if he could talk he would be voicing how much he hated that. Bailey had no way of knowing but he couldn't believe they just guessed his father's name of all the names out there and as his own! Shaking his head and let his tongue out to show his clear disgust over the guess alone. Getting Bailey to laugh and hold thier hands up even to offer a sort of apology of thier guess. Waving his hand to wave the whole moment away as they went to continue with thier guessing game.
“O.K., no.  How 'bout - Daniel?”
Richard shook his head at least that name wasn't a personal offense to him but still nowhere near close enough to be Richard's name.
Another shake of his head but that was at least closer so maybe they would get it. Sure Ralph and Richard only shared the first letter placement in common but hey Richard was willing to take anything as a win right now. Bailey seemed deep in thought when suddenly they say it, quietly but he heard them clear enough.
Richard nodded his head and smiled brightly to show they got it. having not seen Val jump in to give the rooster the name to help him out. Far as Richard was concerned they guessed it correctly. Bailey lifted up when seeing how Richard answered yes they repeated it once more as if to confirm thier guess just now was right.
“Richard? Well, that’s kinda pretty,”
Richard smiled even more, as he reached for Bailey's hand out his excitement that they got it right. That had to mean something right? Bailey moved in closer and set a hand over Richard's own smiling back thier way.
“O.K. - Richy...” 
Richy? Richard thought to himself smile still bright and wide aimed at the Prince right now. Richard liked how that sounded, as the boat drift over the water into the veiling of tree branches and leaves. Like a special little space just for the two of them. Lost in Bailey's eyes as they seemed to be holding his gaze this time, he took the moment to just admire the unique coloring. Even with all the treasures Richard had found and kept and all he had to see on the land there was nothing like them. When he noticed Bailey lean in more, Richard hesitated for a moment waiting and watching this time. He didn't want to mistake it again and make Bailey turn away yet, but Bailey kept leaning in so Richard leaned in just a little bit. Watching how Bailey's eyes were slow to close how thier face grew soft, beak puckered out so Richard had to be right this time? Bailey was going in for a kiss letting his eyes close as he lean in any second now thier beaks would meet. Richard's cruse would be lifted and he could explain everything just as soon as thier beaks collied. Instead, though they felt something hit the bottom of the boat, eyes opened wide for another shove as it flipped over and sent the pair of them into the lake. So much for that kiss.
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blueiskewl · 9 months
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Archaeologists Find Statue of the Roman Sea God Triton in Mausoleum
Archaeologists have uncovered a Roman Statue of Triton during excavations in preparation for a housing development in Kent, England.
Archaeologists from the Canterbury Archaeological Trust (CAT) have discovered artifacts, including a mausoleum which is to be buried within a roundabout, which are more than 1,700 years old during an investigative dig related to a new housing development close to London Road in Teynham.
Robert Masefield, Director for RPS, said: “We expected interesting Roman archaeology, perhaps a cemetery, but the finds including the lively and unique statue of a Triton and the mausoleum remains have by far exceeded that. These finds are now part of Teynham’s local legacy and the nations rich Roman story. Further study will place the findings in their full historical context.”
The area, which is being built on by Moat Homes and Chartway Partnerships Group for its Frognal Lane development, follows the ancient Roman Watling Street and during an initial site evaluation, fragments of chalk wall foundations and Roman cremation burials were discovered. As a result, Swale Council, with advice from Kent County Council Heritage Conservation, required a 0.5-hectare archaeological excavation at the site.
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The Canterbury Archaeological Trust (CAT) was tasked with leading the dig, which revealed elements of a 30m square walled enclosure surrounding a c.7m square structure. Further excavations revealed that the structure is a Roman mausoleum containing a Roman coin dating from around 320 to 330 AD. The site also included Roman, and possibly later, burials with various grave goods.
However, the highlight of the findings was the discovery of a stone statue, representing the sea god Triton.
The Triton statue is substantial, appropriately 70cm (27.5 inches tall) and 70cm wide. It weighs more than 132lb (60kg). Archaeologists did not need to dig far. It was only 1.3 feet (40cm) below ground.
In Roman mythology, Triton was the son of Neptune, the god of the sea. The unique stone statue depicts Triton – a merman with the torso of a man and the tail of a fish – riding on a sea monster.
As a demi-god, he could calm the waves by blowing on his conch shell, which he appears to be holding in the uncovered sculpture. That part has been broken off, but the artifact is otherwise in incredible condition. It was carved between the late first century and second century AD.
Dr. Richard Hobbs, senior curator of Roman Britain at the British Museum, told MailOnline it is ‘spectacular’.
He said that, although a few fragments of Triton sculptures are known from Roman Britain, ‘nothing quite like this has been discovered before’.
Excavations are continuing at the site.
By Leman Altuntaş.
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xoxoladyaz · 10 months
AU-gust, Day 3: Writer
TW: References to monster smut and genitalia, Shrek
Robin’s mad at him.
(Well, mad isn’t the right word. Frustrated? Annoyed? Shocked by his enduring stupidity? All of those are probably better options.)
“Seriously, dingus? You haven’t told him yet?!”
Steve anxiously ran his fingers through his no-longer perfectly-styled coif. “I’ve tried, Robin! It’s just kind of hard to tell the guy that you’re falling in love with that you write monster porn for a living!”
It had started when he was a senior in college, reeling from his break-up with Nancy and trying desperately to find anything to distract himself from his heartbreak. It was a total joke at first, trying to find the cringiest romances he could find and reading them with Robin as they got progressively more and more drunk on whatever cheap booze he’d squirreled away from Tommy that week. But then one night he found himself in bed crying when Matthias the Minotaur sacrificed his life for his one-true love and he couldn’t stand it because Matthias deserved a happy ending after everything he’d been through and Steve had read enough of these books, for fuck’s sake, he could write a better ending!
It was just a hobby for a while, a secret shame that got him through the doldrums of working for his father while trying to figure out what he wanted to do next. Steve could never keep anything from Robin, though, and while she initially teased him for writing “monster porn,” after she read one of his stories she demanded he submit it to some indie romance publishing houses and she didn’t give up until he had done so and now – well, now Steve was making a truly obscene amount of money off of his many, many monstrous and paranormal romance books (with Robin as his editor, of course) and had kissed his shitty parents goodbye.
(And if his pen name was his father’s name, which meant that anytime someone googled “Richard Harrington” the first thing that popped up were book titles like “Prisoner of the Gargoyle’s Heart” and not his father’s incredibly influential law office, well, that was just payback for twenty-five years of bullshit.)
The thing is, Steve isn’t even ashamed of it, not really. He’s always been a kinky guy, first of all, and besides, it’s not all about the sex (although his sex scenes are some of the best in the business and he hadn’t shied away from writing queer books when the rest of the world had.) What he liked most about the stories he wrote was that regardless of what his monsters had looked like, or lived through, or done in their past, or where they’d come from, they all found someone who loved them because of their differences - because of their monstrousness – and not in spite of it.
(And yeah, okay, he liked the sex stuff too. Who wouldn’t want to fuck a dragon with two dicks? Or Prince Titian, the golden-haired merman who had both sets of humanoid genitalia? Or Neptus, the half-man, half-octopus who had all those huge tentacles - )
“Dingus. Stop thinking about Neptus.”
“Huh?” Steve asked, shaking his head. “How did you - ”
“Because I know you, Steve Harrington, and there’s only one person slash fictional entity that you get that weird horny look for and honestly, I could have lived my entire life without knowing about your tentacle thing - ”
“ROBIN, it’s not – I don’t have a tentacle thing ­- ”
“ – but we can deal with your weird fetishes another day, right now we need to discuss why your boyfriend still thinks that you’re an accountant and the fact that you need to tell your boyfriend about your job so I can tell my girlfriend about my job so she understands why I need so much therapy and why I know so much about your sexual preferences - ”
“Jesus, Robin, I got it, I got it!” Steve stood and headed for his minibar. “Look, it’s not – it’s not that I don’t want to tell him, it’s just – people can get kind of weird about it.”
“Yeah, and those people suck,” Robin replied as she followed after him. “But Eddie isn’t Nancy or Tommy or Cheryl or Brad or Kel, he’s Eddie.”
“Yeah, world-famous-high-fantasy-author-Eddie-Munson! He’s, like, actually legit Robin! He’s won the Hugo Award twice!”
“He also likes to go to the Renaissance fair dressed up as a faun and annoy people by playing the pipes, Steve. And you’ve seen his weird monster dildo collection which I know you have too - ”
“I know, I know!” Steve exclaimed as he poured both himself and Robin a glass of Merlot. “I just,” Steve turned to face Robin and sighed. “I’m just scared, Robin. Like, it hasn’t even been that long but he makes me feel – I don’t even know, like, I haven’t felt this way about someone since Nancy, you know? And Eddie - this feels like it could be more than that. Like a forever sort of thing.”
Robin sighed and leaned her head against his shoulder. “I know, dingus. And I know that people have you given you all kinds of shit in the past, but that’s not going to be Eddie. And if it is Eddie, I will kick his ass into the ocean and feed him to your squid-man.”
“Neptus isn’t a squid man, Robin - ”
Robin was right, of course. Robin was always right.
(Except for when it came to best Marvel movie, she said Civil War when everyone knew that Thor: Ragnarok was the superior film.)
Robin was right, it was time for Steve to tell Eddie the truth. And Steve had known that too, knew that stretching it much longer than two months would probably end really, really badly, especially if Eddie didn’t take it well, but enough of his relationships (romantic and otherwise) had been ruined by people just not understanding or not caring enough to try to understand his stories or why he loved what he did, but Eddie was different. Successful and handsome and creative and intelligent? Sure, Steve had dated people who had all those qualities before. But only Eddie Munson spent hours on the phone with Steve’s friends, talking them through their D&D related problems. Only Eddie Munson showed up on their first date with flowers for Steve, when Steve was the one who normally had to go all out for his partner. 
And only Eddie Munson would learn Steve’s favorite Taylor Swift songs in his free time (instead of the latest Metallica or Ghost) because he wanted to make Steve smile, which is what Eddie was in the middle of doing when Steve finally worked up the nerve to tell him. 
“The stakes are high, the water’s rough, but this love is - ”
“Hey, uh, Eddie? I kind of need to tell you something,” Steve interrupted him as he walked into the living room, beers in hand.
Eddie stopped what he was doing at Steve’s entrance and beamed, setting his acoustic guitar off to the side. “Everything alright, angel?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah, I just – here,” Steve handed him a beer. He waited until Eddie had taken a sip (and swallowed) before continuing. “I, uh, well – look, we’ve been dating for two months now - ”
“Two months, three days and fourteen hours,” Eddie winked as he took another sip.
“ – and – right,” Steve flushed bright red at the look in Eddie’s eyes. “Right. Uh, anyways, we’ve been dating for two months and I just thought it was time to tell you and – okay, it’s not a big deal but it is kind of a big deal? But not what you’re probably thinking, I’m not, like, married or anything, I – I’m not an accountant, okay, I’m a writer!”
“I know.”
“ – not, like, a normal writer, I write – wait, what?” Steve gaped at Eddie. “You – what?!”
“Baby,” Eddie started slowly, his finger running in tempting circles around the rim of his beer, “you know I know people in the romance world, right?”
“I – what? You knew this whole time?”
“Yep,” Eddie shot Steve a sultry smirk along with another wink. “I knew exactly who you were when I asked you out, big boy. Or, I knew who Robin was and I put two and two together.”
“I – how?!”
“Baby, you didn’t even change your last name.”
Steve just sat there in stunned silence while Eddie continued to sip on his beer, a teasing gleam in his eyes. “But – I – and you’re okay with it?”
At that, Eddie’s smile grew a bit more serious, and he set his beer down on the coffee table so he could hold Steve’s hands in his. “Of course I am, sweetheart. You’re insanely talented, Stevie.”
“I – I write porn, Eddie. With monsters in it.”
“I know, it’s stupidly hot.”
“But you – it could hurt your career if people found out,” Steve said softly, sadly, squeezing Eddie’s hands. “People – people would give you so much shit, Eddie.”
Eddie squeezed back. “Steve, my nickname was ‘The Freak’ in high school. I was a poor kid with shitty parents who was raised in a trailer park. People have given me shit my entire life and frankly, I couldn’t give a flying fuck about what anyone said about you and your writing. If anything, people are going to ask me what the fuck someone as handsome and gifted as you is doing with someone like me.”
Steve snorted and Eddie let out a laugh. “I mean it! You’re like Prince Charming or some shit and I’m the ogre living in the swamp.”
Eddie froze for a few seconds before a maniacal grin overtook his face.
“Stevie, baby, have you ever considered a sexy Shrek retelling?”
“No. No.”
(“There’s an Ogre in His Swamp” was released on April Fool’s Day the following year. The author, Richard Harrington, posted a dedication in this book, the first of many that he would dedicate to his husband, E. W. Munson:
To my Ogre – thank you for being my happily ever after.)
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pricetagofficial · 1 year
The Little Merman -D.G. Part One
Warnings: fluff, angst, magic, arguing between family, language, arranged marriage.
Pairing: Merman! Dick Grayson x Reader
Word Count: 3.8K
A/N: Hello! I hope you all enjoy this! I’ve been working away at it for several months now, not to mention how long I’ve been marinating this in my head. Big thanks to @offendedfishnoises​ for helping me and being my beta for everything. I hope you know how much I appreciate it. 
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Dick was a good kid, he swears. He always came home on time, his teachers had little to no complaints about him, and was even a model prince for his brothers and sisters. Bruce, the king of the undersea world was proud to call Dick his son, taking him in after his parents perished in a tragic fishing accident.
The only thing that would be questionable about the crown prince, Richard Grayson, is that he was as Alfred liked to say, spirited. Dick wanted to explore, he wanted to live his life before he was tied down never to experience new things again before he was to take over for Bruce. 
That’s what led him to where you were, sitting on your little boat watching your beautiful merman bring you shells and treasures from the deep. All he wanted in return was for you to give him human stuff.
The fading blue scales on his face reflected the sunlight matching those of his tail, his eyes almost as blue as the ocean you floated on. His hair was wet and plastered to his forehead, his tanned skin covered in little droplets. 
“So, what did you bring me today my fine fishy friend?” 
Dick chuckled at the name, he hadn’t given you his name for his and your safety. Most likely nothing would come of it, but he couldn’t risk it. Not when you began to mean more to him than a simple trade partner. 
Lifting his bag out of the ocean water, Dick sat it on the floor of your boat. Inside you saw beautiful shells, and even fresh pearls right out of the clam. Dick watched your expression morph into wonder as you looked at them all. The way your eyes lit up made his stomach flip. 
“These are beautiful! You didn’t fight off a vicious shark or something did you?” 
Dick’s laughter rang through your ears, flexing his arms making his bicep curl. “Oh totally,” he grinned, looking at you. “The toughest of sharks, through the darkest of depths.” 
Leaning over the edge of the boat, you smiled at him. “Well, you are very brave,” you beamed, fluffing his ego. “I have some little trinkets from back home that I thought you would like.” 
Reaching into your satchel, you rummaged around to find the items you planned to give to him. Lucky for you, your merman friend was easily satisfied with mere human trinkets. You pulled out a candelabra, it wasn’t old but it was a little scuffed and dirty.
Nonetheless, the excitement on his face when you handed it to him made your world that much brighter. It humbled you some to see just how something so simple could make your fishy friend so happy. 
Taking it from you, Dick eagerly turned it around in his hands and put it on his head. “Does it work like this?” he asked. 
Covering your laughter, you nodded, not having the heart to tell him otherwise. 
“It looks perfect,” Leaning over the edge of the boat, you rested your arms on the rim with your chin on top. 
Who’d have thought that you’d make friends with a creature of the sea, a creature that was undeniably handsome in his own right. It wasn’t until the sun began to set that you noticed how late you were getting back home. Sadly the kingdom wasn’t going to run itself, even when you had advisors to help. 
Dick turned to see the sunsetting and a sad smile formed on his face. His time with you was growing short, and he hated it every time. If only there was something within his power he could do to stay with you longer, but Bruce would never go for that. 
Letting out a sigh, Dick pulled himself up to look at you. “When can I see you again?” he couldn’t hide the hope in his voice, as he watched you like you were the only person on Earth. 
Meeting his gaze, you couldn’t fight the smile at his excitement but you knew this wasn’t going to last forever. 
“How about three days from now, same time?” 
Dick nodded vigorously. “Sounds perfect, see you then human.” 
“See you then, fishboy.” you smiled, before waving and rowing off back towards the shore. 
Watching as you disappeared beyond the horizon, Dick dove back under the water holding his new treasure close to him. He couldn’t help but feel all the more happier after his meetings with you, and it wasn’t just the new treasures each time. 
Dick thought the way you smiled was adorable, and how you seemed to hang on every word from one of his stories made him feel like he was swimming on air. 
Swimming his way to his hideout, Dick quietly snuck in before storing it with all the new things you gave him. It occurred to Dick that he never asked what it was called though, he’ll just have to ask you in a few days. 
Once he knew it was safe, Dick made his way out and back home. 
The undersea kingdom was anything but dull. The coral palace glimmered in the light reflecting through the surface, as Dick approached it. He knew it would be late by the time he came home, but Dick had to meet you again. 
Lucky for him, the patrol may have been thorough, but they didn’t account for five younger siblings who would cover for him. Looking up towards his room, Dick could see Tim poking his head out the window and waving him on frantically. 
Taking one look around, Dick swam up and in his window before any of the guards came back. Letting himself fall onto his bed, Dick let out a sigh. 
“Thanks, Tim.” he chuckled. 
“Don’t thank me, it was Duke who memorized the route and Cass who made sure Bruce was out before you got home.” 
Looking around, Dick noticed that it was only Tim who was there waiting for him. Judging by the dull red and yellow scales on his face, he was exhausted. Where was Jason, and Damian? There was no sign of green or red anywhere. He assumed Duke and cass were off distracting Bruce. 
“You look tired Timmers, why don’t you get some rest?” 
Tim spared his brother a look, “I can't, I have to plan this thing and Steph promised to help me out.” 
“Speaking of our purple friend, how is she?” 
Slumping down on the bed beside him, Tim leaned on his shoulder. “She’s good, school has been treating her well.” 
“Good, but hey thanks for helping me out again.” 
Tim nodded with a smile, “We’re family, what are we supposed to do?” 
“Keep him inside, that would be a good place to start.”
Glancing at the door, Dick watched Jason swim his way in with a glare on his face. 
“Nice to see you too, Jay.” 
Crossing his arms, Jason came to a stop in front of him. “One of these days, you’re going to get caught or worse.”
“Since when did you become the voice of reason?”
“Since I died, Timbo.” 
Dick rolled his eyes, “I’m being safe. She doesn’t know my name, let alone that I’m royalty or even where the castle is. We meet not too far off the coast from where she lives, and–” 
“And, humans can’t be trusted.” 
“Jason will you–” 
“No, I will not. Dick, there is more to think about than just yourself. What do you think would happen if you got hurt by a human?” 
“I won’t–” 
Jason let out an annoyed groan, pulling at his own hair. The dark red scales on his face seeming to get brighter with his anger. “Enough with the I won’t! You’ll never know until you do get hurt!” 
This seemed to be an opportune time for Duke to swim into the room with an uneasy look on his face. “Am I interrupting?” 
“Well, whatever this is, shelve it cause Bruce needs you Dick.” 
Letting out a groan, Dick dropped his head before rising off the bed. “Alright, I’ll be on my way in a second.” Casting Jason and Tim one last look, Dick gave them a smile. 
“I’ll be okay, you just have to trust me.” With that, he swam out of the room passing Damian and Cassandra on his way to the throne room. 
Waving at them, Dick flashed his signature smile and continued on his way. Whatever it was that Bruce wanted to talk to him about, Dick wanted it over and done with quickly so he could show Wally his new thingamabob?
No, that didn’t sound right. Whatchamajig?
No. Dick settled with calling it a new headdress and left it at that. 
The guards in front of the throne room opened the doors for him, letting Dick enter the massive room where Bruce sat talking to his most trusted advisor, Alfred the crab. 
Alfred had been at Bruce’s side since before Dick was ever adopted, basically raising him when his parents died. Seemed to be a common theme for them. 
Swimming up to the tall throne, he stopped just short of Bruce and raised a brow. “What’s up B? Duke said you needed me for something?” 
Breaking his conversation with Alfred, Bruce turned to look at his oldest. “Ah, yes. I do indeed need to speak with you about a rather important matter.” 
“I’ll be taking my leave Master Bruce, I’ll be in my chambers.” 
“Very well, get some rest.” 
Alfred nodded and made his way out of the room, leaving Dick and Bruce alone. A long silence stretched between them, Dick folding his hands behind his back while his tail kept him afloat. Bruce however, was as stoic as always. 
He watched Dick with a calculated glance, as if he was trying to figure out to break some ocean secrets to him. 
It didn’t calm Dick’s nerves at all.
Letting out a sigh, Bruce rose out of the chair. “You know I want what’s best for you, right? For all of you?” 
Dick nodded, “Yeah, it’s the whole point of being a dad.”
Bruce smiled at that, “You’re right. But it’s not just you all that I need to watch out for, I have a whole kingdom that needs my attention and sometimes that means making sacrifices.” 
Dick did not like where this was going. 
“I want you taken care of Dick, and if that means joining forces with a neighboring kingdom then so be it.” 
“Bruce, we’ve all been okay enough with only one parental figure. Not sure how Dami would take it if you married someone other than Talia, but he would come around I’m sure.” 
“I’m not talking about myself, Dick. You’ve been on good terms with the princess of Tameran for a long time, her parents and I agreed that it would benefit both of our kingdoms if we united in a bond more sacred than a simple treaty.” 
Dick really did not like where this was going, at all. “And what kind of bond is that, B?” 
“You and Kori are set to be married before the end of the season.” 
There was a really long pause, the only thing to be heard was Dick’s breath catching in his throat. The look on Bruce’s face told Dick that he was completely serious, and that there was little room for compromise. 
“Bruce, did you even think to ask me before you agreed?” 
“Dick, I–” 
His face grew hot, and his temper flared. “You what, Bruce? You decided to marry me off without so much as telling me, let alone asking if I wanted to marry her?” 
“This isn’t just something you refuse, Dick.” Bruce stated, narrowing his eyes. “I’m doing this for you and the good of the kingdom.” 
“For me!? Bruce! How is this for me?” he snapped. 
The dark scales on Bruce’s face flared with his anger. “You are my son, and I know what is best for you. You are marrying Princess Koriand’r and that is final.” 
Turning away from him, Dick scoffed at his back. “So that’s it? You’re just going to tell me how to live my life, not even bothering to ask if it will make me happy?” 
Bruce kept his back to him with a frown. “You’ll understand when you have children of your own.” 
“Yeah, I’ll understand the fact that marrying them off is barbaric, no matter who it’s to. I’m not getting married Bruce, I–” 
“I am your father and you’re getting married!” 
“No you’re not, and you can’t make me.” Before either of them said another word, Dick swam off out of the room ignoring the shouts from behind him.
How could Bruce do this to him, let alone without asking? He’d never do this to any of the others, it didn’t matter if he was the oldest. It wasn’t fair, Dick loved Kori but they weren’t more than friends. 
The only person he wanted to marry was from another world, and he couldn’t have you. 
Disappearing through the seaweed forest, Dick didn’t stop until he made it to his secret hideaway. Pushing back the stone, Dick moved behind it before it closed shut. He needed to be alone, and think. 
There was no way he was getting married, he had to make Bruce see reason. 
“Hey, uh Dick? You okay?” 
Jumping at the sound of his friend’s voice, Dick swerved to see a certain orange little fish. 
“Wally, what are you doing here?” 
“You think I didn’t know you were meeting your little human friend?” 
“You’re a fish, what do you know?” 
“Enough to know that you are half fish, and that it would never work between you and her. Not unless you planned on selling your soul to the sea demon or something.” 
That piqued Dick’s interest, “Say that again?” 
Wally held his flippers over his mouth. “What? I didn’t say anything.” 
Swimming closer, Dick leaned closer coming face to face with Wally. “No, you said something. Sea demon? You mean Slade? You think he would work something out so I can be with her?” 
Shaking his head, Wally gasped. “You can’t make a deal with him! There is always a cost with his deals, you know that!” 
Whatever argument Wally had, it wasn’t going to work. Dick’s mind was already made up, he was going to make a deal with Slade and get out of this ridiculous marriage. Ignoring Wally’s protests, Dick looked around for one last thing. Depending on what happened to him, he wanted to bring one last gift for you. 
Letting out a little “aha”, he wrapped his hand around the little bit of sea glass and tied it to a string he had laying around before pulling it over his head. 
“Dick! You can’t be seriously thinking about this!” 
“Wally, you’re not going to be able to stop me so just come with me.” 
“And where would that be, Master Richard?” 
Dick stilled in his place and turned to see Alfred there, with an unamused look on his face. 
“Dick is going to see Slade and make a deal!” 
“Master Richard, I strongly advise against that. You know as well as I that Slade is not to be trusted.” 
Dick sighed, “You’re not going to change my mind. Either you’re coming with me, or you’re staying.” 
Wally and Alfred shared a look. “Alright fine.” 
With that, Dick swam out of his hideaway and towards the darkest depths of the ocean. 
Throughout the journey, Wally and Alfred tried their hardest to convince Dick to stop and go back and try to talk it out with Bruce. But if they knew anything, Dick was just as stubborn as Bruce if not more so. Getting him to change his mind would take a miracle. 
“Master Richard, please listen to reason!” Alfred called as he swam after him. 
“You and I both know Bruce is never going to change his mind. I love Kori, but we are just friends.” 
“But Dick! This is Slade we are talking about! He–” 
“Wally, I will leave you out here in the middle of the ocean if you tell me he is a soul sucking monster one more time.” 
The rest of the journey was silent, Dick’s two companions deciding to drop the argument for now.
The further they swam, the darker the water got, until it was almost pitch black with an odd glow off in the distance. A shiver ran up Dick’s spine at the sudden temperature change. He knew they were getting closer because the plant life around them was beginning to die, turning a sick yellow color, before it was all black and wilted. 
Pushing himself between a large crack in a cave, Dick came upon the sight of a massive cave with the same purple light shining through the entrance. Taking a deep breath, Dick squared his shoulders and swam towards the entrance. 
Wally and Alfred stuck close to Dick’s side, not liking the sudden change in atmosphere. The cave was cold and dark as the three of them slowly made their way through, following the sound of clanging bottles and idle chatter. 
Was someone else already here? 
Chewing his lip, Dick slowly swam towards the opening in front of them. Having heard lots of stories about Slade, Dick wasn’t sure what to expect. He’s heard that Slade and Bruce used to be friends, there were even rumors that he had something to do with Jason coming back from the dead, and even that he had a hand in many of the other tragedies that happened. 
All rumors for the simple fact no one could prove anything, not even Bruce. 
The only rumor that reigned true, was the fact Slade was half octopus, cursed by Bruce as punishment for the crimes they could prove against him.
Dick opened his mouth to speak before he was interrupted. 
“What brings you here, young prince?” 
It was like Dick’s voice was stolen from him. “I–I–” he stammered, trying to come up with a proper answer. 
Maybe Alfred and Wally were right, this was a bad idea. 
“You want me to help you and your little human friend be together, is that it?” 
Dick stared at his back, confusion written all over his face. 
“How did you know that?” 
A smirk grew on Slade’s face before he turned to look at the young merprince with him. 
“They don’t call me Slade the Sea Demon for no reason, kid.” 
“I’m not a kid.” 
Dick’s face grew hot. Just who did this octopus bastard think he was? “So what if that’s the reason I’m here?” 
Slade’s grin only grew, “So what?” he asked. “It’s the fact you came to me to make a deal,” 
Swimming closer, Slade crossed his arms over his chest and stared Dick down. “I know everything that goes on in this ocean, more than Bruce ever did. He doesn’t have the guts to go to the lengths I will to ensure things are running smoothly, and none of them included an arranged marriage.” 
Listening to his words, Dick was even more confused. Just what was so bad about him? 
“So you know then, I am to be married off to someone I don’t love.” 
“Of course I know, I know everything down to the darkest desires of your heart Richard. And that is why you came to me.” 
Dick swallowed hard, watching as Slade leaned down in his face. “Then you know what I want.” 
“And what is that?” 
“I want you to make me human.” 
Moving so he was upright, Slade hummed. “For a spell like that, it takes a magically binding contract. Completely unbreakable, even by me.” he explained, pulling one out of thin air and holding the golden document in front of Dick. 
“But this isn’t a get a spell for free card kid, I need proper payment for this or you’ll become like everyone else.” 
Dick’s face turned uncertain at those words. “What do you mean, like everyone else?” 
All Slade did was point behind the three visitors, and it was then Dick saw the garden of dead plants behind them. But dead plants don’t normally have eyes. 
They weren’t plants he realized, they were living creatures reaching out for him to help them. Their voices were hoarse and weak, calling out his name like they knew him. 
Quickly turning back to Slade, Dick glared. “What did you do to them?” he demanded. 
“I did nothing. They didn’t hold up their end of the agreement.” 
It was starting to set in that this was probably Dick’s worst idea yet. 
“If I were to go through with this, what would you want from me?” 
Slade tapped his chin in thought, resting back against his massive cauldron as if he was mulling over his options. “Alright kid, you want me to make you human? Trade your voice for legs, and you will have three days to make this girl fall in love with you. If you fail, you will turn back into a merman, and you will belong to me.” 
“I–” he stopped. “You want my voice?” 
Slade nodded. 
“Without my voice how can I tell her–” 
“You’re smart. I’m sure you’ll figure something out with those baby blues of yours.” he grinned. 
Dick’s face grew hot, losing his voice couldn’t be that bad. It was a lot better than being forced into a marriage, and Dick knew he loved you and that he would do anything for you. 
“I’ll do it.” 
“Dick no!” 
Before Wally or Alfred could object further, Slade’s tentacles wrapped around them and their mouths effectively shutting them up.
Slade’s face morphed into something Dick couldn’t recognize. “Perfect.” 
Pulling out the contract, Slade held it out in front of him with a quill. “Sign the dotted line, and you’ll be human Prince Richard.”
Glancing at his friends, and Slade, Dick hesitated. Was this really the right thing to do?
Feeling the weight of the sea glass around his neck, Dick grasped it in his hand and let out a breath. Grabbing the quill, he signed his name on the dotted line. 
Suddenly, the whole cave turned dark and Dick couldn’t see anything. “Remember Richard, three days.” Slade’s voice echoed. 
There was a flash followed by a loud crack, and Dick couldn’t breathe anymore. Looking around, he saw Wally and Alfred coming right at him with a worried look on their face. Black spots clouded Dick’s vision. What was going on? 
Clinging to Wally and Alfred for dear life, they swam as fast as they could to the surface before Dick drowned. Breaching the surface, Dick held onto Wally as they floated, gasping for air. Glancing down, instead of his tail Dick saw a pair of legs. 
An excited expression formed on his face before he turned to his friend. Opening his mouth to speak, Dick frowned as nothing came out. 
Slade’s voice echoed in his mind. Dick had three days to kiss you, or he would turn back and be a slave to Slade for all eternity. 
What has he done?
Taglist: @bluejay-the-geek​ @offendedfishnoises​ @littleredwing89​ @niggxrette​ @batarella​ @urlocalpari​ @restwellsoon​ 
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pers-books · 5 months
The 2024 Shortlist
The BBC’s 13th Annual Celebration of Audio Drama
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2023 marked the centenary year for audio/radio drama at the BBC. For 100 years of this unique genre, audio drama and comedy have provided enjoyment, diversion, illumination, insight and escape for listeners, evolving in approach and style as audio practitioners have responded to new ideas and technology with ingenuity, imagination and inspiration. These awards celebrate the creativity of actors, writers, directors, producers, musicians, sound designers and all who work in this vibrant art-form.
The winners will be announced on Sunday 24 March 2024 in a ceremony in the Radio Theatre at BBC Broadcasting House London. The winners of the Imison and Tinniswood Awards (judged and administered by the Society of Authors and the Writers’ Guild of Great Britain) will also be announced at this ceremony.
Best Original Single Drama
Benny and Hitch by Andrew McCaldon, producers Neil Varley and Tracey Neale, BBC Audio Drama London
Churchill versus Reith by Mike Harris, producer Gary Brown, BBC Audio Drama North
Dear Harry Kane by James Fritz, producer Sally Avens, BBC Audio Drama London
Eat and Run by Paolo Chianta, producer Lorna Newman, BBC Audio Drama North
Rare Earth by Richard Monks, producer Nicolas Jackson, Afonica
Voices From the End of the World by Lucy Catherine, producer Sasha Yevtushenko, BBC Audio Drama London
Best Adaptation
The Age of Anxiety by W.H.Auden, adapted by Robin Brooks, producer Fiona McAlpine, Allegra Productions
Beowulf Retold based on the version by Seamus Heaney, producer Pauline Harris, BBC Audio Drama London
Bess Loves Porgy by Edwin DuBose Heyward, adapted by Roy Williams, producer Gill Parry, feral inc
The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper, adapted by Robert Macfarlane and Simon McBurney, producer Catherine Bailey, Catherine Bailey Productions and Complicite
If on a Winter’s Night a Traveller by Italo Calvino, adapted by Tim Crouch and Toby Jones, producer Nadia Molinari, BBC Audio Drama North
One Moonlit Night by Caradog Prichard, adapted by Rhiannon Boyle, producer Emma Harding, BBC Cymru Wales
Best Original Series or Serial
The 5000 by Sebastian Baczkiewicz, producers Gaynor Macfarlane, BBC Scotland
An Eye for a Killing by Colin Macdonald, producer Bruce Young, BBC Scotland
Flirties, written and produced by Jess Simpson, Audiocraft
There’s Something I Need to Tell You by John Scott Dryden and Misha Kawnel, producer Emma Hearn, Goldhawk Productions
The Tomb by Sebastian Baczkiewicz, producer Joby Waldman, Reduced Listening
Trust by Jonathan Hall, producer Gary Brown, BBC Audio Drama North
Best Actor
Hiran Abeysekera, Dear Harry Kane, director Sally Avens, BBC Audio Drama London
Max Irons, The Bronze Horseman, director Susan Roberts, BBC Audio Drama North
Toby Jones, If on a Winter’s Night a Traveller, director Nadia Molinari, BBC Audio Drama North
Lorn Macdonald, Confessions of a Justified Sinner, director Kirsty Williams, BBC Scotland
Tim McInerny, Benny & Hitch, director Tracey Neale, BBC Audio Drama London
Tom Walker, Call Jonathan Pie, Alison Vernon-Smith, Yada-Yada Audio
Best Actress
Gabrielle Brooks, Bess Loves Porgy, director Michael Buffong, feral inc
Dinita Gohil, Victory City, producer Alison Crawford, BBC Bristol
Maxine Peake, The Women of Troy, director Nadia Molinari, BBC Audio Drama North
Rosamund Pike, People Who Knew Me, director Daniella Isaacs, Merman
Lydia Wilson, Happy Birthday, Mr President, director Gaynor Macfarlane, BBC Scotland
Fenella Woolgar, Lines in the Sand: The Journeys of Gertrude Bell, director Jessica Mitic, BBC Audio Drama North
Best Supporting Performance
Sacha Dhawan, Anna Karenina, director Nadia Molinari, BBC Audio Drama North
Erin Doherty, The Seagull, director Toby Swift, BBC Audio Drama London
Mark Heap, Kafka’s Dick, director Dermot Daly, Naked Productions
Sophia Del Pizzo, There’s Something I Need to Tell You, director John Scott Dryden, Goldhawk Productions
The Marc Beeby Award for Best Debut Performance
Izzy Campbell, Of a Night, director Jessica Mitic, BBC Audio Drama North
Rosie Ekenna, Faith, Hope and Glory, director Anastasia Osei-Kuffour, BBC Audio Drama London
Rosalind Eleazar, Hindsight, director Gaynor Macfarlane, BBC Scotland
Jadie Rose Hobson, Exposure, director Anne Isger, BBC Audio Drama London
Dan Parr, The Test Batter Can’t Breathe, director Tracey Neale, BBC Audio Drama London
Olivia Triste, Rise, director Dermot Daly, Naked Productions
Best Sit Com or Comedy Drama
Call Jonathan Pie by Tom Walker, producer Alison Vernon-Smith, Yada-Yada Audio
Kat Sadler’s Screen Time by Kat Sadler and Cameron Loxdale, producer Gwyn Rhys Davies, BBC Studios Audio
Michael Spicer: Before Next Door by Michael Spicer, producer Matt Tiller, Starstruck Media
Mockery Manor by Lindsay Sharman, producer Laurence Owen, Long Cat Media
She Stoops to Conquer by Oliver Goldsmith, adapted by Barunka O’Shaughnessy, producer Emma Harding, BBC Cymru Wales
Where to, Mate? devised by Jo Enright, Peter Slater, Abdullah Afzal, Nina Gilligan, Andy Salthouse, Keith Carter, Jason Wingard, producer Carl Cooper, BBC Studios Audio
Best Stand Up Comedy
Daliso Chaponda: Citizen of Nowhere by Daliso Chaponda, additional material Meryl O’Rourke, producer Carl Cooper, BBC Studios Audio
Janey Godley: The C Bomb by Janey Godley, producers Julia Sutherland and Richard Melvin, Dabster Productions
Maisie Adam: The Beautiful Game by Maisie Adam, producer Georgia Keating, BBC Studios Audio
Olga Koch: OK Computer by Olga Koch and Charlie Dinkin, producer Benjamin Sutton, BBC Studios Audio
Rob Newman on Air by Rob Newman, producer Eloise Whitmore, Naked Productions
Sarah Keyworth: Are You a Boy or a Girl by by Sarah Keyworth, additional material Ruby Clyde, producer James Robinson, BBC Studios Audio
Best Use of Sound
The Adventurers, sound by Alisdair McGregor, producer Boz Temple-Morris, Holy Mountain
The Dark is Rising, sound by Gareth Fry, producer Catherine Bailey, Catherine Bailey Productions and Complicité
Hamlet Noir, sound by David Chilton, Lucinda Mason Brown, Weronika Andersen, producers Charlotte Melén, Carl Prekopp and Saskia Black, Almost Tangible
Slow Air, sound by Alisdair McGregor and Eloise Whitmore, producer Polly Thomas, Naked Productions
Voices From the End of the World, sound by Peter Ringrose, producer Sasha Yevtushenko, BBC Audio Drama London
The Women of Troy, sound by Sharon Hughes, producer Nadia Molinari, BBC Audio Drama North
Best Podcast Audio Drama
Badger and the Blitz by Richard Turley and Darren Francis, producer Richard Turley, Roxo Ltd
Below by Aaron Gray and Paul Skillen, producer John Wakefield, HTM Television
Flirties, written and produced by Jess Simpson, Audiocraft
The Haunter of the Dark – The Lovecraft Investigations by Julian Simpson, producer Sarah Tombling, Sweet Talk Productions
The Salvation by Justin Lockey, Jeffrey Aidoo, and AK Benedict, producers John Hamm and Boz Temple-Morris, Holy Mountain and Free Turn
Tagged by Brett Neichin and John Scott Dryden, producer Emma Hearn, Sony Music Entertainment and Goldhawk Productions
Best European Drama
Evicted by Karel Klostermann, adapted by Tomáš Loužný, producer Renata Venclová, CZR Czech Radio
Faust (I Never Read It) by Noam Brusilovsky, producer Andrea Oetzmann, SWR Südwestrundfunk with Deutschlandfunk
Irina’s Soul Is Like a Precious Piano by Rona Žulj, producer Katja Šimunić, Croatian Radiotelevision
The Sick Bag Song by Nick Cave, adapted by Kai Grehn, producer Lina Kokaly, Radio Bremen
The Supervisor by Nis-Momme Stockmann, producer Michael Becker, NDR Norddeutscher Rundfunk
This Word by Marta Rebzda, producer Waldemar Modestowicz, Polish Radio Theatre
-- WooHOO! The Haunter of the Dark, part 4 of The Lovecraft Investigations, is up for a BBC Audio Drama Award! I am made up!
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