#[ thank you for sending this in!!! ]
luimagines · 26 days
Sorry to bother you, but I recently read your Legend-centric "Mirror Mirror" one shot. It was SUPER cute, I couldn't get enough. So, I did a quick doodle based on a scene near the end! I hope you don't mind. ^^"
Thank you for all the awesome writing, have a good day/night!
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firstelevens · 5 months
Hi! For the Bake Off AU, I'm begging for a look back at two things in particular (because I'm greedy, no apologies): what was Sam and Bucky's first encounter like? And what was Bucky's final straw that made him realize he actually had feelings for Sam? If you don't get to these that's fine--seriously, thanks for the AU in the first place!
Thank you so much for reading and always having such kind things to say about the AU! As far as realizing his feelings for Sam, rather than a single moment of realization tipping over into big feelings, I think that Bake Off Bucky—to borrow a phrase from Jane Austen—was in the middle before he knew he’d begun. Here’s a first encounter, though!
Admittedly, when Sam had flirted with the Prince Charming looking dude who he met on his morning run, he hadn’t meant for it to be anything more than that. They’d tossed a little friendly trash talk back and forth and that should have been the end of it, except then they’d run into each other while heading back towards the hotel, and it eventually came out that they were both in town for Bake Off.
When his new running buddy—Steve, apparently—had asked whether Sam wanted to join him for breakfast, it had been an easy yes. Other people might not be on reality shows to make friends, but Sam has been cracking jokes for weeks now about Bake Off essentially being summer camp, and what’s summer camp without camp friends?
They’d chatted companionably on their way to the diner that had apparently been recommended to Steve by a friend (it had sounded like his name was Dumb-Dumb, but Sam was fairly certain he’d misheard it), and Sam had asked whether Steve had run into any other fellow contestants yet. He’d been expecting to hear about a run-in in the lobby or a shared ride from the airport, but instead Steve had lit up and animatedly begun explaining how his best friend had applied for Bake Off, too, just so Steve wouldn’t have to go through the process alone, and they’d both ended up getting cast in the season.
It’s an admittedly sweet gesture, and from the other ways that Steve describes his best friend, Sam is expecting the person who’s joining them for breakfast to have the same golden retriever energy that Steve does. Their booth has Sam facing the door, so he glances up at it periodically as he and Steve get their coffee and look through the menu.
The first time the door opens, it’s an elderly lady who takes a seat at the counter. 
The second time, it’s a delivery.. 
The third time, it’s a broad-shouldered dude wearing all black and a scowl.
Sam turns to Steve, who’s busy stirring cream into his coffee. “Are you sure your friend didn’t get lost? Should you call him or something?”
“I’m sure he’s fine; it just takes him a while to get moving in the mornings,” Steve says, waving a hand. “He once called me a masochist for getting up before six to run.”
Sam starts to laugh, but breaks off as he watches Tall Dark and Broody whip off his sunglasses, craning his neck to look around the restaurant like maybe if he squints hard enough, a patron will appear who’s not Sam or Steve or the old lady at the counter. His eyes land on their booth and he makes eye contact with Sam, who offers a bland but pleasant smile.
It’s not meant to look inviting, but the guy walks over to them anyway, looking as wary as Sam feels. Finally, Steve seems to realize that something is happening, and he follows Sam’s gaze, peering over his shoulder to see who’s coming towards them.
As soon as he spots Broody, he brightens, waving him over.
“You made it!” says Steve, and Sam feels his eyes widen slightly in realization. “I thought for sure we’d have to wait another hour.”
“Sorry to disappoint,” is the all but growled reply, but Steve seems undeterred.
“Sam,” he says, “this is my best friend Bucky. Buck, this is Sam. He’s going to be on the show with us.”
“Nice to meet you, Bucky,” says Sam, smiling at him like he’s not completely baffled.
Bucky—which, what the hell kind of a name is Bucky? is this guy an animated woodland creature?—looks at Sam with wide eyes for a moment and then grunts a, “Likewise.”
Before either of them can say anything else, Steve’s phone rings.
“It’s Peggy,” he says, as he checks the screen. “I’ve gotta take this. Sorry guys, just order without me; I’ll be back in a second.”
They don’t have the chance to agree or disagree; Steve has the phone to his ear before he’s even halfway to the door. Both of them watch the door swing shut behind him, then make eye contact.
Bucky looks away first, sliding into the side of the booth where Steve was sitting. The server materializes to fill up his coffee cup, and he quietly thanks her before grabbing the sugar shaker.
The silence drags on for another minute, both of them drinking their coffee without a word, before Sam can’t bear it anymore. Because Steve is the only thing the two of them have in common, and Sam knows like, three things about him, he chooses to ask,  “So I’m guessing Peggy is the fiancé?” 
He gets another wide-eyed look of surprise in response. Bucky’s eyes are very blue, he notes.
“Steve mentioned his time in the Army.” Then, not that he thinks it’ll make a difference either way, Sam adds, “I was Air Force.”
“Oh,” says Bucky. “Uh, yeah, Peggy is Steve’s fiancé.”
“Cool,” says Sam. “I guess maybe planning a wedding makes a baking competition look like a breeze by comparison, huh?”
There’s a vague grunt of assent from Bucky, but in fairness, he’s taking a sip of coffee.
Sam follows suit, just to have something to do that isn’t asking inane questions, but Bucky isn’t exactly doing the heavy lifting, and there’s no way that Sam can bail without being rude, so he puts on his interviewer hat and plows through. “So Steve said y’all are from New York?”
Bucky nods. “Brooklyn.” After a second, miraculously, he adds, “What about you?”
“Just outside New Orleans,” Sam says, grinning just at the thought of his hometown. “Little place called Delacroix, but I live up in DC now.”
He hears Bucky draw in a breath like he’s going to say something, but then the server appears to take their orders. Bucky orders for Steve just as easily as he did for himself, and he’s polite enough to the server that Sam concludes his lack of conversation is more to do with the fact that it’s before 8 AM than some personal grudge.
“Should we have ordered for Steve?” asks Sam, once their coffee cups have been refilled and the server has walked away. “I kind of get the feeling it’ll be cold by the time he finishes up.”
“Just keeping things moving,” says Bucky, shrugging.
“What, you’ve got somewhere you need to be?”
“No, but if Steve has to wait for his own food, he’s gonna eat mine.”
“Ah, and you never learned to share in kindergarten. Got it.”
Bucky’s voice is dry. “Spoken like someone who’s never offered Steve Rogers a single fry and watched them all disappear in thirty seconds.”
Sam laughs, partly in amusement and partly in surprise, and Bucky’s face immediately goes pink as he looks back down at his coffee cup.
“Thanks for the heads-up,” says Sam. “Now I know ‘sharing is caring’ doesn’t apply to Steve.”
There’s a huff from the other side of the table that might be a laugh, but it’s muffled by Bucky’s coffee cup, so Sam can’t be sure. 
He’ll take the win anyway.
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gutsby · 2 months
can we get a lil one shot of waiting games joel and reader with their first time fully agreed on creampie pretty please 🥺🙏 maybe a smidge of breeding kink cause ik that man is nasty
yes holy fuck i’d love to write that. also as of part 3 at least reader isn’t on the pill so should we put her on it or just have them fuck around and find out 👁️👄👁️
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starrystevie · 1 year
would LOVE
“i can’t believe you remembered this!”₁ “of course i did. you’re important to me.”
from the valentines prompt list please!
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
it's nice, having days like these. days where the girls are with joyce and hop, driving their pseudo-grandparents up the walls with repeated questions and all their boundless sugar-fueled energy. days where the house seems still, nothing but the ocean waves crashing in the backyard breaking up their moments of peace. days where it's just steve and eddie, as if no time has passed, as if they were still in their 20s and nervous around each other and desperate to see their entire world reflected in the other's eyes.
it's not like they had anything special planned for this valentine's day. eddie dropped josephine and roxie off early and came back with takeout and a bottle of wine for them to share. they didn't need fancy gifts or meals or declarations of love. they just needed to be wrapped up in one another, sharing their warmth, sharing their wine, sharing their lives.
"hey, ed?" steve whispers against the side of eddie's neck as they relax on the porch swing, looking out at the waves together. if he left his lips linger on the warm skin he found, no one needed to know about it. "i gotta go grab something, scooch over."
eddie blinks lazily back at his husband, his hand pushing back his greying curls from his face before pulling the blanket up so steve can untangle himself from it. he slips his hand in his husband's and pulls him down gently to meet his lips, steve smiling as he goes willingly.
"don't start that, i won't want to stop," steve mutters with his lips still pressed to eddie's.
"then don't stop," eddie mutters back, reaching up to wrap an arm around steve's neck to keep him right where he wants him.
"mmhmm," steve regretfully pulls away. "two seconds, babe, i promise."
steve had it prepared earlier, the boombox sitting with a bright red bow on top hidden under a blanket by the couch. he even put in fresh batteries so it wouldn't die even though it was as ancient as they are. steve grabs the handle and an extra bottle of wine, bringing along the blanket from the couch because it's already starting to get cold.
"where did you find that?" eddie asks, his voice light and laced with laughter. he sets his wine glass on the table next to him and reaches for the boombox. "god, i haven't seen this since what? '99?"
steve chuckles, throws the extra blanket onto the porch swing and places the bottle of wine on the table. "it still works, too. press play."
eddie grins at steve and it's like being teleported back to '96, when they first got the house and they danced barefoot in the kitchen to whatever obscure band eddie had found that week. his grin turns soft, the wrinkles around his eyes unfold as he listens to the tinny sounds coming through the speakers.
"steve, how-," eddie breathes out, and it's so gentle, like the first touch of a spring breeze to let you know warmer months are ahead.
it's eddie singing, faint and slow over the barely there whimpers of a sleepy baby, over the sound of a music box tinging in the background, something about sunshine and skies of grey. the singing turns to humming turns to the sound of door closing and the whispers of two new fathers who have no clue what they're doing.
"you think she'll like us?" eddie on the cassette whispers. there's a soft sound of a kiss, the rustling of the camera's microphone against clothes, sounds that are easy to hear with the visuals of a vhs tape but not so much on a cassette tape.
"she'll love us," steve whispers back. the singing picks up again, even softer than before, the two of them mumbling the words to each other.
"is it on tape?" eddie in the present asks, his eyes misty behind his glasses. steve nods as the track switches over to something a little more chaotic, the sounds of roxie's first birthday bleeding out through the speakers.
"you said you wanted it for your road trips to remind you of home, so i called up dustin. sent him the vhs hard copies and he-"
eddie cuts him off with the type of kiss that steve loves best. it's searing, it's a brand, it's home. "you put our life on a tape, for me? i said that in passing, i can't believe you remembered it..."
"of course i did." it was steve's turn to be misty eyed. "you're important to me. i can't forget a single thing about you even if i tried."
they kept the tape playing until they had to rewind and start from the beginning. sounds of their kids, sounds of their family, their friends, their entire life echoing throughout the still night air. the soundtrack of the novel of steve and eddie playing through a boombox that had been with them for just as long. it was them, all mixed from some fancy software that dustin had, taking them down memory lane of the messy, crazy, perfect life they had made together.
it was love.
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runawaymun · 5 months
I know it has been five days, but 1, 5, 12 for Celeborn? From the character asks?
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
The thing is I used to just kind of really not care one bit about Celeborn. I had no thoughts on him one way or the other. PJ's milk toast Celeborn in the films didn't help and he just never caught my attention much in the books.
BUT then I started writing my Celrond arranged marriage AU and Cel's POVs feature Celeborn a lot, so I was forced to sit down and actually think about him and try to make him interesting. And idk, the more I've fleshed out the Sindar, and Celeborn as a person, the more I've started to like him. He is still not completely blorbo shaped to me, but I do love shipping him with Galadriel in any case.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Daughter - Sleeping At Last, because I love that song & constantly think about Celeborn in relation to Cel.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Amazing hunter & warrior, awful at politics. That's Galadriel's job. He's great at board games though and that's his and Cel's thing!
character asks
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serenescribe · 15 days
For the writers ask! 🍚 and 🍣
Fic Writer Asks
🍚 What genre do you have the toughest time writing?
good question! really good question! i don't want to list a genre i haven't tried to write before (because it's impossible to know if it would be tough until i try), so i'd probably say, at the moment, romance. or to be more precise, fluffy, sweet romances. slow burns where the focus are solely on the romance. i remember back in 2022, i started working on what was supposed to be a relatively sweet post-canon wedding fic for a different fandom, and then within the first scene it had already spiralled into hurt/comfort vibes. i cannot do this LMAO i need something along with the romance.
(but i don't really have a SUPER hard time writing it... i guess i can only answer this question properly if i attempt to write more genres in the future. i feel like mysteries might be hard for me. or sci-fi.)
🍣 What helps you focus or get in the mood to write?
i don't really have an issue focusing as soon as i get into what i refer to as "the flow" — if i write long enough, something usually clicks and i can keep writing hundreds upon thousands of words. so honestly, just being able to start helps me get into the mood to write.
apart from that... music can spur me and get me motivated, especially if it's music that inspired the current wip. seeing people enjoy my work can also be extremely motivating, as seen with me continuing to mash out chapters with how much people are enjoying glaciers. and if all else fails, i kick on the discord sprinto bot and force myself to get out something, anything.
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positivelybeastly · 5 months
"There was a momentary wobble of a finger, a halting breath - before the scalpel moved, the gleaming stainless steel tip pressing to warm, unmoving flesh, unzipping the thin layer of - in front of the - that covered the, sternum, that . . .
A clatter, a turn of a stomach. And then warm, pale fingers on the back of his neck, and Henry went stiff, feeling the familiar touch of his - mentor's hand on the so very human looking flesh of his neck."
[At the risk of tossing in the entire post, I will just include this portion. Amazing. Spectacular. Incredible.]
You do me entirely too much credit, friend. 🩵
So, this was something I've been wanting to write for a while now - the creation of Dark Beast, so many years ago in the Age of Apocalypse - and it's mostly because we have no idea what his early life was actually like. We can guess a bit, based on what we know about 616 Hank and how his early life went, but the Age of Apocalypse is a goddamn nuclear mutant supremacist nightmare, so we have to assume things went very differently.
When you start to fill in the holes in a character's history, you generally - or, well, I do, anyway - look at what you know about that character and then extrapolate backwards, and something that's always struck me about Dark Beast is his relationship with fear.
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He clearly loves to instil it in others, clearly revels in being a figure of horror and power, but this isn't something you really see in Hank, he does exactly the opposite, he minimises, he clowns, he dresses and accessorises to make himself seem less threatening.
In Hank's case, that's a reaction to people seeing him as a threat, despite what he has to offer. Even when he looks human, he's afraid of being recognised as a mutant, and kinda rightly so - the instant he displays his talents, someone tries to take advantage of him, his parents get a little freaked out, and his life crumbles. But that's in a society that values normalcy, that values the human baseline.
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So what does that look like in a society that values the 'abnormal,' that values mutant power? Suddenly, Dark Beast is, at least to start with, weak. He's fleshy, he's human looking, he just has big hands and feet, he's barely a mutant in the visual sense - and the only valuable thing about him is his brain, which is where Sinister comes in.
In the comics, they have an odd relationship - not quite peers, not quite enemies, not quite rivals, something all mixed up and strange, and I've always interpreted it as vaguely parental, or, at least, as parental as it gets with someone like Sinister. But he's also clearly afraid of Sinister. The entire reason he swapped places with Hank in the 90s was because he wanted to hide in plain sight, from a "very powerful man."
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So, we can assume a mentor-student relationship that was - not kind. We also know that Dark Beast doesn't really know his family, since he doesn't recognise his grandmother's name in the issue where he nearly kills Hank's parents, so we have to assume he was taken young. Now, this upbringing can't have been fun by any measure, but Sinister isn't the type to just start beating and abusing a kid with obvious incredible mental gifts, so he has to be - gentle. By his standards, anyway.
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Which means . . . well, there's no real way around it, grooming. I don't think in a sexual manner, but to try and mould a young Dark Beast into a worthy pupil, absolutely. Look, all the books you could want to read, a safe place in this hellish environment, freedom to do as you wish - by comparison, he has it good. And even if I doubt there was any real warmth there, it's easy to imagine Dark Beast feels indebted. A degree of attachment to the only caretaker he's ever really known. A need to impress, which is something that 616 Hank feels very often as well, a need for validation, which is so easily manipulated.
So, you have all of this incredible mental pressure being applied to this young kid, and he's trying so hard to perform.
"There was a momentary wobble of a finger, a halting breath - before the scalpel moved, the gleaming stainless steel tip pressing to warm, unmoving flesh"
In this little opening, you don't get Henry's name in narration, it's just his actions. He wobbles, he breathes heavy, the scalpel moves as if on its own, and it's partly because he's trying to remove himself from this equation, trying to separate his consciousness from what he's actually doing, but it's also because Sinister is sucking the air out of the room and exerting his control over his protege. There is no autonomy here, there is no Sinister and his student, it's just Sinister and the extension of his will. There's just fear, and tension, and disappointment, and a child being forced to hurt someone because it's what his caretaker expects of him.
"unzipping the thin layer of - in front of the - that covered the, sternum, that . . ."
This is Henry trying desperately to keep this clinical, but I think that there's still too much warmth in him to keep that straight, so he keeps fumbling, like a kid being put on the spot in a classroom and trying to find the right page in the book that'll get him out of trouble. He can't detach himself, it's still his fingers hurting someone.
There's a reason you do so much training to be a surgeon, you have to learn so much about adopting the proper mental state and schooling your emotions, but with Sinister? No. You do it when I tell you to do it, and if you feel anything about it, then that's your personal failing. That's the weak, human part of you that our society despises.
"Blood. A clatter, a turn of a stomach.""
It's one thing to start cutting, it's another to see someone bleeding. We don't even know how much there was, how much Henry's actually cut, but it's enough that it's all he can focus on, that little bloom around the scalpel tip means that this is real. This isn't a medical textbook, this isn't a cadaver, this is someone who is still alive and that is -
He can't stand it.
I also like creating a mental soundscape and letting the reader's brain fill in the blanks - it's fine but a tad boring to just write that he dropped the scalpel and he feels sick. But if there's a clatter, you, the reader, know exactly what happened, except now you've heard the sound in your head, you've put yourself just a little bit in Henry's shoes, even if you're only hearing what he's hearing. Especially in introspective pieces like this, it's really important to try and foster a connection between the reader and the character.
"And then warm, pale fingers on the back of his neck, and Henry went stiff, feeling the familiar touch of his - mentor's hand on the so very human looking flesh of his neck."
Something I love to play around with is very exacting use of bold and italics. I find it creates a good sense of cadence and rhythm, and denotes an easy signifier of something being important and worth dwelling on - it draws the eye, so you focus on it. You ask, why that word, and especially depending on what you surround it with, it can denote such passion and warmth, or cold, lip curled disgust.
This is probably the most basic literary technique ever, but it's still important because you want to start layering in your themes as early as possible, and while the degree to which this society hates human appearances will become much clearer later, the sooner it becomes apparent that it's significant, the better. You need to understand what would drive Dark Beast to, in a way, mutilate himself with his forced mutation - what drives him to such self-hatred of his body that he changes it completely?
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(I'll also confess, I lifted some dialogue from the comic where Hank changes himself into the Beast for this fic, but altered it to fit Dark Beast instead. Instead of ego, it's fear. And I stole the unique narration because I just love the way this issue plays out and the way the story is told, the way that it frames Hank as this dumb kid making a mistake that might ruin his life forever. It felt appropriate.)
I also like to play with dashes in sentences. You can create such a sense of a mental lurch, of a pause to consider your thoughts, a sense of pregnancy and choosing your words carefully. It allows you to align what seems to just be narration from an omniscient writer, i.e. me, with the character. Suddenly, it's not me writing about Sinister's hand around Henry's neck, suddenly the narration has naturalistically become Henry's, coloured by his thoughts and feelings and emotions.
So, yeah! That's my commentary! Hope you enjoyed it!
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ghostbc-headcanons · 2 years
Hi same anon from Nosferatu primo! Time for more spooky season headcanons:
The North and Central American (if they can get away with being there/being low key and undercover) churches generally celebrate it in the typical small and spooky decorations and handing out candy to any kids brave enough to go and ask for candy (generally universally done by a couple dressed up ghouls who like interacting with humans outside the church)
Be warned though, usually they don’t get many kids on their doorsteps so when they do get a child trick-or-treating they load them up with candy, like, we’re talking almost sack loads of candy. If the child is small and don’t have any parents around then they better have some friends or a cart or bike around because they probably physically won’t be able to drag the bag around without it ripping because they’re given so much 
When the church does become a relatively popular trick-or-treating spot (still scary as hell even if it looks pretty inconspicuous from the outside so kids still are a little deterred) more ghouls might come out to “interact” with parents which mainly includes disturbing or scaring them so bad that they practically drag their kids away from the place. Such interactions include other ghouls standing at a distance to make their eyes reflect like (bonus points if they try to make themselves have a  more animal-like silhouette), climbing on nearby walls and trees on all fours, generally contorting their bodies to make the most grotesque noises possible with hurting themself etc.
In a particular church sisters of sin and brothers of blasphemy had to put their foot down and establish mandatory curfew and monitor the halls where the ghouls and younger members of the church resided during Halloween because one year a bunch of them snuck out and collectively crashed so many  parties and caused so much property damage (think the later scenes of the movie Gremlins) that it made it to state news since “mysteriously” no one could actually point a finger to who did all this (that church spent so much time and money covering up their mess that they actually had to contact the main church in Italy to get aid). The members of east coast churches regularly gossip about what happened and every year the claims get more and more insane.
I swear I’ll do another one on the church the emeritus family and the rest of the gang live but my eyes are tired from looking at the screen too long
first of all, god i would love to trick or treat at the church oh my god. if i was a kid and i got a boatload of candy i'd literally cry tears of joy i wouldn't need to hit up any other houses!!!
i also fucking ADORE the idea of ghouls fucking around and being cryptids at night once the church gets more attention from trick or treaters. seriously the most accurate depiction of them ever
now i'm thinking about ghouls in costumes.... that would be so adorable oh my god anon you've supplied me with happiness that will last a lifetime
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youngeditor1999 · 8 months
Sharpay and Zeke should’ve been endgame !!
I completly agree!!!
I know that Sharpay was a little annoyed by him in the beginning (especially in the first one!) but then by then end, after it was revealed that he did some baking for her, she liked him a lot!!
They both would have been totally supportive of each other while also letting the other be independant and do their own thing. 💞
I understand why the writers/producers/creators of High School Musical needed to make Sharpay have this big thing for Troy, but it would have made a lot more sense if by the third one, she realized all along that Zeke was the right one for her. <3
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crybaby-bkg · 10 months
HELLO !!!!!!!!
so 👉👈 I was wondering if you had thoughts abt bakugo when you’re on your period (if you have the parts for that lmao💀) BECAUSE I DO!!!!!
(Below! Bullet point style!)
So. I wanna make it really clear that I’m a firm believer that bakugo is NOT the guy who’s like “oh it can’t be that bad blah blah blah” cuz that’s LAME
No no no, instead I think he’s the type to be scared out of his mind depending on your symptoms
For example: the first day my cramps get bad enough that I pass out and I’m usually delirious the entire day 😃
I feel like I’m that scenario, so if your cramps are bad, sick, ect. He would be so nervous about it
Prolly because I think bkg is the type to want to physically solve the problem, but this time there isn’t really a villain to fight- it’s just your uterus 😭
either way !!! Food is medicine baby! And bakugo has got you covered !!!
Obviously he gets you so much midol, but maybe you’re like me and don’t like to take it!! In which case (or COMBINED w/ the meds)
Katsuki “can’t be bothered” Bakugo is RESEARCHING
I’m talking google academic scholar research papers on searches like:
“Foods that help cramps”, “does potassium help mood swings”, “foods that will make my girl stop being upset at a TikTok”
Also, this is self indulgent :(, but Ik for me my adhd meds don’t work properly when I’m on my period- meaning I get SUPER scatter brained. Combined with the delirious symptoms, I am a MESS
So what do I think he does? Simple 👏 instructions 👏 nothing complicated, very direct, very much d r e n c h e d in petnames and lovin’
(Also this applies to focus in general but I think if he’s noticing you’re spacing out he cups your face in his giant ass hands to grab your attention.)
Anyways there’s prolly no shot he’s gonna encourage you to still go to work. Actually he’ll probably call in sick for you
I have more! But I didn’t wanna spam especially unprompted!!! Anyways though sorry I was feeling self indulgent and the image of bkg during period times is ROTTING my brain
I hope you’re doing amazing !!
hi hi!!! yes I always have thoughts about how comforting he would be during my period!!!
but I agree with everything about this omg he’s so frazzled bc he’s so used to being able to physically solve the issue. but how can he when it’s just you rolling around bed, in pain, and refusing to help yourself??? man’s is panicking every month until he learns a routine of how to make you feel better!!!
I feel like too, he stays with you for as long as he can. just lays with you with his warm hands wherever you need them, helping you with harder task, so very gentle with you but still grumpy when you don’t wanna help yourself >:(
I just think he’s so very attentive, and you said everything so well!!!
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tennessoui · 8 months
for the Fic Writers Asks
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
tysm for all ur stories and posts they make my day❤️❤️❤️✨✨
[from this fic writers ask game]
what a good question, omg!!!
i think my answer is pretty easy though, i am so impressed by this writer's style, the way they slip small scene details or thoughts into the narration that makes it seem so real....the prose....the dialogue....they put out so much stuff i love and so much fic i read just because they're the one who writes it!! spqr on ao3, has a few obikin fics, has a lot of other ship/fandom fics, was following them before i ever got into obikin tbh
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exsqueezememacaroni · 8 months
scenarios anon ^^
for fluff: i would say that mike loves to give cuddles and kisses, he seems like such a sweet guy and just imagining sitting in his lap or cuddling with him while inhaling the shit out of his cologne or whatever makes me giggle so much
he's so daddy when it comes to stuff like that RAAAAAAAAHHHH
the other day i was thinking about mike feeding me and giving me little words of praise (the video of him holding the cat 🤭🤭) while i was having god awful cramps
smut: im not gonna go too much into detail since i might get overly carried away with it but sometimes i imagine him going down on me or "playing" with me while i sit in his lap
maybe throwing in a bit of teasing too... thigh rubbing 😩
theres just so many things i want him to do to me.. and so many things i wanna do to him
mike absolutely wants to cook you dinner and feed it to you. little tastes as he's mixing it together - it's delicious.
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zorkaya-moved · 5 months
23 & 24 !
send a number for me to talk about one of the following topics!
23. another RPC you’re no longer part of
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Hm, you're going to be surprised, but I was once a part of the Voltron RPC! I was a part of it both as a mermaid OC and as a personified yellow lion. Specifically, I was there at the very, very, very beginning of Voltron when it just came out and the rpc was getting together. At first, it was a very nice and cozy place, but then everything started to go downhill and I just decided to quit because there were some people who I hurt and who hurt me, and then tons of toxicity started to pile up with extreme prejudice and hunts on each portrayal as if there was the 'right' way to rp a character. I've made some really great friends there who no longer rp, but it was a weird time for sure. I was pretty fucking stupid there because I honestly regret 1 relationship I messed up because I got hurt and didn't discuss it better. Lesson learned, but I wish I could go back in time to fix that. Also to the time when Voltron fandom wasn't known as such a toxic environment. It was... a really nice beginning. So many people were super kind. I still remember 2 of my rp partners from back then, one of them was a Shiro rper and one of them was a Paige rper. They were the brightest stars, super kind and thoughtful. Hope they're doing alright today.
24. your first RPC
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Soo... This is talking about the first RPC, so I guess first large rpc that I joined and not my first muse, so I guess it would be a Magi The Labyrinth of Magic RPC! I first started seriously rping with a theme and icons when I created by Queen Sheba blog. It was such a wonderful experience. Magi RPC was so funny and so exciting to join in. That's also where I've met one of the best people on this website - Felicia with whom we created such angsty and feelsy stories. She was the first rper I looked up so highly and who helped me understand the rpc, the writing, the plotting, everything. I loved Magi RPC back then, we were so unhinged and hilarious back then. Good memories, only good memories of that time.
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cheerioskid · 10 months
And your bigb doodle is so waaghduduehf,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
THABK YOU SO MUCH!!! i really need to draw big b more often he's such a silly guy :3
also traditional art is just easier for me i guess because there's less confusion surrounding it?? with a digital drawing program there's so many tools and options but with traditional it's literally just a sketchbook a pencil and maybe some markers so i gravitate towards it more ig :)))
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skydragn · 10 months
@kurogane-redfox asked: He's just gonna, hug the little sister. Squish.
GAJEEL   WAS   MUCH   TALLER   THAN   HER.   standing at an amazing five feet two inches,   a lot of the males in her guild towered over her.   but wendy didn't mind being on the shorter end,   she could grow a few more inches,   she was still in puberty at this point in her life.   she wasn't expecting to be picked up and squished into a hug from the other dragon slayer,   but a smile formed on her features none of the less.   after a moment of confusion,   wendy returns the hug to gajeel,   though it's nowhere near as tight of a hug.   mostly because it was almost impossible for her to get her arms around him.   he really was a mountain to her.   but she loved her big mountain brother.
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❝   i didn't think you had a soft part in you gajeel-san.   but this is the best way to enter the guild.   ❞   she had to tease him a little bit.   but she truly was thankful to be a part of such a loving home like fairy tail.
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riftwalker-limbro · 1 year
Don't you dare rabbit hole into this tonight. I am kicking you out of your own inbox. Shoo. This is for tomorrow to give you something to chew on should you feel tempted to dig into Duviri before the weekend
With that out of the way
How familiar are you with tarot, bc i feel like the question of what tarot card each OC should be assigned is Always a fun thing to inflict upon someone >:) So this is me doing that
HELLO THIS SENT ME ON A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY. you were so correct to tell me to fuck off when you sent this in at Bedtime Yesterday. this is SO LONG. partially because you may have said Card (Singular) but i just. had some Extra Fun with it and everyone ended up with 2-3 cards. i refuse to apologise
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for reference to various words below the cut i used https://www.biddytarot.com/tarot-card-meanings/major-arcana/. i was not at all familiar with tarot beyond "cards that people ascribe a lot of meaning to and use in fortune telling" so i may not have used these entirely correctly but who the hell is keeping score of that anyway
well first off the death card works perfectly for pretty much all of my warframe OCs. for. incredibly obvious reasons. and then here are the individual ones
the lovers, upright: kelth is the inciting incident for so many things by design, but they also just. connect a lot of actors together in one point, so that would be harmony and relationships. on a more personal level, they were always a bit of a lone wolf when it came to Being Social so just the fact of growing a bit of a found family is a giant thing for them to wrap their head around.
the tower, both sides: sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation, awakening - that's just tenno in general, but especially kelth gets to go Through It. then the reverse side of this card comes in naturally - kelth gets tired of the constant change, the constant bullshit that's happening, but they cannot catch a break.
the star, upright: kelth learns to have trust & faith in their own abilities and those of the people around them. when the system isn't thrusting disasters at them to fix, they find their own purpose, and work towards it - guiding star-like. the reverse side of this one is also interesting, because you don't just Grow Faith without a few nice Crises of Faith - that's actually the next chapter of Connection, just Kelth having a not-good time getting used to their new circumstances, feeling lost, disconnected from who they were up until so recently, even though they are much more authentically themself now.
hierophant: upright before he gets 'framed, reversed after. he will be going through a Journey re: this during the Sacrifice as well. all his life he's been told what to do, and suddenly there's an annoying cephalon and a kid who all but registers as His Own Kid & he needs to grow an initiative & stand up for things himself, whereas before, he very much had a whole framework and loads of superiors and elders telling him what he should do and laying his life out for him.
strength, upright: he's just an emotionally solid guy that others can depend on for various things. as the arsenal-keeper of the pack, he's a pretty central pillar in the lives of everyone aboard who chooses to go into combat regularly. it's not a role he's filled before, so the journey to self-confidence is a little rocky sometimes, but he literally is the most qualified aboard for it, so he takes to it with a vengeance.
justice, upright: he has a strong sense of justice, what's right and what isn't. he doesn't tolerate things that aren't the full truth very well (he doesn't Care for vince's hiding-things that he can Tell is happening but can't tell What) but he does learn to deal with it, as it isn't His Business. he will Not learn to deal with other Worldly Injustices in any way other than with a sword and pistol, though.
the sun, both sides kinda: he's a bit of a jock-type, but in a genuine way - none of his stupid (practical) jokes sting very much, and you can usually always talk to him and even if he doesn't understand entirely what you're going through he'll always let you in for a hug or whatever you need. for the reverse, mostly "overly optimistic" hits - he can absolutely get overconfident and get himself into situations he actually can't exit again quite as smoothly as he'd hoped
the world, upright: he will at some point travel to where he's originally from, after he remembers his past, and he'll have a Great Time talking to people, catching up on history, telling stories of a long time ago, etc. It does take him a hot minute to decide on doing this, as the thought at first makes him feel nervous - but he's welcomed with open arms, so it all ends up alright.
the magician: verica is Intense in several ways. she's impulsive & can do random shit but then also have the resources and skills to back up what she wants to do. on a very literal level, power from the upright card and manipulation from the reversed card are what she has and can do from her career as a musician - she's good at sweet-talking someone to get what she wants because she's aware that her field doesn't necessarily do things fairly. and in case you missed it this is entirely why efurat got double-booked in the first place, and how she's able to get another reservation in a week's time. she's a little scared sometimes that she'll do it unconsciously to people around her, so checks in a lot to make sure this isn't the case. she still has the normal amount of influence over her friends, which sometimes gets her a little bit uneasy when she thinks about it.
the chariot, upright: yeah, see above. she's stubborn and impulsive and knows what she wants and in many cases, how to get it. she's used to always having some degree of control over situations, so moments where she doesn't have that unsettle her.
the hermit, reversed: even before anything happens he tends towards being alone and withdrawing from reality a bit when shit gets interesting, but after he gets warframe'd, confettis himself, and gets put back together again a thousand years later, he does this x100. he doesn't tell anyone shit, would keep to himself almost exclusively if it were up to him, and withdraws from just about everything he can half-assedly justify withdrawing from.
the hanged man, upright: mostly about "surrender" and "new perspectives" - he is at first very unhappy with his existence as a warframe, a thousand years after he last remembers being awake, and has to come to terms with that. he learns to appreciate it, as it allows him to do a bunch of cool shit and also maybe live forever, though he was not a willing participant in this part of his life, and does miss certain parts he never wanted to give up. then, right when he just about thinks "i could live with this, actually," he finds the first of a verica's clues, and his world is completely on its head once more, his journey starting anew. shit just keeps happening to him
the moon, reversed: after vince and verica both disappear off the face of the planet, he doesn't know if he should feel guilty or not - so his inner compass settles on Yes A Lot. he throws himself into his work to try and suppress the pain and doubt, but just ends up in spirals.
wheel of fortune, upright: 'good luck' is… debatable, but the other ones are definitely a hit - he gets done dirty as hell by the universe (the infestation) so he somehow lands himself back in touch with his old friends after so much bullshit happens to each of them.
the sun, upright: i've archetyped him as a clown in writing already. he's always been good at making people laugh, and leans into that as one of his core strengths to put people at ease. he's also an optimist despite the giant roundhouse kick the universe delivered to his mental state - he sees the good in things, situations and people, and helps others see it too.
the fool, reversed: being a little stupid about being reckless and taking unnecessary risks. kali doesn't necessarily think too much about what it wants to do and how possible that might be. kali wants to go fuck up hunhow, so it goes to uranus at the slightest mention of grineer activity digging him back up.
the high priestess, reversed: kali's keeping secrets! kali's good at keeping secrets. it's been carrying one with them for a long time. this secret tunes in with the other words on this side of the card - disconnected from intuition, because it has a hard time listening to its inner voice on stuff like Risk Taking and such; withdrawal, because it's easier to ignore the secret weighing heavy on it than it is to acknowledge it, so it withdraws from reality a little bit when it can afford to; silence, because a silenced voice doesn't have to be listened to.
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