#<- what I dislike about the guy I mentioned his team was so caught up in this big landmark study that they forgot to communicate w the ppl
dodgebolts · 1 year
wait what’s ur field?
tbh I don’t know what it’s called bc I’ve seen it under a million different names 😭😭 genetic anthropology, paleogenomics, molecular anthropology, etc but essentially I would rlly love to research ancient human DNA :]
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fullsunrise · 6 months
Playing With Fire (M)
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Word count: 1.8k
Pairing: Johnny x Original female character
Genre: Office AU, some angst, light smut
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, Johnny is a bully, heavy sexual themes, non-explicit smut (don't hookup with your coworkers!), uh semi-public sex
A/N: Uhhh I don't know what this is, but it's pretty much self-indulgent lmao
There was nothing quite like early winter in the city, with the twinkling lights tangled in the bare trees and a to-go coffee that was almost too hot. This early in the morning, there was no one around. It was calming, and Nari wanted to appreciate the silence before all hell broke loose. She sat on the unoccupied bench outside of her building, savoring the last five minutes she had until she had to face her worst nightmare. That nightmare happened to have a name: Johnny.
Johnny Suh from Sales. Even thinking about him made Nari’s eye twitch. Ever since she was forced to work with him on her latest project, he made it his sole mission to make her life a living hell. Never once in Nari’s career has she had to work with someone so egotistical, cunning, and above all else: annoyingly attractive.
Although she had been working at her company for the last two years, she had never heard of him. Not until she saw an unfamiliar name CC’d on an email from her boss. Confused, she made her way to her boss’s office.
“He's been here almost as long as you have, I believe,” her boss told her. “Great guy, it should be a breeze working with him.”
It was hilarious how wrong he was. Nari’s reality was most definitely not a breeze, but more like a hurricane. Whatever higher being set this up was surely laughing at her now as she struggled against the powerful storm.
To stand any chance, Nari knew she needed any advice she could get. And who else was more equipped than Jaehyun? After years of working at law firms across the city, Nari was sure he was the only person who could understand how to deal with egotistical monsters.
“I'm just saying, maybe try to avoid any interactions with the guy. I mean he's clearly a prick,” Jaehyun said, then took a sip of his beer.
“Trust me, I've been trying to avoid him but it's impossible when we have to work directly together,” Nari replied.
It was hopeless. Johnny was too smart. Careful not to push it too far, he was only condescending to her face. He made sure his actions spoke for him, though. Like last week when he went out to lunch with their project team, he accidentally forgot to invite her. And just a day ago, she swore he was whispering about her to another coworker in the kitchen. Then he laughed loud enough for Nari to hear, only confirming her suspicions. It was subtle, but enough to make her go insane.
“Don't let him get to you,” Jaehyun offered. “You know he's only doing this because he feels threatened by you.”
Threatened? Why would Johnny be threatened by her? Nothing about her was particularly threatening. Sure, Nari was good at her job but she never did anything that would cause someone to dislike her. And certainly she would never step on anyone just to get a promotion. In her corporate life, Nari made sure to remain honest, social, and professional. Unlike Johnny, who couldn't have a more opposite approach.
“I’ll try,” she replied. “But enough about me. How's it going in your world?”
“Same ol’ bullshit as always,” he chuckled.
They spoke about their jobs for a while longer, laughing at random anecdotes from the week. Nari didn't speak about Johnny again, and shortly the thought of him was washed down along with her Gin and tonic. Somewhere between her first and third drinks, Jaehyun asked her how her dating life had been. It caught her off guard only for a moment as she reached for an answer in her muddled brain. With her thoughts slowed, the best she managed to pull was a horrific yet comical dating story. Jaehyun laughed along with her and shared his own. It was always weird talking about her love life with Jaehyun but it was still nice nonetheless. But she would never get used to it, even though there were no lingering feelings left between them.
Nari came back to her apartment feeling a bit lighter after seeing Jaehyun. While he helped her forget about Johnny momentarily, Nari dreaded tomorrow. It was the day of the company holiday party. Normally Nari looked forward to it every year, but the idea of running into Johnny made her stomach churn. Sure, there were going to be a lot of employees and plus ones but the chance of seeing him wasn't zero.
The next day quickly flew by, with little to no urgent work that needed to get done. Nari always appreciated slow work days, but today she wished the day lasted a bit longer. Because as the moon rose in the sky, she knew could no longer hide.
The rooftop lounge was packed with her coworkers spread out across fancy bar top tables. Nari and a few of her team members claimed a spot close to the bar. While she was promised it would limit any unwanted interactions, the idea of walking up with all eyes on her made her mouth dry.
“I’m gonna get another drink,” Nari shouted on top of the loud music.
Much to her relief, Nari didn't recognize the people she passed on her way to the bar. No Johnny in sight, her shoulders relaxed instantly.
“One Old Fashioned, thanks,” the guy with slicked back hair in front of her ordered. Ugh, what kind of person would order that?
The guy with the slicked back hair turned around, and the moment Nari locked eyes with him she was frozen in place. The worst scenario Nair conjured in her mind was happening right now, in real life.
Johnny looked at her for a second before turning away to talk to his friend. That didn't bother Nari, but the fact that he decided to brush past her like she was invisible set her off.
Chasing after Johnny wasn't how Nari expected to spend her night, but there she was pushing through the crowd. Johnny moved fast, but she was able to catch up in the bathroom hallway.
“Why?” The liquor coursed through her veins, giving her the courage to speak up.
“I don't know what you're talking about,” Johnny deadpanned, as he turned around to look straight through her. It was clear he was avoiding her question, which in turn only made her angrier.
“Don't play dumb, you know what you're doing,” she accused, her voice raising.
“You're going to be a bit more specific than that, sweetheart,” he said, crossing his arms across his chest.
“So you're just going to pretend like you haven't made my life a living hell the last few months?”
“I think that's too harsh,” he answered, his expression softening. That look could've worked on other women, but Nari wasn't going to give in.
“It's the truth, you've hated me ever since that day.”
“When did I say I hated you?”
Jaehyun’s words echoed in her mind. “Admit it, you’re threatened by me.”
Bingo. Her words seemed to strike a nerve with Johnny, because the next thing she knew he grabbed her arm and pulled her into the bathroom. Warning signs went off in her head immediately, but it happened so quickly that she couldn't break away.
“You don't know what you're talking about,” he seethed, taking a step closer to her.
Was he always standing this close? The temperature was rising, and Nari could feel the blood rush into her cheeks.
“I think I do,” Nari breathed, trying to sound confident. But her quivering voice didn't fool him.
His kisses were feverish against her skin he left bites along the curve of her neck. As he made his way down to her collarbone, Nari’s eyebrows scrunched together. With her lips slightly parted in pleasure, Johnny took the opportunity to steal the air from her lungs in one swift motion. His lips were rough and chapped from the cold, but the way they molded to her own left her utterly breathless. When he abruptly bit her lower lip and gazed at her, she knew she was done for. Deep desire pooled in his eyes and her body craved more of the pleasure he brought. Nari knew right then and there that she had no plans of stopping him.
“No, you don't,” he asserted, breaking the kiss for only a second before diving back in.
Her back was flush against the wall now, the cool tile contrasting against the heat of her skin. Johnny held the side of her jaw forcefully, with his other hand tracing the contour of her waistband. Out the window was her moral compass along with her dignity, her judgment clouded with pure desire.
The sensation of his hand dipping lower only added to her bubbling lust. Without warning, he snaked his hand out of her waistband. Nari whined at the loss and Johnny chuckled in amusement.
“Oh?” he mused, his grin never leaving his face. “You don't like that?”
Nari could only shake her head in response, her brain too muddled to think clearly. Satisfied with her frazzled state, Johnny resumed his motions. Her gasps bounced off the bathroom walls as she chased the high, no longer caring who could hear. With each moan that escaped her lips, she began to fall apart. Strands of hair came loose and tears of pleasure pooled. Her release was imminent, but before she could reach the climax Johnny suddenly stopped.
“I'm sorry, did you want more?” he asked, forehead pressed to her own.
Falling from her high, the reality of the situation came back into focus. What the hell was she doing? Not too long ago Nari couldn't even fathom being in the same room as Johnny, let alone letting herself unravel in front of him. It almost sickened her how quickly she folded under his spell. He knew exactly what he was doing and Nari was willingly falling right into his trap.
“Please,” she replied as she tried to catch her breath.
That was all Johnny needed to continue. With her pleasure still heightened, it took Nari only a few minutes to fully come undone. If Johnny wanted, she would let him take her right then and there. All the sirens in her head told her it was wrong, but why did it feel so right?
“See you tomorrow,” he snickered as he pulled away from her. Giving her a quick once over, he left the bathroom without another word.
Left alone with nothing but her reeling thoughts, Nari glanced at her reflection in the mirror. Disheveled hair and smudged mascara. Nari could barely recognize herself. As she attempted to fix her unruly state, Johnny’s words mocked her. Their little affair was going to cost her. She wasn't going to get fired over it, no, but her impulses were going to cost her the little bit of sanity she had left. Johnny was going to take it all and ruin her beyond recognition.
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saintgabrielqueers · 4 months
Playboyy the series rant
I need to rant about the absolute worst and most delusional characters in this show imo, so buckle up.
Note: I don’t remember every exact detail of certain scenes I’m gonna mention but I’ll try to get the important parts.
1. Captain
Captain annoys the ever living shit out of me holy hell. He already was a piece of shit to me when he decided to record secret clips of him and Keen together.
He was always using Keen from the start to be picked as a starter for the club. When him and Keen get caught together by the team, Captain throws Keen under the bus saying he shakes his ass for anyone or whatever he said. When Keen confronts him about it, Captain gives the excuse of “i like you” which I knew was bullshit the second it came out of his mouth.
Keen finds out about the clips Captain secretly took of him and rightfully tells him to fuck off. Puen already warned him about this too but did he listen?
No cause he’s a self centered baby who likes to play victim when he doesn’t get his way, which brings me to my next point.
He finds Keen and Puen together, assumes they slept together and has the audacity to make demands of Keen to stop sleeping with him. He then threatens Keen with posting the clips if he doesn’t agree.
This is the same guy who told Puen hours ago that he loves Keen but then threatens him. 🙄
Since Keen denied him, he then takes it out on Puen and threatens to tell the whole school that he works at Playboyy and whores himself out.
Okay slut bag supreme over here has no room to talk.
Final points about Captain is he’s so delusional to think he’s never wrong and when things don’t go his way or he’s called out for his wrong behavior, he throws a tantrum and threatens people.
Mind you this is over a man he is not even exclusive with or has a boyfriend label and was using him from the very beginning.
2. Porche
Porche is basically on the same level as Captain but he’s more spoiled and just class A dirt bag material.
Starting off with his behavior in general towards Jump. Treating him like a sex slave and warns he’ll throw Jump in jail if he doesn’t have sex with him.
Tbh I don’t even remember why Porche threatens to put him in jail or why he chose him as his slave but he can fuck off in a ditch either way.
Next, Porche finds out about Jump sleeping with that journalist and secretly films them together to ruin the man’s life. All because Porche was mad and jealous Jump didn’t want to sleep with him and instead found someone else.
Hmm I wonder why… maybe because you’re a power tripping asshole who treats Jump like shit so why would he wanna be around you.
Porche mentions his adoptive father, Jason Lee abusing him and sleeping with him so that’s why he treats Jump like shit. Porche doesn’t deserve any of the abuse he has dealt with from Jason but it does not excuse him from doing the same thing to Jump.
Ending point is when Jump and Porche try to talk the journalist out of exposing Jason Lee for I think it was him abusing and sleeping with Porche. He denies the money offer and says you ruined my life so I’m going to do the same. Porche gets smug and says it won’t happen because of how powerful Jason is I’m assuming.
Like sorry I thought we all hated your dad and want him to rot especially for what he did to you so why’re you trying to buy this man out of exposing him?
I’d like to reiterate the part of ruining this man’s life was all because Porche was jealous and tried to brand this guy a monster for having sex…
3. First
I didn’t actually dislike First in the beginning but later on he started to annoy me. I don’t have many points to add for him so it’ll be short.
I don’t remember the exact episode his behavior started to irk me because this show is so long but I think it was he would low key fuck someone over and then act innocent about it?
When he was in on the plan to ruin that journalist and set the camera up to record them having sex.
Most recent is when Captain was jealous of Puen fucking “his man” so he told First to deal with him so he is super rough with Puen during a session and fists him until he bleeds.
Then when Aob went to beat your ass because of that you tried to get him and Puen fired.
Sorry idc that Puen consented and was paid, you’re actually insane for encouraging your friend’s weirdo behavior to get back at Puen because Keen doesn’t want him.
Long final note and is a combo for Captain and First because they’re both in the final scene of this episode.
Captain and Puen are going at it and Nont tries to break them up, but what does Captain say in the heat of all this? He accuses Puen of sending the clips of Keen to the professor which got him expelled from the school. Sorry but none of that would’ve happened if you didn’t take them in the first place. Did you suddenly forget that detail or what?
Sorry but his stupidity amazes me sometimes.
Captain says “you messed with my man first, you should be thankful I didn’t hire someone to beat you up.” which baffles me because he’s not even your man and second you again threaten someone because your a jealous prick who can’t take no for an answer.
Prom later reveals First didn’t get Puen or Aob fired, the boss fired them. Which cool fine but for First to even make a threat like that in the first place after what he did to Puen is ridiculous.
Zouey is now the one to call them both out on their behavior and what are their responses? Captain whines that Puen fucked Keen the day he confessed he loves him and that’s why he told First to do what he did during that session.
Literally who gives a fuck if Keen and Puen slept together because again you two were never exclusive with each other. Plus do you really think you deserve Keen after what you did to him? Did you suddenly forget about all of that?
First’s response is that Captain complained about Puen to him so he dealt with it for him. He also says he can “do what he wants” because he paid Puen and he consented to it.
You encouraging your friends toxic delusional weird ass behavior and thinking you’re not in the wrong for it is what really gets me.
Finally Captain gives a dramatic ass response by guilt tripping Zouey saying that Nont and him were always the main characters and that him and First were just supporting roles they saw as clowns or just people to make themselves look better.
Let me take a minute to roll my eyes so hard until they fall out of my skull. I don’t know what level of delusion you would call this but it’s jaw dropping because how are you so unaware and denial of your toxic behavior?
How Nont or Zouey became friends with these people is a mystery to me.
End of rant. Feel free to discuss, agree, disagree or add something I missed in the comments.
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Azalea's, Camelia's and Rhododendron's: Chapter 6
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Summary: Life always seemed to throw bullshit your way. A bullshit childhood, a bullshit family with the exception of your older brother, a bullshit bodyguard team because of aforementioned older brother… To say you were tired of it would be an understatement. You just wanted to bask in your self-made richness as a bestselling author, all by yourself being the key point, and pretend you’re not doing it to avoid your trauma. But now you have to deal with seven incredibly hot, stubborn and frustrating men forcibly barging into your life against both of your wishes and ruining your peaceful silence. So, if they were going to be hardheads, you’ll be one right back.
Pairing: BTS x reader, featuring older brother Bang Chan.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, mentions of forced marriage.
Word Count: 3k
Surprise!!! Sorry I've been MIA for so long, graduating college is no jokes my peeps, and adulting is even worse. I go to bed at 9PM like an old lady and eat cereal out of a Tupperware container bc I'm too lazy to wash a bowl. Enjoy this chapter and I hope to keep updating more for you guys.
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Jungkook nervously picks at the fingerless glove that hides his hand tattoos, sitting idly in the living room. It's been a couple of hours since you left the manor with Yoongi and Jimin in tow and he regrets not taking advantage of the opportunity to make up with you sooner. Mira is skirting around the house doing her normal cleaning activities and he can hear her placing heavy tomes back on the wide bookshelves in your office. She's been eyeballing him all morning in what he assumes is irritation... or dislike... or probably both, he deserves it.
He moves to stand outside the door frame of your office, staring at the floor and scuffing his foot on the floor like a child, stealing glances at the woman every few seconds.
"I can feel you burning a hole in the back of my head child, spit it out."
Cheeks burning a fiery red upon being caught by the woman, he feels like he's back in training and should be standing at attention right now.
"I just, umm... I'm sorry about the things I said the other day." Scratching the back of his head in embarrassment and shame, staring down at his shoes again.
Quirking a brow at him, she begins placing the disheveled papers on your desk into a neat pile. "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to, though I appreciate the sentiment, I'm also not the one to give out your forgiveness either."
Nodding in understanding, he lets out a quiet sigh, beginning to turn around when he hears her speak up.
"I spent over twenty years caring for her as if she were my own, and not once did I ever suspect something was wrong. I failed her as the only mother figure she had in her life, and I'll never let it happen again. I will protect her at all costs, even from you." There's an unbreakable fierceness in her eyes, and Jungkook can tell that biological or not, it's clear as day how much she loves you as a daughter.
"I understand. I promise I will never do anything to hurt her again, and I will do my very best to protect her from others." Going into a deep bow out of respect and apology to the caretaker before him.
She locks her eyes on him when he lifts his head, holding him to that promise in her heart.
Her words about you piqued his curiosity and as he's about to ask about your real mother, the alarm system beeps to the opening of the front door, signaling your arrival home.
"We're back!" You yell, Jimin and yourself carrying drawstring bags, and Jungkook observes his second eldest hyung stumble his way through the entryway like a newborn calf.
Catching his breath, Yoongi whips his head at you and your partner in crime. "I told you to never do that while I was in the car, are you trying to give me a heart attack!?"
The two of you are cackling in delight, it was Jimin's idea to switch the car to manual on the way home; you had taken full advantage of your six-gear V10 engine.
"Hey Mira, Hwasa is coming over later, so she'll be here for dinner" You call out to her. The three of you moving to your office with the drawstring bags.
Jimin watches you walk behind your desk and crouch down to press a false panel in the baseboard of your bottom shelf, making the entire section slide out like a drawer, revealing a safe as well as a packed duffel bag behind the backboard. You place the bag in your hands next to the duffel bag and turn to grab the others from Jimin and Yoongi, placing them in and sliding the shelf back in place with a click.
"I'm not gonna lie, that's some spy-type shit and I used to work at the NIS." Yoongi pipes up behind you, leaving you and Jimin to start giggling at his comment.
You get up and move to sit down in your desk chair, "I promise I'm not a spy, Namjoon should know about it if my brother was detailed enough in the information he provided to you guys."
Confused, Jimin asks why your brother would include the location of your safe to bodyguards. It would make sense to know about it if they were home security guards but knowing where your safe is does nothing to help them protect you personally.
You go on to explain that it's not the safe but the compartment itself that's important to know about. The duffel inside is a go-bag for emergencies that require your swift evacuation from the manor, containing everything you would need in the event you need to go into hiding.
The two continue to stare at you like you've grown a second head until Yoongi breaks the silence. "Ya know this doesn't help your case on the spy thing." Jimin nods in agreement, "Yep definitely think you're a spy now."
Rolling your eyes, you shoo them off with the agreement to sort through the bags at night, eyes following them out the door. Turning your attention to your computer, you begin skimming through your emails, noting the file from your lawyer with the restraining order paperwork against Shin. There's also an email from his lawyer with the paperwork for the compensation the judge ordered him to pay you. Forwarding both to Chan you check your work email, finding that Hwasa had already sent you drafts of your return announcement and a tentative schedule for your book promotions to be approved by you.
With your eyes trained on the promotion dates you don't notice the figure standing in the doorway. Jungkook stands timidly much like the same way he did with Mira earlier. Finally swallowing down his fear, he knocks lightly on the doorframe to get your attention. Acknowledging him with a hum, you stay focused on the screen in front of you. When you don't hear any movement or response, you look up to lock eyes with him.
"Come in Jungkook, take a seat." You say, moving your eyes back to your work. The youngest slowly makes his way over to one of the guest chairs sitting in front of your desk, timidly sitting down like it was going to bite him in the ass. He sits for a few seconds, waiting for you to ask him what he wants or lock your eyes back on him, and when it becomes clear you aren't going to initiate this chat with him, he prepares himself to bite the bullet. Yoongi had told him that you'd offered forgiveness after he had promised to put effort into fixing the situation (of course leaving out the part about the 'effort' being absolutely destroying your abusers' reputations). He knows he'd been harsher than Yoongi, and he hopes he can repair the damage he caused as his brother had.
Taking a deep breath he begins his apology, "I'd like to say that I'm very sorry about what I said, it was uncalled for, and I shouldn't have judged you based on my past client's behavior or projected my frustrations on you." He finishes with a silent exhale of relief for getting that off his chest, watching as you stop typing and quirk an eyebrow, looking at him over the glasses on your nose like a judgy librarian.
"Did you think it would be that easy? A few heartfelt words and then all of your guilt can melt away."
"O-of course not!" He stutters out, "I know I have to make the effort to fix this. I crossed a line, not only professionally but personally, and doing so caused you harm. I would like to genuinely make this up to you."
Placing your glasses down on the desk, you lean back to take in the man sitting before you. "And how exactly are you going to do that? I may have been able to strike a deal with Yoongi, but that doesn't mean I've forgiven him yet either. He knows he has to meet my expectations to fix this, but what do you have to offer? What do you have or what can you do to prove to me you mean it?" Crossing your arms, you wait for his response.
"Anything and everything you want from me I'll do; I promise I'll protect you and not just in the scope of my job but emotionally too."
You narrow your eyes at his response, "What makes you think I want anything from you? Much less your protection over my private emotions?"
He knew this wouldn't be easy, earning just a minuscule amount of your trust to begin repairing the damage he's done. But he feels the resentment in your words, and he feels the pain he caused you within that resentment. He wants to heal it, he needs to heal it, if not for himself but for you. A woman who has been hurt by this world far too many times, a woman who is so headstrong despite being torn down so many times. He needs to heal the hurt that he has caused because he took away the little trust you had left in the compassion of human beings.
"I know you don't trust me; I know you resent me for the things I said. I won't try to deny that fact, or that you have every right to deny me the trust to fix the pain I have caused you. Words from people like me probably mean nothing to you, which is why I want to do everything I can to show you that I can be trusted with your safety. I want to do everything in my power to earn your forgiveness, even if that means I have to resign, or wear a carrot costume around Seoul, or drink the most disgusting concoction you can come up with."
You have to hide your desire to crack up at imagining him walking around in a carrot costume, straightening your expression as he looks at you in desperation as he continues to list out even more ridiculous punishments you could put him through. Coming closer to slipping into giggles the more he continues.
He cuts himself off when you raise a hand to stop his rambling, taking a deep breath before you begin to speak.
"Okay, I get it. I'm not going to make you do any of those ridiculous things, but I'll admit I don't know what I could have you do that could fix this either." You take your glasses and put them back on, refocusing on his face.
"Instead, I want you to be the best damn bodyguard you can be without me asking for it. You want me to tell you anything and everything I want from you but I'm not going to do that, if you want to fix this then you're going to have to figure out those things on your own. I want you to impress me, okay?"
Nodding eagerly at your conclusion, he nearly throws the chair back from the force of standing up. Bowing down multiple times as he thanks you relentlessly while vacating your office, excited to go tell his brothers and come up with a plan to accomplish the task you have given him.
You'd think you'd just told an intern that you would let him proofread your drafts, but you can't help the quirk of your mouth into a smirk at his enthusiasm.
Later that night Hwasa came to the manor to finish setting your comeback into stone for the announcement the next morning, staying for dinner as expected, and then left some cardboard file boxes that you'd texted her to bring.
She had pestered you on why you needed them nearly the whole time she was there, and all you'd supplied her with was that they were for your next book. Once everyone else had headed off to bed for the night; Yoongi, Jimin, and you spent hours on end sorting each envelope by date, opening them up, and then filing them away in the boxes.
Working well into the early hours of the morning, when they finally left you to get a few hours of sleep in, you sat looking at the completed file boxes containing the horrors of your childhood.
You hadn't let yourself cry looking at the images, having long since shed your last tears over the pains your monster of a father caused. But you had caught the tears the two men with you had tried to hide, the almost silent gasps of mortification every time they opened up a new envelope.
It made you feel like you had become too numb to the atrocities that had been committed against you, and their anger and sorrow also made you feel relief in a way as well. There were people near you willing to feel the pain and sorrow you could no longer take on, and for that, you felt grateful.
A buzz from your phone pulls you out of your thoughts, and you check it to find the announcement from the company of your return from hiatus. You shoot Chan a text that you need to see him today, and he responds almost immediately with a time to meet at his office. 
The anticipation and anxiety sit heavy in your gut. You've quietly held your career outside of the Chaebol world, true identity unknown to the tabloids and all of your father's past business partners. He never let you out in public much regardless, but this is going to bring a whole new spotlight onto you and your family, and Chan has the right to know before shit hits the fan.
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Your Louboutin's click menacingly down the silent hallway of your brothers company, Jungkook and Yoongi flank you a few steps ahead while the rest of the boys follow behind. You probably look like something straight out of a mafia movie, and with the impending hellfire you're about to rain down on your family, you feel the sentiment is appropriate. 
The employees of Chan's company always go silent when you appear, the hushed whispers of gossip passing around. Most of his employees theorize you're something akin to a Black Widow, a terrifyingly powerful mistress to their goofy CEO, and then there are those that know you by your Pen Name, who think the reason you went on hiatus was to be with Chan. 
The two of you have laughed at the gossip Felix has passed on from the employees over the years, and you have no desire to correct them either. Doing so would allow for people to dig more into your brothers background, which would lead to your true identity, defeating the purpose of going by a Pen Name in the first place. 
So, yes, you pull a little bit of enjoyment out of scaring the shit out of his employees by looking like a widow on her 5th husband all dead by mysterious natural causes. Life as an author can be a bit boring sometimes, sue you for having a dark sense of humor, you gotta find entertainment somewhere. 
Jungkook holds open the door to Chan's office for you and as you step into his office, the heaviness of the situation settles in the room. His gaze meets yours, filled with concern and curiosity. Without a word, he gestures for you to take a seat opposite him. You sink into the plush chair, the weight of the world resting on your shoulders.
The boys take their places around the room and when your brother moves to dismiss them, you pipe up. 
"Jimin and Yoongi stay." 
He shares a confused look with you but doesn't protest, and Jungkook looks like a kicked puppy with his big doe eyes watching you as he files out the door with the rest of his hyungs.
"I see you're getting along well with the team I hired you." He says, bringing your attention back to him.
Snorting, you deadpan back, "Not at all."
"O...Kay?" He looks at your two remaining bodyguards for answers only to find none. "Anyway, what's going on? Why did you need to see me? You should be focusing on your comeback promotions."
"I've finished the Map of the Soul series, and I'm going to start on a new book."
"That's great-" 
 You cut his response short, ripping the theoretical band-aid off. "A book about Father... About me." 
His shock is evident on his face, and he quickly clears his throat, looking at Yoongi and Jimin in mild panic. "Bug, I think we should have this conversation in private."
Any other bodyguards would take that as their cue to leave, but they simply look to you for direction on the issue, and you can tell your brother notices it. 
"They already know about it, about all of it."
Your response has him whipping his head back in your direction so quick you're surprised he didn't pull a muscle.
"They WHAT!?" 
If this wasn't such a heavy topic, you would chuckle at his reaction.
"It's just them, that's why I had them stay. They're going to be kept in the loop while I'm writing the book in order to discretely keep an eye on any potential threats to its release."
You watch as he takes in this information, leaning back in his chair in deep thought, occasionally looking up at you and then the boys.
Finally he settles his gaze back on you, "You're sure about this? This won't just stir up our family it'll stir up the conglomerate world too." 
"Absolutely positive. I trusted in the justice system and they failed me, I won't give them the chance to fail the next person who gets sold off like a peace of meat for the benefit of corporate gain."
You can see the wince Chan tries to hide at your words, you know he has a lot of guilt at not seeing the truth behind your engagement sooner. Not to mention the treatment you suffered at the hands of your Father. 
"You know I will always support you, no matter what." He looks you dead in the eyes, "But there's one problem..."
Maintaining eye contact, you wait for him to finish his words. 
"Mother called me, she's coming back to Korea."
And just like that, everything comes crashing back down again.
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Taglist: @yoongiigolden @chim-possible @ayoo-bangtan @janiva @devilsbooksworld @backinblack1967 @missseoulite @miraxflor @memerswrites @SchokoShaker @simpforhyunjin @zae007live @onlyasgoodasitgets @quinsly @fuck-you-im-gae @tinyoonsblog @iamkookiesforyou @yoursoontobestepmom @emu007 @childfmoonn @candied-lavender @silscintilla @sporadicfuryface @definetlythinkimanalien @btsizlyfe @rinkud @midiplier @purplebeebs @avadakadabra93
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azucarmorena97 · 29 days
Cold (1)
Prologue | Pt.2
Spoiled rotten. Idiot. Greedy. Gluttonous. Evrything you could ever despise in a human being, all wrapped up in a beautiful, gold foil package. Seokjin is known across the land- or, at least all over three different IVY league campuses in the area- as the party-legend and the guy to call for a good time. Not to mention, a total whore. The last person you ever would've wanted as a group mate for the first quarter of the new semester, and the last one you would've ever imagined to have fallen absolutuely, head over hell in love with.
Hell as officially frozen over.
A/N: This takes place before Jin's part in my BTS as Cliched School Tropes. I will be inserting a link to that piece right where it fits chronologically in the story so you can read it and come back when it's time. All the boys in this story are from that piece with each story occurring in the same universe and on the same timeline.
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Series Warnings: Serious themes will be mentioned in this series, such as substance use/abuse, self harm, and violence. Not to mention, there will be smut in the future!
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You've known him for a long time. Since you were about ten years old, to be exact. He's been in your class three different times, once for fifth grade, again for eighth, and then one final time for 11th grade. All three years, you'd interacted with him as little as possible, having decided in fifth grade that you hated him because he got everyone in your class to call you AP because, in his words, you were "such a goddamn nerd."
Girls have always liked him; He's handsome, always has been, he has money, knows how to have fun, doesn't take himself to seriously-
I mean, what's not to like, right?
Wrong. There's plenty to dislike, though writing a list would take forever and no one has that kind of time.
In fact, you were quite pleased when he moved schools in the middle of the semester during Jr. year. You weren't sure why he'd left so randomly, but you didn't really care to ask questions... although you did hear a few conflicting stories: busted for drug possession, caught drinking at a house party, stealing old Hitman Bang's (that's what everyone called the principal) car and taking it for a joyride. Honestly, all of those stories were pretty believable for those who knew him.
Hence, why he sucks as a person.
Imagine your surprise when, on the first day of University, he walks in with a crowd of people hanging off his every word. Walked right past you without a second glance.
Good. That's just how you preferred it anyway.
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"It's not that I don't trust your judgment, sir. I just don't think it's gonna work out-" "If I do that for you, I'll have to reconfigure everyone else' group and that is just not an option."
Professor Song has just posted the teams for the upcoming group projects and you're desperately asking him to reconsider. Hoseok is standing next to you being of absolutely no help, of course.
"Sir, I understand but I could do it for you, if you'd like!" "Mr.Jung, do you have an issue with Jin being on your team?" Prof looks at him from over his glasses, lifting an eyebrow. Hoseok looks at him, then at you, "I-I don't have a particular issue-" You kick his ankle 'discreetly', "-I mean, but it does seem very very important to Y/n, so I support her?" Hoseok glances at you, giving a pathetic little smile of appeasment.
"Right...well, the decision is final. Sorry!" Without so much as another word, Prof grabs his briefcase and walks out of the classroom.
You glare at Hoseok, "Thanks a lot, dude."
You push past him and grab your backpack, brows furrowed in anger.
"Oh, come on!" He whines, "Maybe it won't be so bad."
"For you, maybe."
You both exit the classroom and start your way down the hall to where the elevators are. You press the button to go down.
"Look, I get your hesitance to work with him but that was high school and this is university! You seriously think he's the same guy we knew when we were 16?" He asks, putting his hands up for emphasis.
Just then, timing as perfect as any movie, the elevator doors open, revealing a girl with her back toward you, male hands clutching firmly at the flesh of her ass, as though neither of them expected the elevator to stop so soon. She jumps off of him and moves to the side- and there's Jin. Lipstick stained, puffy-pink lipped Jin.
You look at Hoseok, your expression screaming "I TOLD YOU SO." Hoseok just shrugs, "Old habits die hard?"
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"I heard he's only there so that daddy doesn't cut him off," B/f/n says, leaning forward to add a few extra paint strokes to her big toe.
You roll your eyes, "I don't even care why he's there- I just want him gone. I don't even know how your boyfriend can stand him. Red flag, B/f/n."
She laughs, "Hoseok just...likes to see the good in people." "Yeah, like a dog." "At least I have a dog," She quips.
"Touche," You sigh, throwing yourself backwards onto your bed.
Neither of your speaks for a little while, the both of you lost in thought. A SZA song playing softly from B/f/n's speaker, filling every space of the room.
"Wanna know the funny part?" "Oh, we're still talking about him?" She asks smugly. "Shut up," You crane your neck to give her a quick glare before returning to your previous position, "The funny part is... I remember the first day I saw him. He walked into class and I thought he was likee...the most beautiful boy I've ever seen." "Really?" She asks, raising her brows in surprise. Seeing as how you're the president of the We-Hate-Jin club, it's a shock to think that, at one time, you might have been just as in love with him as everyone else.
"Yeah...and then he opened his stupid fucking mouth."
She rolls her eyes, "Of course."
You sigh, "I don't know what I'm gonna do." "You could always just transfer out of that class, you know? The semester just started, anyway."
"And let him win!? No way..." "Then, in the words of Edward Cullen, you'll just have to endure it."
And endure, you shall.
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"For this first assignment, you will be presenting on any current major political event or global issue. I will be posting some idea topics on the projector, though you can choose a topic not on this list as well, just let me know as soon as you decide. Each topic is first come, first serve, so think of at least three possible topics in case yours is chosen," Prof flips his projector on and claps his hands together, "You may now go and confer with your team."
Students shuffle and move around the classroom to get to their teammates, though you and Hoseok stay put. "Should we go over to him?" Hoseok asks, looking behind him to look for Jin. "No. We're already sitting down, he's the one that should come to us," You say with a self-righteous expression.
A good three minutes pass and you're both still waiting. "I-I don't think he's coming," Hoseok says, checking his apple watch. You flare your nostrils, already annoyed. You give in to the urge to look behind you as Hoseok had, only to see Jin sitting with a large group of people in the back; his head jerking backward in laughter as they all huddle together.
Wordlessly, you stand up from your seat though you leave your notebook and pen at the table. You might be the one to go after him right now, but you'll be damned if you let him dictate where you'll work on the project.
As you approach the large group of people at the far back of the classroom, you feel your heart start pounding in your chest. It's like high school all over again. You try to shove your nerves out of your head and make sure not to let it show on your face. "Excuse me, Jin?" You say.
They all keep talking and carrying on, not a single one of them having heard you. It's like you're standing behind some kind of invisible forcefield of assholery. You clear your throat and, before you can fully gather the nerve, your index finger is making contact with Jin's shoulder. "Jin."
His head immediately whips around, "Mm?" Silence befalls the entire herd and you can feel your cheeks burn with embarrassment. "We're waiting for you."
"Who's waiting for me?" He asks, a genuine look of confusion on his face.
You stare at him blankly, deciding on whether or not he's pulling your leg, "Hoseok and I. Your team. For the project."
He glances over at Hoseok, who is texting away at the other table. "Right, the project." The herd laughs, "Fucking dumbass," One of them says, shoving his shoulder. "Shut your ass up," Jin shoves him, a big smile on his face.
You're still standing there awkwardly, unsure of what to do.
Jin looks as though he's only just remembering you're standing there and he clears his throat, "Uh, yeah. I'll be right there. No worries."
"Alright..." You say, eyes narrowed on him slightly. You're not sure you believe him, but you're also no gonna stand here like an idiot.
You return to your seat and open your notebook. "He coming?" Hoseok asks. "Yeah." "You sure? He hasn't moved like...at all." "He said he's coming, so he's coming. Let's just start thinking of what we want the topic to be." "Alright..." He leans back in his chair, "Well, I was thinking..."
Hoeseok goes through about three different topics, saying this or that about each one, but you can't focus on anything he's saying.
That fucking asshole isn't coming. It's been...goodness, it's been fifteen minutes. Does he just not give a fuck? Of course he doesn't. He's just here so he doesn't get cut off, just like B/f/n said.
"So, what do you think?" Hoseok asks, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Hm?" You ask, blinking slowly as you come back to reality. "Were you listening like, at all?" "Of- of course. Uhm, let's go with your second idea," You glance down at the paper he was jotting ideas down on, "Feminism in the workplace."
"Okay, great," He folds the paper and tucks it into his pocket.
"Alright, everyone. I hope you got some good discussions in. Remember this is due in a week and a half. Make sure to assign jobs tomorrow for everyone to do. Have a good rest of your day."
Everyone starts gathering their things and walking out, chatter filling the room. The crowd Jin was sitting with all walks forward to exit the room, and of course, Jin doesn't even look yours or Hoseok's way.
Fuck it. You don't need him.
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"You excited to see him?" B/f/n asks, biting her straw in excitement. You roll your eyes, trying to seem nonchalant, "It's not even a big deal." "Oh, please. You all but begged for Hoseok to invite him." "I did not beg. I...strongly suggested it would be cool to have more people over," You shrug, taking a swig of your coke. "Right," She laughs. "Aaay!" Hoseok's voice booms from the living room, indicating his invited *ahem* guest has arrived.
You and B/f/n both look at each other, sudden panic taking over the both of you; B/f/n for you, and you for yourself. "Teeth!" You both say in unison, prompting you to immediately bare your teeth at her, her eyes carefully examining every single crevice, "You're good." "Breath?" You breath on her. "Minty fresh," She assures. You take a long, deep breath, "Okay. Let's do this." "So much for it not being a big deal," B/f/n says smugly, to which to respond by glaring at her.
"Hey, everyone!" B/f/n greets with a big smile, walking over and hugging Yoongi, Namjoon, and Taehyung.
They all greet the both of you.
"Can I offer you guys any drinks? Namjoon, Yoongi...Taehyung?" Your eyes linger on Tae for just a little longer than the others, as he's your true interest tonight anyway.
"I'll take a beer," Hoseok interjects, to which B/f/n chupses and hits his arm. "Ow?" He furrows his brows.
"I think we'll all take beers," Namjoon says for everyone. "Uhm, I think I'll just have a Sprite, thanks," Tae says.
"One Sprite, coming up" You smile, completely forgetting about everyone else, 'cause fuck 'em, that's why.
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"Let's go!" Hoseok cheers, along with the other guys when whatever-the-fuck team scores the winning touchdown. "Good, it's finally over," You say exasperatedly; you're bored to death and just want to be able to talk to Taehyung.
"I don't even know why you'd want to be invited to watch the game- you hate football," B/f/n says, just loud enough for you to hear but no one else.
"I was desperate," You sigh, "I've been trying to get the nerve to talk to Tae' but I never had an in until now." "Just talk to him, you nerd," She says, lightly pushing on your shoulder.
"You're right. I need to stop being a pussy," You nod, "I'm going in."
By this point, everyone's had a few beers- minus Tae- and everyone is in a seemingly good enough mood; "How about some karaoke?" You say, standing in the middle of the living room in front of the TV.
"Fuck yeah!" Hoseok jumps up, "I'll go get the mics."
"Karaoke's not really my think," Yoongi says, crossing his arms. "What? Scared you'll lose your sTrEet CrEd with your shitty singing?" You mock. "Scared? Ha," He shakes his head, "You know what, fine. We'll do some karaoke."
"Ay! Now it's a party," You and B/f/n cheer, "Got the mics," Hoseok says, coming back with the rechargeable mics with built in speakers, "I call first!" "What about you, Taehyung? You gonna sing?" You ask, sitting next to him. He smiles shyly, "I...I don't know. I'm a little shy." "Oh, come on! I'm sure you'll be great." "I think I'll just watch for now," He says, leaning back into the couch.
"Ah, you're the observant type, then?" You ask, taking advantage of the fact that everyone is now focused on Hoseok's overly emotional rendition of The Fray's 'How to Save a Life'.
"I guess so," He nods. "A wallflower of sorts," You add. "What a...pretty way to put being an introvert," He chuckles. "I do have a way with words," You smile. "I definitely don't- I usually get really tongue tied when I'm on the spot." "Yeah, I'm not much of a public speaker, myself." "Shit, me either. I failed speech last semester because of it." "You took speech? Who was your professor?" You ask, rotating yourself to face him better. "Professor Song," He sighs. "No shit- I have him now too!" "Good luck," He shakes his head in pity. "You can say that again. He paired me up with this guy I've known for forever, total dick. I tried to get him to change the teams but Prof was absolutely not with it," You roll your eyes. "Yeah, sounds like Song... Who's the guy?" He asks. "Hm?" "Total Dick." "Ah yeah, him. You may have heard of him. Kim Seokjin?"
"No way, you're working with Jin this semester?!" Yoongi cuts in, plopping down next to you, "I've been overcharging that idiot for weed since middle school," He laughs.
"Remember when you sold him Tums and told him it was molly?" Namjoon laughs. "Oh yeah, that shit was funny."
"So he's really stupid?" Tae asks. "Oh no, he's more than that," You say bitterly. "Oh boy, you've gotten her started," B/f/n sighs. "He's the hugest asshole. Fifth grade, a girl told him he needed a hair cut, so what'd he do? Tangled a huge wad of Hubba Bubba in her hair, then told her he knew a really good barber who could take care of that. Eight grade, he was caught...'playing doctor' with some girl under the bleachers at a football game and then proceeded to completely ignore her for the rest of the year, went on to date her best friend. These are only some of the dickish things he's done-" "Wow, he does seem like quite the asshole," Tae nods, taking a sip of his sprite. You catch yourself having gone on a rant, as you tend to do, and get embarrassed. "Yeah, uhm...well, I-I'm gonna go get us some popcorn. Be right back-" "I've actually gotta get going," Taehyung says, checking his watch. "Yeah, me too," Yoongi nods, putting his beer on the table. "Yoongi's my ride," Namjoon stands as well.
"Oh, okay," You try not to sound so defeated, convinced that you've blown it by sounding like the biggest hater in the universe. "It was nice of you all to come over," B/f/n says. "Of course, thanks for having us," Namjoon smiles. "tHaNks fOr hAvIng Us," Yoongi mocks him, "Fucking dweeb." "It's the polite thing to say," Namjoon furrows his brows. "Bye Taehyung," You say, as he's the last one out the door. "Bye. It was nice talking to you," He smiles politely, giving a slight bow and then following them out.
When the door closes, you plop back down on the couch, letting out a big sigh, throwing your hands over your face in defeat. "Ugh! I blew it, didn't I?" "What? No, not at all...I- I definitely think, for next time, maybe don't go on a tangent about another man?" "Another man? You make it seem like I was talking about a lover," You scoff. "I know, I know. But just tone it down next time." "If there even is a next time," You groan, still not uncovering your eyes. "Oh stop, I'm sure there will be. I'll even make Hobi keep throwing watch parties until Taehyung eventually falls in love with you." Finally, you uncover your eyes, "Promise?" You hold out your pinky, and she hooks hers around it, "Promise."
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A/N: I think I'm addicted to writing the boys out to be total jerks. What can I say? That's my type. As always, let me know what you think! <3
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lily-174 · 2 years
hi! are your requests still open?? if so can i have a kelly severide imagine with some angst and fluff!! Thank you if u can!!! i’ve seen anyone write for him so i’m excited lol!!
you’re a cop?! -kelly severide
trigger warning- hostage situation, guns, extreme angst, mentions of human trafficking and sex trafficking, shooting, injuries.
requested?: yes, sorry if this isn’t what you had in mind. i love the drama of more intense fics.
i just finished writing icl i don’t really like it, but i’d appreciate some feedback!
Kelly Severide, your boyfriend of 5 years. you’d had a difficult relationship, the start was rocky. and due to both of your jobs seeing each other was a hardship sometimes as your shifts didn’t always align with him being a firefighter and you being a detective in intelligence. Kelly also had a strong dislike for your boss, Hank Voight. not only that but with the risks and dangers of both your careers you cherished the time you spent together. but all these things that made your relationship a little harder then others, you felt as if it made you and Kelly stronger together. you’d helped each other with trauma, grief, injuries.. it had been a long five years but you both always came out stronger then before..
the past week had been a prime example of one of these more difficult times, you’d been caught up on a really difficult case. human trafficking, this case was taking most your time, you’d come back have a quick shower 5 hours of sleep and go back to work. new leads popping up out of the blue, more and more missing girls showing up, girls having to be forced into being sex workers.
this case was taking a toll on you, sleep deprived, stress not having had any time to yourself in over a week. hadn’t even said more then a hello to your boyfriend in three days despite living with him. you could tell in the few seconds you saw him making a coffee before you sped out the house he looked worried, well more upset you couldn’t spend more time with him.
you wished you could, but this case was sent from the ivory tower you needed all hands on deck. just as you walked into the bullpen you noticed a small message pop up on your phone.
kelly: be careful i love you.
you didn’t even have enough time to reply as hank came out of his office and started going over the plan. they’d found a club where these pimps would essentially go hunting, looking for their next victim, they’d trick a women into going home with them, drug them then they’d be auctioned out and forced into being sex workers before being returned to the pimps.
the plan was for you to go undercover find one of these men go back to his place, and listen out for any incriminating evidence, since you had no solid evidence that linked these men to the human trafficking apart from the word of a few informants. you needed more.
you agreed, and when the time came you went to get ready, making yourself look completely unlike yourself. you had changed into a tight body con dress, that was way too short for your liking and fairly revealing. it felt like something only kelly should see you wearing. you did your makeup, black eyeliner being essential whenever you go undercover. then you heard a knock on the locker room door.
“come in” you called out to whoever was at the door, it was kev your partner. he was your best friend aswell, easily one of the most genuine guys you’d ever met a proper gentleman. he walked in immediately taking his jacket off, passing it to you. to make you feel a bit more comfortable. having you’d spoke to him about how these dresses made you feel in the past, you took it with a small smile and thanked him.
“are you alright? you ready?” he asked as always checking he wasn’t sending his partner anywhere unprepared. you loved having kev as your partner you always had each others backs.
you assured him you were ready and thanked him again for his jacket putting it on and heading downstairs with him to be met with voight and the rest of the team.
once you’d arrived at the club you felt fully exposed, you knew you had your team around you and you were wearing a wire but something just didn’t feel right. this club just had a strange vibe. the amount of guys you’d already had encounters with before you even managed to get to the bar was ridiculous. you’d told voight before you went in, for no one to move unless you gave the signal. he agreed. you were a good cop, you knew how to handle situations well. but this was your first time going undercover in over a year.
once you’d started speaking to the pimp, you’d noticed him signaling something to a few guys around the room, the whole situation just didn’t feel right to you. you’d been in way worse situations but this felt off. he bought you a drink and you both chatted for a while before getting more flirtatious. it felt wrong, things like this always did because your mind always drifted to kelly.
after talking to this guy a while longer you noticed how off putting this man really was. scars littered this mans face. you could only imagine it was from women trying to fight back. that thought made you feel slightly anxious, but you couldn’t let that show. keep your composure.
finally he asked if you wanted to head back to his, you agreed and gave him flirty smile, you stood from the bar stool and he slapped your ass. you laughed it off and let him hold your hand letting him lead you out the bar. the plan was sorted, get in go back to his, if you get a chance search and find information, jay and haliey were already outside his apartment, adam and kim half way between the club and his house incase things go sideways on the way, and kev and voight at waiting just outside the club ready to tail you.
you got into the passenger seat of his car already observing your surroundings, he started the car as you looked around. you put your seatbelt on noticing a few drops of dry blood on the belt. you didn’t say anything just listen to his words.
“you’ll have the night of your life with me darling”
those words made bile rise in your throat, you giggled and made a flirtatious comment in return.
your journey felt like it was over an hour long in reality it was no longer then ten minutes, as he pulled up you noticed the van jay and haliey were in and that soothed your nerves, you got out the car following the man inside.
you had an awful feeling about this walking into his house you noticed how dodgey this truly was. the man walked in going straight up to the window looking outside, when he turned around you felt as if his demeanour changed. he offered you a drink and you declined politely. he called you boring and attempted pressuring you into a drink, you finally agreed and thought to yourself you wouldn’t drink it.
you both sat on the couch he was drinking his drink and you just held yours, you heard what sounded like scratching and rattling coming from the floor, possibly the basement that’s when you realised there were probably women terrified fighting for their lives right below you.
“what’s that nosie?” you asked him gently rubbing his shoulder, you felt repulsed but you had to play the game.
“there’s a few rats in the basement” he responded bluntly.
he had noticed you hadn’t had a sip of your drink, and he tried pressuring you to take a sip. you tried your best to resist but you had to keep your cover so you took a sip.
kelly was on shift, he had no idea you were undercover. he glanced at his phone as he just got out the truck after a call, you still hadn’t responded to his text message. it’s been three days since you’d properly spoken to him. he was beginning to grow worried. he decided to send you another text.
kelly: hey babe, are you gonna be home when i get back? love you
he sent the message as he walked through into the break room looking at his phone screen hoping you’d reply instantly but you didn’t.
“trouble in paradise?” capp joked while stood with cruz, kelly sighed.
“no. y/n has been caught up in some case, i’m just worried. i’ve barely seen her this last week, i haven’t spoken to her in days.”
“i can call Kevin, just check she’s okay if you want?” Brett said butting into the conversation, you and Sylvie were close friends, and she knew kevin quite well.
“i don’t want to bother them on this case” kelly responded brett quickly reassured him.
“it’s kevin, he wants to make sure she’s okay” kelly then agreed.
not long before the bells rung and kelly had to go to another call.
you’d been sat with this guy for a while now, apart from the baggies of cocaine you’d noticed you had no other form of evidence to link him to human trafficking.
before long his phone started ringing and he left the room, you got up and started searching, you felt a bit lightheaded. he’d spiked your drink, you’d figured he would’ve done that but you thought it was a small price to pay for bringing down a human trafficking ring. you heard a shout. before he stormed back in.
“you’re a cop?!” he shouted walking towards the window pulling the curtain back and looking outside. fuck.
“bring em up!” he shouted, as he pulled a gun from behind him.
“you don’t have to do this okay? i can help you.” you tried to reason with him. then another man walked in the room with two young girls, couldnt be a day over 22. they were covered in bruises. the man threw the two girls in your direction.
“don’t panic okay? i’ve got you both i’m a cop, my unit will be here any second.”
“50-21 george i’ve got an active hostage situation, i need more patrol cars to my location be advised plain clothed officers on scene” jay called into his radio.
“we gotta go in! what are you waiting for?” kev exclaimed, getting out his car.
“no! we can’t not yet. it’s too risky. there’s two girls in there to.” voight said.
you could hear haliey in your ear piece telling you they were going to try and make contact with your captor since there were more civilians in the house they wanted to get this done in the safest way possible.
on the outside Sylvie’s name had now popped up on kevin’s phone he noticed and answered walking away from the rest of the team.
hey kevin, kelly is worried about y/n i just wanted to check in and make sure she’s okay.” she said once he’d answered the phone.
“this isn’t the best time.. the undercover plan went wrong, we are currently dealing with a hostage situation. y/n’s inside, voight trying to make contact but no luck yet.” kevin continued to explain the whole situation. Sylvie was shocked and asked if she could tell kelly. just as kevin began to answer there was a gun shot in the background.
you had been trying to defuse the whole situation, but keeping the young girls calm and talking to the now two guys with loaded guns pointed at you and the fact whatever he had put in your drink was now taking effect.
the main captor was beginning to loose his temper, things escalated quickly one of the girls screaming and begging for her life, begging him to let her go she got up from the floor begging him:
it all happened so quickly.
him raising his weapon and you getting in the way of it.
the bullet tearing through your skin.
you felt it, it felt like you could feel the bullet pierce through every layer of skin on through your hip, the pain was followed quickly by blood. you fell to the floor the pain, consuming you. you felt even more lightheaded then before, but you knew you would be okay. you pressed your hands to the wound trying to stop the blood flow.
“was that y/n?!” kev shouted to jay, he nodded and grabbed his gun standing up.
“call kelly.” kev said through the phone to sylvie, before ending it. they couldn’t wait any longer, they had to go in. one of there own was hurt. it could go badly very easily but they had to try.
kelly was on his way back from the call, about to pull into the firehouse when Sylvie called him. “y/n has been shot” those words hit him like a truck.
“cruz get back to the house. right now!” before cruz had even fully pulled into the station kelly hopped out the truck.
“cover squad, y/n has been shot.” he said before he turned running to his car, he’d never sped as much as he had that day. he got to med so quick. he parked and ran in, he still had black soot on his face from his last call, sweaty hair, you wouldn’t be able to tell if it was from the call he had just came back from or the stress.
he ran into med to be met with all of intelligence sat in the waiting room.
“what happened? is she okay? where is she” kelly’s brain was going a million miles an hour, kev looked up at him, kelly noticed the blood that covered kevin’s shirt and hands and his heart sunk.
“she’s in emergency surgery, she lost consciousness on scene it’s been touch and go since then.” kevin informed your heart broken boyfriend.
you woke to someone holding your hand and a pulsating pain in your lower abdomen, when you opened your eyes you saw kelly holding your hand with his head hung low, he looked awful, you could tell he was beyond exhausted.
“kels?” your voice was a lot croakier then you’d expected and was followed by a small coughing fit.
“you’re awake? y/n i love you so much.” kelly’s head flung up to meet your eyes he stood up to kiss your forehead.
“i’m sorry.. i’m sorry i barely spoke to you and i didn’t answer your message i’m so sorry kelly.” you croaked, you needed him. you just wanted to be in his arms. you never needed your man more.
“it’s okay sweetheart, i’m just glad your okay. you were shot and drugged. i’ve spoke to voight, you’ve got 4 weeks off work longer if you’re not cleared by then. bodens letting me take some time off to look after you. you’ll be sick of me eventually” he chuckles kissing the back of your hand.
“i could never be sick of you… when can we go home?” you asked, you hated hospitals. so much. med wasn’t too bad, as every time you’d had to be in here your friends brother will had taken time to take care of you, not that you ever let him.
“will said he’ll see if he can let you go tomorrow but it depends how you go tonight”
it had been a few days, will had let you go home, now you were cuddled up on the couch with kelly, you were still struggling to walk quite a bit so kelly managed to get a few more shifts off to look after you, and you had to say he was the best doctor you’d ever had, most attractive aswell. you laid with your head on his shoulder and his arm around you, you always felt safe with him you hadn’t believed in real love until you met this man. kelly was your saviour in every way possible. you knew you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. you believed you’re the luckiest women in the world. you had the most handsome firefighter in the world as your boyfriend, you had a great job, amazing friends that would check up on you all the time. especially kevin. you wanted this man sat next to you to be the father of your kids. kelly worshipped you.
“i love you so much please don’t get shot again” he whispers in your ear as he turn your head gently to kiss you, he placed a gentle kiss to your lips that you returned happily, he gently rubbed the pad of his thumb against your cheek as he deepened the kiss, you gently pulled away and rested your forehead against his.
“i love you too”
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lawlietscaramels · 6 months
alike to you, i have my own death note oc :D if it's okay, would you tell us more about yours? i'm genuinely curious how they fit into the story and their role in it altogether.
Miss Rie // 1429
keyo I'm going to squeeze you like a stress ball or something you're awesome and you better tell us all about your oc?!?!? :DD and it is SO okay rr I'm gonna ramble. cw torture mention, mental health issues, manipulation and other such traits.
Relationships, Lore So Far, Personality, Strengths, Weaknesses, Trivia
She's aligned with Team L!! of course dnsjhd
Rie and L have a funny relationship because they've worked together for a while and seem close but aren't together (as far as the TF know at least. I'm not sure yet to what degree her relationship with L has progressed at the time the anime is set). but everyone who meets them goes: "a girl in love and a man who's apathetic"
She actually likes Light a lot, because he's a nice guy, when he's not Kira. would be friends with him in another life.
When it comes to 「Kira」 whoever they may be, she dislikes but understands them. She knows that there are problems in the world and a lot of them stem from "evil people", but she doesn't really believe in purely evil people, and also realises that Kira's methods are counterproductive.
Rie does NOT get along with Misa. she can tolerate her but only in small doses. She's always kind to her, though this is mostly so she can try to get information out of her.
As for the rest of the Task Force: Likes them all. She never met Ukita though cause she introduces herself a while after L does in my current plan. Thinks Matsuda is a little naïve and Chief Yagami is blinded by his love for his son.
At the moment I'm thinking Rie isn't an orphan but lived somewhere near Wammy's House when she was little. She loooves annoying Near, Matt and Mello.
Lore So Far
there's a lot of unrefined stuff, what I have here is likely to change
I mentioned beforehand she works with L for a few years before the Kira case. she actually spent a lot of her life tracking him down, basically just to play with him/annoy him because... she's just an ass like that. So eventually she was able to contact him and they played a Game of cat and mouse, detective vs detective (I have a minific written for this that I might share. also Rie's not quite a detective... kinda a vigilante? not sure how to explain)
my current plan is she ends up getting stuck in a situation like Light was, where L suspects her for a case (she hacked into his database and deleted all his files) and has to work with her and keep an eye on her. I'm considering that she purposely got caught bc she was in trouble with more dangerous people, but maybe L catches her because, well, he's the world's greatest detective and the dangerous people just encounter Rie later
she's eventually cleared of suspicion because she wasn't involved in the cases she wiped, she just deleted them to be annoying and win the Game. Rie sticks around to annoy L for a while but then in come the dangerous people!!
the reason for this isn't fully fleshed out yet, but she gets herself kidnapped and once they realise she worked with L they try to get information on him out of her (through torture pretty much). this bit is the bit I'm probably least happy with, I want to work on it more. but in the end her stomach gets cut open, she escapes and collapses/gets rescued, and L realises he can trust her.
Rie goes to various countries and does her own thing for a few years, occasionally assisting L on cases, before she comes to Japan for the Kira case
there's so much Kira related stuff that I think I'll make another post sometime haha.
but that is the simplified and unrefined version of her backstory!
a proud feminist!! because come on death note needs one. (I know I said earlier she likes Light and dislikes Misa but the way he treats her ticks Rie off)
honestly can be very annoying on purpose, like a sibling
that said she's a good person overall, has done suspicious contract work and whatever, but she loves people and she really cares for everyone in her life
energetic 50% of the time, asleep the other 50%.
Pretty analytical but definitely has and expresses emotions. Probably INTP but I'm not great with MBTI tying.
a sore loser. But instead of trying to win, she will just give up if she knows there's a chance of losing. that way she can tell herself that it was her decision and thus, she won.
Loves her friends + family and has a somewhat motherly vibe
she's the smartest woman in the world!! because honestly it is a crime that all the smart people in death note are men and hey, it's kind of cool to make an oc who's the anything-est in the world. (I wouldn't say she's REALLY the smartest, she just has a fairly wide skill set and is intelligent. maybe the highest-achieving)
Well she hacked L's main databases so I think you can tell she's good with technology
Her major in uni was psychology! Criminal and maybe abnormal psych, that is. also has dabbled in sociology and neurology. Rie knows a lot of languages.
a good baker (this may be the real reason L didn't have her killed).
A cheerful presence, good at raising morale and making L seem more approachable and likeable to the Task Force. usually optimistic.
I know I just said she's optimistic, but this is because she makes a conscious effort to be. Rie's got a lot of anxiety and worries, and struggles with several mental health issues.
Her pride is as bad as L's ego. Actually, she'd claim it's worse.
When she gets angry she gets ANGRY. will straight up punch someone in the face and yell for hours.
bad at processing her emotions in general actually
Rie has attachment and abandonment issues I think. also because of the whole torture thing she's got some pretty bad PTSD.
She can be really rude/blunt. claims this is unintentional.
physically pretty weak, too.
SOOO MANIPULATIVE! like she's a detective and she kind of has to be so to make the most of her psychology knowledge and get info out of suspects, but this will often seep into her personal life. "let's perform experiments on our friends and coworkers to increase efficiency!"
Everyone on the Task Force thinks she binge drinks coffee. It's actually hot chocolate
Rie has a cat! her name is Synonym, nicknamed "Sin"
her favourite flowers are hydrangeas, bluebells, and roses (she's got a literal guns and roses aesthetic going on). Her favourite trees are wisterias and her favourite animals are either otters or elephants.
She's autistic (totally not because I'm autistic and can't write a neurotypical character)
Rie is actually just an alias. I'm debating on, if she lived near Wammy's, she might have met L and this would be a nickname derived from her middle name. but then I have to explain the "woah memory loss!!" in the whole database/suspicion incident. so, it's probably just a name that she likes. or maybe she shortened her own middle name.
The full alias is Rie Takamura. She also goes by Hina Suzuki (Japanese equivalent of Jane Doe) and 1429 (fourteen twenty-nine).
SHE LOVES CASINOS. her theme song would probably be "Joker and the Thief" (or maybe not, but it's in my playlist for her). Rie's very careful not to let herself get addicted to gambling but gosh she loves going to a casino, pretending to be a dumb girl, and counting cards until she can sweep the table off its legs.
lowkey a mad scientist (mostly social-scientist but still.)
I'M SO SORRY I just realised pretty much none of that has to do with DN canon which is kind of what you asked about akdfhsfhrghiwg I'll without a doubt do a part two sooner or later though
𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖙 ˏˋ⋆˖⁺˖⁀➷ 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 + 𝖋𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜
character ©lawlietscaramels , ©dailyreine , ©riexliet. Though Rie has been inserted into Ohba Tsugumi's Death Note universe, her design, character, and non canon related storyline are all my own original work. Do not steal her design, claim her as your own, use her for “inspiration” — it's flattering but it often ends up a copy, feed any part of her (story/art) to AI, or do anything else unethical or immoral.
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lasenbyphoenix · 3 months
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Unshakable Faith (2023)
Episode 19 Breakdown
Lai Guangrun tells the police team surrounding him that the library where they are is where the Lumen massacre occurred. Officer Hongmei loses her composure at the mention of her father's death and Police Captain Chen has to hold her back. Lai Guangrun mocks her before taking cyanide and dying in front of them. Still angry, she confronts Dr Bai about Lai Guangrun visiting him and asks if he knew the truck driver was spy, but he tells her that unlike her line of work where people are either good or bad, in his line of work everyone is just a patient.
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A search of Lai Guangrun's house reveals a notebook and a series of newspapers with Morse code cut into them. The police team gain a vague description of the man who delivered the papers from his neighbour, and the electrician Liu Simao watches their investigation from a distance.
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The KMT bemoan their failure to impede the pool construction, and plan to increase Snow Wolf's efforts even if that might bring them closer to the surface.
Expert Chief Chu is still in hospital but cheered up by the successful build of the pool. He instructs the experts to move forward with the model testing quickly and names the pool the Heavenly Sky Pool.
Nurse Bai is taken away for questioning about Expert Chief Chu's poisoning. She is upset and defends her prescription and is shocked to learn it was tampered with. Nurse Bai cannot explain it and remembers only that she was called away from the decoction room for a few minutes while cooking the medicine.
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Nurse Zhang Ling and Nurse Du Fang, who have been outspoken in their dislike of Nurse Bai, are suspects and they accuse Officer Hongmei of favouritism because she's Nurse Bai's friend. Officer Hongmei gets several traditional doctors to check the prescription in front of the whole nursing staff to be transparent in her investigation. They determine that the prescription is valid, proving that it was tampered with after the fact.
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Ji Danyang is furious about Nurse Bai being detained despite Officer Hongmei explaining that they need proof and Dr Bai visits to protest her treatment as well. As the police team struggle to find conclusive evidence of who did it, Officer Hongmei suggests to Police Captain Chen to release Nurse Bai to see what response is shaken up.  Officer Hongmei apologises to Nurse Bai for what rumours she may face going back to work.
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I cannot convey with screenshots how funny it is, with how their dorm rooms have windows facing each other, when everytime our math man and Hongmei are having a tiff there is a moment when they look up from their desks to see the other looking out their window at the same time, and Ji Danyang gets up and angrily shuts his curtains like he's trying to slam a door in Hongmei's face. Except the fabric of the curtains is so flimsy that they pull away from the window at the sides and he has to hastily rearrange them. It just takes the wind out of his sails so much.
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Nurse Zhang Ling has been the most vocal hater of Nurse Bai, but it's Nurse Du Fang who is the most uncomfortable looking with the investigation going on. See, I knew her demotion was going to come up again.
Hongmei absolutely fucking loses it when the truck driver starts talking about the massacre, she's high strung anyway but has been funneling it into her job, but this hit personal. I can imagine her being embarrassed that all of her police team mates witnessed it, but thankfully Captain Chen understands tact and makes sure she's ok.
They've caught Security Captain Li and Lizard is dead, which is half of the known spies in their midst, but no identity for Snow Wolf yet and the electrician is still lurking about.
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That photo of the KMT guy with the class of children just gives me BAD VIBES. I'm expecting Snow Wolf to be one of the older generation we've already met because we know they were active with the KMT prior to liberation, but the photo makes me worried that they were raising children as sleeper spies so now it might be one of our main crew that's been undercover this whole time. We already know that Nurse Bai was kidnapped for a time as a kid before Dr Bai found her again - was she at kiddie spy school??? Gahhhhhhhh I'm feeling betrayed already.
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vro0m · 5 months
So I’ve discovered what I found familiar and disliked about the interactions from your anon with the negative views and parasocial thing re:Lewis
Team LH on twt keep involving themselves in places that aren’t LH friendly and demand that others share their views which is nonsensical because if these ppl hate LH why are you engaging with them
They complain about ppl mentioning LH for clicks and then they respond and quote twts providing engagement and furthering the reach of these ppl
This part here is an assumption but if I had to deal with racism and discrimination on work (within f1) unprovoked and then my fans keep adding fire to those flames via sm engagement I might just spend less time on sm since I’m not about to quit my job
LH seems like the kind of person that would focus on making changes in areas he can control (sm, vacation activities, privacy etc)
Anyway I’m rambling now but yeah…..team LH complain about everything but engage with the very same ppl and articles they should ignore and it’s very pessimistic and argumentative behaviour
Hi! So there's a few things here. I wanna start by saying although you're taking Team LH as an example I think it's important to recognize that this isn't specific to them, nor F1.
I've had a twitter account for more than a decade – I don't engage with F1 content there myself, I'm just not interested – and I see very similar behaviour in my timeline although it's not fandom-based at all but queers and leftists and feminists and generally cool people and/or my friends. They tend to quote tweets that make them react (which is the equivalent of pointing directly at someone in front of your group of friends and saying look how stupid this guy is basically) and that makes other people react and so on and that's just how twitter is built. That's how twitter works. Twitter's foundation IS people yelling at each other. Is it stupid? Absolutely. But that's genuinely just what this platform is about and how interactions happen there most of the time. (Also not just there tbc I've seen such things happen here on tumblr and on every social media but twitter absolutely favours this more than any other social media).
And then you add fan behaviour on top of that and yeah. A lot of people tend to engage and get into fights about what or who they like and that's a human thing that's then sometimes magnified by parasociality and just. The fact that you're generally invested, you know? You invest time, and energy, and most of all emotions into a person, or a band, or an actor/actress, or a topic or whatever, that means something to you and that makes you feel something. And ultimately being a fan of something tends to be a bit of a foggy self-identification process, right? It becomes a part of you. So when people attack it, it feels like they're attacking you, they're judging you, because you don't like the right thing the right way, and it feels personal and so you feel the need to defend it because you feel the need to defend yourself for what you like and how you like it. It's an emotional thing. I think it's easy to get caught up in that. I remember how personally I took it when people made fun of things that I liked and projected myself into and made me feel joy at some points in my life. That's why I don't blame Anon from the other day. Because it's not easy to detach from what other people think of what we like and what we do and ultimately of who we are. Maybe I'm getting a bit deep about this but you get what I mean : people get emotional about stuff they like and identify with.
Still I think it's always important although maybe not always easy to try to be a bit meta about things and take a step back and be like okay wait a minute because how did I get here at first I was just enjoying this cool thing and sharing my enjoyment with people and now I'm anxious and angry what is this about and how do I get back to the part where it's nice and joyful? Because that thing that made you feel good should make you feel good.
Good luck trying to explain that to fucking twitter though.
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…what is the pegasus series even about? i thought it was just horses but im starting to think differently from your posts, chief. why are there aliens and how did they get there
Excellent question, I would love to answer! It is not just about horses in the slightest, my friend. There is one (1) horse, and he isn't even the main character. The series is named after Pegasus but it goes so far beyond him dude. (slight spoilers follow)
The premise of the first book is that THE pegasus (the one horse in the series) has crashed onto the roof of Emily's house, our main character who is struggling to cope with the fairly recent death of her mother. Pegasus arrived injured, and is being chased by these creatures they need to avoid. Emily enlists the help of this guy she's never talked to before but who draws pegasus in his notebooks a lot, Joel, and together they discover that the gods are real and Olympus is in grave danger. They're being overrun by these creatures chasing Pegs and the flame of olympus (which the first book is named for) that fuels them is dying. But! Centuries ago, a piece of that flame was placed in a human girl, passed on for generations, a fail safe so that if the first was ever threatened, that girl could be retrieved and called upon to relight it and save Olympus. Pegasus was on this mission when he was attacked, crashing into Emily's roof (and Diana later shows up to help). This is a spoiler but you could probably guess it turns out that girl is actually Emily and she's gotta go to Olympus to save the gods. There's also a secondary plot with this guy named Paelen who's a godly thief and stole pegasus's bridle, which just so happens to be one of the only things made out of the only material that can harm the creatures destroying olympus. He kinda got caught by this secret government agency called CRU though, and they turn out to be kinda influential and important. But paelen turns over a new leaf and is one of the main characters and main group
That's the first book, and it only gets more complicated from there (much more significant spoilers ahead). Like Emily's dad gets taken by CRU and she sneaks out of olympus to try and rescue him, there's a whole war with those creatures but it turns out they're not actually their enemies and they make peace, the CRU use olympian blood to create hundreds of clones of the olympians, Emily discovers she has inherent knowledge of this ancient race and there's this thing where she and a group of friends all time travel back thousands of years to this war they've heard about, and it turns out they're the crucial people and the only reason the war was won in the future their from is because they traveled to the past to win it. All of which also relates to discovering a new abandoned planet with this ancient species? There's also Lorin, who I dislike, who is like a Titan equivalent of Emily and so jealous and petulant who teams up with CRU against her but later becomes paelen's love interest (I don't know what he sees in her). That book has something to do with a volcano too. THEN there's also the aliens I mentioned, where something about time traveling back to that war fucked with the alien's prisons and set them partially loose, enough that they could start to do things it just took an eternity to build up power, and it turns out (since that was back in the past) they've actually been present in the series the entire time through CRU. The evil secret government organization who has been antagonizing them the whole series. But anyway the aliens are super powerful, so how do they beat them? They blow up the planet and I'm not joking. It's not earth, but their strategy is like lets cut our losses and blow up the planet while they're on it, and it works (planet was evacuated if ur curious, and was going to be completely destroyed by the aliens anyway). Oh and I forgot to mention, about 2/3rds of the way through the series Emily gets a new body. I think it had something to do with either a significant injury or properly channeling her powers, but either way she gets a new body and through the last books she frequently mentions adjusting to seeing a stranger in the mirror and being taller and things like that, which is all sorts of psychologically horrifying when you think about it. Oh and around that time her dad ends up in a relationship with Diana, who has also been really present from the beginning and is the person her new body is based on. And then at the end Emily is offered the opportunity to just peace out and live in a coma for the rest of her life if she doesn't want to deal with life anymore.
So yeah, not about horses! It's named after Pegasus because Pegasus is the inciting incident and afterward he and emily are really really close, they're like a pair and I think may be like. godly linked? because pegs is tied to the flame and emily is the flame so they've got a really sweet friendship and reliance on each other even though Emily doesn't speak horse until a few pages from the end of book 6.
I hope that helps explain it! I don't know how much more detail I could provide without having to reread because its been a while, but this is the gist of it all :)
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azure-wolf-227 · 1 year
Hamefura x Pokémon AU: Other Teams Part 2
Part 2 of what Pokémon some others characters have, this time covering the people not mentioned in Part 1.
Thank you @dulcito-on-ao3, @logo-comics, and @thecagedsong for your suggestions.
Sienna Nelson
Starly/Staravia/Staraptor - First Pokémon - @dulcito-on-ao3 suggested Normal/Flying types and I agree they fit. Especially that Flying-Types match with her Wind Magic.
Jigglypuff - according to @logo-comics, Sienna deserves this cute Pokémon.
Kai Gerran
Honehege - because he is a sword fighting teacher
Absol - @thecagedsong suggested this based on @dulcito-on-ao3‘s idea of him having really bad luck of accidentally drawing the jealous attention of powerful men.
Escavalier - because he was part of a knight order. @dulcito-on-ao3‘s suggestion. Any other knight-themed Pokémon could also work.
Fray Randall
Hatterene - First Pokémon - a cute and elegant-looking Psychic-Type fits her so well. @logo-comics suggestion
Roselia - because it feels right to associate her with flowers like that. @logo-comics suggestion
Pidgeotto - a Flying-Type to fit her Wind Magic, also it represents her admiration of Larna Smith, who has a Pidgeot.
Ginger Tucker
Eevee/Jolteon - First Pokémon - because a Lightning-Type is perfect for a tsundere. Her father gave her an Eevee as a sign of favoritism after her Magic awakened, giving her siblings another reason to dislike her. @logo-comics suggestion.
Taillow - A Flying-Type to match her Wind Magic.
Marsha Catley
Marrill - First Pokémon - I headcanon Marsha as a Water Mage so a cute Water-Type fits her.
Beedrill - according to @logo-comics it fits her
Tom Wisley
Maractus -  to suit his seemingly imposing nature and general kindness. @logo-comics suggestion
Indeedee ♀ - like most maids
Gothitelle - this Pokémon is described as detached which I guess fits with Joanna’s initial intimidating attitude. @logo-comics suggestion.
Cyrus Lancaster
Raticate - First Pokémon - he caught it when he was younger, since he grew up on a farm without much to his family's name and Rattata is a very common Pokemon. @logo-comics suggestion.
Boring farm Pokémon like Flaaffy or Wooloo. @thecagedsong suggestion.
Jirachi - everyone gives him credit and acclaim for the Jirachi, (kinda of like how, amazing, he's so strong and talented in magic) but really Jirachi just likes his Raticate and lets Cyrus be his trainer to stay close to his crush. It good for reflecting how Cyrus really doesn't fit in with noble society, despite holding high prominence in it. @thecagedsong suggestion.
Dewey Percy
Lopunny -  it matches his nature as a Tsundere and would be funny to see in general. @logo-comics suggestion.
Guy “Laura” Handerson
Bellossom - it’s what they deserve. @logo-comics suggestion.
Nathan Hart
Abra -  "it will be able to teleport him back town after he gets lost" they thought. Except he got the one Abra who gets as lost as he does. Occasionally his Abra comes out of his pokeball and will teleport Nathan. There is nothing anyone can do. The bonds of pokemon are sacred. Nathan never talks about where his Abra takes him. @thecagedsong suggestion.
Nix Cornish
Quaquaval - I feel that this Pokémon fits his flamboyant attitude.
Dartrix - this Pokémon is described as narcissistic which also describes Nix.
Lisa Norman
Zigzagoon - a reference to her racoon puppet which is now a Zigzagoon puppet. She does the ventriloquist thing with both the Pokémon and the puppet.
Caesar Dahl
Ursaring - His only Pokémon - Caught as a Teddiursa during his days as a mercenary with the one pokeball he got as a gift from the royal side of his family. Something powerful and wild, not something he can show easily to a crowd, just like he feels like his true self needs to be muted in order to help his half brother as a noble. The golden ring on Ursaring fits his golden eyes. @thecagedsong suggestion
Marquis Edmund Randall
Hypno - I can just see him using this Pokémon to try to brainwash his children into obedience. It does not work because their own Psychic-Types protect them.
Lord Coleman (Keith’s biological father)
Some Ground and Rock-Types. He only sees Pokémon as useful for his status. He does not mistreat them but doesn’t see them as friends.
Thomas Coleman
Tried showing off by buying rare Pokémon; he doesn’t bother to train them, always relying on items; he abuses his Pokémon, meaning theya re not loyal to him.
Mary’s sisters
A mix of cute and pretty Pokémon, mostly grass-types but any adorable, not-always fully evolved Pokémon works. They are more interested in contests and showcases than battles. I suddenly have this idea of these three putting on shows like Misty’s sisters.
Mothim, Beautifly, and Vivilillion - less powerful but matching and beautiful butterfly Pokémon. Strong against Mary's grass-types and purposefully excluding her. @thecagedsong suggestion.
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daretosnoop · 2 years
Comparing SCK to DED
The interesting thing about SCK and DED is that both involve murders. But I think it’s interesting to compare the two games because there’s a lot to unpack.
In SCK, we have 6 characters regardless of which version you play. Im going with the older one where the characters are: Connie, Daryl, Hal, Hulk, Jake, and the sixth character is Mitch Dillon. You follow these characters to understand their involvement with the dead guy, Jake. What’s interesting that DED has the same number of characters: Mason, Ellie Ryan, Gray, Victor and Niko.
There are some parallels between these games and I want to go into them.
1. Everyone hated the dead guy.
In SCK, Jake’s behaviour and tendency to record people in order to blackmail them leads to an understandable hatred. He wasn’t liked in life and is not missed in death. In DED, it is Niko’s cold behaviour and inability, downright, refusal to connect with his coworkers and work together that leads to their dislike of him. Granted, they don’t hate him to the extent the characters in SCK did, but they certainly don’t miss him. Even Gray, to an extent, disliked the way Niko treated him. In both cases, the characters are holding grudges.
2. There is a red herring suspect.
In DED, Ryan is under the most suspicion. She developed the coil that killed Niko. Her access card was used. I think she was caught on tape at one point. And she had a fight with Niko and there notes that, under the wrong context, can be taken as a threat. She is also, out of all the characters, the most affected by his death. It was HER machine, HER skills, HER knowledge that led to his death. Imagine the shot it would have had on her confidence and so soon after winning an award. SCK is a little different because the characters were not as developed as they were in DED, but it is clear that Daryl suffered the most under Jake mainly because his activities were illegal and would have gotten him into a lot of trouble (not sure why he was never punished for that). The only difference here is that Jake’s death would have released Daryl from his fears while Niko’s death initiated Ryans.
3. Both games feature characters about to make big changes in their lives.
SCK deals with teenagers, 12th graders by the looks of it. They are about to go to college, start their path to adulthood. Suspicion for murder would stain that path considerably. For Connie, Hal, and Daryl, it would impact their ability to get into college. For Hulk it would impact his ability to get recruited for the uni football team. This makes them more touchy, edgy, to intrusive questions. They’re stressed and scared. Emotions are at an all time high with finals and college applications. It’s similar in DED. Niko was onto some big revelation and so were Mason and Ellie, especially with the work they did for Niko. Ryan and Gray are in more supportive roles, but for Ryan, she just got an award for her work and Niko specifically wanted her because he knew she was talented. Had Niko not been killed, Ryan would had been recognized for her work too. In both cases, there are reputations and futures on the line and it all makes everyone a little frazzled and ready to release the pent up emotions.
So why do we have two games with similar themes and patterns despite dealing with a different age group? What I want to emphasize is that one game deals with teenagers, 17-18 year olds. The other deals with working adults (anywhere from late 20-60). One group deals with amateurs, the other with professionals, yet still this overlap.
Now an obvious answer is that it’s convenient for HER interactive to follow tried and tested gimmicks and plot routes, but who cares about that. What I found interesting was that this overlap exists despite the characters in DED all claiming to be “logical scientists”.
Ellie mentions that She is about 40% scientist, Mason 60%, and Niko a full 100% scientist. Scientist here meaning, one who is cold, calculated, unemotional, detached, observational. It is unrelated to knowledge or skill. Ellie never mentions what the opposite of Scientist is, but from context, I’m guessing an emotional being. We can see that in Ryan who is probably somewhere between 40-60% emotional to scientist. She is also the outlier in this group. The others don’t get her, and she doesn’t get them. Shes loud, an adrenaline seeker, and talks a lot. They often struggle to see her genius (the woman built a bike from scratch people!!). Gray is hard to place mainly because his depression kind of sucked away his personality. I hesitate to put him on a side, so for now, we’ll just put him in the middle, 50-50.
Here’s the interesting thing though, despite all this quibble about being a “logical scientist” unable to be swayed like the “common folk”, this group of logical scientist are all under suspicion for murder (an act usually carried out on an emotional desire to cause harm) and behave similar to a pattern seen with a bunch of teenagers.
If they’re all so logical, why do they hate each other? Hide their work from one another? Steal each other’s work? What sort of behaviour is this? In what slightest way does it relate to the “logical scientist”?
It makes me conclude that this game, on a deeper level, was trying to point out that there is no such person as the “logical scientist”. Even Niko suspected co-workers and behaved differently towards them depending on his trust in them. But trust is not formed from logic. It’s formed from emotions. Just as disliking a co-worker is. Everyone is impacted by emotions, we just understand, experience, and exhibit it in different ways. Sadly, for the DED folk, it took a murder for them to figure that out.
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ejzah · 2 years
A/N: Sam goes into big brother mode on Deeks’ behalf. For “Survival of the Fittest”. A companion to my WikiDeeks frost for this week, “On Even Ground”.
Looking Out For A Friend
After Deeks signed off, Sam immediately grabbed his cell, and tapped Rountree’s square in his contacts.
“Hey, Sam what’s up?” Rountree answered after two rings.
“Devin, what’s Deeks doing in OPS?” Sam demanded, crossing one arm over his chest as he glared at the now dark computer screen where Deeks had been a minute ago.
“Uh, Kilbride’s orders.” There was an underlying hesitancy to Rountree’s answer, and Sam glared, even though the younger agent couldn’t see him.
“What aren’t you telling me?” He could almost hear how much Rountree didn’t want to answer his question. “Look, I’m not mad at you, I just need to know what’s going on.”
“Deeks got in a little bit late today, cause Rosa’s sick, you know,” he explained with a heavy sigh. “When Kilbride saw him, he tore Deeks a new one. Mentioned something about Deeks’ being a hazard to the team, or something to that affect. It was not pretty.”
Sam’s frown deepened. He knew Kilbride was capable of saying some nasty things when he was in a foul mood, but he usually reserved actual reprimands for more serious issues.
“Did Deeks explain the situation?” Sam asked.
“I think he tried, but Kilbride didn’t really give him a chance. He ordered us off to talk to Hanson’s mom. Then when we finished up processing the scene at Yost’s, he told Deeks to report to OPS.”
Sam shook his head, even more exasperated now than he knew the whole story.
“That makes no sense,” he said, trying not to let his current feeling for Kilbride roll off onto Rountree. “I’m sure Deeks can handle himself, but he doesn’t have any the specialized training that you, Fatima, or Shyla received. And no offense, but you guys still don’t have anything on Nell and Eric.”
“None taken,” Rountree assured him. He sounded relieved, and Sam wondered how much this had been playing on his mind. “Those two are amazing.” He paused, the silence expectant. “So, uh, is there anything you want me to do?”
“Nah, I got it handled. Thanks, Rountree.” He hung and called Deeks back.
“Hey, Sam. Still looking for that information,” Deeks answered, sounding a little overwhelmed, but more in control than a few minutes ago.
“You’re good, man. Just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing.”
“I am doing fantastic. Or as fantastic as a guy who is way under qualified for working in a technical analyst position and keeps getting texts from his mom who can’t find the nonexistent DVD player.”
“You’re doing fine, Deeks,” Sam assured him. “How’s Rosa doing?”
“Better. Though I think my mom is driving her crazy by now.”
“Sounds about right. Nothing like family to annoy the sick out of you.”
“That’s for sure.”
“Rountree mentioned that you and Kilbride a run-in this morning,” Sam said, getting to the point.
“Yeah, I think somebody accidentally swapped his bran muffin with a gluten one,” Deeks joked wryly. If Sam didn’t know him so well, he probably would have missed the bitterness underlying his words. “It’s fine, Sam. Do you need anything else.”
“No, you’re good. Hang in there, brother.”
Sam believed there was a time for subtlety and there was a time for bluntness. Now was definitely one of those blunt days. He’d watched Deeks and Kilbride feel each other out over the last couple years, and he thought they’d gained an understanding of one another. Especially on Kilbride’s part, who was quick to dismiss and dislike anything that didn’t fit into his version the world.
Clearly, Sam had been wrong about that, and now it was time to rectify it.
He caught the Admiral as he returned from OPS, of all places, a tired, harried scowl firmly in place. It was nearing the end of the day, so most of the staff had already left or were finishing elsewhere.
“Kilbride, I’m glad I ran into you,” he said, and the Admiral sighed loudly.
“Hanna, whatever it is, make it fast. I’m not in the best of moods today,” Kilbride responded grumpily.
“Yeah, and it sounds like Deeks bore the brunt of it.”
“I swear gossip spreads faster in this office than at a high school sleepover. Deeks was late again. I merely reminded him that this unit has certain expectations of its employees.”
“Did you know that he was late because Rosa is sick?” Sam asked lightly. Kilbride’s lips turned down slightly before he caught himself and shook his head.
“No, I wasn’t aware, but that’s no excuse for his tardiness. Having children is a personal decision, and as such, Deeks should be able to plan for these types of situations. This team and this country depend on us being at our best, which Deeks was not today,” Kilbride said.
“So naturally you punished him by sticking him in OPS for half the day. Lord knows he did a better job than I would, but he’s not trained for it. Which I’d argue put this team at a greater risk than Deeks being a few minutes late.”
“Agent Hanna, what exactly are you implying?” There was anger in Kilbride’s voice now, but Sam didn’t let it deter him. He’d endured a lot more intimidating than Hollace Kilbride.
“That you let your prejudice against Deeks affect your judgment. I’m the first to admit it, I used to be pretty hard on him myself. It took me way too long, and a pretty horrible case, to realize what had been in front of me the whole time. Deeks is great at what he does. He’s trustworthy, competent, the best damn undercover agent I’ve ever seen, and somebody I have literally trusted with my life time and time again.
“You’re becoming dangerously close to insubordination,” Kilbride warned him, eyes tightening.
“This isn’t the military, Sir, so I’ll respectfully continue.” Sam offered a grim smile. “Deeks is a partner, a friend. My brother. And I’ll defend him against anyone, including those who can’t see beyond the surface,” Sam finished calmly, but pointedly.
“So, you think I should disregard his tardiness?” Kilbride offered him an unimpressed look.
“If you’re going to start reinforcing that rule, then you better yell at all of us. Since we’ve all been pretty lax with are comings and going recently,” Sam pointed out. “Either that, or you give Deeks some grace, because even though he goes by a different title, he’s just as much of an agent as any of us.”
He let that linger in the air between them, and a hint of discomfort in Kilbride’s face. That was a good sign. Lowering his voice, he added,
“My advice is, think about why you singled Deeks out today. And if you’d do the same if it was me, or Callen, or Fatima.”
“Is that all, Agent Hanna?” Kilbride asked sharply, firmly back in control. Sam sighed internally. He hadn’t expected miracles.
“I think so, Sir. Just remember that apologies aren’t the worst thing in the world.” Sam offered him a respectful nod before he turned, leaving Kilbride standing in the middle of the mission.
He hoped Kilbride figured things out faster than Sam had. For his own sake as well as Deeks’.
A/N: I’m not sure this quite fits in with the episode timeline and events, but we’ll ignore that. If the writers can have people get around LA in record time, then Sam can make it back for this little chat.
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chibitantei · 2 years
Anonymous asks: What is Naoto's opinion about IT members? (To canon!Naoto)
I just want to preface this by saying I’m not expecting anyone with an IT member muse to conform to this, nor will Naoto react exactly like what I have written here. The IT members I’m mentioning here are what I’ve extrapolated from the game, spinoff and various adaptations, and are not related to anyone’s interpretation.
This is longer than I expected (whoops) so click the read more.
Teddie is the one she’s the most unsure of. Compared to the others, he doesn’t go to school, so the best times to interact with him would be during team meetings, run-ins at Junes or out on the street. Already, it cuts out a good chunk of potential interaction time. Teddie is also a massive extrovert while Naoto is an introvert. She doesn’t want to hamper his mood by being her usual, quiet self because she assumes he’ll be bored.
The flirty gags tend to miff her a bit, so there’s another reason why she doesn’t speak to him much.
However, she doesn’t hate him. She understands there’s more to him than just that. Naoto is just a bit of a grandma and she’d rather let people who can keep up with his energy engage with him more.
Yosuke is the one she dislikes the most initially because of how she couldn’t get a good read on him. She even hated him for a bit around the Culture Festival since he signed her up without her permission and she felt massively uncomfortable during it. The way Yosuke can shift from being a caring and decently smart guy to an immature horn ball throws her for a loop. First month or two, she doesn’t exactly want to hang out with him much if he offers.
As she settles in with the group, she learns that his teasing is kind of his way of expressing that he likes someone. She learns to accept that while he’s immensely flawed, he’s a good guy at heart (though she’s still going to call him out hard if he makes her uncomfortable). It’s a slow and gradual change, so she’s not going to warm up to him overnight.
How she feels about him in threads is obviously determined by where in the timeline it takes place, as well as the individual interpretation as I mentioned in the very first paragraph of this post.
Chie is a bit of a mix between Teddie and Yosuke. She’s energetic and Naoto doesn’t want to be caught up in it since she is perpetually tired and can’t match. Chie can be insightful and other times, she’s immature and clenches that idiot ball so hard Naoto wonders how she should really feel about her. However, she respects Chie’s drive to protect those who are close to her, no matter where in the timeline she’s placed.
Yukiko is someone she respects, but that’s about all she can really say. With her working at the inn, I feel like she and Naoto rarely have time to talk to each other. Not only that, Chie is Yukiko’s bestie for life and Naoto would feel awkward trying to strike up a conversation because she’s someone Yukiko barely knows.
Never mind the fact that the two of them seem to be attached at the hip.
Provided that Yu is respectful and not a huge asshole, out of all the upperclassmen, Yu is the one Naoto has the easiest time talking to, provided that you’ve managed to start her social link. He’s the leader and has to keep the rest of the team in check, and that’s something she respects greatly.
However, even with the SL activated, she mostly focuses on things related to the case rather than herself. She does ask Yu to tell her more about himself, but she doesn’t say much about herself in turn, other than reluctantly putting snippets of her life on blast because of the Thief case.
Since Yu is one of the people who can manage to get to know her (even if it isn’t much), Naoto feels like he’s part of the reason why the team are more or less okay with her. She may be absolutely terrible at talking, but at least the leader can vouch that she cares in her own way, right? Yu indirectly keeping her connected to the team is the reason she stays another year in Inaba instead of leaving after the case is over.
He’s not going to be around and if she doesn’t want to lose the few friends she’s made in literal years, she has to step up and reach out to them herself, even if she’s struggling.
Regardless of how she feels about the upperclassmen individually, as they are older than her, she gives them the appropriate respect someone of their social standing deserves.
Naoto sympathizes with Kanji and I don’t think I really need to explain why considering their arcs kind of complement each other. She isn’t exactly soft with him, but she’s at least quick to tell the others to knock it off when they (especially Yosuke) poke at his insecurities.
Other than that, she’s not on the same wavelength as Kanji and it may be because of his raging crush on her makes him act like a shy school girl and from that, she assumes that he doesn’t like spending time with her compared to anyone else. He’s also not that book smart so I’d imagine Naoto is rather hesitant when it comes to talking to him. I think there are a few dungeon convos between him and Naoto that highlight what I’m talking about.
Rise might be the person she’s closest to out of everyone, but that might come from the fact that she’s very persistent when it comes to talking to Naoto. Besides being a fellow gal pal, she’s a fellow underclassman, so that gives her more ‘relatability’ than the upperclassmen.
Besides the differences between them being like night and day, they share some commonalities with their struggles and while Naoto is very reluctant with sharing anything, that and Rise’s persistence is why she has an easier time being open with her than anyone else.
I also think Naoto admires the fact that Rise seems to be comfortable in her own skin, and in her own femininity. She also admires that in Yukiko, btw. The issue with Naoto is obvious so I’ll refrain from explaining, but Naoto is envious that those two have embraced it and see no issue while Naoto is a coward and decided to conform to society’s expectation of what a detective should be.
But in general, when it comes to the underclassmen, Naoto is a bit closer with them. You can see it at the end of PQ, too, where she and the other kohai are sitting at a separate table from the others. Granted, they are studying so you probably don’t want to learn second year subjects, but still.
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lostinanimage · 2 years
Do you have physical descriptions of your characters? Not face claims, just something like race, hair, eyes, height, build. I like to picture them when I'm reading! Your Patreon OC most of all, like Alex, Burg, Marissa, Noah, Mickey, Willy, Hunter, Alex's siblings and all the children, Devon, Courtney... It's okay if you don't! It's a testament to your talent that you got a visual reader like me so immersed in the action and dialogue to forget what your characters look like ❤️❤️❤️
Alex, Noah, Devon, Cupid, Mills, and Mason are in a different post, so I’m linking that here. I have updated that post a couple times as I’ve changed my mind about things. Let me know if it doesn’t work. Absolutely don’t feel bad that you couldn’t find it if you looked. Tumblr is a mess when it comes to finding stuff. This post also includes some explanations about why I tend to not be a visual writer. So, I’m not going to include that here. It’s absolutely okay that you care and that you asked. Thank you for reading anyway and I’m always happy to answer. I apologize in advance for how many times my ADHD took over during this post.
One thing I also want to add to that post is that part of the reason I don’t often describe body types is that to me, a lot of this is implied by the professions of my characters. Hockey players’ body types don’t very all that much and I’ve mentioned when they do. (Alex is described by Willy as being one of the really big guys.) Kat is a rhythmic gymnast and I’ve mention that she hopes to go to the summer Olympics which puts her in a specific body type. Morgan plays college basketball and that says a lot about her body type. (This might be a spoiler. Sorry?) I’ve mentioned Mason and Devon’s heights, but after that, they’re assumed to have the body type of an Olympic figure skater. (Mason is an example of where I’ve mentioned where he differs a bit because he’s taller. Devon is an example of the same because he’s shorter and also an example of a place where I'm mentioned his size because of his height difference with Alex.)
Burg: I have the issue with Burg that I have with Matty. Both he and Matty are in my head as “basic American white hockey player with brown hair.” I have literally met multiple members of my cities NHL team multiple times at my old job and they all dislike me because they recognize me, and I never recognized them because they literally look exactly the same to me. But honestly, this genericness is purposeful for Matty and Burg because being “typical hockey players” but making the decision to align themselves as they do is important for Alex and Kent. They are also both around 6’1” and built like hockey players. I have literally never thought of their eye colors, so I’ll go with brown. (NGL. I have literally never noticed someone's eye color in my entire life. I literally just sat here and tried to think of the eye colors of all my best friends and I'm not sure of a single one.)
Marissa: I *think* I’ve mentioned that Marissa has brown hair and she’s half-Mexican, but is white-passing in most cases. Her hair is naturally kind of curly, but she straightens it most of the time because that’s less day-to-day upkeep. She’s 5’3” and slim but curvy.
Mikey: Honestly, I could sit here and try to make him sound different than Burg, but I would fail, and it would be embarrassing. I am thankful that I’m good at dialogue. (Which honestly is probably due to having prosopagnosia.  I regularly recognize people by speech patterns and have been known to mix up people who look completely different but have very similar speech patterns. I actually had to explain to two people who were BFFs that I could see them, but since I don’t recognize by faces, my reflex is to recognize by speech patterns and stance/movement, so I’d say the wrong name reflexively before filling in the blanks that I was wrong when my eyes caught up and noticed other things my brain recognizes like hair and skin tone.)
Willy: Willy is blonde. I never intended for him to be a main character, so at the time I made him up, multiple Williams in the NHL had shoulder-length blonde hair so he also has it. He’s an example of where I’ve mentioned his hair because he cares about it. He has blonde hair and blue eyes for the same reason. He’s American, but has Swedish heritage. 6’1”
Hunter: Hunter is black, and he has a slighter lighter skin tone than Mason, Mills, Reaper, Ty and Emily. He keeps his hair cut fairly short. 6’2”
Courtney: Black and 6’1”. He doesn’t actually look like Hunter in facial features, but the description here is going to make it sound like that because I am a disaster at describing facial features for obvious reasons. I’ve mentioned that he is close to evenly matched with Willy in size, with Willy being a bit bulkier due to being a professional athlete while Courtney is a regular guy who goes to the gym.
The kids are going to be a little bit hard because they’re obviously growing. So I’m going to say height they’ll be as adults? (I have also deleted spoilers from this multiple times because Lizzie is 17 in the most recent post and 19 where I’m writing.)
Kat: Very slim and blonde. As an adult she’ll be 5’5” This is why even when she’s older, she jumps on Alex because he’s huge.
Ethan: Also blonde. Average height and gangly with glasses. He’ll be 5’8” as an adult, so average, but small next to Alex because he refuses to work out when he doesn't have to.
Lizzie: As an adult, she’s 6 foot and adds half an inch in between 18-20. She has been eating a lot of protein for a long time and as an adult, she has a fair amount of muscle. She has straight brown hair that is to her chin on the side of her hair that isn’t buzzed. She has been known to have team-related designs cut into the shaved side of her head.
Trey: He will end up a couple inches taller than Bitty, but he is basically almost a copy of his biological dad.
Ariel: 5’7” dirty blonde hair. Looks like someone a hockey player would date. Determined to not date hockey player and be a stereotype. May or may not succeed.
Asher: Looks like Matty with lighter hair and blue eyes instead of brown. NGL, I just decided his eye color.
Morgan: 6’1” light brown skin as an adult. Black hair that she usually wears in braids. Fairly muscled.
Taylor: 6 foot. He’s black with a deep skin tone. If Jeff was with him and Reaper at the same time, people always assumed he was Reaper’s kid. He’s athletic in the sense that he plays sports in high school, but will just do intermural sports for fun in college.
Darius: As an adult, he’ll be 5’7”. He’s black and absolutely passes for Mills’ biological son. As an adult, he'll look like Brian Michael Smith but with less muscle.
Feel free to ask for updates if I forgot anyone or when I add new characters!
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mionemymind · 26 days
Season 3, the first episode as Covid was happening was scary there’s like hundreds of people in the paddock. For them to even try to have a race was very dangerous, in Lewis we trust cause that “cash is king” line goes so hard. Really do hope he wasn’t the only driver that spoke up cause I get that driving is their life but if someone on their team or anyone around them really, caught Covid that could of be the end of there life. Very glad it was cancelled
Lewis Hamilton is definitely that fucking guy, everyone trying to stop he’s greatness. Like what kind of bullshit Horner can pull out he’s ass sorry but I dislike Horner so much. Which sucks cause I love Max. Even Hamilton’s own teammate was rooting for he’s down fall which sucks, but I kinda get Valtteri he had to sacrifice a lot, all any of these drivers want is to be in first place.
Honestly hate how everything was handled with the FIA they need to do better. With Racing Point how are u gonna fine and take points any but still let them use the car without any changes. If there car was legal why all the so called repercussions put y’all’s foot down and make a decision. That’s literally what y’all r there for to clear up all the gray areas with the rules among other issues.
Omg Lando and Carlos are so cute together will be on a deep dive on YouTube once I finish catching up with the series. Watching McLaren take that 3rd spot for the Constructions championship was exciting. On another note I need more content of all the drivers.
My heart quite literally stopped seeing that crash, Grosjean getting to walk out of that was a fucking miracle how do u survive that. Like the car was in half, him emerging from the fire gave me chills such a scary scene. Him retiring as “The Man That Walked Out of Fire” was a great end to he’s legacy.
I really took a liking to Checo he’s story at the end was very sweet. Going from last to first place, so deserved for him. Hope he does well at Red Bull. Even though I despise Horner lol.
Loved this season, enjoyed the LGBTQ+ representation everywhere and the “End Racsim” everywhere too. Very much need to mention that Lewis Hamilton being so out spoken about he’s views is why he deserves everything he’s has achieved. Also very much need more gifs of Carlos plzzzzz.
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During the season where covid was at its height, it was so stupid to race because imagine if a driver got seriously hurt, they would probably be transported to a hospital that's already overflowing with covid patients and other people that got hurt too.
And honestly, Valtteri needs more praise for all the sacrifice he made just to Lewis can also get his victory. It's hard finding selfless teammates and that's why Lewis will always have Valtteri as his favorite teammate. And honestly, Horner really makes me hate Redbull and Max is one of the reasons I stay.
And you'll find that the FIA make stupid decisions all the time love. This isn't the first time. And you'll really love Carlos and Lando. Just something about them together was so great.
And Grosjean's story, like he will always be remembered for that incident but I'm just glad he was able to walk away from that.
And although I loved Checo, I wish they gave Alex more time because he was a really good rookie.
But Lewis is the honestly the biggest reasons why F1 is inclusive at all. Without him, it would still be a white man's sport without a doubt.
And here's another gif for you S :))
(Gif Credits to @dutchgp)
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