#/hope this is ok
aamaranthiine · 4 months
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( a closed starter for @risenocs' Vera )
The sky is clear and the air is thick with the scent of sunflowers, yellow blooms swaying languidly in the balmy breeze. The sprawling rows of flowers planted at the base of Dressrosa's palace are perhaps the only comfortable place for the wayward pose artificer. Despite the standing agreement she had with Doflamingo about being safe here in his Kingdom, she did not particularly enjoy visiting for long periods. The lanky blonde's presence is a constant needle in her side - her instincts shrieking with alarm bells each time she got too close to him.
Here, though, out in the sunflower fields? There is a tiny bit of serenity to be found. Resting in cool soil and letting the plants soak in her power. Whenever she was here, the flora flourished brighter and larger; a passive effect of her devil fruit that she'd kept secret. Nobody seemed to notice anyway, being that the Donquioxte family did not seem as invested in plantlife as she was.
With a sigh, Thea sat up and shook out leaves and petals from her snowy-white hair. She wanted to leave the Kingdom but Trebol had requested she stick around for a specific mission to be detailed later. Annoying but apart of her duties as a courier. Expression souring, she started to pick weeds out from the ground as something to do.
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lucielxbe · 1 month
practice is a given, everyone’s working hard and making effort to perfect their performance. luciel had realise that he has yet to hold a proper conversation with @arabe apart from their creative discussions, so he decides to close the distance to get to know her a bit more. team chemistry is important after all (save for whatever weird internal conflict he and siwoo had going on), otherwise they’re going to look uncoordinated on stage.
“could we practice together? i’ll like to work on our contrasting roles as detective and criminal together,” he offers with a timid smile and adds in something lighthearted, “getting to know the enemy, something like that.”
luciel had been practicing with touma, confronting him as a criminal. it was oddly fun provoking him with the role he was given and getting the detective to chase after him. but of course, he doesn’t want to simply stop at there. the criminals aren’t dealing with only one detective after all, and ara has her own way of portraying her detective role.
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Play Time
So this rental was far overdue. He had different plans for her, and well even better the fringe benefit of annoying the hell out of Sabrina. Keeping Scarlett for a week though well he was certainly not going to be thinking about Sabrina. The morning of the rental came and he made his way downstairs having a coffee as he held a little charm in his hand that he would be attaching to the collar. The simple excuse just a way to show that she was rented. While in reality a bit of a way to get everything that he wanted out of the experience. Titan noticed the approach even before he did. Markus headed to the door opening it as the guards were coming with Scarlett heading up the drive.
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iincantatorum · 2 years
xxxlovedandlostxxx asked:
“ don’t presume that you know me just because you’ve heard a few rumors and read a few articles. ” Ulysses
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“So they’re wrong, what the rumors and articles are saying?” 
Ulysses was vastly intrigued by the son of a famous producer, and not because he wanted to snag an audition. He himself was a famous star about two decades ago, but had disappeared from the limelight altogether. It was not that he was interested in a comeback, no he left the industry for his own reasons, namely because he had a disagreement with Anthony’s father, not that the other knew about it. 
But he was interested, having read a few articles on how the other was a writer and was doing well for himself. Ulysses had time, and was genuinely curious, so why not pick the other’s brains?
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“I mean, I am not saying I am always right, and I agree the media can be vicious. Had my own negative experiences, back in the day. A wrong depiction, simply to get extra sales. I’ve been curious about you though, and I promise I am not trying to trick you.” So convincing, he thought.
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slutdge · 1 month
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i do not think you could do that actually, tiktok user
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wewontbesleeping · 3 months
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the weirdest fucking thing to me is how men will be like "it's so hard being a man. no one cares that i'm sad. the loneliness we experience could NEVER be understood by a woman" and then also be like "btw i never talk to my friends and i don't know their names and i love hanging out with men because they don't talk about their stupid emotions all the time. women could never understand a bond like this." like ???
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cyber-corp · 3 months
Had a dream where Johnny from “The Devil Went Down To Georgia” came out as a trans woman and the response was so unanimously positive it reversed nearly all of the transphobic bills in the South. She played live in Georgia to an audience of about a third of the US.
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spiderversegf · 2 months
healing is when you have an intrusive thought and instead of having a meltdown you go “girl what?? shut up” and move on
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roppiepop · 4 months
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Who’s coming to the cookout?
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Quick reminder since apparently it bears reminding in both directions: if bigoted people, closed-minded people overall, or your own internalized insecurities misinterpret a queer person’s message in a way that hurts/endangers you, yeah, it sucks, but it’s not the fault of the queer person in question, nor should it be a reason for them to silence themselves. They’re probably as hurt/pissed as you are that someone misinterpreted and misused their message to do harm.
Of course sadly there’ll still be queer people that actually DO mean harm and dismissal to other queer people – I ain’t speaking for those and it’s not the best way to ensure their and others’ wellbeing imo. I’m just saying – not all people will be like that. That’s what I want to believe. So hopefully let’s not put everyone in the same bag, keep supporting each other, WHILE allowing each other to advocate for our own visibility, without having to self-erase or self-censor to accomodate to what haters might say.
It’ll be tougher this way, maybe, because humans seem to like to draw extreme conclusions very quick, but I don’t believe there’s any better way for us all to be alright and stay alright on the long run.
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isjasz · 2 months
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(happy eclipse day yesterday🎆🎆🎆)
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little-eye-guy · 1 year
"this is too raw of a line to come from—" shut up. beauty and meaning is everywhere
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wetslug · 1 year
ppl who r using poll results as a way to Prove Something about society or come to any conclusion.. i hope you are aware that tumblr users are one of the most biased population groups you could conceivably find. gob bless
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puerto-nic0 · 2 years
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triona-tribblescore · 2 months
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I WANNA DRAAWW!! RAHHHGG!! Absolutely swamped with college work, im so tired TT (hence whatever tf this is lmao)
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inktho · 3 months
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If Flertom had long hair as a child…
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