#//same with rapunzel honestly
I am so fucking tired of the Rapunzel casting discourse that wasn’t even a real casting anyway don’t y’all have better ways to spend your time than cry about this??? But part of it is probably my fault but I just keep seeing it on my tik tok and twitter feeds and I’m so tired.
Also Disney already made a not white Rapunzel in once upon a time and it was fine no one died and the animated Rapunzel didn’t go away.
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paintbrushnebula · 10 months
Something that's been bugging me ever since Cassandra's Revenge first aired back in 2019 that I haven't for the life of me seen anyone else mention or talk about is that I genuinely can't for the life of me figure out how was Zhan Tiri released from her prison. Like I know how she was freed. "The clash of sun and moon released [her] from [her] prison." I know that, but like. How though???
The show would like you to believe that Zhan Tiri somehow just knew that creating a discord between the sundrop and moonstone and having their powers be used against each other would just open a portal in her exact location because *magic*. But there's so much grey area there. Its never once been established what would happen if the sun drop and moonstone's powers were used against each other. But they opened up a portal to the Lost Realm, the dimension she was imprisoned in by Demanitus. Okay, so does that mean that the sundrop and moonstone clashing opens portals to other dimensions? The sundrop and moonstone are both VERY powerful and supernatural objects, not of this earth, so it'd make sense that creating discord between such celestial powers can cause some type of weird instability in the literal fabric of time and space. Cool.. but with one plot hole closed, another one is opened.
If I choose to accept this hypothetical explanation, I still don't understand something: why the Lost Realm??? We know there are canonically more than two dimensions that exist because Zhan Tiri isn't from Corona's dimension and is certainly not from the Lost Realm, so why did the portal open in the Lost Realm? Fine, let's jump another great big gap to make the assumption that the clash of sun and moon could've opened a portal in any dimension and it just happened to open in the Lost one and Zhan Tiri was just REALLY REALLY optimistic that the portal would happen to open in her exact dimension in her EXACT location in her EXACT vicinity. Who knows maybe there's only like, 3 dimensions in existence y'know? Maybe Earth, Zhan Tiri's original dimension and the Lost Realm are all there is. I mean that's like a 1 out of 2 chance of a getting portal to another dimension who knows.
or maybe she was extremely lucky. i don't know.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 10 months
Ngl, really hoping those rumors of Florence Pugh playing live action Rapunzel are not true.
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oddballwriter · 4 months
Valentine's Day with the Moon Boys
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Warnings: None that I really know of. To be fully honest I can't think of anything at all but if there is any then just let me know. 
Author’s Snip: Happy early Valentine's to you all! 💘
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
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Steven Grant
The literal archetype of a Valentine
Steven gets you a mixed bouquet of your favorite flowers and some other flowers that mean something in flower language in regards to love, a gift basket of your favorite candy and snacks, and a handwritten card that is basically a love letter
And he gets you two a spot at that fancy restaurant you like
It's literally how you see a couple celebrating Valentine's Day in the movies
He's happy about any gift you got him too but honestly he, and the rest of them, love spending the day with you the most
Cliché? Yeah. But it's true. Steven loves quality time and being with you. And Valentine's Day makes it a bit more special even though they all love you year round
He also gets a bit giddy when you call him your Valentine even though he's your boyfriend/husband, it just makes him blush a little
Marc Spector
Marc is the type of person to complain about Valentine's Day and goes on the whole "It's just a way to sell overpriced chocolate and stuff." but he'll be damned if he doesn't do something with you either
He hates the commercialization of the holiday but he's your Valentine regardless, them's the rules
Marc also doesn't really like the whole fact that everyone is in all the restaurants to have dinner because then there's no parking and it takes a long time to get seated
If you want to actually go then he sucks it up because it's still nice to go out with you, but he actually prefers ordering from the restaurants and eating at home
You guys honestly have more power and say over things if you order delivery from there. If you want to feel fancy then you guys can get the fancy plates and put the food on them, buy some wine or whatever dress the dinner table with a cloth and candles, dress all fancy, and just eat there.
No loud chatter of other people or a waiter to come in at the wrong time and ruin the moment between the two of you.
Maybe you want to slow dance after eating. And you can just do that. You can just walk into the living room put on some music and gently slow dance and sway for as long as you want.
It's honestly so romantic with it genuinely just being the two of you together with no interruptions
Jake Lockley
Jake might be the one who takes you on a "normal" date, as in it's like all your other dates or it's not your typical "Valentine's Day" type of date. But he makes sure that it still feels special in its own way.
Like you do to the same diner and spot that you usually do but there's just this air to it that makes it so deeply intimate and romantic in its own way that only you two feel
I do like the idea of Jake basically "running away from a day" with you where you two just hop into his car and drive somewhere, sort of go on an adventure
I honestly don't know how to describe it other than you guys just go somewhere and there's just this type air to it that makes it something that isn't just the fact that it's Valentine's day
Like idk maybe you find this clearing that has a nice view or you just drive someplace specific
Something that later on down the line becomes "your spot"
You guys are basically having your own Rapunzel and Eugene on the boat moment or any type of moment where its just very much a loving/falling in love scene except you guys are probably falling even deeper in love
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Taglist: Applications open
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lovelybee666 · 4 months
Hi dear! I read all your works of Poppy Playtime! And i loved your headcanon of yandere Catnap, may i request the same but with DogDay (separate) and Bubba?
Author's notes: I'm surprised people liked my little Catnap yandere story honestly, by the way I already made a Dogday yandere hcs so here is only Bubba Bubbaphant
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• Repeat with me 👏You👏 don't👏want👏him👏as👏a👏yan👏de👏re👏
• Ok now seriously, This elephant can, wants and will manipulate you on certain occasions
• If you are not as intelligent or smarter than him (which I highly doubt, he is the smartest for a reason) he will convince you to live with him or will he tell you what is good and what is not for you (remember Rapunzel's mother? Well, imagine her but with Bubba)
• It bothers him to see you with other people other than him, he won't kill people (unless he is very VERY upset) but he threatens to kill them or take you somewhere else saying something like :
“hey y/n, do you want to go eat some fruit salad I made?”
• Don't even think about saying no unless you want to be left without a friend or limb.
• He doesn't understand why sometimes you get angry with him, he only takes care of you and loves you, aren't you that intelligent and that's why you don't love him as much as he loves you?
• He has "simple" rules.
1. Don't ignore him for more than half an hour.
2. Don't spend too much time with other people.
3. Don't ask for help
4. Don't try to escape
• If you break a rule he will punish you depending on which rule you broke.
• If it was the 1st or 2nd rule, he will lock you in his hut for between one day and two weeks depending on how long you ignored him.
• If you break the 3rd rule, He makes sure NO ONE believes you from the members of the Smiling Critters to the workers.
• for the 4th rule, If necessary he will break a limb (probably a leg that the workers will put you back when they find you) or start to be more controlling with you.
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I'm thinking about making hcs yandere for the other Smiling Critters! I have lots of ideas for each of them especially Craftycorn, Pickypiggy and Bobby Bearhug :3 I feel like it's a little ooc
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pansy-picnics · 1 month
A vat7k related question.
What do you think is Hugo's gender identity? Cus I want to hear what you think Hugo's gender is and the story behind it.
EHEHEHE personally i think she’s genderfluid and uses he/she/they pronouns…….I think he was kind of an uncracked egg up until the trials though. like, he’s been in survival mode for so long that he’s never had the time or luxury to really think about himself or his identity….i think he’s had a lot of different disguises over his career though, and those personas are either male or female depending on what the situation calls for so he’s not a stranger to dressing femininely either.
but yeah…i think for a long time hugo just identified as male by default cuz like…what else would he be LOL. if he had any doubts at all they weren’t significantly hindering him or anything so he just buried them with all the other of the emotions he doesn’t want to feel. but like the closet is made of GLASS and this becomes especially obvious when she teams up with 3 other teenagers who are also transgender so sometimes she’ll just Say Shit and they all turn around and look at her like “…….🤨”
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i have this very vivid scene in my head where varian comes out to the gang as trans and hes clearly really uneasy abt it. and hugo doesn’t know what to say so he just tries to relate by saying the first thing that comes to mind and goes “oh yeah i get it i mean. sometimes i wish i was a girl but like not all the time yk” and nuru and varian both just stop and stare at him
hugo, getting nervous: …Sorry that’s probably not the same thing forget i said anything
nuru: No i think we should talk about this?
anyways yeah….other than her traveling party giving her some weird looks nothing actually really came of these conversations bc hugo would refuse to think about herself even if you put a gun to her head
fast forward to post-trials though, and hugo’s been living in the castle with varian for about six months…it was REALLY messy for both of them while she was adjusting, but at this point shes finally started to let her guard down a little, and all of a sudden she has SO much free time and she has no idea what to do with any of it. she’s stealing collecting things, tinkering with all kinds of useless little gadgets, rapunzel is teaching her tons of little arts and crafts projects. overall shes pretty content despite everything. So anyways then the gender crisis hits them like a fucking freight train
honestly i’m like half joking when i say i think it started bc they just kept forgetting to cut their hair. like one day they looked in the mirror and they’re like “wow my hairs getting so long i kinda look like a girl lol. Wait”
AND AS FUNNY AS IT IS ITS SO. WILDLY UNFAMILIAR TO THEM. like all of a sudden theyre SO insecure for as far as they can tell, NO reason and it drives them CRAZY. i dont even think that hugo dislikes their masculine features after coming out, i think they embrace them if anything but its just like…going from 0 to 100 so fast and suddenly being so hyper aware of themselves in a way that they NEVER were before…having to realize that they’re definitely Not cis. it’s fucking TERRIFYING!!!
not to mention it hits him all at once during a time when he’s still frankly really paranoid about him and varian’s relationship, and he’s kinda walking on eggshells bc deep down he’s convinced that var’s just gonna get tired of him eventually and kick him out. its like he’s just waiting for the final nail in the coffin despite the fact that there is literally no coffin.
All that being said i think it takes him a while to work up the courage to talk to varian about it. and he knows he won’t like. hate him for being trans or anything (I sure hope he wouldn’t, at least, seeing as he is literally also trans) but varian’s already done SO much for him and helped him through literally everything already….he doesn’t want to burden him any more than he already has. he also cant comprehend that someone can just Like him, like, as a person, so he’s convinced himself that varian must see something specific in him right now and he’s afraid that if he changes himself drastically in any way then whatever varian saw in him just. won’t be there anymore. If that makes sense
as for who he actually goes to first- honestly i think it’d have to be lance. at least in my head lance was the first person hugo really started to bond with aside from varian….he didn’t start letting his guard down with rapunzel until quite a while after that. also i think he’s worried that if he tells rapunzel she’d end up accidentally spilling something to varian (which is like. Valid bc she’s a horrible liar) he’d definitely write a letter to nuru, too, but nuru is also in another kingdom, and that message takes a while to get to her, so it’s more something they talk about after the fact
when he finally does get a letter back after dumping this revelation on her it’s just like
“dearest hugo. upon reading your letter i desperately wanted to tell you that i told you so, but i realize that would be in poor taste, seeing as you are clearly struggling right now. Moreover,-“ /j
regardless of who she tells first, they obviously all support her and encourage her to talk to varian as well…And ofc varian hypes her up to no end when she finally does. i wanna say it’s a sweet emotional scene but i feel like varian was also under the assumption that she figured out the gender thing like a year ago /j
hugo: ,,,,so like. i don’t think i’m a guy
varian: . yeah?
hugo: TFYM “YEAH”?????!!!!???
hugo: ,???? NO???!!???!
jokes aside though as soon as hugo does decide he wants to explore his presentation more varian immediately consults rapunzel who gets WAY too excited about it and it kind of scares hugo a little bit. /j like Do you want to cut your hair? Dye it? Do you want new piercings? TATTOOS????
they eventually just settle on getting her a few new pieces to add to her wardrobe and that works out fine. varian sees his girlfriend in a dress and loses his mind etc etc. All is right in the world
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oneshlut · 4 months
I loved your hcs for Varian so much! 😍 Could you possibly write some fluffy headcanons got him having a crush and how'd he confess? Tysm for bringing me back to the TTS fandom 🙇‍♀️
A/N: OOH YESYES!!! im so glad you enjoyed my var hcs!! honestly one of my fav nerds to write forr, these already sound so fluffy to write! tooth-rotting, even.. oh, and good to have you back in the fandom !
Angel (Varian x Reader) [Headcanons]
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Rules For Requesting
Characters I Will Write For
Summary: General fluffy crushing and confession headcanons for Varian
Extra Info: haha hello dolly reference at the end because im obsessed
In Corona, love at first sight isn't necessarily common. Sure, Rapunzel and Eugene got together in the maximum of a week, but Rapunzel was threatening him at first sight. And when it comes to Varian, you're gonna have to know him for a while until real feelings start to develop. Not just puppy love.
Normally, the two of you would hang out.. maybe two days a week. If you're coming over to his place, you'll probably just spend the day chatting while Varian works on whatever new invention he's workshopping at the moment. Sometimes he'll let you help. Sometimes. Otherwise, at your place the two of you will usually.. uh. Well, leave. There's a forest right outside your house, which leads straight to a breathtaking view of all of Corona. Varian never cared for "pretty views", but.. if you did, he did as well. That same forest has equally great places for cloud watching, but when you didn't feel like being calm all the time, you and Varian would explore the depths of the forest, discovering new things. When he wanted to, Ruddiger would tag along.
The first "sorta" hint of feelings "somewhat" developing was Varian inviting you to hang out more often. Two days a week turned into three. Then four. Maybe five, if your schedule allowed it. Even then, he still couldn't get enough. On days when you wouldn't be able to see each other, hr would send letters to you to check up on you. Still keeping in mind to not come off as clingy.. despite how truly clingy he was. Of course, Varian still viewed you as a friend--a best friend. How oblivious.
Speaking of which, Varian is extremely oblivious to his own emotions. Ruddiger would be the first to know that he was crushing before Varian himself knew. Whenever he mentioned you as a "friend", Ruddiger would subtly roll his eyes. Especially when Varian would talk about you to him. Ruddiger knew better by the look in his eyes when he practically ranted about you, but Varian didn't.
The way he finds out that he has a crush on you is actually a bit cute. It was Rapunzel's and Eugene's anniversary, so they had a celebratory ball with most of the town invited. Varian had asked you to join him so you could meet people like Lance and Cassandra, since you hadn't really properly met them yet. That was a shocker. It wasn't a fancy celebration, almost like a birthday party, but it was enough to send butterflies to your stomach when he invited you.
There was a sort of "climax" in the party, where Eugene and Rapunzel danced together in the middle of the ballroom. Almost like something out of a fairytale. At the time, you and Varian were on opposite sides due to the group of people shuffling back to give the couple room to dance. You were talking to different people at the time, causing you two to be further apart than usual. Further than Varian wanted at this time.
Varian watched the couple dance around the marble-like floor, sighing at the scene. It was cute, and the idea that the two found eachother and stuck together in the end was.. nice. The idea of a soulmate.. it was sweet.
And for "some" reason, Varian found himself thinking about you. You and him on the dancefloor, instead of the couple that his eyes were glued on. Breaking away from the trance that was the rhythmic dancing, he switched his focus to the back of the room, channeling in on the sight of you. Embarrassingly, heat rose to his face. Varian looked away before you got the chance to notice his longing stare.
The thought of his feelings troubled him. Not in the way that he didn't want to like you--more so in the way that he knew that he would mess up even more infront of you now that he had the knowledge of his feelings. Maybe this was just another Cassandra crush. Maybe it'll just pass over time. After all, there is no way you'd even like him back. Is what he thought.
He was absolutely right. Now more than ever, he was extremely clumsy around you. When he saw you, he tripped over his feet. When he caught a glance from you in the middle of an experiment.. the experiment would blow up. Sometimes he would stumble over his words, saying things he didn't mean to say. He was so obvious, it was adorable. You could probably pick up on his feelings before he even confessed. Varian, as oblivious as he is, still thinks he's being super secretive about everything. He's not.
Like with Cassandra, Varian will constantly offer to help you with certain chores or just personal tasks. His love language is probably "Acts of Service", which is partly why he'll do anything and everything for you. Oh--and by the way, he was wrong. This crush did not pass over with time like Cassandra.
After about 2 months, he finally gets the courage to tell you. He knew he would just keep making a fool out of himself in front of you if he didn't. Over letter, he asked you to meet him out in the forest that the two of you always hung out in. Ruddiger had insisted to come along with him, as some sort of "hype-man". Reluctantly, Varian let him follow him out the door.
It wasn't hard for you to find him. It was your normal spot: a clearing in the trees that let the sun shine on the forest floor. When you saw him.. a rose color flushed to your cheeks. The sight was beautiful, Varian sitting on the forest floor, (not noticing you), with the glimmering light from the sun that made him look like an angel. Swallowing down your butterflies, you took a seat next to him in the soft grass.
Only then did Varian notice you, mumbling an awkward 'hello'. After a bit of comfortable silence, sounds of nature surrounding you two, Ruddiger slightly bit Varian's hand: a signal for him to get on with it. The raccoon quickly fled the scene with a 'shoo' hand signal from Varian.
You watched as he took out a flower from his opposite hand, surprised you hadn't noticed it before. He must've had it for a while--you didn't see him pick it up earlier. It was a sunflower, fitting for the area in the forest. You were glad now for the somewhat-blinding sun, it hid your blush fairly well.
If Varian's heart could stop beating, it definitely did now. He was already nervous about the very idea about telling you how he felt, but seeing you in the sunlight.. how breathtaking you looked.. it was almost too much for him to handle. So he decided to keep his confession short and sweet. If he talked for longer than 20 seconds he was sure to pass out.
"I.. I like you. Mo-More than I should.. a-and ifyoudon'tlikemebackthat'sfinejustpleasedon'thateme--and this is for you-!"
After rushing his confession, he quickly gave the sunflower to you before immediately looking away. You couldn't feel more flattered. And.. you felt suddenly bold.
Tapping him on his shoulder, he reluctantly turned to you to see your reaction.
And, with a sudden kiss, Varian was frozen. Not frozen enough to be cold--his face was actually extremely warm.
Realizing what had just happened, he fell to the forest floor on his back, laying down with his hands on his face. He couldn't be more embarrassed. He was supposed to be the confident one, not you. But thinking about it more, he minded it less. At the time, he just felt embarrassed for himself. And the situation. He wasn't dreaming, was he? Cracking open his hands to peek at your grinning, teasing, and.. blushing face, Varian now knew this was reality.
"Maybe give me a warning next time, will you..?"
His voice shook, but still chuckled through the humility.
Ruddiger perked up from behind a tree, chirping in happiness from the success. Varian sat up suddenly, laughing as the raccoon jumped into his lap.
You watched as he pet Ruddiger calmly, before meeting your gaze a moment later.
It only took that very moment to be loved a whole life long.
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i don't really want to get too logical about it, but perhaps another "above the table" reason for this battle not being centered around getting redemption for the ratgrinders is because this is a show meant for public consumption and "persuade your enemies to desert their cause and join you" was literally the trick of the final combat for the last intrepid heroes season. maybe there was an implicit understanding among the cast that the same gimmick would be perceived by some as being repetitive
and honestly?? i think the neverafter team had a helluva lot better shot converting the princesses to their side than any of the bad kids had in this battle. key members of the squad (okay, not tim, rip his conversation with rapunzel) made inroads with the princesses through good faith interaction with many of them earlier in the season. elodie and mira were the easiest gets because of elodie's history with gerard and mira's lack of true devotion to the cause, but ylfa had a genuine SHOT with la bete and pinocchio got very close with cinderella (who i think may have come over anyway once her allies were down, if i remember right?)
but there isn't a single ratgrinder they have that kind of relationship with. they've been pretty out-and-out hostile, despite moments such as adaine saving ruben from disintegrate and kristen offering maryanne gifts. maaaaybe you could make an argument for ruben and wanda, but brennan pointed out that once wanda showed up with his enemies and ATTACKED ruben's friends, it was over. oisin seemed like a potential option earlier in the season, but then he pulled the rug out from under adaine and tried to murder the entire student body via nepotism. there was no friendly relationship left to capitalize on after that. and maryanne has been characterized as having such an impenetrable mental wall that it's hard to guess where's she's at, even for the other ratgrinders.
plus, there's the whole basic conceit that the ratgrinders' minds are not completely their own. their agency has been traded away to a nameless god of rage. who's to say any persuasion check could overcome that? honestly, i think if it was a realistic play, brennan would have encouraged the players to try it, like he explicitly did for neverafter, laying out a mechanic for it. maybe we'd know more if kristen hadn't gotten a nat 1 on her buddy insight check, but i think that was the moment that any diplomatic level to this combat went out the window, because the dice dictated that kristen couldn't see buddy in there, and to willfully push ahead with that line of thinking would have been close to meta-gaming. they are playing characters as faithfully as possible, and those characters are stressed-out kids! they don't have the same emotional maturity of a 32-year-old divorced frog prince who really wants to be amicable with his ex-wife
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tangledbea · 6 days
I apologize before hand if you’ve been asked something like this before, but: How come Varian, the child acting out blind rage and desperation, was thrown into jail with fully grown adults at the end of season one, but Cassandra, the adult woman fully responsible for her actions, pretty much got away with a metaphorical ‘slap on the wrist’? Is there like- an actual lore reason for that? It always bothered me, honestly.
Short answer: because Frederic (the same man who was punishing petty thieves with life sentences in prison at the least) was the one who put Varian in jail and Rapunzel (the same woman who gave thieves, ruffians and thugs second chances at the drop of a hat) was the one who forgave Cassandra and let her go.
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princess-ibri · 4 months
For the Descendants kids with horrible and trashy names, how would you name them? From books and movies.
So I'll just go ahead and give how I changed each name for My Canon Descendants AU, to make them feel more like their own character/fit better with the og movies time periods/cultures. I didn't give them all unique names as the point of the project was to translate the Descendants kids into the actual movies, not make full OCs, (though I did end up making a few of those anyway xD) but I tried to at least adjust them.
Mal--Mallow (to go with the Nature name theme the Three Good Fairies had going on with their own names/Briar Rose)
Audrey I kept as it was actually a Medieval name!
Evie-- Eva, it's a pretty easy fix to more period accurate/Germanic sounding
Doug -- Doleful, to fit better with the Dwarfs Attribute names, plus he seemed kinda down in the first movie so the meaning felt like it fit
Carlos I kept because honestly I felt like it could fit in universe if Cruella's husband was a Spanish man, which he conceivabley could be
Jay--Jaamil, and no not because of Twisted Wonderland that just happened by accident xD
They orginally had Aladdin's deleted sin be named Aziz but there was already an Aladdin character named that in the TV show who was a villain so I changed it to Ahmed, like one of the other Arabian Nights heroes
Ben--I changed from Benjamin to Benedict as that was more French/period appropriate
Honestly I could 100% see Gaston naming his sons after himself so I kept Gastons 1 and 2 but I changed Gil to Gilbert (French pronunciation of course)
Lonnie...oh Lonnie. I changed her name to Chi, as with her patronymic of Li she would be Li Chi, which sounded similar to Lonnie but would actually be Chinese and is the name of a girl in a Chinese legend who slays a dragon, which was what I based her hypothetical movie plot on
Chad I changed to Charles, easy enough. Much more elegant and formal
Jane I just changed to Janet to make it a little fancier/Frenchier as well xD
Dizzy I changed to Daisy (though I suppose since she's French based, it really should be Marguerite...eh Daisy can be the nickname)
Uma I kept cuz honestly its a good name and her song is a banger 👌
Harry is fine, good pirate name, short for Henry, which also works. Harriet was fine too, just made her and Harry twins and made CJ go by her first name only of Calista.
Honestly with a pirate dad named Smee Squeeky and Squirmy also work, though they're definitely nicknames.
Celia works fine, it fits with the time/culture of 1920s New Orleans, though I did change Freddie to Frederique.
Getting into some book characters now:
Artie I changed to Amhar, a lesser known son of Arthur (could have done Mordred but as the kid was meant to be heroic I decided to go with Amhar, plus it started with A x)
Mad Maddy honestly isn't a bad name, but I did change it to Matilda to be a bit more Medieval sounding, plus linked her to Matilda of the Night, a Medieval witch legend.
(And apparently there's gonna be a son of Morgana Le Fay in the new movie named... Morgie. My gosh. Well we'll change that right back to Yvain. Her actual son, no she's not Mordred's mother no matter what the movies try to tell you she's his aunt and I will die on this pedantic hill)
Hadie I instantly changed to Zagreus. He's the literal son of Hades and goodness its such a better name. Same with changing Herkie to Hyllus. Also an actual son of Hercules and doesn't sound like a euphemism for throwing up.
Allie I changed to Mary Jean after the Real Alice's grandaughter, and when I made my Queen of Hearts Kid D4 hadn't been announced yet so I named her Aceline (a pun on Ace of Hearts)
Ruby and Anxelin weren't terrible names so I kept them, just made Anxelin a Dark Kingdom name xD (and apparently they're giving Rapunzel a third daughter in the new movie? Her name is just Zellie though...so I think I'll just keep these two. Zellie could definitely work as being short for Anxelin and hey, Rapunzel had twins in the actual fairytale so two just works)
Wrapping it up:
Claudine isnt too bad and fits the time period but I changed her parent from Frollo to his brother Jehan cuz that man should never ever get to be with any woman.
Clay Clayton I changed to Cecil after the actual Clayton character in the books who wasn't that bad of a guy.
Yzla works fine as a name for Yzma's daughter. I just changed Zevon to Yzon to match better and not sound so much like he escaped the 23rd century
Ginny Gothel I just lengthened out to Ginevra to sound more fantastical
I didn't actually do anything for Pocahontas as it always kinda controversial to touch. But if I did I'd of course just make her descendant her actual son Thomas Rolfe and apparently they gave Ratcliffe a son named Rick? So...we'll change his name to Richard or--well one sec let me see if Actual Historical Governor Ratcliffe had any kids.
OK! Looks like he didn't but he did die horribly. My Gosh.
Anyway I think that's everyone!
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venomous-ragno · 1 year
Writing advice...
... About military things from a soldier
Pt. 2 / ?: Women and relationships in the military
You wanna write a story with a militaristic setting, like CoD or R6S? You wanna create a female OC, self insert or character, but you don't know where to start, if women are even allowed in the military?
Well, lucky for you or not I know what that feels like and I've also got the combat / real life experience to help ya out!
Feel free to hop in my askbox or dm's and ask questions. I'll gladly elaborate and do my best to answer in full and plenty.
Disclaimer: My experiences and knowledge are mostly based on the German military, the Bundeswehr. They may differ from those of other countries.
Happy writing y'all! :)
Are women allowed in the military?
The answer seems obvious: Yes. Most militaries around the world do allow women to enlist. Some, however, do not allow women to join the special forces, such as the SAS, for example.
Certain branches report a higher number of female soldiers than others. The US army air force and sanitation in the German military are two examples I can think of.
Some countries do allow women to enlist but forbid them from partaking in "action", such as North Korea, Sweden, Norway, Bolivia and some more.
What about misogyny by male soldiers?
In my six years of active duty I've learnt that sexism rarely occurs, but when it does, it's straight forward and nasty. Most men don't care about your gender. They treat you like you're one of them, and oftentimes even forget about the fact that you're a woman. The few times I was talked down to for my gender was blatant and hateful though; but even then, some of these opinions didn't come from within the military, but from civilians. (Cue the old granpa who saw me travelling back home in uniform and just had to tell me that women belong in the kitchen, how in the good old days women were still women yadda yadda. Yeah, I had the same look about on my face like you now.)
Appearance is important!
As is in any military. I can't speak for them though, but in my experience, light and natural make up is allowed. Nail polish and lipstick are a hard no though, albeit the latter may be allowed for special occassions. If there's one thing my comrades have taught me it's that most men in the military got no clue about make up, so you'll probs get away with more than you'd think.
The exact rules however depend on your unit and what you do. Back when I was in sanitation I'd be working a pretty standard 9 to 5. Worked in the medbay and treated patients, kept the medical archive in order, pretty normal stuff. My superior allowed us to wear small ear studs. When I got deployed to another base I was almost lynched for wearing them. Really depends on the ones in charge.
As for hairstyles: Most units are fine with anything as long as your hair is up and out of your face. Now, we didn't have to use gel to keep stray hairs at bay. It wasn't that strict. Just don't use any flashy hair accessories and hair ties that match your hair colour. Oh, and your hair must be a) one colour and b) a naturally occuring one. The length doesn't matter as long as you're not Rapunzel. If your hairstyle is anything other than a pixie cut, you will have to wear a hair net under your combat helmet.
Do men and women stay in seperate dorms?
Seperate rooms? Yeah. Seperate dorms? Nope.
Sometimes you'd have couples who shared a dorm room. It's a whole process that your superior has to give his ok to, but I honestly wouldn't recommend it. Dorm rooms aren't exactly big. You need privacy? Well, that's too bad.
If you're lucky enough you get to have a room for yourself. Depending on what branch / base you're in, the rooms will be more or less furnished. Back when I worked at the ministry of foreign affairs, my room was pretty luxurious for milutary standards: TV, fridge, sofa, bed, desk w chair, a closet and a bathroom next door. That's definitely not the standard though. We usually had to buy and bring our own stuff, like blankets, fridge, decorations, whatever you'd need to make that cold room somewhat comfy. (Wifi is also not a given. Gotta get your own connection running.)
Flings, relationships, cheating spouses... How common is it really?
They do happen, though not as often as you'd think.
It's more common to hear rumors about who has smth going with who and these rumors can get BAD. As in reputation and career ruining bad. At that point there's gonna be an order from higher up to stop talking about these rumors and punishment can be quite strict. (Speaking of rumors...Hate to say it, but the more women a unit had, the worse talking behind others backs was.)
One thing that I always found particularly disgusting were relationships between higher ups and recruits. Yes, they happen. No, they're not allowed. These things are like open secrets. If found out and proven to exist, the superiors will be held accountable by military law. Outside of basic training it may be frowned upon if a superior were to enter any kind of relation with someone of lower rank, thought not outright punishable.
As for cheating... Well, I haven't enountered any cheating myself, nor heard of it (yet). Not saying that it doesn't happen, but at least over here in Germany it's rare. It's highly frowned upon and will open you up to rumors and... Not so nice treatment by comrades. Cheating on a spouse is punishable by military law. A soldier found guilty may be demoted in rank, suffer financial losses or even get dishonourably discharged.
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themushroomgoesyeet · 5 months
For the first installment of this series, let's start with something easy!
Arcana characters as Disney princesses/princes
Julian - Flynn Rider/Eugene
These two are so similar istg
Dashing, dramatic, swashbuckling rogues with dry humor and a secret, insecure soft side?
The only difference between them is one is ginger with an eye patch and the other isn't
Honestly Eugene would probably be a good pick for a voice hc tbh
Oh hey they're both orphans with big brother vibes too look at that
Asra - Elsa
White hair? Check. Water-related magic? Check. orphans? Check. Unconditional fashion style that doesn't really match everyone else but still looks drop-dead gorgeous regardless? Check
Both of them also have familial abandonment issues and feel the need to isolate themselves from the people they love instead of confronting the problem smh
I will admit their romantic interests are a bit different, with Asra being bisexual and Elsa either being a lesbian or aro/ace at best
Both of them have also been described to have seductive singing voices 👀
Nadia - Princess Jasmine
We👏stan👏 headstrong 👏 independent 👏 middle eastern- inspired👏queens👏here👏
Ngl Jasmine is one of my favorite Disney princesses & she & Nadia would definitely hit it off
Both feel stuck in their respective lives while also wanting to rule, and try to take action for themselves whenever they can
Also both of them would look absolutely stunning in an outfit swap
Muriel - Hercules
Honey you mean HUNK-ules
I know Hercules isn't technically a Disney prince but he fits Muriel too well
Big and strong but shy and genuine at heart? Hell yeah
Their reactions to fame are a little bit different but they are the same when it comes to falling in love; both are so gentle and genuinely caring, and can't stop gushing about their partner
Also amazing idols for how men are supposed to treat women - a.k.a with respect
Both have a heathy amount of respect for their partners modesty (even when said partner is trying to seduce them on purpose), as well as their partners autonomy to make their own decisions
Not to mention they both have estranged families that they didn't know about, and a supportive animal companion
Portia - Rapunzel
I know some of you might be thinking "why not Merida? They look so alike with their frizzy mop of ginger hair!" Well, dear chat, let me explain
While they may look similar, Portia and Merida do not act similar. Merida is rebellious, headstrong, and airheaded, fighting her loved ones on everything and doing what she wants regardless of the consequences until said consequences come back to bite her in the butt. Portia on the other hand, while also headstrong, is spunky, kind, and takes others feelings and opinions into account instead of doing the first daring thing that comes into her head
Which brings me to Rapunzel. Admittedly, Rapunzel is a lot more sheltered and inexperienced about the world than Portia was but they are still kindred spirits. Curious, spunky, headstrong, kind, compassionate, and unafraid to fight for themselves.
They're ready to take on the world even if they don't know enough about it
Both also have evil and manipulative family members (ik Mother Gothel isn't Rapunzel's family; she was still the one who raised Rapunzel & Rapunzel considered her family long enough for it to count in this situation)
Both also meet love interests who guide them through the part of the world that's unknown to them, be it magic for Portia or the world as a whole for Rapunzel
Lucio - Merida
remember all those traits I listed for Merida? Yeah Lucio fits those
Merida and Lucio may be hella good warriors, but boy are they stupid sometimes
Both also have mommy issues™
Both are also wildly inexperienced with magic and should really be more cautious about it
Both just go "oopsies" and expect everything to be fine because of their status when it's never fine
Can you tell yet that these two bother me lol
Both were brought up in a Scottish-sounding culture and you can't change my mind
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mariaace · 11 days
Can you write dating headcanons for Nikolai (my sexy clown 🤡)? PLS?🥺😁
A/n:i know you're sick so i hope this makes you feel better<33
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This fucking clown, okay let's do this.
Dating him would be somehow easy and difficult at the same time? You know what i mean? ( You probably don't know, but that's okay)
Dress ups as dates and just an activity between you two. I don't talk about just dressing. I mean putting make up, changing outfits, braiding his hair. It's like a care-take day.
Love language is physical touch. No other option. Like yes he also does the others, but the most important one is physical touch, he'd be all over you all the time.
For receiving it's most likely words of affirmation. Like give the boy the praise he (doesn't) deserves!!
He would cover your eyes with his hands teleport you with his ability somewhere and ask you to guess where you were.
Stealing his hat and making him find it is one his favourite activities to do, because you stand there and giggle while he is searching for it and he loves to hear you laugh.
Sitting on his lap while doing his make upz because he'll let you like i already said. Also this man has the most comfortable legs to sit and lay your head on. And he loves when you do that, because you're so close to him.
Also this man's hair is down to the floor. Like probably even more. He is Rapunzel okay? Would honestly suffucate you while you sleep and his hair is down.
Speaking of this. Cuddling is sooo chaotic. Like kicking you off the bed, going into position you didn't even knew were possible to do in your sleep. It's so funny
Would literally kill Sigma, because of rambling about you, like don't get me wrong, Sigma doesn't have a problem with you. His problem is with Nikolai and his rambling.
Dancing in empty bal rooms>>
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© mariaace 2024 pls do not copy translate steal or claim any of my works!
Reblogs are highly appreciated!
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wings-of-sapphire · 6 months
Hi, I love your Wish rewrite so much that I want to do a fanart. Is there any design for them or references to inspire by them?
Asjsksjaks I wrote a whole-ass essay responding to this but it got deleted so here it is again
First of all— thank you so much! Please tag me when you finish it, you’ll be my favorite person ever
Now I assume you mean Asha and Star inspo. They’re under a cut because I really delved into this lmao
For our favorite princess, I see Asha basically the same, but with a lot fancier accessories and outfits. In her concept design, she had lots of jewelry and beads in her hair and on her dress inspired by Moroccan and Amazigh fashion:
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And then a fancy dress worthy of a princess. She’s supposed to be commoner now, but her concept art had some pretty dresses
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Ahaksjaksjs sorry for the shitty quality this was the only photo I could find
Some other dress designs I loved:
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They made this as a final transformation outfit which, honestly, I love. It’s giving Ariel’s final dress, but mixed with Queen vibes and tbh in the movie I expected a transformation dress rather than just sparkles hajsksjs @ghostguts
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Like??? She’s a princess so she has the royal colors??? Idk what it is I just love this
THIS DESIGN below I believe is made by @hoaxghost, but—
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Lookit??? Not too formal not too common, gold accents and rings and the silhouette of the dress isn’t just like Rapunzel’s but has dimension and tassels and sleeves and nose is not a cute button which I think is reminiscent of Amaya and Magnifico, them being her parents in this rewrite. The concept art picture I showed also showed her with a bit of a longer nose which I like
(Also I feel like they lightened the royal couple’s skin in the movie? Or is it just me?)
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I also looked at the concept art for Starboy
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^something like the one right above, I think But I also adored @kiiwiibun’s design of Star
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I think in my rewrite I even added how Star has a dark teal half-cape thing like they drew!
I do imagine Star to have a constant glow, since he’s, you know, a star. But whether it’s from his skin, his hair, etc, you can decide! You basically have lots of wiggle room for this since I don’t have a design fully locked down yet. And hey, maybe you’ll create the “canon” looks for this Wish rewrite!
(Ps if any of the people I tagged want me to remove their art please let me know and I’ll do it right away— also is anyone knows who made that last Asha dress redesign please tell me too so I can tell them I love them)
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mythicalartistx · 6 months
KH3 Worlds ACTUALLY Matter and show Major Parallels and Foreshadowing through Sacrifice and Separation
The worlds in KH3 are often seen as just retelling of the Fairytales but with added Sora and his friends or Organization members. Because of this they're often disliked especially when there are some sections that are scene for scene and Sora and the others might not be present for this.
However, if you get passed the fact it's a retelling of the movie and get into how it connects with Kingdom Hearts story, they actually play a major role.
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Olympus: Sacrifice
Olympus shows themes of sacrifice and love. It shows that Hercules didn't think and all he knew was that Meg was in trouble and threw himself in harm's way to save her. He sacrificed himself by doing that but also sacrificing his godhood to be with Meg. He would have to be separated from Meg and that's not the kind of life he would want to live.
Later on Riku ends up doing the exact same thing. When Sora feels powerless and all alone he sacrifices his being and life for Sora. And I could also argue he does it out of love because when he does this he doesn't necessarily think of his actions but does it to his devotion to Sora and protecting him like he always promised Terra.
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Corona: Sacrifice
In the Tangled world, Rapunzel is willing to sacrifice her freedom to save Flynn's life and become separated from the outside world she's grown to love forever.
However, Flynn decides that her freedom is more important and sacrifices himself by cutting her hair which could make her lose the power to heal.
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Rapunzel is also compared to Riku because they both so desperately felt trapped. Riku felt trapped at the island and wished to leave and explore other worlds with Sora and Kairi to point where if the raft didn't work out, he would open the door to darkness. I'll also like to include they both felt that someone they were close to left them for others.
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Toy Box: Separation
In Toy Box, we learn of how Woody and Buzz among a few other had separated from half of their group. However, they are later seen that the world was split in half and are separated from their beloved friends. They realize at the end their friends who they've been separated from that they are always connected through their hearts.
And this goes back to how Sora will soon be separated from everyone and become stuck at the Quadratum. It also shows that he is always connected to them through his hearts and that's how he uses/and abuses the power of waking through that connection.
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Arrendale: Sacrifice
When Elsa is about to get slashed by Hans' sword, Anna who is in the brink of death rushes in and saves her by taking the hit instead. She freezes at the same time and makes it so the sword shatter from her entire body becoming ice. She sacrifice her life for her. Elsa manages to thaw her and the cold weather by the act of love.
Which Riku then does the act of love when he sacrifices his life for Sora. Riku is also compared to Elsa on how they both pushed the people they loved/ cared about away to protect them.
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Monstropolis: Separation
In this world, Sullie goes through separation of being away from Boo. They have to separate so Boo will be safe.
This also refers to how Sora ends up in the Quadratum from bringing back Kairi and abusing the power of awakening by using it too many times.
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100 Acre Woods: Separation
In this world, Pooh talks to hope they're growing apart and that he misses Sora. Sora feels sad that they're not as close. The eventual outcome is that he'll always be in his heart no matter what.
I feel like this refers to him and Kairi not being as close as they were before. Ever since KH1 things changed between them and she changed. She's no longer the Kairi he knew and they are slowly growing apart. (Which is honestly sad). It also shows that even if he's by himself in the Quadratum he'll have everyone in his heart no matter how far away they are.
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Fransankyoto: Separation + Sacrifice
Unlike the others I decided to say this world shows both. In the past, Hiro's brother separated from him when he sacrificed himself to try to find and save the teacher. This is also reflected in the past when beymax also stays behind to sacrifice himself so Hiro can then leave.
It helps shows the connections that no matter how far they are away, the people you love and care for will be in his heart. This shows that to help save everyone he used his connection to his friends to bring them that. It furthers that he won't be alone in the Quadratum and that Riku was able to go to him in MOM because of this.
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PoTC: Separation
Finally in the pirates world, we show separation. After Will gets stabbed and he is made Captain of the Flying Dutchman, he faces separation from the one he loves Elizabeth. Only every 10 years are they able to see each other.
This foreshadows both being separated from the ones Sora loves and bringing back all his friends' hearts when Will's life almost gets taken when he gets stabbed. Being apart for 10 years also could lead to how it will take at least a year to find Sora in the Quadratum.
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houseofthelilypads · 1 year
Shrek Kung-Fu Princesses Doll Line
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For #InternationalWomansDay here's a bit of doll history! DreamWorks made a line of dolls in conjecture with Shrek fhe Third of Fiona & her princess friends. However the designs were different from their cinematic counterparts. They didn't even bother to add Doris >:(
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I assume this was done to avoid a lawsuit from the mouse. Still, it's kinda hilarious that Dreamworks made their princess line when the entire point of the shrek series is to poke fun at Disney's ultra-corporatism.
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First Fiona. Her doll form is her human form and included a bust of her Ogre form to change heads. She has her green gown which is the iconic item in her wardrobe. Her face does NOT look accurate to her human appearance in the movie!
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Next we have Rapunzel. Her doll keeps the long golden hair but in a different style. In the movie she wore a yellow&red dress while the doll's dress is pink. Odd, given the other two princesses wear pink. Yellow would've stood out more. I got her & Cindy mixed up!
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Third is Cinderella. Like with Rapz her doll form retains the blond and replaces her blue dress with pink. Funny the Disney version had its version of cindy wear a pink dress briefly.
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Fourth is Sleeping Beauty! Her doll has a blue dress while the movie wears green&white. They also have different shades of brown. I guess they didn't want two girls to wear the same color. Also a bit of irony Disney S.B. wore a blue dress, and pink but never green.
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Finally we have *sighs* Snow White. Honestly except for Immigrant Song she was my least favorite she came off as a total witch! But that's a rant for another time. Of the dolls she's the most accurate in terms of physical features. However her dress is dark pink, and her hair is long instead of short. Movie Snow wore red&purple. I think they should've went with that or have her wear entirely purple to fill in for Doris.
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Speaking of, Doris was very much a main part of the group! It was Rapunzel who betrayed the team (for a guy no less!). My guess: to avoid spoiling the film. Given the films Anti Disney/status quo message including a Doris would've helped. To see someone not consisted attractive by society's standards get a glamorous doll of her own would be a huge step for the time! Alas, they had to play by the rules.
One can only imagine if DW revisit the Princesses & try again. Hope they actually make them accurate with their unique qualities including doris (& Lillian too! More older woman dolls please!). With success of The Last Wish, this may be one dream that might come true!
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